One Must Fall - Battlegrounds

One Must Fall - Battlegrounds

18.10.2013 02:35:57
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| |
| One Must Fall: Battlegrounds Strategy Guide |
| by |
| James Drury |
| |
| |
| Created: January 29th, 2004 |
| Last Updated: February 5th, 2004 |
| Version: 0.52 |
| |

| I - Updates |

For the latest updates to this FAQ, please visit one of these websites: for COMPLETE version for EDITED version
(without empty categories)

Please do not send me an email requesting the most recent copy of the FAQ as the
most recent release available to the public will be at the sites listed above.

Any other emails concerning the FAQ are more than welcome.

Emails containing SPAM, flame-mail, swearing, chain letters, and attachments
will be ignored, and deleted.

| II - Warning |

2 things that you should take note of.

The first and most important is that if you want to enjoy the game, and you
would like this FAQ to work to your advantage ... Be sure that you always have
the most current patch for the game installed. Here are some websites you can
go to, to download the most current patch. The official OMF support page A nice files page

The next thing that you must note about this FAQ is that at times there will be
things mentioned that will 'spoil' the game story. These are known as SPOILERS.
To help you in deciding whether or not you want to read an area, I have designed
a Spoiler Rating system. The SR system is explained further on in the

| III - Disclaimer |

This Strategy Guide is created for personal use ONLY, and absolutely no profit
may be gained by it. Many people have worked long and hard on it and have
requested no payment in return. This being the case, you have obtained this
Guide free of charge and if you actually did sell it you would be profiting for
having done nothing.

No part of this Strategy Guide is to be copied in whole or in part without
giving credit where it is due. Doing so would be "plagiarism" which is stealing
by declaring someone else's ideas and words to be your own.

You also may not use this Guide to build your own guide. If you want to make an
FAQ, then buy the game, play the game, and make your own assumptions on it. I
do give permission to copy the template.

This Guide may be posted on a website, provided there is no cost to the users to
access this document and provided that ABSOLUTELY nothing is modified without
my direct consent. Permission is also given to print a copy of this Guide in
its entirety or partially under the condition that it is for personal use.

Just remember, if you don't ask for permission, then I withhold 100% of my
consent for its use, and that is stealing. However, if you ask for my
permission, you run a 9 times out of 10, if you ask nicely and for good reason,
I will say yes.

So, now that the technical stuff is behind us, let's start enjoying the game.

| IV - Revision History |

Version 0.52 (kb)

February 5, 2004

-Completed Advances moves section
-Added damage points to Gargoyle Special Moves

Version 0.5 (63kb)

February 4, 2004

-Added Special Moves to Gargoyle in GAME OVERVIEW section
-Added general descriptions to Chronos, Force and Gargoyle HARs
-Added some Advanced moves to section A1ii in GAME OVERVIEW section
-Created INTRODUCTION TO OMF:BG section as well as adding Introduction and
System Requirements sections, and completing details in these sub-sections

Version 0.41 (58kb)

February 3, 2004

-Added Special Moves to Force in GAME OVERVIEW section
-Added damage points to special moves for Chronos & Force
-Created Advanced Moves section in section A1 of GAME OVERVIEW
-Revised layout of HAR Special Moves (Suggested by Zelig)
-Added sub-sections to pilot description area

Version 0.4 (52kb)

February 2, 2004

-Added HAR data to section 3 of GAME OVERVIEW
-Added some pilot data to section 4B of GAME OVERVIEW
-Did various esthetic maintenance
-Established strategic plan to finish FAQ
-Posted first issue of FAQ to to prevent copyright theft,
official release to follow

Version 0.3 (42kb)

January 31, 2004

-Added Special Moves to Chronos in GAME OVERVIEW section

Version 0.2 (42kb)

January 30, 2004:

-Created WARNING section
-Added Spoiler and Patch information to WARNING section
-Added Version explanation to INTRODUCTION TO THIS GUIDE section
-Added more abbreviations to 'our lingo' in INTRODUCTION TO THIS GUIDE
-Added Spoiler Rating (SR) system to INTRODUCTION TO THIS GUIDE section
-Added Sub-section A1-A6 and Sub-section B to GAME OVERVIEW section
-Created CHEATS section
-Added General info and blank chart to section A3 in GAME OVERVIEW section
-Added some Basic Moves to GAME OVERVIEW section
-Expanded Robots and Pilots sections in GAME OVERVIEW section in
anticipation of input information in upcoming release
-Added Pilot chart to GAME OVERVIEW section

Version 0.1 (8kb)

January 29, 2004:

-Created basic template of guide
-Started working on base information
-Created UPDATES section
-Added basic info to UPDATES section
-Created TABLE OF CONTENTS section
-Created DISCLAIMER section -Added notices to DISCLAIMER section -
Created REVISION HISTORY section
-Added 'Understanding our lingo' Sub-section to INTRODUCTION TO OUR GUIDE
-Created GAME OVERVIEW section
-Added various thank you messages to CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section
-Created LINKS section -Added Official website to LINKS section (A
must have)
-Created COPYRIGHT section
-Added FAQ copyright info to COPYRIGHT section
-Added actual game copyright info to COPYRIGHT section
-Created THE "TO-DO" LIST section
-Posted FAQ to webpage

| V - The "to-do" list |

There are now 6 items left to do until the full release and the submission to, and conveniently, there is 60% left to the Strategy to be built,
according to the version numbers. The upcoming builds will go as follows, as
much as possible.

-v0.6 will see Special Moves added to the HARs in section A2 in GAME
OVERVIEW. (Feb 8th deadline)
-v0.7 will see pilot details added to section A4a in GAME OVERVIEW. (Feb
13th deadline)
-v0.8 will see the details of section A5 in GAME OVERVIEW added. (Feb 18th
-v0.9 will see an addition to the chart in section A4b of GAME OVERVIEW.
Specifically the Chronos score will be calculated and inputted into the chart.
(Feb 23rd deadline)
-v1.0 will see the TABLE OF CONTENTS completed. Perform a scrutinous
search for spelling errors, grammar errors and esthetical errors. Post first
non-Beta release to (Feb 27th deadline)

Things to expect in versions past v1.0

-The completion of Chart A4b
-HAR details in section A2
-HAR combos in section A2
-Notes and Tips for HARs in section A2
-STUN entered in chart A3 (possibly done in pre-release
-HAR Combinations for individual pilots in section A4a
-Notes and Tips in section A4a
-More pilots as items are unlocked
-Section A6 started with detailed descriptions of each Tournament including
Practice and Training modes.
-The implementation of the Spoiler Rating (SR) System.AND MORE...

| x - Introduction to this Guide |

Understanding our version numbers

Here is what suggests when numbering FAQ versions:

"For guides that are only partially complete, your version number should reflect
the percentage of the guide you have written. For example, if your walkthrough
covers the first quarter or so of the game, it can be "Version 0.25".

The first "complete" version of the guide should be "Version 1.00".

Minor updates increment the version number by a hundredth (1.00 -> 1.01). Major
updates by a tenth (1.00 - > 1.10). Full rewrites deserve a full integer (1.00 -
> 2.00)."

This is difficult to follow seeing as this is the first time around I am playing
the game, and so I will never know what percentage of the game/FAQ will be

So, I have created an alternate but similar system:

The first digit will represent the release number. A 0.xx will indicate the
BETA stages. Once the Guide is presentable and I think can be posted to, I will officialise it with 1.xx, then any subsequent editions will
continue in sequence.

The numbers after the decimal will represent how much of the following release
is complete, in percentage.

So if you have FAQ version 1.4, you have the first official release, and the
next release is 40% completed.

Understanding our 'lingo'

For the purposes of this FAQ, and to simplify its reading and preparation, the
movement commands have been simplified as follows.

Desired Our Default Recommended
Action Abbreviation Key Key

Forward Move f (Up Arrow) Num 8
Backward Move b (Down Arrow) Num 2
Left Turn l (Left Arrow) Num 4
Right Turn r (Right Arrow) Num 6

Jump J F Home
Evade E D End
Left Punch LP A Insert
Right Punch RP S Page Up
Left OR Right Punch P A or S Ins or Pg Up
Left AND Right Punch Together DP A & S Ins & Pg Up

Left Kick LK Z Delete
Right Kick RK X Page Down
Left OR Right Kick K Z or X Del or Pg Dn
Left AND Right Kick Together DK Z & K Del & Pg Dn

, means another action follows
e.g. (l,r) press the left turn key and then press the right turn key.

+ means hold down first key then press next key
e.g. (l+LK) press the left turn key, hold it down, and now press the Left Kick
eg2. (f+) press the forward key and hold it down, no other key follows.

& means press both keys together
e.g. (LP&LK) press the Left Punch and Left Kick button together at the same

| VI - Introduction to OMF:BG |

This game is dedicated to the memory of Larry L. Elam, husband of Judy Elam and
father of Ryan and Rob Elam. Deceased September 1, 2003. (quoted from OMF:BG

A - Introduction

After the success of the World Championship Tournament in 2097, mankind has
continued to cheer and applaud robot arena combat 20 years later. The newest
generation of pilots are faster, stronger, and more mentally focused than any
competitors in recorded history. Hardened veterans will also challenge the
progress of anyone who attempts to ascend to the rank of undisputed champion.
Remember - Before You Can Rise, Ome Must Fall.

ONE MUST FALL: BATTLEGROUNDS is an on-line, 3-D, multiplayer fighting game for
the PC. While fighting games have traditionally been limited to 2 players
fighting in small environments, OMF:BG takes fighting to a new dimension,
offering full 3-D movement within huge, menacing environments. (quoted from
OMF:BG manual)

B - System Requirements

Suggestion Recommendation

Operating System: WIN 98/ME/2000/XP ***
CPU: 733Mhz processor 1.0 Ghz or greater
Memory: 128 MB RAM 256 MB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 1Gb
Audio System: Windows compatible
Video System: 3D w/ 16 MB VRAM 3D w/ 32MB VRAM
DirectX (r) version 8.1 9.0 or higher
Multiplayer: Internet or LAN (TCP/IP) play supported
*Internet play requires a 33.6Kbps or faster modem

| VII - Game Overview |

A - Single Player

1 - Moves List

i - Basic Moves

The following moves are all basic and NECESSARY maneuvers. If you have not yet
mastered these actions, then you should not be doing anything others the
Training and Practise sessions.

Action Key Combination Abbreviation

Move Forward f f
Move Backward b b
Turn Left l l
Turn Right r r
Run Forward f,f+ run

Hard Left Punch LP LP
Hard Right Punch RP RP
Hard Left Kick LK LK
Hard Right Kick RK RK
Quick Left Punch f+LP *LP*
Quick Right Punch f+RP *RP*
Quick Left Kick f+LK *LK*
Quick Right Kick f+RK *RK*
Throw Attack f+DP Throw

Block b or nothing Block
Jump J J
Duck E Duck
Pick-up an object E
Steal object from opponent E
Throw object from left hand LP
Throw object from right hand RP
**When throwing, f or b influence the distance or height of the throw**

ii - Advanced Moves

Action Key Combination Abbreviation

Strafe left E+l
Strafe right E+r
Roll left E+l,l
Roll right E+r,r
Counter attack left LP&LK
Counter attack right RP&RK
Slide run,E

Super Jump E,J *J*
Forward Flip f,f+J
Backward Flip b,b+J
Left Flip l,l+J
Right Flip r,r+J
Rotate 180 degrees f,f+J,b
Air Strafe Forward J,f,f+E
Air Strafe Backward J,b,b+E
Air Strafe Left J,l,l+E
Air Strafe Right J,r,r+E

Air Hard Left Punch J,LP a.LP
Air Hard Right Punch J,RP a.RP
Air Hard Left Kick J,LK a.LK
Air Hard Right Kick J,RK a.RK
Air Quick Left Punch J,f+LP a.*LP*
Air Quick Right Punch J,f+RP a.*RP*
Air Quick Left Kick J,f+LK a.*LK*
Air Quick Right Kick J,f+RK a.*RK*
Air Throw Attack J,f+DP a.Throw

2 - The Robots

**Special Move descriptions are quoted directly from the OMF:BG User's Manual.
**All damage points were calculated with Gracy as pilot.

a - Chronos

The main feature of the Chronos is its Temporal Stasis Field Generator. Chronos
was designed to use this time-altering technology during critical rescue
missions, though it wasn't long before companies noted the possible use of
Chronos in combat situations. (quoted from OMF:BG manual)

i - HAR Specific Moves

aa - Simple Moves

Stasis Blast LK 26 points
Left Side Stasis Blast l,l+LK 26 points
Right Stasis Blast r,r+LK 26 points
Downward Stasis Blast J,f,f+LK 27 points

bb - Special Moves

Create Time-Acceleration Crystal b,f+P 15 points
-This small red crystal stores energy that will create a damaging blast of
crystal shrapnel, much like a grenade.
-P = If LP is pressed, the Crystal is created in the left hand. If RP is
pressed, then it is created in the right hand.

Stasis Beam f,f+P 2 points
-Chronos emits a blue beam able to stop time at a very short range.
-P = If LP is pressed, then the Stasis Beam will be long. If RP is pressed,
then the Stasis Beam will be broad.
-2 points of damage are if nothing else is done except the Stasis Beam

Create Stasis Crystal b,f+K 1 point
-This small blue crystal when detonated will freeze time for any fighter in
it's blast radius, making them a helpless target.
- K = If LK is pressed, the Crystal is created in the left hand. If RK is
pressed, then it is created in the right hand.

Teleport Kick f,f+K 19 points
-Chronos shifts time and space, teleporting to an opponent and delivering a
startling and powerful kick.
-K = if RK is pressed the attack is done from the front. If LK is pressed,
then the attack is from the back.

cc - Super Moves

Super Acceleration Crystals b,f,DP 0-45 points
-Chronos launches a stream of Time-Acceleration Crystals capable of damaging
opponents at medium range.
-Costs 1 Energy bar

Mass Stasis b,b+DK 0-49 points
-Chronos freezes nearby enemies then attacks them simultaneously.
-Costs 1 Energy bar

Temporal Ambush f,f+DP 0-60 points
-Chronos combines his teleportation and time-acceleration abilities,
delivering a barrage of accelerated attacks.
-Costs 1 Energy bar

b - Force

Force incorporates enhanced versions of deflector technology, originally
designed to prevent objects from colliding with spacecraft. Force can create
artificial gravity wells, allowing him to move objects and opponents. (quoted
from OMF:BG manual)

i - HAR Specific Moves

aa - Simple Moves

Repulsor f,f+LK 0-19 points
Left Repulsor l,l+LK 0-19 points
Right Repulsor r,r+LK 0-19 points
-The Repulsor pushes gravity waves against an opponent and will do crushing
-Hold the LK button to maintain a longer pulse.

Deflector f,f+RK Varies
-The Deflector generates a shield that will bounce opponent projectiles back
to the source.
-Hold RK to maintain the shield

bb - Special Moves

Meteor Call b,b+P 30 points
-Force pulls down meteors from space, damaging fighters in front of him.
-P = If LP is pressed, the Meteor Shower will be Long. If RP is pressed, it
will be broad.

Create Force Bomb b,f+P 19 points
-When activated, the Force Bomb will lock onto a nearby opponent, then travel
towards them, exploding after a short amount of time.
-P = If LP is press, the bomb is created in the left hand. If RP is pressed
the bomb will be created in the right hand.

Create Gravity Vortex b,f+K 30 points
-When activated, the Vortex will drag opponents towards it, then explode when
they make contact with it.
-K = If LK is press the Vortex is created in the left hand. If RK is pressed
the vortex is created in the right hand.
-Keep the Vortex in your hand before throwing it to make it more powerful
pulling force.

Gravity Well b,b+K
-Force creates a gravity field that will slam airborne opponents into the
-K = If LK is press it will be a broad Well. If RK is pressed, it will be a
long Well.

cc - Super Moves

Super Fire Bomb b,f+DP 0-47 points
-Force unleashes an entire stream of bombs in a devastating wave.
-You must first create a Force Bomb in each hand for this to work.
Costs 1 Energy bar

Black Hole b,f+DP 0-62 points
-This attack is able to draw any number of opponents into it's crushing
-You must first create a Gravity Vortex in each hand for this to work.
-Costs 2 Energy bars

Super Meteor Call b,b+DP 0-30 points
-Unleashes a barrage of meteors in all directions.
-Costs 1 Energy bar

Super Gravity Well b,f+DK
-Violently spins an opponent, then slams then into the ground.
-Costs 1 Energy bar

c - Gargoyle

Built from technology designed for flight through harsh environments, Gargoyle
is a favorite among air-loving pilots. Although his fighting ability on the
ground should not be ignored, Gargoyle is most dangerous when airborne. (quoted
from OMF:BG manual)

i - HAR Specific Moves

aa - Simple Moves

Sonic Scream b,b+K 0-25 points
Left Sonic Scream l,l+K 0-25 points
Right Sonic Scream r,r+K 0-25 points
-The Sonic Scream punishes opponents with waves of ultra-sonic energy.
-K = If LK is pressed, then the blast is broad. If RK is pressed, the blast
is long.
-If K is held down, the Scream will last longer.

bb - Special Moves

Aero-Spike b,f+LP 28 points
-This attack blasts a small area with an intense burst of air.

Ground Glide f,f+P 0-15 points
-Gargoyle can lunge at opponents or launch himself into the air.
-P = If LP is pressed, the attack is high. If RP is pressed, the attack will
be low.

Whirl Wind b,f+RP 19 points
-Creates a small tornado that can knock one or more opponents off their feet.

Leg Grab J,f,f+K 30 points
-Able to grab even the largest foes, Gargoyle carries his helpless victim into
the air with his dexterous legs, and slams them into the ground.
-K = If LK is pressed the attack will be done from near. If RK is pressed,
the attack will be done from far.

Talon Glide J,f,f+P 0-11 points
-Allows Gargoyle to begin gliding. While gliding, Gargoyle can control his
flight, allowing him to accurately fly into opponents, shredding them with his
-Can be started from the ground or in the air
-If LP is pressed the attack will be low. If RP is pressed the attack will be

cc - Super Moves

Super Leg Grab J,f,f+DP 63 points
-The Super Leg Grab is executed in the air. Gargoyle swoops in and grabs an
opponent and carries them into the air, pummeling them with his razor-sharp
-Costs 1 Energy bar

Super Talon Glide f,f,DP 47 points
-Gargoyle delivers a powerful strike to opponents in the air or on the ground.
-This can be started from the ground or in the air.
-Costs 1 Energy bar

Super Scream b,b+DK 36 points
-The Super Scream is a sonic blast that emits in all directions and pushes
opponents away while damaging them.
-Costs 1 Energy bar

3 - Damage Point Chart for Basic Moves

These numbers were discovered by running combat tests with Gracy in each
individual HAR vs. the Training Bot in Practice mode. Gracy was used, seeing
as her pilot stats are 50/50/50/50, thus giving pure raw data from the HARs with
no modifiers.

SPEED was determined by sprinting from one end of the arena straight across to
the other side by running (f,f+).
This was done to see the use of AGILITY in each HAR.
The number is calculated in this manner. (s=time in seconds to cross to other
side) s*10=SPEED. Example:
if done in 10 seconds, then 10*10=100
if done in 20 seconds, then 5*10=50

ENERGY was determined by hitting the Training bot with ONLY the LP attack (No
*LP* attacks were made) until the Energy bar was completely full.
This was done to see the use of FOCUS in each HAR.
The number shown is the pure number of hits needed to fill the Energy bar.

| HARs | LP |*LP*| RP |*RP*| LK |*LK*| RK |*RK*|Throw|Speed|Energy|
| Chronos| 24 | 10 | 27 | 10 | 26 | 10 | 27 | 10 | 19 | 69.2| 16 |
| Force | 27 | 10 | 27 | 10 | 27 | 10 | 27 | 27 | 39 | 78.4| 14 |
|Gargoyle| 27 | 11 | 11 | 18 | 27 | 11 | 27 | 11 | 39 | 72.8| 14 |
| Jaguar | 25 | 10 | 25 | 17 | 25 | 11 | 25 | 10 | 35 | 72.0| 15 |
| Katana | 16 | 10 | 10 | 18 | 25 | 10 | 25 | 10 | 39 | 64.4| 23 |
| Mantis | 24 | 9 | 24 | 2 | 24 | 9 | 17 | 9 | 19 | 68.4| 16 |
| Pyros | 11 | 11 | 28 | 11 | 28 | 11 | 28 | 11 | 35 | 82.8| 34 |
| Warlord| 35 | 14 | 35 | 14 | 28 | 14 | 28 | 14 | 14 | 81.6| 11 |


SPEED: Most of the time the speed calculation were fairly accurate. They
were taken with the same stop watch, and done 3 times to verify their validity.
The only problem is that as I ran across the Arena, the Training bot was
standing right in the middle and often blocked my passage.

ENERGY: I have noticed that the ENERGY rating is dependant on the number of
Hit Points. The less powerful the hit, the less Energy you receive. (If you
are using Jaguar and you throw an LP, it will give you less Energy than a Throw.
This, I have also found to be true when testing the different HARs. An LP from
Pyros generates a lot less Energy than say an LP from Warlord.

| VIII - Cheats |

For those of you that are reading this FAQ for the sole purpose of getting Cheat
codes, Debug codes, Modification codes and all that kind of stuff.

I'm sorry but you won't find any here ... not because I don't want to include
them, and not because I don't want to share them, but very simply...

There are no known cheats at this time. Maybe in the future with one of the
patches DE will include some cheat code in the programming, but as for now, even
if there are some that exist, no one have figured them out, and DE is not
releasing them to the public. Sorry.

HOWEVER, with that said, DE is working on a number of Editing tools that will
allow you to create your own Arenas, Robots, Pilots you name it. The game will
be 90-99% modifiable. So keep reading and eventually we will be told when the
Mods are released.

| IX - Credits & Acknowledgements |

Thank you to Diversions Entertainment for creating the best (in my opinion)
3D single and multi-player game to date. Also, I'd like to thank them for
giving permission to use information from the OMF:BG manual in this guide.

Thank you to my wife who sacrificed so many evenings and weekends that I
might work on this.

Thank you to my boss for allowing me to use the office printer and internet
connection to make the updates a possibility.

Last, but certainly not least, thank you to everyone that emailed me with
suggestions, ideas, corrections, additions, and anything else that made this
possible. There are too many to list here, but you are mentioned in the FAQ in
a footnote next to your comment.

| X - Links |
\-----------/ The Official One Must Fall Website

| XI - Copyright |

One Must Fall: Battlegrounds (c) 2002 Diversions Entertainment, Inc.
OMF:BG and the OMF:BG logo are registered trademarks of Diversions
Entertainment, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

One Must Fall: Battlegrounds Strategy Guide
Copyright January 2004
James Drury, aka. blipadouzi

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