Tron 2.0

Tron 2.0

18.10.2013 01:05:06
Tron 2.0 Walkthrough

ab f.b)

by Thomas "Schnitter" Leichtle

Version v1.1.0 -- 16th October, 2003

// A variant of the Hello World program

using namespace std;

int main()
cout >> "Greetings, Programs!" >> endl;

return 0;

Table of Contents

01. Introduction
02. Legalese
03. Basic Game Mechanics
a) The Stats
b) Memory and Utilities
c) Additional Info
04. Primitives, Subroutines and Important Objects
a) Primitives and Combat Subroutines
b) Defense Subroutines
c) Utility Subroutines
d) Objects
05. Characters
06. Enemies
07. Notes for the Walkthrough
08. Walkthrough
a) Unauthorized User
a.a) Program Initalization
a.b) Program Integration
b) Vaporware
b.a) Lightcyclearena and Gridbox
b.b) Prisonercells
b.c) Transportstation
b.d) Primary Digitizer
c) Legacy Code
c.a) Alans Desktop PC
d) System Restart
d.a) Packet Transport
d.b) Energy Regulator
d.c) Power Occular
e) Antiquated
e.a) Testgrid
e.b) Main Processor Core
e.c) Old Gridarena
e.d) Main Energy Pipeline
f) Master User
f.a) City Hub
f.b) Progress Bar
f.c) Outer Gird Getaway
f.d) fCon Labs / Ma3a gets saved
f.e) Remote Access node
g) Alliance
g.a) Security Server
g.b) Thornes Outer Partition
g.c) fCon Labs / Data Wraith Preparation
g.d) Thornes Inner Partition
g.e) Thornes Core Chamber
h) Handshake
h.a) Function Control Deck
i) Database
i.a) Security Socket
i.b) Firewall
i.c) fCon Labs / Alan Lost
i.d) Primary Docking Port
i.e) fCon Labs / Security Breach
i.f) Storage Section
j) Root of all Evil
j.a) Construction Level
j.b) Data Wraith Training Grid
j.c) fCon Labs / The fCon team takes over
j.d) Command Module
k) Digitizer Beam
k.a) Not compatible
09. Subroutines from Bins by Sublevel and COW locations
10. Lightcycle Game mode
a) Power Ups
b) Additional Information
c) The Stats of the Lightcycles
d) List of the Racetracks
e) What is unlocked when
11. FAQ
12. Credits
13. Changelog
14. Version History

01. Introduction

Greetings Programs, the information contained within this document should help
you on getting through the game of Tron 2.0, which carries on the tradition
started in the Tron movie of some 20 years ago. For those that have not seen
the movie, I recommend that you do this before playing the game. It is not a
must, but it will help you get into the mood and design that is carried on in
the game. Also it will help you deal with the background info you gain during
the game, since there are a few references to the original movie or it's char-
acters which might not be understood easily if you've not seen it.

This is also my first ever Walkthrough, so I do hope that you forgive the mis-
takes I might make here and help me out with it. I will especially need help on
some of the terms used in the original, English version of the game, since I
live in Germany and did use the German version of the game which has all dialog
synchronized and all texts translated.

02. Legalese

This walkthrough is a work I have poured many hours into and I do hope that
anyone that wants to copy or rework this guide will acknowledge this by giving
credits to all the people that helped me and to me, of course. Also it would
not be very nice if you sold this walkthrough since it is intended as a free
work to be shared with all people who need it. Sadly I will not be able to stop
anyone from misusing it, but know this, you shall be cursed by all people who
gave their contribution hereto.

03. Basic Game Mechanics

Tron 2.0 is at it's core a standard FPS game, with a few nice twists concerning
weapons and character enhancement. These twist make the game that much more
interesting. But it also needs some explanation as to how the system of
character evolvment works.

a) The Stats

- Build Points

These work in much the same way as experience points do in RPG. Each time
you gain 100 Build points you will be able to update your stats. At each
update you will be given 7 points which you can allocate to the stats. You
can allocate a maximum of 20 points to any of the five stats and during the
game you will earn enough Build points for 63 update points (not enough to
bring all stats to full).

- Health

This stat should be pretty self explanatory. Each update point will add
five health points to your maximum health. If you have allotted 20 update
points to it you will gain an extra 100 health point bonus.

- Energy

This, too, should be self explanatory. The upgrade works just like with the
health stat (+ 5 energy/point - 100 point bonus at 20 upgrade points).

- Weapon Efficiency

This stat will decrease energy useage of your weapons if you spend points
on it. This will be useful later in the game when you are able to upgrade
weapons with subroutines like 'Corrosion' or 'Megahurtz' as they will ad-
ditionally increase the energy useage of weapons.

- Transferrate

Increasing this stat will lower the time it takes to download subroutines,
e-mails and permissions from bins or core dumps.

- Processor

A longer bar here means that it will not take as much time to defragment
damaged memory sectors, port subroutines or disinfect them.

- Upgrade recommendations for the stats

I would suggest that the main part of the upgrade points should be spent
primarily on the first three stats. This is because I never found Processor
or Transferrate as practical as the others. I do know that opinions may
differ here, but I usually had enough time to port, download or disinfect,
but sometimes I ran out of energy or health extremely fast.

b) Utilities and Memory

- The memory

You can see how much memory you have by pressing 'F1' and looking at the
empty slots in the outer ring there. Depending on the system you are in the
configuration and amount of this memory will vary. Memory is used for
mounting subroutines and you can change those subroutines at any time, even
in the midst of a battle since pressing 'F1' will also pause the game.

- The porting Icon

In the upper left you will find a small circle with the same symbol in it
as unported subroutines display. To port a subroutine just drag and drop it

- The defragmentation Icon

In the lower middle of the ring you will find the Icon for defragmentation.
Your memory can only become fragmented during battle and if you have a few
empty memory blocks. Should your memory become fragmented just drag and
drop the innards of the affected memory block here.

- The virus killer icon

If one of your subroutines got infected just drag and drop it over here and
wait for it to become cleansed of the impurities.

c) Additional Info

- Virus infection

Should one of your subroutines become infected try to disinfect it as soon
as possible. Also see if you can seperate it from other subroutines
adjacent to it by creating at least one empty memory slot between the
infected and the uninfected subroutines. This usually means unmounting a
subroutine, but it will also keep the Virus from spreading.

04. Primitives, Subroutines and Important Objects

Primitives are the basic shape weapons and you can activate that form at any
time. If you want to use any of the two upgrades however you will have to in-
stall the according combat subroutine in your memory.

The memory blocks you need for a Subroutine are determined by it's version.
Alpha subroutines need 3 blocks, beta need 2 blocks and gold ones need only
one block of memory.

The Objects section will describe the few objects you can pick up with your
action key.

a) Primitives and the Combat Subroutines

- Disc Primitive

The Disc Primitive is the first weapon you will receive in the game. It
will also be the one most used, since it is in it's basic form the only
weapon that does not use any energy. Also coupled with the right Utilities
it will be a very formidable and powerful weapon.

- Disc Sequencer (Subroutine)

The Sequencer subroutine let's you throw 2 or more Discs in quick
sucession for an only miminal energy cost. The only drawback is that you
can only block after all the Discs have returned to your hand, which can
sometimes get you into grizzly situation, so choose wise when to use it.

- Disc Cluster (Subroutine)

The Cluster Disc is good for groups of enemy since it will work almost
like a fragmentation grenade. Sadly there are not that many large groups
in the game so it's usefulness might not be exploited to it's fullest.

- Ball Primitive

The Ball Primitive (and one of it's subroutines) is the weapon used by the
Z-Lots throughout the game. It's low accuracy coupled with that it uses
energy made it a weapon I did not use very often.

- Ball Launcher (Subroutine)

The Ball Lauchner can be a very deadly weapon, especially on the higher
version levels with it's higher rate of fire. It is fairly accurate also.
Since it also does some splash damage it is also effective against groups
of enemies.

- Ball Drunken Dims (Subroutine)

This is the most powerful incarnation of the Ball Primitive, it's accuracy
will improve by increasing the version. Does splash damage and can be put
to good use against groups.

- Rod Primitive (aka Prod)

The Rod, in it's most basic incarnation is a weapon with which you have to
get close to the enemy, since it can only be used in close combat. This
weapon should only be used in rare circumstances, where stealth is
possible and enemies are far and between. Energy usage is also very high
for this weapon.

- Rod Suffusion (Subroutine)

You want a shotgun, here you have a shotgun. Powerful at short ranges,
gets more accurate in higher versions and more powerful. If you don't know
how shotguns are used, well, then this weapon is not for you. :)

- Rod LOL (Subroutine)

Did I hear anyone say sniper? Well, here is your all purpose, kill in one
headshot sniper rifle. High Energy useage, but also very powerful against
single enemies. Kills most opponents in one shot. Also good to take out
Finders at long ranges. Be careful if you pair a gold LOL up with a gold
Corrosion and Megahurtz, because you will be down to only 3 or 4 shots
with this weapon, although they will be very powerful.

- Blaster Primitive

Standard Machinegun, high energy useage, low accuracy, low power. Should
go to the trash bin. 'Nuff said.

- Blaster Energy Claw (Subroutine)

You know you always wanted to be a vampire. This subroutine transforms you
into one. Works on single enemies as well as groups (if they are hugging
each other). It transforms the health it takes from the enemy to energy
for you.
Therefore this weapon will only use energy once the enemy runs out of
health. It is a very useful weapon against the shield ICPs and also
against most other single enemies as the enemy will not be able to attack
as long as the Claw grips him.

- Blaster Prankster Bit (Subroutine)

This is the single most powerful weapon in the whole game, which is why
you only get it in the last part of it. Fires a guided missile that will
create a black hole at it's impact point. For this weapon to work you will
have to hold onto the mouse button. Steering is the same as with the Disc.
If you release the mouse button before it impacts into something it will
explode prematurely. The lethality radius will increase in higher versions
. Only drawback is the high energy useage, so if you want to use it often
better have a white energy patch routine nearby. :)

b) Defense Subroutines

- Submask

Your standard helmet. Depending on the version it will give you either 10%
, 12% or 15% of protection.

- Encryption

Standard Body Armor, offers protection of 15%, 25% or 30%.

- Peripheral Seal

Armor for the arms, offers protection of 8%, 9% or 12%.

- Support Safeguard

Armor for the legs, offers protection of 8%, 9% or 12%.

- Base Damping

Armor for the feer, offers protection of 5%, 6% or 8%.

- Viral Shield

Helps protect your subroutines from becoming infected with a virus.
Protection offered will be either 30%, 50% or 75%.

c) Utility Subroutines

- Fuzzy Signature

This will help you sneak up on enemies. Installing it means your steps
make 25%, 50% or even 75% less noise than usual.

- Power Block

This subroutine is only useful for the Disc Block, but do not write it
off yet, since it will be very useful. The Disc might (or even should be,
IMHO) your primary weapon throughout the game. This means you will also
have to master the art of blocking. And returning an enemy Disc to it's
owner and doing damage by this is no bad thing, I would say. In it's gold
version it is powerful enough to take out most enemies with one Power

- Megahurtz

Increases the damage potential of weapons, but also increases their energy
useage. This is helpful with every weapon, but it will be best coupled
with the Disc Primitive. Since the Disc Primitive uses no energy you get a
damage boost on it for free. :)

- Corrosion

This will 'poison' the enemy if you hit him with a weapon. The time the
enemy will stay posioned will increase with version. Again it will also
increase energy useage of a weapon, which makes this another good add-on
for the Disc Primitive.

- Primitive Charge

This Subroutine will increase the damage your Primitives (!) do slightly.
Since no energy is needed to employ it, it will be a very useful addition
indeed if you fancy on using the Primitives only or mostly (the Disc comes
to mind).

- Triangulation

This will give you a sniper scope. Depending on version it will give you
the option to zoom in further on a target. This will transform some of the
weapons into sniperweapons. Again a must have I would think.

- Y-Amp

You really want to reach that archivebin with the much need subroutine but
can not jump high enough? Well, install the Y-Amp it will make you jump,
jump higher that is. Higher version will increase the jump height.

- Profiler

This is a subroutine that displays information about enemies. The higher
the version the better the info you get.

- Virus Scan

Will tell you if subroutines you want to download are infected. On beta it
will tell you which subroutines specifically are infected and on gold it
will disinfect them on download.

d) Objects

- Build note

When you find a Build note it will increase your version by 2 points.
There is a total of 100 notes hidden in the whole game. The number that
can be found in each level is given in the upper left corner of the HUD.

- Code Optimization Ware

You will love these little critters. Upon useing one (with the use key)
they will give you the option to increase the version level of one of your
subroutines (e.g. alpha -> beta).

- Core Dumps

Upon defeating an enemy a core dump will appear. Picking it up with the
use key will replenish some of your health and/or energy. The core dump
will get weaker over time and vanish altogether. Also you may find certain
permissions or subroutines in the enemies core dump. As they will also
fade into nothingness I suggest that you pick them up as soon as possible.

05. Characters

Here listed are the characters you will meet throughout the game.

- Jet Bradley

He is the son of Alan Bradley, programmer of the original Tron program and
co-programmer of Ma3a. Jet is a bit of the rebellious kind as you will learn
from the e-mail you can download throughout the game.

- Alan Bradley

The father of the main character. He apparently got kidnapped and one of your
objectives will be to locate him.

- Ma3a

An AI programmed mainly by Lora Bradley - the late wife of Alan Bradley - and
Alan Bradley. Ma3a is responsible for digitizing Jet and transporting him
into the world inside the computer.

- Thorne / The Master User

Thorne is a former Encom employee, who worked in security. He sold the
dizitizing technology to Encoms rival fCon. During an experiment to prove
that the technology he sold works something goes awry and his form is corrupt-
ed. Now he is trying to gain power in the computer world. He is also the
cause for the spreading corruption.

- Kernel

The commander of the ICP units in Ma3a's systems. He will not tolerate any
unauthorized programs in his system. He is also a powerful and formidable

- Mercury

A program programmed by the mysterious user Guest. Sent to help you gain ac-
cess to Ma3a. Current version is v6.2.1

- The fCon Trio

This Trio will trouble you later in the game. They are the ones responsible
for Alans disappearance. They also do everything to get the technology
working for fCon.

- Several Programs

During your quest you will find many helpful civilian programs. Do not derez
them as it will end your game.

06. Enemies

This section lists the enemies that you will meet during the game.

- ICPs

ICPs come in three flavors. First there is the basic grunt with a weak
armor and only using a standard Disc Primitive. Then there is the upgraded
grunt, signified by the forcefield around him. He will use the Disc
The last kind of ICP will carry a shield around him. He might use a Disc
Cluster subroutine. To defeat it use a weapon with splash damage or circle
your Disc behind him and then return it to you to hit it from behind.

- Finder

Small, floating robots. Not very strong, but due to their size hard to hit.
The laser they fire is deadly accurate. Can be fatal in large numbers. Take
them out as fast as possible. Also, if the chance is there sneak up from be-
hind to destroy them. Upon destruction I recommond that you are not too close
to them as they will explode in a large radius and might take you with them.
I found these to be the single most annoying enemy in the whole game.

- Z-Lots

Z-Lots are former civilian programs that have been transformed by the cor-
ruption. They will use both the Ball Primitive and the Ball Launcher as
weapons. They are fairly easy to defeat, but can infect your subroutines with
a virus.

- Rector Scripts

These are powerful entities that are spreading the corruption. As weapon they
will use the Ball Drunken Dims subroutine. They also have a high protection
and can take a few hits. Upon defeat they will explode, so don't be to close
to them when they go down. As with the Z-Lots these enemies will be able to
infect your subroutines with a virus.

- Resource Hogs

Their armor strenght resembles that of the ICPs, but they use the Rod Suf-
fusion subroutine as weapons. This should make it clear that they should be
take out at long range, where their weapons are not as effective. Much less
deadly than ICPs. (Mircosoft gets their share of Hogs. :) )

- Seekers

Welcome to the search engine from hell. These beast are a pain in the you
know what to take out. You will only meet two in the whole game. Use
Sequencer or any other powerful routine to take it down fast. Also take care
of the Resources Hogs helping the first one and the Data Wraiths helping the
second one.

- Data Wraiths

These are human users much like Jet, but trained to infiltrate other
They have a cloaking ability and they can run with a short burst of speed.
Their armor though is weak, as is their weapon the Mesh Primitive. Luckily
they don't use the Energy Claw or Prankster Bit subroutine. They should not
pose much of a problem, as they are more apperance than power.

07. Notes for the Walkthrough

- Build notes

The location of most Build notes in the game is random, therefore I can not
give exact locations for them. The number of Build notes found in a level
will also be given beside the sublevel name.

- Downloadables (e-mails, subroutines, permissions)

The location of the downloadables remains the same. The location of each
will be listed in the walkthrough.

- Permissions

Permissions will be abreviated like this: P7 (= permission 7)

- Archive bins

I will list the permissions needed for each archive bin like this:
bin(npn) = bin needs no permission / bin(3;4) bin needs P3 and P4

Also archive bins will be called just 'bins' througout the walkthrough.

- Floating Boxes, crates, cubes (whichever you like to call them)

These will be called just boxes throughout the walkthrough.

- Code Optimization Ware

Code Optimization Ware will receive this acronym: COW (Mooooooo!) :)

- Subroutines status

Subroutines will receive depending on their status the following suffixes:

(a) = Alpha level subroutine
(b) = Beta level subroutine
(g) = Gold level subroutine
(i) = Infected subroutine
(np) = Subroutine has to be ported in the Stats screen
(##) = A number telling the energy cost to download

So 'Submask (b)(i)(np)(45)' means that you will download a Beta level Sub-
mask subroutine, that is infected and has to be ported and with a download
cost of 45 Energy.

- Memory configuration

The memory configuration for each sub-level of the game in will be written
beside the sublevel name in this manner: (2;5;1;1)

This means that you have a set of 2 connected blocks, a set of 5 connected
blocks and 2 sets of single memory blocks to mount subroutines in.

- Sublevel subject line

A sublevel subject line will look like in this example:

a.a) Program Initialization (2;3;6) (3 Build notes)

-> Name of sublevel; Memory blocks available; Build notes hidden

Sublevels that are only Ligthcycle races or cutscenes will not contain any
information about memory blocks or Build notes.

- Version info

At the end of the walkthrough for a given sublevel I will put the highest
achieveable version up to that point. Remember that sometimes you are given
Build points on entering a sublevel exit.

- Sublevels and Mainlevels

Each Mainlevel (e.g. Vaporware) is divided into several sublevels. This
only for clarification purposes.

And now onto the main part, which is why you probably came here in the first
place. :)

08. Walkthrough

So here we are, you have pressed the start button for the single player game
and are first treated to the intro. After watching (or skipping) it the game

a) Unauthorized User

a.a) Program Initialization (2;3;6) (3 Build notes)

After materializing you are first greeted by Byte (who is quite full of
himself I might add). He will offer you to do a tutorial, which I re-
commend you do in any case as you will be rewarded with 105 Build
points for doing the Basic tutorial. This will also give you a head
start in stats. I will not give any hints on the tutorial other than to
do what Byte says.

If you like you can skip the combat tutorial, since it will hold
no rewards (permission 7 will be gifted onto you magically). But do re-
member to heal up before entering the datastream back to the point
where you materialized. Now the fun will start.

After exiting the datastrem and walking into the main hall you will be
greeted by a few Z-Lots that you should derez quickly. After this
follow Byte to the lift and go down. Now you should first turn left. In
this area you will find a few boxes and two bins (npn) with e-mails in
them. Now go back to the lift and down the right way to where Byte will
play key again. Talk to the program then follow Byte down the corridor.

After noting that you can not jump high enough follow Byte to the next
force field. On deactivation go in, and right, but do not use the ramp
but rather the ledge above it. You will end up on a platform with a bin
(npn) containing an e-mail and a P8.

Now go back and use the ramp, either left or right (it does not matter
but right is shorter) and go to the blocked bridge. Activate the panel
beside it to turn it off for a few seconds and thereby removing the
blockage, which will free ROMie and give you the chance to raid the
bins on the other side, which is what we are going to do now.

The first bin(npn) right behind the bridge will give you the option to
download the 'Y-Amp (a)(25)' and the 'Blaster Primitive (25)'. After
raiding this bin you will first have to fight back a few Z-Lots that
spawned on the far side of the bridge. Then go to the other side of
the room and get to the other bin by jumping on some of the smaller
boxes. The bin(2;3;8) contains P7 and an e-mail. If you want or
need you can heal up at the patch routines. The Y-Amp should be
installed by now. Go back to the room where you couldn't quite jump
high enough and defeat any remaining Z-Lots there. One of them will
hold a 'Profiler(a)(i)' subroutine ready for download in his core dump.

Now jump onto the ledge and go down the corridor to the boxes and the
next bin(2;3;7) with a 'Profiler (a)(25)' and an e-mail. Now go to the
end of the corridor to finish this sublevel and to see a cutscene.

Version: v1.3.3

a.b) Program Integration (2;3;6) (4 Build notes)

Another short cutscene and you are good to go for this part. Here you
will see your first Code Optimization Ware. Sadly you will be forced to
use it here and now, or the game (specifically Byte) will not progress.
Since the selection is not great and you will soon enough find a Gold
Profiler, I recommend to optimize the Y-Amp. After using the COW Byte,
in his infinite wisdom, will note that you do not yet have the per-
mission to open the door.

Follow Byte, and while your are at it, you might relieve the two bins
(npn) of their e-mails. Be careful in your advance though, since an ICP
will wait at the lower end of the ramp. Now Byte will open a door in
the wall. Jump over and traverse the corridor and be prepared to fight
back a few Z-Lots after jumping down on the far end. Now you have to
jump through the corridor with the corroded floor and upon reaching its
end you will have to destroy another Z-Lot. Now turn left and go to the
boxes. Duck down, to reach the bin(npn) hidden behind them with P1 and
'Fuzzy Signature (a)(25)' in it. Now go to the forcefield and de-
activate it with the panel on its right side (P1 needed) and enter the
datastream behind it to join up with Byte again.

Go back to the door at the beginning of the sublevel and open it with
the newly gained permission. Now follow the only corridor that you have
access to now, sneak up on the ICPs and take them out. One of the ICPs
will have the P4 in it's core dump. Now talk to the program outside of
the ICPs room.

Go on a bit to see a corridor to your right with a Sec Rezzer at its
end and follow it down. Turn right again to see a few boxes and a bin
(1;2) containing an e-mail. Then enter the small corridor right after
the boxes and follow it until you reach a room with a broken bridge.
Here jump over to the right and onto the boxes to reach the bin(1) with
P4 and 'Submask (a)(np)(15)' in it. Now go back to where you cloud jump
over the bridge, but look down and jump onto the bin(1) floating there
to get a P2. Now use the boxes to jump to the other side of the bridge.

Here you will have to duck through the small hole to end up below a
room with a broken glass floor. Go to the broken part and jump up to
gain access to the bin(1;4) here. It contains P2, 'Profiler (b)(35)',
'Virus Scan (a)(25)' and 'Y-Amp (a)(25)'. Now go back to the bridge and
use the corridor with the small upwards slope and derez any ICPs in the

If you want you can now deactivate any Sec Rezzers and access the bin
with the e-mail since you now should have the needed permission. Then
go ahead to the room with the patch routines in it and activate the
panel on it's far end to reroute the power stream blocking your way.
Be on your guard as a few ICPs will be spawned to keep you from exiting
this section. After their deresolution, go back to the room with the
power streams and go down to Byte to enter the datastream that opens

NOTE: This is a one-way datastream only and the Build notes are hidden
only in the first part of this sublevel, so make sure you have
found all four before entering the datastream!!!!!

On exiting the datastream you will be in an area that has and outer
ring and an inner circle, both of which are interconnected at every
quater of the circle. In the inner circle you will find the port to
exit this sublevel, but as of yet it is still protected by a force-
field. To deactivate it you will have to supply energy to the four bits
that are in the rooms connected to the outer ring.

Going right from the entry point will bring you to the first room (the
one with the number 1 outside, naturally). Go in and supply energy to
the bit. Upon completion of this task a few ICPs will rez in and
quarantine fields will be errected to hamper your movement in the outer

To get further right to room 2 you will have to use the inner circle.
Going further right from room two and entering the inner circle at the
next opening will enable you to download an e-mail form a bin(1). To
the right of room 4 is another bin(2;4) with 'Submask (a)(15)' and
'Primitive Charge (a)(25)' ready for download.

After taking care of all the bits and ICPs enter the port to end this
sub- and mainlevel. On to Vaporware.

Version: v1.7.1

b) Vaporware

b.a) Lightcyclearena and Gridbox (9;7;1) (5 Build notes)

After the cutscene you will end up in the staging area for Lightcycle
warriors. To continue just walk over to the counter in front of you to
get a Rod Primitve (which can not yet be used as a weapon, also your
Disc and Blaster have been confiscated), which will activate the Light-
cycle in the arena. After getting the Rod climb the stairs and go
around either to the left or right side to the next program that wants
to talk to you. You will also note a bin(2;4;6) with an e-mail that you
can download later and a bin(npn) with P2, P6 and an e-mail within.

NOTE: Before entering the port to either the training area or any of
the Lightcycle races, make sure that you scoured every corner of
the area for Build notes. New ones will appear on finishing a
race, but the old ones may also disappear, so make sure you catch
every note!!!!

After talking to the program you should enter the port to partake in
the tutorial for Lightcycleraces. The tutorial is again pretty self-

On finishing the tutorial (in Version 1.010 of the game you are also
able to skip Lightcycle races) search the area for Build Notes, then
talk to the program on the lower floor to start the first real race.

When you exit the datastream after your win you will first see two ICPs
standing at one of the panels. Go to them and listen to their talk.
When they ask you which one wins, tell them the blue one will win
(Option 2).

Then wait and listen a bit and you will gain 5 Build points. Now look
around for Build notes again and then go to where you made the tutorial
and talk to the ICP there to gain P4. With this you can download the
remaining e-mail. Also you should now look for the locker that can be
opened with the P4 to gain the Super-Lightcycle. Now enter your next

You win, you do some Build note searching, you do some talking and then
you will enter your last race. What is different about this race is
that you do not necessarily kill your enemies, but that your rather
have to get to the other side of the raster and drive onto the fallen
tower on the right side of the arena (marked by an exit point). Do this
to finish this sublevel.

Version: v2.1.6

b.b) Prisonercells (9;7;1) (4 Build notes)

Talk to Mercury, then walk down the corridor and turn left. Depending
on where the ICP stands either sneak up on him or charging at him. Now
wait for Mercury to catch up. Talk to her until you receive the P1,
then open the door and enter the area with the holding cells. You will
have to be especially careful of the Finder in this area, since you do
not yet have a weapon you can destroy it with.

On exiting the doorway go straight ahead and walk around the back of
the building that is in front of you. Enter the room you walked around
through the door and derez the ICP. In it's core dump you should find
the 'Suffusion (a)(np)' subroutine, which I suggest you port and equip
before going further. With the Suffusion Rod take out the Finder and
any remaining ICPs in the area to be able to move more freely. Some of
the ICPs moving around on the outside will carry the P5 with them.

Before going on you might want to empty the two bins in the area. The
first bin(npn) in between the floating boxes will hold P2 and P6, the
'Virus Scan (b)(35)' and the 'Fuzzy Signature (a)(25)'. Use the boxes
to reach the higher up ledge and through it the second bin(npn) with P3
and the 'Peripheral Seal (b)(i)(20)'. With all the permissions you have
gained you are also able to open some of the cells now. In one of them
is a COW, put it to good use. Also, take care that you pick up the two
Build notes in this area, as it is a no return area.

After getting all the goodies, enter the control room again and supply
some energy to the bit lying on one of the consoles. Then follow it to
ROMie's cell and open it, so that he can open the datastream to the
next area of this sublevel.

In the next area first use the I/O node to have Mercury tell you what
to do next. Then seek out the ICP in the area and after his demise take
out the two Encryption units. Then enter the lift to go up.

On emerging from the lift seek and destroy any ICPs in the accessible
area, then return to the lift. From the lift you can see floating boxes
on one wall. Go there to find a bin(1;5) with P3 and 'Suffusion(a)(50)'
in it. From there go right and go onto the ramp leading to the corridor
(where nothing should be alive anymore if you took out all ICPs).
Follow the corridor until the first room, enter it and look for the
bin(npn) with the P4 in it. Then go to the next room with a bin(3) con-
taining an e-mail and 'Y-Amp (b)(75)'.

Back to the lift. You have now the permissions needed to enter the
building besides the lift. Enter it and the datastream within. Now go
around one of the corners and take the two ICPs out. On picking up your
Disc a few more ICPs will come in throught the datastream. Take care of
them and then go ahead to empty the bin(npn) with the following: P8,
'Power Block(a)(25)', 'LOL(a)(np)(65)' and 'Peripheral Seal(a)(i)(15)'.
You should also have all four Build notes by now.

Return to the hall by datastream and go to the white patch routine,
while fighting off the four ICPs that are waiting for you here. Right
by it you will find a forcefield on the floor and a panel beside it.
Use the panel to lower the forcefield, go down the ramp and follow the
corridor to end this sublevel.

Version: v2.7.4

b.c) Transportstation (9;7;1) (5 Build notes)

Exit the room with the I/O node and suggest to the ICPs that they
should better leave. After their expiration go to the boxes and open
the bin(npn) to find P2 and 'Virus Scan(g)(50)'. Go on and walk through
the corridor at the end of the room. Be careful on exiting it. There
will be a Finder floating about to the upper right. Also an ICP will
patrol the ledge in the about the same direction as you can see the
Finder. On a ledge to the left above you will be a few more ICPs (one
with Sequencer as weapon). Take out the Finder and the ICP to the right
, then turn in that direction. You will find a ramp to the next higher
level. Go there and fight back the remaining ICPs, then go over the
energy bridge to the left and access the bin(npn). It will hold P2, P3,
'Virus Scan (b)(35)' and the 'Viral Shield (a)(i)(20)'.

After this go back to the ramp and to it's right, download the e-mail
and activate the bridge. Then return to the ramp and go to the lower
level again, we will do some extra hunting. Position yourself in front
of the left of the two squares where the boxes are coming out. Jump
onto one when it comes close enough to allow it. Depending on the
direction it takes when reaching the highest level you will either end
up on a box or on a ledge near a patch routine. Whatever your loacation
, make your way to the bin in the corner by using the boxes. The bin
(npn) has P5 and 'Sequencer (a)(40)' in it. Now jump back to the patch
routine and go to the end of the ledge. Once ther jump over the blocks
to the other side and go around. Now wait for the gold box to appear
from the square and jump on it. Jump off it on the ledge with the COW.

To get back down you will have to use a few boxes that come up towards
you to reach the ledge with the patch routine again, then go to its end
repeat the jumping over to the other side and then jump onto one of the
red boxes instead of the golden one. Then jump onto the platform beside
the bridge you activated earlier. Two Build notes should be in your
possesion right now.

Go towards the I/O node, but rather than activating it right away you
should first take out the Finder to the right and the two ICPs in the
area behind the wall to which the I/O node is fitted. Two more Build
notes are hidden in the area with boxes here also. Now get some updated
info from Mercury and continue to the right. Go to the bin(npn) on top
of the boxes close to where the finder was patrolling to get an e-mail
and P5. Get down and advance further into the room, up a ramp and get
to the stack of boxes hiding another bin(5) with P1 and another e-mail.
Then go around the stack, enter the next room and take care of the ICPs

First go to the right of the room to reach a bin(2;3;5) with these
items: P4, P7, 'Primitive Charge (a)(i)(25)' and 'Profiler (b)(i)(35)'.
Now go to the door on the left and out onto the platform where the
civilian program is. Press the button on the left side of the board to
release the first Mooring App. Go back the way you came and watch out
for the ICPs that spawned. In the area behind the I/O node you will now
also be able to download the e-mail form the bin(1;5) there.
Then go through one of the three tunnels into the large hall and remove
the remaining two Mooring Apps there. Then, you can either make it
quick and jump on the transport fast, or you can hang around and take
out the last few ICPs that want to stop you. Congratulations on another
finished sublevel.

Version: v2.9.1

b.d) Primary Digitizer (9;7;1) (5 Build notes)

After the cutscenes (with some Pong jokes) go ahead and download the
e-mail form the bin(npn) then exit through the door, take care of the
two ICPs in front of it and download the P4 from the core dump. Turn
left and walk towards the boxes now. Use the boxes to climb to the top
of the wall and jump over to the other side. Delete the 10 or so Z-Lots
in the large open area and the two smaller halls to the left and right.
After this enter first the hall on the left to find two bins there. The
first bin(npn) holds P3, the other bin(npn) has 'Sequencer (a)(i)(50)',
Suffusion (a)(50)' and 'Fuzzy Signature (a)(i)(50)'. Then go to the bin
(3) to find 'Sequencer (b)(80)', 'Primitive Charge (a)(i)(25)',
'Profiler (a)(i)(25)' and 'Profiler (b)(np)(35)'.

Before getting Byte you may want to go to the bin(npn) hanging beside
the door with the forcefield locking it. To rejoin with Byte just go
to the far wall on the left (below the area with the corruption in it).
Talk to Byte, then follow him and let him drop the forcefield. Enter
the corridor to find a COW and tunnels branching off into three
seperate directions. Go into each and go close to the edge of the door-
way there and look down to check for possible Build notes, after that
you may choose one of the to jump down. Then check the bins in the back
of the room. The right bin(3) will hold a P5, 'LOL (a)(i)(50)', 'Guard
Fortification (a)(15)' and 'Launcher (a)(i)(75)'. The left bin(3) nets
you an e-mail, 'LOL (a)(50)' and 'Fuzzy Signature (b)(np)(75)'.

After your raid, go to the other end of the room (while opening all
available doors to check for Build notes) and open the door on your
left to enter Ma3a docking area. Remove the presence of the ICPs here.
One of the ICPs holds a 'Profiler (a)', another a 'Fuzzy Signature (a)
(np)', and the other hold P3's in their core dumps. Now you should re-
lease Ma3a. Do this by supplying energy to the two bits in the panels
in front of Ma3a's holding tank. Also check if you have found 4 Build
notes up to now, this is vitally important if you want to get all Build
notes in this sublevel.

After the releas of Ma3a another few ICPs will spawn to attack you.
On their premature deactivation talk a few times to the civilian
program in the area to get P7, with which you can activate the switch
in the middle section of the room you originally jumped into. Remeber
to not stand below the lift when you call it. :)

Board it to go up and enter an area you will find quite familiar. Turn
right and use the boxes again to scale the wall another time. Again you
will also have to fight off a few Z-Lots, one on the left side will
have a 'Corrosion (a)' subroutine in its core dump, which I suggest you
get here. Then make your way to the large force field in the back of
the area and talk to Byte there.

After he takes down the forcefield follow Byte to the exit area, while
being harrased by Z-Lots and having to keep a look-out for the last
Build note of this level. After you reached the port area you will have
to fend off the Z-Lots until the cutscene starts.

Congratulations on getting through the second main-level.

Version: v3.2.3

c) Legacy Code

c.a) Alans Desktop PC (3;3;2;2;1) (3 Build notes)

On rematerialization follow Ma3a to the bin(npn) and talk to her, then
download the video archive, after that do some more talking until Ma3a
gets a signal from Guest. Follow her to the I/O node, where she will
request of you to configure the com-ports. To do this you will have to
go to the other side of the hall, where another I/O node is off to your
right and where four programs are waiting for their activation in a
slumped down position. To configure the port (ports 1-4 are numbered
from left to right) look at the ports from the second I/O node and look
at the rings on the floors of the ports. These rings are open to one
side. If the opening is showing towards the entry of the port go to the
corresponding program and talk to it (e.g. Prog 2 for port 2) and wait
until it has entered it's port. Right beside the second I/O node you
will also find a panel with which you can change the directions into
which the rings are pointing. To turn them you will have to press the
switch to the lower right in the panel. Configure all ports in this

Use the second I/O node now to gain additional information and also on
how to go on with your mission. You are now sent off to hunt e-mail
fragments. To start with this go into the corridor that is to the right
of the one where the I/O node you just used is and follow it until you
find a room with a forcefield and a lot of empty and a few filled
archive bins. One bin(npn) holds just an e-mail, another bin(npn) con-
tains an e-mail and 'LOL (a)(65)' and the third bin(7) a P3. To
continue on press the button on the panel close to the forcefield to
extend a bridge. Go to the middle of the bridge, turn left and talk to
the program there to gain the first e-mail fragment. Then return to the
bridge and continue on to a one-way datastream. Be wary of the Finders
that spawn after you retrived the e-mail.

On exiting the datastream you will end up in a room that looks similar
to the first bridge room. In one bin(npn) you will find an e-mail and a
P5, in the other bin(5) you will get 'Triangulation (b)(100)' and
'Suffusion (b)(np)(90)'. Now go on to the middle of the bridge and talk
to the program. This time you will have to destroy the finders before
the program can retrieve the e-mail fragment. While doing this a few
more finders will come in through exits on the far left and right walls
, be very wary of them or they will attack you from behind. The LOL
would be a very good weapon to use. The best way is to hide behind the
triangle shaped block and to lean and take the Finders down. No matter
what the battle will be not an easy one, because of the Finders high
rate of fire. Good Luck.

If part three of the e-mail quest you will get the same treatment as in
part two, only with more Finders and the Finders from the walls will
now come in through entrance high up on the wall. In the room you
start you will see a bin(npn) with an e-mail within. After gaining
access to the last e-mail fragment, go on on the bridge and use the I/O
node located there. Then go on and use the lift to end up back in the
com-port area.

As of now the security system of the desktop PC will have taken notice
of your presence. Therefore you will have to battle a few ICPs on your
return topside. Also you will have gained P7 by now, which will allow
you to raid the bin with the P3 that you could not access earlier. With
this permission you can access the bin(3) beside the lift, with P8, an
e-mail, 'LOL (a)(50)', 'Virus Scan (b)(np)(35)' and 'Suffusion (b)(90)'
within it. Go back to the port with which you entered the sublevel and
activate the bit on one of the pillars to end this rather short level.

Version: v3.8.5

d) System Restart

d.a) Packet Transport (6;5;3;1;1) (5 Build notes)

You are now in a transport and have to find a hiding place before they
find and delete you. First talk to the Marcella program, then go to the
back of this car (think of the transport as a train, with you being in
the front car of it) to find two bins in between a few boxes one
bin(npn) with an e-mail, the other bin(npn) with P1 and 'Cluster (a)
(45)'. Now use the ramp to go down and take care of any ICPs in this
car. There is also a ramp on the other side of the car, go up there
now. Two ICPs will have useful things in their core dumps, one carries
a P3 (enabling to open the doors on the upper level of car 1), the
other will hold a 'Profiler (g)'. One the upper level you are now you
will find P6 in a bin(npn). Check the doors on the upper levels of car
1 first before exploring its lower level.

On the lower level you will find hidde in a niche, behind some boxes
a bin(1) with P3 and two subroutines, which are 'Guard Fortification
(a)(25)' and 'Fuzzy Signature (b)(75)'. Also there is another program
you can talk to on the lower level. Do this, then exit the car through
one of the doors on the lower level and jump over to the next car. Use
the left door to enter, but be wary of the enemies to your right.

Now go straight, then right, then another right and then a left to
reach a room below the upper walk way with two bins in it. One bin(1;3)
has a P2 in it, the other bin(npn) contains an e-mail. Now exit the
room, go right and then turn right and use the blocks to jump up onto
the walkway.

Go on and take down the ICP (with P4), then walk on and look down the
edge of the walkway until you see a Build note (this one is in a fixed
location) and jump down there. From there go right and right again to
find another well hidden bin(1;2;3) with P4, 'Base Damping (a)(15)' and
'Triangulation (b)(100)'. Now make your way to the exit of this car,
and jump over to the next.

In the third (and last) car you will find ICPs patrolling the lower
level, so you will have a battle ahead of you. Be especially wary of
the ICPs carrying shield, either use Ball weapons or the Power Block to
defeat them. After the battle search the right side in the back of the
car to find a bin(1;2;3;4) with a P5 in it. Also you should have gotten
at least P6, P7 and P8 from ICP core dumps. Now use the ramp on the
left side to go up one level and to reach a bin(1;2;3;4;5) with P7,
'Profiler (g)(i)(50)' and 'Y-Amp (b)(i)(75)' in it. Now use the front
door of the car (the one pointing towards car 2) to find a COW(P6
needed to operate) which you will put to good use. Then go to the right
side of the car. There you will find to the front a bin(npn) with an
e-mail and a bin(6) with a 'Suffusion (b)(np)(90)'. Now go to the lower
level and exit the car to its back. There you should find a program
that will tell you how to avoid deletion (he might have gone inside
during your battle). Then check if you found all Build notes in this
sublevel before finishing it by using the left side back door on the
upper level of car 3.

Version: v4.0.5

d.b) Energy Regulator (6;5;3;1;1) (4 Build notes)

Upon start of the level you are hidden between a few boxes in the
middle of a huge hall. Use the LOL or the Disc/Triangulation combo to
take out first the ICP on the far platform to your left, then the one
on the right to be able to move about more freely. Then make your way
over to the left side platform first. Use the red and blue boxes to get
to the bin(npn) with P5 and P6 inside first, then go on to the next bin
(5;6) to download the video archive in there. After this go to the
forcefield on the right side and deactivate it with your newly gained
permission and enter the datastream after this.

On exiting follow Byte a few meters and then take out the ICPs and the
Finder. Before you can activate the I/O node where Byte is waiting you
must go to the bins at the far end of the room. One bin(5) holds the
needed P2 and a 'Base Damping (a)(15)' and a 'Submask (b)(i)(20)', the
other bin(npn) holds three e-mails. Now communicate with Ma3a then go
on down the floor and enter the datastream.

Now go straight ahead to the end of the walkway (oh, and while you are
at it you could also take out the opposition) to the bin(5;6) with P1,
P6 and 'Virus Scan (g)(np)(50)' in it, then go back to the crossroads
and use it. At its end first search the area on the right, then go down
the left way. Then just follow the way until you reach the panel with
the patch routines beside it. Charge your energy (important) then turn
right and go towards the edge. There you will see a moving floor. It
will always move three sections further. The first part of the way will
be solid in the last part of the way a few floor panels will be missing
. Here it is moving fairly slow, so it should be no problem getting to
the other side here with a bit of jumping.

Once you reached the other side, take down the ICPs then follow each of
the three branches to its end and energize it. After this you will have
to do some more panel jumping. The pattern is like the first one, only
this time the panels move faster. Upon your safe return to the other
side you will be assaulted by several ICPs. Also, a new branch to the
right will be opened by the civilian program in the area. After going
down the newly opened branch watch your back carefully, because two ICP
with Sequencers will come up behind, additionally you will have more
ICPs opposing you in the direction you need to go. Take them out before
going to the area with the boxes and two bins floating among them. One
bin(1;6) holds an e-mail, the other bin(1;6) the 'Cluster (a)(45)' and
the 'Fuzzy Signature (b)(75)'.

Walk on down the way until you reach Ma3a, then enter the datastream
behind her to end this sublevel.

Version: v4.3.0

d.c) Power Occular (6;5;3;1;1) (3 Build notes)

Ma3a needs you to clean up the area, well, go on, do it. After cleaning
the area of all ICPs and the lone Finder go back to where the patch
routines are near your starting point. Go up the stairs opposite of
them and turn right to find a bin(npn) with an e-mail, P4 (can also be
gained through one of the ICPs in the area), 'Triangulation (a)(75)'
and 'Triangulation (b)(np)(100)'. Then use the boxes to reach the bin
(4) that is floating shortly after the starting point and access the
video archive in it.

Now go to the bin(4) with four subroutines contained within it, which
are 'Submask (b)(20)', 'Guard Fortification (b)(20)', 'Base Damping (a)
(i)(15)' and 'Encryption (a)(i)(15)'. The bin(npn) floating above this
one holds an e-mail. Now talk to Ma3a, then take the lift that just
appeared and ride it to the lower level. To the left you will see a few
bins, but we will come back to them later. Rather turn to the right now
and talk to the program there. After talking to the program for a bit
he will lower a bridge with a few boxes on it. Use it to cross to the
other side, then turn left and follow the corridor to its end. There
will be ICPs waiting for you. One of the ICPs will hold a P6. Now use
the other bridge to get to a datastream. To your right you will also
find a COW, but you might want to keep it around for the beta LOL you
will find later, so you can upgrade it to gold level. Use the data-
stream now.

To your left are a few boxes and a bin(npn) with 'Cluster (a)(i)(45)'
and two e-mails. For solving the mission however you will have to turn
right. Jump over, then use the bit to the right, then use the moving
platform to get to the other side. Move further right, pass the
junction to the next bit and jump onto the moving platform in front of
you. From there get to the last bit and activate it (No), then use the
moving platform that is opposite to the bit. On the other side go right
, jump over and activate the bit there (Yes), now go back to the last
bit and use it again (Yes). Now jump back to the bit that is second to
front (where you came in through the datastream), and activate it (Yes)
also. Get back to the first bit and use it as you used the others. Now
the lenses are configured. Return back topside through the datastream.

First take out all ICPs on this level. Now it is time to raid the two
bins that could not be accessed earlier. The first bin(4;6) nets you a
'Y-Amp (g)(i)(100)'. The second bin(4;6) holds a 'LOL (a)(65)', 'LOL
(b)(110)' and an e-mail. Make sure you get the LOL beta and, if you
have not used it yet, I suggest that you use the COW in this area with
it. After getting everything you want go to the control room opposite
of the bins and use the panel there to turn the Occular. Then go back
up topside to Ma3a. The Build notes should all be in your possesion by

Talk to Ma3a, then use the datastream to get up into the control tower.
From there snipe all ICPs (therefore also my suggestion to get a gold
LOL) trying to reach Ma3a until the timer has reached zero. The ICPs
will attack in waves, use the time in between waves to recharge your
energy at the conveniently located patch routine. After your sucessful
defence you will have finished this main level.

Version: v4.7.6

e) Antiquated

e.a) Testgrid (6;3;3) (0 Build notes)

Now you will have to fight your first Seeker. There is one very
important rule that you will have to follow when fighting a Seeker,
never and I mean never stand too close to it. I can kill you in one
blow if you are too close. If you want to defeat it easily use the Disc
or Sequencer from a few meters off and throw it repeatedly at its head
until the energy discharge starts. At that time it will bury itself and
three Resource Hogs will spawn. Take them down and if possible use
their core dumps to heal and recharge your energy (or get to the patch
routine if that is possible). After the Hogs are defeated watch the
ground closely, so that you can tell where the Seeker will appear.
Position yourself right and repeat what you did before and you should
have no trouble defeating it, although this method will take a little
time. After defeating it you will have mastered another sublevel. What
is more at the end of this sublevel you will also regain the Blaster
Primitive, that got taken away from you during the 'Program
Integration' sublevel.

Version: v4.8.6

e.b) Main Processor Core (6;3;3) (4 Build notes)

Upon entering this sublevel you will first meet I-No, talk to him for a
little while to gain a bit information about this old system. Then use
the I/O node and then go on to the forcefield to your right. I-NO will
lower it for you and then the fun starts. Both on the left and right
tanks will move into firing position. They will start to fire at you as
soon as you show yourself. Luckily you are a bit faster and can evade
the shells of the tanks. What makes the next part hard is that you have
to cross over to the other side of the hall first. You will have to
do this by interconnected platforms that can be destroyed by the tanks
and although the platforms will reform after a while it is still
frustrating standing on a platform in the exact same moment that a
cannon shell hits it. The only thing I can say is Good Luck.

If you made it to the other side go to the bin(npn) in between the
boxes to get a P3 and an e-mail. Also on the back wall a COW will be
moving around. He will travel in a circle, just wait until it gets
down. After using it and getting the Build note (this one seems fixed)
on top of the boxes return to the huge pillar in the middle of the room
and activate one of the panels that are located to its left and right
sides to go up.

On reaching the topside you will have to deafeat 4 Resource Hogs with
one holding a 'Peripheral Seal (a)' in ist core dump. After their
defeat activate each of the four panels located on the edge of the
middle platform. Use the I/O node on the upper ring and talk to I-NO,
after this a one-way datastream will open on the middle platform, use
it to go on.

You will end up in a room connected to a circular walkway. The walkway
has a room after each quater of the circle. Also there is only one way
to go around and after appearing in a new room you will have to fight
off several Resource Hogs, so be prepared. On the opposite side of the
first room you will find two bins, one bin(npn) with an e-mail and an-
other bin(7) with P8 in it. Since you can not do very much here now, I
suggest that you go on to the next room. On trying to exit the first
room a few Hogs want to keep you from doing exactly this, one will gain
you a P5 and another a 'Peripheral Seal (b)', though.

As it is you can not do very much in the second room either, just now,
since you are still missing a few permissions, so go on to the third.
Don't stay in the third either, where you want to go is the fourth
room. On the raised platfrom in the back left of the room are a few
boxes, and a bin(npn) with P6 and 'Sequencer (a)(25)'. With the P6 you
will now be able to access the bin(6) in the third room with a P7, and
with this you can get the contents of the bin(7) in the first room. One
of the Hogs might carry the P8 around also in its core dump. Now we
will empty the bins in room 2. Go there to the raised platform on the
left side and you will find 3 bins among the boxes there. Two bins(7)
will hold one and two e-mail respectively, the other bin(8) holds a P5,
P7, 'Cluster (b)(i)(90)' and a 'Fuzzy Signature (b)(15)'. After we have
raided all the bins we can set out to do what we came here for. First
go to room 2 and activate the panel on the raised platform there, then
do the same to another panel in room 4. Now return to the I/O node in
room 1 and talk to I-NO there. After this you have finished this sub-
level and will be automatically transported to the next.

Version: v5.1.7

e.c) Old Gridarena

Now you will be treated to three consecutive Lightcyclematches. After
defeating the opposition in each room try to get a Shield power-up
before exiting the current area. You will have to find an exit in each
arena which will be on a wall. It is a section that was protected by a
forcefield during the race. While going to the next section you will
have to evade a few Tank programs. On winning the third you will get an
exit point, just drive over it. Good Luck programs.

Version: v5.2.7

e.d) Main Energy Pipline (6;3;3) (4 Build notes)

After you get your mission update, walk around the boxes and take care
of the Resource Hogs, then go to the empty bit socket and turn right
there. Down by the boxes there you will find the bit for the socket.
Supply it with energy and activate it to go on. After crossing the
energy bridge look for a bin(npn) behind the boxes to find a P2,
'Peripheral Seal (a)(np)(15)', 'Triangulation (b)(100)', 'Submask (a)
(15)' and 'Base Damping (b)(20)'. Then go on up the ramp to the left.
On reaching the top of the ramp you will be in a room with two huge
pillars in its middle. First derez the Resource Hogs hanging around.
Then turn left to find a bin(2) on top of a few boxes with an e-mail in
it. Then go around and exit the hall on the other side.

Now you will end up in a room with a lot of moving platforms and a
countdown running. On the left, right and front wall are platforms with
a button to push. You will activate all three switches to solve this
part. The left one should be the easiest to reach, then go on to the
middle one and activate the right one last. You will get a bonus on
your countdown after activating one of the switches. After the last
switch has been activated the platform you are standing on will auto-
matically rise to the top, so stay on it. Also be wary of the two
Finders floating around above you. On reaching the top first take care
of the Hogs coming in through the door then turn your attention to the
bins in the middle section. The lower bin(npn) of the two holds P5, an
e-mail, 'Corrosion(a)(i)(100)' and 'Corrosion(b)(225)'. The other
bin(5) contains just an e-mail.

Enter the large hall through the door that was defended by the Resource
Hogs. Now jump over the obstacles to the right of the door to reach a
COW. To the left of the door you may find a Build note so check there,
too. Then go to the floating boxes and bins on the left side of the
room. In the lower bin(npn) is a P3, in the upper bin(3) is an e-mail.
After the retrieval talk to the program on the far side of the room.
Jet has proven his persuasive skills and a datastream will now be open
for you to enter, do so. You will end up in the sphere you just saw
from the outside. Talk to I-NO and wait for him to extend the ramp to
the Legacy Code. Walk up the ramp and retrieve the code disc to end
this mainlevel.

Version: v5.6.5

f) Master User

f.a) City Hub (6;2;2;2;1) (5 Build notes)

Welcome to the City program. First turn around and go around the right
corner to find a program that will give you a 'Viral Shield (b)', an
offer you can not turn down (unless you used COWs on the Viral Shield).
Now you should check the immediate area for Build notes, as you will
not be able to return here. After your check activate the panel to call
a transport to the other side. Leave the transport and walk to the
right where you will find a bin(npn) with P5, 'Viral Shield (a)(20)',
'Launcher (b)(i)(115)' and 'Virusscan (b)(np)(35)'. Then look for any
Build notes in the area, this is also a no return area ynd you should
have three before talking to the program in this area. Look for the low
level compiler and talk to it. You will find it when you enter the door
further down on the right side wall. In there you will also find a
bin(5) with an e-mail.

After the talk an new challenge will spawn. You will have to defend the
three towers in the middle from the corruption forces for 2:00 minutes
when a few ICPs appear to help (yes, help) you. It would be best to
install the Viral Shield in your memory, so that your subroutines do
not get infected so easily. Be especially on the lookout for Z-Lots
that are on the walkways that connect the towers, as they are the ones
that will be responsible for taking them down. They should be your
first priority to destroy, then attack the other Z-Lots. You may also
have to battle against your first Rector Scripts here, be careful
around them as they can pack a punch and also do not go down easily.

When the cutscene with the ICPs and Mercury is finished check the area
around the Progress Bar for Build notes first, also a COW will be in
front of the bar. Go to the patch routines and walk through the arcway
to the left. Right after passing under it you will find a few boxes and
a bin(npn) with 'Viral Shield (a)(20)' and 'Launcher (a)(75)' in it.
Go up the ramp to the back alley. Here you will find a few Z-Lots and a
Rector Script harrasing a civilian program. Help it by eliminating the
corruptive forces. Several of the Z-Lots will carry 'Corrosion (a)' and
one will carry a 'Launcher (a)'. After the demise of the enemy talk to
the program you just saved to get a P3. Go to the I/O node at the
entrance to the alley and talk to Guest there. Check if you have gotten
all Build notes and then go to the entrance of the Progress Bar and
meet back up with Ma3a and end this sublevel.

f.b) Progress Bar (6;2;2;2;1) (4 Build notes)

The first part of this level is fairly easy. First you should set out to
find all four Build notes and while you are at it, disinfect any sub-
routines from the preciding battles if you have not yet done so. Also
look for the COW on the back wall of the lower level. If you enter the
datastream to the upper level you will find to your right one bin(npn)
with an e-mail and P8 and another bin with P6, 'Profiler (g)(50)',
'Virus Scan (g)(50)' and 'Y-Amp (g)(75)'. After your gathering operation
talk to all programs in the area, until you have to talk to the DJ, who
wants to know what the other programs would like to listen to. Ask the
programs then tell the DJ the answer (usually Track 6). There are 3
programs on the lower and two on the upper floor to ask.

Now you are able to talk to the High Level Compiler, who will agree to
compile the TRON Legacy Code. Then talk to Guest through the I/O node
on the upper level. Interesting turn of events, wouldn't you say? And
this is not the end of it, because now, Thorne, the Master User will
make it's presence known. You will have to defend Ma3a for 3:00 minutes
during the compilation of the code. When Thorne charges up a sickly
green energy ball fire your weapon at it until it disappears, then take
care of the hordes of Z-Lots pestering you until Thorne charges up his
next ball. The best way to finish this fight is to go to the upper level
, as there is only one Z-Lot up there (with a 'Drunken Dims (a)' sub-
routine), and you can hide in the back where the I/O node is to protect
you from the attacks of the Z-Lots on the lower level. You will also be
able to access the white energy patch routine, which will enable you to
use energy based weapons on a more free basis. Stop all of Thornes
energy balls until the timer runs out and you will have finished this

Version: v6.0.7

f.c) Outer Raster Getaway

Another Lightcycle level, this one works just like the one in the
EN12-82 system minus the tanks. Oh, and did I mention, Run, User
Run. :) :P

Version: v6.2.7

f.d) fCon Labs / Ma3a gets saved

Not really a level, rather a cutscene with its own description

f.e) Remote Access Node (6;2;2;2;1) (5 Build notes)

In this sublevel you will find only Resource Hogs as your enemies, so be
prepared to fight a few long range battles. After the talkage heal up if
you need to do so and start to disinfect any subroutines that got
infected during your battle with Thorne. Turn around and take the right
turn at the junction. Go on and take another right and at the next
junction go down to the left to find a bin(npn) on the left wall with P1
in it (which can be also gleaned from one of the Hogs on this upper
level). Right opposite of the junction you just walked down, close to
the edge is a formation of three cube like objects where the last one is
a bit higher than the first two. On there you will find a bit that needs
some energy, supply it. Then follow the bit to a datastream.

Go up to the area with the many boxes and the five bins. The first bin
you should (and can) access is the bin(npn) with a P4 and an e-mail in
it. Then there are two more bins(4) with an e-mail each in it. The bins
with the subroutines can not be accessed just yet, so you will have to
wait a bit. Check if you have gained the two Build notes from the upper
level before entering the data stream you opened with the bit.

Enter the data stream and take care of the Hogs on the next level. Then
walk left form the datastream and enter the space between the large two
blocks towards the edge of the open space of this level. Look down to
see a few blocks and a bin further down. Jump down to the bin(npn) for
P5, then jump back up again. Go further left to find another bin(5) and
get P1 and P8 from it. On the oppsite side of the block this bin is
hanging in front of you will find another bin(npn) with an e-mail in it.
Now go further left to find a dead end with another bit needing energy.
Supply it and then go to the right of the datastream to find another
datastream that will take you down to the floor level. Also, see if you
have gained another two Build notes on the middle level before entering
the stream.

On the floor level, first take out the Hogs, then access the bin(npn)
to the left of the datastream for a P2 and a P8. After this walk to the
boxes to the right of the datastream and scale them to reach a COW. Then
search the area for the last Build note. After you have done this
activate the bit on the panel right opposite to the datastream. Now get
back to the toplevel, we will now take care of the two bins we could not
access earlier. Oh, and we will also take care of the blue ICPs that
want to stop you. The first bin(1;2) with three subroutines holds
'Power Block (b)(np)(75)', 'Cluster (b)(90)' and 'Sequencer (b)(80)',
the second bin(1;2;8) has a 'Triangulation (g)(125)' and a 'Profiler (b)
(35)'. Now return to the junction where you found the bin with the lone
P1 in it. Talk to Mercury, who is waiting for you there, a few times and
you will end this main level.

Version: v6.6.6 (The version of the beast)

g) Alliance

g.a) Security Server

Another cutscene with its own designation

g.b) Thornes Outer Partition (10;4;1;1) (5 Build notes)

What you never thought possible has happened, you are now allied with
the forces of the Kernel that was out to eradicate you during the first
part of the game. The first thing you have to do is make your way down
to the lower level, do this by turning around and going to the left hand
side, there you will find a possibility to go down. Now go up to the
ICPs that you could already see from the ledge. Then go on to the
bin(npn) on the left side with a P6, an e-mail and 'Corrosion (a)(i)
(15)' in it. Now use the twisted bridge to assault the Z-Lots on the
other side, this time you will have help from the ICPs of the Kernel.
Before doing anything else fight your way through to the end and
eradicate and corruption forces you find in the area. The end of the
'assault area' is where there are a lot of defeated ICPs lying around.
Also there is a white patch routine to the right. Now go back towards
the bridge first to start retriving data from the bins you could not
access because of the raging battle.

Opposite of where the health ball was (about the middle of the
battlefield) are two bins(npn) of which one holds 'Launcher (a)(25)' and
the other the P8 get it. Now go back to the area where the deafeated
ICPs are lying around. To the left of the street you will see a few
pieces of floating debris, use it to jump over to the pillar like
remains on the other side. There you will find a bin(npn) with the
'Drunken Dims (a)(50)' Subroutine. Jump back and get to the bin(npn)
near the white patch routine with an e-mail and 'Encryption (b)(20)' in

Now go on until you reach and I/O node and use it. After the talking go
over to the other side of the room and use the datastream there. Go
ahead, use the ramp on the right side, take out the Z-Lots, then go
to the area with the moving rings. Once there you will have to destroy
the Rector Scripts that are spawned in the middle of the rings while
simultaneously having to defend yourself from Z-Lots. After this battle
the sublevel will be finished.

Version: v7.0.0

g.c) fCon Labs / Data Wraith Preparation

Another Cutscene.

g.d) Thornes Inner Partition (10;4;1;1) (5 Build notes)

After talking with the defeated program get out of the room and walk
down the slope. Be careful in this level, as there will be quite a few
Rector Scripts lurking around. At the base of the slope first turn left
to find a bin(npn) with a P1 and e-mail in it and another two bins(1)
also containing an e-mail each. Then go to the right where you will find
a few patch routines. Then go on and defeat the Z-Lots and the Rector
Script that are blocking you way, until you find another defeated ICP
lying by the wayside. From there take a right turn. You should find a
energy patch routine to the right and a bin to the left above you on a
ledge. Go up the slope a bit and jump over to the bin(1) containing P4,
P6 and an e-mail. Now jump down and go back to the junction and follow
the lower path around until you find a bin(npn) (close to a health
routine) with P8, an e-mail and 'Viral Shield (g)(30)' in it. Then go
back to the junction again and walk to its end to find a bin(4;6;8) with
'Corrosion (b)(i)(150)', 'Corrosion (b)(150)' and 'Drunken Dims (b)(i)
(120)' in it. Also in this area you will find a COW to use.

Retrace your steps to the junction again and go down the way and this
time follow it to its end. You will see a bin(npn) with an e-mail in it.
From there go right, down the path that is guarded by Z-Lots. At its end
a bit hidden you will find a downwards slope that is the exit to this

Version: v7.2.2

g.e) Thornes Core Chamber (10;4;1;1) (0 Build notes)

Here you will meet Thorne, Alan and the Kernel. After some talking the
battle against the Kernel starts. The first thing you should take note
of is, the pillars and some floor panels are destructible, so take care
around them. The second thing you should be careful of, is that you do
not hit Alan. During the first part of the battle the Kernel will stand
up on the ledge with the beaten Thorne. From there he will attack you
with the Sequencer Disc. Either run from them (bad idea) or deflect them
with Power Block (good idea). If need be try to heal up at the health
routine. After you have done some damage to the Kernel he will de-
activate his shield and come down to fight you one on one in a Disc
battle. If you are like me, then you will honor his request and fight
Disc Primitive against Disc Primitive, if you do not want to honor his
request use any weapon available to you. Either way Good Luck to you! :)
After the battle you will have finished this main level.

Version: v7.3.9

h) Handshake

h.a) Function Control Deck (3;1;1) (4 Build notes)

Now you ended up in Thornes PDA. Configure yourself for a battle against
Finders, which will be the only enemies here. Then set out to find all
permissions and Build notes first before persuading the PDA OS to help
you. You should first exit the room through one of the doors and get to
the panel that activates the bridge. Then return to the starting room
and go on the lift there. Activate it by using the switch beside it.
Once down exit the room through the only exit. To the right of the exit
you will find a bin(npn) with an e-mail and P2 and P6 in it.

Then continue your way. In the large hall use the two big, moving
platforms to get to the other side, then go through the door on the
right. Call down the lift in the room you will reach and go up. On the
upper level you will find a bin(npn) with P2, P3 and an e-mail within.
Then use the left or right door to exit and make your way to the panel
that activates the bridge. Go back to the first room now and access the
bin(2;3;6) there. A 'Base Damping (g)(25)' and an e-mail will wait here.
Then use the lift to go down again and move to the room with the moving
platforms. Wait until one platform advances towards you. While it is
coming closer press the switch on the panel on the large contraption in
this room. Now use the two platforms to go to the other side and push
the button there, too.

Now go trough the corridor on the right and use the lift to the upper
level. Once there go to the back of the room and activate the switch
located there. Then use one of the exits of the room and the bridges you
activated earlier and go back to the first room. Flip the switch there
also to finish this, rather small, mainlevel.

Version: v7.6.2

i) Database

i.a) Security Socket (5;2;2;1;1;1;1;1) (5 Build notes)

Finally you have reached fCon's server. Your first objective here will
be to find an access to the firewall. First turn right and talk to the
programs there, then continue your way to the right and follow the half
circle around to its end. There you should take out the Finder and the
ICPs. One of them carries a P5. Now you download the e-mail from the bin
(npn) you see. Now go to where there is a deactivated datastream in a
niche shortly before the end of half-circle and go down the ramp
opposite of it. Once you've reached the bottom there is only one way to
follow. Remove all opposition and go on until you reach a dead end, do
not energize the bit you saw just yet. In the dead end you will find a
COW and a bin(npn) with a P2, 'Energy Claw (a)(100)', 'Cluster (a)(45)'
and 'Fuzzy Signature (b)(10)' in it. Now go back and energize the bit
and follow it to its socket.

Be prepared now, as you will meet your first Data Wraiths in just a
moment. Activate the bit. Enter the room and find a black-blue pillar in
its middle. Use it to deactivate the forcefields to your left and right.
In the right room is a bin(npn) with P5 and P7. Go back up to where the
deactivated datastream pad was and enter the now active stream. Go to
the next datastream to reach the lower level and make it your first
priority to take out the Hogs. Now go ahead and destroy the four yellow
power tabs on the wall. Now go back topside and go back to the starting
section of the level. Once there you will see how a few ICPs over to
your left will activate an energy bridge and start to attack you. Kill
their processes.

Go on until you reach a Sec Rezzer from there go down to your left, pass
the boxes with the bin and the closed off port to the firewall an go
into the next section. First go to the back of the area where the boxes
are to find a bin(2;5;7) with 'Power Block (b)(75)', 'Fuzzy Signature
(b)(15)' and 'Peripheral Seal (a)(15)' in it, then go down the stairs
opposite of the Sec Rezzer. Go right from the stairs and follow the way
until you find a ramp. At the top of the ramp you will see the data-
stream that will transport you to the second modulator socket. This
socket is configured just like the first one, so repeat what you did
there. Also hidden in one of the niches here is a bin(2;5) with P8,
'Primitive Charge (b)(15)' and 'Y-Amp (g)(100)'. Now return to the exit
and fight back a few more ICPs.

Then go towards the firewall port, but do not enter it yet, because you
might first want to access the bin beside it, as you now have sufficient
permission to do so. This bin(2;5;7;8) holds the 'Base Damping (b)(20)'
and the very nice 'Megahurtz (a)(85)'. Now enter the port and finish
this sublevel.

Version: v8.0.1

i.b) Firewall (5;2;2;1;1;1;1;1) (5 Build notes)

Watch the cutscene, then take care of the ICPs in the room. The bin that
is in this room can not be accessed yet, so will come back to it later.
This level is pretty straight forward. Look for the one niche where a
datastream is active and enter it. You will end up in a platform with
two tubes and a walkway in its middle that is perpendicular to it. To
get through the tubes safely wait for the moving force field to disapper
then run through the tube. At the far end of the platform you will find
a bit which you activate, then turn around and return to the starting
room by means of the datastream. Once there go on to the next niche
with an active datastream.

In the middle of the second platform you enter now you will find a lone
ICP and off to your right two bins(npn) one with P2 and P3, the other
with an e-mail within. You will also have to be a bit more careful with
the forcefields now, as they move towards you, then back to where they
started. This time you will have to follow them on their 'retreat'.
Activate the bit, return to the main room and enter the next datastream.

In the tubes of the third platform you will have two moving forcefields
per tube. In the middle of the tube you will find a marked section.
Follow the first field until it dissipates close to the middle, then
wait on the marking for the second field to move away form you and
follow it. In the middle section to the left you will find a few boxes
and a bin(npn) with P5, an e-mail, 'Guard Fortification (b)(20)',
'Encryption (b)(20)', 'Submask (b)(np)(20)' and 'Profiler (g)(50)'.
Activate the bit, then return to the main room. You will be greeted by
ICPs, but they will quickly leave if you find the right persuasive
means. :)

In one of the niches of the main room a COW will have appeared. We can
now also take care of the bin(2;3;5) here, that holds a 'Energy Claw (a)
(50)' and a 'Megahurtz (a)(np)(100)'. Go on to the last active data-
stream to enter the configuration platform. Ring 1 is the inner ring,
Ring 2 the middle one and number 3 is the outer ring. The panel on the
left will activate Ring 1 and 3, the panel in the middle will move Rings
2 and 3 and the right one moves 1 and 2. The rings activated will all
move one sixth of a circle further. Use the panels to align the breaks
in the rings with the energy couplings on the left and right wall to
solve this mission. Enter the datastream and you will end this sublevel.

Version: v8.3.1

i.c) fCon Labs / Alan Lost

Another cutscene.

i.d) Primary Docking Port (5;2;2;1;1;1;1;1) (5 Build notes)

Your first objective will be the removal of any enemy presence in the
area. Do this now. Some of the ICPs will carry a P5. After the demise of
the enemies return to the bin close to where you started. This bin(npn)
holds P2 and P3. Then go ahead to the junction and turn left. Here you
will find several bins. The one closest to the junction, is a bin(5)
that holds 'LOL (b)(i)(110)'. To get to the next bin(2;3;5) you will
have to jump on a few boxes. It holds 'Power Block (g)(np)(100)'.
Further down you will find a COW, after this return to the junction and
go down the right path now. There you will find a bin(2;3) with P5 and
two e-mails. Then follow the path until you find Alan and a program
looking at the server. Follow the program to the room with the plans.

On the far side of the table you will find a bit that needs energizing.
When you have done this just follow the bit to its socket, go through
the door and activate the shuttle and don't mind the Data Wraiths that
are trying futily to stop you. Both of the Wraiths will hold an 'Energy
Claw (a)'. Once you've docked with the shuttle go up to the I/O node to
communicate with Alan, then go on to the panel in front of the first
security bit socket. Press it to open the socket, then hit the middle
of it with your Disc. You will know you succeeded when the clamps open.
Before going on to the next bit socket you will have to fend of the Data
Wraiths that will spawn on the ledge high above you. Just LOL at them.
:) Then repeat this with the next bit.

Now you will have to enter the shuttle again and use it to reach the
other side where you will do the same to the bits there. Also there is
a bin(npn) with an e-mail here. After you have taken care of the bits
board the shuttle again. On your next dock you should first take care of
all the ICPs here, then go on towards the I/O node. First you might want
to access the bin(npn) that is floating above the boxes, it holds a P2
and P7. Then use the I/O node. Go to the bridge, activate it, cross it
and finish this sublevel.

Version: v8.6.5

i.e) fCon Labs / Security Breach

Another cutscene

i.f) Storage Section (5;2;2;1;1;1;1;1) (0 Build notes)

Welcome to your second Seeker to battle in this game. This one is much
harder to defeat than the one in the old Encom system. For one thing he
will not have to reatreat for a while when a discharge hits him, as
there are no discharges here. Then he will be aided by Data Wraiths
which try to attack you from all angles while you try to destroy the
seeker. A good combination of subroutines might be the LOL (gold),
paired with Megahurtz and Corrosion (also gold), as well as the Energy
Claw (beta or gold). Attack the Seeker itself with the LOL and any Data
Wraiths that you can not reach on the far left ledge. Destroy all
remaining Data Wraiths with the Claw, which will also aid you in re-
charging your energy for the LOL. Other than that, Good Luck. :)

After this ordeal board the shuttle that has appeared on the right side
of the battlefield. This will end this mainlevel.

Version: v8.8.0

j) Root of all Evil

j.a) Construction Level (5;3;2;1;1;1;1;1) (5 Build notes)

We are getting closer and closer to finishing this game, are we not?
Well, to continue, first remove the ICPs, then go, from your starting
point, straight ahead and turn left first. There you can see a bin(npn)
with P2; 'Primitive Charge (b)(15)', 'Megahurtz (a)(150)', 'Peripheral
Seal (g)(np)(25)' and 'Y-Amp (g)(10)'. Then turn around and jump up to
the other bin(2) with an e-mail and 'Prankster Bit (a)(100)' in it.
Now pass by the Sec Rezzers and move onto the lift (a few boxes are on
it) and activate it through the panel.

After reaching the top take out any ICPs in the next hall, then look for
Build notes, after this go to the back of the hall. There you will find
on the floor level a doorway that is protected (lol!) by a rather
erratic forcefield. This will enable you to slip through. Follow the
corridor until you reach the one door that you are able to open with
your permission and do so. You will end up in a room vital to the
security of the system. In there you will have to activate 6 panels 3 to
each side, 2 on the upper and one on the lower level each. After
activating a panel you will also have to fight Data Wraith that teleport
in. After your activation of all 6 panels look for the lift in this room
and use it.

Go down the corridor and open the door, then turn left as it is the
only thing you can do here and follow the path to the open door. You
will end up in the large hall again. Go to the walkways on the other
side and enter the doorway that has now opened there. Follow the path
until you enter a room where a COW is. Go through this room to its
other end and exit the room here. Again follow the path until you reach
another door. Inside you will find a few ICPs and Alan. Defeat the ICPs
then talk to Alan, which will end this sublevel.

Version: v9.0.8

j.b) Data Wraith Training Grid

This is another Lightcyclerace sublevel. Do or skip, there is no try,
or something like that.

Version: v9.2.8

j.c) fCon Labs / The fCon team takes over

Another cutscene.

j.d) Command Module (5;3;2;1;1;1;1;1) (3 Build notes)

Now you ended up in the command module. Right opposite to your starting
position you will find a bin(npn) with two e-mails, 'Megahurtz (b)
(130)' and 'Viral Shield (g)(30)' in it. Then retrieve the Build note
from the escape pod, after this go through the door and enter the
command section. There you will have to take out the ICPs first. After
this look for a second Build note in the area. Now you will have to
release the stabilization bits. Go to the 3-D Wireframe model of the
Data Wraith carrier and use each bit (four total) in it once. Then go
the front left side to the huge disc that is hanging there and use it.
Then get back to the Escape Pod and move through the red force field.

You will now end up in a section close to Alans last location. Be care-
ful here as some of the level will deconstruct rather violently, and we
don't want to get burried under the rubble now, would we? In this part
you will also find the very last Build note for the game. The path you
should follow is very obvious. If you made it through the room with the
dropping ceiling go to the door that is 'guarded' by the patch routines
and move through it to finish this sublevel.

Version: v9.5.6

k) Digitizer Beam

k.a) Not compatibel (4;4;4) (0 Build Notes)

This is it, the final battle of the game. And not only are you limited
in the choice of your weapons, no, this battle will also consist of
three seperate stages.

The first thing you should take care of, try not to fall down. It is
sometimes very hard to move around the platforms without being able to
discern if there is a hole in the floor or not. The next thing is, try
to have an obstacle between you and the fCon team at all times when it
is possible. Third, heal up if the possibilty is there.

The weapons used by the first form will be Blaster, Prankster Bit and
some kind of infection attack. The second form will miss the Prankster
Bit and the third incarnation will have the Blaster and the Prankster
Bit missing.

I found that the boss is best defeated with the Disc Primitive (or
it's subroutine Sequencer if energy allows). Keep your distance from it
and hit it from afar and the boss should not pose much of a problem. If
you have gold level defensive subroutines he will deal you a lot less
damage. If possible couple the Disc with Primitive Charge, Corrosion
and Megahurtz for additional damage to the boss.

Other than that I can only wish you Good Luck and I hope you had fun
with the game. :)

Final Version: v9.7.6

09. Subroutines and COWs per level

Here I will list for a fast reference what subroutines and COWs you can gain in
which sublevel. I will only list the Version and Energy need of the subroutines
here. The COWs will be put at a place at which they can still be used with any
of the subroutines found up to that point. That means, if I put the COW as a
break in between the subroutines of a sublevel, you can only use it on the sub-
routines above that COW, those that follow below can not be improved by that
COW as it will not be accessible for them anymore. I will also list subroutines
gained from core dumps if they are not accessible through bins for a while.
These will be the ones that do not have an energy rating behind them.

a) Unauthorized User
a.a) Program Initalization

Y-Amp alpha 25 Energy
Blaster Primitive n/a 25 Energy
Profiler alpha 25 Energy

a.b) Program Integration

COW (has to be used here as part of the plot)

Fuzzy Signature alpha 25 Energy
Submask alpha 15 Energy
Profiler beta 35 Energy
Virus Scan alpha 25 Energy
Y-Amp alpha 25 Energy
Submask alpha 15 Energy
Primitive Charge alpha 20 Energy

b) Vaporware
b.a) Lightcyclearena and Gridbox

none found / Lightcyclerace

b.b) Prisonercells

Virus Scan beta 35 Energy
Fuzzy Signature alpha 25 Energy
Peripheral Seal beta 20 Energy
Suffusion alpha n/a


Suffusion alpha 50 Energy
Y-Amp beta 75 Energy
Power Block alpha 25 Energy
LOL alpha 65 Energy
Peripheral Seal alpha 15 Energy

b.c) Transportstation

Virus Scan gold 50 Energy
Virus Scan beta 35 Energy
Viral Shield alpha 20 Energy
Sequencer alpha 40 Energy
Primitive Charge alpha 25 Energy
Profiler beta 35 Energy


b.d) Primary Digitizer

Sequencer alpha 50 Energy
Suffusion alpha 50 Energy
Fuzzy Signature alpha 50 Energy
Sequencer beta 80 Energy
Primitive Charge alpha 25 Energy
Profiler alpha 25 Energy
Profiler beta 35 Energy


LOL alpha 50 Energy
Guard Fortification alpha 15 Energy
Launcher alpha 75 Energy
LOL alpha 50 Energy
Fuzzy Signature beta 75 Energy
Corrosion alpha n/a

c) Legacy Code
c.a) Alans Desktop PC

LOL alpha 65 Energy
Triangulation beta 100 Energy
Suffusion beta 90 Energy
LOL alpha 50 Energy
Virus Scan beta 35 Energy
Suffusion beta 90 Energy

d) System Restart
d.a) Packet Transport

Cluster alpha 45 Energy
Profiler gold n/a
Guard Fortification alpha 25 Energy
Fuzzy Signature beta 75 Energy
Base Damping alpha 15 Energy
Triangulation beta 100 Energy
Profiler gold 50 Energy
Y-Amp beta 75 Energy
Suffusion beta 90 Energy

COW (Permission 6 is needed to operate this one)

d.b) Energy Regulator

Base Damping alpha 15 Energy
Submask beta 20 Energy
Virus Scan gold 50 Energy
Cluster alpha 45 Energy
Fuzzy Signature beta 75 Energy

d.c) Power Occular

Triangulation alpha 75 Energy
Triangulation beta 100 Energy
Submask beta 20 Energy
Guard Fortification beta 20 Energy
Base Damping alpha 15 Energy
Encryption alpha 15 Energy
Cluster alpha 45 Energy
Y-Amp gold 100 Energy
LOL alpha 65 Energy
LOL beta 110 Energy


e) Antiquated
e.a) Testgrid

none / Boss Battle

e.b) Main Processor Core


Peripheral Seal beta n/a
Sequencer alpha 25 Energy
Cluster beta 45 Energy
Fuzzy Signature beta 15 Energy

e.c) Old Gridarena

none / Lightcyclerace

e.d) Main Energy Pipeline

Peripheral Seal alpha 15 Energy
Triangulation beta 100 Energy
Submask alpha 15 Energy
Base Damping beta 20 Energy
Corrosion alpha 100 Energy
Corrosion beta 225 Energy


f) Master User
f.a) City Hub

Viral Shield beta n/a (talk to a program)
Viral Shield alpha 20 Energy
Launcher beta 115 Energy
Virus Scan beta 35 Energy
Virus Scan alpha 20 Energy
Launcher beta 75 Energy


f.b) Progress Bar

Profiler gold 50 Energy
Virus Scan gold 50 Energy
Y-Amp gold 75 Energy


Drunken Dims alpha n/a

f.c) Outer Gird Getaway

none / Lightcyclerace

f.d) fCon Labs / Ma3a gets saved

none / Cutscene

f.e) Remote Access node

Cluster beta 75 Energy
Sequencer beta 80 Energy
Triangulation gold 125 Energy
Profiler beta 35 Energy


g) Alliance
g.a) Security Server

none / Cutscene

g.b) Thornes Outer Partition

Corrosion alpha 15 Energy
Launcher alpha 25 Energy
Drunken Dims alpha 50 Energy
Encryption beta 20 Energy

g.c) fCon Labs / Data Wraith Preparation

none / Cutscene

g.d) Thornes Inner Partition

Virus Scan gold 30 Energy
Corrosion beta 150 Energy
Corrosion beta 150 Energy
Drunken Dims beta 120 Energy


g.e) Thornes Core Chamber

none / Boss Battle

h) Handshake
h.a) Function Control Deck

Base Damping gold 25 Energy

i) Database
i.a) Security Socket

Energy Claw alpha 100 Energy
Cluster alpha 45 Energy
Fuzzy Signature beta 10 Energy
Power Block beta 75 Energy
Fuzzy Signature beta 15 Energy
Peripheral Seal alpha 15 Energy
Primitive Charge beta 15 Energy
Y-Amp gold 100 Energy
Base Damping beta 20 Energy
Megahurtz alpha 85 Energy


i.b) Firewall

Guard Fortification beta 20 Energy
Encryption beta 20 Energy
Submask beta 20 Energy
Profiler gold 50 Energy
Energy Claw alpha 50 Energy
Megahurtz alpha 100 Energy


i.c) fCon Labs / Alan Lost

none / Cutscene

i.d) Primary Docking Port

LOL beta 110 Energy
Power Block gold 100 Energy


i.e) fCon Labs / Security Breach

none / Cutscene

i.f) Storage Section

none / Boss Battle

j) Root of all Evil
j.a) Construction Level

Primitive Charge beta 15 Energy
Megahurtz alpha 150 Energy
Peripheral Seal gold 25 Energy
Y-Amp gold 10 Energy
Prankster Bit alpha 100 Energy


j.b) Data Wraith Training Grid

none / Lightcyclerace

j.c) fCon Labs / The fCon team takes over

none / Cutscene

j.d) Command Module

Megahurtz beta 130 Energy
Viral Shield gold 30 Energy

k) Digitizer Beam
k.a) Not compatible

none / Final Boss Battle

10. Lightcycle Game

In this section I will list all power-ups, other things to know, the stats of
the Lightcycles, the list of the levels, what is unlocked after winning a race
and what those cryptic abbreviations mean listed under the 'Own Game' tab.

Abbreviations I will use in this section:

LC = Standard Lightcycle (of movie fame)
SLC = Super Lightcycle
Turbo = Turbospeed of LC/SLC
Max Spd. = Maximum Speed
Min Spd. = Minimum Speed
Acc. = Acceleration
Loss = Speedloss in Curves

Well, now let's get down to business, shall we?

a) Power Ups

On almost every racemap you can pickup and use extras. Here I am going to
introduce them:

- Shield

Your standard, basic energy shield. Can withstand one hit. With it you can
break safely through any single wall, just be careful that there is not a
second one behind. Sometimes you can also drive through enemy with it

- Nitro

Gives you a burst of speed for a short time, helpful to stay ahead of an
oppenent and then use a quick 'jab' to run him into your wall.

- Turbo Charger

Similar to the Nitro, only that you will go even faster and that every LC
on the grid will benefit from the activation of this. Can also be used for
surprise attacks.

- Wall Extender

Works just like the food in the snakes game, extends the length of your
wall permanently.

- Power-Up Steal

An enemy has a power up that you would like, well, just borrow it from him
with this item.

- Wall Spike

Let the enemy get close and alongside you then activate this item to send
out short walls to the left and right, which will make short work of him.

- Rocket

Powerful ordinance for your little LC. If it does not hit an enemy LC (and
thereby destroying it) it will coutinue on until it hits a map wall. Will
go through all layers of energy walls along its path. Good for use in
thight spots.

- Automatic Power-Up

On activation of this device all power-ups that your opponents currently
hold will be activated. Use this if you want to stop them from using a
Wall-Spike or Rocket on you. Might also backfire if you hit a Turbo
Charger and are not prepared for it.

- Wall Reset

This will destroy all walls that were created until the point you
activated this item. If you mean to use it to get through an enemy wall
though, be careful, as it takes some time until the walls disapper.

b) Additional Information

- Speedup fields

On some maps you will find green fields that will accelerate your LC and
every other LC on the map (no matter what kind) to a predetermined and
high speed.

- Slowdown fields

These glow red and are the exact opposite of the above, meaning they will
slow down every LC on grid to a predetermined speed.

- Energy Blocks

These are blocks that appear and vanish. If they are to appear the ground
will shortly glow in a red square marking the location of the block. You
should not run into them, and you should steer clear if you are on a
location where a block will appear.

- Turbospeed

This statistic affects the speed at which a LC/SLC can move when it
activates a Nitro or Turbocharger power-up.

- Maximum Speed

This is the highest attainable speed when moving over normal gird. This
speed will be reached when you hold the forward key pressed. It varys
from LC to LC, and also sometimes from map to map, depending on which
speed the game is set.

- Minimum Speed

This is the slowest your LC will go. Braking will be activated when you
hold the backwards key.

- Acceleration

The meaning of this should be clear, I hope.

- Speedloss in curves

Each time you turn you will loose a certain amount of speed. So turning
often will slow you down considerably and make you an easy target for
opposing Lightcyclists.

- Colors

The colors determine the level of the AI as well as the quality of the LC.
Blue are the weakest bikes, then followed by yellow, red, green and
finally purple. The numbers behind the color of the bike in the selection
screen only denote different shades of that color to choose from and do
not have any impact on LC performance.

c) The Stats of the Lightcycles

Note: These values are only for comparision of the different capabilities of
the LCs. They were gained by measuring the length of the bars with a
ruler off the monitor. This was done this way to give at least some
kind of numerical comparision for the LCs, I hope it helps.

All but the number for Speedloss go by the maxime 'The higher, the
better'. For Speedloss a lower value is better.

Type/Color of LC Turbo Max Spd. Min Spd. Acc. Loss

LC Blue 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
LC Yellow 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 1.5
LC Red 3.5 3.0 3.5 2.5 1.5
LC Green 4.5 4.0 4.5 3.0 1.5
LC Purple 6.5 5.5 6.0 3.5 1.5
SLC Blue 5.0 5.5 5.0 6.0 10.0
SLC Yellow 6.0 6.5 6.0 7.0 10.0
SLC Red 7.0 7.5 7.0 8.0 10.0
SLC Green 8.0 8.5 8.0 9.0 10.0
SLC Purple 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

d) List of Racetracks

Note: LC/SLC colums here will list which kind of colors are allowed. The
Code column list the Levelcode display in the 'Own Game' tab. The
Turtorial track can not be selected for an own game. The other four
tracks that are listed with 'n/a' have no level code, because they
feature a track each of their specific set (e.g. track 13, features
tracks from 2, 7 and 17 in the following table).

Name LC SLC Lives Waves Code

1) Tutorial All All 10 1 n/a
2) Newbie Authentification Blue None 8 3 LC02S01
3) Binary Zone All None 6 3 n/a
4) Format:/C Blue Blue 4 2 LC03S01
5) Conscripts Revenge All None 6 3 LC01S01
6) fCon Zone All All 6 3 n/a
7) Batchfile Graveyard All None 8 3 LC02S02
8) Curse of the Bitrate All None 10 5 LC01S02
9) Avatar Alley All All 2 3 LC03S02
10) Dead Man's Cache None Yellow 4 2 LC03S03
11) Green Hornets Green Green 6 3 LC04S01
12) Super Cycle Open None All 8 4 LC01S03
13) Old Zone All All 6 3 n/a
14) Purple Warez Purple None 4 2 LC04S03
15) Urban Area All All 6 3 n/a
16) Sourcecode Revelation None All 8 4 LC04S02
17) 01100101 None All 8 4 LC02S03

e) What is unlocked when

Note: The numbers here corresspond to those found in the list above.

1) SLC Blue
2) Yellow LC
3) Shield / LC01 tracks
4) Nitro
5) Red LC / Turbocharger
6) LC 04 tracks
7) Yellow SLC / Wall Extender
8) Power-up Steal
9) Green LC / Wall Spike
10) Rocket
11) Red SLC / Automatic Power-up
12) None
13) Purple LC / LC02 tracks
14) None
15) Green SLC / LC03 tracks
16) None
17) Purple SLC / Wall Reset


Q: The game does not run on my system! The game does not run well on my
System! Why?
A: Sorry, but I am not a technician, either ask your way around on message
boards or ask Monoliths Tech Support to aid you.

Q: The Lightcycleraces are so hard, isn't there any way to skip them?
A: You can skip them if you have the right version of the game. For the US
version you will have to get the first patch from the official Tron 2.0
website. If you have the german version this patch is already
implemented in the final release.

Q: I can not supply energy to the bits in the EN12-82 system mainlevel.
A: This is a bug in the game. To avoid it you have to make sure that you
did not skip the lightcyclerace in this mainlevel. Monolith may release
a patch that will solve this problem.

Q: The game is so hard, isn't there any way to make it easier?
A: Well, first you should look in the options what difficulty level you
use. Tron 2.0 allows you to change the difficulty level at any time
during the game. If you are already playing on easy, well, then look
for cheats in the net, although you should try to get through the game
at least once without using cheats. Makes the feeling of having
something accomplished that much nicer.

12. Credits

Steve Lisberger - for creating the Tron universe
Syd Mead - for designing the look and feel of Tron
The Monolith team - for creating an outstanding game
The GVim team - for creating a superb text editor (
The 'Alt + Tab' shortcut - for making writing this thing much easier
and last but (hopefully) not least me - for writing up this Walkthrough

13. Changelog

- Version v0.3.0 -- October 6th, 2003

Well, this version apparently was not meant to be. Due to a stupid mistake
I made I saved an empty textfile over some of the text I've had already
written. Life can sometimes be frustrating, can it not? Still, I had a good
laugh on it afterwards. Also it kept me from formatting what I had written
up to that point (it was chaotic to say the least) and I could with a new
one where I also concentrated on the formatting right away. All in all it
was not that bad. :)

- Version v1.0.0 -- October 14th, 2003

Release Candidate Version

This is the first version I released. No changes have been made to the
Walkthrough as of yet.

- Version v1.1.0 -- October 16th, 2003

- New section (10) for the single player Lightcycleraces was added
- Reworked Section 3 'Basic Game Mechanics'
- Reworked Section 7 'Notes for the Walkthrough'
- Reworked document width to 79 characters per line
- Corrected minor mistakes found during reworking
- Minor formatting adjustments in Section 9

14. Contact Information

If you want to contact me, you can do this by one of the following methods:

E-Mail: (remove the NOSPAMHERE)
and please refer to the Tron 2.0 Walkthrough in the subject line
AIM: SN Deathbrng
ICQ: 150971635 (mostly invisible / Authorization required)

End of Line

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Engl. FAQ

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Engl. Lösung

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Alle Level spielen

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