Phantasy Star Online - Blue Burst

Phantasy Star Online - Blue Burst

18.10.2013 05:56:39
Force FAQ
===============================PSOBB Force FAQ=================================
================================By:Sage Ryock==================================

Table of contents
Section 1: Version History
Section 1.1: Version 1.00
Section 2: The Forces
Section 2.1: FOmar
Section 2.2: FOmarl
Section 2.3: FOnewm
Section 2.4: FOnewearl
Section 3: Most Appropriate Mags
Section 3.1: FOmar Mags
Section 3.2: FOmarl Mags
Section 3.3: FOnewm Mags
Section 3.4: FOnewearl Mags
Section 4: Force Advantages
Section 4.1: Magic and TP
Section 4.2: Support Powers
Section 4.3: Tehcniques
Section 5: Force Disadvantages
Section 5.1: Attack Power
Section 5.2: Defense Power
Section 5.3: Need Range
Section 6: Force Strategies
Section 6.1: Mates or Resta?
Section 6.2: Fighting Online
Section 6.3: Fighting Between Walls/Barriers
Section 6.4: Fighting Alone
Section 7: Customizing your Palettes
Section 8: Credits, Thanks, Legal, etc
Section 1: Version History
Version 1.01: The credits have been slightly changed. now has my
permission to use my FAQ.
Version 1.00: This is the first version of my FAQ. I believe that there wont
be very many versions after this, being as there won't be many more
additions required until more updates come.
Section 2: The Forces
Ahhh, yes. The Forces. Here, I have listed their max stats, their advantages,
disadvantages, and character info as well. Forces are my favorite, and by
far the most helpful classes to a team, being the magic casters. Learn all the
tactics and abilities of the Force you play as and go forth.

Section 2.1: FOmar
GAME INFO: With low defensive power and low HP, FOmars are challenging to use.
Their combination of techniques and quickness in combat make them unique.
PERSONAL INFO: FOmars can cast magic much faster if they're unarmed. There is
the Speed > Power theory, and it usually works out pretty well. When you first
start off, you'll want to be unarmed, so as to cast magic quicker, Unless you
plan on taking the attack power route for the FOmar.
BONUSES: FOmars do an additional 1.3 x damage for Gifoie, Gibarta, Gizonde,
and Grants. FOmars also have twice the range with Shifta and Deband.
RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT: With FOmars, you can either go one way or the other.
Most people who use FOmars like to use their attack power over their magic
power, which can be dealt with, but it becomes rather difficult and kind of
pointless with other members on your team, like Hunters and Rangers. However,
since the FOmar does receive the highest attack power potential, attacking
physically with the FOmar can become a reality. You can either go completely
magic, or you can go 80% attack power, and 20% magic, so you can cast your
support spells, like Shifta and Deband. If you do choose to go towards the
ATP route, then you'll always want Shifta and Deband casted. When it goes out,
cast it again. But for the equipment, if you're going towards the ATP route,
then you'll want to start off with a Soul Eater. Eventually, as you progress
through the game, you'll want your equipment to be a Holy Ray, a Soul Banish,
the strongest armor you can get your hands on(preferably Aura Field),
God/Power, and three God/Arms to help get rid of the FOmar's horrible horrible
ATA. As for the Mag, I cover that in my Mag section. Now, if you want to go
the magic route, you'll want a Magical Piece, a Summit Moon, and a Psycho Wand.
Now get the best armor you can, and equip four God/Minds. A preferable shield
might want to be the Yellow Merge.
MATERIAL USAGE: Since you can only use 150 materials, excluding the HP and TP
materials, if you're going for power, you'll want 130 power materials, and
20 mind materials. If you're going for magic, use all 150 mind materials.
MAX STATS: Base HP 1175, Base TP 1783, ATP 1002, DFP 470, MST 1340, ATA 163,
EVP 651, LCK 100

Section 2.2: FOmarl
GAME INFO: Besides excelling in support techniques, FOmarls are competent with
weapons. This gives them a more balanced growth potential.
PERSONAL INFO: This girl is like a Gun Mage. She has alot of potential at being
a Mage/Ranger. She has less attack power than the FOmar, but more ATA, so her
guns can be very helpful. If you dont want to use guns, and perfer to use only
Magic, then thats good too, but some attack power and a gun would help.
BONUSES: FOmarls do an additional 1.5 x damage with Grants. Deband, Anti, and
Resta also have twice the range.
RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT: This is gonna sound bad, but you'll want Greenill or
Whitill. If you wanna go pure Magic, go towards Whitill. If you wanna be a Gun
Mage like me, go towards Greenill. With Greenill you'll want to get your hands
on a Holy Ray that has 30-65% hit. This will be a PERFECT weapon for your
FOmarl, being as it requires MST to hold. So for Greenill, you'll want a Holy
Ray, an L&K14 Combat with hit%, the best armor you can get your hands on,
two God/Powers and two God/Arms As for the shield, Tripolic Shield and Secret
Gear are quite good friends. Now if you're going magic and getting Whitill,
you'll want a Marina's Bag, Striker of Chao, a strong armor, a Cure/Shock,
a Cure/Confuse, and two God/Minds. As for the shield, it would be a good idea
to either use a Resta Merge, or an Anti Merge.
MATERIAL USAGE: If you're going to be a Gun Mage, go for 140 power materials,
and 10 mind materials. If you're going pure magic, use 150 mind materials.
MAX STATS: Base HP 1273, Base TP 1699, ATP 872, DFP 498, MST 1284, ATA 170,
EVP 588, LCK 100

Section 2.3: FOnewm
GAME INFO: FOnewms are well balanced, and excel in numerous techniques. They
distinguish themselves with their powerful attack techniques.
PERSONAL INFO: Hee. My favorite class. This Force is the human nuke, I swear.
The boosts given to him, and his absurd amount of MST make him a very good
ally. When mastered, this Force can take out large amounts of enemies quite
BONUSES: FOnewms do an additional 1.3 x damage with Gifoie, Gizonde, Gibarta,
Rafoie, Razonde, and Rabarta.
RECOMMENED EQUIPMENT: With Fonewm, its almost a waste of time to focus with
attack power, when your techs can knock out herds of enemies. What you'll want
to equip is a Summit Moon, Psycho Wand, Smoking Plate, God/Techs until you
get level 30 techs, then replace those with God/Minds as your spells increase
in level. As your magic gets toward its max start equipping PB/Creates.
Preferable shields are Red Merge, Blue Merge(which is currently mis-spelled as
Bule Merge), and Yellow Merge.
MATERIAL USAGE: Use 150 mind materials. Do NOT go for power!
MAX STATS: Base HP 1232, Base TP 1945, ATP 814, DFP 463, MST 1500, ATA 180,
EVP 679, LCK 100

Section 2.4: FOnewearl
GAME INFO: FOnewearls have limited combat skills, but excel in both attack
and support techniques. They have the highest mental strength/TP potential of
any class.
PERSONAL INFO: Ahh, the FOnewearl. The only Force which, for some reason, I
can't force myself to play as. Heh, force. Anyways, she's very powerful,
and very supportive as well, getting boosts in Foie, Barta, Zonde, Megid,
Resta, and Anti. Because of this, she can support and kill furociously.
BONUSES: FOnewearls do an additional 1.3 x damage with Foie, Zonde, and Barta.
Resta and Anti also have twice the range, and Megid can pierce enemies,
meaning it can hit one enemy, go through it, and hit another enemy.
RECOMMMENED EQUIPMENT: For a FOnewearl, you'll definitely want a Summit Moon
over anything else. You'll also want to equip God/Techs and God/Minds to her
as well. Equip the best armor you can, preferably the heart armor, which can
be made with the magic rock: heart key. Then you'll want to either get a
Marina's Bag, or a Psycho Wand. For a shield, you'll want a Resta Merge or
Anti Merge if you're deciding to go with the Marina's Bag. If you're deciding
to go with the Psycho Wand, you'll want one of the three colored merges.
MATERIAL USAGE: 150 mind materials. If you're going towards attack power, God
have mercy on your soul.
MAX STATS: Base HP 1148, Base TP 2098, ATP 583, DFP 390, MST 1750, ATA 186,
EVP 883, LCK 100
Section 3: Most Appropriate Mags
This section covers the most useful and appropriate mags for each Force class.
These have been experimented with, and tested by yours truly. Each one is
highly recommended and I wish luck to raising the mags you decided upon.

Section 3.1: FOmar Mags
FOmar Mags. These have to trained very nicely. There's not much chance that
you'll want to give your mag any mind if you're going towards power. Some
good Mags are Rati, Sato, and Chao.

Power Based Mag: 5/80/100/15, this Mag is pretty good. Definitely a very
well balanced, high potential mag.

Magic Based Mag: You'll either want to just go pure Magic, or get a Sato.
I would prefer Sato, since he provides invincibility quite often. To get
a Sato, you need to be a female Force with Redria, Whitill, Bluefull, or
Viridia ID. The stats you'll want are going to be 5/0/45/150.

Secondary Magic Based Mag: 5/0/0/195

Section 3.2: FOmarl Mags
FOmarls Mags. These, like the FOmar Mags, need to be trained very nicely.
If not, you can pretty much much up the Mag completely. For a FOmarl, you
will definitely want a Sato. Here are some Mags that you would want.

Power/Magic Based Sato: 5/81/84/30

Magic Based Sato: 5/0/45/150

Section 3.3: FOnewm Mags
FOnewm Mags. These are very simply trained Mags, that must follow only one
purpose: Magic. The more magic, the more chaos your FOnewm will be able to
inflict upon monsters in combat. I prefer a Sato, but Angel Wings and
Devil Wings are also very worthy as well. If you're going to use one of
those, get the MIND to 195.

Magic Based Sato Mag: 5/0/45/150

Secondary Magic Based Mag(preferably Angel or Devil Wings): 5/0/0/195

Section 3.4: FOnewearl Mags
FOnewearl Mags. These should be trained just like the FOnewm's Mags. Be a
brute with Magic, except get her a Summit Moon to inflict some serious
damage. With FOnewearl however, if you plan on making a Sato for her, you
may want to provide her some defense.

Magic Based Sato Mag: 50/0/0/150

Secondary Magic Based Mag: 5/0/0/195

Section 4: Force Advantages
The advantages of being a Force. Of course, everyone knows you're going to
be the spellcaster of the group, and they're probably going to expect you
to constantly boost them up with Shifta and Deband, and Resta and weaknen
all the enemies. Unfortunately, if you don't play exactly like this,
there is a good chance you may get some people angry(Stupid I know).

Section 4.1: Magic and TP
The highest advantage that a Force has over any other class. Their absurd
amount of Magic Strength(MST) and Technique Power(TP). This alone allows
Forces to cast powerful magic as their will. With this, Forces can become
the most valuable members of the team, as they can power up their allies,
as well as weaken their opponents with Jellen and Zalure. Since they are
the ultimate spellcasters, they are also the only ones that can call upon
Level 30 spells.

Section 4.2: Support Powers
The Force's greatest point usually, excluding the FOnewm. Support
Techniques are very powerful when wielded by a Force. Forces can hold
four very powerful and useful recovery and support Techniques. They can
learn reverser, which allows a Force to raise a member from the dead.
Shifta, Deband, Jellen, and Zalure are very useful to the team, and a
Force should learn to use these Techniques to their greatest potential.

Section 4.3: Techniques
Ahhh, but of course. The Techniques! The whole reason you want to be a
Force! To become a Mage! In addition to learning all support Techniques,
there are also two spells that only Forces can use, in addition to
Reverser. These spells are Grants and Megid. The most powerful of spells.
Down below is a list of the spells, and how they can help a player.

Element: Fire
Type: Damage
Info: This fireball hits one enemy, and as it grows in level, it becomes
one of the most useful and powerful Techniques you'll have.

Element: Fire
Type: Damage
Info: Gifoie creates a vortex of fire, which circles around the caster,
getting wider and wider, spreading out to the other enemies. As it grows
in level, this Technique lasts a very long time, and creates a very large

Element: Fire
Type: Damage
Info: This has to be the most useful Technique in the game by far. It is
the FOnewm's signature spell, and his most lethal one. This creates an
explosion, hitting every enemy within range. As the level increases, the
range becomes much much bigger.

Element: Lightning
Type: Damage
Info: This Technique has further range than any other by far. Simply said,
it calls forth a lightning bolt to strike your opponent. As the level
increases, the quickness and power greatly increases, as well as the

Element: Lightning
Type: Damage
Info: This is handy for hitting multiple enemies in front of you. Razonde
takes up alot of TP and won't have as far as a range as Gizonde will,
hitting opponents in front.

Element: Lightning
Type: Damage
Info: This is also an extremely useful Technique. The caster causes
lightning to scatter around themself, striking every monster within range.
As the level increases, the range slightly increases, as well as speed
and power.

Element: Ice
Type: Damage
Info: This is not a very strong Technique, but a very useful one for
hitting enemies in a row. The caster will send a sheet of Ice out in front
of themself, hitting every enemy that comes in contact with it. As the
level increases, its power and speed greatly increase.

Element: Ice
Type: Damage
Info: Not one of the more useful Techniques, this Technique can hit
monsters in a slightly bigger range, hitting some aerial opponents, and
ground based ones. Not very useful until the level increases. The only
good side to it, even at low levels is that it can freeze enemies.

Element: Ice
Type: Damage
Info: Much more powerful now, this spell creates a blast of Ice,
surrounding the caster, and hitting all opponents within range. This spell
can freeze opponents with ease.

Element: None
Type: Support
Info: Raises the ATP of all allies affected. The range and power of Shifta
increases as the level increases.

Element: None
Type: Support
Info: Raises the DFP of all allies affected. The range and power of
Deband increases as the level increases.

Element: None
Type: Support
Info: Decreases the ATP of all affected enemies within range. The decrease
and range increases as the level increases.

Element: None
Type: Support
Info: Decreases the DFP of all affected enemies within range. The decrease
and range increases as the level increases.

Element: None
Type: Recovery
Info: Revives one fallen ally.

Element: None
Type: Recovery
Info: Cures status effects. The amount of status effects that can be
recovered increases as the level increases. Range increases as well.

Element: None
Type: Recovery
Info: Restores HP to all affected allies and self. The range and amount of
HP restored increases as the level increases.

Element: Light
Type: Damage
Info: Inflicts heavy light damage to one enemy. The power, range, and
startup speed increases as the level increases.

Element: Dark
Type: Effect
Info: Instantly kills one enemy. The success rate and speed increases as
the level increases.

Element: None
Type: Support
Info: This is one very handy spell. This creates a telepipe for all allies
to go through at the cost of a measely 10 TP.

Section 5: Force Disadvantages
Every class has it's advantages and disadvantages. Hunters having lack
of magic(and usually intelligence >_>), Rangers lacking some attack power,
and Forces with theirs. Forces however have weaknesses that can turned
around into advantages. Here is the list of them and what you can do to
avoid and help them.

Section 5.1: Attack Power
Attack Power. This is a Force's greatest weakness. Only FOmarl and FOmar
have a slight potential to become physical attackers. Even then, their
strength will never be as great as a Ranger or Hunter's can be. That's
why(since they can do more)I believe that no Force should rely on attack
power alone at all. If you want to be a Battlemage, that's fine. But that
attack power should come as a last resort, like if you ran out of TP
or something familiar to that. If you do decide however, to attack with
a Force mostly, regardless of what I tell you, get a Soul Eater for
FOmar and FOmarl, and get a Holy Ray for a FOmarl. Later on, if you can
find them, it would be a good idea to find a Soul Banish.

Section 5.2: Defense Power
Yes, defense is extremely low for Forces. It's one of their lowest stats,
if not, their lowest stat. But this can be turned into an advantage.
Defense, believe it or not, can actually become a liability. With high
defense, you could get surrounded if alone, and if your defenses were
high enough to not get knocked down, or to block, there's a good chance
you're not getting out alive. This can cause a problem. You see, if you
get knocked down, you can get up and you'll be invulnerable for a second
or two. Enough time to use Resta or some Technique to hit your opponents.

Section 5.3: Need Range
Forces need range. Fortunately, you can obtain this pretty easily just
by running around. Once you've got some decent range(it doesn't even need
to be very far away), you start Rafoieing the opponents or Gizonde them,
or any other Technique that may be appropriate at the time. If you got
this, then you will be able to knock out your opponents very easily.

Section 6: Force Strategies
Without strategy, power is an empty threat. This is very true, so to help
you become a better Force, I have taken some time to write down a few of
the strategies that I myself, use.

Section 6.1: Mates or Resta?
For Forces, I do not believe you will ever need to use mates. I for one, carry
no mates whatsoever, and almost never die. As for the shock status effect.
Until you believe you are adept enough at going through your quick list and
using a Sol Atomizer, you can use Dimates or Trimates until then. Once you get
good enough at going through your quick list though(which will be a neccesity
for Forces), use Sol Atomizers. Buying Mates and Fluids can become rather
expensive and hard to keep up with when you could just heal status ailments
and use Resta for recovery.

Section 6.2: Fighting Online
This is very important here. Since it IS an online game, it's going to be
very very critical that you learn to be a good team member. Being a Force,
you're the support of the group. If you're with Hunters and Rangers, they
will always want Shifta and Deband, and will probably get angry if it's
not constantly casted. If you see their HP get low, use Resta to recover
them. If they get a status effect, make it an urgency to get there and
recover them. Always Jellen and Zalure all enemies when they appear.

Section 6.3: Fighting Between Walls/Barriers
Now here's an interesting thing. Forces can be very good at fighting
between walls and barriers, especially with Razonde and Rabarta. The cool
thing is that a Force can still attack enemies if they're behind a door
or wall. Only if you use Razonde or Rabarta though. Fighting between alls and
barriers can be especially useful when fighting against Garanz/Baranz.

Section 6.4: Fighting Alone
Being a Force, it can sometimes be difficult to handle enemies on your own
until you've mastered being adept with a Force. When fighting alone, its
always a good idea to use Resta when knocked to half HP. You dont wanna take
any risks or gambles with your HP when it gets that low. It can leave you open
for amushes and criticals. When fighting alone, each Force can kind of have
their own strategy. FOnewm, in my opinion, is the most adept at fighting alone
from the other Force classes. Next up would probably be FOnewearl, FOmarl,
then FOmar. FO mar because having good ATP and MST can be an appropriate
Battlemage of sorts and can be difficult to master.

Section 7: Customizing Palettes
This is one thing all Force players have alot trouble with. Having a good
customization list so you can get through to your most neccesary spells
quickly. For playing as Force, getting a controller would make things SOOO
much easier. However, if you cannot afford a Controller or just believe that
you'd do better with a Keyboard alone, thats fine too. Now for customizing
your quick list. You will, without a doubt, want Resta and Anti on it. By
having both of these spells on your quick list, you can heal quickly to help
you and your allies. Another thing you'll want to note is that since physical
attacks will be useless, only put on one special attack icon onto your quick
list or just a regular attack. This will be used for your weapon's special
abilities and/or for opening boxes(but I prefer to blast em open with Rafoie).

So that takes up three palettes. Now for the other three, you will NOT need to
put Foie, Zonde, or Barta there. The reason for this is because you can get to
those spells in a split second with the quick list. To use the quick list,
hold ctrl and press end. This will list all your spells. As for the last three,
put spells there that you find yourself using most often. I for one, put my
three RA techs there. Once you've mastered the quick list and customization
however, you will start to become a destructive Force.

For the numbers at the top of your keyboard to assign commands to, it would be
wise to put all the rest of the spells you didnt put into your customization
onto there.

Section 8: Credits, Thanks, Legal, etc
Thanks to TetsuyaSan and Andro Urza on PSOBB for giving me the idea to write a
Force FAQ. Thank you to Veritas, Ashly, ruavin, and kaz for helping me with
my adventures on PSOBB. Also thanks to SEGA, for creating a fun, and strangely
addicting game, regardless of its repetitiveness.

If you find this FAQ on another site excluding or, please
report it to me immediately, as that is illegal. Do not put this on your site
without my permission. I can be contacted at And on PSOBB
I can be found as either Dark Ryock or Misty. Thanks for taking the time
to look at my FAQ and enjoy your time on PSOBB! Happy hunting!
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