MU Online

Mu Online

17.10.2013 02:56:11

*********** Mu Online FAQ ***********

Version Info:

1.0 - Tyler Moody star here the FAQ with little things
1.4 - Added more controls, commands, emotions, and contents to the index,
make more eye candy to read it easy ;), map section completed, a little
more explained characters, all by DIOH.
1.6 – Gun Sage didn’t answer my messages so I write the FAQ as mine. Fixed
some need level to warp or enter in maps, the chaos machine section
completed, add Story from MU page. Star the items section
1.9 – More Item description, star writing weapons, armor, spells and
skills, some corrections.
2.0 – Some corrections and more little thins

Table Of Contents

1.Legal Stuff (Complete unless someone asks to use this FAQ on their site)
2.Introduction & Story (Complete)
3.Controls (Mostly complete unless more controls come out in later Mu
4.Character Classes (almost complete)
A.Dark Knight / Blade Knight
B.Dark Wizard / Soul Master
C.Elf / Muse Elf
D.Magic Gladiator
E.Which class is right for YOU!
5.Weapons (Incomplete)
6.Armors (Incomplete)
7.Spells & Skills (Incomplete)
8.Items (Incomplete)
C.Rings and Pedants
9.Chaos Machine
A.Making Chaos Weapons
B.Making Chaos Items Extension
I.Blood Castle
J.Devil Square
11.Quests (Incomplete)
12.Methods Of Training (Incomplete)
13.Monsters (Incomplete)
14.Bugs/Tricks (Incomplete)
15.Methods Of Contact (Incomplete)
16.Special Thanks (Incomplete)

1.Legal Stuff
SThis FAQ is only to be used by until further notice. If
you wish to use this FAQ on your site you may E-Mail me at If you wish to print off this FAQ and simply
use it as it is supposed to be used then you may. If you wish to alter
this FAQ in any way, shape, or form, you are allowed to.

This FAQ was stared by Tyler Moody “Gun Sage” you can E-Mail him at or at Nd continued
by my person. You may not distribute this FAQ as your own work with-out
deleting my name and the name of Tyler Moody and all that :).

MU, a 3D online game produced by Webzen is a full on 3D MMORPG that is the
first of its kind developed in Korea. MU is a highly involved fantasy Role
Playing Game based on the legendary Continent of MU. You are given the
choice of selecting between one of four classes, Dark Knight, Fairy, Dark
Sorcerer and Magic Gladiator, and become a daring adventurer in the quest
to save the land of MU. The beautiful surroundings made in full and
glorious 3D was once unheard of and hardly imaginable but with the
ingenious implementation of the Open GL Full 3D Engine technology
developed by Webzen makes the impossible possible. What lies behind the
legends and mysteries of MU? Let the journey begin!

Much time has passed since the millennia old Empire of MU lost complete
and utter control over the Continent. While the power of the central
government of MU continued to wane, feudal lords became engrossed and
engaged in an inner turmoil over control of MU, destroying the foundations
of its society. Over time, the bloody feuds and civil wars destroyed and
ravaged the once beautiful land of MU and it is also during this time,
amidst the blood and tears associated with such conflicts, amidst the
petty ambitions of men and those who would be more than man that a dark
and ominous shadow falls over the whole of MU.

Antonias, a feudal lord, overwrought with his burning ambition to control
the land called MU was at once easily deceived by an evil sorcerer named
Lemulia who through Antonias’ obsession was able to bring Kundun, the
Devil of Darkness, back to life. Upon seeing his lovely daughter torn
apart limb by limb by Kundun, Antonias wept tears of blood and lamented
his fate and his ill decisions. In the end all was for naught, as his
meaningless death by the hands of the evil sorceress Lemulia did not
lessen his crime of reviving the Devil of Darkness, Kundun.

There is but only one path of hope for the Land of MU. But who will take
the task of discovering the 8 Sealing Stones that have been scattered
across the continent of MU. Who will once Seal the demon Kundun and
restore the land to its once former beauty? Will it be YOU? The Devil of
Darkness has already begun to take action to obliterate the Continent of
MU. Receive thy Quest! Only the sword in your hand can banish Kundun and
his evil minions once more.


-The Prophecy
The Heavens shall open again
The Stars will lose their way,
And Fear decends upon the earth
A saint awakens and destroys the seal of chains.
Ravenous teeth shall rape the land
The land! Tis cruel.
Crimson Blood stains the ground

Under the Sun
The 8 jewels of Legend and Lore shall appear
And Satan will have arisen. .
Heed these words ye wise man!
A day shall come
Upon which the soil shall 8 stars be affixed,
Nightmare’s Day shall it be called
When Heaven’s rays divide the sky and
Echoing wails ring in the Valley of Death,
And a light will come down upon this land from the world once forgotten.

-Background Story
In a millennium’s time, the Land of MU has advanced and developed the
empire in great bounding strides. However, as foretold in the Great
Prophecy, Secromicon, the Continent of MU fell into overwhelming chaos.
Great leaders who had once controlled MU Continent now have fallen low and
the central government due to the internal strife and warfare amonst power
hungry feudal lords have brought the kingdom asunder and thus the empire
crumbled. The millennium of peace and bounty is now a mere memory and dark
stains of blood now cover the land. The ravages of war have laid waste to
the once beautiful land and the shedding of blood still knows no end. Even
now, petty feudal lords endlessly build up their machines of war and
futilely attempt to re-establish what once was.

And It was during this time of endless blood letting that the gates of
Hell were thrown open as the blind ambitions of a foolish man had been led
far astray.

Antonias a foolish lord, blinded by ambition, deceived by the the evil
sorceress Lemulia, unknowingly let loose upon the world, Kundun, the Devil
of Darkness, a demon difficultly confined by the seal of Etramu.

"Now this land shall be mine again.
I have banished Peace for all time. .
The Sun will no longer shine
This Earth shall be mine
And cunning men will be my slaves and my cattle.”

The Ancient Devil Kundun awake from its long sleepless slumber now walks
amongst the living defiling the land with his touch. Amidst the chaos, the
stars have lost their course and the stench of fear and blood pervades
throughout. Kundun leased upon the land his rage and vengeance for his
eons long confinement. Quickly, the now forsaken land of MU has become
home to Kundun’s minions and for 2 long years the evil of his reign
befouled all that was once pure. Nightmare’s Day, a passage in the Great
Prophecy, had come true and was no longer merely the words of days gone by.
Wise men began their studies anew and hopingly and longingly referred to
the ray of light mentioned within the writings of the the prophecy.The
wise studied what would be the ray of light mentioned in the prophecy.
Their last remaining hope lay in the power of the the seal of Etramu, the
very seal that maintained Kundun’s imprisonment. Into 8 pieces the seal
has been scattered and only when the seal is made whole shall peace return
to the land once more.

- The King of Blood -

Antonias, the prince of the Black Knights, was nearing the realization of
his foolish ambitions.

"MU shall be mine and mine only! Foolish, pitiful men, look upon my might
as I break the seal to my destiny”

An evil sorcerer named Lemulia had warmed to the foolish lord and seduced
his mind with false hope for Antonias had become sickened and weary of the
ceaseless battles between the feudal lords of MU. Lemulia spoke endlessly
about a tale of a great lord, a demon, the Devil of Darkness, Kundun who
had existed 1000 years ago before the MU Empire was born.
She spoke of how those who allayed themselves with the dark lord would be
masters of the whole world and not merely an empire or a continent.
Antonias, blinded by ambition fell easily into Lemulia’s ploy.
Those who saw past Lemulia’s veil of deception, loyal and altruistic
advisors were immediately put to death and all that remained was the naive
lord, the evil witch and cruel, blood thirsty warriors.

The army of Antonias kept lay havoc to the land once more, conquering the
Empire by force under Lemulia’s cunning tricks and sorcery, and within
time, on the ominous day mentioned in the prophecy of the Secromicon, the
forces of Antonias gathered at Ketthotum. The ghastly, merciless soldiers
of Antonias The ghastly soldiers anxiously awaited the moment when
Antonias and Lemulia would break the Seal. The wind fell silent and the
air was filled with uncertainty as the moments trickled by.

The shrine of Ketthotum undulated grotesquely. For a brief moment, a look
of panic crossed Antonias’ eyes. “Is all well, Lemulia?”
The Sorcerer Lemulia hidden in a black shadowy robe nodded her head.
“Only for the King of Land! The moment is upon us.” Antonias’ confusion
and uncertainty remained but was seemingly satisfied with her reply.
Antonias then shouted, "This land shall remain mine for all time.” and
attempted to touch the seal of Etramu.

"Om Orakust, Hemiad, Kiratus. Le Al Hokbras, Ektua, Ho."

An unknown incantation spewed from Lemulia’s mouth and at the same time a
bluish protective curtain surrounded Antonias. At this very moment, the
Sealing Stone started to shed light. While Lemulia’s incarnation got
louder and more bold, a look of madness began to flow and dance in the
eyes of Antonias as he starwed betwixt upon the jewel.
"A little more, a little more..."
Antonias’ hands were trembling, as he approached the Sealing Stone. The
light emanating from the stone began to spasm …
"just a little more.!!"
- Clink!
Before Lemulia’s incantation had finished, the Sealing Stone shattered.
"The King, The King of Blood!!"
In the midst of the din of the soldiers’ rapturous voices calling out to
their master, The Devil of Darkness, Kundun had resurrected.
Kundun who woke up from sleep fiercely stared Antonias and shouted,
"Now the land is only my own! Only the blood and fear will fill up this
And the 8 pieces of the Sealing Stone scattered far and wide to each
corner of the vast continent that is MU.

In this section I will explain the controls and what you can do through-
out the levels of your character.

A.-- Basic Controls
The basic controls are as follows:

Left-Click: Move/Attack with current weapon (Fists can be considered a
weapon)/Talk/Pick-up (Includes inventory)

Right-click: Use weapon skill (Will be explained later)/ Use spell (Will
be explained later)/ Use item(includes inventory)

D-Key: This makes a “window” of commands. Commands are used by left-
clicking the command and then right-clicking the person you wish to
perform the command on. Certain commands, such as trade, can only be used
at later levels and have a certain range. Trade can only be used 2
character widths away from the target. This can be accessed on the lower
left of the display at the bottom of the screen.

I,V-Key: Brings up an inventory “window”. This allows you to modify your
equipped items and move items/put them in a cluster as you move around.
You are unable to fight while your mouse is in this “window” and if you
click on it the attack will be stopped. This can be accessed on the
display at the bottom of the screen.

P-Key: Brings up a “window” of your party’s status. If you are not in a
party this gives advice on how to form a party (how to invite people into
a party, NOT how to get people to say yes). If you are in a party then
this window will show every party-member’s current location and health.
These figures will not change while the window is open. To update them
simply hit P twice. This can be accessed on the display at the bottom of
the screen.

G-Key: Brings up a window of your guild. it have buttons such as “Exit
Guild” (x), the guilds “sign” and the nick of people in the guild, white
names are connect partners and the number of the server where their are

Escape-Key: Brings up a menu of options. Allows you to: Disconnect from
the server and close the game, Change to a different server, change
characters (You will not be in the same spot you were before unless you
ended with the other character where you are now), or access the options
menu that is on the connect menu.

C-Key: Brings up the character window, this show your nick, level info,
experience, extra points, and points of strength, agility, vitality and
energy. Here is where you distribute the points who win when a level is

Q-Key: Use healing potion (need buy)

W-Key: Use mana potion (need buy)

E-Key: Use antidote potion (need buy), or alcohol (can buy or drop by a

B.-- Advanced Controls:
F1-Key: Brings up a “window” with help on buttons. This is what you should
use if you ever forget what a button does.

F2-Key: Turn the chat window on/off

F3-Key: Whisper chat on/off, need level 6 or more to whisper, and are like
messages and you will see it with a yellow background.

F4-Key: Resize chat window

Alt-Key: Show items name dropped in floor, good help on a blood castle or

Enter-Key: brings up the window chat/command, the chat is some cases are
sensitive, it means that the words and special characters like
(AaBbCc...Zz=*^), must be typed equals, like nicks, guild’s name, weapons,
the maps don’t matters.

Up/Down-Keys: This allows changing the desired whispering player who you
send the private messages, u know if on when the ear in the right is gold

PgUP/PgDown-Keys: This allows scrolling the chat window up and down

Tab-Key: Brings between chat or whisper window

H-Key: Brings up a “window” that has options. These options allow you to
“warp” to the selected place if you are at the correct level and have the
amount of money shown. In later versions I will add this list with the
level needed and the money needed.

C.-- Chat Controls/commands
All this command must be put in the window of chat/commands, with the
whisper off

/trade : Send a trade request to the player who you point,
need to be close to him.

/warp : Warp to a desired map, need level 50 or more to warp and 2000
and some maps need to be on specific levels to enter.

/party : Send a request to the person to join in your

/guild : Send a request to the Guild Master (GM), to join in
their guild, only the guild master is allowed to accept, deny a join

/war : Must be done by the Guild Masters, start a war against
the name of the guild typed and finish only when a guild score 20 kills or
if all are disconnect.

# : Show your text message more time than usual in public, good for
not type a lot when you sell something o all that you like.

~ : Send a private message to the party, you will see it with a blue

@ : Send a private message to the guild, you will see it with a

@> : Post a message to the guild, I had not see yet, but I think is
like a post the message and when anybody offline connects it will be send..

/Item name: This is sensitive, with this you can get info about a certain
item like, Dragon Sword, Legendary Bow, Soul Pants, etc. To get the window
of the info off press F1.

D.-- Emotions
This must be enter on the chat window, you can put a "/" in front of the
below. Type it as is because they are CASE SENSITIVE

^^ or Haha - Laugh
; or Sorry - Head scratch
- _ - (without spaces) - Cross arms
Tired - Yawn
beat it or Great - Raises both arms
Bye - Wave
Cold or hurts - Rubs arms
Come - Beckon someone
Cry or T_T or Sad - Self explanatory
Don't or Never - "No" gesture
Good or Nice or Wow - Clap
Hello or Thanks - Bow (greeting)
OK - Arm pump
Respect - Kneel
Rush - Lead your men forward
Sad - self explainatory
Sir - Salute
That - Points to the way you're facing
Victory or Win - Victory pose

4.Character Classes.

Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. The max level of a
character can get is 350.

A.-- Dark Knight / Blade Knight (DK/BK)
Is the brute force, this character is for hit and hit and hit with much
power, and take less damage, attack in a close range, some times 1 enemy
at time, but some special ability cant hit the enemies close too him in a
circle. Be focus on put Strength points for normal attack, the special
attacks need a little of mana (not much), but very stamina that you get
with the Vitality, The Agility makes your attacks faster. This character
star in Lorencia. Finish the quest you will be a Blade Knight.

Start with this stats
HP: 112
Mana: 20
Stamina: 25
Strength: 28
Agility: 20
Vitality: 25
Energy: 10

B.-- Dark Wizard / Soul Master (DW/SM)
This is the most weak character for close attacks hit not much and get
high damage, but he can hit multiples enemies, not use the stamina, only
with a spell and take like 5 point, is a hard playing character, but when
is on very high levels can be defeat more enemies that the BK and that
make gain more experience with less. Be focus on put a lot of points on
the Energy this will get your spells more powerful. This character star in
Lorencia. Finish the quest and be a Soul Master

Start with this stats
HP: 60
Mana: 60
Stamina: 19
Strength: 18
Agility: 18
Vitality: 15
Energy: 30

C.-- Elf / Muse Elf (Elf/ME)

This character is a little weak, get very damage but is also very wanted
in special maps like Blood Castle or Devil Square because they brings a
special aura to up the power of attack or reduce damage taken, but some
elves are not specialist in this auras, they can be focus on fight too but
not be able to brings auras, so is player choose what kind of elf want to
be. This character star in Noria. Finish the quest and be a Muse Elf

Start with this stats
HP: 80
Mana: 30
Stamina: 20
Strength: 22
Agility: 25
Vitality: 20
Energy: 15

D.-- Magic Gladiator
Only enable when you get level 220 on one of your 3 first character, this
is the combination of a fighter and a wizard, here you must choose what do
more than other, can be a knight with a little spells or a wizard with a
little more power in close attacks, meaby both because the stats points
start equals but always be a little difference, the MG get 7 points when
win a new level against 5 who get the others, so this make this character
more easy to get levels faster, also cant wear armors of DK and DW, not
the BK or SM . Star in Lorencia and him don’t need make the quest.

Start with this stats
HP: ?
Mana: ?
Stamina: ?
Strength: 27
Agility: 27
Vitality: 27
Energy: 27

E.-- Which Class Is Right For YOU!
Most of this depends on what you like to do. If you want to have great
power up close and shrug off most attacks then choose the DK. If you want
something challenging, weak at first but a 1-hit killer in the end, choose
a DW. If you want a helper, a healer, a summoner, choose the Elf. I
suggest that newer players use a DK until they understand how to play or
they have enough money to provide for 2 characters. A DW is quite possibly
the most expensive class to choose because its armor costs just as much as
the others, but it must spend A LOT of money on potions. The DK can buy
small mana potions and do fine. A DW depends on mana and will generally
not be filled up by a small mana potion. DWs also take the most damage
from attacks and need more healing potions. A DK can shrug off most
attacks and as such doesn’t need healing very often. Elves use arrows for
their bows and those cost money but they are not very expensive and the
amount of mana potions they need is not quite as great as the DW. DWs ALSO
have to “buy their attacks” because they need scrolls to learn a spell.
These scrolls are, generally, not cheap. MG is definitely the cheapest of
them all. If you have the right weapons then you do not need mana pots
because when you are out of mana you can: 1) wait for your mana to regain
while you slug it out with a monster or 2) take little damage as you wait
for your mana to regain. This can also make the MG the most expensive
class. The need for different weapons (both spell casting and melee) makes
up for the ability to use spells and the 7 points a level. So it is your

5.Weapons (Incomplete) (All weapons max option: increase damage +16)

Short Sword
Serpent Volgue
The Sword of Light
The Sword of Legend
Double Blade
Great Sword
Crystal Sword
Sword of Destruction
Dragon Sword (Best Weapon to DK)
Spirit Sword (Best Weapon to BK)
Thunder Sword (Best Weapon to MG)

Small Axe
Double-Bladed Axe
Fairy's Axe
Battle Axe
Nikkea Axe
Larkan Axe
Crescentic Axe
Chaos Dragon Axe

Blunt Weapons
Morning Star
Iron Hammer
Great Hammer
Crystal Mace

Short Bow
Fairy's Bow
Battle Bow
Tiger Bow
Chaos Nature Bow
Gigant Bow (Best weapon for ME)

Golden Crossbow
Ray of Crossbow
Serpent Crossbow
Dragon Crossbow
Legendary Crossbow
Shadow Crossbow (Best weapon for Elf)

Double-Bladed Halberd
Dragon Lance
Big Pike
Light Spear
Serpent Spear

Skull Staff
Angel Staff
Snake Staff
Thunder Staff
Gorgon Staff
Chaos Thunder Staff
Resurrection Staff
Legendary Staff (Best weapon for DW)
Crystal Staff
Unicorn Staff
Dragon Staff (Best weapon for SM/MG)

Shield (Max option: Defense increase +20)
Round Shield
Kite Shield
Skeleton Shield
Big Round Shield
Iron Shield
Spike Shield
Dragon Slayer Shield
Tower Shield
Serpent Shield
Bronze Shield
Fairy's Shield (Best Shield for Elf)
Legendary Shield (Best shield for SM)
Chaos Shield (Best shield for MG)

6.Armors (Incomplete)

-- Dark Knight / Blade Knight:

Leather Set

Leather Armour
Leather Pants
Leather Helm
Leather Gloves
Leather Boots

Bronze Set

Bronze Armour
Bronze Pants
Bronze Helm
Bronze Gloves
Bronze Boots

Scale Set

Scale Armour
Scale Pants
Scale Helm
Scale Gloves
Scale Boots

Brass Set

Brass Armour
Brass Pants
Brass Helm
Brass Gloves
Brass Boots

Iron Set

Iron Armour
Iron Pants
Iron Helm
Iron Gloves
Iron Boots

Plate Set

Plate Armour
Plate Pants
Plate Helm
Plate Gloves
Plate Boots

Dragon Set (Best set for DK)

Dragon Armour
Dragon Pants
Dragon Helm
Dragon Gloves
Dragon Boots

Black Dragon Set

Black Dragon Armour
Black Dragon Pants
Black Dragon Helm
Black Dragon Gloves
Black Dragon Boots

Phoenix Set (Best Set to BK)

Phoenix Armour
Phoenix Pants
Phoenix Helm
Phoenix Gloves
Phoenix Boots

-- Dark Wizard / Soul Master:

Pad Set

Pad Armour
Pad Pants
Pad Helm
Pad Gloves
Pad Boots

Bone Set

Bone Armour
Bone Pants
Bone Helm
Bone Gloves
Bone Boots

Sphinx Set

Sphinx Armour
Sphinx Pants
Sphinx Helm
Sphinx Gloves
Sphinx Boots

Legendary Set

Legendary Armour
Legendary Pants
Legendary Helm
Legendary Gloves
Legendary Boots

Soul Set

Soul Armour (Best Set to SM)
Soul Pants
Soul Helm
Soul Gloves
Soul Boots

-- Elf / Muse Elf:

Vine Set

Vine Armour
Vine Pants
Vine Helm
Vine Gloves
Vine Boots

Silk Set

Silk Armour
Silk Pants
Silk Helm
Silk Gloves
Silk Boots

Wind Set

Wind Armour
Wind Pants
Wind Helm
Wind Gloves
Wind Boots

Spirit Set

Spirit Armour
Spirit Pants
Spirit Helm
Spirit Gloves
Spirit Boots

Divine Set

Divine Armour
Divine Pants
Divine Helm
Divine Gloves
Divine Boots

-- Magic Gladiator:

Can use the sets of DW and DK, not the SM/BK sets, the MG don’t use Helm

Unicorn Set

Unicorn Armour
Unicorn Pants
Unicorn Gloves
Unicorn Boots

Thunder Set (Best set to MG)
Thunder Armour
Thunder Pants
Thunder Gloves
Thunder Boots

7.Spells & Skills (Incomplete)

Wizard Spells (Can be use by DW/MG)
Fireball: Damage 5~7, need Energy 40 to use, shot a fireball to an enemy

Power Wave: Is a shock wave that goes in the ground in line to hit the
enemies in his way

Lighting: Throw a light to an enemy

Teleport: Is a spell to teleport yourself to some places near in the

Meteor: Throw a meteor from the sky to the enemy; can hit 1 meaby 2
enemies if they are very close.

Ice: Damage 25~37, need Energy 120 to use, make a ice pick how slow your
enemy, is not a good spell to close attacks

Poison: Damage 30~45, need Energy 140 to use, make appears a tentacles
from the floor how poison the enemy, not a very good spell.

Flame: A tower of fire, appears from the ground where you click, can hit
one or more enemies if they are close and stand.

Twister: Damage 40~60, need Energy 180 to use, you can make a line of
twisters appear to attack, can hit multiple enemies in a close to large
range if they are in a line

Hell Fire: You jump and when fall make a star of fire appears in the floor,
is a good spell but is some slow and only for close attacks.

Evil Spirit: One of the most good spell(meaby the best), make appear some
spirits to attacks multiple enemies and do multiple hits, his mana cost is
relative good from the damage how do, and the range of attack is very good.

Mana Shield: Make a blue aura appears around you or your party friends to
absorb some damage.

Aqua Beam: A powerful beam who can attack multiple enemies if they are in
the way of the attack, if they are away can hit twice

Blast: like meteor spell but are like blue comets how hit with more power,
more speed and sometime more hits at time, also draw a lot of mana.

Mass Teleport: You can teleport some friends of your party with this spell

Inferno: you make a fire circle around to attack multiple enemies near to
you, is one of the most powerful spells and more faster than the hell fire,
but take a lot of mana to use.

Knight Skills


Inner Strength: Make your life and the life of the friends of your party
up for a time.

Hell blast: Can Be use by BK, throw up your weapon and when its back stomp
the floor to make some crater of fire

Twister Slash: Move the weapon around you to attack multiple enemies,
Meaby the best skill for the DK/MG

Elf Skills
Healing Bead: Causes the Fairy to use healing sorcery. Need Energy 52 to

Offensive Power Improvement Bead: Causes the Fairy to use sorcery to
improve attack power. Need Energy 92 to use

Defensive Power Improvement Bead: Causes the Fairy to use sorcery to
improve defensive power. Need Energy 72 to use

Goblin Recall Bead: Causes the Fairy to summon a Goblin. Need Energy 30 to

Stone Monster Recall Bead: Causes the Fairy to summon a Stone Monster.
Need Energy 60 to use

Assassin Recall Bead: Causes the Fairy to summon an assassin. Need Energy
90 to use

Snowman Captain Recall Bead: Causes the Fairy to summon a Snowman Captain.
Need Energy 130 to use

Dark Knight Recall Bead: Causes the Fairy to summon a Dark Knight. Need
Energy 170 to use

Valie Recall Bead: Causes the Fairy to summon a Valie. Need Energy 210 to

Soldier Recall Bead: Causes the Fairy to summon soldiers. Need Energy 300
to use

Ice Age



A.-- Jewels
Jewel of Chaos: is use only in the Chaos Machine to make other items.

Jewel of Blessing (Bless): up by 1 level your weapon or armor, and only
work to changes item +0 to +6. All that you have to do is put your item on
the inventory and drop the jewel over.

Jewel of Spirit (Soul): up 1 level your weapon or armor, and only work to
make items +6 to +7, then you can up 1 level at time to be +9 with this
jewel, be careful in some cases the jewel fails and item can be +0 again.
Is a little less expensive than the bless; to use it do same as the bless

Jewel of Creation: use to make nuts, see Chaos Machine Items Extension for
details. This is the second more expensive jewel.

Jewel of Life: the most tricky and freaking jewel of the game, I make your
items have +option but very times it fails and can make you lost the
patience because is very expensive and can make a item with +12 damage
lost all option. Use it as the jewel of bless

B.-- Dropper
Box of luck: When you drop it you will get zen or item

Box of heaven: When you drop it you will get zen, item, jewel, or rena.

Heart of Love: When you drop it you will get a special item or jewel

Box of Kudun(1-6): When you drop it you will get zen or a very good item,
in most cases the excellent items.

Silver Medal: When you drop it you will get some zen

Gold Medal: When you drop it you will get some zen

Sack of Magic: When you drop it you will get zen or item

Star of Sacred Birth: When you drop it you will get some zen or item

C.-- Rings & Pedants
Ring of Ice: It increases resistance power against Ice Sorcery lowering
the probability of being frozen by the enemy. Min level to use 20

Ring of Poison: By increasing resistance against poisons, it lowers the
probability of being poisoned. Min level to use 17

Budge Dragon Ring of Transformation: Ability to transform into the Budge
Dragon Monster. After transformation, one adopts the original monster's
attacking style. Min level to use 20.

Giant Ring of Transformation: Ability to transform into the Giant Monster.
After transformation, one adopts the original monster's attacking style.
Min level to use 20

Skull Warrior's Ring of Transformation: Ability to transform into the
Skeleton Warrior Monster. After transformed, it takes the original
monster's attacking style. Min level to use 20

Poison Cow Horn Warrior's Ring of Transformation: Ability to transform
into Poison Horn Warrior After transformation, one adopts the original
monster's attacking style. Min level to use 50

Thunder Lich Ring of Transformation: Ability to transform into Thunder
Lich. After transformation, one adopts the original monster's attacking
style. Min level to use 50

Death Cow Ring of Transformation: Ability to transform into Death Cow
Monster. After transformation, one adopts the original monster's attacking
style. Min level to use 50

Thunder Necklace: It increases resistance against Thunder Sorcery. Min
level to use 21, can be +0 to +11

Fire Necklace: It increases resistance against Fire Sorcery. Min level to
use 13

D.-- General

Apple: It restores a character's physical strength by 1%. Cost 20 Zen

Healing Potion: It restores a character's HP, are 3 kind of potion
Small restore 10% and cost 83 Zen
Medium restore 25% and cost 330 Zen
Big restore 40% and cost 750 Zen

Mana Potion: It restores a character's mana, are 3 kind of potion
Small restore 10% and cost 83 Zen
Medium restore 25% and cost 330 Zen
Big restore 40% and cost 750 Zen

Antidote Potion: It restores a poisoned character. Cost 83 Zen

Alcohol: It increases attack speed by 20 for a minute. Cost 750 Zen

Town Teleport: Teleports a character to a town within the world he is
presently in. Cost 750 Zen

Angel: It absorbs 30% of the damage given by monsters. Min level to use 23

Satan: To wear the Satan improves attacking power of a character by 30%,
but use part of your life. Min level to use 28

Horn of Unilia: With the Horn of Unilia equipped, you can call upon Unilia
as a means of transportation. A character's evasion rate increases by 30%.
Min level to use 33.

Rena: It was use on the version 0.96 to make a weapon, but in this version
is for nothing, meaby in future versions will be useful?.

Stone: Ok, I get this wear item making a bug, but the name a description
of the item is on Korean or Chinese. Is a stone with two yellow lines if
anybody know for what is use tell me please, I don’t know.

E.-- Excellent Items

These are normal items (weapons, armor, ring & pedants), but with a big
difference, have better options, you can from one to many options like

Excellent Damage Rate +10%
Increase Wizard Damage +lvl/20
Increase Wizard Damage +2%
Increase Attacking (wiz) speed +7
Increase Life after Monster +life/8
Increase Mana after Monster +mana/8
Reflect Damage +5%
Automatic HP Recovery +4%
Damage Decrease +4%
Defense Rate +10%
Reflect Damage +5%
Get Zen after Monster +40%
More coming...

9. Chaos Machine

This is a very painful machine sometimes, all here is random so you cant
know if the machine make the right item, lost all or lost levels from
items, all that you need to know is the rights this that you can get and

The first that you need for all the combination options is a chaos jewel,
a lot of zen (based on the % of success and the items that will make), for
all the possible combinations and the right items.

A.- Making Chaos Items
In this case you can get 3 Chaos Weapons, Chaos Staff, Chaos Dragon Axe
and Chaos Nature Bow, all will be random no matters if the combined items
are the same or your type of character.

The things that you need here is items like weapons or armors with min +6
and +option (items without option will not be accept), the chaos jewel of
course, and you can put some jewels soul or bless to make the % of success
higher, remember more % of success more zen will be needed.

B. Making Chaos Items Extension
Here you can get more option to make others items, those are

Nuts: Make up 1 point on strength, agility, vitality, or energy, sometimes
the nuts don’t give any point the max number of point that you can get is
show in the character window named as stale points. You will need a chaos
jewel, the jewel of creation, and a lot of millions of zen the % of
success if always more than 75%.

Dinorant: This is like the evolution of the horn of unilia, need 1 chaos
jewel, 10 horns of unilia, and zen; sometimes the dinorant can get special
ability randomly

Devil Square Ticket: This will let you enter in the Devil Square map; you
will need, 1 chaos jewel, 1 devil key and devil eye with the same level
(key+1 and eye+1 make devil invitation +1), and zen.

Blood Castle Ticket: With this you will enter on the Blood Castle, need a
jewel of chaos, blood scroll and blood fang with the same level (scroll+2
and fang+2 make Invisibility Cloak +2), and zen.

+10 Item: Ok here you can lose a lot of time and items, this will make any
of your weapons or piece of the set +10. Need a item +9 with +option, a
jewel of chaos, 1 bless, 1 soul, and zen, the % of success can be low so
don’t get surprise if you lost the item in the machine.

+11 Item: Like the option to make +10 items can easy lost all, need jewel
of chaos, item +10+option, 2 bless, 2 souls, and zen.

Wings: Ok here is the thing that all wants, firs that you need to know is
there are 7 kind of winds, 3 normal and 4 evo, all will be generate random
like the chaos weapons. The normal are more easy to do but the evo can
make you lost your wins so be careful.

Normal winds are made by the chaos jewel and a chaos weapon with min+6 and
with +option, to make more success the creation can add jewels of bless,
souls, and items with +7+option. Be equipped with a lot of space in your
inventory the winds are big except for elf, you can get Angel Wings (DW),
Satan Wings (DK) and Fairy

Evo Wings are for the evolution characters (SM, BK, ME), and the MG, are
equal random for success and kind of wing, you will need a wing with +6
and +option, chaos jewel, the blue feather, and zen. The % of success is
very low so be careful.

Note: The +option for all the items for combination are obligatory, and
suggest +6 option or more to get more % of probability of success.


A.-- Lorencia
Lorencia is a wide plain located in the center of MU. Dark knights and
Dark Sorcerers begin their careers here. Due to heavy rainfall tall trees
and grasses abound. It is a suitable hunting place for low level (1-20)
adventurers. If a fairy wants to go to Lorencia, she needs to be over
level 10.

Important locations:
135,127,Town Center
147,143,Warehouse (1)
147,109,Warehouse (2)
215,243,Noria Entrance (lvl 10)
9,40,Davias Entrance (lvl 15)
123,228,Dungeon Entrance (lvl 20)
65,129,Alex (Shop)
184,136,Peddler (1) (Noob Shop)
8,144,Peddler (2) (Shop)
127,85,Potion Girl (Shop)
125,133,Liaman the Barmaid (Shop)
119,113,Pasi the Wizard (Shop)
118,140,Hans the Blacksmith (Shop)
76,144,Safe House

B.-- Noria
Noria, the home world of the Fairy kingdom, is a huge woods located in the
easternmost of MU Continent. Originally, Noria was once populated only by
the Fairies, but after Kunduns invasion of MU, exchange between humans
grew more frequent and human settlement in the region became more
pronounced. Fairy characters all begin their careers within Noria. The
region’s location may seem trivial but as the access point for the East
Sea and the underwater city of Atlans it plays a significant role. The
Chaos Goblin that creates Chaos items and Wings through the unique Chaos
System also resides here.

Important locations:
196,123,Craftsman (Elf Weapons)
173,124,Elf Lala (Armors and pots)
180,102,Goblin Chaos Machine (Combine items)
172,105 Charon (Devil Square)
149,8,Lorencia Entrance (lvl 10)
240,242,Atlans Entrance (lvl 70)

C.-- Devias
Devias is a snowfield located at the north of Lorencia and is covered with
perpetual snow. Monsters here are more powerful than those in Lorencia or
Noria so only adventurers over level 15 can enter Devias. The guild master
who creates and manages guilds is also located in Devias.

Important locations:
215,47,Guild Master (lvl 100)
188,48,Weapon Merchant
227,40,Wizard (pots and spells)
209,29,Angel Messenger(Blood Castle)
10,26,Castle (1)
225,237,Castle (2)
4, 247,Lost Tower Entrance (lvl 80)

D.-- Dungeons
The Dungeon is a formidable cave located to the north of Lorencia. With a
total 3 levels, The Dungeon is home to the Gorgon, a frightening beast
that lays in wait on the lowest level. Nothing more that ugly and cheeping
monsters, is god to be here with a poison ring and a couple of antidotes.

Important locations:
109,243,Dungeon (Entrance)
232,124,Dungeon 2 (Entrance)
4,84,Dungeon 3 (Entrance 1)

E.-- Losttower
The Lost Tower is a huge tower located to the north of the MU Continent.
Located in the northernmost part of Devias, The Lost Tower had been used
as a shrine, but after the plunder of Kundun, it has become an utter
wasteland. Kundun has assigned various forms of dreadful monsters to each
floor of this tower. Balroc, a foul beast located on the top floor is a
dreadful monster that flourishes a scythe and there are not many warriors
on the land of MU who can compete with the beast. Many an adventurer has
yet to return from a dealing with Balroc, but if you gather your strength
with others, its defeat may be possible and a myriad of fine treasures may
be yours. Good place to get items hearts of love and more but bad in some
place to get experience, to enter need level 80

Important locations:
209,78,Lobby(safe zone)
163,3,Lost Tower Entrance
243,238,Lost Tower 2
88,167,Lost Tower 3 (lvl 100)
87,87,Lost Tower 4
130,54,Lost Tower 5 (lvl 110)
54,54,Lost Tower 6
7,86,Lost Tower 7 (lvl 130)
18,249,Gate to Icarus(lvl 160)

F.-- Atlans
Is the underwater place, the entrance from Noria is a safe place but when
you enter be ready to have a lot of time of fighting. The monsters are
almost the same difficult of the LostTower and when you more get inside
the map more powerful and difficult monsters will be. Need level 70 to
enter and you cant be here with a noria or dinorant because you need to
swing so if you wanna be fast in your move better get armor with moving
speed increase option.

Important locations:
14,12,Gate to Noria
16,226,Gate to Tarkan (lvl 140)

G.-- Tarkan
Is a desert for very high levels, the monsters are very very hard and
difficult, more than the Lost Tower, so if a wizard or elf go here better
get a lot of heal potion, the BK can be more easy and fight but still is a
pro map, the items drop here is the almost most wanted for the most high
levels like SM, BK, ME, and need level 140 to enter in this map.

Important locations:
249,43,Gate to Atlans
68,186,Entrance to Hell (1)
159,184,Entrance to Hell (2)

H.-- Icarus
Another very pro map, is on the heaven in top of the LostTower. Here is
the most difficult normal map in the game, monsters awesome powerful like
the phoenix how is a really killing machine, he can kill you by a 1 hit
even if you have 1000HP, the Wizards can be kill easy in levels like 250,
be alone is a fast death so better get a party with high very high
characters to enter here. You can’t teleport directly to enter need go to
LostTower7 and enter from there in the coordinates 18,249, also need be
equipped by a wings or dinorant and be level 190. No special locations

I.-- Blood Castle
This is a special map and very good to get experience faster but also is
hard, is like a little mission where you need to get back a weapon to a
fall angel, and when you finish (if you can), will get a reward. Is not
good to be alone here, so if you want to have more chance for win and more
experience join in a party and get a lot of potions before enter.

Is no a big map, basically is a bridge to a little castle, but in this
bridge you will find a lot of monster who will try to stop your mission
killing or bunging you. Depending of the amount of people (max 15 ppl per
castle), and their levels, need to defeat a certain number of those
monsters in the bridge (min 80 – max 800), after that need to destroy the
city gate and then again need to kill 10 evil spirits to make a statue
appears in the top of the room, break the statue take the weapon and get
it back to the angel to finish the level. All this need to be done in
15min, you will be notice by a chronometer in your screen, if you get the
weapon in less time and get a lot potions left and levels you can be here
the rest of the time getting exp and items and bring it to the angel
before the time finish.

To enter in the blood castle need go to the angel in the church of Devias
with the right invisibility cloak (can be make in the chaos machine), this
level is only available in certain time, you can se how time left to the
next blood castle right clicking in the cloak. Are 6 different cloak
(+1,+2,+3,+4,+5,+6), to the 6 different castles, so you need this levels
to enter :

Blood Castle 1 (lvl 15-80)
Blood Castle 2 (lvl 81-130)
Blood Castle 3 (lvl 131-180)
Blood Castle 4 (lvl 181-230)
Blood Castle 5 (lvl 231-280)
Blood Castle 6 (lvl 281 and above)

So if you between level 15 and 80 get a invisibility cloak +1, go to the
angel and talk with him to enter to blood castle 1. The MG can enter 1
Blood up from his level requirement.

J.-- Devil Square
Another special map to get items and experience, but this is not a mission,
is more like a challenge, how kill more monsters and get more experience
win more point of experience at the end of the devil. You can also get a
party and get more experience and don’t forget the potions before enter.

Is a simple square surround by a group of soldiers how make you cant
escape, and the monsters will be appears all the 15min who have this map
of long, every 5 min the monsters will be change and be more hardest.

Like the blood castle this levels, need a special item, devil invitation
(+1,+2,+3,+4), who can be make in the chaos machine, are available some
times and you can see how much time left t right click in the devil
invitation. When the devil is open go to Noria with your respective
invitation, to the wizard Charon and this level (The MG can enter 1 Devil
up from his level requirements):

Devil Square 1 (lvl 10-99)
Devil Square 2 (lvl 100-179)
Devil Square 3 (lvl 180-249)
Devil Square 4 (lvl 250 and more)

K.-- Stadium
Nothing interesting in this level, an empty arena with a guard in the
coordinates 72,164 who sell items, the only way to get in and out is

More maps meaby come in future versions of the game.

11.Quests (Incomplete)

12.Methods Of Training (Incomplete)

13.Monsters (Incomplete)

14.Bugs/Tricks (Incomplete)

15.Methods Of Contact (Incomplete)

Mu Online Official Page -

Mu China Official Page –

If you want to contribute with this FAQ write to me at and you will be on credits

16. Special Tanks

Gun Sage - Tyler Moody to star this FAQ.
You – For reading this
GameFaq - for publish my FAQ
Bernd Wolffgramm – for publish my FAQ on
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Character Stat Build FAQ
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Monster FAQ
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