Wolfenstein 3D / Spear of Destiny

Wolfenstein 3D / Spear of Destiny

17.10.2013 23:42:28

Wolfenstein 3D FAQ/Walkthrough
For the PC Computer

Written by mosquito_breath

Copyright 2005 Josh Phillips
All Rights Reserved
Version 0.86


Hello and welcome to this wonderful and complete FAQ called the Wolfenstein 3D
FAQ/Walkthrough. I do hope that you will enjoy this guide just as I had enjoyed
writing it.

If you have any questions, corrections, or comments, then please don't hesitate
at all to email me at joshinspokane@paxway.com. I receive my emails basically
the day they are sent (unless, of course, they are sent at 2:30 AM). But that's
off the subject. If you see a nasty spelling or grammar mistake, please email
me. If I have missed anything in this guide (like, for instance, a specific
item), then don't hesitate there to email me. I receive and read the emails the
day I receive them.

If and when any questions are sent to me (good questions for that matter), I
will establish and set up an Asked Questions section in this FAQ.

Please be made aware that this guide is my work, is copyrighted work, and is
protected by copyright. Please do not sell the walkthrough for any profit. Do
not copy this FAQ and give it out to friends over email. You may distribute
the guide personally to one another but not through anything that has to do
with the Internet. With that clear, we may continue on with the walkthrough
here. Any violators will be prosecuted.

Table Of Contents

1. Update History
2. Introduction to Wolf3D
3. Controls
4. Story
5. Weapons
6. Items
7. Enemies
8. Hints/Tips
9. Extra Things
10. Walkthrough
11. Bugs and Errors
12. Cheat Codes
13. Credits

1. Update History

Version 0.01, October 19, 2005: Completed everything so far that you see
outside the walkthrough. In the walkthrough itself, I got to as far as Episode
1, Floor 1.

Version 0.04, October 21, 2005: Completed and finished Episode 1, Floor 10 and
2. A user on GameFAQs, peach freak, also emailed me with a mistake in my update
history section. He told me that in the version 0.01, as seen above, I had put
down that I completed episode 1, floor 10. I did not. So I changed it up a
bit. Thanks, man... :) I put his name in the Credits section.

Version 0.09, October 22, 2005: Big day for me! I completed Episode 1, Floor
3, 4, and 5. I am tired... I also made a new section called "Hints/Tips". I
also fixed some spelling and grammar mistakes in the FAQ.

Version 0.15, October 24, 2005: Completed all of Episode 1 in my Walkthrough.

Version 0.16, October 25, 2005: I did some extra things in the walkthrough.
First of all, I completed Episode 2, Floor 1 in the walkthrough. I then fixed
a lot of spelling mistakes. Also, I fixed up my non-boss enemies section
up a bit and made them more detailed. Also, thanks to peach freak, I fixed up
my Boss Section in my Enemies section. He told me that Gretel Grosse was Han
Grosse's sister not his mother as I had thought. I added his input into my
credits section. Thanks, man.

Version 0.18, October 26, 2005: Completed Episode 2, Floor 10 in my
Walkthrough. I also re-wrote my Boss Section in my Enemies section giving more
details, better hints, and ways of killing them. I also redid my Weapons
Section making it more detailed.

Version 0.21, October 29, 2005: Sorry about the wait. I was at my Grandmother's
place for 2 days. Anyway... back on schedule. I did Episode 2, Floor 2 and 3.
I am slowly getting this walkthrough done... [Sigh]...

Version 0.22, October 31, 2005: Boo! Witches, Ghouls, and Ghosts! Trick or
Treat... You get the picture. It's Halloween! Happy Halloween Everybody!
Anyways, I completed Episode 2, Floor 4.

Version 0.25, November 2, 2005: Okay, I completed Episode 2, Floor 5 and 6. I
also added a new section called "Introduction to Wolf3D" explaining all of the
great aspects and qualities of Wolfenstein 3D. Also, I am a quarter-way through
the entire FAQ!

Version 0.30, November 3, 2005: Wow! Other than completing all of Episode 2 in
the walkthrough, I also fixed some spelling and grammar mistakes in the FAQ.

Version 0.36, November 24, 2005: Big break for me. After countless hours of
homework, I finally found time to write. Since it's Thanksgiving holiday, I'll
have time to write this weekend. Completed Episode 3, Floor 1, 2, 3, and 4!
Hopefully, all of Episode 3 will be completed (maybe Episode 4) by Monday. I
also fixed my section dividers in my walkthrough, inputting the Episode number
in there to make things more organized.

Version 0.39, November 25, 2005: I completed Episode 3, Floor 5 and 6. Fixed
some spelling mistakes, also. Fixed my update history section, too.

Version 0.50, November 30, 2005: All of Episode 3 done in the Walkthrough!
Jeez, I almost forgot! I'm halfway done!

Version 0.60, December 7, 2005: Got Episode 4, Floor 1, 2, 3, and 10 in the
walkthrough done. Then, I fixed a ton of spelling mistakes in the FAQ. Then, I
added more Hints into my Hints/Tips section. Then, I put another error into my
Bugs/Errors section. Also, I added the walkthrough for the Aardwolf maze in
Episode 2, Floor 8. Then, I rewrote all the mazes in the walkthrough making
them a hell of a lot more detailed. That's it for that day!

Version 0.71, December 9, 2005: Got all of Episode 4 done in my growing
Walkthrough. Also, I added a new section called "The Story" in the FAQ,
explaining the story line in Wolfenstein 3D.

Version 0.86, December 15, 2005: All of Episode 5 is currently now done in my
Walkthrough. 1 or 2 more updates more and I am done with my Walkthrough.

2. Introduction to Wolf3D

Before playing the game, read this section.
Wolfenstein 3D can be a fun and/but challenging game. This Walkthrough will
explain everything about the game. This guide will reveal every enemy, every
treasure, and every secret in extreme detail. But first, let's explain some
things about this game.

1. Since this game is pretty old, you cannot jump.
2. The graphics aren't at there best qualities, ok?
3. Even though this game is pretty old, there is still a big challenge to it.
4. There is no Auto-Map in the game... WEEP.
5. There are only 4 weapons in the game. In the other versions (I'm not sure
which version) there are more weapons like the Rocket Launcher.


Now that that section is done with, we can explain some other things.

The PC's version of Wolfenstein 3D was released in 1992. It was one of the
first "3-Dimentional" game that had crappy graphics. But at that time, it was
considered great! I first played Wolfenstein 3D when I was 7 or 8, so that just
explains a lot about my today's life.

Expect more to come later on.

3. Controls

Keyboard Controls

Alright, here are the controls for the keyboard that are used for the game. You
can configure the keyboard controls any time using the Controls option on the
Main Menu.

Up Key: Move forward
Down Key: Move backward
Left Key: Move left
Right Key: Move Right
CTRL: Shoot weapon
ALT (while held) in Combination with Left and Right Keys: Strafe left or right.
SpaceBar: Open doors, activate switches, and open secret doors, etc.
Shift (while held) in Combination with all 4 keys: Run
1: Changes to Knife
2: Changes to Pistol
3: Changes to Machine Gun
4: Changes to Chaingun
Esc: Go to the Main Menu
Pause: Pause the game
Print Screen: Copies the image shown
F1: Help menu
F2: Quick Save
F3: Quick Load
F4: Sound Effects/Music Options
F5: Change the Screen Menu
F6: Controls Option
F7: Quit Option
F8: Quick Save
F9: Quick Load
F10: Quit Option
Insert: Alternate Fire Button
Home: Alternate Fire Button
Delete: Alternate Fire Button
End: Alternate Fire Button
Page Up: Alternate Fire Button
Page Down: Alternate Fire Button
Up 8: Move forward
Right 6: Move Right
Left 4: Move Left
Down 2: Move backward

Note that Up 8, Right 6, Left 4, and Down 2 are the number keys to the very
right of the keyboard. If I say, press Up 8, look onto the right of the
keyboard to the numbers there, find Up 8, and press it. You will go forward.
Got it? Ok...

If I missed any controls for the keyboard, feel free to email me!

Mouse Controls

Ok, this section will explain the known controls for the mouse used in this
game. You can configure these controls by going to the Main Menu and then
clicking on the Control Tab.

Left Mouse Button: Fire Gun
Right Mouse Button (while held) while moving the mouse from right to left:
Strafe to the left and right.
Middle Mouse Button: Open doors, activate elevator exit switches, open secret
doors, etc....

Alright, I think that about does it... If I have missed any, please email me
with the new controls I forgot about.

"F" Functions (F1, F5, F8)

Ok, now this section deals with the "F" Functions. As noted above in the
section divider, "F" Functions mean as F1, F5, F8, F6, F3, etc. So basically
it means that you have to press F1 to get into the Help Menu and so forth. So,
have fun with this section...

F1: Help Menu
*F2: Quick Save
F3: Quick Load
F4: Sound Effects/Music Options
F5: Change the Screen Menu
F6: Controls Option
F7: Quit Option
F8: Quick Save
F9: Quick Load
F10: Quit Option

*Note that you can save your game anytime during this game. However, if you
follow my walkthrough from one end to the other, you will find that I do point
out in certain places as to when to save. But if you think you cannot get
through a certain place without saving, go ahead and save your progress there.

That about does it. I didn't miss any "F" Functions, so don't email if you
think you have found a new function button.

Weapon Controls

Alright, this section will inform you as to which button you will have to press
to access a certain weapon. Here goes...

1: Knife
2: Pistol
3: Machine Gun
4: Chaingun

Also note that sometimes in this walkthrough of mine, I tell you to equip a
certain weapon to use against a certain enemy. By all means, you don't
necessarily have to follow my orders; it will just make your life easier,
though. If you feel you want to use just a knife on every enemy, feel free to.
I don't mind... :)

The Main Menu Controls/Options

Alright, this section will take quite some time to write, but I'll give it a
shot, anyway. This section will inform you with all the controls and options
found in the Main Menu, what they do, and how to access them from the Main
Menu. Cut the crap and let's begin, shall we?

First, I would like to discuss the controls for the Main Menu.

The Controls

Up Key: Move one item upward
Down Key: Move one item downward
Enter: Enter a certain item
SpaceBar: Enter a certain item
CTRL: Enter a certain item
ALT: View a quit option
Escape: View a quit option
Print Screen: Copies the current screen image
Pause: Pauses the music
Up 8: Move one item upward
Down 2: Move one item downward
Right Enter: Enter an item
Q: Go to the Quit item
E: Go to the End Game item
R: Go to the Read This! item
S: Go to the Save Game item AND go to the Sound item
L: Go to the Load Game item
C: Go to the Control item AND go to the Change View item
V: Go to the View Scores item
B: Go to the Back to Game/Back to Demo item
N: Go to the New Game item

Ok, that about does it for the controls for the Main Menu in order to go to a
certain item. Now we can go to the controls for the selected item. What I mean
by this is this: Let's say we are in the Sound menu of the Main Menu. Here are
the controls for scrolling around. Get it?
Ok, then, you still don't get it. We pressed Enter to get to that item right?
Once we are in the Sound Menu, we need to scroll down let's say, ok? I will
list the controls needed to scroll down. Get it? Ok...

Also, note that Up 8 and Down 2, and Right Enter mean the numbers on the right
of the keyboard. If I say Down 2, then press the 2 on the right and the menu
will go down one item. Ok...

The Controls for the Selected Item

Note that the keys work for all items. There are a few keys I will not mention
to save space. I will not list the Alphabet Keys like A and R and N. But I will
list the others, don't worry. Ok, here we go.

Down Arrow: Go down one item
Up Arrow: Go up one item
Enter: Enter into your selected item
Escape: Backs out of the item
SpaceBar: Enter another item
CTRL: Enter another item
ALT: Backs out of an item
Print Screen: Copies the screen image
Pause: Drowns out the music
Up 8: Move one item up
Down 2: Move one item down
Right Enter: Enter a specific item

Note that Up 8, Down 2, and Right Enter mean the right of the keyboard. Just
look to the right of the keyboard and you'll see the numbers there. Up 8 means
press the 8 button on the right and it will go up. Do you get it? Ok.

Now that this section is finally over with, we can finally discuss the Main
Menu Options now and what each one does.

Main Menu Options

New Game - Start a new level from scratch. Takes you to a screen with 6
different episodes on it.

Episode 1: Escape From Wolfenstein - This episode requires you to
escape a horrible-like Nazi prison called Castle Wolfenstein.

Episode 2: Operation: Eisenfaust - This episode requires you to
defeat a doctor who has created an undead army called mutants.

Episode 3: Die, Furher, Die! - This episode requires you to
defeat the evil Adolf Hitler before his plans of a chemical war
grows to become a threat.

Episode 4: A Dark Secret - This episode requires you to defeat
the evil scientist behind the chemical war.

Episode 5: Trail of the Madman: This episode requires you to find
the plans for the insidious chemical war.

Episode 6: Confrontation: This episode is the last episode of
Wolfenstein 3-D. Beat this episode and you're done! This episode
requires you to kill the scientist who had originally planned the
perilous insidious chemical war! (Once you have picked the episode
you will be taken to ANOTHER screen with 4 different skill levels
on it.)

Can I Play, Daddy? - Obviously, the easiest skill level.
This skill level features very few enemies of which their
shots almost always miss, and they are very easy to kill.

Don't Hurt Me. - A mediumly-sized difficult level. Getting
a little tougher, but still not at all difficult. Features
a slightly more enemy range who all can be killed with
little gruntings... :)

Bring 'Em On! - A very difficult skill level indeed. Now we
are talking getting there to the tough side. This skill
level has tons of enemies and their shots at close range
hurt, hurt, hurt. But they still can be taken down pretty

I Am Death Incarnate - The hardest skill level there is in
the whole game! The walkthrough setting is for this skill
level! Believe me, it is very difficult! This skill level
has tons of tons of tons of enemies in it and there is
limited ammo around the levels. Beware this skill level as
this walkthrough is set on it!

Sound - This item can allow you to change the following things: you can
change the sound effects, the digitized sound, and the music.


None - No sound effects at all. Not even PC Speaker or the

PC Speaker - Runs the game with the PC Speaker rather than
the digitized sound.

Adlib/Soundblaster - This is the item you would want to
choose if you want sound effects. This item is pretty good.


None - No digitized sound which means that you will not get
the full benefit of sound the game has to offer.

Disney Sound Source - You know what? I really have no clue
what this option does as I never owned a Disney Sound
Source. If you know what this option is, email me.

Sound Blaster - This option gives you the great sound
effects that you can hear in the game. Choose this item.


None - There will be no music files played in your computer
game if you choose this option.

Adlib/Soundblaster - This option can allow you to hear all
the great music found in the game.

Control - This option allows you to change settings for your controls
like keyboard controls, mouse controls, joystick controls, and the
Gravis PC Gamepad controls.

Mouse Enabled - This option allows you to decide whether or not
you would like to use the mouse in the game or not.

Joystick Enabled - This option will allow you to decide whether
or not you would like to use the joystick in Wolfenstein 3-D or

Use Joystick Port 2 - I personally have no knowledge on this
option. If you can figure out what this is, email me to let me

Gravis PC Gamepad Enabled - I don't personally own a Gravis PC
Gamepad so I really couldn't tell you what this does. If you,
by any chance, know what this means, then please email me.

Mouse Sensitivity - You'll be taken to a screen with a long bar
in the center. Press Right to increase the mouse sensitivity or
press left to decrease the mouse sensitivity.

Customize Controls - Ok, this option can allow you to change the
actual controls for the keyboard, mouse, etc.

MOUSE - Run - ???
Open - b2
Fire - b0
Strafe - b1

Open - b2
Fire - b0
Strafe - b1

KEYBOARD - Run - LShift
Open - Space
Fire - CTRL
Strafe - ALT
Left - Left
Right - Right
Forward - Up
Backward - Down

(See my controls section for further information
and better descriptions of each.)

Load Game - This option can allow you to load a previously saved game
that you have saved before. There are 10 empty spaces for which to load
your game on.

Save Game - This option will allow you to save a game when you have
come to a hard spot in the game or your mother has called you to dump
the trash for the 4th time that day. In either case, you can save your
game using this option. There are 10 slots to save your game in.

Change View - This option can let you increase or decrease the size of
your playing screen when you are playing a level. To increase your
screen, press the Up key. To decrease your screen, press the Down arrow. You
can change your screen anytime during the game. When you are done doing that,
press ENTER to save the screen size or ESC to back out without saving.

Read This! - Ok, this screen will take you to a screen where you can
view the story, controls, about ID, ordering, more Wolfenstein,
software creations, and foreign orders. To go from screen to screen,
press the right key to go to the next page. Press the left key to a
previous page. Esc will back up. You may also use the Page Up and Page
Down keys to scroll from page to page.

View Scores - This screen can allow you to view any high score that anyone has

Back to Demo/Back to Game - Allows you to go back to the current game you are
playing or to return to the demo screens.

Quit - A choice between whether or not you want to quit. Press Y to quit, or
press N to not quit.

Finally, with that out of the way, we may continue on. If I have missed
anything at all in my controls section, please email me immediately.

The Help Menu

This section deals with just the Help Menu. This particular section will
describe all of the menus on the help Menu. Enjoy.

Right Arrow: Turn to the next page
Left Arrow: Turn to the previous page
Esc.: Exit the help menu

Pages 1-2 - Controls and Table of Contents
Pages 3-5 - Story
Pages 6-11 - Controls
Pages 12-15 - About ID
Pages 16-18 - Ordering
Pages 19-23 - More Wolfenstein
Pages 24-27 - Software Creations
Pages 28-41 - Foreign Orders

4. Story

Here is the story of all the episodes in Wolfenstein 3D. Enjoy!

Episode 1

You stand over the guard's body, grabbing franticly for his gun. You're not
sure if the other guards heard his muffled scream. Deep in the belly of a Nazi
dungeon, you've only a knife, a gun, and your wits to aid your escape.

Just a few weeks ago, you were on a reconnaissance mission of extreme
importance. You were to infiltrate the Nazi fortress, and find the plans for
Operation Eisenfaust. Captured in your attempt, you were taken to their prison,
and awaited your execution. Only you know where the plans are kept, and the
Allies will face a great defeat if you don't escape! You must face the horrors
of the prison keep known as Wolfenstein.

Episode 2

You run out of the castle and hook up with the Underground. They inform you
that the rumors were true: some hideous human experiments were seen around
Castle Hollehammer. So Operation Eisenfaust is real!

You must journey there and terminate the maniacal Dr. Schabbs before his undead
army marches against humanity!

Episode 3

You stand over Schabbs' fat, evil, swollen putrid body, glad your mission is
finally over. All his journals and equipment will be destroyed. Humanity is
safe from his hordes of hideous mutants.

Yet the Nazi atrocities continue: thousands march into death camps even as the
Nazi war machine falls to its knees. There is only one way to stop the

Hitler hides in his titanic bunker as the Third Reich crumbles around him. It
is your job to assassinate him, ending his mad reign. You find he has escaped
to the Reichstag, and there you must confront him.

Episode 4

The absolute incarnation of evil, Adolf Hitler, lies at your feet in a pool of
his own blood. His wrinkled, crimson-splattered visage still strains, a jagged-
toothed rictus trying to cry out. Insane even in death. Your lips pinched in
bitter victory, you kick his head off his remains and spit on his corpse.

Seig heil... huh. Seig hell.

Episode 5

The twisted scientist behind the chemical war lies at your feet, but the fruits
of his labor grow elsewhere! The first wave of chemical war is already
underway. In the heavily guarded fortress of Erlangen are the plans for the
upcoming Giftkrieg (or Poison War). Find them and you'll know where to find
General Fettgesicht, leader of the deadly assault.

Episode 6

Gretel Grosse, the giantess guard, has fallen. Hope her brother, Hans, doesn't
get mad about this....

Now rush to the military installation at Offenbach and stop the horrible attack
before thousands die under the deadly, burning clouds of chemical war. Only you
can do it, B.J.

The Ending

The General gasps his last breath, and the free world is safe from the
terrifying Nazi chemical war. You return to Allied Headquarters, a Medal of
Honor waiting for you.

Allied command informs you of some nefarious activities around Castle
Hollehammer. Something about some gray-skinned berserk soldiers....

5. Weapons

Note that the numbers mentioned here in this section are the numbers that you
must press to access that weapon.

1. Knife: The knife is a simple melee weapon that is very weak. Use the knife
only on the dogs and the guards but mainly the dogs. The best part about the
knife is that it is an ammo saver in some ways. If you use the knife on the
dogs, the blade will cut through the dog and kill it in about 2 hits. So as you
can see, the knife is a great little ammo saver. You will always have your
knife with you so don't worry about picking it up.

2. Pistol: The pistol is better than a knife but it is still very weak. The
pistol should only be used mainly on the dogs, guards, and maybe the officers
in some cases or another. The pistol can take care of a guard from 1 to 3 hits
so it is a great weapon for the guards. You will also always have the pistol
with you so you don't have to worry about finding it on your own.

3. Machine Gun: Alright, now we are talking. The machine gun is a powerful
weapon indeed. The machine gun can be used on all of the non-boss enemies
including the mutants. The machine gun's best feature is the fact that it
shoots out many shots in a couple of seconds. It can take down most weaker
enemies like dogs and guards in a few seconds. Great weapon to have. You will
first find this weapon in Episode 1 - Floor 1.

4. Chaingun: Oh yeah now this is what you call the weapon! This is my favorite
weapon of all time in the Wolfenstein game. This weapon fires numerous shots in
a short matter of time. Use this baby on both the non-boss and boss enemies as
this weapon will tear anything away in its destructive path. The chaingun's
first appearance is in Episode 1 - Floor 2 so be sure to grab it in the early
levels. I love this weapon!

6. Items

Ok, as you may have guessed, this section will explain ALL of the items and
ammo you can collect throughout your quest. So... here they are!

Healing Items

The Healing Items section will deal with all of the healing style pickups that
can be used to restore your health or provide medical support when you need it.

Medikit: This little thing-of-a-jig is pretty useful especially if you need
health at a critical time. These restore your health by 25% if you are below
100% health. Medikits look like white short boxes with a red cross.... Sounds
like the crusades to me. :)

Dinner: Dinners are found everywhere throughout the levels. Their main
appearances are in smaller rooms and in secret rooms as well. Sometimes they
are found in little torture chambers, too. Dinners restore your health by 10%
if you are below 100%. They look like chicken dinners with parsley all prepared
on a green plate... just for you!

Dog Food: Ok, the dog food as mentioned above sounds pretty gross. But if
you're hurtin', you'll use anything you can get those hands on... including dog
food? Yes, my friend, including dog food. Dog food restores your health by 4%
if it is below 100%. Dog food looks like brown kernels in a gray bowl.

Extra Life: Extra lives are blue spheres with your mug's picture in the center
of it. The extra lives are quite rare in the game. When you pick one of these
up, it restores your health all the way up to 100% if it is below 100%. Not
only that, it gives an extra 25 ammunition. Not only that, it gives you 1 extra
life per sphere. The extra lives are quite rare so only use them when you are
low on health or ammo. Like above, extra lives are blue spheres with your mug's
picture in it.

Blood: Thirsty? Blood can be found as red puddles laying on the ground
especially in little torture chamber-like rooms. They restore your health by 1%
if it is below 10%. You can only drink the blood if your health has dropped
below 10%. Hey, if you're hurting that much... I won't go there.

Bones with Blood: Same thing as above except now it's with the bones. This
"healing item" restores your health by 1% if it is below 10%; and only below
10%. Like described, the bones with blood look like bones with drops and
puddles of blood on it.


Ok, this section describes the ammunition that you will receive per pickup.
Note that there are only 1 type of ammo found in the levels.

Ammo: Ammo is given to you in the shape of a blue little square on the ground.
When they are picked up alone, they are worth 8 ammo. When they are picked up
by picking it up after a guard has died, it will give you 4 ammo. Ammo gives
ammo to your pistol, machine gun, and chaingun. There is only 1 type of ammo
found in the game.

Note that when you pick up a weapon that you already have, that weapon will
give you ammo, not another weapon.


This section will describe all of the treasures found throughout the game. Here
goes... :)

Cross: Now a cross is what it stands for. The cross is a little bejeweled-like
cross on the ground and are worth 100 points a piece. Crosses look like golden
crosses with jewels on each piece of it.

Chalice: The chalices look like golden "cups" if you will. They have little
jewels on the top part and are worth 500 points a piece. Think of it like a
holy grail.

Treasure Chest: Also nicknamed just as chests, the treasure chests are little
rectangular-like boxes on the ground with jewels coming out of its top. They
are worth 1000 points apiece! Wow!

Crown: The ultimate point booster in the game! Crowns look like little red and
gold crowns on the ground with jewels at the top of them. They are worth a
whopping 5000 points in the game! 5 chests make up a single crown!

NOTE: I thought I should point out to you that you get an extra life every
20,000 points. Even though this guide will reveal every powerup in the game, it
is still essential to keep your eyes peeled. I'll try not to miss any, but if I
do, email me with the mistake and I will fix it.

Keys (Gold/Silver)

There are 2 types of keys found in the game. Keys are used to open up locked
gold doors or locked silver doors.

Gold Key: The gold key is your basic key found in the game. Gold keys unlock
locked gold doors. They appear as gold normal-looking gold keys on the ground.

Silver Key: The silver key appears from Episode 2 and on. The silver key is
used to open locked silver doors. They appear as silver-looking keys which lay
on the ground screaming at you to pick them up!

7. Enemies

Alright! This is a good section. I will reveal every enemy in the game so
enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Non-Boss Enemies

Guards: The guard is your basic enemy of the game. The guards are brown-
clothed Nazis with a black hat on. The guards are also equipped with a
pistol. To attack you, they use their pistol on you. Their fire doesn't
hurt you that much from far distances but at close range, they do hurt a
lot. To get rid of these, use your pistol or better. But the preferred
weapon of choice would be the machine gun. The guard's first appearance
is in Episode 1 - Floor 1.

Dogs: Dogs are present in most levels but they are a little rarer than the
guards are. They are your fourth most basic enemy. Dogs are 4 leg-walking
beasts with brown fur and run around on their legs. To attack you, dogs
will run up to your position and will bite you. Their bites are mediumly
strong but they still hurt. But they have to come up close to you in order
to attack. To get rid of the dogs, use a pistol or better. But the
preferred weapon of choice would be the knife, believe it or not. The knife
can cut through the dog and knock it out in 1 - 2 hits making the knife a
great ammo saver. The dog's first appearance is in Episode 1 - Floor 1.

SS Officers: The SS Officer is the second basic enemy in the game. The SS
Officers are tall Nazis dressed in a blue clothing. The SS Officers are also
equipped with a machine gun. To attack you, they use their machine gun on you
which hurts a ton on higher skill levels and when they are up close to you.
Be careful of them in tight predicaments; they can take you down fast! To get
rid of them, use a machine gun or better. But the preferred weapon of choice
would be the chaingun. You need to be fast when dealing with these enemies.
The SS Officer's first appearance is in Episode 1 - Floor 2.

Mutants: Mutants are the least most basic enemy in the game, thank heavens.
The reason I am saying thank heavens is because mutants hurt a lot! They are
dressed in green clothing dressed on a skeleton. They also have purple blood
when they die which is quite cool. The mutants have inserted in their chests
a strong-powered pistol. To attack you, they swing their arms up and down
while firing their pistol at you. You need to have fast reflexes to take them
down before they can take you down. Their shots are almost so precise that
they almost never miss even at far distances. They are also very fast on high
skill levels. To get rid of them, use a chaingun by all means! That is also
your preferred weapon of choice! The mutants only appear in Episode 2 which is
a very good thing. The mutant's first appearance is in Episode 2 - Floor 1.

Officers: Officers are your third basic enemy in the game. Officers are dressed
in a white clothing with caps on. They also have a pistol in their hands. To
attack you, they use their pistol on you. They do major damage on high skill
levels. They are also very fast on high skill levels. To get rid of them, use a
machine gun or better. Your preferred weapon is the chaingun. The officer's
first appearance is in Episode 3 - Floor 1.

Boss Enemies

Boss 1 (Hans Grosse): This boss is easy if you know what to do. He is dressed
in a large blue uniform with a blue hat on. He yells "Guten tag" when he seas
you. He is equipped with 2 chainguns. To attack you, he uses these on you and
they can cut you to pieces on high skill levels. Use the Run, Strafe, and Ctrl
keys to kill him. To kill him easily, hide behind the pillars in the main room
and fire at him using the Strafing technique. The best weapon to use against
Hans is the chaingun, no doubt. He even makes appearances in Episode 2 -
Floor 8.

Boss 2 (Dr. Schabbs): This boss is also easy if you know what to do. This boss
is dressed in a white shirt with bullet holes in it. He laughs at you when he
sees you in a deep rumbling voice. To attack you, he throws knives at you which
hurts a lot. The knives take away 25% of your health at each direct hit. The
best strategy I have to kill him is to circle the "island" in the middle of the
playing field while constantly shooting at him when you have the chance to.
Eventually, he'll be taken down. The best weapon to use is the chaingun.

Boss 3 (Adolf Hitler): This boss is hard if you don't know what to do. He is
"dressed" so to speak in a armored tank-like outfit and he uses this for his
protection. He attacks you with his 4 deadly chainguns in his hands. These
chainguns kill, kill, kill! Move fast when dealing with this guy. After you
have beaten the crap out of him, his armor will fall off. He is now Hitler
himself! This time he has 2 chainguns but they still can do a ton of damage if
you don't do something about it fast. Use your chaingun on him and eventually
he'll be taken down.

Boss 4 (Otto Giftmacher): This boss is a little less tougher than Hitler was
but he will be tough if you don't know what to do. Otto will use a rocket
launcher on you which hurts a lot. The best strategy here is to strafe from
left to right. The best weapon to use is the chaingun!

Boss 5 (Gretel Grosse): Recognize that name? Gretel Grosse is Hans Grosse's
sister! She is damn angry at you that you killed her brother so she wants
extreme revenge on you. She wears pink so all you pink-lovers out there better
like it. To attack you, she has 2 chainguns in her hands. The best strategy,
once again, is the strafing technique. This is always the best strategy.

Boss 6 (General Fettgesicht): However you spell his name, this boss is
frickin hard. He has a rocket launcher AND a chaingun in his hands. It is
strictly awful to be hit by the rocket launcher and then by the chaingun right
after. The best strategy is hide, hide, hide. Then after you hide, hide, hide,
peek out and shoot, shoot, shoot. Repeat this pattern until he dies. There's no
REAL strategy but to stay alive as long as you can. The best weapon is... fine,
I'll tell you... the chaingun. Of course it is. Why do I always have to tell
you these things?

8. Hints/Tips

This section will explain some hints that can be useful in your long journeys
through Castle Wolfenstein.

1. Try to strafe when defeating a powerful enemy especially when trying to kill
a boss. When strafing, the enemy has a more tougher time hitting you with his
gun. Use this to your advantage.

2. Try not to get a boss trapped in a small secret room with you. It is
basically suicide if you let him.

3. Try to save your chaingun until "necessary purposes". Try to kill weaker
enemies such as the guards and dogs using your machine gun and not your
chaingun. This can be an ammo saver in many ways.

4. When you open a door and you see several strong enemies there, close the
door (use SpaceBar again) and strafe to the sides of the door. When you are
there, turn to face the door but don't stand face on with it. Face the door at
the side. When the enemy opens the door, you can blast him away. This saves you
health especially in tight predicament circumstances.

5. Use your knife on the dogs; this is an ammo saver.

6. Save extra lives until you really need them.

7. Remember: When you are less than 10% health, you can pick up pools of blood
and/or bones with blood. These restore 1% health. Hey, it's better than
nothing, isn't it?

8. There is usually a hidden secret room sometimes near or around where the
gold key or silver key is located. I've noticed that in the levels. Try
searching around where the key is located and sometimes, if you're lucky,
you'll find one.

9. When you open a door and there are no enemies there, don't go running out
into the room. Shoot a shot into the room and any guards in there will yell out
and come to your position. You can clear a room that way a lot easier.

10. Make sure that you have cleared the entire room of enemies before leaving
or checking walls for secret rooms. Those pesky little guards can do you no
good if they find you.

11. The officers and dogs are very fast foes. They move from left and to right
and pray to God that you will miss them. Don't go wasting your ammo on the
officer's position. Rather, wait until they are close enough and then do away
with them.

12. Be warned; in later levels (Nocturnal Levels), there are guards and
officers behind the exit doors. Be prepared to kill one behind exit doors
sometimes. Especially in the later levels.

13. If you are low on ammunition, try using the machine gun instead of the
chaingun. This is an ammo saver.

14. If you are faced with 2 doors to open on a single wall close together, open
only one of them, step back, and wait for the enemies to come to you. This is
great health saver.

15. When you are in a room, save the dinners and medikits until after the
fight. However, if you hurting bad, go ahead and collect some.

16. A great way to move around is to use the keyboard and mouse together. This
can make your guy move twice as fast. But when you are in tight predicaments,
use the keyboard.

17. Officers are deadly; do not get in close cornered situations with these
guys. Your life will drop down to 0 in no time...

(I will add tons more later on in the future; that's all I could think of right
at the this moment).

9. Extra Things

Note that this section deals with the hands-on basics of the game. If you are a
beginner at Wolfenstein 3D, I do suggest you read this particular section very

Also note that this section tells you what you can do in the game and how to do

Open Doors: You can open any door found throughout the prison (unless, of
course, it is a locked door.) To open a door, walk up to the door you want to
open, and press your SpaceBar. The door will slide open and you can step on
through. Press the SpaceBar again to close the door (but the door closes
automatically soon after you open it).

Open Locked Doors: You can open locked doors only if you have that particular
key for that door. For instance, let's say you come to a locked door (looks
either as white or as a darker white) and press it. It will not open so go and
find that key for that door and then you can open it.

Open Exit Doors: Exit doors appear as black-looking doors with 2 dark red
arrows on it. To open it, walk up to it and press the SpaceBar.

Activate Elevator Exit Switches: Ok, to activate one of these to go on to the
next level, walk up to them and press the SpaceBar. The level will end once you
press it.

Open Secret Rooms: Found throughout the keep, you will encounter hidden secret
rooms. Secret rooms appear everywhere in each floor. They appear on the walls
(not doors or objects). To open a secret door, walk to any wall and press the
SpaceBar. Depending on what wall you pressed, the wall will be pushed back into
a position as to where you can enter inside the secret room and collect any
goodies inside.

End Level Screen: After you have pressed the elevator exit switch, you will be
taken to a screen with the par time on it. The computer will then calculate
your percentages of kill ratios, treasure ratios, and, finally, secret ratios.
You can get either from a 0% to a 100%. This guide will reveal every enemy,
every treasure, and every secret room in the whole game so you don't have to
worry about finding them all on your own.

Collect Items: When you are in a level, you can get things by simply running
into them. You will acquire them and you don't have to press a button to get

Kill Enemies: To kill an enemy, press the CTRL (being sure to aim at the enemy
you wish to slaughter) button on the keyboard. The mouse and joystick also
works. If you also have a Gravis Gamepad, that also works.
10. Walkthrough

Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for! The walkthrough. Ok, before you
start, you must pick your desired episode and then your desired skill level.
Note that you can do this from the main menu. Here are the episodes and skill
levels found in the game.

Episode 1: Escape from Wolfenstein
Episode 2: Operation: Eisenfaust
Episode 3: Die, Furher, Die!
Episode 4: A Dark Secret
Episode 5: Trail of the Madman
Episode 6: Confrontation

Note that I do suggest that you complete the game in that particular episode
order. The episodes and floors get harder and harder as you progress through
them. With that said, I will give you the skill levels.

Can I Play, Daddy?
Don't Hurt Me.
Bring 'Em On!
I Am Death Incarnate

Ok, please beware of the "I Am Death Incarnate" skill level. It is extremely
difficult in the game because... There are more enemies found throughout the
game and their attacks are more powerful and more accurate. However, this guide
is set on the "I Am Death Incarnate" skill level. Now enjoy the walkthrough.

The Status Bar:

| | | | [your | | |---| |
| 6 | 67654 | 3 | face] | 100% | 8 || | |

FLOOR: This tells you what your current floor you are playing on is.
SCORE: The score box tells you what your current score is.
LIVES: This box tells you how many lives you have to spare.
[your face]: This has your mug's face on it and it bleeds as your health begins
to decrease.
HEALTH: This tells you how much of your current health you have left.
AMMO: This box tells you how much ammo you have for your gun.
Boxes to the right of Ammo: These two boxes will tell you which key you have
for that level.
OTHER AMMO: Ok, this screen tells you which gun you have equipped.


Ok, with that said, you may read the walkthrough and I can get to typing it
out. I believe that you will really enjoy the walkthrough very much if you are
a Wolfenstein 3-D freak. You may occasionally come across an enemy I tell you
to kill but it isn't there. If this is the case, you are playing a lower skill
level than "I Am Death Incarnate."

Episode 1: Escape from Wolfenstein

This is the epic story of B.J. Blazkowicz, American spy for the Allied forces
in World War II. Facing horrific dangers, sometimes he only had a knife and his
wits between him and death. His escape from Nazi imprisonment is the stuff of
contemporary legend.

Herein are the tales of our hero and his nighttime assault on the wagers of
chemical war: his assignment to eliminate Otto Giftmacher, the creator of the
weapons; his search for the plans to the Giftkrieg, or Poison War; and his
final battle against the man organizing the insidious war, General Fettgesicht.
This is the tale of how B.J. Blazkowicz became a symbol of freedom and justice,
how he stood against untold odds and dealt the enemy a crippling blow.

Captain William J. "B.J." Blazkowicz, you've got a gun and a deadly mission
ahead. Good luck! Hey, if you make it, you'll have something to tell your
grandkids about.... If you don't, at least you'll go out in a blaze of glory!

Episode 1, Floor 1

At the start of your first level of Wolfenstein 3D, open the door in front of
you and turn to the right. Kill off the 2 guards to the left and to the right
of you then get the clip to the left and the dinner in the center. Turn back
around and face the hallway. Open up the closest right door and get the dinner
in this cell. Come back out, turn right, go to the door, then turn left and
open that door there. In this cell is also a dinner. Get it and then exit. Turn
left and open the door. Kill the guard and go forward to open the next door.

In this room, kill off the 2 guards and turn to the right. Open up the door
with the blue walls around it and quickly kill the dog and the 2 guards down
the hallway. Go down this hallway and open the door on the left. In this room
are 3 dogs so dispose of them quickly. Go forward all the way and turn to the
left and get the dog food. Exit back through the door and follow the hallway
down. Turn to the right and open that door. Kill the dog and the 2 guards then
get the 3 dinners in the various places around the room. Now exit back through
this door then enter the door in front of you back into the other room. Turn to
the right then open up the door with the eagle walls around it.

This hallway contains a guard across from you so kill him. Turn left and go
into the crevice and kill the guard. Open the eagle wall for a secret, which
contains 2 clips, 2 medikits, and a machine gun. Exit this secret back into
this hallway. Turn to the left and open the door.

Kill the 2 guards in this room then turn to the right. Open up that door in
front of you and quickly dispose of the guard. In this small room, get the 3
crosses and the 4 chalices. Exit this small room and open the door directly
across from you.

Immediately kill the 2 guards confronting you then follow this white hallway
down to a door and open it. There are 5 guards placed in this room so carefully
and quickly dispose of them. Around the circumference of this room are some
treasures. They are 2 crosses, 2 chalices, and 3 chests. Get them all. There is
also a Hitler portrait in between 2 plants; it is to the right of the room.
Press that wall and it will open revealing a secret room, which contains 3
crosses, 4 chests, and 8 clips. Get them all then exit this secret then open
the door directly across from you.

Kill the lone guard in this hallway then open the next door. Kill the 3 guards
in this room. There are 2 doors in this room. It doesn't matter which one you
open (they both lead to the same destination eventually,) but assuming you
following this guide, you will open the right door first.

When you open it, be cautious because 5 guards will be roaming around somewhere
in this long hallway. Turn to the right and right again into a crevice. Get the
chalice and the dinner. Exit the crevice and turn right. Open the door for a
medikit. Exit this room. Go forward all the way and turn left and go into a
crevice. Get the dinner from within this crevice. Exit the crevice and turn
left, then left again and follow this hallway all the way down to the end to a
door. Open it.

Kill the 3 guards guarding the door. This door is the exit door. If you want to
find the secret exit, then read on in this FAQ.

When you first enter this room, turn to the right 90 degrees and press the wall
there for a secret. Get the medikit and turn around from the medikit. Press the
next wall there for a second secret. Go in. You will see the secret exit door.
Facing the secret exit door, turn to the left and look at the walls. Count the
number of walls going leftward; on the second wall there, press it. It will
open up revealing an extra life. Exit this secret then open the secret exit
door. When you open it, press the elevator switch to finish this level.

Episode 1, Floor 10

When you first start this secret level with the weird purple walls, turn to the
left and open the door. Be careful; to the left is an SS Officer. Kill him and
get the 5 crosses. Exit and turn left. Go forward and turn left to kill a guard
and another SS Officer. Turn around, go forward, and turn right to kill a
guard. Open this door in this vicinity range. Get the 3 crosses, the 5
chalices, and the 7 chests in this room. Exit and turn right. Follow this
hallway down to the next door and open it. There will an SS Officer right off
so kill him. There is an SS Officer to the left and to the right of you. Kill
them then exit. Follow the hallway down to the next door and open it. Get the 7
clips and the 4 medikits in this room then exit. Turn to the left and follow
the hallway down to a door. There are 2 guards in the 2 crevices to the left
and to the right. Kill them both then open the door.

Kill the 4 guards right off the bat, then turn left and then right and kill all
of the 5 guards there. You will notice a door in this vicinity. Facing the
door, turn around and face the purple wall. Turn left and press the wall. On
the left side are 4 dinners. On the right side are 4 clips and 4 dinners. Get
them all if you need them. Go into the specific place with the 4 clips and 4
dinners. Face the end of the chain of clips and dinners. You will see 2 walls
there. Press the right wall for a secret. This room contains 6 chests. There is
a third secret, believe it or not. Facing where the chests were, turn around
and go forward until you hit the "farthest" wall; it is just one wall you
should be touching. Then turn to the right and press the wall for the secret.
In this secret are a whopping 6 crowns. Get them all and exit all of these
secrets back outside.

Turn right and right again, then go forward to a door and open it. There will
immediately be 6 dogs coming for you from down the hallway. Kill them all. Go
forward all the way and turn right. Go forward to the wall. On the leftmost
wall on this same wall is a secret room which contains 4 crowns. Exit and then
turn to the left and go forward ALL the way (you will eventually pass 2 guards,
so kill them before they can pose threat.) Turn left again and open the door.

Turn left and kill all of the 6 guards there. Go forward and follow this
hallway to a door with blue walls around it. Open it. Follow this twisty
hallway down and kill all 7 guards. Right when you enter this twisty hallway,
go forward. You will see two barrels and a wall in between them. Press it and
enter the secret room there. Get the 3 chalices, the 4 chests, and the 3
crowns. Exit this secret and turn left. Turn left again and then turn right.
Stare at his right wall. Count the number of walls going rightward; press the
third wall and it will open revealing 2 chalices, 3 chests, and a single crown.
Get these items then exit this secret. Turn right and open the door.

Go forward into the long crevice. Be careful, though. Turn to the right and
kill the SS Officer. Then get the 2 chalices to the left and to the right. Then
exit this crevice. Turn to the left and then left again and kill the 2 guards
there. To the left and to the right are 2 more guards. Kill them then get the 4
crosses to the left and to the right. Turn back around, go forward, then turn
left and follow this hallway down to a chalice hallway. Turn to the left and go
forward to the first chalice. Go ahead and get it then press the wall behind
it. Go forward one wall and turn to the right and press THAT wall, too. It will
open up to a room which you will be able to access in a later part in this
level. In this room are 4 dinners and a door. Don't open the door quite yet.
Exit this secret back into the other hallway. Get the rest of the 4 chalices in
the crevices in this hallway then open the door at the end. Quickly kill the SS
Officer and get the 3 crowns in here. Exit. Go forward all the way and follow
this hallway down to the end and open the door.

Turn right and dispose of the faraway SS Officer then turn left in the big
crevice room. Dispose of the 2 SS Officers to the left and to the right then
exit the crevice. Turn to the left and follow it down to the end. Turn left and
kill the SS Officer. Turn back to the right and get the gold key. Turn back
left and get the extra life. Stop there! Face this wall. Touch it; then turn
left and press the center wall there on that section. It will open up revealing
3 extra lives. Exit the secret. Getting back will be a challenge to write. Here
we go!

Follow this hallway back down to the door. Open it and go through. Follow this
hallway down to a door but go right from there and follow THIS hallway down to
the door with the blue walls around it. Open the door then follow this blue
hallway down to the other blue-walled door and open it. Follow this hallway
down to the closest door (it's not very far away) and open it. Turn right and
follow this hallway all the way down to another door. Open it. Go forward and
turn right to a door. Finally! Now open this door.

Kill the guard right off and go forward to the wall. Go right one wall and
press it. It will open up revealing a secret room, which contains 6 clips.
Exit, then turn to the left then right then face this wall. Count the number of
walls going leftward; on the fourth one from the left, open it. Go in for 4
chests. Exit, go forward, and kill the guard coming for you. Turn left in the
alcove and kill the guard hiding in there. Exit the alcove, go forward, turn to
the left and follow the hallway down to a split section. Take the right end
first to a brown-walled door. Open it.

Follow this curving hallway to the right and kill all 3 guards. Get the clip,
the chalice, and the dinner. In the center of this hall is a Hitler portrait.
Press it for a secret. To the left are 2 chalices and 4 clips. To the right are
2 chalices and 4 dinners. Exit the secret and follow this hallway back down to
the door. Open it.

Take the right hallway now and turn left in an alcove. To the left and right
are 2 guards and 2 chalices. Kill and get them. Then exit the alcove. Turn to
the left and follow this hallway to a door and open it.

Kill the guard and right off and touch the wall in front of you. Go left 1 wall
and press it. Then get the 6 clips and the 2 medikits. Exit and turn to the
right and follow this hallway to a guard and a door. Kill the guard and open
the door. The only thing here to do is to follow this hallway killing the 2
guards along the way (there is one guard hiding in an alcove) and open the door
at the end. There will be 4 guards presently so kill them. Turn right and get
the 3 dinners. Keep following this hallway and open the closest door you come
to. This is the room back a few paragraphs using the secret. Nothing really
special in here. Exit the room, turn left and kill the 2 guards in the crevices
to the left and to the right of you. Then open the red-bricked-walled door.

Ok... quickly kill the 4 SS Officers and go forward and touch the end wall.
Turn to the right and look at the wall. Count the number of walls going
rightward this rime; on the sixth one, open it. In this secret room is a lot of
goodies. They are 3 crosses, 3 chalices, 6 chests, and 8 crowns. Exit the
secret room. Then you can open either gold door.

Before getting the goodies in front of you, turn to the left and kill both SS
Officers to the left and right of you, hiding. Then get the whopping 10 crowns!
Go back and get the goodies you saw a little earlier. They are 5 medikits and 8
clips. You will notice two exit doors. Open the one that was NOT surrounded by
the crowns. Be careful; there are 7 SS Officers in there. Kill them all then
turn left. The center wall here can be opened for 7 crowns and 2 extra lives.
Then exit the secret and exit the fake exit door. Then open the regular exit
door. Then hit the elevator switch to finish this level... finally.

Episode 1, Floor 2

Turn to the left and open the door. Kill the 2 dogs, go forward, go right, and
get the dog food. Face the hallway. Explore the 4 doors on the side walls here
for 3 dogs and a dog food. Go back through the other door. Turn left and open
the door. Follow the white hallway and kill the 2 guards. Open the next door.

Go forward, turn left and open the door in front of you and kill the guard and
get the 2 clips. Exit the room and go in either doors to the left and to the
right. The right doors contain 2 SS Officers and a guard. The left doors
contain an SS Officer and a guard. Exit and turn left and go in the door ahead
of you. Kill the guard ahead of you. There are 3 doors on your right and 3
doors on your left. Explore all 6 doors for 4 dinners. Then exit through the
regular door. Turn to the right and open the door there.

Kill the guard right off the bat then turn to the right. Follow this hallway
and kill off the other 2 guards. Then face the left side of the wall on the
wall with the door you came out of. Count the number of walls going rightward;
on the second one, open it. Go in for the 2 crosses, the 3 chalices, the 3
chests, the 5 clips, and the sub-machine gun. Exit the secret then go straight
and enter either one of the two doors on the left. In here are 5 guards, 2
clips, and 2 chalices. There is a third door on the right of this room, which
contains only 1 guard. Exit the room and open either 1 of the 2 doors. Kill the
3 guards placed in this room and get the 2 dinners. Then open the next 2 doors
(either one). Kill the dog, then get the 5 chalices, the 6 dinners, and the dog
food. Exit back to the hallway that you came from to get into these doors here.

Turn right, right again, and then open the blue-walled door in front of you.
Kill the guard in front of you and go into the left crevice. Kill the guard and
press the center wall on the left side. Go in for the chaingun and a clip. Exit
the secret back in the hallway, turn left, and open the door. Turn right and
right again to face the brown wall. Press the eagle portrait and go in and get
the 3 clips. Exit the secret, turn to the right and open the door.

Kill the guard, follow the hallway, and kill 2 more guards. Return back to the
door you came through. Open the two doors on the right and carefully kill the 5
guards placed in the room. Get the 7 chalices, the 3 chests, and the clip. Then
just exit. Follow the hallway and open the first door you come to. Kill the dog
and get the 2 dinners behind the barrels. Exit this room, turn to the right,
and go in the next door. Briskly mow down the 3 SS Officers in here, then get
the clip and the medikit. Then exit. Turn to the right, skip the next door but
open the next one after that one. Kill the 2 guards then get the 4 crosses, the
2 chalices, and the 4 chests. Exit the room and turn right and open the next
door. Follow the hallway and kill the 3 guards. Go to the end of the hallway
and press the wall in between the two plants. Get the 4 clips and the 2
dinners. Then exit the secret and exit the room. Turn left and open the door
you skipped.

Follow the hallway, turn the corner, and turn right and then kill the 2 guards
guarding the door there. Then open it. Kill the 3 SS Officers. Then get the 2
clips, the medikit, the 4 crosses, the 11 chalices, and the 4 chests. Then exit
the room, go forward, turn left, and turn right and open the door at the end.
Kill the 5 guards and the SS Officer. Then get the 2 crosses, the 2 chalices,
and the 2 chests. Then exit this room. Turn left, go forward all the way, and
turn right. Open the door at the end. Turn left, go forward, turn right, right
again, and open the door in front of you. Then open the door in front of you.

Kill the 2 guards in front of you and then open the door. Throughout the
curving corridors and crevices are some enemies. You will kill 2 dogs, 6
guards, and 3 SS Officers. Then collect the 2 chalices in the crevice. Back at
the brown-walled door, turn right and open either 1 of the 2 doors. Kill the 4
guards in here and get the 2 clips and 5 dinners. Then exit the room. From the
brown-walled door, turn left and go forward. Open the door to the left. Kill
the dog, the SS Officer, and the guard. Then get the gold key here. Exit. Turn
right, and right again, then go down to the door on the right and open it. Kill
the guard in here and get the 3 dinners. Then exit the room. Turn to the left,
go forward, turn right, then left, then left again, and go forward. Open the
gold door.

Kill the guard and the 2 SS Officers. Then open the exit door on the right.
Finally, you can press the elevator exit switch to finish this level!

Episode 1, Floor 3

Go forward and kill the 2 guards to the left and right of you. Open the door in
front of you then open the right door for a guard, 1 cross, 3 chalices, and a
chest. The right door has a guard, a chalice, and a chest. Exit the room and go
right through the door. Turn right and open the door. There are 2 guards in
this long hallway so kill them. When you first enter, turn right, then right,
and then right again. Face this white wall and count the number of walls going
leftward starting at the right. On the sixth one, open it and get the 3 clips
inside. Exit the secret room and turn right. Go forward and when you come to
the second "indent" in the right wall with the golden eagle portrait, press it.
It will open revealing 3 more clips. Get them and exit. Turn right and right
again and then face the wall in front of you. On the second wall counting
rightward, open it to get 3 clips and 3 chests. At the end of this secret
hallway, you will see two walls. Open the leftward one for a secret room inside
of a secret room. This secret room contains a chaingun and 2 medikits. Exit
the secret rooms.

Follow this hallway all the way to a door with blue walls around it. Open it.
There are 4 guards total in this long hallway. There are also 8 doors. Explore
all of them. You will achieve 9 dinners, 3 guards, and the gold key. When you
first enter this blue hallway, turn to the left and open the door. You will see
a table and a pile of bones. Behind the pile of bones is a secret, which
contains 5 clips, 2 medikits, and 3 chests. When you are done, exit the secret
and exit the room. Then exit back through the blue-walled door. Turn left and
follow this hallway to a door on the left wall. Open it. This is a very long
hallway which contains 4 guards. Kill them. When you first enter, turn left and
then right and go forward all the way to the red nazi flag. Open it for 2

Exit the secret and go left in the door. Kill the 3 guards presently and get
the 3 dinners. Exit. Turn left and go in the next door. Kill the guard and open
the next door. Kill the 2 guards and open the next door. Kill the 2 guards in
this room and open the door in front of you. There are 4 guards and a door in
this room. Kill the guards and open the door. There are 2 clips and a medikit
in here. Get them. Face the wall you were facing when you came through the

Open the leftward wall and get the 3 clips. Press the rightward wall for 3
medikits and a chaingun. Facing the single medikit, turn right and press the
second most right wall for a medikit and 4 crosses, 5 chalices, and 2 chests.
Now return back out of the secret rooms. Open the upcoming 2 doors and get the
dinner hiding behind the barrels. Then open the left door. Kill the 2 guards
and open the door. Kill the 2 guards and open the door. Kill the 4 dogs and
open the door. Kill the 2 guards and open the next door. Heh... just open the
door. Kill the 3 guards and open the next door. Kill the 3 guards in this room.
Now get the profits. The profits include 3 dinners, 4 crosses, 4 chalices, and
4 chests. Now... return back to the hallway with the secret room with the two
medikits. Do you remember that place? If you don't... uh... read the next

Open the door, open the door, open the door, open the door (get the dog food if
you need it), open the door, open the door, open the door, then open the left
door, open the door, and finally, open the last door! Phewww! Now you're where
you should be at.

Turn left and open the next door. Kill the 2 guards and open the door. Kill the
next set of 2 guards then open the last door which leads back to the hallway.
Next, turn to the right and follow the hallway down to a wall. Turn left and
open the door there. Kill the 3 guards here in this pillar room. Then open the
door across from you. Kill the 3 guards to your left in the hallway. Then open
the door that is to the end of the right side of the hallway.

Follow the hallway down to 2 guards and open the door at the end. Circle the
brown-walled "box" for 4 guards to kill. There are 2 doors on one side that
lead into the actual "box". The left one has 2 guards and an SS Officer. The
room also has a medikit, 3 chalices, and a chest. The right door leads to a
room also. That room contains 2 guards and 2 SS Officers. It also has 3 clips,
3 crosses, and 2 chests. Exit the room and go back through the door. Follow the
hall through the other door. Follow THIS hallway down to the very last door you
would come across. Open it.

Kill the guard. Press the eagle portrait on the right wall for 5 crosses, 4
chalices, and 9 chests. Exit the secret, turn to the right, and open the gold
door. There is a hallway here that circles an alcove. Kill the 3 guards and
enter the alcove for a guard and 2 chalices. Exit the alcove, turn to the
right, and then open up the exit door. Then hit the elevator exit switch to

Episode 1, Floor 4

Turn around and get the clip on the right. Now turn left and face that white
wall there. On the very last right wall, press it and it will open. Go into the
secret room here and get the 5 clips and 2 medikits. Then exit the secret room,
turn to the right and open the door there.

Go through the door and go to 3 guards guarding a door. Kill the guards then go
through the door. You will come to a "4-column room" with 6 guards and 3 doors.
Go in the left door first. Kill the guard and open the door. Follow the hallway
for 4 guards to kill. When you first enter, open the door in front of you. Then
open the next one. There are 5 dogs here; kill them. There are also 4 doors.

When you first enter, turn to the left and open the wall there for a secret;
henceforth contains 2 medikits and a dinner. Exit the secret, turn left, left
again, and finally left again and face the blue wall there. On the last blue
wall there at the left, open it for 4 clips. Then exit. Facing the 4 doors
here, open the door on the second to the left; this room contains a dinner. The
other 3 doors contain nothing. Go back through the door and open the next one.
Then turn to the right and follow the hallway to the closest door you come to;
open it.

Kill the 2 SS Officers and 2 guards. Then get the 3 dinners and exit. Turn left
and follow the hallway back through the first door you came through (across
from the blue-walled door). Back in the column room, open the door across from

Kill the 3 guards in the room here. Turn to the left and open the door there.
Get the 2 dinners here hiding behind the barrels. Exit the room, turn right, go
forward all the way, and open the door on your right. Kill the 3 guards here.
When you enter this room, go forward, and press the wall one wall to the left.
Go in for a chaingun. Further in is a clip and a medikit. Exit the secret and
room. Then exit the red-brick room. Then open the door to your right.

Turn right and right again and open the door. Kill the 3 guards and get the 2
crosses and a chalice. Exit. Then turn right and open the door. Quickly kill
the 3 guards and the SS Officer. Then get the 4 crosses, the 4 chalices, the 2
chests, and the gold key. Then exit the room. Open the door Waaay across from

Throughout these hallways here, there are 12 guards; kill them all. When you
first enter, turn right and right again, then open the door in front of you.
Kill the 4 guards here and get the 2 dinners. Then exit the room. Turn right
and open the last door there. Kill the 5 guards and open the door on the left.
Get the 2 dinners and exit the two rooms. Follow the hallway down to two white
"blocks" Go forward, turn left, and left again and face the wall. On the third
one from the right, press it. In here, get the 5 dinners. Exit, then turn to
the right, go forward, turn right and open the door on the right wall. In here,
mow down the 2 SS Officers with the chaingun and get the medikit. Exit, then
turn right and go forward and find the blue-walled doors. Open either 1 of the
4 doors here. Briskly mow down the 4 SS Officers and the 2 guards. Then get the
chaingun in the corner. Exit the room and find a long white wall with 3 doors
on it. Open either 1 of the 3 (preferably the left one).

Go forward and go left in the crevice. Open up the left last wall for a
medikit. Then exit the secret. Then turn left, and left, and open the door in
front of you. Kill the 7 guards in this hall. Turn right and open either 1 of
the 2 doors there. Kill the 6 dogs coming for you. Get the 2 dog food in here.
Ok, this secret is hard to write but is easy to find.

When you first enter the room, turn right and go around the red brick middle.
You will see a water puddle. There is a lighter wall on the right of it. Press
it; it will open revealing 2 medikits, the 4 clips, the 4 crosses, the 4
chalices, the 4 chests, and the 4 crowns. Then exit the secret room and exit
the room, too. Turn left and open the door in front of you. Kill the 4 guards
in here. Then get the 4 crosses, the 5 chalices, and the 2 chests. Then open
the next door.

Kill the 2 guards and open the next door. There are 7 guards in here; carefully
kill them all. Then get the 2 dinners. Finally, open the gold door. Kill the 2
guards to the left and right of you. Then open the exit door in front of you.
Then press the elevator exit switch to finish.

Episode 1, Floor 5

Get the clip on the right and go through the door. There are 3 guards roaming
the "red brick" room. Open the door across from your entrance. In here, all you
have to do is kill off the 2 guards there and exit. Then turn to the right and
face that door there ahead of you. Turn to the right ninety degrees and press
that wall there and it will open revealing 6 clips, 5 dinners, and a chaingun.
Then exit the secret. Go forward and right a bit and open the door in front of
you. Kill the dog in there and get the clip. Exit; open the door in front of
you. Kill the 2 guards, get the clip, and open the door.

Kill the 4 guards in here, and open the 2 right doors. Kill the 2 guards and
get the 5 dinners; there is a secret in here; it is on the right wall directly
across from the well. In here are 4 clips, 4 dinners, and then exit this secret
and exit the room. Turn left and go into the door at the end. Exit the room
back into the "red brick" room.

Turn left, go forward all the way, turn left again, and open the door. Kill the
2 guards, get the 2 clips, and exit. Open the door across from you. Kill the
dog; exit. Then open the door to your right (the brown-walled door). Kill the
guard and open the door. Kill the 2 guards and get the 5 chalices. Exit and go
into the right door. Kill the guard and get the 3 dinners. Exit the room back
into this hallway. Now open the door in front of you.

Kill the 2 guards and the 2 SS Officers and open the door. Kill the 2 guards,
get the 2 dinners, and open the next door. In this hallway, kill the 3 guards
and open the door on the left. Get the dinner and the chalice. Exit. Go forward
all the way to a wall. Turn left and press the Hitler portrait. Get the 5
crosses, the 2 chests, and the crown. Then exit. Keep following this hallway to
the end and open the door. Kill the 3 SS Officers, get the 2 chalices, and get
the gold key. Then go back to the "red brick" room by opening thee door, open
the next one, the next one, the next one, and the door on the left.

Open the door across from you. Amidst the hall are 3 guards; dispose of them.
Then open the 3 doors ahead of you. Kill the 3 guards and get the 2 clips. Then
exit back through the middle door. Go forward and right in a door. Kill the 3
SS Officers and get the medikit. Then exit the room. Go forward and go to the
left door and open it (the white-walled door.)

Kill the guard and get the dinner behind the right barrels. Then open the door.
Be careful of 4 guards in various places in this room. Open up the door on the
left. Kill the 2 guards. When you first enter, go forward to the wall. Turn to
the left and press the wall there. In here are 8 clips. Exit and go forward and
turn right and open the door. Kill the 3 guards, get the dinner, the clip, and
the 2 chalices. Then exit. Turn to the left and open the white-walled door.

Open either 1 of the 2 farthest-away doors on the right. In here, kill the
whopping 8 guards. Then get the 2 dinners and exit. Turn right and open the
door. Kill the 2 guards in here and open the next door. Quickly mow down the 4
SS Officers and the 2 guards in there. Then open the gold door. There are 5
guards present. Kill them. Turn left and get the 12 chalices, the 1 cross, and
kill the guard there also. Facing the wall that had all of the chalices and the
lone guard, count the number of walls going rightward; on the second wall, open

Open the door. Kill the 6 guards here. Open either 1 of the 4 doors on the left
wall. Ok... this room is HUGE, featuring 8 "brick houses" (4 in the front and 4
behind them), and a hen house of guards. Scavenger around this large room. You
will kill 10 guards and 3 SS Officers. Explore the closest "4 brick houses"
first. Going from left to right, the first one has 14 chalices. The second one
has 14 crosses. The third one has 5 dogs. The fourth one has 14 chests. Now go
to the back "4 brick houses". In the same pattern, going from left to right...
the first one has 7 dinners. The second one has 5 dogs. The third one has 10
clips. And the fourth one has 4 dogs and 4 dog food. Then exit this very large
secret room back into the exit door room. Back here, open the elevator exit
switch to finish this level.

Episode 1, Floor 6

There are 3 guards right off the bat; kill them. Open up the only door across
from you. There are 6 guards total in this hallway. When you are done killing
them, turn to the right and open the door in front of you. 9 guards are in
this extremely long hallway to confront you. When you first enter, ok, turn
left and left again, and go in the door. Kill the 4 guards in there and open
either 1 of the 2 doors there.

Kill the 2 SS Officers in here then get the 3 chests and 2 crowns. Then exit
the room. Exit this room, too. Turn right, then right, then right again. Facing
this red wall, open the leftward wall for 4 clips and a chaingun. Then exit the
secret room. Go forward all the way and turn to the left then open the either 1
of the 2 doors there. Kill the 2 guards and get the 3 chalices. Then exit this

Go forward, turn right, and open the door there. Just get the 3 clips and exit.
Turn right and right again, then right once more and open the door. Kill the 4
guards and the SS Officer, get the 2 clips, then open the door. Turn left and
open the door. Kill the guard and get the cross. Exit the room and open the
door in front of you. Kill the next guard and get the other 3 crosses. Exit the
room and turn right. Follow the hallway down and open the door on the right.
Get the dinner, exit the room, go forward, turn to the left, and open the door.
Kill the 3 guards who will eventually come for you. When you first enter these
curving corridors, go forward half way down the hall, turn right, and open the

Carefully kill the 5 guards in here, then get the spoils. They are 9 chalices
and 4 dinners. Then exit the room. Turn right and follow the hallway down. Turn
right then left and open the door with the gold nazi symbols around it. Kill
the guard and get the dinner. Exit the room, turn left, turn right, go forward,
turn left, then turn right and open the door there.

There are 6 dogs in this brown hallway guarding the gold key. Kill the dogs and
get the gold key. Then exit the room. Turn left, left again, open the door,
follow the hallway to the end, open the door with the nazi symbols, open the
other door, then follow the hallway to the extreme end and open the door at the
very end of the hallway.

Kill the 3 guards and get the 5 chalices. Exit the room, turn right, and right
in the first door. Go forward and open either 1 of the 2 doors on the right
wall. There are 3 dogs in here then get the 3 dog food. Exit the room. Turn
right and open the door. Kill the 5 guards in here. Turn right and open the
door in front of you.

There are 4 guards patrolling this extremely long hallway. Then turn left and
follow the hallway to the very end and press the nazi symbol. Go in and get the
medikit then press the wall in front of it. Get the 2 other medikits. Then
exit the secret rooms. Turn right, right, follow the hallway, turn right then
left and follow the hallway to a door at the very end. Get the 3 dinners in
this room. Then exit the room, turn right, right, and left, and open the door
at the end. Be careful as there are 5 SS Officers in here. Kill them.

The treasures in this room include 2 crosses, 2 chalices, 7 chests, and 3
crowns. Exit the room, go forward half way, turn left, and open the door. Go
forward all the way, and turn right. Turn right at the gold door. Count the
number of walls going rightward; on the second one, open it. Get the extra life
in here then exit the secret room. Then open the gold door there. Mow down the
2 SS Officers in the room and open the exit door... you know what to do from

Episode 1, Floor 7

Mow down the 2 guards to the left and to the right of you. Go behind your
starting position and go to the two doors close together. Open the left door.
In here, kill the 2 guards and get the 10 chalices. Exit the room and go into
the door in front of you.

There are 10 guards in this hallway; kill them. Go forward and open either 1 of
the 5 doors you come to; be prepared to kill 5 guards. Quickly get their spoils
and exit the room. Turn to the right and open the door. Kill the 4 guards in
this hallway. Turn right and open either 1 of the 3 doors in this square.

In this hall, kill the 7 guards. When you first enter, go down the RIGHT
hallway and stare on the right wall, stare at a Hitler portrait. I don't know
about you, but my health is way down. Press the portrait and go in for 7
dinners and 7 clips. Then exit the secret and turn right. Open the door there.
Kill the 2 guards and open the right door. Kill the 4 guards here and open the
door. Get the 4 dinners in this room. Exit these two room sand head right. Open
the next right door and kill the 3 guards and get the 2 dinners in here and go
through the right door. Get the 8 chests, exit the small room and exit back
through the other door across from you. Turn right and face that eagle
portrait. Press the left wall there and it will open revealing a chaingun and
3 clips. Exit the secret and go forward, turn left, then right, go forward, and
open the door when you get to it.

Turn left, open the door, and kill the SS Officer, and get the dinner. Exit the
room, go forward, and open the door. Kill the SS Officer and get the dinner.
Exit the room here and open the door at the left. Turn left and open the door.
Kill the 2 guards in this hall. When you first enter, turn left, left, and
right and open the door there. Kill the 3 guards and the SS Officer, then get
the medikit and the 3 clips. Exit the room.

Turn right and follow the hallway. Open the leftward door and get the 3 dinners
if necessary. Exit and turn left and left and open the door. Kill the 3 SS
Officers, get the 6 dinners, and get the gold key... finally!

Exit the room, turn left, then right, and right again, then turn right at the
second door on the right wall (the door is "indented") and open it. Kill the SS
Officer and open the next door. Kill the guard and open the next door. Kill the
2 guards and open the gold door across from you.

Mow down the 6 guards here, follow the hallway, and open the next gold door for
now. Open the 3 doors at the left of you. Kill all of the 6 guards in here.
Then exit the room. Open the door across from you on the wall. Just get the 3
dinners here and exit.

Now, turn left and open that gold door. Turn left and open THAT door. Kill the
2 guards and open the exit door. Then hit the elevator exit switch to finish.

Episode 1, Floor 8

Kill the 2 guards and open the door. Kill the 5 guards, turn left, and open the
door. Kill the 3 guards, and get the 4 clips, Exit the room, go forward, turn
right, and open that door there. Kill the 2 dogs and get the 3 clips. Exit the
room and turn right and open the door.

Kill the 2 guards. Turn left and open he door on the left. Kill the 2 guards
and open the door. Kill the 4 SS Officers, get the 2 crosses, the 6 chalices,
and the 3 chests. Exit these two rooms and turn left. Follow the hallway to a
door and open it. Kill the 2 guards. When you first enter, turn right and open
the door in that vicinity. Kill off the 3 SS Officers, get the medikit and get
the gold key! Across from the key is a secret. Open it and step through for an
extra life. Exit the room and turn right. Follow the rest of this hallway to
two doors; the left one has a guard; the right one has an SS Officer. In front
of the right door is a secret; it has 4 clips and 2 medikits. Exit. The Hitler
portrait on the right can be opened for a chaingun. Follow the hallway back to
where there are 2 doors on a 90 degree angle wall. Open the one on the right.

Open the next one. Kill the 6 guards and open the next door, believe it or not.
And guess what...? Whatdayaknow, another door, open it. Open the right door and
kill the 4 guards in this long hallway. Open either 1 of the 2 doors on this
huge white-walled "block". There are 5 doors here. I don't really want to point
them all out, so just explore them. But I WILL tell you what you will get. You
will get 11 guards, 13 dinners, and 4 clips. Then exit the block room
completely. Go forward, turn right, and right to a door.

In here, get the 2 medikits and press the center wall in between the 2
medikits. Now... ok.... in here, press 9 walls. Now now, calm down. Just press
one. When that opens, press another. Keep doing this until 8 more walls open.
If you don't know what to do, I'll explain it. In this room, press the center
wall in front of you in between the 2 medikits for the 1st secret. In the
secret room, turn left and you will see a wall. Press the leftward wall for
your 2nd secret.

In the next secret room, press the left wall in front of you for a 3rd one. Do
the same tactic for this wall; press the left wall for the 4th. In the next
secret, do it once again; press the left wall for the 5th secret. In the next
secret, turn left and press the leftward wall on this wall for the 6th secret.
In the next secret, turn left and press the next leftward wall for your 7th
secret. In the next room, press the leftward wall on the wall in front of you
for your 8th secret room. In the next room, press the left wall on the wall in
front of you for your final, 9th, secret room!

At the very end of this secret room "chain" get the 5 crowns and the extra
life. Then exit the 9 secrets. Open the door and open the door on the right in
between two nazi symbols. Open the next door. Kill the guard and open the next
door. Kill the guard and open the left door. Kill the 3 guards and the SS
Officer, then get the 6 clips and exit the room. Open the door in front of you.

Kill the 2 guards in the hall here. Turn right and face the wall. Open the
leftward wall; step inside for 2 medikits and 2 clips. Exit the secret, follow
the hallway to the end, and open the gold door. Kill the 3 guards and open the
exit door. Yessss... then press the elevator exit switch to finish.

Episode 1, Floor 9

Welcome to the final level of Episode 1: Escape from Wolfenstein! Anyway, open
the door in front of you. This room here is huge! Square mack in the center,
turn right. You will see a nazi symbol. Press it. In here are a swamp full of
goodies. They are 6 medikits, a chaingun, and 23 clips. Save these dudes for
later. Exit the secret, turn right, and go to the door. Brace yourself,

Open the door. You will see the boss of this level ahead of you. Run backwards
and fire a few shots at him with your chaingun. The best way to kill this guy
is to hide behind the pillars and take peak shots at him every so often.
Another good strategy is to strafe left to right shooting at him whenever you
if you let him. Just try your hardest and eventually he'll be taken down!
Congratulations on killing him.

When he's dead, get his gold key he dropped for you and go back into the secret
room on the right and get the rest of the ammo and health that you need. Then
go to the door the dude was guarding and open it back up. Turn to the right and
open the wall there. It will open revealing an extra life; get it. Then open
the gold door after you exit the secret.

And... what is that!?! OUTSIDE! YAY! To exit this level, just walk out into the
open fields of glory!

Episode 2: Operation Eisenfaust

You run out of the castle and hook up with the Underground. They inform you
that the rumors were true: some hideous human experiments were seen around
Castle Hollehammer. So Operation Eisenfaust is real!

You must journey there and terminate the maniacal Dr. Schabbs before his undead
army marches against humanity!

Episode 2, Floor 1

Go forward and open the door. We can't go against mutants with a wimpy old
pistol. So let's find a better gun. Open the door across from the red brick
wall there. In here, get the 2 dinners, the 8 clips, and the sub-machine gun.
Exit the room and turn left, then open either 1 of the 2 doors there. You will
have to kill 3 mutants with the sub-machine gun. Get the 6 chalices and press
the left nazi symbol. Go in for a clip and the chaingun! Exit the secret and
the room, then go forward in the hallway. When you reach the water puddle, turn
left and open the door (either 1).

Kill the 3 mutants and get the 3 chalices and the 7 dinners. Exit the room and
turn right. Open up the right door and kill the 4 mutants then get the 8 clips.
Exit the room and open the door across from you. Kill the 2 mutants, get the 6
dinners, and get the 2 medikits. Then exit the room. Turn left, then left
again, go past the block there, and open the left door when you come to it.

Kill the 3 mutants, get the 2 dinners and 2 medikits. Then exit the room. Go
forward all the way to a blue-walled door. Open it and kill the 2 mutants and
get the 3 dinners. Exit the room, turn left, then right, go past the block, and
follow this hallway to a door and open it.

Kill the whopping 8 mutants in here and get the 3 dinners and 3 clips. Face the
right wall. On the second wall going leftward, press it. Go in for 2 chalices,
3 chests, and 3 crowns. Exit the secret. Then open the exit door. If you would
like to find the secret exit, read on in the next paragraph.

Exit the room here, follow the hallway past the block, go right and left, and
past the other block, then forward in the two doors. Face the right wall here.
Press the second wall going rightward. Go in for 3 medikits and 6 clips. Then
face the middle medikit. Turn around and press the wall there. It will open so
step through. Follow the small hallway to the secret exit door, open it, and
press the secret elevator exit switch to finish this level.

Episode 2, Floor 10

Blue ceiling? Huh! Get the clip and open the door. Kill the 6 mutants in here
and press the wall across from the door (the door you used to get here). In
this secret room are 4 clips and 3 guards. The door guarded by the guards is
the one you should open first. Get the 3 medikits, the 6 crosses, the 3
chalices, the 6 chests, and the 3 crosses. Exit the room and go to the other
door. Open it and kill the SS Officer, the mutant, and the guard. Get the 6
chests, the 4 dinners, and the 4 clips. Now exit the room and go back to where
the 4 other clips are. Face the right wall there. On the second wall going
rightward, press the wall. Get the 4 crowns and exit the secret room back into
the starting room with the 6 mutants. The left center wall can be opened for a
secret. Follow the hallway and turn right and open the door.

Kill the 4 mutants and get the 6 dinners. Exit the room and open the next door.
Kill the 6 guards and get the 3 clips. Then open either 1 of the 2 doors here.
Kill the 4 mutants and get the 2 medikits. Right in front of the doors, on the
leftward wall is a secret which contains a whopping 8 crowns and 4 clips. Exit
the secret room. Exit the room, exit this room, then exit this entire secret
room back into the starting room.

Go across this room, past the starting room, to a wall sticking out. Press the
side of it and it will open. Press the right wall it was guarding and step
through. Go up to the door and open it. Kill the 3 SS Officers and open the
next one. Collect the 4 clips and exit the room and go up to the end of the
hallway. Press the wall there and press the left wall there until two walls
open back into the starting room.

Turn to the right and press the center wall there. Turn left and open the door.
Then follow the hallway to two doors. Open either one. This next part takes
skill; kill the 8 mutants in here. Then get the 4 medikits. Across from the
dead guard is a secret room which contains 7 clips, the chaingun, and 2 extra
lives. Get the spoils and exit the secret room. Exit the room, also.

Follow the hallway back and open the door. Open the door across from you. Skill
time again! Kill the 9 mutants in here. Then open the door at the end. Ok...
now in here, follow the excruciatingly long hallway of 128 crosses while
killing the 3 SS Officers at the end. Jeez... 128 crosses! The hallway is long
so running would be a good idea! In the SS Officer's little alcove, behind the
dudes is a wall. On the right one, press it. Press the right wall it was
guarding and that wall will open up, too. Follow the doors and hallways back
into the starting room. Then open the only regular door in this room.

Mow down the 7 mutants in here. Then open the exit door. And finally... press
the elevator exit switch to finish this level once and for all! FINALLY!

Episode 2, Floor 2

There will be 2 mutants to the left and right of you and one more mutant will
come for you. Get the 6 clips when you are done and go down the hallway to the
blue box room. Go left and kill the 2 mutants to the left and right of you and
get the 2 crowns. Exit the alcoves and go into the room across from you. Kill
the 2 mutants and open the door. Kill the mutant and get the 5 clips. Exit the
room and go back to the box room. Turn right and open the door in front of you.

Then press the blue-crossed wall in front of you. It will open permitting
access to the next area. The only thing in here to do is to go to the red-
walled door, turn left, face the wall there, and press the center one. Go in
for 9 chests. Exit the secret and open the red-walled door.

This is a maze and a half... Kill the 2 guards and open the right door. Kill
the 3 guards and open either door. Kill the 2 guards and get the 4 crosses.
Exit the room, exit the next room, and open the door on your right. Kill the 3
guards and open the door ahead of you. Mow the 2 SS Officers down and open the
right door first. Kill the 2 guards and open the door. Kill the 4 guards and
get the 5 dinners! Open the closest door you come to.

Kill the 2 guards and get the 6 crosses. Then exit the room, turn left, and
right, and open the door there. Go forward and left and open the door. Turn
right and open the door. Kill the guard and open the next door. Kill the 3
guards in this room and open the last door. Kill the 3 SS Officers and get the
gold key. You SHOULD be at 250,000 points. If not, then you didn't read my
walkthrough. Anyway, open the door. Then open the door. Open the next door.
Follow the hallway down to a door. Open the door with the nazi symbols on it.
Back out here, turn left and open the door there.

Open the next door in front of you. Turn left in the alcove and kill the guard.
Get the 2 dinners and exit. Go in the alcove across from you and explore the
hallways here in the shape of a half nazi symbol. Kill the 9 guards and get the
3 crowns. When you first enter, turn left and follow the hallway to the end.
Turn right and open the second wall going rightward. Go in for 2 clips. Then
exit the secret. Exit the alcove and turn right. You will see 3 doors. Open
either one of the 3. Kill the 3 SS Officers. In this triangular-shaped
hallway, kill the 2 SS Officers and the 3 guards.

When you first enter, turn right and open the door at the end. Mow down the 3
mutants in here and get the 3 clips and the 6 dinners. Exit the room, turn
right, follow the hallway past the gold door, and turn right and open the door
there. Get the 2 crosses, the 2 chalices, the 2 chests, and the 3 crowns. Then
exit the room and turn left. Across from the gold door is a secret. There is a
medikit and a chaingun in there. Then open the gold door when you exit the

Kill the 2 guards and the SS Officer in here then open the exit door there at
the end of the hallway. Then press the elevator exit switch to finish this

Episode 2, Floor 3

There are two alcoves to the left and right of you. Kill the 2 SS Officers in
there and get the 2 dinners there, too. Exit the alcoves. There are 2 doors
total in this long hallway. Open the left one. Kill the 8 guards in here and
open the right door. Open the left door and kill the 3 guards and get the 5
dinners. Open the door here and kill the SS Officer. Exit the room and open the
door across from you. Kill the 3 SS Officers and open the door. Then get the
gold key in here. Across from the key is a wall. On the second wall going
rightward, open it and get the 3 medikits. Exit the secret and then exit the
room, turn to the left and open the door. Open the door in front of you.

Turn left and open the gold door there. Open the next door. Open the left door
and get the 2 clips. Exit the room and open the right door. Open the only door
here. Get the 2 guards and get the 3 dinners. Exit the room then open 2 more
doors and open the gold door. Open the gold door ahead of you.

Open the door. Open the left door here. Kill the 4 mutants, get the 2 dinners,
the 3 chalices, and 3 crowns here. Open the door again. Open the right door
this time and turn left then open the door. Kill the 3 guards in here and face
the wall in front of you. On the leftward wall, open it. Open the door and go
in for 6 clips, 4 medikits, and the chaingun. There is also 1 cross, 2
chalices, 4 chests, and 1 crown. Across from the hallway is a wall. Press the
second wall going rightward.

Get the 21 crosses and turn left and face the wall that is closest to you. On
the third wall going leftward, press it. Go in for 18 chalices. When you first
enter, turn left and go forward to the wall. Turn around and press the
rightward wall. Go in for 28 chests. When you first enter, turn left and left
again. Press the rightward wall and it will open. Go in this one for 16 crowns!
When you first enter, turn right and go up to the indented wall. Press the
third wall going rightward. Go in for 2 extra lives. On the left wall of the
left extra life is a secret, Follow the hallway to a door. Open it and kill the
6 SS Officers. That's it. Exit all of the secret rooms back into the room with
the 3 dead guards.

Open the door and follow the hallway to 2 doors. There are some alcoves with 8
mutants. Carefully and slowly kill them. Then get the silver key. And exit the
room. Open the closest door you come to and exit this room and open the gold
door there. Turn right and open the silver door there.

Kill the 3 SS Officers in here and press the wall across from you. Then get the
7 clips (open the door to get the rest of the 6) and exit the secret room. Then
open the exit door. Then press the exit switch to finish this level.

Episode 2, Floor 4

Wait a few minutes and you will kill 8 mutants and 3 guards. Go left and press
the wall. Go in and open the door. Kill the 4 mutants and turn left and left
again and press the right wall. Go in for 4 medikits and exit back into the
starting room. Turn left and open the door for a medikit. Exit the room. In the
right door (on the right of the starting position) is a clip. On the right of
the clip is a secret containing a door; open it and kill the 3 mutants and get
the 2 clips and then open the door. The left door here contains a guard; the
right one has a medikit. Continue down the hallway to two doors. Open the door
across from you. Get the 3 clips and press the wall on the right of them. Go in
for a medikit and 9 clips. Exit the secret and room then turn left and open the
door. Follow the hallway to an SS Officer guarding a door. Kill the SS Officer
and open it.

Mow down the 6 mutants and open either door for 2 extra lives. Exit the rooms
and secrets all the way back to the starting room. From the door, go forward,
and turn left. Get the 4 clips and here and exit the square. Turn right, go
forward, and go to 6 doors. Open the right 3 doors first. There are 6 guards
and 1 mutant hare to mow down. If you open the rightward door, and turn right
to face the wall and press the second wall going leftward, it will open. Go in
for 8 chalices, 9 chests, and 6 crowns. Exit the secret and turn right. Follow
the hallway down to a door. The two outer hallways contain 2 clips and 2

Open the door and kill the 3 guards, then get the 4 clips and 2 medikits. Exit
all the way back out to the 6 doors. Turn right and open the 3 next doors. Kill
the 2 guards right off and open the next door. Be careful; there is a guard in
front of you, but there are also 6 doors to the left and right of you with a
whopping 13 mutants in there. Kill all of them and get the silver key there.
Explore the 6 doors for 3 dinners. When you first entered, turn left and open
the center door. Press the right wall and go in for 3 dinners, 2 clips, and the
chaingun. Exit the rooms and go back to the starting room.

From your starting position, go forward down the hallway. There are 3 dinners,
3 clips, and the gold key there. Get them. When you first enter, go forward,
turn right, go forward, and turn left. See those 2 piles of bones there. Press
the wall behind the bigger pile. In here, get the 2 medikits and the 5 clips.
Exit back to the starting position once again.

Turn left a bit and go forward to 6 more doors. Explore the LEFT ones first.
Kill the 2 mutants and get the crown. Then exit this room of the crown. Face
the last three doors here. The right door contains nothing. The center door
contains a guard and 3 SS Officers, as well as 6 medikits! Go back tot the
other room with 6 doors. Open the left door and turn left in an alcove.

Kill the SS Officer and get the 2 chalices. Turn around from the alcove and go
forward to the silver door and open it. Go forward and kill the 3 SS Officers
and then open the gold door there behind them. This room contains 2 mutants and
3 medikits with 3 clips. Take care of these and open the exit door. Then...
well... you know what to do; why should I tell you!... :)

Episode 2, Floor 5

Another blue ceiling! Open the door to your left. Open the next door in front
of you. Kill off the 4 guards then get the 4 clips and 4 dinners. Behind the
well in front of the door, there is a mutant. Kill him when you see him. (There
is no way of getting behind the well at all). Exit back to the starting room.
Turn left and open the next door on the left.

Kill the 2 guards to the left and right of you and then get the 3 clips and the
3 crowns. Then exit this room. Turn left, go forward, then turn left and open
that door in front of you.

In this room, all you have to do is to collect the 6 dinners there and exit the
room. Turn left and go past 2 more doors. You will come to 2 doors that are
close together on the left wall. Open them.

Then kill the 5 mutants in this room and then get the 3 clips in here as well;
there are also 2 dinners. Then exit the room. Turn left and open the door in
front of you. You will come into a room that I will further state as the
"colored square".

Kill the 2 SS Officers and the guard then open the red-brick door with the
golden nazi symbols surrounding it. In this hallway, turn right and open the
door. This hallway features 7 guards so kill them before continuing.

In here, be careful of the 5 SS Officers. But once they're all dead, you can
get the chaingun and the 11 clips surrounding the box. When you get these, exit
the room back into the hallway. Turn right and open the next door on the right.
Not much explaining, but kill the mutant behind it. Follow the hallway down to
the next door and open it.

Kill the 4 guards and open the door. Then kill the SS Officer and get the 3
medikits in there. Exit the room back in the hallway. Turn right and open the
next door.

Kill the 5 guards in here and get the 5 clips in there as well. Exit the room,
turn right, and open the door with the nazi symbols surrounding it on the

Mow down the 7 mutants guarding the silver key. When you first enter, turn to
the right and face that wall there. On the sixth one going leftward, open it.
Go in for 2 chalices and the 5 chests. Exit the secret and exit the room back
in the hallway, then go back to the "colored square".

Open the blue-walled door. This hallway features 8 guards and the SS Officer.
Behind the SS's hiding place is a secret containing 2 clips and a medikit. Back
at the door, turn right and open your first door there.

Mow down the 6 mutants in here and get the 5 dinners and exit the room. Turn
right and open the next door. Kill the 2 guards and exit the room. Follow the
hallway again then open the next door.

Kill the 5 dogs and get the 4 dog food. Directly across from the door is a
secret room containing 10 dinners with 9 crosses, 3 chalices, 8 chests, and 7
crowns. Exit the room back in the hallway. Explore the next door.

Kill the 3 guards and 2 SS Officers then get the gold key. Exit the room and
open the next door. Kill the 6 SS Officers in here and get the 2 clips, the
dinner, and the medikit. Exit the rooms and hallway back into the "colored

Open the silver door and step through. Open the first door and kill the 2 SS
Officers and get the 4 clips. Exit and go through the next door. Kill the 2
mutants and get the clip and medikit. Exit this room and explore the next room.

Kill the 3 SS Officers and get the 4 clips, the 2 chalices, and the medikit.
Exit the room and open the next door. Get the 3 clips and turn left. Press the
eagle portrait and get the extra life. Exit the room. Skip the first door and
open the last door. Kill the 3 mutants and get the 3 medikits, exit, and now
open that door there on the left.

Open the gold door in front of you. Kill the 5 guards and the 3 SS Officers.
When they are dead, open the exit door. Ha ha... press the exit switch there.

Episode 2, Floor 6

You will have to fight 7 mutants first in this hallway. Turn left and enter the
alcove there. Kill the 2 guards and get the 4 clips and 3 dinners. Exit the
alcove and follow this hallway to 2 doors, one on your left and one on your
right. Enter the one on your right first.

Go forward and enter the alcove on the left and kill the 5 mutants then turn
around and enter the door there. Get the 3 clips and 2 medikits then exit the
room. Turn left and right in the skinny hallway. You will come to a split
section. Go left first and kill the 3 mutants and get the 3 chests. Exit this
hallway and continue on down this hallway.

Open the door at the end. This is a room with 3 doors. Open the right door
first. Kill the 4 mutants in here and then get the 3 crosses and 3 chalices.
Exit the room and enter the door in front of you. Quickly kill the 4 mutants
and you will come to a split section. The left hallway leads to a dead end. So
take the right hallway first.

This is an entrance to a maze. I will guide you through it. Turn left and kill
the mutant then get the 2 clips and the dinner. Exit the alcove and continue
on. You will eventually reach a box. Behind the box are 2 SS Officers so kill
them. Continue on down the hallway to the right. Get the 3 clips at the end. Go
back to the box room and enter the door across from it.

Wait patiently for 5 guards to come to you. Kill them. You will notice the
purple wall in front of you is actually a box; a purple box. Go around the box
and continue down the hallway. Enter the first door you come to (it will be on
the right). In here, kill 2 guards and enter the next door. Kill the 1 SS
Officer, the 1 guard, and the 1 mutant in here, then get the 8 clips, the 2
medikits, and the 11 chests. Exit the room, follow the hallway down to the door
again, open it, and continue on down the hallway again to an intersection. Take
the right path.

Skip the next door you will come to and continue on. You will see the door on
the left but skip it to a door. Open it and kill the 5 SS Officers in here.
Then press the wall directly across from the door. In here, get the 9 clips,
the 3 chests, and the 10 crowns! Exit the secret and the room. Follow the
hallway back to the first door you skipped (not the second door you skipped,

Open the door, and then follow the hallway to a big opening. There is a guard
here in the center. There are also 3 doors here containing 9 SS Officers. It's
very tricky to kill them all but it can be done. Once their dead get the gold
key in the center of the room and explore the 3 doors. Get the spoils which
include 15 clips and 3 medikits. Then exit this large room back through the
door. Turn right and follow the hallway to the first door you come to and open
it. There are 2 other guards roaming around somewhere here. If not, then you
have already killed them or they are in the hallways... Go exploring! Open the
door in front of you.

Believe it or not, follow this hallway to the farthest end and open the closest
door you come to (it will be on your right). In here, open the door then open
the blue-walled door here. Kill the 4 guards and open the left door for a
chaingun. Open the center door and kill the 2 guards and explore the 2 doors
for 4 guards, 2 medikits and 2 clips. Then exit the room and open the left door
when you exit.

Kill the 3 guards, the 2 SS Officers, and the 2 mutants. Then get the 8 clips.
Finally, open the gold door. Kill the SS Officer and the 2 guards and open the
door in front of you. Their is a lighter exit door in front of you which
contains 6 mutants. Then open the regular exit door and then hit the exit

Episode 2, Floor 7

You can end this level in 5 seconds or you can end it in 20 minutes. Knowing
me, I will choose the 20 minute run.

You will start in a skinny white hallway. Open the door in front of you. Kill
the 5 guards and get the 3 medikits and 3 clips. Exit the room and turn left
and open the door. Kill the 2 guards and get the silver key. Exit the room and
open the silver door ahead of you. Kill the 2 SS Officers in here. You will see
the exit door in front of you! You can choose to end this level right now, but
if you want 100% completion, read on...

Turn left and press the eagle portrait. Go in and open the door at the end.
Kill the 2 SS Officers and the 3 guards and open the door. Kill all of the 5
guards, and get the 2 chalices and the chest. Go back down the hallway, turn
right, and open the door. This long hallway features 7 SS Officers and 2 clips
in alcoves.

Go down the hallway and turn right and open the 2 doors ahead of you. Kill the
3 mutants in here; that's all you have to do. In this room is a secret which is
placed forward and leftward in between the wall and the hanging skeleton. Go in
for 5 crowns and an extra life. Then exit the room. Turn right and open the
door there. Kill the SS Officer and get the dinner. The left door contains 2
crowns. Exit the room, turn left and press the door in front of you.

In here, be careful of the 9 guards in here. Turn right and open the door
there. Follow the hallway to the end and open the door. Go past the dead guards
and open the next door. In here, briskly mow down the 8 mutants in here and get
the 3 extra lives behind the barrels. Exit the room back into this large room.
Go forward all the way and turn left and open the door.

Kill the 2 guards and open the next door. Kill the 4 SS Officers and get the
chaingun with 14 crowns! WOW! Now look at your score box. What the hell is
this!?! Your score SHOULD say 018400. But how could it be only 18,400 points?
Well, because the 1 in the millions place takes too much room. See what I am
saying? so your score should actually be 1,018,400 points! Phewww! Ok....

Exit back to the large room and exit the room. Go right and follow the hallway
through that door there. Go forward and open the door in front of you. Open the
next one on the right and up. Follow the hallway back to the exit room! NOW
open the exit door. Be careful; kill the SS Officer guarding your exit switch!

Episode 2, Floor 8

Welcome to the infamous maze of the game. The level is not a maze but here is a
hidden secret room which leads to at least 100 other secret rooms in a giant
maze. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get 100% secrets and 100% treasure in this level due
to the fact that some secrets are placed behind the secret room's path. Anyway,
I will personally (meaning myself) MANUALLY guide you through the maze.

Anyway, turn right and follow the hallway down halfway. Turn right to face 3
baskets. Press the center wall and you will enter the maze. The walkthrough for
the maze is located below the next paragraph.

However, I strongly recommend that you do not complete the maze. You can get
lost extremely easily even with the FAQ. I have personally explored the mazes
myself; so don't feel bad if you don't want to. Your score should be at
1,084,400. However, if you explored the maze and found some treasures, then you
will have a slight higher score right now. In the maze, you can get 3 extra
lives and 1 boss from episode 1 that cannot shoot at you. You can also get 1
more extra life, the famous apogee sign, and another boss from episode 1. If
you want the second boss from episode 1, then you cannot get the fourth extra
life or the apogee sign because a wall will block that area. If you want the
extra life and the sign, it's opposite of what I said.

If you have personally went through the maze and all of the available points
you can possibly get, your score should be at 1,068,300 for killing the two


This particular section of this level walkthrough will guide you through the
Aardwolf maze. This bit of the guide is extremely long so be prepared. You
cannot get 100% secrets or 100% treasure but I will guide you through it anyway
in order for you to get the maximum you can possibly get.

Alright, when you pressed the wall in between the baskets, go into Secret #1.
Get the 4 clips in here, and facing the wall with the clips, look at this wall.
Press the leftward wall and go in to S2 (Secret 2). In here, press the
rightward wall for S3. In here are 2 Warning signs. Press the right wall in
front of you for S4. In here, turn left and face that wall there. Press the
right wall for S5 which has a clip inside. Turn around and leave S5 back in S4.
In front of you, press the right wall for S6.

In here, press the left wall for S7. In here, press the right wall for S8. In
here, press the left wall for S9. In here, press the right wall for S10. In
here, press the left wall for S11. In here, press the right wall for S12. In
here, turn left and face the wall. Press the left wall for S13. In here, turn
right and face the wall. Press the right wall for S14. In here, press the left
wall for S15. This is as far as you can go in this part. Backtrack to S4. The
easiest way to backtrack without getting lost is to count the rooms going back.
You should count 11 rooms back.

In here, turn right to face the wall. Press the left wall for S16. In here,
turn left to face the wall. Press the left wall for S17. In here, turn left to
face the wall. Press the left wall for S18. In here, turn left to face the
wall. Press the left wall for S19. In here, turn right to face the wall. Press
the right wall for S20! In here, press the left wall for S21. In here, press
the right wall for S22. Dead end. Go back 2 rooms to S19. In here, turn right
to face the wall and press the left wall for S23. Turn right and face the wall.
Press the right wall for S24. Press the left wall there for S25. Press the
right wall for S26. Press the left wall for S27. In here, turn right and press
the left wall for S28. In here, press the right wall for S29. In here, turn
right and face the wall. Press the right wall for S30.

In here, turn right and press the right wall on this wall for S31. Go back 1
room to S30. Turn right and press the left wall for S32. Turn left and press
the left wall for S33. In the next secret room, press the right wall for S34.
In here, turn right and press the right wall for S35. Press the left wall for
S36. Press the right wall for S37. In here, turn left and press the right wall
there for S38. In here, turn left and press the right wall for S39. In here,
press the left wall for S40.

In here, press the right wall for S41. In here, press the left wall for S42. In
here, turn left and press the left wall for S43. Press the right wall for S44.
Turn right and press the right wall for S45. In here, press the left wall for
S46. Turn left and press the left wall for S47. In here, press the right wall
for S48. In here, press the left wall for S49. In here, press the right wall
for S50.

In here, turn left and press the left wall for S51. Press the right wall for
S52. Press the left wall for S53. Press the right wall for S54. Press the left
wall for S55. Press the right wall for S56. Press the left wall for S57. Press
the right wall for S58. Ready to backtrack? Backtrack 16 rooms to a secret
room. Just count slowly and you'll do fine. Here, press the wall directly in
front of you for S59. Turn left and press the left wall for S60.

Press the right wall for S61. Turn left and press the right wall for S62. Press
the left wall for S63. Turn left and press the left wall for S64. Backtrack 3
rooms. In here, press the right wall in front of you for S65. In here, press
the left wall for S66. In here, press the right wall for S67. In here, press
the left wall for S68. In here, press the right wall for S69. This is as far as
you can go in this part. Backtrack all the way back 5 rooms. In here, turn left
and backtrack 3 rooms. In here, turn left and backtrack 9 rooms. Hopefully, you
didn't get lost. Save before attempting these moves.

In this room, turn left and press left wall for S70. Turn right and press the
right wall for S71. In here, turn left and press the right wall for S72. In
here, turn left and press the left wall for S73. In here, turn right and press
the right wall for S74. In here, press the left wall for S75! Wow! Anyway, in
here, turn left and press the left wall for S76. In here, press the right wall
for S77. In here, press the left wall for S78. In here, turn left and press the
left wall for S79. In here, press the right wall for S80. In here, press the
left wall for S81. In here, open the door and get the extra life behind it.
Exit the room and backtrack 3 rooms. In here, turn left and press the right
wall for S82.

In here, turn left and press the left wall for S83. In here, turn right and
press the left wall for S84. In here, press the right wall for S85. In here,
turn left and press the right wall for S86. In here, turn left and press the
right wall for S87. In here, press the left wall for S88. In here, turn right
and press the left wall for S89. In here, press the right wall for S90. In
here, turn right and press the right wall for S91. In here, turn right and
press the right wall for S92. In here, turn left and press the left wall for
S93. In here, press the right wall for S94. In here, press the left wall for

In here, turn left and press the left wall for S96. In here, turn right and
press the right wall for S97. In here, press the left wall for S98. In here,
turn right and press the left wall for S99. In here, press the right wall for
S100!!! In here, turn left and press the right wall for S101. In here, turn
left and press the left wall for S102. In here, press the right wall for S103.

In here, press the left wall for S104. In here, turn left and press the left
wall for S105. In here, turn right and press the left wall for S106. In here,
press the right wall for S107. In here, turn left and press the right wall for
S108. In here, turn left and press the right wall for S109. In here, press the
left wall for S110. In here, open the door and kill Hans Grosse! After you kill
him, backtrack 6 rooms. In here, press the wall in front of you for S111. In
here, turn left and press the left wall for S112. In here, turn left and press
the left wall for S113. In here, turn right and press the left wall for S114.

In here, turn right and press the left wall for S115. In here, press the right
wall for S116. In here, turn right and press the right wall for S117. Backtrack
6 rooms. In here, press the wall in front of you for S118. In here, press the
left wall for S119. In here, press the right wall for S120. In here, turn left
and press the right wall for S121. In here, press the left wall for S122. In
here, turn right and press the left wall for S123. In here, press the right
wall for S124. In here, press the left wall for S125. In here, press the left
wall for S126. In here, press the right wall for S127. In here, press the left
wall for S128. In here, press the left wall for S129. In here, open the door
and get the extra life behind it.

Exit the room and then go back 11 rooms. Turn right and press the left wall for
S130! In here, press the right wall for S131. In here, press the left wall for
S132. In here, press the right wall for S133. In here, turn left and press the
right wall for S134. In here, press the left wall for S135. In here, turn left
and press the left wall for S136. In here, press the right wall for S137. In
here, turn left and press the left wall for S138. Open the door in here and get
the extra life behind it.

Exit the room and backtrack 8 rooms. In here, turn left and press the right
wall for S139. In here, press the left wall for S140. In here, turn left and
press the left wall for S141. In here, press the right wall for S142. In here,
turn right and press the right wall for S143. In here, press the left wall for
S144. In here, press the right wall for S145. In here, turn left and press the
right wall for S146. In here, turn left and press the left wall for S147. In
here, press the right wall for S148. In here, press the left wall for S149. In
here, press the right wall for S150!!!!!

Turn left and press the left wall for S151. In here, press the right wall for
S152. Backtrack 6 rooms. In here, press the wall directly across from you for
S153. In here, turn right and press the right wall for S154. In here, turn left
and press the right wall for S155. In here, turn left and press the left wall
for S156. In here, turn left. There are 2 secret rooms you can take; the left
wall and the right one. If you take the left one, you can't take the right one;
if you take the right one, you can't get through the left one. I'll take you
through either one.

LEFT ROUTE: Press the left wall for S157. In here, open the door for an extra
life and the Aardwolf sign. Don't call Apogee, though, it has no effect at all.

RIGHT ROUTE: Press the right wall for S158. In here, press the left wall for
S159. In here, open the door and kill the Hans Grosse behind it.

CONGRATULATIONS! You just completed the Aardwolf maze! I can't believe even
myself. I spent 14 hours guiding you, but it was worth it. Hurry out of the
maze. To get out, facing the two routes walls, turn around and backtrack 4
rooms. Take the left path and backtrack 8 rooms. Take the left path to the next
room. Take the path in front of you to the next room. Take the left path and
backtrack 23 rooms! Save before doing so. Take the path in front of you and
backtrack 9 rooms. Take the left path 2 rooms down. In here, take the path in
front of you and backtrack 8 rooms. Take the right path and backtrack 5 rooms.
From here, you should be able to find the exit!!!!!! Phewww....


Back at your starting position, turn around. Go behind your block and open the
door at the end. Kill the 3 guards and open the next one. Mow down the 4 SS
Officers and the 4 mutants. Then get the 10 clips and 2 medikits. Exit the room
and go back to the starting position.

Turn left and follow the hallway forward. Open the door when you come to it.
Kill the 3 guards and get the 7 clips. Open the next door. Open the next door
in front of you. Kill off the 4 mutants and get the 2 dinners. Exit the room,
turn to the right, and open the door there. Turn left, go forward all the way,
and turn left into either 1 of the 2 doors there.

Now open the rightward door. Kill the 3 SS Officers in here and get the 3
clips. On the right of the table is a secret room containing 4 medikits. Exit
the secret room and the room also. Turn right and right again and open either 1
of the 2 doors there in front of you. Kill the 3 guards in here; be careful,
there will be 7 SS Officers coming for you from the two doors; kill them all.
Open the left door.

Get the 2 crowns and 2 medikits. Exit the room, turn left and left and open the
door there. Get the silver key in here and exit the room. Follow the hallway
back down to the door and open it. Go back to your starting position.

Open the door in front of you. In here, kill all of the 8 guards and get the 5
clips behind the barrels. When you enter, turn right and right and open the
door. Kill the guard and get the 10 clips. Exit and turn right then open the
door to your right. In here, kill the 3 guards. Turn right; count 4 walls going
rightward. Open it then get the chaingun. Facing it, turn right and press the
wall. Get the 3 crosses, 2 chalices, 6 chests, and the 6 crowns. Exit both

Turn right and right and open the door. Get the medikit from behind the
baskets. Exit and turn right and right and open the door. Kill the 5 guards and
the 2 SS Officers. Then get the 7 clips, 3 medikits, and the 4 crowns. Exit the
room, turn right and left. You will come to a hallway of doors. Explore all of
them. You will get 3 guards and 1 medikit. Exit the rooms and hallway. Follow
the hallway back to the door. You will come to this room.

Go forward and turn right. Open the silver door there. Get the 5 guards and 3
clips. Open either 1 of the 2 doors here and kill the 7 SS Officers and get the
gold key. Get the 2 medikits and exit the room. Exit the silver door and exit
this room back through the door. Out here, and back in the starting room, turn
right and right and open the 2 doors there. Open the 2 leftward doors.

Turn right and open either 1 of the 2 gold doors there. Kill the 6 mutants and
get the 5 dinners. That is all there is to it! Exit back to the starting
position. Turn right, follow the hallway down, and open the gold door at the
end. Kill the SS Officer and the 6 guards. Then open the exit door. Quickly
kill the SS Officer and press the exit switch.

Episode 2, Floor 9

Welcome to the final level of Episode 2: Operation Eisenfaust! Anyway, open the
door there. Turn left and press the last left wall. There is a chaingun and 76
clips in here. Save them for later. Exit the secret, go forward and press the
wall. Turn right and press that single wall for a secret. In here, there are 30
dinners and 24 medikits. Save them for later. Circle around the health room to
the VERY end and press the wall there.

Open the only other door in here. Kill the 8 mutants in here... WEEP. Last
appearance of the mutants forever. Then turn right and right. Press the wall on
the fourth one and get the extra life in here. Exit, go left and do the same
thing. In here, get the 4 medikits.

Ok... boss time. Go across the room and you will get his attention. He will
throw knives at you and your mug will turn white each time he does. Four direct
hits of the knives and you are dead. The best strategy I have is to take him to
the other room and use your strafing (finally it comes in handy) and fire at
him. Do not take pot shots at him. Fire with everything you've got. Refill your
health and ammo as much as you can.

Remember that the clips and dinners and medikits are in those secret rooms.
Once he's finally dead, the level and episode will automatically end... Good
job, man!

Episode 3: Die, Furher, Die!

You stand over Schabbs' fat, evil, swollen putrid body, glad your mission is
finally over. All his journals and equipment will be destroyed. Humanity is
safe from his hordes of hideous mutants.

Yet the Nazi atrocities continue: thousands march into death camps even as the
Nazi war machine falls to its knees. There is only one way to stop the

In episode three, Hitler hides in his titanic bunker as the Third Reich
crumbles about him. It is your job to assassinate him, ending his mad reign.
You find he has escaped to the Reichstag, and there you must confront him.

Episode 3, Floor 1

When you first begin this level, open the door in front of you. Be prepared to
kill 6 guards. When that's done, collect the 4 chalices and the chest. When you
walk up to the chest, open the door in that general area. Kill the only guard
here then get the 3 chests. Warning- the door across them will open with 4
guards and 2 SS Officers. Now's your chance to get the machine gun from one of
the SS Officers.

Alright, when you are finished taking care of them, press the red nazi flag to
the left of the door you entered through (the room with the 3 chests). It will
open a secret room so follow it through. This secret room has a medikit, 2
clips, and 4 chests. Get them all. Return to that red flag that you pushed in.
The white wall right next to it to the left can be pushed back also. When it is
pushed back, follow the secret hallway all the way to the end. This large
secret room boasts 6 crosses, 4 dinners, 5 clips, and the machine gun.

At the hallway with the crosses, go to the end of it and look at the jail cell
there. Turn left and face that wall. Going leftward, press the second wall. Go
in for 2 more clips. Behind the 2 clips going parallel, press the wall there.
This also is a secret room with a door. Open it for an extra life. Now go back
all the way out of these secret rooms and back into the room with the 3 chests.

Now, turn right and go through the door. All the enemies should be cleared out
in this room so just collect the 2 crosses. Open up the door on the left wall.
In here, kill the SS Officer and the 4 guards. Once they're dead, collect the 4
chalices, the gold key, and the clip. Exit this room back into the other room.

From here, open the gold door on the right wall. In front of you is your first
officer of the game. Kill him to attract the attention of 6 guards. Once
they're all dead, collect the 6 chests. Go to the exit door and face it. The
last wall on the right can be pushed back. This secret room contains 8 crosses,
2 chalices, and 3 clips. Collect them all and then exit the secret room. When
you are ready, go up to the exit door and open it. From here, hit the elevator
exit switch.

Episode 3, Floor 2

Open the door in front of you and kill the 6 guards and the SS Officer. From
where you exited the starting room, look at the Nazi flag there. Three walls to
the right of it is a secret room with 2 dinners, 3 clips, and the chaingun.
Pick all these up and exit the secret room. From here, head to the right and
you will come to a wall with 3 doors on it. Enter the left one first.

Beware the 4 guards in here. Collect the 2 chests, 2 dinners, and 2 crosses.
When that's done, exit the room. On the wall with the 3 doors, open the right
door next. This room contains 4 dogs. Kill them, then get the, uh, giblets with
blood if you DESPERATLEY need them. Also, there are 2 dog food. Now exit the
room and open the middle door on the wall.

Kill the 4 guards; doors will open up on the left and right with 5 guards and
an SS Officer. Go into these doors for 4 dinners. In the center of this room,
press the eagle portrait for a secret. Go in for 8 chests, 4 crosses, and a
medikit. Exit the secret room as well as the other 2 rooms. Go across the
hallway and open the door on this wall in front of you; it is to the right on
this particular wall.

This room has 2 guards and 4 SS Officers. Mow them down fast. This room also
has 2 doors on either side (on the left and right walls). Open either one up.
(the left door has 2 guards; the right door also has 2 guards). In either room,
open up the door there. The left door has a guard; the right door has a guard.
Kill them and then open the next door. This big room has 3 guards, 2 officers,
and an SS Officer; kill them all.

In this room, collect the 4 clips, the 4 chests, and the gold key! When that's
done, exit through 3 doors and back into the starting hallway/room. The gold
door is located on the left wall. Open it. From here, just kill the 2 guards
and the SS Officer then get the 4 dinners. Open the exit door and then,
finally, hit the exit switch.

Episode 3, Floor 3

3 doors await you at the start. Open the left one first. When you open the
door, kill the 2 guards and open the next door across from the hallway. In
here, kill the 3 guards and the 2 SS Officers. Be careful; one of the guards
hides in an alcove. Then collect the 2 clips in the alcoves and the 4 dinners,
along with the gold key.

In the alcove without the knight in shining armor (the left alcove), press the
wall in front of you. It will open up revealing 2 medikits, 2 chests, 2 clips,
and 4 chalices in the room. Go in the room and collect them all. Now exit the
secret room.

When you are done with that, exit the room, exit the next one, and back into
the starting room with the 3 doors. Now, open the left door. In here, kill the
officer and then open the door in front of you (not the left door). In the next
room, kill the 3 guards and then collect the 3 dinners and the clip. Now exit
the room and open the door on the right of you.

This room contains an officer, an SS Officer, and 2 guards. Kill them all and
then get the 3 dinners and the chest. Now open the only other door in this room
across from them. In here, kill the 3 guards and the SS Officer. When that's
done, follow this blue hallway down all the way to a brown walls in the center
of the room. (You may have to kill 2 guards sooner or later). Now, open the
door on this brown rectangular box.

In this room, mow down the 4 guards and then open the next door. This new room
has 2 SS Officers, and officer, and a guard. Kill them all then get the silver
key, 5 chalices, and 2 medikits. When that's done, exit the brown box. Find the
gold door on the left wall and then open it.

Kill the SS Officer and then open the silver door in front of you. From here,
kill the officer in front of you. Then collect the 4 crosses and 2 dinners.
When you are done, open the exit door and then hit the exit switch.

Episode 3, Floor 4

First of all, kill the officer to the left of you. Collect the clip in front of
you and then press the white wall to the right of it. This wall will open a
secret room so go in it and then collect 2 chalices, 2 dinners, and 4 clips.
When that's done, exit the secret room and open the door on the left.

Go in here and kill the 2 guards, the SS Officer, and the officer. Then collect
the 4 chests and 2 dinners. Then, face the dinners and turn left to face the
wall. Starting on the right side, count leftward. On the second wall, press it
and go into the secret room. In here, collect the medikit with 6 chests. Now,
exit the secret room and also this room. Now, open the other door.

In this large room, kill the 3 guards. Then open the door with the red Nazi
flags beside it. In this large room also, kill the officer, the SS Officer, and
the 2 guards. When that's done, open the only unlocked door in this room (other
than the door you used to get to this room).

Kill the officer and the guard in here and then collect the 2 chests and the
gold key. Alright, with that done, exit this room and then go to the gold door
down the right hallway. Face the gold door and then turn left. Press the
rightward wall and it will open a secret. This secret room contains lots of
skeletons with 2 clips, 2 medikits, 6 crosses, 6 chalices, 6 chests, and 6
crowns! What a secret! When you are done, exit the secret room and then,
finally, open the gold door.

Collect the 4 clips and then open the other door. In this room, kill the 2
officers, the SS Officer, and the guard. Then collect the 5 chests and the
silver key. Exit the room, exit through the gold door, and turn left. Follow
the hallway forward to the door and open it. Turn left, follow the hallway
down, and open the door on the left.

This room is full! It contains 3 dogs, 2 officers, a guard, and an SS Officer.
Kill them then open the door on the brown box. Kill the 2 guards and the
officer from blind corners. Then get the chest, 5 dinners, 3 clips, and 4
crosses. When you are done collecting these, exit the brown box room. Now, open
the door with the "Achtung" signs around it.

Kill the SS Officer and 2 officers. Now, collect the 2 chests and open the
silver door. In here, press the white wall in front of you permitting access to
the next room. Follow the hallway down and kill the 2 SS Officers and the
officer guarding the exit door. Get the 3 chests and then face the exit door.

From here, turn around and face that wall. Press the last leftward wall and it
will open revealing your last secret of the level. Go in for 7 crosses and 7
dinners. Okay, now exit the secret room and open the exit door. Hit the exit
switch when you are ready to finish.

Episode 3, Floor 5

At the start, go forward and turn left. The wall in front of you (the last
leftward wall) can be pressed back to reveal a secret with 9 crowns. Exit the
secret room and go forward to the wall. Turn left. Ok, follow the hallway all
the way past the skeletons and corners all the way to the end.

At the end, collect the 2 clips, the chalice, and the medikit. Kill the SS
Officer at the end, too. Follow the hallway all the way back to the starting
place in front of the secret room and turn right. Follow the hallway down to an
SS Officer, an officer, and 2 dogs (one is in the alcove with a clip). Kill
them and collect the clip in the alcove.

Next, take the door that is not on the wall with the gold door. Down the right
hallway, you can get a guard out of the way and get the 2 chests. Down the left
hallway, you can kill an officer in an alcove. And down this hallway, open the
only door there.

This room has 6 guards and 3 officers. When they are dead, collect the spoils
of war as well as 6 clips and 6 dinners. When you are done, exit back through
the 2 doors and back into the room with the gold door. Now, open the door that
is on the wall with the gold door. This large room features a large red
"island" with a door on it.

In this large room, kill the 4 guards and 1 SS Officer. Then get the 7 chalices
around the circumference of the room. Next, open the door on the red island.
Kill the 2 guards right off the bat and open the door on the left with the
single nazi flag on it. In here, kill the guard and get the clip and cross. Go
through the next door and kill the 2 SS Officers, the 2 officers, and the 2
guards. Then collect the 4 crosses, the chalice, and the gold key. Now return
back through the doors and into the room with the door and the single nazi

From here, turn right and go through the door on the right. Kill the guard and
SS Officer then get the chalice with 3 clips. Exit the room and turn around.
Now open the leftward door (not the middle one). In here, kill the officer and
get the 2 clips. Exit this room, also. Go through the door on the right wall.

Mow down the 2 guards and the officer. Collect the 4 crosses and the 2 dinners
and open the next door. Kill the guard and get the cross then open either 1 of
the 2 doors there on either side of the divider. From here, go through the
middle door and back out of the island. Now exit the room and back into the
gold door room.

Now open the gold door. Kill the guard and turn right. Press the rightward wall
and it will open with 4 chests and 4 medikits. Now exit the secret room and
open the other gold door on the right. Kill the SS Officer and open the last
gold door. Kill the 3 officers and get the 3 clips. Open the exit door and
quickly kill the officer behind it. From here, you know what to do.

Episode 3, Floor 6

First of all, turn around and open the door on the left of you. In here, kill
the 3 guards and get the 2 clips and the medikit. Exit the room. Notice the
gold door then open the dolor in front of you. In here, you can choose to kill
the 8 officers behind the pillars if you wish. Doing this will make your life
easier. When they are all dead, go through the door on the right of you. In
here, kill the 2 officers and the guard. Next, open the other door in here.

This is a steel maze with crosses and enemies. Manually taking you through the
maze will take eternity, but I will guide you through it, anyway. There are
19 crosses in the maze. To get through the maze, go forward and turn left to
get a cross. At this intersection, keep going forward to the next intersection
and a cross. At this one, turn right and follow the hallway down to a guard.
Turn around and follow the hallway back to the intersection and go forward. Go
forward to a cross. Turn right and kill the SS Officer and the guard.

Turn back around and turn left to an intersection. Turn right down it and go
down to the next intersection. Turn right down this one to a cross and
intersection. Turn left down to a guard. Go back to that intersection and go
forward and down to a cross. Keep on going to another cross and an
intersection. Take the right path (the left path is a dead end). Go on to
another cross.

Keep going forward, follow the hallway, and to 3 crosses in a row. Here, turn
down the left path to a guard. Turn around and turn down the left path and
follow it down to a guard. Turn back around and follow it to an intersection.
Here, turn down the left path and get the cross in front of you. The left path
has a guard down it; the right path has a guard down it.

Anyway, return back to the intersection with 3 crosses in a row. Turn left and
follow the pathway back up to another intersection. Follow the left path and
follow it to a cross. Go down the path to the right and follow it to another
cross. Keep going forward now and to a cross. Go down the path in front of you
and to a guard. Turn around and go past the first intersection. At the second
one, turn left and follow the hallway down to a cross. Here, at the
intersection, take the left path to a guard. Go back to the intersection and
take the left path to another cross. Take the right path to a guard. Go back to
the cross and take the right path. Go down to a cross and go forward to a

Go back to the intersection and take the left path. Here, get the cross and
then the other cross in front of it. Here, turn around, and follow the hallway
all the way down to a door.

When you complete the maze, you will come to another door (not the one you used
to get here). Open it and kill the 4 officers. Then get the 6 clips, the
chaingun, the extra life, and the gold key. Exit the room and exit this maze
(it may take a while; but you can). Back in the hall, open the door and go back
to the starting room. Open the gold door.

Go into the room and get the 5 clips, 5 crosses, 4 chalices, 3 chests, 2
crowns, and the extra life. Exit the room once you collect them and open the
door in front of you. Back in the pillar room, open the left door and kill the
guard. Open the next door on the right wall.

Kill the guard and you are now in a big room with 3 doors to open. Open up the
right door first. In here, get the 4 clips and 2 medikits. Behind the right
medikit is a secret room. Go in it, follow the hallway, and open the door. You
are now on the other side of the pillars near the beginning of the level. In
here, get the officer's ammo, get the 6 crowns and the 4 medikits. Exit the
room and exit the secret room. Exit the room also and open the door in front of

In here, kill the 4 guards hidden in the alcoves then get the 3 clips and 2
medikits. Ok, in front of the left medikit is a golden nazi symbol, right?
Press that wall and it will open a secret. Go in, get the medikit, and open the
door. In here, get the 2 chests and 3 crowns. In front of the rightward crown,
press the wall and it will open a second secret. In here is, surprisingly, the
silver key. Get it if you want to end the level sooner than later. You can open
the door only to find 7 officers and 6 SS Officers. Also, there are 2 clips.
The door in this room across from you doesn't necessarily right now need to be
opened yet. Exit the secret rooms and back into the room with 3 doors in it.

Open the door to your left now. Kill the 2 SS Officers, 2 officers, and 2
guards. Go past the box in the room and open the door to find 2 officers and an
SS Officer. You should get an extra life by killing them. Next, there are 2
doors. Facing the door you took to get here, open the door on the left. In
here, collect the 5 clips and open either door in here.

There are 2 officers in here to kill so do so. Then collect the 4 dinners and 2
medikits. Go back to the other room and now open the right door. 2 guards and
an officer await you in here so kill them. In the room with 2 doors, the
unlocked door can be opened to reveal the silver key; get it if you didn't
already grab it from before. Now, open the silver door. In here, kill the 2
guards, the SS Officer, and the officer. Now, go forward, turn the corner, and
open the door. Kill the 3 SS Officers and open the next door.

In here, kill the 3 officers, 3 guards, and 2 SS Officers. When that's done,
face the exit door and press the last left wall there. It will open a secret
room with 6 clips and 3 medikits. When you are ready to leave, open the exit
door and hit the exit switch.

Episode 3, Floor 7

At the start, push the cross portrait to the right and a secret room will open
up. Go in it for 4 clips. Exit the secret room then open the door. Alright,
this long curving weird hallway has 7 guards and 2 SS Officers in it so kill
them. Now, there are 3 more doors in this room. Open the 2 doors near the SS
Officers. In one of the rooms there are 4 medikits. In the other, there are 3
clips and the gold key.

Since there is only one more door left to open, go up to that door and open it.
In here, there are 2 doors (one in front of you and one to the left) (if you
would like to get every point possible, read on in the walkthrough; if you
would like to skip the points, skip the next 2 paragraphs).

Take the door on the left. Kill the 3 SS Officers behind the pillars and open
the next door. Kill the 3 officers and open the next door. With the 3 SS
Officers dead in here, open either 1 of the 2 doors to the left. In here, kill
the 4 guards and the SS Officer. Now, go to the plant in the pot across the
room and turn around (the plant is opposite the doors you entered to get here).
There are 2 guards to the left and right of you in front of you. Go up to them
and open them for 2 medikits in them. It's kinda hard to explain where the
doors are but they are symmetrical.

Kill the 5 guards wandering the room. Then, open either 1 of the 2 gold doors.
In this last room, kill the 4 officers and open the exit door. Kill the officer
and hit the exit switch (ONLY if you want to exit the level the regular way).
If you would like to exit the level through the secret level, go back to the
room with the 2 doors (past the 2 pillars where you killed the 3 SS Officers).

Turn left and open the door. In here, kill the guard and follow the hallway to
2 guards and 2 clips. Get the clips and open the next door. 10 doors are in
this room. There are a total of 6 SS Officers and an officer hidden outside or
inside the doors. Then get the spoils in the doors which are 5 clips and 3
dinners. Now, open the top right door. In here, press the first left wall in
this room.

It will open a secret room. Go into the secret room with 2 doors. In here, open
either 1 of them. In this room, kill the 3 guards and the officer. When they
are all dead, collect the 8 clips, 6 chests, 4 medikits, and an extra life.
Okay, this next secret room is extremely hard to explain. SAVE YOUR GAME before
attempting to open the secret room. Find a single block wall sticking out.
Press the sides of it but do NOT push it IN. If you do, you can't get into the
hallway. The secret will open revealing a hallway so follow it down.

In here, collect the 53 crosses around the box. On the box is a secret room. It
is to the right of one of the Hitler portraits. In the secret, collect the
extra life and the chaingun. Now, exit the box and follow the other hallway
down to 4 SS Officers. Kill them all. After that, look at the silver door.
There is no silver key in the whole level so we're trapped.

Actually not! To the very left of the silver door is a secret room. Press it in
to gain access behind the silver door! In front of you is a hallway entrance to
a gigantic maze. This time, it's without the secret rooms. BEWARE! You can get
lost pretty easily. I'll guide you through it; even though it will take a while
to do. It's not that hard to do, though.

There are no enemies, treasure, or secret rooms throughout the whole maze
except at the very end. If you dare go through the maze, good luck!

First, go into the entrance of the maze and turn right. Here, go down the
hallway to the right. Here, turn left and then turn right. Go forward to a
small wall and then turn left. Go forward and turn right and go forward to a
wall. Turn right and then left and then left again down the hallway. Follow the
hallway to an intersection.

Take the left path now and go caddy-corner right (caddy-corner is when you go
forward, strafe, and then forward). Anyway, go forward and follow the hallway
to an intersection. Take the left path and follow the hallway to another
intersection. Caddy-corner right and follow the hallway to an intersection.
Turn right and caddy-corner left. Turn left and follow the hallway and to the
left. Go right and then turn right. Here, go down the left path to an

Take the left path and then follow this very long twisty hallway all the way
down to an intersection. Go forward and left. Follow the hallway and then
caddy-corner right. Follow this long hallway all the way down to the end of it.

Once you reach the end, collect the 7 chests, 5 clips, and the extra life. In
this room here is a secret room. It's on the left wall toward the hallway to
the maze. Once you find it, go into it.

In here is the secret exit door. Pray that you got 100% of everything.
Otherwise, you'll have to exit the maze to find them. If you followed my guide,
you're okay. Open the secret exit door and press the secret exit switch!

Episode 3, Floor 10

Okay, this level is very very weird. There are 4 ghosts from the Pac-Man game.
They are Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde. The object of this level is to avoid
the ghosts while getting the treasure and extra lives. There are 62 chalices,
29 crowns, 10 clips, 3 medikits, 4 extra lives, 17 guards, 1 SS Officer, and 2
officers. Your score currently should be at 540,200. When you get done
collecting and killing things, your score should be at 719,200. Note that you
cannot kill the ghosts with anything. If you touch the ghosts with your body,
you'll get hurt and more than likely die. Just try your hardest to get through
the level. The reason I put no walkthrough for it is because there is no real
direction you can go. Any direction counts. Just make sure your score is at
that score. No secret rooms are in this level, either. Don't worry, I checked.
Exit the level through either exit door. Then press the exit switch.

Episode 3, Floor 8

This level is very complex, but I'll try to explain it in detail. At the start,
collect the 3 clips here and press the wall right in front of you. This secret
room allows access to the next room. This room here is shaped completely like a
giant swastika (Nazi symbol). The middle of the swastika is what I will refer
to as the "middle". Whenever I say go back to the middle, I mean the middle of
the swastika.

First of all, turn right and right again, go forward, and open the door on the
right wall. In here, get the 7 clips and exit the room. Turn left and go
forward all the way to a wall. Turn right, go forward, and open the door at the
end. In here, kill the 8 officers, an SS Officer, and 2 guards. Be careful,
because 5 officers, 2 SS Officers, and a guard will sneak into the room with
you from outside.

In the room, go over to the right of the room and face the barrel. Turn left
and press the wall there. It will open a secret room. Now press the right wall
in the secret room and you can now gain access behind the barrels for 5 clips
and 9 dinners. Exit the room and go back to the "middle".

From here, go right and right again and down to the end. Open the door at the
end of this hallway. In here, follow the brick hallway to a door while killing
the 2 officers and the SS Officer. At the end, open the door. In here, kill the
2 guards and the SS Officer. Then, get the 4 clips, 3 crosses, and the dinner.
Go back to the "middle".

From here, go forward and turn right. Go down to the end of the hallway and
open the door. In this large room, kill the 5 officers and get the 10 clips and
the silver key. Now, go back to the "middle" again.

Turn left and follow this side of the swastika to the end and open the door at
the end of it. In here, kill the guard and open the door on the left. In here,
be wary of the 8 guards hiding in the alcoves. Kill them then get the 8 clips,
2 medikits, and the dinner. When that's done, face the left side with 4
alcoves. Go into the alcove on the left of you. Turn and face the left wall.
Push the wall in for a secret which has a chaingun inside. Exit the room and
open the door on the left of you.

In here, all you have to do is open the next door. In here, also open the next
door. Now in here, there are a lot of steel boxes and green barrels which hides
3 guards. Make your way through the maze and open the either one of the two

In the next room, kill the 4 officers and then open the door on the right of
you. Ok, this huge room has 13 doors. Each door has something behind it. Open
all the doors for 4 officers, 5 guards, 3 SS Officers, 5 chests, 12 chalices,
11 clips, 7 dinners, 3 medikits, and the gold key! Get the key and all the
goodies and exit the 13 door room.

Go forward and open the door in front of you. Follow the hallway down to 4 gold
doors. Open either 1 of them. Be careful; this room has some red boxes in it
and is filled with 5 officers, 2 SS Officers, and 2 guards. Kill them all then
get the 4 medikits and 17 clips. Now, open either 1 of the 2 unlocked doors.

This room is long and has a number of barrels around. Go through the barrel
maze and you'll come to 2 silver doors. Open either 1 of them. In here, kill
the 3 officers, 3 guards, and 5 SS Officers. Now go through the second barrel
maze to the exit door and open it. Mow down the 2 officers behind it and then,
finally, hit the exit switch!

Episode 3, Floor 9

Welcome, my friends, to the final level of Episode 3! Finally, we get to cream
Hitler's ass once and for all! Anyway, at the start, collect the 14 clips and
the chaingun. Now, run forward and open the door. In here, kill Hitler's Ghost.
To kill him, strafe left and right to kill them. When he's dead, walk over to
the wall in front of you.

Here, press the left Hitler portrait. In this secret room, get the 10 clips and
the 5 medikits. But save most for later. Exit the secret room and open either
one of the 2 doors on the right.

In this room, kill the 4 officers and 2 of Hitler's Ghosts. Then get the
goodies in this room which are 6 dinners and 4 clips. Now, open either 1 of the
2 doors (not the ones you used to get here). In the next room, kill 2 guards
and 2 more of Hitler's Ghosts. Finally, get the gold key on the left. Open the
gold door across from you.

FINALLY, you get to cream Hitler. There are 4 officers here in the big room so
kill them all before they can inflict pain. There are also 23 clips and 3
medikits there. There is also, of course, Hitler, dressed in a robotic suit
that looks like a tank. We'll call him armored Hitler. To get his armor off of
him, shoot him with the chaingun. Hide behind the 3 big steel boxes in the
room. Once his armor come sup, he cusses in German.

His armor is now off, so kill him fast. Once he finally is taken down, he dies
with an amusing death for the cold, heartless players. It's really quite cool.
But I'll let you find out how he dies. Once Hitler is taken down, the level
automatically ends.

Episode 4: A Dark Secret

The absolute incarnation of evil, Adolf Hitler, lies at your feet in a pool of
his own blood. His wrinkled, crimson-splattered visage still strains, a jagged-
toothed rictus trying to cry out. Insane even in death. Your lips pinched in
bitter victory, you kick his head off his remains and spit on his corpse.

Sieg heil... huh. Sieg hell.

Episode 4, Floor 1

Okay, welcome to the first level of Nocturnal Missions. If you bought
Wolfenstein 3D, you more than likely got the Nocturnal Missions (Ep 4-6)

Anyway, at the start of this level, go forward and kill the 2 guards to the
left and right of you. Keep going forward now and kill the 4 guards that will
come at you from the left and right. Go into the hallway in front of you and 3
doors are here (one to the right, two in front of you, and one to the left).

Go into the door on the right of you. Take the right hallway and kill the 4 SS
Officers in the alcoves (remember to get the machine gun from one of them).
When that's done, collect the medikit and 8 chalices. Go back and take the
left hallway picking up the medikit along the way. Get the 4 chalices and the
2 clips in the alcoves. Exit this large hallway room and back into the hallway
with 3 doors. Go forward and turn right to go into the middle doors (2 of them).

Be careful in this room; there are 5 officers and 1 SS Officer, and all you
have is the machine gun for now. Kill them all carefully. Enter this room and
pick up the 4 dinners and the 6 chalices. Across from the 2 doors is a Hitler
portrait. Go ahead and go up to it and press it. It will open up a secret room
with 3 dinners down the right hallway and 3 clips down the left hallway. Exit
the secret room and now exit the room back in the hallway with 3 doors.

Back in the hallway with 3 doors, there is just one more door to open. Turn
right, go up to the door, and open it. In here, take the right hallway (the red
brick area). This area is a maze. On your journeys through the maze, you will
kill 6 guards, 1 SS Officer, and 2 officers. The items are 3 clips, 5 crosses,
and the gold key. To get through the maze and to the gold key easily, when you
first enter the hallway, turn left and go forward.

Here, kill the 2 guards and get the 2 clips in this vicinity, Facing the clips,
turn around and go forward to a wall. Turn left, go forward, and turn right
down the hallway. At the intersection, turn left. At the next intersection,
turn left and kill the guard in front of you. Follow the remainder of this
hallway to a room with 5 crosses and an SS Officer. Kill; him and get the
treasures. Follow the hallway back to an intersection and turn right.

Follow this hallway down to an area with 2 officers and a medikit. Deal with
these and go back to the intersection down the hallway. Keep going forward and
go forward past the other intersection to a wall in front of you. Turn left and
kill the guard there. Go forward and turn left. At the intersection, turn right
and kill the guard to the right. At this intersection, turn left and kill the
guard to the right of you. Go forward to the gold key! Your grand score should
now be 17,000. Exit the red brick maze and go through the opening in front of

Turn right and go forward all the way. Turn right and kill the guard and then
get the 5 clips. Now go into the rock area (behind you). Okay, this area is big
and has rock areas and steel boxes. There are 6 guards in this area; be sure to
kill them all. There are also 2 secret rooms on the rock masses in the centers
of the room. The first secret room is in the front left one. Go up to it and
press on the rock mass and around on it and one of the walls should open on
this particular rock mass. In the first one, get the 2 medikits. The second
secret room is located on the back rock masses behind the front 3 ones. On the
back ones, press the walls in the center one. One of them should open a secret
room. (The positions of the secret rooms is almost impossible to explain so
just go to the particular rock mass that I list).

In this one, get the prized Chaingun and the clip! Sorry, I couldn't explain
better. I'm not a very good explanatory person. Anyway, when you FINALLY find
the two secrets, over on the left wall is a hallway. The easiest way to find it
is to go back to the hallway that leads to the rock maze. Facing the rock maze,
turn left and go forward ALL the way to a wall. Turn right and go forward past
1 steel box. On the second one and to the left of it is a hallway (a guard
should already have been killed back there). If not, kill him. Back here, open
either 1 of the 2 gold doors. After that, kill the 2 officers there, open the
exit door, and hit the exit switch.

Episode 4, Floor 2

This level is extremely long so be prepared. At the start, move forward and out
into a vary large squared room filled with enemies, doors, and walls. Circle
around the circumference of the squared hallway and you will, on average, kill
6 SS Officers, 15 guards, and 5 officers. When they are all dead, or at least
most of them, go back to the starting point and face the starting door. Turn
around. Go forward into the blue skinny hallway. On the left wall is a secret
room. Open it up and step through and collect the 4 clips in there, exit the
secret room and go back out into the squared room.

Back out here, turn right and follow this down to a wall. Turn right and follow
this one down to a wall. Turn right and go down this one halfway. Turn right
and go forward and to a wall. Go down either the left or right hallways down to
a small area with 4 doors attached to a wall sticking out. Open all 4 of them
for a medikit and the gold key! Exit back out of the 4 doors. Facing the top
portion of the wall sticking out (the solid blue side of it), turn right and
you will see a wall across from you.

Go up to that wall and press one of the rightward walls. One will open up
revealing 2 medikits. Get these. In front of the left medikit is yet another
secret. When that opens, press the right wall when it is uncovered. Go in here
and get the 8 chalices. Now open either one of the two doors surrounded by red
brick. Mow down the 4 SS Officers. Don't press any other walls here; there is a
secret room in here but you can't access anymore secrets if you push any walls.

Go back to the starting room and face the two pillars with the landscape behind
it (across from the starting room). Now, turn left and go forward just a bit.
Turn left again and open the door in front of you. In here, kill the 4 officers
behind the pillars. Then get the 9 clips in here. Turn right and press the
middle Hitler portrait for a secret room. Go into the secret room and get the
clip and the machine gun. Exit the secret room and the clip room and back out
in the squared hallway.

Back out here, turn right and go forward a ways (but not all the way). Turn
right and open the red bricked door there. Kill the officer and then wait for 6
guards to come from the 2 side doors. When they're dead, go over to the side
doors and get 5 dinners from the left one and 5 clips from the right one. Now,
go through the normal door across from the entrance door.

In here, kill 6 guards and then get the 3 chalices, 2 chests, and 2 crosses in
the alcoves. Behind 2 of the chalices and crosses are 2 secret rooms. Don't
check the one with only the chalice in it but the ones with the crosses in them
as well. Check behind each one. In one of the secret rooms is a medikit. Behind
the other secret room has a medikit and a door. Open the door and kill the 2
officers. Then get the medikit, 2 clips, and the chest. Exit the secret room
and press the only golden Nazi symbol in this whole room (across from the
entrance door). In this secret room, get the 9 chalices.

In this same secret room, press the only bird symbol. In here, turn right and
press the leftward wall. The wall will open. Go in and press the center wall.
Go in this secret room and there are 2 mini-hallways to the left and right of
you. Go down the right one and press the wall in front of you. In here, turn
around and press the rightward wall on this wall. Turn back around press the
LEFT wall. Go in the secret room. From here, face the golden nazi symbol. Turn
right and press the wall in. Turn left and press the wall right next to the
nazi symbol. In here are two medikits. Open the door in this secret room. In
this secret room are 10 crowns, the chaingun, and 4 extra lives; be sure to
grab all.

Exit the crowns room and go around the nazi symbol to the other side. Now press
the nazi symbol into the door for a secret block. Turn 180 degrees around and
you will see a red wall there. Don't press it yet. Go around it and then press
it into the nazi symbol. Now go back into the room where it currently has the
bird portrait in it. Exit the secret rooms and go back out into the squared

Go back to the place where the 4 SS Officers (the place where I said not to
press anymore walls). In here, press one of the leftward walls and there's your
final secret! Now go back through the bird portrait room and back into the
squared hallway.

Back in here, turn right and go down to the wall in front of you. Turn right
and go down some ways. Turn right and open the door and get the 3 clips and 3
dinners in there. Exit the room and go clear around the square to the other
side of the square. Don't open the center door here but open the door to the
left of that one.

In here, kill the 3 SS Officers and then go forward and open either 1 of the 2
gold doors there. In here, the 4 officers should be dead so go forward and open
the exit door. Then, hit the exit switch! I thought I would never finish that
level. You'd better like this level walkthrough very much!... :)

Episode 4, Floor 3

My God, here goes another tough level to write. Oh well, here goes. When you
start, kill the 3 guards in this room with the red island in it. Now notice in
this room that there are 2 doors in here (there is one on the right and in
front of you). Open the one on the right of you. In here, turn right and open
the door. In this room, collect the 2 medikits behind the 4 barrels and then
leave this room back through the door.

Back in this room, turn left and open the right door there. In this room, kill
the 2 officers and get the 7 clips. Exit the room and turn right. Go through
the door in front of you. In this hallway, kill the guard in here and open the
door across from you. This place has 4 doors (including the one you used to get
here in this area). Open the door on the right. In here, kill the 7 guards.
Then get the 3 clips, 3 chalices, and 3 dinners. Exit the room. And now, go
through the door to the right of you.

In this room, kill the 4 officers and then get the 4 dinners and 5 clips. Then,
exit the room and go through the door on the right of you. Turn right and
follow the skinny hallway to 2 doors on a red box. Open either one of them and
quickly mow down the 4 officers. Step in the room and get the medikit and the
gold key. Exit the room and follow the skinny hallway back down. Open the door
on the right.

This entire room is big complete with steel boxes. and pillars. In this room,
kill the guard in front of you. Then follow the hallway down all the way to the
end where there are a bunch of pillars with 10 guards, 12 officers, and 2 SS
Officers! Be sure to kill them all. Then collect the 13 clips and 13 dinners in
a the alcove and by a door near the entrance to this room by the steel boxes.
Now, go back to the place with the enemies were and look at the door with nazi
symbols to the sides of it. Turn around, go up to the wall, and turn left. You
will see a wall there. Press the rightward wall and it will open revealing the
chaingun and an officer. Kill him and get the chaingun in this secret room.
Exit the secret room. Go back to that door with the nazi symbols to the sides
of it and open the door. In here, kill the 6 officers. Then get the 8 crosses,
the 5 chalices, the 4 chests, and the 2 crowns in this large room. Exit the
room and go back to the starting room; go forward all the way, turn right, go
down the left passageway, turn left, and you should see the door at the end of
the hallway, and then go through the door at the end.

Take the right door once again and go to the wall in front of you. Open the
left door on this wall. In here, kill the guard and the officer. Open either 1
of the 2 doors to the right of you. In this room, quickly, and I mean quickly,
kill the 6 officers in the alcoves. They'll mow you down fast if you are not
fast enough; by all means, use the chaingun! Then get the 2 crowns, the 2
clips, and the silver key. I'm not sure why the creators put the silver key in
this level when there is no silver door in the whole entire level. Mysteries,

Anyways, exit the room and go through the gold door in front of you. In here,
quickly kill the 6 officers and 4 guards hiding in the alcoves. Spot the exit
door and turn around. In this white hallway is an entrance to a maze. This
time, I will guide you through it step by step. Go in the maze and kill both
guards to the left and right of you. Take the right path to 2 guards and 3
medikits. Return to the intersection and take the left path.

When you come to the next intersection, take the right path and follow it down
to a door. To the right of the door is a secret room with 2 medikits inside.
Get these and then open the door after you exit the secret room in this
vicinity range. In here, kill the 5 guards, the 2 SS Officers, and the 3
officers. When they're dead, collect the 3 clips, 3 chalices, 2 crosses, 4
chests, and 3 crowns. Phewww! That's a lot of treasure! When that's done, exit
the room and follow the white hallway down to an intersection.

Keep going forward, follow the hallway, turn the corners, and when you get to
another intersection, turn right. Follow the hallway down and turn the corner
left. In the center wall on the right wall is a secret room. Don't go in yet.
Continue following the hallway to a door. Open the door.

Kill the 4 SS Officers and get the 5 crowns, 2 clips, and the medikit. Now,
exit the room and go back to that secret room you opened. Step inside and open
the door. From here, go forward and open the exit door. From here, you know
darn well what to do... :)

Episode 4, Floor 10

This level will not include no generic walkthrough for it. It is extremely hard
to get 100% of everything without dying here, but I'll try my best. There is
basically one room with a bunch of wooden blocks in it. There are 75 officers
who are guarding 147 chalices throughout the whole entire place! And I have to
tell you, the room is huge with dozens and dozens of wooden blocks in the room.
It is almost impossible to get through this "maze" without dying but I did it
once or twice before. When finished, your score should be at 388,100!

There is one secret room in the whole level. At the start, turn down the
hallway to the left. Before collecting the second chalice, turn left and press
one of the walls. One will open with 27 clips in it. Be sure to grab them if
you need them.

If you want to get out the fast way and not worry about the points, turn left,
go forward a little, and then turn right. Run down the hallway as fast as hell
and when you spot the exit door on the right of you, go in it. When you open
the exit door, get the extra life and hit the exit switch.

To get out the harder way, just shoot, duck, shoot, collect, shoot, duck, and
shoot and collect again until all of the enemies and points are gone. Find the
exit door, open it, grab the extra life, and hit the exit switch. But be
warned; the level is very tough!! I personally don't think you can do it the
hard way; you have to be very experienced with Wolfenstein 3D, quick with the
fingers, and saving your ammo as best as you can. The best way to kill the
officers fast, is to whip out your machine gun, yes the machine gun, and fire
away. Don't hold down the CTRL button, just plink away when the officers come
for you. When you have about 25 ammo left, whip out the chaingun. Now's where
the officers really start coming. Make your way into the secret room with 10
ammo left. Collect most of the clips in here until you are at 60 or 70 ammo.
Fire away again with your chaingun this time because the enemies will not stop
coming for you. Sooner or later, all officers will be dead. If you expect
yourself to beat the level the hard way alive, save your game often.

Note that sometimes when you kill a dozen enemies in one spot, the enemies
become invisible so you can't see them to kill them. This is a very big
disadvantage for me. But I beat the level... somehow. See my Bugs/Errors section
for more information on this.

Episode 4, Floor 4

At the start, kill the guard in front of you. Now, notice that there are 4
doors (2 are close together). Go into the room where there are 2 doors close
together (to the left of you). In here, there are 6 doors to enter. Turn to
face the left wall and enter the door on the left. In here, kill the 2 officers
and get the 6 dinners in front of the furnace. Exit the room back in the room
with 6 doors. There may be a few enemies in there so kill them.

Back in here, open the door in front of you. In this room, kill the 3 officers
and get the 11 clips and the machine gun. Exit the room back in the room with 6
doors again. Turn to the right to face the wall with 2 doors there. Open the
door on the left. In here, open the door in this room. In here, wipe down all
the 4 officers in the room. Now, get the 5 dinners and 4 chests. Exit the room
back into the room with the 6 doors in it.

Turn left and open the door on the left side of this wall. Follow the hallway
down and kill the 2 guards. Skip the 2 doors for now and keep following the
hallway to an alcove with an SS Officer guarding the gold key. Facing the gold
key and the dead SS Officer, turn to the left and face that wall. Press the
leftward wall for a secret room. Go in it for a crown and 2 medikits. Exit the
secret room and then exit the room back to the room with 6 doors. Then open the
door in front of you. Now, follow the hallway ALL the way down to a door and
then open it.

This is a maze! AGAIN! Anyway, there are 5 guards and 7 officers in the maze.
There are also 6 dinners and 5 clips to collect. Go back to the door you
entered to get here and face it. Turn around and go left down the hallway. Turn
the corner left and go down the hallway to a wall. Turn left and you will see a
wall. Press one of them and the wall will open.

In the secret room, press one of the right walls and another wall will open. In
here, collect the 15 chalices and the 10 crosses. Exit the secret room and
press the wall in front of you. In this secret room, collect the 9 chests. Exit
the secret room and go back to the maze.

The next secret room is located directly across the maze in front of you. Go
forward and turn left and right. Follow the hallway down to a wall. Turn right
and then turn the corner left. Now turn left and then turn right to face the
wall. Press one of them and they will open. Go in here and achieve the 4
medikits, 4 crosses, 5 chalices, 6 chests, and 3 crowns! Exit the secret room
and turn right. Face that wall and caddy-corner right. Press one of the walls
in front of you for the last secret room in this maze.

In here, collect the valuables which are 23 clips!! Exit the secret room and
then exit the maze back through the door. Follow this hallway all the way back
to the other door and open it. Back in the room with the 6 doors, turn right
and open either 1 of the 2 doors on either side of the cross portrait. Back in
here, turn left and open the door with the eagle walls around it.

In this room, open the 2 doors on the right wall. Kill the guard in here, then
follow the hallway to a door and open it. In this small skinny hallway, kill
the guard and follow the hallway and turn the corner left. Turn left to face
the wall and press one of them (the second to last left one) for a secret room.
Go in here and get the 2 clips and 2 medikits. Exit the secret room and turn
left. Go forward and open either 1 of the 2 doors to the left of you.

In this room, kill the 2 guards and go through the 2 doors in front of you. In
here, exit the room back through the eagle wall door. In here, turn left and
open the door with the crosses. Kill the officer there and press the right
Hitler portrait for a secret room. In this one, get the 8 clips and 4 medikits.
Exit the secret room and open the gold door to the right of you.

In this room, there is a secret room here that has 2 rooms but one entry. That
means, if you press the secret wall one way, you can access only that
particular room. If you press the secret wall the other way, you can access
that particular room. There are 2 rooms behind the secret room but you can only
access one depending on which side you pressed it on. The location of the wall
is located directly across the Hitler portrait to the left of the gold door
(facing it, though).

If you press the side of the wall directly across from the Hitler portrait, you
can gain access to a room with 20 clips in it. Press the wall on the other side
and you can gain access to a room with 8 medikits inside. This secret room does
NOT affect your ratio scores like kills, treasures, and secrets. You just can't
get 100% items which isn't part of your ratio so it isn't important.

Anyway, when that's done, go through the hallway to the right of the gold door.
This is a squared room with square boxes in it. There are 14 officers in here
so take some caution there. When they're all dead, you can access your last
secret room. It is on the front box and on the left one in between two Hitler
portraits. Just press on the box until you find it. When you do, go in to claim
a chaingun and a clip.

Exit the secret room and find the center block in the center of the squared
room. Spot the exit door and open it. Don't be surprised because 2 SS Officers
are behind it so be careful of that. When they're dead, hit the exit switch.

Episode 4, Floor 5

You will mostly be in brown walled areas in this area. Many of the brown areas
have blood stains on them so it is very amusing at times. Anyway, at the start,
press one of the right walls for a secret room which contains a machine gun and
a clip. Exit the secret room and turn right. Follow the twisty hallway down to
12 dogs. Slaughter them all and then open the door at the end of the hallway.
In here are 2 doors; open the one in front of you.

In this room, kill the 2 officers and the guard to the right of them. Behind
the guard's position is a secret room. Open it up then get the extra life
inside. Exit the secret room and open the door across from you. In here, kill
the 3 dogs and get the 6 dog food in the room. Exit the room and then open the
door across from you back in the room with 2 doors. Open the right door.

In this large room, kill the 6 guards to the left and the 6 officers to the
right. Down the right hallway is a door. Open it and step inside. In this room,
kill the 3 officers in the room. Then get the 4 dinners. Behind the pots and
pans hanging from the ceiling is a secret room which allows you to gain access
to the officers for their ammo. Exit the secret room and exit the room back in
the barrel room.

In the barrel room, exit the room and, in here, take the left path to 2 doors.
Open the door in front of you first and foremost. In this large room, kill the
7 guards down the mini-hallways to the left and right of you. Go back to the
door you entered to get in this room and face it. Turn around and go down the
closest hallway to the right. Here, open the door and kill the SS Officer and
get the medikit behind it. Exit the small room and go back to the door you
entered to get in the room and go down the left hallway here. Down here, open
the door. In this small room, kill the 3 guards and get the 10 clips. Exit the
room and go back to that door again. Go down the hallway in the middle and to
the right.

In this door, kill the officer down the mini-hallway and then collect the 8
clips in here. Exit the room and go through the hallway in front of you and
through the door there. This room has 2 doors to the sides and a box in front
of you. Kill the 3 officers behind it and open the door on the right. Briskly
kill the 5 SS Officers and get the silver key in there. Exit the room and go in
the door across from you. Mow the 3 SS Officers down and get the 2 clips in
here. Exit the room and this one also and go back to that door again. Go down
the last hallway and to the right. Open the door at the end.

In this swastika-shaped room, kill the lone SS Officer and get the 7 clips and
4 dinners down the hallways. Now, exit the room and go down the hallway in
front of you and go through the door at the end. In this room, all you have to
do is collect 6 dinners and then exit. Go back to that door again and now exit
the room. Here, turn left and open that door there and step through it.

When you open it, turn right and kill the guard and get the 5 clips there. Turn
back around and follow the hallway all the way down to 3 islands in the room
with 4 doors on them. First, face the wall with 3 doors on it. Turn around and
go to the 2 doors on the right island. Open the left door for 3 medikits. Open
the right door and kill 2 SS Officers. Exit the room and open the door on the
left island.

Go in here and get the 6 clips from within. Exit the room and, now, open the
last door on the last island (it's towards the back of the room a little). In
here, get the dinner and the clip. Exit the room and go back to the wall with 3
doors on it. Facing the doors, open the door on the left of you. In here, kill
the guard and collect the 2 clips. Exit the room now and open the door on the
right. In here, kill the SS Officer and get the 8 chalices in the room. Exit
this room and then, finally, open the door in the middle.

In this hallway, follow the hallway down to 4 guards and a door. Send the
guards to hell and then open the door. This room has 2 exit doors. You can't
exit the level through either one because barrels block the path. Behind the
left exit door is an officer; be sure to kill him for extra points. With the
exit paths blocked by barrels, you will notice 2 hallways with 2 doors down
them. Open the door down the right hallway. Here, kill the officer and the 2
guards. Then get the dinner and exit. Now, open the door down the left hall.

Go forward to a wall. Press the left one for a secret room. In here, open the
door to gain access to a small room. Press the wall to the left of the barrel
and you can get another secret. Go in for the gold key and a chaingun and a
medikit. Exit the 2 secrets and then follow the rest of this hallway to 3
officers and 3 doors. Free choice: open 1 of the 3 doors. :)

In this larger room, kill the 7 officers down the 2 hallway to the left and
right of you. Now, go down the hallway to the right and open either 1 of the 2
doors at the end of it. In this room with the steel box, kill the 6 officers
and get the 15 clips in the room. Exit this room and go down the left hallway
and open the door at the end. Follow the hallway down to 2 gold doors. Open
either 1 of them. In here, collect the 3 dinners and enter the 3 silver doors.

Be careful! The exclamation point after "be careful" is for 10 officers behind
the doors. Feed them their lunch as quickly as you can without getting much
injury. When they're dead, go in the room. There are 3 exit doors (one is a
fake; the one in front of you is the one that is fake). The exit door on the
left has 2 barrels guarding the switch. If you want some more points, open the
fake exit door in front of you.

In here, kill the 14 officers in there as quickly as you can. Go in the room
and press one of the walls in front of you and one of them will open. Go in the
last secret room for a clip and 3 extra lives. Exit the rooms back in the exit
door room and open the left exit door and hit the exit switch to finish.

Episode 4, Floor 6

This level is very weird; you'll find out why later on. Also, there are
numerous starting position walls everywhere. They cannot be opened and they all
don't contain anything because you cannot open them.

First of all, you cannot get 100% secrets also in this level due to some very
strange reason. There will be a place where you go where there will be an
invisible door but will look solid. To the left of it is a blue wall which was
supposed to be a secret room. However, you can't press the wall in at all. I
even downloaded the mapedit for Wolfenstein 3D off of the Internet and checked
to see if the secret room was really there. Yes, it was there but you just
can't push the wall in for some weird reason. For that reason, here is yet
another level where you can't get 100% secrets. So, you can't get the high
ratio in this level.

Anyway, at the start, turn right and kill the guard and get the 2 clips. Turn
around and take the right hallway and follow it down to 3 guards on the right
with 2 clips in the hallway there. Kill the guards and get the goodies. Turn
around and keep following the hallway and to the right. Turn right and you will
see 2 doors there. Open the one on the left of you. Here, kill the 5 guards in
the room. Turn 90 degrees left and you will see a door. This door is invisible
but looks solid. You can walk straight through it; I'm not sure why.

Anyway, collect the 2 crowns and, to the left of the invisible door, is a wall,
right? Go up to the wall and press it. It won't open for some strange reason.
See my second paragraph in my level walkthrough for a description of this. Go
through the invisible door to the left of you. In here, collect the 2 other
crowns and then exit the room. Keep following the hallway rightward until you
come to a skinny hallway with more skinny hallways branching off from it. There
are 18 hallways there to go down. Hallway #1 has a door to open. Open it and
kill the officer behind it. Then get the clip behind it also.

Hallway #2 has a door to open so open it. Kill the 4 officers and get the 2
clips there. Now, go back to the large hallway and go through Hallway #3. Open
the door and kill the officer then get the 2 medikits. Hallway #4 has a door.
Behind this one is just a clip. Exit the room and travel aways down Hallway #5.
Open the door and kill the 3 officers. Then get the clip and the gold key. Exit
the hallway and go down Hallway #6.

Here, open the door and kill the 2 officers. Then get the 2 clips. Go down
Hallway #7 and open the door. In here, just get the medikit. Hallway #8, and
after you open the door, are 2 officers so kill them and then get the 2 clips.
Go down Hallway #9 and open the door. In here, just kill the 2 officers.
Hallway #9 has a door so open it. Then kill the 3 officers and get the 3 clips.
Go down Hallway 10 and open the door. Kill the officer and get the 2 medikits.

Go down Hallway 11 and open the door. Kill the officer and get the 3 clips.
Skip Hallway 13 for right now and open the door down Hallway 13. Kill the 2
officers and get the medikit and the clip. Down Hallway 14, open the door. Kill
the 3 officers and get the 3 clips. Go down Hallway 16, open the door, and kill
the 2 officers and get the 2 clips. Down the last hallway, Hallway 17, open the
door and kill the 2 officers and get the clip. Exit the hallway.

Go forward halfway down and turn right. Two doors you should see there. Open
the left door first. In here, kill the 7 guards and get the 19 clips and the
machine gun. Exit the room and go back to Hallway #13 and open the door. Go
forward and open the gold door. Quickly mow down the 10 officers in the line as
fast as you can with your perfect chaingun. Go forward down the hallway and
around the blue box. You will come to a door so open it.

Go around the smaller Hitler box to another door so open it. In this room, kill
the 6 guards and 3 officers guarding the various locked and unlocked doors
around the room. Spot the unlocked door on the steel island and open it. Follow
the small hallway to an officer and the chaingun. Pick it up and exit the steel
island. Spot the gold door and open it; the silver and gold door look the same
so, facing the doors, open the left one.

In here, kill the guard, collect the 6 clips, and open the normal door in the
room. In this room, kill the officer and then open the next door. Kill the 2
officers in the next room and open the left door from here. Get the lone dinner
in here and open the next door. In this room, kill the 4 officers and get the 5
dinners. Exit the room and the next one. Open the door across from you.

In here, all you have to do is get the clip and open the door. In here, kill
the officer and open the 2 normal doors (not the gold ones). In here, kill the
4 SS Officers and get the 5 dinners. In here, open either 1 of the 2 gold doors
here. In this room, kill the 6 guards, 3 officers, and 2 SS Officers. Then, get
the 6 clips and the silver key down the hallway. To the left of the silver key
is your first and last secret room. Open it for 2 crosses, 4 chalices, 11
chests, 5 crowns, and an extra life!!

Exit the secret room and go back to the room with the silver door (exit the
room through the left gold doors, open the door in front of you, open the next
one, open the door on the left, open the next one, and open the gold door).
Open the silver door and follow the hallway to 2 officers; kill them. When you
approach 3 doors, brace yourself. Open them.

In here, kill the 9 officers including the one that opens the exit door making
a total of 10. Get the 2 medikits and then open the exit door. From here, hit
the exit switch to finish the level.

Episode 4, Floor 7

We're almost there! Just a couple more levels and it's on to Otto Giftmacher!!
Anyway, behind your starting box and kill the 2 officers. The gold door across
from your starting position will open revealing 6 guards, 4 officers, and 2 SS
Officers. Don't cheat so don't go through the gold door yet. Across from your
starting position and to the left of you is a door. Open it and kill the guard.
Get the 7 clips from within it, also. Exit the room and now open the right
door. In here, kill the officer and get the 2 clips and 3 dinners. Exit the
room. Facing your starting position and turn left to open the door.

In here, go forward and kill the 4 officers to the left and right of you. The
left path has 6 dinners; the right path has 6 clips. Exit the room and open the
door behind your starting position and starting box. In here is a maze but is
really easy. There are 9 guards in there so kill them when they get in the way.
When you reach the intersection, turn left and collect the 7 clips. Take the
right path and follow the hallway all the way down to 3 medikits. Exit the maze
room. Open the only other door to the left of you.

Follow the skinny hallway/maze to 3 clips in front of you. Don't collect them
yet; go around them for 2 guards and 4 officers; now get the clips. (there is a
chaingun behind the hallway where the 4 officers were) Facing the alcove with
the clips in it, turn left. Go halfway down this small hallway and turn left.
Press the purple eagle portrait for a secret room. Get the dinner and the
medikit there and turn left.

Press a wall there, and when it opens, go in for a crown. Facing the crown,
turn right and press another wall for a secret room. Go in for 2 doors to open.
Open either 1 and kill the 8 officers inside the room. In the room itself, get
the gold key. Exit the secret room and the crown room also. But in this secret
room, turn left and press another purple bird portrait. Exit the secret rooms
and follow the hallway back to the starting room. Go over to the gold door and
open it up. The enemies should all be dead in this room. :)

With the enemies all dead in this room, turn right and open the door in front
of you. Now in this room, kill the 2 guards behind the brown island. In here,
turn left and open the door there in front of you. In here, kill the 2 guards
and the officer in the room. Also in here, get the 5 dinners. Exit the room and
then open the door across from you. In this room, turn left and follow the
skinny hallway down to an SS Officer.

Follow the other hallway down to 2 SS Officers and 3 crowns to collect. Exit
the hallways and exit the room back in the room with the brown island. Go open
the door across from the brown island. In this room, this room is very weird
because it is filled with rectangular islands, chalices, and guards. There are
32 chalices, 2 officers, and 8 guards to kill and collect. Take care of these
and exit the room back through the door and exit the brown island's room back
in the room with the gold door again.

Go across the room and open either 1 of the 2 doors there in between the gold
cross. In here, kill the 4 SS Officers in there. Now in here, collect the 11
clips and the machine gun. Exit the room and go forward halfway down and turn
left to open that door there. Now in this room, kill the 3 guards in there.
Now, there are 4 doors there; open the rightward door and kill the 2 officers
in there. Then get the 3 clips around the steel box and, now, exit the room.

Here, starting on the left side, count two doors rightward and open it. Here, go
around the box and kill the guard in the box then get the silver key there. The
silver door will open with 7 officers behind it. Before opening the silver door
across from the key, exit the room back into the room with 4 doors. Open the
door on the left side and go in. In here, follow the hallway all the way down
to 2 officers hiding in the alcoves; kill them.

Open the silver door in this hallway. In this room, kill the 5 officers and get
the 6 clips, 5 chests, and 4 crowns. To the left of the room is a secret room;
it's on the right of the room towards the right of the wall on this side. In
the secret room, get the 2 crowns and 4 medikits. Exit the secret room and exit
the room there. Follow the hallway back and open the door. Open the center door
and go in, follow the hallway, and open the silver door. The enemies are dead.

Follow the room down to a door and open it. Kill the 3 officers in here, and,
finally, open the exit door and quickly kill the officer behind it. Then, hit
that dang exit switch to finish this level.

Episode 4, Floor 8

At the start, move forward and get the 13 clips. Turn around and kill the 8
officers there. Facing the starting position, there are 2 doors to the left and
right of you. Open the door on the right first. This is a maze but it also is
extremely easy. However, there are 17 guards in there. Once all of them are
dead, go in the maze and explore around for 9 dinners. At the end of the maze
is the gold key. Grab it and make your way out of the maze back in the starting
room. Now, in here, take the left door now. Now, in here, is a room.

In this room, kill the 6 officers in there. Go through the little maze of brown
islands to 2 doors (one on the right and in front of you). Open the one on the
right. This room has a large half-island in the middle. Go around it and kill
the 14 officers in the island's loop. In the loop, collect the 6 medikits, the
18 clips, and the chaingun. Go back around the island and exit the room. Now,
open the right door. Okay, in this room, there are 9 guards and 2 SS Officers.

Go over to the gold door across from you. To the left of you is a secret wall.
Go over to it and open it. Press the wall in for a secret room. In here, press
the gold door there. In this room with all of the green walls, kill the 14
guards and then collect the 12 clips. Also, there are 12 chalices and 7
dinners. When they are all dead and all points collected, exit the room and
secret room.

To the right of the gold door is also a secret room. Press it in and go in.
Open the gold door in here and then open the door there behind the gold door.
In here, and in this maze, kill the 8 officers in there. Back at the door you
used to get here, and facing it, turn right and go forward to a wall. Turn
right and go forward to another wall. Here, turn left and go forward to the
wall with the door on it. Open the door and get the silver key in there.

Exit the room and turn right to face the wall in front of you. On this wall is
a door so open it. In here are 3 clips so grab them and leave the room. Find
the third door on the block and open it. In here, get the medikit inside. When
that's done, exit the maze room and the gold door also. Exit the secret room
and now open the normal gold door. Follow this hallway down to a door with red
walls around it and then open it up.

This large hallway/room has 14 guards down it. In order to kill them all,
you'll need to follow the hallway to the end and explore all the alcoves. Back
at the door you used to get here, go in the alcove to the left (the first one).
Open the silver door there and then, in here, kill the 4 officers. Then get the
6 dinners and the 2 chalices. Exit the room and go down the second alcove (the
center one on this side of the wall). In here, kill the 6 officers and then get
the 2 medikits and 4 clips. Exit the room and open the silver door in the third

In this room, kill the 3 officers and that is all that you need to do in this
room. Exit the room and follow the "rooms" to a door and open it. In this room,
follow the passageway down to 2 doors; you know what to do, open either one of
them. In this large room with even-spaced rectangle islands are 17 officers so
be sure to make sure all of them are dead before you continue; else, you'll
probably pay for it later on. So make sure all of them are killed. Back at the
door you used to get here, facing it, turn around.

Here, go forward until you see a hallway going right. Follow it down to the end
and you can see 2 doors (one is a silver door). Open the regular unlocked door
opposite the silver door first. In here, mow down the 8 guards in here; the
brown walls may camouflage the appearance of the guards so be sure to note that.
When they're dead, collect the 14 clips and 5 medikits. After that, exit the
room and open the silver door in front of you.

In here, send the 6 officers to the devil's lair and then brace yourself when
approaching the exit door. Open the exit door and kill the 8 SS Officers in
there. Okay, I think you know what to do next, huh?

Episode 4, Floor 9

Welcome, my dearest friends, to the final level in Episode 4: A Dark Secret!
This is the level where you get to kill Otto Giftmacher, the creator of the
chemical weapons! This is my favorite boss of the whole entire game because his
name is cool and he has a rocket launcher that he uses on you.

Anyway, to start off this level, open either 1 of the 2 doors to the left and
right of you. In here, open the right door for now. In here, there is a guard
so kill him. There is also a gold and silver key there. When you kill the
guard, the three doors will open with 6 SS Officers and 20 officers behind
them!!! These are hard to kill but it can be done. In the room with the
officers and SS Officers is a single cross, so be sure to get it for 100%

Exit the room and, to the left of the 3 doors, is a secret room with another
gold key and another silver key! Wow! Exit the secret room and the room itself
now. Now open the right door! I'm so excited: calm down, man!!! :)

In here, you'll be fighting Otto. The gold door can be opened for 20 medikits
and 16 dinners. The silver door can be opened for 24 clips and the chaingun.
When you attract Otto's attention, the fight will immediately begin. To kill
him, use your chaingun, strafing, and hiding techniques, as usual. He is a
little less tougher than Hitler was because he doesn't have two forms.

If you practice hard enough, he'll be a sinch. His death speech is quite
amusing if you are from Germany like me. He swears in German so it is quite
amusing to hear it coming from him. Anyway, enough about that. When you kill
him, congratulations for killing him and beating the longest episode in the
game! It took me quite a while to write it.

Episode 5: Trail of the Madman

The twisted scientist behind the chemical war lies at your feet, but the fruits
of his labor grow elsewhere! The first wave of chemical war is already
underway. In the heavily guarded fortress of Erlangen are the plans for the
upcoming Giftkrieg (or Poison War). Find them and you'll know where to find
General Fettgesicht, leader of the deadly assault.

Episode 5, Floor 1

All of Episode 5's levels are shorter than Episode 4's but are more scrunched
together and more packed together than Episode 4's.

Anyway, at the start, collect the 2 clips there (you'll need them) and open the
door in front of you. In this room, kill the 2 guards and the SS Officer with
only your pistol. Remember to get the machine gun from the dead SS Officer...
Now, there are 2 doors, one on a gray wall and one on a pure white brick wall.
Open the door on the gray wall. Now, kill the 2 guards and the SS Officer. Then
get the 6 chalices in this room. Then, facing the 2 doors on the same wall,
open the left door.

In this room, kill the 3 guards and get the 2 clips and the 3 chests. Exit the
room and now open the right door on this wall. In this room, kill the 3 guards
and get the 2 clips with the 3 chests just like the last previous room. But in
here, press the eagle portrait across from the door used to get here for your
first secret room of Episode 5! In this large secret room, collect the 6 clips,
the 8 crosses, the 8 chalices, and the 6 chests. Exit the secret room and then
exit the room. Go back through the door in front of you and then turn right and
open the door.

In this large hallway, kill the SS Officer, the 4 guards, and the officer. Now
in this hallway, turn left and open the first door that you come to on the
left. In this room, kill the 4 dogs, the SS Officer, and the guard. Then in
here, get the 3 chests and the 2 clips behind the brown box in front of you.
Exit the room and turn left and then open the next door you come to on the
left. In this room, kill the guard then get the 3 clips and the 3 crosses.

Exit the room and turn left to open the last door you come to on the left. In
this room, mow down the 2 SS Officers and the 2 guards in here. In this room,
open the door. In here, open the next door. In here, open the next one. Mow
down the 2 SS Officers and the 3 officers. Then collect all the relics in here
which are 4 chests, 4 crosses, and the gold key. Grab all of these and exit the
rooms back in that large hallway.

Turn right and go forward all the way to the wall with the door on it and open
it up. In this room, kill the 2 guards and then open the left door on the left
wall. In here, kill the 4 guards in the alcoves in the corners of the room.
Now, go forward to the door and turn left. Go forward to the wall in front of
you and press it. It will reveal a secret room with 3 dinners, 5 clips, and
(it's about time) the chaingun! Get these items and exit the secret room.

Facing the door you used to get here, turn around. To the left and right of you
are 2 doors jutting out on walls. Open the left one first. In here, follow the
hallway down to an SS Officer and 2 guards. Then get the 4 dinners and 3
chalices. Follow the hallway back down to the door and open it. Open the door
in front of you and follow the hallway of bones down to a door (you will have
to kill a guard and an SS Officer along the way). Skip this door and keep going
to a gold door guarded by a guard, an officer, and an SS Officer.

Open the gold door in front of you and 3 SS Officers, 4 guards, and an officer.
Then collect the 6 dinners and 3 chalices. Finally, open the exit door and hit
the exit switch!

Episode 5, Floor 2

When you first start this level, turn left and open the door there on that wall
with the "Achtung" signs around it. Follow the small hallway to 16 SS Officers
behind barrels to the left and right of you. I don't think it is possible to
kill all of them with your 99 ammo yet. But I thought of a cunning plan. Return
to that hallway often each time you have 99 ammo. Eventually, they'll all be
taken down dead. If you want the points, keep practicing. When they are all
dead, sprint past the dead bodies and through the hallway in front of you.

In the room past the hallway, kill the 2 SS Officers and then collect all of
the 3 clips, 3 dinners, 6 chests, and 3 crowns. Return back to that door and
open it then go through it. Facing the starting door, turn right and go forward
to a wall. Open the door on this wall to the right on this wall. In here, kill
the SS Officer and the 2 guards with what ammo you have left. Then, open the
door in front of you across from your fallen foes.

In this giant room, kill the 3 SS Officers and 2 dogs. When they are dead, go
into the room and collect the 5 chests from the back of the room. In the island
in the center of the room is a chaingun, a clip, and 2 dinners. Exit the island
in the room. Facing the door you used to get to this room, turn left and face
that wall. Press the ugly Hitler portrait in the center and go into the secret
room when the wall opens up. In here, get the 13 clips and 3 medikits. When
you're all juiced up in here, exit the secret room and the room itself back in
the other hall. In here, turn right and open the door.

In here, kill the SS Officer and 3 guards. Now, there are 2 doors to open. Open
the one on the right wall first. Get the medikit in here and then walk forward
and press the Hitler portrait in front of you for a secret room. Go in it for 6
crowns, 4 chests, and 5 clips. Exit the secret room and exit the room. Back in
here, open the door on the left wall (not the one you used to get here). In
here, follow the hallway to a medikit guarded by an SS Officer.

Now in this hallway, exit it and then the room itself. Exit this room back into
the starting room. Here, turn right and go through the hallway on this wall. In
here, open the right door first. In this large room, kill the 2 guards and then
open up the door on the right wall. In here, kill the 2 SS Officers and 2
guards. In this room also, collect the 7 chalices, 2 clips, 2 dinners, and 2
chests. Exit the room and open the gray door (not the 2 doors on that wall that
you used to get in this room; the other gray door).

In this room, kill the 2 SS Officers, the 2 guards, and the officer. On the
brown-walled island, find the entrance into it and go through it. Now in here,
kill the officer and the SS Officer then get the 2 clips, the medikit, and the
gold key! Exit the brown island and then the room itself. Exit this room and go
back to the starting room. Spot the gold door across from you and open it.

In here, open the door in front of you. In here, kill both SS Officers and then
get the 2 clips and the 2 medikits. Exit the room and go around the room to a
door and open it (in fact, there are 2 of them in here; it doesn't matter which
one you open). In here, kill the 4 officers and the SS Officer. Spot the exit
door and open it. From here... Hmmm...

Episode 5, Floor 3

This whole level promises treasures in each room so it is a joy to collect them
all and watch your score rise in value... :)

First of all, go forward and collect the 3 clips. Turn around and go around
your starting island to the back of the room. Back here, kill the 4 officers
and the 2 SS Officers. Then collect the 2 chalices in front of the silver door.
Go back around the starting island and face the starting door. Turn around and
take the left hallway in front of you. Down this hallway, kill the 2 guards in
various places around the room and collect the 3 chests in a mini hallway.
Notice that some alcoves have pillars. In the alcove without a pillar, press
the wall in front of you.

Here, in this secret room, collect the 8 chests, the 10 clips, the chaingun,
and the 8 medikits. Exit the secret room and open the door in this vicinity
range. In here, kill the guard then collect the 4 chests. Next, open either 1
of the 2 doors. In here, kill the 3 SS Officers and the guard. Then, collect
the 8 dinners and the 8 chests. Facing the wall with the 3 doors on it, open
the one on the right. In here, collect the 3 chalices and then open the next

In this giant room, kill the 3 guards, the 3 dogs, the 3 officers, and the 3 SS
Officers (3 of each kind of enemy) in the room. Also in here, collect the 4
medikits, 12 clips, and 2 chalices. In the vicinity with the chalices, open the
door. In this large "L" shaped hallway, kill the 2 SS Officers, the guard, and
2 dogs. Then get the 3 chalices. When you first enter this "L" shaped hallway,
turn right to face the wall and press the Hitler portrait for a secret room. In
this one, get the 10 clips, the 4 chests, the 4 medikits, and the chaingun.
Exit the secret room and open the door at the end of this hallway.

In here, kill the SS Officer and 3 officers in the room. Then collect the 4
chalices, the 2 clips, the 2 medikits, and the silver key. Exit this small
room, follow the hallway back down, and open the door. Open the door in front
of you with the brown walls around it. In here, kill the guard, get the 2
crosses, and open the door in front of you. In this room, kill the SS Officer
and the 3 officers. Then get the 3 chalices and open the next door. All you
have to do in here is kill the guard and the SS Officer standing there.

Then walk forward, turn the corner, and you're back in the starting room. Go
around your starting island again and open the silver door. In here, open the
exit door, and, finally, hit the exit switch to finish this level.

Episode 5, Floor 4

This is my favorite level in the whole universe of Wolfenstein 3D. This level
promises (guaranteed) a guard and a dog in each room on the hardest skill
level. Sounds simple? To some, yes it is. For the inexperienced, no offense,
it's hard.

For starters, open the door in front of you and kill off the guard, the dog,
and the SS Officer. Exit the room and open the door on the left wall. In here,
kill the 2 guards and the SS Officer. In here, open the door in front of you.
In here, kill the 2 officers, the guard, the dog, and the SS Officer. Turn left
and open the door. In here, kill the dog, the guard, and the SS Officer. Exit
the room back to the other room and open the door in front of you.

In here, kill the guard, the dog, and the SS Officer. Then open the next door.
In this room, kill the 4 dogs, the 2 officers, the guard, and the SS Officer.
Then get the 2 chests, the 6 clips, and the 2 medikits. Turn right and press
the purple eagle portrait for a secret room. Go in it for 6 crosses, 3 clips, 4
dinners, and 4 chests. Exit the secret room and open the door across from you
on that wall (the golden nazi symbol door). In here, kill the 2 guards, the
dog, and the SS Officer. Enter the next door. In here, kill the 2 officers, the
guard, the dog, and the SS Officer and get the medikit. Enter the next door in
front of you (across from the door you used to get here; not the right door).

In here, kill the 2 guards, the dog, and the SS Officer. Exit this room back to
the blue room and open the door on the left. In this hallway, kill the SS
Officer, the guard, and the dog. Now, open the door in front of you and back
into the starting room. Turn to face the left wall and open the door on that
wall. In here, kill the 2 guards, the dog, and the SS Officer. Now, open the
door in front of you.

In this blue room, kill the 2 officers, the guard, the dog, and the SS Officer.
In here, turn right and open the door there. In here, kill the dog, the guard,
and the SS Officer. Now, open the next door. In here, send the 2 officers, the
guard, the SS Officer and the 4 dogs to hell (do dogs go to hell? Doubt it).
ANYWAY, collect the 7 clips, the 2 medikits, and the gold key after you've sent
the humans to hell. Then press the purple eagle portrait on the right wall.

In this secret room, collect the 9 clips, the 6 medikits, the 6 chests, and the
3 crowns and the chaingun. Exit this secret room back in the other room and
then open the door with the purple eagle walls to the sides of it. Turn left
and open the door there. Open the door in front of you and kill the dog, the
guard, and the SS Officer.

In here, open the gold door and then kill the 3 dogs, the 2 officers, the
guard, and the SS Officer. Then get the silver key there. Also, get the 3 clips
and the medikit. In this room, also, press the purple eagle portrait to the
left wall. In here, get the 6 clips, 3 medikits, and the 8 chalices. Exit the
secret room and exit this room as well through the gold door with the eagle
walls around it.

Follow the hallway back to the door and open it. Open the door in front of you
and then and then open the next one. Now, open the door with the golden nazi
banners to the sides of it. In this hallway, kill the 2 guards, the SS Officer,
and the dog. Now, open the next door. In this room, kill the 2 officers, the
guard, the SS Officer, and the dog there.

Also in this room, open the door in front of you. In here, kill the 2 guards,
the dog, and the SS Officer. In here, open the silver door and then kill the 4
dogs, 2 officers, 2 SS Officers, and the guard. In this room, pick up the 3
medikits and press the purple eagle wall for your fourth and final secret. In
here, pick up the 8 clips, the 2 medikits, and the 6 crowns. Exit the secret
room, open the exit door, kill the SS Officer, and hit the exit switch!

Episode 5, Floor 5

At the start of this level, be prepared to kill 6 guards floating around your
starting island. Facing your starting position, turn around and go up to the
eagle portrait in front of you. To the right of that portrait is a door in a
mini hallway. Open the door and then kill the 2 guards, an officer, and an SS
Officer in the room with the blue island in it. When that's done, get the 10
crosses and the 4 clips. On the blue island itself, press one of the walls on
it and one of them will open a secret room. In the secret room, get the 4 clips
and the 4 medikits. Exit the secret room and then exit the room here itself
back in the starting room.

Facing the starting door again, turn right and go up to the wall with 2 doors
and then open the door on the left. In here, kill the 2 guards and 2 SS
Officers and then get the 4 clips and the 4 chalices. Exit this room and open
the right door on that same wall I told you to open the door.

In this giant room, kill the 3 SS Officers and then get the 6 dinners and the 3
chests. Now, exit the room back into the starting room. Facing the starting
door once again, turn around and go to the portrait again. Open the door to the
left of that. This room is giant featuring 2 large wooden islands and lots of
mini hallways. Anyway, in here, kill the 6 dogs and 1 guard down the hallway.

In this room also, go forward to a brown-walled Hitler portrait. On this wall
and to the left of it is a hallway so follow it down to the end and turn left.
Follow the hallway down and open the door. In here, kill the 13 guards, the 4
SS Officers, the 3 dogs, and the 4 officers; Death Incarnate is a hard skill
level... see I told you. :)

In here, get the 4 medikits and the silver key. Exit the room and exit the room
with the large islands and the mini hallways back into the starting room. Now,
open the silver door which is placed across from you. Once again, this room is
tough. Anyway, kill the 7 SS Officers and the 5 officers. Enter the room,
search around a bit and you'll come across 8 chalices, 9 chests, 3 crowns, 4
medikits, 4 dinners, 3 clips, and the gold key! Wow! Collect all of these items
and then face the door that you used to get into this room.

Turn around and go forward to a wall. Caddy-corner left (a caddy-corner, once
again, is when you go forward, strafe, and go forward again). Go forward to a
wall. And then press the last gray wall on the left. In here is a secret room
with 20 crosses and 6 medikits. Press one of the eagle walls in here and one of
them will open (the precise direction is on a wall with only one eagle wall).
Once you find it, go through it.

Then collect the 12 clips, the chaingun, 12 chests, and 13 crowns! The secret
exit door is there; however, if you want every single point, read on. Return
back to the starting room and open the gold door to the left of you. In this
long hallway, kill the 5 officers and 3 SS Officers. Return back to the secret
exit door, open it, and hit the secret exit switch.

NOTE: You cannot achieve 100% treasure in this one for some odd and strange
reason. When you press a wall leading to the secret exit, the wall will open.
The wall will be pushed back onto a chest. Meaning, the wall is sitting right
on a chest so it is impossible to get it. Man, there's a lot of bugs in this
game but it is fun anyway.

Episode 5, Floor 10

At the start, move forward and get the 9 clips in front of a door. Open the
door in front of you. Kill the SS Officer then follow this extremely long
twisty hallway of treasure and enemies. When you finally come to an end to a
door, you will find that you have achieved 26 crosses and would have killed 2
officers and 1 SS Officer. At the end, open the door and step into the room.

In this room, kill the SS Officer then open the door on the right of you (the
Hitler portrait door). In here, go forward until you collect exactly 5 crosses
and kill 2 officers. Here, look to the left walls and find a door to open. Go
ahead and open the door. In this room, kill the SS Officer and get the 7 clips,
the 5 chests, and the gold key. Exit the room and continue going down the
hallway to the left of you.

Keep following the hallway and get the 17 crosses while killing the officer
along the way. At the end, open the next door. In this room, kill the SS
Officer and then open the door on the left wall. Turn right and open the door
down the mini hallway. In here, kill the SS Officer and open the door in front
of you. In this hallway, kill the SS Officer. Follow this long hallway of 9
crosses, 1 officer, and 1 SS Officer all the way to a door.

Open the door and open the door in front of you. Open the door in front of you
again and then open the door in front of you one last time. In this long
hallway, get the 17 crosses while killing the 2 officers along the way. Along
the way, you'll pass a gold door. At the end of this hallway, backtrack to the
gold door and open it. In here, there are no enemies guarding the exit door.
Just collect the chaingun, 7 crosses, 6 clips, 10 chests, and 3 medikits. When
you are ready, open the exit door and hit the exit switch from behind it.

Episode 5, Floor 6

At the start, move around your starting hallway and follow this large, wide
hallway to slaughter 2 SS Officers, 4 guards, and 3 officers. There is also a
medikit behind some barrels. Facing your starting door, turn left and go
forward all the way to a wall. Press one of these walls (mainly press the right
walls on this wall) and one of them will open a secret room. In this secret
room, collect the chaingun, the 8 crosses, 4 chests, 6 clips, and the 6
dinners. Exit the secret room and go back to your starting door and face it.

Go around your starting island and go forward some ways but not all the way.
Turn left and open the door in between 2 pillars. In this room, turn down the
left passageway and kill the 3 officers there. There may be a guard or 2 guards
waiting for you in this room so kill them in there. Down the left passageway
where you killed the 3 officers, get the 4 crosses, the medikit, 2 chests, and
6 clips. Go on down the right passageway and kill 3 more officers. When they're
dead, collect the 4 chalices, the 2 clips, and the 3 dinners. Exit the
passageway and turn right. You'll see a door there so open it.

In this room, go forward and open the door. In here, turn right and follow the
hallway down to a room with 4 guards to kill maximum (there may be 0-4 guards
in this room depending on where the guards dispersed to). Anyway, do so then
collect the 2 medikits and the clip. Exit the room back through the hallway and
turn left and open the door. In here, turn left and open the door with the red
nazi flags around it.

In this room, kill the 3 guards and the SS Officer there. Then get the 3
chalices in front of you. In here, turn right and go down the skinny hallway to
a small room with 3 guards, an officer, and 2 SS Officers. Collect the 2
medikits and the gold key after you have killed the enemies there. Exit the
small room back to the place with the gold door. Before opening it up, turn
left and open the door again.

On this wall in front of you is a door in between 2 eagle walls. Open it up and
step through and inside the room. In here, turn right and open the gold door.
Follow the skinny hallway to a room with 4 SS Officers and an officer. Then
collect the 3 clips, the medikit, and the silver key in the room. Exit the room
and skinny hallway and open the door on this wall in front of you.

In here, go forward and open the gold door. In this room, collect the 9 chests
and turn right to open yet another gold door. In here, move down the hallway
and kill the 2 SS Officers. Then get the 3 chests in the room. Facing the
regular door in this wide arch hallway, turn left and press the leftward wall
for your last secret of this level. In this secret room, get the chaingun, the
6 chests, the 4 medikits, and the 8 clips.

Exit the secret room and exit this room back through the gold door. Turn right
and you'll see a wall with a mini hallway on the left of it. Go down it and
open the silver door. In this large hallway, kill the 7 SS Officers and 2
officers. Then get the 2 clips, the medikit, and the 6 chests amid the hallway.
Then, open the exit door. Be sure to kill the officer behind it fairly quickly
and then press the exit switch to finish this level.

Episode 5, Floor 7

At the start of this longer than usual for Episode 5 level, turn around and get
the clip and the machine gun. Turn back around and get the 4 clips in front of
you. Exit your starting hallway and wipe out all of the 4 dogs, the 4 guards,
the 3 SS Officers, and the 3 officers! Around this area are 4 clips scattered
around somewhere. Facing the starting hallway, turn right and go forward all
the way to a wall. Turn right and open the door on the right. In here, follow
the hallway down to the first room with 7 SS Officers, 2 guards, 3 dogs, and 3
officers. Mow them all down!

Now, exit the room before collecting everything. Several enemies have answered
the terrified Nazi screams. Kill the 5 officers, 5 guards, and 4 SS Officers.
Remember: These are only approximate counts; it varies greatly depending on how
many enemies were alarmed. Return back to the other room you previously were
at. Down hallways and through open areas, there are 4 chalices, 4 dinners, and
5 clips to collect. Be sure to get them.

Facing the door that you used to get here, turn around and go forward. Turn
left and Go forward all the way until you see the first hallway you come to on
the left of you. Go down the hallway and turn left down thew first hallway you
see. Go forward and press the wall there for a secret room. In the secret room,
get the chaingun, 6 chests, 3 clips, and 3 dinners. Exit the secret room.

There is a door on the right wall somewhere in between 2 nazi flags. Open that
up for 3 dinners. In front of the door in this room is a secret room. Press it
in for the secret.

In here, be sure to kill the 4 SS Officers, 2 officers, and 2 guards before
getting the gold key. In an opening in the room are 6 crowns, 4 clips, and 4
medikits. Now, there are 2 doors in this room and they both lead to the huge
starting room; go through either 1 of them. Back in the starting room, find the
gold door (it's hard to find; face the starting door, turn around, go forward,
caddy-corner left, and go forward. To the right is the gold door) and open it.

In this giant room with 3 hallways and 3 doors, kill the 5 SS Officers, 3 dogs,
3 guards, and 2 officers. Take either 1 of the 3 doors and you'll come to a
giant room with 6 chalices, 3 dinners, 4 clips, and the silver key. Facing the
silver key, turn right and press on eof the walls for a secret room. In this
giant secret room of ours, get the 6 dinners, 7 clips, 6 crosses, and 3 crowns.
There's also some blood there if you are thirsty enough for it. :)

Exit the secret room back into the room with the silver key. Exit this room
also and exit the room back into the starting room for the last time. Here,
turn left and go forward and then turn left. Go forward and turn right to face
the wall with the door on the left. Open it up. In this giant room, kill the 3
officers, 5 SS Officers, and 2 guards. Me and my fingers are tired now...

In this room, get the 8 crosses and open either 1 of the 7 doors there! Wow! In
here, kill the 2 SS Officers; then get the 4 crowns, the 4 medikits, the 4
chalices, and the 8 clips. Now, open the silver door there. Woah, that's a slap
in the face; brown walls finally! Anyways, kill the 8 SS Officers in here very
fast but also very carefully. Open the exit door once you are finished. Kill
the officer behind it and then hit the exit switch!

Episode 5, Floor 8

At the start, move forward and around the hallway here. When you arrive in a
small room with several doors, kill the guard, the SS Officer, and the officer
in here. Then get the 3 clips in various places around the room. Open the only
door with eagle walls around it first. In this giant room with the brown-walled
island in the middle of it, kill the 2 SS Officers, the 2 officers, and the 2
guards. Go around the wooden island and get the 4 crosses, the 2 medikits, and
the 4 clips. Facing the door you used to get here, turn around and go around
the wood walled island and press the eagle portrait on the other side of the
island for a secret room.

In this secret room, get the 7 clips, the chaingun, 2 medikits, and the 2
crowns. Once that's done, exit the secret room and open the door in front of
you. In here, there are 2 officers, 5 guards, and 2 SS Officers. Down the left
hallway, there are 6 crowns. Exit this room and goaround the brown island again
and open the door in front of you.

In here, turn right and open the door. In this room, kill the 2 guards, the
officer, and the SS Officer. When they'rte dead, get the 3 chests and the 4
dinners. When that's done, open the door in front of you. This is an entrance
into a red-bricked maze. First of all, I'll tell you the number of enemies in
here. There are 7 guards, 6 officers, and 2 SS Officers. When they're dead, go
forward and get the 4 chests. Then, turn left adn then right immediately. Here,
turn left and get the 2 clips. Go forward and open the door.

In here, kill the 4 SS Officers, 2 guards, and the officer. In this room, get
the 8 clips, the 4 dinners, and the 2 chalices. Then get the gold key. Exit the
room and turn right. Stip to the right wall and you'll get 3 clips and another
3 clips at the end. Open the door when you come to it. Back in here, turn right
and open the door. Open the doro in front of you. In here, kill the 2 guards,
the officer, and the SS Officer. Now open the gold door on the right wall.

This is a maze filled with blue walls and green stained-glass Hitlers. Take the
right path and follow the hallway down to a large room with 4 SS Officers, 2
guards, and 2 officers. Then get the silver key in the room. Exit back through
the hallway and exit the room. Turn left and open the door down this pathway.
Here, turn left and go forward to a wall. Do a 180 and open the silver door
there on the right. In here, get the 3 medikits and then open the exit door.
Kill the SS Officer behind it and hit the exit switch!

NOTE: You can't get 100% treasure in this level, also for the same reason as
last time. The only secret room in this level is pushed back onto a chest. You
can't get 100% treasures in here.

Episode 5, Floor 9

Welcome, everybody, to the final level of Episode 5: Trail of the Madman. Here
is where you get to kill Gretel Grosse, the big giantess guard boss. Anyway,
first of all, turn right and open the door. Here, kill the SS Officer and the
officer. Exit this room and open the door in front of you. In here, kill the SS
Officer and the officer. Exit the room and open the left door. Get the 14
medikits in here or save them for later on. In here, open either 1 of the 3
doors here.

This room is the room where you get to fight Gretel. In front of you, there are
2 doors on the left and 2 doors on the right. The 2 right doors contain 14
clips and an officer. The 2 left doors can be opened for 14 clips and a single
SS Officer. Exit the 2 rooms. There are 2 secret rooms also. Facing the doors,
turn right and press the wall there for 12 chalices, 12 chests, and 6 crowns.
Do the same thing for the left wall for 15 chests, 6 clips, the chaingun, and
the 5 crowns.

Now you can fight Gretel. To kill her fast, hide behind the island sin the
center of the room. Hide, starfe, and use your chaingun to kill her.
Eventually, this works. Once she is taken down, she drops a gold key for you.
Grab it and find the gold door. Open it and step through.

In here, kill the 4 SS Officers and the 4 officers. Walk forward and turn left.
Go forward and the level will automatically end! YEAH!

Episode 6: Confrontation

Gretel Grosse, the giantess guard, has fallen. Hope her brother, Hans, doesn't
get mad about this....

Now rush to the military installation at Offenbach and stop the horrible attack
before thousands die under the deadly, burning clouds of chemical war. Only you
can do it, B.J.

11. Bugs and Errors

Ok, this section will deal with all of the bugs and errors found throughout the
game. I only know of one error. If you find any more errors, please don't
hesitate at all to email me.

Map Errors

Episode 2, Floor 8

In Episode 2, Map 8, it is impossible to get 100% secrets and 100% treasure. It
is impossible because the secret rooms and a couple treasures are located in a
giant maze of just secret rooms. Sometimes, the secret rooms are built upon
each other. It's pretty hard to explain, but here is an explanation. What this
means is that when you press a wall and it is pushed back, right? Sometimes,
the wall is pushed back onto another wall... that just happens to be another
secret behind the secret wall. It's hard to explain but it is impossible to get
100% secrets.

If you know of anymore, email me please!

Episode 4, Floor 6

It is also impossible to get 100% secrets in this level. When you come across a
door that looks solid but is really invisible, to the left of it is supposed to
be secret room but it cannot open. This is a weird one. All there is behind it
are 15 clips. Unfortunately. Also, the invisible door is also considered an
error in the game but I just put it down here.

Episode 5, Floor 5

You cannot achieve 100% treasure in this one for some odd and strange reason.
When you press a wall leading to the secret exit, the wall will open. The wall
will be pushed back onto a chest. Meaning, the wall is sitting right on a chest
so it is impossible to get it. Man, there's a lot of bugs in this game but it
is fun anyway.

Enemy Errors

Episode 4, Floor 10

In Episode 4, Map 10, there is this giant room with little islands in it. It is
surrounded by chalices and officers. When you kill so many officers in one
spot, the other officers (who are alive still) will become invisible so you
cannot see them to kill them. This is stupid because the officers can have
cheap shots on you. But if you constantly keep your aim on a certain spot you
are bound to kill the invisible cheating officers.

Episode 5, Floor 2

The same error (Enemy Errors: Episode 4, Floor 10) occurs in Episode 5, Floor 2
when you come to 16 SS Officers behind barrels on either side of you. They
become invisible so it is hard to kill them.

12. Cheat Codes

Right before I submitted this FAQ for the first time, I decided to add a cheat
codes section for all you cheaters out there. I only know of one cheat code
(for now). If you know of any more good ones, email me.


M + L +I: This gives you 100% health, 99 ammo, both keys, the machine gun, and
the chaingun. This is really useful if you want to cream everything in sight.
You can use this code as many times as you want during the game. However, it's
got some negatives to this. The code drops your score from your current score
down to a score of 0. The cheat code also increases 10:00 on your total time so
it is impossible to get a high score for this level if you constantly use the
code over and over again... :)

13. Credits

Welcome to the last section in the FAQ: the credits section! In this section, I
will list all of the names and companies that helped to make this FAQ possible.
Without them, I really don't think there would be any guide for this game.

mosquito_breath: Of course, me, mosquito_breath for making the guide possible.
Without him, there would have been no guide. He spent a lot of his free time
and effort into making this guide and he should get the proper thanks.

GameFAQs: They allowed me to host my guides on their site. Thank you!

ID Software: They made this wonderful game!

Peach Freak: A couple months ago, I didn't no even how to write a guide. I was
a new member at GameFAQs in August of 2005. I stumbled upon his Doom
Walkthroughs and found that they were very helpful to me. The reason I put him
in my credits section is because I looked at his guides and taught myself how
to write one. Thanks, dude. His user name on GameFAQs is peach freak. Come
visit his walkthroughs. He's got tons of them. He also...

He also told me that I had put a nasty error in my update history section.
I fixed it. He told me that I put down in version 0.01 that I had completed
Episode 1 - Floor 10. But I didn't. I just got as far as Floor 1. So I
changed that up a bit thanks to him. He also...

He also told me that Gretel Grosse was Hans Grosse's sister not his mother.
Wow. This guy is hands-down, the best contributor to me I've ever seen. Visit
his walkthroughs... :)

You: Oh yeah... Finally, you made the guide possible because you are the one
who is reading it.
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17.Oktober 2013

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