Star Wars - Battlefront

Star Wars - Battlefront

17.10.2013 09:56:45
Star Wars Battlefront
Final Version 3.00
Platform: Windows Personal Computer (PC)
Author: Link4800
Copyright © 2005-2007 Shawn Gantz
Note: If there is a specific section of the FAQ/Walkthrough you wish to go
straight to, press CTRL+F on your keyboard and type the heading next to the
section you wish to see.


Table of Contents
A. Version History
B. Legal Information
C. Introduction
D. Game Play Information
D1. Infantry Controls
D2. Vehicle Controls
D3. Starfighter Controls
D4. Main Menu
D5. Options
D5a. Game Options
D5b. Audio Options
D5c. Video Options
D5d. Multiplayer Options
D5e. Controls
D5f. Unlockables
D6. Command Posts
D7. Gaming Screen
D8. Awards
D9. Infantry
D9a. Rebel Alliance
D9b. Galactic Empire
D9c. Republic
D9d. CIS
D10. Vehicles
D10a. Scout Vehicles
D10b. Medium Assault Vehicles
D10c. Heavy Assault Vehicles
D10d. Heavy Assault Transport
D10e. Starfighters
D10f. Attack Transport Flyers
D10g. Turrets
D11. Field Droids
D11a. Ammo Droids
D11b. Health Droids
D11c. Repair Droids
E. Singleplayer Modes
E1. Historical Campagin
E1a. Clone War
E1b. Galactic Civil War
E2. Galactic Conquest
E2a. Birth of the Rebellion
E2b. Dark Side Rising
E2c. Attack of the Clones
E2d. Revenge of the Sith
E2e. The Galactic Civil War
E2f. A Galaxy Divided
E2g. The Clone Wars
E2h. Balance of the Force
E2i. Planetary Bonuses
E3. Instant Action
F. Planets
F1. Bespin
F1a. Platforms
F1b. Cloud City
F2. Endor
F2a. Bunker
F3. Geonosis
F3a. Spire
F4. Hoth
F4a. Echo Base
F5. Kamino
F5a. Tipoca City
F6. Kashyyyk
F6a. Islands
F6b. Docks
F7. Naboo
F7a. Plains
F7b. Theed
F8. Rhen Var
F8a. Harbor
F8b. Citadel
F9. Tatooine
F9a. Dune Sea
F9b. Mos Eisley
F9c. Jabba
F10. Yavin 4
F10a. Temple
F10b. Arena
G. Statagies
H. Ewok Troops
I. FAQ's
J. Awcknowledgements
K. Recap of Legal Info
L. Closing

A. Version History
Version 0.25: 07/19/2005-Began FAQ/Walkthrough and basic Information.

Version 0.50: 07/20/2005-Finished Historical Campagin Walkthrough.

Version 0.70: 07/21/2005-Completed Galactic Conquest Information.

Version 0.80: 07/25/2005-Completed Planets Lists.

Version 1.00: 07/26/2005-Completed and Submitted FAQ/Walkthrough to GameFaqs.

Version 1.05: 08/03/2005-Added Strategies Section as well as a Mine Strategy.

Version 1.15: 08/30/2005-Added more Stratagies and posted this guide on

Version 1.20: 09/22/2005-I hate homework...don't you?

Version 1.25: 12/13/2005-Strike One added.

Version 2.00: 07/19/2006-First Anneversary Edition.

Version 3.00: 02/20/2007-Final Version Published.

B. Legal Information
Star Wars Battlefront FAQ/Walkthrough Version 3.00
Copyright © 2005-2007 Shawn Gantz

This document is protected by the copyright law.

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written or e-mail permission. Use of this guide on
any other web site than those listed below is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of the copyright.

All Characters, Scenarios, Items and Trademarks in this Star Wars:
Battlefront FAQ/Walkthrough are owned by their respective Trademark and
Copyright owners.

C. Introduction
Welcome to my version of the Star Wars Battlefront FAQ/Walkthrough. This guide
will explain the basics of information that might not be covered in the your
Instruction Manual.

This guide covers the Windows PC Version of Star Wars Battlefront. However,
there is no distinct difference between the 2 other console versions.

If you ever want to send a comment or addition to be posted onto this
Walkthrough, be sure to leave a distinct e-mail with a subject line that will
let me know it is for this guide. I get alot of junk mail, and if I don't
know what it is, I won't open it.

Consult the Instruction Book for Instalation Information. But you hopefully
have that done already.

This is the final version of this guide. I will no longer be updating or
allowing this guide to be posted on any other website. Please do not ask.

With the said, let us begin.

D. Game Play Information
This section will explain to you the basic, need-to-know things about Star Wars

D1. Infantry Controls
This will explain to you the default Infantry Controls. These are the very
same controls that are listed in the Instruction Book. Consult for more
information. Actual controls may vary. Check the Options Menu for exact

Move Forward----------------------Up Arrow
Strafe Left-----------------------Left Arrow
Move Backward---------------------Down Arrow
Strafe Right----------------------Right Arrow
Look Around-----------------------Mouse
Primary Fire----------------------Left Mouse Button
Secondary Fire--------------------Right Mouse Button
Jump------------------------------Space Bar
Crouch----------------------------Left Shift
Zoom------------------------------Q or 3rd Mouse Button
Enter Vehicle---------------------E
Squad Command: Move Out-----------3
Squad Command: At Ease------------1
Squad Command: Follow Me----------2
Squad Command: Hold Position------4
Cycle Primary Weapon--------------F or Mouse Wheel
Cycle Secondary Weapon------------C

The following are availible in Online Multiplayer only.

Team Chat-------------------------T
Player List-----------------------Tab

D2. Vehicle Controls
This will explain to you the default Vehicle Controls. These are the very
same controls that are listed in the Instruction Book. Consult for more
information. Actual controls may vary. Check the Options Menu for exact

Look Around/Steer-----------------Mouse
Primary Fire----------------------Left Mouse Button
Secondary Fire--------------------Right Mouse Button
Accelerate------------------------Up Arrow
Starfe Left-----------------------Left Arrow
Strafe Right----------------------Right Arrow
Brake-----------------------------Down Arrow
Zoom------------------------------Q or 3rd Mouse Button
Exit Vehicle----------------------E
Squad Command: Bail Out-----------1
Squad Command: Pile In------------2
Cycle Position Seat---------------F or Mouse Wheel

The following are availible in Online Multiplayer only.

Team Chat-------------------------T
Player List-----------------------Tab

D3. Starfighter Controls
This will explain to you the default Starfighter Controls. These are the
very same controls that are listed in the Instruction Book. Consult for
more information. Actual controls may vary. Check the Options Menu for
exact controls.

Look Around/Steer-----------------Mouse
Primary Fire----------------------Left Mouse Button
Secondary Fire--------------------Right Mouse Button
Accelerate------------------------Up Arrow
Brake-----------------------------Down Arrow
Zoom------------------------------Q or 3rd Mouse Button
Exit Starfighter------------------E
Squad Command: Bail Out-----------1
Squad Command: Pile In------------2
Cycle Position Seat---------------F or Mouse Wheel

The following are availible in Online Multiplayer only.

Team Chat-------------------------T
Player List-----------------------Tab

D4. Main Menu
This will explain the different elements on the Main Menu.

Singleplayer: Modes for only one player. This includes Historical Campaign,
Galactic Conquest, and Instant Action.

Multiplayer: View Multiplayer Games. This is not a multiplayer guide.
Unfortunatley, my computer seems to lose connection to the host as I try
to join a Multiplayer game. I cannot help you in this field. Consult a
different Walkthrough for Multiplayer Information.

Splitscreen: Only in the XBox and PlayStation 2 Versions. Modes for two
players on one screen. This includes Historical Campaign, Glactic
Conquest, and Instant Action.

Options: Alter your various Game Play Options. These can be accessed by the
Pause Menu as well.

Tutorials: Only in the XBox and PlayStation 2 Versions. This will allow you
to view several movies that will explain the basics of the game.

Manage Profiles: Only in the PC Version. This allows you delete or create

Exit to Windows: Only in the PC Version. This will quit Star Wars
Battlefront and return you to the desktop.

D5. Options
The list of options that you can change at the Main Menu or the Pause Menu.

D5a. Game Options
Various options that alter your game play experience. The option in all
CAPS it the Default Option.

Viewpoint: Switch between a FIRST PERSON or Third Person Perspective.

Friendly Fire: Turn this ON or off to decide if you can hurt your own

Instant Action Heros: Turn Jedi Heros on or OFF in Instant Action. This
gives one to your team and the opponets team. No, they will not fight
each other.

Difficulty: This is determined when a new profile is created. Decide
between Easy, MEDIUM, or Hard. This will affect all 4 Singleplayer
modes of play. The Multiplayer Host will override this option.

Tool Tips: Available only in the Xbox and PlayStation 2 Versions of the
game. This will acivate a little tip at the bottom of the screen as
you approach something new.

D5b. Audio Options
Choose from various options that will alter what you hear in gameplay,
such as Music, Voice, Sound Effects Volume, and Audio Output (Mono,
Stereo, Surround, etc.)

D5c. Video Options
Various video options, such as Screen Display. Options only available in
the PC Version.

D5d. Multiplayer Options
Consult a Multiplayer FAQ/Walkthrough for more information on Multiplayer

D5e. Controls
The Controls above are not accurate. Select this option to see the exact
game play controls, and adjust them to your liking.

D5f. Unlockables
This does not include cheats. In the XBox and PlayStation 2 Versions of
Star Wars Battlefront, as you successfully progress through Historical
Campagin, you will unlock Art Gallerys of many different Planets and
Soldiers. You can view them in this menu.

D6. Command Posts
Capturing Command Posts (CP) is your primary objective in all modes of play.
The more CP's you own, the more chance you have of flanking (cornering) your
enemies. If you own over half of the Command Posts in a stage, your enemy
will begin to lose Reinforcements, the rate of loss is determined by how
many more CPs you own. There are several different CP's.

Green Command Post: A Command Post that belongs to your team. Protect it
with your life.

White Command Post: Contested (Vacant) Command Post that either team can

Red Command Post: A Command Post that belongs to your enemies. The primary
objective is to take these CP's and make them Green.

Yellow Command Post: A Command Post that belongs to the native forces of
the stage. Attempt to take these Command Posts. Once all are owned, the
Native Forces cannot respawn.

Destroyable Command Post: These appear as Squares instead of Circles on
you map. These cannot be taken my enemy forces, but, if they take enough
damage, they will be destroyed, and cannot be used anymore. Endor, Hoth,
and Geonosis have these types of Command Posts.

Mobile Command Post: These are most assosicated with the Republic (AT-TE)
and Empire (AT-AT). They are meant to be marched into the middle of
battle to spawn troops to fight on the front lines. If you are on the
respective team, you can spawn at these Trasports. They are assosiated
with Geonosis, Hoth, and Rhen Var. They can be destroyed if taken enough
damage, but will respawn again shortly.

If any team owns all of the Command Posts on the map, the opposing team
will have 20 Seconds to contest a Command Post before victory or defeat is

When a CP is contested, the timmer will pause at the given time. If the
opposing team successfully steals the CP, the clock will disappear. If the
original owner retakes it, the clock will resume from the shown time.

D7. Gaming Screen
This will explain the various visuals on your gaming screen. Consult your
Instruction Book for more information.

Primary Weapon Ammo: This will display the Ammo remaining in your weapon.
Some weapons are Rechargeable and will overheat is fired too much.

Secondary Weapon Ammo: This will display the Ammo reamaining in your second
weapon. These are usually grenades.

Reinforcement Meter: This displays the remaining Reinforcements on both
sides of the teams. When either number reaches 0, the game will end, and
the team with Reinforcements left will win. Your team's general, the
announcer who says when a CP is taken or lost, will give a hint that you
are winning ("Victory is immanent") or losing (" immanent").

Kill Count: The top-most of the 3 side counters. This keeps track of your
kills. This will flash yellow when you kill an enemy Unit. It will
flash red if you kill a friendly Unit, and you will lose one count from

Death Count: This keeps track of you deaths. It is the middle of the 3

Command Post Count: This keeps track of how many Command Posts you took or
helped take. It is the bottom-most of the 3 counters. It will only
count if the CP meter fills completley while it is on your screen.

Health: A blue bar that displays your remaining Health. When it empties,
you current unit will die. It turns red before death.

Vehicle/Starfighter Armor: When blue bar empties, the Vehicle/Starfighter
will explode and kill all units inside. A Pilot can repiar Vehicles/
Starfighters as they ride in them.

Vehicle Position Indicator: This will tell the player how many units are in
the current Vehicle/Starfighter. The Blue Bar indicates your Unit.
Green Bars indicaite friendly AI Units. White Bars indicate other Human

Crosshair: This is the Blue object in the center of the screen. When it
turns Red, you are targeting an enemy. If it turns Green, then you are
targeting a friendly Unit.

Successful Hit Indicator: A ring will appear inside you crosshairs
occasionally. If it is Red, you have successfully hit an enemy Unit or
Vehicle. If it turns Green, Stop Firing! You just hit a friendly Unit.
If it turns Blue, you hit a stationary Vehicle or a Field Droid. Purple,
Cyan (light blue), and Yellow means that you hit two objects at once.
Purple combines Red and Blue hits, Yellow combines Blue and Green Hits,
and Yellow cominnes Red and Green Hits.

Map: A Mini Map appears in the corner of your screen which displays all CP's
and close Units. See the Command Posts Section above for information
on Command Posts. Small Arrows indicate Units. Green Arrows are
friendly Units, Red Arrows are enemy Units, and Yellow Arrows indicate
Native Forces. The large White Arrow is you, and the flashing Arrows are
Units that are currently firing a weapon. Colors also apply to Vehicles
and Starfighters, which will also appear on your Mini Map. Pressing M
(PC), Back (XBox), or Select (PlayStation 2) to activate your Full Map.

D8. Awards
Various Awards are given after every battle, below is the list of them and
how to achieve them.

Tank Buster: The Unit which destroyed the most Vehicles and/or Starfighters.
Dead Eye: The Unit who had the most Head Shots, sniper or not.
Camper: The Unit who went to the same spot and stayed there. Usually, you
get this if you are constantly killed trying to get the same CP.
Bantha Fodder: The Unit who was killed the most in the battle.
Public Enemy: The Unit who killed the most Enemy Units in one life.
Killing Spree: The Unit who killed the most Enemy Units in five second
Survialist: The Unit who was taken to less than 10% Health, and is fully
Traitor: The Infamous Unit who takes the most lives of his teammates.

The following Awards are found on a Units Personal Details Page.

Bait: The Unit that this Unit killed the most.
Nemesis: The Unit that killed this Unit the most.

D9. Infantry
This will explain the different classes of playable Units.

Trooper: Used maily for mass killing---------Signature Weapon: Blaster Rifle
Heavy Trooper: Used to take out Vehicles---Signautre Weapon: Rocket Launcher
Pilot: Used to repair Vehicles-----Signature Weapon: Dispenser Health & Ammo
Sharpshooter: Used to snipe distant enemies---Signature Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Miscellaneous: Special Unit for that specific class.
How to read this section:

Class Name: # Weapons

Weapon Name--------------------------Clip/Total or Rechargable

D9a. Rebel Alliance
Rebel Soldier: 4 Weapons

Blaster Rifle-------------------50/250
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------3
Concussion Grenade--------------3

Rebel Vanguard: 4 Weapons

Missle Launcher-----------------2/8
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------3

Rebel Pilot: 4 Weapons

Blaster Cannon------------------30/90
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Fussion Cutter------------------Rechargable
Dispenser Health & Ammo---------5

Rebel Marksman: 4 Weapons

Sniper Rifle--------------------5/45
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------3
Recon Droid---------------------1

Wokiee Smuggler: 3 Weapons and 1 Special

Grenade Launcher----------------5/10
Time Bomb-----------------------3
Special Ability-----------------Can take more damage before dying.

Luke Skywalker: 1 Weapon and 1 Special

Special Ability-----------------A Jedi Knight. You cannot play as him.

Galactic Conquest Base

Hoth: Echo Base-----------------Planetary Bonus: Overthrow

D9b. Galactic Empire
Stormtrooper: 4 Weapons

Blaster Rifle-------------------55/220
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------4
Concussion Grenades-------------2

Shock Trooper: 4 Weapons

Missle Launcher-----------------7
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------3

Imperial Pilot: 4 Weapons

Mortar Launcher-----------------5/10
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Fusion Cutter-------------------Rechargable
Dispenser Health & Ammo---------5

Scout Trooper: 4 Weapons

Sniper Rifle--------------------6/36
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------3
Recon Droid---------------------1

Dark Trooper: 3 Weapons and 1 Special

Blast Cannon--------------------30/180
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------4
Special Ability-----------------Enhanced Jump: Jump very high.

Darth Vader: 1 Weapons and 1 Special

Special Ability-----------------A Sith Lord. You cannot play as him.

Galactic Conquest Base

Endor: Bunker-------------------Planetary Bonus: Death Star

D9c. Rebuplic
Clone Trooper: 4 Weapons

Blaster Rifle-------------------60/180
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
EMP Grenade---------------------3
Concussion Grenades-------------2

Arc Trooper: 4 Weapons

Missle Launcher-----------------2/6
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------3

Clone Pilot: 4 Weapons

DN Bolt Caster------------------Rechargable
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Fusion Cutter-------------------Rechargable
Dispenser Health & Ammo---------5

Clone Scharpshooter: 4 Weapons

Sniper Rifle--------------------6/36
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------3
Recon Droid---------------------1

Jet Trooper: 3 Weapons and 1 Special

EMP Launcher--------------------2/6
Command Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------4
Special Ability-----------------Double-Jumping will use the Jet-Pack.

Mace Windu: 1 Weapons and 1 Special

Special Ability-----------------A Jedi Master. You cannot play as him.

Galactic Conquest Base

Kamino: Tipoca City-------------Planetary Bonus: Insurection

D9d. CIS
Super Battle Droid: 3 Weapons

Wrist Blaster-------------------55/220
Tri Shot------------------------Rechargable
Wrist Rocket--------------------3

Assult Droid: 4 Weapons

Missle Launcher-----------------7
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------3

Droid Pilot: 4 Weapons

Radiation Launcher--------------5/10
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Fusion Cutter-------------------Rechargable
Dispenser Health & Ammo---------5

Assassin Droid: 4 Weapons

Sniper Rifle--------------------5/45
Blaster Pistol------------------Rechargable
Thermal Detonator---------------3
Recon Droid---------------------1

Droideka: 2 Weapons and 1 Special

Repeating Blasters--------------Rechargable
Shield Emmiter------------------Rechargable
Special Ability-----------------Press Enter Vehicle and you can roll.

Count Dooku: 1 Weapons and 1 Special

Special Ability-----------------A Sith Lord. You cannot play as him.

Galactic Conquest Base

Geonosis: Spire-----------------Planetary Bonus: Blockade

D10. Vehicles
Used for fast, or slow, transportation between Command Post A and Command
Post B.

D10a. Scout
Consists mainly of fast and lightwieght Vehicles. Speeders fall in to
this catergory.

D10b. Medium Assault
Vehicles that have much Heavier Firepower than the Scout Class. AAT.
Rebel Landspeeder, TX-1305, and Hailfire Droid fall into this class.

D10c. Heavy Assault
The more heavily armed Vehicles in the game. This class includes the
Spider Droid and AT-ST.

D10d. Heavy Assault II
The most heavily armed Vehicles in the game. This includes AT-AT,
AT-TE, and the MTT. These often act as Mobile Command Posts as well.

D10e. Starfighters
Fast and Airbourne. These craft help protect the ground Units from
the air. Jedi Starfighters, Droid Starfighters, X-Wings, and Tie

D10f. Transport Flyers
Only the Clone Wars Era. These transport multiple troops and can act
as an anti-air support. This includes the Rupublic Gunship and the

D10g. Turrets
Not really considered a Vehicle, but it can destroy Units and fast. Use
them often.

D11. Field Droids
Field Droids are used to aid you in the Battlefront. Use their services
often and wisley.

Ammo Droids: They look like little Trash Cans, but they are far from that.
They will give you as much ammo as you need it.

Health Droids: They are the tall, dark droids. They will replenish your
health in small ammounts.

Repair Droids: They look like Red R2-D2 Units. If you put a Vehicle near
them, they will slowly repair your Vehicle.

D12. Weapons
Used to kill people.

Blaster Rifle/Wrist Blaster: Rapid-firing gun that can dispatch upto 10
Units within a 10 second interval.

Blaster Pistol/Tri Shot: Back-up weapon that every regular class has. It is
rechargeable and will never run out.

Thermal Detonator/Wrist Rocket/EMP Grenade: A grenade used for killing
masses of enemies.

Concussion Grenade: A grenade used to hurt vehicles.

E. Singleplayer Modes
Singleplayer consists of Historical Campaign, Galactic Conquest, and Instant
Action. All have the same objectives, capture Command Posts and kill enemy

E1. Historical Campagin
Play through what happened before, during, and after the famed Star Wars
Saga. How to read this section:

Enemy Team
Native Forces (Their Team)

E1a. Clone Wars
Play through Star Wars Episode I and Episode II. Just remember, Episode
III wasn't realeased when this was. All missions labeled Episode III are
what was believed to happen.

Episode I

Naboo: Fields
You play as CIS.
Your enemy is the Republic.
Gungans (Republic)
Your only enemies are the Gungans, but as the movies tell us, the Gungans
help the Republic. To bring down the forcefield, you must kill the
giant dinosaur things. But entering the field may cause an early death
by Jar Jars.

Naboo: Theed
You play as CIS.
Your enemy is the Republic.
Royal Guards (Republic)
Again, the Clones do not bother you this time, your only enemies are the
Guards. Take the Palace CP ASAP. It will be your key to victory, and
you will probably kill about 80 Guards trying to get to it.

Between Episode I and Episode II

Kashyyyk: Islands
You play as CIS.
Your enemy is the Republic.
Wookiees (Republic)
Once again, no Clones, but you get to kill Wookiees. But, don't be sad,
you get Super Battle Droids now, HOORAY! In addition, Count Dooku will
assist you in battle.

Episode II

Geonosis: Spire
You play as Republic.
Your enemy is the CIS.
Geonosians (CIS)
The great battle of Geonosis. Now you ARE the Clones. And General Windu
will assist you in your trial here. Destroying Techno Union 1,
Techno Union 2, and Techno Union 3 will affect the CIS dearly. Once they
are destroyed, focus all attention to the Spire CP.

Between Episode II and Episode III

Kamino: Tipoca City
You play as Republic.
Your enemy is the CIS.
The appearance of the Jet Troopers. It's satisfying, well, not really.
They can travel great distances quickly. Do not let the Droids take the
Cloning Center, and take as many CP's as possible when the battle starts.

Episode III

Rhen Var: Harbor
You play as Republic.
Your enemy is the CIS.
This can be a very hard or very easy battle. Very hard if the CIS takes
the Ice Caves. Very easy if you keep the Ice Caves. You have an AT-TE
Command Post. Use it wisley

Kashyyyk: Docks
You play as Republic.
Your enemy is the CIS.
Wookiees (Republic)
Now the Natives work with you. The Wookiees are good allies. They will
repair turrets for your team. Keep ahold of the Piers and attempt to
take the Landing.

E1b. Galactic Civil War
Now we enter Episode IV, Episode V, and Episode VI. This will include
events that happened and what was believed to have happened.

Episode IV

Tatooine: Dune Sea
You play as Empire.
Your enemies are the Rebels.
Tusken Raiders (Nuetral)
The Tuskens kill both Rebels and Imperials. Take out their two CP's
and they will stop spawning. Take the Homestead, and for the sake of the
Empire, avoid the Sarlacc Pit.

Tatooine: Mos Eisley
You play as Empire.
Your enemies are the Rebels.
Jawas (Nuetral)
The Jawas-funny word, Jawa-will not side with either, but killing them
will take from you kill count. They build turrets, be happy. Taking
the Cantina CP will prove very useful. And if you want to, you can
dance to very addicting Cantina Music. Maybe Darth Vader will join you.
Or he'll tell you to help him kill Rebels. Also, enjoy your new Dark

Rhen Var: Citadel
You play as Empire.
Your enemies are the Rebels.
Take the Watch first, then the Keep. The Rebels will put up a good
fight for the Keep, so protect it with you gun. Stormtroopers are your
best choice here.

Yavin 4: Arena
You play as Empire.
Your enemies are the Rebels.
Take the Arena CP first. Then spend your remaining time killing any
Rebel who tries to kill you. No other suprises await you here.

Between Episode IV and Episode V

Yavin 4: Temple
You play as Rebels.
Your enemy is the Empire.
Tired of killing Rebels? Now you can kill Imperials! HOORAY! And you
can be a Wookiee! Better yet, you can start by taking the Forest Ruins
CP first! YAY! Get to work.

Episode V

Hoth: Echo Base
You play as Rebels.
Your enemy is the Empire.
The famed battle of Hoth. Now with more Luke Skywalker. Use the
Snowspeeders and Tow Cables to take down the AT-AT. If the Shield
Generator is smoking, respawn into a Pilot and use the Fusion Cutter to
repair it.

Bespin: Cloud City
You play as Rebels.
Your enemy is the Empire.
Han Solo is gone, no hope of seeing him here. But the Chamber might make
a good first CP. It is, after all, a Key Command Post. The Rear
Entrace serves as a good CP to keep.

Between Episode V and Episode VI

Bespin: Platforms
You play as Rebels.
Your enemy is the Empire.
Use your X-Wings to your advantage. If you're brave enough, steal a Tie
Fighter, you'll have to watch for X-Wing fire. Take the Extractor first,
then use it to take the Command CP.

Episode VI

Endor: Bunker
You play as Rebels.
Your enemy is the Empire.
Ewoks (Rebels)
First, use a Vanguard and a speeder to travel to the Shield Bunker. Use
all of your explosives in a Creative way, respawn, and repeat. On your
2nd trip, if a Imperial Pilot isn't there, the Bunker will fall. Then
use your Ewoks to take out the Empire once and for all.

E2. Galactic Conquest
You battle your enemies one planet at a time for total control of the
Galaxy. Use you Planetary Bonuses to aid you in Galactic Domination. Below
are the 8 Conquests you may partake in. 4 must be unlocked after conquering
the Galaxy once. Remember, native forces will still be there.
How to read this section:

Your team(s):
Your enemy's team(s):
Your owned planets:
Your enemies owned planets:
Contested planets:

E2a. Birth of the Rebellion
You play as Rebels
Your enemy is the Empire.
The Rebels own Hoth and Yavin 4.
The Empire owns Bespin, Endor, Kashyyyk, Naboo, Rhen Var, and Tattoine.
There are no Contested Planets.

E2b. Dark Side Rising
You play as the Empire.
Your enemies are the Rebels.
The Empire owns Bespin and Endor.
The Rebels own Hoth, Kashyyyk, Naboo, Rhen Var, Tatooine, and Yavin 4.
There are no Contested Planets.

E2c. Attack of the Clones
You play as the Republic.
Your enemies are the CIS.
The Republic owns Kamino and Kashyyyk.
The CIS owns Bespin, Geonosis, Naboo, Rhen Var, Tatooine, and Yavin 4.
There are no Contested Planets.

E2d. Revenge of the Sith
You play as the CIS.
Your enemies is the Rupublic.
The CIS owns Geonosis and Rhen Var.
The Republic owns Bespin, Kamino, Kashyyyk, Naboo, Tatooine, and Yavin 4.
There are no Contested Planets.

E2e. The Galactic Civil War
You play as the Rebels or Empire.
Your enemies are the Rebels or Empire.
The Rebels owns Hoth, Rhen Var, and Yavin 4.
The Empire owns Endor, Kashyyyk, and Naboo.
The Contested Planets are Bespin and Tatooine.

E2f. A Galaxy Divided
You play as the Rebels or Empire.
Your enemies are the Rebels or Empire.
The Rebels owns Bespin, Hoth, and Yavin 4.
The Empire owns Endor, Kashyyyk, and Tatooine.
The Contested Planets are Naboo and Rhen Var.

E2g. The Clone Wars
You play as the Republic or CIS.
Your enemies are the Republic or CIS.
The Republic owns Kamino, Tatooine, and Yavin 4.
The CIS owns Bespin, Geonosis, and Rhen Var.
The Contested Planets are Kashyyyk and Naboo.

E2h. Balance of the Force
You play as the Republic or CIS.
Your enemies are the Republic or CIS.
The Republic owns Bespin, Kamino, and Kashyyyk.
The CIS owns Geonosis, Naboo, and Rhen Var.
The Contested Planets are Tatooine and Yavin 4.

E2i. Planetary Bonuses
Planetary Bonuses give you an advantage in battle. Each planet hosts a
Planetaty Bonus. In order to use a Planetary Bonus, you must have total
control over the Planet. Below is the list of Planetary Bonuses and its

Bespin-----------Sabotage: Enemy Vehicles come into play damaged.
*Endor----------Death Star: Destroy a Planet. Empire only.
*Geonosis---------Blockade: Destroy a Planet. CIS only.
*Hoth------------Overthrow: Claim a planet as your own. Rebels only.
*Kamino---------Insurection: Claim a planet as your own. Republic only.
Kashyyyk---Reinforcements: 50 troops are added when your count is low.
Naboo---------Bacta Tanks: Your teams Health will constantly heal.
Rhen Var--Orbital Sensors: The enemy's Map cannot detect any Units.
Tatooine--------Jedi Hero: Your team's Jedi Hero will join the battle.
Yavin 4----Elite Training: Your team's accuracy is improved.

* = Bases. Can only be used by the respective team. Will instantly take
or destroy any planet except other bases. These Planetary Bonuses
can only be used once the respective team has successfully won 4
battles. This planet can only be attacked once all other planets are

E3. Instant Action
If you don't want a plot, you can come to this mode, where you can battle on
any of the 10 planets availible, including a new, exclusive PC only level.
The list of planets is below.

F. Planets
There are 10 differnt planets in Star Wars Battlefront, for a total of 16
Battlefronts, with the exclusive PC Battlefront. Below is the list of all 17

F1. Bespin
Known to many as Cloud City. First appearence was Episode V.

F1a. Platforms
Sevearl small platforms connected by narrow walkways. 7 Command Posts.

Republic/Rebels Command Posts: Dock, Command, and Fuel.
CIS/Empire Command Posts: Landing, Control, and Depot.
Vacant Command Posts: Extractor.
Key Command Posts: Extractor.
200 Units
Tactics: The AI Units will use Starfighters to capture distant Command
Posts. You should focus on taking the Extractor. Once taken, you may
do as you wish to win.

F1b. Cloud City
A small enclosed stage with sevearl good sniping spots. 6 Command Posts.

Republic/Rebels Command Posts: Rear Flank and Rear Entrance.
CIS/Empire Command Posts: Forward Flank and Walkway.
Vacant Command Posts: Chamber and Courtyard.
Key Command Posts: Chamber.
200 Units
Tactics: Take the Chamber ASAP. This will help you greatly in the future
battle. The Walkway and Rear Flank Command Posts will be holding a
battle throughout the course of the battle.

F2. Endor
Home of the Shield Generator. First appearance in Episode VI.

F2a. Bunker
A large forest stage with several tall trees and grass. 6 Command Posts.

Destroyable Empire Command Posts: Shield Bunker
Rebel Command Posts: Rebel Outpost, Village, and East Trail.
Empire Command Posts: Camp and Barracks.
Vacant Command Posts: None.
Key Command Posts: Camp and East Trail.
Native Forces: Ewoks.
200 Units
Tactics: Vanguards should spawn at the Rebel Outpost and take a speeder.
Use it to take you out to the Shield Generator. Then destroy it.
Once you run out of ammo, Respawn and repeat. Not a Rebel, then all
I can say is kill Rebels.

F3. Geonosis
The deserted planet of the droid factory. First appearence was Episode II.

F3a. Spire
A desreted Spire on Geonosis, with much open space. 9 Command Posts.

Destroyable Republic Command Posts: AT-TE and Assembly Area.
Destroyable CIS Command Posts: Techno Union 1, Techno Union 2, and
Techno Union 3
Republic Command Posts: Derelict.
CIS Command Posts: East Binker, West Bunker, and Spire.
Vacant Command Posts: None.
Key Command Posts: Spire.
Native Forces: Geonosians.
200 Units
Tactics: Republic soldiers should attack the Techno Union Ships, like
your commander says you should. Then focus on the Spire. CIS should
focus on destroying the Assemply Area, then protect the Spire.

F4. Hoth
The famed planet of snow and the Echo Base. First appearence was Episode V.

F4a. Echo Base
The famed snowy Battlefront, open and barren. 7 Command Posts.

Destroyable Rebel Command Posts: Generator.
Destroyable Empire Command Posts: AT-AT and AT-AT.
Rebel Command Posts: Bunker, Outpost, Control, and Echo Base.
Empire Command Posts: Forward Camp.
Vacant Command Posts: None.
Key Command Posts: Echo Base.
200 Units
Tactics: Empire should destroy the Shield Generator and Rebels should
protect is. Pilots can repair the SG and should regularly. Empire,
use the AT-AT to your advantage, march it straight to the Generator.
If a Snowspeeder hooks on to the AT-AT you are in, leave or be killed.

F5. Kamino
The rain planet, planet of the Clones. First appearence was Episode II.

F5a. Tipoca City
Rainy platforms, very similar to Bespin: Platforms. 7 Command Posts.

Republic Command Posts: Cloning Center.
CIS Command Posts: Alpha 1.
Vacant Command Posts: Alpha 2, Alpha 3, Beta 1, Beta 2, and Beta 3.
Key Command Posts: Cloning Center, Beta 2, and Alpha 2.
200 Units
Tactics: Take as many vacant Command Posts as possible. The take or
defend the Cloning Center. Droidekas make good allies in taking the
Vacant Command Posts fast.

F6. Kashyyyk
The treetop planet of the Wookiees. First appearence was Episode III.

F6a. Islands
A channel of small, hilly islands connected. 6 Command Posts.

Republic/Rebels Command Posts: South Village, Village Center, and
North Village.
CIS/Empire Command Posts: Landing Zone, West Harbor, and East Harbor.
Vacant Command Posts: None.
Key Command Posts: Village Center and East Harbor.
Native Forces: Wookiees.
200 Units
Tactics: Focus on the Village Center. If you own it, focus on keeping
it. It will prove useful in the future of the battle.

F6b. Docks
2 platform docks full of water and huts. 7 Command Posts.

Republic/Rebels Command Posts: Pier One, Pier Two, and City Hall.
CIS/Empire Command Posts: Beach Head, Dock One, and Dock Two.
Vacant Command Posts: Landing.
Key Command Posts: Landing, Pier One or Two, and Beach Head.
Native Forces: Wookiees.
200 Units
Tactics: Take the Landing and fast. Usually, CIS or Empire takes it
first. Republic and Rebels should attack the Docks, they will

F7. Naboo
The grassy planet home of the Gungans. First appearence was Episode I.

F7a. Plains
Grassy plains with rocks every where. 5 Command Posts.

Republic/Rebels Command Posts: Heads and Redoubt.
CIS/Empire Command Posts: Pillars and Command.
Vacant Command Posts: Center.
Key Command Posts: Center and Pillars.
Native Forces: Gungans.
200 Units
Tactics: Take and keep the center. CIS and Empire can use Vehicles to
their advantage, keep that in mind.

F7b. Theed
The royal capitol city of Naboo. 6 Command Posts.

Republic/Empire Command Posts: Office, Palace, and Guard.
CIS/Rebels Command Posts: Embassy, Rotunda, and Plaza.
Vacant Command Posts: None.
Key Command Posts: Palace and Rotunda.
200 Units
Tactics: Steal or defend the Palace, then take the remaining Command
Posts. The Rotunda will also help in taking the Palace.

F8. Rhen Var
A snowy planet full of ancient ruins. First appearence was in the novels.

F8a. Harbor
A flat, icy ruin with ice caves and elevated CP's. 6 Command Posts.

Destroyable Republic Command Posts: AT-TE.
Destroyable Empire Command Posts: AT-AT.
Republic/Empire Command Posts: Ice Caves and Western L2.
CIS/Rebels Command Posts: Fortress and Citadel.
Vacant Command Posts: Lighthouse.
Key Command Posts: Lighthouse and Ice Caves.
200 Units
Tactics: The Ice Caves will decide the victor of this battle. If the
Ice Caves are lost, all is lost. Defend them, and take the

F8b. Citadel
Large ruins of Rhen Var, with many broken walls. 7 Command Posts.

Republic/Empire Command Posts: Observatory.
CIS/Rebels Command Posts: Courtyard.
Vacant Command Posts: Ruins, Crypt, Keep, Terrace, and Watch.
Key Command Posts: Watch and Keep.
200 Units
Tactics: Again, take as many Command Posts as possible, Droidekas help.
Be swift and keep the Keep once you get it. It is popular with the

F9. Tatooine
The sandy planet, home of Jabba the Hutt. First appearence was Episode IV.

F9a. Dune Sea
The vast desert that took Boba Fett's life. 6 Command Posts.

Republic/Empire Command Posts: Dune Sea and Sand Crawler.
CIS/Rebels Command Posts: Bluff and Homestead.
Native Forces Command Posts: Tusken Camp and Cisterns.
Vacant Command Posts: None.
Key Command Posts: Sand Crawler and Homestead.
Native Forces: Tusken Raiders.
200 Units
Tactics: Eliminate the Tusken Command Posts. If your team starts to
lose, ignore and attack your enemy. Once the Tusken Posts are gone,
victory is inement.

F9b. Mos Eisley
The desert hometown of many Tatooine's inhabitants. 6 Command Posts.

Republic/Empire Command Posts: Housing, Market, and Warehouse.
CIS/Rebels Command Posts: Shops, Hangar, and Cantina.
Vacant Command Posts: None.
Key Command Posts: Cantina and Hangar.
Native Forces: Ewoks.
200 Units
Tactics: The Cantina Command Post will prove useful. Ewoks don't really
do much, but killing them will take from your Kill Count.

F9c. Jabba
The palace of Jabba the Hutt, PC Exclusive. 5 Command Posts.

Republic/Rebels Command Posts: Barracks.
CIS/Empire Command Posts: Keepers Chamber.
Vacant Command Posts: Droid Repair Bay, Prison, and Throne Room.
Key Command Posts: Throne Room.
Native Forces: Gamorreans.
200 Units
Tactics: This stage is a PC Exclusive Battlefront. The Rencor will
instantly kill you. Jabba's Throne Room will be useful in your

F9. Yavin 4
The grassy Rebel command center. First appearence was Episode IV.

F9a. Temple
A hilly, grassy field with good sniping. 7 Command Posts.

Republic/Rebels Command Posts: Temple, Altar, and Dry Pool.
CIS/Empire Command Posts: Fountain, Overlook, and Viaduct.
Vacant Command Posts: Forest Runs.
Key Command Posts: Temple and Forest Ruins.
200 Units
Tactics: Use Speeders to your advantage. Take the Temple or defend the
Temple, whichever suits you.

F9b. Arena
The flat ruins of Yavin 4. 5 Command Posts.

Republic/Empire Command Posts: East Box and Altar.
CIS/Rebels Command Posts: West Box and Gate.
Vacant Command Posts: Arena.
Key Command Posts: Arena and West or East Box.
200 Units
Tactics: The Boxes will let you get a jump on the Arena. Keep the Arena
at all costs, as well as your respective Box CP. Everyone can use
Vehicles to their liking.

G. Statagies
This is a viewer-mail section. Send in a Statagy and it will be posted if
helpful. If you have questions about any of these Strategies, remember; I did
not contribute any Strategies to this section. Every Strategy in this section
is from the public. E-Mail the person who contributed the Strategy for help on
it via the E-Mail Address provided.

Mine Staratagy-Sent by

As a Heavy Weapons Unit, place mines on MAVs or SVs and
just get in. If you go through a group of enemies,
the mines will detonate and kill the enemies nearby.

As a HUW place mines on open parts to enemy vehicles
(i.e. seats of speeders top turret of clone tank)
if done corectly when an enemy gets in they die and it
dameges the vehicle.(it might work on the republic
gunship too im not sure)

If you are about to lose a comand kill the special

This next one can be done two different ways.

1. As a HWU place mines by the special robots
then when enemies come, BOOM!

2. As a HWU blow up the healing/ammo droids
then place mines near them. Because of the pilots A.I.
they come to repair them and die.

Stage Strategies-Sent by

Naboo: Plains: At the command post in the center of the map, there are two
slanted stone pillars that pilots can build turrets on top of. The pillars
are on opposite ends of the command post.

Yavin IV: Temple: While playing as the rebels on this map, the Empire's
AT-ST's can be taken down rather quickly with the pole turrets. The turrets
work with ammo instead of rechargable energy. With five clips of 200 rounds
each, they work very well against the AT-ST's, although if they are firing
upon you while in the turret, you may want to get out because they have poor
durability against them.

Stage Strategy-Sent by

Kashyyk: Docks: Using snipers at the South or North Village when playing as
Republic or Rebels can allow you to pick off over 80 enemies. Go out to
the end of one of the rope bridges where the droids can keep healing you and
giving you ammo. Dropping recon droids down onto the dock below for air
strikes can also increase the toll quickly.

Jedi Strategies-Sent by

1.When a Jedi appears around a cliff area, take a thermal detonator and throw
it at his feet, he will then instantly fall off the cliff and die...hopefully.

2.Also when a Jedi appears go and get a speeder bike and run straight over the
Jedi, it will kill him instantly!!!

H. Ewok Troops
Thanks goes to for this interesting cheat.

Create a new profile and name it Jub Jub. Every character you play as and kill
will be half their normal size.

I. FAQ's
This section lays out the varios questions you might want to ask me. Make sure
your questions e-mail subject line is destinct, so I know what you want to

Q: How do I take a Command Post?
A: Keep your soldier in the Command Post's Range until the Red meter empties.
Then stay until the Green meter fills. The Command Post is then yours.

Q: How do I unlock Tatooine: Jabba?
A: First, buy the PC Version of the game, then scan for an
update. If your game is already installed, uninstall, then re-install.
The computer should promt you on the update.

Alternatley, you can buy Star Wars: Battlefront II, it has Jabba's Palace in

Q: Can I post your guide on my site?
A: I encourage you to post my guide, but I don't want to add you to my list of
hits. Please e-mail me first, and await my reply until posting. I will
attach the latest version for you.

Q: What is your E-Mail Address?
A: See the below section.

Q: How come you did not reply to my question?
A: Well, it probably wasn't a question, or you are e-mailing me too often.

J. Awcknowledgements
This is where I pour my heart out thanking all of those who helped me create
this Walkthrough. If your awcknowledgement is not here, look for it above in
the Walkthrough; It is also possible that I did not post your idea. I will
always reply to a e-mail that has an idea that I used.

LucasArts & Pandemic: Making a great game.
George Lucas: Star Wars, duh.

Contribution Awcknowledgements:

josh_strat: Mine Strategy. Stage Stratagies. Stage Strategy. 'Jub Jub' Cheat and Jedi Stratagies.

My Soldiers: All of the deaths and funerals they had to go through.
The below sites: For hosting my FAQ/Walkthrough.
You: Reading my Walkthrough.

K. Recap of Legal Info
Star Wars Battlefront FAQ/Walkthrough Version 3.00
Copyright © 2005 Shawn Gantz

This document is protected by the copyright law.

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written or e-mail permission. Use of this guide on
any other web site than those listed below is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of the copyright.

All Characters, Scenarios, Items and Trademarks in this Star Wars:
Battlefront FAQ/Walkthrough are owned by their respective Trademark and
Copyright owners.

L. Closing
Well, here we are: the end of the line. I hope you enjoyed reading this guide
as much as I enjoyed making it. This guide will not be updated or edited again
in any way. Do not attempt to contact me about this guide. My contacts have
been removed and will not be replaced.

I thank all those who read and legally posted my guide. I hope I have helped
everyone who needed it.

Thank you, and good day.
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