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Counter-Strike: Condition Zero: Single Player Guide
Version 1.2 04/07/04
By: Anthony LoVullo a.k.a [VA]Hockey
If you haven't read the manual to Counter-Strike yet, please do, then i won't
have to put all of that information in here. So instead i'll just post a
link to it:
defeat the Terrorist bots using yourself, and other CT bot teammates in
normal CS form
(CTs prevent T's from planting bomb or rescue the kidnapped hostages)
Table of Contents
1) Version History
2) Create Profile
3) Select Difficulty
4) The Tours
5) Assemble Your Team
6) How To Co-Op
7) Bot Commands
8) Thank You & Legal Stuff
1) Version History
--version 1.2 04/07/04 - Figured out that the 2nd commandmenu wasn't correct
(fixed it)
--version 1.1 04/05/04 - Fixed Table of Contents, added version history,
added version and date at top
--version 1.0 04/03/04 - Original Write up
2) Create Profile
Well, here is where you Create, Resume, and Delete your profile(s), no
further explanation needed
3) Select Difficulty
Here is where you choose the difficulty of the bots, and your objectives, and
the number of bots you want to face. Easy has small amount of "noobish" bots
to start off against, with extremely easy objectives. Normal is just a step
above easy, with 1 or 2 more bots, and a little harder skill level in both
objectives and bot skill. Think another step up for Hard. Expert is a very
highly skilled difficulty, but show hints of wall and/or aim hack. You start
off against 6 bots, with pretty hard objectives.
4) The Tours
-=Note=-: To fully complete a map, you must win at least 3 rounds, and defeat
the CPU by at least 2 rounds (CT:5 - T:3, CT:3 - T:1) as well as completing
all of your objectives
-=Note=-: * = brand new CZ map
Tour 1
--You will face 3 Terrorists
--You must kill an enemy
--You will face 3 Terrorists
--You must kill an enemy with a submachine gun
--You must rescue a hostage
--You will face 3 Terrorists
--You must kill an enemy with a sniper rifle
Tour 2 (secure 1 map on this tour, and unlock Level 2 bots)
--You will face 5 Terrorists
--You must kill an enemy with a shotgun
--You must win a round in less than 90 seconds
--You will face 5 Terrorists
--You must kill an enemy with a sniper rifle
--You must rescue a hostage
--You will face 5 Terrorists
--You must kill an enemy with a pistol
Tour 3 (secure 2 maps on this tour, and unlock Level 3 bots)
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 2 enemies with a sniper rifle
--You must win a round in less than 90 seconds
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 2 enemies with a shotgun
--You must win a round in less than 90 seconds
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 2 enemies with a Bullpup
--You must win a round in less than 90 seconds
Tour 4
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 2 enemies with a M249
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 2 enemies with a pistol
--You must rescue a hostage
de_cbble (coblestone)
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 2 enemies while deploying the Tactical Shield
--You must win a round in less than 90 seconds
Tour 5 (secure 1 map on this tour, and unlock Level 4 bots)
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 3 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies with a Magnum Sniper Rifle
--You must win a round in less than 90 seconds
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 3 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies with a Clarion 5.56
--You must rescue a hostage
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 3 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies while deploying the Tactical Shield
Tour 6
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 5 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Bullpup
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 6 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a submachine gun
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 6 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a sniper rifle
Tour 1
--You will face 3 Terrorists
--You must kill 3 enemies
--You must kill an enemy and survive the round
--You must win a round in less than 75 seconds
--You will face 3 Terrorists
--You must kill 5 enemies
--You must kill an enemy with a submachine gun
--You must rescue 4 hostages
--You will face 3 Terrorists
--You must kill 5 enemies
--You must kill an enemy with a sniper rifle
--You must win a round in less than 75 seconds
Tour 2 (secure 1 map on this tour, and unlock Level 2 bots)
--You will face 5 Terrorists
--You must kill 6 enemies
--You must kill an enemy with a shotgun
--You must win a round in less than 75 seconds
--You will face 5 Terrorists
--You must kill 6 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies with a sniper rifle
--You must rescue 4 hostages
--You will face 5 Terrorists
--You must kill 6 enemies
--You must kill an enemy with a Bullpup
--You must kill an enemy with a pistol
Tour 3 (secure 2 maps on this tour, and unlock Level 3 bots)
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 7 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies with a Krieg 550 Commando without dying
--You must win a round in less than 75 seconds
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 7 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies with a shotgun without dying
--You must rescue 4 hostages
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 9 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Bullpup
--You must win a round in less than 60 seconds and survive the round
Tour 4
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 8 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a M249
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 8 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Night Hawk .50C
--You must rescue 4 hostages
de_cbble (coblestone)
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 8 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies while deploying the Tactical Shield
--You must win a round in less than 75 seconds
Tour 5 (secure 1 map on this tour, and unlock Level 4 bots)
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 5 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Magnum Sniper Rifle
--You must win a round in less than 75 seconds
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 9 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Clarion 5.56
--You must rescue 4 hostages
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 9 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies while deploying the Tactical Shield
Tour 6
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 10 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Bullpup
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 12 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a ES C90
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 15 enemies
--You must kill 4 enemies with a sniper rifle
Hard (Friendly Fire is now on)
Tour 1
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 7 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies and survive the round
--You must win a round in less than 60 seconds
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 7 enemies
--You must kill an enemy with a submachine gun
--You must rescue all the hostages
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 7 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies with a Scout and survive the round
--You must win a round in less than 60 seconds
Tour 2
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 8 enemies
--You must kill an enemy with the Auto Shotgun
--You must win a round in less than 60 seconds
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 4 enemies with a Night Hawk .50C
--You must kill 4 enemies with a sniper rifle
--You must rescue all the hostages
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 8 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Bullpup without dying
--You must kill a flashbang-blinded enemy
Tour 3
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 9 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Krieg 550 Commando without dying
--You must win a round in less than 60 seconds and survive the round
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 9 enemies
--You must kill a flashbang-blinded enemy and survive the round
--You must rescue all the hostages
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 7 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Bullpup without dying
--You must win a round in less than 60 seconds and survive the round
Tour 4 (Level 4 bots are now unlocked)
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 10 enemies
--You must kill a flashbang-blinded enemy and survive the round
--You must kill 3 enemies with a M249 without dying
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 10 enemies
--You must kill an enemies with a knife
--You must rescue all the hostages
de_cbble (coblestone)
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 10 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies while deploying the Tactical Shield without dying
--You must win a round in less than 60 seconds and survive the round
Tour 5
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 12 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with a Scout
--You must win a round in less than 60 seconds and survive the round
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 12 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with a Clarion 5.56
--You must rescue all the hostages
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 12 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies while deploying the Tactical Shield
--You must kill 2 enemies with a Krieg 550 Commando and survive the round
Tour 6 (Level 5 bots are now unlocked)
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 15 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with a Bullpup
--You must kill 2 enemies with a pistol without dying
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 17 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with a ES C90
--You must kill a flashbang-blinded enemy and survive the round
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 20 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with a sniper rifle
--You must kill 2 enemies with a Night Hawk .50C without dying
Expert (Friendly Fire is now on)
Tour 1
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 10 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies and survive the round
--You must win a round in less than 45 seconds
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 10 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies with a submachine gun
--You must rescue all the hostages
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 10 enemies
--You must kill 2 enemies with a Scout and survive the round
--You must win a round in less than 45 seconds
Tour 2
--You will face 5 Terrorists
--You must kill 12 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with the Auto Shotgun
--You must win a round in less than 45 seconds
--You will face 5 Terrorists
--You must kill 6 enemies with a ES five-seven
--You must kill 6 enemies with a Magnum Sniper Rifle
--You must rescue all the hostages
--You will face6 Terrorists
--You must kill 12 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Bullpup without dying
--You must kill a flashbang-blinded enemy and survive the round
Tour 3
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 14 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Krieg 550 Commando without dying
--You must win a round in less than 45 seconds and survive the round
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 14 enemies
--You must kill a flashbang-blinded enemy and survive the round
--You must rescue all the hostages
--You will face 6 Terrorists
--You must kill 14 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies with a Bullpup without dying
--You must win a round in less than 45 seconds and survive the round
Tour 4 (secure 1 map on this tour, and unlock Level 5 Bots)
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 16 enemies
--You must kill a flashbang-blinded enemy and survive the round
--You must kill 3 enemies with a M249 without dying
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 16 enemies
--You must kill an enemies with a knife
--You must rescue all the hostages
de_cbble (coblestone)
--You will face 7 Terrorists
--You must kill 16 enemies
--You must kill 3 enemies while deploying the Tactical Shield without dying
--You must win a round in less than 45 seconds and survive the round
Tour 5
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 18 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with a Scout
--You must win a round in less than 45 seconds and survive the round
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 18 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with a Clarion 5.56
--You must rescue all the hostages
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 18 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies while deploying the Tactical Shield
--You must kill 2 enemies with a Krieg 550 Commando and survive the round
Tour 6
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 20 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with a Bullpup
--You must kill a flashbang-blinded enemy and survive the round
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 22 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with a ES C90
--You must kill an enemy with a HE-Grenade and survive the round
--You will face 8 Terrorists
--You must kill 25 enemies
--You must kill 5 enemies with a Magnum Sniper Rifle
--You must kill an enemy with a knife and survive the round
5) Assemble your team
Name: their name
Weapon: their favorite weapon
Skill: their overall skill (bad-low-ok-good-high)
Co-Op: how well they will follow you and listen to your orders
Bravery: shows what type of player they are, camper(bad) or suicide
rusher (high).
Level 1
Name: Stanley
Weapon: C90
Skill: Bad
Co-Op: Bad
Bravery: High
Name: Gus
Weapon: TMP
Skill: Bad
Co-Op: Ok
Bravery: High
Name: Quincy
Weapon: UMP
Skill: Bad
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Ok
Name: Vern
Weapon: MP5
Skill: Bad
Co-Op: High
Bravery: Low
Name: Floyd
Weapon: UMP
Skill: Low
Co-Op: Low
Bravery: OK
Name: Morris
Weapon: C90
Skill: Low
Co-Op: Ok
Bravery: Ok
Name: Kenny
Weapon: Pump Shotgun
Skill: Low
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Good
Name: Cooper
Weapon: MP5
Skill: Low
Co-Op: High
Bravery: Bad
Level 2
Name: Kent
Weapon: Famas
Skill: Ok
Co-Op: Low
Bravery: High
Name: Ben
Weapon: Famas
Skill: Ok
Co-Op: Ok
Bravery: Good
Name: Roger
Weapon: Auto Shotgun
Skill: Ok
Co-Op: Ok
Bravery: High
Name: Phil
Weapon: MP5
Skill: Ok
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Ok
Name: Pete
Weapon: C90
Skill: Ok
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Good
Name: Oscar
Weapon: Famas
Skill: Ok
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Low
Name: Leon
Weapon: TMP
Skill: Ok
Co-Op: High
Bravery: Ok
Level 3
Name: Kirk
Weapon: AWP
Skill: Ok
Co-Op: Low
Bravery: Bad
Name: Larry
Weapon: Colt M4A1
Skill: Good
Co-Op: Ok
Bravery: High
Name: Cole
Weapon: M249
Skill: Good
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Good
Name: Travis
Weapon: Tactical Shield
Skill: Good
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Good
Name: Ray
Weapon: Auto Shotgun
Skill: Good
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: High
Name: Igor
Weapon: C90
Skill: Good
Co-Op: High
Bravery: Low
Name: Sam
Weapon: Colt M4A1
Skill: Good
Co-Op: High
Bravery: Ok
Name: Maverick
Weapon: Colt M4A1
Skill: High
Co-Op: Bad
Bravery: High
Level 4
Name: Alex
Weapon: AWP
Skill: Good
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Bad
Name: Ace
Weapon: Colt M4A1
Skill: High
Co-Op: Low
Bravery: Ok
Name: Tex
Weapon: Colt M4A1
Skill: High
Co-Op: Ok
Bravery: Good
Name: Jake
Weapon: Bullpup
Skill: High
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Ok
Name: Lou
Weapon: M249
Skill: High
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Good
Name: Rooster
Weapon: C90
Skill: High
Co-Op: Good
Bravery: Good
Name: Brent
Weapon: Tactical Shield
Skill: High
Co-Op: High
Bravery: High
Level 5
Name: Eagle
Weapon: AWP
Skill: High
Co-Op: High
Bravery: Good
Name: Barney
Weapon: Colt M4A1
Skill: High
Co-Op: High
Bravery: High
Name: Bear
Weapon: M249
Skill: High
Co-Op: High
Bravery: High
Name: Duke
Weapon: Bullpup
Skill: High
Co-Op: High
Bravery: High
Name: Sandman
Weapon: C90
Skill: High
Co-Op: High
Bravery: High
Name: Steel
Weapon: Colt M4A1
Skill: High
Co-Op: High
Bravery: High
How to Unlock Higher Level Bots
Easy - Start with 2 Points
Level 1 - Unlocked
Level 2 - 1 Map win on Tour 2
Level 3 - 2 Map wins on Tour 3
Level 4 - 1 Map win on Tour 5
Level 5 - Unlockable
Normal - Start with 2 Points
Level 1 - Unlocked
Level 2 - 1 Map win on Tour 2
Level 3 - 2 Map wins on Tour 3
Level 4 - 1 Map win on Tour 5
Level 5 - Unlockable
a) All you need to do, is start up a Single Player game, and choose the
number of bots on your team, of people you want to play with you.
b) Go into the game and map of your choice, and type in console: "sv_lan 0" and
"sv_password (your password here)."
c) Then kick the bots that you started with on your team: bot_kick .
d) Tell your buddies your IP address and the password you used, and wait
for them to join.
I reccommend using the cheapest bots you can afford to.
The objectives combine when you play with more than 1 person.
(i.e. "Kill 15 enemies", if you kill 7 enemies, one friend kills 6 enemies,
and another one kills 2, the objective will be completed for all 3 of your
7) Bot Commands
There are some new commands that you would need to know, so that you can
control all of the bots that you are playing with. There is a handy
commandmenu that was created to help people in controling the bots, without
having to go into console all the time.
There is a Listen Server commandmenu:
There is also a Dedicated server Commandmenu (you must have RCON access):
But, if you don't want to download those commandmenu's, and type the commands
manually in console, here are the same commands that are in the commandmenu
Command Effect | Command Syntax
Quick Add Bot | bot_add
Add CT Bot | bot_add_ct
Add T Bot | bot_add_t
Toggle Use of All Weapons | bot_all_weapons <1,0>
Toggle Use of Grenades | bot_allow_grenades <1,0>
Toggle Use of Machine Guns | bot_allow_machine_guns <1,0>
Toggle Use of Pistols | bot_allow_pistols <1,0>
Toggle Use of Rifles | bot_allow_rifles <1,0>
Toggle Use of Shields | bot_allow_shields <1,0>
Toggle Use of Shotguns | bot_allow_shotguns <1,0>
Toggle Use of Sniper Rifles | bot_allow_snipers <1,0>
Toggle Use of Sub Machine Guns | bot_allow_sub_machine_guns <1,0>
Change Radio Chatter | bot_chatter
| radio, normal>
Bots Try to Complete Objectives | bot_defer_to_human 0
Bots Let Humans Complete Objectives | bot_defer_to_human 1
Bots Play on Easy Skill Level | bot_difficulty 0
Bots Play on Normal Skill Level | bot_difficulty 1
Bots Play on Hard Skill Level | bot_difficulty 2
Bots Play on Expert Skill Level | bot_difficulty 3
Bots Join Either Team | bot_join_team any
Bots Join CTs Only | bot_join_team CT
Bots Join Ts Only | bot_join_team T
Kill All Bots | bot_kill
Kill Certain Bot | bot_kill
Kick All Bots | bot_kick
Kick Certain Bot | bot_kick
Bots use Knives Only | bot_knives_only 1
Bots use Pistols Only | bot_pistols_only 1
# of bots total | bot_quota <1-32>
Bots use Sniper Rifles Only | bot_snipers_only 1
Freeze Bots Immediately | bot_stop 1
Un-Freeze Bots | bot_stop 0
8) Thank You & Legal Stuff
Thank you to my buddy Marc a.k.a [VA]Raider for helping me with figuring out
how to unlock the levels of bots.
Also, to the rest of my clan The Virtual Assassins, and the rest of the
{US}East community, thanks for making fun of me throughout the entire time
i was doing this, and for hosting this on their pages.
Thank you to the EnterTheGame.com Counter-Strike team for hosting this on
their site, and Merlin and Shrapnel in #helpdesk on ETG server who helped me
with HTML stuff.
This FAQ/Strategy guide may only be reproduced with my
permission! It may not be printed in any magazine, or put on a CD or Disk.
And please ask me before you put this guide on your site!
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions e-mail me at: