Fallout Tactics - Brotherhood of Steel

Fallout Tactics - Brotherhood of Steel

17.10.2013 22:54:27
Character Creation Guide
Fallout Tactics:
Brotherhood of Steel

Character Creation FAQ v1.3

Written By: NXMT
E-Mail: nxmt01@yahoo.com.sg
MSN: koltnxmt@hotmail.com

UPDATES: 13th May 2006
Cleaned up the faq. Removed and added necessary comments and
info. Don't know how I missed the agility stat! Updated
e-mail address.

1. Introduction

2. Character Creation
a0. Stats
b1. Skills
c2. Optional Traits
d3. Other Stats

3. Legal Stuff


Welcome to the world of post-apocolyptic peacekeeping. Embrace the
Brotherhood of Steel, technological saviors of mankind and the
cleansing flame of the wastelands.

Fallout Tactics, the latest title in the Fallout series after years
of absence from the gaming scene. Fallout emerges as a totally new
game and breaks away from the usual RPG elements of it's predecessor
and brings in all new fast paced and intense combat. This time, it
involves tactics, hence the title of the game. You are the leader of
one of the many squads in the Brotherhood and your job is to asses all
kinds of situations such as rescuing hostages, defend a town or simply
eliminate the leader of opposistion. What makes it even more enjoyable
is the ability to customize your squad members and with over 50
different kinds to choose from, replayability is near endless. You
could build a stealth focused team and under the cover of darkness,
slice in and out of the enemy base without alerting anyone. Or you
could build one that focuses on heavy weaponry and go for full frontal
assaults onto the enemy camp.

Unfortunately, this game is sadly overlooked. The change of gameplay
has not been everybody's cup of tea and many were hoping that Fallout
Tactics would be the long awaited sequel to Fallout 2. Fallout Tactics
takes some time to learn, but with patience, the game would just be as
enjoyable whether or not you already enjoyed tactical combat games
to begin with.


a0. Stats

ST: Strength
-Affects the amount of items you can carry, how hard you throw a hit
and what kind of weapons you can carry. The bigger guns like rocket
launchers often have a minimum strenght requirement.

PE: Perception
-Determines how accurately you can shoot a target from a distance as
well as spot traps and enemies in sneak mode. Focusing on the combat
side, you can get your gun skills to a high level but having a low
perception means you are still restricted to close combat. The same
applies to havng a high perception but low gun skills.

EN: Endurance
-The amount of HP you begin with and also affects your resistantance
to poison and radiation. The higher that stat, the more HP you gain
each time you level up.

CH: Charisma
-Other than the obvious bonuses to bartering, charisma raises your
rank at a faster rate and a higher rank means better recruits and
better equipment available.

IN: Intelligence
-The higher the stat, the more skill points you get each time you
level up.

AG: Agility
-The core stat for most of your combat abilities. Most importantly, it
affects your action points which determine how much things you can do
in a round.

LK: Luck
-Luck determines critical hit chances. Critical hits are always good
but are rare and there are perks that you can choose that increase
this chance by alot more.

b1. Skills
-Picking the right skills with care is important as this will affect
your starting equipment and what kind of role your squad leader will

Small Guns
-The majority of the brotherhood's arsenal falls under this category.
SMG's, shotguns, rifles and such are considered small arms. Hit
percentage is increased with each upgrade. Crouch or prone to gain a
bonus to your stats.

Big Guns
-The larger arsenal such as rocket launchers and miniguns. Works the
same way as small guns.

Energy Weapons
-At the core, energy weapons are still based on one of the gun skills.
Energy weapons are rare and the best appears rather late in the game.
This serves more as a bonus add-on to your gun skills.

-Unarmed does not necessarily mean barehanded. Power fists, spiked
gloves and such fall under this category. Combat primarily involves
guns but stealthly approaches convserve plenty of ammo. Hit
percentage is increased with each upgrade.

Melee Weapons
-More useful than unarmed as the more powerful weapons fall under
melee such as chainsaws. Unarmed and melee become less useful over
time though.

-Grenades, knives, spears and even rocks fall under this category. Hit
percentage is increased with each upgrade.

First Aid
-Restores HP. Amount restored depends on skill level and item used.
Equipment differs for first aid and doctor.

-Heals major wounds such as broken limbs. Such injuries are rare
though but you should never overlook it for the squad medics. Doctor
heals more HP than first aid but their equipment is harder to find
and are more expensive.

-Determines how well you can get around the map stealthily. A higher
skill level makes you harder to detect. Metal armor makes you more
visible and you will suffer a penalty.

-On several occasions, you will come across locked doors and drawers
that can be picked. Higher skill makes it easier to unlock. Can be
boosted with items such as lockpick sets.

-A higher skill means you can get away with stealing from a passerby
without getting caught more easily.

-Using and disabling all kinds of traps. Higher skill makes it easier
to disarm.

-Increases the effectiveness of energy weapons.

-Repairing lost HP to vehicles and robots.

-Increasing pilot makes it easier to control the vehicle.

-The higher your barter, cheaper purchases and more returns when

-The higher skill, the easier it is to gamble successfully.

-Affects your time on the world map. The time taken to travel from one
place to another, the number of encounters and the option to evade

c2. Optional Traits
-You can choose not to pick any as this is optional. All traits has
it's pros and cons.

Fast Metabolism
*Increased healing rate
*Lower poison & radiation resistance
-The self healing process takes place as each hour passes. Using this
trait means you gain more HP each hour but your resistance to poison
and radiation is lowered.

*Increased strength
*Lower action points
-At the cost of valuable action points, your strength will be
increased. Not useful. Action points are always more handy. If you
do want increased strength, it's better to just wait for the perk to

Small Frame
*Increased agility
*Lower carrying weight
-The increase in agility is always helpful as it increases your
overall profiency with weapons, dodging attacks and increases your
action points.

One Hander
*Increased skill with one handed weapons
*Decreased skill with two handed weapons
-Most standard weapons are two handed but one handed weapons have the
advantage of less action points used. Personally, I find this more of
a challange to the seasoned player.

*Increased critical chance
*Decreased offense
-Finesse reduces the damage you give to an enemy by 25% and increases
the critical chance by a rather small percentage. There are perks
that can increase critical hits better so don't bother.

*Increased offense
*Decreased armor class
-Useful yet hazardous. The bonus to your damage given is great but the
penalty is heavy as your armor class is reduced to what you're
wearing and nothing else.

Heavy Handed
*Increased melee damage
*Decreased critical chance
-Great increases your melee damage at the cost of a lower critical hit

Fast Shot
*Less action points needed to fire
*Targeting disabled
-Most gunners would benefit from this trait. It costs less action
points to fire a weapon at the mere cost of having your targetting
[the ability to hit specific points on an enemy] ability disabled.

Bloody Mess
*Increased violence
-Bloody mess does nothing more other than make the enemy die in
horrible ways even from a mere gunshot.

*Enemies suffer from various mishaps
*You and your squad members suffer from various mishaps as well
-Like bloody mess, this trait is odd. Lots of bad things will happen
like dropping ammo, guns and critically failing pretty much anything
for both sides.

Good Natured
*Increased non combat skills
*Decreased combat skills
-Sacrifice some combat skills for non combat ones such as first aid
and barter.

Chemicle Reliant
*Withdrawal symptons of drugs pass faster
*Easier to become adddicted to drugs
-Drugs do much to improve your stats and skills for a short period of
time. Problems occur when your character becomes addicted to it and
must cosume it on a regular basis or you'll suffer the withdrawal
symptons and it's usually pretty bad. With this trait however,
you will spend less time getting the drug out of your system.

Chemicle Resist.
*Drugs last half the normal duration
*Harder to get addicted
-A somewhat useful trait since drugs can greatly increase your
abilities. The duration of the drug lasts only half as long as normal
but it also takes alot more to get you addicted to it.

Night Person
*Increased perception in the night
*Decreased perception in the day
-Not all that useful. Not unless all your squad members have this
trait too. Just because you have a +1 to perception and night,
everyone else gets a -1 instead as long as they do not posses the

*Extra skill points upon leveling up
*One extra level needed to gain perk
-Perks are generally more benefitting than a few extra skill points
but depending on playstyle, you might think otherwise. A character
with high skills is just as powerful as a versatile perk heavy

*All stats +1
*All skills -10%
-You get a +1 to all stats at the price of a decrease in all your
skills and 5 less skill points at each level up.


These stats change only when you change things like strength, or luck
or optional traits.

Armor Class
-Modified by: Armor / Agility
Affects: The amount of damage taken

Melee Dmg.
-Modified by: Strength
Affects: The amount of damage caused from a melee attack.

Bonus Dmg.
-Modified by: Weapons / Perks
Affects: Added damage caused by any kind of attack

Damage Res.
-Modified by: Armor / Endurance
Affects: The amount of damage absorbed

Poison Res.
-Modified by: Endurance
Affects: Your chances of getting poisoned and how much you absorb
after being infected

Rad. Res.
-Modified by: Endurance
Affects: Your chances of getting radiated and how much you absorb
after being infected

Action Pts.
-Modifed by: Agility
Affects: The total number of actions carried out in a battle

Carry Wt.
-Modifed by: Strength
Affects: The total number of items you can carry

Heal Rate
-Modifed by: Endurance
Affects: How fast you heal over a period of days

Crit. Chance
-Modifed by: Luck
Affects: The chances of getting a lethal shot on an enemy

Skill Rate
-Modifed by: Intelligence
Affects: The amount of skill points you get each time you level up

Perk Rate
-Modified by: Creature class
Affects: Adds various bonuses to your character


This FAQ is free and should not be distributed for any amount or used
on any other site other than:


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