

16.10.2013 17:17:52
Tactics Guide
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Crimsonland (PC)
Tactics Guide
Composed by Throbulator/Firebert20
Table of Contents
A Introduction

B Specifics
3-Power Ups

C Additional and Tech
3-Console Commands
4-Frequently Asked Questions

D Last Bits
2-Contact Information
4-Copyright and Legal Stuffs


*^Testing of All Standard ASCII Text^*

This Tactics Guide contains the specifics, pros, and cons of each weapon, power
up, and perk. It contains techniques and combinations of weapons and perks
to help get higher scores. I have also added an enemies section where you
can learn about the enemies in the game. This is my first guide ever written
and I'd like to say I've worked very hard on it.

A.2 Basics-
There are clear differences between the weapons in this game. There
are the medium, automatics, splash, fire, cutters, and special. Automatics
Obviously are made for quick spray shots at enemies. Splash is for huge clumps
of enemies, and being able to hurt all of them with one shot.
The fire weapons are close range and slowly melt away at the bodies of enemies.
Cutter weapons have bullets that can go straight through enemies and hit
multiple amounts. The special weapons have their own unique ways of destroying
enemies. Medium weapons are things that have just normal straightforward shots.

There are also Secondary types like Normal, Ion, Plasma, Miniguns,
and Shotguns.


1.00-First Fully Complete Version of my Guide submitted...
1.01-Quick Learner perk added, Added more legal stuffs, layout redone and other
small things.
1.2-Website request for permission, website section added, someone emailed
and gave info (in credits), ascii art redone, enemy section added, added
console command section, and some little things

*Press Ctrl+F to search for certain words throughout the guide
B.1 The Weapons

Type: Medium
Secondary Type: Normal
Clip Size: 12
Reload Time: 1.2 sec
Fire Rate: 84 rpm
Unlock: None/Default
Shoots at a moderate speed with low power bullets. You always start with the
Pistol in the game except for Rush Mode, Typ'o'Shooter Mode and some levels in
Quest Mode. It's an okay gun to start with and to keep you alive for a bit,
but you'll need to grab another one quick because you won't last long with it.

-Assault Rifle-
Type: Automatic
Secondary Type: Normal
Clip Size: 25
Reload Time: 1.2 sec
Fire Rate: 512 rpm
Unlock: Beat 1.1 in Quest
Shoots at a fast speed but poor accuracy. This gun is not too good, may be okay
for a while but you'll need one for the harder levels. Eventually over time
the enemies will come in too fast and powerful because this gun is too weak
to defend that kind of mass but it's better than the Submachine gun. You will
always start with this weapon in Rush Mode, and you cannot get another one.

Type: Medium
Secondary Type: Shotgun
Clip Size: 12
Reload Time: 1.9 sec
Fire Rate: 70 rpm
Unlock: Beat 1.2 in Quest
Shotgun weapons have many bullets spray out with one press of a button. Its
very powerful if all the bullets impact an enemy at close range. Decent
weapon, but not very good if there are fast enemies approaching, but it hurts
a lot of enemies in an area. Quite a nice weapon. It is extremely effective
if you get the Fire Bullets power up, because all of your shots will have
stream of fire after it turning it to a cutter weapon temporarily. You will
always start with this weapon in Typ'o'Shooter Mode, and you cannot get
another one.

-Sawed-Off Shotgun-
Type: Medium
Secondary Type: Shotgun
Clip Size: 12
Reload Time: 1.9 sec
Fire Rate: 68 rpm
Unlock: Beat 2.8 in Quest
Another Shotgun. You could say that this is just an improved version of the
Shotgun because the bullet spread is much wider than the original. Same goes
for this wep.

Type: Medium/Automatic
Secondary Type: Shotgun
Clip Size: 16
Reload Time: 3.0 sec
Fire Rate: 428 rpm
Unlock: Beat 3.10 in Quest
This Shotgun weapon is an automatic version of a shotgun. It shoots at an
extremely high speed. This is definitely one of the top guns and one of my
favorite weapons. The reload time will slow you're killing rate down since it
is fairly long so you'll need to get some perks to fix that.

-Submachine Gun-
Type: Automatic
Secondary Type: Normal
Clip Size: 30
Reload Time: 1.2 sec
Fire Rate: 680 rpm
Unlock: Beat 1.6 in Quest
This gun is extremely weak, but quite fast fire rate. It has the 3rd fastest
fire rate in the game, but it's extremely inaccurate. You don't have really
any power behind this weapon. Best thing is to wait for another weapon and
stall, or enhance any perks that would help your bullets (like poison bullets).

^The Submachine Gun is one of Tero Alato's favorite weapons... for who knows
what. Maybe there's a secret behind it???

Type: Fire
Secondary Type: None
Clip Size: 30
Reload Time: 2.0 sec
Fire Rate: Constant
Unlock: Beat 1.4 in Quest
One of the Fire weapons which is far more powerful than the other. The fire
weapons do not shoot, they have to be used at close range to do damage. A lot
of enemies can easily over come the flamethrower's power just by moving in
fast. You can get the Pyromaniac perk to increase the fire power greatly. But
the best thing this weapon really is for is just to play around. Not a good
weapons if you're looking for a high score. And if there are really strong
enemies, it will take very long to destroy it (maybe about 2 reloads), but
you will notice that it has a lot of ammo before you reload.

-Plasma Rifle-
Type: Medium
Secondary Type: Plasma
Clip Size: 20
Reload Time: 1.2 sec
Fire Rate: 206 rpm
Unlock: Beat 2.2 in Quest
This Rifle shoots one accurate and decently powerful shot at an enemy. It's an
ok weapon to play with. But many enemies can easily bring down someone with a
Plasma Rifle. The fire rate is too slow, and it only hits one enemy. Get a
better weapon is what I'd say to do. It's just an enhanced version of the
pistol with more power and a little more fire rate. Rifles aren't recommended
for long.

Type: Medium
Secondary Type: Plasma
Clip Size: 8
Reload Time: 1.4 sec
Fire Rate: 96 rpm
Unlock: Beat 3.2 in Quest
The MultiPlasma has the same power as the Plasma Rifle but it has 5 bullets
bursting out of it. You shoot 3 Plasma Rifle Shots, and 2 lesser powerful
shots with one press of a button. Better than the regular Plasma Rifle. This
is probably still not that good of a weapon because of the fire rate.

-Plasma Minigun-
Type: Automatic
Secondary Type: Minigun
Clip Size: 30
Reload Time: 1.3 sec
Fire Rate: 545 rpm
Unlock: Beat 2.10 in Quest
This is like a more powerful version of the assault rifle. It has a pretty good
punch behind it's bullets. Automatics are fun to use, but not the best at all.
They lack power, and adding plasma is still not good enough for the more
powerful enemies. This is decent to use and you may get by with this, but
automatics are not recommended for high scores (some exceptions).

-Gauss Gun-
Type: Cutter
Secondary Type: Normal
Clip Size: 5
Reload Time: 1.6 sec
Fire Rate: 99 rpm
Unlock: Beat 1.8 in Quest
This weapon is good for lining up many enemies and killing them all with one
bullet. It's one of the better weapons. Fire Bullets won't help with cutter
weapons. Just keep constantly firing around the map with this weapon and
you'll kill 3 or more enemies per shot. You'll last quite long with this
weapon and get high scores. Very nice.

-Rocket Launcher-
Type: Splash
Secondary Type: Normal
Clip Size: 5
Reload Time: 1.2 sec
Fire Rate: 80 rpm
Unlock: Beat 1.10 in Quest
Since this weapon shoots at a decent speed and has quite a large splash area,
this is also a nice weapon. It kills enemies by the masses, but the clip size
could need a little more since you will have to reload faster. Get some perks
to enhance the reloading and fire rate.

-Seeker Rockets-
Type: Splash/Special
Secondary Type: Normal
Clip Size: 8
Reload Time: 1.2 sec
Fire Rate: 125 rpm
Unlock: Beat 3.4 in Quest
This weapon is pretty bad. The rockets that you shoot home on enemies and do
the aiming for you, but the splash is weaker than the original Rocket Launcher.
The homing can barely hit anything and isn't really helpful. The Fire Rate
is increased and allows you to surround yourself in rockets. When more powerful
enemies move in the game, this weapon will not be able to stop them from
coming because they are not strong enough. There will eventually be too many
enemies for this gun to handle and the splash will not be enough.

-Mean Minigun-
Type: Automatic
Secondary Type: Minigun
Clip Size: 120
Reload Time: 4.0 sec
Fire Rate: 666 rpm
Unlock: Beat 2.6 in Quest
This weapon is pretty much good and bad. It has good power behind it's bullets
and shoots extremely fast, but the weapon is time consuming. The reload is
4 seconds and you will wish that you had used the shots more sparingly. The
reload is way to long period. Get some perks to reduce the time. Also, when
you have the Mean Minigun, your character will move a lot slower and you are
vulnerable to fast moving units. They will surround you sooner or later.
It's just a nice gun to play around with but when you reload and you are trying
to run, the enemies will eat you from the inside out. Also, the clip size is
huge if you didn't notice, but reloading will still be a large problem.

-Plasma Shotgun-
Type: Medium
Secondary Type: Shotgun/Plasma
Clip Size: 8
Reload Time: 3.1 sec
Fire Rate: 125 rpm
Unlock: Beat 4.4 in Quest
Good Weapon. The shots are extremely powerful and many shots come out with
one click of a button. With the Fire Bullets power up, you'll dominate
everything off the map. The reload time is long and you'll need something to
defend yourself during that time but it's worth it. Clip size could be
expanded so get perks. You'll get points fast with this if you use it right.

-Blow Torch-
Type: Fire
Secondary Type: None
Clip Size: 30
Reload Time: 1.5 sec
Fire Rate: Constant
Unlock: Beat 2.6 in Quest
I can't explain how horrible this weapon is. It has the shortest range ever and
is extremely weak. The clip size may be big and it can fire constantly, but it
doesn't matter because there's no power behind it. It takes forever just to
kill 5 enemies and quick maneuvering. Not a useful weapon at all and you'll die
quickly. I'd just suggest to use it for fun. Don't pick this weapon up, you're
better off with a pistol.

-Mini-Rocket Swarmers-
Type: Splash/Special
Secondary Type: Normal
Clip Size: 4
Reload Time: 1.8
Fire Rate: 33 rpm sec
Unlock: Beat 4.6 in Quest
This rocket launcher is just like a Seeker Rocket shotgun but bad. You shoot
all 4 of the rockets in your clip with one shot and you'll have to reload. They
home a little better and the splash is still not that great. You'll have to
keep constantly reloading over and over. This isn't that great of a weapon and
you'll hate the mass reloading. You won't last long with this. The only thing
that will help you with this is perks but not that much.

-Rocket Minigun-
Type: Splash/Automatic
Secondary Type: Minigun
Clip Size: 16
Reload Time: 1.8 sec
Fire Rate: 500 rpm
Unlock: Beat 3.8 in Quest
This is a small rapid fire rocket shooter. You may think that this weapon will
be the ultimate one, but in fact, it's quite bad. The rockets that it shoots
out are pitifully small and do small damage and BARELY any splash at all. The
clip size of 16 will make you reload several times. The rockets are just weak,
fire rate does not make up for it, clip size is small and makes you reload.
This wep will not help you survive if fast enemies and lots of enemies are

-Pulse Gun-
Type: Automatic/Special
Secondary Type: Normal
Clip Size: 16
Reload Time: 0.1 sec (or none)
Fire Rate: 599 rpm
Unlock: Beat 4.2 in Quest
Such a short reloading time? Yes, and it will help you in a little trick
that is told later in the Technique section of the guide. Now, all you have
to do is just hold down the fire button the whole time and it will stream out
waves of pulse energy like crazy. The fire rate is fast as well, but are the
pulse waves strong? Not a bit at all. If you use this gun, you'll notice that
it will push back Alien Bases and units. The shots are too weak to do any real
damage but it's a pretty good weapon all together. Imagine what you can do with
fire bullets and this weapon...

-Ion Rifle-
Type: Medium/Splash
Secondary Type: Ion
Clip Size: 8
Reload Time: 1.4 sec
Fire Rate: 149 rpm
Unlock: Beat 2.4 in Quest
This weapon has everything good but not great. The splash of the ion is
powerful, the reload time isn't a bother, the fire rate is fine, and the clip
size is fine. Everything is looking good for this weapon but nothing terrible
good. The best thing about it is the Ion splash effect because it's so
powerful and hits quite a wide range of enemies around one. Good weapon and
it will keep you alive for some time.

-Ion Minigun-
Type: Automatic/Splash
Secondary Type: Ion/Minigun
Clip Size: 20
Reload Time: 1.3 sec
Fire Rate: 545 rpm
Unlock: Beat 4.8 in Quest
Very fast shooting version of the Ion Rifle but with weaker splash and power.
The splash is small but still helpful. The reload time is fast enough to keep
firing but for some reason this just won't cut it for the harder enemies. The
clip size will eventually be too small when more enemies come in and you'll
wish you had more.

-Ion Cannon-
Type: Splash
Secondary Type: Ion
Clip Size: 3
Reload Time: 3.0 sec
Fire Rate: 60 rpm
Unlock: Beat 4.10 in Quest
Probably one of the best weapons in the game. The splash is incredibly huge and
powerful. Clumps of enemies are just annihilated in one sweep. Small clip size,
slow reload time, and low fire rate? How can it be good? The massive damage
makes up for all of that. You can practically take out almost the whole map
withjust those 3 shots in the clip. They won't even get close to you because
everything is dead when you're reloading. You'll definitely need this to get
some serious killing done.

-Plasma Cannon-
Type: Splash/Special
Secondary Type: Plasma
Clip Size: 3
Reload Time: 2.7 sec
Fire Rate: 66 rpm
Unlock: Beat 5.10 in Quest
Well it has faster fire rate and reload time... and it is unlocked on the last
level of the game. Obviously it must be better than the Ion Cannon. Right?
Wrong. The Plasma Cannon has splash, but no where near as powerful and huge as
the Ion Cannon. This weapon is not that impressive at all. The only thing that
makes this weapon a special type is when you shoot at an enemy and it hits,
small fire shots will spread out on the map like the Fire Blast power up.
It's an okay weapon... but you'll probably expect more power from it.

-Gauss Shotgun-
Type: Cutter
Secondary Type: Shotgun
Clip Size: 4
Reload Time: 2.1 sec
Fire Rate: 57 rpm
Unlock: Beat 5.4 in Quest
This is probably one of the most beastly weapons in the game. Many bullets fly
out with one shot and cut through units killing them in one hit. It's a gauss
gun, but shotgun style. The small clip size doesn't matter. You'll wipe out
masses of enemies with this. Great weapon to survive and get lots of points.

-Ion Shotgun-
Type: Splash
Secondary Type: Ion/Shotgun
Clip Size: 8
Reload Time: 1.9 sec
Fire Rate: 70 rpm
Unlock: Beat 5.1 in Quest
Decent weapon. Shoots out plenty of ion bullets with one shot that have medium
area of splash damage. The splash helps, but it isn't too powerful. You'll like
this gun for a while and if you're good, you can last pretty long with it.
The damage of it is just okay. Nothing too special and nothing too bad. Just
good enough for awhile.

-Splitter Gun-
Type: Special
Secondary Type: Normal
Clip Size: 8
Reload Time: 2.2 sec
Fire Rate: 85 rpm
Unlock: Beat 5.10 on Hardcore in Quest
Very unique weapon. This is how it works... If you shoot one enemy and hit it,
2 shots will come out of it, if those hit guys, 2 shots will come out of them
and it will keep bouncing all over the place. It's really good if a bunch of
enemies are around eachother and you shoot one bullet and they all die. But
since the bullets bounce around a lot, they might hit you. This is the only
weapon that's bullet hurts you. It's dangerous but powerful.

So we've pretty much covered all the specifics, pros, and cons of every weapon
in the game.

B.2 The Perks

Manual Description of Perks:
"When you gain enough experience to gain an experience level You are entitled
to one (1) perk. You can select the perk by clicking the "Level Up" sign on
the top right corner of the screen or by pressing the space bar or assigned
control for "Level Up" action (right mouse button as default).

In two-player game the both players have "shared perks". That is, you only
pick the perks for player 1 and player 2 gains the same perks automatically.
Some of the perks are disabled in two player game for they don't really fit in
to the two-player-game nature. For example Grim Deal perk is disabled."

Well to simplify it... you gain levels by getting experience points. You get
points by killing guys. When you gain a level, you have a chance to pick one
perk. A perk is like a special technique you get, like to run faster or shoot

Here is a chart explaining how experience and leveling works:
This table shows how much experience is required for each level

Level Exp required Level Exp required Level Exp required
2 2000 16 131907 30 429860
3 4482 17 148033 31 456846
4 8224 18 164986 32 484560
5 13125 19 182756 33 512999
6 19119 20 201334 34 542159
7 26157 21 220712 35 572034
8 34202 22 240880 36 602620
9 43224 23 261831 37 633913
10 53195 24 283559 38 665910
11 64095 25 306056 39 698606
12 75904 26 329315 40 731998
13 88604 27 353331 41 766081
14 102180 28 378098 42 800854
15 116619 29 403609 43 836311

If you want to know more of the other levels, the formula is:
1000 * (1 + level^1.8)

The manual description will be given underneath each perk name and I will give
additional information underneath that.

Alternate Weapon
"Ever fancied about having two weapons available for use? This might be your
lucky day; with this perk you'll get an extra weapon slot for another gun!
Carrying around two guns slows you down slightly though. (You can switch the
weapon slots with RELOAD key)"

This isn't really worth getting because you might just like one gun better and
you're just slowing down your running speed carrying another one around. You
may like it in some situations but not really helpful

Ammo Maniac
"You squeeze and you push and you pack your clips with about 20% more ammo than
a regular fellow. They call you Ammo Maniac with a deep respect in their

This is a pretty good perk to up your ammo. But if you have low ammo, all
you're probably gonna get with this is one more bullet in your ammo. But if
you have say... a Mean Minigun, you're gonna get a hell lot of bullets.

Ammunition Within
"Empty clip doesn't prevent you from shooting with a weapon; instead the
ammunition is drawn from your health while you are reloading."

Well this perk is practically stupid. You're just killing yourself. You might
as well just be getting eaten by enemies. I never get this perk, unless you're
just looking for some fun in the game.

Anxious Loader
"When you can't stand waiting your gun to be reloaded you can speed up the
process by clicking your FIRE button repeatedly as fast as you can."

I rarely ever get this perk. But if you're really good at pressing button fast,
then this is the perk for you. It can help speed the reload time a lot and
helps. This might fit your need in the game if you have a slow reloading gun...
Might as well click like a mad man while you're just sitting there waiting for
it to reload.

Barrel Greaser
"After studying a lot of physics and friction you've come up with a way to
make your bullets fly faster. More speed, more damage."

This is a good perk for any weapon. More damage and faster flying bullets...
May I say more?

Bloody Mess
"More the merrier. More blood guarantees a 30% better experience. You spill
more blood and gain more experience points."

I usually get this perk to get more levels faster. It's good and you should get
it most of the time if you're an experience hungry maniac. It helps you get
more perks, so why not get it?

Bonus Economist
"Your bonus power-ups last 50% longer than they normally would."

That means that Shield, Freeze, Speed, Double Experience, Weapon Power up, Fire
Bullets, and Energize last 50% longer. This is defiantly good with shield and
freeze and everything else to keep you powerful for longer. A good perk to get.

Bonus Magnet
"You somehow seem to lure all kinds of bonuses to appear around you more often."

Excellent perk combined with Telekinesis. You have many power ups pop up on
the field for you to grab. Bonus Economist and Telekinesis with this is a
powerful combo.

Breathing Room
"Trade 2/3rds of your health for the killing of every single creature on the
screen. No, you don't get the experience."

I never use this perk and I advise you not to unless you have
Greater/Regeneration. But if you really need to, then do it. But if it's that
big of an emergency, more enemies will probably come in right after you wipe
them off the map. Not very good.

"With a single glance you can tell the medical condition of, well, anything.
Also, being a doctor, you know exactly what hurts the most enabling you to do
slightly more damage with your attacks."

This probably isn't one of the better perks. You may want this to see if that
single beastly alien enemy will last any longer while you're shooting him. I
only get this for the slightly more damage part. It's not a wonderful perk, so
don't expect anything great from it.

"It seems so stupid just to take the hits. Each time a monster attacks you have
a chance to dodge the attack."

Well dodging attacks does seem good. But you won't dodge much with this. It's
an ok perk to help you feel more confident about being safe. I get this
sometimes but not all the time.

Evil Eyes
"No living (nor dead) can resist the hypnotic power of your eyes: monsters
freeze still as you look at them."

It's description makes it sound very good, but in fact doesn't work
effectively. It doesn't work the way you would think. They mean by looking at
them, you have to place your aimer at them. You might like it, but I only pick
it if there's nothing better to get.

"Man, you sure know how to load a gun."

Fast reloading period. You'll need this for a long reloading gun like a Mean
Minigun or an Ion Cannon. It's needed a lot for those kinds of guns and I
always get it.

"Funny how you make your gun spit bullets faster than the next guy. Even the
most professional of engineers are astonished."

Faster Fire Rate. Increases the fire rate of a gun like the Pulse Gun to a new
kind of fire rate. You'll want this for an Ion Cannon or something else that
you want to shoot faster. I get this a lot also.

Fatal Lottery
"Fifty-fifty chance of dying OR gaining 10k experience points. Place your bets.
Interested, anyone?


By Multipickable, they mean that if you survive the first time using the perk,
you can get it again. I just use this if I feel like gambling for some fun. If
you die, you feel really stupid. But if you win, you feel like you can do it
again and again without dying. The points aren't really worth it, but you can
do it for fun.

Final Revenge
"Pick this and you'll get your revenge. It's a promise."

The description is vague... Well the only thing that I think this does is
when you die, all the enemies on the map die also insuring your
revenge for them killing you. That's basically it. I don't pick this really.
I only do if there's nothing better.

Greater Regeneration
"Your health replenishes faster than ever.

Requires: Regeneration"

The regeneration perks are vital to your mission of survival. Get them as soon
as possible because they are the only thing that can heal you (besides the
medikits which don't appear often). I always get these when I can. You'll need
to get the Regeneration Perk to get this before this one. This is obviously
a better version of Regeneration.

Grim Deal
"I'll make you a deal: I'll give you 18% more experience points, and you'll
give me your life. So you'll die but score higher. Ponder that one for a sec."

...This is just plain stupid. I wouldn't do this if I had full life. Only do
this if you have almost no life and this guy is right next to you about to
smack you dead. It's that simple.

"You are immortal. Well, almost immortal. Instead of actually losing health on
attacks you've got a 10% chance of just dropping dead whenever a monster
attacks you. There really can be only one, you know."

You may feel safe with this, but I'd just rather get the Dodger/Ninja perk
instead. The 10% could mean your doom. It's too much of a risk for me.

Hot Tempered
"It literally boils inside you. That's exactly why you need to let it out
once in a while, unfortunately for those near you."

I get this occasionally. Fire blasts come out of you like the Fire Blast
power up at random times. It's just something to help fight off enemies.

Infernal Contract
"In exchange for your soul, a dark stranger is offering you three (3) new
perks. To collect his part of the bargain soon enough, your health is reduced
to a near-death status. Just sign down here below this pentagram.."

I get this when I have really low life and desperate for a better perk, or when
I just feel like almost killing myself for no reason. When getting this, aim
for the better perks like Telekinesis, Regeneration, and Ninja. Only get what
is vital.

Instant Winner
"2500 experience points. Right away. Take it or leave it.


You get more experience so you can get another perk. Good right? If there's
nothing good, get this and you're a step closer to getting another perk that
could be good.

"Things happen near you. Strangest things. Creatures just drop dead and
accidents happen. Beware."

The description is very vague. Not a very good thing to get because I really
don't notice anything different if you get this perk. It's pretty stupid.

Lean Mean Exp Machine
"Why kill for experience when you can make some of your own for free! With
this perk the experience just keeps flowing in at a constant rate."

The experience flow is kind of slow but you get some. You can get this if you
just want experience fast. Get this with something like Bloody Mess and you'll
have a new level in no time.

Long Distance Runner
"You move like a train that has feet and runs. You just need a little time to
warm up. In other words you'll move faster the longer you run without

This perk is very good. My strategy is usually to run around the whole map
around the enemies, and running faster helps a lot. Enemies like lizards can
come in quick and this will help you run from them and gun their heads of.

Monster Vision
"With your newly enhanced senses you can see all bad energy VERY clearly.
That's got to be enough."

The Monster Vision perk basically just puts a bright yellow shine around
every enemy so you can see them clearer. You'd need this if you have
a hard time seeing enemies through all the dead bodies and blood on the
ground. It's also useful for a level in Quest where you have to kill
invisible enemies which you can only see with Monster Vision.

Mr. Melee
"You master the art of melee fighting. You don't just stand still when
monsters come near -- you hit back. Hard."

I get this occasionally with other perks that help me melee fight.
It's okay to get if you've got no other better perks.

"You've taken your dodging abilities to the next level; monsters have really
hard time hitting you.

Requires: Dodger"

This is a wonderful perk. Even if guys get close to you and hit you, you have a
good chance to receive no damage at all. You feel like you'll never die when
you get this perk.

Perk Expert
"You sure know how to pick a perk -- most people just don't see that extra perk
laying around. This gives you the opportunity to pick the freshest and
shiniest perks from the top."

If I really want better perks then they give me, I'll get this. You have a
better chance to get the perks that you want.

Perk Master
"Being the Perk Expert taught you a few things and now you are ready to take
your training to the next level doubling the ability effect.

Requires: Perk Expert"

Same as Perk Expert, just with more chances to get different perks.

"You carry a horrible disease. Good for you: you are immune. Bad for them: it
is contagious! (Monsters become resistant over time though.)"

This is an awesome perk. If there are enemies surrounding the whole map, get
one enemy to attack you. That enemy will turn a blackish color and it will go
touch an enemy of yours and that will go touch an enemy of yours. All of them
that are blackish will die. It's a huge chain of death. But it is only good
for a couple of times because they will no longer be affected by it.

Poison Bullets
"You tend to explicitly treat each of your bullets with rat poison. You do it
for good luck, but it seems to have other side effects too."

Get this with automatics so all the bullets you spray at the enemy poisen them.
Nice addition for more pain for the enemy.

"Bare aiming at creature causes them to heat up."

If you place your aimer on an enemy, they will start to burn. Just keep
hovering over units to burn them. I get this sometimes with automatics, because
while I'm spraying, I'm burning all the units that I'm aiming at.

"You just enjoy using fire as your Tool of Destruction and you're good at it
too; your fire based weapons do a lot more damage."

Never seen this perk? It's only available if you have the Flame Thrower or
Blow Torch being used. It adds some serious fire power behind these weapons,
but you still have to attack them close range. You'll still die even with this
helping the fire weapons.

"You are the Radioactive-man; you have that healthy green glow around you!
Others don't like it though, it makes them sick and nauseous whenever near
you. It does affect your social life a bit."

This is just like Plaguebearer, but it doesn't spread to others. They touch
you, and they slowly die. I get this sometimes for defense.

Random Weapon
"Here, have this weapon. No questions asked.


I only get this when I really hate the weapon I have and am willing to get any
other gun than it. You trade in the weapon you're using, and you get a random
one in return.

Reflex Boosted
"To you the world seems to go on about 10% slower than to an average person.
It can be rather irritating sometimes, but it does give you a chance to react

Everything is slower and it can be a bother but you can maneuver better around
enemies. I rarely get this though.

"Your health replenishes but very slowly. What more there is to say?"

A must get perk. This is the only way to heal you (besides medkits), and then
you can get Greater Regeneration which heals you like a beast.

Regression Bullets
"Attempt to shoot with an empty clip leads to a severe loss of experience. But
hey, whatever makes them go down, right?"

Well this is just another one of those self killing perks. If you have a
minigun and you have this and you're firing when you're reloading, you pretty
much just depleted all your experience and hopes of getting another level.
I never get this.

"Miraculously your aiming improves drastically, but you take a little bit more
time on actually firing the gun. If you order now, you also get a fancy LASER
SIGHT without ANY charge!"

This perk is excellent with the Assault Rifle and the Submachine gun or any
inaccurate weapon. All the shots will go in a straight line unlike normally
when it flies all over the place. Plus, the laser sight looks cool. But don't
get this for shotguns, because it's a waste.

"Picking up bonuses has never been so easy and FUN. You can pick up bonuses
simply by aiming at them for a while. Ingenious."

The top perk ever. Get this with bonus magnet and you'll constantly get power
ups. But it can be hard if you're moving and aiming at the same time, because
you have to keep your aimer on the power up. I get this anytime I can.

Thick Skinned
"Trade 1/3 of your health for only receiving 2/3rds damage on attacks."

Get this if you have full life, because the life you're left with takes the
same damage amount as what you'd have if you didn't take the perk. You should
have regeneration or some type of healing to get you back to a hundred and
you'll take a lot less damage. Great perk.

Toxic Avenger
"You started out just by being poisonous. The next logical step for you is to
become highly toxic -- the ULTIMATE TOXIC AVENGER. Most monsters touching you
will just drop dead within seconds!

Requires: Veins of Poison"

Awesome perk. Wait a while and the poison will be incredibly powerful and kill
anything instantly when they try to hit you. Stronger version of Veins of

"Monsters can't slow you down with their nasty scratches and bites. It still
hurts but you simply ignore the pain"

This plus Long Distance Runner helps you run through everything at high speed.
I get this sometimes. The perk means that when enemies attack you, you down
slow down in running speed. It doesn't mean your invincible -_-

Veins of Poison
"A strong poison runs through your veins. Monsters taking a bite of you are
eventually to experience an agonizing death."

Enemies take a bite of you and die slowly. Get this for some melee defense
against enemies if they are close to you. Try to upgrade to Toxic Avenger for
more power though.

Death Clock
"You die exactly in 30 seconds. You can't escape your destiny, you feel free
to go a spree. Tick, Tock."

Incase you didn't understand that, it means that you are invulnerable to ANY
damage for 30 seconds. But after that 30 seconds, you'll die automatically.
Once you choose it, you seal your own fate. This is only good for if you are
sure that you can complete a Quest in less than 30 seconds, or you have
extremely low life and you might as well use the best of it.

My Favourite Weapon
"You've grown very fond of your piece. You polish it all the time and talk a
nice to it, your precious. (+2 clip size, no more random weapon bonuses).

So you get plus to bullets in your clip/ammo eh? That's quite good. By random
weapon bonuses, they mean that no weapons will appear on the field any longer
after you pick this perk. The only way to get another one is to get the
Random Weapon perk for a totally new weapon. It's good for something that
needs ammo like an Ion Cannon or something with low clips.

"Here, eat this bandage and you'll feel a lot better in no time. (Restores up
to 50% health)."

Eat a bandage? Yes, eat a bandage. This heals a lot if you have half life. But
it says it heals 50% of the heal you currently have. So if you have the lowest
life you can get in the game and use a bandage, you just double the what you
have. So it doesn't help if you have low life. It depends where your life is
currently. This perk is also Multipickable.

Angry Reloader
"You hate it when you run out of shots. You HATE HATE HATE reloading your gun.
Luck for you, and strangely enough, your hate materializes as Might Balls of
Fire. Or more like Quite Decent Balls of Fire, but it's still kinda neat,

When you reload, a small version of the Fireblast power up is used. It's a
good perk, but extremely powerful if you use it with the right weapon. I will
explain it in the Technique section of the guide.

Ion Gun Master
"You're good wtih ion weapons. You're so good that not only your shots do
slightly more damage, but your ion blast radius is also increased."

This is a beast perk for Ion weapons. The Ion Rifle, Ion Minigun, and Ion
Shotgun splashes will be enhanced quite largely and do more damage! They make
all of those weapons that much better. The Ion Cannon?! The splash is going
to be the hugest ever, and the most powerful damage you've ever seen. Awesome

Stationary Reloader
"It's incredibly hard to reload your piece while moving around, you've
noticed. In fact, realizing that, when you don't move (a leg) muscle you can
reload the gun three times as fast!"

It means that when you are standing still in the game, your reload time is 3
times faster than it's originally supposed to reload. Put the Ion Cannon with
this, and you won't HAVE to move because you'll reload like a maniac and fire

Quick Learner (Added in 1.02...Credit to, ME!)
I do not have the manual description for this perk... sorry.

This perk is only available if you have turned Parental Lock On. It is the
same as Bloody Mess. That makes sense doesn't it? Now you can't have a
Bloody Mess if there's no blood, so they made this kiddy version called
Quick Learner. You still gain 30% from what you attack, not the blood. This
is an advantage because it's better than Bloody Mess.
B.3 Power Ups

Power Ups are... things that basically help you even more in the game. They
appear frequently in the game, but will appear more if you get the Bonus
Magnet Perk. Power ups usually appear where you just killed an enemy.

Here I will list each power up's manual description and tell additional
information underneath it.

Experience Point Upgrades
"Pick these power ups up to get free experience! The number on the powerup is
the number of bonus experience points you will receive."

There are two types of experience point upgrades. There is the 500 pts and the
1000 pts. Obviously the 1000 pts is more valuable. These can be important
through game play if you want some perks and need the points fast. I wouldn't
risk any of my life points for this though without a shield or enemies frozen.

Fire Blast
"Bursts out a ring of plasma bolts."

This isn't one of the better power ups in the game. It's not that great. It
doesn't do much damage and doesn't hit that many enemies.

Fire Bullets
"For a few seconds your gun spits blazing hot Fire Bullets that go through
stuff-- make them count!"

Use this power up a lot, because each shot will turn into powerful cutter
bullets like a gauss gun. But it's practically useless with weapons that are
already cutters.

"Ever wish the enemies would just stand still? It would make things so much
easier! Well with this gem of a power up they will. The enemies are frozen in
solid blocks of ice. Shoot away and get that experience!"

Freezing of enemies is good, but the time is short. They will only stay frozen
for a little, so get Bonus Economist to make it last longer. It gives you time
to shoot them down without trouble and rejuvenate.

"Have they cracked open your skull or torn off your left leg? Not to worry!
Pick this up and you get some of that precious health back instantly! There's
nothing a nice piece of bandage couldn't fix."

A Medikit probably isn't the best way to heal all your life back. They don't
appear on the map that much, so don't rely on them. These get some life back
instantly, but Regeneration perks are the better way to heal yourself.

"Problems with hordes of enemies? This nuke power up is the answer. It
destroys enemies within a radius of where you pick the power up at with an
amazing explosion of ATOMIC POWER!"

Very strong power up. It kills everything that is in the radius of the blast,
and the blast is big. This does not appear in 5.10 Hardcore in quest, so don't
wait for one.

Reflex Boost
"The Reflex Boost slows everything in the game down except for your movement.
Rate of fire, enemy movement and rate of gun loading are all affected. It's a
great power up when you need to distance yourself from the enemy."

Getting this perk makes you feel more relaxed, but it will run out eventually.
It just gives you time to dodge around enemies more quickly.

"With the Shield Power up you are invulnerable for a short period of time. Be
careful though, if the Shield goes away when you are in a horde of enemies you
may find your health depleting quickly."

I love the shield. With it, you can run through all the enemies in the whole
map and you wouldn't get hurt a bit. But still keep a distance and keep watch
of how long the shield will last. You might not even notice that it's gone.

Shock Chain
"Releases a powerful ion blast that targets to the nearest monster and jumps to
a new target at each successful hit forming, well, a Shock Chain! The only
thingy can't keep it up infinitely though, it discharges after some time.
It's fun while it lasts though!"

This is a good power up. It bounces off a lot of enemies, but you'll be mad
when it only hits 2 guys and misses the others. The shock kills the enemy
immediately when it hits one.

"Doubles your running speed for a short period of time."

You run so fast with this power up. You can go around the map dodging through
enemies like a maniac. It also lasts pretty long too.

Weapon Power up
"Boosts your current weapon by rising its fire rate for a while. Amazingly you
also reload your gun faster when this bonus is active."

Great perk. The fire rate and the reload time is a lot better and this power up
lasts long. Try to get this one sometimes.

Double Experience
"When this power up is active, you get double experience from killed monsters."

This power up only lasts for a short time but the double experience may be
worth it. No, it does not double the points of the 500 pts and the 1000 pts
power ups. If you have a nuke right next to you, this power up on, and
millions of enemies in the radius in the nuke blast, just imagine how many
points you'd get.


Now there is no manual description for this power up and you might have never
seen it. It's the rarest power up of all of them. It looks like a blocky white
circle. Once you get it, all the enemies will turn blue/purple and they will
run away from you for a while. You can actually run up to them and "eat" them
and they will die. Sound familiar? This power up was actually based off of
Pac Man. The white circle on the power up is the exact sprite of the one in
Pac Man. The enemies turnmblue like the ghosts in the game and you can eat
them. You might have run into this power up, and it's fun to use.

B.4 Fiends
The best way to deal with your enemies, is to know your enemy and think like
'em. Here we'll get into the freakish fiends in the game to take them down.

There are many different types of enemies: Aliens, spiders, zombies, lizards,
and more. You probably have noticed that enemies vary in size and color.
Not all enemies have different sizes and colors though.
Here are the effects of the color:
Red-Strong in defense and attacking, but gets low experience for killing
Blue-Most valuable for getting experience points
Green-You gain medium experience points for killing
Purple-Good gain of experience points for killing
Yellow-Weak in defense and attacking, but gets low experience for killing

Green and blue enemies only appear after you get to your 5th perk.

Now let's discuss the enemy types

Aliens are particularly annoying in the game. They are strong at some points
and do serious damage. They're movement is constant, they just keep walking
at a steady pace. Small Red Aliens are very dangerous because they run in
fast and do good damage.

Spiders can be annoying as well. They do not have the same movement type of
aliens. They pause movement and then travel a long distance then they
stop and then travel again. You may think they aren't close, but they'll
move in at one fluent motion and damage you.

Lizards (a.k.a NagoliPolis)
Lizards are very quick. They slither along at a constant pace and are
pretty strong and can swarm you in masses. Very dangerous, but they are weak
in defense. They are called NagoliPolis also because they are massed in the
chapter 5 mission "NagoliPoli".

The zombies are zombies. They walk at a constant pace like aliens, but not
as fast. They are probably the slowest moving enemies in the game and not
that much of a threat. You can survive against zombies if you just circle
and shoot around them many times.

The spideroids are like minibosses. They only appear in some levels in Quest.
They are huge spiders, and when you kille them, they spawn more spiders, and
when you kill them they spawn more spiders, and so on... The more the spiders
die and spawn, the smaller the spiders will be. You can kill these really
easy with an Ion Cannon or gun with big splash because it kills all of them
with one hit.

8-Legged Terrors
The 8-Legged Terrors don't actually have an official name... They first
starred in mission 1.10 which is entitled 8-Legged Terrors. Well, you
can say that the 8-Legged Terror looks like a big spider with black stripes
and a magnet for a head. It shoots out powerful shots from the magnet head
thingy which can deal good damage. The 8-Legged Terrors aren't all that easy
to kill though.

Red Spiders
The red spiders are special spiders which are obviously red and shoot out
green bolts at you at a fast speed. They appear in a number of levels
in quest mode and may appear in survival if you get far enough. These are
annoying if there are many because you'll have to dodge through, so get
a reflex booster while fighting them.

The Farms appear in some levels and they produce enemies. Like a
farm can produce spiders or lizards or something at a fast pace. If you kill
the farm, the enemies will stop producing from it. The farms look like some
kind of wierd core in the middle and strings wrapping and entanlging it. I
find it easy to kill many farms if you have a gauss gun or gauss shot gun.

I might have forgot some enemies, so tell me if you have more info on them.
C.1 Techniques

Well this is where you learn all the tricks and tactics to use in the game. The
combinations of weapons and perks. I tried not to give them away earlier in the
Guide and save them here. So here we go

Telekenisis+Ninja+Greater Regeneration
These three perks are of the most importance, and once you have all three in
activity, they will last you for a long time. With telekinesis, you can grab
any power ups easily to help you even further. With ninja, if enemies even get
close enough to you, they will most likely not even hit you. With Greater
Regeneration, you'll just heal it all back up real fast. It's that simple. Best
and simple perk combo ever.

Frozen Chain
This trick requires you to first freeze all the enemies on the map with getting
the freeze power up. Then get a Shock Chain power up quickly. The shock chain
should hit every single enemy that it gets to and will not miss one at all
until they become unfrozen. Be sure to get Bonus Economist to make the Freeze
last longer so the shock chain can do the most damage it can.

Ion Explosion, Shock Chain Style
This trick is using a shock chain power up to make an Ion Cannon like explosion
to kill enemies. Have a shield on. There must be a shock chain, and many many
enemies should be near it. Go through the enemies to get the shock chain. Since
all the enemies are so close to each other, the shock chain will hit every one
of them and kill them like an ion cannon blast and you'll see that it resembles
the look to one. You could also use telekinesis instead to get the power up
so you don't have to walk through.

Melee Master
This trick requires you too get all the melee involved perks. It's supposed to
kill every single enemy that touches you instantly.
Get the following perks:
Toxic Avenger
Veins of Poison

The Mr.Melee, Toxic Avenger/Veins of Poison, and Radioactive will instantly
kill any enemy that touches you because all of them are combined to kill
melee. Ninja and Dodger help you so you can hurt them with all your melee
stuff, but they probably won't even hit you back when you have these on. This
may take some time, so try this in Survival Mode first.

Infinite Blasts of Fire
Get a Pulse Gun and get this Angry Reloader perk immediately. Since the Pulse
Gun basically has no reloading time, you can hold down the RELOAD button and
fire will spute out of you and killing everything near you constantly. This
is extremely useful. Also, to increase the speed, get the Barrel Greaser perk.
This is fun to use.

Speed Beast
Get the Long Distance Runner perk and Reflex Boosted perk. Then get the Speed
power up and the Reflex Boost power up. Also get the Weapon Power Up. Now
everything that you are, is ultra powered for speediness while all the enemies
around you will be slowed down. This will help you to dodge around almost all
the enemies manually and stay fast while they stay really slow. You don't have
to get the Reflex Boost stuff, but I just think it's cool.

Fire Wave
Get a fast automatic weapon and the Fire Bullets power up. Just spray your
bullets like mad and everything will be wiped off the map. This works because
every single one of your pitiful weak automatic bullets will be transformed
into powerful cutter shots.

Quick Experience
Get Lean Mean Exp Machine and Bloody Mess as perks. Both of these combined will
supply you with extreme amounts of experience points to get even more perks.
Getting the Double Experience power up will also help.

Quick Experience 2
First, get the Bloody Mess perk and get a gun with a good splash amount like
the Ion Cannon. If lots of enemies are grouped together, one shot with the
Ion Cannon and all those are dead. The points you would originally get will
be increased by 30% which can be a hell load more.

C.2 Extra

Well I'm saving this part for anything that I find out about Crimsonland or
anything that anyone wants to put some input on my Guide. You can suggest
anything or correct anything for my guide. I'm waiting for thoughts to come to
mind and for the people to speak their minds.

I originally was writing this as a Weapons FAQ but changed it to a Tactics
Guide because I felt that Weapons just weren't enough. It took me three days
to write this FAQ/Guide, but I have a lot of time on my hands the last few
days so this is all I was doing.

Shrinkifier Gun Run-around without shooting or getting hit for 65 seconds in
Blade Gun (Secret Weapon)-
Enter Survival Mode. With your first shot, kill an enemy thing. If your first
shot doesn't kill it, quit and start all over again. Wherever the bullet
impacted the creature, stand on that. It'll be somewhere in the middle of the
blood/corpse. Wait until creatures take you below 1/5 of your health, without
moving. Without moving, kill all the creatures that were attacking you. If
successful, you will receive the Blade Gun immediatley.

You do not actually unlock these guns. They do not stay in your weapons
record and they are able to pop up in the game. Once you die with the weapon,
you'll have to keep doing these things over and over to play with them. You
might be thinking why the heck the Blade Gun is so difficult to get... Well
that's the way the game makers like it. Hard. I submitted these weapons
myself to gamefaqs, so hah!

Now, it is rumored that to get another secret weapon called the Plaguegun,
you must have 666 points and then die and you will unlock it. It has not
been proven so forget about it, because for all we know, it's just a rumor.

Alien Zoo Keeper Mini Game does not do anything if you beat it... But there
are rumors that you can do something with it.

C.3 Console Commands
Here are all the console commands for the game... You can mess around with
the game by typing the commands listed. Bring up the console by pressing
the ~ key in game. I added this section just for the heck of it to add
things to get more into Crimsonland.

C.4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q:Why didn't you include the Blade Gun and Shrinkifier Gun in the weapons part
of the guide?

These weapons are too vague to get the specifics of. Usually when I get these,
I shoot 10 shots and then die so I do not have enough information to actually
them in.

Q:What does the Blade Gun do?

The Blade Gun is just like a gauss gun, but it shoots out shuriken instead of
bullets. I don't remember much about it but that's practically it.

Q:What does the Shrinkifier Gun do?

The Shrinkifier Gun can shrink enemies until they die, or be so small of a size
that you can run over them.

Q:Why are the secret weapons so bad?

Because they are... but the better ones are harder to unlock.

Q:How many weapons are to be unlocked?

In an interview with Tero Alato (maker of game), he said that there are
30+ weapons in the game. Obviously you only get 26 weapons for beating
Quest on normal and hardcore, so look around for more and tell us
about it!

Q:I can't use my joy stick right! Help?

The joy stick controls are extremely difficult to configure or they can't be
used correctly at all. The best thing to use is the Mouse and Keyboard
combination. But, to have the joy stick controls at it's best, use a joystick
and a keyboard. Use the joy stick to move torso left and right and fire
while you use the keyboard to run around.

Q:Will there be a Crimsonland 2?

The game creators have notified us about Crimsonland 2. They have been working
on it since July but the release date is to be announced. No, it will
not be an FPS.

Q:The Fire Bullets power up doesn't appear on the map anymore! What do I

The Fire Bullets power up has a strange connection with the sound of the game.
If you go to options and turn off the sound, the Fire Bullets will be disabled.
Simply turn the sound back up.

Q:Who are you?

I am Firebert20 reporting from Crimsonland.

Q:Why did you create this guide?

Well, I had nothing better to do with my time and I love this game so much
that I to make something for it. So I just made this guide to share my
knowledge of Crimsonand tactics to help you get higher scores.

Q: How do you bring up the console?

Press ~ anywhere in the game.


Well then obviously someone has turned on the Parental Lock which keeps
you from viewing the blood and bodies that die in the game.

Q: Than is there anything good about Parental Lock...?

Yes there are good parts of Parental Lock. First, you get the Quick Learner
perk which is better than Bloody Mess. The blood does not show up so you
can see your enemies easier. The bodies disappear when you kill them so
you can see things easier too. This can help, but you might just prefer
the blood. I myself, play without Parental Lock.

Q:Have you ever gotten on the internet high score list?

I've gotten on the Survival and the Typ'o'Shooter high score lists.

Q:Where is the old ascii art you used to have?

Gone and replaced. But I have preserved it for the Typ'o'Shooter Guide that
I created.

Q: Why isn't anything on the guide in my game?

You have a different version of the game. This is for 1.9.8.

Q: Is Crimsonland moddable?

Yes, Crimsonland is moddable. You can get the moddable version at their

Q: How do I get a "mods" menu in the game?!

You must create a mods folder in your Crimsonland folder and have mods
of Crimsonland there.

Q: What is CrimsonRoks/SDK?

CrimsonRoks is a mod of Crimsonland created by the makers of Crimsonland
given to the public at their website to download.

Q: One more thing... Are you a Blood or a Crip?

Neither, I'm part of Fat Albert and the Gang.

D.1 Credits

The people who made Crimsonland, the bloody beatiful game that it is.
Gamefaqs for holding a huge site of genius
The Crimsonland Manual... I guess...

Special Thanks to:
Dmitri Will Guard for reminding me to elaborate on the monster vision perk

You can suggest
something for my guide though, and I will gladly add your name if it is good
D.2 Contact Information
AIM: Frodothekodo

Do not misuse my email address and spam it like it's hot. Use the word
Crimsonland in the email title or it will be deleted. Use any of these
contacts to report a problem about my guide, suggest something, or add
something I forgot.
D.3 Websites
The following websites have my permission to have my Crimsonland Tactics Guide
on their website unaltered and with my credit: (Will have the most recent version)

D.4 Copyright and Legal Stuffs

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without my written permission. Use of this guide on any
other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

^This stuff is legit, so don't fool around.

© Copyright 2004-2005 Bryan Shao (Throbulator/Firebert20)

-=End of File=-

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Tactics Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Survival FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Leben, Erfahrungspunkte und Munition (für v1.98)

15.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Erfahrungspunkte (für v1.9.8)

13.Oktober 2013
Alle Level frei schalten (für v1.9.8)

18.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Gesundheit, Munition und Zeit (für v1.9.8)

13.Oktober 2013
Gesundheits- und Munitionstrainer (für v1.9.3)

15.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.9.3)

17.Oktober 2013
Lebenstrainer (für v1.9.0)

17.Oktober 2013
Alles freischalten (für v1.9.0)

13.Oktober 2013
(Für v1.30)

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020