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Copyright 2005 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host any of
my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the
guide(s), as I like to know where they're being used.

I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most
current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs.
If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any site, please contact
me, and I will contact the site to get it updated.

All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my
site here:

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at
deucestaley@gmail.com or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon).

| ========================= |
| | CONTENTS | |
| ========================= |

Section 0: General Notes

Section 1: Walkthrough
Chapter 1) The Murder
Chapter 2) Investigation
Chapter 3) The Day After
Chapter 4) Confession
Chapter 5) Police Work
Chapter 6) Alternate Reality
Chapter 7) Reconstruction
Chapter 8) Tyler & Kate
Chapter 9) Lost Love
Chapter 10) Hide and Seek
Chapter 11) Friendly Combat (Carla)
Chapter 12) Friendly Combat (Tyler)
Chapter 13) Debriefing (Carla)
Chapter 14) Debriefing (Tyler)
Chapter 15) Agatha
Chapter 16) Questions and Bullets
Chapter 17) Double or Quits
Chapter 18) The Storm
Chapter 19) Dark Omen
Chapter 20) Face Off
Chapter 21) Back to Agatha
Chapter 22) Happy Aniversary!
Chapter 23) Bloody Washing
Chapter 24) Confrontation
Chapter 25) Captain Jones is Really Upset (Carla)
Chapter 26) Captain Jones is Really Upset (Tyler)
Chapter 27) Fallen Angels
Chapter 28) Soap, Blood & Clues
Chapter 29) The Fugitive
Chapter 30) Janos
Chapter 31) Meeting Kuriakin
Chapter 32) Mayan Secrets
Chapter 33) Danger and Ubiquity
Chapter 34) Fate on Russian Hills
Chapter 35) Child's Play
Chapter 36) Checkmate!
Chapter 37) The Pact
Chapter 38) Jade
Chapter 39) Frozen to the Bone (Carla)
Chapter 40) Frozen to the Bone (Tyler)
Chapter 41) Where is Jade?
Chapter 42) Bogart
Chapter 43) Revelation
Chapter 44) Final Countdown
Chapter 45) Epilogue

Section 2: Characters

Section 3: Bonus Material

Section 4: Closing
4.01) Version History
4.02) Closing

| ============================= |
| | Section 0: General Notes | |
| ============================= |

The following is the format for the walkthrough information for each chapter:


Lucas has "lives" that he'll expend if he fails certain action sequences
during the game. The characters can find extra lives in some levels in the
form of a cross. Their locations will be listed here.

Bonus Points

Bonus material can be unlocked from the main game menu using bonus card
points, which you'll get by finding small tarot cards throughout the game.
Their locations will be listed here.

Mental Health Actions

The characters have a mental health meter that needs to remain above zero
for the game to continue. Some actions will raise this value while others
will cause it to fall. Those actions are listed here along with which
characters can complete the actions.

Required Actions

This section lists (or attempts to list, anyway) all of the actions that
absolutely have to be completed to finish a chapter.

Game Over

There are lots of ways to lose in this game, and I've listed them in this
section every time I encountered one. It's important to note that the game
will end whenever one of your characters runs out of sanity points. Since
this is always a possible way to get a game over during pretty much all of
the chapters, I didn't bother to list it with the other possibilities in the
Game Over section.


I explain what you need to do to complete each chapter in the best possible
way in this section.

| =============================== |
| | Section 1: Walkthrough | |
| =============================== |
| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 1) The Murder | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

+5: Stick the body in the center stall
+5: Mop up the blood spot where the body was
+5: Wash the blood off of your face with the right sink
+5: Examine the machine near the bathroom door, examine it a second time to
smack it three times, then examine it a third time to find a coin
+5: Find the knife near the urinals and hide it
+5: Eat part of your meal
+5: Take a drink from the glass at your table
+5: Play the jukebox
+5: Pay for your meal before attempting to leave the diner
+10: Escape the disctrict in a cab or the subway

-5: Look out the window in the bathroom
-5: Talk to the guy next to the bathroom door
-5: Try to call Markus Kane on the pay phone near the bathroom door
-5: Walk behind the bar
-5: Sit down at the stool closest to the register, then talk to the waitress
-10: Talk to the cop
-10: Take too long in the restaurant and the cop goes into the bathroom
-10: Try to leave without paying your bill
-20: Leave the bathroom without cleaning the blood off of yourself

Required Actions

- Exit the diner with or without paying
- Take a cab home or enter the subway

Game Over

- Leave the bathroom without washing the blood off of yourself, then fail to
get out the back door before the cop comes back there
- If you haven't left the diner before the cop finds the corpse
- If you take too long to leave town, the cops arrest you


The game starts with a short scene, then leaves you in control of Lucas Kane.
As you saw in the scene, Lucas just stabbed and killed a stranger in the
bathroom of a diner, but he was apparently not under control of his body at the
time of the murder. You must act fast and cover your tracks to avoid getting
caught by the police officer sitting at the bar in the diner.

Grab the body from the floor and drag it to the center stall, then make it sit
on the toilet (+5). Exit the stall and grab the mop from the wall near the
window (be careful not to look out the window on accident, or you'll lose
mental health points). Use the mop to clean the blood off of the floor (move
your cursor around in the little white bubble for a while until Lucas takes
control of the mop), then put the mop back (+5).

Head to the sink now and turn on the one on the right (+5). Once you're nice
and clean, turn to your left and examine the machine to the right of the
urinals. You won't find anything, but when you examine it a second time, you'll
be able to smack it by following the white bubble with your cursor. Smack it
three times, then examine it again to find a coin (+5). Finally, find the
knife on the ground near the urinals to make Lucas hide it (+5). Now exit the

Head for the second table, then have a seat. Take a drink from the glass (+5),
then take a bite of your food (+5). Examine your bill on the table, then pay
it (+5 when you leave the diner). Get out of your seat and head for the juke
box near the cop, then play a song on it (+5). Now you're ready to exit the
diner, so go ahead and leave.

You can exit the area either by cab or by subway. Take a right when you exit
the diner and head straight to find the cab or take two quick rights after
exiting the diner to find the subway (a green stairwell thing next to the
street). Regardless of which way you choose, exit the area before the cops
show up (+10).

[Note: If you want to leave the bathroom without washing the blood off of
yourself first, you'll only have a few seconds to run out the back door
before the cop catches you, which will make you lose.]

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 2) Investigation | |
| | | |
| =============================== |

Now's when you first start to get a feel for how much flexibility this game
has... actions you took in the first chapter will affect options available to
Carla and Tyler in this chapter as well as others throughout the entire game.
For example, whether you hid the knife or not, whether you left through the
front or back door, and whether you paid your bill can all change options
available to the detectives or even alter dialogue between characters. Because
of this, it's very difficult to include every tiny detail in a walkthrough
without including things that you might not encounter in your play through the
game. If you follow this guide completely from the very beginning, everything
should be fine. If not, there's no telling what kinds of things you could run
into along the way.

Note that each chapter will be written under the assumption that you've been
following this guide completely from the very start of the game. I'll try to
mention as many major differences as possible, but you'll probably be on your
own for quite a lot of it.


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

+5: Check the pay phone to have Frank check into the call records
+5: Go behind the bar and find the coffee, then drink some
+5: Find the cab outside the diner
+5: Find the blood on the floor in the left stall
+10: Find the book underneath Lucas's table
+10: Find the knife (if Tyler doesn't)

-5: Talk to Bogart (the bum) behind the diner
-10: Try to open the back door from the outside
-10: If Tyler urinates while Carla's in the bathroom

+5: Talk to Frank, the morgue guy on the right
+5: Talk to Garret, the morgue guy on the left
+5: Drink some coffee behind the bar (pour it first if Carla didn't)
+5: Use the pay phone to call your girlfriend
+5: Talk to Martin, the off-duty cop
+10: Find the knife (if Carla doesn't)

-5: Play a song on the juke box to piss off Carla
-10: Talk to Bogart (the bum) behind the diner
-10: Try to open the back door from the outside

Required Actions

- Find the knife (this'll happen on its own if you wait long enough)
- Have Carla Interrogate Kate, the waitress

Game Over

- None


Listen to Carla's thoughts, then enter the diner. After Martin talks to you,
go back outside and find the cab before you forget (+5). Carla will remind
herself to check into the cab records to see if there's anything suspicious.
Head back into the diner after that, then inspect Lucas's table to learn a few
things. Check the book icon to find a copy of The Tempest underneath the
table (+10).

Make your way behind the bar and find the coffee pot. Pour yourself a cup,
then take a drink (+5). Move to the back of the diner and inspect the phone
to make Carla tell Frank to check the phone records (+5). Now it's time to use
your Enter key to switch characters.

With Tyler under your control, talk to Martin (+5), then talk to Frank (+5),
and then talk to Garret (+5). Find Carla's coffee cup and take a drink (+5),
then go call your girlfriend on the pay phone in the back of the diner (+5).

Take control of Carla and inspect the blood on the floor in the left stall
(+5). If you didn't hide the knife as Lucas, it'll just be sitting on the
floor in front of the urinals, and whichever character finds it will get ten
points (+10). If Lucas did hide it, check the garbage can and right stall as
Tyler or the vent in the left stall as Carla to find it (it's random).
Depending on what other options you did with Lucas, you'll be able to inspect a
few other things in here (the bloody sink, bloody mop, and so forth). Inspect
the corpse if you'd like, then go back into the main diner area.

Have Carla talk to Kate now. Interrogate her as well or as poorly as you'd
like, then tell Tyler that you're ready to leave. Exit through the front door,
but before you get in the car, run down the street to your right until Carla
makes a comment about the taxi (+5). Enter the car after that. (You'll be
able to see some blood on the snow near whichever door Lucas used to exit the
diner, but it won't affect your points.)

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 3) The Day After | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+5: Open the cabinet above the kitchen sink
+10: Scare the crow off of your balcony, then grab the card on the ground to
the left.

Mental Health Actions

+5: Pull the blanket over your stained sheets
+5: Talk to Markus on the phone
+5: Stick your stained shirt in the washing machine
+5: Urinate in the toilet in the bathroom
+5: Turn on the stereo in the living room area
+5: Drink some milk from the fridge
+5: Use the glass by the kitchen sink to take a drink of water
+5: Find the alcohol in the kitchen shelf and take a swig (don't combine with
the medication next to your bed or it's game over >_>)
+10: Take the pills on the shelf next to your bed (don't combine with alcohol
in the kitchen or it's game over <_<)
+10: Use the bandages in the cabinet above the sink in the bathroom (To avoid
losing points after closing the cabinet, do this while the officer is
knocking on the door)
+10: The police officer leaves

-5: Look at the picture on the desk in your room
-5: Read the paper on the ground in front of your front door
-10: Watch the TV in the living room area
-10: Failure to take your medicine before the cop shows up (Lucas has headache
pain while walking around in his appartment)
-10: Stand on your balcony for too long (this will happen more than once if
you stand around out there)
-20: Drink from the alcohol bottle more than once (you can lose twenty points
over and over again, but you'll die if you already took the medication)
-20: Closing the cabinet in the bathroom (you'll have to do this if you want
to use the bandages, but if you do it while the officer is knocking on
the door, you won't lose the points)

Required Actions

- Hide your bloody shirt in the washer before the cop sees it
- Either hide your bloody sheet or prevent the officer from entering your room
- Grab your key from the table near the kitchen to let the cop in and to leave
your appartment later
- Talk to Markus Kane on the phone
- Take a shower (must be done before you can apply bandages)
- Apply bandages (must be done before you can get dressed)
- Get dressed (must be done before you can leave the appartment)

Game Over

- Failure to hide the bloody shirt
- Failure to hide the bloody sheet (or failure to prevent the cop from going
into the bedroom)
- Allow time to expire before opening the door for the cop
- Suspicion level gets too high (tell the cop there was no screaming, then
tell him it's not OK to look in your appartment, then try to prevent him
from entering your bedroom with the warrant or mess excuse)
- Take the pills from next to your bed, then drink from the bottle of alcohol
on the shelf in the kitchen >_>


Lots of good stuff to do in Lucas's appartment. Start by taking his medication
from the table next to his bed so his migraine won't bother him (+10). Note
that failure to take the medication will result in ten point reductions over
time. Also, don't combine the pills with the bottle of alcohol in the kitch,
or it'll be an instant game over.

After you've taken the pills, examine the bed. Examine it again to get the
option of covering the blood-stained sheet with the blankets, then do so (+5).
Open the door to the next room now and head for the ringing phone. Answer it
to talk to your brother Markus (+5), then continue farther into the kitchen.
Open the fridge and take a drink of milk (+5), pick up the glass by the sink to
take a drink of water (+5), and then open the cupboard above the sink to find a
five point bonus card.

Open the door to your balcony now and scare the crow away, then pick up the ten
point bonus card on the ground to the left. Go back inside and turn on the
radio (+5), then turn around and look at the dirty shirt on the ground by the
pillar. Pick the shirt up and take it to the bathroom, then stick it in the
washing machine (+5). Take a piss in the toilet (+5) before talking a shower,
then go stand around in the living room until the cop shows up.

(If you wait for the cop, Lucas will have his first "vision" experience where
you'll be given the chance to complete a series of buttons in order to see a
premonition where a cop comes in and finds the shirt and sheet. If you fail
the button string, you don't lose, you just won't get to see the premonition.)

(If you don't care about your mental health, just open the cabinet in the
bathroom and use the bandages, then go get dressed using the closet in the
bedroom. The cop will show up automatically if you try to leave while you're

As soon as the cop knocks on the door, enter the bathroom and open the cabinet
above the sink. Use the bandages (+10), then close the cabinet and return to
the living room. Take a right and find the table near the kitchen - your door
key is on it. Pick it up and let the cop in.

The cop will ask you a few questions... if you want to avoid any unnecessary
suspicion, say the screaming was from you, then tell him yes when he asks if he
can have a look around (no matter what you tell him, he'll always do it
anyway). If you failed to hide the bloody shirt, it's game over right now. If
you hid the shirt but forgot to hide the sheet, you'll have to complete a
sequence of buttons to prevent the cop from entering the bedroom. Choose the
dog or woman option to keep him from opening the door. If you fail to keep the
cop from entering the bedroom while the sheets are visible, it's game over.

If you manage to keep the cop from finding the shirt, sheet, or becoming too
suspicious, he'll eventually leave (+10). Get dressed using the closet in the
bedroom if you haven't already, then head out the door to meet Markus.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 4) Confession | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- Accept the crucifix Markus offers you at the end of your conversation

Bonus Points

+20: Head into the park, then head up the path to the right where the blonde
chick is going

Mental Health Actions

+10: Speak with Markus next to the statue in the middle of the park
+20: Revive the child after saving him from the water

-5: Choose the "aggressive" option after the "sick" option in your
conversation with Markus
-10: Choose the "break off" option near the end of your conversation
-30: Leave the park without saving the kid in the water

Required Actions

- Talk to Markus Kane in the middle of the park
- Leave the park without getting caught by the police

Game Over

- Get caught by the police before jumping in the water
- Jump in the water, pull the kid out, but fail to revive him (by either just
running out of the park or by letting time expire)
- Stay under water until time expires


Run up the path to the center part of the park, then take a right and head up
the path where the blonde chick in the stocking hat is walking. There's a card
worth twenty bonus points up here, so grab it, then return to the middle of the
park and confront your brother Markus (+10), the man standing still near the

If you want to avoid losing points during the conversation, choose the "calm"
and "convince" options instead of the "aggressive" and "break off" options.
When the conversation ends, accept Markus's crucifix for a free extra life.
He'll leave, and you'll walk towards an exit as well, but a new vision stops
you short - a kid is going to fall into the water.

You've got a few options here. You can either turn around and leave the park
without saving the kid (-30), or you can run towards the water and jump in.
I suggest taking the second option. Run towards the water, then smash the
appropriate keys as necessary to dive into the water. Grab the kid at the
bottom, then smash your keys again to swim up. More key smashing will be
necessary to get the kid and yourself out of the ice.

Stand up when you can. If you attempt to run out of the park now, the game
will end. Instead, inspect the kid and choose the option on the right. Play
the minigame to revive the child before time expires (+20). If time expires,
the cop will arrest you, which will end your game. When you revive the child,
you'll leave the park automatically.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 5) Police Work | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+5: Open the desk drawer while Carla's sitting at her desk
+10: Between the two book shelves on the right side of the stairs
+10: Next to Tyler's toilet in his appartment

Mental Health Actions

+5: Take a drink from the dispenser between the doors in the main room
+5: Take a drink of water from the cooler in Carla's office
+5: Pick up the yoyo on your desk and complete the sequence
-5: Tyler is late, there's no way to avoid this
-5: Talk to Jeffrey, the weirdo at the desk closest to your office (as
far as I know, this is unavoidable)
-5: While sitting at your desk, use your computer to read your third
email (the one with no subject) [this is unavoidable]

Tyler (appartment)
+5: Look in the mirror by the weights near Sam's side of the bed (or the
bathroom mirror, but only one will increase your points)
+5: Take a look at Sam as she sleeps
+5: Take a piss in your toilet
+5: Take a shower
+5: Turn on your record player in the living room
+10: Choose the "understanding" or "tender" option while talking to Sam
+10: Choose the "conciliatory" or "convince" option while talking to Sam
+10: Kiss Sam before you leave the appartment
+20: Spend some quality time with Sam... >_>
-10: If you choose to spend some quality time with Sam, Carla will be
forced to call you again, which causes you to lose points
-10: Choose the "ironic" or "upset" option when talking to Sam
-20: Choose the "aggressive" or "firm" option when talking to Sam
-30: Don't kiss Sam on the way out of your appartment
Tyler (station)
+5: Take a drink from the dispenser between the doors in the main room
+5: Take a drink from the water cooler in your office
+5: Play with the basketball near your desk
-5: Encounter Jeffrey near your office door (no way to avoid this)

Required Actions

- Take a shower (must be done before you can get dressed)
- Get dressed (must be done before you can leave)
- Put on your coat (must be done before you can leave)
- Drink coffee in the living room with Sam (must be done before you can leave)

Game Over

- None (except zero sanity)


The scene starts with Carla in the front of the police station. Have her run
through the metal detector on the right side of the other two officers, then
continue into the back-right corner to find a bonus card between the two book
cases. Now head up the stairs in the middle of the entrance and go through the
door on the right side.

Take an immediate left and use the vending machine on this side of the room to
take a drink (+5). Move to the back-right corner of the room now to find your
office, although you'll have to have an unavoidable conversation with Jeffrey
first (-5). Enter your office, then find the water cooler and take a drink of
water (+5). There's a yoyo on your desk - if you can manage to complete a full
sequence with it, you'll get another small boost (+5). (Just fail on purpose
to get the option to set the yoyo back down.) By now, Carla's probably noticed
that Tyler's late, which will not make her happy (-5).

Take a seat at your desk, then open the drawer to find another five bonus
points. You'll have to read your third email using your computer (the one with
no subject), since Carla won't head to the morgue later unless she's checked
her email (-5). Next, pick up the phone and give Tyler a call. You'll wake
him up, then the scene will come back to Carla. Hit your Enter key to go back
to Tyler.

Get out of bed, then walk to the other side of the bed and take a look at Sam,
your girlfriend (+5). You'll be given the "heart" option, so go ahead and take
it (+20). The scene will shift to Carla again as Tyler and Sam take care of
business... and when Tyler takes care of business, he takes care of business.
He won't stop tending to Sam unless Carla gives him another call, so go ahead
and pick up the phone.

Tyler won't be happy about the interruption (-10). You still net ten points
for this though, so there's no real reason not to do it. Get out of bed and
enter your bathroom, then take a look at yourself in the mirror (+5). Take a
leak in the toilet (+5), then grab the card next to it for ten more bonus
points. Jump in the shower when you're ready (+5).

Exit the shower and return to your room, then open the cabinet thing in the
corner to get dressed. Head through your room to the living room, then take a
left and turn on your record player (+5). Time to talk to Sam. Make sure you
choose either the "understanding" or "tender" options in the dialogue (+10),
and make sure you choose either the "conciliatory" or "convince" option (+10).
After your conversation ends, grab your coat from the door, give Sam a
kiss (+10), and exit the appartment.

You'll find yourself in the police station now. Head up and go through the
door on the right side of the stairs just like you did with Carla. Take a left
when you enter the main area to use the drink dispenser (+5), then head for
your office. Like Carla, you won't be able to avoid a conversation with
Jeffrey (-5).

In the office, take a drink of water from the cooler (+5), play with your
basketball (+5), and check your email if you'd like. When you're ready, go
talk to Carla next to Garret's desk near the drink dispenser. When the
questions end, so will the scene, assuming Carla's already checked her email.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 6) Alternate Reality | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- Sit down at your desk and open your right desk drawer

Bonus Points

+5: In the upper-left cubicle of the center group in the top row
+10: Between the rows of toilets in the bathroom
+10: In the upper-left cubicle of the right group in the bottom row

Mental Health Actions

+5: Wash your face in the bathroom sink
+5: Take a drink from the drink dispenser on the right side of the office
+10: Tell Tiffany she can come over in your phone conversation

-5: Complete the first action sequence to read Warren's mind
-5: Take a look at the picture in your left desk drawer
-10: Tell Tiffany no in your conversation on the phone
-20: Check your computer (this can't be avoided)
-20: Survive the encounter with the bugs (this can't be avoided)

Required Actions

- Look at your computer
- Try to fix terminal 62
- Survive the bug attacks

Game Over

- If you fail too many of the action sequence things, you'll run out of lives
and the game will end


Turn right on your way out of the stall and run to the wall to find a card
worth ten bonus points, then wash your face in one of the sinks (+5). Exit the
bathroom and make your way to the upper-left cubicle in the right-most cluster
on the bottom row to find another card worth ten bonus points. Head up the
right wall until you find the drink dispenser, then take a drink (+5).

Head for the upper-left cubicle in the center cluster along the top row next to
find another card worth five bonus points, then go through the door marked on
your map in the upper-left corner to find your office. Have a seat at your
desk and open the drawer on the right side to find a crucifix for an extra

You'll have the opportunity to complete two action sequences close together,
but you'll lose five points if you complete the first one, so keep that in mind
before you decide. You won't lose anything for the second one though, so go
ahead and complete it if you'd like.

Tiffany will call, and you'll have no choice but to answer the phone. Tell her
"yes" to earn some points (+10), then check your computer screen (-20). You
will lose points for checking it, but there's no way to avoid it. [Also note
that telling Tiffany "no" will result in the loss of ten points, and checking
the picture in your left drawer will make you loss five.]

By now Warren has probably talked to the person on the phone, and you know you
are supposed to be looking at work station 62. Exit your office and head for
the red spot on the map. Try to fix the terminal when you get in the cubicle.

You'll have to complete a series of about a dozen action sequences now.
Remember that every Fail you get costs you a life, and if you run out, the game
is over. Complete the entire series (up to the elevator) and Lucas will lose a
few more points (-20). There's no way to avoid that.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 7) Reconstruction | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

+10: Complete the first action sequence
+10: Complete the second action sequence
+10: Complete the third action sequence
+10: Complete the fourth action sequence

-10: Fail the first action sequence
-10: Fail the second action sequence
-10: Fail the third action sequence
-10: Fail the fourth action sequence

Required Actions

- None (just let the story progress)

Game Over

- None (other than zero sanity)


The only thing you can do during this scene is complete the action sequences to
either gain or lose sanity points and pick a few of the conversation options
with the morgue dude.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 8) Tyler & Kate | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

- None

Required Actions

- Choose a face as Kate and Tell Tyler that it's as close to the killer's as
you can remember

Game Over

- None


The only thing to be done in the chapter is the creation of a sketch of the
killer's face. Kate joins Tyler in the police station. Making the sketch as
accurate as possible can be difficult, but here's a screenshot of what it
should look like to get the 75%-100% rating:


(The order of the facial pieces in the system is different every time, so I
can't just tell you how many times to switch each feature to the right or
something... sorry, hopefully the screen shot is sufficient.)

Note that you can get the 75%-100% rating even with how little I had you
interact with Kate in the first chapter.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 9) Lost Love | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+5: Cupboard above the kitchen sink... dunno if you can get it both times or
not, I'll have to test it. I doubt you can, it was probably just in
there for me because I was playing a new save.

Mental Health Actions

+5: Turn on the stereo in the living room
+5: Use your toilet
+5: Drink some milk from the fridge
+5: Take a drink of alcohol from the bottle on the shelf in the kitchen
(don't combine this with the pills, or it's game over)
+5: Choose "glass" at the start of your conversation with Tiffany to offer
her a drink, then go to the kitchen, pour her a glass, and give it to her
+5: Choose the "sincere" option during your conversation with Tiffany
+10: Choose the "sentimental" option during your conversation with Tiffany
+10: Complete the sequences with your punching bag until you kick it down
+10: Take some of the pills from the table next to Lucas's bed (don't combine
the pills with the alcohol, or it's game over)
+10: Complete the action sequences with your guitar (turn on the amplifier
first so you can use the guitar)
+10: Sleep in your bed
+10: Successfully complete the guitar action sequences in front of Tiffany
+30: Succeed with Tiffany to bring her back to your bed

-5: Look at the picture on your desk next to the computer
-10: Choose the "aggressive" option in your conversation with Tiffany
-10: Screw up your guitar action sequences in front of Tiffany
-20: Take more than one drink of alcohol from your bottle (you can lose twenty
ponts repeatedly until you get the game over screen if you want to)
-20: Tiffany leaves before the kiss is even considered
-20: Go into the hallway and see the girl during your dream (if you just go
back to sleep without entering the hallway, you can avoid this)
-30: Tiffany leaves after you try and fail to kiss her

Required Actions

- Answer the door for Tiffany
- Bring Tiffany her boxes (one to the left of the phone, one left of your PC)
- Sleep in your bed (with or without Tiffany)
- Exit your room to the hallway when you wake up at night

Game Over

- Combining the pills and the alcohol


Back in your appartment, there's even more to do now than there was earlier.
Start by taking a swig of milk from the fridge (+5), then go take a whiz in the
toilet (+5). Turn on the radio behind the TV (+5), then go examine your
punching bag. Complete the action sequence for an interesting scene (+10),
then turn on your amplifier. Play your guitar and complete the action
sequences (+10). Enter your bedroom now and take some of the pills on the
table next to your bed (+10). Finally, sit on your bed and choose the second
bed option to sleep (+10). (Remember not to combine the pills with the
alcohol, or it's game over for you.)

[Note that there are enough options in your appartment to get way more points
than you can actually use... if you don't feel like doing some of the actions
and you already have high points, don't bother. Especially with the guitar
thing, since it's pretty long and boring.]

If you sleep in the bed, Tiffany will wake you up by knocking on the door. If
you don't use the bed, she'll eventually show up anyway. Either way, you'll
have to answer the door for her to continue. When she sits down, choose the
"glass" option to offer her a drink, then go grab the bottle from the kitchen
counter, fill it, and bring it to her (+5). Choose to talk about "news," then
you'll have no choice but to go find her boxes.

One is a little to the left of your phone near the kitchen, and the other is
a little to the left of your computer in your bedroom. Bring them both to
Tiffany and drop them on the floor, which will prompt more dialogue. Choose
the "sincere" (+5) option and the "sentimental" (+10) option, but avoid
choosing the kiss option (or she'll get pissy and leave >_>).

When she asks you to play your guitar for her, do so, and don't mess up the
action sequences (+10). This time when you get the option to kiss her, make
sure you choose it. She won't throw a fit this time, and you'll wind up taking
her into your bedroom for a little giggity giggity, if you know what I'm
getting at (+30). >_>

Something will wake you up in the middle of the night. Leave your room, then
leave your appartment. Turns out it was just a dream, and you'll be woken up
while screaming (-20). (If you don't want to lose the points, you can simply
go back to sleep without going into the hallway.)

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 10) Hide and Seek | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- Continue all the way down the path without taking any of the right turns,
and you'll find this on the top of a tomb on the right at the path's end

Bonus Points

+5: Take the very first right you find in the cemetary, it's on the ground

Mental Health Actions

+10: Save all three children from Hangar 4

-20: Fail to save all of the children from Hangar 4

Required Actions

- Place flowers on your parents' grave
- Climb the fence
- Infiltrate Hangar 4 without being seen

Game Over

- Getting caught by the guards near the Hangar


Run down the path in the cemetary and take the first right you find to grab a
card worth five bonus points, then get back on the main path and continue
straight ahead until you run out of path. The tomb on your right has a
crucifix on it, so grab it for an extra life. Head back down the path and walk
down the path in the middle to find Markus. He'll say a short line, then go
ahead and sit your flowers on your parents' grave.

Flashback time. When Markus finishes talking and you get control of Lucas, run
forward until you have a premonition. Completing the action sequence that
follows will provide you with a sneak peak of your next task if you complete
it, but failing it won't cost you anything, so don't worry too much about it.

When you have control of Lucas again, run straight forward towards the fence.
You can see it from where you're standing, and there's also a nice pale path in
the dirt heading straight for the fence:


A close up of the area you're looking for:


Complete the series of motions to climb the fence, then drop down on the other
side and take cover to the right of the large rock you land near. There are
two guards on the main road walking towards and then away from each other.
Wait for the one closest to you to walk away (same direction as the trucks move
down the road), then make a diagonal dash for the second fence:


Run into the ditch right next to the second fence to stay out of site, then
continue north along the fence until you find the hole by the rock.


Crawl through the hole, then get behind the second set of crates near it.
Trucks come through here every few seconds, and you'll need to use one to block
the guard's view of you as you move by him. Crouch next to the crates and wait
until the truck is here:


When the truck gets there, run out from behind your rock and stay as close to
the side of the truck as you can until it gets directly between the last two
guards. Let it continue on without you know, and turn to the east to run
between the hangars. The red X on your map marks the location of the entrance
to the hangar. Head for it and enter.

After a brief talk with Markus, you'll be tasked to find all three of the
hidden children. You'll start here:


Follow the red arrow I've drawn to get to the open part of the hangar, then
continue down until you're standing here:


One of the kids is hiding behind the chunk of a plane that's sitting here, so
follow the red arrow's I've drawn to find him. Continue up the stairs where
I've drawn the blue arrow to find the second kid behind some stuff against the
wall here:


After that, go back down to the main floor area near where you started and get
between the two large rows of crates. The third kid is inside the open one
in the middle right here:


Once you've found all three, the scene will be over. You'll return to the
present, and if you saved all of the kids, you'll get ten sanity points (+10).
Failure to save all of the children results in the loss of twenty sanity

| ======================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 11) Friendly Combat (Carla) | |
| | | |
| ======================================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+10: In the corner behind the boxing ring

Mental Health Actions

+5: Drink from the water bottle on the bench
+10: Work out at two of the stations (or the same one twice)
+20: Win the sparring match with Tyler

-5: Fail three warmup attempts
-10: Lose the match with Tyler

+5: Drink from the water bottle on the bench
+10: Work out at two of the stations (or the same one twice)

-5: Fail three warmup attempts

Required Actions

- Work out at two stations with both characters
- Inspect the boxing ring

Game Over

- None


The gym is full of workout stations, some of which can only be used by Carla
and some of which can only be used by Tyler. Both characters must complete any
two workouts before the game can continue, so try a few of them out. When you
complete the second workout with a character, you'll gain ten points (+10).
Both characters can also drink from the water bottle on the bench for another
five points (+5).

Make sure you grab the card worth ten bonus points from the corner behind the
boxing ring, then inspect the ring to start a rather long action sequence
event. You'll be controlling Carla, so win the fight to gain some more sanity
points (+20). You'll lose ten if you lose to Tyler, and Tyler won't gain
anything. There's a short scene after the fight, then the chapter is over.

[Note: Tyler's line if he wins is well worth seeing/hearing. >_>]

| ======================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 12) Friendly Combat (Tyler) | |
| | | |
| ======================================== |

As far as I can tell, the only difference in Chapter 12 compared to Chapter 11
is that Chapter 11 starts with a monologue with Carla and Chapter 12 starts
with a monologue from Tyler. It doesn't really matter which chapter you choose
to play, and the dialogue you'll miss in whichever chapter you skip isn't
really important to the story or anything, so don't worry too much about it.

| =================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 13) Debriefing (Carla) | |
| | | |
| =================================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+10: In a small hallway at the entrance to the archive basement

Mental Health Actions

+20: Find the Kirsten file

-10: Fail the breathing minigame (can happen multiple times)
-30: Give up and let Tyler handle it later

Required Actions

- Turn on the lights using the switch next to the metal door/gate
- Enter the archive room. You're then free to either find the file or just
give up right away and let Tyler handle it.

Game Over

- None (just be careful that you don't lose the breathing game too many times)


You'll find a card worth ten bonus points up and to the left of your starting
position in a small hallway. After that, head for the gate and use the light
switch on the wall to the right of it, then open the gate. You'll be prompted
with some information about an upcoming minigame thing.

Carla's very afraid of small places, and as you'll soon find out, the archive
area is a little cramped. You'll have to control Carla's breathing using the
buttons you normall use to move right and left. Keep the cursor thing in the
middle of the scale to avoid freaking out and running out of the archive area.
(Doing so will cost you ten sanity points (-10) every time.)

Enter the archive area and head straight for the wheel on the shelf on the
right side. Use it, then slip through the space that opens up to the left of
it. The next opening has two wheels - you'll need to use the one on the left
first, then the one on the right. Head through the new gap and you'll find
yourself standing in a larger clearing with the computer terminal.

Unfortunately, the power supply isn't connected. Turn to your left and go
through the gap in the shelves, then operate the wheel on the right in the next
clearing. Operate the wheel on the left now, then walk into the gap between
the shelves to find a switch. Flip it to restore power to the terminal, then
head back to the clearing by the terminal.

Operate the wheel closest to the terminal first, then go through the gap and
operate the first wheel you find. Return to the terminal and use the wheel
closest to it again, then use the one to the right of it. Head through the gap
between the shelves, then operate the wheel on the other side. Inspect the
shelf on the right in this final gap to find the Kirsten file. Return to the
terminal and insert the file to complete the chapter (+20).

[If this part proves too annoying for you to tolerate, simply let Carla's
breathing meter get too high or too low. She'll retreat to the hallway and
crouch on the floor (-10), which will make the Tyler icon pop up in the
upper-right of your screen. Hit the Enter key to switch to him, and you'll be
able to find the file as him later without doing the breathing thing. Note,
however, that giving up will cost Carla an additional thirty sanity points,
and finding Carla curled up will also cost Tyler ten sanity points.]

| =================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 14) Debriefing (Tyler) | |
| | | |
| =================================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+20: Turn to Tyler's left when he comes in the room (towards the small table)
and make your way all the way around the path by the bookshelves
+20: In front of the stairs if you find the book for the shop owner

Mental Health Actions

+10: Find the book the owner's looking for and give it to him
+20: Find the bookmark in Lucas's book

-5: Bring a wrong book to the owner (can happen multiple times)
-10: If Carla gives up on finding the Kirsten file, Tyler will lose points
when he finds her curled up on the ground in the archives basement

Required Actions

- Pick up the piece of paper that falls out of the book (either by setting it
down and picking it back up or by finding Takeo's book and then leaving)

Game Over

- None


Start by going to the right towards the table with the book on it. Curl around
when the path forces you to do so, then head all the way past the next set of
stairs to the wall behind them. You'll find a card worth twenty bonus points
here, so grab it, then head back to the stairs leading down into the lower
level. Takeo the bookkeep is sifting through a pile of books here. Talk to
him a few times if you wish to start a small mission or skip him entirely if
you just want to move on with the game as fast as possible.

Either way, head underneath the stairs now to use the magnifying glass. If you
examine the fourth page of Lucas's book, you'll find a message from Markus.
Once you try to pick the book back up, a piece of paper will fall out of it.
Pick it back up (+20), then decide if you want to leave or not.

If you choose to find Takeo's book for him, inspect it on the same table here.
You should be able to find the name of the author(s) on the book, and the book
on the table by the front door will give you this information:

Angeliers 1551
Antares 1729
Baalren & Fahrt 1803
Blanc 1620
Bouchet 1785
Clement 1511
De Gruttola 1796
Elzevirus 1648
Farsantis 1884
Garish 1737
Geoffroy 1590
Griffit 1842
Halenby 1799
Jehan du Pre 1523
Johnson & Mulder 1815
Lotrian 1603
Lugduni 1547
Madard 1563
Moldovar 1828
Manuce Aldus 1582
Sigel & Schuster 1746
Silverberg 1729
Taluin 1553
Thielman 1871
Vandervelt 1753
Zolven 1645

The book near Takeo will give you this information:

1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor
1500-1600 1600-1700 1700-1800
A-E = White A-E = White A-E = White
F-I = Black F-I = Black F-I = Black
J-N = Red J-N = Red J-N = Red
O-R = Yellow O-R = Yellow O-R = Yellow
S-V = Blue S-V = Blue S-V = Blue
W-Z = Green W-Z = Green W-Z = Green

Find the book you're looking by for finding the number by its author(s), then
tracing that number to a color/floor using the information in the book near
Takeo. (Every time I've done it, it's been the white book from the top floor,
but that could be different sometimes, I dunno.)

NOTE: Tyler MUST put the first book down before he can pick up the second
book. Head under the stairs on the bottom floor to drop the first book
on the table, then go grab the second book from the white shelves on the
top floor.

When you find the correct book, return it to Takeo (+10). If you give him the
wrong book, you'll lose five sanity points (-5) and you'll be able to try again
if you so desire. Even if you find Takeo's book for him, he doesn't really
give you much good information on Lucas's book. Oh well, you'll still find a
card worth twenty more bonus points near the start of the stairs.

Exit the front door when you're satisfied with your performance in the book

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 15) Agatha | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- On the shelf behind Agatha

Bonus Points

+5: First door on your right when you enter Agatha's house
+20: On the floor in the bathroom attached to Agatha's room

Mental Health Actions

+20: Finish Agatha's flashback sequence (even if you fail it multiple times)

-5: Fail Agatha's flashback sequence (each time you fail it)

Required Actions

- Ring the doorbell
- Enter Agatha's house and talk to her in her room
- Wheel Agatha to the bird room
- Feed the crows
- Wheel Agatha to the sitting room
- Find the candles and place them in the holders on the table
- Find the matches in the kitchen and light the candles in the holders
- Sit down with Agatha and complete the sequences

Game Over

- None


Agatha's house is on the left. You'll have to use the doorbell, but no one
will answer. Just enter anyway after that. Move straight forward to the end
of the hallway and go through the door there to find the sitting room. The
second door in the sitting room leads to Agatha's room, so when you're done
taking a look around, go visit Agatha. When she's done talking, grab the
talisman/cross thing from the table behind her for an extra life, then open the
second door in her room to find an old bathroom. There's a card in here on the
floor worth twenty bonus points.

Grab Agatha's wheelchair from behind and wheel her back to the main hallway.
The bird room will be on your right from this perspective, so wheel her in
there. She'll talk for a while, then ask you to feed her crows. Examine the
wicker shelf in this room to find some seed, then walk around and give it to a
few of the crows until you run out. Talk to Agatha some more, and she'll
eventually ask you to wheel her to the sitting room.

Once she's secure, she'll ask you to find some candles and light them. The
candles are in the drawer to the left of the hallway door, so grab them and
place all three into the candle holders on the table. Enter the kitchen to
find the matches (kitchen is across from the bird room in the hallway), and
don't miss the card worth five bonus points in the process. Grab the matches
from the table, then go light all three candles.

Agatha has more to say, including orders to close the curtains and turn out the
lights. Inspect both windows and close their curtains, then go turn off the
lights using the switch on the right side of the hallway door. Take a seat
next to Agatha.

A series of interactive sequences will take place. You must complete the
sequences to keep the story moving, but thankfully, they move very slowly. If
you manage to fail one somehow, you'll lose five sanity points (-5), but you
won't have to repeat that section of the flashback. After the sequences are
all completed, you'll receive twenty sanity points (+20) even if you failed a
few of the sequences.

| ====================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 16) Questions and Bullets | |
| | | |
| ====================================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

+10: Do well in the first target practice session
+10: Do well in the second target practice session

-10: Do poorly in the first target practice session
-10: Do poorly in the second target practice session

Required Actions

- Participate in the target practice sessions to keep Mitchell interested in
your conversation

Game Over

- None


You'll enter the shooting range and ask an officer where Robert Mitchell is.
He's at the end of the shooting range, so you head over to talk to him. He'll
offer you some information on the Kirsten case, but he'll also expect you to
participate in some target practice.

Use your mouse to aim your weapon. The left mouse button fires, the right one
reloads. Hitting the terrorist targets will add three seconds to your time,
hitting a civilian target will remove three seconds. The longer the round
lasts, the faster the targets move, so you'll eventually lose. Keep a high hit
rating, and Carla will gain ten sanity points (+10). Get a low rating and
Carla will lose ten sanity points (-10).

Mitchell will talk to you some more after the first round, then Carla will pick
up the gun to do another. Mitchell will have even more to say after the second
round, then he'll pretty much tell you to drop it and move on.

| ================================ |
| | | |
| | Chapter 17) Double or Quits | |
| | | |
| ================================ |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

+5: Choose the "taunt" option in the first dialogue
+5: Tyler will taunt Jeffrey again after he makes a few points
+20: Tyler wins the match

-20: Tyler loses the match

Required Actions

- Finish the basketball game (either winning or losing)

Game Over

- None


This chapter's pretty simple, just complete the action sequences to beat
Jeffrey in the basketball game (or just let him win). Taunting him durring the
first dialogue will get you five easy sanity points (+5), and taunting him
again after the first few points will get you another five (+5). Winning the
game will get you twenty more (+20), losing it will cost you twenty (-20).

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 18) The Storm | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

+10: Markus saves Lucas before he falls

Required Actions

- Answer the phone and complete the action sequences
- Ring the doorbell as Markus
- Force the door open as Markus
- Pull Lucas up from the ledge as Markus

Game Over

- Fail enough of the action sequences to run out of lives
- Markus fails to help Lucas up


Answer your phone when you enter your appartment. An absurdly long series of
action sequences will start, and you'll lose a life every time you fail one.
Survive the onslaught until Markus shows up. Markus has never been to Lucas's
appartment, so you'll have to find it first - it's the last door on your right.

Once you find the door, ring the bell. You'll hear a scream from inside the
appartment, then you'll have to complete an action sequence thing to knock the
door in. Run to the balcony and examine it to find Lucas hanging from the
ledge, then complete the action sequence to pull him up (+10 for Lucas).

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 19) Dark Omen | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+5: On a desk in the main office area outside Carla and Tyler's office
+10: Near the sink and shower in Carla's main bathroom

Mental Health Actions

+5: Use the toilet in the bathroom attached to the living room
+5: Eat some of the pizza on the counter in the kitchen
+5: Watch TV (before Tommy rings the doorbell or after he leaves)
+5: Answer the door when Tommy shows up
+5: Drink some of Tommy's wine
+5: Choose the "Tommy" option in your conversation
+10: Rest on your bed
+10: Get online after Tyler sends you the bookmark and view the stock
quotes to get a clue
+20: Show the fax you get from Tyler to Tommy accross the hall

-5: Choose the "Carla" option in the conversation
-5: Choose the "Carla work" option in the conversation
[Note: to avoid picking either of those options, simply don't
choose anything at all from the very start of the coversation.
Tommy will talk about himself by default, then move on to the Tarot
cards without talking about you.]
-5: Carla's first set of cards will disturb her
-5: Carla's second set of cards will also disturb her
-10: The third set of cards will be even more disturbing
-10: The final set of cards will also be disturbing
+5: Play with the basketball by your desk
+5: Drink from the watercooler
+5: Leave your office and use the vending machine on the other side of
the main office area
+5: Send the bookmark to Carla using the fax machine
+10: Examine the newspaper on Carla's desk or examine the online stock
quotes to get a clue about the bookmark (only if Carla doesn't)
+10: Find the watermark once you know it exists

-20: Yawn (this happens automatically after a while, and it will happen
repeatedly - move fast to avoid losing too many sanity points)

Required Actions

- Answer the phone as Carla
- Put on clothes as Carla
- Answer the door as carla
- Find the wine glasses (above and to the left of the sink) and place them on
the table, then sit down
- Fax the bookmark to Carla as Tyler
- Discover the connection to the stock quotes as either Tyler or Carla
- Bring the fax to Tommy as Carla
- Call Tyler as Carla
- Find the watermark as Tyler

Game Over

- None


Start by grabbing the card worth ten bonus points from the corner between the
shower and the sink, then exit the bathroom and go through the other door in
your bedroom. The phone is to your left once you read the living room, so
answer it. Return to your room and rest on the bed (+10), then examine your
closet to find some clothes.

You can use the bathroom next to your living room (+5), and you can take a bite
from the pizza on your kitchen counter (+5). Watch a little TV if you'd like
(+5), and by then, Tommy will most likely start ringing your doorbell. Answer
it to let him in. Your wine glasses are in the shelf above and to the left of
the kitchen sink, so grab them and set them on the table next to Tommy, then
have a seat next to him.

He'll make a toast, and you'll take a drink of his wine (+5). A conversation
will start, and if you want to avoid losing points, simply don't choose any of
the choices at all. Tommy will talk about himself (+5), then he'll ask you to
pick some Tarot cards. No matter which cards you choose, you'll always get the
same ones, which will cause you to lose thirty sanity points altogether (-30).

Time to switch to Tyler. You'll want to move as fast as possible, since Tyler
will yawn periodically, which will cost him twenty sanity points each time
(-20). Pick up the bookmark from your desk, carry it to the fax machine near
the door, and send it to Carla (+5). Take the paper back to your desk and set
it down, then go play with your basketball (+5) and take a drink of water from
the cooler (+5). If you want, you can exit your office and use the vending
machine (+5). There's also a card worth five bonus points on one of the desks
in the opposite corner. Switch back to Carla when you're ready.

Grab the paper from your fax machine, then take it to Tommy accross the hall
from your appartment. He'll tell you some interesting information, so head for
your phone and give Tyler a call. As Tyler, sit down at your desk, flip on the
light, then examine the bookmark. Your choice of Yes or No in the next
conversation will determine who goes to the bank later - Carla or Tyler.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 20) Face Off | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+10: Check your right desk drawer before either detective arrives

Mental Health Actions

-10: Pass the fifth action sequence (react to the bugs falling on you
from the vent)
-20: Pass the seventh action sequence (react to the bug behind you)
-20: Pass the eleventh action sequence (the bug behind Tyler/Carla)

Carla or Tyler
+5: Find the pen on Lucas's desk
+5: Find the book on Lucas's desk (if Lucas didn't hide it)
+5: Find the paper on Lucas's desk (if Lucas didn't hide it)
+10: If Lucas causes a lot of suspicion, Tyler or Carla will ask him
additional questions

[If Lucas hid the book and the stock quote paper, Tlyer or Carla will have to
find them to get the points. If you kept the suspicion level very low, they
won't be able to find either of them. A moderate suspicion level will let
them find one, and a high suspicion level will let them find both. One will
be in the left desk drawer and the other will be in the box on the right side
of Lucas's desk.]

Required Actions

- Avoid losing too many sanity points, avoid gaining too much suspicion, and
avoid answering the last two questions with bad answers (see below)

Game Over

- Lie about your access to the Bank's paper in the second to last question
- Say you were at the restaurant in response to the last question
- Raise your suspicion meter too far


Depending on how you answered the Tyler's question at the end of the preceding
chapter, either Tyler or Carla will arrive at Lucas's bank to ask him some
questions about the paper the bookmark was printed on. Before you get out of
your chair, open your right desk drawer to find a card worth twenty bonus
points. Once you're standing up, examine the paper on the right side of your
desk two times to hide it, then examine the book on the left side of your desk
two times to hide it as well. (It's not really necessary to hide the stuff,
it's just something to do while you wait.)

Once Tyler/Carla enters your office, you'll start a series of action sequences
and questions/answers.

Most of the action sequences will reveal Tyler or Carla's thoughts, but three
of them will cause Lucas to react to the imaginary bugs, which will cause him
to lose sanity points and gain suspicion. If you see bugs on the screen
directly before an action sequence, purposely fail it. To be more specific:

You can pass the first one, you can pass the second one, you can pass the
third one, you can pass the fourth one, (-10) if you pass the fifth one, you
can pass the sixth one, (-20) if you pass the seventh one, you should pass
the eighth one to get the Illness option in part six of the conversation,
you can pass the ninth one, you can pass the tenth one, (-20) if you pass
the eleventh one, you can pass the twelfth one.

If you want to avoid causing suspicion, you should answer the questions with
these options:

Choose "Subject" in the first set of options, tell the truth in the second
set of options, tell the truth in the third set, choose "No" in the fourth
one, choose either "Joke" or "Dodge" in the fifth one, choose "Illness" in
the sixth one (only available if you passed the seventh action sequence),
choose the "Lie" option in the seventh one, and choose "Truth" in the eighth
one. If you're forced to answer the last two, choose "Truth" and then
anything but the Restaurant choice.

Eventually, Lucas will excuse himself to splash some water on his face. Tyler
or Carla will have an opportunity to search the office. Find the pen on the
desk (+5), then find the piece of stock quote paper (-5) and the book (-5). If
Lucas didn't hide these items, they'll just be sitting on his desk. If he did
hide them, one will be in the left desk drawer and the other will be in the box
on the floor to the right of Lucas's desk. (Note that if Lucas hid the items,
you'll only be given the ability to find them if your suspicion level is
moderate to high. You can find one if it's moderate, both if it's high.)

Lucas will eventually return to his office, and Tyler/Carla will conclude the
investigation and go about their business.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 21) Back to Agatha | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+10: Near the bed in Agatha's room

Mental Health Actions

+10: Lucas finds the paper in the bird cage
+20: Lucas approaches Agatha's house

-30: Lucas makes a startling discovery in the sitting room

Required Actions

- Enter the sitting room
- Inspect Agatha
- Examine the bird cage in the back of the bird room
- Examine the cage's lock
- Open the lower drawer of the shelf in the bird room and grab the seed bag
- Use the key from the seed bag to open the cage and grab the paper
- Exit the house through the open window in the sitting room

Game Over

- Fail to exit the house before the timer runs out


Head for the sitting room to make a startling discovery. After examining
Agatha, enter her room and grab the card worth ten bonus points from the floor,
then run to the bird room. Inspect the cage in the back twice, then go to the
shelf in the corner and open the lower drawer. Grab the bird seed bag, close
the drawer, and use the key from the bag to open the locked bird cage. Lucas
must take the paper from inside, then return to the sitting room and exit the
house through the open window before the timer runs out.

| ================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 22) Happy Aniversary! | |
| | | |
| =================================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+20: Sitting on a desk to the right of the drink dispenser in the main office

Mental Health Actions

+30: Do well in the dancing sequence

-20: Sam will get upset with you when you answer the phone

+5: Take a drink of water from the cooler in your office
+5: Play with your yo-yo
+5: Show the picture of Lucas to Martin in the main office (the picture
is on Carla's desk close to the fax machine)
+10: Establish evidence against Lucas by matching two pieces of evidence
from Tyler and Carla's desks
+20: Solve the case (by showing Martin the picture of Lucas despite the
fact that you already got five points for doing that... >_>)

-5: Try to leave the main office into the lobby/entryway area
-20: Carla will yawn periodically, causing her to lose twenty sanity
points. Make sure you move fast to avoid losing many.

Required Actions

- Open the fridge, grab the champagne, and pour it into the glasses
- Use the controls on the oven
- Turn on the record player

- Answer the phone as Carla
- Stay in your office until Martin arrives
- Show the photo of Lucas to Martin
- Call Tyler

- Remove Sam from your lap as Tyler, then answer the phone

Game Over

- None


Open the fridge, grab the champagne bottle, and pour it into the glasses on the
counter. Examine the over to turn it on, then go turn on the record player on
the other side of the room.

You must complete the dance sequence to proceed, although there's no way to
fail it. If you fail some of the steps, it just takes longer to complete the
sequence. When you finish, you'll earn thirty sanity points (+30).

The scene will switch to Carla at the police station again. Piles of evidence
are sitting on and around your desk as well as Tyler's. Depending on what
pieces of evidence you've collected, you'll be able to memorize one item and
link it to a corresponding item on the other desk (for example, the pen from
the bank and the fingerprint information on Carla's computer, the book from the
restaurant and the book from the bank, the bookmark and the paper from the
bank, and so forth) (+10). You can use your yo-yo again (+5), and you can take
a drink at the water cooler (+5).

Answer your phone when it rings, then greet Martin when he comes by. Once
Martin's shown up, pick up the photo of Lucas from the corner of Carla's desk
closest to the fax machine and take it to Martin (+5). [Make sure you use the
drink dispenser in the main office (+5) and grab the card worth twenty bonus
points from the table to the right of the dispenser first].

Martin will identify Lucas as the suspect from the restaurant, which makes
Carla certain that Lucas is the man they're looking for (+20). Use your phone
to call Tyler.

Tyler will have to move Sam from his lap, then answer the phone. Sam won't be
happy with you for leaving so early, but there's nothing you can do (-20).

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 23) Bloody Washing | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

- None

Required Actions

- None

Game Over

- None


Nothing to do here except sit back and watch the scene that develops. Things
are about to get a whole lot more interesting for Lucas and the detectives...

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 24) Confrontation | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

+30: Carla gains some points on the way up the elevator

-20: Carla loses some points when she realizes Lucas isn't at his place

Required Actions

- Open Lucas's apartment's door as Carla
- Check Lucas's bedroom as Carla
- Check Lucas's bathroom as Carla

Game Over

- Fail Lucas's action sequences until you run out of lives


Carla and Tyler are on the way up the elevator to Lucas's floor. Once they get
off, have Carla kick down Lucas's door. Check the bathroom and the bedroom,
then try to leave the appartment.

Meanwhile, Lucas has his own problems outside. Complete the action sequences
to survive the chapter. (Note that the type of sequence changes when you grab
the helicopter, so don't let it catch you by surprise.)

Tyler has one of the most ridiculous lines in the game once this scene is

| ====================================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 25) Captain Jones is Really Upset (Carla) | |
| | | |
| ====================================================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

-5: If you choose the Carla option in any of the three conversation
options, she'll lose five points (meaning you can lose fifteen if
you answer all three with Carla).

-5: If you choose the Tyler option in any of the three conversation
options, he'll lose five points (meaning you can lose fifteen if you
answer all three with Tyler).

Required Actions

- None

Game Over

- None


Not much to do in this chapter either, just sit there and listen to the
conversation. You can choose to answer any of the three conversation options
with either Carla or Tyler. Whichever one answers will lose five points for
each one they answer, so keep that in mind.

| ====================================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 26) Captain Jones is Really Upset (Tyler) | |
| | | |
| ====================================================== |

This chapter is identical to the previous chapter... completely identical as
far as I can tell. Even the default choices for who talks are the same. Just
pick one of them, it doesn't really matter.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 27) Fallen Angels | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

- None

Required Actions

- Survive the action sequences

Game Over

- Fail too many of the action sequences and run out of lives


Another easy, straight-forward chapter. The options you choose during the
conversation don't really matter, so don't worry about putting much effort into
your decisions. There'll be a series of action sequences, so be ready to act

The last conversation doesn't have much effect either. Choosing Markus or
Lucas only tells you what they're thinking, it doesn't cause some huge story
changing event or anything like that.

| ==================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 28) Soap, Blood & Clues | |
| | | |
| ==================================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+10: Inside the shopping cart-like thing

Mental Health Actions

+5: Inspect the arms of Jose Lopez
+5: Inspect the blood near the tool box in the left corner by the door

+5: Inspect the body of Anita Ramirez
+5: Inspect the phone near Anita's body
+5: Inspect the body of Jose Lopez

Required Actions

- Inspect the bodies of both victims as Carla
- Inspect Jose's wrists as Carla
- Inspect the blood spots between the two bodies and the ones by the tool box
in the left corner by the door as Carla

Game Over

- None


Approach Tyler as Carla, then talk to Garrett. He has some information for
you, but none of it is altogether too important. Enter the Lavomatic and have
Carla inspect the bodies of both victims. Have her check Jose's wrists (+5),
then inspect the blood spots on the floor between Jose and Anita. Finally,
check the spots near the toolbox on the left side of the door (+5).

You could leave now if you wanted, but first, have Tyler take a look around.
Inspect the body of Jose Lopez (+5), then inspect the body of Anita Ramirez
(+5). Inspect the phone after that (+5), then talk to Carla to get the option
of leaving the Lavomatic, which will end the chapter.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 29) The Fugitive | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- Between the shower and sink in Tiffany's bathroom

Bonus Points

+5: Open the right half of the left side of the cabinents next to the fridge
+20: Accross the street from Tiffany's appartment on the sidewalk near a big
green box thing

Mental Health Actions

+5: Take a drink from the jug in the fridge
+5: Eat a sandwich from the fridge
+5: Eat something from the right-most cabinet next to the fridge
+5: Watch the TV (if you don't turn it on yourself, Lucas will see it
automatically on his own)
+10: Open the window without using the brick
+10: Rest on Tiffany's desk
+10: Turn on the TV (assuming you don't wait too long causing Lucas to see it
+10: Kiss Tiffany when she shows up (option is only available if you managed
to get her to have sex with you earlier in the game)
+10: Tyler leaves Tiffany's appartment

-5: Look at the homeless guy on the way to Tiffany's appartment
-5: Get too close to the crow on the ledge after the second fence
-5: Fail to open Tiffany's window without the brick
-10: Fall from a pipe as you're climbing up or down it
-10: Fail an action sequence while Tyler's looking for you

Required Actions

- Enter Tiffany's appartment
- Hide from Tyler and don't get caught

Game Over

- Approach Tiffany's appartment from the front and get arrested
- Walk in front of the two cops in the alley
- Fall from the ledge after you climb the pipe
- Fail more than one action sequence during Tyler's search
- Fail to hide before time runs out


Run up the street and cross the intersection, then turn right and continue down
the sidewalk. You'll eventually come to a big green block then, and you'll
find a card worth twenty bonus points next to it. From here, cross the street
to where the bum is resting (don't look at him though, you'll lost points).
If you edge towards the end of the street, Lucas will notice the cops, so
you'll have to find another way into the appartment.

Turn around and walk towards the pair of large green things. There's a fence
near them, so climb it. Climb the next one too, but avoid getting too close to
the crow on the other side, or you'll lose points. You'll encounter more cops
in this alley, but luckilly, they're not to bright. Stay where you are until
you see them look away on the separate screen, then dash forward to the wall.

There's a pipe on the left side of this wall. You can climb it just like a
fence, but be careful - falling will cost you ten points (-10). When you reach
the top, edge your way along and complete the action sequences, then climb down
the second pipe and over the third fence. This is the back of Tiffany's
appartment. The second window can be openned, but it won't be easy. You'll
have to complete an incredibly long left-and-right action sequence to open it.
If you fail, you'll lose five points (-5). Succeed and you'll gain ten (+10).

If you fail, you'll have to use one of the bricks on the ground to knock a hole
in the window. Either way, enter the appartment. Rest on Tiffany's bed (+10),
then complete the action sequence to figure out a really bad idea for where to
hide later. >_>

Exit her bedroom and enter the kitchen, then approach the cardboard box in
front of the couch where you'll find the TV remote. Turn on the TV (+10), then
head for the fridge when you're done. Take a drink (+5) and each a sandwich
(+5), then open the shelves to the left of the fridge. The one on the far
right has some food you can eat (+5), and the one on the left has a card worth
five bonus points.

Hearing the message on Tiffany's answering machine will cost you twenty points
(-20), so avoid it. Instead, enter the bathroom (door to the left of the
bedroom) and grab the extra life from between the sink and shower. Soon,
Tiffany will arrive. If you managed to get her to have sex with you earlier in
the game, Lucas can kiss her (+10). If not, you'll only have a short chat
before Tyler knocks on the door.

Lucas needs to hide. Obviously the bed is a bad idea, and so is the shower.
Instead, hide either outside Tiffany's bedroom window, inside her clothes
cabinet in her bedroom, under the paint table in the living room, or in the
closet in the living room. Complete the action sequences to keep Tyler from
finding you, and when he leaves (+10), the chapter will end.

Note: You can fail one of the action sequences during the search, but it will
cost you some points (-10). Fail a second one though, and it's game
over for you.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 30) Janos | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+10: Far end of the first hallway in the asylum

Mental Health Actions

+10: Carla gains some points when she enters the hallway of the asylum
+10: Get a bunch of information from Janos

-20: When you exit Janos's cell, the power goes out and Carla freaks out

Required Actions

- Enter the asylum and talk with Janos
- Leave the asylum without getting caught by an inmate

Game Over

- Move or breathe when an inmate is near you in the dark


Once Barney opens the gate for you, enter the hallway (+10) and run straight
down it to the end to find a card worth ten bonus points. Turn completely
around, then head down the first hallway on your left to find the asylum
employee. Enter Janus's cell and have a seat in front of him. He has some
interesting stuff to say, which will earn Carla another ten points (+10).

When you're ready to leave, exit the cell. Unfortunately, the lights go out,
which makes Carla freaka little (-20). Once again you'll have to control
Carla's breathing in a dark location, only this time, you also have to dodge
creeping asylum inmates. Walk directly forward with Carla until you come to a
fork in the hallway, which is also where you'll encounter the first inmate.

Don't touch any buttons from when you see him to when Carla says it's safe.
Proceed to the left down the split and keep walking straight. You'll encounter
another inmate, so stay still until Carla says it's safe again. Continue
moving forward after that, and eventually, the lights will come back on.
Sprint for Barney's gate to exit that asylum hallways and end the chapter.

| ================================= |
| | | |
| | Chapter 31) Meeting Kuriakin | |
| | | |
| ================================= |


- None

Bonus Points

+5: Turn left immediately after getting control of Lucas and check the very
corner behind the glass case

Mental Health Actions

+20: Make Professor Kuriakin believe you

-20: Kuriakin has an unfortunate accident in the parking deck

Required Actions

- Talk with Professor Kuriakin

Game Over

- Give Professor Kuriakin a bad alias (National Geographic, Invent, or fail to
provide a name before time runs out), then lie later when he asks who you
really are, or choose the "Trust" option after telling him the truth, then
fail to escape before he tells the security guard.


Immediately turn to your left when you get control of Lucas and check the
corner of the room by the glass case for a card worth five bonus points. Check
the various Mayan artifacts around the room if you'd like, then talk to
Professor Kuriakin. He'll ask you what paper he's from, so tell him either The
New York Times or Freelance. After that, the conversation will continue.

Professor Kuriakin will walk to a few of the exhibits during your conversation,
so follow him as he does. You don't need to worry about your responses again
until he asks you who you really are. Reply with the truth, then tell him
about either your arms or your visions to win him over (+20). He'll lead you
out the emergency exit, so go ahead and follow him.

Time for another series of action sequences in the parking deck. Once the
sequence is over, Lucas will lose twenty points thanks to an unfortunate
incident (-20).

[Alternatively, you can make Professor Kuriakin suspicious of you by supplying
some bad answers. He'll panic and tell the security guard. If you don't get
out of the emergency exit before the guard draws his gun, the game will end.
If you do manage to get out, the only difference is that Lucas won't lose the
twenty points in the parking deck at the end of the scene.]

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 32) Mayan Secrets | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

- None

Required Actions

- Escape the Oracle's minion

Game Over

- Fail too many of the action sequences


Not much to walk you through in this chapter, simply ask the Oracle a few
questions, then complete the action sequences to escape. Continue doing the
action sequences while Lucas is in bed to see an extended version of his

| ==================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 33) Danger and Ubiquity | |
| | | |
| ==================================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

+20: Lucas gains some points when he re-enters his hotel room
+30: Lucas gains points if he successfully warns Markus

-10: Lucas loses points after his vision of Markus
-20: Answer the phone in your room when it rings
-60: Lucas will lose a lot of points if he fails to warn Markus

+30: Carla will gain thirty points on her way to Lucas's room

-30: When Lucas isn't in his room, Carla becomes discouraged again

Required Actions

- Inspect the two hotel rooms as Carla
- Answer the phone after re-entering the hotel room as Lucas

Game Over

- Exit your hotel room's door and get caught by Carla and Tyler


Lucas will lose some points when he has a vision of Markus (-10), and you'll
need to move quickly to avoid losing more. Get out of bed and run to the phone
by the door (don't go out the door, it's an instant game over). Use the phone
to give Markus a call.

You'll now have control of Markus for a brief period. Choose the "Telephone"
option in your conversation, then sprint forward to the door when you can.
Answer the phone in your office directly to the right of the door to talk to

As Lucas, you'll want to choose the "No Time" option in the conversation. When
you regain control of Markus, immediately run to the door and lock it, then
pick the phone back up.

Carla and Tyler are now outside of your hotel room (or at least they think they
are...). Have Carla kick down the door, watch what happens, then proceed down
the hall to the last door by the emergency exit. Kick down that door, and
Carla will be disappointed that Lucas isn't there (-30).

Once Carla and Tyler leave, Lucas will re-enter the hotel room (+20). The
phone will ring, and you must answer it (-20).

| ======================================= |
| | | |
| | Chapter 34) Fate on Russian Hills | |
| | | |
| ======================================= |


- Take a right immediately after the start of the chapter and head all the way
to the end of the area, it's behind a shack to the right.

Bonus Points

+20: Take a left at the start of the chapter and head straight until you run
into the edge of the park

Mental Health Actions

+20: Untie Tiffany

-XX: Finish the chapter (This will always take you down to five points.)

Required Actions

- Use the lever in the control shack to bring a coaster cart down
- Secure yourself in the cart and ride it to the top of the roller coaster
- Get out of the cart and cross the snowy beam
- Untie Tiffany

Game Over

- Fall from the snowy beam


Take a right as soon as the chapter start and head behind the last building on
this path to find an extra life on the ground, then turn around and take the
left path from where you originally started. You should see a card worth
twenty bonus points on the ground against the far edge of the park, so pick it

Continue down this path until you see the entrance to the roller coaster. Go
into the control shack thing to the right of the stairs and pull the lever,
then get in the cart. Exit it at the top and approach the snowy beam between
the platform and Tiffany.

An action sequence will take place. This time, you'll want to alternate your
left and right buttons to keep the marker in the center, since letting it go
too far to either side will result in an instant game over. Get behind Tiffany
and untie her (+20) to finish the chapter (-95).

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 35) Child's Play | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

- None

Required Actions

- Get Lucas to the hangar entrance

Game Over

- Get caught by a solider or a spotlight, and you'll have to start over


Wake up, jump out of bed, and wake Markus up. Inspect the window to leave your
room. Once you're outside, you'll be in familiar territory. This time, not
only do you have to dodge guards, but there're spotlights to avoid as well.
You'll want to follow the yellow line on your map all the way to the hangar.

Start by taking a few steps forward and turning right, which will get you on
the yellow line on your map heading west. Wait for a few seconds until the
lower guard on your subscreen stops turning his head, then move down the yellow
line until you're between these two search lights. Turn left and avoid the
first one, then go behind the second one until you're up against the wall.
Once you're past it, turn towards the houses again and run towards them.

Another guard will start moving towards you when you get close enough to the
corner. Immediately turn to your right and run back down the yellow line on
the map, then head up at the end of the house and get behind the jeep until the
guard is well past you. Return to the yellow line and head west along it until
it turns north. Follow it north until the kids stop and discuss the next guard
in the path.

You'll have control of Lucas by default, so go ahead and use him. Backtrack
down the yellow line to the southern edge of the building. There's a rock you
can interact with in the pile of debris on the corner of the building, so have
Lucas pick it up and chuck it at the wall. The guard will leave his post to
investigate. Return to Markus and wait for the guard to completely move, then
continue along the yellow line.

Take your time to notice where the spotlights go, then run north between them
until you're between the next two houses. Lucas will wait for Markus, and you
will have to lead Markus between the spotlights in the exact same way you did
for Lucas. Once they meet, continue forward until the boys stop again. This
time, only Markus will be able to cause a distraction.

Have him turn around and work his way down until he's on the southern edges of
the buildings, then turn east underneath the building. There's a barrel on the
other side, which Markus will need to kick to distract the guard. As soon as
he does, run Lucas to the telephone pole and start climbing it. Once he gets
to the top, he'll have to shimmy along the wire while avoiding the spotlights.

Drop down the other pole on the other side, then take a good long look at the
spotlights in the area. Time it so you can run between them, then get on the
wall of the hangar and move around it until you find the door. Open it to
complete the chapter.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 36) Checkmate! | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

- None

Required Actions

- Listen to the conversation

Game Over

- None


Nothing for you to do in this chapter, just sit and listen to the conversation
that's taking place.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 37) The Pact | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

+10: Choose the "Trusting" response in the conversation
+20: Choose to help Lucas (which you can't avoid anyway)

-5: Choose the "Wary" response in the conversation

+10: Lucas gains points when Carla decides to help him

Required Actions

- Inspect the flowers on the grave as Carla

Game Over

- None


Run forward as Carla and find the grave with flowers on it on the right near
the back side of the cemetary, then inspect the flowers. Choose the "Trusting"
response in the first part of the conversation (+10), then choose any options
you want. When the conversation is over, Lucas will gain some points (+10) and
so will Carla (+20).

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 38) Jade | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

- None

Required Actions

- None

Game Over

- None


Simply complete the action sequences and watch the scene, there's nothing else
for you to do.

| =========================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 39) Frozen to the Bone (Carla) | |
| | | |
| ============================================ |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

+10: Choose the "Admit" option when talking to Tyler

-10: Choose the "Lie" option when talking to Tyler

+5: Take a drink from the vending machine
+20: Choose the "Leave" option in the conversation with Sam

-XX: Choose the "Stay" option in the conversation with Sam (this will
take you down to five points)

Required Actions

- Talk to Sam, then talk to Carla as Tyler

Game Over

- None


Choose the Admit option as Carla (+10), then have Tyler talk to Sam and choose
the Leave option (+20). Talk to Carla again to end the level after taking a
drink from the vending machine (+5).

| =========================================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 40) Frozen to the Bone (Tyler) | |
| | | |
| ============================================ |

This chapter is identical to the preceeding chapter except for the PDA things
as far as I can tell.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 41) Where is Jade? | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- Last room on the right by the window

Bonus Points

+10: Second room on the left behind the girl on the second bed

Mental Health Actions

+10: Pick up Jade
+10: Don't give Jade to the Purple Clan

-10: Fail to find Jade before the Oracle shows up
-10: Give Jade to the Purple Clan

Required Actions

- Exit the car
- Enter the orphanage
- Exit out the emergency exit

Game Over

- Lots of action sequences to fail here


Get out of the car and run for the door. Once inside, Lucas will run right
past the nun. Open the second door on your left and take the card worth ten
bonus points from the back, then go through the last door on the right and grab
the extra life by the window farthest from the girl. Finally, enter the last
door on the left to find Jade. Go to her and pick her up (+10).

The Oracle won't be pleased. Use the emergency exit to escape. A huge scene
full of action sequences will follow, so be prepared. Eventually you'll find
yourself talking to Agatha yet again. Refuse to let her have Jade, and the
story will continue.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 42) Bogart | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- In the middle of the floor of the middle rail car

Bonus Points

+20: On the floor directly before the ramp leading to Bogart's fire

Mental Health Actions

+10: Lucas will gain points if Markus is alive
+10: Lucas gains points when he has sex with Carla

+10: Examine the fire to get warm
+20: Carla gains points when she has sex with Lucas

-5: Carla loses a few points if she fixes the radio and listens to it

Required Actions

- Chat with Bogart as Lucas
- Go to sleep as Carla

Game Over

- None


Follow the bum through the tunnels until you go up the ramp. To the left of it
you should see a card worth twenty bonus points, so pick it up. When you reach
the fire, Lucas will gain points (+10) if Markus is alive. Have a seat on the
box next to Bogart, then take control of Carla.

Heat your self with the fire (+10), then go into the middle train car and grab
the extra life. There's a radio in the back of the camp that needs repairs,
but all it'll do is make Carla lose some points. If you want to fix it, use
the batteries from the flashlight in the farthest train car and the wire from
the fence by the train car Lucas is in.

When you're ready, go try to sleep next to Lucas (+10 Lucas, +20 Carla).

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 43) Revelation | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

- None

Mental Health Actions

- None

Required Actions

- Get out of bed, open your door, and listen in on the conversation

Game Over

- None


Get out of bed, open your door, and examine the next door in the hallway to
listen to a conversation.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 44) Final Countdown | |
| | | |
| =============================== |

This is it, the final chapter of actual gameplay. Struggle towards the hangar
door, then complete the sequences inside (or fail them) to get an ending.

| =============================== |
| | | |
| | Chapter 45) Epilogue | |
| | | |
| =============================== |


- None

Bonus Points

+200: Completing the game gives you these

Mental Health Actions

- None

Required Actions

- None

Game Over

- None


This is just the little clip that explains whatever ending you get, you don't
have to actually do anything. You'll receive two hundred bonus points once the
credits end.

| ============================= |
| | | |
| | Section 2: Characters | |
| | | |
| ============================= |


Agatha is the old woman Markus suggests Lucas should talk to about his
situation. Later in the game, Agatha is "killed" by the Oracle, but is then
encountered again later, when it's revealed that she's actually a cyborg
creature working for the Purple Clan. (...)

Anita Martinez

Anita was one of the two victims that were killed in the Lavomatic farily late
in the game. Jose Lopez stabbed her to death while under the control of the


Barney is one of the asylum workers on duty when Carla goes to visit Janos in
the asylum. He rescues Carla when the inmates escape due to a power outage.


Bogart is the homeless man Lucas encounters several times during the game.
Later on, it is revealed that Bogart actually leads a secret underground group
of homeless people known as The Invisibles. This group aids Carla and Lucas in
bringing the Indigo Child to Wishita Military Base.

Captain Jones

Captain Jones is the immediate supervisor of Carla and Tyler. The detectives
report to him a few times throughout the game.

Carla Valenti

Carla Valenti is one of the detectives assigned to the murder case at Doc's
Diner. She works closely with Tyler Miles to discover the truth about the
incident, but it isn't until Lucas confronts her directly that she finally
learns the real truth.


Frank is one of the two police offers that work with Carla and Tyler during the
diner investigation. You'll encounter him a few times throughout the game.


Garrett is one of the two police offers that work with Carla and Tyler during
the diner investigation. You'll encounter him a few times throughout the game.


Jade is the Indigo Child, the one Lucas sees in his visions. The Orange and
Purple Clans both want to find the child because legends say she will reveal
the answers to all questions when she's exposed to a Chroma source. Lucas
finds her in an orphanage late in the game and takes her to Wishita Military
Base with the aid of Carla and Bogart's network of Invisibles.


Janos is the man who was convicted of the Kirstin murder. He spends the rest
of his days locked up in the asylum, where Carla goes to discuss the Kirstin
case with him later in the game.


Jeffrey is a co-worker of Carla and Tyler. Tyler owes Jeffrey some money, and
the two resolve the conflict with a basketball game early in the game.

John and Mary Kane

John and Mary Kane were the parents of Lucas and Markus Kane. Both were
scientists working with the military at Wishita Military Base. Mary was
pregnant with Lucas while she was exposed to the Chroma, which explains his
unusual reaction to it when he sees it later as a child. John and Mary were
killed in a car accident in 1999. The tombstone in the cemetary reads says
John was born in 1949, Mary in 1951.

John Winston

John Winston was the man Lucas killed in the diner.

Jose Lopez

Jose was one of the two victims that were killed in the Lavomatic fairly late
in the game. While under the control of the Oracle, he killed Anita Martinez,
then killed himself by stabbing himself in the eye.

Kate Morrison

Kate Morrison is the waitress that was on duty in the diner during the murder
scene. She new John Winston fairly well, since he was a regular at the diner.
Kate helps Tyler construct a composite sketch of Lucas later in the game.

Lucas Kane

Lucas is the main character of the story. After killing John Winston in the
diner early in the game, Lucas must avoid the police while he tries to figure
out the truth about the incident.

Markus Kane

Markus is Lucas Kane's brother, a priest at a local church. Confronted with
Lucas's situation, Markus must make a difficult dission between his faith and
his brother.

Martin McCarthy

Martin McCarthy is the police officer that was sitting in the diner during the
murder scene. He encounters Lucas in the park later in the game, and then
possitively identifies him for Carla even later.

Professor Kuriakin

Lucas sees a commercial about Professor Kuriakin's museum works dealing with
the Mayan culture, and later goes to visit him to discuss his situation.

Robert Mitchell

Robert Mitchell was the officer that investigated the legendary Kirstin case.
Now he works at the police academy. Carla talks with him at the shooting range
later in the game.


Sam is Tyler's girlfriend. Late in the game, Sam decides to retreat from the
cold to a store her parents own in Florida, and Tyler can choose to either stay
in New York or join her.


Takeo is the owner of the specialty bookstore Tyler visits while looking for
information on Lucas's book.


Tiffany is Lucas's ex-girlfriend. She's captured by the Oracle late in the
game and is killed when the roller coaster platform collapses. Her grave can
be found near the grave of John and Mary Kane.

Tyler Miles

Tyler Miles is Carla Valenti's partner. Assigned to investigate the murder at
Doc's Diner, Tyler works with Carla to discover the truth behind the incident.
Late in the game, Tyler must decide whether to remain with the police in New
York or to retreat from the cold to Florida with his girlfriend Sam.


Warren is one of Lucas's co-workers at the bank. The two work together in the
tech department.

| ============================== |
| | | |
| | Section 3: Bonus Material | |
| | | |
| ============================== |


- These will be available as the game progresses, they won't cost you any
bonus points.


- You can unlock 47 different pictures of various things from the game here
for two bonus points each. The following is a bried description of each one:

Artwork #1: A picture of Lucas crouched while inspecting his bloody arms and
knife. A larger black and white version of the picture is the

Artwork #2: Carla and Tyler standing with their backs together. The
background of the picture is black and white with larger versions
of their faces looking at each other.

Artwork #3: Sketchwork of a New York appartment complex.

Artwork #4: A picture of Agatha in her wheelchair. The background is a large
picture of her face in black and white.

Artwork #5: Markus Kane stands in the middle of the picture looking towards
you. Lucas is behind him looking to the side. The background is
a larger picture of Markus's face in black and white.

Artwork #6: Sketchwork of Agatha's sitting room.

Artwork #7: A black and white view of part of the city. "Fahrenheit" is
lettered on the upper left of the picture, and below it reads
"The final countdown has already begun". This is similar to one
of the scenes you can see in the main game menu.

Artwork #8: Color sketchwork of Agatha's bedroom.

Artwork #9: A vertical picture of Lucas hanging from the helicopter. Below
him is a firey car crash on the street.

Artwork #10: Tyler Miles leaning up against the side of his car.

Artwork #11: Two sketchwork pictures of Janos drawing on his cell walls and
sitting in his chair.

Artwork #12: Two alternative sketchwork views of Takeo's bookstore (color).

Artwork #13: What appears to be a color concept sketch of a hallway leading to
Takeo's bookstore, I don't recall this from the game.

Artwork #14: Color sketchwork of Carla's living room.

Artwork #15: Black and white sketchwork of Carla's kitchen and bedroom.

Artwork #16: Sketchwork of the cemetary with either Lucas or Markus standing
in it, it's hard to say which one.

Artwork #17: A color sketch of the statue in the middle of the park where
Lucas and Markus meet early in the game.

Artwork #18: Sketchwork of Lucas diving into the water to save the child in
the park early in the game.

Artwork #19: Captain Jones stands in the middle looking towards you, holding a
donut. The background is a larger picture of his face in black
and white.

Artwork #20: Lucas, Tyler, and Carla posing together against the background of
New York. This scene is displayed during the game's startup.

Artwork #21: The Oracle stands in the middle of the picture looking towards
you. The background is completely white.

Artwork #22: Two very rough sketchwork pieces of Jeffrey, one in his uniform
and one in his basketball getup.

Artwork #23: Sketchwork (black and white) of Markus's church and a closeup of
one of the statues (color).

Artwork #24: An alter with candles in front of it and a statue of the Virgin

Artwork #25: Three pictures of Tyler; one in his underwear, one in his
standard outfit, and one in his basketball clothes. The
background is completely white.

Artwork #26: Five sketchwork pieces of Lucas's getaway scene through the city,
very rough and in partial color.

Artwork #27: Jade standing on the left half of the screen in her orphanage
uniform and coat. The background has a large picture of her
face on the right side in black and white.

Artwork #28: Two color sketchwork pieces of the area around Tiffany's

Artwork #29: A very rough sketchwork piece of the abandoned amusement park.

Artwork #30: Three more sketchwork pieces of the events at the amusement park,
partially colored.

Artwork #31: Another sketchwork piece of an alley, probably supposed to be
somewhere around Tiffany's appartment.

Artwork #32: The cyborg thing that took Agatha's form is on the right side,
the title "Fahrenheit" and the phrase "The final countdown has
already begun" is on the left. The background is the blackness
and stars of space.

Artwork #33: Two sketches of the sleezy hotel, one in color and one in black
and white.

Artwork #34: A color picture of the morgue and a closeup of some of the
drawers where the bodies are kept.

Artwork #35: Another picture of the abandoned amusement park. The title
"Fahrenheit" and the phrase "The final countdown has already
begun" is on the upper left.

Artwork #36: Sketchwork of the museum display on Mayan culture.

Artwork #37: Color concept art of the cubicles in Lucas's bank.

Artwork #38: Three different versions of Lucas; one of him crouching to
inspect his bloody arms and knife, one of him half crouched in
his hat and coat, and one of him in his red shirt from late in
the game. The background has a picture of him in his hat and
coat in black and white on the left side.

Artwork #39: Two sketches of Lucas's office, one in color and one in black and

Artwork #40: A picture of one of the Orange Clan goons in a white coat with a
gun. The title "Fahrenheit" and the phrase "The final countdown
has already begun" is on the upper left. The background is the
blackness and stars of space.

Artwork #41: A color picture of Carla in her white shirt and underwear sitting
in an orange chair thing...

Artwork #42: Two color sketches of some Mayan ruins.

Artwork #43: A color sketch of what I assume is the front of the police
station where Carla and Tyler work.

Artwork #44: A color sketch of the security room inside the police station.

Artwork #45: A rought sketch of the police station's archive basement,
partially in color.

Artwork #46: A sketch of Captain Jones's office, partially in color.

Artwork #47: A real picture of the development team, I guess.


- There are nine items here for you to unlock, each will take twenty bonus
points. These already have titles on them before you use your points on them,
so I won't bother saying what they are.


- There are fourteen tracks to unlock here, each will cost you five bonus
points. The tracks are as follows:

Track 1: Theory of a Dead Man - Santa Monica
Track 2: Theory of a Dead Man - Say Goodbye
Track 3: Theory of a Dead Man - No Way Out
Track 4: Theory of a Dead Man - No Surprise
Track 5: Teddy Pendergrass - Love TKO
Track 6: Ben E. King - Street Tough
Track 7: Patrice Rushen - Hang It Up
Track 8: Bobby Byrd - Try It Again
Track 9: Society's Bag - Let It Crawl
Track 10: Leee* John - Just An Illusion
Track 11: Angelo Badalamenti - Lucas's Main Theme
Track 12: Angelo Badalamenti - Carla's Main Theme
Track 13: Nina Simone - No Good Man
Track 14: Martina Topley-Bird - Sandpaper Kisses

*: I don't know if it's supposed to have three "e"s after it, but that's how
it's done in the actual bonus menu, so that's how I kept it here.


- This will just replay the game's credits. It won't cost you any bonus

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| | Section 4: Closing | |
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| | 4.01) Version History | |
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November 15th, 2005

- Posted the first version of the guide, complete with walkthrough, character
section, and bonus materials.

| -------------------------- |
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| | 4.02) Closing | |
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As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help,
feel free to contact me on my site, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with a
quick screenshot or two to help out.


Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at
deucestaley@gmail.com or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Thanks for checking
out the guide, and enjoy the game.

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04.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Hinweise im UHS-Format

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Spielstände bis zum Ende

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Anfängerleitfaden (mit Betrachterprogramm)

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
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11.Juni 2014
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