Might and Magic 8

Might and Magic 8

18.10.2013 02:54:45
Might and Magic VIII

Day of the Destroyer

Walkthrough Ver 1.1
30 March 2000

Timothy Ng, Singapore
Send your constructive comments to njytim@hotmail.com

This walkthrough Copyright 2000 Timothy Ng

The walkthrough is 50% complete.


Table of Contents

What's New

Character List

Guided walkthrough/Quest list

Dagger Wound Island
Balthazar's Lair
Ironsand Desert
Garrote Gorge
Promotional Quests
Regna and the Last Quests

Travel Schedules

Alchemy and Potions


Ore and Smiths


Taverns and Arcomage

Obelisk Puzzle

What's New

New to version 1.1

Added the Arcomage Quest with a full list of taverns and victory conditions
The dragonbane flower quest
A character list with descriptions
Some artifacts in the game
Values of the ore

Character List


Simon Templar Starting Level 5

When he was a lad, the elders of Simon Templar's village were quick to notice
that intellectual pursuits were not in his future. Encouraging him to put down
his pen and pick up the sword, they made him into the soldier he is today.

Joins you when you first enter the abandoned temple in Dagger Wound.

Leane Stormlance Starting Level 15

As a daughter of Blazen Stormlance, Leane's whole childhood wasa spent playing
with swords as other girls played with dolls. Now a warrior of great repute, her
sword is yours to command.

Joins your party after you rescue Blazen Stormlance and talk to her at
Stormlance Residence in Garrote Gorge.

Blazen Stormlance Starting Level 50

The finest knight ever trained by Charles Quixote. Blazen has a personal crusade
against the Necromancers of Shadowspire and their attempts to create skeletal
dragons. His skill will prove very useful to you if you allow him to travel with

Joins you when you rescue him from the Mad Necromancer's Lab in Shadowspire
and free him using Dervish Chevron's crystal.

Tempus Starting Level 50

Among Dragon Hunters, Tempus is a legend. While most hunting parties consist of
at least twenty seasoned knights, Tempus prefers to hunt his prey solo. You are
fortunate to have in your service a knight of great ability.

Can be recruited from Tempus' House in Garrote Gorge.


Fredrick Talimere Starting Level 5

After he left the sanctuary of his order, Fredrick Talimere found himself drawn
towards secular pursuits, particularyly towards the study of cultures that have
disappeared from the face of Jadame.

Joins you after you deliver Brekish Onefang's message to him.

Dyson Leyland Starting Level 15

Though a cleric schooled in the ways of the Sun Temple, his time in the
Necromancers' Guild as a secret agent left him with a dark nature. Though still
on the path of Light, the feels betrayed by his former order.

Joins your party when you speak to him in the Necromancers' Guild when doing the
cleric vs. necromancer war quest.

Maylander Starting Level 15

After making a reputation for himself in Erathia, Maylander, a cleric of the Sun
Temple, came to Jadame on a Sabbatical rest. The tug of the open road pulled too
strongly on him, however, and now he is in your service.

Can be recruited from Maylander's House, Ravenshore.


Impressed by the defeat of the Necromancers' Guild, Verish, a priest of the Sun
Temple, offered to join you, seeing your mission as one serving the greating
Path of Light.

Can be recruited from Verish's House in the Murmurwoods after helping the
clerics in the war by destroying the Skeleton Transformer.

Dervish Chevron Starting Level 50

Holder of the title of Keeper of the Light, Dervish will soon lead the Temple of
the Sun in Jadame. You are lucky to have such a strong follower of the Path of
Light travelling with you.

Can be recruited from Dervish's Cottage in Ravenshore after you help
Blazen Stormlance.


Devlin Arcanus Starting Level 5

A newly initiated practicer of the Dark Arts, Arcanus is taking his first steps
down the path which he hopes will lead him to power and glory. Strong in mind
if not body, he has concentrated his time in pursuit of magical knowledge.

Can be recruited from The Adventurer's Inn in Dagger Wound.

Karanya Memoria Starting Level 15

Cast out of the Necromancers' Guild for pursuing forms of knowledge too dark
for even their corrupt tastes, Karanya Memoria now pursues greater power
without the guild's help... or hindrance.

Can be recruited from House Memoria, Ravenshore.

Nathaniel Roberts Starting Level 15

Though not an official member of the Necromancers' Guild, Nathaniel Roberts has
gained considerable skill in the dark arts. Tolerated by guild members for his
willingness to perform certain favours, Roberts picks up his knowledge where he
can get it.

Can be recruited from Roberts Residence, Shadowspire.

Ventrinus Taleshire Starting Level 50

Next in line to lead the Necromancers' Guild in Shadowspire, Ventrinus has
nothing in his heart for the Temple of the Sun but contempt. You are luck to
have such a powerful student of the dark magics travelling with you.

Can be recruited from Taleshire Hall, Shadowspire.

Dark Elves

Rohani Oscleton

Trained to be a merhant caravan guard, Rohani's destiny seemed set until you
recruited her into your adventure. Talented in both magic and combat, her skills
are now at your disposal.

Can be recruited from Oscleton Residence, Alvar.

Jasp Thelbourne Starting Level 15

Though at least slightly too full of his own self importance, Jasp Thelbourne is
not entirely without bragging rights. An adventurer before you met him, he
travels with you now seeking to enlarge his glory and reputation.

Can be recruited from Thelbourne Residence, Alvar.

Cauri Blackthorne Starting Level 50

Guardmaster of the merchants of Alvar, Cauri is one of the finest warriors of
the Dark Elf people. She works for the Mrechant Council, running errands which
they feel require a "special" touch. Her skills wil be of great use if she is in
your service.

Joins you after you rescue her in the Murmurwoods.


Overdune Snapfinger Starting Level 15

All Overdune Snapfinger wanted to be was a simple hunter. The destruction of his
village of Rust by the elemental cataclysm changed all that. Now events have
made him an adventurer whose life now is tied into the ultimate destiny of the
world itself.

Joins you after you help Vilebite.

Volog Sandwind Starting Level 15

A warrior of Rust Village, Volog Sandwind earned the name "One Eye Slayer" while
championing the village's defense against raiding cyclopses. Now that you've
found his village a new homeland, he has joined your cause.

Can be recruited from Schmecker's Hovel, Ironsand Desert.

Sethrc Thistlebone Starting Level 30

Known in the village of Rust for his great sense of civic responsibility, Sethrc
Thistlebone chose to join you for the greater good of his people. Now in your
service he single-mindedly pursues an end to the elemental cataclysm.

Can be recruited from Thistlebone residence, Ironsand Desert

Thorne Understone Starting Level 50

It is uncommon to hear songs of trollish heroes in the Ravenshore taverns, but
when they are sung, chances are that their subject is Thorne Understone.

Can be recruited from House Understone, Ravenshore.


Arius Starting Level 5

Born of a long line of Balthazar Blacksmiths, Arius saw nothing in his life but
the pounding of metal in his future -- a prospect that did not sit well with
him. Seeking new experience, he left the underground city to find adventure in
the larger world.

Can be recruited from Arius' House, Ravenshore.

Thanys Starting Level 15

Grateful to you for rescuing his herd at Balthazar Lair, Thanys has pledged his
loyal service to you. Skilled in warcraft, he is a worthy companion.

Can be recruited from Thanys' house in Balthazar's Lair after you drain it.

Rionel Starting Level 30

A great hero of the Minotaurs' campaign against the Vori Frost Giants, Rionel
saw joining your quest as a great opportunity to know further glory. An expert
with both axe and bow, his skill at the arts of war make him a good companion in

Can be recruited from Rionel's house in Balthazar's Lair

Ulbrecht Starting Level 50

Many minotaur heroes made their name in the war against the Vori Frost Giants,
but some names stand out more than others. "Ulbrecht" is such a name. Impressed
by your great deeds he has raised his axe in your service.

Can be recruited from Ulbrecht's house in Balthazar's Lair


Elsbeth Lamentia Starting Level 5

Turned into a vampire against her will by none other than Thant, the guildmaster
of the Necromancers' Guild, Elsbeth fled her native Shadowspire. Seeking a new
life, she found it as a freebooting adventurer.

Can be recruited from The Adventurer's Inn in Dagger Wound.

Artorius Veritas Starting Level 50

Grevious wounds forced the ancient vampire, Artorious Veritas, into a healing
slumber for thirty four years. Recently awaken, he chooses to travel with you to
see the changes time has wrought on Jadame.


Ithilgore Starting Level 5

A youth among dragons, Ithilgore felt oppressed by the regimental society, of
Garrote Gorge Dragons. He jumped at the opportunity to explore the larger world
freely when you came by.

Can be recruited from Ithilgore's Cave, Dragon Cave, Garrote Gorge

Duroth the Eternal Starting Level 50

Few dragons live to become as old as Duroth. Disgusted with the younger
generation at Garrote Gorge, he left with his friend, Loeb, to form a new nest
built around the old ideals. Since that nest's fall he travels with you seeking
a clearer truth.

Can be recruited from Old Loeb's Cave, northeastern Regna

Quest List

Dagger Wound Island

Clan Leader's Hall, Main Village

Brekish Onefang

Objective: Talk to Frederick Talimere

Go to Talimere's hut and talk to him


Objective: Deliver Dadeross' letter to Elgar Fellmoon

Take the ship to Ravenshore and go to the Merchant house. There are two doors.
One leads to a place and the other initiates a conversation with Elgar. Talk to
him to get a new quest.

Rohtnax's house

Objective: Fetch Isthric the tongue for Rohtnax.

Use the teleporter and go to the extreme west island.
Go to Isthric's house and talk to Isthric. Return and talk to Rohtnax.

Aislen's House, Main Village

Objective: Deliver scrolls of Cure Disease to the infected houses

Just go to the three houses on the extreme west island and click "yellow fever"
in your conversation. Do the same for the three houses on the northwest island.
(The island with the the temple) More potions of cure disease can be found in
the chests in the middle of the extreme west island.

Tisk's Hut

Objective: Find the Prophecies of the Snake

In the Abandoned Temple, after climbing up the stairs from the room with the
four buttons, there are two hidden panels on the walls of the walkway
(right and left), uncovering two chests. The book is in the left chest.

Hiss' Hut, Main Village

Objective: Get the Idol of the Snake

Go to the large room in the Abandoned Temple where there are many pressure
plates and traps. It's the one with the skull boxes in the centre and 4 traps
around it. Step on the sixth pressure plate to uncover a hidden panel.The chest
there holds the Idol of the Snake.

Languid's Hut, Southwest of Main Village but on same island

Objective: Find an anointed herb potion

The anointed herb potion can be found in the smuggler's cove in Ravenshore.
Proceed to the large room with the two wooden doors. One leads to Arion Hunter
the wererat and the other to a storeroom.
The chest in the storeroom holds the potion.



Hall of the Tracker

Objective: Kill all dire wolves

Kill all the dire wolves in ravenshore, including those in the Dire wolf Den.

Lathius' Home

Objective: Recover Eclipse

Elgar, Merchant house of Alvar

Objective: Blackmail Arion Hunter

After delivering Dadeross' letter, Elgar asks you to deliver a letter to Arion
Hunter. Go to the Smuggler's Cove in Ravenshore by following the coast to the
west. There is a hidden door which accesses the rest of the cove. Just go north
of the starting point and click on the wall. Follow the path until you get to
the large room with the two wooden doors. Go down one of them and you will see
another door. Click it to talk to Hunter.

Elgar, Merchant house of Alvar

Objective: Report to headquarters in Alvar

Go to the merchant guildhouse in Alvar and talk to Bastian Loudrin.

Arion Hunter, Smuggler's Cove

Objective: Rescue Hunter's Daughter

Go to the Ogre Raiding Fort in Alvar. Proceed up the stairs to the central
chamber, where there are 2 chests. There is a button on one of the walls.
Push it and return to the entrance. You will see that the barriers have been
lifted. Kill all the enemies here. One of them holds a prison door key. Go to
the southwest part of the fort and insert the key in the keyhole on the wall.
Talk to the greater wererat. Report to Arion Hunter.

Arion Hunter, Smuggler's Cove

Objective: Deliver fake report in Regna

After getting to Regna, head for the tavern and talk to the pirate.
(See the Last Quests for more information)

Bluesawn Home, Ravenshore

Objective: Win a game of Arcomage in all the taverns

You can check which taverns you have won Arcomage in by accessing the Awards
page in your journal.

You have to win the game in all these taverns:

The Grog and Grub, Dagger Wound Island
Kessel's Kantina, Ravenshore
The Dancing Ogre, Ravenshore
Profit House, Alvar
Miho's Roadhouse, Alvar
Bull's Eye Inn, Ravage Roaming
Black Company, Shadowspire
Dragon's Blood Inn, Garrote Gorge
Parched Throat, Ironsand Desert
Traveler's Rest, Murmurwoods
Pirate's Rest, Regna



Bastian Loudrin, Merchant Guildhouse

Objective: Find a witness to the sea of fire

Leave for Ironsand Desert and talk to Overdune Snapfinger in Overdune's House.
Go to the Troll tomb and to the largest chamber. Remember that the tomb has
multiple levels so the map will be misleading. However, the main tomb is on
the lowest level so many staircases leading down is a sign that you are
travelling correctly. Go north and click on the northmost stoneslab. A message
saying that vilebite is now at rest will appear. Go back and talk to overdune,
who joins your party. Make sure he is in your party when you report to Bastian
at the guildhouse.

Fromago Manor

Objective: Find three cheeses

One of the three cheeses is in a Temple of Eep.
The three temples are in Ravage roaming, Garrote Gorge and Ravenshore.

Keldon's Cottage

Objective: Kill all ogres

Kill all ogres in Alvar. You must also kill those in the ogre raiding fort.



Objective: Find the Bone of Doom

The Bone of Doom is in the Dire wolf Den in Ravenshore.
Go to the southeast chamber in the den. The bone is in the chest.

Hallien's Cottage

Objective: Get a vial of Grave Dirt

A vial can be found in the Vampire Crypt northeast of Shadowspire Town. Take the
room on the left and examine the wooden table to yield a starcase going down. Go
down and follow the passageway until you reach a big room. On the stand to the
north is the vial of grave dirt.

House of Benefice

Objective: Get the puzzle box

The puzzle box can be found in the mad necromancer's lab.
Refer to the Knight Promotion Quest for more details.


The draining of Balthazar's Lair:

Pull lever A and go down. Look for a parchment marked Emergency Meeting and
follow the instructions there. If you do it right, you get to watch a short
movie clip after you pull the lowest lever.


Ironsand Desert:

Pole's Hovel

Objective: Deliver 6 potions of fire resistance to the homes.

Go to the homes at the far end of the village and deliver the potions.
You may need to obtain extra potions of fire resistance


Garrote Gorge:

Foestryke residence

Objective: Retrieve the drum of victory

The drum is in the Naga Vault

Calandril's Residence, Garrote Gorge

Objective: Find a dragonbane flower

Scarwing's Cave, Dragon Cave, Garrote Gorge

Objective: Find a dragonbane flower

Promotional Quests

Knight: Stormlance residence, Garrote Gorge

Find Blazen Stormlance and Ebonest

Both of them are in the Mad Necromancer's Lab in Shadowspire. Proceed north to
the lift from the entrance of the Lab. Blazen Stormlance is behind the door. He
is held captive by dark powers and asks you to get help from his friend in
Ravenshore. Leave for Ravenshore and talk to Dervish Chevron, who gives you a
crystal. Return to the Lab and talk to Blazen, who offers to join you. Ebonest
is below, in a chest in the green dungeon. A puzzle box is also in the dungeon.
Other chests there hold soul jars, which are needed for the Lich quest. Talk to
both Stormlance and Quixote for your promotion.


Cleric: Murmurwoods

Find the Prophecies of the Sun

The book, Prophecies of the Sun, is in the Temple of the Snake on Dagger Wound
Island. There is a place in the temple with many split corridors, in between the
pressure plate room and the pit room. Follow the map from the start of the split


You will finally reach a large area with a secret wall on the left of the
chamber. Click on it to reveal the book.


Necromancer: Taleshire Hall, Shadowspire

Find the lost book of Kehl

The book of Kehl can be found in the Uplifted library on the Southeast island
of Dagger Wound. You have to get there by water-walking or flying. Take the lift
up, cross over, take another lift up, cross over again and take a third lift up.
Take the staircase up and walk to the center of the platform where there is a
button. Depress it and wait for the platform. Step on it. You are brought to a
stone room with a chest. The chest holds the book of Kehl.

Soul jars are obtained from the mad necromancer's lab.
Refer to the Knight Promotion Quest for more details.


Dark Elf: Blackthorne estate, Alvar

Find Cauri Blackthorne

Go to Dantillion's residence in the town in Murmurwoods and talk to Dantillion,
who gives you a scroll of stone to flesh. Cauri Blackthorne is near the Druid
Circle. She has been turned to stone along with other dark elf pilgrims. She
offers to join your party after you have found her.


Troll: Schmecker's Hovel, Ironsand Desert

Find the Ancient Troll Homeland

The Ancient Troll Homeland is in the Murmurwoods. Just enter it and get out
straightaway. Return to Schmecker's Hovel to get your promotion.


Vampire: House of Lathaen, Shadowspire

Find Coffin and Remains of Korbu

The crypt of Korbu is in the north part of Ravage Roaming. Go north from the
entrance and down the stairs. Activate the hidden panel to the right. You will
find the coffin of Korbu but not his remains. Go to the Cyclops Larder in
Ironsand Desert. From the entrance, take the door to the right. Enter and walk
straight to the door at the other end. In that room is a lever. Pull it to
activate reveal a hidden platform. Step on it to go down. Proceed to the room
with a big cage and two chests. Korbu's remains are in the chest on the right.
Report back to Lathaen.


Minotaur: Tessalar's House, Balthazar's Lair, Ravage Roaming

Find Balthazar's Axe in the Dark Dwarf Mines

Go to the Dark Dwarf Compound in Alvar.

The axe is in a chest in the place marked X.

____________ | |
_________ |_____| |__________
| __________ ____
| | | |
__________| | | |
| __| | |
| ____ | _______| |
| | | | | |
| E | | | |__X_______|

Next go to the Clan Leader's Hall on Dagger Wound Island and talk to Dadeross.
Get the certificate of Authenticity and return to Balthazar's Lair for your


Dragon: Dragon Cave, Garrote Gorge

Kill all Dragon Hunters

Kill every dragon hunter on the map and in the camp of Charles Quixote.
Also kill Jerric Whistlebone and get his sword.
A message will appear when you have killed all of them.

The last quests

Bastian Loudrin, Merchant Guildhouse

Objective: Persuade three out of five members to join the alliance.

You can choose: 1) Minotaurs of Ravage Roaming
2) Knights or Dragons
3) Clerics or Necromancers


1) Just speak to the Minotaur King after draining Balthazar's Lair.


2) Both Knights and Dragons require you to find a dragon's egg. Proceed to the
Barbarian fortress in ravage roaming. With respect to the minimap, climb the
southeast staircase and pull the lever.

| |___ : :___*| | Go up the stairs marked X and pull the lever.
| | : : | | Next go to * and notice that the walls are lowered.
| | : : | | Proceed down the passageway " :"
| | : : | | Make your way south until you come to a wall with a button.
| | : : | | Pressing it uncovers two chests.
| | | | One of them holds the egg.
| | | |
| |___________| |

To complete the quest, give the egg to either Charles Quixote in the Dragon
hunter's camp or to (AA) in the Dragon Cave.Both are in Garrote Gorge.


3) Visit either the Temple of the Sun in murmurwoods or the Necromancers'
guild in shadowspire. You then have to find Dyson Leyland. Dyson Leyland is in
the necromancers' guild in Shadowspire. Climb the main staircase and turn left
to climb the west staircase. Follow the path down until you come to a circular
room. Press the button to go up. You will meet with Dyson and recruit him into
your party.


With Dyson in your party, return to the necromancers' guild, climb the staircase
and take the main door. Follow the path to another circular room and take the
lift down. You will enter a room with many levers, two buttons and a beam. click
on all the levers to raise them up (you will have to do this in a certain order)
and then press the button on the west wall to shut the door click on the beam
and then walk into the large area if done correctly, you will get to see a
movie. Report back to the temple of the Sun.


I'll play it later.

Report to Bastian Loudrin.

Return to the Merchant House of Alvar in Ravenshore. There is a staircase
leading up to a door in the house. The door leads to the council room.
Talk to all your council members to get the quest.


Objective: Sink the Regnan fleet

Travel to Dagger Wound Island and go to the Regnan Pirate outpost. It's to the
west of the library and south of main island. Push the button on one of the
crates to reveal a hidden entrance. Make your way to the southeast and kill the
head pirate who drops a key. Use the key to open the area in the southeast
revealing a submarine. Click on it.

Make your way out of the small sub pen and you emerge at Regna.

Enter the pirate stronghold of Regna (on the main island with the shops)
take the right lift down and search for an entrance leading down.
You will find an exit with the message "You find an entrance leading downwards".

This puts you at the "Passage under Regna".
There are many exits from this place but take the northwest one.

You will find yourself in the back entrance of the abandoned pirate keep.

| | | _____ |
| | | | | |
___| |_____| | | | X is where you start
___ _____ | | _______X_ Y is the chest with the cannonball
| | | | | | * is the exit to the keep
| | | |_____| | (search for it)
| | |_________|
| | ______
| | | ____
| | | |
| |___| |_____________
|_____ __________Y__
| |
| |____
* |______

At Y, go up the stairs and open the chest. You will find the Cannonball of
Dominion and design notes. Exit the Keep. there is an exit to the Southwest so
there's no need to go all the way back. (high perception required). Outside the
abandoned pirate keep you find a cannon positioned towards the regnan fleet.
Selecting the character with the cannonball, click on the white panel that says
"Fire the cannon!" :) If you have fly, go take a look at the damage.

Return to Ravenshore and report to the council.

Check the hostel near the guildhouse. If Xanthor is not in, rest for a day or
two or train up. Return after your break to talk to him and get your quest.


Objectives: Get the Heartstones of each plane

Fire Ironsand desert
Water Ravage Roaming
Air Murmurwoods
Earth South east island of dagger wound


The Heart of Fire is in the castle of fire.
(northwest part of the plane of fire)

Be careful not to fall in the lakes of fire here. Climb the platforms and make
your way to the right side of the castle. While on the platform, you can see a
square-based pillar. Jump on it and it will go down. Go back to the entrance and
you will see that the originally high platform has been lowered. Jump on it to
go up. Follow the path to another platform bringing you down. Follow the path to
a place with suspended beams. Go to the northeast one and pull the lever. You
will see steps appearing. Jump on to them and walk into the fire wall. You will
be teleported to a tunnel of fire. Follow it and you will again be teleported to
a small room with the heartstone.


The Heart of Water is found directly in the plane of water itself (so you don't
have to go into any buildings) Go to where the strongest congregation of
monsters is. (To the Northeast) Pick up the stone and run for it.


Go to the castle of air, west of the exit from the plane of air. Walk straight
up the staircase and turn right, walking up that staircase as well. Walk down
the corridor, taking the second room on the left. Check for a hidden doorway
next to the chest of drawers. This reveals the air heartstone.


The earth plane is a mess of tunnels but you should make your way north. You
will eventually come to a large room where you can take a platform down. Climb
the stairs there and make your way north to a circular room, where the earth
heartstone lies.

Return to Xanthor to get the key.


Objective: Find Xanthor

Using this key, open the door to the crystal.

I can't continue now because after i completed the game, the crystal was
destroyed and removed from the map so I can't give details.

However, here's a brief outline:

Travel to plane between planes
Talk to Escaton
Give answers to riddles:
Prison, Egg, Inside
Get the key
Save the Four elemental Lords
The end

Travel Schedule

Dagger Wound Island

Monday: Ravenshore 4 days
Tuesday: Ravenshore 4 days
Wednesday: Ravenshore 4 days
Thursday: Ravenshore 4 days
Friday: Ravenshore 4 days
Saturday: Ravenshore 4 days
Sunday: Ravenshore 4 days



Guild Caravans

Monday: Alvar 2 days
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Shadowspire 4 days
Friday: Off
Saturday: Alvar 2 days
Sunday: Garrote Gorge 2 days
Arena 5 days



Monday: Ravage Roaming 4 days
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Shadowspire 6 days
Thursday: Off
Friday: Ravage Roaming 4 days
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

The Dauntless

Monday: Off
Tuesday: Dagger Wound 5 days
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Dagger Wound 5 days
Friday: Off
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off



Guild Caravans

Monday: Ravenshore 2 days
Tuesday: Shadowspire 3 days
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Garrote Gorge 3 days
Friday: Ravenshore 2 days
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Garrote Gorge 3 days



Guild Caravans

Monday: Ravenshore 2 days
Tuesday: Ironsand Desert 2 days
Wednesday: Ravenshore 2 days
Thursday: Off
Friday: Off
Saturday: Ironsand Desert 2 days
Sunday: Garrote Gorge 3 days


Ravage Roaming

Ship: Mist

Monday: Off
Tuesday: Ravenshore 4 days
Wednesday: Shadowspire 6 days
Thursday: Ravenshore 4 days
Friday: Off
Saturday: Ravenshore 4 days
Sunday: Off


Ironsand Desert

Guild Caravans

Monday: Alvar 2 days
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Shadowspire 2 days
Thursday: Ravenshore 3 days
Friday: Off
Saturday: Ravenshore 3 days
Sunday: Shadowspire 2 days


Garrote Gorge

Guild Caravans

Monday: Ravenshore 2 days
Tuesday: Shadowspire 3 days
Wednesday: Alvar 3 days
Thursday: Off
Friday: Ravenshore 2 days
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Arena 5 days



Monday: Ravenshore 4 days
Tuesday: Ravenshore 4 days
Dagger Wound 5 days
Wednesday: Ravenshore 4 days
Thursday: Ravenshore 4 days
Dagger Wound 5 days
Friday: Ravenshore 4 days
Saturday: Ravenshore 4 days
Sunday: Ravenshore 4 days


There are quests where you gather reagents to make black potions.

Endurance Thalion's Hovel Ironsand Desert
Intelligence Kelvin Shadowspire
Personality Castigeir Murmurwoods
Speed Thistle Dagger Wound Islands
Luck Home of Rihansi Alvar


Items you can sell:

Royal Wasp Jelly Schmecker's Hovel,Ironsand Desert
Dire wolf pelts Hall of the tracker, Ravenshore
Ogre Ears Keldon's Cottage, Alvar
Wasp Stingers Veldon's Cottage, Alvar


Location Buy Sell

Long-tail's hut, DW Tobersk Fruit (200) Tobersk Brandy
Treblid's home, RS Tobersk Pulp (300) Tobersk Fruit
Neblick's House, RS Forged Credit Vouchers (6500) Silver Dust of the Sea
House of Brandy, A Tobersk Brandy (500) Tobersk Pulp
House of Journey, SS Silver dust of the sea (5000) Ground Wyvern horn
Whisper Hall, SS Pirate Amulets (1500) Heartwood of Jadame
Pavel's Place, Regna Dried Sunfish (2000) Pirate Amulets

Item making:

Here is a list of the different types of ore and the smiths.

Ore Value

Iron 5
Siertal 50
Kergar 500
Erudine 1000
Stalt 2000



Bombah Hall, Alvar
Brightsprear Hall, Shadowspire


Bowes Residence, south Alvar
Caverhill Hall, Shadowspire


Breman Residence, south Alvar
Crane cottage, Shadowspire



Mace of the Sun, Mace, 3d4 +7
Double damage vs. Elementals

Glomenthal, Longsword, 3d3 +14,
Might +40, 10-20 pts. of Dark Magic damage

Ebonest, Spear, 2d9 +13,
Double Damage vs. Dragons

Wyrm Spitter, Spear, 1d9 +14,
Endurance +20, Dragon Slaying, Swift

Noblebone Bow, Bow, 5d4 +12,
Explosive Impact

Staff of Elements, Staff, 2d4 +4,
Bonus to skills of Air,Fire,Earth and Water, AC -40



Crown of Dominion, Crown
Intellect +50, Dark Magic skill bonus, usable only by Lich

Body Armor

Last Stage Cuirass, Leather Armor, AC +19
Intellect +70, Personality +80, -30 Mind and Spirit Resistances

Supreme Plate, Plate Armor, AC +70
Swift, Speed +15, Accuracy +15, usable only by Knight



Berserker Belt
Might +100, Immune to Fear, Accuracy -30, AC -15


Archangel Wings, AC +10
Intellect +30, Feather Falling, All resistances +10



Ring of Plains
+40 Air, Earth, Fire, Water Resistances

Taverns and Arcomage

Tavern Food Packs Last for # days

The Grog and Grub, Dagger Wound 6
Kessel's Kantina, Ravenshore 10
Profit House, Alvar 15
Parched Throat, Ironsand Desert 15
The Dancing Ogre, Ravenshore 17
Miho's Roadhouse, Alvar 20
Dragon's Blood Inn, Garrote Gorge 25
Traveler's Rest, Murmurwoods 35
Bull's Eye Inn, Ravage Roaming 40
Black Company, Shadowspire 50
Pirate's Rest, Regna 60

Start Tower Start Wall End Tower End Resources

Grog and Grub (DW) 15 5 30 100
Kessel's Kantina (RS) 20 5 50 150
The Dancing Ogre (RS) 20 50 100 300
Profit House (A) 20 5 50 150
Miho's Roadhouse (A) 10 20 125 350
Black Company (SS) 30 15 100 300
Dragon's Blood Inn (GG) 25 10 75 200
Parched Throat (ID) 25 10 75 200
Traveler's Rest (MW) 30 15 100 300
Bull's Eye Inn (RR) 20 10 150 400
Pirate's Rest (Regna) 20 10 200 500

Obelisk Puzzle

There is one obelisk in each map square. Here are the clues for each obelisk.

1) theunicornkin
2) gholdsold
3) thornskey
4) amonghiss
5) ubjectsap
6) pearswhil
7) ethesunsh
8) inesonmid
9) summerday

Compiling together, we have:

The unicorn king holds old thorn's key among his subjects.
Appears while the sun shines on midsummerday.

To do this quest, you will need to visit all of the obelisks first.

Objective: Find the key to the vault of time

Go to Murmurwoods on June 24.
You must have the druid circlet of power.
Kill the unicorn king on the map and he drops a key.
Use it to open the vault of time in ravenshore.

You will get:

7 stalt-laced ore
Scepter of kings


Things to come:

Adventurer list with full statistics
Potion recipies
More quests
Ending of the game walkthrough
Greater elaboration of details
Other stuff i missed out


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