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such as the parrot is in Season 2. Basically, Parrots and dogs behave in the
exact same way (both are asleep unless you walk around without sneaking while in
the same room as them. But even if you wake them up they only cry out and N will
rush over to investigate. But you know what's the best part of Season 2 is????
...... NO MORE EGGS!!!!
i) Art For Mum's Sake (100% V.R.)
- Examine [Kitchen] rubbish bin => Banana Skin (it is on the left side of the kitchen in this episode)
- Go back down to hall
- Open [Hall] chest of drawers => Wrench
- Examine [Hall] pinboard => Drawing Pins
- Open [Bathroom] Medicine cabinet => Stain-remover & Scissors
When N moves from living room to kitchen:
- Go up to living room
- SNEAK: Go to bedroom
- Open [Bedroom] bedside table Bottle => Magnesium Powder
- Hide Under the Bed
> N should come in, goes to balcony, comes back poses in front of camera, goes back down to living room.
- Use Scissors with [Balcony] pigeon!! (MWHAHAHA!)
- Use Stain-remover with [Balcony] painting
- Use Magnesium Powder with Camera
- Hide Under the Bed
> N should come in again and go to balcony
Quickly get out from under the bed and:
- Go back down to living room
Okay you need to so SNEAKY stuff now. You do basically the same thing just that
all your actions are using Right-clicks instead of left-clicks. eg. right-click
on Banana Skin, Right-click on [Living Room] floor, etc.
- SNEAK: Use Banana Skin on [Living Room] floor (placed in front of door you last came through)
- SNEAK: Use footstool
- SNEAK: Go to kitchen
Once you're out of the room with the parrot, you can stop sneaking. It is
important not to accidentally trigger the parrot when you have started laying
out all your tricks as it might disrupt N's routine too much.
- Use Drawing Pins with [Kitchen] stool
- Use Wrench with [Kitchen] diesel generator
- Go down to hall
- Hide in the wardrobe (Optional. N does not go to hall in this episode)
So basically, N goes:
> (balcony) Notices bird missing
> Painting ruined
> (bedroom) gets blinded by extra-bright camera flash
> (living room) slips on Banana Skin
> (kitchen) sits on spiky stool
> Gets clobbered by clay
> (living room) falls of skateboard (I mean stool, :))
Score: Tricks [7/7], Bonuses [6].
Side Notes: >>You really don't want to read this<< The first time I did this
episode, I gathered everything and as I hid Woody under the bed, I just observed
a bit. N's routine was pretty short just up to balcony, camera down through
living room to kitchen then back to statue in living room, rinse and repeat. It
looked like (to me) the upstairs bedroom and balcony were dead ends so maybe it
would be best to work from the balcony then inwards through the rest of the
house. Now the kitchen seemed pretty much taken care of (it has both the stool
and the pottery machine for tricks). N walking from the camera to the stool
seems to take too long ("anger gap"), but at the same time I was to start with
the balcony first so I guessed the banana skin was to go in the middle of that
to link the 2 tricks. Well in brief (as if), the above method worked the first
time! WooHoo! hehehehe!
But that was based on the assumption that we start with balcony first. If I used
my usual analogy of finding the "anger gap" first, then logically *raises one
eyebrow* the Stool should go first! So I tried it anyway, and guess what? IT
Here's the alternate solution: {in brackets}
- Examine [Kitchen] rubbish bin => Banana Skin (it is on the left side of the kitchen in this episode)
- Go back down to hall
- Open [Hall] chest of drawers => Wrench
- Examine [Hall] pinboard => Drawing Pins
- Open [Bathroom] Medicine cabinet => Stain-remover & Scissors
When N moves from living room to kitchen:
- Go up to living room
- SNEAK: Go to bedroom
- Open [Bedroom bedside table] Bottle => Magnesium Powder
- Hide Under the Bed
> N should come in and go to balcony
- Go back down to living room
- SNEAK: Use footstool
- SNEAK: Go to kitchen
- Use Drawing Pins with [Kitchen] stool
- Use Wrench with [Kitchen] diesel generator
- Go down to hall
- Walk to "Go to living room" door (left side of hall)
Wait for N to walk to kitchen
- Go up to living room
- SNEAK: Go to bedroom
- Use Scissors with [Balcony] pigeon!! (MWHAHAHA!)
- Use Stain-remover with [Balcony] painting
- Use Magnesium Powder with Camera
Now the Banana skin cannot be in the living room because N will trigger it off
before standing on the stool (which he has plenty of time to do after the
pottery...incident). N doesn't do the camera first he goes to the balcony. So
the only mid point option is the bedroom.
- Use Banana Skin on [Bedroom] floor (placed in front of bed)
- Hide Under the Bed
> N should come in again and go to balcony
So basically, N goes:
> (kitchen) sits on spiky stool
> Gets clobbered by clay
> (living room) falls of skateboard (I mean stool, :))
> (bedroom) slips on Banana Skin
> (balcony) Notices bird missing
> Painting ruined
> (bedroom) gets blinded by extra-bright camera flash
ii) A Sunday Morning (100% V.R.)
Now this episode really got me thinking so far. It has a few rather long paths N
takes and thus quite a few "anger gaps". At the same time there is only 1 Banana
Skin to use here. Luckily this episode has 6 tricks but only needs 4 bonuses.
So we can have either:
5 linked tricks with another 1 separated (+5-1) that would give, 4+0=4 bonuses
4 linked tricks with another 2 linked (+4+2) that would give, 3+1=4 bonuses
3 linked tricks with another 3 linked (+3+3) that would give, 2+2=4 bonuses
Now from trial and error, using when N drinks the "soiled" coffee, he runs
straight to the bathroom (strangely only to brush his teeth) so the [kitchen]
coffee is the trigger for using the [bathroom] dirty brush, so they have to be
linked. That kills our (+5-1) strategy. So what about the (+4+2) strategy? The 2
is obviously on the balcony but the sickening thing is N's routine of taking the
watering can from the balcony, watering the plant, taking the watering can back
up to the balcony, and then walking for coffee is AN ETERNITY!!
But after trying it out I also noticed that after he "kills his plant", he
CHANGES his routine! Instead of putting back the watering can, he goes straight
for the coffee VIA the hall! *raises both eyebrows!* Of all the !#&$^&*#*!!
Werrrrraaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! *crk!*
Unfortunately, the time taken to brew the coffee and drink it takes too long to
link to the "plant incident". Fortunately Banana Skins are slippery!
So here we go:
- Open [Hall] chest of drawers => Dirty Shoe Brush
Quickly head for the kitchen before N comes down to bathroom
- Examine [Kitchen] rubbish bin => Banana Skin
- Open [Kitchen] fridge => Honey (Phew! At least its not an egg!)
- Go to living room
- SNEAK: Go to bedroom
- Go to balcony
- Use Honey with suntan lotion
Note: this does not set the trick yet. N will only use the suntan lotion when the umbrella is closed.
- Open a bag of Potting Soil (lower right corner of balcony)
- Open [Bedroom bedside table] Bottle => Small Key (used to unlock medicine cabinet in bathroom)
- Hide Under the Bed
> N should come in and go to balcony
- Go back down to living room
- SNEAK: Go to hall
- Examine [Hall] pinboard => Drawing Pins
Quickly enter bathroom before N comes down to water his favorite plant
- Use Small Key with [Bathroom] Medicine cabinet => Weedkiller *evil grin*
- Use Dirty Shoe Brush with toothbrush set
Wait for N to go back up to living room
- Exit bathroom
- Use Banana Skin with [Hall] floor (places it in front of Chest of drawers)
Note: N only goes by that way after plant dies
- Go back to "Go to living room" door (left of hall) and wait there.
Now we NEED to use the weedkiller! We just *have* to don't we? Previously we
can't because small key was upstairs and medicine cabinet was locked. We also
can't use it until N puts down the watering can (on the balcony). In order to
give ourselves the most time, we should do this after N puts down the watering
can and goes for coffee. But if you try it out if Woody sneaks up to the
bedroom, that still doesn't give us enough time to set all the 3 tricks together
and hide under the bed in time. Of course, we can do the folding chair and
suntan lotion tricks later after the other tricks but why waste our time? Also
if N gets those 2 tricks first, it would give Woody more time to sneak down to
the kitchen and soil the coffee later.
So lets activate the parrot and make N double back from his coffee round to
scold it and then go back to get the coffee again. That should give us more than
enough time. For best results, we wanna activate the parrot BEFORE N reaches the
coffee maker. If N gets to the coffee maker first, he will be brewing/drinking
the coffee, then run to parrot and scold it and straightaway go to his next
"thought" -- which is the folding chair (since he already had his coffee).
So when N comes down from bedroom and moves from living room to kitchen:
- Go up to living room
And you want to start SNEAKING up to the bedroom. When you reach halfway
(between the door up from the hall and the door leading to the bedroom), WALK
the rest of the way up to the bedroom!
> Woody will yelp, "AHH!" and start shaking like a leaf
- KEEP CLICKING upstairs to the bedroom to resume Woody walking up.
> You should have just missed N coming in from the kitchen.
This should be the best time you can stall for.
Quickly go to the balcony
- Use opened Umbrella (closes it)
- Use Drawing Pins with folding chair
- Use Weedkiller with watering can
- Hide Under the Bed
> N should come in and go to balcony
- Go back down to living room
- SNEAK: Go to kitchen
- Use Potting Soil with [kitchen] coffee tin
- Go down to hall
- Hide in the wardrobe
(The Banana Skin should be set already earlier, if not optionally there is still time to set it now)
Score: Tricks [6/6], Bonuses [4].
iii) One Little Piggy (100% V.R.)
Alrighty, we have a piglet in this one. The piglet is an object to use it is not
a pet that cries out when you're noisy. So you can walk around it freely. N
sleeps in his bed in this episode, and when he does he is like one of his pets,
you can enter the same room as "sleeping N" just sneak to avoid waking him up.
Now N never goes to the balcony or bathroom in this episode so those rooms are
safe. Woody also CANNOT hide under the bed in this one. He'll have to hide on
the balcony instead.
At the start of the episode, N is asleep. That means activating his pets won't
alert him. So let's use the time the grab as many inventory items as we can!
Also note that N sleeping also takes quite a while, so any tricks done just
before he sleeps (drawing pins on bed) won't link to another. This episode
requires 7 tricks and only 4 bonuses!
So we can have:
5 linked tricks with another 2 totally separated (+5-2) that would give, 4+0=4 bonuses
4 linked tricks with another 2 linked and 1 totally separated (+4+2-1) that would give, 3+1+0=4 bonuses
3 linked tricks with another 3 linked and 1 totally separated (+3+3-1) that would give, 2+2+0=4 bonuses
3 linked tricks with another 2 linked and another 2 linked (+3+2+2) that would give, 2+1+1=4 bonuses
Now the cactus clock and the spicy dentures kinda go together so that is 2
tricks linked together. But the walking around the bed to get the piglet's cage
key and walking down to get the milk bottle and then going down to feed the
piglet...sound long enough? If we are going for the (+4+2-1) strategy then we
need to get 4 other tricks to link together. Now N noticing the piglet is out of
the cage (guess who done it) and N shaking the nitro-milk bottle (I won't tell
if you won't) go naturally together. N then walks all the way back to the
kitchen, puts back the milk bottle (which should essentially be atomized by now,
go figure) and then goes to get the tin with corn chips and walks over to the
living room to feed the parrot. Parrot breathes fire in his face, N goes back up
to bedroom, puts back the piglet's cage key, walks around bed, places dentures
in glass, hops back in bed (pins will magically be there however ;)).
Problem is, from the parrot to the bed, is quite long. And So is the exploding
milk to the feeding of the parrot. But we have identified two sets of 2 linked
tricks (i.e. feeding of piglet & cactus clock and spicy dentures). So do we have
a set of 3 linked tricks? If we managed to link the exploding milk to the
feeding of the parrot using the Banana Skin, that would make 4 linked tricks.
But as it turns out it is not possible. So that leaves *lowers an eyebrow* the
parrot to the bed routine. Now we can't place it in the living room because N
will slip over it first upon entering the living room from the kitchen (we don't
want that. We want it in between parrot and the bed. So that leaves bedroom.
Okay, it's time to look like a pro! Since N is going to sleep for the first part
we can rush upstairs and grab the inventory items in the living room now and
save us a lot of awkward sneaking later!
Very Quickly:
- Go up to kitchen (skip the items)
- GO to Living room (no need to sneak when N is asleep). If Woody gets scared by
the parrot, just keep clicking to resume his course.
- Examine [Living Room] chemical set (next to piano) => Nitroglycerine
- Examine packet of spicy Mexican corn chip => Spicy Mexican Corn Chips
- Go up to bedroom
- SNEAK: Examine [Bedroom] keyboard (not your keyboard!) => Small Key
- SNEAK: Go to balcony (hurry!)
> N's alarm clock should be ringing
You should just make it to the door when the alarm clock rings and N wakes up.
If not you should practice this part a little more.
- Examine [Balcony] table => Cactus
Wait for N to leave the bedroom
- Use Cactus with [Bedroom] alarm clock
Note the cactus clock will only trigger when N wakes up from bed.
- Go down to living room
> N should be heading down to the hall to feed the pig (timing is critical)
- SNEAK: Go to kitchen (just as N is going down to hall)
- Examine [Kitchen] rubbish bin => Banana Skin
- Open [Kitchen] fridge => Spicy Sauce
- Go to living room
- SNEAK: Go down to hall
- Examine [Hall] pinboard => Drawing Pins
- Use Small Key with [Hall] the piglet
> N should be going to feed parrot
- Go up to the kitchen (N will go back to bedroom after feeding parrot so
kitchen is clear for now)
- Use Nitroglycerine with milk bottle
- Use Spicy Mexican Corn Chips with tin with corn chips
When N goes up to bedroom
- Go to living room
- SNEAK: Go up to bedroom (you can walk the rest of the way toward the door
normally if N has gone to sleep)
- SNEAK: (In bedroom) Use spicy sauce with set of dentures in the glass
- SNEAK: Go to balcony
Note: Cactus clock already set
> N should wake up, hits cactus clock (Owieee!)
> Wear his set of spicy dentures
> Walk around his bed to get the piglet's cage key and head downstairs to the kitchen
Wait for N to leave the bedroom
- Use Drawing Pins with bed
- Use Banana Skin on [Bedroom] floor (placed in front of bed)
- Go to balcony (to hide)
> N should notice piglet is out of cage
> Shakes nitro-milk bottle
> Feeds parrot
> N should come back to bedroom, put back the piglet's cage key, but slips on banana skin.
> Places set of dentures in glass and go back to bed (...OF NAILS!)
Score: Tricks [7/7], Bonuses [4].
iv) Barbeque Time (100% V.R.)
Well for the last Episode of the season, it is pretty easy. The piglet is now
chow. This episode requires only 6 tricks and 5 bonuses! So it's a no-brainer
that all 6 tricks have to link together.
As with the much earlier episodes, N's routine is rather short here. At least
between tricks it is. The only "anger gap" is from the upstairs balcony to the
living room (dining table). So keep your eyes PEELed!
Let's start with a tight squeeze:
- Go up to kitchen
- Examine [Kitchen] rubbish bin => Banana Skin
- Go back down to hall (hurry!)
- Examine [Hall] pinboard => Drawing Pins
- Go to Bathroom
- Open [Bathroom] Medicine cabinet => Rubbing Alcohol & Growth Liquid
> N should have gone up to bedroom
- Go up to living room
- SNEAK: Go up to bedroom
> N should be on balcony before you enter bedroom
- Hide Under the Bed
Wait for N to leave bedroom (down to living room)
- Use Rubbing Alcohol with [Balcony] beer
- Use Growth Liquid with [Balcony] spray bottle
- Use [Bedroom] fire extinguisher (knots it)
Wait until N comes up to bedroom and goes to balcony
- Use Banana Skin on [Bedroom] floor
- Go back down to living room
> N's BBQ should turn into an inferno!
- SNEAK: Use Drawing Pins with [Living Room] chair
- SNEAK: Go to kitchen
- Open [Kitchen] fridge => Vinegar
- Go back to living room
- SNEAK: Use Vinegar with [Living Room] wine
- SNEAK: Go to kitchen
You can hide out in the kitchen or downstairs in the hall or wardrobe
Score: Tricks [6/6], Bonuses [5].
What? Another Golden Neighbor Award?
"I don't know what I'm doing....winning all these awards!"
Season 3
In season 3, N's basement is now enabled. N's pet dog now replaces the pet
parrot (which incidentally is hanging from N's Trophy collection of animal
Doing things in season 3 episodes means no delays (and often you need to
activate pets to buy you more time!)
i) Laundry Day (100% V.R.) <-- You were expecting less?!?
8 tricks 7 bonuses. All tricks must link!
So practice maybe required to pull these off:
- Open [Hall] chest of drawers => Marbles
- Go up to living room
> N should have stepped into the kitchen at the same time you enter the living room
- SNEAK: Examine [Living Room] Perch => Bird Food
Now WALK normally up to the bedroom! (Activating the dog along the way) Keep going up to the bedroom.
> This will interrupt N's laundry routine and send him toward the dog (buying you some time)
- Go to study (left of bedroom)
- Open [Study] drawer (below computer desk) => Paper Knife
- Go to balcony
- Examine [Balcony] table => shovel
- Go back down to living room
> The dog should have settled down by now
- SNEAK: Use Paper Knife with vacuum cleaner (slashes it)
- SNEAK: Use Shovel with freshly repotted plant => soil
Now keep your eyes open! When N's "thought bubble" changes from the "tumble-
drier" symbol to the "blue iron" symbol:
- WALK normally to the kitchen (Activating the dog along the way) Keep going to the kitchen.
- Open box of soap flakes => Soap Flakes
- Examine [Kitchen] rubbish bin => Cut-off Electric Cable
- Go down to Hall
- Go down to the basement
- Examine [basement] workbench => Pliers
- Examine wine rack => Bottle of Red Wine
- Use Bottle of Red Wine with washing machine
- Use Pliers with tumble-drier
- Use Cut-off Electric Cable with socket (to the right of tumble-drier)
- Go up to hall
- Go back to "Go to living room" door (left of hall) and wait there.
Wait for N to go from Living room to kitchen
- Go up to living room
- SNEAK: Use Soil with [Living Room] carpet (on floor between TV and sofa)
We still have some time here so you can either do the soap flakes now or later
But this next stage requires a fair bit of cunning...
- SNEAK: Position Woody in front of the dog (or in front of the Perch
whichever), but don't wake him up yet.
Just like before, keep your eyes open! When N's "thought bubble" changes from
the "tumble-drier" symbol to the "blue iron" symbol (alternatively you can pan
down and see when the instant N is tries to fix the tumble-drier AFTER getting
angry at it):
- WALK normally to the bedroom (Activating the dog along the way) Keep going to the bedroom.
> N should run up to living room to notice dirty carpet (just in time to..BOOM!...make it worse!)
Note: If you're having trouble getting this dirty carpet trick to link, just
remember you want N to run to the living room during/after he fixes the tumble-
drier. If you do it too early (eg. when he is getting angry at it, N will go up
to living room, get tricked by the dirty carpet trick, but resume to go back to
the basement to fix the tumble-drier. If you do it too late, (eg. when the "blue
iron" symbol is in his "thought bubble" and N has already starting walking out
of the basement, by the time he runs up and uses the vacuum cleaner, he would
have already chilled out and your tricks won't link.
- Go to the study
- Use Soap Flakes with fish food (left of fish tank)
- Use Marbles on [Bedroom] floor (placed in front of bed)
> N should come up to bedroom, turns on iron.
> N goes to balcony, slip on marbles first!
Wait until N goes to balcony
- Use red-hot iron
- Hide Under the Bed
> N places washed clothes on airer (balcony), walks back to bedroom toward Study
> N notices red-hot iron is faced down!
This red-hot iron trick has to be done first. Otherwise, from the marbles to the
feeding of fish is just too long.
Wait until N goes to study:
- Use Bird Food on [Balcony] full airer
- Hide Under the Bed
> N goes back to balcony (and finds...eww!)
Score: Tricks [8/8], Bonuses [7].
Side Note: The one thing that got me stumped in this episode was that it seemed
that there was always one too many "anger gaps" and not matter what order I did
it in, just couldn't get it all to link together. So I went searching around the
whole house to see if I missed out any hidden extra marbles??!? or Banana
skins?!?! or etc. that I didn't get. But nothing! ARGH! The only other "object"
that is left is that dumb dog!!!
Hmmm...and what's next to that dog? The Dirty Carpet trick! At first I was
trying to stick the marbles all over the house and to no avail. Also tried to
stick the marbles between the tumble-drier and the dirty carpet trick, which
worked well but later from there to the next trick upstairs I had no other trick
to link to the rest (and ALL, count'em, ALL needed to link!).
So I later just did the basement stuff and the dirty carpet to see if the timing
was "do-able". Yes! It worked, but I did it too soon and N went back to fix the
tumble-drier after that (no biggy, an easy fix).
So there you have it the trickiest episode so far!
ii) Fitness Frenzy (100% V.R.)
This is the big one. 10 tricks 8 bonuses! The bad news is there are 10 tricks to
pull, the good news is they are reasonably close to one another.
So we can have:
9 linked tricks with another 1 totally separated (+9-1) that would give, 8+0=8 bonuses
8 linked tricks with another 2 linked (+8+2) that would give, 7+1=8 bonuses
For this one I had to write down N routine to figure out where the "anger gaps" were:
> Takes [Study] Yoga book
> Feeds [Study] fish
> Exercise Mat [Living Room]
> Puts book back [Study]
"anger gap"
> Trampoline [Bedroom]
> Exercise Bike [Living Room]
> [kitchen] blender, drinks ??protein shake??
"anger gap"
> [basement] Chest expander
> [basement] walks over puddle (hehe)
> [basement] barbell
> [hall] skipping rope
> Goes back up to study for yoga book again
"anger gap"
Now we can clearly see the Feeding of fish & Yoga trick can easily go together.
Also they are surrounded by 2 "anger gaps". So most likely we're looking at a
(+8+2) strategy here. Only one way to find out! So most likely the marbles goes
between the kitchen blender and the basement.
Note: The set of 2 (Feeding of fish & Yoga) tricks can be done separately from
the other 8 tricks so either set can be done first.
- Go to kitchen
- SNEAK: Examine [Kitchen] rubbish bin => Cut-off Electric Cable
- SNEAK: Go back down to hall
- Open [Hall] sports bag => Rubber Rope & Roller Skate
- Open [Hall] chest of drawers => Marbles
- Go to basement
- Examine [Basement] car parts (below the usual Workbench) => Spring
- Examine [Basement] workbench => Tongs ??wasn't it called Pliers the last time??
- Go to bathroom
- Open [Bathroom] Medicine cabinet => Steroids
- Exit bathroom
- Go to "Go to living room" door (left of hall) and wait there.
> N should be on the trampoline
When N goes from living room to kitchen:
- Go to up living room and up to bedroom (remember there's no need to sneak)
- Go to balcony
- Examine [Balcony] table => Metal Saw
- Open [Bedroom bedside table] Bottle => Book On Knots
- Use Spring on trampoline
- Use Book On Knots with yoga book
- Use Steroids with fish food
- Go back down to living room
- Use Tongs with Exercise Bike
- Go to kitchen
- SNEAK: Use Roller Skate with [Kitchen] floor
- SNEAK: Go down to hall (once N has gone up to living room after skipping rope)
- Use Marbles with [Hall] floor (places it in front of Chest of drawers)
- Go to basement
- Use Rubber Rope with [Basement] chest expander
- Use Cut-off Electric Cable with socket (you should know where this is by now)
- Use Metal Saw with [Basement] barbell
- Go up to hall
- Use skipping rope (knots it)
- Hide in the wardrobe
> N should have triggered off the first 2 tricks (Feeding of fish & Yoga)
> N should be on very bouncy trampoline (creates a new skylight for bedroom!)
> Exercise Bike [Living Room] (like a bicycle without a seat)
> [kitchen] blender...(have a nice trip!)
Too bad we can't lock N out his own house. ;)
Upon his return, N goes BACK TO THE KITCHEN (blender)!!
At this point I was thinking, "Oh crap! He's not stepping on the marbles! ARGGH!!"
But as it turns out he still manages to drink from the blender and return to the
hall to slip on the marbles in time! Phew!
> [basement] Chest expander (Slingshots himself into the wall)
> [basement] walks over puddle (Is that what N's X-ray looks like?)
> [basement] barbell (now there are three "dumb-bells" in that room)
> [hall] skipping rope (rock bottom!)
Score: Tricks [10/10], Bonuses [8].
iii) Do It Yourself (100% V.R.)
Kinda easy for an episode at this stage. Requires 8 tricks, 4 Bonuses.
So we can have:
5 linked tricks with another 3 totally separated (+5-3) that would give, 4+0=4 bonuses
4 linked tricks with another 2 linked and 2 totally separated (+4+2-2) that would give, 3+1+0=4 bonuses
3 linked tricks with another 3 linked and 2 totally separated (+3+3-2) that would give, 2+2+0=4 bonuses
3 linked tricks with another 2 linked, another 2 linked (+3+2+2-1) and 1 totally separated that would give, 2+1+1+0=4 bonuses
For this episode, the tricks are widely spread throughout the house.
N routine goes like this:
> [Living Room] Rocking chair
"anger gap"
> [Balcony] angle grinder
long "anger gap"
> [Basement] Main water valve (closes it)
> Checks [kitchen] radiator
long "anger gap"
> Fix [bathroom] sink (pipe)
"anger gap"
> [Basement] Main water valve (opens it)
> [hall] fuse box (removes fuse)
(previous 2 steps no tricks in between)
> [study] ladder
"anger gap"
> [hall] fuse box (replaces fuse)
> back to [Living Room] Rocking chair
Basically, he's all over the house. After waves of trial and error, the bathroom
sink seems the most isolated and I can't really link it to another set of tricks
with the marbles without breaking up another set of tricks. The (+5-3) strategy
seems foolhardy since there are no 3 tricks that deserve full isolation. At the
same time there is only Marbles to link tricks with (no other banana skins, etc)
so unlikely to get more than one set of 3 tricks linking together unless they
occur naturally close to one another (which is not the case). Worst case
scenario, it should be easier to find a (+3+2+2-1) solution.
The most immediate set of 2 tricks I noticed were the Ladder itself (which you
can loosen) and N electrocuting himself on the ceiling wires (you need to put in
the fuse downstairs). The second (not so obvious was the good old "electric
puddle" in the basement and the Hot radiator in the kitchen (guess in which
No doubt we can do each set of trick separately and slowly wait for N to walk
clear from each room to set them, but that's boring! Here's the more efficient
way (need to be quick most of the time):
All actions to be done without delay:
- Go to basement
- Examine [Basement] workbench => Tongs
- Use [Basement] closed heating valve (the red valve, this opens it. You should
see the "hot radiator" in the kitchen)
- Use cloth (between the tumble-drier and the power socket, doing this, releases
the puddle of water!)
- Go up to hall
- Open [Hall] chest of drawers => Fuse & Marbles
- Go up to kitchen (N should be coming down from living room)
- Examine [Kitchen] rubbish bin => Cut-off Electric Cable
Best to stand near the left door (the "Go to living room" door)
When N goes down to hall (toward basement to main water valve)
- Go into Living room
- SNEAK: Position Woody in the middle of the room, but don't wake the dog just yet up yet.
We are gonna buy more time to pull of this first trick as well as alter N's path
temporarily by a bit.
When N is in the basement, keep your eyes open! When N's "thought bubble"
changes from the "main water valve" symbol to the "radiator" symbol:
- WALK normally to the kitchen! Keep clicking until Woody enters the kitchen
> N should be running up to the living room
- Go down to hall (time it so that N is going up to living room at the same time)
- Go down to basement
- Use Cut-off Electric Cable with socket (to the right of tumble-drier)
- Use closed main water valve (that will open it, the caption should hence read
"Use opened main water valve")
> N should be going to the kitchen VIA the living room (instead of the hall)
after scolding the dog.
No time to waste! We have to set the next lot of tricks before N fixes the bathroom sink
- Go up to hall
- Go up to living room (the dog should have settled down by now)
- SNEAK: Up to bedroom
- Use Tongs with [Study] Ladder (get manipulated ladder)
- Use [Balcony] angle grinder (get dodgy angle grinder)
- Use Marbles on [Bedroom] floor (placed in front of bed)
- Open [Bedroom] bedside table => Book On Torture
- Go down to living room
- SNEAK: Use Book On Torture with [Living Room] assembly instructions (right of
rocking chair assembly kit)
- SNEAK: Go to kitchen
> N should have "had a shower" in the bathroom is has run to the basement to shut of the main water valve
> His next thought should be that of the "fuse" and is going to remove a fuse from the fuse box
> Next thought should be "a Ladder" and he goes up to living room
When N has gone to living room, quickly:
- Go down to hall
- Use Fuse with [hall] fuse box (should be done before N touches the ceiling wires in the study)
- Hide in the wardrobe
> N's ladder caves in
> N gets electrocuted by ceiling wires
> N goes down to fuse box (finds all fuses in, reFUSEs to believe it)
> Goes to chair assembly kit
> N can't assemble a rocking chair but he sure can build an electric chair in a jiffy!
> Goes up to bedroom towards balcony, slips on marbles
> [Balcony] Uses dodgy angle grinder (probably gives a kid a new haircut)
Score: Tricks [8/8], Bonuses [4].
Side Note: The above solution leaves about 5 mins to spare, by right if you
don't wanna rush it, you can just set those sets of tricks one at the time.
iv) Night of The Hunter (100% V.R.)
The final episode! This one requires 9 tricks, and only 7 bonuses!
So we can have:
8 linked tricks with another 1 totally separated (+8-1) that would give, 7+0=7 bonuses
5 linked tricks with another 4 linked (+5+4) that would give, 4+3=7 bonuses
N routine goes like this:
> Goes to kitchen for Metal polish
> [study] polishes trophies
> Goes to kitchen puts back Metal polish
> [Living Room] puts box (pipe) on sofa
> [Living Room] opens gramophone
> [Living Room] chooses records
> [Living Room] turns on gramophone
> [Living Room] *smokes pipe*
> [Living Room] closes gramophone
> [basement] plays with rifle
> [bedroom] wears hat
> [bedroom] wears medal
> [balcony] blows hunting horn
"anger gap"
> back to kitchen for Metal polish
Hmm does this show a rough pattern? Does it look like a (+8-1) or (+5+4) strategy?
- Open [Hall] chest of drawers => Marbles & Shoe Polish
- Go to basement
- Examine [Basement] workbench => Rusty Nail
- Examine [Basement] rat hole => Rat
- Go up to hall
- Open [Bathroom] Medicine cabinet => Superglue
> N should be in the kitchen putting back the Metal Polish
When he goes to the living room
- Go to kitchen
- Examine [Kitchen] rubbish bin => Cut-off Electric Cable & Cork
Best to stand near the left door (the "Go to living room" door)
When N goes down to hall (toward basement to rifle)
- Go into Living room
- Go up to bedroom
- SNEAK: Open [Bedroom] bedside table => Balloon
- SNEAK: Examine box with cartridges => Cartridges
- SNEAK: Go to study
- Open [Study] drawer (below computer desk) => Dog Whistle & Gunpowder
Wait until N comes into bedroom, wears hat, medal
When N goes to balcony:
- SNEAK: Go back down to living room
- Go all the way down to basement
- Use Cartridges with rifle (hanging on the wall in the center of the room)
- Use Cork with rifle (hanging on the wall in the center of the room)
- Go up to hall
- Go to "Go to living room" door (left of hall) and wait there.
N should be doing the following at this point:
> [Living Room] puts box (pipe) on sofa
> [Living Room] opens gramophone
Once N opens the gramophone, quickly:
- Use Dog Whistle (in your inventory). This activates the dog.
When N runs up to bedroom:
- Go up to living room
- Use Gunpowder with [Living Room] tobacco tin (on the sofa)
- Use Rusty Nail with gramophone
- Go to kitchen (hide and wait)
> N should return from scolding the dog
> "breaks his own record"
> eh...quits smoking?!?
> Goes for rifle
When N leaves the living room
- Go to living room
When N enters the basement:
- Use Marbles with [hall] floor (places them on LEFT side of hall)
> N gets Electro-puddled
- Go all the way up to bedroom
- SNEAK: Use Superglue with [bedroom] hunter's hat (cupboard left of bedside table)
- SNEAK: Use Rat with [bedroom] medal box (just below hunter's hat)
> N should have >>backfired!<<
- SNEAK: Go to balcony
- Use Balloon with hunting horn
- Go back to bedroom
- SNEAK: Hide Under the Bed
Wait until N comes into bedroom, wears hat, medal (all tricked of course!)
When N goes to balcony:
- SNEAK: Go back down to living room
- Go to kitchen
- Use Shoe Polish with Metal Polish
- Go back down to hall
- Hide in the wardrobe
Score: Tricks [9/9], Bonuses [7].
Side Note: Hmm that wasn't too bad. Turns out it was a (+8-1) solution!
Now should the last Golden Neighbor Award be at my house? or Woody's?!?
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