Gabriel Knight 2

Gabriel Knight 2

18.10.2013 04:57:33

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. Chapter 1
2.2. Chapter 2
2.3. Chapter 3
2.4. Chapter 4
2.5. Chapter 5
2.6. Chapter 6
3. Item List
3.1. Gabriel
3.2. Grace
4. Point List
2.1. Chapter 1
2.2. Chapter 2
2.3. Chapter 3
2.4. Chapter 4
2.5. Chapter 5
2.6. Chapter 6
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 28th Aug, 2003 (First version)


1. Introduction


Gabriel Knight 2 is without a doubt one of the best adventure games on the PC,
featuring an exceptionally detailed storyline, well-designed locations, well
thought out characters, and Full Motion Video graphics which create an
incredible atmosphere to the game. Near the end of the first game, Gabriel
discovered that he was the last in line of Schattenjagers in the Ritter family,
a fighter of supernatural powers.

At the start of this game, a knock is heard on the door of the Schloss Ritter
castle. It turns out to be a group of villages who have decided to call for the
current Schattenjager to help them solve a case involving a werewolf. So
Gabriel finds himself setting off for the Huber Farm in Germany where he begins
his investigation. Spread over six, massive chapters and featuring excellent
acting by all the cast, this is a masterpiece of an adventure game.


2. Walkthrough


2.1. Chapter 1


Open the bag to get the Ritter dagger and ubergrau's letter. Walk to the other
side of the room and read the note from Fran Huber near the coat. Get the keys
from under the mirror. Look at the newspaper at the right side of the desk and
read it. Open the inventory and read ubergrau's letter and Grace-to-Gabriel
letter #1. Look at the papers at the left side of the desk to write a letter to
Grace, and then open the door to exit the house. Follow the right path twice to
find a trail leading into the woods.

Look at the left side of the trail and get the hair. Walk right, and then walk
to the water trough. Look at the muddy patch at the left side of the trough and
look at the wolf paw print. Return to the entrance of the farm and walk left to
enter the garage. Get the bag of cement from the left side of the shelf, return
to the water trough and use the bucket on the paw print. Return to the trough
again and get the paw print cast. Return to the entrance of the house and use
the keys on the car to leave the farm.


Look at the board and read it to view the European Wolf. Exit the view of the
board and look over the fence to see the wolves. Try calling one of them, then
exit the view of the wolves. Talk to Thomas and ask him about Himself twice,
Doctor Klingmann, Missing Wolves, and then say "What did the wolves look
like?". Exit the conversation and walk west to Klingmann's office.

Talk to Klingmann and ask him about Himself twice, Research, Wolves, and then
Missing Wolves. Say "How long have the wolves been missing?", "Do you think the
zoo wolves are responsible for the mutilation killings?", "Why would the wolves
kill humans", and "How does a wolf choose its victims?". Exit the office and
walk south to exit the zoo.


Open the tape recorder. Select the Klingmann tape and press Load A. Select any
of the blank tapes and press Load B. Press splice to view a list of words that
were said by Klingmann. Select the words to make the sentence: "Thomas? Herr
Doktor Klingmann here. Show our wolves to Mr. Knight.". Press transfer to
complete the sentence and use the keys on the car to leave the farm.


Walk west to Klingmann's office. Look at the coat at the right side of the room
to find the receipt. Put the Klingmann splice tape in the walkie talkie at the
right side of the desk. Exit the office to enter the wolf kennels with Thomas.
Look at the tag on the wolf, and then stroke the wolf. Exit the zoo.


Enter the house. Look at Klingmann's receipt and turn it. Use the receipt on
the mirror. Exit the house and use the keys on the car to leave the farm.


Walk left, enter the tunnel and walk through the door to ubergrau's office.
Talk to ubergrau and ask him about Sample Analysis, Jagdschein and Die
Koniglich-Bayrische Hofjagdloge. Exit Marienplatz.


After talking to the officer behind the desk, Gabriel will exit the station.


Give the farm hair, paw print cast and zoo hair to Michael. Exit the lab.


Walk right to the musicians, walk around the corner of the building to the
road, and then walk to the post office at the right side of the road. Use the
Gabriel-to-Grace envelope #1 on the doors. Walk north and open the doors at the
right side of the road to enter the hunt club. Say "I'm an avid hunter.", Say
"I am a member of a prominent German family.". Exit the hunt club and return to
ubergrau's office. Talk to ubergrau and ask him about Ritter Family Papers.
Return to the hunt club and say "I tell you, I am a Ritter of Rittersberg.".
Give Xavier the Ritter family papers to complete chapter 1.

2.2. Chapter 2


Walk to the south side of the bedroom and try to open the door. Walk back to
the other side of the bedroom and open the door to walk to the first floor.
Talk to Gerde and ask her about Gabriel twice, Gabriel's Research and Locked
Door. Exit the castle and walk down the path to the town square. Open the far
right door to enter the bar. Ask Herr Huber about Gabriel's Case, say "What is
the case about?", and then ask about Werewolves twice.

Exit the bar and walk to the blue door at the left side of the steps. Knock on
the hatch and ask about This Building and Trial Records. Return to the castle
and walk upstairs to Gabriel's bedroom. Look at the fireplace, and then look at
the toolbox. Get the screwdriver, look up, and use the screwdriver in the hole.
Open the closet and walk through to the tunnel on the other side. Walk right to
enter Gerde's bedroom, open the closet and get the library key at the right
side of the clothes.

Walk through the closet to Gabriel's bedroom, walk to the other side of the
room and use the library key to open the door. Get the Lycanthropes book from
the middle shelf, and Victor Ritter's journal from the right shelf. In the
inventory, read the letter to Ludwig II, the Lycanthropes book and Victor
Ritter's journal. Walk to the right side of the library and use Professor
Barclay's card on the phone.

Exit the library and return to the bar in the town square. Ask Herr Huber about
Ludwig II twice, and then exit the bar. Knock on the blue door at the left side
of the steps. Ask about Trial Records and say "Why did they bring the werewolf
to Rittersberg?", "What happened to the alleged werewolf?", "Where was the
werewolf kept while it was here?", "Did the werewolf ever change back?" and
"Why did they want to find out who the man was?" to enter the dungeon.

Look at the window and look at the church. Exit the dungeon and knock on the
blue door at the left side of the steps. Ask about Church Records and enter the
church at the left side of the town square. Give the Mayor's note to Father
Getz to receive the church file. Exit the church, return to the blue door and
ask about Church File. Return to the library in the castle and look at the
right shelf to get Christian Ritter's journal.

Read the journal in the inventory, look at the desk at the right side of the
library and use the typewriter to write a letter to Gabriel. Walk to the first
floor and give Grace's package to Gerde. Exit the castle, return to the town
square and walk to the post office at the left side of the door to the bar.
Push the button and give the addressed package and Grace's wallet to the woman
to complete chapter three.

2.3. Chapter 3


Walk to the other side of the room and read the newspaper on the desk. Open the
door to exit the house, and use the keys on the car to leave the farm.


Walk left, enter the tunnel and walk through the door to ubergrau's office to
receive the addressed package. In the inventory, look at the package and open
it to find the second letter from Grace. Talk to ubergrau and ask him about
Ludwig II twice. Exit the office, walk south and enter the cuckoo clock shop on
the right. Look at the cuckoo clock at the left side of the desk, and use
Gabriel's wallet on the man to buy it.

After exiting the clock shop, walk right and return to the road near the hunt
club. Walk to the crime scene and show the evidence analysis report to Leber,
and then show the evidence analysis report to the press. Exit the crime scene
and enter the hunt club. Ask Xavier about The Club, say "How long has the club
been around?", say "What happened in 1970?", say "How often do the club members
go hunting?". Ask about Club Members, and then exit the conversation.

Walk through the door to the main hall, and then walk through the door at the
right side of the room to arrive in the back hall. Use the cuckoo clock on the
plant, and return to the front hall. After Xavier leaves the room, open the
drawer at the front of the podium and get Xavier's keys. Return to the back
hall and use Xavier's keys on the left door. Get the cuckoo clock from the
plant, put it back in the plant, and return to the front hall.

After Xavier leaves the room, put Xavier's keys in the drawer of the podium.
Return to the back hall and open the left door to arrive in the ritual room.
Look at the animal heads, the skull and the diary. Read the diary, and then
look at the photographs at the right side of the room to return to the main
hall. Ask von Zell about Hunting, The Club and Trophies in basement. In the
inventory, look at von Glower's business card. Exit Marienplatz.


Ask Leber about everything. Look at the map. Look at the note at the right side
of the map and use Gabriel's notepad on the note. Exit the station.


Enter the house. Look at the papers at the left side of the desk to write a
letter to Grace, and use Grossberg's phone number on the phone. Exit the house
and use the keys on the car to leave the farm.


Look at the mask on top of the cupboard. Talk to von Glower and ask him about
everything. Exit Von Glower's house.


Walk left, enter the tunnel and walk through the door to ubergrau's office. Ask
ubergrau about Missing Persons, and then exit the office. Return to the post
office and use the Gabriel-to-Grace envelope #2 on the doors. Walk north and
open the doors at the right side of the road to enter the hunt club. Talk to
Herr Preiss and ask him about all topics.

Talk to von Aigner and Hennemann at the bar and say "Have you guys heard about
the wolf killing last night?" Say "What were y'all talking about a minute ago?"
Talk to von Zell and say "Just wanted to grab a magazine." In the inventory,
use the magazine on the tape recorder, and then put the magazine on the table
to complete chapter 3.

2.4. Chapter 4


Walk to the other side of the bedroom and open the door to the library. Look on
the left shelf to get Chaphill's Ludwig biography and read the biography in the
inventory. Exit the library and walk up to the post office at the right side of
the town square. Push the button to receive the Gabriel-to-Grace Letter #2 and
exit the post office. Read the letter in the inventory.

Enter the bar. Talk to the Smiths and ask about Themselves, Ludwig II, The
Black Wolf, Tarot Reading and Gabriel's Tarot. Exit the bar and enter the
church at the left side of the town square. Walk to the back of the church, and
continue right to find Gerde. Look at Gerde, exit the church and return to
Gabriel's bedroom in Schloss Ritter.

Open the closet and walk through to the tunnel on the other side. Walk north
down the steps to the passageway and get some roses from the bush. Exit the
castle and return to the church in the town square. Give the roses to Gerde to
receive Gabriel's car keys, and use the keys on the car outside Schloss Ritter
to view the map.


Play the tour tape in the entry hall. Walk north through the doorway to the
bedroom and play the tape. Walk through the right doorway to the chapel and
play the tape. Exit the chapel, walk through the left doorway to the living
room and play the tape. Walk to the bottom-right corner of the room, walk
through the doorway on the left to the grotto and play the tape. Walk north
through the grotto and play the tape in the study. Walk through the doorway to
the Singer's hall and play the tape. Play the tape while looking at all six of
the paintings in the hall, then look at the big wolf painting at the north end
of the hall. Open the door to return to the map.


Talk to the grumpy woman at the desk and say "I'd like to buy a ticket." Walk
to the top-left corner of the entry room and exit left to enter display room 1.
Look in the display case at the top-left corner of the room and read the sign
about Ludwig's diary. Read the letters on the right wall, exit the room and
continue right to enter display room 2.

Look at the picture on the wall to view the midnight sleigh ride of Ludwig.
Look in the display case under the picture and read the left and right sign.
Read all four letters on the left wall, and exit the display room to return to
the entry hall. Read the four letters from Ludwig's diary, then exit the view
of the letters. Talk to the woman behind the desk and say "Do you know anything
about the 'new Wagner opera'?" Exit the museum.


Walk through the left doorway and read the sign near the sofa. Look at the desk
at the bottom-right corner of the room. Read the letter on the desk and look at
the drawing. Walk through to the next room and read the two letters in the
display case. Return to the room with the piano and walk south to talk to Georg
in the entry room. Ask about Wagner, Ludwig's letter to Conductor, Wolf Panels
at Neuschwanstein and the Lost Opera. Exit the museum.


Enter Schloss Ritter and Gerde will say that Professor Barclay called. Walk
upstairs to the bedroom, open the door to the library and walk over to the
desk. Use Barclay's card on the phone, and then use Dallmeier's card on the
phone. Exit the castle, walk down the path and enter the bar at the right side
of the town square. Ask Herr Huber about The Smiths and ask them about Ludwig
Dream when they enter the bar. Exit the bar, walk up the path and use the car
keys on the car to leave Rittersberg.


Look at the railings at the left side of the area to meet Dallmeier. Ask him
about Ludwig's Diary, Ludwig II twice, Bismark, The Black Wolf three times, the
Hunting Accident twice, and the Servant's Fears. Walk back to the far right
side of the area to exit Seeshaupt.


Enter Schloss Ritter and ask Gerde about the Special Permit. Walk upstairs to
the library, use the Ludwig Biography on the phone, and use the typewriter to
write a letter to Gabriel. Use Chaphill's note on the phone, exit the castle
and walk to the post office at the right side of the town square. Press the
button and give the Grace-to-Gabriel letter #3 to the woman that waits at the
window, then give Grace's wallet to the woman to pay for the letter. Look in
the bush at the right side of the church and look at the lillies to get one.
Walk up the path and use the car keys on the car to leave Rittersberg.


Look at the railings at the left side of the area. Look at the small beach on
the other side of the railings and use the lily on the water to see a
reflection of Ludwig II. Walk right to exit Seeshaupt.


Enter Schloss Ritter and Gerde will say that a fax has been delivered at the
post office. Exit Schloss Ritter, walk to the post office at the right side of
the town square and push the button to receive the diary translation fax. Walk
back up the path to the castle and use the car keys on the car.


Read the fax of Ludwig's diary translation in the inventory, and then give the
translation to Georg to complete the chapter.

2.5. Chapter 5


Enter the hunt club to meet Xavier, who explains that there will be a hunting
trip later on. Walk left to the main hall, look at the small table between the
chairs and look at the magazine to get the tape recorder. Exit the hunt club
and walk to ubergrau's office at the other side of Marienplatz to receive the
Grace-to-Gabriel letter #3.

Look at the letter in the inventory to read that Ludwig II was turned into a
werewolf. Give the Von Zell conversations tape to ubergrau, and ask him about
Missing Persons. Exit the office and look at the white sausage in the sausage
stall on the right. Give Gabriel's wallet to the woman to buy the Weiss Wurst,
and then exit Marienplatz.


Ask Leber about Grossberg's Account Book twice, and then give him the Von Zell
conversations tape. After Leber exits the office, look at the folder on the
desk and look at the ledger to exit the station.


Walk to the left door of the house to meet Dorn, who won't talk to Gabriel
unless he is paid the money that Grossberg owed him. Exit the area.


Walk left, enter the tunnel and walk through the door to ubergrau's office. Ask
ubergrau about Getting Cash to receive the money, then exit Marienplatz.


Walk to the left door of the house and give the 14,000 D.M. to Dorn. Inside the
exotic animal kennels, talk to Dorn and say "What kind of exotics did you get
for Grossberg?", say "Did Grossberg harvest the furs or did you?", say "Did you
talk to Grossberg before he died?", say "How did the 'export' go?", say "Where
did the exports end up?" and say "Can I see where you kept the wolves?". Walk
south and look in the last cage on the right. Look at the straw and give the
weiss wurst to the tiger, and look at the straw again to get the wolf tags.
Exit Buchenau.


Enter the hunt club to find that everyone is leaving to for the hunting trip.
Gabriel will automatically join them and travel to the hunting lodge.


Nothing of interest is found in the bedroom, so open the door to the hallway
and open the top-right door to enter Preiss' bedroom. Open the closet to get
the rope inside, and then exit the view of the closet. Walk to the other side
of the bedroom, open the window and look down to see a ledge. Use the rope on
the ledge to climb outside, walk left and open the window to enter Von Zell's
room. Enter the bathroom, look at the bath mat, then look at the footprint at
the left side of the mat. Exit the bathroom to return to the view of the
bedroom, and walk over to the right side of the room to look at his notebook.

Read Grossberg's letter at the right side of the diary, walk out the window to
the ledge and enter the right window to return to Preiss' bedroom. Exit the
room and enter the middle-left door to enter von Aigner's bedroom. Talk to him
about Grossberg, and say "Were you the club's main contact with Grossberg?",
say "What does von Zell have to do with Grossberg?", say "Would your
cooperation have anything to do with the money you owe von Zell?". Ask about
the Black Wolf twice to exit the bedroom.

Walk downstairs to the Great Room to find Hennemann. Ask him about The Club,
Klingmann and The Lodge twice. Walk back upstairs and open the bottom-left door
to enter Klingmann's room. Show him the wolf tags and he will admit that he
gave the wolves to von Zell. Walk downstairs and open the closet at the left
side of Preiss to get the small lantern. Get the matches at the right side of
the fireplace shelf, and open the door to exit the hunting lodge. Outside,
enter the stable at the top of the path and get the shears. Exit the stable and
walk east to enter the woods.

Look at the mud at the right side of the area to find a paw print, then exit
the view of the print. Walk south, east, south and look at the mud to find
another paw print. Exit the view of the print, and then use the shears to cut
through the bushes to the cave on the other side. Crawl through the tunnel in
the rocks at the left side of the cave to enter a dark area, then look at the
bottom-right corner of the area to discover a large hole. Use the matches on
the small lantern in the inventory, and after the gruesome cutscene Gabriel
will rush out of the cave to return to the woods.

Walk north twice, west twice and open the door to enter the hunting lodge. Walk
upstairs to the hallway and open the bottom-right door to enter Von Glower's
bedroom. After the cutscene where Von Glower agrees to go hunting for Von Zell,
Gabriel is left alone in the woods with only his talisman for protection. Walk
north, west, west, and then east to see the wolf. Show the talisman to the wolf
and it will retreat. Walk south, show the talisman to the wolf, walk west, show
the talisman again and walk west to find Von Glower, who gives Gabriel a gun.
Shoot the wolf to complete the chapter.

2.6. Chapter 6


Walk to the other side of the dungeon and talk to Gabriel, then open the door
to exit the dungeon. Walk to the post office and push the button to receive Von
Glower's letter, and then read the letter in the inventory. Enter the bar and
get the dinner roll on the table. Talk to Mrs. Smith and ask her about Gabriel,
Our Plan, AltOtting and Von Glower's Letter. Exit the bar.

Enter Gabriel's bedroom in Schloss Ritter. Get the pillowcase from the bed,
exit Schloss Ritter and return to the dungeon in the town square. Look at the
window and use the dinner roll on the pigeon, then use the pillowcase on the
pigeon to catch it. Exit the dungeon, walk up the path to Schloss Ritter and
use the car keys on the car to exit Rittersberg.


Look in the display cabinet. Walk north, and walk through the doorway to the
priest's office. Look at the basket on the table and use Grace's wallet on the
basket to receive a bottle of water from Mary's spring. Exit AltOtting.


Walk down the path to the town square and open the door to the church. Walk to
the room at the back of the church and look at the silver heart on Wolfgang
Ritter's casket to find that it reminds Grace of the silver gifts at AltOtting.
Exit the church, walk up the path to Schloss Ritter and ask Gerde about the
Silver Heart. Return to the room at the back of the church and get the silver
heart on Wolfgang's casket. Exit the church, walk up the path to Schloss Ritter
and use the car keys on the car to exit Rittersberg.


Walk north and go through the left doorway to the living room. Walk to the
other side of the living room to view a cutscene where a boy stands on the
chair. Walk back to the other side of the living room and use the bottle of
water on the chair. Walk through the doorway to return to the bedroom, and look
at the panel between the doorways to find the first act of the opera. Walk
through the left doorway and open the door at the other side of the living room
to enter the grotto.

Look at the left side of the grotto to find the second act of the opera. Walk
north to the study, then walk through the doorway to the Singer's hall. Walk to
the south side of the hall and use the pigeon in pillowcase on the left arch.
Return to the north side of the hall and look at the wall left of the third
bench from the left. Look at the panel to find the third act of the opera. Walk
south and open the door to return to the map.


Walk north, and walk through the doorway to the priest's office. Show the
silver heart to the priest to enter the chapel. Put the silver heart in the
basket, then open the door on the right to put out the candles. Stand on the
chair and look at the left statue to exit AltOtting.


Get the opera programme from the table at the left side of the foyer. Walk over
to the right side of the foyer, exit right and open the door at the end of the
hallway to enter the office. Get Grace's "to do" list and the opera glasses
from the desk. Look at the bulletin board and get the theater seating chart.
Look at the chandelier diagram in the inventory and click the X. Look at the
theater seating diagram in the inventory and click above the door to discover
that the seating area is called the Mittel Loge.

Talk to Gabriel. Exit the office and walk south to the foyer. Walk through the
double doors to the auditorium and talk to Georg. Talk to the men working on
the chandelier, then exit the auditorium. Walk upstairs and open the doors to
the Mittel Loge. Exit the room to return to the hall, walk east and open the
door at the end of the hall to enter the spotlight room. Look at the switch on
the spotlight and turn it on, then look at the handle to aim the spotlight at
the Mittel Loge. Walk downstairs to return to the foyer.

Give the theater seating chart to Paul, walk over to the right side of the
foyer and walk up the steps at the left side of the chair. Open the door at the
end of the hall to enter backstage. Look at the ropes at the left side of the
room, and get the small rope. Walk down the steps to the basement hall, and
walk east to enter a room with a panel. Open the panel and get the theater
keys, then exit the view of the panel. Walk west, south and open the door on
the left to enter the prop room.

Walk to the left side of the room and get the 'Privat' banner. Exit the prop
room and use the theater keys on the door. Walk south, east, east, east and
south to find the furnace. Open the door on the furnace, then use the coal to
fuel the furnace. Look at the panel on the furnace, press the red button and
move the lever to Hoch to start the furnace. Walk west, then walk upstairs to
the foyer. Exit right and open the door at the end of the hallway to enter the
office. Talk to Gabriel, and Grace will lock him in the prop room.

After the cutscene, Grace will return to the foyer. Exit right and open the
door at the end of the hallway to enter the office. Wear the dress, and Leber
will enter the room to say that he is armed. Exit the office, walk south to
return to the foyer and walk upstairs. Walk east and open the door at the end
of the hall to enter the spotlight room. Use the opera glasses on the window
and look at the Mittel Loge to see Von Glower. Exit the spotlight room and walk
south to the center hall. Look at the Mittel Loge doors. Use the rope and the
'Privat' banner on the doors to complete Grace's section.

Walk to the left side of the prop room and move the middle case to reveal a
vent. Use the Ritter dagger on the vent, and then crawl through it to the
basement hall. Walk north, north and west to enter backstage. Look at the ropes
at the left side of the room and get the roll of tape. Walk through the doorway
on the right to enter the dressing room. Get Engelhart's costume from the rack
and use it on Gabriel. Look on the table and get the powder, use it on the left
mirror and then quickly hide behind the dressing screen. Use the roll of tape
on the actor to start act three and enter the basement.

___ ___ ___ ___
Turn right. Move north, north, half turn and close | S | | | | | | |
the first door. Turn right. Move north, half turn |___| |___| |___| |___|
and close the second door. Half turn, move north,
north, half turn and close the third door. ___ ___ _8_ _5_ ___
Turn right. Move north. Turn left and close | | | | | | 6| | 4| |
the fourth door. Turn right, move north, |___| |___| |___| |___| |___|
turn left, move north, turn left, move |
north, half turn and close the fifth door. | _1_ ___ _7_ ___
|____| | 2| | | | 3| |
Turn left and close the sixth door. Turn / |___| |___| |___| |___|
left, move north, half turn and close the /
seventh door. Turn left, move north, turn right, move north and close ___
the eighth door. Turn left, move north, north, turn right, move north, | F |
turn right, move north, north, north. Turn right and move north, north, |___|
north to the furnace room. Select Grace and open the furnace door.
Select Gabriel, and select the black wolf when he jumps to complete the game.


3. Item List


3.1. Gabriel Item List

14,000 D.M.
After talking to Dorn at Buchenau in chapter 5, the 14,000 D.M. is found by
asking ubergrau about Getting Cash. It is given to Dorn at Buchenau.

Found in ubergrau's office in chapter 3. It is opened to receive the
Grace-to-Gabriel letter #2.

Available at the start of chapter 1. It features the first page of a story
written by Gabriel about Blake Backlash.

Found by opening the addressed package in chapter 3. It contains Christian's
comments on the black wolf.

Bought from the clock shop in Marienplatz in chapter 3. It is used on the
plant in the back hall of the hunt club.

Found in the dressing room of the theater in chapter 6. It is used on

Micheal from the biology lab will give Gabriel the report after he has been
given the farm hair, paw print cast and zoo hair in chapter 1. It is shown to
Leber and the press at the crime scene in Marienplatz in chapter 3.

Found near the woods outside the Huber farm in chapter 1. It is given to
Michael in the biology lab.

Made by looking at the papers on the desk in the Huber farm in chapter 1. It
is used on the doors of the post office in Marienplatz.

Made by looking at the papers on the desk in the Huber farm in chapter 3
after getting Grossberg's phone number. It is used on the doors of the post
office in Marienplatz.

Available at the start chapter 1. It is not used.

Available at the start of chapter 1. It is used on the note at the right side
of the map in the police station in chapter 3.

Found in the bag in the Huber farm in chapter 1. It is used to buy the cuckoo
clock from the clock shop in Marienplatz in chapter 3, and is also used to
buy the weiss wurst from the sausage stall in chapter 5.

Found in the bag in the Huber farm in chapter 1. Grace writes that things are
doing well in St. George's rare books shop in New Orleans.

Found by opening the addressed package in chapter 3. Grace writes that she is
in Rittersberg researching the werewolf case.

Found in ubergrau's office in chapter 5. Grace writes that Ludwig II turned
into a werewolf.

Found in von Zell's notebook in the hunting lodge in chapter 5. It is not

Found by using Gabriel's notepad on the note at the right side of the map in
the police station in chapter 3. It is used on the phone in the Huber farm to
call Grossberg.

Found under the mirror in the Huber farm in chapter 1. The keys are used to
start the car outside the farm.

Made by splicing the Klingmann conversation on the tape recorder in chapter
1. It is used on the walkie talkie in Klingmann's office.

Found in the coat in Klingmann's office in chapter 1. After being turned in
the inventory, it is used on the mirror in the Huber farm.

Found by opening the addressed package in chapter 3. It contains information
on werewolves.

Found in the table in the main hall of the hunt club in chapter 3. It is used
on the tape recorder.

Made by combining the magazine with the tape recorder in chapter 3. It is
used on the table in the main hall of the hunt club.

Found on the fireplace shelf in the great hall of the hunting lodge in
chapter 5. They is used on the lantern in the cave.

Made by using the bucket of cement from the Huber farm garage on the paw
print near the water trough in chapter 1. It is given to Michael in the
biology lab.

Found on the table in the dressing room of the theater in chapter 6. It is
used on the mirror in the dressing room.

After Leber has been given the Von Zell tape in the police station in chapter
5, the ledger page is found on Leber's desk. It is not used.

Found in the bag in the Huber farm in chapter 1. It is used to open the vent
in the prop room near the end of chapter 6.

After Xavier in the hunt club asks for proof that Gabriel is a member of the
Ritter family line, the papers can be found by asking ubergrau for them in
chapter 1. They are given to Xavier in the hunt club.

Found at the left side of backstage in the theater in chapter 6. It is used
on the actor in the dressing room.

Found in the closet in Preiss' bedroom in the hunting lodge in chapter 5. It
is used on the ledge outside Preiss' bedroom to climb to Von Zell's room.

Found in the stable outside the hunting lodge in chapter 5. They are used
with the bush in the woods.

Found in the closet in the great hall of the hunting lodge in chapter 5. It
is used with the matches in the cave.

Available at the start of chapter 1. It is shown to the wolf in the woods
near the end of chapter 5.

Available at the start of chapter 1. It is used to splice the Klingmann tape
in chapter 1, and is used on the magazine in the hunt club at the end of the
chapter 3. It is found on the table in the hunt club in chapter 5 to get the
Von Zell tape.

Found in the bag in the Huber farm in chapter 1. It explains that Schloss
Ritter has been officially registered under Gabriel's name.

Found by opening the addressed package in chapter 3. It contains Victor's
comments on the black wolf.

Von Glower will give Gabriel his card at the end of chapter 1. It is looked
at in the inventory to reveal the location for Von Glower's house on the map.

Found on the table in the hunt club in chapter 5. It is shown to ubergrau in
Marienplatz, and given to Leber in the police station.

Bought from the sausage stall in Marienplatz in chapter 5. It is given to the
tiger in the Buchenau kennels.

Found in the tiger cage in the Buchenau kennels in chapter 5. They are shown
to Klingmann in the hunting lodge.

Found in the drawer of the podium in the hunt club in chapter 3. They are
used to open the door to the ritual room, and are then returned to the drawer
of the podium.

Found by stroking the wolf in the zoo kennels in chapter 1. It is given to
Michael in the biology lab.

3.2. Grace Item List

Found outside the church in Rittersberg in chapter 4. It is thrown in the
water at Seeshaupt.

Made by giving Grace's package to Gerde in chapter 2. It is given to the
woman in the post office in the town square.

Bought from the priest's office in AltOtting in chapter 6. It is used on the
chair in the living room at Neuschwanstein.

Available at the start of the theater section in chapter 6. The X on the
diagram is looked at in the inventory.

Found on the left shelf in the Schloss Ritter library in chapter 4. It is
used on the phone in the library after talking to Dallmeier in Seeshaupt.

After giving the church file to the mayor of Rittersberg in chapter 2, the
journal is found on the right shelf in the Schloss Ritter library. It
contains Christian's comments on the black wolf.

Father Getz will give Grace the church file when he is given the mayor's
note in chapter 2. It is given to the mayor of Rittersberg.

Found on the table in the Rittersberg bar in chapter 6. It is used on the
pigeon in the dungeon.

After throwing the lily in the water at Seeshaupt and then returning to
Schloss Ritter, the fax can be found at the post office in Rittersberg. It is
given to Georg in Bayreuth.

After seeing Gerde in the church in chapter 4, the roses can be found on the
bush at Schloss Ritter. They are given to Gerde.

Gerde will give Grace the car keys after she is given the four roses in
chapter 4. They are used to start the car outside Schloss Ritter.

Available at the start of chapter 2. Gabriel writes that a new case has come
up, and that he doesn't need Grace's help on it.

Found by pushing the button outside the post office in chapter 4. Gabriel
writes that Grace should continue her research on Ludwig II.

Available at the start chapter 2. It is not used.

After reading Christian Ritter's journal in chapter 2, the package is made by
using the typewriter in the Schloss Ritter library. It is given to Gerde.

Found on the desk in the office of the theater in chapter 6. It lists eight
things that Grace must do in the theater.

After talking to Dallmeier in Seeshaupt, the letter is made by using the
typewriter in the Schloss Ritter library in chapter 4.

Available at the start of chapter 2. It is used to pay for sending the
addressed package at the post office at the end of chapter 2, to pay for the
Grace-to-Gabriel letter 3 in chapter 4, and to pay for the bottle of water
from the priest's office in AltOtting in chapter 6.

Found in the Lycanthropes book from the Schloss Ritter library in chapter 2.
It warns Ludwig II about the black wolf.

Found in the closet in Gerde's bedroom in chapter 2. It is used to open the
door to the library in Gabriel's bedroom.

Found in Neuschwanstein in chapter 6. The first act is found in the bedroom,
between the doorway to the living room and the chapel. The second act is
found at the left side of the grotto. The third act is found at the left side
of the third bench from the left in the Singer's hall. The lost Wagner opera
is given to Georg in Bayreuth before the theater section of the chapter.

Found by talking to the woman at the Herrenchiemsee museum. It is used to
access the display rooms in the museum.

Found on the middle shelf in the Schloss Ritter library in chapter 2. It
contains information on werewolves.

The mayor of Rittersberg will give Grace the note when she asks him about the
Church Records in chapter 2. It is given to Father Getz in the church.

Made by using Chaphill Ludwig's biography on the phone in chapter 4. It is
used on the phone in the Schloss Ritter library to call Chaphill.

Made by calling Barclay on the phone in chapter 4. It is used on the phone in
the Schloss Ritter library to call Dallmeier.

Found on the desk in the office of the theater in chapter 6. They are used on
the window in the spotlight room to see von Glower.

Found on the table in the theater foyer in chapter 6. It is not used.

Made by using the pillowcase from Gabriel's bedroom with the pigeon in the
Rittersberg dungeon. It is used with the arch at the left side of the
Singer's hall in Neuschwanstein.

Found on the bed in Gabriel's bedroom in chapter 6. It is used to catch the
pigeon from the dungeon in Rittersberg.

Found at the left side of the prop room in the theater in chapter 6. It is
used on the Mittel Loge doors after von Glower arrives.

Available at the start of chapter 2. It is used on the phone in the Schloss
Ritter library to call Barclay in chapter 2 and chapter 4.

Found in the toolbox in Gabriel's bedroom in chapter 2. It is used in the
hole in the fireplace to reveal a tunnel in the closet.

After asking Gerde about the Silver Heart in chapter 6, the heart is found on
Wolfgang's casket in the room at the back of the church. It is shown to the
priest in the priest's office at AltOtting, and is put in the basket in the
AltOtting chapel.

Available at the start of the theater section in chapter 6. It is not used.

Found on the bulletin board in the office of the theater in chapter 6. It is
given to Paul in the foyer.

Found in the panel in the basement hall of the theater in chapter 6. They are
used on the door to the prop room.

Found at the left side of backstage in the theater in chapter 6. It is used
on the Mittel Loge doors after von Glower arrives.

Available in Neuschwanstein in chapter 4. It is used to provide information
on various sections of the castle.

Found on the middle shelf in the Schloss Ritter library in chapter 2. It
contains Victor's comments on the black wolf.

Found at the post office in Rittersberg in chapter 6. Von Glower writes that
Gabriel will need his help after he has become a werewolf.


4. Point List


4.1. Chapter 1 Point List (90 points)


1 1 Open the bag.

2 1 Get the Ritter dagger and ubergrau's letter.

3 1 Read the note from Fran Huber.

4 1 Get the keys under the mirror

5 1 Look at the newspaper on the desk.

7 2 Read the newspaper.

9 2 Read ubergrau's letter in the inventory.

10 1 Read Grace-to-Gabriel letter #1 in the inventory.

11 1 Write a letter to Grace.

12 1 Look at the grass near the entrance to the woods.

14 2 Get the hair from the grass.

15 1 Look at the wolf paw print near the water trough.

16 1 Get the bag of cement from the garage.

21 5 Use the bucket on the paw print.

22 1 Get the paw print cast.

23 1 Read the board about the European Wolf at the zoo.

24 1 Call one of the wolves on the other side of the fence.

25 1 Ask Thomas about Himself for the twice.

27 2 Ask Thomas about Doctor Klingmann.

28 1 Ask Thomas what the wolves look like.

29 1 Ask Klingmann about Himself for the twice.

30 1 Ask Klingmann about Research.

31 1 Ask Kilngmann about Wolves.

32 1 Ask Klingmann how long the wolves have been missing.

42 10 Splice the Klingmann tape.

44 2 Get the receipt from Klingmann's coat.

49 5 Put the splice tape in Klingmann's walkie talkie.

50 1 Look at the tag on the wolf in the kennels.

54 4 Stroke the wolf in the kennels to get the wolf hair.

56 2 Turn Klingmann's receipt in the inventory.

61 5 Use Klingmann's receipt on the mirror at the Huber Farm.

62 1 Enter ubergrau's office at Marienplatz.

64 2 Ask ubergrau about Sample Analysis.

65 1 Ask ubergrau about Jagdschein.

67 2 Ask ubergrau about Die Koniglich-Bayrische Hofjagdloge.

68 1 Enter the police station.

70 2 Give the farm hair to Michael at the biology lab.

72 2 Give the paw print cast to Michael.

74 2 Give the zoo hair to Micheal.

75 1 Get the evidence analysis report from Micheal.

76 1 Post the Gabriel-to-Grace envelope #1 at Marienplatz.

77 1 Enter the hunt club at Marienplatz.

78 1 Say "I'm an avid hunter." to Xavier at the hunt club.

79 1 Ask ubergrau about Ritter Family Papers.

80 1 Get the Ritter family papers.

90 10 Give the Ritter family papers to Xavier at the hunt club.

4.2. Chapter 2 Point List (77 points)


92 2 Ask Gerde about Gabriel twice.

94 2 Ask Gerde about Gabriel's Research.

96 2 Ask the bar proprietor about the case.

98 2 Ask the bar proprietor about Werewolves twice.

99 1 Knock on the hatch to the town hall.

100 1 Ask the mayor at the town hall about This Building.

101 1 Get the screwdriver from the toolbox in Gabriel's bedroom.

104 3 Use the screwdriver in the hole on the fireplace.

109 5 Walk through Gabriel's closet to the tunnel.

111 2 Enter Gerde's bedroom.

113 2 Get the library key from Gerde's closet.

118 5 Enter the library.

119 1 Get the Lycanthropes book from the middle shelf.

120 1 Get Victor Ritter's journal from the right shelf.

122 2 Read the Letter to Ludwig II.

124 2 Read the Lycanthropes book.

126 2 Read Victor Ritter's journal.

131 5 Call Professor Barclay.

133 2 Ask the proprietor of the bar about Ludwig II twice.

135 2 Ask the mayor at the town hall about Trial Records.

137 2 Ask where the werewolf was kept.

139 2 Ask if the wherewolf ever changed back.

141 2 Enter the dungeon.

143 2 Look at the church through the window in the dungeon.

145 2 Ask the mayor at the town hall about Church Records.

147 2 Give the mayor's note to Father Getz in the church.

152 5 Ask the mayor at the town hall about Church File.

153 1 Get the journal from the right shelf in the library.

155 2 Read Christian Ritter's journal.

160 5 Use the typewriter to write a letter to Gabriel.

162 2 Give Gabriel's package to Gerde.

163 1 Give the addressed package to the woman at the post office.

167 4 Give Grace's wallet to the woman at the post office.

4.3. Chapter 3 Point List (94 points)


168 1 Look at the newspaper on the desk.

169 1 Receive the addressed package from ubergrau.

170 1 Open the addressed package.

172 2 Ask ubergrau about Ludwig II twice.

173 1 Look at the cuckoo clock in the clock shop.

176 3 Buy the cuckoo clock.

177 1 Arrive at the crime scene.

179 2 Show the evidence analysis report to Leber.

184 5 Show the evidence alaysis report to the press.

185 1 Ask Xavier what happened in 1970.

186 1 Ask Xavier how often the club members go hunting.

187 1 Ask Xavier about Club Members.

192 5 Put the cuckoo clock in the plant in the hunt club.

193 1 Open the drawer at the front of the podium.

196 3 Get Xavier's keys from the drawer.

201 5 Use Xavier's keys on the door near the plant.

202 1 Put Xavier's keys in the drawer.

203 1 Look at the animal heads in the ritual room.

204 1 Look at the skull.

205 1 Look at the diary.

207 2 Read the diary.

208 1 Look at the photographs.

209 1 Ask von Zell about Hunting.

212 3 Ask von Zell about Trophies in basement.

213 1 Look at von Glower's business card.

214 1 Ask Leber when the other victims were killed.

215 1 Ask Leber if the killer isn't one of the zoo wolves.

216 1 Ask Leber if he believes only one animal is responsible.

217 1 Ask Leber about the latest victim.

219 2 Ask Leber about The Black Wolf.

220 1 Look at the map in Leber's office.

223 3 Use Gabriel's notepad on the note on the map.

224 1 Write a letter to Grace at the Huber Farm.

227 3 Call Grossberg at the Huber Farm.

228 1 Look at the mask in von Glower's house.

230 2 Ask von Glower about Club Members twice.

232 2 Ask von Glower about Club Basement.

235 3 Ask von Glower about Club Philosophy three times.

237 2 Ask von Glower about The Black Wolf.

240 3 Ask ubergrau about Missing Persons.

241 1 Post the Gabriel-to-Grace envelope #2 at Marienplatz.

243 2 Ask Herr Preiss about Club Members twice.

246 3 Ask Herr Preiss about Von Zell three times.

248 2 Ask von Aigner and Hennemann about the wolf killing.

250 2 Ask von Aigner and Hennemann what they were talking about.

251 1 Get the magazine near von Zell.

256 5 Use the magazine on the tape recorder.

261 5 Put the magazine with tape recorder on the table.

4.4. Chapter 4 Point List (119 points)


263 2 Get Chaphill's Ludwig Biography from the library

264 1 Read the biography in the inventory.

266 2 Get the Gabriel-to-Grace letter #2 from the post office.

267 1 Read Gabriel's letter in the inventory.

268 1 In the bar, ask the Smiths about Themselves.

270 2 Ask the Smiths about Ludwig II.

272 2 Ask the Smiths about The Black Wolf.

273 1 Ask the Smiths about Tarot Reading.

275 2 Ask the Smiths about Gabriel's Tarot.

276 1 Look at Gerde at the back of the church.

278 2 Get the roses from the bush at Schloss Ritter.

284 6 Give the roses to Gerde in the church.

285 1 Use the car keys on the car to leave Rittersberg.

286 1 Play the tour tape in the entry hall at Neuschwanstein.

287 1 Play the tour tape in the bedroom.

288 1 Play the tour tape in the chapel.

289 1 Play the tour tape in the living room.

290 1 Play the tour tape in the grotto.

291 1 Play the tour tape in the study.

292 1 Play the tour tape in the singer's hall.

294 2 Look at the wolf painting at the north end of the hall.

296 2 Buy a ticket from the woman at Herrenchiemsee.

298 2 Read the sign about Ludwig's diary in display room 1.

299 1 Read the letters on the wall in display room 1.

301 2 Look at the picture on the wall in display room 2.

302 1 Read the sign at the left side of the picture.

304 2 Look at the signs in the case below the picture.

308 4 Look at the four letters on the wall in display room 2.

311 3 Look at the right three letters in the entry hall.

313 2 Ask the woman at the desk about the 'new Wagner opera'.

314 1 Read the sign near the sofa in Bayreuth.

315 1 Look at the letter on the desk.

316 1 Look at the drawing on the desk.

318 2 Read the two letters in the display case.

319 1 Ask Georg about Wagner.

320 1 Ask Georg about Ludwig's letter to Conductor.

321 1 Ask Georg about Wolf Panels at Neuschwanstein.

324 3 Ask Georg about Lost Opera.

326 2 Call Professor Barclay from the Schloss Ritter library.

328 2 Call Dallmeier.

329 1 Ask Herr Huber about the Smiths in the bar.

331 2 Ask the Smiths about Ludwig Dream.

332 1 Ask Dallmeier about Ludwig's Diary at Seeshaupt.

334 2 Ask Dallmeier about Ludwig II twice.

335 1 Ask Dallmeier about Bismark.

338 3 Ask Dallmeier about The Black Wolf three times.

340 2 Ask Dallmeier about The Hunting Accident twice.

341 1 Ask Dallmeier about Servant's Fears.

343 2 Ask Gerde about the Special Permit in Schloss Ritter.

345 2 Use the Ludwig biography on the phone in the library.

347 2 Call Chaphill on the phone in the library.

350 3 Use the typewriter to write a letter to Gabriel.

351 1 Give letter #3 to the woman at the post office.

352 1 Give Grace's wallet to the woman at the post office.

354 2 Get a lily from the bush near the church.

364 10 Use the lily on the water in Seeshaupt.

369 5 Get the diary translation fax from the post office.

370 1 Read the diary translation fax in the inventory.

380 10 Give the the fax to Georg at Bayreuth.

4.5. Chapter 5 Point List (133 points)


382 2 Get the tape recorder from the table in the hunt club.

383 1 Receive the Grace-to-Gabriel letter #3 from ubergrau.

384 1 Read the Grace-to-Gabriel letter #3 in the inventory.

389 5 Give the Von Zell conversations tape to ubergrau.

391 2 Ask ubergrau about Missing Persons.

392 1 Buy weiss wurst from the sausage stall.

393 1 Ask Leber about Grossberg's Account Book.

400 7 Give the Von Zell conversations tape to Leber.

403 3 Look at the Ledger on Leber's desk.

405 2 Exit the police station.

407 2 Ask ubergrau about Getting Cash.

412 5 Give the 14,000 D.M. to Dorn at Buchenau.

413 1 Ask Dorn what kind of exotic animals he got for Grossberg.

414 1 Ask Dorn if he or Grossberg harvested the furs.

415 1 Ask Dorn if he talked to Grossberg before he died.

420 5 Ask Dorn where the exports ended up.

421 1 Look at the straw in the tiger cage.

426 5 Give the weiss wurst to the tiger.

428 2 Get the wolf tags from the cage.

433 5 Arrive in the hunting lodge.

434 1 Get the rope from the closet in Preiss' bedroom.

439 5 Use the rope on the window ledge outside Preiss' bedroom.

443 4 Look at the footprint under the mat in Von Zell's bathroom.

445 2 Read Grossberg's letter in Von Zell's bedroom.

446 1 Ask von Aigner about Grossberg.

447 1 Ask von Aigner if he was the main contact with Grossberg.

448 1 Ask von Aigner if his cooperation involves von Zell's money.

450 2 Ask von Aigner about The Black Wolf for the second time.

452 2 Ask Hennemann about Klingmann.

455 3 Ask Hennemann about The Lodge twice.

462 7 Show the wolf tags to Klingmann.

463 1 Get the small lantern from the closet in the great hall.

464 1 Get the shears from the stable.

466 2 Look at the mud in the woods east from the stable.

467 1 Look at the mud near the bushes in the woods.

470 3 Use the shears to cut through the bushes.

475 5 Crawl through the tunnel in the cave.

485 10 Use the matches on the small lantern in the inventory.

495 10 Enter Von Glower's bedroom in the hunting lodge.

498 3 Show the talisman to the wolf.

513 15 Shoot the wolf.

4.6. Chapter 6 Point List (166 points)


514 1 Talk to Gabriel in the dungeon.

515 1 Get Von Glower's letter from the post office.

517 2 Read Von Glower's letter in the inventory.

518 1 Get a dinner roll from the bar.

519 1 Ask Mrs. Smith about Gabriel.

520 1 Ask Mrs. Smith about Our Plan.

521 1 Ask Mrs. Smith about Von Glower's letter.

522 1 Get the pillowcase from Gabriel's bedroom in Schloss Ritter.

524 2 Use the dinner roll on the pigeon in the dungeon.

529 5 Use the pillowcase on the pigeon.

530 1 Look at the display case at AltOtting.

532 2 Buy the bottle of water from the priest's office.

533 1 Look at the silver heart on Wolfgang Ritter's casket.

534 1 Ask Gerde about the Silver Heart.

535 1 Get the silver hear on Wolfgang Ritter's casket.

540 5 Use the bottle of water on the living room chair.

545 5 Look at the panel between the doorways in the bedroom.

550 5 Look at the left side of the grotto.

555 5 Use the pigeon in pillowcase on the Singer's hall archway.

560 5 Look at the panel between the benches in the Singer's hall.

563 3 Show the silver heart to the priest at AltOtting.

566 3 Put the silver heart in the basket in the chapel.

569 3 Open the door at the right side of the chapel.

571 2 Stand on the chair.

576 5 Look at the left statue.

577 1 Get the opera progamme from the table in the theater foyer.

578 1 Get Grace's "to do" list on the desk in the office.

579 1 Get the opera glasses on the desk in the office.

580 1 Get the seating chart from the bulletin board in the office.

581 1 Look at the chandelier diagram and click the X.

582 1 Look at the seating chart and click the Mittel Loge.

583 1 Talk to Gabriel in the office.

584 1 Talk to Georg in the auditorium.

585 1 Talk to the men working on the chandelier in the auditorium.

588 3 Enter the Mittel Loge.

593 5 Aim the spotlight at the Mittel Loge in the spotlight room.

596 3 Give the theater seating chart to Paul in the foyer.

597 1 Get the the theater rope from backstage.

598 1 Get the theater keys from the panel in the basement hall.

599 1 Get the 'Privat' banner from the prop room.

602 3 Use the theater keys on the prop room door.

603 1 Open the door on the furnace in the basement hall.

604 1 Use the coal to fuel the furnace.

605 1 Press the red button on the furnace panel.

608 3 Move the lever on the panel to Hoch.

609 1 Talk to Gabriel in the office.

610 1 Wear the dress in the office.

612 2 Use the opera glasses in the spotlight room.

614 2 Use the theater rope on the Mittel Loge doors.

618 4 Use the 'Privat' banner on the theater rope.

619 1 Move the middle case at the left side of the prop room.

621 2 Use the Ritter dagger on the vent.

622 1 Crawl through the vent to the basement hall.

623 1 Get the roll of tape from backstage.

624 1 Get Engelhart's costume from the dressing room.

626 2 Wear Engelhart's costume.

627 1 Get the powder on the table in the dressing room.

632 5 Use the powder on the left mirror.

635 3 Hide behind the dressing screen.

640 5 Use the roll of tape on the actor in the dressing room.

645 5 Close the second door in the basement hall.

655 10 Enter the furnace room with the black wolf.

656 1 Select Grace.

658 2 Open the furnace door.

659 1 Select Gabriel.

679 20 Select the black wolf when he jumps.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2003-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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