Yu-Gi-Oh Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion

Yu-Gi-Oh Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion

17.10.2013 21:22:39
Card List
|Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion Card List V1.0|
|by vrapong |
|weerence(at)yahoo(dot)com |

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Version Updates
3. Card List
3.0 List of All Cards
3.1 Normal Monster Cards
3.2 Effect Monster Cards
3.3 Fusion Monster Cards
3.4 Ritual Monster Cards
3.5 Spell Cards
3.6 Trap Cards
4. Credits

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1. Introduction

This is the list of the cards for the game - Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Joey
the Passion. There are altogether 350 cards in this game without combining
any other cards from the other two previous series (Yugi the Destiny and
Kaiba the Revenge). The cards are listed in 6 different categories:
Normal Monster, Effect Monster, Fusion Monster, Ritual Monster, Spell and Trap
Cards. They are sorted in alphabetical order. If you have any doubts please
do not hesitate to email me at: weerence(at)yahoo(dot)com

*Note:To preserve the integrity of the original cards, the typos or grammar
mistakes found in the card itself will remain unchanged and not be corrected.
Also, the upper caps and lower caps will be followed.

2. Version Updates

Version 0.9: The first release. Put up 330 cards out of 350 cards.
Version 1.0: Add 20 more cards. The Card List is now completed (350/350).

3. Card List

3.0 List of All Cards

--All cards are listed in alphabetical order--

1/350 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom (Effect Monster)
2/350 7 Completed (Spell)
3/350 Alligator's Sword (Normal Monster)
4/350 Alligator's Sword Dragon (Fusion Monster)
5/350 Alpha the Magnet Warrior (Normal Monster)
6/350 Amazon Archer (Effect Monster)
7/350 Amphibian Beast (Normal Monster)
8/350 Ancient Brain (Normal Monster)
9/350 Anti-Spell Fragrance (Trap)
10/350 Appropriate (Trap)
11/350 Aqua Chorus (Trap)
12/350 Aqua Spirit (Effect Monster)
13/350 Armored Glass (Trap)
14/350 Attack and Receive (Trap)
15/350 Axe Raider (Normal Monster)
16/350 B. Skull Dragon (Fusion Monster)
17/350 Baby Dragon (Normal Monster)
18/350 Backup Soldier (Trap)
19/350 Bait Doll (Spell)
20/350 Banisher of the Light (Effect Monster)
21/350 Battle Warrior (Normal Monster)
22/350 Bazoo the Soul-Eater (Effect Monster)
23/350 Beast of Gilfer (Effect Monster)
24/350 Berfomet (Effect Monster)
25/350 Beta the Magnet Warrior (Normal Monster)
26/350 Big Shield Gardna (Effect Monster)
27/350 Bio-Mage (Normal Monster)
28/350 Bite Shoes (Effect Monster)
29/350 Blast Sphere (Effect Monster)
30/350 Blind Destruction (Trap)
31/350 Blue Medicine (Spell)
32/350 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon (Effect Monster)
33/350 Boar Soldier (Effect Monster)
34/350 Bombardment Beetle (Effect Monster)
35/350 Boneheimer (Normal Monster)
36/350 Bubonic Vermin (Effect Monster)
37/350 Burning Land (Spell)
38/350 Burning Spear (Spell)
39/350 Buster Blader (Effect Monster)
40/350 Call of the Haunted (Trap)
41/350 Card of Safe Return (Spell)
42/350 Ceasefire (Trap)
43/350 Ceremonial Bell (Effect Monster)
44/350 Chain Destruction (Trap)
45/350 Change of Heart (Spell)
46/350 Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast (Fusion Monster)
47/350 Chosen One (Spell)
48/350 Cold Wave (Spell)
49/350 Collected Power (Trap)
50/350 Copycat (Effect Monster)
51/350 Crimson Sentry (Effect Monster)
52/350 Cure Mermaid (Effect Monster)
53/350 Curse of the Masked Beast (Spell)
54/350 Cyber Falcon (Normal Monster)
55/350 Cyber-Stein (Effect Monster)
56/350 CYBER-TECH ALLIGATOR (Normal Monster)
57/350 Cyclon Laser (Spell)
58/350 Dancing Fairy (Effect Monster)
59/350 Dark Bat (Normal Monster)
60/350 Dark Magic Curtain (Spell)
61/350 Dark Magic Ritual (Spell)
62/350 Dark Magician Girl (Effect Monster)
63/350 Dark Necrofear (Effect Monster)
64/350 Dark Spirit of the Slient (Trap)
65/350 Dark Zebra (Effect Monster)
66/350 Dark-Eyes Illusionist (Effect Monster)
67/350 Darkfire Soldier #1 (Normal Monster)
68/350 Darkfire Soldier #2 (Normal Monster)
69/350 Deal of Phantom (Trap)
70/350 Deepsea Warrior (Effect Monster)
71/350 De-Fusion (Spell)
72/350 Delinquent Duo (Spell)
73/350 Destruction Punch (Trap)
74/350 Dimensional Warrior (Effect Monster)
75/350 Dimensionhole (Spell)
76/350 DNA Surgery (Trap)
77/350 Dokuroyaiba (Normal Monster)
78/350 Dragonic Attack (Spell)
79/350 Dreamsprite (Effect Monster)
80/350 Drill Bug (Effect Monster)
81/350 Driving Snow (Trap)
82/350 Dunames Dark Witch (Normal Monster)
83/350 Dust Tornado (Trap)
84/350 Earthbound Spirit (Normal Monster)
85/350 Earthshaker (Trap)
86/350 Ekibyo Drakmord (Spell)
87/350 Electromagnetic Bagworm (Effect Monster)
88/350 Elf's Light (Spell)
89/350 Empress Mantis (Normal Monster)
90/350 Enchanted Javeling (Trap)
91/350 Fairy Box (Trap)
92/350 Fairy Guardian (Effect Monster)
93/350 Fairy Meteor Crush (Spell)
94/350 Fairy's Gift (Normal Monster)
95/350 Fire Princess (Effect Monster)
96/350 Fire Sorcerer (Effect Monster)
97/350 Flame Cerebrus (Normal Monster)
98/350 Flame Champion (Normal Monster)
99/350 Flame Dancer (Normal Monster)
100/350 Flame Swordsman (Fusion Monster)
101/350 Flash Assailant (Effect Monster)
102/350 Flying Fish (Normal Monster)
103/350 Flying Kamakiri #1 (Effect Monster)
104/350 Flying Kamakiri #2 (Normal Monster)
105/350 Forced Requisition (Trap)
106/350 Forest (Spell)
107/350 Fusion Gate (Spell)
108/350 Fusion Sage (Spell)
109/350 Gadget Soldier (Normal Monster)
110/350 Gamble (Trap)
111/350 Gamma the Magnet Warrior (Normal Monster)
112/350 Garnecia Elefantis (Normal Monster)
113/350 Garuda the Wind Spirit (Effect Monster)
114/350 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts (Normal Monster)
115/350 Gearfried the Iron Knight (Effect Monster)
116/350 Gemini Elf (Normal Monster)
117/350 Giant Germ (Effect Monster)
118/350 Giant Rat (Effect Monster)
119/350 Giant Trunade (Spell)
120/350 Gift of the Mystical Elf (Trap)
121/350 Gilasaurus (Effect Monster)
122/350 Girochin Kuwagata (Normal Monster)
123/350 Goblin Attack Force (Effect Monster)
124/350 Graceful Dice (Spell)
125/350 Gradius (Normal Monster)
126/350 Grand Tiki Elder (Normal Monster)
127/350 Graverobber (Trap)
128/350 Graverobber's Retribution (Trap)
129/350 Gravity Bind (Trap)
130/350 Greenkappa (Effect Monster)
131/350 Ground Attacker Bugroth (Normal Monster)
132/350 Ground Collapse (Spell)
133/350 Gryphon Wing (Trap)
134/350 Gust (Trap)
135/350 Gust Fan (Spell)
136/350 Harpie's Brother (Normal Monster)
137/350 Harpie's Feather Duster (Spell)
138/350 Harpie's Pet Dragon (Effect Monster)
139/350 Hayabusa Knight (Effect Monster)
140/350 Headless Knight (Normal Monster)
141/350 Humanoid Slime (Normal Monster)
142/350 Humanoid Worm Drake (Fusion Monster)
143/350 Hysteric Fairy (Effect Monster)
144/350 Imperial Order (Trap)
145/350 Infinite Cards (Spell)
146/350 Infinite Dismissal (Trap)
147/350 Insect Barrier (Spell)
148/350 Insect Imitation (Spell)
149/350 Insect Queen (Effect Monster)
150/350 Insect Soldiers of the Sky (Effect Monster)
151/350 Inspection (Spell)
152/350 Island Turtle (Normal Monster)
153/350 Jam Breeding Machine (Spell)
154/350 Jam Defender (Trap)
155/350 Jar of Greed (Trap)
156/350 Jinzo (Effect Monster)
157/350 Jowgen the Spiritualist (Effect Monster)
158/350 Kaminari Attack (Fusion Monster)
159/350 Karate Man (Effect Monster)
160/350 Kinetic Soldier (Effect Monster)
161/350 Kiseitai (Effect Monster)
162/350 Kotodama (Effect Monster)
163/350 Kunai with Chain (Trap)
164/350 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (Effect Monster)
165/350 Lady Assailant of Flames (Effect Monster)
166/350 Lady Panther (Effect Monster)
167/350 Last Will (Spell)
168/350 Leogun (Normal Monster)
169/350 Light of Intervention (Trap)
170/350 Lightforce Sword (Trap)
171/350 Lightning Blade (Spell)
172/350 Lightning Conger (Normal Monster)
173/350 Limiter Removal (Spell)
174/350 Liquid Beast (Normal Monster)
175/350 Lord of D. (Effect Monster)
176/350 Machine King (Effect Monster)
177/350 Mad Sword Beast (Effect Monster)
178/350 Mage Power (Spell)
179/350 Magic Cylinder (Trap)
180/350 Magic Drain (Trap)
181/350 Magic Jammer (Trap)
182/350 Magic Thorn (Trap)
183/350 Magical Hats (Trap)
184/350 Magical Labyrinth (Spell)
185/350 Magic-Arm Shield (Trap)
186/350 Magician of Black Chaos (Ritual Monster)
187/350 Major Riot (Trap)
188/350 Makiu (Spell)
189/350 Manga Ryu-Ran (Effect Monster)
190/350 Marie the Fallen One (Effect Monster)
191/350 Maryokutai (Effect Monster)
192/350 Mask of Brutality (Spell)
193/350 Mask of Dispel (Spell)
194/350 Mask of Restrict (Trap)
195/350 Mask of the Accursed (Spell)
196/350 Mask of Weakness (Trap)
197/350 Mega Thunderball (Normal Monster)
198/350 Melchid the Four-Face Beast (Normal Monster)
199/350 Messenger of Peace (Spell)
200/350 Metal Detector (Trap)
201/350 Metalmorph (Trap)
202/350 Michizure (Trap)
203/350 Minor Goblin Official (Trap)
204/350 Miracle Dig (Spell)
205/350 Mirror Wall (Trap)
206/350 Monster Reborn (Spell)
207/350 Morinphen (Normal Monster)
208/350 Morphing Jar #2 (Effect Monster)
209/350 Mother Grizzly (Effect Monster)
210/350 Mountain (Spell)
211/350 Mr. Volcano (Normal Monster)
212/350 Muka Muka (Effect Monster)
213/350 Multiply (Spell)
214/350 Mysterious Puppeteer (Effect Monster)
215/350 Mystic Box (Spell)
216/350 Mystic Lamp (Effect Monster)
217/350 Mystic Probe (Trap)
218/350 Mystic Tomato (Effect Monster)
219/350 Mystical Space Typhoon (Spell)
220/350 Nightmare's Steelcage (Spell)
221/350 Nimble Momonga (Effect Monster)
222/350 Nobleman of Crossout (Spell)
223/350 Nobleman of Extermination (Spell)
224/350 Numinous Healer (Trap)
225/350 Nuvia the Wicked (Effect Monster)
226/350 Octoberser (Normal Monster)
227/350 Ocubeam (Normal Monster)
228/350 Offerings to the Doomed (Spell)
229/350 Oni Tank T-34 (Normal Monster)
230/350 Overdrive (Normal Monster)
231/350 Panther Warrior (Effect Monster)
232/350 Parasite Paracide (Effect Monster)
233/350 Patrol Robo (Effect Monster)
234/350 Penguin Soldier (Effect Monster)
235/350 Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth (Effect Monster)
236/350 Polymerization (Spell)
237/350 Premature Burial (Spell)
238/350 Prohibition (Spell)
239/350 Psychic Kappa (Normal Monster)
240/350 Raimei (Spell)
241/350 Rain of Mercy (Spell)
242/350 Red Archery Girl (Normal Monster)
243/350 Red-Eyes B. Dragon (Normal Monster)
244/350 Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon (Effect Monster)
245/350 Red-Moon Baby (Effect Monster)
246/350 Respect Play (Trap)
247/350 Return of the Doomed (Spell)
248/350 Revival Jam (Effect Monster)
249/350 Rigras Leever (Effect Monster)
250/350 Riryoku (Spell)
251/350 Riryoku Field (Trap)
252/350 Rocket Warrior (Effect Monster)
253/350 Royal Command (Trap)
254/350 Salamandra (Spell)
255/350 Sangan (Effect Monster)
256/350 Scapegoat (Spell)
257/350 Science Soldier (Normal Monster)
258/350 Scroll of Bewitchment (Spell)
259/350 Seal of the Ancients (Spell)
260/350 Sebek's Blessing (Spell)
261/350 Shadow of Eyes (Trap)
262/350 Shield & Sword (Spell)
263/350 Shift (Trap)
264/350 Shining Abyss (Normal Monster)
265/350 Shining Angel (Effect Monster)
266/350 Sinister Serpent (Effect Monster)
267/350 Skelengel (Effect Monster)
268/350 Skull Dice (Trap)
269/350 Skull Invitation (Trap)
270/350 Skull Lair (Trap)
271/350 Skull Mariner (Normal Monster)
272/350 Slate Warrior (Effect Monster)
273/350 Slot Machine (Normal Monster)
274/350 Snatch Steal (Spell)
275/350 Sogen (Spell)
276/350 Solemn Wishes (Trap)
277/350 Solomon's Lawbook (Trap)
278/350 Sonic Bird (Effect Monster)
279/350 Soul of Purity and Light (Effect Monster)
280/350 Soul Release (Spell)
281/350 Soul of the Forgotten (Normal Monster)
282/350 Spear Cretin (Effect Monster)
283/350 Spherous Lady (Normal Monster)
284/350 Spikebot (Normal Monster)
285/350 Spirit Elimination (Spell)
286/350 Spirit of Flames (Effect Monster)
287/350 Spirit of the Breeze (Effect Monster)
288/350 Spiritualism (Spell)
289/350 St. Joan (Fusion Monster)
290/350 Steel Orge Grotto #2 (Normal Monster)
291/350 Steel Shell (Spell)
292/350 Stone Ogre Grotto (Normal Monster)
293/350 Summoner of Illusions (Effect Monster)
294/350 Supply (Effect Monster)
295/350 Sword Hunter (Effect Monster)
296/350 Sword of Dragon's Soul (Spell)
297/350 Swordsman of Landstar (Normal Monster)
298/350 The All-Seeing White Tiger (Normal Monster)
299/350 The Dark Door (Spell)
300/350 The Earl of Demise (Normal Monster)
301/350 The Emperor's Holiday (Trap)
302/350 The Eye of Truth (Trap)
303/350 The Flute of Summoning Dragon (Spell)
304/350 The Forgiving Maiden (Effect Monster)
305/350 The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams (Normal Monster)
306/350 The Immortal of Thunder (Effect Monster)
307/350 The Last Warrior from Another Planet (Fusion Monster)
308/350 The Legendary Fisherman (Effect Monster)
309/350 The Masked Beast (Ritual Monster)
310/350 The Portrait's Secret (Normal Monster)
311/350 The Regulation of Tribe (Trap)
312/350 The Rock Spirit (Effect Monster)
313/350 The Shallow Grave (Spell)
314/350 The Statue of Easter Island (Normal Monster)
315/350 The Unfriendly Amazon (Effect Monster)
316/350 The Wicked Worm Beast (Effect Monster)
317/350 Thousand Dragon (Fusion Monster)
318/350 Thousand Knives (Spell)
319/350 Three-Headed Geedo (Normal Monster)
320/350 Tiger Axe (Normal Monster)
321/350 Time Machine (Trap)
322/350 Time Seal (Trap)
323/350 Time Wizard (Effect Monster)
324/350 Toon Mermaid (Effect Monster)
325/350 Toon Summoned Skull (Effect Monster)
326/350 Toon World (Spell)
327/350 Tornado Bird (Effect Monster)
328/350 Tornado Wall (Trap)
329/350 Torrential Tribute (Trap)
330/350 Total Defense Shogun (Effect Monster)
331/350 Tribute to the Doomed (Spell)
332/350 Turtle Bird (Normal Monster)
333/350 Twin-Headed Fire Dragon (Normal Monster)
334/350 Type Zero Magic Crusher (Trap)
335/350 UFO Turtle (Effect Monster)
336/350 Ultimate Offering (Trap)
337/350 Umi (Spell)
338/350 United We Stand (Spell)
339/350 Valkyrion the Magna Warrior (Effect Monster)
340/350 Vengeful Bog Spirit (Spell)
341/350 Wall Shadow (Effect Monster)
342/350 Wasteland (Spell)
343/350 Windstorm of Etaqua (Trap)
344/350 Wingweaver (Normal Monster)
345/350 Witch of the Black Forest (Normal Monster)
346/350 World Suppression (Trap)
347/350 Worm Drake (Normal Monster)
348/350 Wow Warrior (Normal Monster)
349/350 Yami (Spell)
350/350 Zombyra the Dark (Effect Monster)

3.1 Normal Monster Cards

--Alligator's Sword-- [3/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1200
Description: This lizard man can swing a sword at velocities that exceed the
speed of sound.

--Alpha the Magnet Warrior-- [5/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Rock
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1700
Description: Alpha, Beta, and Gamme meld as one to form a powerful monster.

--Amphibian Beast-- [7/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Water
Type: Fish
Attack: 2400
Defense: 2000
Description: On land or in the sea, the speed of this monster is unmatchable.

--Ancient Brain-- [8/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1000
Defense: 700
Description: A fallen fairy that is powerful in the dark.

--Axe Raider-- [15/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1700
Defense: 1150
Description: An axe-wielding monster of tremendous strength and agility.

--Baby Dragon-- [17/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Dragon
Attack: 1200
Defense: 700
Description: Much more than just a child, this dragon is gifted with untapped

--Battle Warrior-- [21/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 700
Defense: 1000
Description: A warrior that fights with his bare hands.

--Beta the Magnet Warrior-- [25/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Rock
Attack: 1700
Defense: 1600
Description: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma meld as one to form a powerful monster.

--Bio-Mage-- [27/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 1150
Defense: 1000
Description: A mysterious priest created as a result of the latest advances
in biotechnology.

--Boneheimer-- [35/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 850
Defense: 400
Description: This monster wanders the seas, sucking any dry creatures it may

--Cyber Falcon-- [54/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Machine
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1200
Description: A jet-powered hawk that travels at the speed of sound.

Level: 5
Attribute: Wind
Type: Machine
Attack: 2500
Defense: 1600
Description: A winged dragon brought back to life by means of modern

--Dark Bat-- [59/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Wind
Type: Winged Beast
Attack: 1000
Defense: 1000
Description: Bats from the netherworld that use their hyper senses to detect
their enemies.

--Darkfire Soldier #1-- [67/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Fire
Type: Pyro
Attack: 1700
Defense: 1150
Description: An explosive expert from a special elite force.

--Darkfire Soldier #2-- [68/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Fire
Type: Pyro
Attack: 1700
Defense: 1100
Description: A warrior who gained immeasurable power from the heart of volcano.

--Dokuroyaiba-- [77/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Fire
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1000
Defense: 400
Description: A boomerang with brains that will pursue a target to the ends of
the earth.

--Dunames Dark Witch-- [82/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 1800
Defense: 1050
Description: Even when the odds are against this brave fairy, this monster
will engage in battle and never run away.

--Earthbound Spirit-- [84/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Fiend
Attack: 500
Defense: 2000
Description: A vengeful creature formed by the spirits of fallen warriors, it
drags any who dare approach it into the deepest bowels of the

--Empress Mantis-- [89/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Wind
Type: Insect
Attack: 2200
Defense: 1400
Description: Queen of an army of giant mantises whose command moves legions.

--Fairy's Gift-- [94/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Light
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1000
Description: This flying monster is known for delivering happiness to all.

--Flame Cerebrus-- [97/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Fire
Type: Pyro
Attack: 2100
Defense: 1800
Description: Known to many as the "Burning Executioner", this monster is
capable of burning enemies to cinders.

--Flame Champion-- [98/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Fire
Type: Pyro
Attack: 1900
Defense: 1300
Description: A warrior protected by a flaming shield that nullifies any attack.

--Flame Dancer-- [99/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Fire
Type: Pyro
Attack: 550
Defense: 450
Description: This monster moves while swinging its burning rope.

--Flying Fish-- [102/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Fish
Attack: 800
Defense: 500
Description: Three wishes are granted to those fortunate enough to see this
monster in flight.

--Flying Kamakiri #2-- [104/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Insect
Attack: 1500
Defense: 800
Description: A flying mantis that feeds primarily on insects.

--Gadget Soldier-- [109/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Fire
Type: Machine
Attack: 1800
Defense: 2000
Description: A rust-free machine warrior born to battle.

--Gamma the Magnet Warrior-- [111/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Rock
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1800
Description: Alpha, Beta and Gamma meld as one to form a powerful monster.

--Garnecia Elefantis-- [112/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast-Warrior
Attack: 2400
Defense: 2000
Description: A monster so heavy that each step rocks the earth.

--Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts-- [114/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1200
Description: This monster moves so fast that it looks like an illusion to
mortal eyes.

--Gemini Elf-- [116/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 1900
Defense: 900
Description: Elf twins that alternate their attacks.

--Girochin Kuwagata-- [122/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Insect
Attack: 1700
Defense: 1000
Description: Despite its small size, this monster has powerful jaws that can
rip metal to shreds.

--Gradius-- [125/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Light
Type: Machine
Attack: 1200
Defense: 800
Description: A high-performance jet fighter with power capsules for variable
attack capabilities.

--Grand Tiki Elder-- [126/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1500
Defense: 800
Description: A masked monster that wields the most deadly of curses.

--Ground Attacker Bugroth-- [131/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Machine
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1000
Description: A surface battle robot that was once used for sea warfare.

--Harpie's Brother-- [136/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Winged Beast
Attack: 1800
Defense: 600
Description: With eyes like a hawk and a flying speed exceeding Mach 5, this
monster is a master of the sky.

--Headless Knight-- [140/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1450
Defense: 1700
Description: A haunted spirit of a falsely accused knight who wanders in search
of truth and justice.

--Humanoid Slime-- [141/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 800
Defense: 2000
Description: This slime apparently has some human genes in its genetic makeup.

--Island Turtle-- [152/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 1100
Defense: 2000
Description: A huge turtle that is often mistaken for an island.

--Leogun-- [168/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast
Attack: 1750
Defense: 1550
Description: Huge monster with a lion's mane similar to the King of Beasts.

--Lightning Conger- [172/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Water
Type: Thunder
Attack: 350
Defense: 750
Description: This massive eel generates huge charges of electricity and
unleashes them as thunderbolts.

--Liquid Beast-- [174/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 950
Defense: 800
Description: A liquid life form that thrives on water.

--Mega Thunderball-- [197/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Wind
Type: Thunder
Attack: 750
Defense: 600
Description: Rolls along the ground releasing bolts of electricity to attack
its enemies.

--Melchid the Four-Face Beast-- [198/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1200
Description: This monster has four different masks for four different attacks.

--Morinphen-- [207/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1550
Defense: 1300
Description: A strange fiend with long arms and razor-sharp talons.

--Mr. Volcano-- [211/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Fire
Type: Pyro
Attack: 2100
Defense: 1300
Description: This seemingly mild-mannered creature has an extremely volatile

--Octoberser-- [226/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 1600
Defense: 1400
Description: With the head of a fish and the legs of an octopus, this strange
creature attacks enemies by flinging spears.

--Ocubeam-- [227/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 1550
Defense: 1650
Description: Frightening in appearance, this creature uses its large eyes and
ears to keep track of any movement.

--Oni Tank T-34-- [229/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Machine
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1700
Description: An armored tank possessed by a fiend that will pursue enemies
until they're crushed.

--Overdrive-- [230/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Machine
Attack: 1600
Defense: 1500
Description: An all-terrain armored vehicle armed with a heavy-duty machine

--Psychic Kappa-- [239/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 400
Defense: 1000
Description: An amphibian with a myriad of powers to shield it from enemy

--Red Archery Girl-- [242/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1500
Description: A mermaid archer that hides in a protective shell, waiting for the
right moment to strike.

--Red-Eyes B. Dragon-- [243/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Dark
Type: Dragon
Attack: 2400
Defense: 2000
Description: A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack.

--Science Soldier-- [257/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Dark
Type: Warrior
Attack: 800
Defense: 800
Description: Soldiers equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry to face unknown

--Shining Abyss-- [264/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 1600
Defense: 1800
Description: This monster employs the powers of both Light and Darkness.

--Skull Mariner-- [271/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Water
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1600
Defense: 900
Description: A pirate ship that appears out of the mist and sinks any seagoing

--Slot Machine-- [273/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Dark
Type: Machine
Attack: 2000
Defense: 2300
Description: The machine's ability is said to vary according to its slot

--Soul of the Forgotten-- [281/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 900
Defense: 200
Description: A wicked spirit created by the hateful souls of those who fell in
battle. It grows by assimilating the souls of its enemies.

--Spherous Lady-- [283/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Rock
Attack: 400
Defense: 1400
Description: Many have been deceived by the beauty of this vampire.

--Spikebot-- [284/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Dark
Type: Machine
Attack: 1800
Defense: 1700
Description: A mechanical soldier created by a wicked sorcerer, it attacks with
the two steel balls attached to its arms.

--Steel Ogre Grotto #2-- [290/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Earth
Type: Machine
Attack: 1900
Defense: 2200
Description: A mechanized iron doll with tremendous strength.

--Stone Ogre Grotto-- [292/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Earth
Type: Rock
Attack: 1600
Defense: 1500
Description: A behemoth shaped by giant boulders.

--Swordsman of Landstar-- [297/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 500
Defense: 1200
Description: An amateur with a sword, this fairy warrior relies on its
mysterious powers.

--The All-Seeing White Tiger-- [298/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Wind
Type: Beast
Attack: 1300
Defense: 500
Description: A proud ruler of the jungle that some fear and others respect.

--The Earl of Demise-- [300/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 2000
Defense: 700
Description: This gentlemanly creature is extremely wicked, feared by man and
fiend alike.

--The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams-- [305/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1300
Defense: 1800
Description: This monster feeds on the dreams of an unwary sleeper, dragging
the victim into eternal slumber.

--The Portrait's Secret-- [310/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1200
Defense: 1500
Description: A portrait cursed by the artist, it is said to bring ill fortune
to anyone who owns it.

--The Statue of Easter Island-- [314/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Rock
Attack: 1100
Defense: 1400
Description: A stone monument from Easter Island that launches laser blasts
from its rock-hewn lips.

--Three-Headed Geedo-- [319/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1200
Defense: 1400
Description: A three-headed nocturnal monster that is absolutely ruthless when

--Tiger Axe-- [320/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast-Warrior
Attack: 1300
Defense: 1100
Description: A fast and powerful axe-wielding beast-warrior.

--Turtle Bird-- [332/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 1900
Defense: 1700
Description: An unusual turtle that not only swims at tremendous speeds, but
can also sail across the skies.

--Twin-Headed Fire Dragon-- [333/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Fire
Type: Pyro
Attack: 2200
Defense: 1700
Description: Two dragons fused as one from the effects of the Big Bang.

--Wingweaver-- [344/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 2750
Defense: 2400
Description: A six-winged fairy who prays for peace and hope.

--Worm Drake-- [347/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Reptile
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1500
Description: Once this monster wraps itself around a victim, there is no

--Wow Warrior-- [348/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Water
Type: Fish
Attack: 1250
Defense: 900
Description: A fish with arms, legs, and some very sharp teeth.

3.2 Effect Monster Cards

--4-Starred Ladybug of Doom-- [1/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Wind
Type: Insect
Attack: 800
Defense: 1200
Description: FLIP: Destroys all face-up Level 4 monsters on your opponent's
side of the field.

--Amazon Archer-- [6/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1000
Description: Offer 2 monsters on your side of the field as a Tribute to inflict
1200 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
Monsters used for a Tribute Summon or that are offered as Tributes
due to other cards' effects are excluded.

--Aqua Spirit-- [12/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 1600
Defense: 1200
Description: This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 WATER monster
in your Graveyard from play. As long as this monster remains
face-up on the field, during each of your opponent's Standby
Phases, you can change the battle position of 1 of your opponent's
face-up Monster Cards. Once changed, the monster must remain in
this position for the rest of the turn.

--Banisher of the Light-- [20/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 100
Defense: 2000
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, any card sent
to the Graveyard is removed from play.

--Bazoo the Soul-Eater-- [22/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast
Attack: 1600
Defense: 900
Description: You can remove up to 3 cards in your Graveyard from play to
increase the ATK of this monster by 300 points for each card
removed from play until the end of your opponent's next turn.
This effect can only be used once during your next turn.

--Beast of Gilfer-- [23/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 2200
Defense: 2500
Description: When this card is sent to the Graveyard, it can be treated as an
Equip Spell Card and can be used to equip 1 monster on the field.
The ATK of a monster equipped with this card decreases by 500

--Berfomet-- [24/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1800
Description: When this card is summoned (excluding Special Summon), you can add
1 "Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts" from your Deck to your

--Big Shield Gardna-- [26/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 100
Defense: 2600
Description: When this card is face-down and targeted by a Spell Card whose
effect targets only 1 monster the Spell Card is negated and this
card is turned face-up in Defense Position. When this card is
attacked, it is shifted to Attack Position following the Damage

--Bite Shoes-- [28/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 500
Defense: 300
Description: FLIP: Change the Attack or Defense Position of 1 face-up monster
on the field. The card must remain face-up.

--Blast Sphere-- [29/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Machine
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1400
Description: When your opponent attacks this monster in face-down Defense
Position, this card is treated as an Equip Card and is used to
equip the attacking monster (damage is not calculated). The
equipped monster and this card are destroyed during your
opponent's next Standby Phase. Your opponent then receives Direct
Damage equal to the equipped monster's ATK.

--Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon-- [32/350]
Level: 8
Attribute: Light
Type: Dragon
Attack: 3000
Defense: 2500
Description: This card cannot be summoned unless "Toon World" is on the
field. This card cannot attack in the same turn that it is
summoned. Pay 500 Life Points each time this monster attacks.
When "Toon World" is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If
your opponent doesn't control a Toon monster on the field, this
card may inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
If a Toon monster is on your opponent's side of the field, your
attacks must target the Toon monster.

--Boar Soldier-- [33/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast-Warrior
Attack: 2000
Defense: 500
Description: This card can only be summoned by a Flip Summon. If summoned by
a Normal Summon, the card is destroyed. If your opponent has 1
or more monsters under his/her control, the ATK of this card is
decreased by 1000 points.

--Bombardment Beetle-- [34/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Wind
Type: Insect
Attack: 400
Defense: 900
Description: FLIP: Flip 1 face-down Defense Position Monster Card on your
opponent's side of the field face-up. If the flipped card is an
Effect Monster Card, immediately destroy it without activating
its effect. If the card is not an Effect Monster Card, return
it to its original position.

--Bubonic Vermin-- [36/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast
Attack: 900
Defense: 600
Description: FLIP: You can take 1 "Bubonic Vermin" card from your Deck and
Special Summon it on the field in face-down Defense Position. The
Deck is then shuffled.

--Buster Blader-- [39/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 2600
Defense: 2300
Description: The ATK of this card increases by 500 points for every Dragon-Type
monster on your opponent's side of the field and Graveyard.

--Ceremonial Bell-- [43/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Light
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 0
Defense: 1850
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, you and your
opponent must show your respective hands to each other.

--Copycat-- [50/350]
Level: 1
Attribute: Light
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Description: When this card is Summoned (including Special Summon) it adopts
the original ATK and DEF of 1 opponent's monster.

--Crimson Sentry-- [51/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Fire
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1200
Description: Offer this face-up card as a Tribute to return 1 of your monsters
destroyed in battle during this turn to the bottom of your Deck.

--Cure Mermaid-- [52/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Water
Type: Fish
Attack: 1500
Defense: 800
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field,
increase your Life Points by 800 points during each of your
Standby Phases.

--Cyber-Stein-- [55/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Dark
Type: Machine
Attack: 700
Defense: 500
Description: At the cost of 5000 of your own Life Points, you can Special
Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck in face-up Attack

--Dancing Fairy-- [58/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Fairy
Attack: 1700
Defense: 1000
Description: As long as this card remains on your side of the field in face-up
Defense Position, increase your Life Points by 1000 points during
each of your Standby Phases.

--Dark Magician Girl-- [62/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Dark
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 2000
Defense: 1700
Description: This card's ATK increases by 300 points for every "Dark Magician"
or "Magician of Black Chaos" in either player's Graveyard.

--Dark Necrofear-- [63/350]
Level: 8
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 2200
Defense: 2800
Description: This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 3 Fiend-Type
monsters in your Graveyard from play. When this card is destroyed
in battle or by your opponent's card effect, it is treated as an
Equip Spell Card at the end of the turn. Equip 1 of your
opponent's monsters with this card. As long as it is equipped
with this card, you control the equipped monster.

--Dark Zebra-- [65/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast
Attack: 1800
Defense: 400
Description: If this is the only card in your control during your Standby
Phase, it is automatically placed in Defense Position. You cannot
change the position of this card during the same turn.

--Dark-Eyes Illusionist-- [66/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Dark
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 0
Defense: 1400
Description: FLIP: As long as this card remains on the field, 1 designated
monster cannot attack.

--Deepsea Warrior-- [70/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Water
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1600
Defense: 1800
Description: When "Umi" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by
any Spell Cards.

--Dimensional Warrior-- [74/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1200
Defense: 1000
Description: When this card Attacks or is attacked, both this card and the
opposing monster are removed from play and cannot return during
that current Duel.

--Dreamsprite-- [79/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Light
Type: Plant
Attack: 300
Defense: 200
Description: When attacked by your opponent's monster, select another 1 of
your Monster Cards and designate it as the attack's target, then
calculate damage.

--Drill Bug-- [80/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Earth
Type: Insect
Attack: 1100
Defense: 200
Description: When this card inflicts damage to your opponent's Life Points,
you may take 1 "Parasite Paracide" card from your Deck, shuffle
the Deck, and place "Parasite Paracide" face-down on top of the

--Electromagnetic Bagworm-- [87/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Light
Type: Insect
Attack: 200
Defense: 1400
Description: FLIP: Gives you control of one of your opponent's Machine-Type
monsters until your next End Phase. Any monster which destroys
this card during battle has ATK and DEF reduced by 500 points.

--Fairy Guardian-- [92/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Wind
Type: Fairy
Attack: 1000
Defense: 1000
Description: Offer this face-up card as a Tribute to return 1 Spell Card sent
to your Graveyard by your opponent during this turn to the bottom
of your Deck.

--Fire Princess-- [95/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Fire
Type: Pyro
Attack: 1300
Defense: 1500
Description: Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points
each time you increase your own Life Points.

--Fire Sorcerer-- [96/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Fire
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 1000
Defense: 1500
Description: FLIP: Randomly select 2 cards from your hand and remove them from
play to inflict 800 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life

--Flash Assailant-- [101/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 2000
Defense: 2000
Description: Decrease the ATK and DEF of this card by 400 points for every
card in your hand.

--Flying Kamakiri #1-- [103/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Insect
Attack: 1400
Defense: 900
Description: When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you
may select 1 WIND monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your
Deck and Special Summon it to the field in face-up Attack Position
(no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or more). The Deck
is then shuffled.

--Garuda the Wind Spirit-- [113/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Winged Beast
Attack: 1600
Defense: 1200
Description: This monster can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 WIND
monster in your Graveyard from play. As long as this monster
remains face-up on the field, you may change the battle position
of 1 of your opponent's face-up Monster Cards at each End Phase
of your opponent's turn.

--Gearfried the Iron Knight-- [115/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1800
Defense: 1600
Description: Any Equip Card this card is equipped with is automatically

--Giant Germ-- [117/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1000
Defense: 100
Description: When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle,
inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
You can also take cards of the same name from your Deck and Special
Summon them to the field in face-up Attack Position. The Deck is
then shuffled.

--Giant Rat-- [118/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1450
Description: When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you
may select 1 EARTH monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your
Deck and Special Summon it to the field (no Tribute is required for
monsters of Level 5 or more). The Deck is then shuffled.

--Gilasaurus-- [121/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Dinosaur
Attack: 1400
Defense: 400
Description: You may treat the Normal Summon of this card as a Special Summon.
If you select Special Summon, your opponent may select a Monster
Card from his/her Graveyard and Special Summon the monster to the

--Goblin Attack Force-- [123/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 2300
Defense: 0
Description: When this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the
end of the Battle Phase. This position cannot be changed during
your next turn.

--Greenkappa-- [130/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Dark
Type: Warrior
Attack: 650
Defense: 900
Description: FLIP: Select 2 face-down Spell or Trap Cards on the field and
destroy them.

--Harpie's Pet Dragon-- [138/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Wind
Type: Dragon
Attack: 2000
Defense: 2500
Description: Increases the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points for each
face-up "Harpie Lady" on the field.

--Hayabusa Knight-- [139/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1000
Defense: 700
Description: This monster can attack twice during the same Battle Phase.

--Hysteric Fairy-- [143/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 1800
Defense: 500
Description: Offer 2 monsters on your side of the field as a Tribute to
increase your Life Points by 1000 points. Monsters used for a
Tribute Summon or that are offered as Tributes due to other cards'
effects are excluded.

--Insect Queen-- [149/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Earth
Type: Insect
Attack: 2200
Defense: 2400
Description: This card cannot attack unless you offer 1 of your monsters on
the field as a Tribute. The ATK of this card increases by 200
points for each Insect-Type monster on the field. When this card
destroys an enemy monster, you can place an "Insect Monster Token"
(face-up Attack Position/Insect-Type/EARTH/1 Star/ATK 100/DEF 100)
on the field at the end of your turn.

--Insect Soldiers of the Sky-- [150/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Wind
Type: Insect
Attack: 1000
Defense: 800
Description: The ATK of this card increases by 1000 points whenever it attacks
a WIND monster.

--Jinzo-- [156/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Dark
Type: Machine
Attack: 2400
Defense: 1500
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all Trap Cards
cannot be activated. The effects of all face-up Trap Cards are
also negated.

--Jowgen the Spiritualist-- [157/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Light
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 200
Defense: 1300
Description: Randomly discard 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard to destroy
all Special Summoned monsters on the field. In addition, as long
as this card remains face-up on the field, no monsters can be
Special Summoned.

--Karate Man-- [159/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1000
Defense: 1000
Description: Once per turn, the original ATK of this card can be doubled. When
this effect is applied, the card is immediately destroyed at the
end of the turn.

--Kinetic Soldier-- [160/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Machine
Attack: 1350
Defense: 1800
Description: When this card battles with a Warrior-Type monster, increase the
ATK and DEF of this monster by 2000 points only during damage

--Kiseitai-- [161/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 300
Defense: 800
Description: When your opponent's monster attacks this card in face-down Defense
Position, the attacking monster is equipped with this card (damage
calculations are canceled). Treat this card as an Equip Spell Card.
During each of your opponent's Standby Phases, increase your Life
Points by half of the ATK of the monster equipped with this card.

--Kotodama-- [162/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Fairy
Attack: 0
Defense: 1600
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, monsters of the
same name cannot exist on the field at the same time (face-down
cards not included). If a card of the same name is summoned in a
later turn, that card is destroyed. If 2 cards of the same name
are played at the same time, both cards are destroyed.

--Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer-- [164/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 1800
Defense: 700
Description: Each time this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent's Life
Points, you can remove up to 2 cards in your opponent's Graveyard
from play. In addition as long as this card remains face-up on the
field, your opponent cannot remove any cards in either Graveyard
from play.

--Lady Assailant of Flames-- [165/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Fire
Type: Pyro
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1000
Description: FLIP: Remove 3 cards from the top of your Deck from play to inflict
800 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

--Lady Panther-- [166/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast-Warrior
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1300
Description: Offer this face-up card as a Tribute to return 1 of your monsters
destroyed in battle during this turn to the top of your Deck.

--Lord of D.-- [175/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 1200
Defense: 1100
Description: All Dragon-Type monsters cannot be targeted by Spell Cards, Trap
Cards, or other effects that specifically designate a target while
this card is face-up on the field.

--Machine King-- [176/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Earth
Type: Machine
Attack: 2200
Defense: 2000
Description: Increase the ATK of this card by 100 points for each face-up
Machine-Type monster on the field.

--Mad Sword Beast-- [177/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Dinosaur
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1200
Description: When this card attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of
your opponent's Defense Position monster, inflict the difference
as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

--Manga Ryu-Ran-- [189/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Fire
Type: Dragon
Attack: 2200
Defense: 2600
Description: This card cannot be summoned unless "Toon World" is on the field.
This card cannot attack in the same turn that it is summoned. Pay
500 Life Points each time this monster attacks. When "Toon World"
is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent
doesn't control a Toon monster on the field, this card may
inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. If a Toon
monster is on your opponent's side of the field, your attacks
must target the Toon monster.

--Marie the Fallen One-- [190/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1700
Defense: 1200
Description: As long as this card exists in your Graveyard, increase your Life
Points by 200 points during each of your Standby Phases.

--Maryokutai-- [191/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 900
Defense: 900
Description: The effect of this card can only be applied during your
opponent's turn. When your opponent activates a Spell Card, offer
this face-up card as a Tribute to negate the activation of the
Spell Card and destroy it.

--Morphing Jar #2-- [208/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Rock
Attack: 800
Defense: 700
Description: FLIP: Return all Monster Cards on the field to their respective
Decks and shuffle them. You and your opponent then pick up
cards until you both have the same number of Monster Cards
(Level 4 or lower) that were returned to each Deck. Special
Summon the monsters on the field in face-down Defense Position.
Any other cards picked up are discarded to the Graveyard.

--Mother Grizzly-- [209/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Water
Type: Beast-Warrior
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1000
Description: When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle,
you may select 1 WATER monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from
your Deck and Special Summon it to the field in face-up Attack
Position (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or
more). The Deck is then shuffled.

--Muka Muka-- [212/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Earth
Type: Rock
Attack: 600
Defense: 300
Description: Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points for every
card in your hand.

--Mysterious Puppeteer-- [214/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1000
Defense: 1500
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the Life
Points of this card's controller increase by 500 points for
each additional monster summoned (excluding Special Summon, but
including your opponent's monsters).

--Mystic Lamp-- [216/350]
Level: 1
Attribute: Dark
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 400
Defense: 300
Description: This monster may attack your opponent's Life Points directly.

--Mystic Tomato-- [218/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Plant
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1100
Description: When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle,
you may select 1 DARK monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from
your Deck and Special Summon it to the field (no Tribute is
required for monsters of Level 5 or more). The Deck is then

--Nimble Momonga-- [221/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast
Attack: 1000
Defense: 100
Description: When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle,
increase your Life Points by 1000 points. You can also take
cards of the same name from your Deck and Special Summon them
to the field in face-down Defense Position. The Deck is then

--Nuvia the Wicked-- [225/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 2000
Defense: 800
Description: If this monster is Summoned by a Normal Summon, it is destroyed.
The ATK of this card is decreased by 200 points for each monster
on your opponent's side of the field.

--Panther Warrior-- [231/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast-Warrior
Attack: 2000
Defense: 1600
Description: This card cannot attack unless you offer 1 of your monsters on
the field as a Tribute.

--Parasite Paracide-- [232/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Earth
Type: Insect
Attack: 500
Defense: 300
Description: FLIP: Put this card face-up in your opponent's Deck and shuffle
it. When your opponent draws this card, it is immediately
Special Summoned on your opponent's side of the field face-up
in Defense Position and inflicts 1000 points of Direct Damage to
your opponent's Life Points. From this point, all face-up
Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field are treated
as Insect-Type monsters as long as this card remains face-up on
the field.

--Patrol Robo-- [233/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Machine
Attack: 1100
Defense: 900
Description: During your Standby Phase, you can look at 1 face-down card
that's been Set by your opponent as long as this card remains
face-up on the field.

--Penguin Soldier-- [234/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 750
Defense: 500
Description: FLIP: You can return up to 2 Monster Cards from the field to
the owner's hand.

--Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth-- [235/350]
Level: 8
Attribute: Earth
Type: Insect
Attack: 3500
Defense: 3000
Description: This monster is summoned by offering "Petit Moth" as a Tribute
on the 6th of your turns after it has been equipped with
"Cocoon of Evolution".

--Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon-- [244/350]
Level: 8
Attribute: Dark
Type: Machine
Attack: 2800
Defense: 2400
Description: This card can only be Special Summoned from the Deck to the
field by offering "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" equipped with "Metalmorph"
as a Tribute. Your Deck is then shuffled.

--Red-Moon Baby-- [245/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Dark
Type: Zombie
Attack: 700
Defense: 1000
Description: A monster destroyed by this card can be Special Summoned in
face-up Attack or Defense Position at the end of the Battle
Phase to your side of the field.

--Revival Jam-- [248/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 1500
Defense: 500
Description: When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle,
you can Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position at
your next Standby Phase by paying 1000 Life Points. This must be
declared when the monster is destroyed. You cannot change its
position during the same turn it is Special Summoned in this way.

--Rigras Leever-- [249/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Fire
Type: Plant
Attack: 1600
Defense: 100
Description: FLIP: Each player selects a card from the other's hand and
discards it. Any monster destroying this card during battle loses
500 points from its ATK and DEF.

--Rocket Warrior-- [252/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Light
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1300
Description: The effect of this card can only be applied during the Battle
Phase of your own turn. Any damage this monster takes is reduced
to 0. Any monster attacked by this card has its ATK decreased
by 500 points until the end of that turn.

--Sangan-- [255/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1000
Defense: 600
Description: When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, move 1
monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your Deck to your hand.
Your Deck is then shuffled.

--Shining Angel-- [265/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 1400
Defense: 800
Description: When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle,
you can select 1 LIGHT monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from
your Deck and Special Summon it to the field in face-up Attack
Position (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or more).
The Deck is then shuffled.

--Sinister Serpent-- [266/350]
Level: 1
Attribute: Water
Type: Reptile
Attack: 300
Defense: 250
Description: During your Standby Phase, if a "Sinister Serpent" exists in your
Graveyard, you can return the "Sinister Serpent" to your hand.

--Skelengel-- [267/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 900
Defense: 400
Description: FLIP: You can draw 1 card from your deck.

--Slate Warrior-- [272/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Fiend
Attack: 1900
Defense: 400
Description: FLIP: Increase the ATK/DEF of this card by 500 points. Any
monster that destroys this card must decrease its ATK and DEF
by 500 points.

--Sonic Bird-- [278/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Winged Beast
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1000
Description: When this card is summoned (excluding Special Summon), you
may move 1 Ritual Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. The
Deck is then shuffled.

--Soul of Purity and Light-- [279/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 2000
Defense: 1800
Description: This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 2 LIGHT
monsters in your Graveyard from play. As long as this card
remains face-up on the field, decrease the ATK of all monsters
on your opponent's side of the field by 300 points during
his/her Battle Phase.

--Spear Cretin-- [282/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 500
Defense: 500
Description: FLIP: After this card is flipped, when it is sent to the
Graveyard, both you and your opponent select 1 monster from
your respective Graveyards and Special Summon it on the field
in face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position (no
Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or more).

--Spirit of Flames-- [286/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Fire
Type: Pyro
Attack: 1700
Defense: 1000
Description: This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 FIRE
monster in your Graveyard from play. Increase the ATK of this
monster by 300 points during your Battle Phase.

--Spirit of the Breeze-- [287/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Wind
Type: Fairy
Attack: 0
Defense: 1800
Description: As long as this card remains on your side of the field in
face-up Attack Position, increase your Life Points by 1000
points during each of your Standby Phases.

--Summoner of Illusions-- [293/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Light
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 800
Defense: 900
Description: FLIP: Offer 1 monster on your side of the field as a Tribute
(excluding this monster). Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster
Card from your Fusion Deck. The Fusion Monster is destroyed
at the end of the turn this card is activated.

--Supply-- [294/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1300
Defense: 800
Description: FLIP: Return 2 Fusion-Material monsters that were sent to the
Graveyard as a result of a Fusion Summon to your hand.

--Sword Hunter-- [295/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 2450
Defense: 1700
Description: A monster destroyed by this card becomes an Equip Spell Card.
Equip "Sword Hunter" with the card to increase the ATK of
this monster by 200 points. The equipped card remains on the
field until this card is destroyed.

--The Forgiving Maiden-- [304/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 850
Defense: 2000
Description: Offer this face-up card as a Tribute to return 1 of your
monsters destroyed in battle during this turn to your hand.

--The Immortal of Thunder-- [306/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Light
Type: Thunder
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1300
Description: FLIP: You gain 3000 Life Points. After this card is flipped,
you lose 5000 Life Points when it is sent from the field to
the Graveyard.

--The Legendary Fisherman-- [308/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Water
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1850
Defense: 1600
Description: When "Umi" is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected
by any Spell Cards and cannot be attacked by your opponent's

--The Rock Spirit-- [312/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Rock
Attack: 1700
Defense: 1000
Description: This monster can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 EARTH
monster in your Graveyard from play. Increase the ATK of this
monster by 300 points during your opponent's Battle Phase.

--The Unfriendly Amazon-- [315/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 2000
Defense: 1000
Description: Offer 1 of your monsters on the field as a Tribute (excluding
this monster) during each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot,
this card is destroyed. Monsters used for a Tribute Summon or
that are offered as Tributes due to other cards' effects are

--The Wicked Worm Beast-- [316/350]
Level: 3
Attribute: Earth
Type: Beast
Attack: 1400
Defense: 700
Description: This card is returned to your hand at the end of your turn.

--Time Wizard-- [323/350]
Level: 2
Attribute: Light
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 500
Defense: 400
Description: Toss a coin and call Heads or Tails. If you call it right, your
opponent's monsters on the field are destroyed. If you call it
wrong, your own monsters on the field are destroyed and you
lose Life Points equal to half the total ATK of the destroyed
monsters. This card can be used only during your own turn, once
per turn.

--Toon Mermaid-- [324/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1500
Description: This card cannot be summoned unless "Toon World" is on the
field. This card cannot attack in the same turn that it is
summoned. Pay 500 Life Points each time this monster attacks.
When "Toon World" is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If
your opponent doesn't control a Toon monster on the field, this
card may inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
If a Toon monster is on your opponent's side of the field, your
attacks must target the Toon monster.

--Toon Summoned Skull-- [325/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 2500
Defense: 1200
Description: This card cannot be summoned unless "Toon World" is on the
field. This card cannot attack in the same turn that it is
summoned. Pay 500 Life Points each time this monster attacks.
When "Toon World" is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If
your opponent doesn't control a Toon monster on the field, this
card may inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.
If a Toon monster is on your opponent's side of the field, your
attacks must target the Toon monster.

--Tornado Bird-- [327/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Wind
Type: Winged Beast
Attack: 1100
Defense: 1000
Description: FLIP: Return 2 Spell or Trap Cards on the field to the hands of
their owner.

--Total Defense Shogun-- [330/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Dark
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1550
Defense: 2500
Description: When this card is summoned (excluding Special Summon), it is
placed on the field in Defense Position. This card can attack
without being shifted to Attack Position. Damage results are
calculated normally.

--UFO Turtle-- [335/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Fire
Type: Machine
Attack: 1400
Defense: 1200
Description: When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle,
you may select 1 FIRE monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from
your Deck and Special Summon it to the field in face-up Attack
Position (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or
more). The Deck is then shuffled.

--Valkyrion the Magna Warrior-- [339/350]
Level: 8
Attribute: Earth
Type: Rock
Attack: 3500
Defense: 3850
Description: This card can only be Special Summoned by offering "Alpha the
Magnet Warrior", "Beta the Magnet Warrior", and "Gamma the
Magnet Warrior" from your hand or the field as a Tribute. If
"Alpha the Magnet Warrior", "Beta the Magnet Warrior", and
"Gamma the Magnet Warrior" exist in the Graveyard, you can
offer this card as a Tribute to Special Summon these 3 cards
to the field.

--Wall Shadow-- [341/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Dark
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1600
Defense: 3000
Description: You cannot Normal Summon this monster. This card can only be
Special Summoned by offering "Labyrinth Wall" equipped with
"Magical Labyrinth" as a Tribute. No other Tribute Monsters
are necessary.

--Witch of the Black Forest-- [345/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 1100
Defense: 1200
Description: When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, move 1
monster with a DEF of 1500 or less from your Deck to your hand.
Your Deck is then shuffled.

--Zombyra the Dark-- [350/350]
Level: 4
Attribute: Dark
Type: Warrior
Attack: 2100
Defense: 500
Description: This card cannot attack a player directly. Each time this card
destroy a monster in battle, decrease the ATK of this card by
200 points.

3.3 Fusion Monster Cards

--Alligator's Sword Dragon-- [4/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Wind
Type: Dragon
Attack: 1700
Defense: 1500
Description: "Baby Dragon" + Alligator's Sword". You can Inflict Direct
Damage to your opponent's Life Points with this card if the only
Attributes of Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field

--B. Skull Dragon-- [16/350]
Level: 9
Attribute: Dark
Type: Dragon
Attack: 3200
Defense: 2500
Description: "Summoned Skull" + "Red-Eyes B. Dragon"

--Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast-- [46/350]
Level: 6
Attribute: Wind
Type: Beast
Attack: 2100
Defense: 1800
Description: "Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts" + "Berfomet". When this card
is destroyed, you can Special Summon either "Gazelle the King of
Mythical Beasts" or "Berfomet" from your Graveyard, and place it
on the field face-up in either Attack or Defense position.

--Flame Swordsman-- [100/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Fire
Type: Warrior
Attack: 1800
Defense: 1600
Description: "Flame Manipulator" + "Masaki the Legendary Swordsman"

--Humanoid Worm Drake-- [142/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Water
Type: Aqua
Attack: 2200
Defense: 2000
Description: "Worm Drake" + "Humanoid Slime"

--Kaminari Attack-- [158/350]
Level: 5
Attribute: Wind
Type: Thunder
Attack: 1900
Defense: 1400
Description: "Ocubeam" + "Mega Thunderball"

--St. Joan-- [289/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Light
Type: Fairy
Attack: 2800
Defense: 2000
Description: "The Forgiving Maiden" + "Marie the Fallen One"

--The Last Warrior from Another Planet-- [307/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Earth
Type: Warrior
Attack: 2350
Defense: 2300
Description: "Zombyra the Dark" + "Maryokutai". When this card is Special
Summoned, destroy all mosnters on your side of the field except
this card. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, both
player cannot Summon (including Flip Summon or Special SUmmon) any

--Thousand Dragon-- [317/350]
Level: 7
Attribute: Wind
Type: Dragon
Attack: 2400
Defense: 2000
Description: "Time Wizard" + "Baby Dragon"

3.4 Ritual Monster Cards

--Magician of Black Chaos-- [186/350]
Level: 8
Attribute: Dark
Type: Spellcaster
Attack: 2800
Defense: 2600
Description: This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell
Card, "Dark Magic Ritual". You must also offer monsters whose
total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field
or your hand.

--The Masked Beast-- [309/350]
Level: 8
Attribute: Dark
Type: Fiend
Attack: 3200
Defense: 1800
Description: This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell
Card, "Curse of the Masked Beast". You must also offer monsters
whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the
field or your hand.

3.5 Spell Cards

--7 Completed-- [2/350]
Type: Equip
Description: A Machine-Type monster equipped with this card increases
either its ATK or DEF by 700 points. You cannot change your
choice as long as this card remains face-up on the field.

--Bait Doll-- [19/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Force the activation of 1 face-down Trap Card. If the timing
of the activation of the Trap Card is incorrect, negate the
effect and destroy it. If it is not a Trap Card, it is
returned to its original position. After this card is
activated, it is placed into the Deck (not the Graveyard).
The Deck is then shuffled.

--Blue Medicine-- [31/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Increase your Life Points by 400 points.

--Burning Land-- [37/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Destroys all Field Spell Cards on the field. In addition, both
players take 500 points of Direct Damage during each of their
respective Standby Phases.

--Burning Spear-- [38/350]
Type: Equip
Description: A FIRE monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400
points and decreases its DEF by 200 points.

--Card of Safe Return-- [41/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: When a monster is Special Summoned to the field from your
Graveyard, you can draw 1 card from your Deck.

--Change of Heart-- [45/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Select and control 1 opposing monster (regardless of position) on
the field until the end of your turn.

--Chosen One-- [47/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Select 1 Monster Card and 2 non-Monster Cards from your hand.
Your opponent randomly selects 1 of the 3 cards. If it is the
Monster Card, it is immediately Special Summoned in face-up Attack
or Defense Position and the remaining 2 cards are sent to the
Graveyard. If it is not a Monster Card, all 3 cards are sent to
the Graveyard.

--Cold Wave-- [48/350]
Type: Normal
Description: This card can only be activated at the start of Main Phase 1.
Until your next Draw Phase, neither you nor your opponent can
activate or Set any Spell or Trap Cards.

--Curse of the Masked Beast-- [53/350]
Type: Ritual
Description: This card is used to Ritual Summon "The Masked Beast". You must
also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a
Tribute from the field or your hand.

--Cyclon Laser-- [57/350]
Type: Equip
Description: This card can only be used to equip "Gradius". Increases the ATK
of "Gradius" by 300 points. When "Gradius" attacks with an ATK
that is higher than the DEF of your opponent's Defense Position
monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your
opponent's Life Points.

--Dark Magic Curtain-- [60/350]
Type: Normal
Description: When this card is activated, you cannot summon any monster in the
same turn (including Flip Summon and Special Summon). You can
Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" from your Deck at the cost of
half your Life Points.

--Dark Magic Ritual-- [61/350]
Type: Ritual
Description: This card is used to Ritual Summon "Magician of Black Chaos". You
must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more
as a Tribute from the field or your hand.

--De-Fusion-- [71/350]
Type: Quick-Play
Description: Return 1 Fusion Monster Card on the field to the Fusion Deck. In
addition, if all the Fusion-Material monsters for the returned
Fusion Monster Card are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon
them all to the field in face-up Attack or Defense Position.

--Delinquent Duo-- [72/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Pay 1000 Life Points. Randomly select and discard 1 card from
your opponent's hand. Your opponent then selects and discards
another card from his/her hand.

--Dimensionhole-- [75/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Remove 1 monster on your side of the field from play until your
next Standby Phase. The card still counts towards the 5-card
Monster Zone limit.

--Dragonic Attack-- [78/350]
Type: Equip
Description: This card can only be used to equip Warrior-Type monsters. The
equipped monster is treated as Dragon-Type and increases the ATK
and DEF of the equipped monster by 500 points.

--Dust Tornado-- [83/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on your opponent's side of the field.
You can then Set 1 Spell or Trap Card from your hand. This card
can only be activated if it is a Quick-Play Spell Card.

--Ekibyo Drakmord-- [86/350]
Type: Equip
Description: A monster equipped with this card cannot attack. Destroys the
equipped monster at the end of the 2nd turn of the player
controlling the monster. At that time, this card is returned to
the owner's hand.

--Elf's Light-- [88/350]
Type: Equip
Description: A LIGHT monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400
points and decreases its DEF by 200 points.

--Fairy Meteor Crush-- [93/350]
Type: Equip
Description: When your monster equipped with this card attacks with a ATK
that is higher than the DEF of your opponent's Defense Position
monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your
opponent's Life Points.

--Forest-- [106/350]
Type: Field
Description: Increases the ATK and DEF of all Insect, Beast, Plant and
Beast-Warrior-Type monsters by 200 points.

--Fusion Gate-- [107/350]
Type: Field
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, a Fusion Monster
can be Special Summoned without using "Polymerization". The
Fusion-Material monsters used in the Fusion are not sent to the
Graveyard, but are removed from play.

--Fusion Sage-- [108/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Take 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck and add it your hand. The
Deck is then shuffled.

--Giant Trunade-- [119/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Returns all Spell and Trap Cards on the field to the respective
owner's hands.

--Graceful Dice-- [124/350]
Type: Quick-Play
Description: Roll 1 six-sided die. The result is multipled by 100 points and
added to the ATK and DEF of all monsters you control until the
end of your turn. Monsters summoned after this card's activation
are excluded.

--Ground Collapse-- [132/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Select 2 Monster Card Zones on the field (you cannot select a
zone occupied by a Monster Card). The selected zones cannot be
used as long as this card remains face-up on the field.

--Gust Fan-- [135/350]
Type: Equip
Description: A WIND monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400
points and decreases its DEF by 200 points.

--Harpie's Feather Duster-- [137/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Destroys all your opponent's Spell and Trap Cards on the field.

--Infinite Cards-- [145/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, there is no
limit to the number of cards in both players' hands.

--Insect Barrier-- [147/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Your opponent's Insect-Type monsters cannot attack as long as
this card remains face-up on the field.

--Insect Imitation-- [148/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Offer 1 monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. Select
1 Insect-Type monster from your Deck that is 1 Level higher
than the Tribute monster and Special Summon it on the field in
face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position. The
Deck is then shuffled.

--Inspection-- [151/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: During your opponent's Standby Phase, you can randomly select 1
card in your opponent's hand and look at it at the cost of 500
Life Points.

--Jam Breeding Machine-- [153/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: During each of your Standby Phases, Special Summon 1 "Slime
Token" (face-up Attack Position/Aqua-Type/WATER/LEVEL 1/ATK 500/
DEF 500) to your side of the field. As long as this card remains
face-up on the field, you cannot Summon (including Flip Summon
and Special Summon) any other monster.

--Last Will-- [167/350]
Type: Normal
Description: If a monster of yours is sent from the field to the Graveyard
during the turn that you've played this card, you can select a
monster with an ATK of 1500 points or less from your Deck and
play it as a Special Summon. Shuffle the Deck after playing
the card. This card is active for 1 turn only.

--Lightning Blade-- [171/350]
Type: Equip
Description: This card can only be equipped to Warrior-Type monsters.
Increases the ATK of the equipped monster by 800 points and
decreases the ATK of all WATER monsters on the field by 500

--Limiter Removal-- [173/350]
Type: Quick-Play
Description: Doubles the ATK of all Machine-Type monsters that are on your
side of the field when this card is activated. At the end of
this turn, all the monsters affected by this effect are

--Mage Power-- [178/350]
Type: Equip
Description: For every Spell and Trap Card on your side of the field,
increase the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster by 500 points.

--Magical Labyrinth-- [184/350]
Type: Equip
Description: Equip "Labyrinth Wall" with this card. If you offer "Labyrinth
Wall" equipped with this card as a Tribute, you can Special
Summon "Wall Shadow" from your Deck.

--Makiu-- [188/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Select either "Summoned Skull" or any Thunder-Type monster. All
opponent's monsters with DEF lower than the ATK of the selected
card are destroyed. You must skip your Battle Phase during the
turn this card is activated.

--Mask of Brutality-- [192/350]
Type: Equip
Description: A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 1000
points and decreases its DEF by 1000 points. Pay 1000 Life
Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot, this
card is destroyed.

--Mask of Dispel-- [193/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Select 1 face-up Spell Card on the field. The controller of
the Spell Card must take damage of 500 Life Points during each
of his/her Standby Phases. When the selected card is destroyed
or removed from the field, this card is also destroyed.

--Mask of the Accursed-- [195/350]
Type: Equip
Description: The monster equipped with this card cannot attack. In addition,
the player controlling the equipped monster must take damage of
500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases.

--Messenger of Peace-- [199/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: You must pay 100 Life Points at each of your Standby Phases. If
you cannot pay, this card is destroyed. All monsters with an
ATK of 1500 points or more cannot attack.

--Miracle Dig-- [204/350]
Type: Normal
Description: If there are 5 or more of your monsters that have been removed
from play in the current Duel, return 3 of them to the Graveyard.

--Monster Reborn-- [206/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Select 1 Monster Card from either your opponent's or your own
Graveyard and place it on the field under your control in Attack
or Defense Position (face-up). This is considered a Special

--Mountain-- [210/350]
Type: Field
Description: Increases the ATK and DEF of all Dragon, Winged Beast, and
Thunder-Type monsters by 200 points.

--Multiply-- [213/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Offer 1 face-up "Kuriboh" as a Tribute. Place a "Kuriboh Token"
(Fiend-Type/DARK/1 Star/ATK 300/DEF 200) in Defense Position on
each open Monster Card Zone. These tokens cannot be used as
Tribute Monsters.

--Mystic Box-- [215/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Destroys 1 opponent's monster and grants control of 1 of your
monsters on the field to your opponent.

--Mystical Space Typhoon-- [219/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.

--Nightmare's Steelcage-- [220/350]
Type: Normal
Description: For 2 of your opponent's turns, all monsters on the field cannot
attack. Following the second turn, this card is destroyed.

--Nobleman of Crossout-- [222/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Destroy 1 face-down Monster Card and remove it from play. If the
monster destroyed has a Flip Effect, both players must remove all
Monster Cards of the same name from their respective Decks and
remove them from play. The Decks are then shuffled.

--Nobleman of Extermination-- [223/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Destroy 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card and remove it from play.
If the card is a Trap Card, both players must remove all Trap
Cards of the same name from their respective Decks and remove
them from play. The Decks are then shuffled.

--Offerings to the Doomed-- [228/350]
Type: Quick-Play
Description: Destroys 1 face-up monster. Skip your next Draw Phase.

--Polymerization-- [236/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Fuses 2 or more Fusion-Material Monsters to form a new Fusion

--Premature Burial-- [237/350]
Type: Equip
Description: Pay 800 Life Points. Select 1 Monster Card from your Graveyard,
Special Summon it on the field in face-up Attack Position, and
equip it with this card. When this card is destroyed, the
monster is also destroyed.

--Prohibition-- [238/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: When you play this card, declare the name of 1 card. As long
as this card remains on the field, the declared card cannot be
played. The cards which are already on the field before this
card's activation are excluded.

--Raimei-- [240/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Decrease your opponent's Life Points by 300 points.

--Rain of Mercy-- [241/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Increases the Life Points of both players by 1000 points.

--Return of the Doomed-- [247/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Discard 1 Monster Card from your hand to the Graveyard. Return 1
of your monsters that is sent to your Graveyard during this turn
as a result of battle to your hand at the end of this turn.

--Riryoku-- [250/350]
Type: Normal
Description: During your turn, you can reduce the ATK of 1 monster by half
and add that amount to the ATK of another monster on the field.

--Salamandra-- [254/350]
Type: Equip
Description: A FIRE monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 700

--Scapegoat-- [256/350]
Type: Quick-Play
Description: When this card is activated, you cannot summon any monster in
the same turn (including Flip Summon and Special Summon). Place
4 "Sheep Token" (Beast-Type/EARTH/1 Star/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense
Position on the your side of the field. The tokens cannot be
used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon.

--Scroll of Bewitchment-- [258/350]
Type: Equip
Description: Select 1 Attribute when you activate this card. Change the
Attribute of the equipped monster to the one you select.

--Seal of the Ancients-- [259/350]
Type: Normal
Description: At the cost of 1000 of your own Life Points, flip all your
opponent's face-down cards face-up. After seeing the cards,
return them to their original positions (card effects are not

--Sebek's Blessing-- [260/350]
Type: Quick-Play
Description: You can activate this card when your Monster Card inflicts Direct
Damage to your opponent's Life Points. Increase your own Life
Points by an amount equal to the Direct Damage you inflicted to
your opponent.

--Shield & Sword-- [262/350]
Type: Normal
Description: For 1 turn, each face-up monster's original ATK becomes their
original DEF and vice-versa. Any additions and subtractions to
ATK and/or DEF due to card effects are applied to the new ATK and
DEF. Monsters summoned after this card's activation are excluded.

--Snatch Steal-- [274/350]
Type: Equip
Description: Take control of 1 of your opponent's face-up monsters. Your
opponent gains 1000 Life Points at each of his/her Standby Phases.

--Sogen-- [275/350]
Type: Field
Description: Increases the ATK and DEF of all Beast-Warrior and Warrior-Type
monsters by 200 points.

--Soul Release-- [280/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Select up to 5 cards from either you or your opponent's Graveyard
and remove them from the current Duel.

--Spirit Elimination-- [285/350]
Type: Normal
Description: When monsters in the Graveyard are removed from play, remove
monsters on your side of the field from play as substitutes. This
card remains active until the end of the turn that it is activated.
The substitutes remain removed from play.

--Spiritualism-- [288/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Return 1 Spell or Trap Card on your opponent's side of the field
to his/her hand. This card's activation and effect cannot be
negated by any other card.

--Steel Shell-- [291/350]
Type: Equip
Description: A WATER monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400
points and decreases its DEF by 200 points.

--Sword of Dragon's Soul-- [296/350]
Type: Equip
Description: This card can only be used to equip by a Warrior-Type monster to
increase its ATK by 700 points. Any Dragon-Type monster battling
a monster equipped with this card is automatically destroyed at
the end of a Battle Phase, regardless of ATK/DEF. (Damage
calculations are applied normally).

--The Dark Door-- [299/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Both players can only attack with 1 monster during their
respective Battle Phases.

--The Flute of Summoning Dragon-- [303/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Playing this card when you have a Lord of D. card face-up on the
field allows you to play up to 2 Dragon-Type cards from your
hand as a Special Summon.

--The Shallow Grave-- [313/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Each player takes 1 Monster Card from his/her respective
Graveyard and Special Summons them on the field in face-down
Defense Position.

--Thousand Knives-- [318/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when you have "Dark Magician" on your
side of the field. Destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of
the field.

--Toon World-- [326/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: This card is activated by paying 1000 of your Life Points.

--Tribute to the Doomed-- [331/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Discard 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard to destroy 1
Monster Card on the field (regardless of its position).

--Umi-- [337/350]
Type: Field
Description: Increases the ATK and DEF of all Fish, Sea Serpent, Thunder and
Aqua-Type monsters by 200 points. Also decreases the ATK and DEF
of all Machine and Pyro-Type monsters by 200 points.

--United We Stand-- [338/350]
Type: Equip
Description: For every face-up monster you control, increase the ATK and DEF of
the equipped monster by 800 points.

--Vengeful Bog Spirit-- [340/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: All monsters on the field cannot attack in the same turn that they
are summoned (includes Flip Summon and Special Summon).

--Wasteland-- [342/350]
Type: Field
Description: Increases the ATK and DEF of all Dinosaur, Zombie, and Rock-Type
monsters by 200 points.

--Yami-- [349/350]
Type: Field
Description: Increases the ATK and DEF of all Fiend and Spellcaster-Type
monsters by 200 points. Also decreases the ATK and DEF of all
Fairy-Type monsters by 200 points.

3.6 Trap Cards

--Anti-Spell Fragrance-- [9/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, both players
must first Set Spell Cards when they use them and cannot activate
them until their next turn.

--Appropriate-- [10/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: You can activate this card when your opponent draws a card outside
of his/her Draw Phase. After activation, every time your opponent
draw a card out side of his her Draw Phase, draw 2 cards from your

--Aqua Chorus-- [11/350]
Type: Normal
Description: If there are Monster Cards of the same name on the field, the ATK
and DEF of those cards are increased by 500 points.

--Armored Glass-- [13/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when a monster is equipped with an Equip
Card. Negate the effects of all Equip Cards on the field during the
turn this card is activated.

--Attack and Receive-- [14/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when you take damage to your Life
Points. Inflict 700 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's
Life Points. In addition, inflict 300 points of Direct Damage to
your opponent's Life Points per card if there are additional
"Attack and Receive" cards in your Graveyard.

--Backup Soldier-- [18/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when there are 5 or more Monster Cards
in your Graveyard. Take up to 3 Monster Cards (except monsters with
effects) with an ATK of 1500 points or less from your Graveyard and
add them to your hand.

--Blind Destruction-- [30/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: During your Standby Phase, roll 1 six-sided die once. Destroy any
monsters whose Level Stars are equal to the number rolled. If the
number is "6", destroy all face-up Level 6 or higher monsters on
the field.

--Call of the Haunted-- [40/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Select 1 monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it in
face-up Attack Position. When this card is destroyed or removed
from the field, the summoned monster is destroyed. If the summoned
monster is destroyed, this card is also destroyed.

--Ceasefire-- [42/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Flip all face-down Monster Cards on the field face-up (Flip Effects
are not activated). Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your
opponent's Life Points for each Effect Monster Card on the field.

--Chain Destruction-- [44/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when a monster with an ATK of 2000
points or less is summoned (including Special Summon). This monster
is not destroyed, but all Monster Cards of the same name in the
summoning player's hand and Deck are destroyed. The summoning
player's Deck is then shuffled.

--Collected Power-- [49/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Select 1 face-up monster on the field. Equip this monster with all
face-up Equip Cards on the field. If the target of the Equip Card
is not correct, destroy the Equip Card.

--Dark Spirit of the Silent-- [64/350]
Type: Normal
Description: This card can only be activated during your opponent's Battle Step.
Negate the attack of 1 monster and select another 1 of your
opponent's face-up monsters and have it attack. If the new targeted
attacking monster is in face-up Defense Position, change it to
Attack Position.

--Deal of Phantom-- [69/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Select 1 monster face-up on the field. Increase the selected
monster's ATK by 100 points for each monster in your Graveyard
during the turn this card is activated. The number of monster is
applied when this card is activated.

--Destruction Punch-- [73/350]
Type: Normal
Description: When the ATK of an attacking monster on your opponent's side of
the field is lower than the DEF of the attacked Defense Position
monster on your side of the field, destroy the attacking monster.
Damage calculation is applied normally.

--DNA Surgery-- [76/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Select 1 Type of monster. As long as this card remains on the
field, all face-up Monster Cards will be treated as the Type you

--Driving Snow-- [81/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when 1 or more of your Trap Cards are
destroyed and sent from the field to the Graveyard by a card effect
your opponent controls. Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.

--Earthshaker-- [85/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Select 2 Monster Card Attributes. Your opponent then selects 1 of
the 2 Attributes and destroys all face-up monsters with that
Attribute on the field.

--Enchanted Javelin-- [90/350]
Type: Normal
Description: When your opponent's monster attacks, increase your Life Points by
the attacking monster's ATK points.

--Fairy Box-- [91/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Each time a monster on your opponent's side of the field attacks,
toss a coin and call Heads or Tails. If you call it right, the
attacking monster's ATK becomes 0 only during the Battle Phase. Pay
500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot,
this card is destroyed.

--Forced Requisition-- [105/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: You can activate this card when you discard from your hand. Every
time you discard from your hand, your opponent must also discard
the same number of cards from his/her hand.

--Gamble-- [110/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when your opponent's hand has 6 or
more cards and your hand contains 2 or less. Toss a coin and
call it. If you call it right, draw until your hand has 5 cards.
If you call it wrong, skip your next turn.

--Gift of the Mystical Elf-- [120/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Increase your Life Points by 300 points for each monster on the
field, regardless of position.

--Graverobber-- [127/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Select 1 Spell Card from your opponent's Graveyard. You can use it
as your own Spell Card in your hand until the end of the turn. If
you activate it, you take 2000 points of damage.

--Graverobber's Retribution-- [128/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: During each of your Standby Phases, inflict 100 points of Direct
Damage to your opponent's Life Points for each of your opponent's
Monster Cards that have been removed from play.

--Gravity Bind-- [129/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: All monsters of Level 4 or higher cannot attack. Their positions
may still be changed.

--Gryphon Wing-- [133/350]
Type: Normal
Description: When your opponent activates "Harpie's Feather Duster", all
your opponent's Spell and Trap Cards are destroyed in place of
your own.

--Gust-- [134/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when 1 or more of your Spell Cards are
destroyed and sent from the field to the Graveyard by a card
effect your opponent controls. Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the

--Imperial Order-- [144/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, negate the
effects of all Spell Cards. Pay 700 Life Points during each of
your Standby Phases. If you cannot, this card is destroyed.

--Infinite Dismissal-- [146/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: All monsters of Level 3 or lower that are summoned to the field
during this turn (excluding Special Summon) are destroyed at the
End Phase of the turn.

--Jam Defender-- [154/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Each time a monster on your opponent's side of the field attacks
a monster on your side of the field and you have "Revival Jam"
face-up on the field, you can change the attack target to
"Revival Jam".

--Jam of Greed-- [155/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Draw 1 card from your Deck.

--Kunai with Chain-- [163/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can shift an opponent's monster in Attack Position to Defense
Position. In addition, you can increase the ATK of 1 of your own
monsters by 500 points.

--Light of Intervention-- [169/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Monster Cards cannot be played face-down. Monsters Set in Defense
Position are played face-up on the field and are considered

--Lightforce Sword-- [170/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Select 1 card at random from your opponent's hand. Keep it
face-down and place it outside of the field. During your
opponent's 4th turn, the card is returned to his/her hand in the
Standby Phase.

--Magic Cylinder-- [179/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Negate the attack of 1 of your opponent's monsters and inflict
Direct Damage equal to the attacking monster's ATK to your
opponent's Life Points.

--Magic Drain-- [180/350]
Type: Counter
Description: You can activate this card when your opponent activates a Spell
Card. If your opponent cannot immediately discard 1 Spell Card
from his/her hand, negate the activation of the Spell Card and
destroy it.

--Magic Jammer-- [181/350]
Type: Counter
Description: Discard 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard to negate the
activation of a Spell Card and destroy it.

--Magic Thorn-- [182/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: You can inflict 500 points of damage per card to your opponent's
Life Points when your opponent's cards are discarded to the
Graveyard by the effects of Spell, Trap or Effect Monster Cards.

--Magical Hats-- [183/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card during your opponent's Battle Phase.
Take 2 non-Monster Cards from your Deck and select 1 of your
Monster Cards on the field, then shuffle your Deck. Shuffle the
3 selected cards and Set them on the field in face-down Defense
Position. The 2 cards selected from your Deck are treated as
monsters (ATK 0/DEF 0) and are destroyed at the end of the Battle

--Magic-Arm Shield-- [185/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when your opponent announces an
attack. Select 1 of your opponent's face-up Monster Cards on the
field and designate it as the target of the attack.

--Major Riot-- [187/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when 1 or more of your monsters are
returned from the field to your hand. Return all Monster Cards on
the field to your respective hands. Both you and your opponent
can then Special Summon from your hand the same number of Monster
Cards on the field in face-down Defense Position.

--Mask of Restrict-- [194/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: No matter what the situation, neither player can offer any
monster as a Tribute.

--Mask of Weakness-- [196/350]
Type: Normal
Description: This card can only be activated in the Battle Phase. Select 1
attacking monster and decrease the selected monster's ATK by 700
points during the turn this card is activated.

--Metal Detector-- [200/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when a Continuous Trap Card is
activated. Negate all Continuous Trap Cards during the turn this
card is activated.

--Metalmorph-- [201/350]
Type: Normal
Description: After activation, this card is used to equip a face-up monster.
The monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by
300 points. When attacking with a monster equipped with this
card, you can further increases its ATK by an amount equal to
half the ATK of your target.

--Michizure-- [202/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when your monster is sent from field
to Graveyard. Destroy 1 monster on the field.

--Minor Goblin Official-- [203/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: You can activate this card when your opponent's Life Points are
3000 or less. Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your
opponent's Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases.

--Mirror Wall-- [205/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Decrease the ATK of all your opponent's attacking monsters by
half. You must pay 2000 Life Points during each of your Standby
Phases. If you cannot, this card is destroyed.

--Mystic Probe-- [217/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when a Continuous Spell Card is
activated. Negate all Continuous Spell Cards during the turn
this card is activated.

--Numinous Healer-- [224/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when you take damage to your Life
Points. Increase your Life Points by 1000 points. In addition,
increase your Life Points by 500 points per card if there are
additional "Numinous Healer" cards in the Graveyard.

--Respect Play-- [246/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: During their respective turns, each player must show their
opponent their hand.

--Riryoku Field-- [251/350]
Type: Counter
Description: Negates the activation of a Spell Card that designates 1 monster
as a target and destroys the Spell Card.

--Royal Command-- [253/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Negates the activation and effects of all Flip Effect monsters.

--Shadow of Eyes-- [261/350]
Type: Normal
Description: When your opponent Sets a Monster Card in face-down Defense
Position, change it to face-up Attack Position. If the Monster
Card has a Flip Effect, it is not activated.

--Shift-- [263/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when your opponent designates 1 monster
on your side of the field as the target of a Spell, Trap, or
battle attack. Change the target to a different monster on your
side of the field.

--Skull Dice-- [268/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Roll 1 six-sided die. The result is multipled by 100 points and
subtracted from the ATK and DEF of all monsters in your opponent's
control until the end of your turn. Monsters summoned after this
card's activation are excluded.

--Skull Invitation-- [269/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Every time a card is sent to the Graveyard, inflict 300 points of
Direct Damage to its owner's Life Points per card.

--Skull Lair-- [270/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Remove any number of cards in your Graveyard from play. Destroy
1 face-up monster on the field whose Level Stars are equal to the
number of the cards you removed from play.

--Solemn Wishes-- [276/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: You gain 500 Life Points when you draw a card (or cards).

--Solomon's Lawbook-- [277/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Skip your own Standby Phase.

--The Emperor's Holiday-- [301/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Negate the effects of all Equip Cards.

--The Eye of Truth-- [302/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: As long as this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent
must show his/her hand. Your opponent increases his/her Life
Points by 1000 points at each of his/her Standby Phases if he/she
has a Spell Card is his/her hand.

--The Regulation of Tribe-- [311/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: Select 1 Type of monster. Any monster of the selected Type cannot
attack. To keep this card in effect, you must offer 1 monster
from the field as a Tribute at each of your Standby Phases. If
you cannot, this card is destroyed.

--Time Machine-- [321/350]
Type: Normal
Description: When 1 monster is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle,
you can return it to the field in the same battle position as a
Special Summon.

--Time Seal-- [322/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Your opponent skips the Draw Phase of his/her next turn.

--Tornado Wall-- [328/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: This card can only be activated when "Umi" is active on the field.
As long as "Umi" remains face-up on the field, any damage to your
Life Points becomes 0. When "Umi" is destroyed or removed from
the field, this card is also destroyed.

--Torrential Tribute-- [329/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when a monster is Summoned (including
Flip Summon and Special Summon). Destroy all monsters on the

--Type Zero Magic Crusher-- [334/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: For each Spell Card that you discard from your hand, inflict 500
points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

--Ultimate Offering-- [336/350]
Type: Continuous
Description: At the cost of 500 Life Points per monster, a player is allowed
an extra Normal Summon or Set.

--Windstorm of Etaqua-- [343/350]
Type: Normal
Description: Change the battle positions of all face-up monsters on your
opponent's side of the field.

--World Suppression-- [346/350]
Type: Normal
Description: You can activate this card when a Field Spell Card is activated.
Negate the Field Spell Card during the turn this card is

4. Credits

-Konami: for this and other wonderful Yu-Gi-Oh card games.
-Owner of this FAQ: vrapong
-Someone special who has been supporting me and help me correct my English
mistakes :P. Thanks a million!
-www.yugioh-card.com: For information on types of Spell and Trap cards.
-www.gamefaqs.com: For putting up this guide.
-You, who are reading this message! Thanks for using the guide I made all this
time. Hope you enjoyed the game!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion Card List - Version 1.0 By vrapong
Email: weerence(at)yahoo(dot)com

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17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Das komplette Kartenset der Yu-Gi-Oh Power of Chaos Kartenspiele

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Engl. Hinweise

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18.Oktober 2013
Unbesiegbarkeits- und "Du gewinnst"-Trainer

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Beliebte Cheats
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