Hearts of Iron 2 - Doomsday

Hearts of Iron 2 - Doomsday

17.10.2013 23:48:38


Press [F12] to open the console then type in the following codes

dissent = More dissent
supplies = More supplies
transports = More transports
escorts = More escorts
viewtech = Toggle techresearch info of all other nations
freedom = Toggle free reforms
nuke x = Nuke country x with a nuclear bomb
energy = More energy
metal = More metal
rare = More rare materials
money = More money
oil = More oil
manpower = Toggle more unit power
difrules = Toggle "playing as god"
nowar = Toggle "all countries friendly"
norevolts = Toggle "no rebels"
nolimit = No troop limits
nofog = Toggle fog of war
showxy = Show coordinates
showid = Show province ID's
fullcontrol = Toggle god mode
acceptall = Toggle "all demands and suggestions are ok"
event 1013 = +1% Industrial Efficiency
event 1006 = +1% Industrial Efficiency and +1 National Dissent
event 1003 = +100 Manpower
event 996 = +2 National Dissent and +15 Manpower
event 1007 = +30 Manpower
event 1001 = +5 National Dissent
event 998 = -1 National Dissent and +25 Manpower
event 997 = -10 National Dissent
event 995 = -2 National Dissent and policies move 1 towards Closed Society
event 1009 = -3 National Dissent
event 1005 = -5 National Dissent and supplies +100% of Daily Max Income
event 1016 = National Policies move 1 towards either Political Left or Political
event 1014 = National Policies move 2 towards either Authoritarian or Democratic
event 1010 = One of your Industries is destroyed (-1 IC)
event 1000 = One of your research projects has been sabotaged (progress delayed)
event 994 = Policies move 2 towards Open Society and either +3 National Dissent
or +5 National Dissent & policies move 1 towards Democratic
event 1002 = Supplies +200% of Daily Max Income
event 1008 = Supplies -200% of Daily Max Income and +3 National Dissent


Drücke [F12] um die Konsole zu öffnen, dann tippe ein:

dissent = Mehr Unruhen
supplies = Mehr Waren
transports = Mehr Transport
escorts = Mehr Escorts
viewtech = Forschungsstand der anderen Nationen anzeigen
freedom = Reformen gehen alle problemlos durch
nuke x = Land x mit einer Atombombe zerstören
energy = Mehr Energie
metal = Mehr Metall
rare = Mehr knappe Ressourcen
money = Mehr Geld
oil = Mehr Öl
manpower = Mehr Power für die Einheiten AN/AUS
difrules = Als Gott spielen AN/AUS
nowar = Alle Länder freundlich gesinnt AN/AUS
norevolts = Keine Rebellen AN/AUS
nolimit = Keine Truppenbegenzungen
nofog = Fog of War AN/AUS
showxy = Zeige Koordinaten
showid = Zeige Provinz-IDs
fullcontrol = Gott-Modus AN/AUS
acceptall = Alle Vorschläge "gehen durch" AN/AUS
event 1000 = Ein Forschungsobjekt wird sabotiert
event 1001 = Nationale Unruhe steigt um 5
event 1002 = Lagerbestand Nachschub + 200%
event 1003 = Wehrfähige +100
event 1004 = Wehrfähige +100
event 1005 = Lagerbestand Nachschub -100%, nationale Unruhe -5
event 1006 = Nationale Unruhe +1, Industr. Effizien +1%
event 1007 = Wehrfähige +30
event 1008 = Nationale Unruhe +3, Lagerbestand Nachschub -200%
event 1009 = Nationale Unruhe -3
event 1010 = Indrustriekapazität -1
event 1012 = Zufallsentdeckung der Tecnologie, die man erforscht
event 1013 = Industrielle Effizien +1%
event 1014 = politische Veränderung (Demokratie - Autokratie)
event 1015 = politische Veränderung (nationale Unruhe)
event 1016 = politische Veränderung (rechts - links)
event 1017 = politische Veränderung (rechts - links)
event 1020 = Landbefestigung -1 (zufällige Provinz)
event 996 = Nationale Unruhe +2 und Manpower +15
event 998 = Nationale Unruhe -1 und Manpower +25
event 997 = Nationale Unruhe -10
event 995 = Nationale Unruhe -2 und +1 zu geschl. Gesellschaft
event 994 = +2 zur offenen Gesellschaft, Nationale Unruhe +3 oder +5, +1 zur

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