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++ GISH ++
:Version 0.3
:November 17, 2004
:By Murphigius

--LEGAL INFORMATION------------------------------------------------------------

This walkthrough may not be reproduced under any circumstances excpet for
personal, private use. It may be placed on other websites as long as the
content is unchanged and credit is given to the author. The latest version can
always be found at GameFAQs ( It may not otherwise
be distributed publicly without the advance written permission of the author.
Use of this guide without credit is strictly prohibited and a violation of
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders. The author is in no way affiliated
with any company involved with this game.

--THE BASICS-------------------------------------------------------------------

Welcome to the so-very-strange but so-very-fun world of Gish. Gish is a ball
of tar. A being made entirely of tar. A tar creature. All tar, with yellow
eyes, and fangs. The story behind the game is that Gish is walking (or rolling)
with his girlfriend Brea in the park, and some crazy thing pops out of the
ground and grabs Brea, dragging her into the sewers. Which just happen to be a
huge labyrinth filled with puzzles and monsters and booby traps. Joy. Life
isn't easy when you're a 12 pound ball of tar.

You've got a couple of moves under your belt. Or tar, I suppose. You don't
really have a belt. First of all, you can cause yourself to become Sticky by
pressing 'A', letting you stick to walls, ceilings or whatever. By holding
the arrow keys, you can roll along the surface, and you can even get around
corners while Stickying (though it can be difficult). You can also use Sticky
to pick up blocks and pull things.

Next, you've got Slippery, by pressing 'S'. This causes your whole body...
ball, thing, to become slick, allowing you to squeeze into small openings.
That's about the only use of it, but it's used in many places. Also, if you go
Slippery and start to move, there's less friction, so you'll go very slowly or
not at all, but you'll be spinning good. By then tapping Sticky, the sudden
friction added to the speed of your spinning can launch you forward at a good

Then you've got Heavy, by pressing 'D'. This lets you, somehow, make yourself
heavier than normal. This lets you fall faster, sink in water, crush enemies,
break blocks, snap off things hanging from ropes or chains - lots of stuff.
Just remember that in all cases, the greater distance you fall from, the more
force you'll exert on whatever it is you're trying to crush. Heavy also has
the added bonus that it makes your body-thing stretch a bit upwards and be
solid, letting you reach a bit higher and letting you push things - for
example, if you Slippery into a crack between the floor and a moveable beam,
and then go Heavy in the crack, you'll push the beam out.

Finally, you can jump, by pressing Space. Jumping works a bit differently in
Gish, though - you have to gain momentum. If you press space and up, you'll
jump a very small height. While you're falling, if you hold down, Gish will
compress a bit when he hits the ground. When he's the most compressed, if you
press space and up again, he'll jump higher. Continue this, and Gish can jump
really high. It works on any surface, too - if he hits the wall hard and gets
compressed, hitting space and the opposite direction will launch him off
pretty far.

Those are the basic controls. Just remember that the arrow keys, as well as
controlling movement, let you control your path in the air as well. So if you
need just that little bit more to reach something, or a little more force to
break a block, hold the arrow keys in that direction - it's a small addition,
but often enough to make a big difference.

The levels work fairly simply - do whatever you need to do to get to the end
of the level. You fail if you die - by letting your health meter at the get to
zero. This can happen from spikes, lava, enemies, or just really hard impacts.
You have a number of lives, and when the you run out of lives, it's game over.
You're given the option to continue, though, which starts you at the beginning
of the world you died on. Each level has a number of 'secrets' in them, which
are small hidden areas, hard to find or hard to get to, or both. Items in the
levels consist of amber, which are the basic point-giving collectibles. Small
ambers give you 50 points, medium give you 100, and large give you 1000. Then
there are tarballs, which restore 10 points of health each. You can also find
extra lives, which are self-explanatory (they look like little Gishes). Each
world has 7 stages - usually there are 5 normal levels, then stage 6 is a
boss, and stage 7 is a sort of bonus level where you always ride or use some
neat method of transportation. The exception to this is world 5, the last one,
on account of it having two bosses (stages 5 and 6) and no 7th bonus stage.

So with the basics down, it's time for GISH!

--WORLD 1 : THE SEWERS OF DROSS------------------------------------------------

++ 1-1 ++
This is the tutorial level. The controls are listed at the bottom, and text at
the top walks you through. You should have no trouble with completing this
level. The secrets are more difficult, though. The first one is right at the
beginning - Sticky-climb up the left side of the drop you fall out of. This
might be difficult, since the first two of those blocks are real unStickyable
blocks. Keep trying to go up, though, since the three blocks above are fake,
and can be pulled out once you sticky them. Go in the opening that creates to
get the first secret. Having got that, go right and Slippery down the small
opening. Get the amber, knock down the block wall, and push down the switch to
open the door. Slippery down the tube, fall in the water, and Sticky up the
wall. You can Sticky to get the amber on the roof, too. Jump up the next wall
(or sticky up, or sticky the roof, whatever), and hit the switch to open the
door. Then jump and go Heavy over the three blocks blocking the tube to break
them, and Slippery down. Sticky up the wall to the right, and again Sticky to
the roof to get the amber. Go right and down the elevator. The second secret
is here, the bottom-right of the elevator shaft. The first block above the
elevator is not breakable, the two above that are. They're pretty hard to
break, though. The best way is probably to go right (but not past the sign,
that ends the level), down the ramp, and then Slippery up it. You won't be
able to make it up the ramp. Then press Sticky for a bit to launch yourself
forward, and Heavy when you come to the wall. After a few tries, you should be
able to break at least one block. The other one can be broken the same way, or
by Slipperying into the opening and then going Heavy. Either way, once both
blocks are broken you can go past and down to the second secret. Finally, go
left past the sign and complete the level.

++ 1-2 ++
Now for this level, you're on your own. Go right and flick the switch by going
on top of it. Jump and Sticky to the roof to get the amber, then continue on
through the now-open door. Continue right, then Sticky up the passage, and go
Heavy in the water to get the amber. Now, you should see a boulder ahead. Do
NOT push it down. Instead, either Sticky to it and pull it backwards into the
water, or Sticky to the roof and squeeze over it. Heavy down the ramp to break
the wall, and then go into the hole the boulder would have fallen into. Go
Slippery at the bottom to get to the first secret, and Slippery down the other
side to get out - this has the added bonus of letting you skip part of the
level. In case you didn't get the secret, past the boulder-hole is a pipe to
Slippery down, which puts you on a small platform. Below, you will see a litte
eyeless fang-pig enemy, Heavy above it to crush and kill it. At the right side
of the room is a switch - either jump and Sticky on to the rightmost platform
and fall on the switch, or sticky to the underside of the switch and pull it
down. Either way, it opens the door and brings you right to the point where
you come out from the secret. Go right, and you'll see a large beam standing
up. The second secret is underneath it. You can get under by Stickying to the
top of the beam and pulling left at the start, but an easier way is to push
the beam right, and then Slipperying into the little crack near the top of the
beam, where it isn't flush with the bricks. When in there, go Heavy to push
the beam out of the way. Go down to get the second secret, and then back up.
Sticky up the wall, go right, and Slippery down the pipe to complete the level.

++ 1-3 ++
First, go Slippery to get out of the pipe. As soon as you get out, go Heavy
and aim a bit to the left - at the bottom of the water are two breakable
blocks, which lead to the first secret. They're tough to break, so if you
don't the first time, Sticky up as high as you can go and try again. Odd how
there's no water falling into the secret, isn't it? Anyways, Sticky-climb back
out to the left, and back in the water, heavy under the barrier and continue
right. If you want to play it safe, Sticky the roof and climb across the
spikes. You can get the amber, though, by carefully inching into the water,
holding up, and floating across. At worst, the spikes should only graze you,
which isn't that much of a problem. Continue right, Sticky to the roof, and
climb up the left wall of the column to avoid the spikes. Keep Stickyed to the
roof, because there's more spikes to get over - just drop down before the
spikes on the roof. Slippery down the pipe to yet another spike pit. You can
easily jump across the hanging platform to get across, or you could jump and
Heavy on the platform to break the ropes, causing it to fall onto the spikes
so you can get the amber. Also, by going to the far left of the spikes, under
the first platform, you will find that they are fake spikes - get there by
Stickying around the left wall carefully, or snapping off the platform and
rolling off. Either way, Heavy through the spikes and the blocks to reach the
first secret Warp Zone. You should see a familiar-looking block...and what's
that shape in the background? It leads to the first Secret Level, which will
be covered in another section. Assuming you wish to continue the level, past
the first spike pit is a larger pit, with four hanging blocks, again, with
amber underneath. Either Sticky to the bottom of them or Heavy them down. The
second secret of the level is found at the far right of the pit, on the one
brick not covered in spikes. Use the no-longer-hanging blocks or sticky down
the side to get there, which causes a block to fall from the roof over to the
right. Sticky up the hole where the block used to be to find the secret. From
there, go right, Heavy down and float up the other side of the water, and
complete the level.

++ 1-4 ++
When the level starts, you should see the door close behind you. Interestingly
enough, by holding slippery, down and left when the level starts, you can make
it on to the other side of the door before it closes. Then going left and
breaking some blocks, you can fall through the first, second and third worlds
(seeing the enemies and walls change as you go) and get warped instantly to
level 4-3. Neat shortcut. If you plan to acctually play the level, go right
until you see a bit of a drop. Nearing it, you should hear some breaking
blocks and see the little '10's announcing their points. Out of that area
walks an enemy, one of the bigger zombie-voodoo-doll-teddy-bears. Jump above
it and go Heavy to snap its neck off. Go left into the area it came from and
down to find the first secret, as well as an extra life. Go right into the
elevator to get back up. Back in the main room, Jump up and Sticky to the
ceiling to get the amber at the very top, and when done, continue right. When
you go into the corridor, the block at the bottom will shoot you up - get the
healing tarballs and Sticky to the left wall. Continue on to the roof and over
the spikes to a small pit with two eyeless pigs. Jump and crush them both, and
jump and Sticky to the ceiling to get the amber. To the right you'll see a
block and a switch - Sticky the block and pull it onto the switch, or go Heavy
or jump off the block to push it. However you do it, once the block is on the
switch it holds the door open. Continue right for some fun - you should see a
block with a V-shape underneath it, and a small block at the end. Go heavy
anywhere on the platform to break the block, and then Sticky and hold on as
the large block swings around and throws you into the next passageway. Neato.
The second secret is in the right wall, though, at the notch in the bricks. The
easiest way to get it is to Sticky to the ceiling before setting the block
swinging, going around, getting the secret, Stickying to the ceiling to get
back, and then swinging on the block. If the block swings first, though, or if
you swing without getting the secret, it is possible to Sticky around the edge
of the block onto the other side - just be careful, and hold the arrow keys in
the direction you want to go. Alternatively, going down, you can go Slippery
and squeeze through the left side of the block. To the left of that is a small
passage with moving blocks - just fall down, but make sure you time it so you
aren't squished. At the end, go heavy, because you're falling right onto a
pig. There are three more pigs to the right, and four tarballs to the left if
you need them. There's some amber on the ceiling - you know the drill, Sticky
to get it. To the right, you should see a large beam with rope attached - go
up to the top-right and push the switch there to winch the beam open. Then go
right and break the two sets of blocks to complete the level.

++ 1-5 ++
To start the level, go right - after a bit, a beam in the ceiling falls open
and four eyeless pigs drop out - jump and Heavy to crush them. Sticky to the
fallen beam and climb up into the roof - not a secret, but there is a bunch of
amber up there. Go right and down the ramp into a large room. Fall to the
floor and go left, breaking through the wall. Kill the pig in the room, and
press the switch. Then go all the way to the right, through the now-open door,
and press the other switch. This causes the large block to the winched up.
Sticky to the block as it raises, and go into the corridor to the right at the
top to find the first secret. You can also reach the secret just by jumping
from the platform in the room. In this room, there are also two breakable
blocks in the floor, just to the right of that platform - Heavy to break
through them. No secret there, though, just a shortcut to the next room,
instead of winching up the block, as well as a bunch of amber. Dropping down,
there are two voodoo bears - make sure you don't get caught between them, as
that's an easy way to die very quickly. Heavy as you fall down and try to take
one out before you land, then jump and snap the head off the other one. On the
right wall, there's a notch in the bricks - go behind that for the second
secret. Then go right and past the beams - it doesn't matter if you knock them
over. Go left and kill the pig, up and right to the button. Pressing the
button causes most of the bricks below those beams to go away, making the
beams fall down and clearing the path. There are a lot more breakable bricks
on the right side, and a suspicious-looking large block at the left, but I
haven't been able to find anything involving them - if you have, give me an
e-mail and I'll add it in. Anyways, Heavy down the water, go right, and float
up the other side. You can get the amber in the pit with the spikes by
Stickying to either side. You'll then come to a 'T' shape, made up of beams
and blocks. There is a secret on the right side of that, but it's not very
easy to get to. The most reliable way is to jump straight at the three blocks
while Heavy - you should break through, and the top beam should fall behind
you. However, if you're persistent enough, you can usually work your way into
a crack and go Heavy with enough force that it shoots the top beam out enough
for you to get under it - that's difficult, though, and can take a long time.
In any case, Sticky up the beam or the wall and go right to complete the level.

++ 1-6 ++
This boss is faily simple - it consists of three brown immobile blob-like
things. They have two ways to hurt you - if you come too close they can bite,
and they can also spew out a whole bunch of the little eyeless pigs. The pigs
die automatically after a bit though, and aren't that much trouble. Just jump
and go Heavy over the first blob - the lowest one, in the middle - and from
there jump to the right side and crush that one, too. Then, Sticky to the
right wall - not only are there a bunch of healing tarballs near the roof,
but it also lets you position yourself easily above the last blob with no fear
of pig attacks. Of course, you can crush the retards in whatever order you
want, but that's probably the easiest. Kill everything, and move on to the
next level.

++ 1-7 ++
This is the first of the bonus-like 'Method of Transportation' levels. For
this level, it's a mine cart. To start off, give the cart a push by moving
next to the left side of it and going heavy - as soon as it starts moving,
jump on top and Sticky to hold on for the ride. There are two strings of three
small ambers that you will just run into, and then some you have to jump for.
After that, there will be more ambers you'll just normally run into, and
you'll break through three walls. Right after the third, jump - there's an
extra life just below it. You'll often not get high enough off the mine cart,
so if you really want the life, an easier way is to jump off the cart after
the second wall and jump down the rest of the way - that way, you'll have the
momentum to jump high enough to get the extra life. There's some more amber
the rest of the way down, and then the cart will come to a stop. In front,
you'll see a strange box-like structure. Sticky to the inside of it, and it'll
start to fall, swinging around and over to the other side, where an arm will
swing out and a platform will appear. It's quite neat. However, dropping down
into the water below and going all the way to the left, you'll see a small
area in the wall - go there and Sticky up to find the secret of this level.
Go through the passageway left to complete the level and move on to the next

--WORLD 2: THE FORLORN HOLLOW--------------------------------------------------

++ 2-1 ++
First off, break through the two blocks to the right to enter into a large
room. Quite a few eyeless pigs will fall - easier to ignore them, but if you
wish, wait for them to hit the ground and then squish them for a few points.
The odd platforms here tilt, but not easily and not much, so you should have
no trouble Stickying and jumping up them as needed. At the top-left of this
room, there is a small passage that leads to some amber, and another amber-
containing alcove at top-centre. Once done in the first room, go right until
you see a large beam blocking the passage. Jump at it, Sticky near the top,
and pull backwards - the beam should fall backwards rather than frowards,
letting you reach the first secret. Also, if you Heavy down towards the centre
of the secret area, you can break the middle block, opening up a passage you
can Slippery down to another secret level. Assuming you choose to continue on
with the level, another beam awaits toppling to the right - there is a lot of
amber underneath it, but I have not been able to find how to get under there,
and it's not a real secret anyways. Continue to the right over the beam to
reach a crate-rope bridge. Underneath it, in the body of water, two blocks in
the middle can be broken by either Heavying onto them, or breaking the bridge
and letting a crate break them. Fall down into the hole there to reach the
second secret, and marvel at the amazing gravity-defying water. Go to the
right, break through the blocks, and get on the elevator when it comes. Ride
up, then get off left and break through some more blocks. Now, you'll be
treated to watching a zombie-bear try to walk towards you and fall to its
death. Congratulations, retard. Anyways, you can go down and get the amber,
but don't Slippery and fall down - it just leads to way back near the
beginning. Instead, by Stickying and trying to climb the right wall, you can
get out. If necessary, use the Slippery-Sticky speed boost to get back up.
Continue left, go down and get some more amber, and get out the same way.
Crush the piggy, and continue left through the passage to complete the level.

++ 2-2 ++
To start, go right, and watch out for the two eyeless pigs that come out of
the recess in the right wall - easily squashed. After a room with some amber
at the top, another pig and a voodoo teddy come at you. Also easily taken
care of if you know they're there, and the bear often squishes the piggy
against the wall, doing the work for you. Ha. The room to the right contains
some more amber at the top, if you're so inclined. Now, you'll see a thin
floor with a gap underneath, and a huge block above. Hmm. Break the three
blocks in the roof holding the big block there (it's not hard, you could blow
on the things and they'd crumble), and it'll fall and smash the floor open.
Watch though, get trapped under it and it may hurt - be near the side and go
Slippery if needed. Now, the first secret for the level is above, in the shaft
where the big block fell from. Jump and Sticky your way up - it's a bit tricky
to get on there without falling down, but be persistent and you'll make it.
Continue down through the water and right, Heavying to sink, and make your way
to a hanging platform. Under the body of water beneath, you should see a row
of three breakable blocks and a crate underneath it - the blocks do not break
easily though. One way is to go Heavy on the platform and cause it to break,
fall and smash the blocks - if part of the platform goes in the hole, though,
the crate will not float up. A more reliable way is to Sticky on to the bottom
of the platform, get some momentum by alternating Heavy and not (only about 2
times, more can make it break), and let go Heavy holding down - this should
be enough to at least break one block, and repeating it the crate will float
out, letting you go down and get the secret. In either case, head upwards
after, getting the amber on the sides if you wish, jumping and Stickying on
the platforms on the way. At the top, head right and Heavy to swing the beam
down, Stickying to it if you so please to grab the amber on the way. Next is
a somewhat tricky part with moving blocks, get on the first to go up the shaft
to start. Up there, get the amber on the right, and press close to the left
wall when the top block moves over. When it goes back, Sticky to the side of
the shaft and wait for it to pass overtop. Then quickly go past and get in the
groove in the floor. When the block is past again, this time dart to the
groove in the ceiling, Stickying to stay there. Wait for the other block to
pass and dart to the right, and Slippery down the tube to finish the level.

++ 2-3 ++
To start, go right and down under the water. On the other side, an eyeless pig
will drop down - easiest to let it sink and just pass by, it's not very likely
it'll hurt you. Another piggy will be waiting for you on dry land, easily
squashed. Head through the passage at the top-left to find the switch you need
to hit, but there's two more pigs lying in ambush - squish them both. Hit the
switch, get the amber, and head back down to the now-open trap door. Go under
there and continue on right through the water. At the bottom, you'll see a
block - Sticky to it and float it up. Another piggy is there waiting for you -
try to dodge him and let him fall past you, but that can be hard with Sticky
on. If he gets stuck, let him and the block drop, and Heavy near the top. Your
sinking should give you just enough momentum to squish him. In any case, get
the block up to the top and on the switch in the floor to hold the door open.
Make sure you remember the block - if you just dash past, you hit the switch
and then get under the door right when it's closing again - ouch. Getting the
block up on land can be difficult, but be patient and go slow - going fast
gives you enough momentum that the block flies off your Stickyness into the
water. And that isn't fun to watch. However you manage, get the block onto the
switch and continue through the now-open door. Yet another piggy awaits you
before the drop, but let him fall into the water first and you can easily
squish him at your leisure. Now, even though it's in plain sight, the group of
amber underwater behind all the spikes is considered a secret. You have to be
careful to get it though. Approach the entrance slowly and hold Heavy to slide
underneath the spikes - release heavy before you hit the ramp on the other
side, though, because going Heavy makes you a bit taller. Sneak past those
first spikes, and then float up and get the first secret. Go Heavy again as
soon as you get it to avoid the other spikes. Now, getting back through can be
a bit of a difficulty, since as Heavy, you can't quite fit through. You'll
have to go near the top spikes, and Heavy down to just before the entrance,
then release Heavy and let your momentum carry you through. Slippery may help
if you're having difficulty. Once you're back out, keep heading downwards and
right. There's a lot more spikes here with amber near them. If you wish, float
up to get the amber and go Heavy to float back down, but it's pretty risky and
it's not much amber, so unless you're trying to get all the amber then ignore
them. Yet another diving pig awaits, and its a bit narrower this time so you
may get hurt a bit. Even still, best to let it fall to the bottom and ignore
it, what with all the spikes around. Continue right to finish the level.

++ 2-4 ++
To start, head left and Slippery down the pipe. You'll find a zombie bear
waiting for you, just jump and Heavy to snap his head off. There's not much
room to build speed, so you might just end up stuck on his head - easy enough,
alternate jumping and Heavy and move very slightly to the sides to kill him.
Grab the crate down there and Sticky-pull it into the switch on the right
side, then go up and to the left to find another crate for the other switch.
Across from the doors, the wall is breakable - go in there to get the first
secret. Continue on past the doors and Slippery down the pipe. Get the amber
on the roof, and then take the crate and put it on the leftmost switch. This
causes another crate to pop up - take that one and put it on the right switch
to open the first door. Now, drag the first crate over past the now-open door
and stick it on the switch in the little alcove on the left. This lifts the
big block up top, so Sticky-climb up the column and head left. Now, you'll
come to a room with a metal elevator-like thing. Watch out, because a whole
bunch of piggies come out of the walls at you. Six, to be exact. In swarms,
the things can be overwhelming, but just be careful and stay out of the pit if
you need to. If you can, squish 'em all in a row for some nice combo points.
Theres some amber in the bottom-left corner, too. When that's taken care of,
jump onto the elevator - Sticky if you want. It'll start rising, and on the
way you'll grab some nice healing tarballs. Yummy. At the top, get off and
jump on top of the elevator. Go to the top-left corner to get the second
secret, and a 1-up! Woo-hoo! Go back down to the elevator and right. Now get
on the small elevator, and it'll shoot you upwards into a room with five of
the little piggies to kill. Jump a bit as soon as you get up there and you
should be able to kill the four on the floor without too much difficulty. The
last lone pig then shouldn't be hard to squash as well. Head to the little
alcove in the top-left corner of this room and Sticky-climb upwards through
the wall to get the third secret. Then, head right and Slippery down the pipe
to beat the level.

++ 2-5 ++
To start, head right and jump on the spinning platform. Head up onto the
elevators and climb the room using the elevators and hanging platforms,
getting the amber along the way if you so desire. Sticky helps a lot here.
Eventually you should make you way to the top left, past the three small
spinning platforms, to continue. Sticky-climb the left wall, and hug it. You
should see a voodoo teddy run at you, and fall to his death. WAY TO GO!
Retard. Continue up into a room with hanging crates. In the floor on the
right, you should see a slight V-shaped discolouration - smashy time. Jump and
Heavy on top of them to break them, and go down and right for the first
secret. Now climb up the crates, or Sticky-climb the left wall and roof, it's
really up to you. At the top, you'll meet another zombie bear, unless of
course you saw him while you were jumping to break the blocks, in which case
he will have already fallen off and died. In any case, just hang back and let
him walk off the edge and kill himself. He seems to want to ever so much. From
there, head right and Slippery down the pipes. There'll be two forks - take
the right one both times to get all the amber on the way, though taking the
left fork still gets you there. Slide all the way to the bottom to finish the
level, and it's on to the boss.

++ 2-6 ++
This boss is also pretty easy. First off, he's a ghost. You can't do
anything to him - at least not directly. So don't waste your time trying to
crush him, just speed right down the corridor as fast as you can. The ghost is
relatively slow, so you should be able to outdistance him without too much
trouble. The walls can be broken through easily. For a bit of a boost, hold
heavy when going down ramps, and for places where you have to sticky-climb up,
jump a bit first - getting stuck to the ground can slow you down. Even still,
it's not the end of the world if you do get caught; you'll get hurt a bit, but
it's easy to get ahead of him again. You'll come to a more open room when you
pass an actual door that opens - then, jump and sticky to the left wall. Climb
the wall and go right across the ceiling, so you can fall from the top on the
switch that needs to be pressed. You can also jump on top of the switch, but
by stickying across the ceiling you keep moving, just out of reach of the
ghost. However you do it, once the switch is hit the roof opens up, letting
sunlight in, killing the ghost. Um, again, I suppose. On to the next level.

++ 2-7 ++
The Method of Transportation for this world is a small cable car. Push it off
the edge (not hard, it's barely balanced as is) and sticky to it, then hold on
for the ride. You'll notice a fork in the path of the car after about three
chains. To take the right fork, just put your weight on the right side of the
car. Pull right, maybe go heavy for a bit if needed. Just make sure you don't
fall off the car. The right fork leads to a large amber, right in the path of
the car. The left fork holds a better prize, an extra life, but is much harder
to get. The life hangs lower than the car, so you have to hang off the side or
bottom of the car to get it. With the car jerking around so much, staying
stuck is next to impossible. By making sure you do get the life every try, you
don't have to worry about getting a game over, but getting the life and
completing the level is a feat. Your best bet is to sticky and roll on to the
right side of the car, hanging down from there - the bottom is much too hard
to get to without falling into the lava. Hopefully you'll be able to dangle
and grab the life, and pull back up before you're shaken off. Whichever path
you took, the car will come to a stop near the bottom right, where you can
jump off onto ground and complete the level. On to the next world!

--WORLD 3 : THE 7 PLANES OF HEHENNA--------------------------------------------

To be continued...

0.0 : 31/07/04 : Started typing
0.3 : 17/11/04 : Original submission
++ CREDIT ++
: Thanks to everyone on the GameFAQs Gish board, for I shamelessly and
mercilessly stole everything you guys said. Thumbs up.
: I'll also give some general credit to the other guides and walkthroughs for
Gish, since in a number of places I use those to figure out how to do
something - so naturally some strategies may be the same. I also took the
boss names from calyth's Boss FAQ. Also thumbs up.
: Thanks to Jonathan Mathews Software and their excellent program, ASCII
Generator, for the neat little Gish ASCII art at the top. That's at least
one thumb up, and quite possibly one and a half.
: Finally, thanks to Chronic Logic and Edmund McMillen for such a great,
fun, weird game. It's as of now the only game I've liked enough to want to
write a guide about it. Eight thumbs up. You deserve 'em.
: Thanks for reading my first walkthrough, hope it was helpful. Yeah, it gets
a bit in-depth in places for pretty simple parts, but hey, maybe someone got
stuck there for a reason you couldn't see. Better safe than sorry. Any
suggestions, feedback, tips I missed, spelling errors, useful additions,
flames, or death threats should be directed to
Credit will of course be given to anyone who wishes to add information to
the guide. I may give credit for death threats, too.
: Fin.
++ (c) Copyright 2004 Chris Murphy ++
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Megatrainer (für v1.4)

14.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.42)

17.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.53)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.3)

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.2)

18.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide
Engl. Hinweise

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Trainer für Leben und Levelskip (für v1.07)

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