Leisure Suit Larry 6

Leisure Suit Larry 6

17.10.2013 16:59:57

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Point List
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 28th Jul, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


After starring on the TV show Stallions, Larry Laffer wins a luxury holiday at
the La Costa Lotta resort. While there, Larry explores the resort to try and
find the woman of his dreams. While the plot is severely lacking, the gameplay
and humour are far better than the previous installment. Instead of a dull
adventure spread over a variety of locations, this is a fun adventure based in
one large location. With the strength of the puzzles and the varied characters
to meet in the resort, this is one of the very best Larry games.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts in the lobby of La Costa Lotta. Get the random room key from
the deposit box. Look at the woman behind the desk and talk to her two times to
receive the room key. Talk to her five times and she will ask Larry to fix the
cellulite machine. Walk up the steps. Use the room key on the door to enter
room 201. Look at the blue card on the desk to read an advertisement for
various places in the hotel. Look at the red card to read about the Turn Down
Service. Look at the pink card to read about various phone numbers to use in
the hotel. Get the flower arrangement from the table. Use the phone and dial 75
to call housekeeping, who say that they will leave a gift on the pillow. Use
the phone and dial 75 again to call housekeeping, who agree to send a maid up
to the room. Open the top door to enter the bathroom.

Use the zipper icon on the toilet. Use the sink to see brown water coming out
of the tap. Exit the bathroom. Use the phone and dial 76 to call maintenance.
Exit the room to see that the maid's cart has arrived. Look at the left side of
the cart and get the towel, toilet seat cover and dental floss. Look at the
right side of the cart and get the washcloth, soap, hand creme and a roll of
toilet paper. Go down the steps to the lobby and then walk back up the steps to
the hall. Use the room key on the door to return to room 201. Get the condom
from the pillow. Open the top door to enter the bathroom. Get the adjustable
wrench and bastard file from the maintenace man. Exit the bathroom.

Walk away from the door and the maintenace man will leave. Open the door to
return to the bathroom. Use the toilet seat cover on the toilet and then use
the toilet paper on Larry. Use the sink and then use the soap on the sink. Use
the washcloth on the sink to wet it. Use the sink and exit the bathroom. Use
the phone and dial 75 to call housekeeping. Exit the room. Look at the right
side of the cart and get the soap. Walk west to return to the lobby. West.
West. Knock on the door. Walk north to enter the make-up classroom. Get the
electrical cord from the back of the second desk. Look at Shablee on the right
desk and then talk to her five times to find out that she wants a dress.

South. East. Open the door to enter the health spa. Get the advertising
brochure from the right side of the counter. Open the second door to enter the
the locker room. North. Get the light green tile on the right wall. Open the
door to enter the mud bath room. Use the plants on the steps to move them. Use
the adjustable wrench on the camera. Open the second door. South. Open the
bottom-right locker and then use the towel on Larry. North. Open the door to
enter the mud bath room. Use the left mud bath to jump in. Exit the mud bath.
Look at Char in the right mud bath and talk to her four times to find out that
she wants batteries. Open the second door. Use the shower. South. Open the
bottom-right locker and then use the towel on the locker. South. Open the left
door to enter the high colonic treatment suite. Look at Rose and then give her
the flower arrangement to complete the section. Larry will exit the room.


South. East. East. East. Walk north to enter the pool area. Get the deflated
beaver float near the right side of the bungee tower. Walk through the top-left
door to return to the hotel. West. Open the doors to enter the kitchen. Open
the door to enter the dining room. Use the salad bar to find an orange. Get the
orange. Open the doors to enter the kitchen. Use the trash cans and then get
the lard. Use the deflated beaver float on the wheel of the truck. South.
South. East. North to the Blues Bar. Get a match from the bowl on the bar.
South. Walk north to return the pool area. Look at the inflatable bar and get
the sunglasses case. Open the sunglasses case three times to reveal sunglasses
and a cleaning cloth. Combine the dental floss with the sunglasses cleaning
cloth in the inventory to make a floss swimsuit.

Use the swimsuit on Larry to change. Talk to the lifeguard to receive the
bungee tower key. Use the bungee tower key on the bungee tower to climb up to
the top. Combine the bungee tower key with the soap to make an impression in
the soap. Combine the bastard file with the random room key to make the tower
key copy. Use the water to dive into the pool. Give the bungee tower key to the
lifeguard. Use the full beaver on the pool. Swim over to to the inflatable bar
and use it. Use the tail of the beaver to slap it and then show the room key to
the waitress to order drinks. Look at Merrily and talk to her seven times to
find out that she wants to bungee jump. Give the tower key copy to Merrily. Use
the hand icon on Merrily three times and then use zipper icon on Larry. Use the
hand icon on Merrily to complete the section.


Exit the room and go down the steps to return to the lobby. East. East. Walk
north to the pool area. West. South. Enter the guard hut and get the handcuffs
from Daryl's belt. Exit the hut. East. North to the pool area. East to the
beach. Use the sand to get the whale oil lamp. East. Open the green door at the
top-right corner of the area to enter the workout room. Use the aerobic step to
join the session. Look at Cavarichhi and then try to get the ID badge three
times to get it. Use the bottom blue door to enter the gym. Look at Thunderbird
and then talk to her five times to find out that she wants handcuffs. Give her
the handcuffs. Open the left door to enter the mud bath room. Open the second
door. South. South. South to the hall. Wait for Art to appear on his tram. Talk
to him to ride to the right side of the hotel.

After he turns the tram around, Art will start to look for something. Give him
a match and he will exit the area. Use the tram to open it. Use the adjustable
wrench on the motor to disconnect the power cable. Exit the view of the motor
and Art will return. When he finds out that the tram isn't working, talk to him
and he will give Larry the flashlight. Use the flashlight in the inventory to
remove the batteries. Use the employee ID badge on the electronic lock at the
right side of the area to enter the employee area. Get six bottles of beer from
the bucket in the tent. West. West. West. West. West. West to the lobby. West.
West. West. Use the middle door to talk to Thunderbird. Larry will help himself
to a drink and Thunderbird will give him a collar.


Exit the room and go down the steps to return to the lobby. East. East. North
to the Blues Bar. Get a match from the bowl on the bar. Use the microphone
cable to stop Burgundy playing. Look at her and then talk to her five times to
find out that she wants a drink. Give her the six bottles of beer. South. East.
East. East. Use the employee ID badge on the electronic lock at the right side
of the area to enter the employee area. Get six bottles of beer from the bucket
in the tent. West. West. West. West. North to the Blues Bar.

Use the microphone cable to stop Burgundy playing again. Give her six more
bottles of beer and she will exit the stage. Walk onto the stage and go south
to enter backstage. Get Burgundy's gown and then exit the Blues Bar. West.
West. West. Open the door to enter the health spa lobby. Open the second door
to enter the locker room. Open the bottom-right locker and then use the towel
on Larry. North. Open the door to enter the mud bath room. Open the third door
to enter the sauna. Cavarichhi will enter the sauna. Talk to Cavarichhi or
Burgundy five times to complete the section.


Get the silver bracelet that Burgundy left on the bench. South. Open the second
door. Use the shower. South. Open the bottom-right locker and then use the
towel on the locker. North. Open the door to enter the mud bath room. Give the
batteries to Char. Use the electrical cord in the inventory to make the bare
electrical cord. Use the bare electrical cord on the plug socket on the wall
and then use the other end of the cord on the numeric keypad on the right door
to complete the section.


Exit the room and go down the steps to return to the lobby. West. West. North
to the make-up classroom. Give Burgundy's gown to Shablee to visit the beach.
Talk to Shablee and then use the hand icon on her twice. Talk to her twice and
then use the hand icon on her. Talk to her twice and then show her the condom
to complete the section.


Open the door to exit the bathroom. Exit the room and go down the steps to
return to the lobby. West. Open the door to enter the health spa lobby. Open
the second door to enter the locker room. North. Open the door to enter the mud
bath room. East to the gym. Get the wriggle belt from the bunshaker machine at
the bottom-right corner of the gym. Open the left door to return to the mud
bath room. Open the second door. South. South to the health spa lobby. Open the
right door to enter the cellulite drainage salon. Use the adjustable wrench on
the filter tank. Open it and get the filter. South. South. East to the lobby.
East. Open the door to enter the dining room. Open the door to enter the
kitchen. Use the filter on the sink to clean it. South. South. West to the
lobby. West. Open the door to enter the health spa lobby.

Open the right door to enter the cellulite drainage salon. Use the clean
cellulite filter on the filter tank. Close the tank and then use the adjustable
wrench on it. Use the lard bucket on the red piston at the left side of the
machine. Use the wriggle belt on the broken line at the right side of the
corner of the room. Use the power switch to turn on the machine. Use the power
switch to turn off the machine. South. South. East to the lobby. Talk to Gammie
to tell her that the cellulite machine is working. West. Open the door to enter
the health spa lobby. Open the right door to enter the cellulite drainage
salon. Use the hand icon on Gammie to connect her to the cellulite machine. Use
the power switch to turn on the machine. Give the orange to Gammie. Talk to
Gammie and she will ask for a chilled washcloth.

South. South. East to the lobby. East. Open the door to enter the dining room.
Open the doors to enter the kitchen. Open the refrigerator door and then use
the wet washcloth on the refrigerator. South. Open the doors to return to the
kitchen. South. Open the doors to return to the kitchen. Open the refrigerator
door and get the chilled washcloth from the refrigerator. South. South. West to
the lobby. West. Open the door to enter the health spa lobby. Open the right
door to enter the cellulite drainage salon. Give the chilled washcloth to
Gammie and she will ask for a bottle of mineral water. South. South. East to
the lobby. East. East. East. Get the bottle of mineral water from the tray.
West. West. West. West to the lobby. West. Open the door to enter the health
spa lobby. Open the right door to enter the cellulite drainage salon. Give the
bottle of mineral water to Gammie to complete the section.


Use the whale oil lamp on the spigot to fill it with cellulite. South. Open the
second door to enter the locker room. North. Open the door to enter the mud
bath room. Open the right door to enter the electroshock room. Get the pearl
near the tanning bed and then open the door to exit the room. East. Open the
right door. Open the right door to return to the pool area. East to the beach.
Get the champagne. East. Walk through the top-left doorway to return to the
hotel. West. West to the lobby. Go up the steps. Use the room key on the door
to enter room 201. Use the phone and dial 71 to call room service.

Exit the room. Use the warm champagne on the ice machine to chill the
champagne. Go down the steps. East. Open the door to enter the dining room.
Open the doors to enter the kitchen. Press the button to enter the dumbwaiter.
Press the red button to travel up to the penthouse. West. Look at Shamara and
then talk to her twice. Use the dog collar in the inventory to remove the
diamond. Use the unzip icon on the match in the inventory and then use the lit
match on the filled lamp. Give the diamond, lit lamp, modern sculpture, orchid,
pearl, silver bracelet and words of wisdom to Shamara. Give the chilled
champagne to Shamara to complete the game.


3. Item List


After calling maintenance in Larry's room, the adjustable wrench is found on
the maintenance man's belt in the bathroom. It is used on the camera in the
mud bath room. It is used on Art's tram motor outside the employee area. It
is used on the filter tank on the cellulite machine.

Found on the counter in the health spa. It is not used.

Found by using the bungee tower key on the soap at the top of the bungee
tower. It is not used.

Found by using the electrical cord in the inventory. It is used on the plug
socket in the mud bath room.

After calling maintenance in Larry's room, the bastard file is found on the
maintenance man's belt in the bathroom. It is combined with the random room
key in the inventory on top of the bungee tower.

Found by using the flashlight in the inventory. They are given to Char in the
mud bath room.

Found in the tent in the employee area. They are given to Burgundy in the
Blues Bar.

Found on the tray in the hall after Gammie has been giving the chilled
washcloth. It is given to Gammie in the cellulite drainage salon.

Found by talking to the lifeguard at the pool. It is used on the bungee tower
door. It is combined with the impressive soap in the inventory to get the bar
of impressed soap.

Found backstage in the Blues Bar. It is given to Shablee in the make-up

Found by using the adjustable wrench on the filter tank in the cellulite
drainage salon. It is used on the sink in the kitchen to get the clean
cellulite filter.

Found by using the warm champagne on the ice machine outside Larry's room. It
is given to Shamara in the penthouse.

Found by using the wet washcloth on the refrigerator in the kitchen. It is
given to Gammie in the cellulite drainage salon.

Found by using the cellulite filter on the sink in the kitchen. It is used on
the filter tank in the cellulite drainage salon.

After calling housekeeping, the condom is found on the pillow in Larry's
room. It is shown to Shablee on the beach.

Found on the right side of the cart outside Larry's room. It is not used.

Found on the left side of the cart outside Larry's room. It is used on Larry
after opening the bottom-right locker in the locker room.

Found on the right side of the cart outside Larry's room. It is used on the
sink in the bathroom to get the wet washcloth.

Found near the right side of the bungee tower. It is used on the wheel of the
truck in the kitchen to get the full beaver.

Found on the left side of the cart outside Larry's room. It is combined with
the sunglasses cleaning cloth in the inventory to make the floss swimsuit.

Found by using the dog collar in the inventory. It is given to Shamara in the

Found by completing the Thunderbird section. It is used in the inventory to
get the diamond.

Found on the back of the second desk in the make-up classroom. It is used in
the inventory to get the bare electrical cord.

Found on Cavarichhi in the workout room. It is used on the electronic lock
outside the employee area.

After completing the Gammie section, the filled lamp is found by using the
whale oil lamp on the spigot in the cellulite drainage salon. It is combined
with the lit match in the inventory to get the lit lamp.

Found after using the adjustable wrench on the tram motor outside the
employee area. It is used in the inventory to get the batteries.

Found by combining the dental floss with the sunglasses cleaning cloth in the
inventory. It is used on Larry at the pool.

Found on the table in Larry's room. It is given to Rose in the high colonic
treatment suite.

Found by using the deflated beaver on the wheel of the truck in the kitchen.
It is used on the pool. The tail of the beaver is used at the inflatable bar
on the pool.

After using the adjustable wrench on the camera in the mud bath room, the
handcuffs are found on Daryl's belt in the guard hut. They are given to
Thunderbird in the gym.

Found on the right side of the cart outside Larry's room. fter using the
toilet seat cover on the toilet in the bathroom, it is used on the sink.

Found on the right side of the cart outside Larry's room. It is combined with
the bungee tower key in the inventory to get the bar of impressed soap.

Found in the trash can in the kitchen. It is used on the red piston in the
cellulite drainage salon.

Found by combining the filled lamp with the lit match in the inventory. It is
given to Shamara in the penthouse.

Found by using the unzip icon on the match. It is used on the filled lamp in
the inventory to get the lit lamp.

Found in the bowl in the Blues Bar. It is given to Art in the tram outside
the employee area.

Found in the bowl in the Blues Bar. The unzip icon is used on the match to
get the lit match.

Found by completing the Char section. It is given to Shamara in the

Found by using the salad bar in the dining room. It is given to Gammie in the
cellulite drainage salon.

Found by completing the Rose section. It is given to Shamara in the

Found in the tanning bed in the electroshock room. It is given to Shamara in
the penthouse.

Found in the deposit box in the lobby. After making the bar of impressed
soap, the random room key is combined with the bastard file in the inventory
to get the tower key copy.

Found on the left side of the cart outside Larry's room. After using the
toilet seat cover on the toilet in the bathroom, the roll of toilet paper is
used on Larry.

Found by talking to Gammie twice behind the desk in the hotel lobby. It is
used on the door to enter Larry's room. It is shown to the waitress at the
inflatable bar to order drinks.

Found in the sauna after completing the Burgundy section. It is given to
Shamara in the penthouse.

Found by using the sunglasses case twice in the inventory. They are not used.

Found on the inflatable bar on the pool. It is used three times in the
inventory to get sunglasses and the sunglasses cleaning cloth.

Found by using the sunglasses case three times in the inventory. It is
combined with the dental floss in the inventory to make the floss swimsuit.

Found on the left side of the cart outside Larry's room. It is used on the
toilet in the bathroom in Larry's room.

After making the bar of impressed soap, the tower key copy is found by using
bastard file on the random room key. It is given to Merrily at the inflatable

After meeting Shablee on the beach, the warm champagne is found on the beach.
It is used on the ice machine outside Larry's room.

Found by using the complimentary washcloth on the bathroom in Larry's room.
It is used on the the refrigerator in the kitchen to get the chilled

Found by using the sand on the beach. After completing the Gammie section, it
is used on the spigot in the cellulite drainage salon to get the filled lamp.

Found by completing the Merrily section. It is given to Shamara in the

Found on the bunshaker machine the gym. It is used on the broken line in the
cellulite drainage salon.


4. Point List



2 2 Get the random room key.

4 2 Talk to Gammie about the room key.

7 3 Talk to Gammie about the cellulite machine.

12 5 Enter room 201.

14 2 Look at the blue card.

16 2 Look at the red card.

18 2 Look at the pink card.

22 4 Get the flower arrangement.

31 9 Call housekeeping.

33 2 Use the zipper icon on the toilet.

41 8 Call maintenance.

44 3 Get the towel.

46 2 Get the toilet seat cover.

50 4 Get the dental floss.

54 4 Get the washcloth.

56 2 Get the soap.

58 2 Get the hand creme.

60 2 Get the toilet paper.

64 4 Get the condom.

72 8 Get the adjustable wrench.

80 8 Get the bastard file.

82 2 Use the toilet seat cover on the toilet.

83 1 Use the toilet paper on Larry.

85 2 Use the soap on the sink.

91 6 Use the washcloth on the sink.

92 1 Knock on the door.

98 6 Get the electrical cord.

100 2 Look at Shablee.

104 4 Talk to Shablee about the dress.

106 2 Get the advertising brochure.

107 1 Get the light green tile.

112 5 Move the plants.

124 12 Use the adjustable wrench on the camera.

128 4 Open the locker.

134 6 Use the towel on Larry.

135 1 Use the left mud bath.

137 2 Talk to Char about the batteries.

140 3 Use the shower.

145 5 Give the flower arrangement to Rose.

160 15 Complete the Rose section.

163 3 Get the deflated beaver float.

171 8 Get the orange.

177 6 Get the lard.

191 14 Use the deflated beaver float on the wheel.

195 4 Get the match.

202 7 Get the sunglasses case.

206 4 Open the sunglass case.

210 4 Open the sunglass case.

218 8 Open the sunglass case.

238 20 Combine the dental floss with the cleaning cloth.

250 12 Use the swimsuit on Larry.

256 6 Talk to the lifeguard.

266 10 Combine the bungee tower key with the soap.

286 20 Combine the bastard file with the random room key.

296 10 Show the room key to the waitress.

298 2 Talk to Merrily about the bungee jump.

313 15 Give the tower key copy to Merrily.

333 20 Complete the Merrily section.

348 15 Get the handcuffs.

362 14 Get the whale oil lamp.

369 7 Use the aerobic step.

384 15 Get the ID badge.

386 2 Talk to Thunderbird about the handcuffs.

401 15 Give the handcuffs to Thunderbird.

403 2 Ride the tram.

407 4 Give the match to Art.

413 6 Open the tram.

428 15 Use the adjustable wrench on the motor.

430 2 Get the flashlight.

450 20 Get the batteries.

462 12 Use the ID badge on the electronic lock.

468 6 Get the six bottles of beer.

478 10 Talk to Thunderbird.

498 20 Complete the Thunderbird section.

508 10 Use the microphone cable.

510 2 Talk to Burgundy about the drink.

516 6 Give the six bottles of beer to Burgundy.

522 6 Get the six bottles of beer.

530 8 Give the six bottles of beer to Burgundy.

543 13 Get Burgundy's gown.

553 10 Enter the sauna.

565 12 Get the silver bracelet.

568 3 Use the shower.

583 15 Give the batteries to Char.

595 12 Use the electrical cord.

602 7 Use the bare electrical cord on the plug socket.

614 12 Use the bare electrical cord on the numeric keypad.

624 10 Complete the Char section.

638 14 Give Burgundy's gown to Shablee.

651 13 Complete the Shablee section.

659 8 Get the wriggle belt.

664 5 Use the adjustable wrench on the filter tank.

668 4 Get the filter.

678 10 Use the filter on the sink.

682 4 Use the clean cellulite filter on the filter tank.

685 3 Use the adjustable wrench on the filter tank.

691 6 Use the lard bucket on the red piston.

698 7 Use the wriggle belt on the broken line.

708 10 Use the power switch.

713 5 Talk to Gammie about the cellulite machine.

715 2 Use the hand icon on Gammie.

721 6 Give the orange to Gammie.

727 6 Use the wet washcloth on the refrigerator.

730 3 Get the chilled washcloth.

736 6 Give the chilled washcloth to Gammie.

742 6 Get the bottle of mineral water.

748 6 Complete the Gammie section.

763 15 Use the whale oil lamp on the spigot.

778 15 Get the pearl.

784 6 Get the champagne.

785 1 Call room service.

797 12 Use the warm champagne on the ice machine.

806 9 Enter the dumbwaiter.

810 4 Talk to Shamara twice.

820 10 Use the dog collar.

832 12 Use the unzip icon on the match.

840 8 Use the lit match on the filled lamp.

860 20 Give the diamond to Shamara.

880 20 Give the lit lamp to Shamara.

900 20 Give the modern sculpture to Shamara.

920 20 Give the orchid to Shamara.

940 20 Give the pearl to Shamara.

960 20 Give the silver bracelet to Shamara.

980 20 Give the words of wisdom to Shamara.

1000 20 Give the chilled champagne to Shamara.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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