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Game : SWAT 4
Platform : PC
Author : a_heavenly_body
Version : Final
FAQ Type : FAQ/Strategy
E-Mail : a.heavenly.body@gmail.com

Copyright 2005 a_heavenly_body


Table Of Contents

2-Copyright Notice
3-Version History
4-System Requirements
6-Basics of The Game (MUST READ SECTION)
II.Act Like A Cop
III.Use Lethal Force where Necessary
IV.Leaders Lead The Way
V.Cops Have Four Eyes
VI.General Hints/Tips
7-Character Details
I.Primary Weapons
1.9mm SMG
2.Suppressed 9mm SMG
3. .45 SMG
4.GB36s Assault Rifle
5.Colt M4A1 Carbine
6.M4 Super 90
7.Nova Pump
8.Less-Lethal Shotgun
9.Pepper Ball Gun
II.Secondary Weapons
2.9mm Handgun
3.Taser Stun Gun
III.Breaching Weapons
1.C2 Explosives
2.Breaching Shotgun
IV.Tactical Weapons
1.Flash Bang Grenades
2.CS Gas
3.Sting Grenades
4.Pepper Spray
6.Door Wedge
9-Training Level
I.Pay Attention To The Voice
III.Move And Fire
IV.Learn To Throw
V.Pick The Lock
VIII.Leader All The Way
IX.Light Up
X.Command Menu
XI.Extra Pair Of Eyes
XII.Squad Division
XIII.Another Extra Pair Of Eyes
XIV.The End Is Here
10-Strategy FAQ
I.Food Wall Restaurant
II.Fairfax Residence
III.Qwik Feul Convenience Store
IV.A-Bomb Night Club
V.Victory Imports Auto Centre
VI.Red Library Offices
VII.Northside Vending And Amusements
VIII.Duplessis Wholesale Diamond Centre
IX.Children Of Taronne Tenement
X.St. Michaels Medical Centre
XI.The Wolcott Projects
XII.Old Granite Hotels
XIII.Mt. Threshold Research Centre
I.Multiplayer Requirements
II.Golden Rule
III.Good Aspects Of The Multiplayer Mode
IV.Bad Aspects of the Multiplayer Mode
V.Extra Weapons/Equipment Of Multi-Player Mode
VI.User Submitted Multiplayer Strategies
13-Cheat Codes
14-My Short Review Of The Game



Hello and welcome to my SWAT 4 FAQ/Strategy guide. Its been almost a month
since i wrote a complete FAQ so i thought why not know. Remember that this is
not a FAQ/walkthrough, it's a FAQ/Strategy guide. It means that i WONT give you
a step by step explaination of every part of the game. I will give you lots of
hints and tips, weapon analysis, the best combination for each mission etc
alongside answering your frequently asked questions. I hope you enjoy the FAQ
and find it informative.


2-Copyright Notice

This document is copyrite 2005 a_heavenly_body It cannot be altered reproduced
or published under any circumstances without my permission. The only websites
currently allowed to host it are
Thats it. If i find it on any other website without my permission then the
web master will be in one heck of a trouble as i will immediately take legal
action. If you spot it on an un authorized website inform me via e-mail as
soon as you can(see contacts section). If you want it on your website then me
an e-mail asking permission and we will discuss things(see contacts section)


3-Version History

26 August 2005.. version 0.5...I have just started the FAQ, completed the
'basics of the game' section. The weaponry section is 95% complete. Only the
in-game weapon descriptions remain.Completed the first few missions.

27 August 2005.. version 0.6...Weaponry section 97 % complete. Added a multi-
player and training section. Added a controls,system requirements and
character detail section. I have yet to work on the training section.
I also added a cheat codes section.
I will complete the weapon section 100% in the next update along side the
training section. After that i will focus on the main missions.

28 August 2005.. version 0.7...Completed the training section. Completed the
weapons section 100%. Wrote some more missions.

29 August 2005.. Version 0.8..The FAQ is 96 % complete. ONLY the last two
missions remain.

30 August 2005.. FINAL VERSION..The FAQ is 100% complete. I have added every-
thing i wanted to in this FAQ alongside a small review at the end.


4-System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
Windows 98SE, Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 3, or Windows® XP with Service
Pack 1
DirectX® 9.0c
1.0 GHz Intel® Pentium® III, Intel® Celeron® 1.2 GHz, AMD® Athlon™ 1.2 GHz, or
256 MB RAM
32 MB NVIDIA® GeForce™ 2 (MX 200/400 not supported), 64 MB ATI® Radeon™ 8500,
or equivalent graphics card
DirectX® 8.1 compatible sound device
CD-ROM/DVD-ROM required for installation
2 GB hard drive space
Windows®-compatible mouse
56kbps modem for online play (Cable modem or DSL recommended)

Recommended Requirements:
Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 3, or Windows® XP with Service Pack 1
DirectX® 9.0c
2.4 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD® Athlon™ XP 2500+, or equivalent
512 MB RAM
128 MB DirectX® 9.0 compatible graphics card (NVIDIA® GeForce™ 4 TI, ATI®
Radeon™ 9500, or equivalent recommended)
DirectX® 9.0 compatible sound device
2.5 GB hard drive space
Windows®-compatible 3-button mouse
Cable modem or DSL for online play





Move Forward W
Move Backward S
Sidestep Left A
Sidestep Right D
Lean Left Q
Lean Right E
Run/Walk ---
Crouch C
Toggle Run/Walk SHIFT


Fire Left Mouse Button
Reload R
Equip Handcuffs H
Change Firing Mode X
Zoom Z
Toggle Flashlight V
Use F
Display Objectives/Scores M
Equip Next Weapon ---
Equip Previous Weapon ---


Change Command Group TAB
Toggle Red Team View Port INSERT
Toggle Blue Team View Port HOME
Toggle Sniper Viewport PAGE UP
Deactivate Viewport END
Control View Port CAPS-LOCK
Open Graphic Command Interface Right Mouse Button
Give Quick Command SPACE-BAR
Scroll Command Up Mouse Wheel UP
Scroll Command Down Mouse Wheel Down
Say T
Team Say Y


Classic: Primary Weapon F1
Classic: Secondary Weapon F2
Classic: Flash Bang Grenade F3
Classic: CS Gas Grenade F4
Classic: Sting Grenade F5
Classic: Pepper Spray F6
Classic: Breaching F7
Classic: Toolkit F8
Classic: Optiwand F9
Classic: Wedge F10

Graphic: Primary Weapon 1
Graphic: Secondary Weapon 2
Graphic: Fash Bang Grenade 3
Graphic: CS Gas Grenade 4
Graphic: Sting Grenade 5
Graphic: Pepper Spray 6
Graphic: Breaching 7
Graphic: Toolkit 8
Graphic: Optiwand 9
Graphic: Wedge 10

Classic: Back BACK SPACE
Classic: Deploy -


6-Basics of the Game

I highly recommend you to read this section. I have given every single detail
about everything in the game. So if you are a new comer, this is the place
for you.



You have a team comprising of four squad members. Your foot squad is divided
into two groups, red and blue. The batch on the whole is referred as either
gold or element. You also have mission specific snipers to aid you as well.

Your squad members have been programmed very intelligently. They are very
responsive and almost never make any stupid mistakes. I have never seen them
shoot at each other, even by mistake. They always know the right path and
have never got stuck or acted strangely.

Alongside being very smart, your squad members are also very responsive. They
will ALWAYS follow your order no matter how dangerous the objective it. They
will NEVER disobey, except when you are standing in their way. For example if
you ordered your team to breach a door, they will not go through it until they
are all positioned, so if you are standing in their way, you can forget your
order until you move away. When you have to give orders, you have the choice
of giving them to any of the two teams or the whole squad.

As for the snipers, they are almost in direct control of you. Since you are
controlling them, so the whole point of them disobeying your orders is not


II.Act Like A Cop

You are cop, right, REMEMBER IT. You will never see an officer storm into a
room with guns blazing. Being a cop, you must first give the suspect a chance
to surrender by shouting at him to comply. If he does'nt surrender, use non
lethal force to make him change his mind. Most of the suspects comply after the
use of non-lethal force. You only attack them if they pose a direct threat
towards you or anyone nearby.

Remember that EVERYONE is a suspect, yes even those crying and freaked out
hostages. So when you shout a compliance, MAKE SURE you hand-cuff everyone or
else some might run off. After you hand-cuff them, report their status to TOC.
If the person had any weapon, he will drop it. Pick it up as well. Point to
note is that after a suspect has complied and you have'nt hand-cuffed him, 9
times out of then he will not be any threat to anyone. The only thing they
might do is run off, but i only encountered it twice.

Remember to report all type of statuses to TOC. If you see a dead/wounded body,
report it, if you have a hand-cuffed suspect, report him, if your fellow squad
member goes down, report him as well. Remember to collect all evidence. If the
suspect drops a gun etc, make sure you collect. All this counts towards your
mission score at the end and failure to do these will result in deduction of


III.Use lethal force where necessary

You didnt expect the whole game to go by without the use of these wonderful
weapons, did you? You will have plenty of oppurtunities to use your weapons in
the game, HOWEVER, there are some circumstances in which you can use them. AND
remember, the use of lethal force must be your last resort.

If a suspect fires his weapon, be it in any direction, you now have the
authority to use your lethal weapons to take him out without shouting for
compliance. It does'nt matter whether the bullet hits the wall etc, its the
theory that counts and according to the theory, that bullet could have been a
hostage or maybe even YOU. So press the trigger button and pop him full of

If a suspect has a fire arm ready, it does NOT mean you can use lethal force at
him. He should be aiming his gun at someone, be it you or a hostage and he
should be trying to lock on to you. If thats the case then you have the right
to pop him full of lead, however if a suspect just has a fire arm in his hand
and he not using it for anything dangerous, you have to shout compliance.
Otherwise you lose points.

There is another cheating sort of method in which you can take out the supect
without any point penalty. If you use you optiwand to look behind a door and
you see an enemy, you can take him out by breaching the door using the C2
explosive. Enemies taken out in this fashion will be counted as a legal kill.

The last legal way in which you can take out the enemy is via sniping. However,
you must have a sniper in the mission. You have to go into the sniper's view
point and aim carefully for the target. Fire when you have the suspect in your
sights for a one hit LEGAL kill.

These are all the legal and semi legal ways to kill your enemies. None of them
cost a point penalty, however i am sure you must be tired of shouting for
compliance every time you see a suspect. If you have a non-lethal weapon like
a taser gun, just aim and shoot at the suspect without giving him any sort of
warning. Shout for compliance after he has feeled the effect of the weapon.
You will NOT lose any point in this way as well.


IV.Leaders Lead The Way

You are the leader of the element,REMEMBER IT. Before you start any mission,
YOU have the ability to take a look at the mission information available, what
type of enemies you MAY face, what the supects look like, what are the choices
for making for entering,what type of guns the squad should have etc. Out of
these, the two most important choices are the weapon selection and the entry

You should select the weapons according to the type of enemies you MAY face.
You must choose your entry point intelligently. For example, its best to start
at the roof top and make your way down rather then starting at ground floor
and making your way to the top. It depends on YOU, whether you want to lead the
way like a brave warrior or sit back and cover your squad.

Normally, you will have a lot of choices to make. For example, its best to just
cover your back while your squad breaches a door. This way they will take any
oncoming fire. REMEMBER that if a squad member dies, you lose points, if YOU
die, you fail the mission. Your first preference should be to have your squad
members do the dirty work for you, however, keep an eye on their health. If the
health of two or more of the squad members gets critically low, its time to
take out your assault rifle and lead the way.

Whenever a sniper reports something, enter the sniper veiw port. If it's an
unknown supect but he is armed then take him out. If its a known threat then
DEFINITELY take him out because they will all count as legal kills.


V.Cops Have Four Eyes

You have the ability to see the view point of your squad members apart from
the snipers. While in their sight, you even issue them certain commands. This
may be useful but since you cannot move or do anything else while their view
port, you can only effectively use this feature when you are alone or their are
absolutely no threats nearby.

You can snipe enemies while in the sniper's view port.


VI.General Hints/Tips

1.Open all closed doors as you pass by unless you have plans of using a door
wedge on it. The reason i say this is when a suspect runs, 8 times out of ten
he will close all doors behind him. Which means you can trace his path fairly

2.Report everything to TOC, act as if your life depends on it. Remember that
you will lose some points for every dead/injured body you failed to notify,
every hand-cuffed suspect you failed to notify, any weapon/evidence you failed
to collect, used illegal force etc. So keep that in mind if you want a perfect
100/100 score.

3.The optiwand is your best friend. Make sure its in your inventroy,alongside
the door wedge.

4.Keep an eye on your ammo count, since you DONT have a direct notification on
your screen, you might miss it.

5.The secondry weapons are not useless. At times a pistol is more useful then
an assault rifle.

6.Its best to have to team breach doors rather then you doing it.


7-Character Details

This sectyion details information about your team members.



Officer Default
Nickname: Boss
Badge No: 3187
Years Of Service: 15


A recent transfer from los angeles, the sergeant is cool under fire and is
always buisness like. With a new element to command, he will have to gain the
respect of his squad while on job.



Officer Steven Reynolds
Nickname: Gramps
Badge No: 3077
Years Of Service: 30


A thirty year veteran of the force and twenty five year veteran of SWAT,
officer reynolds is the most experienced member of the element.His experience
has taught him that staying calm can be the key to survival as a SWAT officer.
Realizing the value of his experience, he is always willing to give advice to
the element.



Officer Anthony Girard

Nickname: Subway
Badge No: 3518
Years Of Service: 14


Officer Girard is a local boy, born and raised in the metropolitan area. Girard
has been a member of SWAT for 6 years and been decorated for his bravery on two



Officer Zachary Fields

Nickname: Hollywood
Badge No: 3975
Years Of Service: 6


Spending only 2 years on the street before passing the rigorous SWAT training
course and trials,Officer Fields is one of the youngest officers on the force
to be promoted to SWAT. Although a bit of a loudmouth, he has proven to be a
very capable operator.



Officer Allen Jackson

Nickname: Python
Badge No: 3248
Years Of Service: 18


Officer Jackson has had a long and distinguished career on SWAT. As well as
being a top-notch operator, Jackson prides himself on being an athlete. He is
in peak physical condition and can be an intimidating prescence on any



Scroll down for a weapon analysis.


I.Primary Weapons

Primary weapons are those weapons which you will carry most of the time,they
are SMGs,assault rifles etc.So choose wisely,depending on the mission.


1.9mm SMG

A.What is it?

It is a small machine gun.

B.How effective is it?

It is an excellent weapon in most cases.It has great accuracy and pretty good
raw power.It is also light in weight,which makes it easier to aim with.


You can use anyone of these two bullets:

Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)...These bullets have more pentration power and can
penterate through most body armors.

Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)...These bullets inflict far more damage then FMJ
bullets in normal circumstances,i-e when the enemy is not wearing any body
armor,HOWEVER,if the enemy has body armor protecting it,these bullets lose
almost 60 % of their raw power.

I would recommend you to go with the FMJ bullets UNDER normal circumstances.


This weapon has two fire-modes.Semi-Auto and 3 round burst.I would recommend
you to go with the 3 round burst under normal circumstances.

E.Ammo Capacity

30 rounds per clip.

F.In-Game Description

This 9mm sub-machine gun is designed by world reknown german manufacturer.It is
preferred by many para-military groups throughout the world for urban tactical
engangements. Firing either full metal jacket or jacketed hollow point 9mm
ammunition, it is versatile but lacks the stopping power of an assault rifle.
Its key advantage is its compact design, which allows superior maneuverability
in indoor situations. It is equipped with a fire-mode selector allowing semi-
automatic and three round bursts.


2.Silenced 9mm SMG

A.What is it?

It is the silenced version of the 9mm SMG.

B.How effective is it?

It is an excellent weapon for stealth purposes,i-e you DONT want the enemy in
the next room to know that you are here.It has a built-in silencer which
reduces fire sounds by almost 50 %(just an observation) and also decreases the
muzzle flash.Like the standard 9mm SMG,this weapon is also easy to aim with,
although it is slighlty heavier due to the silencer.It has the same amount of
raw power if you compare it with the standard 9mm SMG.


You can use anyone of these two bullets:

Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)...These bullets have more pentration power and can
penterate through most body armors.

Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)...These bullets inflict far more damage then FMJ
bullets in normal circumstances,i-e when the enemy is not wearing any body
armor,HOWEVER,if the enemy has body armor protecting it,these bullets lose
almost 60 % of their raw power.

I would recommend you to go with the FMJ bullets UNDER normal circumstances.


This weapon has two fire-modes.Semi-Auto and 3 round burst.I would recommend
you to go with the 3 round burst under normal circumstances.

E.Ammo Capacity

30 rounds per clip.

F.In-Game Description

This 9mm sub-machine gun is designed by world reknown german manufacturer.It is
preferred by many para-military groups throughout the world for urban tactical
engangements. Firing either full metal jacket or jacketed hollow point 9mm
ammunition, it is versatile but lacks the stopping power of an colt carbine.
Its key advantage is its compact design, which allows superior maneuverability
in indoor situations. It is equipped with a fire-mode selector allowing semi-
automatic and three round bursts. It also sports a sound and flash suppressor
for when stealth is paramount.


3. .45 SMG

A.What is it?

This is sort of an advanced version of the standard 9mm SMG,packing more RAW
power but slightly less accuracy.

B.How effective is it?

It is an equally effective weapon as the 9mm SMG.It has more RAW power then the
standard SMG plus it handles similar to it in almost every way,except that it
is heavier and slightly effects your aiming.It also has a slow rate of fire but
that isnt really a problem.


You can use anyone of these two bullets:

Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)...These bullets have more pentration power and can
penterate through most body armors.

Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)...These bullets inflict far more damage then FMJ
bullets in normal circumstances,i-e when the enemy is not wearing any body
armor,HOWEVER,if the enemy has body armor protecting it,these bullets lose
almost 60 % of their raw power.

I would recommend you to go with the FMJ bullets UNDER normal circumstances.


This weapon has two fire-modes.Semi-Auto Full-Auto,i would recommend you to go
with the full-auto mode if you are facing more then three foes nearby,otherwise
stick with the semi-auto mode.

E.Ammo Capacity

25 rounds per clip.

F.In-Game Description

The .45 calibre sub machine gun is compareble to the 9mm SMG in every almost
way. Built largely of glass-fibre reinforced polymers, this light weight sub-
machine gun provides the same reliability as the 9mm model, with the added
punch of a .45 calibre round. The heavy bullet provides superior penetration of
armored targets with FMJ rounds compared to its 9mm brethren, despite having a
lower muzzle velicity and a slower cyclical rate of fire. This model is
equipped with a fire-mode selector allowing semi-automatic and fully automatic
firing modes.


4.GB36s Assault Rifle

A.What is it?

It is an assault rifle.

B.How effective is it?

The GB36s is a powerful assault rifle,however,it is not the best choice.Aiming
is also slightly difficult to its heavy size.Dont use it in the last 4 missions.


You can use anyone of these two bullets:

Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)...These bullets have more pentration power and can
penterate through most body armors.

Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)...These bullets inflict far more damage then FMJ
bullets in normal circumstances,i-e when the enemy is not wearing any body
armor,HOWEVER,if the enemy has body armor protecting it,these bullets lose
almost 60 % of their raw power.

I would recommend you to go with the FMJ bullets UNDER normal circumstances.


This weapon has two fire-modes.2 Shot mode and full-auto.I recommend you to
stick with the two shot mode unless you have more then three foes nearby.

E.Ammo Capacity

30 rounds per clip.

F.In-Game Description

The GB36s assault rifle is a light weight full sized assault rifle originally
developed in the 1990's for the german Budeswehr. It is now world renknown as
an incredibly reliable all round rifle. Firing a mid-sized 5.56 mm (.223)
rifle round, this weapon is equipped with a fire mode selector with 2 round
birst as well as fully automatic firing.


5.Colt M4A1 Carbine

A.What is it?

It is also an assault rifle,however,it is better then the GB36s model in many

B.How effective is it?

It is possibly the best weapon in the game.It packs extreme RAW power and can
penetrate through even the toughest of armors.This weapon is an ideal choice
in the later levels,ESPECIALLY the last 4 levels,where the enemies are not only
heavily armed but also heavily protected as well.It also has better aiming then
the GB36s assault rifle.


You can use anyone of these two bullets:

Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)...These bullets have more pentration power and can
penterate through most body armors.

Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)...These bullets inflict far more damage then FMJ
bullets in normal circumstances,i-e when the enemy is not wearing any body
armor,HOWEVER,if the enemy has body armor protecting it,these bullets lose
almost 60 % of their raw power.

I would recommend you to go with the FMJ bullets UNDER normal circumstances.


This weapon has two fire-modes.Semi-auto and full-auto.I recommend you to full
auto most of the time.

E.Ammo Capacity

30 rounds per clip.

F.In-Game Description

The Colt M141A carbine is based on the tried and true design of the M16 assault
rifle used by the united states army. The shorter carbine design makes it a
more viable weapon then the M16 in close quarters situations. Using .223
calibre rifle ammunition in both full metal jacket and jacketed hollow point
configurations, the colt carbine is the most powerful weapon available to SWAT
officers. It is equipped with fire mode selector allowing semi automatic as
well as fully automatic firing.


6.M4 Super 90

A.What is it?

It is a standard shotgun.

B.How effective is it?

It is a fairly good weapon but like all shotguns,if you fire from too far,you
will not damage the enemy properly.The best way to use the M4 super 90 is to
be fairly close to the enemy.The aiming can be somewhat of a problem with this
weapon so you need practice,however,the game is forgiving in a sense that your
will still end up inflicting maximum damage(most of the time) despite being


You can use anyone of these two choices:

12 Gauge Slugs...These 12 gauge slugs have more pentration power and can
penterate through most body armors.

00 Buck Shots...These bucks inflict more damage then the 12 gauge slugs in
normal circumstances,i-e when the enemy is not wearing any body armor,HOWEVER,
if the enemy has body armor protecting it,these bucks lose almost 50 % of
their raw power.

I would recommend you to go with the 12 gauge slugs UNDER normal circumstances.


This weapon has only one fire mode, semi-automatic.

E.Ammo Capacity

5 +25 rounds.

F.In-Game Description

The Benelli M4 super90 shotgun is a higly reliable 12 gauge shotgun that has
proven itself time and again in the field. This model features an auto loader
allowing for semi-autmatic firing of its five round magazine. This powerful
weapon is capable of dealing extreme damage quickly and in a reliable spread.
It has only two drawbacks. The first is that its bulk makes it difficult to
handle in close quarters situations. The second is its small magazine size.


7.Nova Pump

A.What is it?

The nova pump can be considered version 1.1 of the M4 SUper 90.

B.How effective is it?

This weapon is almost an exact replica of the M4 Super 90.Minor differences
include a larger magazine and slightly slow fire.


You can use anyone of these two choices:

12 Gauge Slugs...These 12 gauge slugs have more pentration power and can
penterate through most body armors.

00 Buck Shots...These bucks inflict more damage then the 12 gauge slugs in
normal circumstances,i-e when the enemy is not wearing any body armor,HOWEVER,
if the enemy has body armor protecting it,these bucks lose almost 50 % of
their raw power.

I would recommend you to go with the 12 gauge slugs UNDER normal circumstances.


This weapon also has only one fire mode.BAM!

E.Ammo Capacity

8 +22 rounds.

F.In-Game Description

A relatively new design from Benelli, the nova pump is the top the line in
pump action shotguns. While firing a bit slower then the semi-automatic M4
Super 90, the attached magazine extendor allows the nova pump to hold upto 8
shells at one time.


8.Less-Lethal Shotgun

A.What is it?

It is non-lethal version of the nova pump.Although i could i have placed it in
the non-lethal weapons section,i decided against it,since it is a primay weapon

B.How effective is it?

How much do you expect it to be?Seriously,this weapon DID NOT deserve a primary
weapon slot.Since it uses BEANBAGS,it does not have ANY penetration power.
Apart from lowering enemy morale,this weapon has no use at all.


You have only one choice,BEANBAGS!


Only one fire-mode.PHUCK!

E.Ammo Capacity

8 +22 rounds.

F.In-Game Description

The Less-Lethal shotgun is a Benelli nova, pump action shotgun which is always
loaded with less then lethal beanbag rounds. It is most oftenly used on an
uncooperative suspect or civilian. This specially designed less lethal shotgun
is necessary to eliminate errors that can occur from individually loading
lethal and less then lethal ammunitions in the same weapon. To remind the
operators that this particular weapon is only to be loaded with less then
lethal ammunition, it has been painted green.

The bean bag ammunition provides a powerful blunt force on the target. This
causes extreme pain and disorientation.


9.Pepper Ball Gun

A.What is it?

Another non-lethal weapon.

B.How effective is it?

Not effective enough to deserve a primary weapon slot.Using this weapon will
cause the enemy to temporarily cough and wheeze.Since it has a very small range
you have to be up close and personel to the enemy,which makes it even more


It uses pepper balls as ammunition.


It has only one fire-mode,Semi-automatic.

E.Ammo Capacity


F.In-Game Description

The pepper ball gun is based on the technology originally designed for
recreational painball. Compressed carbon dioxide ejects the ammunition at
relatively high velocities. The pepper-ball gun allowes officers to quickly
deploy OC at specific targets, in more easily controlled quantites, and at
significantly lonnger ranges then a grenade or standard pepper spray. With the
large ammunition hooper, this weapon never needs to be reloaded under normal
operating situations.


II.Secondary Weapons

These are those weapons which you will use as a last ditch effort to save your
life,i-e when you run out of primary weapon ammunition or you have to reload a
primary weapon in the midst of a dangerous battle.



A.What is it?

It is your standard handgun.

B.How effective is it?

It is a pretty effective secondry weapon,having enough raw power and accuracy
to get you out of a sticky situation.It has an 8 round magazine.


You can use anyone of these two bullets:

Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)...These bullets have more pentration power and can
penterate through most body armors.

Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)...These bullets inflict far more damage then FMJ
bullets in normal circumstances,i-e when the enemy is not wearing any body
armor,HOWEVER,if the enemy has body armor protecting it,these bullets lose
almost 60 % of their raw power.

I would recommend you to go with the FMJ bullets UNDER normal circumstances.


This weapon has only a single shot mode.

E.Ammo Capacity

8 rounds per clip.

F.In-Game Description

The colt M1911 handgun has been a mainstay in law enforcement agencies for
decades. This .45 calibre weapon packs a much powerful punch and is the most
common back up weapon for SWAT officers. This emi-automatic weapon has an 8
round magazine and fire both full metal jacket and jacketed hollow point


2.9mm Handgun

A.What is it?

It is the same M1911 with a different body and some minor differences.

B.How effective is it?

In terms of raw power,it is NOT as strong as the M1911,however,it has a 17
round magazine,which easily makes up for the lack of power.It is also slightly
easier to aim with this gun in comparison with the M1911.


You can use anyone of these two bullets:

Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)...These bullets have more pentration power and can
penterate through most body armors.

Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)...These bullets inflict far more damage then FMJ
bullets in normal circumstances,i-e when the enemy is not wearing any body
armor,HOWEVER,if the enemy has body armor protecting it,these bullets lose
almost 60 % of their raw power.

I would recommend you to go with the FMJ bullets UNDER normal circumstances.


This weapon has only a single shot mode.

E.Ammo Capacity

17 rounds per clip.

F.In-Game Description

This austrian design handgun is made mostly from hi-tech polymer plastics.This
construction results in a weapon that is incredibly easy to handle and
manipulate. While less powerful then the colt 1911, it boast a 17 round
magazine. Its ease of use, accuracy and 'Safe Action Triggor' has made it a
popular choice among law enforcement agencies.


3.Taser Stun Gun

A.What is it?

It is a surprisingly effective non-lethal weapon.

B.How effective is it?

The taser gun has excellent penetration power.It will rip through the toughest
of armors and shock the target.As a result of that shock,the enemy will fall
down on it's knees and comply.However,slow reloading times and a single shot
mode make this weapon almost worthless in normal combat in which you are
surrounded by one or two enemies.Thus,only use this weapon to make a surrounded
enemy/suspect comply.


It only uses special cartridges.


It has only a single shot mode.

E.Ammo Capacity

1 +15 rounds.

F.In-Game Description

The taser stun gun works on the principle of elctro-muscular disruption (EMD).
It fires small elctrodes into the target and then sends a powerful electric
shock down the thin wire. The EMD effect causes involuntary contraction of the
target's muscle tissues regardless of an idividuals pain tolerance or mental
focus. The effect is painful and demoralizing to even the most aggressive

The taser stun gun has two key drawbacks.The first is that it has a relatively
short range. The second is that the new electrodes must be loaded after each


III.Breaching Weapons

You will be usuing the weapons in this slot to get through doors,MOST of the


1.C2 Explosives

A.What is it?

It is a high calibre plastic explosive.

B.How effective is it?

It is a very effective breaching weapon.When the C2 explodes,it not only
destroys the lock but also kills anyone nearby.This can be a good thing as well
as a bad thing.Good,in a sense that if there is an enemy on the other side,he
will be neutralized.BAD,in a sense that if there is a normal civilian on the
other side,he will get killed which costs points.

C.In-Game Description

The C2 breaching charge is a powerful and devasting method of breaching a door.
The compact and specially designed charge destroys the locking mechanism of the
door and forcefully opens the door at the same time. The noise and shock of the
detonation causes people on the other side of the door to react in a similar
manner to a flash bang detonation, which can provide a tactical advantage over
the breaching shotgun.


2.Breaching Shotgun

A.What is it?

The quicker albeit slightly dangerous alternative to the C2 explosives.

B.How effective is it?

In comparison with the C2,it destroys the lock quickly.There is also NO riks of
anyone getting injured on the other side.However,when you breach the lock,you
are slightly vulnerable as you are right in front of the door.So either open
and fire or open and back off.

C.In-Game Description

The breaching shotgun is a specially modified, pump action shotgun designed to
breach locked doors. The weapon fires frangible breaching ammo that is designed
to quickly break into very small pieces upon impact. The behaviour reduces
penetration and increases damage upon impsct with hard surfaces. The factors
make it ideal for breaking locks on doors without penetrating the door and
harming anyone on the other side.The toothed extendor on the barrel allows
officers to jam the weapon into the door and ensures the correct distance of
the lock from the breaching ammo to be more specific. Its compact design
permits officers to carry the weapon on their backs allowing it to be carried


IV.Tactical Weapons

These are the weapons that will NOT physically damage the enemy,but will
temporarily incapacitate them.


1.Flash Bang Grenades

A.What is it?

It is a grenade which creates a bright flash of light upon impact.

B.How effective is it?

It is a VERY effective weapon.Just throw a flash bang before entering the room
and everyone will be blinded and deafened for 2-3 seconds.Most of them will
comply after that.However,make sure there is a wall or some other blockade
between you and the grenade when you throw it,so that you DONT end up being
blinded and deafened.If there is nothing available then turn your camera AWAY
fromm the impact point.

C.In-Game Description

The Flash Bang is a diversionary device which stuns and disorients people with
an explosive report and a brilliant flash. People that are affected by the
device can be temporarily blinded and deafened by the blast. During this time,
SWAT has a significant tactical advantage over the affected persons.

Flash Bangs are designed so that they will not fragment on detonation but can
still cause serious injury if detonation takes place in close proxmity to a
person. Caution is advised.


2.CS Gas

A.What is it?

It is also known has tear gas.The canister,upon impact will give off a large
area of smoke which will make everyone suffer eye and skin irritation.Most of
them will comply after that.

B.How effective is it?

It is a VERY effective weapon.Just throw a CS gas canister before entering a
room,count to 5 and then enter.Everyone will be coughing at wheezing and will
comply(most of the time).The effects are pretty long lasting.

C.In-Game Description

This grenade emits chlrorbenzylidene malonitrile or CS. CS is a chemical agent
which causes tearing in the eyes and the irritation of the mucus membranes.
Commonly known as tera gas, this agent cause people to lose visual acuity and
have difficulty breathing. While under the infuence of tear gas, suspects are
significant disadvantage when encountering officers.


3.Sting Grenades

A.What is it?

The sting grenades,upon impact,release a big number of HARD rubbers balls with
a lot of force.It will not deal any physicaly damage but the effect will make
the enemy comply.

B.How effective is it?

It is also very effective.Just throw one before entering the room and then
storm in.Most of the people will comply.

C.In-Game Description

The sting grenade, or stinger, is filled with many small rubber balls. Upon
detonation these balls are ejected from the grenade, bombarding targets with
blunt force projectiles. The rubber balls will not penetrate the skin but can
still cause dizzyness, disorientation, and severe pain from the impact of the
projectiles. While considered less lethal, the sting grenades can cause severe
injury if it detonates in close proxmity to a person.


4.Pepper Spray

A.What is it?

A useless alternative to CS gas.

B.How effective is it?

Although it is effective if used,YOU have to be very close to the opponent in
order to use it,which gives other equipment of the same calibre an upper hand
over it.

C.In-Game Description

While generally used for riot control, the hand held pepper spray canisters
can be an effective tool for subdueing uncooperative targets. The active
ingredient in pepper spray is Oleoresin Capsicum or OC. The OC is an in-
flammatory agent that causes the eyes to swell up and close. It also causes a
burning sensation on any exposed skin. Due to its limited range and area of
effect, it is best used in addition to other non-lethal devices to cause a
supect of hostage to comply.



A.What is it?

It is a camera attached on a stick...sort off :-)

B.How effective is it?

It is a very effective piece of equipment. Using it you can see whats on the
other side of the door as well as being able to see around corners. Make sure
you are the ONE who has it. Life without this device is particularly difficult
in the last couple of levels.

C.In-Game Description

The optiwand is a sophisticated observation device which allows officers to
examine situations around corners and under closed doors without exposing
themselves to the line of fire. On top of the device is a small LCD screen
which displays the images seen by the camera at the end of the expandable rod.
It is an invaluable tool for gathering intelligence on the suspect and
civilation locations before preforming dangerous clear routines and potenially
exposing your team to fire.


6.Door Wedge

A.What is it?

It is a device (sort of..) which permanently locks most doors.

B.How effective is it?

It is also a very effective piece of equipment. Using it you can permanently
lock any door so that neither a suspect can go through nor can he enter through
it. A door once locked by a wedge, can only be opened using the wave.


C.In-Game Description

This specially designed tactical wedge is slid under the door and activated.
The spring loaded action flips up wedges preventing the door from opening from
either direction. The rubber coating along the bottom of the wedge increases
friction making it extremely difficult to push open with brute force. It can
only be removed using a cutting tool reducing the risk of a suspect dislodging
the device.



A.What is it?

It is a multi purpose piece of equipment.

B.How effective is it?

It is particularly effective at cutting door wedges.



Select the training option in the main menu.


I.Pay Attention To The Voice

Listen to the advice carefully, note the controls on the screen and go to the
end of the room. Go through the door on your right by pressing F when near it.



You are in the firing range. Step in the left most range. Fire a couple of
shots at the dummy and move to the middle one. Press 1 for the M4 and fire a
couple of shots at the dummy. Move to the right most range and press X to
change to semi-automatic. Fire a couple of shots at the dummy and then go
through the opening on your right.


III.Move and Fire

You have to shoot all four dummies. Switch to automatic (or semi if that suits
you) and fire and single shot into all four dummies. Try moving while firing
to get an idea of how it effects the aiming. Go throught the opening on your
right when done.


IV.Learn To Throw

Press 3 to select flash bang grenades. Aim for the man, and throw the grenade
at him. Turn your vision to the otherside immediately. Now select CS gas by
pressing 4 and throw it at the man again. No need to turn away this time. Now
press 5 for sting grenades and throw it at him again. You should throw each
grenade right next to yourself to get an idea of what to expect if you do it
in the actual missions. Go through the opening.


V.Pick The Lock

Press F near the door to find out its locked. Press 8 for the tool kit. Aim at
the door knob and press and hole the left mouse button until the bar fills.
Now open the door and go through it.



Go near the door. Press 7 to take out the C2 explosives. Aim roughly above the
door knob until a C2 sign appears. Press and hold the left mouse button until
the bar fills. Now back off a little and press the left mouse button again. Go
through the door.



Press F to shout compliance and go near the suspect. Press H to equip handcuffs
and press and hold the left mouse button until the bar fills. Press F while
aiming at him to report him and go through the nearby door.


VIII.Leader All The Way

Press Space bar to make your squad fall in on you. Go near the barricaded door
and aim at it. Press Space Bar to order your team to open and clear the room.


IX.Light Up

Press 1 to select your primary weapon and press V to activate the flash
light. Go right and go near the barricaded door.


X.Command Menu

Press and hold the right mouse button to bring out the command menu. Select
open, bang and clear and step away from the door. Wait for the team to obey
and go through the door.


XI.Extra Pair Of Eyes

Press 9 to select the optiwand. Go near the barricaded door and press and hold
the left mouse button. Look around and then order your team to open and clear.
Go through the door.


XII.Squad Division

Press TAB button twice to select the blue team. Go towards the door straight
ahead aim at it. Press and hold right mouse button and order the blue team to
stack up. Now go towards the other door and press TAB twice to select the red
team. Order them to fall in. Go through the door. Press HOME to enter the blue
team's view point. Press CAPS-Lock to enlarge the view and aim the cursor at
the door. Press and hold right mouse button and tell them open and clear.
Go through the near door, face left and go up the stairs. Stop when you are
in the middle of the staircase.


XIII.Another Extra Pair Of Eyes

Press the PAGE UP button to enter the snipers viewport. Press CAPS-LOCK and
then press Z to zoom in. Press left mouse button to shoot at the dummy. Go
up the stairs and go through the door on your right.


XIV.The End is Here

Go down the stairs, eat a couple of doughnuts and go through the nearby door
to end the training mission.


10-Strategy FAQ

This is the actual part of the FAQ, i hope you read the game basics section.
I have given a summary of the situation, i have recommended you weapons for
yourself and your squad alongside a layout of the area.
Remember that this is a FAQ/Strategy, NOT a FAQ/Walkthrough.

NOTE: In order to get a 100/100 score, you have to go completely non-lethal. I
am considering you just want to complete the mission succesfully and i have
made the recommendations accordingly.


I.Food Wall Restaurant

Mission Difficulty: 1/10


This restaurant had been under strict surveillance because police had been
informed that its owner, Lian Niu, was using this restaurant as cover for
illegal weapon modifications.While surveying the place, the police noticed
Alex 'The Knife' Jimenez (a wanted hitman) entering the restaurant. The SWAT
team has been notified and must attack immedeiately to arrest Alex 'The Knife'
Jimenez. Plus, you must search for a modified weapon to use as evidence to
support the raid.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: Less-Lethal Shotgun
Secondary Weapon: Taser Stun Gun
Breaching Weapons: Breaching Shotgun
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs.

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: Pepper Ball Gun
Secondary Weapon: Taser Stun Gun
Breaching Weapons: Breaching Shotgun
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs.

Building Layout:

The food wall restaurant is a small two storey building. The lower floor is
the main restaurant comprising of a dining room, storage room, kitchen and
toilets. The upper floor has a small aprtment.

Recommended Entrance:

Go through the front door (main door).


1.No need to waste CS gas or flash bangs, just order your squad to breach and
clear ONLY.
2.Make sure to check the toilets.
3.The modified weapon is on the upper floor.
4.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.


II.Fairfax Residence

Mission Difficulty: 1.5/10


The SWAT team is investigating a number of homicides, all of which occurred in
past 18 months. Out of the homicides, seven were of those girls who had been
kidnapped from the college nearby. They were found three weeks later, tortured
to death. Police are suspecting a man named Lawrence Fairfax but didnt have any
evidence to defend their claims, until they found the sixth body, they found
DNA evidence of Lawrence Fairfax. Now the SWAT has to raid his place and arrest

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: Less-Lethal Shotgun
Secondary Weapon: Taser Stun Gun
Breaching Weapons: Breaching Shotgun
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: Pepper Ball Gun
Secondary Weapon: Taser Stun Gun
Breaching Weapons: Breaching Shotgun
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

This is a sort of a two storey house. It has a creepy basement where as the
upper region consists of the kitchen, living room and a couple of rooms.

Recommended Entrance:

Go through the front door (main door).


1.No need to waste CS gas etc here. Just order your squad to open and breach.
2.You will encounter an armed thug at higher difficulties, keep vary of him.
3.Lawrence's mother will be in one of the four rooms, use the optiwand and open
the correct one. You might need to use flash bangs on her to make her comply.
4.Lawrence will be in the basement, completely unarmed.
5.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.


III.Qwik Feul Convenience Store

Mission Difficulty: 3/10


It was meant to be a simple robbery but it didnt turn out that way. They have
taken control of the qwik fuel convenience store and they are armed with hand-
guns. Its something related with a drug. There is a hostage situation as well,
which was'nt meant to be. This is even more dangerous because we dont know what
will they do with the hostages as they have stopped negotiations with us.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: .45 SMG
Secondary Weapon: Taser Stun Gun
Breaching Weapons: Breaching Shotgun
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: 9mm SMG
Secondary Weapon: Taser Stun Gun
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

I hope you have been to a fueling station before. Its a simple single storey
building with not too many rooms. There will rooms like storage room, office

Recommended Entrance:

You DONT have any choice.


1.Remember to wedge doors which could end up being used as escape routes, like
the door on the right of your entry point.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can. Use either Flash bangs or CS gas if you
have to breach into an enemy occupied room.
3.You have sniper support in this mission. Switch to sniper view at the start
of the mission and take out as many ARMED enemies as you can. You have two
snipers. Ignore anyone who is UNARMED.
4.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
5.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.


IV.A-Bomb Night Club

Mission Difficulty: 5/10


It was like any other night until a fight broke down between two groups, the
Caucasian and the Hispanics. The reason of the fight is believed to be racial
issues. Atleast 4 men have been confirmed firing at each other. There isnt any
hostage situation but there a lot of wounded civilians as a result of the
cross fire. Most of the fighters are young males. The paramedics WONT go in
until SWAT has cleared the area.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: Suppressed 9mm SMG
Secondary Weapon: Taser Stun Gun
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: 9mm SMG
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

This a very confusing building. Its a two storey building with lots of
doors and rooms. In the lower floor you will see the bathrooms, storage
rooms, bar etc where as the main dance area is on the upper floor along side
the offices.

Recommended Entrance:

Take the side entrance.


1.Remember to wedge as MANY doors as you can apart from the obvious dead
ends like a door leading to the storage room.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can. Definitely use flash bangs etc when
you have to breach a door,
3.You have sniper support in this mission. Switch to sniper view every time
he reports something and take out anyone who is armed.
4.There are a LOT of supects in this mission, so DONT leave any stone
unturned. Be as careful as you can and use the optiwand EVEN if you want to
check the bathroom. Check every room, DONT leave out a single one.
5.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
6.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.


V.Victory Imports Auto Center

Mission Difficulty: 5/10


A couple of wannabe punks attempted to steal a vehicle from victory imports
auto centre. A mechanic named Gary Altman reported the attempted theft to 911
after which the responding cops forced the supects into barricading themselves
inside the auto centre. They have take gary as hostage. They are armed with
machine guns and are wearing casual clothes. None of them looked more then 21
They are getting desperate to get out which means they are newbies. Further
proof of them being amateurs is that no robbery of this kind has been reported
recently. Its time for SWAT to take action.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: .45 SMG
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: 9mm SMG
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun
Breaching Weapons: Breaching Shotgun
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

The victory imports auto centre is a two storey building. The offices and
related rooms are on the upper floor where as the garage and parking area
is on the lower floor.

Recommended Entrance:

Enter through the roof.


1.Remember to wedge as MANY doors as you can apart from the obvious dead
ends like a door leading to the storage room.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can. Definitely use flash bangs etc when
you have to breach a door,
3.If you have to breach open a locked door, then make sure you use the C2
explosives as they will also stun, maybe hurt the suspects on the other side.
4.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
5.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.


VI.Red Library Offices

Mission Difficulty: 6/10


This started with a bank robbery and turned into an ugly hostage situation.
Robbers were trying to rob a bank but to their bad luck, they tripped the
alarms earlier then they had planned. This news went as a sort of shock to them
but they didnt want all their hard work to go to waste so they continued to
rob the bank. When they were confronted by bank security and police, they
shot two officers and fleed of in a car. Patrol chased them and they finally
crashed into the red library office building. Since this software company has
its employees working late, the robbers found it pretty easy to go into the
building via the open doors and take many people hostage. Negotiations are'nt
going anywhere plus recent firing has been heard. It time for SWAT to make an

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: .45 SMG (FMJ Bullets)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (FMJ)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: .45 SMG (FMJ Bullets)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (FMJ)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

The Red Library Offices is a three storey building. All three floors are
generally pretty similar with many offices and small rooms. There is also a
parking garage.

Recommended Entrance:

Take the way through the parking garage.


1.Remember to wedge as MANY doors as you can apart from the obvious dead
ends like a door leading to the storage room.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can.
3.Focus your attention on using Flash Bang grenades and Sting grenades while
on this mission since two of the supects have a gas mask each and CS gas does
NOT affect them. Use the optiwand while breaching so you DONT waste your
flash bangs and stingers.
4.If you have to breach open a locked door, then make sure you use the C2
explosives as they will also stun, maybe hurt the suspects on the other side.
5.You have sniper support in this mission. Use both of your snipers to take
out as MANY armed suspects as you can.
5.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
6.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.


VII.North Side Vending And Amusements

Mission Difficulty: 6.5/10


The north side vending and amusements was under observation by the vice. They
had been informed that illegal bookmaking is taking place in this area. Vice
sent an undercover agent to check out everything. All was going fine when all
of a sudden contact broke with Walsh, the undercover agent. The last words
heard from his transmitter were rather confusing. There are three confirmed
suspects who have a pretty bad history, so we are considering walsh is in
danger. Plus there could atleast 10 more suspects inside. Its time for SWAT to
make its move.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: .45 SMG
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: .45 SMG
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

This is like a two mission in one package. You start in one place and end
the mission in a completely different place. The first place is a two
story building with a basement and tight rooms. The second part is pretty

Recommended Entrance:

You DONT have any choice.


1.Remember to wedge as MANY doors as you can apart from the obvious dead
ends like a door leading to the storage room.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can. Definitely use flash bangs etc when
you have to breach a door,
3.If you have to breach open a locked door, then make sure you use the C2
explosives as they will also stun, maybe hurt the suspects on the other side.
4.You have sniper support in this mission. Use it to take out as many armed
suspects as you can.
5.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
6.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.


VIII.Duplessis Whole Sale Diamond Centre

Mission Difficulty: 8.5/10


We got another tough one. Just before the closing time of this whole sale
diamond center, an armored truck drove through the main security gate. The
alarms were immediately tripped but they took control. There is a hostage
situation as most, if not all of the employees are still inside. The robbers
are very WELL armed and protected. The diamonds in this wholesale centre are
in raw form and therefore are useless to most black markets. We suspect that
they are going to smuggle them out of the country. The vault's security system
has been disabled to prevent the robbers from barricading themselves. They are
ready for a fight, so take caution and go in.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: Colt M4A1 Carbine (FMJ)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (FMJ)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: Colt M4A1 Carbine (FMJ)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (FMJ)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

The building is like a small fort, like the game says. There are LOTS of
doors. Its a three storey building. The lower floor has the vault and some
other rooms plus lots of moving space. The middle floor is the showroom
alongside some offices. The upper floor is mostly made up of offices.

Recommended Entrance:

Take the service entrance.


1.Remember to wedge as MANY doors as you can apart from the obvious dead
ends like a door leading to the storage room.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can. Definitely use flash bangs etc when
you have to breach a door,
3.If you have to breach open a locked door, then make sure you use the C2
explosives as they will also stun, maybe hurt the suspects on the other side.
4.You have sniper support in this mission. Use it to take out as many armed
suspects as you can.
5.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
6.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.
7.This mission is frustrating and may require a couple of retries. It took me
four retries to get through this mission, so keep your head.
8.Stay alert for threats and shouts, as your optiwand may not be the best
choice at times.


IX.Children Of Taronne Tenement

Mission Difficulty: 8/10


Ok, we have here some psychos, and they have a lot of explosives. We recieved
a tip from a public payphone that the group calling themselves children of
the tarnonne tenement, planned to blow up their whole place. This would'nt
have been that much of a problem but they plan to take a chunk of the nearby
locale with them. They are commanded by their leader, Taronne. They consider
him everything, ranging from guru to prophet etc. They are definitely doing
this act under his command. Our paper work shows that they recently purchased
a lot of dangerous explosives. They probably dont know how to handle it as well
They are a group that believes in self defense, so be prepared, take caution
and make an entry.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: Suppressed 9mm SMG (FMJ)
Secondary Weapon: Taser Stun
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: Suppressed 9mm SMG (FMJ)
Secondary Weapon: Taser Stun Gun
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

This is a three storey building. A basement and two upper levels. The upper
levels are pretty much the same, many doors and lots of space. Plus the
building has a design which makes it very easy for any suspect to see you
from the distance. Its a sort of U shaped design.

Recommended Entrance:

Go through the Fire Escape.


1.Remember to wedge as MANY doors as you can apart from the obvious dead
ends like a door leading to the storage room.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can. Definitely use flash bangs etc when
you have to breach a door,
3.If you see a locked door, then its better to pick it then breach it.
4.Stealth is very important in this mission as there are lots of dangerous
explosives all over the place. Avoid direct confrontations andd avoid firing
5.You have sniper support in this mission, use it to take out as many armed
supects as you can.
6.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
7.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.
8.Since you can be spotted easily in this U shaped building, WATCH you step.


X.St. Michaels Medical Center

Mission Difficulty: 7.5/10


We got an international incident on our hands. Mr.Park was attacked by six gun
men while exiting a restaurant earlier. His personel security managed to thwart
the attack but he got injured. He was rushed to the St. Michael's hopital for
treatment. At that time, security was'nt possible so his personel security
accomponied him. Mr.Park is a very important person of South Korea and is in
favour of unification. It is possible that the attackers dont like his
intentions. The attackers that assaulted him earlier were very well armed
and organized. Now attackers have attacked the St. Michaels hospital, they are
probably the same bunch. They dont want to take hostages etc and are very well
armed and protected. They are hunting down Mr.Park. Its time for SWAT to strike
and conquer.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: Colt M4A1 Carbine (FMJ)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (FMJ)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: Colt M4A1 Carbine (FMJ)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (FMJ)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

This is a two storey hospital. The lower floor is the research centre and
the upper floor comprise of operating rooms and lobby. There are lots of

Recommended Entrance:

Side 1, Level 1.


1.Remember to wedge as MANY doors as you can apart from the obvious dead
ends like a door leading to the storage room.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can. Definitely use flash bangs etc when
you have to breach a door,
3.If you have to breach open a locked door, then make sure you use the C2
explosives as they will also stun, maybe hurt the suspects on the other side.
4.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
5.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.
6.Dont be afraid to use your gun here, like i mentioned earlier, the attackers
are brutal and dont want anything else except the dead body of Mr.Park. Seven
times out of ten, they will try to kill you/hostage instead of surrendering.


XI.The Wolcott Projects

Mission Difficulty: 7.5/10


The OCCB has been investigating the illegal flow of russian firearms in the
street of USA for over an year now. We got our hands on something. It seems
that a Ukranian citizen, Mr Hadeon Koshka visits the USA frequently. And co-
incidentally, every time he comes, a slew of new illegal russian weapons are
available on the street. Over undercover agent has been working on his illegal
operations for some time now. He managed to get information about a recent
meeting being held, regarding the smuggling of new weapons. This isnt our
department but we are in a better position right now as there is not enough
time to notify the right organization. Grab your gear and spoil the party.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: GB36s Assault Rifle (JHP)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (JHP)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: Colt M4A1 Carbine (JHP)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (JHP)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

This is a two storey building with a mini-basement. The basement isnt much of
a problem but the upper region will be.

Recommended Entrance:

Enter through the side alley.


1.Remember to wedge as MANY doors as you can apart from the obvious dead
ends like a door leading to the storage room.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can. Definitely use flash bangs etc when
you have to breach a door,
3.If you have to breach open a locked door, then make sure you use the C2
explosives as they will also stun, maybe hurt the suspects on the other side.
4.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
5.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.
6.You have sniper support in this mission. Use it to take out as many armed
7.You must'nt shoot the undercover agen Keith Jennings. He is wearing a green
coat over a white sweater. He is also wearing brown pants and glasses. He has
a silver coated pistol. He will surrender immediately when asked to comply.


XII.Old Granite Hotel

Mission Difficulty: 7.5/10


Ok, this time we have semi-psychos. The self proclaimed representative of
american people,'America Now' has taken two people hostage. Both were active
participants in renovating the old granite hotel. One was the investor and
the other one was the contractor. The militia group 'America Now' is very
much against foriegners investing in USA, immigration free trade etc and are
demanding 12 million dollars by midnight as ransome. Their previous history is
not good and their inexperience with the hostages makes them even more
dangerous. Plus their are bombs on site. Recent firing has been heard, time to
take action.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: GB36s Assault Rifle (MJ)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (FMJ)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: GB36s Assault Rifle (FMJ)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (FMJ)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Building Layout:

This is a two storey building which is partially under construction and
partially complete. You will find plenty of cover in places which are under
construction. The first floor has some hotel rooms etc and the second floor is
mostly under construction.

Recommended Entrance:

Go through the elevator shaft.


1.Remember to wedge as MANY doors as you can apart from the obvious dead
ends like a door leading to the storage room.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can. Definitely use flash bangs etc when
you have to breach a door,
3.If you have to breach open a locked door, then make sure you use the C2
explosives as they will also stun, maybe hurt the suspects on the other side.
4.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
5.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.
6.You have sniper support in this mission. Use it to take out as many armed
supects as you can.
7.You will have to disarms bombs in this mission, using the tool kit. They have
a timer which starts after you find the first one, you will have nine minutes
and thirteen seconds before the whole place blows up. This more then enough
time if you know what you are doing. I wont list their locations simply because
they are randomly placed. Just use your senses and look for the briefcases.


XIII.Mt. Threshold Research Centre

Mission Difficulty: 8.5/10


I hate psychos! We have another set of psychos here. This one calls themselves
The Army Of Faith. They just invaded the Mt. Threshold research centre. This
research centre specializes in DNA cloning. These guys are against it and have
openly expressed their will that they will die but wont let the research
centre live. They have taken one of the main researchers hostage, who should
be your top most priority. Plus there is a suitcase (belonging to the same
hostage redearcher) containing contact information about the other senior DNA
cloning researchers over the world. This list MUST NOT get in their hands.
Lets get moving.

Recommended Weapons For The Team:

Primary Weapon: Colt M4A1 Carbine (MJ)
Secondary Weapon: Taser Stun Gun
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Door Wedges, CS gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades

Recommended Weapons For Yourself:

Primary Weapon: Colt M4A1 Carbine (FMJ)
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Handgun (FMJ)
Breaching Weapons: C2 Explosives
Non-Lethal Weapons: Optiwand, CS Gas, Flash Bangs, Sting Grenades, door
wedges as well.

Building Layout:

I'd say ultra confusing would be the best word to describe this building. It
is a two storey building. There are lots of doors, enough to drive even the
most sane person insane. Plus there are two sets of stairs linking the two
floors, which can make matters pretty confusing at times. Plus the whole
area is pretty open, so you have to SEARCH for cover.

Recommended Entrance:

Go through side one, level one. The front doors and foyer.


1.Remember to wedge as MANY doors as you can apart from the obvious dead
ends like a door leading to the storage room.
2.Use the optiwand as much as you can. Definitely use flash bangs etc when
you have to breach a door,
3.If you have to breach open a locked door, then make sure you use the C2
explosives as they will also stun, maybe hurt the suspects on the other side.
4.Remember to collect dropped weapons as they are evidence that count towards
your final score.
5.Remember to report all statuses to TOC.
6.You have to retrieve that all important briefcase in this mission. It is
generally in the same room as the hostage senior researcher (Dr. Theodore
Sturgeon). It has large and dark grey in a colour and generally on a table.
7.At times, leave compliant suspects alone and take out the any other immediate
danger first. You can handcuff them later.
8.I hope you have plenty of practise with the Colt M4A1 carbine as you will
eventually end up losing atleast two officers midway or during the end and you
might have to lead the way.


Congratulations on ending SWAT 4. I hope you found my FAQ informative.



This is the multiplayer section of the faq, before we start let me repeat the

I.Multiplayer Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
Windows 98SE, Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 3, or Windows® XP with Service
Pack 1
DirectX® 9.0c
1.0 GHz Intel® Pentium® III, Intel® Celeron® 1.2 GHz, AMD® Athlon™ 1.2 GHz, or
256 MB RAM
32 MB NVIDIA® GeForce™ 2 (MX 200/400 not supported), 64 MB ATI® Radeon™ 8500,
or equivalent graphics card
DirectX® 8.1 compatible sound device
CD-ROM/DVD-ROM required for installation
2 GB hard drive space
Windows®-compatible mouse
****56kbps modem for online play (Cable modem or DSL recommended)***

Recommended Requirements:
Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 3, or Windows® XP with Service Pack 1
DirectX® 9.0c
2.4 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD® Athlon™ XP 2500+, or equivalent
512 MB RAM
128 MB DirectX® 9.0 compatible graphics card (NVIDIA® GeForce™ 4 TI, ATI®
Radeon™ 9500, or equivalent recommended)
DirectX® 9.0 compatible sound device
2.5 GB hard drive space
Windows®-compatible 3-button mouse
****Cable modem or DSL for online play****

I have a cable modem so i had a very decent gaming experience.Now onto the
main part.This section will not give you every bit of detail for the multi-
player part of the game, this is just a general overview with some hints and



"Practise makes perfect".
The multiplayer mode of this game is not the best in the world and to be
honest it is very frustrating at times. You will want to smash your head in the
monitor many-a-times while playing the multiplayer mode but calm down and keep
your head. Everything has a solution. Lets discuss some good and bad aspects of
the multiplayer game.


III.Bad Aspects Of The Multiplayer Mode

The multiplayer part isnt as BAD as the people who use it. The biggest flaw is
lack of a voting system while playing. Many-a-times you will encounter a
disruptive person who finds great joy in killing his team members or messing
with your current objecive. The admins DONT punish these guys and you cannot
vote them out of the game. So, escorting a VIP to a safe location tends to
become a full time job.

Even if you are a seasoned multiplayer gamer, you will find it very difficult
to cope with your objectives during your earlier times of playing. The multi-
player mode of this game is VERY different from other games like counter strike
etc. In most other first person shooter multiplayer games, you WIN if you are
FAST. You have to run fast, you have to shoot fast and basically everthing has
to be done quickly otherwise you are a goner. HOWEVER, this game is completely
opposite to other games.

You have to be SLOW and STEADY. You have to aim properly and any action such as
moving or standing up while aiming will result in a completely off-target shot.
Plus you cannot sprint and have to move SLOWLY. The pathetic gas mask you are
given tends to block out 50% of the screen. Plus you will encounter many
glitches during your gameplay experience. It has personally happened to me
more then 10 times in which i am shooting an enemy like crazy and it isnt even
putting a scratch on him. So, such glitches and completely different gameplay
results in lesser people wanting to play the online mode.


IV.Good Aspects of The Multiplayer Mode

Things are'nt that BAD once you get the hang of things. Like i said earlier,
"Practise Makes Perfect". Ten days of solid multiplayer gaming will make you a
pro and you will actually enjoy the good aspects of the mode. The most
enjoyable moments in my multiplayer gaming experience were when you arrest a
heavily armed enemy using a non-lethal weapon. That gives a warm fuzzy feeling
that your hard work paid off.


V.Extra Weapons/Equipment Of Multiplayer Mode

These are the weapons and equipment which are not present in the single player
mode but only in the multiplayer mode.


1.Gal Sub-Machine Gun

A.What is it?

It is a type of machine gun.

B.How effective is it?

It is pretty effective at close ranges. It is also light in weight and aiming
is pretty easy with it.


It has a very mean recoil. It is very ineffective at long ranges. It has no
flash light.


It has two fire modes. An automatic mode and a semi-automatic mode.

E.Ammo Capacity

30 rounds per clip.



A.What is it?

It is the terrorist's choice of assault rifle.

B.How effective is it?

This weapon packs EXTREMEM RAW POWER. It is probably the most powerful assault
rifle of the game and is equally effective at both, long and close ranges.


In simple words, EVREYTHING ELSE. It has a very bad recoil, it is difficult to
aim with it, the accuracy is also moderate and it does not have a flash light.


It also has two fire modes. An automatic mode and a semi-automatic mode.

E.Ammo Capacity

30 rounds per clip.


3.Colt Python

A.What is it?

It is the most perful secondary weapon of the game.

B.How effective is it?

In terms of RAW power, no secondary weapon can match it. This is a one hit
kill gun at close range and pretty effective at long ranges as well.


It has a very slow rate of fire. It does'nt have a flash light.



A.What is it?

It is a protective equipment for your head.

B.How effective is it?

This piece of equipment will prevent you from being shot in the head.Flash
bang grenades dont have any effect on you while wearing this.


5.Gas Mask

A.What is it?

It is also a sort of protective equipment for your HEAD REGION.

B.How effective is it?

It reduces the effect of pepper sprays and pepper guns by 50 %.That just about
summarises it's capabilities. It does NOT give you any head protection and
also blocks 50% of your vision.


6.Light Armor

A.What is it?

The lighter version of body armor.

B.How effectie is it?

It is good for blocking heavy fire, plus moving capabilities are NOT effected
much while wearing this armor. However, it is very ineffective at close ranges
or when you are under heavy enemy fire.


7.Heavy Armor

A.What is it?

The stronger version of body armor.

B.How effective is it?

This is an extremely effective armor, even under heavy enemy fire. The drawback
is that your moving capabilities are noticeably affected while wearing this


VI.User submitted Multiplayer Strategies

In this section you can send your multiplayer strategies, tips, any glitches
you encountered etc.




1)What is the best combination of weapons for all missions?
Ans)It depends on the mission and generally varies with each mission.Just make
sure you have the Colt M4A1 carbine in your arsenal for the last couple of

2)I want to contribute something...
Ans)Please do. a.heavenly.body@gmail.com

3)I noticed you error...
Ans)Please inform me.I am also a human and can make errors.

4)Nice FAQ...

5)Help, the multiplayer is so frustrating?
Ans)Practise makes perfect...


13-Cheat Codes

Use this section if the going gets too tough for you (taken from gameFAQs)

Open up Swat4.ini and go down to the title "[Engine.GameEngine]".
Change "EnableDevTools=False" to "EnableDevTools=True".

Now, during the gameplay, just type the ~ button next to 1 key, and the
command console will appear and type these in.

You must enter every code at the beginning of every mission.
E.G if you enter god in one mission, in the next mission you will become
Vulnerable again and therefore, must enter the cheat again.Code Effect
behindview 1 3rd Person
behindview 0 Back To First person
SetGravity X Changes Gravity to X (Replace X With number desired)
God God Mode
SetJump X changes how high you jump to X (Replace X With number desired)
Ghost No Clip
Walk Turns no Clip Off

To help those just wanting to get through the career mode easily.
Health Mod
Open the following file in Wordpad: \Content\System\SwatGame.ini
Find the following lines of code:
Change the "0.5" in easy, for instance, to 0.0 to get unlimited health in
easy mode. You can still be injured (can't run, can't get 100/100) but you
will not be killed and neither will your squad mates.

Virtually Unlimited Ammo for Weapons
Open SWATEQUIPMENT.INI located in your SWAT 4 system folder
(\Sierra\SWAT 4\System) with any text editor (notepad, wordpad) and find
this string: MagazineSize=xxxx

In any of these weapons:

- Benelli M90
- Benelli Nova
- Breaching Shotgun
- Less-Lethal Shotgun
- Pepper Gun (CS Ball Launcher)
- Taser Stun Gun

By editing/changing the value (number, xxxx) to a million or two you
should have virtually unlimited ammo for your preferred weapon. For example,
if you change:


In Benelli M90 Shotgun section with:


You'll have Benelli M90 Shotgun (if selected as an equipment) with 1000000
ammo. The team members will also have the same effect if they have Benelli M90
Shotgun as their primary weapon.

There are some notice I want you should be care about:

1. Please don't get confused between RoundBasedWeapon and ClipBasedWeapon. Put
the string "MagazineSize=1000000" in Heckler & Koch MP5 or M4 Carbine will give
you no result since all machine guns, sub-machine guns and pistols
(except for Taser Stun Gun) are "identified" as ClipBasedWeapon. I don't have
any idea about changing the ammo value for these guns.

2. Watch the string "BadGuy" in every weapon section, usually in the middle of
the document(SWATEQUIPMENT.INI) since putting the string "MagazineSize=1000000"
in these sections will result the suspects get the same ammount of ammo just
like yours. The common example are ; Benelli M90 compared with ; BadGuy Benelli


14-My Short Review Of The Game

This is a little short review by me. This review is also available on the
GameFAQs review page.


Swat 4 is the fourth and by far the best entry in the popular franchise.
Featuring realistic physics and environments enhanced by brilliant sound
effect and great game play make for an experience that is highly unforgettable
To put it short, you will end up playing at least 15 hours of this game before
you actually get bored.




The game-play of SWAT 4 is very realistic. You are a COP and that's exactly
how you should behave.So running in a room with gun's blazing will only end
up in a mission failure. When you see a suspect (every one IS a suspect),
you first order him to surrender and put down his guns. If he complies then
handcuff him, if he resists use some non-lethal weapons to get his attention,
if he fires back THEN must you use your own weapons. You must try to use as
little of lethal force as possible. Your teammates are very smart and
responsive and follow your orders to the maximum effect. This makes for a
very enjoyable experience.




The graphics of SWAT 4 are highly detailed featuring real life physics plus
interact-able environments. While this is a good thing but be sure to have a
high quality graphics card to see the full effect otherwise you end up on
medium detail graphics just like I did on my relatively low end 128 mega byte
Ge-force Fx 5200 graphics card. Best example of graphics can be seen if you
throw a flash bang or sting grenade right next to your self. The visual
effect that is produced is by far the best I have seen in a long time.




The game features very little voice acting but it is pretty good, specially
the voice of your character. The sound effects of this game are excellent and
the music is pretty high caliber. Most of the time it is right according to
the situation. Although at times it can be a little off-track.




The multi-player mode of the game is pretty much the only disappointing thing
in the game. You need a lot of practice to get used to it and only THEN will
you enjoy it. But some aspects of the multi-player mode are just sheer
frustrating; they cannot be ignored no matter how hard you try. A little
more polish and it would have been much better.


Overall Score:



If you are a fan of realistic action based games like rainbow shooter etc
then definitely give this game a shot. And if you are looking for some good
well-made action, go buy it now.



Contact me if you

noticed an error etc i made

Want to make a contribution

Want to appreciate my walkthrough

Want permission to host it on your web site

DONOT contact me If you

want to send Hate Mails and viruses

want to just spam my inbox

E-mail Address: a.heavenly.body@gmail.com



Me..For making a great faq.
You..For Reading it.
[Your name here]..For sending a great addition in my FAQ.
yada yada yada yada......................

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Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Weapon Guide
Engl Leitfaden

12.Oktober 2013
Name Fix (für v1.1)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Verletzt laufen

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Missionen freischalten

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020