Diablo II: Lord of Destruction 1.11

Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction 1.11

17.10.2013 08:15:42
Trap Assassin Guide
-Diablo 2 Trap Assassin Guide (1.11)
-V1.0 (1/26/05)

This is property of KIRBIX (Sean D'Hoostelaere). This may be not be
reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not
be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance
written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any
public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
In plain English, this means that it is against the law for you to copy this
guide. If you want to print it out, that's fine, but I do not permit its use
anywhere on the web or for it to be used for anything profitable.

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|Table of Contents|

I. Version History
II. What this guide is for
III. Overview of the assassin (Traps? How effective can that possibly be?)
IV. Skills
a. Traps
b. Shadow Disciplines
c. Martial Art Skills
V. Skill allocation
VI. Stat distribution
VII. Equipment
a. Helmet
b. Armor
c. Gloves
d. Belt
e. Boots
f. Weapon
g. Jewelery
h. Final listing
VIII. How to Use
IX. Mercenary
X. Contact Me
XI. Credits

This table of contents is very much a quicksearch option. Just press Ctrl+F
to bring up the search bar, and type in any of the above.
For example, if you want the perfect helmet, input VIIa1, and it will come up
down the page.

1.0 (1/06)-First edition! High demand leads me to write once again.
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This guide is designed to teach the reader how to use an assassin that utilizes
traps to ger through the game with relatively little difficulty.

This is the equivalent of a dual tree sorceress, except that this build uses
fire and lightning. It's as viable as the meteorb sorc and has about as many
difficulties with immunities as the meteorb sorc.

We'll cover abilities, stat points, equipment suggestions, ideal equipment, and
most importantly, how to actually use her.
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III. OVERVIEW OF THE ASSASSIN (Traps? How effective can that possibly be?)
Traps are divided into several groups. There's the blade group... we'll not
discuss them- they generally suck unless you're a pro. There are the fire traps
and the lightning traps. Both have their merits, of course. Fire does a more
consistent amount of damage, while lightning has a higher potential for good
damage but a somewhat lower average damage.

Here's the catch- fire immunity is FAR more common than lightning, which makes
the traps of choice the lightning ones. Not to mention that death sentry is a
ridiculously useful trap that you will use quite often.

Now, here's where MY build goes a bit different from most builds; I'll show
you some numbers crunched to back my point, but here's my difference; you're
going to be using a trapassin that has primarly lightning but also has a VERY
good backup ability in fire damage. Sounds different? Of course it does!
It's quite viable PvM, too.

If you want the explanation of skill layout, skip directly to section VIII.
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There are several skills that the assassin can utilize to her advantage.
I'll touch on all of the skills where you're placing a point.

The assassin lays traps for her enemies to inflict all kinds of damage to them.

~~Fire Blast~~
Required level: 1
Effect: Toss a firebomb onto your enemies

This skill is actually quite powerful, despite being a level 1 ability.
This skill is going to be the backup skill that I mentioned earlier, as it
becomes an incredibly good auxillary skill when you need it in hell.

~~Shock Web~~
Required level: 6
Effect: Toss a web of electricity on groups of enemies

Another fairly powerful spell early on, but unlike fire blast, it doesn't end
up very good.
On a NORMAL trapper, you'd max this, but for me, I max it only when I have no
other place to spend the points. I'll explain why later on.

~~Charged Bolt Sentry~~
Required level: 12
Effect: A trap that sends charged bolts at the enemy

This is the first trap that will serve a purpose to you. While not as good
as lightning or death sentry, this skill is not without its uses, as it can
utterly flood the enemy with CBs.

Max it- it's a synergy for your main traps.

~~Lightning Sentry~~
Required level: 24
Effect: Lay a trap to send lightning at your enemies

One of your two primary traps, this one's a keeper. High lightning damage,
and you lay the trap and forget it- ten shots of 6,000 damage is good in my
book any day.

Max this skill- it synergizes with your best skill.

~~Death Sentry~~
Required level: 30
Effect: Lay a trap that casts lightning AND corpse explosion

Here it is: the trap of traps. This is the skill that your build is built upon.
While not as powerful as lightning sentry in pure damage, it casts a corpse
explosion that can decimate entire crowds in no time flat.
MAX THIS! Absolutely max it.

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These skills range all across the board- the assassin taps into her innate
shadow abilities to give herself all kinds of benefits.

~~Claw Mastery~~
Required level: 1
Effect: Increases claw damage and attack rating

Claw mastery- excellent skill. But... you aren't attacking with your claws.
It's the core prerequisite. 1 point.

~~Psychic Hammer~~
Required level: 1
Effect: Send a hammer (of the MIND!) at the enemy to knock them back.

I've never actually used this skill... its damage NEVER gets very high, no
matter how much you might want it to, and while it does magical damage on
top of physical damage... 60 damage is still only 60 damage, and traps are
still 100 time better.
1 point as prerequisite.

~~Burst of Speed~~
Required level: 6
Effect: Pumps your characters walking speed and attack speed.

This is one of the best shadow disciplines that the assassin has. Your
assassin gains a MASSIVE boost to her speed, both walking, and in attack. Your
traps rely on increased attack speed so you WILL see a difference in your trap
laying speed if you use this skill.
The only downside is that you can't combine with fade, as it's a REALLY good
ability. When you don't need the resists (somewhat less often than you'd
probably like), use burst of speed instead.

~~Weapon Block~~
Required level: 12
Effect: Use both claws to block attacks

This skill is essential for any claw assassin. Trap assassins happen to be one
of the claw assassins, so you need weapon block. It essentially treats your two
claws as if you were holding a shield, giving you a %block.
One point and nothing more- +skills will keep you boosted.

~~Cloak of Shadows~~
Required level: 12
Effect: Decrease enemy defense while increasing yours

Assassins have so many wonderful skills... cloak of shadows is ANOTHER useful
skill. Although of no particular use to you, many melee characters will find
this quite beneficial.
You may find yourself using it, and it's a prereq for mind blast. One point.

Required level: 18
Effect: Raises all of your resists

The unfortunate thing is that you can't use this and burst of speed at the same
time, because both spells are AMAZING.
Up to 75 (although realistically not above 65) in all resists, this skill will
save your ass on many an occassion. If you can't afford good resistance charms,
you may find your assassin lacks resists, and resists are by far the most
important skill for surviving in Hell.
One point, and lots of +skills to pump it.

~~Shadow Warrior~~
Required level: 18
Effect: Send a model of yourself to attack the enemy; it will use ONLY your
equipped abilities

This is an OK skill- the shadow warrior is fairly dense and doesn't contribute
much to the battle. But, with a high enough level, it does provide a decent
shield that is easily replenished. It will use the two skills you have
equipped, nothing more. Note that the traps set by your shadow will destroy the
ones you have, so you can't have 10 death sentries placed.
1 point, and with some good +skills, she'll actually be of some use.

I've gotten MANY emails about Shadow Master- "why not shadow master? Isn't it

No, it's not. It will use any of the moves in your arsenal, instead of just the
ones you're using. So, it will whip out psychic hammer or shock web... Yea,
definitely not.

~ind Blast~~
Required level: 24
Effect: Damage, stun, and possibly convert your enemies.

Great skill that every assassin should have. It stuns your opponents, and
it has a chance of converting them to your side temporarily. When you're trying
to get that first corpse, it adds to the chaos and allows you to jump in and
take down your guy.

1 point, and +skills will carry you home.
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You don't use martial arts in this build- NOTHING TO SEE HERE AT ALL!

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You've got 110 skill points in total- 98 from leveling up (you don't get one
at level one) and 12 from quests. 12+98=110. Ta-da!

SO, you've got two main skills of damage: Death Sentry and Lightning Sentry
20 Death Sentry
20 Lightning Sentry

You'll also want 20 points into the synergies CB sentry and Shock Web.

20 Lightning Sentry
20 Death Sentry
20 CB Sentry
20 Shock Web

30 points remaining

You need mind blast, shadow warrior and fade. That adds on 3 points, as well as
all the prereqs, which total... oh, 8 points.

20 Lightning Sentry
20 Death Sentry
20 CB Sentry
8 Points other places

22 points remaining

Lastly, 20 points into fire blast, which leaves you two skill points to
put wherever you please. Go to town!

NOW, when to distribute?
Place one point into every skill that is in the abovementioned list as soon as
you get to it. That way it's over and done with as soon as you're there.

Until level 6, just save your points (since you can only spend 3) and get by
using normal attacks. From level 6 onwards, you've got two options. You can keep
saving if you want, or you can pump shock web and CB sentry once it's available.
Here's the reasons for both:

-Saving points means that you can pump death sentry and lightning sentry that
much earlier, making death sentry an awesome threat that much faster.
-Pumping shock web and CB sentry will allow you to actually do some damage
before you get the higher level sentries and will also make lightning sentry
much more powerful early on. If you choose this path, be sure not to put more
than 6 points into shock web.

Either method works, so pick based on the reasons mentioned above.
In any case, once lightning sentry is available, put some points into it, but
once death sentry appears, MAX IT. From there, finish maxing lightning sentry.
From there max CB sentry.

Now, with all three traps maxed you come to the dividing point between my build
and that of your typical trap assassin build. NOW, you max fire blast. Lastly,
that is, AFTER fire blast, max shock web.

No, I will not explain it yet and prove why you should do this- you can either
read section VIII or just trust me.

REMEMBER- you're not likely to get far above level 99. Hence my reasoning in not
putting more than 6 points into shock web. That will allow for a maxed
fire blast by level 85.
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Four stats to consider: Strength, Vitality, Energy and Dexterity.

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While is used to determine damage, it doesn't add much. However, it DOES affect
what equipment you can wear.

The strength you need is based on how good your equipment is. The highest
strength that you'll ever need is 65 for your silkweaves. This build is
(thankfully) very friendly towards casters with no high-strength items at all.
If you factor in items and equipment, your strength requirement is a bare
minimum. You could almost get away with base strength, but you might as well
just put 10-20 points in so that you don't have concerns.

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You're a caster, so you don't need AR.
You've got two claws, so you'll be using claw block. Claw block gets no bonus
from dex. No points whatsoever.

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The most important of the stats- place every extra point into vitality. You'll
need the life, I guarantee it.

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NO POINTS IN ENERGY. You might feel the pinch early on, but by the end it will
not be necessary anymore.
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Now, you've had your mediocre equipment and it's all done you pretty well.
But now it's time to get down to business and work with only the absolute best.

The Harlequin Crest provides bonuses like you would not believe. Since you're
part caster, you must have it, because it's the ONLY caster helmet.
Stick an um into it for extra resists- if you're not using fade, you'll need

/Harlequin Crest (unique shako)
\+2 To All Skills
/+ 1-148 To Life (Based On Character Level)
\+ 1-148 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
/Damage Reduced By 10%
\50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
/+2 To All Attributes


Chains of Honor is the best defensive runeword on the market. You want the
absolute best? Chains of Honor are second to none.

\Chains of Honor (4 Socket Body Armor)- Dol+Um+Ber+Ist
/+2 To All Skills
\+200% Damage To Demons
/+100% Damage To Undead
\8% Life Stolen Per Hit
/+70% Enhanced Defense
\+20 To Strength
/Replenish Life +7
\All Resistances +65
/Damage Reduced By 8%
\25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items


As a caster, you want caster gloves. The caster gloves of choice are the
frostburns with a huge mana boost.
Remember; traps are based on increased attack speed; magefists are pointless.

\Frostburn (Unique Guantlets)
/Required Strength: 60
\+10-20% Enhanced Defense
/+30 Defense
\+5% Enhanced Damage
/Maximum Mana 40%
\Adds 1-6 Cold Damage, Cold Duration: 2 Seconds


Two belts tie for first as the best belt- Verdungo's Hearty Cord and Arachnid
Mesh. For you, Arachnid is definitely the choice.

\Arachnid's Mesh (unique spiderweb sash)
/Defense: 119-138
\+90-120% Enhanced Defense
/Slows Target By 10%
\+1 To All Skills
/+20% Faster Cast Rate
\Increases Maximum Mana 5%
/Level 3 Venom (11 Charges)


Silkweaves are the boots for you- fastest run/walk boost, mana bosst, and almost
no strength required! Win, win, win!

\Silkweave (unique Mesh Boots)
/Defense: 112-130
\+150-190% Enhanced Defense (varies)
/30% Faster Run/Walk
\+5 To Mana After Each Kill
/Increase Maximum Mana 10%
\+200 Defense VS. Missile


Well, there are no specific stats on this one- what you're looking for are two
magical claws. Each claw should have +3 traps on it. Anya sells them in the hell
difficulty, so hit her up for them some time. They're 10,000 a pop. Cheap and
easy, no? Of course, you could go a step further and get claws with +3 traps
and +3 lightning/death sentry, but those are generally the most expensive items
in the game.


You'll tote two rings of the same variety. The Stone of Jordan provides you with
mana bonuses and a +1 to skills; it's perfect for your trapassin.

\Stone of Jordan (Unique Ring)
/Required Level: 29
\+1 To All Skill Levels
/Increase Maximum Mana 25%
\Adds 1-12 Lightning Damage
/+20 To Mana

Around your neck, I want to see Mara's Kaleidoscope, and nothing else.

\Mara's Kaleidoscope
/+2 To All Skill Levels
\All Resistances +20-30
/+5 To All Attributes



Helm: Harlequin Crest
Armor: "Chains of Honor" Archon Plate
Gloves: Magefist
Boots: Silkweave
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Weapon 1: +3 trap claw
Weapon 2: +3 trap claw
Ring: SoJ x2
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope

Total +traps: 15
Total resists with fade: 145-155 (Yay! maxed resists!)
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OK- I think it's safe to say that you know anything and everything that you need
to about how to create this monster, but I haven't said a word about how to USE
it. So let's begin!

"Why Fireblast?"

I don't think I've EVER met a trapper who used fireblast, and so it's logical
for everyone to assume that if no one uses it, it must be bad! Am I right?

Of course I'm not right, because then I'd be contradicting myself. I happen to
believe that fireblast is an EXCELLENT skill. Why?

1) It gets synergy damage from lightning traps
2) It gives your trapassin a second element
3) It hits crowds, so it even has decent crowd control

Want some numbers crunched? How's this:

You're level 85, which means you have maxed death sentry, lightning sentry and
charged bolt sentry.

-If you max shock web and put 6 into fireblast, you'll have a 2,500 damage
lightning sentry and a 135 damage fireblast. Fireblast is USELESS.
-If you max fireblast and put 6 into shock web, you'll have a 2,000 damage
lightning sentry and an 800 damage fireblast. You now have an almost-useful

However, what are the odds that you're gonna have +0 skills? Let's try it with
the +15 traps from your equipment (which isn't even that hard to get).

-Using the first strategy, you have a 7,000 damage lightning sentry, and a 1,000
damage fireblast. Fireblast is almost usable.
-Using the second strategy, you have a 5,700 damage lightning sentry and a 3,500
damage fireblast. It's suddenly a GREAT backup skill.

And hey, for idealist's sake, how about with 8 skill charms, a torch and an
anni? Pop on another 12 skills for a total of +27 to traps (Damn, huh?)

-First strategy gives a 11,500 damage lightning sentry and a 3,500 damage
fireblast. Your fireblast is a great backup skill, no? However:
-Second strategy gives 9,000 damage lightning sentry and 6,000 damage fireblast.
FUCK! 6,000 damage? It's excellent, and you only lose 2,000 damage from your
lightning sentry. Hell yes, that's a better option!

As you can see, that gives you a dual-element build that is EASILY as powerful
as the meteorb sorc in all her glory.

:yawn: NOW, for strategy on how to use it.
Well, it's pretty simple actually.

First and foremost, keep Fade on at ALL times. Up until you get fade, use burst
of speed. It's an amazing skill that will save your ass more times than you
can probably count.

Early on, use whatever traps you have at your disposal and/or rake the enemies
with your claws. At level 12 you'll get your first real trap, so use it. From
there it gets fairly simple- lay traps of your most powerful variety (be it
charged bolt or lightning, depending on your level.)

At level 30, the strategy changes a bit. Death Sentry doesn't do as much damage
as lightning sentry, but it uses corpse explosion. SO, here's the way this
works: you use lightning sentry to get your first corpse, and you then lay down
the death sentries intermingled with the lightning sentries. Corpse explosion
will quickly rack up some serious kills.

When you get into hell and the immunties become unavoidable, leech onto your
buddies until you can get a decent fireblast going. Once you have that, kick
the fire immune's asses. Before that time... you have fast boots! Run, forrest,
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You'll be using an Act 2 Merc, to take advantage of his innate aura.
Now, the normal option for a mercenary aura is the Nightmare defensive merc
who has Holy Freeze. However, holy freeze means exploding corpses, and that
means your death sentry is useless. Big no-no! You don't want that!

Instead, buy a nightmare offensive merc so that he's equipped with the might
aura. It will increase his attack power and allow him to better assist you.

As for his equipment:

Your mercenary generally needs to be able to stay alive- +defense is always
a good idea, but more importantly, he needs life leech. If he can self-sustain,
he'll fare much better. Beyond that, just look for the highest possible damage
that you can get!

NOW, there are some ideal pieces of equipment to grab, although some are better
than others.

There are two options for a weapon. Both use polearms with runewords, and both
runewords are 4 runes. So, be sure to look for 4 Open-socket (Os) weapons.
Ideally you'll want a colossus Voulge (easiest polearm to find 4-sockets in) or
a cryptic axe (most powerful polearm)

Now, for the rich, there's only one option: the runeword Infinity.

The infinity runeword will provide a level 12 conviction aura. You know what
that means? It means that when your merc is alive, you can kill EVERY ENEMY
by yourself.
If this isn't the BEST POSSIBLE WEAPON YOU CAN THINK OF, I'm not sure what is.

\Infinity (4 Socket Polearms) Ber+Mal+Ber+Ist
/50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Chain Lightning When You Kill An Enemy
\Level 12 Conviction Aura When Equipped
/+35% Faster Run/Walk
\+255-325% Enhanced Damage
/-(45-55)% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
\40% Chance of Crushing Blow
/Prevent Monster Heal
.5-49.5 To Vitality (Based on Character Level)
/30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
\Level 21 Cyclone Armor (30 Charges)

See, this is the weapon. If you have an infinity weapon, your mercenary is an
extension of yourself and is fucking useful...

However, there is another option. See, traps aren't free. They cost you some
mana to use, and your assassin isn't the most mana-high character on the realms.
So, use insight!

What's insight, you ask? It's a runeword that gives a meditation aura to you and
your merc. It increases the speed of mana regeneration, just like warmth.
The difference is that it's a hell of a lot FASTER than warmth. It's an
amazingly helpful thing to have for your assassin and her mana problems.

\Insight (4 Socket Polearms/Staves) Ral+Tir+Tal+Sol
/Level 12-17 Meditation Aura When Equipped
\+35% Faster Cast Rate
/+200-260% Enhanced Damage
\+9 To Minimum Damage
/180-250% Bonus to Attack Rating
\Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
/+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
\+1-6 To Critical Strike
/+5 To All Attributes
\+2 To Mana After Each Kill
/23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items


Now, the armor doesn't vary one bit:

Mercenaries always seem to have an amazing amount of resist. Guardian Angel
takes full advantage of it and makes your merc all but invincible to the

\Guardian Angel (Unique Templar Coat)
/+180-200% Enhanced Defense
\+20% Increased Chance Of Blocking
/+30% Faster Block Rate
\+ 2-247 To Attack Rating Against Demons (Based On Character Level)
/+1 To Paladin Skill Levels
\+4 To Light Radius
/15% To Maximum Poison Resist
\15% To Maximum Cold Resist
/15% To Maximum Lightning Resist
\15% To Maximum Fire Resist

Andariel Visage is perfect for the merc. Attack speed, life steal, and the
poison nova ability doesn't hurt, either.

\Andariel's Visage (unique demonhead)
/+100-150% Enhanced Defense
\+2 To All Skills
/20% Increased Attack Speed
\8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit
/+25-30 To Strength
\+10% To Maximum Poison Resist
/Fire Resist -30%
\Poison Resist +70%
/15% Chance To Cast Level 15 Poison Nova When Struck
\Level 3 Venom (20 charges)

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I'm game to any suggestions people might have, and I don't have a problem with
you asking questions.If you want to ask me a question, send a suggestion or
make comments, send me an Email, and I'll get back
to it as soon as I see it. My email address is kirbix@gmail.com, and you're more
than welcome to ask and comment.
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The Arreast Summit (http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp/)- Best website on the
net for Diablo 2; I owe them a lot of information.

GameFAQs and CjayC- My favorite gaming website, it's a pleasure to write here.

Copyright 2006 © Sean D'Hoostelaere
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