Heroes of Might & Magic 3

Heroes of Might & Magic 3

17.10.2013 07:28:10
Heroes of Might and Magic III FAQ
Covers things that are not general knowledge
Copyright 2003 Jordan Trudgett aka tgfcoder
All rights reserved.
Last revision: 31st Dec 03/ v. 1.20
Lines: 558

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|_| |_| Of Might and Magic |_____|_____|_____|


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v. 1.20 31st Dec 2003 Bytes: 19,995 KB: 19
v. 1.19 31st Dec 2003
v. 1.10 30th Dec 2003
v. 1.00 30th Dec 2003

1.19 to 1.20
-Thanks to Nils Ogorek, a couple minor problems have been found.
-Added Bytes and KB under 'History'
1.10 to 1.19
-Fixed minor mistakes
-Added Race under Character Bonuses
-Fixed missing chapter under TOC!!!!!!!
1.00 to 1.10
-Added Changes
-Added translation from Creature Speed to Hexes/turn
-Added each and every character's name in each and every category

..,,::;;@@%% Table of Contents: %%@@;;::,,..

Foreword/Legal stuff...............................#01
Population Labels..................................#03
Creature Speeds....................................#04
Neutral Creatured..................................#05
Character Bonuses..................................#06
Town Native Terrain................................#07
Morale and Luck Effects............................#08

#01 Foreword/Legal stuff
This FAQ and everything included in it is copyrighted and any part of it
may not be reproduced in any way, shape or form (written, printed,
electronically stored, or any other medium not specifically mentioned)
without my advance written permission.
This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
If you do have my advance written permission
and you do place my FAQ on your website,
you must NOT do these three things;
a. Change any letter, number or character of this text file;
b. Alter the file's name; and
c. Give insufficient credit (Full name, day, month and year are
sufficient) to myself,

Any breach of these rules, with myself or anyone else not being aware of
it or being aware of it is a violation of copyright.

I am not in any way related to 3DO/New World Computing or any designers,
distibutors,programmers, publishers or in-general, 'creators' of this
game. Any miscellaneous object, program (including games), music, or any
other related indicia are copyright to their rightful owners.

Hereafter this point, I will refer to Heroes of Might and Magic III, The
Restoration of Erathia (c) 3D0/New World Computing as HOMM3,
Heroes, or Heroes III (3).

This FAQ covers things many people may not know about HOMM3.

Most information comes from the Manual that is sold with Heroes.

#02 Movement

Movement is tracked in tiles. A certain hero can move a definite integer
of steps before his/her horse is exhausted. This figure is determined by
the speed of the slowest creature in his/her army.

Super Slow/Extra Slow allows 15 tiles of movement,
Slow allows 16 tiles of movement,
Swift/Extra Swift allows 17 tiles of movement,
Very Swift allows 18 tiles of movement,
Ultra Swift/Super Swift allows 19 tiles of movement,
Quick/Super Fast allows 20 tiles of movement.

For speeds of creatures, refer to #04 Creature Speeds.

#03 Population Labels

Population labels are words that describe roughly how many creatures
there are in that group. Example ".. a Horde of Troglodytes .."

NB. If a computer hero has only one group of creatures, and the group
says "Few" then 99% of the time, he/she is a scout and only has 1 of that

(Numbers are inclusive, eg. Few could mean 4 and Swarm could mean 250)

Label Amount

Few 1-4
Several 5-9
Pack 10-19
Lots 20-49
Horde 50-99
Throng 100-249
Swarm 250-499
Zounds 500-999
Legion 1000+

#04 Creature Speeds


Pikeman Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Halberdier Slow 5 hexes/turn
Archer Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Marksman Swift 6 hexes/turn
Griffin Very Swift 6 hexes/turn
Royal Griffin Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn
Swordsman Slow 5 hexes/turn
Crusader Swift 6 hexes/turn
Monk Slow 5 hexes/turn
Zealot Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Cavalier Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Champion Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn
Angel Extra Quick 12 hexes/turn
Archangel Very Fast 18 hexes/turn


Troglodyte Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Infernal Troglodyte Slow 5 hexes/turn
Harpy Swift 6 hexes/turn
Harpy Hag Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn
Beholder Slow 5 hexes/turn
Evil Eye Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Medusa Slow 5 hexes/turn
Medua Queen Swift 6 hexes/turn
Minotaur Swift 6 hexes/turn
Minotaur King Very Swift 8 hexes/turn
Maticore Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Scorpicore Quick 11 hexes/turn
Red Dragon Quick 11 hexes/turn
Black Dragon Super Quick 15 hexes/turn


Gnoll Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Gnoll Marauder Slow 5 hexes/turn
Lizardman Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Lizard Warrior Slow 5 hexes/turn
Serpent Fly Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn
Dragon Fly Very Quick 13 hexes/turn
Basilisk Slow 5 hexes/turn
Greater Basilisk Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Gorgon Slow 5 hexes/turn
Mighty Gorgon Swift 6 hexes/turn
Wyvern Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Wyvern Monarch Quick 11 hexes/turn
Hydra Slow 5 hexes/turn
Chaos Hydra Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn


Imp Slow 5 hexes/turn
Familiar Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Gog Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Magog Swift 6 hexes/turn
Hell Hound Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Cerberus Very Swift 8 hexes/turn
Demon Slow 5 hexes/turn
Horned Demon Swift 6 hexes/turn
Pit Fiend Swift 6 hexes/turn
Pit Lord Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Efreet Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn
Efreet Sultan Very Quick 13 hexes/turn
Devil Quick 11 hexes/turn
Arch Devil Extra Fast 17 hexes/turn


Skeleton Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Skeleton Warrior Slow 5 hexes/turn
Walking Dead Very Slow 3 hexes/turn
Zombie Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Wight Slow 5 hexes/turn
Wraith Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Vampire Swift 6 hexes/turn
Vampire Lord Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn
Lich Swift 6 hexes/turn
Power Lich Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Black Knight Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Dread Knight Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn
Bone Dragon Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn
Ghost Dragon Ultra Quick 14 hexes/turn


Centaur Swift 6 hexes/turn
Centaur Captain Very Swift 8 hexes/turn
Dwarf Very Slow 3 hexes/turn
Battle Dwarf Slow 5 hexes/turn
Wood Elf Swift 6 hexes/turn
Grand Elf Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Pegasus Very Swift 8 hexes/turn
Silver Pegasus Extra Quick 12 hexes/turn
Dendroid Guard Very Slow 3 hexes/turn
Dendroid Soldier Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Unicorn Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
War Unicorn Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn
Green Dragon Super Swift 10 hexes/turn
Gold Dragon Fast 16 hexes/turn


Note: In the demo version of HOMM3, the Stronghold music was used instead
of the Castle music. (They must have though it was better)

Goblin Slow 5 hexes/turn
Hobgoblin Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Wolf Rider Swift 6 hexes/turn
Wolf Raider Very Swift 8 hexes/turn
Orc Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Orc Chieftain Slow 5 hexes/turn
Ogre Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Ogre Mage Slow 5 hexes/turn
Roc Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Thunderbird Quick 11 hexes/turn
Cyclops Swift 6 hexes/turn
Cyclops King Very Swift 8 hexes/turn
Behemoth Swift 6 hexes/turn
Ancient Behemoth Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn


Gremlin Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Master Gremlin Slow 5 hexes/turn
Stone Gargoyle Swift 6 hexes/turn
Obsidian Gargoyle Ultra Swift 9 hexes/turn
Stone Golem Very Slow 3 hexes/turn
Iron Golem Slow 5 hexes/turn
Mage Slow 5 hexes/turn
Arch Mage Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Genie Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Master Genie Quick 11 hexes/turn
Naga Slow 5 hexes/turn
Naga Queen Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Giant Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Titan Ultra Quick 11 hexes/turn

#05 Neutral Creatures

Air Elemental Extra Swift 7 hexes/turn
Earth Elemental Extra Slow 4 hexes/turn
Fire Elemental Swift 6 hexes/turn
Water Elemental Slow 5 hexes/turn
Gold Golem Slow 5 hexes/turn
Diamon Golem Slow 5 hexes/turn

#06 Hero Bonuses
Legend: A= Attack
D= Defense
P= Power
K= Knowledge

Alchemists......A1 D1 P2 K2

Fafner Male Genie
Iona Female Genie
Neela Female Genie
Piquedram Male Human
Josephine Female Human
Rissa Female Human
Thane Male Genie
Torosar Male Human

Barbarians......A4 D0 P1 K1

Crag Hack Male Human
Gretchin Female Goblin
Gurnisson Male Goblin
Jabarkas Male Ogre
Krellion Female Ogre
Shiva Female Human
Tyraxor Male Goblin
Yog Male Genie

Battle Mages....A2 D1 P1 K1

Dessa Male Ogre
Gird Female Human
Gundula Female Ogre
Oris Female Human
Saurug Male Ogre
Terek Male Human
Vey Male Ogre
Zubin Male Goblin

Beast Masters...A0 D4 P1 K1

Alkin Male Gnoll
Broghild Male Lizardman
Bron Male Human
Drakon Male Gnoll
Gerwulf Male Human
Korbac Male Lizardman
Tazar Male Human
Wystan Male Lizardman

Clerics.........A1 D0 P2 K2

Adela Female Human
Cuthbert Male Human
Caitlin Female Human
Adelaide Female Human
Ingham Male Human
Loynis Male Human
Rion Male Human
Sanya Female Human

Death Knights...A1 D2 P2 K1

Charna Female Human
Clavius Male Human
Galthran Male Vampire
Isra Female Lich
Moander Male Lich
Tamika Female Vampire
Straker Male Human
Vokial Male Vampire

Demoniacs.......A2 D2 P1 K1

Rashka Male Efreet
Calh Male Demon
Fiona Female Human
Ignatius Male Human
Marius Female Demon
Nymus Female Demon
Pyre Female Human
Octavia Female Efreet

Druids..........A0 D2 P1 K2

Aeris Male Elf
Alagar Male Human
Uland Male Dwarf
Coronius Male Human
Elleshar Male Elf
Gem Female Human
Malcom Male Dwarf
Melodia Female Elf

Heretics........A1 D1 P2 K1

Ash Female Demon
Axsis Male Demon
Ayden Male Human
Calid Female Demon
Olema Female Human
Xyron Male Efreet
Xarfax Male Human
Zydar Male Efreet

Knights.........A2 D2 P1 K1

Edric Male Human
Orrin Male Human
Sylvia Female Human
Lord Haart Male Human
Valeska Female Human
Christian Male Human
Sorsha Female Human
Tyris Female Human

Necromancers....A1 D0 P2 K2

Aislinn Female Vampire
Nagash Male Lich
Nimbus Male Human
Sandro Male Lich
Septienna Female Human
Thant Male Vampire
Vidomina Female Human
Xsi Female Lich

Overlords.......A2 D2 P1 K1
Ajit Male Human
Arlach Male Troglodyte
Dace Male Minotaur
Damacon Male Troglodyte
Gunnar Male Minotaur
Lorelei Female Human
Shakti Male Troglodyte
Synca Female Human

Rangers.........A1 D3 P1 K1

Clancy Male Dwarf
Ivor Male Elf
Jenova Male Elf
Kyrre Female Elf
Mephala Female Human
Ryland Male Human
Thorgrim Male Dwarf
Ufretin Male Dwarf

Warlocks........A0 D0 P3 K2

Alamar Male Human
Darkstorn Male Minotaur
Deemer Male Minotaur
Geon Male Troglodtye
Jaegar Male Troglodyte
Jeddite Male Human
Malekith Male Minotaur
Sephinroth Male Human

Witches.........A0 D1 P2 K2

Andra Female Human
Merist Female Gnoll
Mirlanda Female Human
Rosic Female Gnoll
Styg Female Lizardwoman
Tiva Female Gnoll
Verdish Female Human
Voy Female Lizardwoman

Wizards.........A0 D0 P2 K3

Aine Female Genie
Astral Male Human
Cyra Female Human
Daremyth Female Genie
Halon Male Genie
Serena Female Human
Solmyr Male Genie
Theodorus Male Human

#07 Town Native Terrain

Thanks to Nils Ogorek for just this minor correction:

A hero with all Fortress troops will not lose any movement points
over Swamp, this is their native terrain.

Town Native Terrain

Castle Grass
Rampart Grass
Tower Snow
Inferno Lava (Black rock stuff)
Necropolis Dirt
Dungeon Subterranean
Stronghold Rough
Fortress Swamp

#08 Morale and Luck Effects

Morale is represented by golden (or brownish) birds under "Viewing the
Hero's Stats" screen.

It can be from -3 (3 brown birds) to 3 (3 golden birds)

Morale is affected by:

a) Places you visit (eg. Fountain of Fortune)

b) These conditions:

i. -1 if undead creatures are mixed with living creatured
ii. +1 if all creatures are of the same town type (Except Necropolis)
iii. -1 for each town type mixed beyond two town types


c) Artifacts/artefacts.

#Moral Effects:

(Quoted from book)

Troop Morale Effect on Troop
3 12.5% chance of acting again
2 8.3% chance of acting again
1 4.2% chance of acting again
0 Nothing
-1 4.2% chance of freezing
-2 8.3% chance of freezing
-3 12.5% chance of freezing
Luck is represented by those horseshoe thingies.

#Luck Effects:
(Also quoted from book)

Troop Luck Chance for Double Damage
3 12.5%
2 8.3%
1 4.2%
#09 Thanks


-Nils Ogorek
o Fixed up native terrain mistake

Thanks to you for reading my FAQ.
Thanks to Loki Games, New World Computing, 3D0 and all other companies
involved in making Heroes III. It really is a magnificent game!
Thanks to GameFAQS.com for hosting my FAQ.
Thanks to the Heroes III Player Manual for most of the information.

Copyright 2003 Jordan Trudgett

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