Warhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War

Warhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War

16.10.2013 23:59:46
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
Version 1.00

Copyright 2004 Wood Elf
E-Mail - BattleBotv_8_2@Hotmail.com

First Site: www.GameFAQs.com

E-mail me suggestions or corrections.

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Quicksearch Note:
You can use the Find command (Ctrl+F) to quickly find the part you need.
Note: Even if I say don't capture a Strategic Point, be sure to atleast remove
it from enemy control.

1.00 Walkthrough
1.01 Planet Fall (PF)
1.02 Infiltration (I)
1.03 Under Siege (US)
1.04 Destroy the Xenos (DTX)
1.05 A New Lead (ANL)
1.06 Into the Maw (ITM
1.07 Sacrifice (S)
1.08 The Chapel (TC)
1.09 Unholy Ceremony (UC)
1.10 Old Friend (OF)
1.11 All Out War (AOW)
2.00 General Walkthrough Strategies (GWS)
3.00 Units (Unts)
4.00 Buildings (Bld)
5.00 Upgrades (Upgds)
6.00 Versions
7.00 Credits and Thanks
8.00 FAQs

1.00 Walkthrough

Mission 1 - Planet Fall (PF)
Establish a Base
Capture 3 Strategic Points
Build a Listening Post
Build a Chapel Barracks
Build a Plasma Generator
Destroy the Ork Camps
Locate the first Ork Camp

Secondary Objectives:
Secure the Spaceport
Save the Tarterus Defense Force

An easy level to beat. If you ever played a RTS that is. It's basically letting
you get a handle of the controls and how the Strategic Points play into the

Select your Space Marine Squads. Send one to capture the closest Strategic Point
to the right of your base. Send the other squad to the strategic point north of
the last one. In a crater area is 2 full groups of Gretchins. Your hero should
be able to destroy them. Once your base is done, select one of the Servitors to
build a Chapel-Barracks, and send the other to build a listening post.

Once both are done, start working on 2 marine squads. Send one of the Servitors
to build an Armory, and the other to build a second Listening Post.

Start working on reinforcing your Squads that have been built. Once your Armory
is complete, get 2 Heavy Bolters on each squad. I didn't upgrade Heavy Weapon
Increase, I thought 2 Heavy Bolters per squad was enough. To the east of your
base is a few Orks, they are easy enough to destroy. Around now you should get
an objective to build a Plasma Generator, do so when you have the resources, but
only after Reinforcing and getting Heavy Bolters. Head south of the Orks and
capture the Strategic Point and place a Listening Post on it.

Before you head east to a Ork base, make sure you've upgraded Heavy Bolters and
maxed reinforcements. It does not matter what you target since their Da Boyz Hut
does not build any Orks. Just be sure to focus fire. To the north is a strategic
point, ignore it for now. A little north west of the strategic point is some
Imperial Guard being attacked by Orks. Kill the Orks and then capture the point.

Once the Strategic point is captured, head north and you will find some more
Imperial Guard in help (Are they needy or what?). Now you should be getting
small waves of attacks from the Ork camp, in groups 2-6 normally. Just keep
pushing toward the next area. There should be a flashing objective marker where
a Da Boyz Hut is, try to target that instead of the tower first. Then take out
the towers nearby. To the south west from where Da Boyz Hut is a looted imperial
guard tank, destroy it. To the west of Da Boyz Hut is some more Imperial Guard
being attacked. Hurry over there and help them out (Again). And yet again, there
is more Imperial Guard to the north.

I would just skip the Secure the Spaceport objective head straight toward their
Settlement. To the south east you can save an Imperial Guard Lemmen Russ tank,
which then you can command which can help. It's not hard to save it. If you want
to, head south and save some more Imperial Guard from certain death from the
Orks (Like it matters). Kinda funny, I couldn't kill the Orks in time there, and
they all died but the objective was complete.

If you haven't already, head out toward their Settlement. On the way toward the
Settlement, there will be 2 groups of Orks in a Heavy Cover area, this is the
hardest part of the level, which is rather sad. The best way to finish them
quickly is to make them target your hero in ranged attack, then make him run
behind your Space Marine Squad. They should follow him out of the cover and will
be easier to kill them.

Up at the Settlement there is also a Da Boyz Hut, target that first, then get to
work on the Settlement. There are a few Waaagh Towers nearby, so be sure to keep
reinforcing your troops. Then start working on the Pile O Gunz nearby to close
the level finally.


Level 2 - Infiltration (I)
Cleanse the Valley
Reclaim the Waterworks
Establish a Base

Secondary Objectives:
Use the Infiltrate Ability
Kill the Orks on the land bridge
Upgrade the Stronghold
Upgrade the Listening Post

This level is quite a bit harder than the previous. The start of the level makes
you do a stealth sequence. After you kill a Nob Leader, then you start really

Once you start, enable Infiltration on the Scout Marine Squad and move them to
the objective marker. On the way, you should see some Imperial Guard, and guess
what? You don't have to save them! Past them you will find some dead Orks on the
ground. Now you get another Scout Marine Squad with Sniper Rifles which can deal
massive damage to infantry. Disable Infiltration on the Scout Marine Squad and
start attacking the Orks trying to capture the Strategic Point. Once they are
dead, start capturing the Strategic Point for some income.

Enable Infiltration on both of the Scout Marine Squads and head to the north
east, there is a small Ork outpost there. Be careful, there is a Nob Leader
there that can disable your cloaking. I like to attack him with Sniper Scout
Marine Squad and then take down the rest of the Orks for later. Plus you get
more Strategic Resource. Then head out of the Ork outpost and toward the next
objective marker. Along the way. There should be 3 Orks near the next objective.
Move both squads into the Light Cover nearby and attack them with the Sniper
Scout Marine Squad. Use the normal Scout Marine Squad as a decoy for damage.

There is a Nob Leader here also to the south. I like to take out the Orks around
him before taking him down. They patrol and only appear every once in a while
near him. The reason I do this is because you get your Force Commander and Space
Marine Squads after the Nob Leader is dead, so you can help save some of their

Once a few or all of the Orks are dead, target the Nob Leader. Your attack force
will come down. Each squad is already equipped with 2 Heavy Bolters, which is
helpful. Head your Force Commander up the hill toward the waterworks, and make
the Space Marine Squads follow him. Use him as a damage decoy, and if he dies,
retreat until he returns and do the same thing again. You can also make the
Sniper Scout Marine Squad come with you to help with the Ork infantry. Start
attacking the Da Boyz Hut before anything else, then start on the Waaagh Towers.

Once all the buildings are gone, two Servitors will be dropped in. Set them to
work on a Stronghold, and start working on capturing the Strategic Points at the
waterworks. Once you’re done capturing the Strategic Points, send one of your
Servitors to work on Listening Posts. Then get to work on a Plasma Generator and
Chappel-Barracks once the Stronghold is done. I would start researching Squad
Cap Increase at the Stronghold (You can also upgrade once more). Finally set to
work on an Armory. Once the Chappel-Barracks is done, get to work on two to
three Space Marine Squads. Once two squads are fully reinforced, set them to the
base defense and make your Heavy Bolter Space Marine Squad go with your Force
Commander to the Ork outpost to the north. You should just use the same strategy
as before, use your Force Commander as a damage decoy.

Once the outpost is destroyed, start capturing the Strategic Point. Also you may
have gotten the secondary objective that says you can upgrade your Stronghold
with a Monastery add-on. Do this as soon as you can. You should have captured
the Strategic Point by now, head there with your Servitors and build Listening
Posts on the newly captured Strategic Point and the previous Strategic Point you
captured with the scouts.

Once the Monastery add-on is done, use this setup for your space marine

Half of your Troops
Flamer: 0
Heavy Bolter: 2
Plasma Gun: 1
Missile Launcher: 1

Half of your Troops
Flamer: 0
Heavy Bolter: 1
Plasma Gun: 1
Missile Launcher: 2

There are very few Heavy Infantry on this level (I believe only the Nob
Leaders), so you don't even need that 1 Plasma Gun if you want. Also be sure to
build Sergeants in all of your squads. There are a few Killa Kans on this level.
The best way to kill them is to have the Force Commander take the damage for
your troops. Or you can just keep moving the squad that he has targeted behind
other marines, like military leap frog.

After a period of time, you will be able to upgrade your Listening Posts,
upgrade ALL of them. Cancel heavy weapons and reinforcements if you have to.

Head south east of your base to the Strategic Point and capture it. Start
working on a Listening Post then start heading south toward an Ork base. It
should not be that hard with the Missile Launchers in your group. Once you
destroy the Ork base, start capturing the Strategic Point a bit north west of
the base, and cap it with a Listening Post. Now head North West toward the
Strategic Point if you want to gain control of some Imperial Guard, but it does
not matter if you do. Up there is 2 Waaagh Towers and a Killa Kan. Some Imperial
Guard attacking an Ork Listening Post. Once you gain control of the Imperial
Guard, start reinforcing them.

The next place to go is a land bridge with a strategic point in the middle.
There are a lot of Orks there, and towers at a base to the south east of there
can attack you also. This is one of two main battles in the level. Just be sure
to make the Heavy Bolter squads attack the Orks and Missile Launcher squads
attack the towers. There is a fork in the path ahead. The north and east path
both lead to Ork bases. I like to take the north base before you take down the
south base. Just target the Da Boys Huts to finish the bases quickly.

If you try to attack the south base, I find the north base keeps sending waves
of troops so you cannot really focus on the base's buildings. Once the north
base is done, reinforce everyone to the max and get all the heavy weapons you
can. Then head out to the next and final base. Inside there they have a Da Mek
Shop toward the entrance of the base, sometimes it will build Killa Kans so I
like to take that out early just in case. The Da Boyz Hut in this base is deep
within, you can manually move your marines towards it and take the fire from the
buildings, or just keep pushing toward there. Eventually you will just keep
chipping away on the base until it's destroyed.


Mission 3 - Under Siege (US)
Retake the City
Destroy the Ork Structures

Secondary Objectives:
Capture the Strategic Points
Locate the Lost Troop

Ugh, I hate the beginning of this level. Once you get a base established, it's
not that hard to win on this map. It's just the start that can be a problem. I
would use the same heavy weapons setup as last level.

Once you start, move your Force Commander and Librarian into the area between
the 2 Strategic Points. Make both of your Space Marine Squads capture the 2
Strategic Points near them. Also build another Servitor and move the one within
your base down to the other to help build. You can either destroy the Heavy
Bolter Turrets, or some of them for Strategic Resources for Reinforcing your
Imperial Guard. Once capturing the Strategic Points are complete, make the 2
Servitors start building a Listening Post on one of the Strategic Points.

Make your other Servitor that you built work on a Armory and 2 Plasma
Generators. Also be sure to upgrade the Listening Posts within your base, and
the one to the north east of your base. Once the armory is complete, build 1
Heavy Bolter in each squad. Then upgrade the Monastery add-on as soon as you
can. Start building Heavy Bolter turrets ASAP. I built them in a square pattern,
so there are 8 surrounding the Listening Post. Once that is done, do the same on
the other side.

While doing all of this, you will be attacked by quite a few Orks, and even a
few Looted Lemm Russ tanks (sadly). Which is why you should get at least 1
Missile Launcher. Also some Orks may sneak past you and attack your base, so be
careful about that. Its good to keep your Force Commander and Librarian not on
the street that goes north east, since they will follow retreating Orks into a
base if you do not keep an eye on them.

Starting a base can be hard, but once you get 1 side's Heavy Bolter Turrets up,
it's a lot easier. I like to place 5 Heavy Bolter Turrets before you start on
the other side. Once you get both sides equipped with the Heavy Bolter Turrets,
start upgrading at the Armory and get another Space Marine squad. Once you have
at least 3 squads fully equipped, start pushing toward the center of the map,
there are 2 Strategic Points and a Da Mek Shop and Da Boyz Hut that I like to
destroy yearly on. I would skip capturing the Strategic Points there for right
now and capture the points to the North West and south east of your base. There
are no Orks there to kill, simple to capture.

Also I think you should get the Strengthen Electrical Grid at a Plasma Generator
if your running low on power. Of the six Strategic Points near the center of the
map, I would head to the most south east of them. Near there is a Machine Cult
that is under construction and needs a Servitor to finish building it. There is
also a Da Boyz Hut there that is waiting to be destroyed. Send your Servitors
there and start working on the Machine Cult. You should also gain control of a
Dreadnaught, upgrade him so he will get an Assault Cannon. Start working on more
Dreadnaughts if you have enough Power. If you want to build more Dreadnaughts
than just the Vehicle Cap Increase allows, build a few more Machine Cults in
your base, each increases the max vehicle cap by 2.

Capture the Strategic Point and cap it off with a Listening Post. Also build a
few Heavy Bolter Turrets. Head to the Strategic Point to the north east of where
your troops are and destroy the buildings there, you can skip capturing the
Strategic Point there (I personally like to just skip it). Now I like to go back
into the middle of the map, where the Da Mek Shop and Da Boyz Hut was. Start
capturing the Strategic Points and build Heavy Bolter Turrets at the north east
Strategic Point. Then head to the northern most Strategic Point, it seems a lot
of Orks come through there. Capture that Strategic Point and build Bolter
Turrets. Now just finish the Ork cleanup with the west most Strategic Point were
a few Waaagh! Towers are along with a Da Boyz Hut. Once you finish that, now you
can capture and cap the east most Strategic Point and build some defenses there,
or start attacking the Ork base.

If you choose to attack the base, take all of the Dreadnaughts you have created
with you and upgrade them with the Assault Cannon. Then send them in first, they
will deal a lot of damage and weaken the base a lot. In fact, you can destroy
the entire base with just the 3 Dreadnaughts. It's now easy to kill the Orks,
they are now cornered, and cannot get past your Heavy Bolter Turrets, so you can
mass all the troops first before you attack.


Mission 4 - Destroy the Xenos (DTX)
Kill the Warboss and destroy his entire base
Cleanse the area of Orks and establish a base
Destroy the Wartrak Clan

Secondary Objectives:
Construct a second Stronghold

I personally don't like this level, it's the demo level. I played it multiple
times before I bought the game and now I am bored with this level. Once again it
the hardest part I believe is just the start of the level, then it gets easy. I
want to note now you gain access of Assault Marines, which are close combat
specialist. I don’t use them that much in Insane mode much except for their
Melta Bombs which deal quite a bit of damage to buildings and vehicles.

Once you start, you have control of 3 Whirlwinds and 2 Assault Marine Squads.
Leave the Assault marines alone for right now. You should first target the Da
Boyz Huts there. While attacking, the Gretchin Squad will attempt to repair the
building and die in the process. Once you destroy a Da Boyz Hut, an Ork squad
will come out from garrison. One of the Da Boyz Hut holds a Slugga Boy Squad and
the other holds a Shoota Boy Squad. Now you should start attacking the Shoota
Boy and Slugga Boy Squads. Each time your Whirlwinds fire, alternate which squad
you attack for maximum affect. Then start attacking the two farthest Waaagh!
Towers. Before you start attacking the closest Waaagh! Tower, use the Assault
Marine's Jump ability to jump past the closest tower and order them to start
capturing the two Strategic Points nearby. Now finish the final Waaagh! tower.

Once all the buildings are destroyed, your Force Commander, Librarian, 2
Servitors and multiple buildings drop in. Stop your Servitors from working on
the Stronghold and order them to build the other buildings. Your buildings will
be built very quickly, this is a exploit that you can do if you want. Also build
Listening Posts if you are done capturing the Strategic Points. Once all of the
other buildings are complete, finish the Stronghold. Once the Stronghold is
finished, the quick build speed will be disabled. Get to work on at least 1
Plasma Generator, upgrading Listening Posts and get the Monastery add-on. Now
you can either keep your Force Commander and Librarian defending the north
Strategic Point from StormBoyz Squads (They have the Jump ability, so they can
jump over the trees and sneak attack your base), or you can build a Heavy Bolter
Turret or two near the Listening Post, and repair them after an attack. If you
build the turrets, take the Force Commander and Librarian along with your main

Now you also have another choice, stay in the base and defend against attacks or
capture the next Strategic Point to the east and risk a big attack. I personally
like to just tech within the base. If you do want the next Strategic Point,
place a Listening Post ASAP along with a few Heavy Bolter Turrets. I would get
Escalated Engagement Research and Strengthen Power Grid ASAP. Also you may want
to build 1 or 2 Heavy Bolter Turrets next to the Listening Post. Then get 2
Space Marine Squads and get a slightly different heavy weapons setup.

Quarter of your Troops
Flamer: 0
Heavy Bolter: 2
Plasma Gun: 1
Missile Launcher: 1

Quarter of your Troops
Flamer: 0
Heavy Bolter: 1
Plasma Gun: 2
Missile Launcher: 1

Half of your Troops
Flamer: 0
Heavy Bolter: 1
Plasma Gun: 1
Missile Launcher: 2

But for now, make your first few Space Marine Squads get only 1 Missile
Launcher, and let your future Space Marine Squads be the second half. While
doing all this, get Heavy Weapon Increase and a few other Armory upgrades. You
will be attacked by Nob Squads after a little while, so be sure to have some
Plasma Guns ready. Once you have 3-4 fully equipped Space Marine Squads, start
heading out to the next Strategic Point. Cap it and place a few Heavy Bolter
Turrets. Head north with your troops and there will be some Ork squads up on a
hill with a Strategic Point. Kill every one there and then keep following the
path. Along the way there will be a Waaagh! Tower on a cliff so you can only
attack by range and some Orks in a Heavy Cover crater.

Further up the path is 2 Waaagh! Towers and usually a few Orks guarding it along
with a Wartrak. To the east of those towers is another Strategic Point, but
before you capture it, there is a small track to the east. Up there is a Killa
Kan and a Da Mek Shop, destroy them both. Now head back to the Strategic Point
and capture it, and cap it off with a Listening Post. Before you start on the
other Strategic Point, attack the Ork base below. It is not that hard, as long
as you get your Missile Launcher squads before this part. Just keep chipping
away at the base and it should be down quickly enough. You may have to retreat
however to defend your Strategic Point from an attack.

Once the base is destroyed, send all but one squad back to capture the cliff-
side Strategic Point. Make the left behind squad start capturing the Strategic
point there. Send all your Servitors to the destroyed Ork base and start
building a Stronghold and Slag Deposit. I like to build 2 Machine Cults there
and start building the max amount of Dreadnaughts you can have. Then build any
amount of generator needed to supply the building there as well.

While all of that is happening, start pushing forward to the next two Strategic
Points. It should not be hard, except for two, yes two, Killa Kans. Capture the
Strategic Points there and build Listening Posts there. Build as many Heavy
Bolter turrets as possible at the north Strategic Point and get the Missile
Turret upgrade at all of them. Be sure to leave enough space to allow
Dreadnaughts to squeeze through. Upgrade all your Dreadnaughts with the Assault
Cannon and head past the Heavy Bolter turrets. You will meat up with the Ork's
super unit, Squiggoth. Just set all of your Dreadnaughts on Assault mode and
melee that thing to death.

You may lose all your Dreadnaught because there are also multiple Killa Kans
nearby that might start attacking you as well. Also a few Looted Lemm Russ
tanks, PLUS the Warboss. If the Dreadnaughts do die, the missile turrets will
finish him if the Squiggoth tries to advance, that is if some Killa Kans, Looted
Lemm Russ and the Warboss don't accompany it. If they do, attack with all so far
built Dreadnaughts to help. Once the Squiggoth is done, it's fairly easy to pick
off the rest of them. Once they are all finished, build up a force of more
Dreadnaughts or just attack with your Space Marines. I personally like to just
use Dreadnaughts to finish the job (I really like Dreadnaughts).

Now you just need to sweep the base and then the level is done! Just a tip
though, destroy the Da Mek Shops early so they cannot make any more vehicles.


Mission 5 - A New Lead (ANL)

I personally find this level boring. The main thing about this level is that
your introduced to the (very cool IMO) Eldar. Basically at the start you can
tech up as much as you want, then move forward with small battles. Then at the
end is a big battle, and that’s it!

Note: ALWAYS target the Webway Gates first, trust me on this.

Once the level begins, start by building an Armory and at least 2 Plasma
Generators. Start to work on another Space Marine Squad. Start to work on
capturing Strategic Point to the east and south. When you go to the south
Strategic Point, there are fleeing Orks, you can just let them run by. Once you
capture both of them, cap them with Listening Posts and upgrade them. Once again
upgrade the Monastery add-on and work on Escalated Engagement Research and
Strengthen Power Grid research.

Just want to note that this is a good setup for this level. There are no heavy
infantry and few buildings, I like to just get 0/2/1/1 for all of my troops.

Half or more of your Troops
Flamer: 0
Heavy Bolter: 2-3
Plasma Gun: 0-1
Missile Launcher: 1

Optional amount your Troops
Flamer: 0
Heavy Bolter: 1
Plasma Gun: 1
Missile Launcher: 2

Now make your Servitors go back to the base and work on a Machine Cult and
Sacred Artifact. Also work on Increase Vehicle Cap research. Once that is done,
build any more Space Marine squads you want. Also build at least 1 Heavy Bolter
turret at the southern Strategic Point, this will help for later. Now once all
that is done, head to the most southern Strategic Point on the map. You will now
encounter Eldar, kill them and capture the Strategic Point. Leave the rest your
Space Marine squads back and head forward on the path. You will get attacked by
Dark Reapers, units that are good against heavy infantry. Head back and now you
will be able to create Rhino Transports.

Create one Rhino Transport for each of your Space Marine squads. Load all of
your troops up and head out to the objective beacon. Once you reach there,
unload your troops and move your Rhino Tanks to the Dark Reaper cliff-edge as
decoys for your Space Marine squads. Now just keep moving your troops along the
edge and destroy the Dark Reapers. Now capture the Strategic Point where you
dropped your Space Marines off, and capture the Strategic Point and cap it off.

Now, you need to head back down to the area where you first saw the Dark
Reapers. Head up a path near there and capture the Strategic Point and cap it
off. Yet again, head forward to the next Strategic Point, capture it, and cap
it. Now, you can build a few Bolter Turrets if you want, up ahead is a battle
between Eldar and Orks. Sometimes the Orks win by a lot, or the Eldar get a lot
of reinforcement for the Webway gates (or they both may just focus on you), and
if they do, head back so you can get a bit of cover if you want it. Just keep
working away at the base and it will be destroyed. There are 2 Strategic Points
within the base to capture. Now, regroup and reinforce before you head forward
at all.

Up ahead is a fairly big battle at an Eldar base, so be sure to have Heavy Weaps
maxed out. Work on the Warp Gates first, they are what provide reinforcements
for the Eldar. Once you finish clearing the base, the Force Commander reccomends
to build a forward base, I agree with this. Get all your Servitors up to the
area and start on a Stronghold. Once it's finished, work on 2 Machine Cults.
Also build some Plasma Generators for some Dreadnaughts. Yes, work on
Dreadnaughts. Get a good amount of Dreadnaughts before you continue, there are a
big amount of Eldar ahead and Webway Gates there.

Just focus on the Webway Gates, with them down they cannot get more squads into
the battle. They will be able to reinforce with a lot more squads if you do not
take them down. Once they are gone, work on any Dark Reapers if there are any
there. With them gone, move your Space Marine squads forward and help destroy
the rest of the Eldar. Once all of them are destroyed, just move your Force
Commander to the objective beacon and you won. I think this is a fairly simple
level, don't you?


Mission 6 - Into the Maw (ITM)

I hate this level on Insane mode, I only beat it once or twice. Otherwise this
level is fun I believe. Some reason I have always had a problem getting a secure
base started up.

At the start is to get the Assault Cannon on the Dreadnaught. Then give the
Dreadnaught a moving start. Start moving the scouts north east and use them as a
decoy for the rest of your troops. If the Spiritwalker doesn't take the bait,
retry it. Use the Dreadnaught to attack the Dark Reapers. Once they are decoyed
from Dreadnaught, Jump your Assault marines to the Dark Reapers and start melee
combat them. While this is happening, make your Space Marines focus fire on a
Guardian squad. Then use the Smite ability on the other Guardian Squad. Once all
of the squads are dead, start focus firing on the Spiritwalker. Make sure to set
your Dreadnaught and Assault Marines to ranged stance if your scout squad is
dead by now to save them from damage/death.

Once all of the enemies there are destroyed, start moving north and you will see
a Webway Gate. You will be informed how they can teleport the Eldar units from
one Webway Gate to another. It also will add an objective, one that you should
focus on a lot. Go to the north east strategic point and destroy the Guardian
squad there. Head west a bit and a Stronghold along with two Servitors will drop
in. The Imperial Guard will now come to guard a pass where Orks will attack in
waves every 5-8 minutes, with increasingly harder troops. One of the servitors
will not be working on the Stronghold right away. Send him to help with the
construction. Set your Dreadnaught to guard the Stronghold to the west near the
Listening Post. Start capturing the strategic point to the west and east of your

Do not start on the other strategic point north east of your base. I find it
much easier to turtle with just the two closest strategic points than stretch
out with the third point. Send all of your troops to the north east strategic
point besides the Dreadnaught. Once the capturing of the strategic points is
complete, send one of the Servitors to work on a Listening Post, and set up a
waypoint to build the other listening post. Once the Stronghold is complete,
start on a Plasma Generator. Now share the following buildings between your
servitors; Chapel-Barracks, Armory, Thermo Plasma Generator. Also work on
building Heavy Bolter turrets at the south east strategic point. That is where
the enemy mainly attacks you, so I built about 2 turrets at the start. Also I
built Heavy Bolter turret and the north east strategic point.. Work on upgrading
your Space Marine squads, they will be your main force this game. Once again the
enemy is Eldar, so get this weapon setup...

Half or more of your Troops
Flamer: 0
Heavy Bolter: 2-3
Plasma Gun: 0-1
Missile Launcher: 1

Quarter or more of your Troops
Flamer: 0
Heavy Bolter: 1
Plasma Gun: 1
Missile Launcher: 2

I like to use Dreadnaughts as your main vehicle of choice. The Imperial Guard
are not good at defending the pass. The only reason they can hang on so long is
their tanks. I would move most of Dreadnaughts to the front of the Imperial
Gaurd. Keep about 4 of them at your base to defend it. Set the Ork pass
Dreadnaughts on Versatile stance and Hold Ground stance. Also be sure to equip
them most with Assault Cannon. When the Orks do attack, be sure to monitor it.
They get vehicles after a few waves, so you may want to melee them instead of
just relying on Assault Cannon. Once you can, start on the other strategic point
to the north east. Before you capture it though, start attacking on the Webway
Gate to the north of it. If you do not, they can continue to attack you while
you are capturing the strategic point.

Once your force is ready, head north east of the strategic point. Keep moving
until you find a Webway gate. Once you find it, destroy it. Now I suggest you
take on one of the three main Eldar bases. Head back toward the strategic point,
and cross the bridge north west of it. Now keep following the road until you
see an area you can enter on off to the east side of the road. There is a Webway
Gate there you should destroy. Once again, keep following the road. Once you
reach a Strategic Point, destroy the listening post and capture it. Once it is
captured, head toward the strategic point to the north east. Capture the point
there and prepare for battle.

Once you are ready, go to the south east and start attacking the Eldar base.
There is not much of a threat here. If they are training any units, target that
building first. Once you have completely destroyed the base, head back to the
strategic point on the road. Once again, prepare for battle. Follow the road
toward the west into another Eldar base. They may have a Prisom Cannon or
Gravtank, but nothing that will cause much trouble. Once again, destroy any
buildings that are training units first, and then destroy anything else you
want. Now I like to skip destroying the rest of the maps Webway gates and head
straight toward the end of the level. Head to the North West part of the map
with the Slag Deposit. There are a few buildings there, but nothing to worry
about. Be sure to get some Servitors to accompany you for an outpost.

Get to work on capturing the strategic point right away and capping it off. Work
on a Chapel-Barracks for building more Space Marine squads and Sacred Artifact
to build Apothecarys. Once you are ready to start an offense, head toward the
strategic point to the north east. There may be a Spiritwalker to deal with
there. Once you’re ready to start the main battle in the level, head north east.
There are quite a few Spirit Walkers and misc. Eldar squads. I would target Dark
Reapers and Spiritwalkers first. They are the main threat to you. I would skip
Guardians there and focus on Webway Gates. If you do not destroy them, they will
reinforce the Eldar. Now just destroy all buildings in the area and you will


Mission 7 - Sacrifice (S)
Capture the Monument

Secondary Objectives:
Gain Bridge Control
Destroy the Avatar
Secure Imperial Relics

I like this level. At the start you just tech up until you are able to stretch
out. Then you make your way across the level capturing strategic points, then a
huge battle happens, or you can skip it and beat it the easy way. Also a note
you finally get Terminators and Orbital Bombardment ability, yay.

Note: Do not capture the objective Strategic Point at the bridge. This is vital,
trust me on this one.

Once you start, start capturing both strategic points near your base. Get to
work on an Armory with a Servitor, and start to work on another Servitor. Once
he is complete, get him to work on a Plasma Generator. Now start building
Listening Posts on both Strategic Points. Also start on the Monastery add-on.
Get Engagement Research and Strengthen Power Grid research ASAP. I find the same
setup as Level 5 work good.

If the Avatar attacks while this is happening, use your Force Commander and
Librarian as a damage decoy while the rest of your troops attack the Avatar
itself. It will start retreating after about 1/3 of its health is damaged. If
you meet it outside of your base, sometimes it will run for a bit, and then it
will come back and sometimes be stupid enough not to even attack! The best way
to finish him is to meet him outside of the base, since he will most likely
attack after he retreats a bit.

Once you have a decent army built up, I suggest you go to the south east
Strategic Point and Relic first. A bit north east of the Strategic Point and
directly north of the Relic is a pretty good amount of Eldar that are always
there. Once you clear both of the places out, start on capturing them and get
Listening Posts on them quickly. While all of this is happening, you probably
will be attacked. Just a warning.

I suggest you place a Heavy Bolter turret at the North West, that's where most
of the attacks come from. Also upgrade Listening Posts with the Heavily
Fortified Position add-on as soon as you can, this can help a lot. Also if you
have a Machine Cult, Three to 4 Dreadnaughts are good for base defense until you
are able to finish the Eldar base toward the end of this area. Once you are
able, head toward the Slag Deposit and clear out the Eldar outpost there.

Once it is destroyed, done build a Thermo Plasma Generator quite yet, there are
some Rangers on the roof of a nearby building. If you haven't yet, capture the
Strategic Point to the south east of the Slag Deposit and cap it off as soon as
you can. Once that is done, head toward the Relic and clear any Eldar nearby.
Once you capture the Relic, you are only 1 more away from Terminator!

Now, follow the North West side of the map, along the way there will be multiple
Ranger squads. Once you clear the whole path, including the rooftop Rangers,
build the Thermo Plasma Generator and get to work on pumping out Land Speeder if
you want to avoid a nearly impossible future battle. If you do not want to avoid
it, start pumping out Dreadnaughts and equip them with Assault Cannons. No head
to the final Relic and capture it. Once you capture it, you will be able to
create Orbital Relay building, and Terminators. Start to work on the
Terminators, 4 squads total. Send your troops to the south east, there is a
Eldar base to destroy.

Once the base is gone, destroy your Space Marine Squads and Deep Strike your
Terminator Squads that are built so far to your Force Commander and Librarian.
Equip all your Terminator squads with the Assault Cannon, it will rip any normal
infantry to shreds.

Now, you have two options up ahead. The extremely hard battle, or the easy way
out. But first be sure to build a single Scout squad. Equip them with Sniper
Rifles and head to the very south of the map, a Bonesinger will magically appear
and start to build a base. If you do not deal with it now, it will be a problem
later in the game.

Max your Vehicle population with Dreadnaughts and equipped them all with the
Assault Cannon. Move them all right next to the door at the bridge. Move all
your Terminator Squads to the objective Strategic Point. Before you capture it,
be sure you have an Orbital Relay building. Once you’re ready, capture the
Strategic point and wait. Hold the point for 4 minutes (Which will be easy since
there are no Eldar base left and only the occasional Warp Spider attack. Once
the time is up, be sure to have your Scout squad attack the Bonesinger that was
made at the south. A huge wave of attack will come across the bridge once the
gates go down. Use the Dreadnaughts at the front line to absorb the damage, and
dish their melee damage while they can. Use your Terminators to provide fire
support. Be sure to use the Smite ability at the most crowded part of the enemy
infantry. Also if there is a Spirit Walker, Prisom Tank or any other powerful
unit coming toward you, cast Orbital Bombardment on them, this will REALLY help
in my experience.

And now all is left to hope you win and target the right units.

Ah yes, the easy way. Gotta love it. All you needed to do is max Land Speeders
and move them to the objective Strategic Point. Use their Jump ability to go
over the both of the doors at the bridge. Now put your Servitors and the rest of
your troops in the Orbital Relay and drop them on the other side of the bridge.
Start building a base if you want and build a Machine Cults. Remember, if you
lose Terminators, you can just Deep Strike them in. Now use your Land Speeders
to keep pushing forward toward the final objective. Just keep pushing forward
and kill the light resistance while destroying the Eldar base. Just keep working
on the vehicle of your choice in case any of the Land Speeders die. Once you
destroy the entire Eldar base, THEN capture the bridge Strategic Point. Easy


Mission 8 - The Chapel (TC)
Use vehicles to destroy the Chapel doors (You don't need to use vehicles)
Stop the Chaos before they are able to release the key
Reinforce the outpost before it is overwhelmed by Chaos forces

Secondary Objectives:
Cleanse the Chaos Taint at the chapel

I personally don't like this level, since you have to use Assault marines, and I
don't really like them that much. Also the level itself is easy once you get
rescue a base on the other side of the map.

I want to note that now you are fighting Chaos troops. Most of their troops are
Heavy Infantry, so now have at least 2 Plasma Guns in each squad.

Once you start, order a Servitor to build a Chappel-Barracks, and build another
Servitor. Order the newly built Servitor to build a Plasma Generator. Order the
Assault Marines to capture the nearby Strategic Point. Then set waypoints for
the other 3 closest waypoints near your base. Select your Force Commander,
Librarian and Apothecary and put them into a group. Be sure to keep the
Apothecary behind the Force Commander and Librarian. Make sure the enemies
target them, then send him in to battle also. Once any Strategic Points are
captured, be sure to cap them off with a Listening Post as quick as you can.
Also work on an Armory and at least 1 more Plasma Generator.

Start attacking the Strategic Point near the your base to the south east. There
are only some Cultists, they are basically a meat shield (Says so in their
description). Now head to the closest battle between Space Marine squad and
Chaos Space Marine squads. Set your Force Commander and Librarian on Ranged
stance, or else they may just spaz around. I think is because they try to find a
path to them, and the AI can't find any. Also be sure to use Smite when you can.
You may want to get Plasma Pistol upgrade, since it is good against the Bridge
attackers. Be sure to keep the Apothecary out of range of the enemy. After a
while, they may send in some Raptor Squads, be careful to keep your Apothecary
out of the fray until they target your heros. Once the North bridge is clear,
head to the South bridge to help out.

The next good Strategic Point I think is the northern bridge Strategic Point.
The next is the Relic near the south strategic point. The south west most has
Chaos Space Marines there, that's why you should skip it for now. Once the South
bridge is clear, clear the south west next. I would not capture it with your
Assault Marines however. Build a Scout Squad to capture it. Jump over the South
bridge with your Assault Marines and head straight for the Strategic Point at
the base under attack at the south east of the map. Skip all of the enemies.

Now I would take out one of your servitors at your base and build 3 at the
outpost. Start repairing all of the Heavy Bolter turrets if they are damaged.
Now make your Assault Marines capture the Strategic Points within the outpost.
Once the Repairs are done, send one of your Servitors to build a Sacred
Artifact, another to build a Chappel-Barracks, and the final one to build Thermo
Plasma Generator. Get to work on upgrading all of the Listening Posts at your
first base to Heavily Fortified Position add-on. Then get to work on the
Fortress add-on. Once they are done, get to work on a Orbital Relay, and any
Plasma Generators you want.

I would recommend to start working on Dreadnaughts or Terminators. You already
have 2 Machine Cult so you can save that money which is nice. Be sure to upgrade
all of your Terminators and Dreadnaughts with the Assault Cannon upgrade. Once
either group is ready, send them out to the objective marker, which are the
Chappel doors. There are a lot of Chaos troops in the area. But it should not
pose any threat to all of your troops. Be sure to the attack the Listening Posts
along the way, but just skip capturing them, it's a waste of time. Once you
finally reach the Chappel doors, do not attack them for right now. Head to the
most north east Strategic Point. Then go a little east and the Imperial Guard
will arrive, but they have betrayed you! Just mow them down with the Assault
Cannons (Bwahahahaha).

If you want to, attack the Chaos Base at the North West part of the map. It has
about 14-20 Heavy Bolter turrets at the entrance, so be careful if your using
infantry. I recommend building a few vehicles to destroy some of the Heavy
Bolter turrets. Also the Force Commander's Orbital Bombardment to take out a few
of them as well.

Now order your Force Commander to start an Orbital Bombardment while your troops
are attacking the Chappel doors. It should fall quickly. Then destroy any
remaining Imperial Guard and Chaos forces nearby and you should win. At least I
think so, since I have only beat this level once on Normal mode. Some reason
each time the Imperial Gaurd should appear or when you get to the Chappel Doors,
I get a Fatal Scar Error, or something like that.


Mission 9 - Unholy Ceremony (UC)

A fairly easy map to beat. The hardest part get over once you beat the first
Chaos base. It just takes a while to push toward the enemy base. Once all the
bases are gone, then you need to capture 4 Relics.

Also, once again you're fighting Chaos troops, so same setup as last time.

Start to work on an Armory with your one of you Servitors, and send the other to
work on a Plasma Generator. Also get to work on two Space Marine squads. Once
the squads are done, get to work on both of the Strategic Points. Once you can,
upgrade the Monastery add-on. Get to work on the Listening Posts as soon as you
can and upgrade them. Move your squads to the east and start capture both of
them. Build a Listening Post as soon as you can and get to work on some Heavy
Bolters at each side. Once you have about 3-5 Heavy Bolter turrets at both, head
to the south east and capture the Strategic Point there.

Go back to your base and start working on 2 Space Marine squads. Also be sure to
work on upgrading to a Fortress and getting upgrades at the Armory. Once you
can, upgrade the Listening Posts to the east of your base with the Heavily
Fortified Position add-on. Now group all of your troops together and start to
move toward the other Strategic Points to the south east. Don't attack the Chaos
base to the south of the southern most Relic yet, work toward the Thermo Plasma
Generator for vehicles later on. On all of the strategic points on the way to
the Slag Deposit and on the Slag Deposit itself, be sure to build about 5 Heavy
Bolter turrets to protect them.

Your Force Commander will make landfall with one Terminator squad, a few scouts
and a few Servitors. I would basically ignore them, I have never been able to
save them on Insane mode. Your Force Commander will just keep dropping in when
he dies, he will be able to destroy the troops there. Also head to the Strategic
Point to the North West, there is another building there besides the Listening
Post, destroy it. And if you do decide to capture a Relic early on, use Orbital
Bombardment on the Chaos base a little north east of the northern most Relic.

Once all of this is done, start pushing toward the southern Chaos base. There
are not that many troops there, the main threat is Defilers. Now there is an
inner ring of area at the center of the map. There is at least 2, maybe 3 Chaos
Temple, destroy them quickly, this will really help while in the area. Once you
have destroyed all of the buildings in the ring, start on the Relics. It does
not matter if you capture one right now. It takes time and it's fairly far into
the game by now so it wouldn't make much of a difference. Once all of the Relics
garrisons are destroyed, head to the area a little north east of the northern
most Relic. There is a Chaos base there, and it is a bit harder than the
southern Chaos base that you destroyed.

Once again, the main threat at the base is the Defilers. Now that all of the
Chaos buildings are gone, you are free to capture the Relics. Once all of them
are captured, it will say you need to hold them for four minutes. So hard now
that all of the Chaos buildings are gone. Once the barrier to the enemy is gone,
your Librarian betrays you and goes Chaos.


Mission 10 - Old Friend (OF)
Destroy all of the Chaos Forces
Destroy the traitorous Librarian Isador

Secondary Objectives:

I believe this level is fairly easy. Once you start, you can capture about 6 or
7 Strategic Points before any enemy attacks. Your first attack will be by an
Avatar Chaos equivalent unit. Like I said, you fight Chaos, so use Plasma Guns
this game.

Once you start, build another Servitor then upgrade the Monastery add-on at your
Stronghold. Then get to work on another Space Marine squad. Send your current
one to the north west of your base and get to work on capturing the Strategic
Point. Once the other Space Marine squad is finished, capture the Strategic
Point at your base. Set waypoints for your first Space Marine squad to capture
the Strategic Points at the north west part of the map. Select your other Space
Marine squad and set up some waypoints to capture the other two Strategic Points
on the way to the south point of the map.

While doing all of this, be sure to build at least 2 Plasma Generators. There
are no Slag Deposits so you have to rely on Plasma Generators alone. Also be
sure to cap off any Strategic Points you capture right away. Once you have
captured all of the strategic points at the south west area of the map, move
back to your base. Get to work on 3 Heavy Bolter turrets at your base's
Strategic Point. Also get the Escalated Engagement Research and Strengthen
Electrical Grid Research as soon as you can. An Avatar like Chaos unit called
Bloodthirster will attack soon, so be ready. Once he comes, be sure to make him
attack your Force Commander or Inquisitor, they both are good against him.

He is not that hard, I thought he was easier than the Avatar (I haven't compared
their stats yet). It's probably the Inquisitor is strong against Daemons and has
a stronger melee attack than the Librarian. Once he is gone, be sure to work on
getting a Fortress, that means a Sacred Artifact and a Machine Cult. Once you
are done with one the buildings, start toward the Relic. Once you reach it,
clear off the Listening Post and start capturing it. Once the other building at
your base is complete, start on the Fortress, then move both Servitors toward
the Relic. As soon as it is done, cap it off with a Listening Post. Build Heavy
Bolters all around the Relic to defend it.

Once the Heavy Bolters turrets are done, send the Servitors to your base and get
to work on an Orbital Relay. There is a ring of Strategic Points on the map.
Send your Space Marine squads to the west most Strategic Point in the outer rim
of the ring. If you got to the right Strategic Point, you will be on a bridge.
Destroy the Listening Post there and start capturing it. Once it's captured,
send your Servitors to there and build Heavy Bolter turrets. This is one of
three main entry to your side of the map. One of the others is north east of the
Relic, which is one reason why I said to build so Heavy Bolter turrets. The
other is on another bridge, but it's harder to build defenses there.

Now I would get to work on 4 groups of Assault Marines at your base. Destroy
your Space Marine squads to make enough population space for them. Assault
Marines are slow, so you should counter that with some fast troops. That means
Land Speeders. I find them really useful on this map (Well, all maps). Your base
can be attacked from 3 main points, and the Land Speeders can get to those
points in case it's under attack. But I mostly use them to destroy the Listening
Posts on the map, it can really help out in the long run.

Once your Terminator squads are complete, move them to the bridge you control.
Once there, head toward one of two of the main Chaos bases. It is at the North
West part of the map. There are two strategic points at the edge, there are
other two strategic points a little south east of them, that's where the base is
at. While attacking, get your Land Speeders to attack all of the strategic
points besides the ones near the Relic, there is Heavy Bolter turrets and Chaos
troops there. I would strike first at the south east edge, there is a Chaos base
there with no Heavy Bolters to injure your Land Speeders. By now the Terminators
should have destroyed the base, send them to the final Chaos base, the other

While attacking, the Traitor Librarian Isador will attack your troops. He poses
no real threat. Use your Assault Marines to attack other targets while your
Force Commander and Inquisitor attack the traitor. Once the Land Speeders
destroy all of the buildings, move them out to help out your Assault Marines.
Now just clear the rest of the buildings on the map. Once they are all gone,
volaah! You win.


Mission 11 - All Out War (AOW)
Kill the Daemon Prince

Secondary Objectives:

The final level. This can either be easy or really hard. It depends how the
beginning of the level plays out. If the Eldar provide a good distraction
instead of dying, it's fairly easy to capture strategic points and get a good
hold on the map. If they die at first (Normally happens if you don't provide
cover for them), it can be hard.

Once you start, start on another Servitor and send your Force Commander and
Inquisitor toward your Dreadnaught. Move all of your Space Marine squads down
toward your Dreadnaught also, and start on Assault Cannon upgrade. Make sure the
enemies focus on attacking the Dreadnaught or your Force Commander/Inquisitor.
If they start on a Space Marine squad, start moving them behind other troops.
You should upgrade the Listening post north of your Dreadnaught ASAP.

While all of this is happening, build another Plasma Generator. There is a Slag
Deposit near your base, so you do not need to build any more Plasma Generators
besides that one. As soon as you can, send the Dreadnaught to the strategic
point on the north east side of map. This is the main point where the Chaos
forces attack the Eldar. It's good to defend them, so they provide as a
distraction for the Chaos forces. Also I should note that you are mainly
fighting Chaos forces once again, this means get Plasma Guns once again. I would
take four of the six Space Marine squads as your main force. Send the main force
to the strategic point North West of your base. Then send the other part of your
forces to the north east of your base at the other strategic point. Capture both
of them and cap them off with Listening Posts as soon as possible.

Send your main troops toward the Relic toward the north west of them. Once
there, start capturing it right away. With the secondary troops, move them
toward the Slag Deposit at the south east part of the map. Send your Servitors
there right away. There are no enemies there, but they can come, that's why you
should have cover for your builders. I normally do not build any Heavy Bolter
turrets there. Your Relic should be captured by now, cap it off with a Listening
Post. Also build some Heavy Bolter turrets there too.

Now head your Servitors back toward the base to start on a Machine Cult. Get
some more Dreadnaughts to help out your current one at the Eldar base. They will
also help kill the Daemon Prince later. Go to the next strategic point which is
toward the north west of the Relic. That strategic point is also near the
enemy's base, which you will target next. While capturing the strategic point,
send your other troops north of the Slag Deposit and start capturing that
strategic point as well. Once your main forces capture the strategic point, and
their fully equipped, start out toward the Chaos base. It should not have many,
if none, troops to defend it. While all of this is going on, be sure to keep
building more Dreadnaughts. Also be sure to be working on buildings like a
Sacred Artifact, Fortress, Orbital Relay, Listening Posts, and maybe another
Machine Cult.

Once you can, get to work on Terminators, and get the same setup, two Assault
Cannons. Once you have four Terminator squads, and ten Dreadnaughts, move all of
your troops toward the strategic point east of the northern Slag Deposit. Be
sure to group all of your troops before heading out toward the Daemon Prince.
Send your Dreadnaughts in on Assault stance, followed by your Terminator squads
on ranged stance. Once you reach the Daemon Prince, he may seem hard since his
stats are better than a Avatar and Bloodthirster, but when you fought those, you
didn't have four Terminators or 10 Dreadnaughts. He should fall quickly enough.
Once he does fall, you win!

2.00 General Walkthrough Strategies - (GWS)

Steal that point!:
Always be sure to at least remove it the strategic points from enemy control. It
only takes about 1.5-2 seconds long, and it can help.

Cap 'em:
Be sure to always cap off a strategic point with a Listening Post.

Fortify the points:
Always upgrade the strategic points.

Get that Research!:
Be sure to get Escalated Engagement Research and Strengthen Electrical Grid
research right away.

Heros are Expendable:
The death of your heros comes at no penalty. If one of your heros are low on
health, just hit Delete to kill them and they will be fully healed. This also
fully recharges their special abilities.

Tech up:
Always get on the higher tech level.

Healing is the Way:
Be sure to put Apothecarys in your squads. They do not cost much but can really
help out in the long run, saving you money and winning battles.

3.00 Units (Unts)

Name: Servitor
Cost: 75/0/1
Requirements: None
Upgrades: Wargear: Target Finders, Wargear: Bionics
Builder Unit.
Constructs all Space Marine buildings.
Info: The Space Marine's builder unit, simple.

Name: Scout Marine Squad
Cost: 90/0/1
Requirements: None
Upgrades: Wargear: Target Finders, Wargear: Bionics, Flamer, Sniper Rifle,
Plasma Gun
Scout/Recon/Sniper Unit. Good sight range.
Weapon upgrades effective against heavy infantry and breaking morale.
Can be upgraded to use Infiltration (stealth).
Effective as scouts and support units.
Info: A great scouting unit thanks to the Infiltration ability. It also is
really good against Infantry and Morale thanks to their Sniper Rifle upgrade
that they can be equipped with.

Name: Space Marine
Cost: 200/0/2
Requirements: None
Upgrades: Wargear: Target Finders, Wargear Bionics, Flamer, Heavy Bolter,
Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher
Heavy Infantry
Resilient general combat unit strong at range and close combat.
Broad range of weapon upgrades. Can be upgraded to be strong against most unit
Effective against infantry.

Name: Assault Marine
Cost: 260/0/2
Requirements: Armory
Upgrades: Wargear: Target Finders, Wargear: Bionics
Heavy Infantry.
Fast attack close combat unit.
Jetpacks quickly around, and over, the battlefield
Melta Bomb upgrade effective against vehicles
Effective against Infantry.
Info: A fast moving close combat specialist. It also can get Melta Bombs
which are good against vehicles and buildings.

Name: Terminator Squad
Cost: 340/100/4
Requirements: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on), Captured Relic, Orbital Relay
Upgrades: Wargear: Target Finders, Wargear: Bionics
Heavy Infantry.
Very tough advance combat unit. Slow moving.
Can be teleported to any visible location from this structure (Chapel-Barracks).
Weapons upgrades effective against infantry and breaking morale.
Effective against most unit types in close combat.
Info: A super powerful unit. They have the Assault Cannon upgrade. It is
the same as the Dreadnaughts. They can Deep Strike which enables them to
teleport to any visible location. I recommend that you teleport them right
outside the Chapel-Barracks. Start on Reinforcing and weapon upgrades. Once they
are done, enter the Chapel-Barracks for teleportation.

Name: Assault Terminator Squad
Cost: 340/100/4
Requirements: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on), Captured Relic, Orbital Relay
Upgrades: Wargear: Target Finders, Wargear: Bionics
Heavy Infantry.
Very tough advanced combat unit. Slow moving. Excels at close combat.
Can be teleported to any visible location from this structure (Chapel-Barracks).
Foregoes ranged weaponry for additional close combat damage and defense.
Effective against most unit types in close combat.
Info: A really powerful melee unit that does not range attack. I prefer
non Assault Terminators.

Name: Force Commander
Cost: 260/85/0
Requirements: None
Upgrades: Plasma Pistol, Commander Veteran Upgrade, Inspiring Aura, Commander
Hero Upgrade, Warcry
Commander Unit (Primary)
Boosts morale recovery when attached to squads.
Ability upgrades provide attack and moral bonuses for troops.
Can use Orbital Bombardment (requires Orbital Relay buildings).
Effective against Infantry, Heavy Infantry, and Daemons. Excels at close combat.
Info: A powerful melee fighter. He boosts max moral and moral regeneration
rate. Has the Battlecry and Orbital Bombardment abilities. He also has a passive
ability that boosts all nearby infantry damage.

Name: Apothecary
Cost: 45/15/0
Requirements: None
Upgrades: None
Heavy Infantry
Healer unit.
Enhances regeneration rates of nearby infantry.
Info: These guys are great. They heal your troops very quickly. It will
save you money if you put one of these in your squads.

Name: Librarian
Cost: 245/80/0
Requirements: None
Upgrades: Plasma Pistol, Commander Veteran Upgrade, Word of the Emperor,
Commander Hero Upgrade, Weaken Resolve
Commander Unit (Secondary)
Boosts morale recovery when attached to squads
Psychic unit with many powerful abilities focused on weakening enemy resolve.
Effective against infantry, heavy infantry, and daemons. Excels at close combat.
Info: This is the other commander of course. His smite ability is quite
handy and his Weaken Resolve ability basically stops morale regeneration. He
does not do nearly as much damage as the Force Commander but he still does quite
a bit.

Name: Rhino Transport
Cost: 75/70/2
Requirements: None
Upgrades: Smoke Launchers
Vehicle. Tank.
Transport Tank. No weaponry.
Can transport infantry units (except Terminators and Assault Marines).
Can be equipped with smoke launcher ability.
Info: Can carry a single squad into battle so they will not take damage. I
personally don’t like Rhinos.

Name: Land Speeder
Cost: 150/130/2
Requirements: None
Upgrades: None
Light Vehicle.
Very fast ranged attack unit.
Can use skimmer ability to move over impassable terrain.
Effective against infantry.
Info: I like this vehicle. Its one of the fastest units in the game. And
its armed with more powerful version of the Heavy Bolter, and you don't need to
stand still.

Name: Dreadnaught
Cost: 170/405/2
Requirements: None
Upgrades: Assault Cannon, Twin Linked Lascannon
Walker Unit.
Support/Siege Unit.
Can be upgraded with anti-infantry or anti-vehicle ranged weaponry.
Effective against most unit types, very effective against vehicles and buildings
in close combat.
Info: I love these things. They can dish out huge amount of damage to any

Name: Hellfire Dreadnaught
Cost: 120/275/2

Requirements: None
Upgrades: Twin-Linked Lascannon
Walker Vehicle.
Fire Support.
Dreadnaught variant that foregoes close combat for more ranged weaponry.
Can be upgraded with additional anti-vehicle and building weapon.
Effective against infantry and vehicles by default.
Info: I personally don't like these guys, I would rather have a
Dreadnaught, they have more health and can deal way more damage. Their Twin-
Linked Lascannon upgrade basically eliminates ALL strength against infantry.

Name: Whirlwind
Cost: 145/380/2
Requirements: None
Upgrades: None
Vehicle Tank.
Heavily Armed and armored weapon platform.
Can be upgraded to be effective against vehicles and buildings.
Effective against infantry.
Info: A inaccurate firing unit. If it does hit the infantry, it removes
about two thirds of their morale.

Name: Predator
Cost: 190/455/3
Requirements: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Upgrades: Twin-Linked Lascannon, Lascannon (right), Lascannon (left)
Vehicle Tank.
Heavily armed and armored weapon platform.
Can be upgraded to be effective against vehicles and buildings.
Effective against infantry.
Info: A powerful tank. It comes with 2 Heavy Bolter turrets and a cannon
that is good against morale. Each can be upgraded to be effective against
vehicles and buildings.

Name: Land Raider
Cost: 470/555/5
Requirements: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on), Captured Relic
Upgrades: None
Heavy Vehicle.
Super Heavy Transport Tank/Gunship.
Can transport infantry units.
Is the only transport that can carry Terminators.
Effective against vehicles and buildings.
Info: Another transport vehicle. It is slower than the Rhino, but for good
reason. It has a powerful Heavy Bolter turret along with 2 powerful Twin-linked

4.00 Buildings (Bld)

Name: Stronghold
Cost: X/X (The more you build, the higher the cost)
Requirements: None
Units: Servitor, Scout Squad
Research: Monastery, Fortress, Squad Cap Increase, Vehicle Cap Increase
Space Marine Headquarters building.
Produces: Servitors and Scouts
Contains research to increase the number of units that can be built.
Projects a Control Area around itself, allowing other buildings to be built near
Info: Its the HQ of the Space Marines. It trains builders and scouts. It
also has research to increase squad and vehicle caps.

Name: Chapel-Barracks
Cost: 250/0
Requirements: None
Units: Space Marine Squad, Assault Marines, Terminator Squad, Assault
Research: Frag Grenades, Melta Bombs
Requisitions infantry units.
Produces: Force Commander, Space Marines, Assault Marines, and Terminator
Allows buildings: Armory, Monastery add-on (Stronghold Building).
Info: Used to create nearly all types of infantry.

Name: Listening Post
Cost: 100/0
Requirements: None
Units: None
Research: Escalate Engagement Research
Place on Strategic Points and Relics.
Increases the Requisition resource production rate.
Solidifies your hold on a strategic location by placing a building on it.
Can be upgraded with weapons and to produce more Requisition.
Projects a Control Area around itself, allowing other buildings to be built near
Info: Cap strategic points with these right away. Once they are built, it
gives you an instant boost in requisition resource by 50.

Name: Plasma Generator
Cost: 165/0
Requirements: None
Units: None
Research: Strengthen Power Grid Research
Generates the Power resource.
A single HQ building (Stronghold) can only support a limited number of Plasma
Generators (6).
Plasma Generators are volatile and will damage anything nearby when they are
Info: Increases Power resource by 10. Gives instant power boost (50).

Name: Armory
Cost: 175/50
Requirements: Chapel-Barracks
Units: None
Research: Heavy Weapon Increase, Wargear: Target Finders, Wargear: Enhanced
Target Finders, Wargear: Bionics Level 1, Wargear: Bionics Level 2, Wargear:
Powersword, Wargear: Power fist, Wargear: Plasma Pistols
Allows weapon upgrades on Space Marine, Scout, and Terminator squads.
Contains research to improve infantry squads and Sergeants.
Info: Used to upgrade all your infantry. Also required to get more advance

Name: Machine Cult
Cost: 350/100
Requirements: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Units: Rhino Transports, Land Speeders, Dreadnaughts Hellfire
Dreadnaughts, Predators, Whirlwinds, Land Raiders
Research: Smoke Launchers
Requisitions vehicle units
Produces: Rhinos, Land Speeders, Dreadnaughts, Predators, Whirlwinds, and Land
Info: It builds all of the vehicle units.

Name: Sacred Artifact
Cost: 250/125
Requirements: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Units: Apothecary, Librarian
Research: Commander Veteran Upgrade, Commander Hero Upgraded, Inspiring Aura,
Warcry, Word of the Emperor, Weaken Resolve
Requisitions the Librarian Commander Unit, a powerful psychic leader.
Requisitions Apothecaries, a healer unit.
Contains research to improve the Force Commander and Librarian
Info: Used to upgrade your commander units. Can also build Librarian and

Name: Thermo Plasma Generator

Cost: 495/0
Requirements: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Units: None
Research: None
Generates the Power resource at a higher rate than Plasma Generators.
Can only be built on top of Slag Deposits.
Thermo Plasma Generators are volatile and will damage anything nearby they are
Projects a Control Area, around itself, allowing other buildings to be built
near it.
Info: Increases Power resource by 40. It also gives an instant 100 power

Name: Heavy Bolter Turret
Cost: 150/75
Requirements: None
Units: None
Research: Missile Turret Upgrade Add-on
Emplaced turret equipped with twin-linked Heavy Bolters.
Effective against infantry units.
Can be replace its default weapons with anti-vehicle weapons.
Info: Just like it says, twin Heavy Bolters which can really tear up

Name: Mine Field
Cost: 50/50
Requirements: None
Units: None
Research: None
Mine Fields contain mines that will explode when enemy units pass over them.
Mine Fields cannot be seen by most enemy units.
Once detected, enemies can attack and destroy Mine Fields.
After enough mines triggered the Mine Field will be destroyed.
Commanders and Squad Leaders can detect Mine Fields.
Info: Quite cheap but if the enemy has squad leaders it is just a delay

Name: Orbital Relay
Cost: 250/500
Requirements: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on) (Limit 1)
Units: Space Marine Squad, Dreadnaught, Hellfire Dreadnaught, (All
units built at Orbital Relay can Deep Strike instantly)
Research: Missile Turret Upgrade Add-on
Provides access to the Space Marines' most powerful units and abilities.
Allows the use of Deep Striking Terminator Squads and Orbital Bombardment
Produces drop pod squads of Space Marines and Dreadnaughts that can be dropped
directly into a battle from orbit.
Info: Can drop any unit anywhere on the visible map. It also allows you to
build the Space Marine's strongest units. It also allows the Force Commander to
use his Orbital Bombardment ability. It can hold 6 units (Vehicles count as 2).

5.00 Upgrades (Upgds)

Name: Squad Cap Increase
Cost: 150/0
Researched at: Stronghold
Effects: Squad Cap

Increases the number of infantry squads you can have by increasing your squad
Squad Cap determines how many infantry squads you can deploy.
Info: Increases squad cap by 5. You can research this 4 times total.

Name: Vehicle Cap Increase
Cost: 125/0
Researched at: Stronghold
Effects: Vehicle Cap
Increases the number of vehicles you can have by increasing your Vehicle Cap.
Vehicle Cap determines how many vehicles you can deploy.
Info: Increases vehicle cap by 5. You can research this 4 times total.

Name: Scout Infiltration Research
Cost: 25/15
Researched at: Stronghold
Effects: Scout Squads
Allows the Scouts to use the Infiltration ability.
When active, Infiltrating units are invisible to most units.
Infiltrated units cannot attack until infiltration is turned off.
Info: Scouts become invisible. You cannot attack while infiltration is on.
Good for hit and run attacks.

Name: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Cost: 250/100
Researched at: Stronghold
Effects: Stronghold
Requires: Chapel-Barracks, Armory
Upgrades the Stronghold to a Monastery.
Monastery allows the production of more advance units and abilities, like
vehicles and Commander abilities.

Name: Heavy Weapon Increase
Cost: 75/75
Researched at: Armory
Effects: Space Marine Squad, Scout Squad
Requires: None
Upgrades maximum number of heavy weapons Space Marine squads can carry.
Info: Allows Space Marine Squads and Scout Squads to carry a max of 4
weapons (Instead of 2).

Name: Wargear: Target Finders
Cost: 100/50
Researched at: Armory
Effects: All Squads
Requires: None
Equips all Space Marine squads with Target Finder Wargear.
Improves ranged weapon accuracy for Space Marine squads.
Upgrade translates to all Space Marine ranged weapon upgrades
First of two possible upgrades
Info: Upgrades weapon accuracy for all weapons, including heavy weapons.

Name: Wargear: Enhanced Target Finders
Cost: 150/100
Researched at: Armory
Effects: All Squads
Requires: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Equips all Space Marine squads with Target Finder Wargear.
Improves ranged weapon accuracy for Space Marine squads.
Upgrade translates to all Space Marine ranged weapon upgrades
Second of two possible upgrades
Info: Upgrades weapon accuracy for all weapons, including heavy weapons.

Name: Wargear: Bionics Level 1
Cost: 100/50
Researched at: Armory
Effects: All Squads
Requires: None
Equips all Space Marine squads with Bionics Wargear.
Increases maximum health of Space Marine, Assault Marines, and Scouts.
First of two possible upgrades.
Info: Increases health of all squads.

Name: Wargear: Bionics Level 2
Cost: 150/100
Researched at: Armory
Effects: All Squads
Requires: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Equips all Space Marine squads with Bionics Wargear.
Increases maximum health of Space Marine, Assault Marines, and Scouts.
First of two possible upgrades.
Info: Increases health of all squads.

Name: Wargear: Power Sword
Cost: 65/25
Researched at: Armory
Effects: Sergeants
Requires: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Equips all Sergeants with Power Swords, powerful close combat weapons.
Power Swords ignore armor, making them very effective against heavy infantry.
Info: Not much use for Space Marine squad, but good if your using Assault

Name: Wargear: Power Fist
Cost: 75/40
Researched at: Armory
Effects: Sergeants
Requires: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Equips all Sergeants with Power Fists, powerful close combat weapons.
Power Fists ignore armor and greatly increase the user's strength.
Power Fists are effective against most unit types, including vehicles, infantry,
and heavy infantry.

Name: Plasma Pistols
Cost: 60/35
Researched at: Stronghold
Effects: Force Commander, Librarian, Sergeants
Requires: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Equips the Force Commander, Librarian, and all Sergeants with Plasma Pistols.
Plasma Pistols are effective against heavy infantry.
Info: Fairly cheap upgrade that is good to get if your fighting Space
Marines or Chaos.

Name: Wargear: Frag Grenades
Cost: 25/75
Researched at: Chapel-Barracks
Effects: Space Marine Squads
Requires: Armory
Equips Space Marines squads with Frag Grenade Wargear.
Frag Grenades damage and stun enemy squads they impact with.
Info: I personally don't use them much, so I do not have any info about

Name: Melta Bombs
Cost: 50/100
Researched at: Chapel-Barracks
Effects: Assault Marines
Requires: Armory
Equips Assault Marines with Melta Bombs.
Melta Bombs are effective against vehicles and buildings.
Info: I like these. They deal a large amount of damage to vehicles and
buildings. Good for killing Webway Gates or any vehicles.

Name: Wargear: Smoke Launchers
Cost: 75/25
Researched at: Machine Cult
Effects: Rhino Transport
Requires: None
Equips Rhinos with Smoke Launcher Wargear.
Smoke Launchers launch smoke grenades.
Any units within the effect radius of smoke grenades take less damage from
ranged weaponry.
Info: I personally don't use this upgrade. I personally just don’t like
the Rhinos.

Name: Commander Veteran Upgrade
Cost: 100/25
Researched at: Sacred Artifact
Effects: Force Commander, Librarian
Requires: None
Increases the maximum health and health recharge rate of the Force Commander and
Increases recharge rate of all abilities of the Force Commander and Librarian.
Increases the maximum damage dealt by the Force Commander and Librarian.
First of two possible upgrades.
Info: Increases health, damage, and ability recharge rate of both Force
Commander and Librarian.

Name: Inspiring Aura Research
Cost: 100/35
Researched at: Sacred Artifact
Effects: Force Commander
Requires: None
Gives Force Commander the Inspiring Aura ability.
This ability provides all infantry units near the Force Commander a damage
Once researched this ability is always active.
Info: Increases all damage of nearby infantry, a great ability.

Name: Word of the Emperor
Cost: 50/40
Researched at: Sacred Artifact
Effects: Librarian
Requires: None
Allows the Librarian to use the Word of the Emperor Ability.
When Word of the Emperor is activated no infantry unit near the Librarian will
fall in battle, unless the Librarian himself is killed.
Info: No infantry will die when the ability is activated, but they will
continue to take damage.

Name: Commander Hero Upgrade
Cost: 125/50
Researched at: Sacred Artifact
Effects: Force Commander, Librarian
Requires: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Increases the maximum health and health recharge rate of the Force Commander and
Increases recharge rate of all abilities of the Force Commander and Librarian.
Increases the maximum damage dealt by the Force Commander and Librarian.
First of two possible upgrades.
Info: Increases health, damage, and ability recharge rate of both Force
Commander and Librarian.

Name: Warcry
Cost: 150/75
Researched at: Sacred Artifact
Effects: Force Commander
Requires: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Gives the Force Commander the Battlecry ability.
When Battlecry is triggered, all infantry units near the Force Commander receive
a damage bonus, and a boost in their moral.
Info: Who doesn't like a bonus in damage? I like this ability.

Name: Weaken Resolve
Cost: 40/50
Researched at: Sacred Artifact
Effects: Librarian
Requires: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Allows Librarian to use the Weaken Resolve Ability.
Weaken Resolve greatly reduces the morale recovery rate of the affected enemy
Info: Basically eliminates morale recovery

Name: Wargear: Personal Teleporters
Cost: 75/125
Researched at: Orbital Relay
Effects: Terminator Squads
Requires: None
Equips Terminators with Personal Teleporters.
Allows Terminators to teleport short distances, even over impassable terrain.
Info: Works like the Assault Marine's Jump ability. The differance is that
it takes a second to start the ability then is instantly teleported, then waits
a second or two before it can do any actions.

Name: Escalate Engagement Research
Cost: 75/250
Researched at: Listening Post
Effects: Requisition Resource
Requires: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Provides global bonus to Requisition resource production rates.
Perform this research if you have excess of Power but not enough Requisition.
First of two possible upgrades.
Info: Increases requisition by 3 points per listening post I belive.

Name: Full Scale War Research
Cost: 100/350
Researched at: Listening Post
Effects: Requisition Resource
Requires: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Provides global bonus to Requisition resource production rates.
Perform this research if you have excess of Power but not enough Requisition.
First of two possible upgrades.
Info: Increases requisition by 6 points per listening post I belive.

Name: Strengthen Electrical Grid
Cost: 200/40
Researched at: Plasma Generator
Effects: Power Resource
Requires: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Provides a global bons to Power resource production rates.
Perform this research if you have an excess of Requisition but not enough Power
First of two possible upgrades
Info: Increases power output by 30%

Name: Plasma Battery Storage Research
Cost: 350/0
Researched at: Plasma Generator
Effects: Power Resource
Requires: Fortress Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Provides a global bons to Power resource production rates.
Perform this research if you have an excess of Requisition but not enough Power
First of two possible upgrades
Info: Increases power output by 60%

Name: Fortified Position Add-on
Cost: 100/75
Researched at: Listening Post
Effects: Listening Post
Requires: None
Fortify this Strategic Point
Fortified Positions produce the Requisition resource at a higher rate (+6).
Fortified Positions are tougher, and are equipped with a turrted weapon
effective against infantry and heavy infantry
Info: Increases health of the Listening Post. It's a weak version of the
Heavy Bolter.

Name: Heavily Foritified Position Add-on
Cost: 450/150
Researched at: Listening Post
Effects: Listening Post
Requires: Fortified Position Add-on
Heavily fortify this Strategic Point.
Heavily Fortified Positions produce the Requisition resource at a higher rate
Heavily Fortified Positions are tougher, and are equipped with an upgraded
turreted weapon effective against infantry and heavy infantry.
Info: Increases health to 5000 and equips the building with a more
powerfull Heavy Bolter.

Name: Missile Turret Upgrade Add-on
Cost: 50/0
Researched at: Heavy Bolter Turret
Effects: Heavy Bolter Turret
Requires: Monastery (HQ Add-on)
Permanently replaces the weapon on this turret with twin-linked Missile
Launchers. Missile Launchers are effective against vehicles.
Info: Equips the Heavy Bolter turret with 2 accurate Missile Launchers,
while sacrificing it's Heavy Bolters.

6.00 Versions

1.00 Just put on GameFAQs

7.00 Credits and Thanks

Relic for creating another GREAT game
Warhammer 40,000 for a great universe
ME! For making this
CJayC for a great site

8.00 FAQs

None yet.
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Engl. FAQ

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