Druuna: Morbus Gravis

Druuna: Morbus Gravis

18.10.2013 06:07:06
Druuna: Morbus Gravis

Walkthrough by cristian159753
Version 1.1

1) About me
2) About the game
3) Controls
4) Notes about this guide
5) The Menu
6) Walkthrough
7) Cheats
8) FAQ
9) Version updates
10) Credits
11) Copyright notices and permitted sites

1) About me.

Hi. My name’s Cristian and I’m from Argentina (South America).
Since here we speak Spanish, don’t expect a perfect English on this document.
The reason I wrote this guide was because there wasn’t any on the web.
I red Microids had one at their web site but it’s no longer there and besides
it wasn’t very detailed. Some of the people who used that guide are
still stuck in the game, so I decided to write my own walkthrough
the most detailed possible (as far as my English level allows me, that is).
I really don’t like the game and I’ve never red the comic (which, by the way,
is Italian) so I don’t know what’s the story about.
A friend just lent me the game and I wrote the guide.
Please, before reading this walkthrough, read the "Notes about the guide"
section. It contains a few things you should know to avoid surprises later.

2) About the game.

Here’s a little information about 3 of the 4 main aspects of a game: control,
sound, graphics and story (which is not included because I didn’t pay attention
to it).

Control (3/10)
It sucks. No matter how many reviews you read, everyone agrees on this. Why?
Well, where should I start? Druuna gets stuck almost all the time, no matter
how good you are with a gamepad or keyboard, but the worst part of getting
stuck is that when she hits a wall, she automatically turns to another
direction. Very similar to the game “In Cold Blood”. She doesn’t run if she’s
about to hit a wall but does little steps instead. So when you want to hurry
up, she moves slower. A real pain in the ass because you have a certain time
to finish the game and you’ll have to play 80% of it by walking. But even when
you manage to run there’s another problem: she keeps running even after you
release the key.

Sound (6/10)
It’s no big deal. The ambient sound isn’t very good although the music is quite
good actually (unless you don’t like techno-rock). The voices suck, or at
least, they do in the Spanish version. I red another review (I think it was at
Game Spot), where the writer says English voices suck too.

Graphics (7/10)
These are ok. Well… there’s not much to see, since 80% of the ambient are
hanging wires, water, and tunnels. Places like the infirmary, or the town look
great but there are few of these, that’s why I consider 7 is a good mark.

Story (?/10)
Since I played the game in Spanish, I didn’t understand the story. I mean, I
understand the words but I can’t concentrate on their meaning. How’s this
possible you ask? Well, I ask myself the same thing too.

3) Controls.

Walk and Turn: you can use the arrows or the numeric pad

90º Turn: the 7 and 9 in the numeric pad or their equivalent in the group of
keys above the arrows

Step: X key

Jump: Z key

Long Jump: press and hold the space bar then press Z. Druuna runs a bit and
then jumps. If she doesn’t do it, it’s because there’s no enough room. Move a
bit and try again.

Crouch: C key

Menu: B key

Memory: M or BACKSPACE key

Run: press and hold space bar then press Up. After Druuna starts running you
can release the space bar. If there’s no enough room to run, she’ll do steps

Pick Up Something: hold ENTER key and press Up

Drop Something: hold ENTER key and press Down

Inventory: I key

Pause: P key

4) Notes about this guide.

Sadly, I couldn’t get the English version of the game and since I played the
Spanish one, I had to translate the words from menus and items myself. I did it
the best I could but still some things might be wrong because:
a) I don’t know how to translate them
b) I used a word with similar meaning (like "Scream" and "Shout").
If you wish to help by sending me the real name of those things or correcting
the grammar, it’ll be appreciated. You’ll find my e-mail address in the credits

5) The Menu
I’ll explain the main menu, then Druuna’s menu and finally Status menu.

Main Menu
From left to right you’ll see:

Console: Used to enter cheats. See cheats section.

Options: Switch the gamepad and shadows on or off, and adjust the volume.

Druuna’s menu: Will be explained later.

Credits: Shows the people who made the game.

Doctor’s Log: Shows a visual record of the man who was trying to help Druuna.
(This man is Paolo Serpieri, the creator of the original comic) (Or at least,
that's what I've been told).

Druuna’s Menu
Here you can connect to Druuna’s memory hence here’s where you can start the
game. The options you’ll find here are:

Connection: Starts a new game. You can also Load a previous one.

Status: Shows Druuna’s physical and mental status. The sub options will be
explained later.

Cerebral Cortex: Takes you to Druuna’s memory.

Load and Save: There’s not much to say. This is used to load and save your

Disconnection: Logs out from the current game. Be careful because the game
won't ask you to save the current game when you select this.

Back: Takes you back to the main menu.

Status Menu

Normalization: Returns Cognitive Effort and Cardiac Activity to 0% but Nervous
Tension will rise a bit. Use only when the first 2 are very high

Mnemotecnic Reconstruction Percentage: Shows the game progress.

Connection Time: Shows how much time you have been playing. You have 40 or 50
minutes before the game over.

Cognitive Effort: Rises when you save the game or when the Cardiac Activity
reaches 100%.

Nervous Tension: Rises when the other 2 reach 100% or when you normalize. When
this bar reaches 100% you have about 1 minute (maybe less) before game over.

Cardiac Activity: Rises at different speed depending on the situation like when
you are in mazes or near enemies.

6) Walkthrough
We’ve gone through the controls, the menus and the writing warnings so now we,
or should I say, you are ready to start.

The Beginning (Memory Block Nº 1)

Leave Druuna’s room. Ignore the path to the left and walk towards the camera.
You’ll arrive at some sort of square. In this square you’ll find:
1) 4 useless items, so forget about them.
2) A few mutants. Don’t go near them (unless you want a Game Over screen, that
After watching the FMV, walk to the left by the wall. You’ll find an entrance
to a cave. Go ahead, step in.
Do a long jump to get past the gap and then go into the steaming door.
Here there are 2 paths: one takes you to a game over so go through the other
one. You’ll find a broken panel with sparks in a wall. Right at the bottom of
the screen there’s a corpse (it’s almost impossible to see it, but it’s there).
There’ll be a FMV where Druuna will pick up a card (help with this item name
will be appreciated). You might want to save now because the following part is
a bit difficult (it took me 15 minutes to clear it). Walk straight up and
you’ll enter a small tunnel.
An FMV will start and you’ll have to press the up and down arrows when an
orange line appears at the upper or the bottom part of the screen (like in the
game Dragon’s Lair). The sequence is: DOWN, UP, DOWN. Hint: the orange bar
appears when the steam stops coming out from the vent. Get ready because you
have less than 1 second to press the arrow.
After you exit this tunnel, walk until you arrive at a closed elevator door.
Since you can’t go in this way, turn left and go that way. A metal door will
shut. Don’t worry about this, just keep walking forward and then do a U turn.
An FMV will start. A little man unlocks the door and tells Druuna she must go
to sector K91. He also tells her some mutants escaped from the sector they
were assigned. After saying this, he disappears and you are taken back to
Druuna’s memory. Select memory block Nº 2 and enter it.

Labyrinth Of Pipes (Memory Block Nº 2)

As soon as you enter Druuna will have some kind of nightmare. In order to
"wake her up" you’ll have to do the same thing you did to get past the tunnel:
press an arrow when the game tells you to. Here you’ll have to press just one
arrow and it’s UP.
After this, walk up. Here you’ll find a Rouleman (It’s a metal piece with
circular form with small balls inside it).
After picking it up, turn left and walk. It might be difficult to find the path
but it’s there. Hint: try to go through the bottom of the screen.
When the camera changes its place, you’ll see a big K91 in a wall. Go that way
to start another tricky part. You’ll be in a labyrinth of pipes and you’ll have
to find the exit. Here you have to be careful because some of the pipes are
rust (these look like they’re dirty), broken (these have holes) and some don’t
have borders.
This labyrinth consists actually of 3 labyrinths connected by an elevator.
Hint: try to run all the time, this will save you some and believe me, you’ll
need it.

Labyrinth 1:
Take the right turn and do a long jump over the broken gap.
Go left.
Go straight.
You’ll arrive at some platforms from the left side. You have to go to the right
side, so start long jumping in an upside-down U direction.
Go straight.
Go left into the elevator.

Labyrinth 2:
Go straight.
Take the path leading to the bottom of the screen and then turn right. Go
straight until the camera changes its angle and then go up.
Jump over the gap.
Go straight.
Turn right.
Go straight and enter the elevator.

Labyrinth 3:
Turn right.
Go up and then right.
Go down and then left.
Go straight.
Turn right.
Turn left.
Jump over the gap and go straight.
Turn left. Be careful here, there are no borders and you may fall.
Step into the next room.

Druuna will have another nightmare. Like before you must press an arrow to wake
up. Again it’s only one arrow: UP.
Avoid the leeches and head down until you arrive to a sewer. An FMV will start.
Druuna swims to another place and after she leaves the water, a giant worm
attacks her. The man from before kills the worm and gives Druuna some clothes.
After this, he vanishes again.
You’ll exit memory block Nº 2. Select Nº 3 and enter.

Spinning Death (Memory Block Nº 3)

Keep going forward and before entering the next room, save. An FMV will start.
In this room (and the next one) you’ll have to dodge 2 pieces of metal that
move at different speed. To do it the fastest way possible, move clockwise
(the metal pieces move anti-clockwise). Since the control sucks, it’ll take you
some time to walk without hitting the borders and you’ll have to crouch before
the metal gets near you. When doing this part, don’t rush to the other side but
don’t take too long either. Remember the Cardiac Activity is rising. Just calm
down and do it at a regular speed.
Enter the door on the other side and you’ll be in a corridor. Before going out,
make sure the metal pieces next room are far from the door because after you
exit the corridor, you must walk to the middle of the floor and then turn left.
This time, you’ll be going anti-clockwise. Somehow, this second section seemed
easier to me than the first one.
After making it to the second door, you’ll have to walk through a series of
corridors without danger. To get past them, just keep going straight. Don’t
take any side corridors because they have nothing inside and you might get
Sadly, nothing in life is for free so the danger you didn’t find here you’ll
find it in the next set of rooms.
You’ll be in some kind of labyrinth made of circle rooms filled with leeches.
To clear this section, keep going right. You’ll have to turn left at the last
intersection, the problem is you don’t know which intersection is the last one,
so I’ll give you 2 hints to find it:

1) All the rooms have 3 doors: the one you came in and another 2 to exit.
Eventually, you’ll find 2 rooms with only 2 doors. After you exit the second
room with 2 doors, go left.


2) Keep going right until you find a room with only 1 door: the one you came
Go back to the previous room and take the only door you didn’t go in yet.

The next set of rooms is easy because they only have 2 doors: then one you went
in and another one to exit the room.
After this, an FMV will start. Druuna meets a mutant who tells her that place
is free of contamination. This mutant asks Druuna for help and gives her the
Schastar’s diary and an amulet.
After this FMV, you’ll go back to Druuna’s memory.

Into The Darkness (Memory Block Nº 4)

As you can see (or should I say "as you can’t see"?) this section is in
complete darkness. The amulet the mutant gave you works as a flashlight but
it’s not enough to get past this area, so I’ll give another technique. Play for
a while on another memory block with your monitor brightness and gamma set to
minimum so your eyes get used to darkness. Then go to memory block Nº 4 and
set the brightness and gamma to the max. This way you’ll be able to see the
path without the almost useless help of the amulet.
To get past this area, just do the same as before: whenever you find an
intersection, turn right and go that way. After 2 or 3 intersections, a new
nightmare will start and you must press the UP arrow when the game tells you
Druuna will wake up in a tunnel with water. In this place you’ll find 2
intersections. The first time go right and the second time go down. After this,
Druuna will climb a rock and you’ll see mutant. As you might be thinking,
you’ll have to jump from rock to rock to make it to the other side. Here’s the
list of moves:

Long jump
2 steps
90º right
Long jump
2 times left
Up (arrow)
Long Jump
Down (arrow)
Long jump
90º left
90º right
2 times Up
90º right
Long jump
2 times Up

You’ve just jumped onto the last rock but don’t relax just yet, there’s one
more thing left to do. Before jumping into the elevator, a monster will try to
grab Druuna. Like in nightmares, you’ll have to press UP when the orange line
You’re done here and hence you’ll go back to Druuna’s memory.

The Surface (Memory Block Nº 5)

As soon as you log into memory block Nº 5, another nightmare begins. Press UP
to wake up.
In this area you’ll see 2 archers guarding the entrance to the town and as soon
as you go near them, they’ll open fire. Sadly, you have to go that way so get
ready to run. You may want to practice a bit the running and turning technique
in another memory block if you still aren’t used to it. When you feel like
you’re ready to go, start running. When the camera position changes for the
second time, head down to the bottom of the screen. When it changes for the
third time, go left. You won’t see it but there’s a path. If you hit the wall
just walk up a bit more until you find it (the path, of course). If you see a
grate ahead, it means you entered the right place (I don’t think there’s
another way to go tough). Ah, and one more thing: after you enter this path,
the arrows can still hit you so get moving and enter the passage next to the
grate (to the right).
Enter the door by the fountain and you’ll see an FMV of the town and Druuna
going into it. Next head for the place where people are lined. Another FMV will
A soldier will ask Druuna for the card you found from dead body on memory block
Nº 1. After she shows him the card, the soldier lets her go into a waiting
room. Here an old woman says a few things about the priests (or however they’re
called in the English version) and after that, she transforms into a mutant.
To avoid being killed, you’ll have to press RIGHT when the orange bar appears.
The problem is it’s very difficult to see the bar so I’ll give you a hint: it
appears after the woman’s eyes turn red and when the soldier asks for help.
The mutant is killed and Druuna finds a soldier named Jock that she knew from
before. She asks him for some serum and he tells her what does she want it for.
You are given 3 choices to answer. It doesn’t matter what you choose, the
effect is the same: Jock tells Druuna to go through a door in a corner.
After the FMV, you’ll leave the waiting room and you’ll be in a hallway. Keep
walking until you reach a dead end. Go through the right door and pick up the
serum, then exit this room and enter the one opposite. Go near the desk and
Druuna will find 2 test tubes filled with the substance JJ 180.
After this, go check the closet, and you’ll find Dr. Ottoneggeher dead. At the
same time someone calls the doc but because he doesn’t answer the intercom,
some soldiers are sent into his office to find out what’s wrong. Now, if the
soldiers see Druuna, they’ll shoot her so you’ll need to get her out of there.
Wait until the orange line appears and press either LEFT or DOWN.
Druuna will hide and exit through a back door. After this you’ll go back into
her memory. Go into the next memory block.

The Long Way Home (Memory Block Nº 6)

Walk straight until you see a big grate. Cross it and enter the building.
You’ll be inside prison. Walk towards the camera and the turn left when you see
some lockers. Walk until you find a drum lying on the floor. Right opposite of
it, there’s the guardroom which door is open. Enter and grab a key. This key
opens the door next to the drum, which leads to a cell hallway. Walk until you
find a dead end and turn right. In this room, as soon as you enter, go right
and take the first path you see. An FMV will start. Druuna will meet a man
named Abrham who gives her a clue of what to do next. You are done here, so
exit the prison.
Now, you need to go to the cathedral. Go left until you see a green wall. Go
near it and you’ll notice it’s cracked. Try to go through the hole and you’ll
be inside the cathedral.
In here, go straight and then turn right. You’ll see an FMV where Druuna climbs
a stair.
In this floor you’ll see 2 closed doors and one open. Go inside the room with
the open door and another FMV will start. Some robots tell Druuna the priest is
in some kind of meditation and the only way to wake him up is by giving him a
dose of the substance JJ 180. After the FMV ends, pick up the processor right
in front of you and enter the door leading left (in this same room). The priest
asks Druuna if she wants to talk about the drugs. Again you are given 3 choices
but unlike before, here does matter what you choose. Tell him you want to talk
about the drugs. Then he asks Druuna about his disciples. Tell him they are
You are done here. Press M or BACKSPACE and select the next memory block.

The Getaway (Memory Block Nº 7)

Again, as soon as you log into this block another nightmare starts. Press Up to
wake up.
You’ll be inside a building. Walk straight and go down the stairs. Here go left
through the path with pipes (you’ll need to enter from the bottom or you’ll
bump into the pipes).
After a while, you’ll reach a path with flames coming out of the wall and yes,
you must go that way. Make sure you are well aligned at the center of the path
or else when you start running, Druuna will get stuck against a wall. When you
are on the other side, exit the building and go into a trade shop which owner
is called Jetta. Tell her you are a friend of Schastar and she’ll trade the
piece of metal with balls inside you found on memory block Nº 2 for a weapon to
stop the priests. She says a piece is missing but don’t worry: the piece she
talks about is the processor you found in memory block Nº 6 and it will be
attached automatically.
Now it’s time to go back where the stairs are and dodge the firetrap again.
When you arrive at the stairs, walk to the bottom of the screen and you’ll exit
the building again. In this FMV you’ll see the soldiers are looking for Druuna
because they think she killed Dr. Ottoneggeher.
I really don’t understand how this part works. Sometimes the guards shoot you
and sometimes they don’t. Just save and then run through town until you go back
into Druuna’s memory. Enter the next memory block.

Home Sweet Home (Memory Block Nº 8)

Here you’ll find a green door. Go through it and you’ll see you are near
Druuna’s place. Go back home but before you enter, take the gun from the dead
man. You’ll need it.
Druuna gives Schastar the serum but it seems it doesn’t have the same effect as
before anymore. He tells her where to go next and then he tries to attack her.
You’ll have to press DOWN when the orange line appears. After this you’ll go
back to Druuna’s memory. You need to go back to memory block Nº 7.

The Road To EXA (Memory block Nº 7)

This section is really short. Go where the stairs are but this time turn left
and enter the pipe. You’ll need to press RIGHT or some kind of beast will
attack you. After this you’ll go back to Druuna’s memory.

Secrets Revealed (Memory Block Nº 9)

This is a section of the game I hate. It consist mainly of a very long FMV
where you have to press RIGHT when the priest gives the soldiers the order to
shoot you and UP to attack the crazy man when he turns around. Pay attention or
you’ll have to watch the whole FMV again (like me). After it finishes, pick up
the substance the crazy man was talking about and exit this room. When you
reach intersection head down (you’ll see a black arrow painted on the floor).

The Graveyard (Memory Block Nº 10)

Head right and go into the door with the red light you’ll see on the far end of
the screen.
Druuna will spread the anti-mutant substance on her body. Go around the tower
and enter it. A typewriter appears and you’ll have to type Abrham21 and then
hit the white button. Now go back where you entered this section but this time
go left. When the camera changes its position, you’ll see the path turns left
but must keep going straight.
Here a two-headed mutant will try to attack you. Just press DOWN when the game
tells you to.
Now you’ll have to solve a puzzle. Move the wires so you can align each section
with its matching color. When you’re done hit the button at the bottom. Hint:
don’t worry about the 6 connections. Align one and the other 5 will be aligned
as well.
If you still can’t figure it out, do the following:

On the first row, select left once.
On the second row, select left twice.
On the third row, select left 3 times.
Hit the button at the bottom.

I’ve only played the game twice and this solution worked both times but I’m not
sure if it always works.

The Cube (Memory Block Nº 11)

I said I hated memory block Nº 9 but believe me, this section is far worse than
that one.
This whole section is a maze like the one in the movie "Cube". You must use the
map you got in block Nº 10 to get through this place. Druuna’s status must be
critical by now so you MUST clear this section quickly. I’ll give you some

1) Remember: when the Cardiac Activity is high (100%), the Cognitive Effort
will start to rise. Don’t normalize her status until the Cognitive Effort is
about 95%. This way you’ll save some Nervous Tension for later.
2) Druuna will keep running even when you let go the keys (or buttons if you
are using a gamepad). Release the keys before reaching the desired position.
3) Use the numeric pad to play. The 90º rotation is more accessible and it’s
very useful here since there are no round turns.
4) When you are lost, take a look at the signs above the doors. The number that
repeats on opposite doors tells one of the coordinates you are in. The other
coordinate is shown on the sign perpendicular to the first coordinate. Here is
an example:

b)X1, Y5, P0

a)X1, Y4, P0 You a)X1, Y6, P0

b)X0, Y5, P0

If you take a look at "a)" you’ll see the X is the same: 1. It means "a)" has
the coordinates for X so "b)" has the coordinates for Y. If you take a look at
"b)" you’ll see the Y is the same: 5. In this example you are in room
X1, Y5, P0
P shows which floor you are on.
5) Make sure you follow the complete trial of the blue line in the map.
Sometimes you’ll find elevators while following the blue line. Don’t take these
or you’ll end up in a place you are not supposed to be. A good example is on
floor 0: you are supposed to go to floor 5 but you’ll find an elevator, which
will take to floor 1.

The trip ends on floor 9 and you’ll go back to Druuna’s memory.

The End Of The Journey (Memory Block Nº 12)

Here you’ll be on some catwalks and you have to find a door. I don’t remember
the way so you’ll have to find it on your own. To be honest, I played the game
twice and I don’t want to see it ever again, so unless you are really
desperate, don’t contact me asking for the correct way. If someone wants to
send me the directions, it’ll be appreciated.
After an FMV, you’ll be in a room filled with robots. Go left and when the
camera changes its position, you’ll see a robot behind a corner. Go that way
and turn right. You’ll see a door at the end of the hallway. Enter next room
and keep going straight. Behind this door is the ending FMV.
Congratulations, you’ve just finished the game.

7) Cheats
Open the console and enter CHEATON to enable cheat mode. Then enter any of
these codes for the following effects:

MEMOK Access all "memories"
OGGOK All inventory items
ZEROK Zeros stats
LUCEOK Light up dark levels
A50OK Skips levels AP0-AP9
DRUUNA0 Normal Clothing
DRUUNA2 Corset, fishnet stockings and boots
DRUUNA3 Lara Croft costume
DRUUNA4 Wonderwoman costume
DRUUNA5 Spiderman costume

Note: I didn’t try any of these codes. If they don’t work, please, notify me.

8) FAQ
Q: Will you write this same walkthrough in Spanish?
A: No, I won’t. Don’t insist.

9) Version updates
Version 1.0: First release (3/9/2005)
Version 1.1: Added an item name: Rouleman (25/05/2006)

10) Credits
Walkthrough written by Cristian159753
E-mail: cristian159753@yahoo.com.ar
Walkthrough version: 1.0

Thanks to:
Me, in the first place for writing this walkthrough. Of course: Who is patient
enough to play this crap from the beginning until the end? If I didn't make
this walkthrough, then who would.

Guillermo Moreno: He lent me the game so I could write this walkthrough.

Spyros Zhshs: He told me the name of the circular metal with little balls
inside was a Rouleman.

Microids for making this game. Thanks to them, I had the chance to write my
first walkthrough.

Gamefaqs.com for letting me post this walkthrough and for being the best
walkthrough site in the web.

11) Copyright notices and permitted sites

"Druuna: Morbus Gravis" walkthrough
Copyright ©2005 by cristian159753

"Druuna: Morbus Gravis" and all it's trademarks and characters are the property
of Paolo E. Serpieri.
Game development is property of Microids.

Their respective trademark and copyright holders own all trademarks and
copyrights contained in this document.

Only the following website has permission to post this walkthrough:

Any websites that have been granted permission to post this walkthrough must
keep the walkthrough remain unchanged and intact at all times unless there is
a special reason, in which I must be notified.

This "Druuna: Morbus Gravis" walkthrough may not be reproduced under any
circumstances except for personal or private use.

Use of this walkthrough on any non-permitted web site or as a part of any
public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
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