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A Comprehensive Questing Guide for Star Wars Galaxies
By Cie S. Sharp (ciesharp@verizon.net)
(TheDervish, Starsider)
Please note that this is the most comprehensive quest list ever compiled for
Star Wars Galaxies.
However, it is subject to change. Some quests may be removed. Others may be
added. Some may stop working, others may get fixed. Feedback is welcome.
* Huff Zinga : 5156, 6634 4 missions....can be completed
* Mullud Bombo: 5046, 6787 3 missions....can be completed..bugged text
X Ketter Yaaran: 4972, 6719 1 mission...can't be completed (Save the Nobles
quest; one of the 10 sites to see from devs top 10 things to see list)
* Leb Slesher: 4973, 6709 4 missions...can be completed
X Tamuar Senzen: located in Hotel...bugged and can't be completed
X +5130 +6820 Ilcees Bimelfeve (a commoner) : Herald for "Imperial Weapons
Research Facility"
* Kima Nazith: 4972, -1582 Rebel only
* Senator Pooja Naberrie: 4975, -1584 4 missions...can be completed
* Captain Arven Wendik: 4711, -1433 Rebel only (mission 4 broken objective)
* Damalia Korde: 5138, 1529 4+ missions....bugged and cant be completed
* Dilvin Lormurojo : 4892, -4997 3 missions...can be completed
* Bab Esrus: 4826 -4836 3 missions...bugged text
X Radanthus Mandelatara: 4645, -4889....bugged
* Palo: 4765, -4797 3 missions...can be completed..bugged text
* Arrek Von Sarko: 4878, -4631 3 missions..can be completed..bugged text
* Ebenn Q3 Baobab (Retired)
* Borvo the Hutt: 4875, -4591 2 missions...can't be completed
* Borvo Hutt Guard: 4888, -4601 2 missions...can't be completed
KEREN (note: each mission is 2000 meters one way roughly)
* Lergo Brazee: 2103, 2529 4 missions.....can be completed
X Bardo Klins: 1821, 2781 1 mission....can't be completed
* Kritus Morven: 1614, 2503 5 missions....can be completed
* Anthok Dinvar: 1607, 2498 4 missions....can be completed..bugged text
X Demitri Firewatcher; 1673, 2582 1 mission..can't be completed..(Save the
Nobles quest; one of the top 10 sites to see as stated by devs)
* Brennis Doore: 1740, 2657 3 missions...can be completed
* Captain Gavyn Sykes: 1431, 2770 4 missions...can be completed
X Lt. Vana Sage: 1275, 2745 2 missions...can't be completed
X +1572 +2825 Aocrienn Cuomoa (a commoner) : Herald for "Nargolatch Cave"
X +1572 +2825 Osaitt Epoaha (a commoner) : Herald for "Veermok Cave"
* Lareen Dantara: -5498, -4 2 missions....can be completed
* Rovim Minnoni: -5556, -32 3 missions...can be completed
* Brass marshoo: -5629, -3 3 missions...can be completed..bugged text
X -5031 +4089 Esse Ihethika : Herald for "Gungan Warrior Stronghold"
X -5535 +4365 Lipo Spivvaktib : Herald for "Mauler Encampment"
X -5484 +4365 Hannah S'kiyah : Herals for "Pirate Bunker"
GUNGAN SACRED PLACE (each mission is 5000 to 8000 meters one way)
* Boss Nass: -1991, -5422 Rebel Only
* Lob Dizz: -1963, -5392 3 missions...can be completed...bugged text
* Rep Been: -1956, -5460 4 missions....can be completed
* Talon Karrde 3255, 5308
* Jadam Questrel 3227 5330
* Coraline Dynes
* Scoiex Grath
X Selonian Diplomat 3256 5418 (herald)
X Corran Horn (by guild hall) (invisible)
X Go to 764, 5866 on Corellia. It's near Duoba Guerful (sp). There you'll find
Joz Judhul. (broken)
* Noran Krast -5200,-2490
* Didina Lippinoss -5508, -2559
* Hal Horn -5516, -2805
X Excited Journalist -5193, -2545 (Herald Imperial Stronghold)
* Crev Bombaasa – cantina
* Karena Keer – cantina
X Shalera the Hutt – cantina - 3rd mission creates a waypoint called "None".
Surprise! Nothing is there.
Agrilat Swamp:
* Serji-X Arrogantus - works -204 / +4577
* Dalla Solo - works (865 3836)
* Ignaz - works +1806 / +4989 Ignar Ominaz (NPC)
* Palejo Reshad – cantina
* 6837 -5769 Grondorn Muse
* 6691 -5606 Luthin Dlunar
X Ging Darjeek – cantina – 3rd mission creates a waypoint called "None".
Surprise! Nothing is there.
X Omice Eemookiawa (a criminal) -5691, -6133 (no waypoint, npc error message)
X Venthan Chassu -5218 -6433 (Imperial sympathizer) (no waypoint)
X Vinya Maysor -5240 -6400 (no waypoint) (Corsec)
X Karrek Flim -5508, -6142. (hotel) (no waypoint)
Corellia Imperial Battlefield : LOC 3785,-4037
Corellia PvP Battlefield : LOC 263,4620
Corellia Rebel Battlefield : LOC 3785,-4037
Galactic Civil War Dungeon:
Corellia 4664 -5784 Imperial Military Base
X Gravin Attal : -2151 2305 2 missions; Imperial only
X Xalox Guul : -2180 2262 4 missions; Imperial only
X Lethin Bludder: -2163 2330 2 missions; Imperial only
* Durgur Pyne : 4547 5147 3 missions
* Slooni Jong : 4303 5090 3 missions
* Sigrix Slix : 4302 5311 2 missions
* Green Laser : 4295 5337 2 missions
X Igbi Freemo : 4541 5069 1 mission...can't be completed
X Juxani Zhord : 4329 5147 1 mission...can't be completed
X LT. Harbuirk -3483 -4741 (Imperial)
* Lady Valarian -3364,-4609
* Kavas Kardano
* Ind
X Lorne Prestar -3376 -4785 (Fort Tusken Herald)
X Ona (human male) -3371 -4522
X +3374 -4522 Iforgo Ayfa : Herald for "Hutt Hideout"
X +3487 -4734 Iafis Obiokisky : Herald for "Tusken Bunker"
* Phinea Shantee -1420,-3682
* Lilas Dinhint -1097,-3681 (Tusken Robe)
* Binna Jode -1392,-3670
* Farious GLetch -1333,-3887
X Wilhalm Skrim -1183,-3610 (IMperial, wont talk to me)
* Governor Tour Aryon -1186,-3614
* Kormund THrylle -1043,-3531
X Prefect Talmont -1166 -3583 (Imperial, doesn't talk)
X Pfibee Jhorn -1129 -3914 (Imperial, broken WP)
X Achraobin Gynig -1300 -3500 (Imperial, herald, tusken bunker)
* Melius Perl -1316 -3488
X -1307 -3661 Ikawri Levomaba (Imperial) (Destroyed Rebel Ba
* Wilderness Tatooine : -5475, -3881 (Tusken King Quest)
Other Noteworthy Locations on Tatooine:
Beetle Cave 6522 -1350
Fort Tusken -4000 6250
Hutt Cave 5121 647 (not the themepark)
Krayt Graveyard 6854 4333
Pit of Carkoon -6183 -3371 (Sarlacc)
Squill Cave 60 -80
Tusken Bunker -1493 -208
Tatooine Imperial Battlefield : LOC 4950 4650
Tatooine PvP Battlefield : LOC 2488 4388
* Mark of Intellect
Mark of Altruism
X Mark of Honor
X Mark of Courage
X Symbol of Heroism
* Kelvus Naria -618 2539
* Stoos Olko -592 2544
X Ulakeia Lesto -589 2500 (Imperial) (Herald Dantari)
X Spehi Ope (a commoner) -642 2451 (Herald, Janta Stronghold)
X Ikepe Obie (a commoner) 1544, -6414 (herald Force Crystal Caves)
X Daiv Dekven 1603 6434 (Herald Mokk Caves)
X Cmdr. Jatrian Lytus -4200, -2426 (Imperial)
X -4181 -2386 LX 466 (Imperial)
X -6982 -5661 Vafo Ge'Riwi (a commoner) : Herald for "Temple of the Blue Leaf
X A Chiss Male -6877 -5682 (herald, Exar Kun's Temple)
EXAR KUN TEMPLE (Rebel Themepark, Continued) +5098 +5560
* General Jan Dodonna
* Luke Skywalker
-0347 +4857 Tohne Litningstrider : Herald for "Palace of the Woolemander"
-0325 +4862 Appodreke Hekiame (a rebel commando) : Herald for "Imperial Outpost"
Wilderness Yavin :
* Yith Seenath (1594, 1535) : Rebel missions. Works (3rd mission is nice btw).
* Cpt. Eso (1594, 1535) : rebel missions. Couldnt finish 3rd mission. Have to
kill a deseased rebel, but can only examine him. Btw, had the same prob with
the 1st mission of the senator in deeja peak (need to escort a rebel, but can
only examine it, no converse options).
Other Noteworthy Locations On Yavin IV:
Blueleaf Temple -900 -2020
Temple of the Woolamander 0480 -0620
NYM'S THEMEPARK (not yet spawned, currently on Test Center)
+0432 +5136 Aefoli Wilow (a commoner) : Herald for "Mysterious Customers", or a
broken quest? I went to the waypoint and it was empty. Hmmmm
+0474 +4772 Kole : Nym's "man".
+0475 +4769 Nym
CANTINA (Rebel Themepark, Continued)
Nien Numb
Han Solo (with Chewbacca)
-1870 -3118 Iso Inoalfoda : Herald for "Canyon Corsair Stronghold"