Sims, The

Sims, The

16.10.2013 20:27:23
The Sims and The Sims Livin' Large Guide ver.1.0
(and so, this is mostly OK as the guide for The Sims: Deluxe Edition as well)
author : Hafiz Rahman
e-mail :
first started : 08 February 2003
last updated : 29 May 2003

0. Table of Contents / Version History
0. Table of Contents / Version History
1. Introduction
2. A Quick Intro to The Sims
2.0. The Sims
2.1. The Sims Livin' Large
3. Create-a-family
3.0. About a family
3.1. Character personalities
3.2. Zodiac compatibilities
3.3. Members consideration
3.4. Moving-in
4. Sims Behaviors
4.0. Between Free Will and not
4.1. One deadly need, and 7 others...
4.2. Mood
4.3. Sims' way of thinking
4.4. Sims and your order
4.5. Skills
4.6. Health
4.7. What a Sim dislikes and why
4.8. SimKid behaviors
4.9. Guests behaviors
5. Building
5.0. Stats
5.1. Building consideration
5.2. To mix or not to mix
5.3. Starting ideas
5.4. Second story
6. Objects
6.0. Specific objects behaviors
6.1. List
7. Relationships
8. Career
8.0. The Sims Career List
8.1. Livin' Large Career List
8.2. Standalone careers
9. Growing family
9.0. Baby
9.1. SimKid
10. Livin' Large only!
10.0. Livin' Large objects
10.1. Neighborhoods
10.2. Miscellaneous
11. Cheats and stuff
11.0. Playing tricks
11.1. Money, money, more money
11.2. Cheat codes
12. Miscellaneous
12.0. The Sims: Did You Know?
12.1. Careers Description
13. Credits and References

=-= Version History =-=
Version 1.0 ~ initial release.

1. Introduction
I actually wanted to tell you about how I didn't have enough disk space to
install the better expansions and instead was stuck with Livin' Large, but I
personally disbelieve that it would bring you even the slightest hint of
interest. In other words, I'll shut up already.

I was browsing through the Livin' Large page on GameFAQs and found only a
single FAQ on it, sitting there looking alone and stuff. So I took my duty
as an author to, euh, (satiate my narcissistic need while pretending to)
help the gaming world in general. And here's the result, hope you all like

NOTE: If you really start reading from the beginning, you may find obscure
reference about the game itself from time to time (e.g. I may point out
a little about careers on chapter 6. Objects; while the career itself
will be explained later in Chapter 8) You will definitely learn more as
you read through the FAQ, so don't be worried when facing such occasion.

// \ This FAQ has spoilers within. And, judging \
WARNING! from its size, that's an AMAZING amount of \
// \ spoilers already. If you don't mind it, then \
//!!!!!!!!\ go ahead. If you find it a bugger, though, feel \
\ free to leave and do whatever's best for yourself.\

2. A Quick Intro to The Sims
2.0. The Sims

To put it short, The Sims is all about planning a live, and then living as is.
You will have to lead your Sims (those guys in the game that you all design
and stuff) to endure the hardship of their life.

NOTE: I will randomly use "he" or "she" or "it" when referring to your Sim,
depending on whichever I feel like at the time. No other reason beyond

The Sims is composed of three different playing mode, they are -Live-, -Buy-
and -Build- mode. You can switch between the three almost anytime you're
playing (except during special events) at no cost at all. Logically, though,
before you can place someone in a house, you will need to build him a house
and buy something to put into the house. As he eventually live through the
days, you will get more money to do some rebuilding or buying better objects.

In -Live- mode, you will have to point your Sim to do whatever you think they
have to do. They have some different needs (this will be discussed soon) and
as their programmer made them, they are not that smart when it comes to
helping themselves, and here's where you come to play. You will tell him to
sleep, to study, to step to the next succesful ladder of a career and such.

In -Buy- mode, you will browse through different categories of objects. These
will help your Sim in life, and everything starts from the cheap item through
eventually the better ones with such price tag. These objects have different
ways and stats about which and how much will they fulfill your Sims need, and
the more expensive they are, the better the feature is (usually, though).

In -Build- mode, as it should be obvious, you will provide the best shelter
you can think of for them. You put walls, pools, plants, doors, and such. You
may not realize it, but this mode drains your money quickly. All those objects
may be cheap, but you will have to buy a lot at once (say, you just don't
build a single wall and call it a house, do you?). It is advisable to start
small, and slowly developing as you have the money.

Note that the game flows in real-time while playing -Live- mode, and it will
be completely paused everytime you switch to -Buy- and -Build- mode. Uh, and
you can also completely pause the game by pressing P (short for Pause) or ~
(that tilde thing next to key 1).

// ~ Quick Shortcut ~ //
// ~ Learn to use these keys, a definite help they are! ~ //
// //
// Key Function //
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ~ / P Pauses the game during -Live- mode //
// 1 Switches the game speed to Normal (-Live-) //
// 2 Switches the game speed to Fast (-Live-) //
// 3 Switches the game speed to Very Fast (-Live-) //
// F1 Switch to -Live- mode //
// F2 Switch to -Buy- mode //
// F3 Switch to -Build- mode //
// F4 Switch to Photo Album //
// F5 Switch to Option mode //
// Tab Toggles between first and second story (if any) //
// Enter Chooses "OK" when prompted //
// Spacebar Chooses "OK" when prompted as well //
// Esc Chooses "Cancel" when prompted //
// Y Chooses "Yes" when prompted //
// N Chooses "No" when prompted //
// Delete Sells / Delete objects after being chosen in Buy/Build mode //
// Alt+Tab Switch from The Sims to another application currently open //
// (very useful when, like, writing a guide like this :) //
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
// //
// Mouse action (i.e. done with a left click) //
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
// +Ctrl(hold) Deletes building objects //
// +Shift(hold) Builds square room (wall tool only) //
// Fills an entire room (floor tool only) //
// Fills an entire connecting wall surface (wallpaper //
// tool only) //
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
// //
// To delete a wall, for example, hold Ctrl and click on the wall //
// drag it the way you build the wall. Then let go of the mouse //
// button FIRST, not the Ctrl key. This act works with wall, tile, //
// wallpaper, door, window, and all. //
// //
// "I'm not sure what to do so, I'll just press whatever!" //
// Selphie Tilmitt, Final Fantasy VIII //

2.1. The Sims Livin' Large

Now since this is also a guide on Livin' Large, I will also have to explain
about the expansion. In many ways, Livin' Large plays just like the original
game, but with new objects, careers, characters, and some tweak into the
previous installment (and therefore the name, "expansion").

One of the most obvious change to Livin' Large is that the availability of
5 neighborhoods at once. All these neighborhoods are identical (i.e. just like
the one in the original). The first neighborhood remains as an exact copy from
the first game. The second has only three different pre-made house (each of
which were made according to the three featured themes) and a pre-made family.
The rest of the neighborhoods are simply empty lots.

There are many new objects to the game: most has quite the same attribute
and price to some of the original, but with different looks to reflect the new
themes. Some are totally new and independent objects. Some other are new ways
to raise stats: guitar, woodworking table, chemistry set, and a telescope.

Some new happenings and features are gained through the objects. Looking
through the telescope may cause your Sim to be abducted by who-knows-what,
chemistry set can make different potions with different result (or simply an
explosion if you're not good enough), asking the crystal ball and doing what
it said may raise your personality (or otherwise).

New NPCs are also available, some appeared in a very new way that is via
the fuse between them and objects. This includes the Genie (by cleaning the
lamp, no less) and Servo, the robot maid. There are also five new careers
for the slightly amused by the previous ones.

To sum it up, Livin' Large adds quite a lot to the game. It will take a
while for you to take a look at all the new objects and possibilities, and
if you're quite bored through the same old building choices of The Sims, take
Livin' Large for a reason to start your house anew. Refresh your wallpapers,
change your tiles, remodel the windows, anything!

3. Create-a-family
3.0. About a family

Before you probably know the reason, it is inevitable for you to fill the
neighborhood with a lot of family. You shouldn't expect to make an exclusive
family of yourself, hoping that the game will just go on well like in RPGs.
The game itself didn't provide that many NPCs for you to interact with, so
you will have to do that on your own. You don't have to play all the family,
but you simply have to have them.

Oh yeah, in terms of The Sims, a family is regarded as a single or group of
people under the same last name that will, by default, live altogether during
the game. There can be 1 to 8 characters in a family, each of which you will
have to design yourself. All the way through the game, it is possible for a
character from a family to move to different family either through marriage or
moving-in. Now if you're set to go, let's go create-a-family!

3.1. Character Personalities

I know there are quite some steps you will need to do before taking into
consideration your personalities, but I doubt you can't safely do such tasks
like finding the create-a-family button or naming your family and characters
or choosing their clothes and all. So let's now quickly discuss about how you
will make use of those free 25 Personality Points instead.

There are five different personalities you will see during the making of
your character, and with those 25 points you will have to decide how your
character will be. Take further note that, although it says Neat, you will
have to fill the whole empty bar to have a Neat Sim. Otherwise, if you
leave it empty, you will get a real messy Sim instead.

Here's the explanation:

// ~ Character Personalities ~ //
// ~ How they turn out to be, it's all in ye hands! ~ //
// //
// 1. Neat //
// It's not easy to explain how a neat person is because I never really //
// be one, but heh, I'll just explain about things I rarely do :) Neat //
// Sims are basically like those of the neat people. There are some few //
// tasks a Neat Sim will do on his/her own: flushing the toilet after //
// use, washing their hands after that too, and cleaning out their own //
// (and others if any) dishes after eating. Neat Sim also never leaves //
// water puddle on the floor after bathing, something that the Messy //
// Sim seems to enjoy doing again and again. Messy Sims also rarely //
// flush, clean dishes and wash hands. //
// //
// NOTE: although Messy Sim never do such task automatically, you can //
// always tell them to do so. So, the only difference is that you //
// will have to tell a Messy Sim to flush the toilet after they //
// are finished, while you won't have to do so for a Neat Sim. //
// //
// Pts. Name Desc. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// 0-2 Slob So I occasionally leave a pizza box or two lying //
// around, and I don't mind the flies buzzing all //
// over. Why clean up when everybody else is willing //
// to do it? //
// //
// 3-7 Occasional When it comes to cleaning up, I have a few basic //
// Cleaner rules. I flush when I'm done, throw away my own //
// junk, and take out the trash now and then. //
// //
// 8-10 Neat Freak I'm known to wash a dish as soon as I've finished //
// eating. The trashcan's barely full before it's //
// taken out. The paper is recycled as soon as I've //
// finished reading. And the house is always //
// spotless whenever I'm about. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// //
// 2. Outgoing //
// Being outgoing is perhaps like enjoying and feeling alright being //
// around many people. Talking, playing, everything. That's something //
// an Outgoing Sim will do. Outgoing Sim will easily have better choice //
// of interactions when with others, and to compensate their desire to //
// socialize, they will need frequent talk with friends. In other hand, //
// a Shy Sim is quite obvious: they don't need that much of the talk, //
// but it will be harder for them to make friend too. //
// //
// Pts. Name Desc. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// 0-2 Shy Being self-conscious and introspective, I don't //
// have a great need to be social. It's hard for me //
// to meet new people and make friends. //
// //
// 3-7 Member of I'm a little reserved, and it takes me a while to //
// the Crowd warm up to new people. You won't see me in the //
// middle of huge crowds at parties, but I won't be //
// sitting quietly in a corner either. //
// //
// 8-10 People I am an extrovert. I love to talk to everyone. I //
// Person crave social interactions. Basically, I'm a //
// social animal. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// //
// 3. Active //
// As an Active Sim, he/she will get up faster in the morning, have //
// some games of basketball with the neighbor, and to dance and do //
// everything that takes energy. In exchange, they will quickly lost //
// the comfortness of a recliner, something a Lazy Sim will prefer over //
// all the other thing. Beware though, Lazy Sim also obviously takes //
// quite some time to wake up, and they somehow can never walk faster //
// than those of the Active Sims. //
// //
// Pts. Name Desc. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// 0-2 Lazy Is there anything worse than getting out of bed //
// in the morning? Who needs ambition--a warm couch //
// and a good show is all anyone needs. //
// //
// 3-7 Laid Back Though not always on the go, I am somewhat //
// motivated. Though I tend to linger a little too //
// long in a nice cozy chair, I won't be caught //
// sitting there all day either. //
// //
// 8-10 Energetic Some say I'm a live wire. Some say I have ants in //
// my pants. Either way, it just means that I'm //
// always on the go and anxious to get there. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// //
// 4. Playful //
// It doesn't take half a brain to admit you are a Playful guy. You're //
// currently reading some guide for videogames, duh. You, like all the //
// Playful Sims, enjoy new games, joking with your friends, just about //
// anything that involves doing fun. A Serious Sim is probably the guy //
// who frowns at you; they enjoy quietness while reading serious books //
// about who-knows-what. //
// //
// Pts. Name Desc. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// 0-2 Serious Sims who spend their time joking around just //
// irritate me. Don't they understand that their //
// frivolous folly is meaningless? So much more fun //
// can be gained by reading a good book. //
// //
// 3-7 Amused I laugh at good jokes, dance if there are other //
// people on the floor, and like to play games. //
// Generally, I like having fun, but I don't go //
// overboard. //
// //
// 8-10 Life of When I'm not telling jokes, I'm laughing at them. //
// the Party I've never seen a game I didn't want to play. //
// That's why everyone knows the party is always at //
// my house. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// //
// 5. Nice //
// This only covers the aspect of interaction with another, duh. It's //
// hard to call you a nice person if you're only nice to yourself. A //
// Nice Sim will have friends easier, while the Grouchy Sim enjoys more //
// the idea of taunting the others in hope of getting into a fight. //
// //
// Pts. Name Desc. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// 0-2 Mean Everything makes me mad, especially when someone //
// says I have a temper. If everything wasn't always //
// broken, or other Sims weren't always bothering //
// me, I probably wouldn't have to blow my stack so //
// often. //
// //
// 3-7 Easy-going While some Sims can get on my nerves a little, //
// overall I'm pretty good-natured. //
// //
// 8-10 Compassionate I like giving hugs and compliments. I love //
// making friends with everyone. If everyone were //
// more like me, the neighborhood would be a nicer //
// place. //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// //
// "My lusty personality can't be described by any one type!" //
// Meis Triumph, Thousand Arms //

3.2. Zodiac Compatibilities

As you try different combinations of personalities, you will see that the
zodiac sign for your Sim is changed accordingly. This sign is used for one and
only matter: that is to decide how compatible your Sim is with other Sim's
zodiac. For a start, here are the zodiac signs and stuff:

// ~ Zodiac Signs ~ //
// ~ I personally don't care about this, but who knows! ~ //
// //
// NOTE: The "Example" stats are gained as you click the name of a zodiac //
// as soon as they appear when you place the points. When you do so, //
// the name will shuffle to the next zodiac and you will get the //
// "Example" stats from there. //
// //
// 1. Aries //
// Dynamic and confident, most Aries never shy away from the //
// opportunity to strike up a conversation with anyone. However, they //
// can be somewhat impulsive and quick-tempered. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Taurus, Gemini //
// No Good with : Cancer, Libra //
// Example : Neat (5) //
// Outgoing (6) //
// Active (8) //
// Playful (3) //
// Nice (3) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
// 2. Taurus //
// The typical Taurus is strong-willed and determined. That can often //
// mean determined to have a good time. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Aries, Libra //
// No Good with : Cancer, Virgo //
// Example : Neat (5) //
// Outgoing (5) //
// Active (3) //
// Playful (8) //
// Nice (4) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
// 3. Gemini //
// Youthful and lively, many think Gemini have enough energy for two. //
// Also energized by conversation, it isn't surprising to find them //
// bouncing from one topic to the next at parties. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Virgo, Pisces //
// No Good with : Aries, Capricorn //
// Example : Neat (4) //
// Outgoing (7) //
// Active (8) //
// Playful (3) //
// Nice (3) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
// 4. Cancer //
// There is nothing extreme about Cancers--they are very balanced. They //
// can also be very changeable which can be good or bad depending on //
// the situation. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Taurus, Scorpio //
// No Good with : Aries, Gemini //
// Example : Neat (6) //
// Outgoing (3) //
// Active (6) //
// Playful (4) //
// Nice (6) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
// 5. Leo //
// The ultimate 'people' people, Leos are complete extroverts. //
// Unfortunately, this makes them deficient in other areas. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Cancer, Sagittarius //
// No Good with : Gemini, Capricorn //
// Example : Neat (4) //
// Outgoing (10) //
// Active (4) //
// Playful (4) //
// Nice (3) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
// 6. Virgo //
// Modest and shy, introverted Virgos take pride in their meticulous //
// and practical approach to life. Unfortunately, these same traits can //
// also result in a very fussy individual. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Sagittarius, Aquarius //
// No Good with : Taurus, Leo //
// Example : Neat (9) //
// Outgoing (2) //
// Active (6) //
// Playful (3) //
// Nice (5) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
// 7. Libra //
// Romantic and charming and incredibly sociable, it's hard not to like //
// a Libra. However, their social pursuits leave them little time for //
// more practical endeavors. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Cancer, Virgo //
// No Good with : Scorpio, Pisces //
// Example : Neat (2) //
// Outgoing (8) //
// Active (2) //
// Playful (6) //
// Nice (7) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
// 8. Scorpio //
// While somewhat withdrawn from social activities, Scorpios are //
// forceful and determined in more practical pursuits. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Leo, Pisces //
// No Good with : Libra, Aquarius //
// Example : Neat (6) //
// Outgoing (5) //
// Active (8) //
// Playful (3) //
// Nice (3) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
// 9. Sagittarius //
// Jovial and carefree Sagittarians are also blessed with boundless //
// energy. Unfortunately, this combination can also make them restless //
// and careless. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Capricorn, Pisces //
// No Good with : Libra, Scorpio //
// Example : Neat (2) //
// Outgoing (3) //
// Active (9) //
// Playful (7) //
// Nice (4) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
//10. Capricorn //
// Armed with a dry wit, Capricorns can often be found telling a good //
// joke. Also being very practical, they strive for order and //
// discipline. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Taurus, Aquarius //
// No Good with : Gemini, Leo //
// Example : Neat (7) //
// Outgoing (4) //
// Active (1) //
// Playful (8) //
// Nice (5) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
//11. Aquarius //
// Friendly and amusing, Aquarians are excellent companions. Being well //
// balanced in other areas helps to make them one of the most agreeable //
// signs. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Sagittarius, Capricorn //
// No Good with : Virgo, Scorpio //
// Example : Neat (4) //
// Outgoing (4) //
// Active (4) //
// Playful (7) //
// Nice (6) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
//12. Pisces //
// Selfless and kind, Pisces are one of the nicest signs. They're //
// active too. However, this combination can make them emotionally //
// restless and indecisive. //
// //
// --------------------------------- //
// Good with : Gemini, Scorpio //
// No Good with : Aries, Leo //
// Example : Neat (5) //
// Outgoing (3) //
// Active (7) //
// Playful (3) //
// Nice (7) //
// --------------------------------- //
// //
// "And you think God can only make 12 different traits and fates?" //
// A friend of mine, or probably myself //

NOTE: A character's zodiac is, in fact, not permanent. I know this because I
always make a Pisces Sim, but as I increase their personalities
through the crystal ball quest (explained later), I find out that the
zodiac of mine is changed accordingly.

3.3. Members Consideration

Now you may want to decide how many people you want to include in a family.
There is no absolute must about that, duh, you can have as few as you want or
vice-versa. This section will only provide the facts known so you can put them
in mind anytime a decision is near.

1. Bachelor
Living as a bachelor, or being alone in the family, is only good for
three reasons. (1) If you're seeking for greater challenge. (2) If you're
so idealistic about making the direct imitation of your real-life (i.e.
you also live alone) and (3) You want to eventually let other Sim marry
your bachelor, and therefore letting her to move to another family.

Being a bachelor is not good as a starting point for you to learn the game,
because you will miss a lot and will likely meet many trouble on the way.
Therefore, until you grasp most of the point of the game, it is better for
you to go with:

2. Two Sims
Anytime you want to get to know the game better, make a family with two
Sims. The idea is to let each of your Sim have his/her own task. One should
be the "moneymaker", going to work and stuff, while the other should be the
"homer", that is to stay at home. This basically balances the difficulty
and closes the weak points of each other (i.e. "moneymaker" can't clean the
house and greet the guests when at job, and this is where "homer" comes in;
while the "homer" can't make any money with all the business at home,
the "moneymaker" can).

When living as a bachelor, you have to be both a "moneymaker" and a "homer"
for yourself, which from time to time is proven near impossible. Go with
Two Sims, all the way!

3. Eight Sims
The big mother of a challenge is to take care of EIGHT different Sims all
at once. Everything starts from your money: you only got 20000 § at the
beginning, and the fact is that such amount is quite enough to make a
decent starting house...for only two Sims. Remember that you will need to
buy more beds, dining table, a lot of chairs, different objects, and such.

If somehow you're able to give them a quite dependable house, you will
have to go the rough task. The good part about having eight Sims is that,
with the "moneymaker/homer" strategy, you can easily have 7 "moneymaker"
while a single "homer" is enough. That makes way greater income, obviously,
but when the time has come to raise their stats for a job promotion...

4. To have or not to have...
Even if you want to have eight Sims in the family, you just don't have to
start with eight at the beginning. You can slowly (and safely) begin with
two Sims, and then begin marrying, having kids and maybe asking the same
gender neighbor to move in to your house. Before then, you can always
make preparation first! Build bigger house, more bedrooms, and buy better

Each kid you have will cut 10% off of your bills, so if you have an adult
and 7 kids (you always have to have at least one adult), you will only have
to pay 30% of your total bills. Kids can't go to work, but they are able to
paint, and will occasionally get 100 § from grandpa or when studying with
the computer if they have the best grade at school.

More adults, as it is already mentioned, will let you have more people to
work, and quick money therefore. Make a balance between adults and kids,
and see if it worksbest for you.

3.4. Moving-in

Now that everything is ready, all you have to do is to move-in your family
into the neighborhood. You will also see there are another pre-made family
there. You can always evict them out of the house to replace them with your
very own neighborhood set.

With Livin' Large, you can have five different neighborhoods. The #1 is
exactly the one you see on the original The Sims, the #2 is a new one with
three newly-themed house and a pre-made family, while the rest (#3-#5) are
empty neighborhoods with no house or family. Personally, I went to the fifth
neighborhood to build my very own, but you can do anything you want.

When moving-in, you can buy a house (if any) or just buy an empty lot and
build on your own. Also note that the lots have different size, and therefore,
different price. It doesn't matter as to their surroundings, though. Just
because you buy a lot near the river, doesn't mean you can do a fishing there.

(although... hey, that's quite a good idea to have specific lot feature!)

Most of the lots, though, have different terrain height, meaning that it
will cost you more to flat out the land (note that walls can't be build on
such terrain, and so can't anything else for that matter). If you just started
out, just buy the empty lot exactly behind "The Sims" wood sign (the one that
shows you the credits screen). It's quite cheap, the land is completely flat,
and the size is agreeable.

4. Sims Behaviors
4.0. Between Free Will and not...

Through the Game Option feature, you can decide whether you want to turn
off the Free Will of your Sims or not. Free Will is the feature to let the
game engine to control your Sims to help themselves. However, as it was stated
by Will Wright, the designer of The Sims, they make the people in the game
really dumb (while the objects are really smart). Sims can't find a job by
themselves, for example. They only have the slight intelligence akin to the
animal's instinct, that is to do stuff around hoping to fulfill their need in
the process (euh, maybe there's more, Maxis programmers, don't shoot me...).

Due to that fact (and maybe because I'm an egoistical dictator), I always
turn Free Will off, especially when playing the one Sim that resemble myself
in the realm of The Sims. When I played another family, though, I went more
carefree and let the Free Will kicks them whenever they wanted to go.

Should you use the help of Free Will, though, take note that (1) you will
still, without no doubt, HAVE to order your Sims to do certain tasks, and
(2) remember that your order is absolute, and therefore will always takes
first place compared to their Free Will's order in the term of priority. Say,
if your Sim is going to the toilet on his own, and then you tell him to turn
off the TV, he will do your order first.

It will be hard for you to manually give order if you have many people in
the family, so if you insist on turning the Free Will off even with eight
Sims in the family, a nice trick is to frequently use the Pause key. You can
always give order(s) that way, and no time is wasted.

4.1. One deadly need, and 7 others...

In total, your Sims have eight different needs that will affect their live,
and their mood, should they are filled and vice-versa. Here they are...
// ~ Needs ~ //
// ~ It doesn't take an artist Sim to be a moody Sim! How unlucky! ~ //
// //
// 1. Hunger //
// Hunger is what I meant with "one deadly need". This is because only //
// this can cause death to your Sim when it isn't satiated. You know, //
// it's sort of amusing having to tell all you friends this, but here //
// goes: //
// //
// you need to have an eat to fill your Hunger bar. //
// //
// ... //
// ... ..., //
// //
// Euh. Anyway. Your Hunger bar depletes naturally as time goes by, and //
// it may go faster depending on what you're doing at the time. Also //
// note that, naturally, your Bladder bar will decrease faster when //
// you're eating. When your bar is empty, grab a quick eat or else you //
// will die soon. You can only have an eat through (1) the fridge, //
// (2) buying pizza (not dependable), (3) the bar table (not satiating) //
// and (3) guest's gift (so totally not dependable/satiating at all). //
// //
// 2. Energy //
// You need Energy to do everything except for sleeping and a nap; both //
// are coincidentally the two out of the three ways to regain back your //
// Energy. Another way is by having a whole lot of coffee. //
// //
// Your Energy bar depletes all the time, each action takes different //
// amount of energy (i.e. playing basketball is more tiring than //
// wasting the whole day watching TV). You won't die when it's empty, //
// but your Sim will automatically ignore you and quickly get a sleep //
// on whatever they're standing on at the time. This is NO GOOD. //
// Sleeping in the bed is much, much better. //
// //
// 3. Comfort //
// Comfort is a weird Need to explain. I imagine that, in real life, //
// my "Comfort Bar" will exactly be near empty when I haven't take a //
// bath for quite some embarassing length of time. But in The Sims, //
// you can have a full Comfort bar even with empty Hygiene bar. //
// Anyway, as to the game, Comfort is gained back through everything //
// that involves (1) bed, (2) chairs and such, and (3) bathtub. //
// //
// Your Comfort bar decreases as you do anything standing. This is also //
// an advantage, though, because the bar also increases as you do //
// anything sitting. You will normally fulfill this bar as you try to //
// fulfill other needs. When it's empty, nothing will happen, but heck, //
// the only way I could think of a Sim with an empty Comfort bar is //
// if he build too big of a house that he can't afford to buy a chair. //
// //
// 4. Fun //
// Come to think about it, everybody needs to have fun. This goes quite //
// different depending on personalities, though. Serious Sim will enjoy //
// a good reading more than a game of pool. The most common way to fill //
// this bar is to watch TV, but as you will find there are different //
// objects with different fun factor. //
// //
// The Fun bar decreases anytime you do too much work. When it is too //
// empty, nothing will really happen, but for even the smallest attempt //
// of rescue, tell your Sim to read that newspaper before it decays to //
// a junk--that, in fact, is the cheapest way of fun you can get. //
// //
// 5. Hygiene //
// Hygiene drops naturally everytime you're not using the shower/tub/ //
// washing hand. Hygiene drops everytime you let that timer roll. It //
// is inevitable, although it is not all that dangerous after all. //
// //
// When the Hygiene bar is empty, nothing will happen as well. The bar //
// will suddenly reach zero if your Bladder bar (see below) is empty, //
// but nothing could fix the problem like a quick visit to the bathroom.//
// //
// 6. Social //
// Now this is kind of weird too. Every single Sim, regardless of //
// personality traits, needs to be social at times. Even those with an //
// absolutely empty personality. In other words, even if you have a //
// shy, mean, introverted and lazy Sim, they will eventually have to //
// get out and talk with others too. //
// //
// The bar decreases anytime you're not in touch with other. Different //
// acts toward your Sim's friend have different Social-filling feat. //
// When it's empty, it is said that your Sim will reach the level that //
// of a crazy guy; but I never experienced that. Just grab that phone //
// and call a friend, or just talk to your family member. It's all the //
// same. //
// //
// 7. Bladder //
// Bladder is a very fun bar, because it takes only a mere minute from //
// zero to full bar. This is the reason why you always need a bathroom //
// for your house. //
// //
// This bar goes off everytime, but faster when you're eating or having //
// more and more coffee. When it's empty, your character will wet his/ //
// her pants and also leaving a water puddle on the floor. Should that //
// happen, the Hygiene bar will also deplete extremely. Other than //
// that, though, nothing else is quite fatal about it. //
// //
// 8. Room //
// The last Need is quite complicated. This basically rounds out how //
// your Sim is feeling about the surroundings. In short, they always //
// want a clean, bright, enough space, and a properly decorated room. //
// If the room can't fulfill the requirements, the Room bar will never //
// be full. //
// //
// Room bar depletes quickly if you move your Sim to a poor room, and //
// it drops faster than a rock when the plumbing is broken and water is //
// flooding the floor. This bar goes up and down fluidly unlike the //
// others. You don't really have to pay much attention to this; should //
// this decrease, chances are you will have a better room for your Sim //
// to fix the problem in a zip. Again, nothing's happen if it's empty. //
// //
// "Zidane, I need eat more different food. I still hungry!!! You need //
// come back, take me more places, show me more food!" //
// Quina Queen, Final Fantasy IX //

NOTE: Another way to quickly refill your needs is to make a Blue Potion
through the Chemistry Set (explained later). The Blue Potion, albeit
appears randomly, will fulfill three different needs (also random) to
the fullest! A definite mood-raiser, this is!

4.2. Mood

Mood is the overall sum of all your eight Needs bar status, but not exactly.
Your Mood ranges from five full green Mood (which is good) all the way down
to zero, to one red Mood to five full red Mood (by which you are in a good

// Picture of a Mood bar in action //
// //
// == 5 -, //
// === 4 | //
// ==== 3 > Green // The more you have here, the better! //
// ===== 2 | //
// ====== 1 -' //
// ,----, //
// | | ZERO Balance // It's also possible to have zero mood too! //
// | | ZERO //
// '----' //
// ====== 1 -, //
// ===== 2 | //
// ==== 3 > Red // The more you have here, the worse! //
// === 4 | //
// == 5 -' //
// //
// //

Mood comes into play when you're going to interact with any object that
involves raising stats. You will need at least one green Mood, or else your
Sim will reject your order, saying he/she is not in the mood for it. Also
remember that it doesn't matter if you're going to raise your stat or not.
You may have 10 full Creativity stat and only want to do it for fun, but when
your Sim is not in the mood, he won't do the piano too.

What I mean when I said Mood is not the exact round of the Needs is the
fact that it is possible to have four full green Mood even if one of your
Need bar is in red. All you need is to have four to six full bars (this
gets easier as you have better and better objects) and the mood will be
quite high as well.

This goes otherwise, too. It only take a totally empty need bar to decrease
the Mood. So, to sum it up, a couple of full needs is better than an even
set of needs; an even set of needs, though, is better than near-full bars
with a couple of empty bars.

Mood also factors in your job performance. The better Mood you have when
going to job, the better your performance is. When you have fulfilled all the
requirement for a job promotion (explained later) but never seem to get it, it
is probably because of the Mood. If you keep on going on a bad Mood, your
performance drops and may eventually bring you to the brink of demotion. Watch

4.3. Sims' way of thinking

Behind all those skin and all, your Sim is composed out of many lines of
programming algorithm. It already has quite some pre-set ways to do things you
told them to do. These includes pathfinding, priority, and reaction.

The first is pathfinding. Most of your orders will involve many walk to your
Sim. For instance, your Sim will choose the closest path to an object out of
the many. This become a bit messy when somebody is on their way. When a
collision is detected between Sims, both will stop. Your Sim will then try to
find alternative path. If there isn't any, one of them will consider a
retreat (that is walking out of the way). Normally, your Sim will then
continue the walk, but it appears that your Sim will stand for nothing in
quite a minute before they continue the job.

When something is on the way and there's no solution found (like you're
telling your Sim to replace a bulb, but the floor lamp itself is inaccesible),
your Sim will tell you about it. Also, when your Sim is running straight to
any topiaries (this only available via download or in Livin' Large), he/she
will then stop and completely FORGET all the task (i.e. you need to reorder).

The next is priority. This only matters when you allow your Sim to have
their own Free Will. There are occasions when your Sim will ignore your order
and do what they think is best. You may only order a real hungry Sim to read
a book, but don't be surprised when he suddenly add "Eating" to the top of
the list and put your order to second.

A mix between pathfinding and priority is the fact that your Sim will always
choose to walk on tiled-floor than on grass, even if a grass path to a target
is closer than a tiled path. Not that it matter that much, just an info much
heavier to the amusement side.

Another is reaction. According to personalities, your Sim may get along well
(or not) with another. Sometimes the guest will try to interact with your Sim
some more, and he may not enjoy it. Another kind of reaction is the waking-up
sequence (in which Active Sim will be on their feet faster than lazy ones) and
whatever they're doing when a fire is on. During the latter, your Sim will
madly crying out loud being so panic at all. You can order him to call the
fireman and all, but he will then catch the hysteria again (regardless of Free
Will or not).

When they receive gift from visiting guests (not from interaction option),
a Sim will first react by looking for a surface to put them down. They also
do the same thing after they grab the bill letter from the mailbox. If the
order is cancelled or there is no surface found, they will automatically put
the item on the floor. Sometimes, though, it saves a lot of time that way.
Think about it.

4.4. Sims and your order

4.4.1. Giving orders

When you think of it, your Sim are nothing more but everything you ordered
him to do. By default, your Sim will follow any order. He will try to replace
the bulb under the risk of getting electrocuted if you told him to. He will
cook the food under the risk of causing fire if you told him to, too.

All that fact comes into advantage for us, the players. There are some
considerations when giving orders: first is that without any order, a Sim
will just stand up doing nothing at all until they run out of energy and
sleep, or they run out of food and die. This means that you will always want
him to be under command, for his own good.

The best way to give orders is to queue commands. You already know that the
most common thing to do after eating is to go to toilet. So, you pause the
game, choosing "Eat" on a plate of food and then clicking "Use" on the toilet
all at once. That will queue the commands. Consecutive orders work as well as
one-by-one order, they may in fact save you a lot of time. You can give
consecutive orders on the fly, though (meaning no need to pause the game) but
you will usually have to get used to the game flows first before being able
to think what's next fast enough.

There are occasions when ordering comes slightly different. One is when
your Sim is sleeping. Normally, he will stay in the bed until it reaches 6
AM in the morning. This goes even though his Energy (i.e. the only reason
why you want him to sleep) is already full before 6 AM. Now, by adding
another order after sleeping, you will be able to cut the habit and get more
free time to do more things. Whether telling her to serve meal or whatever,
always tell your Sim to do anything else after sleeping.

By Livin' Large, there will be this new "friend" called the cockroach. The
only order you could do to them is to spray them, and your character can only
have that order in the list to do the job. When it works, your Sim will then
continue to seek another cockroach to spray. The watering order also work
similarly. They will water all the plant found inside and outside unless you
told them to do anything else too.

As it is already told, sometimes Sim can lost all the orders in their list
if they bump into something. Nothing solves this, you just have to give them
another order. Refer to section 6.0 "Specific objects behavior" for more
about how ordering affect your Sim's act when using some certain objects.

// "Captain, sir! We await your orders, sir!" //
// Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII, Final Fantasy IX //

4.4.2. Cancelling orders

You can also stop whatever your Sim is doing by clicking at the picture of
the order. When reading a book, for example, cancelling will stop your Sim
and she will then return the book to the shelf. Cancelling a sleep will wake
your Sim up. Cancelling an eat will leave you a half-empty plate, but still
ready to be eaten again (the meal, not the plate, duh).

Sometimes, cancelling won't do the job. This is specifically happen when
a Sim is already doing the task while it is a single yet long-animated task.
Take "Drinking Coffee" for example. Another tip of cancelling is when you
take your bill. When doing so, your Sim will automatically seek for the
closest surface (table, end table) to put it down. But heck, you can cancel
the task AFTER your Sim got the mail. She will put it down the floor, and by
then you will be able to quickly pay for it. This also works similarly when
receiving cake or flowers from guests.

Cancelling also speeds-up other tasks, such as washing the dishes or
emptying the trash. When doing the latter, you can cancel before she go to
the outside trashcan. There will be trashes all over the floor, but you can
pick it up and put it down the inside trashcan again (and voila, it won't be
full! Wonder where the rest of the trashes go...)

4.5. Skills

Skills are essential in overcoming various problems you will without no
doubt encounter during your game. You will have to spend a lot of time working
on these. Read on.

// ~ Skills ~ //
// ~ Gotta read lots, lots, lots of books, and more! ~ //
// //
// 1. Cooking //
// This is the most important skill to learn at the beginning, //
// especially for the "homer" Sim. Of course, you will definitely want //
// to learn it when playing Bachelor as well. //
// //
// what it does: //
// Cooking skill is one of the factors that make satisfying meal //
// (another is the quality of the kitchenwares used). The better your //
// Skill is, the faster you'll get a full Hunger bar. Another usage of //
// this skill is to avoid the chance of causing fire when using the //
// stove. The poorer your skill is, the bigger the chance you will //
// burn your whole house down. Some job careers also require you this. //
// //
// how to learn: //
// There's only one way to learn Cooking, that is by purchasing a //
// bookshelf and choosing to Study Cooking from it. I imagine that the //
// skill should also increase the more you cook; but no, it isn't. //
// //
// 2. Mechanical //
// Mechanical has a lot to do with fixing and/or making things. The //
// Repairman (whom you can call by phone) has a perfect Mechanical //
// skill, and therefore may be of a help during the beginning of the //
// game when your skill is low. //
// //
// what it does: //
// Mechanical will help you a lot when things are broken. Of course, //
// you can always call the Repairman, but why not taking the skill to //
// its best so you can do it yourself and save money? In Livin' Large, //
// the better the skill is, the higher the price of the Gnomes you make //
// with the woodworking table. Most job careers also require you this. //
// //
// how to learn: //
// Previously, much like Cooking, you can only learn Mechanical skill //
// through learning from books. But with Livin' Large, you can buy the //
// woodworking table. You will make a lot of Gnomes with that thing, //
// and the longer time you spend, the faster you'll get your skill up. //
// //
// 3. Charisma //
// You will need to have a good quality of Charisma to charm other //
// people to do whatever you wanted them to do. Not that you can do //
// that thing in The Sims, duh, it's just some filler sentences... //
// //
// what it does: //
// Nothing much, really. It is only important for some job careers, //
// and that actualy is all. //
// //
// how to learn: //
// You will have to buy any kind of mirror and choose Practice Speech //
// from there. //
// //
// 4. Body //
// Everyone wants a good body. Everyone wants to be strong. Do you? //
// //
// what it does: //
// Surprisingly, nothing much, too. It is only important for some job //
// careers. You'd think that with this you will be able to do more //
// things (like, pushing furnitures somewhere out of the way), but no. //
// Oh, it is also said that this help when you get into fight with //
// other. //
// //
// how to learn: //
// Buy the exercise machine, and use it. Also know that this skill //
// takes you the most energy to learn compared to another, so try not //
// to overdo it. You can also build a pool and swim there to eventually //
// gain the skill. There's no blue indicator bar when swimming, but //
// the skill will still go up (although at the more lengthy time). Go //
// with the exercise machine all the way. //
// //
// 5. Logic //
// Logic has escaped the mind of many, many Sims. How about yours? //
// //
// what it does: //
// Nothing. It helps you to advance most job careers, but nothing else. //
// //
// how to learn: //
// In The Sims, the only way to learn Logic skill is by playing chess. //
// With Livin' Large, you can also buy the chemistry set or telescope //
// as they help too. //
// //
// 6. Creativity //
// It is Creativity all they need the most to make games like The Sims. //
// It is your ability to make something "new", something original. //
// //
// what it does: //
// Advancing job careers. Uh, and good Creativity skill will raise the //
// price of the paintings you make, but not by much compared to what //
// Mechanical skill is to the Gnome. Yes, a single painting at 10 //
// Creativity sold higher than a single Gnome at 10 Mechanical, but by //
// the time you finished your painting, 10 Gnomes or more should be //
// finished too. //
// //
// how to learn: //
// Buy the piano, or the cheaper easel. With the Livin' Large, you //
// should also try the electric guitar. //
// //
// "I'm fine by myself now. I have all the skills I need to survive. I'm //
// not a child anymore." //
// Squall Leonheart, Final Fantasy VIII //

Note that it takes longer time to learn more and more skills. You can easily
start getting a couple of skill points by wasting some hours, but it will
obviously take you more than a full day to max them out from nine to ten. Be
patient, and always keep an eye on your Energy and other Needs.

Fully skilled Sim also do not get much else in practical. My first Sim who
had reached that was in fact a "homer". Since she didn't work, most were
simply wasted. She still called the Repairman just for fun, and so the only
way it mattered was when she cooked a real good meal for the whole family.

4.6. Health

Now as you download the Guinea Pig object or installed Livin' Large, it is
indeed possible for your Sim to get sick. This can usually be recognized when
he/she is sneezing and all. Sickness can happen when your Sim is playing with
the Guinea Pig while the cage is not clean (you will notice this if you find
the "Clean" option on the object). Be warned, though, that it is possible to
get bitten by the Guinea Pig and get sick even though there is no "Clean"
option when you ordered to "Play" (this mostly happened if you queue the order
after sleeping or other long-time acts).

When it happens, most of the need bars (most notably the Energy bar) will
drop faster then usual. These are things you need to take note about sickness:

1. Yes, sickness can cause death. Be terribly aware of this fact, because
unlike another things that may also cause death (e.g. being electrocuted
or hunger), death by sickness may come unpredictably. You may still have
a sick Sim with quite good mood and somewhat satiated needs, but it doesn't
mean they won't die an hour later.

2. When a Sim is sick, their Energy bar drops really fast. Because of this,
NEVER ever force your Sim to do anything beyond their condition, especially
stat raising. In order of priority, you will need to keep an eye on Hunger,
then Energy, Bladder (which goes altogether with Energy, you'll soon see)
and probably Hygiene and Comfort.

3. A cure for the ill Sim is a tight sleep and a lot, lot cups of coffee. My
suggestion is that you put an endtable or any surface near the bed, and
tell your Sim to drink around five or more cups of coffee before obviously
telling him to go to the toilet. I remember that Will Wright said something
about giving the ill Sim a lot of nice hot drinks--but since the game
doesn't provide any other kind of drinks (except from the bar object, which
obviously isn't all that nice and warm), I guess coffee is the best bet.

4. It is said that an ill Sim may not go to work. Fortunately, this suggestion
has been proven wrong. This probably has a lot to do with the quicker
decay of Energy and Hunger bars when working (both being the most deciding
needs whether your Sim will survive or not), but there's always a way. You
shouldn't tell your Sim to do anything at home (except to fulfill their
needs) and they'll be quite safe when at work. Your ill Sim will spend a
lot of time sleeping and drinking coffee, and then use the little hours
remaining to have an eat, bath, and probably a nap. Tell them to work as
usual, then tell him to sleep, have coffee, toilet, eat. Lather, rinse,

This is probably hard to do when you don't have quite good objects yet;
when that happens, you could just go to work a day, stay home the next day,
go to work again, and that should also help too.

5. Sickness may jump from a Sim to another; in other words, keep a healthy
Sim away from the ill one. This probably goes depending on time, not
interaction. This fact is an obvious advantage, because when in absolute
dire need to fulfill the Social bar (and you will, sooner or later), your
ill Sim could just hug a roommate for a couple time and then quickly leave
to avoid further problem. This is quite OK as long as done fast enough.

An ill Sim will regain back his health after two or more days (depending on
how well she got rest, coffee, and an overall good mood).

NOTE: With Livin' Large, you can buy a decorative item called the Guinea Pig
painting. Viewing it will cure your ill Sim automatically. Also, you
may ended up making a White Potion from the Chemistry Set when a Sim is
ill. It doesn't come up automatically, though, so stick with the
painting instead.

4.7. What a Sim dislikes and why
When sleeping:
They don't like being in the same room with anybody and anything doing certain
(especially noisy) activities. These include:

- phone ring
- cuckoo clock (download, or Livin' Large)
- turned on TV
- turned on stereo set
- baby cry
- other Sim playing with piano
- other Sim playing with PC
- other Sim working with the exercise machine
- other Sim playing with the guitar
- other Sim playing with other object I fail to notice, as long as they make

If Sim A is already sleeping when Sim B is doing one of the above, Sim A
will suddenly wake up. When Sim B is already doing one of the above when
Sim A is going to sleep, it will be impossible for Sim A to do it unless
Sim B stops her act first.

Waking up a Sim when their Energy bar is not yet filled also disturbs them.

In other hand, a Sim will not want to sleep in a double bed with another Sim
she doesn't have quite a good relationship yet (about 60-80, I guess). This
may be quite a punch to your wallet to buy different bed for different Sim,
so it is always advisable to have really good relationship with the same
family member. That way, you can have two Sims sleeping in the same bed,
which saves money and space (i.e. you will naturally need only one bedroom
in the stead of two, or probably can use the second room for SimKid).

When using the toilet:
They don't like another person inside the bathroom, EXCEPT they know the
person really well (i.e. they have high relationship points, explained later).

When bathing:
They also don't like another person inside the bathroom, EXCEPT they know the
person really well.

When an object is broken:
Sometimes, your Sim may break an object when using them. When this happens,
the act is stopped abruptedly and you should immediately call the Repairman
or fix the object yourself.

In a smaller scale, they hate trash, dirty bathrooms, and messy beds. Of
course, they hate more serious things like floods and fire too.

Like, you don't like it if a random person hugs you in all of a sudden, do
you? So do your Sim then. There will also be certain things they dislike in
the regard of love matters, but it will be discussed more in its own section.

4.8. SimKid behaviors

There will be different section to discuss more about the SimKid, but here
we will be just talking about their difference with the adult Sim behavior.
They are basically the same with adult Sim. They can sleep in both the kiddie
bed or the common beds (the way an adult Sim can also sleep in both, too). A
kind of special thing is that they are not considered as a real problem in the
bathroom. They can be with another family member (although maybe not so with
guests) in the same time without no worries. They also have quite a tendency
to make a whole lot of water puddles after using the shower.
Also note that SimKid cannot raise skills, and have no usage of them anyway
(they can't serve meal, repair, go to work). The very same mood/needs rule
still apply, though.

4.9. Guests behaviors

Obviously, you cannot control those guest Sims who make a visit to your
house. They have their own Free Will, and your role is to satiate what they
need. In other word, be a good host.
This is what I use to experience when having guest. First, they will knock
your door and STAY AWAIT until you GREET them. They don't wait forever,
though, so if they're ignored for around an hour or more, they will eventually
leave (and probably get mad at you). Once you greet them, they will instantly
enter your house; and this begins your job as a host.
Normally, if your guest comes from "unused family" (i.e. a family you make
not to be played, just so you can have them as friends. This will be explained
later), they will come with the default need: They're HUNGRY.


Now if you have meals prepared, the guest will quickly grab it and have an
eat. You can make better use of this fact by taking a meal as well. This will
trigger a social conversation, which obviously adds up the Social need (with
the Hunger since you're eating, and most likely Comfort too). If your Sim is
not hungry, though, just let him do anything else for a while.
When they're finished, guests will feel what your Sim usually feel: they
have to go to the bathroom. Let them go first and then use the toilet too
(especially if you were also eating) or use another toilet if you have it.
After that, your guest is ready to be interacted with (i.e. the only reason
why you need them). Sometimes, though, they will probably go for the coffee-
maker first (they need a quick boost on Energy, perhaps). After that, chat to
them, play chess, whatever.
At some point or another, their Free Will should lead them do fulfill their
needs with objects found in your house. If their Fun bar is low and you're so
unlucky that you don't have anything resembling "fun", then your guests will
eventually go back home to find the entertainment on their own.


5. Building
Unless you buy a pre-made house, you will have to make one for your own.
Answer me, what's the fun of buying pre-made houses? Oh. Yeah. It's fast and
doesn't require us the tiniest amount of brain cells. But hey, building is fun
too, if you just spend enough time and imagination with it.
5.0. Stats

The Sims began as a housemaking simulation, and had it stayed that way, this
Stats should occupy a major portion in the game. But no, so instead it only
becomes a really, really worthless and unnoticed part. You don't need to care
about this mostly. If your Sim live there happily, it doesn't matter what the
Stats said. Here they are anyway:
This is the area inside the house--the area enclosed by walls. Sims like lots
of room, the more the better, and they really won't be happy if space is
A bedroom is any room that has a bed. As long as you provide your Sim with
comfy beds, they'll sleep well and wake re-energized.
Only room that contains a toilet, tub or shower is considered a bathroom. Sims
definitely need at least one bathroom to relieve their bladder and hygiene
Lot Size:
A lot can happen on a lot. They come in various sizes and cost accordingly.

There are another parts of your house that, unlike the above stats, are
scored accordingly in the sense that the more they are, the better. They are:
This is the size of the buildings you have in the house, probably scored
solely on the in-house (i.e. doesn't include yard). I came into that thought
because I used not to give a thing to the yard, but I expand the house a lot
and somehow this stat is full already.
This is the round-out of all the objects you have in your house. To test this
out, I started a new family and bought them only one thing, the Servo. And
the Furnishing stats skyrocketed to the fullest. But when there's cheaper
items around, the score should drop.
Now this is where they judge how pretty your yard is. The easiest way is to
plant more and more trees until this stat is full. But you can normally build
swimming pool and nice gardens to boost this.
What's a shiny house if it's left dead for years? Upkeep stat goes up and down
all the time. When there are broken item, dirty toilets, burned bulbs, the
Upkeep stat goes down. When all is fixed, it goes back up. Note that whenever
you start a game, this stat is full (yeah, because you don't have any objects,
let alone to be broken anyway)...
If your Sims frequently bump one another when going all around the house,
you can safely tell something's wrong with the Layout. This is the hardest
stat to satiate, you will always want all the activity in the house work
fluidly between one another. I can't really say much else because I used to
get low Layout score... just try not to place too much unneeded wall and see
if it works.

5.1. Building consideration

Now the only reason why you would or would not want to put something on that
empty lot to eventually make a decent hourse out of it is how your Sim will
feel about it. You may make a really good house in your own eyes, but maybe
there's something wrong there according to your Sim. Maybe it's too big, maybe
it's too simplistic, maybe you just put too much things there.

Control reminder
(hold)Ctrl + click-drag : delete wall
(hold)Shift + click-drag : build square room
a) Corners
Sims enjoy more the imaginative approach into the standard, square-shaped
walls that develop a room. It appears that they liked the cut on the corner
more. I honestly didn't see any big difference between standard and cut-out
corners, but aside from the fact that cut-out corner saves money, it's always
worth a try, no?

// Wall Corners //
// //
// 1) This is the standard corner: //
// ___ //
// | //
// | //
// //
// //
// 2) This is the cut-out corner (which a Sim likes more): //
// ___ //
// / //
// | //
// //

There's a downside to making cut-out corners, though, namely the placing
limitation. To put it short, a single cut-out corner will cost you an empty
grid that you should get had you decided to use the standard corner. Remember
that this one grid is sometimes very valuable, you know, due to it's place.
You can have decorative items there, or floor lamps.

// Between the Possible and the Impossible //
// //
// 1) You can make combination between diagonal and normal wall like this: //
// //
// | North //
// |___ W E //
// / S //
// | //
// //
// but you cannot make the combination like this: //
// //
// ______ North //
// / W E //
// | S //
// | //
// //
// A normal wall could not go across a diagonal wall if there's another //
// normal wall by the other end of the diagonal wall. In the picture, //
// you could see the normal wall could not go to west because there's //
// another normal wall by the end of the diagonal wall (going north). //
// In much easier words, two normal and a diagonal could not collide. //
// //

Also note that NOTHING could be placed on the diagonal wall. No painting,
no wall lamp, no window, no door, no anything. Well, you could still place
wallpapers, but that's all I know.

b) functions
Now back to the basic: why do you want to add a wall? To make a room, that's
correct. And what's the use of a room? To separate different functions between
them, right. In other words, you need to make a BATHroom and a BEDroom because
you don't want to fuse them into a BATHBEDroom (since, you know, sleeping with
a toilet nearby just doesn't seem quite right).

It is a bit easier to determine in The Sims, though, because all they care
is just bedroom and bathroom. You can make whatever other room as you wish:
playroom, studyroom, partyroom, poolroom, hothouse, workshop, whatever. It is
already discussed in the Sims Behaviors section that Sims want some sort of
privacy for both bedroom and bathroom (albeit for some slightly different
reason). Aside from that, it's all yours.

The moral of this subsection is that: you always want to make separate
bathroom and bedroom. All the livingroom kind of thing can go whatever they

a) General info
Now, speaking technically, what is a room? Square-shaped grids surrounded
with walls? Square-shaped grids surrounded with walls with cut-out corner?


First, a room can be of ANY KIND OF shape. As long as:
1. The space is entirely surrounded with walls.
2. There's no fully separating wall between space. Here's an exercise:
1) ______
| This, my friend, is not a room. It's missing a wall.
| |
2) _______
| | This is a full room.
| |
3) _______
| | | This is also a full room. There's a wall in the middle, but
| | | it fails to fully separate the space.
4) _______
| | | No, this isn't a pant. These are TWO ROOMS. The wall in the
| | | middle has now complete.
5) ____ Now, this may look like something out of your math
/ \_______ textbook. Take it simply, it's also a room despite the
/ \ rather funky approach to the design.
|_______ \

I hope you all could understand these little notes. If you can't, it is
suggested for you to start a journey to Tibet and, uh, seek the meaning of
life or something.

b) What makes a good room

Note that a full room, as explained above, is not yet to be a perfectly
liveable room. You should be able to notice them quickly, but here they are:
1. A room needs at least a door to get in and out.
2. A room needs some windows to provide maximum lighting in the days.
3. A room needs some lamps to provide maximum lighting in the nights.
4. This is not an absolute must, but any kind of wallpaper and tile should
help a lot on the aesthetic side and all.
5. A good room is not of a huge size, but is enough to contain the whole
objects that are going to be put there, so a Sim could use all of them
freely and safely enough.

Door and Window
Control reminder
(hold)Ctrl + click-drag : delete door/window (but not the wall)

There's only little thing we could talk about these two objects, but let's
discuss them as well. First is the door. A door is regarded basically as a
wall; a combination between wall and door also separate space into different
rooms. A door can only be placed on normal, not diagonal walls. A door also
needs two empty grid in front and behind it. This is obvious, I think, you
need both space to freely go in and out via the door. There are many kind of
doors in The Sim, but they're just for aesthetic matter and simply serve and
behave the same way (e.g. that "frame-only" door is, after all, also a door
so that albeit the look, it still doesn't connect between rooms into a single

Still regarding doors, there is currently no double-doors both in The Sims
and Livin' Large. You may want to place two doors next to each other as a
front door; When you have more than one guest, repairman, gardener, and maid
all in one time, it will be quite a mess when people have to queue to get in
or out. Also make quite some free grids surrounding the door, avoid narrow
corridor like plague. Here's an example:

| | | and - : walls, both occupy a single grid
| | D : doors
| | Never make something like this! It will only leave your Sim
| | a mere 1-grid wide space, meaning it will only be accesible
for one Sim in a time. Compare with the next:

| |
| | If you make things like this, you will have wider space which
-|---D---|-- will be a big help to avoid collision.
| |
| |

Always note that the "space limiter" doesn't always have to be walls:
in can also be objects, plants, flowers, anything. Always remember to put
things far enough from the door to let it have good enough space for your
Sims to get in and out.

A window works to let the sunlight into the room. You will want to put as
many window as it is needed to provide the maximum lighting. Simply add one
by one until the room doesn't get any brighter. You could still add more,
though, maybe for decorative reason (like in most pre-made houses).

Note that an inside window (a window simply placed inside, so it doesn't
directly receive sunlight) doesn't transfer light from a room to another.
Here's a graphical example.

ooooo ################## o = outside
ooooo # # # # = wall
ooooo | / # | = window
ooooo | Room / Room # / = inside window
ooooo | 1 / 2 #
ooooo # # #
ooooo # # #
ooooo ##################

As you see there, the Room 1 should be bright (because it has a window
leading outside), but then Room 2 will be totally dark. Notice that the
inside window will not transfer the light from window in Room 1 to Room 2,
despite its being adjacent with.

The minimum total of a window needed for a room is based on the room's size,
and it really doesn't matter on which side the windows are placed. If a room
only needs two, you can place both next to each other, or on different side,
anywhere as you wish. Although, still, you can't place it on diagonal walls.

Uh, no. Actually, I had experienced that a slight difference in placement
may also cause slightly different effect. Placing a window here, for example,
may only do a bright+1 (or whatever like that), but a window next to it may
do bright+2. I don't have any explanation about this. Should you know, please
mail me up.

Swimming Pool
Control reminder
(hold)Ctrl + click-drag : delete pool
Everybody loves swimming pool. When you choose the water button, you will get
a set of 3x3 tiles; Eight of them are cheap, outdoor tiles (meaning you will
be able to delete or replace them) and the one in the middle is the pool
itself. When you spread them, the water area will get wider with the rest of
the tile still surrounding them.

Also note that you need, at the very least, to place the ladder by the edge
of the pool so your Sim can have access into it. The diving board is optional,
but since there's nothing else you can have in the pool, then why not?

You can have an indoor swimming pool, but you can't have them on the second
story (i.e. don't just go building a whole lot of pillars just to realize
that it's impossible to have pool there like I did).

Tile and Wallpaper
Control reminder
(hold)Ctrl + click-drag : delete floor / wallpaper
(hold)Shift + click-drag : - fill an entire room with the same tile
- fill an entire connecting wall surface with

All these things will slowly empty your wallet, especially in the beginning.
If you can afford it, it is always best to have them. If you can't, though,
make it the last priority. Remember that different style costs you differently,
while there definitely isn't any advantage of having a tile/wallpaper over
another aside from aesthetic side (which doesn't count in-game, anyway).

In other words, start cheap first. They may look rather plain in the eye, but
there's nothing wrong about it according to your Sim. Also note that I haven't
experienced any matter in the regard of placing tile/wallpaper not at what it
seemed to be their "appropriate" place. Like, the tile/wallpaper set for the
bathroom shouldn't make any problem when placed in the bedroom, or outside.

5.2. To mix or not to mix

There have been a lot of ideas about not separating rooms differently at all.
It does not, in fact, bother your Sim should he sleep in a room when there's
a guest around. So then comes the idea to have only two different rooms in
the house; the bathroom (this one OBVIOUSLY needs to be separated) and the
large room for kitchen/bed/living room/dining room all in one pack.

While this DEFINITELY saves money because you don't need to build that much
of a wall, there are certain downsides to this. First is of course in regard
of your sleeping Sim. Realized or not, you will eventually place certain
objects that may annoy your sleeping Sim (refer to subsection 4.7. What a Sim
dislikes and why).

One of the biggest offender is the phone. You never know when this will ring
and wake up your Sim, while you will definitely have one in the house. Others
are the turned on television or stereo sets. Both these objects can easily be
left unnoticed for quite some time; only to have your about-to-sleep Sim
complaining about them.

Another problem is room rating. A small, separate bedroom is easier to take
care and decorate than a mix of different rooms altogether. If you mix
everything, that basically means you will also have dirty plates in your
bedroom, maybe unrecycled papers, withered plant, dirty aquariums, and all.
At the plus side, though, you will only have to concentrate on decorating that
one room alone to satistfy the Room need most of the time.

So, to sum it up, it basically is not a big problem to mix everything in one
room. Here are some ideas to better your life and help your Sim more:

1. Place the telephone inside the bathroom, or probably outside.
2. Never place the Cuckoo Clock. If you have one, place it in the bathroom.
3. Always make sure everything's turned off before telling your Sim to sleep.
4. When not playing alone, make sure that whenever you have a sleeping Sim,
tell the others to do less-noisy things. Practice speech, read books,
cook, stuff like that. Or maybe you can temporarily place the stuff
outside if you really need too (works okay with the exercise machine, TV,
and probably anything else) and move back in when they're done.
5.3. Starting ideas

Especially after you bought a vacant lot, you will have quite a little to both
build your house and buy necessary objects. Because of this, you will have to
make certain limitations to the size and layout of your house. You will
probably want to use the ideas of mixing rooms as explain on the previous
subsection; or you will not.

Either way, these are MY ideas about the layout. Emphasize the "MY" point
because it is, in fact, not recommended for you to use. It will be a whole lot
better if you take mine as a starting point, think about how ridiculous it is
for your taste, and begin making a better one. Trust me, I want you to do that

As a start, remember this. It is good to place your front door as close as
possible with the mailbox. If you have installed Livin' Large, you could see
in the 2nd Neighborhood that the retro-themed house (with the Mashuga family)
is a real bad example of front door placement, because it's at the different
side with the mailbox. Imagine how long it should take to get and pay bills,
newspapers, and all. You may want to build a little flower garden in front of
your house, so give it three space or so from the mailbox, then start building
walls. Something like this:

4 D : front door
3 -----D------ [t]: trashcan
2 GGG GGGG [m]: mailbox
1 G : garden (i.e. flowers, anything)
0 --------[t]--[m]---
######## ROAD #####

And here are some of my layout (the in-house only). Remember that the walls
are only a rough work to ease my job, you can have cut-out walls if you want.

1. The simple mix

|------|---------| FD : Front door
| 2 D 3 | D : Door
| | | 1 : Bed area
|-D----| | 2 : Bathroom
| 4 | 3 : Kitchen and dining area
| 1 | 4 : Living room

This is where the fuse between the bedroom + kitchen + dining room + living
room is applied. Place a bed or two in the bed area, put the kitchenwares
next to the walls and have a table in the middle (area 3). Have TV and stuff
in area 4. The bathroom is quite self-explanatory.

It's awesomely cheap. You only need to build two different room, one is very
small (the bathroom) and nothing else.

You will need to put the phone in the bathroom and stuff, everything to keep
a sleeping Sim comfortable due to the no privacy at all.

Expansion possibility:

| 5 |-------|
| | 3a |
|------|-D---| | 3a: Kitchen area
| 2 D 3b | 3b: Dining area
| | | 5: Study room
|-D----| |
| D 4 |
| 1 | |
| |-FD----------|

You can now seal off the bed area with walls to further privacy, and you can
expand the northern side area for anything, most notably the addition for
another room, which I used as a study room in my example. Also the removal
of the kitchen area so you can have much wider dining room.

2. A slightly better privacy

|------| 3 |------| FD: Front door
| 2 |--D--| 4 | D: Door
| | 1: Bedroom
|----D|---FD--------| 2: Kitchen and dining area
| 1 | 3: Bathroom
|-----| 4: Living room

With this, you cut the left part of your yard that's supposed to be a garden
and build a bedroom there. I know that nobody actually place a bathroom
directly in front of the front door; but no, Sims care not about this. So
why should you?

You will have a complete privacy when sleeping and the chance for another Sim
to work on noisy things without hesitation. There will be a lot more space to
place things unlike before and the house is quite expandable due to the simple
and the few amount of walls used.

Still much more expensive than the first layout, though, due to the cost of
a new bedroom.

Expansion possibility:

|-----| 5 |
|------| 3 |-----D| 5: Study room
| 2 |--D--| 4 |
| |
| 1 |

I hate fully symmetrical building, so I placed the Study Room to the north
of the living room instead of to its south. Or if you want to have a fully
balanced house, then something like this:

|------| |------|
| 6 |-----| 5 |
|-D----| 3 |----D-| 5: Study room
| 2 |--D--| 4 | 6: Bedroom
| | 7: All-purpose room
| 1 | | 7 |
|-----| |-----|

Now you have two bedrooms (you know, for your SimKid or something) and another
vacant room for whatever you wish. This cuts down your garden, of course, so
you can easily delete room 7 if you want, and only add room 6. Or delete room
6 and only add room 7. Whatever fits you best.

3. The big family

|--------------|---| FD: Front door
| 2 D 1 | D: Door
|-D--|--D------| | 1: Kitchen area
| 3 D 4 | 2: Bedroom
|----|--FD--- 5 | 3: Bathroom
\-----| 4: Living room
5: Dining area

When you start a house with eight family members, you don't build a lot of
bedrooms with one bed each for them. Instead, you build a huge bedroom with
a lot of beds. This is where the wide bedroom comes in. Note that your Sim
has no problem sleeping in a room with no matter how many other Sim around,
so despite the barrack-esque look, it's quite okay. It saves a lot of money
too. Also note the use of diagonal wall by the dining area. This is to make a
certain feeling of space, because it is in fact quite narrow for the living
and dining area had they were limited by common, vertical wall. Also: the door
next to the kitchen area. This is so that your "homer" Sim (you will have one,
duh, you're playing eight Sims!) can quickly serve dinner after sleeping
without having to get out through the south door.

The usage of walls is quite limited. You basically have only three rooms which
reduces a lot of other cost (especially for decoration).

The living room and dining room has to be sacrificed (i.e. they have to have
smaller space) as to save money for walls and stuff.

Expansion possibility:

|----|--| |----| 1: Kitchen area
| 8 D D 7 D 1 | 2: Dining area
|----| |-----| |---| 3: Bathroom
| 3 D | 6 D 2 | 4: Living room
|----| |--D--| | 5: Bedroom (1)
| 9 D 4 |---| 6: "homer" Sim's bedroom (2)
|----|--FD---|D----| 7: All-purpose room
| 5 | 8: Bedroom (3)
|-----| 9: Bedroom (4)

If you have the money, why not? Assuming you have a double-bed in each, then
two Sims can occupy a bedroom (in the stead of the 8:1 ratio in the beginning)
for better privacy. Also note the replacement of the bathroom to the more
northern room; this is because as far as I know, according to an architectural
law or something, you don't place similar functioned rooms next to each other
(which is bedroom 8 and 9, in my case) unless you're making some sort of hotel
or apartment, which I wasn't. Uh, yeah, the dining area is moved too; because
it's almost a rule that they must be close enough to the kitchen (which is
also slightly moved). Also note the placement of the two doors in the
All-purpose room; this is to save your Sims more time when going from the
left side to the right and vice versa.

No matter how excellent a house is, though, there WILL be a big change when
you also have to consider this next section. introducing: The Second Story.
5.4. Second story

Why having to spread out every single room to the north, to the east, to the
west and to the south to get enough space, if you can expand it to the ABOVE?
Most of the time, I had this problem of TOO MUCH AVAILABLE SPACE when I wanted
to build a second story. This was especially when I was playing a small family
when the need of many bedrooms is non-existant. I used to build everything on
the first story, and when I have the double space, I don't have any idea about
how I should make use of it.

The moral of my story is: if you really wanted to make use of a second story
(i.e. not for bragging rights), then plan as soon as possible. If you have
spare money and wanted to add a study room, decide if you want it right now
or soon after you have enough money to build the second story for that room.

In addition to that, you can actually have an extra grid on the second story;
In other words, you can place a tile on a first story wall, and have a second
story wall next it. It's better be experienced than told, though, so just try
a bit and see what I mean.

1. Basic

Okay, now as you already grasp the very meaning of the second story, let's
begin making them. The ways of building the second story are quite simple,
actually. If you have a room on the first floor, you can have another room
directly above it. If you have a pillar on the first floor, you can have a
room right above it too.

The key to building a second story is Tile, actually. While you can have
grasses on the first floor, you can't expect your Sim to hover around the
second story. Also note that yard objects do not belong to the second story.
This includes many stuff in Build mode like the swimming pool and most plants
that have to be placed on grass (like trees).

If you're ready, then purchase a ladder of your choice. Just the way common
sense used to say, place that ladder next to any wall. Not only this adds in
safety (in real life, anyway, as there's no falling incident in The Sims), but
this also helps the aesthetic feeling of the room.

Now that the ladder is placed, switch to the second story view (press Tab
or use the game's interface) and you will see empty grids there. Now you can
start placing tiles, and surround them with walls according to your needs.

Remember that you don't need to make an exact clone of your first story. You
can only use half of the available grids, and the game will fix the rest for
you (e.g. the roofs and overall look).

2. Pillars
You will use these for one purpose and one purpose only: to have a second
story tile when there's no wall under it. No, wait. You can use these for
decorative purpose too, I guess, to give your house a certain accent and such,
but that isn't all I wanted to discuss right now.

A pillar, despite what it may show you, actually support a 3x3 grid. You may
only see one above it in the beginning, but if you place a tile on it, it will
expand to all direction for you to place more tiles. In other words, if you
want a second story area by the size of 6x1, for example:

you don't have to buy six of them!

1 P P P P P P P: Pillars
1 2 3 4 5 6

no need for this! You only have to buy two pillars!

1 P P P: Pillars
1 2 3 4 5 6

(in fact, if you make full use of it, two pillars are enough for 6x3/3x6!)

this is enough. If you still have any problem, just imagine a pillar as the
middle tile in a fully available 3x3 grid (which IS its feature, after all).

3. Balcony
When you have a second story, you also have to have a balcony. I don't know
what's the reason behind this, maybe it gives you a certain feel of
awesomeness when watching other people down there from high above a balcony.
And just admit it, you want a balcony too, right?

It is fairly simple to build one. You already know that a second story floor
can have an extra grid over the first story one; but one grid is not enough
for a balcony. You will want around 2 or three grids there, depending on your

The way to do it, of course, is to place pillars. With these, you don't have
to build room on the first story to support the balcony (and a balcony does
NOT want a room under it, anyway). So you basically tile all the grid you
wanted to be a balcony, place surrounding fences (uh, not that a Sim will fall
down from an open balcony, mind you), and wall the back side of the balcony
and add a door to the inside.

4. Gravity-defying second story
Say, do you hate having pillars to support your balcony? Maybe they just
look plain ugly and can never match your Japanese-themed house? Me too,
sometimes. Now what if we somehow delete the pillars when the balcony is
already build? Will the floor just crumble down, disappear, or what?

No, baby. They stay.

Uhm, let me state this again in a much less compassionate speech. You can
sell all your pillars, and your balcony will stay intact. Just sell them the
same way you sell other objects, and voila! You have set your very own
gravity-defying house.

You can go extreme with this fact, too. If you have the money, you can place
nothing else but a ladder and a whole lots of pillars, then build your entire
house on the second story. Sell the pillars and see what happen. Let some of
the corner pillars stay and you will have what some of the folks here in
my country, Indonesia, have; a fully second story house with nothing much else
under it. And then start telling your friend the house is special to avoid the
attack of wild animals and floods, and voila, they praise your imagination!

(As a little aside, though, wild animals and floods actually ARE the reasons
why some of our people have that sort of a house.)

6. Objects
A house and an object is like the dark and the light; Each cannot go without
another. Once you get through the daunting task of building your house, you
can now calm down and start choosing what kind of thing you want your Sim to
enjoy. Provided you still have spare money in hand, of course.

// NOTE! //
// //
// You can sell an object you just bought and gain //
// back your full money as long as you do that within //
// the same day you bought the object. This does NOT //
// mean 24 hours after you bought the object. Rather, //
// you have whatever the time remaining in the //
// current day to do so. So, if it's 10 AM, you have //
// 14 hours to sell the object and still acquire your //
// money back. //
// //
// This is especially useful when buying the PC to //
// find your Sim a job. Buy a PC, search for job, //
// accept, and sell the PC back. No harm's done, and //
// you have more options for job thanks to the PC. //
// //

6.0. Specific objects behavior

Some objects work differently from the other. Before we're talking about the
most common ones, I'll include the specific first.

- Bed -
Your Sim will continue to sleep until 6 AM unless you use the order "Wake up"
or you give him another order in the queue. When you tell him to "Wake up",
your Sim will do that right at the time, regardless of energy, and most
likely will be yelling at you. This works best when a burglar is barging in.
When you simply give another order, your Sim will wait until his Energy is
all green before he wakes up and do the order.

A double bed needs free space to its left and right so two Sims can sleep
there at the same time.

- TV -
When watching TV, your Sim will keep on sitting until they have full Fun bar,
much like a bed is to the Energy bar. When you queue the order, they will wait
until the Fun is full too (unless of course if you cancel the Watch TV order).
Note that a Sim doesn't turn off the TV when they're finished; it's best to
queue a "Watch" and a "Turn Off" order all at once. See the result.

- Computer -
When playing with the computer, your Sim will also stay there until the Fun
bar is full. In addition to that, she will also turn off the computer. The
difference is that, if you add another order when she is playing, she will
completely leave the computer and do what you ordered. After that, she will
completely forgot that she was playing the computer before, so you will have
to reorder them again to Play or to Turn Off the PC. "It's best to let a
playing Sim play," I guess that's what Will Wright have in mind when designing

- Plants -
Your Sim never water a single plant. You may only tell her to water that
cactus, but then she will also get out of the house to water the whole garden.
You can cancel this, naturally, by giving another order to the list. That way
she will only take care of the cactus and then she'll go for something else.

- Stat-raising objects -
The basic rule when interacting with stat-raising objects is that your Sim
will not stop until she get a new, shiny point from that. When you queue
another order, you will have to either wait or cancel the stat-raising task.
Stat-raising task normally stops when you're Sim is low on energy too. In
some occasion when your Sim is still healthy enough, they may even continue
doing the same thing even after getting a point.

- Cuckoo Clock (download / Livin'Large) -
This thing will sound in the interval of 6 hours, starting from 0 AM. Never
put this in the bedroom or it may wake your Sim at the wrong time.

6.1. List

The Sims objects first, Livin' Large objects last. The list will be arranged
based on the objects first categories, with the 2nd category included in each
of the objects description.

1. The Sims

Seatings are sometimes essential in their presence with another object. If
you buy a dining table, a chess set, or a television, for example, you will
also have to buy either a chair or a sofa. They can also stand alone too,
like if you want to put one outside so you don't have to have a bored Sim
when standing still waiting for his Carpool to arrive.
Loveseat and sofa have the option for your Sim to take a nap there. This
probably depends on the hour: If you tell your Sim to take a nap during night
until before 6 AM, they'll stay there until the clock hits 6 AM. After that,
the Nap command may only well work for about half and hour or so.
You can also take a nap on certain chair/recliner, too.

01. Sioux Sity Wicker Chair
Price : § 80
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +2
2nd Category : Living Room

Sioux Sity Wicker Chair
Who needs excessive comfort when you can fill your home with cheap, hand
crafted Sioux Sity furnishings? Inspired by the last decade's South
Western design fad, the multi-colored fabric could match anything.
Durable, propylene glycol SimWicker and vynil cushions guaranteed for 30
days. Sioux Sity-"Take a load off everything but your wallet."

02. Werkbunnst All Purpose Chair
Price : § 80
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +2
2nd Category : Dining Room

Werkbunnst All Purpose Chair
Chairs are a great invention! They let you sit down while eating, make
typing possible when using the computer and are great for sitting on
while watching TV. This minimal, serious, cantilevered design provides
seriously minimal comfort.

03. "Posture Plus" Office Chair
Price : § 100
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
2nd Category : Study

"Posture Plus" Office Chair
Comfort. Health. Value. We've merged the logic of procedural chair
peripherals with the science of ergonomics to create a chair that makes
sense. Comfortably priced, "Posture Plus" is the seatware solution for
Sims' desk and table interface challenges.

04. Deck Chair by Survivall
Price : § 150
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
2nd Category : Outside

Deck Chair by Survivall
Just the right height and angle for eating, drinking and socializing,
this sturdy chair can fill many needs, whether on the deck or porch, in
the garden, or at the foot of your bed. Survivall products use only
locally grown, locally milled, pure redwood cleansed of any foreign

05. Contempto Loveseat
Price : § 150
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
Energy +4
2nd Category : Living Room

Contempto Loveseat
Part of our Contempto for the Home collection, our loveseat makes a cozy
nest on its own or a charming addition to our Comtempto couch.
Independently compensated couch specialists say that Sims may experience
slightly more comfort due to the vertical (as opposed to the horizontal)
striping. Nylon shells. Foam cushions. Durable plastic legs. Color:

06. Indoor-Outdoor Loveseat
Price : § 160
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
Energy +4
2nd Category : Living Room

Indoor-Outdoor Loveseat
Made from a space age PVC and silicon hybrid, this sofa provides year
round comfort both in front of the TV or out by the pool. The baked-on
plastic finish mimics antique vynils and is impervious to chipping,
peeling, cracking rust and chemical or atomic attack. Manufacturer:
R. Martin Industries.

07. Recycled Couch
Price : § 180
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +2
Energy +5
2nd Category : Living Room

Recycled Couch
Show your solidarity with other Eco-conscious Sims by purchasing a
recycled couch. Rebirthed from discarded bolsters, driftwoods, car tires
and bottle caps, a recycle couch announces a radical disregard for
bourgeois comfort. Break the cycle of consumption and waste at a
revolutionary low price.

08. Touch of Teak Dinette Chair
Price : § 200
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
2nd Category : Dining Room

Touch of Teak Dinette Chair
Step up and sit down to Touch of Teak! Elegance and durability hearken
back to simpler times and simpler comfort levels. Whether used alone or
as a part of a handsome dinette set, these chairs scream class and value.

09. Contempto Couch
Price : § 200
Size : 3x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
Energy +5
2nd Category : Living Room

Contempto Couch
Softness and coziness. Expression and impression. This dynamically
striped couch creates a statement both in form and function that says
"my couch." Brings comfort that lasts as long as the endless harmony of
the beautiful homestead. Nylon shells. Foam cushions. Durable plastic
legs. Color: Nicotine.

10. SimSafari Sofa
Price : § 220
Size : 3x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
Energy +5
2nd Category : Living Room

SimSafari Sofa
Go crazy with this latest addition to our lounge furniture collection.
synthetic zebra-hide and black damask are used to create a unique,
asymmetrical that's right on the crest of the current retro-design wave.
Whether you and you're guest are napping, watching TV or just relaxing,
the SimSafari will certainly be the center of attention all night long.

11. Country Class Armchair
Price : § 250
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +4
2nd Category : Living Room

Country Class Armchair
A blend of English Country style and mass market ideals, the Country
Class armchair afford down-filled comfort at a moderate price. Available
as a single item or as a part of the Craftmeister living room set.

12. "Back Slack" Recliner
Price : § 250
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +6
Energy +3
2nd Category : Living Room

"Back Slack" Recliner
Retreat from the outside world, and relax in the comfortable retro-style
of the new "Back Slack" recliner by Cheap Eazzzzze. Inspired by computer
generated sweaters and subliminal relaxation tapes, the "Back Slack"
features oversized stuffed arms, luxurious pillows, and a super-soft,
sink-into-the-cushions seat.

13. Parque Fresco del Aire Bench
Price : § 250
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +2
2nd Category : Outside

Parque Fresco del Aire Bench
Own a piece of history with an authentic reproduction of Parque Fresco
del Aire bench. This beautiful handcrafted bench has been a part of the
scenes in SimCity parks since its release. Add a sense of history and
elegance to your gardens, lawns, patio, and indoor atriums with this
comfortable bench.

14. Spartan Special
Price : § 300
Size : 1x3
Attribute : Comfort +6
Energy +7
2nd Category : Bedroom

Spartan Special
For a single Sim on a tight schedule AND a tight budget. There's no
better value than the Spartan Special by Cheap Eazzzzze. Barrack-inspired
comfort and design ensures that your Sims receive their ration of energy.

15. Country Class Loveseat
Price : § 340
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +5
Energy +4
2nd Category : Living Room

Country Class Loveseat
The perfect loveseat for getting cozy by a fire. Modest size means this
comfy loveseat fits almost anywhere. Acetate slip covers emulate silk and
linen. The moderate cost and blendability with other more expensive sofa
makes the Country Class a popular item. Part of the Craftmeister

16. Pinstripe Loveseat from Zecutime
Price : § 360
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +5
Energy +4
2nd Category : Living Room

Pinstripe Loveseat from Zecutime
A "must have" loveseat! Whether Sims are enganging in some intimate
power networking or just relaxing with their current couch strategy,
Zecutime promises aggresive levels of comfort. Navy pinstriped cushions
with fitted covers professionally coordinate with the entire Zecutine

17. Pinstripe Sofa from Zecutime
Price : § 400
Size : 3x1
Attribute : Comfort +5
Energy +5
2nd Category : Living Room

Pinstripe Sofa from Zecutime
Zecutime is focused on Sims building healthy comfort levels through the
ownership of upscale and corporate full-service sofas located in major
living rooms, family rooms and dens. Sofa acquisition and investment
management strategies have been developed with the benefit of the
proprietary couch research of the Zecutime Comfort Research Group.

18. Country Class Sofa
Price : § 450
Size : 3x1
Attribute : Comfort +5
Energy +5
2nd Category : Living Room

Country Class Sofa
More rustic than romantic, this style offers traditionally sturdy arms
and back, but comfortable down-filled cushion make Sims want to dive just
right in. Kiln-dried hardwood frames. Eight-way, hand-tied coils. The
perfect blend of adult and kid-proof all in one? Part of the Craftmeister

19. Cheap Eazzzzze Double Sleeper
Price : § 450
Size : 2x3
Attribute : Comfort +7
Energy +8
2nd Category : Bedroom

Cheap Eazzzzze Double Sleeper
Finding a good bed when you're on a budget is tough. So is sleeping on
the floor. A good compromise is the Cheap Eazzzzze Double Sleeper.
Satisfy your Sim's basic sleep and energy needs while you dream about
better, more comfortable beds. 100% authentic chipboard.

20. Tyke Nyte Bed
Price : § 450
Size : 1x3
Attribute : Comfort +7
Energy +8
2nd Category : Bedroom

Tyke Nyte Bed
Kids are sims too and like Adult Sims, they need sleep to re-energize.
Buy 'em this colorful bed so they can wake up bright-eyed and
bushy-tailed and ready for school! Comes with durable plastic liner.

21. "Citronel" from Chiclettina Inc.
Price : § 450
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +6
2nd Category : Living Room

"Citronel" from Chiclettina Inc.
Style: Contemporary Color: Citron
Comfort Level: High Upholstery: Alcantara Cover
Designer: Annoyioni Target Consumer: High Level

22. "The Sarrbach" by Werkbunnst
Price : § 500
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +6
2nd Category : Living Room

"The Sarrbach" by Werkbunnst
Perfect proportions. Perfect comfort. Relieve sore backs with the
"Sarrbach". It was a featured item at the "Equipment for Habitation"
show last October in SimCity. Covered with full-grain leather.

23. Empress Dining Room Chair
Price : § 600
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +4
Room +2
2nd Category : Dining Room

Empress Dining Room Chair
Impress your friends with the Empress Dining Room Chair. The plush,
inviting cushions are a sore Sim's best friend. The austere black lacquer
design has a Northern Japanese influence. Place these near table so Sims
may eat in total comfort... and style.

24. "Von Braun" Recliner
Price : § 850
Size : 1x2
Attribute : Comfort +9
Energy +3
2nd Category : Living Room

"Von Braun" Recliner
Initially designed as a command chair for space modules, the Von Braun's
space planning was meticulous and economical. Werkbunnst engineers,
rejecting physical exhaustion and all concern for material costs, refused
to stop until they had achieved the ideal line and the absolute comfort
our customers demand. Though it has a "machine made" look it is almost
100% hand labored.

25. Luxariare Loveseat
Price : § 875
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +8
Energy +4
Room +2
2nd Category : Living Room

Luxuriare Loveseat
"Exciting design requires some risk taking," says SimCity designer Yoko
Onasis. "SimCity designers are striving for an international yet regional
look, but we don't equate sophistication with making sense." While some
Sim may be opposed to the lamb skin leather, most find the white, creamy
surfaces deliciously decadent and inviting.

26. Napoleon Sleigh Bed
Price : § 1,000
Size : 2x3
Attribute : Comfort +8
Energy +9
2nd Category : Bedroom

Napoleon Sleigh Bed
Bring out the little emperor in your Sim By purchasing the Napoleon
Sleigh Bed. Comfort and satisfaction await in the Roman inspired lines
and comfort of this classic Empire style bed. ACTUAL bend wood and REAL
aromatic cedar make this an instant heirloom at an affordable price.

27. "The Deiter" by Werkbunnst
Price : § 1,100
Size : 1x3
Attribute : Comfort +8
Energy +5
Room +3
2nd Category : Living Room

"The Deiter" by Werkbunnst
Made to accompany our "Von Braun" recliner, this Bauhaus inspired sofa
has been redesigned by highly disciplined team of young, Swiss, ergonomic
researchers. "Sitting on this sofa makes you feel like the King of
Comfort!", exclaimed one sofa scientist during final testing. Swiss
pearwood frame. Fully aniline dyed leather.

28. Parisienne Dining Chair
Price : § 1,200
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +6
Room +3
2nd Category : Dining Room

Parisienne Dining Chair
Made to accent our Parisienne dining table, this European style armless
dining chair has been made by a family of cabinet makers whose pedigree
stretches back to the reign of Louis XIII. Sinuous lines and refined
comfort set these chairs apart from so many of their stark modern rival.

29. Dolce Tutti Frutti Sofa
Price : § 1,450
Size : 3x1
Attribute : Comfort +9
Energy +5
Room +3
2nd Category : Living Room

Dolce Tutti Frutti Sofa
Unique. Rigorous. Contemporary design. Extraordinary comfort.
Chiclettina sofas represent the apogee of authentic exclusiveness and
creative hegemony. Shell is molded polyurethane foam. Seat cushions are
down-filled poly-core and pressed Llama wool. Legs are polished bubunga
Manufacturer: Chiclettina Inc. Designer: Paolo Annoyioni

30. Modern Mission Bed
Price : § 3,000
Size : 2x3
Attribute : Comfort +9
Energy +10
Room +3
2nd Category : Bedroom

Modern Mission Bed
Patterned on the Arts and Crafts movement's design principles of
simplicity and workmanship, our craftspeople have reinterpreted this
aesthetic for the new millenium. Cherrywood and mahogany combine to
create a luxurious place to sleep and re-energize.
Surfaces are essential to put some of the objects that require a surface
due to their size and stuff. You can put many things on surfaces; meals,
bills, vases, table lamps, computers, and every small objects you could think
of that shouldn't normally be placed on the floor.
End tables are useful near the kitchen or anywhere else to put lamps, and
the bigger tables are best for computer (not that you can't place computer
on another kind of table, but you wanted to imitate the real life or not?).
Counters are special because sinks can only be placed on them; they also
perfectly suit a kitchen. Dining tables are exceptionally big and can
sometimes be a problem when you're just starting with a small house; save
them for a big upgrade, if you should.

01. Pinelgucher End Table
Price : § 40
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

Pinelgucher End Table
Pinelgucher means value. Made of machine chipped and glue-hardened
rubberwood, our accent tables are vacu-laminated to ensure minimal
formaldehyde emissions. This contributes to the optimum strength and
smooth finish on all surfaces.

02. Wicked Breeze End Table
Price : § 55
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

Wicked Breeze End Table
Come back to the Islands! Wicked Breeze combines turn of the century
resort styling with 20th century technology. Perfectly acceptable in the
home, these elegant and graceful SimWicker tables can enjoy the "elegant
outdoors" as well. "Wicker with a twist...Wicked Breeze!"

03. KinderStuff Nightstand
Price : § 75
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

KinderStuff Nightstand
SPAZZ...A little funky, a little eclectic... OK, a lot funky and a lot
eclectic. Use the whole set or just a piece or two to create a wacky
design statement. Hand painted in totally wacky primary colors.

04. Mesquite Desk/Table
Price : § 80
Size : 2x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Study

Mesquite Desk/Table
Sniff the sawdust and old saloon aromas when using this Western-inspired
desk/table made from hardy mesquite. Whether used as a cost effective
computer desk, a table for a small kitchen, or as part of an overall
South Western theme, our desk/tables parlay a bygone era's rustic look
and distressed economy.

05. NuMica Folding Card Table
Price : § 95
Size : 2x2
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Dining Room

NuMica Folding Card Table
Is it really a card table... or breakfast table? A computer stand? A
poolside picnic table! WHO KNOWS!!! There are just about as many uses for
a NuMica folding table as there are things to put on it! Plastic covered
chipboard has simulated Formica pattern for that retro look without the
"Vintage" price tag.

06. "Anywhere" End Table
Price : § 120
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

"Anywhere" End Table
Part of our new "no-brow" design, we blended antique furniture forms with
intentional austerity. The result is a highly versatile and stylish end
table that looks great "anywhere" and is priced to move.

07. Imperious Island End Table
Price : § 135
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

Imperious Island End Table
"Imperious Island" furniture is recognizable by its grace, simple
carvings, and an under-worked appearance in the wood. It is haughty in
style, inspired by the elite life of the colonial tropics. High quality
and durable hardwood is easy to maintain and has rich grains.

08. NuMica Kitchen Counter
Price : § 150
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Kitchen

NuMica Kitchen Counter
Out with the old and in with the new! These aren't the kitchen counters
you grew up with! Miracle in plastic recovery rates have made counters
made of NuMica the choice of food choppers and thrifty shoppers
EVERYWHERE! Features a resilient food preparation surface and plumbing
hook for sink installation. "Start making bread...instead of spending

09. Backwoods Table by Survivall
Price : § 200
Size : 3x2
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Outside

Backwood Table by Survivall
Redwood swells less than imported woods. It is less likely to warp,
split, or let you down. All natural materials. No chemical additives.
Union made.

10. "Colonial Legacy" Dining Table
Price : § 200
Size : 2x2
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Dining Room

"Colonial Legacy" Dining Table
Hearty proportions meet classic details in this solid oak compromise.
Legs are machine turned by hand from an original neo-colonial pattern.
Surfaces are treated with lissapol, chloroform, tannic acid and
potassium permanganate and then finished with urethane to preserve the
natural luster and feeling of the wood.

11. London "Cupertino" Collection Desk/Table
Price : § 220
Size : 2x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Study

London "Cupertino" Collection Desk/Table
The perfect desk for the working Sim. Economy design has produced a work
surface ideally suited to supporting computers, table lamps and
telephones. Also works well for dining when extra guests are over.
Designed for use with a variety of chairs.

12. Modern Mission End Table
Price : § 250
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Bedroom

Modern Mission End Table
Designed as part of our Modern Mission bedroom set, this tempting piece
in cherrywood and mahogany looks great as a display stand or as a dapper
accent for sofas, hallways and dining areas.

13. Tiled Counter
Price : § 250
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Kitchen

Tiled Counter
Our most popular counter, the tile grid imparts feelings of order and
cleanliness to any kitchen. Solid hickory frame with raised panels and
mitered corners makes an attractive food preparation or sink area. The
amazing character and distinctive grain of the hardwood has been
carefully painted over with durable acrylic. Color: Chlorotic Green.

14. Sumpto End Table
Price : § 300
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Bedroom

Sumpto End Table
"Our commitment to serious design began in earnest by bringing Sumpto
style to SimCity over a decade ago," says Foo Foo Shop founder Eileen
Sharpe. Small in size, large in attitude, this Sumpto piece is
constructed of rare llama-wood with a daring, flared ebony base.

15. Count Blanc Bathroom Counter
Price : § 400
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bathroom

Count Blanc Bathroom Counter
This clean, uncluttered, contemporary, sophisticated look is long
lasting, easy to care for... and so dynamic in sparkling white! Rely on
Count Blanc for the experience, the expertise, and excellence demanded
by Sims for home bathroom projects.
Count Blanc--"Counters you can count on."

16. London "Mesa" Dining Design
Price : § 450
Size : 3x2
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Dining Room

Londond "Mesa" Dining Design
Sophistication redefined! The "Mesa" dining design by London was inspired
by nature. Mesa, a high plateau or flat tableland with steep sides... we
created the Mesa to mirror these flat and stable natural elements.

17. The "Redmond" Desk/Table
Price : § 800
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Study

The ultimate computer desk or designer table. Modern, sleek, just a tad
techie, and slender enough to make even the biggest slob look more
Part of the C. London collection.

18. "Barcelona" Incurve Counter
Price : § 800
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Kitchen

"Barcelona" Incurve Counter
Inspired by the radical curves and rich materials of the Barcelona crafts
movement, this countertop will provide the style-conscious with
impeccable elegance while offering the most discerning home chef an
unpararelled food preparation surface and sink region. The black granite
work surface will last a lifetime, and the combination cherry/maple
exterior is both gorgeous and easy to clean.

19. "Barcelona" Outcurve Counter
Price : § 800
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Kitchen

"Barcelona" Outcurve Counter
Inspired by the radical curves and rich materials of the Barcelona crafts
movement, this countertop will provide the style-conscious with
impeccable elegance while offering the most discerning home chef an
unpararelled food preparation surface and sink region. The black granite
work surface will last a lifetime, and the combination cherry/maple
exterior is both gorgeous and easy to clean.

20. Parisienne Dining Table
Price : § 1,200
Size : 3x2
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Dining Room

Parisienne Dining Table
The centerpiece of our Parisienne line, this large dining table was made
by a family of cabinet marker who have served the aristocracy of Europe
for over 375 years. The classic shape has been carved from the finest
walnut and inlaid in a floral pattern with teak, cherry, ash and
greenheart, then polished to a mirror finish.

These are the blood and the breath of your Room rating. Nothing's like a
massive bunch of Pink Flamingoes outside your house to cheaply boost the
rating. Also note that most of the stuff here will definitely be more
expensive than other (more useful) objects. The most expensive paintings,
for example, costs § 6,400 more than a hi-tech toilet with modem (that's
almost full six-day work as a Mad Scientist, or sixty four Gnomes at full
Mechanical skill).
Some decorative objects (definitely not the Flamingo, I believe) may also
appreciate by time provided you didn't touch or even see or in other words do
anything with it. I don't think they get massive price boost, though, so if
you think this can be a way to fetch some good money, I can't guarantee

01. Pink Flamingo
Price : § 12
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Outside

Pink Flamingo
Are you bothered by nuisance tropical flamingos soiling your front yard?
Or does your lot just need some decoration? Either way you can't go
wrong with a pink flamingo decoy. The high gloss finish and metal legs
act as a deterrent to real flamingos, while simultaneously advertising
the light-hearted and fun-loving spirit of the home owner.

02. African Violet
Price : § 30
Size : 1x1 (Surface; e.g.: desk / end table)
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Outside

African Violet
Propagated by hand in the SimCity African Violet Society greenhouse,
these noble flowers claim botalinear descendancy from the protogenal East
African S. ionantha, first discovered by W. von Saint Paulliaire in the
Usambara district.
Flowering Time: Permanent Water: Occasionally.

03. Spider Plant
Price : § 35
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Outside

Spider Plant
Originating in South Africa, the spider plant has become a favorite
indoor plant due to its slender, graceful leaves and low maintenance.
A member of the lily famiy, the spider plant is easy to grow, needing
average humidity, average moisture, average air circulation, average
fertilizer, average trimming and average interest.

04. "Tragic Clown" Painting
Price : § 45
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Tragic Clown" Painting
The paradoxical image of the sad, hobo clown touches on humanity's
emotions, secrets, pathos and comedy. He is funny, but not on purpose.
A trait many buyers find in themselves. Previously only available to
savvy catalog buyers and limited edition plate collectors, "The Tragic
Clown" is now available everywhere.

05. "Roxana" Geranium
Price : § 45
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Outside

"Roxana" Geranium
This lovely aromatic Pelargonium arrangement is a pleasant addition to
any room. The unique and delicate flower pattern appease even the most
discriminating of Geranium connoiseurs. Secret cross-fertilization
techniques have produced a modern breed completely resistant to oedema,
heat and shade. Keep watered.

06. Watercolor by J.M.E.
Price : § 75
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Watercolor by J.M.E.
Art student painting. Help spread the "gift" of art by purchasing and
displaying this floral tryptich. There's always the chance the artist
might be famous some day, as well. Mounted on acid-free card board.

07. Rubber Tree Plant
Price : § 120
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Outside

Rubber Tree Plant
Spruce up a bare corner or enliven a deck. Rubber tree plants are sturdy,
beautiful, and require less tending than many other plants of similar
size. Our plants come delivered in a well-watered dirt bolus, and are
packed with a deluxe stoneware vase and cherrywood stand.

08. Echinopsis Maximus Cactus
Price : § 150
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Outside

Echinopsis Maximus Cactus
Spice up those sunny patios or kitchens with a desert harvested
echinopsis maximus. Whether used to accent a Western-style or just as a
decorative conversation piece, the point is always well taken. Comes with
kiln baked terra-cotta pot. Though desert flora, occasional watering is
09. Jade Plant
Price : § 160
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Outside

Jade Plant
There is nothing crass about this crassula arborescens. Originally grown
from South African cuttings smuggled to SimCity on an umarked tramp
steamer, the Jade plant is now a favorite of tract house landscaping
firms throughout desert areas. Also makes a great houseplant. Sturdy,
redwood container included. Water as needed, or pay a gard(e)ner.

10. Poseidon's Adventure Aquarium
Price : § 200
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +1
Room +2
2nd Category : Living Room

Poseidon's Adventure Aquarium
Aquariums are lots of fun. Well at least for some people. Just don't
forget to feed the fish and clean the tank periodically, and they will
swim happily in circles forever.

11. Bi-Polar by Conner I.N.
Price : § 240
Size :
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Bi-Polar by Conner I.N.
Tangerine. Emerald Green. Conflict and resolution. Contrasting colors are
used to explore the epic struggle between opposites. The artist has
picked up the torch of post-War abstract-figuration and rejuvenated it
with one of her many unique styles and marketing strategies. This could
benefit the owner financially in the future.

12. "Delusion de Grandeur"
Price : § 360
Size : 1 (wall)
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Delusion de Grandeur"
"Delusion de Grandeur" typifies Bart Alay's work with its subdued color
and soft lines. The response is direct--the color and paint application
convey a mood to the viewer and even to the room. This strictly emotional
reaction allows the viewer to insert his or her own associations and
imagination into the picture.

13. "Fountain of Tranquility"
Price : § 700
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +1
Room +2
2nd Category : Outside

"Fountain of Tranquility"
Any outdoor event can be made more refreshing by the addition of a simple
fountain. Let the cool, soothing qualities of the water wash worries
away. Two-tiered design of Italian marble with hand-carved filigee adds
an illusion of grandeur to any home.

14. Landscape #12,001 by Manny Kopees
Price : § 750
Size : 2 (wall)
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Landscape #12,001 by Manny Kopees
Style: Photo-Realism Genre: Landscape
Medium: Oil on Canvas Investment Analysis: Moderate

15. Bust of Athena by Klassick Repro. Inc.
Price : § 875
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Bust of Athena by Klassick Repro. Inc.
Athena, or Minerva to some, was the ultimate warrior princess. Shown
wearing a helmet, Athena was very different from the war god Ares. She
was not so much a fighter as a prudent and wise advisor and guardian of
craftwork. We advise crafty Sim to prudently purchase this polymer
reproduction and make any room fit for a princess!

16. "Scylla and Charybdis"
Price : § 1,450
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +4
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Scylla and Charybdis"
Sculpture isn't just what you back into when looking at paintings,
sculpture turns your room into an EXPERIENCE. Inspired by Greek mythology
and contemporary sci-fi, this blue ribbon quality piece challenges the
viewer to overcome their habitual and culturally imposed ideas of taste
and value. All proceeds benefit the Grey Llamas Art Society.

17. Snails with Icicles in Nose
Price : § 2,140
Size : 1 (wall)
Attribute : Room +5
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Snails with Icicles in Nose
Tempera, gouache, egg, oil, pastel and gun powder on linen. Known for
depriving himself of sleep for days to induce hallucinations to creep
through his head and on the walls of his studio, artist Beau Mann has
produced abstract formations of brightly colored shapes and fantastic
creatures. Turns the most mundane of living quarters into a modern art

18. Portrait Grid by Payne A. Pitcher
Price : § 3,200
Size : 1 (wall)
Attribute : Room +8
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Portrait Grid by Payne A. Pitcher
"Mechanical reproduction of art changes the reaction of the buyer to the
art," says Payne Pitcher. "Losing authenticity makes it COOLER to look at
while making your home a WARMER place to live". The temperature of this
piece could make it a "HOT" investment.

19. Grandfather Clock
Price : § 3,500
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +7
Adults only
2nd Category : Study

Grandfather Clock
Defined, elegant, hand polished, the clock is shown from a private
collection of the highest quality, collectable, investment grade clocks
still on the market. No longer being manufactured, this clock is a wise
investment and a thoughtful improvement to any room. Brazilian mahogany.
Solid brass hand engraved dial.

20. Blue China Vase
Price : § 4,260
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +7
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Blue China Vase
This beautiful porcelain vase is decorated in an under glaze of blue and
white flying cranes. The now endangered Hooded Crane was an ancient
symbol of nobility, power, and good fortune. Originally owned by a
wealthy Asian bureaucrat, this vase arrived in SimCity during the
colonial era. Past owners have described immediate feelings of nobility
and power soon after purchase.

21. "Still Life, Drapery and Crumbs"
Price : § 7,600
Size : 2 (wall)
Attribute : Room +9
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Still Life, Drapery and Crumbs"
Here we see Brad Shaw's taste for rich color and complex design form an
allegory for the abundance of the land. Appropriate for rich Sims with
designs on an abundance on room points and a possible increase in value.

22. "Large Black Slab" by ChiChi Smith
Price : § 12,648
Size : 3x2
Attribute : Room +10
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Large Black Slab" by ChiChi Smith
Smith contorts the human body in a controlled structure of taboos and
prohibitions and by way of several measures of repression, makes it into
an object of modern art when it is reborn only in terms of its
deficiencies. "By disassociating themselves from body and nature and
buying my art, buyers disassociate themselves from the common riffraff,"
says Smith.
There are some must-have objects here: smoke detector, bulglar alarm, and
phone. The rest are simply fun-based objects and whatnot, so you can decide
which interests you and which does not. Note: The computers are not all that

01. FireBrand Smoke Detector
Price : § 50
Size : 1 (wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

FireBrand Smoke Detector
No responsible Sim should be without a smoke alarm. The cheap price and
speedy SimCity Fire Department response are all the insurance you'll
need. Highly recommended for stubborn Sims who can't cook but insist on
using stoves. The advanced 360 (degrees) photoelectric detection pattern
detects fires instantly in same room. Range: 1 Room.

02. SCTC BR-8 Standard Telephone
Price : § 50
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

STCT BR-8 Standard Telephone
A phone is a Sim's connection to the outside world. With an STSC BR-8,
invite people over, get some pizza, or hire some help. Durable plastic
shells. Touch-tone dialing. Miracle infrared port allows use throughout
house and automatic storage of phone numbers.

03. SCTC Cordless Wall Phone
Price : § 75
Size : 1 (wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

SCTC Cordless Wall Phone
Extended range. Emergency numbers pre-stored. Virtually private
conversations. Number memory for frequently called friends. Wall
mountable. Integrated keypad.

04. Urchineer Train Set by Rip Co.
Price : § 80
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Fun +2
Kids only
Group activity
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Urchineer Train Set by Rip Co.
Smokestacks smokin'! Passengers chokin'! Kids gotta have it! Playin' it's
a habit! Kids are all screaming for the Urchineer Train Set this year!
Mesmerizing figure eight track and perpetu-LIF battery keep the little
ones infinitely entertained!

05. Monochrome TV
Price : § 85
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +2
Group activity
2nd Category : Living Room

Monochrome TV
There's something to be said for watching TV and movies in black and
white. Who wants high definition, high fidelity and high costs when Sims
can get a little entertainment at a low, low, low price!

06. "Down Wit Dat" Boom Box
Price : § 100
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Fun +2
Group activity
2nd Category : Living Room

"Down Wit Dat" Boom Box
From A-Town to SimTown there ain't no SWEETER deal than the "Down Wit
Dat" CD-DAT boom box. Get those slacker Sims dancing STUPID freaky
without spending mad bank. This little box is all you NEED to make all
the other Sims in the hood wanna chill out and party at YOUR crib.

07. SimSafety IV Burglar Alarm
Price : § 250
Size : 1 (wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

SimSafety IV Burglar Alarm
SimSafety IV unit includes auto-police summoning, motion detector, exit/
entry delay features, changeable user ID code, 2-Pulse Bipolar
Processing, Split-Zone Optics technology, and digital dialer. (Unit has
a single room zone--multiple devices may be used for separate rooms).

08. Trottco 27" Color Television 894U
Price : § 500
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +4
Group activity
2nd Category : Living Room

Trottco 27" Color Television 894U
Whether you need total distraction and some entertainment in the kitchen,
the bedroom, or the family room, the B94U television set from Trottco is
a solid choice. Auto-Tuning, Channel Recall, Hair Filter, Sharpness,
Three A/V Inputs Visible, Static-Video Input, Audio Output, Permanent
Channel Setting, Bass and Treble Sounds, TV Stand, Vents.

09. Zimantz Component Hi-Fi Stereo
Price : § 650
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Fun +3
Group activity
2nd Category : Living Room

Zimantz Component Hi-Fi Stereo
Who says the days of the vynil LP are dead? Even the major media outlets
now report that analog LPs sound "warmer" or that they have more soul
than the "crisp" and "antiseptic" sound of CD systems. Solid state, hand
tuned, vacuum tube electronics. Modern triode amplification. Simulated
plastic wood resistant to scratching, tagging and raps.

10. OCD Systems SimRailRoad Town
Price : § 955
Size : 3x2
Attribute : Fun +4
Room +3
Group activity
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

OCD Systems SimRailRoad Town
Model railroads are great fun for the whole family. Imagine a miniature
world of houses, neighborhoods and people that submit to your every whim
in HO scale! The OCD System allows for TOTAL control by allowing
multiple trains to run at the same time with up to 42 individual, yet
monitored, subsystems. Tracks may be isolated or forced to work
together. Painstaking realism has been achieved through obsessive
attention to detail and masterful hand painting of scenery.
11. Moneywell Computer
Price : § 999
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Fun +3
Study (kids only)
2nd Category : Study

Moneywell Computer
Specializing in refurbished computers, Moneywell assembles new systems
from old parts, some still under 5 years warranty. A great educational
tool for kids, all systems also include FREE Job-Seek software, game
bundle, protocol converter and 28.8 modem. "Spend money well with a
Moneywell Computer!"

12. "See Me, Feel Me" Pinball Machine
Price : § 1,800
Size : 1x2
Attribute : Fun +5
Group activity
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"See Me Feel Me" Pinball Machine
Not every Sim is a pinball wizard, but they would have to be deaf, dumb
and blind not to love playing on the "See Me, Feel Me" pinball table!
Chrome plated stell balls bounce off rubber coated electric bumpers in a
cacophony of movement, noise, flashing lights and the ever elusive high
score. By who? By Tommi Co. of course!

13. Microscotch Covetta Q628-1500JA
Price : § 1,800
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Fun +5
Study (kids only)
2nd Category : Study

Microscotch Covetta Q628-1500JA
Microscotch positions the Covetta Q628-1500JA for first time buyers.
The unit offers average manageability and support and mostly average
performance. GipChord audio card and GimeByte motherboard provide
serviceable gaming performance. Free internet access and Job-Seek
software with purchase.

14. SSRI Virtual Reality Set
Price : § 2,300
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Fun +7
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

SSRI Virtual Reality Set
SSRI VR-glasses connect to a WORLD of entertainment options. Imagine
crystal-clear, full-color, big-screen, high-fidelity sights and sounds
in your private virtual theater. "Not for use by Sims subject to
perspiration, dilated pupils, dilation of bronchial tubes, and secretion
of oxytocin, vasopressin, hydrochloric acid and glucose."

15. Strings Theory Stereo
Price : § 2,550
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Fun +5
Room +3
Group activity
2nd Category : Living Room

Strings Theory Stereo
The product of a joint venture between the Sim Institute of Techiness
and the Landgraab Corporation, the Strings Theory stereo system utilizes
an entropy logarithm to produce mass excitations of an audio data string
particle with zero mass and two units of DJ spin. Supersymmetry of
phonic bubbles produces music SUPERIOR to live performance.

16. The Brahma 2000
Price : § 2,800
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Fun +7
Study (kids only)
2nd Category : Study

The Brahma 2000
The high-end Bradbury Brahma 2000 has three key A/V interfaces: SPIF,
SIM-Link, and HypWire digital video and peripheral interface. Benchmark
tests blow the competition away making this a gaming monster.
PugiProcessor, PACHI-2 memory slots, Giganta drives, Insana3 Graphics
card, SIM disks, dual high-speed modems, TKY support, smart case, ergo-
mouse. Pre-installed Job-Seek software and Bradbury Unabridged

17. Soma Plasma TV
Price : § 3,500
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Fun +6
Room +2
Group activity
2nd Category : Living Room

Soma Plasma TV
Perfect focus... Perfect image uniformity... Perfect entertainment. Soma
Consumer Electronics takes the "plasma phenomenon" to a brave new level
in this elegant technology statement. With its incredible image quality,
unique form and super thin, Flatuospective screen, the Soma plasma TV is
the undisputed leader in nanopixel technology.

18. Meet Marco
Price : § 6,500
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Fun +9
Study (kids only)
2nd Category : Study

Meet Marco
"My software uses a decentralized, self-organizing network of artificial
ecosystems of evolving information-filtering and discovery agents that
cooperate and compete to find my consumer ideal work and gaming
scenarios." said Marco himself at a recent trade show. "My frictionless
work surfaces and microencapsulation module media monitor are destiny

If you buy a food processor, chances are you won't make use of the oven and
the microwave. The same also applies if you buy the oven, or the microwave.
You only need one of these. A full cooking method consists of the fridge,
processor/oven/microwave, stove, and then serve.
Also, definitely buy the coffee-maker (whichever suit your pocket). They
obviously KILL your Bladder need, but it fills a little amount of energy in
exchange; while staying awake!

01. Mr. Regular-Joe Coffee
Price : § 85
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Bladder -1
Energy +1
Adults only
2nd Category : Kitchen

Mr. Regular-Joe Coffee
Do you have a Sim who needs to burn the midnight oil? Keep them pumped
full of coffee, and they'll spend less time napping and more time amusing

02. Brand Name Toaster Oven
Price : § 100
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Hunger +1
2nd Category : Kitchen

Brand Name Toaster Oven
Momma's making scents! Brand Name saves you cents! Cooking hyper speed!
The price won't make you bleed! The Brand Name toaster oven is the
perfect space saver for apartments, vacation cabins, backyards, and
sheds. Toast, bake, toast-bake functions. One-position oven rack.
Non-removable crumb tray.

03. XLR8R Food Processor
Price : § 220
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Hunger +2
2nd Category : Kitchen

XLR8R Food Processor
Part of the Intelli-kitchen total food prep system, the XLR8R accelerates
food delivery time... AND taste. The low cost, high-precision pulse-echo
radar blades enable invariable food chunk tolerances by combining digital
logic with microwave techiques. Sealed housing. Quick lock lid. Finger
Shield. Idi-Pruuf control panel.

04. Positive Potential Microwave
Price : § 250
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Hunger +2
2nd Category : Kitchen

Positive Potential Microwave
Taking advantage of trickle-down technology from SimCity defense
contractors, the Positive Potential harnesses neo-non-ionizing radiation
in a magnetron tube to enable half-way voltage octupling. Reduces cooking
time from minutes to seconds! Variable speed rotating antenna prevents
ignition of exterior surfaces. Free "Glowing Reviews" cookbook with

05. Wild Bill THX-451 Barbecue
Price : § 350
Size : 2x2
Attribute : Hunger +4
Adults only
2nd Category : Outside

Wild Bill THX-451 Barbecue
With its brutal styling and high-performance cooking system, the Wild
Bill is an eyebrow-singeing blend of decadence and power guaranteed to
feed everyone in sight. Tropical hardwood work surfaces add a touch of
elegance. Underneath, 66,600 BTUs rage through six heavy-duty stainless
steel burners for a perpetual inferno.

06. Junk Genie Trash Compactor
Price : § 375
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Kitchen

Junk Genie Trash Compactor
The Junk Genie system is the perfect answer to total trash control.
Efficiently holding the equivalent of several ordinary trash cans, the
Junk Genie saves you both time and energy. Another fine product by Shiny
Things Inc.

07. Dialectric Free Standing Range
Price : § 400
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Hunger +5
2nd Category : Kitchen

Dialectric Free Standing Range
Have you ever been shopping in a traditional appliance store and looked
at the ovens? The similarities are almost incredible. They all look the
same. Like the Dialectric electric range. The Dialectric makes cooking a
snap! Familiar design. SemiTuph heating elements, Grease waiter.
Contradiction of opposite heat current synthesizes perfect meals...every

08. Gagmia Simore Espresso Machine
Price : § 450
Size : 1x1 (Surface)
Attribute : Bladder -2
Energy +2
Fun +1
Adults only
2nd Category : Kitchen

Gagmia Simore Espresso Machine
A hyper-efficient model that automatically grinds and brews caffeine rich
espresso. The ergonomic front lever adjusts the volume of each beverage
and dump box catches the ejected coffee grounds. Nev-Scald enabled. Half
stepping during brew circle.

09. Dish Duster Deluxe
Price : § 550
Size : 1x2
Attribute : Adults only
2nd Category : Kitchen

Dish Duster Deluxe
The Dish Duster Deluxe is an integral part of the fully automated
kitchen. Saving both time and water, the convection heater and triple-
tower-aqua-jet system make kitchen chores a distant memory. Space saving
surface doubles as kitchen prep surface. Vynil coated racks.
Polypropylene filter. Available in Hospital white.

10. Llamark Refridgerator
Price : § 600
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Hunger +6
2nd Category : Kitchen

Llamark Refridgerator
The Llamark cools perishables at temperatures ranging from "Medium" to
"Coolest". Patented gas technology produces only minimal carbon monoxide
emissions. Comes with shelves, drawers, door, and a little inside light
that goes on and off.

11. Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher
Price : § 950
Size : 1x2
Attribute : Adults only
2nd Category : Kitchen

Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher
Shiny Things Inc. is always one step ahead. Now dishes can be one step
ahead too. Fuzzy Logic aquainterpretation allows smart cleaning by
delivering detergents based on suds subset values between "completely
dirty" and "completely clean". Saves time. No more frustation. No more

12. The "Pyrotorre" Gas Range
Price : § 1,000
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Hunger +7
2nd Category : Kitchen

The "Pyrotorre" Gas Range
Shiny Things Inc.'s slide in gas ranges feature commercial styling and
gourmet features. These include a glass, front-mounted control panel,
flush-to-cabinet installation and keen, modern edges to complement every
kitchen. Automated control make our ranges easy to use. Gas heat ensures
superior food quality and taste.

13. Porcina Refridgerator Model P1g-S
Price : § 1,200
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Hunger +7
2nd Category : Kitchen

Porcina Refridgerator Model P1g-S
State of the art cooling technology and standard aesthetic meet head on
in the Porcina P1g-S. Ample door and freezer spaces eliminate bottlenecks
in the fridge-to-mouth food pipeline. Flip & Glide SpillNot shelves.
Backup compressor. Deli drawer. Egg couch. Meat hanger. Feed trough. No
longer available in Avocado, Chocolate or Harvest Gold.

14. Freeze Secret Refridgerator
Price : § 2,500
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Hunger +8
2nd Category : Kitchen

Freeze Secret Refridgerator
The brainchild of reclusive Shiny Things Inc. founder Malcolm Landgraab,
the Free Secret exploits experimental cryogenic technology. Utilizing a
combination of liquid sulfur oxyde and argon in a low gravity vacuum,
perishables are kept fresh for generations. High impact stainless steel
and modern design make this the veritable ice queen of refridgeration.

Sinks are essential for two things: to wash dishes and to wash hands after
using the toilet. If you have bought the dishwasher, then you need not one
of these in the kitchen. Just buy one for the bathroom.
I find shower is more efficient to simply fulfill Hygiene; the bathtub may
add Comfort, but it takes a long animation to watch and sometimes my Sim's
Comfort is already full anyway without it. If you have the dough and space,
place both shower and bathtub in a bathroom, that way you can decide which
you want to use according to your needs.

01. Hydronomic Kitchen Sink
Price : § 250
Size : 1x1 (Surface: Counter only)
Attribute : Hygiene +2
2nd Category : Kitchen

Hydronomic Kitchen Sink
Everything BUT the kitchen sink? Sims could probably do without
everything EXCEPT for the kitchen sink. Practically a necessity, Sims can
use this economic stainless steel model for washing hands and dishes.
The special design allows universal drop-fitting of the Hydronomic in all

02. Hygiea-O-Matic Toilet
Price : § 300
Size : 1x1 (must be placed against wall)
Attribute : Bladder +8
2nd Category : Bathroom

Hygiea-O-Matic Toilet
Based on ancient Greek and Victorian engineering principles such as
gravity and water-seal technology, the toilet has become a staple of
modern hygiene and efficiency. Waste is drained away and the water trap
effectively stops odors from backing up into the room. Ingenious flipping
seat and flush handle make using the Hygiea-O-Matic a blast.

03. "Andersonville" Pedestal Sink
Price : § 400
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Hygiene +2
2nd Category : Bathroom

"Andersonville" Pedestal Sink
An elegant period-style bathroom suite, the Andersonville takes hygiene
to the Victorian era but is produced to the exacting standards required
by the demands of modern Sims. The classical fluted pedestal and shell
design give the Andersonville its strength of character.

04. Epikouros Kitchen Sink
Price : § 500
Size : 1x1 (Surface: Counter only)
Attribute : Hygiene +3
2nd Category : Kitchen

Epikouros Kitchen Sink
Washing dishes by hand takes time. That's why discriminating Sims are
spoiling themselves with Epikouros kitchen sinks. The double bowl comes
with mirror ledge, 18-gauge stainless steel, and a seamless welded front
apron. Vintage single lever faucet along with the vintage soap dispenser
turns ordinary chores into extra-ordinary experiences. Specially designed
to fit all counter types.

05. SpaceMiser Shower
Price : § 650
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Hygiene +6
2nd Category : Bathroom

SpaceMiser Shower
Krampft Industry is recognized worldwide as a leader in hot and cold
water hygiene delivery systems. The SpaceMiser, constructed of
indestructible acrylic, polyester resin, and fiberglass, is the perfect
solution for space constricted bathrooms.
Maximum Capacity: One

06. Justa Bathtub
Price : § 800
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
Hygiene +6
2nd Category : Bathroom

Justa Bathtub
There's nothing like improving your hygiene with a long, hot, soothing
bath after a hard day. The immediate effects of the Justa are a general
sense of well-being, relaxation, lowered tension and stress. In addition
there is the psychological effect of the pleasure of bathing. Unique
lozenge shape and "one size fits all" design make Justa bathtub a top

07. Flush Force 5 XLT
Price : § 1,200
Size : 1x1 (must be placed against wall)
Attribute : Comfort +4
Bladder +8
2nd Category : Bathroom

Flush Force 5 XLT
If ever there were a toilet that would contribute better to satisfying
the Sims' bladder motives, this would be it. Don't ask why, don't ask
how, it's just cool looking, and has more buttons than a stealth bomber.
Complete with 8 hour emergency battery pack, heated seat and a 56K modem.
It's even equ(i)pped with Auto-Flush technology.

08. Sani-Queen Bathtub
Price : § 1,500
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +5
Hygiene +8
2nd Category : Bathroom

Sani-Queen Bathtub
We've combined all the classic indulgence of a clawfoot tub with the
sleek sensibility of modern design and the sturdiness of contemporary
materials. Chrome floormount pipes and feet offset the elegant
coloration. Comes with handy sidemount soap and shampoo caddy.

09. Hydrothera Bathtub
Price : § 3,200
Size : 2x2
Attribute : Comfort +8
Hygiene +10
2nd Category : Bathroom

Hydrothera Bathtub
All bathtubs are not created equally. It doesn't take Sims long to feel
the tremendous benefits Hydrothera tubs provide. These luxurious one
person bathtubs go beyond just elegance and comfort, ensuring proper
lumbar support for the ultimate in maximum bathing experience.

10. WhirlWizard Hot Tub
Price : § 6,500
Size : 2x2
Attribute : Comfort +6
Hygiene +2
Fun +2
Adults only
Group activity
2nd Category : Outside

WhirlWizard Hot Tub
The WhirlWizard computer-controlled indoor/outdoor hot tub is the
pinnacle of current relaxation technology. 16 jets provide a multitude
of massage settings for up to four Sims simultaneously. The WhirlWizard
is also equipped with a chip that remembers up to 256 separate personal
profile per seat, and has a self-cleaning setting for minimal

These are utterly essential when the days come into dawn; and you know it,
the days do come into dawn. You will want to place some of these outside,
especially when you have a night-shift job. Remember that a dark yard is like
a dark room; your Room need will drop like a rock in a second. Place a lot of
them inside the house too, of course. If ever you see a dark spot in a room
by night, suffice to say that you need a lamp there.

01. Bottle Lamp
Price : § 25
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Bottle Lamp
What will those SimCity kids think of next? Using only garage sale
castoffs and donated electrical hardware, Mrs. Farsheim's 10th grade
shop class collaborated to make these elegant table lamps in their
school colors. Go Llamas! Light up Sims' lives and the local school
budget with the purchase of these lovingly handmade lamps.

02. Halogen Heaven Lamp by Contempto
Price : § 50
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Halogen Heaven Lamp by Contempto
Our most popular floor lamp, the Halogen Heaven is proud to provide
a hospital-quality light and mood to any room. Contempto lamps leave some
lasting impressions and ensure the perfect blend of fun and
functionality. Our motto is, "Who needs the sun when you can be in
Halogen Heaven?"

03. Garden Lamp by Lunatech
Price : § 50
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Outside

Garden Lamp by Lunatech
These solar powered lamps are designed to provide a soft, warm evening
glow to add romance to your gardens and keep guests from tripping into
pools. They can be staked into the ground against the edge of a garden
path or used indoors for festive parties. Brass plating on light-weight
alumunium shield. Endorsed by the SC Green Gaians.

04. Love 'n Haight Lava Lamp
Price : § 80
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Love 'n Haight Lava Lamp
Everything old is new again! Give your den that kitschy touch with the
classic Lava Lamp. The glass is extra-thick tempered to withstand bumps
and scratches, and the base is high-quality brushed steel with a small
secret compartment.

05. Ceramiche Table Lamp
Price : § 85
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Ceramiche Table Lamp
Modern living requires modern decor. The "Ceramiche" satisfies that
particular requirement. The stylish line is only enhanced by the
translucent polyresin contruction which can resemble either porcelain or
plastic, depending on point of view. Linen shade. Brass supports.

06. Lumpen Lumeniant Floor Lamp
Price : § 100
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Lumpen Lumeniant Floor Lamp
For over 40 years, we've specialized in functional lamps for the home,
specializing in incandescent models. The Lumeniat is the epitome of
traditional AND classic style. Hand crafted from red birch and walnut.
Every Lumpen lamp is guaranteed to meet the rigorous standards of CQC
Laboratories, an independent consumer-safety testing organization. A
light at night brightens any room.

07. Elite Reflections Chrome Lamp
Price : § 180
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Elite Reflections Chrome Lamp
Slim yet flared, this distinctive lamp honors the industrial materials
and lines of old spacecraft. Diffuser is molded thermoplastic with an
anodized alumunium reflector. Chrome finish bears resemblance to classic
chrome finishes.
Manufacturer: Elite Reflections Designer: I.C. Luuk

08. SC Electric Co. Antique Lamp
Price : § 300
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

SC Electric Co. Antique Lamp
This wonderful antique, brass lighting fixture dates from the
turn-of-the-century. Original etched frost bulb is intact with working
carbon two-loop filament. The natural patina of this beautiful historical
lamp is untouched to show its age.

09. Torchosteronne Floor Lamp
Price : § 350
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Torchosteronne Floor Lamp
Our finest quality floor lamp uses stainless steel to describe what has
been called by the leading design magazines "a concerto in geometry." The
milk glass shade diffuses the light and moderates the crispness of the
design while the metal rod construction describes a virtual, implied

You will obviously want to buy stat-building objects here. Basically, all
these objects here have their own value. Some are Fun-based objects that are
aren't electronic; some other are just functional objects like the trash can
and alarm clock. Most if them, though, are basically stuff you want to buy
to live with STYLE. The Pinball machine, at lower price, gives better Fun
rating than the piano, but why won't you want to play with piano?

01. Trash Can
Price : § 30
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Trash Can
They say that, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." Well until
that man shows up it's best to put trash where it a trash
can. Sure, Sims can use the curbside receptacle, but why not save time
by putting a trash can in every room?

02. Snoozmore Alarm Clock
Price : § 30
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

Snoozmore Alarm Clock
Who has time to sleep these days? Hectic hours and stressful living have
made REM sleep a thing of the past. Make sure JOBS don't end up a thing
of the past by waking up early to the stylish and unforgettable sounds of
the Snoozmore alarm clock.

03. Magical Mystery Toy Box
Price : § 50
Size : 1x3
Attribute : Fun +2
Kids only
2nd Category : Bedroom

Magical Mystery Toy Box
The Magical Mystery toy box is chock full of fun toys that will keep kids
occupied for hours. Watch as the lid ooooooopens up and GOBBLES all the
toys! Hand-crafted wood work and whimsical designs ensure joy and
memories for generations.

04. Narcisco Wall Mirror
Price : § 100
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : + Charisma
Adults only
2nd Category : Bedroom

Narcisco Wall Mirror
Some believe that the proper positioning of mirrors can improve the
"energy" of a room. Sims believe it's a great excuse to stick mirrors
everywhere so they can check themselves out and work on their charisma.
Silver plating. Cherry frame.

05. Medicine Cabinet
Price : § 125
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Hygiene +1
+ Charisma
2nd Category : Bathroom

Medicine Cabinet
The classic bathroom medicine cabinet. Sims can brush their teeth or
brush up on their charm and wit. Spacious cabinet has enough space for
even the largest and varies of personal pharmacies.

06. Narcisco Floor Mirror
Price : § 150
Size : 1x1
Attribute : + Charisma
Adults only
2nd Category : Bedroom

Narcisco Floor Mirror
Charisma lacking? Suffering from stage fright in the boardroom or press
conference? Not impressing the right people at work? What you need is the
Narcisco full-length floor mirror. "Narcisco...when you care for yourself
the very most!"

07. Will Lloyd Wright Doll House
Price : § 180
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +2
Group activity
2nd Category : Bedroom

Will Lloyd Wright Doll House
This marvel of doll house design is meant for everyone, allowing children
as well as adults to act out fantasies of controlling little families.
This incredible replica comes complete with amazingly realistic furniture
and decorative items. Don't be surprised if hours upon hours are spent
enjoying this little world.

08. "Dimanche" Folding Easel
Price : § 250
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +2
+ Creativity
2nd Category : Study

"Dimanche" Folding Easel
All Sims love to paint, especially those who wish to improve their
creativity. Unleash the right side of the brain with this lightweight,
folding easing. Made of oiled beechwood, this portable model can be
deployed indoors or outdoors.

09. Pinegulcher Dresser
Price : § 250
Size : 2x2
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

Pinegulcher Dresser
There's nothing quite like solid pine furniture for giving home a warm
and friendly feeling. Except maybe this durable chipboard dresser from
Pinegulcher. Precision machine cut pine and lubricated chassis combine
to give the clothing user easy access to all their apparel.

10. Cheap Pine Bookcase
Price : § 250
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +1
+ Cooking
+ Mechanical
Study (Kids only)
2nd Category : Study

Cheap Pine Bookcase
This plain, functional bookcase will keep the books and souvenirs off the
floor. It does the job, but that's about it. Sims can improve their
cooking and mechanical skills by reading books. Kids can also use books
to study and improve their grades.

11. Kinderstuff Dresser
Price : § 300
Size : 2x2
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

Kinderstuff Dresser
This explosive piece turn a child's room into a playpen of fun and
zaniness! Kids can play dress-up with every garment they own. Goofy
drawers go in and out, and are guaranteed never to break! Hand painted
to match the rest of SPAZZ line of attention grabbing and distracting
furniture! From Kinderstuff!!!

12. Amishim Bookcase
Price : § 500
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +2
+ Cooking
+ Mechanical
Study (Kids only)
2nd Category : Study

Amishim Bookcase
This bookcase offers quality you will not find outside of SimCity.
Amishim Furniture specializes in large bookcases with extra-thick
shelves, eliminating the worry of bowing or breakage over time. Whether
your Sims are just reading their favorite book for fun, doing some
serious studying, or trying to improve their cooking or mechanical
skills, these shelves were built to last.

13. Chuck Matewell Chess Set
Price : § 500
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +2
+ Logic
Group activity
2nd Category : Study

Chuck Matewell Chess Set
An exact replica of the competition chess set used by Chuck Matewell to
beat the M.A.X. "Deep Trouble" computer, this top quality chess set lets
Sims have fun while they build their logic skills. Although a timeless
two-player game, Matewell says, "I spent years playing chess alone, and
look where it got me."

14. Traditional Oak Armoire
Price : § 550
Size : 2x2
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Bedroom

Traditional Oak Armoire
Experience a taste of the past in the present with this traditional oak
piece. Upper doors open to reveal an expansive clothing compartment for
changing clothes easily. Sims can rest assured that they are obtaining a
"highly moderate quality heirloom" that will last for generations.

15. SuperDoop Basketball Hoop
Price : § 650
Size : 1x4
Attribute : Fun +4
Group activity
2nd Category : Outside

SuperDoop Basketball Hoop
Sims just can't resist a little b-ball action when their fun levels are
low! Even the adults and neighbors like to join in. Make your house THE
fun house in the neighborhood with the SuperDoop Basketball hoop. No
assembly required.

16. "Exerto" Benchpress Exercise Machine
Price : § 700
Size : 3x1
Attribute : + Body
Adults only
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Exerto" Benchpress Exercise Machine
From our Exerto line, this traditional benchpress machine tones and
strengthens both pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscle groups.
For Sims into body building, the Exerto Benchpress will serve admirably
as part of a home gymnasium.

17. Bachman Wood Beverage Bar
Price : § 800
Size : 1x2
Attribute : Hunger +1
Fun +3
Room +2
2nd Category : Dining Room

Bachman Wood Beverage Bar
What good host would entertain guests without a wood beverage bar by
Bachman? Solid mahogany. Imported marble top. Built in cooler and ice
maker. Kids are welcome to use it for their drinks, too.

18. Libri di Regina Bookcase
Price : § 900
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Fun +3
+ Cooking
+ Mechanical
Study (Kids only)
2nd Category : Study

Libri di Regina Bookcase
The bold European design of the Libri di Regina turns ordinary reading
and studying into of passion for the written word. Adds style and
sophistication to any room.
Manufacturer: Iliterati & Co.

19. Antique Armoire
Price : § 1,200
Size : 2x2
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Bedroom

Antique Armoire
Changing clothes becomes a ritual with this Western-style, two door
cabinet. Dating from the early 19th Century, the construction is entirely
of excuisitely grained padauk with bamboo inlays. The post and pivot door
construction opens to a generous interior including removable shelves.

20. The Funinator Deluxe
Price : § 1,200
Size : 3x3
Attribute : Fun +5
Group activity
Kids only
2nd Category : Outside

The Funinator Deluxe
Fitness is a way of life. The Funinator Deluxe build young muscles, motor
skills and increases coordination and cardiovascular stimulation, which
results in a healthy body and mind. Kids build self-esteem, learn goal
setting and build camaraderie in a clean, drug-free lifestyle. Lag
bolted. Screw fastened. Headland Redwood.

21. Chimeway & Daughters Piano
Price : § 3,500
Size : 2x2
Attribute : Fun +4
Room +3
+ Creativity
Group activity
2nd Category : Living Room

Chimeway & Daughters Piano
"The richest Sim is pathetic without the gift of music and one of my
pianos." -Arianna Chimeway, President, Chimeway Musical Properties-
In this age of ever-increasing creativity, music that Sims make
themselves offers the perfect skill learning activity. Make your next
party better by entertaining friends with a Chimeway.

22. Aristoscratch Pool Table
Price : § 4,200
Size : 3x2
Attribute : Fun +6
Adults only
Group activity
2nd Category : Living Room

Aristoscratch Pool Table
Every home that entertains should have a conversation piece, and the
Aristoscratch pool table is sure to turn a gathering into an event. The
ultimate in conspicuous consumption for the upwardly mobile Sim.


2. The Sims Livin' Large
You should find mostly old-themed seatings here. Some others are funky
looking chairs with bright colors. And, uh, the heart bed.

01. Satinistics Reproduction Armchair
Price : § 155
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
2nd Category : Living Room

Satinistics Reproduction Armchair
Satinistics does it again! We took a boring old chair from an OLD century
and gave it a NEW life with our trademark FrosTEE blue satin upholstery.
Then we jacked up the cushion content a notch and added those snazzy
buttons for a look and feel that will make people think twice.

02. Sir Laxalot Dinette Chair
Price : § 210
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
2nd Category : Dining Room

Sir Laxalot Dinette Chair
Yes, the Sir Laxalot is the most exciting chair of the millenium, and for
years to come. Everything about this chair is a clean break with outmoded
tradition. Precision-balanced chair legs. Independent seat cushions.
Space-age patterned vynil and chromotone-plated steel pass rigid testing,
to deliver more than passing comfort. Relax with Sir Laxalot!

03. Satinistics Loveseat
Price : § 240
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +3
Energy +4
2nd Category : Living Room

Satinistics Loveseat
Satinistics restyles the past for contemporary living! The perfect blend
of old-fashioned furniture craftmanship smothered in soothing, FrosTEE
blue satin. Pressure treated fabric repels liquids, bugs and odors, while
decreasing friction and gluteal adhesion factor by up to 50%!

04. The M Chair
Price : § 299
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +5
2nd Category : Dining Room

The M Chair
Designed to compliment the M Table, these iron and steel chairs are
obvious classics. With the same insight and database queries, M chair
designers married the best of Industrial era styling with Post-Irony
seriousness of surface. The M Chair...a new beginning for an old end.

05. Etherette Lounger
Price : § 335
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +5
2nd Category : Living Room

Etherette Lounger
Someone once said that perfection existed when no further elements could
be removed from an object. The Etherette could possibly be the perfect
chair. With a reduced curve silhouette, powder blue hue and just a hint
of legs, the Etherette is truly an elightened vehicle for comfort.
Evolutionary. Revolutionary. That's Etherette.

06. Frogg
Price : § 460
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +6
2nd Category : Living Room

"The Frogg breaks all the rules," says seating visionary Sinjin Vain. "I
stripped the seat of fabric and cushioning to expose the ugly structural
frame underneath. I then carefully reconstructed them in luxuriant
stuffed magenta wool to obscure the structural frame."

07. Velvet Sofasaurus
Price : § 575
Size : 3x1
Attribute : Comfort +6
Energy +5
2nd Category : Living Room

Velvet Sofasaurus
Get on up and sit down! Every boo-tay in the house craves the divine
attention of a Velvet Sofasaurus! Sitting in a sea of electrovelvet and
cheatachunks is enough to make a Sim leave ordinary cares and chairs
behind. So get YOUR behind into a Sofasaurus you

08. Egg Chair
Price : § 840
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +7
2nd Category : Living Room

Egg Chair
Often seen in men's magazines and espionage films 25 years ago, the
hyper-comfy egg chair quickly became a novelty item for the "in crowd"
but soon lost its appeal with the rise of the Anti-Comfort movement. Now
employed, sober and yearning for a piece of their past, these same
radicals have made the Egg Chair one of the most sought-after items at
boutiques and at auction.

09. El Tamayo Dining Chair
Price : § 1,200
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +9
2nd Category : Dining Room

El Tamayo Dining Chair
The favored chair of General Tomayo, he had them brought along on all
his campaigns. You don't need to be a general to use an El Tomayo, but
you will be conquering comfort each time you sit down! Plush red velvet
cushions. Hand turned legs. Solid Mahogany.

10. Ebonized Victorian Chair
Price : § 1,200
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +9
2nd Category : Living Room

Ebonized Victorian Chair
With is sinuous, sumptuous lines and rich upholstery, Victorian chairs
embodied the anti-Classical movement by emphasizing decorative detailing
and biomorphic design. Ebonized walnut. Hand carved. Original silk
damask extremely well preserved.

11. The Manchester
Price : § 1,200
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +7
Room +4
2nd Category : Living Room

The Manchester
Large Victorian wing armchair on Art Nouveau cabriole feet with loose
feather cushion. Upholstered in cotton damask. Armchair wings act as a
sound buffer and privacy enhancement as well as lending weight to
opinions previously held forth at length yet in vain.

12. Duke of Earle Throne Chair
Price : § 1,440
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Comfort +8
Room +2
2nd Category : Living Room

Duke of Earle Throne Chair
Some chairs are fit for a king...ours was MADE for one! Bold lines and
muscular design are suggestive of power, emphasizing the importance of
the throne's occupant. Walnut carving is rare in its reference to
celestial as well as marsupial symbolism. Exact reproduction of late 14th
century original. From Duke of Earle Reproductions.

13. Le Grande Guignol Loveseat
Price : § 1,445
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +7
Energy +5
Room +4
2nd Category : Living Room

Le Grande Guignol Loveseat
Now YOU have the opportunity to have your own prestigious furniture
signed "Le Grande Guignol." Reproduced from the 19th century original,
each piece represents a real work of art that will make you proud and
envied by your friends and enemies. This late Victorian loveseat oozes
warmth and well-being with a timeless quality, which goes beyond fashion
trends and fads. French walnut frame finely sculptured by acanthus
leaves, palmettes and pearls. Silk damask. French workshop.

14. "Red Matter" Sofa from Studio Bakonmi
Price : § 1,600
Size : 3x1
Attribute : Comfort +9
Energy +5
Room +3
2nd Category : Living Room

"Red Matter" Sofa from Studio Bakonmi
"In these mechanistic times, the bulk of the furniture we are offered is
mass-produced junk," says elite designer Tanya Bakonmi. "Most of those
sofas are utilitarian clones -- injection molded and churned out of
sweatshop factories for the masses. MY custom Red Matter sofas are
DEFINED by their obviously labor intensive construction, museum-like
appearance and sensuous red velvet." Serious inquiries only please.

15. Gothic Revival Bench
Price : § 2000
Size : 3x1
Attribute : Comfort +7
Energy +5
Room +5
2nd Category : Living Room

Gothic Revival Bench
Journey through time and culture to the Gothic era with this frame and
panel settee from St. Ajoque Reproductions. Based on 14th century church
pew design, Lady Ophelia Shrewhill modified the design of her Gothic
revival estate at Battyshire in 1840. The strong rectiliear form is
enhanced by the linenfold paneling on the seat front and an architectural
tracery carving on the back. Hand carved from solid oak. Manufactured
exclusively for St. Ajoque Reproductions.

16. Antique Four Poster Bed
Price : § 3,650
Size : 2x3
Attribute : Comfort +10
Energy +9
Room +4
2nd Category : Bedroom

Antique Four Poster Bed
Our customers have been known to get strangely attached to their four-
poster beds. Perhaps it's the rich glow of the hand-turned walnut frame,
or maybe the pricely amount of goose down in the mattress. Either way,
this bed is bound to satisfy.

17. The Vibromatic Heart Bed
Price : § 4,500
Size : 2x3
Attribute : Comfort +10
Energy +8
2nd Category : Bedroom

The Vibromatic Heart Bed
"Our vibrating bed was so popular with honeymoon motels, we decided to
sell them to the public," says creator Sadie S. Factor. "The vibration
engine is Swedish of course, but we have done a lot of testing with a
pair of 300 pound dummies to strengthens the springs, reinforce the
stitching and ensure smooth motion to the ocean." Bed comes complete with
purple silk sheets and pillow ensemble.

Nothing's really that special with the new surfaces; You can live with the
old objects if you must.

01. Rampa Lopside End Table
Price : § 79
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

Rampa Lopside End Table
Authentic temple guardian end table. Made by the followers of Rampa
Lopside at their desert compound, these stunning, ceramic tables pack
the spiritual punch of the pachyderm, semi-sacred animal of Lopside.
24-carat gold symbolizes eternal purity. Red is a reminder of the flesh.
All sales benefit the Rampa Lopside Desert Tabernacle Restoration and
Security Fund.

02. The Queen's Rose End Table
Price : § 399
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

The Queen's Rose End Table
An excellent quality rosewood center table, the "Queen's Rose" end table
is a herald of sophistication and good taste, copied from the original
now in display in Sim City Metropolitan Art Museum. Ornate carving on the
legs done under strict supervision of antiquities researchers. Part of
the Furniteaology Collection.

03. Cornerstone Counter
Price : § 425
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Kitchen

Cornerstone Counter
Sturdy fortress design. Hand polished granite surface. Built to last a
millenium. Make Cornerstone Counters the cornerstone of YOUR new
kitchen...or your old one. No mortar required.

04. Retratech Dining Table
Price : § 450
Size : 3x2
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Dining Room

Retratech Dining Table
Every Retratech table is injection molded from original, authentic,
antique French furniture casts to exacting specifications. We use only
the highest quality, latext-reinforced plastic for the interior and hand
dip each piece in silicon lacquer for a tough exterior. Easy to clean.
Easy to move. Easy on the eyes.

05. The M Table
Price : § 850
Size : 3x2
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Dining Room

The M Table
Inspired by military and industrial plant machinery from the 1930's
through the 1950's, M tables are simple, functional and enduring. Custom
fabricated in stainless steel with decorative riveting and bolts; these
artist-made pieces typify the SimCity Contemporary aesthetic. While
perfectly suited for the kitchen, these designer tables will look great

06. O'Mann Partners Desk
Price : § 999
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Study

O'Mann Partners Desk
19th Century solid quartered oak partners desk inlaid with birds-eye
maple. Original tooled green leather writing surface.
Attributed to Crochett T. O'Mann. Circa: 1890.

07. El Tomayo Plank Table
Price : § 1,500
Size : 3x2
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Dining Room

El Tomayo Plank Table
Especially popular during the colonial period, these heavy, rough, yet
ornately carved pieces were the physical embodiment of cultural and
militaristic aspirations of the young empire. Carved out of the now
extinct hardwood trees from the territories, many Tomayo tables were
destroyed in Nationalist uprisings. Surviving examples are extremely

There's the new kind of object: the rug. It's basically a stylized tile as
you can place other objects and walk over it. There should be a whole lot of
weird dungeon decoration objects too, although I just fail to understand why
a dungeon needs to be decorated anyway.

01. What a Gas! Party Balloons
Price : § 50
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Outside

What a Gas! Party Balloons
What's up Party People!!!! Need more people to stop by your next party?
Neighbors can't resist these brightly colored, helium-filled, rubber
bags! Just plop 'em down anywhere and let the celebration begin! Makes
for a great conversation piece or ice breaker. In fact, balloons have
the mysterious ability to keep Sims' spirit high while their tongues
keep wagging. Maybe it's the helium. Maybe it's the bright colors. Hey,
maybe it's just party magic!! Guaranteed to make you more POPular!

02. "The Forgotten Guinea Pig"
Price : § 60
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"The Forgotten Guinea Pig"
When the house is warm and the food is hot,
The Guinea pig cries, "forget me not."
Alas, some Sims may clean their own,
Only to forget a Guinea pig's home.

Hungry and cold, a pig feels no love.
Thus breeds contempt for masters above.
Expecting to play after many a night,
Who is surprised by the guinea pig bite?

Uncleaned, unloved, a pig's life means naught,
like a child's plaything, it is simply forgot.
But warnings to all who turn a deaf ear,
Let the curse of the guinea always bring fear.

03. "Tahitian Eye" by Nick N. Borrow
Price : § 60
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Tahitian Eye" by Nick N. Borrow
Legend has it that Borrow abandoned his post as a submarine sailor during
WW2 to lead the wild life of a painter in Tahiti. As is usual for this
type of character, he quickly idealized Tahitian women as "noble savages"
and set about recording their "natural, fertile" features onto black
velvet, a medieval technique. While the man and most of his oeuvre have
been lost, the legend lives on in thousands of untalented imitations.
Originals, when they surface, fetch hundreds, if not thousands of

04. "Tongue of the Tiger"
Price : § 60
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Tongue of the Tiger"
Painstakingly assembled in the highest grade painting factory this side
of the border, the "Tongue of the Tiger" is one of our hottest sellers.
Let the wild animal bring out the tiger in you! Acrylic and enamel on
synthetic velvet. Plastic injection molded tiki frame. Velvistic
Industries. All rights reserved.


05. Potted Palm
Price : § 90
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Outside

Potted Palm
Bring a touch of the tropics to your home with the toughtful placement of
a potted palm. Makes your wasteland an oasis, your palace a pleasure
dome. The perfect accent for bathrooms or beside the pool.

06. Guinea Pig
Price : § 120
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Living Room

Guinea Pig
Want to experiment with the idea of having a household pet? Well then,
what better animal to experiment with than a Guinea Pig? All Creatures
Small and Expensive brings you this wonderful, little, four-legged ball
of mammalia. Comes complete with cage, fur, warm blood and 4 chambered
heart. It could become your best friend...or at the very least, a
fantastic source of home-brewed, natural fertilizer.

07. Bird of Paradise
Price : § 170
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Outside

Bird of Paradise
Passion. Color. Grace. This splendid tropical flower is taken directly
from a South American rainforest and delivered to your front door step.
The Bird of Paradise is THE choice of discriminating gardeners and
collectors everywhere. Elegant cream vase offsets the vibrant color of
this rare bird. Family: Banana. Musaceae.

08. Cuckoo Clock
Price : § 180
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Study

Cuckoo Clock
Directly from an alpine village in the heart of Europe, made by Cuckoo,
Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Inc., comes the time-honored Cuckoo Clock. Now here's
your chance to have one of these hand-carved, passive, yet strikingly
annoying timepieces to call your don't even have to wind it.
Every member of your family will grow to love that little bird.

09. Christmas Tree
Price : § 199
Size : 2x2
Attribute : Fun +4
Room +2
2nd Category : Living Room

Christmas Tree
Since Roman times, trees have been decorated with lights to honor the
gods of the harvest and light. Northern Europeans later adapted these
ritual to fancy, new Eastern religions. Made even more popular in 19th
century Germany, some contend the tree is really a throwback to the
mythological Norse tree named Yggdrasil.

10. Old Movie Prop
Price : § 210
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Old Movie Prop
There is nothing quite so cool as having authentic props from old movies
to decorate your home, especially if they are from well known classics.
Now you can own your VERY OWN cardboard Zulu war shield as seen in the
1958 hit: Attack of the Insane Alien Clown Zulu Posse from Mars.

11. Deer Master Trophy
Price : § 390
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Deer Master Trophy
Why bother with a real hunting trip when you can just buy this fabulous,
yet fake, 10-point trophy? No packing, no driving, no messy backyard
taxidermy. You don't even need to kill anything! Just sit back and
enjoy the majesty and beauty of this magnificent animal in its new
habitat: your home. Only from Deer Master Industries.
12. Floor Rug by Leopard Life
Price : § 460
Size : 3x3
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Study

Floor Rug by Leopard Life
Mother Nature really outdid herself when she provided hides for some of
the big cats. And you would have to outdo your wallet to afford them
today! Leopard Life changes all that. By using quilted nylon furs printed
with industrial aniline dyes, anyone can afford a leopard rug skin!

13. "David" by DeLux Sculpture
Price : § 510
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"David" by DeLux Sculpture
Who can judge the beauty of human nature? We at DeLuxe invite you to
judge for yourself. Meticulously fashioned after the classic David by
Michaelangelo, this gold-plated fiberglass sculpture is a tremendous
improvement. Embarassing anatomical details hidden by tasteful garment.
Rediscover historical culture and philosophy by purchasing today!

14. Trajicklowna Cloisonne Urn
Price : § 580
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Trajicklowna Cloisonne Urn
This large earthenware vase decorated in typical Trajicklowna colors is
decorated in highly stylized botanical and humorous patterns. The overall
effect is quite pleasing without the strict formality of depiction that
characterizes much Trajicklowna found in tourist galleries.

15. Granite Guard Lion
Price : § 650
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Granite Guard Lion
The fearsome lion. King of the jungle and master of the savanna. With
subtle pneumatic chisel work, the artist has captured the icy stare of
the giant cat in reinforced concrete. If you stare back long
almost looks alive.

16. "Space Chicken" Macquette
Price : § 790
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Space Chicken" Macquette
Considered by many to be the godfather of Corporate Sculpture, Hugh
Topian was the first sculptor to reduce both the form and the emotional
impact of sculpture. His motto was, "Simple forms are easier for
foundries to make, easier for people to take." Marble macquette.
Lacquered wood stand.

17. "Hazard the Guess" by Connor Tiist
Price : § 950
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Hazard the Guess" by Connor Tiist
Connor Tiist has been at the forefront of Accident Painting, a movement
he started when he drunkenly kick cans of paint onto a canvas. Long
lampooned by critics, the unflappable Tiist has always maintained that,
"critics hate my work because they see themselves...a collection of ugly
stains on the earth."

18. "Blind Date" by I. Roney
Price : § 1,020
Size : 2 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Blind Date" by I. Roney
Ian Roney is best know for his cheerless yet colorful examinations of
photography, advertising and the gallery system. "Blind Date" is both a
critique of museum-centric revisionist historians and a humorous jab at
his critics.

19. Empty Circles Again (Seriograph) by N.I. Strane
Price : § 1,100
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Empty Circles Again (Seriograph) by N.I. Strane
Before his tragic suicide, Strane at the peak of his career and leader of
the movement he founded. Coined "Hallucinart" by Art Wag Magazine,
Strane's name and colorful style soon graced galleries, magazines, and
record albums around the world. Sadly, the movement and its innovations
quickly fell out of favor with the rise of No-Progress Theory.

20. Schwa Carpet
Price : § 1,300
Size : 3x2
Attribute : Room +4
2nd Category : Study

Schwa Carpet
A passion for simple geometry, simple color schemes, soft sounds and
simple unstylized rectangles is carried out in our original carpet
design. Custom tufted 100% wool.

21. Head in a Jar Curio
Price : § 1,470
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +4
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Head in a Jar Curio
Found in the basement of the Sim City Scientific Society, legend now
surrounds these speciments. While the identities remain a mystery, the
heads appear on the record books as an anonymous donation to the SCSS in
the 1901. In 1897, the Society was scandalized by a failed exploration to
the Peruvian interior. Searching for the headhunting Jivaro tribe,
Professor M.I. Crane and his party was tragically lost. Or were they?

22. Estate Sale Conversation Piece
Price : § 1,750
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +3
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Estate Sale Conversation Piece
A mystery to antiquities dealers everywhere, these old cages have been
surfacing with some regularity. Theories abound as to their original
usage, ranging from medical display cases to religious accoutrements.
The type of scratches and the worn down teeth of most skeletons may point
to a slightly different utility.

23. Highbrau Coat of Arms
Price : § 1,800
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +4
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Highbrau Coat of Arms
An extraordinarily well-preserved coat of arms, this particular sword
and escutcheon design dates back to the 13th century. While the Highbrau
family emblems of eagle and worm are clearly distinguished, heraldry
experts argue as "Honor with courage." Others believe them to signify
"Honor...with a tremendous amount of bloodshed."

24. "Cosine Cathedral" by S. Neverdunne
Price : § 3,300
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Room +6
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Cosine Cathedral" by S. Neverdunne
Welded alumunium painted black and red. S. Neverdunne's works are
congeries of frustated dreams, and distortions of mathematic landscapes.
She attempts to impose chaos over the memory of her past, which was
sheltered and monotonous. This effort must be made in a symbolic manner,
and painted mostly black, if it is to be referred to as art.

25. Sham Tiger Skin Rug
Price : § 4,300
Size : 3x3
Attribute : Room +7
2nd Category : Study

Sham Tiger Skin Rug
"Tiger stalking, tiger striped
Eyes gleam terror in the night
Hate and love, in equal parts
Who could tame thy wild heart?"
Tiger Run N'Render Incorporated...that's who.

26. Faux Bearskin Rug
Price : § 4,300
Size : 3x3
Attribute : Room +7
2nd Category : Study

Faux Bearskin Rug
What is natural in this time of figures and statistics? Where lies human
triumph in the face of rationalism and automation? Relive the glory of
man's fight against Nature with the purchase of this faux bearskin rug.
Experience the pathos. Taste the fear. Bring the warmth of the great
outdoors your family and to your home.

27. White Rhino Re-enactment
Price : § 4,800
Size : 2 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +7
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

White Rhino Re-enactment
White rhinos have roamed the earth for over 30 million years, yet they
may not survive another decade. Simulated specimens such as this
unlucky young adult are sold to overseas environmental groups to generate
operating revenue for the currently unregulated, non-profit Rhino Anti-
Poaching Profit Fund.

28. Judith Peynter - Self Portrait
Price : § 5,000
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +7
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Judith Peynter - Self Portrait
Late 17th century. Peynter was both praised and loathed by contemporary
critical opinion. She was seen as dangerous because she was a woman
exercising a creative ability thought to be exclusively male. These
fears proved well founded when she took the lives of two particularly
avid critics, as well as her own, in a leap to their deaths from a
castle tower.

29. "Eruption of Decadence" Tapestry
Price : § 8,100
Size : 2 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +9
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Eruption of Decadence" Tapestry
The pictures of the tapestry tell the story of the Sacred Sisters, who
returned from the Holy Land and started the first international banking
system. It tells the story from the Italian bankers' point of view and
is a justification of the excommunication and beheading of the Sacred

30. Black Tree Tapestry
Price : § 8,100
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +9
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Black Tree Tapestry
French. 14th century. Cotton/Wool. Tapestry suffered during this period
due to the loss of many weavers and dyers to the Black Plague. Heuristic
experts believe the black tree motif to be an alchemical reference.
Others believe it be a mysterious cryptogram, possibly meaning, "dead

31. Antique Persian Rug
Price : § 8,200
Size : 3x3
Attribute : Room +7
2nd Category : Study

Antique Persian Rug
Tapetologist certified antique Persian rug. Silk. 17th century.
Originally a craft of nomadic tribes, Persian rugs have evolved into one
of the highest artistic expressions of civilization. Practical, yet
aristocratic, these carpets add a magic flavor to any room.

32. Shabycratah Figure
Price : § 13,000
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +10
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Shabycratah Figure
Late Period, 26th Dynasty, 664 - 525 B.C. Basalt. The Fired Official
or "Shabycratah" were funerary figures buried in the tomb to act as
reminders of the officials dismissed in the real world to intimidate the
hired spirits of the next world. Each resembled a bureaucrat, but
stripped of official vestments.

33. "La Gargouille" Ornamental Sculpture
Price : § 13,100
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +10
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"La Gargouille" Ornamental Sculpture
Happy and sad. Terrified and brave. Beautiful and disgusting. Gargoyles
not only served as protectors to stave off evil spirits, they also
portrayed the struggle of the mediaeval mind with the dichotomy between
body and soul, heaven and earth.

34. Suit of Armor
Price : § 15,000
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +10
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Suit of Armor
Plate armor reached the apogee of technical perfection in the
Renaissance. The fine etching and expert joint work seen in this model
were available only to the wealthiest of royalty and nobility. A solid
addition to any art collection, a suit of armor is guaranteed to slay
your guests...with envy.

There's only little to the new electronic objects. Euh, and so totally
expensive too.

01. Wurl 'N' Hurl Retro Jukebox
Price : § 1,199
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +3
Room +2
Group activity
2nd Category : Living Room

Wurl 'N' Hurl Retro Jukebox
They say you shouldn't dwell on the past...but apparently "They" can't
afford the new Retro Jukebox from Wurl 'N' Hurl! Rediscover the "Good Old
Days" and bask in the nostalgic ambience cast by the mesmerizing color
columns and bubble tubes. Fully backward AND forward compatible! The
patented, microprocessor-controlled, audio product delivery system,
combined with the fully restored plastic and chrome detailing will make
Sims rock around the clock!!!

02. Viva PGT Home Casino
Price : § 1,750
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : Fun +2
Adults only
2nd Category : Study (er, what?)

Viva PGT Home Casino
Have you been looking for that unique amusement item? Do you want to make
your next party a hit? Or are ya just feeling lucky? Well you just hit
the JACKPOT! Advances in coin-capture technology family finally paid off,
bringing all the excitement and fun of casino gambling into the home!
Pine Gultcher Technologies are not liable whatsoever to the user or any
third party for the loss of friends, family, memory, profits or
opportunity, indirect, special, inconsequential or incremental. Pays out
10:1 on bets.

03. Meet Servo
Price : § 15,000
Size : 1x2
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Meet Servo
Shiny Things Inc. makes dreams come alive! Meet Servo, our new
experimental home robot. Tired of cleaning? Cooking? Gardening?
REPAIRING? Your lack of respect for the dignity of work gives Servo a
reason to live! Servo is self-powered, self-guiding, self-cleaning and
self-denying! Concentrate on living. Let Servo do the rest!!!

Most of these are again for the dungeon/castle thing. All is black, tough-
looking, and may somewhat fit on differently-themed (or not-themed-at-all)

01. CiaoTime 360 Moderna Cooktop
Price : § 1,100
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : Hunger +7
2nd Category : Kitchen

CiaoTime 360 Moderna Cooktop
The CiaoTime is an interpretation of the 4-burner cooktop with a free
dial sweep, drop-in flexibility and a pronounced technological
personality for the 21st century. "Our stoves are expressions of
superlative engineering. And they always make themselves and their food

02. Olde Thyme Restored Oven
Price : § 1,600
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Hunger +9
2nd Category : Kitchen

Olde Thyme Restored Oven
The kitchen stove was the canvas on which the Victorian iron artists
cast their masterpieces. Olde Thyme restores them to their former
beauty. Rivaling modern stoves for efficiency and ease of use, these
ovens surpass all others in terms of beauty and sophistication. Nickel
trim. Lard drawer.

03. Olde Thyme Victual Preservatorium
Price : § 2,750
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Hunger +9
2nd Category : Kitchen

Olde Thyme Victual Preservatorium
Before electricity, keeping food cold was an art form in itself. On the
outside, the Preservatorium proudly displays the rich, decorative iron
and zinc work characteristics of the period. On the inside, a controlled
reaction of barium hydroxide octahydrate and ammonium thiocyanate yields
a controlled endothermic reaction that chills the food, while leaving
only faint whiffs of amonia and water condensation.

Again, medieval objects for your dungeon needs.

01. In-house Outhouse
Price : § 2,750
Size : 1x1 (must be placed against wall)
Attribute : Hygiene -1
Bladder +8
Room +2
2nd Category : Bathroom

In-house Outhouse
Modern bathrooms are a relatively new convenience. In the ancient world
and in rural farming communities, a simple hole was the practical, and in
some cases elegant solution to waste problems. In fact, with today's
water shortages and emphasis on recycling, the In-house Outhouse can be
considered the "thinking man's" toilet of the future!

02. Stonewash Sink
Price : § 600
Size : 1x1 (Surface: Counter only)
Attribute : Hygiene +3
Room +1
2nd Category : Kitchen

Stonewash Sink
Long used by cunning dyers and fabric markes, stonewash sinks were used
for imparting decorative streaks and patterns with acids to select
indigo-dyed heavy cottons. Modern usages include anything from washing
hands to washing dishes!

03. "Suds du Solei" Antique Tub
Price : § 2,000
Size : 2x1
Attribute : Comfort +6
Hygiene +9
2nd Category : Bathroom

"Suds du Solei" Antique Tub
Relaxation and comtemplation...Imperial style. A splendid example of
European heritage, this is a most rare bath, with only a few hundred
having survived to this day. The tub has no feet, but rests in a heavy,
ornate, wooden shell. Hand carved detailing on the base is complimented
by the flawless execution of the pristine porcelain interior. Modern
fixtures include chrome spray nozzle and soap caddy. Originally
available only at auction, this bath is now available to the public.

There are a whole lot of Wall Lamps here. They may save you a lot of space
compared to the floor and table lamp, but remember that you can't replace the
bulb if something's placed against the same wall on which the lamp is hung.

01. White Globe Sconce
Price : § 35
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

White Globe Sconce
Nothing says 'Sphere of Light' like a White Globe Sconce from You Light
Up My Life Electric and Lighting. For only about twice the cost of our
Half Sphere sconce, you can bring the White Globe Sconce into your home.
A great conversation piece for the socially challenged.

02. Hawaiian Fantasy Tiki Torch
Price : § 70
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Outside

Hawaiian Fantasy Tiki Torch
When the sun goes down, the Tiki torch goes up! Tiki torches are great
accents for gardens, parties, and pools, or even in the home! Universal
adapter plug right into indoor/outdoor gas lines! Hawaiian Fantasy sets
the standard of excellence in the Tiki industry...ON FIRE! BUY ONE

03. Oval Glass Sconce
Price : § 85
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Oval Glass Sconce
It's Oval!!! It's Glass!!! It's a Sconce!!! Let the Oval Glass Emporium
shed a little light into the darkest corners of your life with this
excuisite fixture. Did we mention that it's oval?!

04. Top Brass Sconce
Price : § 110
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Top Brass Sconce
From Touch of Brass Lighting Co. comes this 100% brass sconce. Truly one
of our society's most underrated and misunderstood metals, this brass
fixture is sure to leave guests and residents alike in awe of its
shimmering radiance.

05. "Torchemada" Wall Torch
Price : § 110
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Torchemada" Wall Torch
No modern light can substitute for the physical--as well as the
spiritual--warmth generated by an open flame. Torcher Inc. brings you
the very latest in antique torch technology with its "Torchemada" line
of household flame fixtures. In-house blacksmiths carefully craft the
unbreakable yet eye-pleasing wall mounts in a traditional forge. "If it
says's made in iron."

06. Femme de Luxe Lamp
Price : § 120
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Femme de Luxe Lamp
If there is one thing you can count on it is the elegance and
sophistication that a gold lamp brings to any room. The Femme de Luxe
astutely combines the pragmatism of the lamp and the glory of gold with
a nod to the past. A timeless classic.

07. Greek Fire Garden Lamp
Price : § 125
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Outside

Greek Fire Garden Lamp
There is nothing Spartan about the Greek Fire garden lamp! The graceful
marble base column is topped with a stunning pyromantic-inspired iron
lamp. Made in Turkey. Platonic Industries Inc.

08. "Cupidity" Art Lamp
Price : § 130
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Cupidity" Art Lamp
It's difficult to put a label on designer Hugh de Mann. Surrealist, folk
artist, designer for world peace, environmental artist, and furniture
visionary, all come to mind. De Mann's distinctive lamps, carefully
developed after years of study in Europe, feature a variety of
"puttiscapes". traditional bronze Cupid sculptures topped with jungle
themed lampshades.

09. Blue Plate Special Sconce
Price : § 135
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Blue Plate Special Sconce
For one low price, BRIGHT IDEAS Light Fixtures Inc., bring you a feast of
blue light to help brighten up any room.

10. Neon Flamingo Sign
Price : § 149
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

11. Gam Sarfatti Floor Lamp
Price : § 160
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Gam Sarfatti Floor Lamp
1962. Sarfatti, Italy. Hand-blown glass shade. Wood-metal stem. Signature
"femmelectric" Sarfatti styling and inspiration makes this lamp a
definite turn-on. Perfect original vintage condition.

12. "Blue Note" Floor Lamp
Price : § 170
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Blue Note" Floor Lamp
Removed from the old Mule Skinner Box Lounge, these memorable lamps have
been cleaned, restored and are now up for sale. Lamp upgrades include
incandescent instead of florescent bulbs, and new longer-lasting plastic
tiles on shade. Drink, smoke and human residue completely removed.

13. Menorah
Price : § 175
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

A traditional symbol of Jewish life, this beautiful chased silver Menorah
comes complete with kosher candles imported from the Holy Land. The
perfect touch for the holidays, it makes a great gift or decorative
accent in any home.

14. Mica Tube Lamp
Price : § 180
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Mica Tube Lamp
It has been said that beauty comes from simplicity. If so, then the Mica
Tube lamp is a classic example. It has a delicate, warm appearance and a
minimalist, cylindrical shade with a stand that could be mistaken for an
afterthought. 100% orange-amber mica. Imported from Japan.

15. Torchosteronne Table Lamp
Price : § 200
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Torchosteronne Table Lamp
Continuing the "concerto in geometry," our new table lamp virtually begs
to be used. Stainless steel construction rods compliment the soft
translucent shade. "Torchosteronne...when might makes light."

16. The "Methanopolis" Floor Lamp
Price : § 250
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

The "Methanopolis" Floor Lamp
The Methsthetic movement celebrated the public and private use of natural
gas in an orgy of styles, mixing Art Nouveau, Neo-Gothic, and Japonisme
in a fully derivative manner. This Methsthetic lamp features a sumptuous
rose tinted blown glass orb, supported by a bronze, flouradental-style
base with full metal bloom.

17. The Biomushric Floor Lamp
Price : § 250
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

The Biomushric Floor Lamp
"My main influences are biology and my father," says edgy lamp designer
Isis Crisis. "The biomushric lamp is both a celebration and condemnation
of the double helix and the male germ cell, with light as the viral
catalyst that binds the piece together."

18. NeoRococo Wall Sconce
Price : § 300
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

NeoRococo Wall Sconce
These super Victorian gas sconces are fashioned from Bolivian silver and
are among the finest surviving examples of late NeoRococo Yankee
lighting. Amazingly, all the original glass hurricane lamps were found
intact and wrapped in their original 1870's newsprint!

19. The KranialKone Light
Price : § 300
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

The KranialKone Light
Our amber mica panels peer out from the polished chrome shade on the
KranialKone. Perfect in the neo-modern or eclectic urban lofts or
studios. Brushed steel base.

20. "Torchemada" Candelabra
Price : § 330
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Torchemada" Candelabra
Return to romance! Medieval workmanship and style attend hand-made
beeswax candles for a look that is both cultured and romantic. Whether
you are setting the mood or curling up with a book, let our lamps take
you to another time. Part of the Torchemada line. "If it says Torcher...
it's made in iron."

21. "Sisters of Mercy" Candelabra
Price : § 360
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

"Sisters of Mercy" Candelabra
Highly valued for the natural color, this antique wall candelabra was
created by the sand casting method, a technique lost in the machine age.
Every piece went through multiple chasing and finishing processes to
enhance the embedded details. 1870. Non-ferrous metal. France.

22. Knight Niche Light Piece
Price : § 1,150
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Knight Niche Light Piece
Based on prayer alcoves used by ascetic knights, this austere lamp is a
vital part of Torcher Inc.'s crusade to popularize the Neo-Gothic Revival
trend. Whether used in prayer, or as a part of a total housing
conversion, the Knight Niche sheds light on a world of darkness.
23. The Fiery Friary Medieval Garden Lamp
Price : § 1,150
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Outside

The Firey Friary Medieval Garden Lamp
Now you too can experience the warmth and serenity of a medieval garden,
with the new Fiery Friary garden lamp. Still laboriously hand made by
penitent monks, it resembles its progenitors found in Gothic monasteries.
"May our lamps be your guiding light."
There are a lot of exciting objects here; the Antique Lamp, Guitar, Crystal
Ball, Telescope, and the chemistry set. You will want to mess with these a
lot in your life, they're as interesting as they're intended to be.

01. Professional Trash Can
Price : § 40
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous
02. Dungeon Dumpster
Price : § 45
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous

Dungeon Dumpster
The cutting edge simplicity of the trash barrel may have been lost on its
original inventors, but the design has withstood the test of time. Solid,
kiln-dried, oak planks, reinforced with metal banding, keep trash secure,
while the maternal, curvilinear shape creates an inviting waste disposal

03. Little Voodoo Dolly
Price : § 65
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : Fun +1
Adults only
2nd Category : Study (huh?)

Little Voodoo Dolly
A practitioner-made item, each doll has a personality, is blessed, and is
manufactured from authentic African twigs. Long considered a
"superstition," the practice of voodoo has re-established itself as an
art form and a way of living, all in one. Share the magick of Africa with
a friend, won't you? Imported by Greater Benin Globalization Group LTD.

04. Sky Scorcher Fireworks Kit
Price : § 90
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +2
2nd Category : Outside

Sky Scorcher Fireworks Kit
Sky Scorcher introduces our new home fireworks system! Bulls eye launch
pad insures perfect rocket-to-azimuth alignment, while the recently
declassified, military grade, Speed-FRK propellant insures consistent
altitude...and fun! Invite your friends to watch...if they don't invite

05. Elephant Foot Trash Can
Price : § 230
Size : 1x1
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Miscellaneous
06. Antique Lamp
Price : § 375
Size : 1x1 (Surface only)
Attribute : Room +1
2nd Category : Living Room

Antique Lamp
A blemished yet collectible piece, this antique oil lantern is of
indeterminate origin. Found in a Hawaiian flea market, it appears to have
markings from Ceylon and an original Arabic stamp on underside.
Authenticity tests and cleaning incomplete. Traces of silver can be found
on base, but consists mainly of tarnished brass. I.M.P. Importers.

07. Makutu Tiki Dresser
Price : § 510
Size : 2x2
Attribute : -
2nd Category : Bedroom

Makutu Tiki Dresser
Hewn from live trees sacred to the Samoans, the Makutu Tiki dresser
embodies the mysterious and sensual spirit of the South Pacific. The
grotesque carved face howl in a sea of playful color and design! Use the
"Magic of the Islands" to dress YOUR way into your own mysterious and
sensual garments! Produced exclusively for U.G. Lee Americana.

08. Guido
Price : § 560
Size : 2x2
Attribute : Room +2
2nd Category : Bedroom

Clothing storage system consisting of drawers, knobs and drawer housing.
Frictionless sliders. Featured in the "Furniture 4 Perceptions"
exhibition this Spring. Color: Blanche and black. Style: Inversed.

09. Beejaphone Guitar
Price : § 580
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +2
+ Creativity
2nd Category : Living Room

Beejaphone Guitar
Westwood guitars have reissued the classic Beejaphone from the mid
1960's, made famous by Brit invasion band Heavy Clown. Features the
somewhat unique and distinguishable poplar constructed body shape with
maple necks and rosewood fingerboards. Complimentary Kauker-Jolly amp
with each purchase.

10. KraftKing Woodworking Table
Price : § 720
Size : 2x1
Attribute : + Mechanical
Adults only
2nd Category : Study

Kraftking Woodworking Table
This basic workbench comes with saw, mallet, chisel and vise. Increase
your home improvement skill while creating unique objects for display
or sale. Whether you are making decorative lawn ornaments, or miniature
sculptures of loved ones, the KraftKing is guaranteed to blow you away!

11. Madame Blahbatfry Crystal Ball
Price : § 760
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Adults only
2nd Category : Study

Madame Blahbatfry Crystal Ball
The say the journey is the goal, that those who seek shall find. Look
deep into the crystal ball...and then look deep into start
a journey of self-discovery and enhancement. Let the vibrations trapped
in the crystal reverberate throughout your life. Austrian crystal.

12 Beach Boss Beverage Bar
Price : § 780
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Hunger +1
Fun +3
Room +1
2nd Category : Dining Room

Beach Boss Beverage Bar
Combining the freewheeling stylings of island Beach-Pop with a state of
the art liquid-cooled refrigeration system, you AND your drink can
achieve maximum coolness. "Beach Boss...when one drink is never enough."

13. "The Swing" Bookshelf
Price : § 910
Size : 1x1
Attribute : Fun +3
+ Cooking
+ Mechanical
Study (Kids only)
2nd Category : Study

"The Swing" Bookshelf
Another instant classic from Gliteri & Co. The Swing is full of life and
vitality. Pressure-treated and steam-twisted wood gives a humorous twist
to any interior. Designer: Beni Dingi.

14. The "Concoctanation Station"
Price : § 980
Size : 2x1
Attribute : + Logic
Adults only
2nd Category : Study

The "Concoctanation Station"
Explore the infallibility and mathematical order of the universe with the
"Concoctanation Station" Home Chemistry Lab. The comprehensive glassware
set enables completion of almost any organic chemistry procedure. An
excellent learning tool or conversation piece, the kit includes potion
jar, Bunsen burner, test tubes, deluxe chemical rack, burn kit, eyewash
and a 35-page diclaimer of liability.

15. Baroque Optilopticon
Price : § 1,100
Size : 1 (Wall)
Attribute : Room +2
+ Charisma
Adults only
2nd Category : Bedroom

Baroque Optilopticon
Circa 1730. France. Original gold plating. Finest quality carvings. This
regency mirror evokes a mood of worn opulence and timelessness. Though
they have endured generations of laughter, parties and tears, these
mirrors have remained untarnished. In fact, they have only become more
beautiful with age.

16. Horwitz "Star-Track" Backyard Telescope
Price : § 2,100
Size : 1x2
Attribute : Fun +4
+ Logic
2nd Category : Outside

Horowitz "Star-Track" Backyard Telescope
Impeccable optical imaging yields heavenly results. Includes: altazimuth
operation; 15 (degrees) per second slewing speed; boredom inhibitor and
fully enclosed optical encoders for position location. Wutzat database
contains over 10,000 known object and several unknown. Optical equatorial
wedge, 1.25" 26mm Kolosyl eyepiece (78x), a 1.25" 90 degree star
diagonal, visual back, and a 9x50 finder scope. Apochromatic detractor.

17. Fantzi di Pantza Dresser
Price : § 2,500
Size : 2x2
Attribute : Room +4
2nd Category : Bedroom

Fantzi di Pantza Dresser
Exquisite garments demand excuisite storage. The Fantzi di Pantza dresser
satisfies that demand. Luxury is not an abstraction, but a reality in
this hand carved reproduction of an 18th century Italian original. Walnut
and cherry woods. Imported.

18. Liebefunkenmann Piano
Price : § 5,399
Size : 3x2
Attribute : Fun +4
Room +6
+ Creativity
Group activity
2nd Category : Living Room

Liebefunkenmann Piano
Liebefunkenmann takes the traditional grand piano to the next level. The
brushless keypad drives, run by a CME24-7 control processor, creates a
near perfect, simulated, piano-like experience. Optical hammers and semi-
metallic strings never need tuning. Design updated for contemporary

// "...but basically the fridge yells at the player, 'I can satisfy hunger //
// five!' and the chair says, 'But I'm all about comfort four!' and the //
// bath says, 'Hygiene seven right here!'" //
// Will Wright, Game Designer of The Sims //

7. Relationships
If you only plan on being alone ever after, relationship only matters when it
comes to career and Social needs. But if you want to expand a little, though,
like if you want to have more people living in the house, then the only way is
through good relationship.

Remember that you can be an egoistical player by not placing another families
into the neighborhood; but that way you will never get far in this game. You
need them, period. Make a lot of family (with hopefully a lot of members) and
place them anywhere but your desired lot. Then build them a wall and place a
wall phone; or buy an endtable and place the common phone. Remember:


Read that over and over and over again. Without a phone, your friends cannot
receive your phone call. This means that they will never visit your house
unless in some rare occasions when their Artificial Intelligence and the
Chaos Generator are just so happen to send them to your door. This is no good.

When you start playing, most of your neighbors (except those introvert enough)
will visit you. This is YOUR CHANCE to GREET them. Greeting a Sim for the
first time will acquire you their phone number (unless they don't have a
phone). Greeting works quite individually. If you have Sim A and Sim B in a
house, and then Sim A greets a neighbor (let's call her Sim C), only Sim A
will acquire her phone number. I.e. when Sim B uses the phone, he will not be
able to call Sim C although his roommate has her number.

In my game, strangely enough, some family not placed in any lot (i.e. only
resides in the Create-a-Family menu) will also make a visit. They can be
greeted and all, but there's obviously no chance for you to make a call for
7.0. Social activities

When you click on another Sim, you will have some choice of action you can do
towards them. This may (or normally) vary from time to time. There are also
certain requirements before you can do "high-level" actions. This section will
discuss them:

LEGEND: all is in the scale between zero to 5 points
needs rating : my score about how good it raise the need rating compared to
another action.
risk rating : about how big the chance it may ruin relationship if done
at the wrong time, the wrong person, or at the wrong situation.
point rating : how much it will add to the Relationship Points.
love inducing: whether doing the action will cause a Love state or not.
jealousy : whether it causes jealousy to another Loving Sim or not.

[note that these are my personal opinion; you may have yours obviously]

7.0.1. non-object oriented ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- greet ----------------------------------------------------------------------
needs rating : 0/5
this is the most basic of all. If you click on a new Sim ("new" being haven't
been greeted before), except he/she is a family member, you will have this
option. Greeting has two purposes: one is to collect the Sim's phone number
(if and only if she live in a lot and has a phone) and two is to let the Sim
come into your house. Guests are not burglars; they won't get into your house
before being greeted by the host. This doesn't fulfill Social needs, though.
Or maybe it does, but little enough to be non-existant.

risk rating : 0/5
point rating : 0/5
you don't keep a risk either. Nobody will hate you if you greet somebody.

Love-inducing? NO
Jealousy? NO

- ask to leave ---------------------------------------------------------------
needs rating : 0/5
once you greet somebody, this option naturally appears. In fact, this is the
strongest option of all since it will always appear when you click a Sim,
unlike any other action. When executed, this will obviously kick guest away
from your house (and they can't refuse). Very useful if all you want is just
to collect their phone number and you plan to befriend them later in the game.

risk rating : 0/5
point rating : 0/5
Despite of you might have thought, this doesn't have any downside on a
relationship. It doesn't lower the Relationship score.

Love-inducing? NO
Jealousy? NO

- talk -----------------------------------------------------------------------
needs rating : 1/5
talking is the very first needs-filling action you can have. It's also the
very basic thing you can do to somebody you don't know quite well yet. When
triggered, two Sims will chat about their own interests. A Sim's interest may
match another, which adds to the Relationship score a bit better.

risk rating : 1/5
point rating : 1/5
it's also possible that a clash happened (possibly the zodiac), in which a
talk actually decrease Relationship score. It's nothing that can't be helped,
though, so you may want to do something else to fix this.

Love-inducing? NO
Jealousy? NO

- compliment -----------------------------------------------------------------
needs rating : 1/5
Normally, you won't get much satisfied when complimenting people, will you?

risk rating : 1.5/5
point rating : 2/5
There are times when people don't want to believe what you said. It is
advisable for you to only start complimenting when you have more than 20
Relationship Points. That will reduce the risk: people may still get annoyed,
but the loss won't be that damaging. This also is a very good action overall:
until you reach 50 points or more, keep doing it.

Love-inducing? NO
Jealousy? NO

- dance ----------------------------------------------------------------------
needs rating : 3/5
When the relationship gets better, you will be able to ask a friend to dance.
This helps to fill the bar quite fast.

risk rating : 3/5
point rating : 2/5
Remember that you should only ask Playful Sim to dance with you. Serious Sim
will likely to turn you down and a loss of point is inevitable. The risk is
quite high if you have another Sim already in love with you finding out your
dancing with another. This should be explained later.

Love-inducing? NO
Jealousy? YES

- entertain ------------------------------------------------------------------
needs rating : 3/5
This will be good if both your friend and you has the same perspective about
the word "fun".

risk rating : 2/5
point rating : 3/5
Don't expect Serious Sim to enjoy this too. Obviously, they won't.

Love-inducing? NO
Jealousy? NO

- joke -----------------------------------------------------------------------
needs rating : 3/5
Still the same, not for the serious at heart.

risk rating : 2/5
point rating : 3/5
Joke is more or less like the ENTERTAIN. Choose this, but don't overdo it.
You should obviously know when the time to joke, and when the time to stop.

Love-inducing? NO
Jealousy? NO

- hug ------------------------------------------------------------------------
needs rating : 4.5/5
This is a very good action (when the both of you are alone, at least). You can
hug a friend again and again to quickly fill both the Relationship Points and
the Social bar. Very, very advisable. Remember though, that you should only
try this when the Points are already around 70 or so.

risk rating : 4.5/5
point rating : 4.5/5
It can be a problem when there's another people around, though. Always do it
when nobody else is in the room, and you should be doing just fine.

Love-inducing? YES
Jealousy? YES

- kiss -----------------------------------------------------------------------
needs rating : 5/5
Only do this when you're in real good term with a Sim. For the rest, you
should easily figure by yourself.

risk rating : 5/5
point rating : 5/5
There's also a "risk" of getting a baby from frequent kissing, too. You may
want to do this with the wife/husband (obviously) if you want baby. Euh. Or
try the Love Bed if you're with Livin' Large.

Love-inducing? OBVIOUSLY
Jealousy? HELL YEAH

Also note that there are also some "bad" relationship actions, such as
"bragging", "teasing", up to "fight". These naturally have negative effect
on relationship and I don't think I should really explain them further down
but the fact that, yes, these are bad indeed.

Depending on the age, relationship can be composed of:
a. Adult - Adult
b. Adult - Kids
c. Kids - Kids

Depending on gender, though, they can be:
a. Love (for the opposites, obviously)
b. Friends (which isn't really all that simple).

7.1. Based on Age

a. Adult - Adult
An adult Sim should normally make a relationship with another adult Sim. This
is obvious; Unless you went overboard and put within every family an adult and
seven dwarv--er, kids, chances are you will have more adults than kids in the

What differs the relationship between 2 adults and adult-kid/kid-kid is almost
non-existant. Yea, you hear me. The only difference is that there are objects
with Adults Only attributes and Group Activity (The Hot Tub, for example).
These objects can only help relationships between adults, duh.

b. Adult - Kids
Kids are usually more Playful than most adults, and so are easier to make
friends. When an adult Sim is inviting a Kid to his/her home, the Kid's
adult family member will pick him/her up back when the night gets late. As
it is obvious (and would be creepy if otherwise), Adults can't marry Kids.

c. Kids - Kids
Kids love to play with each other, either with the Funinator or other kid
toys with group activity label. Kids don't kiss, or things like that.

7.2. Based on Gender

a. Love
A love happens between two Sims with opposite gender, assuming they've spent
enough time knowing each other well. You will need to do the 'love-inducing'
act to trigger someone's love towards you. A heart icon will be shown over
their head when it begins. However, once someone's in love with you, they
will get 'jealous' if you're doing the 'jealousy-inducing' act with another
Sim. This only happens when the three (or more) of you is in the same room,
though, so if, like, your wife is way off to work, or is in another room,
you may flirt with another without worry.

Jealousy can be bad. It decreases relationship meter sharply and will require
you to do a lot of good things to fix the situation.

When a Sim loves someone, doesn't mean that particular someone love that Sim.
To get a couple into marriage, they have to love each other. Duh. In this
game, marriage is basically a "reason" to move someone into your family.
That's all. And that means...

...when you already made a family of two Sims, male and female, both are in
love with another, you won't get the chance to get them married as they've
already lived under the same roof anyway.

Proposing someone into a marriage is not always an easy task. First, of
course, you need to have that particular person in love with your Sim. Then,
invite him/her to your house. You must make sure that you have enough objects
in your house for the invited Sim to fill its needs and therefore increase
the mood. This is *important* because Sims will never accept proposal when
they're in bad enough mood.

First, you obviously needs FOOD. Let the invited Sim eat, and do whatever it
is it wants to do. If the Sim is going to the bathroom, make sure you're not
using any of them at the moment. If they watch the TV, you can guess how long
time it takes for that Sim to fulfill its Fun bar. After you have made good
enough guess, maybe you should let the Sim eat once more to be sure
(especially if you yourself isn't a good cook so a plate may not be satiating
enough). After that, try to go to any place with the best room rating in your
house, and try to propose there. If you fail, there's always tomorrow. Just
to let you feel safe, though, I once had a succesful proposal after two
rejected ones and it happened in a real cramped room where you can't really
tell whether it's a kitchen or a living room. So don't worry, you don't need
pretty altars or luxurious stuffs to engage a marriage.

Generally, you want your invited Sim to wander around to fulfill its needs
first. After some hours, try the proposal.

b. Friends
Same gender Sims can be friends. Uh, and no, then, no marriage. The closest
option you'll get for a Sim and his friend from similar gender is the
"Move In" option. This means you're asking that particular friend to move
into your house; the very same thing you do like in marriage, just without
that weird feeling what with the same gender and all.

8. Career
Every once in a while, you're going to need to add those Simoleons in your
coffer. No, I mean, most of the time. Everyday. Whatever. In that case, you
will need to get your Sim a job, so they can afford the cost of their own
life and things. There are two methods of getting job:

1. Looking from the newspaper. It's free, only that it offers one job per day.
2. Looking from the PC. You're offered three different jobs per day, but of
course you're going to buy the PC first (or "rent", using the "buy, use and
sell back" method I mentioned in the beginning of the Object section).

The basic premise of working is like this. You get a job, and see the work
hours. Now, before your working hours starts, a carpool will arrive to your
house (will be shown via PIP if not in the current screen). You will have to
click it and choose to go to work. Then, time will pass, your at-work Sim's
needs will gradually decrease (especially Energy and Hygiene), and you'll
arrive back home when the work hour is over.

You have an hour duration since the arrival of the carpool until it decides
that you don't want to go to work and leaves you instead. So, if the carpool
arrives and you wanna do some other little things first, do so, and make it
fast. You have a full hour for that.

You MAY skip work. When you don't go to work for a day, you get a warning
phone which you may or may not answer, but still apply anyway. Once you
receive this, you HAVE to go to work the next day or else you'll get fired.
In other words, don't skip work two days in a row.

You get promotion by meeting certain skill and friends requirements. When all
is filled, you will just have to keep your Sim at good Mood while going to
work, as to make his job better and draws the promotion near. Alternately,
there's also a demotion as well, and this happens if you keep sending your
Sim to work while she's in bad mood. I'd rather skip a day to fix my Sim's
mood rather than going anyway under the risk of demotion.

There are random events when you'll get automatically shifted to another
Career after your Sim reaches the final career stage. This happens by nature
and if you want your old job back, just quit and start it again from scratch.
What with your already making it up to the most previously, doing so again
wouldn't take much time.

8.0. The Sims Career List 8.1. Livin' Large Career List

8.1.1. Business 8.2.1. Hacker
8.1.2. Entertainment 8.2.2. Journalism
8.1.3. Law Enforcement 8.2.3. Musician
8.1.4. Life of Crime 8.2.4. Paranormal
8.1.5. Medicine 8.2.5. Slacker
8.1.6. Military
8.1.7. Politics
8.1.8. Pro Athlete
8.1.9. Science
8.1.10. X-Treme

// LEGEND //
//-(the following are requirements:)------------------//
// Fr. : Friends //
// Ck. : Cooking skill //
// Ch. : Charisma //
// Bd. : Body //
// Lg. : Logic //
// Cr. : Creativity //
// Mc. : Mechanical //
// //

-The Sims Careers-


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Mailroom Clerk 9am-3pm 120 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Executive Assistant 9am-4pm 180 -- -- -- -- -- -- +2
3 Field Sales Rep 9am-4pm 250 1 -- +2 -- -- -- --
4 Junior Executive 9am-4pm 320 3 -- -- -- +2 -- --
5 Executive 9am-4pm 400 6 -- +1 -- +1 +2 --
6 Senior Manager 9am-4pm 540 8 -- +1 +2 +1 -- --
7 Vice President 9am-5pm 660 10 -- +1 -- +2 +1 --
8 President 9am-5pm 800 12 -- +1 -- +1 +2 --
9 CEO 9am-4pm 950 14 -- +2 -- +2 +1 --
10 Business Tycoon 9am-3pm 1,200 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 14 -- 08 02 09 06 02

As you can see, Business Career track has no night shift job at all, they all
start at 9 am and ended up before late. The last job also gives more than 1K
Simoleons a day, which is more than enough to simply afford your daily needs.
You will need quite some number of friends, though, which will be hard to
maintain if you live all alone. The skill upgrading is on smooth ramp, though,
so you'll likely do it easier than you might thought.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Waiter / Waitress 9am-3pm 100 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Extra 9am-3pm 150 -- -- +2 -- -- -- --
3 Bit Player 9am-3pm 200 2 -- -- +2 -- -- --
4 Stunt Double 9am-4pm 275 4 -- +1 +1 -- +1 --
5 B-Movie Star 10am-5pm 375 6 -- +1 +1 -- +1 +1
6 Supporting Player 10am-6pm 500 8 -- +2 +1 -- +1 --
7 TV Star 10am-6pm 660 10 -- +2 +1 -- +1 +1
8 Feature Star 5pm-1am 900 12 -- +1 +1 -- +3 --
9 Broadway Star 10am-5pm 1,100 14 -- +1 +1 -- +3 --
10 Superstar 10am-3pm 1,400 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 14 -- 10 08 -- 10 02

Things begin rough with Entertainment, because you only get 100 Simoleons per
day. That's the lowest out of the other Careers in The Sims (In Livin' Large,
though, the Musician starts out with only 90!), and obviously won't be much
of a help. There's also a night-shift job, the Feature Star one, which will
bring trouble if you've just been promoted from TV Star. There are also times
when you'll have to upgrade to three more skill points for promotion as well,
which will probably cost you a lot of time. All those bad points, though, may
be well compensated by the whooping wage you'll get as you eventually reach
the Superstar job.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Security Guard 12am-6am 240 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Cadet 9am-3pm 320 -- -- -- +2 -- -- --
3 Patrolman 5pm-1am 380 1 -- -- -- -- -- +2
4 Desk Sergeant 9am-3pm 440 2 -- -- +2 -- -- +1
5 Vice Squad 10pm-4am 490 4 +1 +1 +1 +1 -- --
6 Detective 9am-3pm 540 6 -- +1 -- +2 +1 --
7 Lieutenant 9am-3pm 590 8 -- +1 +1 +2 -- +1
8 SWAT Team Leader 9am-3pm 625 10 -- +1 +1 +2 +2 --
9 Police Chief 9am-5pm 650 12 -- -- -- +3 +2 --
10 Captain Hero 10am-5pm 700 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 12 01 04 07 10 05 04

Yes, unlike the pathetic Entertainment start, being in the Law Enforcement
grants you 240 Simoleons per day, which is around the same number with a level
3 Business or Entertainment. However, the long work hours and the horrible
night-shift are bound to happen, and those aren't really nice. Another bad
news is that the last level only pay you for a mere 700, which is just a tad
more than a Level 7 Entertainment. If you plan to keep this job for the money,


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Pickpocket 9am-3pm 140 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Bagman 11pm-7am 200 -- -- -- +2 -- -- --
3 Bookie 12pm-7pm 275 2 -- +1 -- -- +1 --
4 Con Artist 9am-3pm 350 3 -- -- -- -- +1 +2
5 Getaway Driver 5pm-1am 425 4 -- +1 +1 +1 -- +1
6 Bank Robber 3pm-11pm 530 6 -- -- +2 +1 +1 --
7 Cat Burgular 9pm-3pm 640 8 -- -- -- +1 +2 +2
8 Counterfeiter 9am-3pm 760 10 -- +3 +1 -- +1 --
9 Smuggler 9am-3pm 900 12 -- +2 -- +1 +2 --
10 Criminal Mastermind 6pm-12am 1,100 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 12 -- 07 06 04 08 05

Life of Crime is, indeed, a heck of horrible hours-shift. Prepare for some
horrible promotion as you get back to home just to have the carpool down your
front door a few hour later. This job offer enough money and there's no skill
maxing either, though, so those may be good considerations.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Medical Technician 9am-3pm 200 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Paramedic 9am-3pm 275 -- -- -- -- -- -- +2
3 Nurse 9am-3pm 340 2 -- -- +2 -- -- --
4 Intern 9am-3pm 410 3 -- -- -- +2 -- +1
5 Resident 9pm-4am 480 4 -- +1 +1 +2 -- --
6 General Practitioner 10am-6pm 550 5 -- +1 +1 +1 -- +1
7 Specialist 10am-4pm 625 7 -- +1 +1 +2 +1 --
8 Surgeon 10am-4pm 700 9 -- +1 +1 +2 +1 +1
9 Medical Researcher 9am-4pm 775 11 -- +2 +1 +1 +1 +1
10 Chief of Hospital Staff 9am-4pm 850 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 14 -- 06 07 10 03 06

While it starts out pretty good and there's only one night-shift listed,
Medicine career sums up quite bad. Although the average working hours aren't
horribly long, they don't pay you quite much for that either, so you may not
save much money for your future (or whatever) even at level 10.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Recruit 6am-12pm 250 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Elite Forces 7am-1pm 325 -- -- -- +1 -- -- --
3 Drill Instructor 8am-2pm 400 -- -- +2 -- -- -- +1
4 Junior Officer 9am-3pm 450 -- +1 -- +2 -- -- --
5 Counter-Intelligence 9am-3pm 500 1 -- +2 -- +1 -- +1
6 Flight Officer 9am-3pm 550 3 -- +1 -- +2 -- +1
7 Senior Officer 9am-3pm 580 5 -- +1 -- +2 -- +3
8 Commander 9am-3pm 600 6 -- -- +3 +1 -- +3
9 Astronaut 9am-3pm 625 8 -- +2 +2 +3 -- +1
10 General 9am-3pm 650 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 8 -- 08 08 09 -- 10

When there's a good thing, bad ones shouldn't be far behind. Military offers
you a handful of money at the beginning, but ended up paying you very little
in the end. Also, the skill requirements are very demanding, either maxing
or very close to that, some of which involves +3 points at once. Which means
hours and hours of exercising and stuff like that. While you only need a mere
8 friends to carry on with your career, that won't help much anyway. Like the
Law Enforcement, don't take this for the money.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Campaign Worker 9am-6pm 220 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Intern 9am-3pm 300 -- -- +2 -- -- -- --
3 Lobbyist 9am-3pm 360 2 -- -- -- +1 -- --
4 Campaign Manager 9am-6pm 430 4 -- +1 +1 -- -- --
5 City Council Member 9am-3pm 485 6 -- +1 +1 -- +1 --
6 State Assemblyman/woman 9am-4pm 540 9 -- -- +2 +2 +1 --
7 Congressman/woman 9am-3pm 600 11 -- +1 +1 +1 +1 --
8 Judge 9am-3pm 650 14 -- +1 +1 +2 +1 --
9 Senator 9am-6pm 700 17 -- +3 -- +1 +1 --
10 Mayor 9am-3pm 750 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 17 -- 09 06 07 05 --

Being in Politics means getting a truckload of friends, something that'd be
quite a burden if a)yours is an antisocial Sim, b) you live alone or c)both.
It will be awfully hard to maintain 17 friends; and just to pour salt to the
wound, the pay is low as well. Since being the Mayor doesn't mean you get to
zone lands and place power plants and bring disasters like in SimCity games,
don't be. Unless you want to, in which case you could actually ignore whatever
it is in this FAQ and do whatever it is you want with your own game anyway :)


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Team Mascot 12pm-6pm 120 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Minor Leaguer 9am-3pm 170 -- -- -- +2 -- -- --
3 Rookie 9am-3pm 230 1 -- -- +3 -- -- --
4 Starter 9am-3pm 300 3 -- +1 +1 -- -- +1
5 All-Star 9am-3pm 385 5 -- +1 +1 -- -- +1
6 MVP 9am-3pm 510 7 +1 +1 +1 -- -- --
7 Superstar 9am-4pm 680 10 +1 +1 +1 -- +1 --
8 Assistant Coach 9am-2pm 850 11 +1 +3 -- -- +1 --
9 Coach 9am-3pm 1,000 13 +1 +3 -- -- +1 --
10 Hall of Famer 9am-3pm 1,300 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 13 04 10 09 -- 03 02

Pro Athlete career only emphasize on two different skill, Charisma and Body,
which is okay since you'll be less bothered by other else. The hefty pay at
the end is also pretty good, with decent work hours too. However, it starts
quite difficult with only 120 Simoleons a day. Aside from that, they have only
one night-shift, at the beginning as well, so once you could get through it,
things will be much easier.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Test Subject 9am-3pm 155 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Lab Assistant 11pm-5am 230 -- -- -- -- +2 -- --
3 Field Researcher 9am-3pm 320 1 -- +1 -- +1 -- --
4 Science Teacher 9am-4pm 375 3 -- +1 -- +1 +1 --
5 Project Leader 10am-5pm 450 4 -- -- -- -- +2 +2
6 Inventor 10am-7pm 540 5 -- -- -- +2 +1 +2
7 Scholar 10am-3pm 640 7 +1 +2 -- +1 -- +2
8 Top Secret Researcher 10am-3pm 740 8 -- -- -- +2 +3 +1
9 Theorist 10am-2pm 870 10 +1 +1 -- +1 +3 +2
10 Mad Scientist 10am-2pm 1,000 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 10 02 05 -- 10 10 09

On the bad side, the skill building is a bit rough. Yes, you could totally
ignore the Body skill, but there are two other skills you have to max out and
one going to 9 (and that's a lot of hours into training and stuff). However,
there's only one night-shift near the beginning, the payment is good and the
work hours are pretty lenient in the end. As a bonus, you only need 10
friends, which is lower than your average career demand.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Daredevil 9am-3pm 175 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Bungee Jump Instructor 9am-3pm 250 1 -- -- +2 -- -- --
3 Whitewater Guide 9am-3pm 320 2 -- -- +2 -- -- +1
4 Xtreme Circuit Pro 9am-3pm 400 3 +1 -- -- +1 -- +1
5 Bush Pilot 9am-3pm 475 4 -- -- +2 -- -- +2
6 Mountain Climber 9am-3pm 550 5 -- +2 -- -- +3 +1
7 Photojournalist 9am-3pm 650 7 -- +1 +1 +2 +1 +1
8 Treasure Hunter 10am-5pm 725 9 -- +2 -- +2 +3 --
9 Grand Prix Driver 10am-4pm 825 11 +1 +3 +1 +1 +2 --
10 International Spy 11am-5pm 925 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 11 02 08 08 06 09 06

At first glance, yes, you'd be sort of like a jack-of-all-trades being in this
career. Skill requirements are spread out like nothing before, so you'll need
all those skill-building objects in your house. However, the working hours are
good as there's no night-shift, and the payment is quite decent. They don't
reach 1K, but close to as not to make much of a difference.

-The Sims Livin' Large Careers-


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Beta Tester 9am-5pm 120 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Support Tech 8am-4pm 150 -- -- -- -- -- -- +2
3 Web Master 6pm-2am 200 -- -- -- -- +2 -- +1
4 Hacker 12am-9am 240 2 -- -- -- +2 -- +1
5 Security Consultant 10am-7pm 400 3 -- -- -- -- +4 --
6 Game Designer 2pm-11pm 610 5 -- +2 -- +1 +2 --
7 Internet Enterpreneur 10am-8pm 800 6 -- +2 -- +1 +1 --
8 Software CEO 10am-7pm 1,100 8 -- +2 -- +1 +2 +1
9 Venture Capitalist 11am-8pm 1,300 8 -- +2 -- +2 +1 +2
10 Information Overlord 11am-8pm 1,550 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 08 -- 08 -- 09 10 07

Admit it, being in the Hacker career for the payment is the best way. Look,
even a level 8 career gets 1K simoleons already, something another careers
will always be dreaming of doing. Also, you only need 8 friends, which will be
a lot of help when you're playing alone. But going through the downside, we
have horrible working hours, night-shift syndrome and tough skill building.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Typesetter 4am-12pm 120 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Game Reviewer 11am-6pm 200 -- -- -- -- -- +2 --
3 Tabloid Writer 9am-3pm 230 2 -- +2 -- -- -- --
4 Paparazzi 5pm-1am 350 2 -- -- -- +2 +2 --
5 Newspaper Reporter 3am-10am 420 4 -- +1 +1 +1 +1 --
6 Meteorologist 5am-1pm 510 6 -- +3 +1 -- -- --
7 TV Reporter 12pm-8pm 660 9 -- +2 -- +1 -- --
8 Investigative Reporter 10am-5pm 850 11 -- +1 +3 +1 +1 --
9 National News Anchor 11am-8pm 975 14 -- +1 -- +2 +1 --
10 Talk Show Host 1pm-5pm 1,200 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 14 -- 10 05 07 07 --

They have night-shift, quite frequent at that, but the ninth job offers almost
1K Simoleons already. The working hours vary greatly, but it turns out much
easier by the end. Quite an average job, really.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Subway Musician 3pm-9pm 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Piano Tuner 3am-8pm 120 -- -- -- -- -- +2 --
3 Wedding Singer 9am-3pm 190 2 -- -- -- -- +3 --
4 Lounge Singer 8pm-4am 250 2 -- -- -- -- +1 +2
5 High School Band Teacher 7am-2pm 325 5 -- -- -- -- +1 +3
6 Roadie 11am-8pm 400 8 -- -- +4 -- -- --
7 Back-up Musician 12pm-9pm 550 9 -- +2 +1 -- +2 --
8 Studio Musician 11am-6pm 700 12 -- +5 +2 -- -- --
9 Rock Star 5pm-2am 1,100 15 -- +3 -- +4 -- --
10 Celebrity Activist 10am-3pm 1,400 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 15 -- 10 07 04 09 05

While the pay is really good by the end, Musician starts real low with only
90, barely enough to help you through the day. The skill building is also
frightening, especially those +4 and +5 requirements. By normal, that'd take
quite some days before you could get the promotion. Getting and keeping 15
friends can be a pain too.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Psychic Phone Friend 6pm-12am 100 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Conspiracy Theorist 11pm-5am 130 -- -- +1 -- -- +2 --
3 Tarot Card Reader 5pm-11am 200 -- -- +1 -- +3 -- --
4 Hypnotist 10am-4pm 300 3 -- -- -- +1 -- --
5 Medium 8pm-2am 375 5 -- +1 +1 +1 -- --
6 Dowser 6am-3pm 480 6 -- +2 -- +1 +1 +1
7 Police Psychic 6pm-2am 600 10 -- +1 -- +1 +1 --
8 UFO Investigator 11pm-6am 810 13 -- +2 -- -- +1 --
9 Exorcist 10am-3pm 1,000 17 -- +2 +1 +2 +2 +1
10 Cult Leader 10am-4pm 1,200 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 17 -- 10 02 09 07 02

In a way, this is where you should go if you're expecting Politics career with
better payment. Which is sort of weird, really. You will need 17 friends here,
which I guess you'll already understand the meaning by now, and you need a lot
of Charisma and Logic. The graveyard-shift shouldn't be a surprise at this
sort of job, but'd take some time to adjust to this lifestyle.


Lv./Name Hours Wage Fr Ck Ch Bd Lg Cr Mc
1 Golf Caddy 5am-10am 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 Convenience Store Clerk 10am-3pm 110 1 -- -- +2 -- -- --
3 Life Guard 9am-3pm 150 2 -- +2 -- -- -- --
4 Record Store Clerk 12pm-5pm 180 4 -- +2 -- -- -- --
5 Party D.J. 11pm-4pm 220 6 -- -- -- -- -- +3
6 Projectionist 6pm-1am 280 7 -- -- -- -- -- +2
7 Video Editor 12pm-6pm 350 10 -- +3 +1 -- -- --
8 Free Lance Photographer 12pm-5pm 400 12 -- +1 +3 -- -- --
9 Personal Tour Guide 2pm-7pm 450 15 -- +2 +3 -- -- --
10 Professional Party Guest 10pm-2am 600 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total: 15 -- 10 09 -- -- 05

Slackers live the slackers' way of living. Obviously. That's why you'll only
need very, very few skill (compared to others anyway), and yet, that's why
you'll get a little amount of money as well. Your work hours will usually be
short, but there are night-shifts here and there and you probably will meet
some problem getting 15 friends. But hey, if you wanna be a Slacker, then why
bother with everything else?

8.2. Standalone careers

Standalone careers are basically unofficial way of making money which don't
include carpools, promotion, demotion, work hours, and don't even get you to
step out of your house. Now how do you do this? Read on.

-The Sims-

8.3.1. Painter
You know that, with the Easel object, you can make paintings that can be sold
for money once finished. These artworks are probably pretty worthless at the
beginning, but max out your Creativity skill and see the difference. However,
even at 10 points, a painting may just worth around 100 Simoleons, and you can
probably make two or somehow three in a day. That's very little of course, but
still enough to pay your bills and save up things. And, yes, you can be proud
of your own way of artistic living too as a bonus, if you want to.

NOTE: you can sell the painting the way you sell back any other object. Go to
Buy mode and stuff.

8.3.2. Art Dealer
I don't actually know how effective this job is. The basic premise is that
most artistically made decoration objects will have a rise in price as time
passes by. This includes statues, paintings, and I don't know what else. To
get so, however, this specific object must NOT be touched, viewed, anything.
So you might want to make a big, closed room with no door (so your Sim can't
enter) and place a lot of artworks there. I don't know how much the raise
will give you, and I don't know how many days it'll take before the price
raises at max, so you might want to try it and tell me. However, you'll need
a lot of money to begin with, because most art decorations are pretty
expensive to boot.

8.3.3. The REAL Con Artist
While there is a Con Artist level in the Life of Crime career, this one is
even WORSE. This includes trap, baits, betrayal, and finally murder.......
Now before I incidentally turn this FAQ into a bad reading for the kids out
there, here's how it works. It's not really as horrible as it sounds. Honest.
First, you make the Con Artist. That's you. Next, you make another family.
With one Sim of the opposite gender of yours. Let's call him/her Poor Sim.
Next, you move Poor Sim into the neighborhood and you buy him/her the
cheapest lot available. No, you don't build him/her any house. You just
place a wall and a wallphone, or a desk and a phone. Just that. Then you
play back with your Con Artist Sim. Basically, you will then try to get to
know the Poor Sim, eventually make him/her fall in love with you and ended
up in marriage. Now this is where it starts. With a marriage, you acquire
the Poor Sim's money (and that's why you don't buy him/her things in the
beginning). Now that the money's with you, Poor Sim is no longer useful.
He/she will just have an "incident" and die.

NOTE: I'm not really sure about this, but if the Poor Sim died, will it be
possible for the Con Artist to marry someone else again? If it's okay,
then you'll get much more money by making another Poor Sim clone to
marry for their money.

-The Sims: Livin' Large-

8.3.4. Gnome Maker
There is an object, a Woodworking Table, that work somehow like the Easel.
While working at it, you also raise up your Mechanical skill and you create
Gnomes in the process. A WHOLE LOT OF GNOMES. These Gnomes are pretty
worthless object to USE. It may decorate your lawn, and you can kick it for
some wonderful effect, but nothing much else. But as you keep on doing this,
your skill apparently becomes better. As you max out your Mechanical skill,
you'll get 100 Simoleons per Gnome you sell. Even more, you can make around
3 Gnomes per hour (compare to three per day as with the easel), meaning that
even with the average working hour of six hours per day, you can make 18
Gnomes equal to 1,800 Simoleons, enough to make an Information Overlord weep.

NOTE: this is by no means the best money-making "job" out there. If money's
your thing, and you don't care about this "official/non-official" job
thing, go all the way with the Gnomes!

8.3.5. Monster Painter

The good thing about standalone careers is that you decide when you want to
work, when you need the money, and when you don't. You can stop anytime you
want, you only need some wee skill upgrade (well, you have to max out
Creativity for a painter or Mechanical for the gnome maker, but still) and
there's no demotion or promotion. Also, you're still all the way back at home,
meaning that you can easily go to sleep if you really need to, go to the bath-
room if you really need to. You can greet guest, you can stop for a while to
get some eat. You can do much more things at home.

Oh yeah, the REAL Con Artist job isn't something you'd do in real life, so if
you're playing this game for exact realism of your own life, it surely won't

9. Growing family
9.0. Baby

When two adult Sims are married, or they are in love to each other and have
been in the same house since day one, they can have baby. The common way is
via a lot of kissing. Eventually, there should be a question asking whether
you want a baby or not. Should you choose yes, a baby complete with the crib
will be delivered right into your house.

With the Livin' Large, you can buy the Love Bed in which you can do the Play
in Bed activity. This obviously yields a chance to have baby as well.

Occasionally, you will also get a phone call asking you to adopt a baby. If
you choose okay, the baby will be delivered too.

The main difference between YOUR baby and adopted ones is that the parent Sims
get to share their traits and pass it to their baby. An adopted baby grows up
randomly and is not related physically with parents whatsoever.

A baby only lives for three days, after which they will turn into SimKid.
Those three days, however, are definitely the longest days for the parents
and without a fully "homer" Sim things will be pretty grim indeed. The reason
is that a baby needs PERFECT care from the parent EVERYTIME he/she asked for
it. A baby naturally goes a slumber, but once awake, it will need to be taken
care of. And a baby is awaken frequently enough to make your Sim a tired,
depressed mess indeed.

Adult Sims have three option with the baby: Feed, Play and Sing. Sims should
do these simultaneously until the baby is back to his sleep. A common and
widely accepted combination is Feed, Feed, Sing. That should normally bring
baby to the dreamland. Keep doing this for three days and NEVER ignore the
cry of the baby. If you fail to respond to his cry, you'll get a phone from
the social department people or stuff who will take away your baby if you
ever ignore him again. This is YOUR LAST warning, so make sure you make no

A good tip for raising a baby is first have a fully "homer" Sim. Quit from
your job for a while if you must, or alternate jobs (i.e. Day 1 Sim A goes to
work and Sim B stays home with the baby, Day 2 Sim A stays home with the baby
and Sim B goes to work, etc).

Then, you will want to move the baby crib into your bedroom. Taking care of
baby takes a lot of energy, and the best place to recover is the bed indeed.
If your homer Sim is getting tired, get her sleep. When the baby cries, she
will be automatically awaken and then you should order her to take care of
the baby before going back to sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat.

NOTE: you can move the crib via the Buy mode. You can't do that when your
Sim is interacting with the crib (i.e. playing, feeding and singing).
Do that when the baby is sleeping and your Sim is doing anything else.

9.1. SimKid

After three days of meticulous caring and sleepless nights, your baby will
turn into SimKid, whose gender you can't choose and whose traits you can
guess, but never determine.

SimKids don't go to work. They can't interact with objects with Adults-only
label. They are very playful and often mess the bathroom. However, they are
obvious helper when it comes to cleaning dishes, and doing home maintenance.

The only thing a SimKid must do everyday is going to school, and a school bus
will arrive the way a carpool will to an adult with career in hand. SimKid has
a grade which reflects his/her score at school. It can be raised by reading
books or studying with the computer. Or heck, just send him to school *every*
day and he naturally will get smarter. However, if you don't send him to
school, his school grade drops and, eventually, will lead him into the worst
possible choice in which he will have to be sent to the military and you will
have to pay for that. As a bonus, you will never get to see him again. So, if
you love him, get him to the school.

A SimKid can generate money too. When studying with computer, they
occasionally get 100 Simoleons (and here I am getting nothing writing stuff
for the 'net...sigh...not that I *want* it, but still...). When they have
an A grade, grandfather will occasionaly give him money too. It doesn't matter
if there's no such "grandfather" in your game, they still get the money. A
Kid can paint, too. Their paintings are remarkably sold low, but still make
money anyway.

A SimKid cannot cook; they can only have snacks from the fridge, I believe.
So, maybe if for one or another reason the entire adult Sims in the family
"disappears" leaving only a SimKid at home, the only way he could survive is
by selling cheap paintings and living through continuous order of pizza...not
a good life you'd want your kid to live on indeed.

A SimKid is also a reduction at bills. I don't know the exact number, but
having more kids does reduce more significant number off your bill. That very
money you could save from the reduction will be well spent to raise all your
kids--buying them all the stuff they need--anyway, so it probably won't do
much unless for the long time.

Oh, last, SimKid cannot grow to Adult.

10. Livin' Large only!
10.0. Livin' Large objects

There are some of the objects that give more than others; Some with more
interesting feature never-before-seen in the original Sims. They are:

1. Rugs
Yeah, a rug is a rug is a rug, and it's nearly worthless, but it's pretty
and don't take up space. You can place a rug as a "second" tile, where you
can still place objects on it, you can walk on it, and you can place it
anywhere at whim.

2. Wall lamps
Wall lamps also don't take much horizontal space; It's placed on walls,
duh, so the downside is that you will need to have the tile adjacent to it
empty, or else you can't replace their bulbs when you have to.

3. Topiaries
Topiaries are good addition, but they're buggy as well. If you have some
orders queued on a Sim, and she is walking and bumping into the topiary,
she will completely *forgot* the orders and forces you to redo the order.
But still, who can't resist a set of topiaries on their yard?

4. Cockroaches
Flies now have friend! A slacker Sim will not only be treated with dirty
plates, but swarm of roaches should appear too, all come in what could have
been the most annoying animal animation to look at ever in the history of
videogaming. Your Sim will be able to spray the roach, but these creatures
move real fast and can be behind the sofa, under the bed, anywhere. It's
not easy to kill them all, so put a little more order into your life...

5. The Concoctonator Chemistry set
The chemistry set will let you create different potions of different use.
Or it may blow up your face. Or it may cause a failure that'd spread an
ugly smell to the neighborhood and resulting a police fine for you. When
a potion is made, there's no other action you can do with the set except
to drink the potion (regardless of what result it may gives). The potions
and their usage is as follow:

Blue Maxed out three random different needs, very useful

Yellow Reverses your personality, forever. The reverse works simply on
the 10-point scale: if you previously have 3 Nice points, you now
have 7 Nice points. Previously 6, now 4. And if you previously
have zero point....hmm....

White This can cure the sickness, and it rarely appears as well

Purple Turns your Sim into a monster for a set of time. This particular
creature *loves* to break television, and it has a knack on
painting as won't revert into a human unless a picture
is painted, so if you give him a whole load of easel....hmmm....

Red This makes one random Sim in your neighborhood to fall in love
with your Sim

Orange Renders your Sim invisible for a period of time. Invisible Sims
don't really do much; they can interact with people, but people
can't do it to them.

Dark Makes a reverse clone of your Sim. The clone, their personality
Green is probably reversed the way a Yellow potion would cause, will
wander around and eventually disappears at whim.

Light Kills your Sim's every Need bar to the point of nearing empty.
Green *Sell* your set when you somehow make this, you don't want to
drink it.

Since you can't make another potion before somebody drink that darned Light
Green potion, you may just as well sell the set and buy a new one,
hopefully making more useful potion this time. Oh, and guests sometime
drink the potion too, so you may as well call a friend and have the effect
of the evil potion...on him!

6. The Crystal Ball
The Crystal Ball shapes your personality. If you can figure out the message
and do what it told you to do during the next 24 hours, you may have a 1
point addition to the particular personality. If you fail, though, you'll
lose one. Play wisely and reload if you must.

7. The Brass Lamp
Uh, so you can clean it and a genie will appear. He will then offer you
stuff, only once per day, and whatever the option will have a random
chance between giving you good things *or* bad things. If you're not
ready to make a bet, don't. Or even if you do, save and reload if things
are getting ugly.

8. The telescope
If you keep on using it, something strange will be happen...don't worry,
though, you will be returned back to your home soon. Your personality will
be messily changed, though, and there doesn't seem to be any way to fix

9. The Voodoo Doll
No, no, don't use it on nearby Sim or they'll definitely hate you...

10. The Cuckoo Clock
It will cuckoo for every certain period of time and may be a well annoyance
in the bedroom. So place it somewhere safer, like inside the bathroom.

11. The Love Bed...
...on which you can know, stuff. I guess you should try it your
own as I'm never in the mood to explain anyway.

12. The woodworking table
This is the one which will make you more and more and more gnomes...which
isn't all that bad if you're particularly good enough at it.

13. The party balloon
By placing these, your neighbors will invite themselves to your house and
they will come in pack as well. Pretty useful when you're about to welcome
a baby or things like that. Saves you time from calling them by phone one
by one too.

14. The firework
It is still dangerous to use it inside your house, as it may cause fire
wherever it fell down. Heck, it actually may cause fire *outside* too, but
at least it'd be just your empty yard you'll have to take care of, not all
those snazzy equipments inside...
10.1. Neighborhoods

Now you have five different neighborhoods to play in. The 3-5 is vacant, so
you don't have to delete the already-made houses if you want to make yours,
just choose the empty neighborhood.

Each neighborhood isn't related to another, however, so it's just like the
very same with The Sims, only you get the chance to play it four times more.

10.2. Miscellaneous

1. Tragic Clown
About as tragic as his name, this ugly, stick-figured clown will appear by
your Sim's house when and only when your Sim is depressed enough his mood
bar is all way down red. The Clown will try to cheer up your Sim, but it
will not be of a help, AT ALL. Trust me, you just want to kick this Clown

The only way to do it is by being in better mood indeed. Overcome the
depression by keep filling your Sim's need, and eventually the Clown will

2. Sickness
If you buy the Guinea Pig, you will have to clean it in a daily basis or
else it may bite you back and cause you sickness. If it happens, you can:
a) buy the Guinea Pig painting and view it, so the sickness'd soon leave
b) go the common way by keeping up your Sim's energy and other needs.

11. Cheats and stuff
11.0. Playing tricks

01. Cheaper house
As you can see, a house's price gets lower for second-hand buyer. With
this you can make a builder family consisted of only one Sim. His purpose
is to buy the lot and build the house layout there. You do not need to
buy objects and everything else. Just build the walls and second story and
all. Then, evict the Sim out and make another family you'd be willing to
play inside the house. Buy the new family that house, and the price-tag
will be lower than had you were to build it yourself the first place!

02. "Let the carpool wait" trick
Actually, the carpool gives you one full hour before it decides to leave
you. So don't get all that hasty seeing its coming, do stuff you still
need to do first.

03. "Wake up, sleepyhead" trick
A Sim naturally sleeps until 6 AM (or 6 PM, depending on the time she
began sleeping) even if his energy is already full since hours ago. To
avoid this time-wasting activity, simply queue another order ("Take a
bath", for example) so he will wake up *the time* his energy need reaches
max (and that could be hours long before 6 AM).

04. Orders queue trick
In some objects like on the sofas, you can't do same action twice if the
first action is still on the move. This is mostly obvious with the "nap"
option. If you want to tell your Sim to do more than one "nap" order all
in one time, you will have to include another order in-between. Here's a
step by step example:

0: you think a single nap is too short for your Sim and decided you want
to queue four naps for him, only to find out the game wouldn't allow
you too.
1: So, being the smart that you are, you put the following:
"Nap", "Sit", "Nap", "Sit", "Nap", "Sit", "Nap"
into the order queue.
2: Now you can see four naps there. Next, you only need to delete all the
"Sit" orders (by clicking on it) and tada...
3: You have queued four naps, a thing you can't normally do!

This works for many other objects too, also for relationship action. Try

05. Pick and drop and pick again
If you just pick up the bill, you will naturally try to find a surface to
place it. Come to think about it, the very earth you're standing on is a
big, flat surface indeed! So you need to quickly delete the act and you'll
automatically put the bill on the ground. No problem, check it out and now
you'll be able to pay the bill, much closer to your mailbox!

Also if you have a full trash bin or compactor, you would naturally pick
the trash and put it into the outer trash bin. However, if you cancel the
act, you will drop the whole mess on the floor. No problem, just clean it
up again and you will be able to trash them down into the (previously
full) trash bin/compactor. What a helpful twist of logic!

This also work with stuff given by guests. You know you don't need them,
so don't waste your time looking for table to put it, cancel your action
and trash them all down instead.

06. Playing your music
Simply drop your MP3, MP3 shortcut or (probably) .M3U file into one of
the "Station" folder of your Sims directory. By default, it'd be
"C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\Music\Stations"
Then play your stereo set, choose the correct station and enjoy.
(I'm not sure about the .m3u file, though, It works with SimCity4, but
just use normal shortcut if it won't work. Don't copy your MP3 to save
yourself precious disk space. The shortcut should do well).

07. Multiple neighborhoods trick
Of course you do not need this with the Livin' Large.
To all you Sims player, however, go to the:
"C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims" or wherever you installed it.

1. Copy the UserData folder and paste it on the same place. You'll get a
new folder called "Copy of UserData" (or something like that). Rename
it to "n1" to help you out.
2. You can do this as much as you want, provided you have the disk
space, so you have "n2", "n3", etc, etc.
3. Say, if you want to play with the "n1" neighborhood, you will first
want to rename the "UserData" folder into something else; The name
"n0" should do the description well.
4. Next, you will have to rename the "n1" folder into "UserData".
5. Now you have a new neighborhood.
6. If you want to play with your old neighborhood, rename the "UserData"
folder back to its original name (that's "n1" in our case).
7. Then, rename "n0" folder back to its "UserData" name.
8. Now you have restored your old neighborhood.
9. Do it again and again as you wish, just remember to keep track of
the different neighborhoods.

08. Death
Yes, it's death indeed. There are multiple ways to cause death...

1. Let them swim into the pool and sell the ladder. That way, your Sim
cannot return back, so they will keep on swimming and swimming until
they run out of energy and...die.

2. Pause the game and build a full wall set surrounding your Sim, so it
can't get out. Wait for a while until it's drained out of its energy
and hunger and...die.

3. Let them start fire either by cooking or firework or anything. Once
they catch on fire...

4. Have a broken lamp. If your Sim try to replace the bulb, *and* there is
a puddle of water directly beneath his feet, he will get electrocuted
to horrible death.

09. Borrow the objects
If you buy an object and sell it back within the same day, you will get
full money back. There's no better deal than this, so you may as well
get a computer just to pick some job and sell it back, buy a stove and
cook a great meal and sell it back, or buy a pink flamingo to kick and
*then* sell it back!

10. Perfect personality *Livin' Large only!*
First, start off with a Sim with ZERO personality. No, not at all.
Nothing. Then, buy the chemistry set and keep making potions until you get
the yellow one. This is the reverse personality potion. With this, your
Sim will have *perfect* personality, the exact opposite! What a luck!

11.1. Cheat codes

These were first rounded from ""
First, you need to open up the console in which you can type up the codes.
Press Ctrl-Shift-C.

code effect

klapaucius gives you 1000 Simoleons
rosebud gives you 1000 Simoleons (for patched game/Livin'Large)
water_tool creates water over the ground, Build mode only
move_objects moves any objects, including your Sim, mailbox, etc.

there are more codes, but most are nowhere as useful as the above that I'd
rather not include them, so you should check the above site yourself if you
wanna know.

You can do multiple code (such as multiple "rosebud" all at once to give you
more than 1K in a shot) by adding ;! after the code. You can add as much as
you want. So, it should look like:

rosebud !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;! ...and so on and so on....

and you'll get more money than before.

NOTE: using the move_objects code, you can move and then delete objects. You
delete your Sim, too. The way to move him back is by clicking your Sim's
portrait. The Sim will return back with the stats derived from the last
time you save your game. So, if you have made a useless potion from the
chemistry set, save your game, have your Sim drink it, use the cheat and
delete your monster (or whatever happens to your Sim) and bring him back
to the healthy state he was before.

warning, do not delete the carpool or mailbox. Just. Don't.

12. Miscellaneous
12.0. The Sims: Did You Know?

First and foremost, you have to play the game in a family through 100 Simdays
and more. If you have a neighborhood with several families, you DO NOT NEED
to have all of them playing 100 days, just have a single family and it will
do. The window, of course, will only be available for the family with 100 days
(i.e. while the others who haven't reach it won't). Not that it matters for
you, right?

Now the next part is to find it. DUH. First thing first. Exactly at the 100th
day, you will get this question icon on the very upper-right corner of your
screen (i.e. the one that used to be QuickTips and such). There will be a
message from the Maxis folks, and you'll be prompted to decide whether to
accept the Did You Know? window or not. You, obviously, will want to accept.
You can have the text here, but not pictures.

Now for the Did You Know? Window. It also appears as the Question mark icon on
the upper-right corner of your screen by 10 AM every morning. If you missed a
day, it will keep the unlocked information (i.e. it won't skip to the next
person in the list). But just in case, you might want to keep an eye everytime
you're playing.

12.0.0. Did You Know?

Congratulations! This house has been running for 100 days! You must
really like this game. We are glad since we do too. If you like the
game this much then you must be interested in knowing how it was made.
Each day you continue to keep this family going a new "Did You Know?"
box will appear until you know all about us.. If you are not
interested then click "Don't Show This Again" but come on you want to
know... you know you do!

-OK- -Don't Show-

12.0.1. Will Wright - Game Designer

Will first thought of "The Sims" shortly after the original SimCity.
It took this long for technology to catch up with Will's vision. In
Maxis Offices we have a mock-up design for the original idea of the
Sims. Though the technology is far more advanced, the actual game does
not vary much from this prototype. Will makes wicked excel sheets, and
likes to zip around the Maxis offices on a bright red electric scooter.

Fun Fact:
Will purchased a couple of real pink flamingo lawn ornaments for the
team so we could properly model both the complex 3D shape of the birds
and the physics and emotional algorithms needed for kicking them.

Image Description:
Showing Will Wright (presumably in a thinking stance) in a Japanese
room (wallpaper and flooring) with computer, train set, recliner, VR
set and some decoration which name I fail to remember.

12.0.2. Kana Ryan - Producer
Kana was the glue that held the Sims project together and moved things
forward. Rarely seen without a Diet Coke (r) in hand, Kana is also
known for her "Saga of Kana" which was a test house she used to mark
progress in the game and to find the remaining bugs. It is rumored that
Kana gained her production skills testing IBM workstation software in a
previous life.

Fun Fact:
The wedding picture the Sims paint on the easel is her wedding picture.

Image Description:
Showing Kana Ryan, painting (her Creativity bar is slighty filled)
in a room with decorative plant and the boombox.

12.0.3. Jeff Charvat - Development Director
Came to us late in the project to lead the programmers to Alpha and
Final. He inherited our somewhat brutal schedule as well as our
notorious game database. Likes to assign bugs with a smile. Jeff and
Claire worked on another non-Maxis game together long ago, but would
not let us print the title here for some reason.

Fun Fact:
At E3 we showed off our first career suit, an astronaut suit. Shortly
thereafter we stole Jeff from the "SimMars" team. By the end of the
project we had also, um, borrowed a programmer and two artists from
"SimMars". A little SimForeshadowing?

Image Description:
Jeff Charvat is pointing his arm to the TV he's currently watching,
in a room where there also lies a PC, floor lamp and a painting is
on the wall.

12.0.4. Charles London - Art Director
Charles led an ever growing art team that began with just him and grew
to three artists, three animators, and a contracted company. He is
responsible for designing and drawing the game's interface as well as
the whole look of "The Sims". Charles is worshipped by some for his
work on PC classics such as Panzer General and Allied General. We love
him because he brings us chocolate marbled bread from his favorite

Fun Fact:
How many interfaces has "The Sims" had? Even we don't know. As we tried
to achieve both graphically outstanding AND functional interface, many
were tried. Each time a new feature was added, Charles had to redesign
the interface.

Image Description:
Charles London is sitting, gazing at some sort of mini-screen
displaying The Sims game interface (i.e. the thing he himself created).

12.0.5. James (Jamie) Doornbos - Programmer
Besides writing the majority of the actual game code, Jamie wrote the
"tree" language that is used to code the objects in "The Sims". Because
this "tree" code resides in the actual objects and the Sims run the
code from the objects, the game is incredibly expandable. This is why
you can just drop objects into the game from the Web or create them in
HomeMaster. A.K.A. "Jamers."

Fun Fact:
Jamie originally was the only tree programmer as well as the game
programmer. It took four objects programmers to complete the objects
shipped with "The Sims." Some of Jamie's original objects still exist
in the game such as the Pool Table and the Fire.

Image Description:
Some sort of programming software showing the game's "tree" code (too
little to read, though), while the mini-screen at the corner shows
Jamie, apparently doing a little work-out.

12.0.6. Patrick Buechner - Director of Marketing
Patrick is responsible for getting us all that early press. We were
really impressed when he got "The Sims" in U.S. News & World Report.
Little did we know that it was just the beginning of all the press we
would get thanks to him. He was largely responsible for keeping the
momentum and excitement going.

Fun Fact:
Patrick can usually be found watching Will Wright demonstrate the game
to various reporters and reviewers.

Image Description:
Patrick is playing games in a room with the paper, another garbage
newspaper on the floor, the Tragic Clown painting and an alarm clock.

12.0.7. Chris Trottier - Associate Producer
Chris has done a little of almost everything on "The Sims." Most
notably heading the tuning team to get us from Alpha fo Final. Though
not exactly her job, she is also known as the best bug hunter in the
game. Very few people in the team know the entire game as well as she
does. We call her "The Database Goddess."

Fun Fact:
"The Sims" wasn't always the title. At various times the game was known
as "Project X," The Dollhouse Simulator," "Tactical Domestic
Simulator," and others. The meeting room for "The Sims" team at Maxis
is called "The Doll House".

Image Description:
She is playing with the dollhouse, with cans of beans lying on the
floor, along with the toybox and aquarium.

12.0.8. Luc Barthelet - General Manager of Maxis
Luc believed in the game through its development when even some of the
team members questioned it. Luc built most of the early support for the
game by establishing "The Sims Neighborhood Watch." Luc is a card
carrying member of the Fancy French Shirt Society.

Fun Fact:
Luc would stop by each team member's work area and ask "What's new and
cool?" each day. This one-on-one interaction made each team member feel
important to the entire project.

Image Description:
Luc is playing with the VR set, in some sort of office room with PC
and that expensive floor lamp. A fountain is shown outside, through
the window.

12.0.9. Patrick J. Barrett III - Object programmer
Patrick is responsible for the majority of the object programming.
Between Patrick pushing the "tree" programming to its limits and Jamie
increasing the strength of the "tree" programming language, all the
game play takes place. Patrick's first game was made in 1982, but he
won't say how many years he has been in the industry.

Fun Fact:
Eating was a lonely experience in "The Sims" and used to look funny.
Patrick was told that was how it had to be with the constraints of the
sim. He found this unacceptable and made it so the Sims place their
plates in front of them, pull in their chairs, and can talk to each
other while eating. The designers went crazy with this using it as an
example to make the interactions more rewarding..

Image Description:
Shown working on the computer, with newspaper, a desk phone and opened
chocolate box nearby. It appears that the PC is broken is on repair...

12.0.10. Eric "BoBo" Bowman - Programmer
Eric was the graphics guru on "The Sims." In charge of the graphical
system programming, he made everything you see possible. Though maybe
not a great programming achievement in code, one of his best effects is
the fading roof on the neighborhood screen. The roofs fade away so you
can see inside the houses. By the way, besides coding the fading roofs,
he also came up with the idea. He is famous on the team for "Wouldn't
it be really neat if.... Now what if I told you it is already done."

Fun Fact:
People run up to him on the street and offer him wads of cash for his
stylin' Datsun 280Z.

Image Description:
The Neighborhood screen, with a mini-screen showing the fading roof
and another with Eric in the Hot Tub.

12.0.11. Don Hopkins - Programmer
Don wrote the animation engine in the game. His code is what makes the
Sims look so lifelike when running hundreds of animations. Don also
ported the editor for the "tree" programming from the Mac to Windows.

Fun Fact:
Sean said that Don reminded him of Santa Claus. Don has been known to
dance horizontally on the floor with his shirt stuffed with hot air
balloons. It is rumored he used to work at Sun Microsystems on some
super secret project.

Image Description:
Simply shown reading, sitting on the green sofa near the kiddie end
table with a table lamp on it.

12.0.12. Trevor Perrin - Object Programmer
Trevor came to us near the end of the project. Without him many of the
last coded objects would have been cut from the game such as the
Basketball Court. He also adopted the Installer to "The Sims".

Fun Fact:
Some of his objects were reassigned to Patrick so that Trevor could
work on the installation. Instead, Trevor stayed until late at night to
work on them.

Image Description:
Shown playing basketball outside, with a pale-green mood crystal over
the head.

12.0.13. Alex Zvenigorodsky - Programmer
Stolen from "SimMars," Alex came to us first to help with some object
programming then wrote the file system used in "The Sims" to combine
all the files into single files. He also wrote "SLANG" the tool used to
translate "The Sims" into the many languages it ships with.

Fun Fact:
While on the "SimMars" team, Alex helped Jami Becker make the chess
table so that it uses real moves. When the Sims play chess against one
another they actually play different stages of a real game.

Image Description:
Simply playing chess against himself.

12.0.14. Robi Kauker & Kent Jolly - Sound Engineers
They are responsible for the sound effects and voices in "The Sims".
You can thank these two for the hilarious TV channels and commercials.
Unfortunately, we had to cut "VOX_choke_heimlich" and "VOX_throwup"
sounds from the game. Maybe that was fortunate actually...

Fun Fact:
The singer of some of the "Rock" songs claims, "I sing nonsense words it wasn't that hard to sing Sims lyrics." Some of the
country music on the stereo was from "Streets of SimCity" but has been
remastered to sound more Sims like.

Image Description:
Two computers, two different audio sets, somebody is playing the piano
while the other is apparently dancing (can't really tell who's who).

12.0.15. Eric "Chin" Chin - Graphic Artist
Eric made all the people in the game and their clothing. He also made
the mock-up of the neighborhood screen as well as numerous art works
for magazines showcasing "The Sims." Only Eric knows what a naked Sim
looks like. Some of us prefer it that way.

Fun Fact:
All told we had three Eric's on the team. Hence, each also had a
nickname so we could tell them apart.

Image Description:
A quick snapshot seconds before the guy change clothes.

12.0.16. Eric "Irk" Hedman - Animator
Yet another Eric. This Eric made a large portion of our animations
which give the Sims their realistic look and emotion. A snappy dresser
and Swing dance aficionado, he also displays a keen interest in
inflatable office furniture and wrestling masks. Don't ask him about
video games starring sloths.

Fun Fact:
When one of our programmers was hired, he thought all our animations
were motion captured due to the high quality. As it turns out, we tried
that and it didn't look as good as Eric's!

Image Description:
Euh, brushing teeth?

12.0.17. Jami Becker - Artist
Jami produced a large portion of the object graphics. Some of her work
includes the aquarium and the animated phones. She also produced the
infamous "SimSafari" Zebra Couch that, despite what Will may claim, is
not the zebra from SimSafari. Actually, no SimCreatures were injured or
hurt while making "The Sims."

Fun Fact:
Though spelled differently Jamie and Jami sound alike. This caused
Patrick who had to work with both to call them "Programmer Jamie" and
"Graphic Jami."

Image Description:
Jami is apparently feeding the fish in the aquarium.

12.0.18. Michael "Mike" Lawson - Product Analyst
Mike is a man of all trades. He worked on testing, tuning, maintained
the test neighborhoods, mnned the SimWatch web cam, and more numerous
tasks that can be named. Mike claims he is a "survivor" of the Streets
of Sim City testing process. He is also the youngest member of the

Fun Fact:
His band performed the music in the Electronic Arts game "MotoRacer 2."

Image Description:
Mike is playing with the VR set.

12.0.19. Melissa Bachman-Wood - Assistant Producer
Melissa was instrumental in specifying how the objects in the game
would look and leading the massive testing effort, often commuting 100+
miles a day between Maxis and EA. Melissa proudly displays a sign
reading, "I wasn't hired for my demeanor." above her desk.

Fun Fact:
Every object in the game was a group effort requiring an object
designer, an object programmer, an animation artist, an object artist,
a writer, a sound designer and a sound programmer. Oh, and lots of

Image Description:
Melissa is shown taking quick nap on the recliner.

12.0.20. Tim LeTourneau - Associate Producer & Chris Baena - Assistant Producer
Tim and Chris came on board to handle the localization of "The Sims"
into many languages and to help with the development and testing of
our free SimShow and HomeMaster tools. Both started in testing and
Customer Support at EA. Chris is still the only Maxis employee with a
a handlebar mustache.

Fun Fact:
Though the catalog text was written by Sean and the other text by Roxy,
Tim had to adjust the language of the text as well as maintain the text
database for the entire game. This help system you are reading now was
added just two weeks before the deadline for localizations and contains
almost a third of the text in the game! Now maybe Tim will be able to
go home at night. Maybe...

Image Description:
Both are having a game of chess, Chris takes it as a social interaction
while Tim is getting his Logic bar filled.

12.0.21. Sean Baity - Assistant Producer
Chief of the SimWatch, Sean also was in charge of the sound effects and
catalog text in the game. It is amazing that Sean and Claire can still
hear anymore after hours upon hours of listening to all the sounds in
the game and verifying that they worked. Sean was a lead tester at EA
for three years at EA before coming to Maxis.

Fun Fact:
Leading the SimWatch group also required Sean to come up with new
weekly downloadables from our Web Site including a Desktop Theme,
Chatter Box and the Mini Aquarium.

Image Description:
In the same sort of stance with Will Wright, Sean is standing in the
middle of a real messy room with broken PC, dirty aquarium, junks,
dead plants, a gift cake on the floor. There's also another PC and
a glimpse of audio set nearby.

12.0.22. Paul Wilkinson - Programmer
Paul is responsible for the Sound System used in the Sims. Sims say
different things depending on their age, sex, mood and skill. That is
all Paul. You may have heard his work in a little game called SimCity
3000. Paul started at Distinctive Software before it became EA Canada.
Even though he is Canadian, we still enjoy working with him.

Fun Fact:
Paul ends his email with the note "PEACE OUT"

Image Description:
Paul is shown repairing the computer, while a boombox, desk phone,
lamps, decor plants and the Tragic Clown painting are found around.

12.0.23. Roxy Wolosenko - Designer
Roxy was one of three designers on the game along with Claire and Will.
She wrote all the dialogs on the phone as well as the catalog
descriptions used in Build Mode. It was her idea to have social
interactions in the game.

Fun Fact:
Roxy was a producer on Maxis children's software before working on the

Image Description:
Roxy in a little gardening session.

12.0.24. Claire Curtain - Designer
Though a majority of the design of the game came from Will Wright, Roxy
and Claire picked up the other tasks such as documenting the design.
Claire found the voice actors and directed recording sessions. Claire
also specified every sound in the game and there are a lot of them!
Together with Sean she made sure "The Sims" has a lot of sound in very
interesting places.

Fun Fact:
Claire is also from the former Kids Group working on titles such as

Image Description:
Claire is sitting in a room with an audio set.

12.0.25. Bob King - Animator & B.J. West - Graphic Artist
Another couple of Martians we abducted. Bob and B.J. helped with the
nearly impossible task of getting every animation and object done in
time and on schedule. The Sims team had originally hoped to include
100 objects with the game. With the help of others such as B.J. we were
able to ship with over 200. Bob is still the only Maxis employee with a

Fun Fact:
"The Sims" has over 1,400 animations.

Image Description:
Truth be told, the artists are in a messy room with rotten pizza,
the easel and again, someone's is playing with the computer and a
skill bar is shown...while the other is simply applausing the guy with
the computer.

12.0.26. The Sims Testing Team
Guided by Jamil, Gabe and Etienne, finding well over 4,000 bugs was the
job of this intrepid team. (Only a minimum of duplicates) Working under
the motto "(Quis simulatiet ipsos simulates?)" they made sure to find
as many problems as possible, so you wouldn't have to.

Fun Fact:
The Sims has had 20 different full-time testers since the first build
back in July. As with any game, "The Sims" would not be here without
their hard work.

Image Description:
The most obvious image you could get from full-time testers; a room
filled with computers, some people are in heavy need of rest while
somebody is extremely lying on the floor, apparently due to the empty
energy bar.

12.0.27. Jim Mackraz - Former Development Director
Jim left us shortly after E3 to join an Internet start-up. Jim affected
the game in too many ways to mention.

Fun Fact:
The Foosball table in the Maxis Multi-Purpose Room is named in memory
of Jim. It is rumored when you walk by that you can still hear him
playing, but usually it is just Paul and the sound team.

Image Description:
Jim is inside the Hot Tub with two other neighbors, talking to each

12.1. Careers Description

01 Mailroom Clerk
Minimum wage, but you're on the ground floor of one of SimCity's
mega-corps. Keep the copier and coffee machine in working order. Be
organized, prompt, and friendly when you push the cart through the halls -
maybe some sharp-eyed company officer will consider you for a kick

02 Executive Assistant
Longer hours, but an opportunity to work the phones, increase people
skills, and keep the Boss happy. If you work on your mechanical skill, you
might be able to repair that infernal copy machine the next time it breaks.
Now THAT would make your boss notice you.

03 Field Sales Rep
Before you move up in the company, you'll have to earn your dues putting in
a long day on the road. Meet your quotas (charisma can make a good sales
pitch great) and make good contacts and you'll be ripe for a promotion to
and office with wheels.

04 Junior Executive
Now you have your own grunt to boot around, a personal cubicle, and a nice
salary - but it's still a long walk down the hall to the washrooms. Good
relationships with people to whom you've proven your superior logic skill
will definitely get you noticed.

05 Executive
You have your own Junior Executive, and an actual office with a door that
closes. Problem is, the Executive level at your company is heavily
populated. Well-rounded skills and a good work attitude will help you stand
out from the crowd and impress the higher ups.

06 Senior Manager
Salary hops up, as you are now overseeing several franchise offices. There
are a lot of executives under your command, so charisma and logic help in
settling disputes and keeping the various teams running smoothly. Your golf
game needs to be good if you expect to close deals, so a little more work
in the body department might not be a bad idea.

07 Vice President
The corner office is yours. Pay takes another leap. However, competition is
rougher on this floor. Keep sharpening those skills and keep making lots of
friends. You never know when you'll need them.

08 President
The company sends a town car to pick you up in the morning. You get the top
floor suite and a hefty paycheck. Your creative juices are flowing and
you're feeling smart and powerful. But there's a downside as well. More
stress, and some of the neighbors might resent your success (Nothing a
barbecue at your place wouldn't fix. And who knows, you might meet someone

09 CEO
Top of the heap at your company. But can a powerful, well-to-do exec
balance the responsibilities of the office with mate, children and friends?
Social responsibilities are peaking. It might be time to move up to a
bigger house, to better entertain bigwigs.

10 Business Tycoon
You're a corporate raider and mogul, heading a worldwide conglomerate. But
now that you're a famous local figure, guess what? You'll be expected to
give money to charities to maintain your standing with your fellow Sims.
Still, it does feel good to glow in the bask of success.

01 Waiter/Waitress
You're available for auditions, but can stil make your tips at night. Good
people-skills could get your picture and resume served along with the

02 Extra
You're "atmosphere," "living scenery." The pay is pitiful, but at least
you're on the set. No lines, though... and Central Casting can call you
for the day shift or the night shift, depending on production needs. Make
sure you develop your Charisma skill so when the speaking part does come,
you'll be ready.

03 Bit Player
You're able to support yourself in your chosen career - barely. You've
actually got a few lines to speak... ironically, they often seem to be
"May I take your order, sir?" Building relationships and your body is
important now.

04 Stunt Double
That's not the box-office mage star being set on fire and tossed from a
helicopter - that's you. You're making a name for yourself, though,
directors like your ideas for mock mayhem. Keep those creative juices
flowing. You just might graduate to a low-budget starring role of your own
- if you survive. Keep yourself and your gear in top-shape, or you may miss
that air bag. And keep developing your active social life - not only it is
fun, it's very useful.

05 B-Movie Star
Cheap sci-fi, lowbrow horror and teen hormone comedies - you're the star,
even if your best work goes "straight to video." If you really want to
make it big, you'll need a great body and some very convincing and
creative dialogue. Lots of work on skills from here on out.

06 Supporting Player
You name's not on the poster, but at least it's a "major motion picture."
You're the best friend, the villan's sidekick, or the one who dies in the
first half-hour. But, the studios have noticed you and big things may be
on the horizon. Keep practicing your lines and remember, it's not always
what you know, but who you know that counts.

07 TV Star
Your talent is acknowledged at last, and you're referred to as "SimCity's
home-grown star." It's never been easier to throw a party at your place.
You can build a bigger house now, but the killer hours assure that you're
not at home as much as you'd like. Keep developing your charisma and body
skills or you'll never make it to the big screen.

08 Feature Star
You made it to the big screen. You're now making money for fewer hours,
but you may suddenly have to leave town for a distant location shoot.
You're loving all the attention. Everyone wants to be your friend - but is
that always a good thing? Sometimes you long for the spontaneous
creativity and audience response of Broadway...

09 Broadway Star
It's a whole new world for a star of your magnitude. Live performances,
six days a week, singing, dancing in Sim City's latest musical. Who knew
it would be so physically demanding? But those cast parties are a great
place to meet new friends, no? And you've never felt so creatively pumped

10 Superstar
Everywhere you go, the paparazzi snap your picture. They've just placed
your star on the Sim City "Walk of Fame." And when the lights get too
bright, you can always retreat to your mansion on the hill.

01 Security Guard
A badge, a gun... and the graveyard shift. As you're required to supply
your own firearm and uniforms, it doesn't leave much in your pay envelope.
Also, you can't leave your post - which means your skills on the hot plate
come in handy at meal breaks.

02 Cadet
You're going to the Police Academy with a starting salary from the city
burning a hole in your blues. Like a combination of boot camp and college,
the experience can be physically and mentally draining. Improve your body
skill so you can graduate and get a real job.

03 Patrolman
You're riding the mean streets on Sim City in a squad car - dangerous work
without a lot of pay. Keep yourself in top physical condition and study up
on your mechanical skills so you can be considered for a shield.

04 Desk Sergeant
A break from the mean streets, and a promotion with a pay hike... but tons
of paperwork. However, you're on regular hours with a reduction in
physical demands. If you get tired of this desk job, improve those body
and mechanical skills and you may be out on the street in a much more
interesting job.

05 Vice Squad
You're attached to your first plainclothes job. Vice duty can be exciting,
but your squad operates mostly at night. It's important to shine here, so
you can be considered for detective training. Well-rounded skills,
including logic, will help hasten that promotion.

06 Detective
You get your shield and continue plainclothes work. Logic needs to be
sharp and friends are very important. Charisma also comes into play, if
suspects and informants are to help you close cases and step up the
departmental ladder.

07 Lieutenant
Cases have a higher profile, and your experience has advanced you to a
better pay rate. As a Lieutenant, you are a Detective Squad Leader, and
you need to keep those skills sharpened. The stress of dealing with that
thick, unsolved folder of Sim City crimes can do real damage to your home
life. Try to emphasize "family time" and recreation at home to achieve a
proper balance.

08 SWAT Team Leader
An elite job with a good bonus in the form of "danger pay." But you've got
to be very smart and creative to be successful. Make sure you're making
friends in high places.

09 Police Chief
You're finally "Top Cop." You can afford a substantial house on the hill
and are one of the most influential people in Sim City. What more can you
possibly do to protect the citizens of Sim City?

10 Captain Hero
Crime peoples beware! A new day has dawned on our most wonderful
community. A day of righteous justice for all, for Captain Hero is here at
last! With his massive superpowers at hand, Captain Hero fights crime on a
daily basis, to the fullest extent of the law.

01 Picpocket
Entry-level two-bit thief - but you are your own boss. Dexterity and
physical speed are obviously important. A certain amount of charisma is
helpful, too, if you are going to charm those marks before you dip into
their cents.

02 Bagman
You're a foot soldier for a small-time mobster - making pickups and
deliveries of dirty cash and "sensitive merchandise." You'll need to be
quick on your feet to avoid the heat and rival punks. Work on your body
skill will definitely pay off.

03 Bookie
Make book on the dog track, horse races, stadium game - where, one way or
another, "the house" always wins. And this time, "the house" is you. You
never know when something may go wrong that requires some fast talking so
keep those charisma and creativity skills sharp.

04 Con Artist
Run schemes, scams, and swindles - anything to seperate a naive Sim from
their hard-earned cash. Profits inrease, but this job needs inspired
thinking and the power to persuade others.

05 Getaway Driver
From two-bit crook to three-bit crook. To succeed as a driver you'll need
some strong physical skills, and a mechanic's knowledge. But you want to
get in on the main action, right? Work on your skills to show the boss just
how indispensible you are.

06 Bank Robber
Instead of just driving the money away, now you're inside the Sim City
First National Bank when it goes down - which cuts you in for a bigger
slice. But you'd like to try your hand at some sneakier, more challenging
crimes. Better brains, brawn, and buddies will move you up.

07 Cat Burglar
Higher scores, but more risk involved. Suddenly you're on the night shift.
You cannot afford to let physical energy flag, or you'll botch a job.
Mechanical skills are handy to keep your tools in good order and some
creative problem solving will help keep you out of the slammer. Your
friends are coming in very handy - more can only help.

08 Counterfeiter
You're getting more sophisticated. Why steal money when you and your gang
can print your own? You're getting quite a reputation and people are
seeking your advice. Better practice your charisma and creativity in case
you need to go national.

09 Smuggler
Your business card says you're in the "Import/Export" business. Let's just
say that you supply everything that people want that the law says they
cannot have. You're bringing in and sending out goods by land, sea, and
air, and earning the large profits all that implies. Your skills need to be
fully honed to reach the apex of this illustrious career.

10 Criminal Mastermind
Most men fear you. You run your own mob of theives and hijackers, and can
buy any house on the block. Your front is a respectable Sim City business,
and you feel almost above the law.

01 Medical Technician
Entry-level, low-paying grunt work in a big medical lab - but a way to test
your aptitude and interest in exploring a doctor's work. Taking X-rays,
logging samples, preparing test results are among your duties.

02 Paramedic
You're attending medical school and working part time as a paramedic.
You'll need to avoid fatigue while allowing time for study and riding in
an ambulance on the night shift. To keep your vehicle and equipment
maintained, work on your mechanical skills as much as you can.

03 Nurse
You've made it through med school, and secured your first job at SimCity
General Hospital. This is a physically demanding job and will require good
body skill. Work on your bedside manner to get those patient referrals.

04 Intern
There's a "M.D." after your name, but it seems you spend more time doing
paperwork and changing bandages than saving lives. Pay special care to
develop your mechanical and logic skills; doctors are multi-talented. The
hours are steady, though, so you're earning more.

05 Resident
You've been promoted to a night shift residency in the Emergency Room. This
is an obviously stressful position, so make sure home is a comforting
place. You need fun, rest, and proper meals, or you won't succeed. If you
work on the proper diagnoses, and care for those tough cases, and develop a
good bedside manner, your promotion to General Practitioner will come

06 General Practitioner
An altruistic streak has compelled you to join a neighborhood Sim clinic as
a GP. The pay won't be high, but you'll be helping a lot of less fortunate
Simcitizens through broken bones, pregnancies, and measles. You will be
handling a lot youself, but don't slack off on the skill-building - you may
want a different job someday.

07 Specialist
Congratulations. You've "hung up your shingle," gaining a traditional work
schedule and golf game occasionally. Now you have more time to maintain a
happy home and maybe happy family? Work on your charisma if higher steps in
this career seem appealing.

08 Surgeon
One of the elite with an income advance to go with it. This job demands a
rested, calm individual, so watch your emotion levels, eat right, and get
plenty of sleep. And, you'll need some home study time, especially in the
areas of creativity and logic, to keep left brain skills sharp in the
operating room.

09 Medical Researcher
You've created a new vaccination serum in Sim City's most advanced
research clinic. You've now joined the ranks of the highest paid
researchers in the world. If you decide to go for the top bucks, continue
the skill-building path up to Chief of Hospital Staff, where you can get a
cut of the profits.

10 Chief of Hospital Staff
You are one of the most respected physicians in Sim City. You spend office
hours at the hospital. You are now part owner, and are making large profits
keeping your fellow Sims in good health.

01 Recruit
Buzz cuts and boot camp. I don't know but I've been told, scrubbing
latrines gets mighty old. Better maintain prime physical shape to advance
from the trenches. Cooking and Repair skills also help you pass KP and
cleanup detail to earn your stripes.

02 Elite Forces
Special training as a commando brings you more prestige, and as an added
incentive you will be earning special hazard pay. Physical skills are
important, so get your body pumped up and strong.

03 Drill Instructor
Now that you're an experienced vet, the base commander has "volunteered"
to impart your wisdom to a squad of green, malleable recruits. Charisma is
important here, as you'll need to drill fear, loyalty, and discipline into
these jar-heads.

04 Junior Officer
You've finally gained entrance to the Officer's Club. No resting on your
laurels, though, as you must keep your body in top physical condition to

05 Counter-Intelligence
Tracking the enemy is your whole life right now. You know enough about
the enemy for them to really want to kill you - so you have to stay one
step ahead of them for your sake and that of your troops. Work on your
mechanical skill to keep those highly sensitive machines in top working
order and logic skills to interpret all the data you're downloading.

06 Flight Officer
Somebody has to deliver those troops, drop that cargo, and guard the air
space over Sim City. There's a pay grade advance here, but earning your
wings will require additional training with a flight simulator program at
the base. Mechanical skill is a must and logic is not far behind.

07 Senior Officer
You've survived your airborne tour and made it to "the brass." You're well
respected your counsel is often sought. More logic training will make you a
better strategist amd charisma will improve your speeches. Work on these if
you want to move on to Commander.

08 Commander
Your great leadership accomplishments have brought you to the post of
Commander. No more dodging bullets and crawling under barbed wire. But
don't get all soft and flabby because it's been whispered that you're being
considered as a political condidate for astronaut. You'll have to show
exceptional mechanical and body skills for that honor.

09 Astronaut
One of the highest achievements for a military lifer like yourself. Fame
and fortune climb with each mission into space, and you're in the best
physical shape of your life. Keep working on your skills if you want to
become one of the most influential people in history.

10 General
Your logistical genius has earned you the rank of General, the top of the
top brass. Your day is filled with government officials requesting your
wise council and a book deal for your memoirs is looking good. Is your home
life as successful as your professional life?

01 Campaign Worker
The salary is miniscule, but you get your feet wet in the political puddle
by helping a favorite local candidate into officer. The job requires long
hours managing telephone teams and volunteer groups canvassing
neighboorhoods for votes.

02 Intern
Start running errands for the Sim City Comptroller, and try to work your
way up to getting lunch for the mayor. Low pay, long hours. You'll need
lots of Charisma to advance in Politics.

03 Lobbyist
A special-interest group to influence a local politician hires you. Heavy
social skills and lots of friends are needed to advance in this career -
you must win friends and influence people. Charisma is essential to
progress in a political career.

04 Campaign Manager
Salary jumps, but overtime work increases. You must still maintain
neighborhood relationships and domestic tranquility. You need to cultivate
your "image." Practice your charisma and develop that all-important spin
control. Without it, your political career is sunk. But friends in the
right places can sometimes be very useful.

05 City Council Member
Your first elected post, finally admitted to Sim City's inner power circle.
A well-paid job to be sure. The more persuasive and creative you are in
pushing your own agenda through the council, the faster you will advance in
the political machine.

06 State Assemblyman/woman
The voters trust you enough to represent their fair city in the State
Assembly. Fortunately, Sim City is the state capital, so you'll be close
to home. A lot of creative thought will be needed in meeting with state
officials to be sure Sim City's local intrests and protected and promoted.

07 Congressman/woman
The people have spoken once again, and this time elected you to Congress.
You'll spend your time covering your district from your local office.
Networking with neighbors and making new friends to keep political support
must be balanced with keeping a contented house and family.

08 Judge
You win a position on the Sim City Central Court. Your peerless logical
skills at reading human nature and deconstructing legal arguments will
prompt your success and continuing rise in status. Cultivate friends in
your spare hours. Watch mood indicators and keep alert - you're supposed to
be clear-headed and impartial when the gavel comes down.

09 Senator
You're authoring bills and chairing sub-committees. You appear regularly on
political talk shows and your influence is being felt around the Capitol.
With a little more speaking experience and a few more friends, you may
attain the most coveted Sim position: Mayor of SimCity!

10 Mayor
As Mayor of Sim City, you're entitled to big bucks - you can finally
afford that "house on the hill" where the town's elite citizens cluster.
You are a master at the political game and it's obvious that you enjoy the
fame as well as the excitement of shaking up the entrenched bureaucrats.
It's great to be powerful, isn't it?

01 Team Mascot
A young athlete has to start somewhere - even if it's sweating inside a
cartoon animal suit. A very physical grunt job with lousy pay - but at
least you can watch the game from up close. You are also expected to keep
your suit in good repair.

02 Minor Leaguer
A scout spotted you in a local pickup game and figured you had talent.
Welcome to the "Llamas," Sim City's minor league team. Your starting pay
isn't much, and you'll have a lot of training time to deal with. Develop
your body skill so you can rise through the ranks.

03 Rookie
Advancing into the pros, you start out with league minimum salary, which
is the highest starting pay in the neighborhood. Keep working on your body
and just hope injury doesn't slow your advancement.

04 Starter
You've made it of the bench and into the starting line up. Some money's
coming in, but long practices take their toll on your mood. It's essential
to get your rest and keep your body in prime shape - this is your
livelihood. And since you're going to be interviewed more now, work on that
charisma skill so you can get noticed.

05 All-Star
You've become a household name in Sim City. You need to be comfortable
speaking in front of a camera, not just playing in front of one. Improve
your charisma and body and you'll be voted MVP in no time.

06 MVP
You're heading through the mid-point of your career. There is a special
need to work on relationship skills here and present a positive image. If
the fans love you, that fills the stadium - and that fills your pay
envelope. Meanwhile, family and mate (and even your house) might need
attention too.

07 Superstar
Major income, you've got those commercial endorsements, and you're at the
top of your game. Your body works like a well-oiled machine except that
it's taking longer to recover from injuries. How long can you remain
"Number One?" It's probably a good time to start thinking about future
opportunities; you may be retiring sooner than you think.

08 Assistant Coach
You've retired from playing: a change both dreaded and welcome. But there's
an opportunity to stay with the team you love - although this time you'll
be carrying a play-book. Make sure you're still networking with friends
because your relationships and creativity are going to get you further than
your body skill can.

09 Coach
More prestige and a nicer paycheck, but longer work hours dealing with the
media, game films, and the team's personal appearances. Thank goodness for
those friends. They can help your career when you least expect it.

10 Hall of Famer
You are now a "living legend." The residents to Sim City shower you with a
ticker tape parade, and your number is retired. The team gives you an
office and salary as their "goodwill ambassador." This is as good as it

01 Test Subject
While earning a science degree, you're picking up a mediocre salary as a
human guinea pig at a local kinetics lab. It's a way to introduce yourself
to the scientific community, but it's tough to be charming after several
hours in a wind tunnel.

02 Lab Assistant
Cleaning rat cages, fixing delicate lab equipment for minimum wage - how's
your mood today? A lot of logic-building-time at home is needed to advance.
And guess what? You're on the graveyard shift. Work all night, sleep all

03 Field Researcher
This job takes you into the field, working on far-flung projects. However,
your pay increases. Develop your charisma and logic and maybe you can
actually teach about the stuff in the classroom, instead of doing it in
remote, inhospital places.

04 Science Teacher
No amount of field research could have prepared you for the naked job of
teaching a high-school science class (at least it's a job with regular
hours). A creative approach with the kids can sometimes yield positive
results, and more logic skill might aid you in getting a different job.

05 Project Leader
It is up to you to manage a team of researchers in the quest for an
important scientific breakthrough. Creative inspiration is absolutely
necessary, and mechanical know-how doesn't hurt either. If you really
shine here, you may be on your way to becoming an inventor.

06 Inventor
Income has climbed, but to succeed as an inventor, you'll need to put in
long, hard hours at the lab. Maintaining your home relationships may be
harder now - there will be little time for socializing as you create the
auto-recycling newspaper.

07 Scholar
You've been named Chairman of the Science Department at Sim University. The
regents are depending on your leadership and logical thinking to invigorate
the school science curriculum. This is a high-paying, well-respected
position with good hours and more time at home. But it takes a well-rounded
skill set to guarantee success and promotion.

08 Top Secret Researcher
Your expertise with auto-recycling has led to a position on a highly
classified, very demanding government project. The money is excellent, but
you may be called to the lab at any time. Special care should be taken to
stay happy and rested - a tired, cranky scientist might pose as a security
risk. If exceptional creativity is demonstrated, a promotion to Theorist
may be in the cards.

09 Theorist
The accolades from your research have earned you the highly paid position
of Theorist. You enjoy a higher salary-to-work hours ratio than the one you
had as an inventor. You must work hard to keep a high state of happiness
and health, and only a successful theory can lead to the status and rewards
you seek.

10 Mad Scientist
With lecture fees and book advances, you're able to purchase the big house
on the hill. The question is, what experiments will you be conducting in
it's cellar?

01 Daredevil
You've turned a bar bet into the foundation of an extreme career. In short,
you'll try anything, the crazier, the better. Swim under the surface of a
frozen lake, leap between rooftops with a bicycle, beat a train to a
crossing, juggle a chainsaw while whistling "Dixie." Your workday is short,
but intense.

02 Bungee Jump Instructor
The salary sinks - but whoever thought that you'd get paid to do this? Body
skills are critical here; nutrition and fatigue must be carefully monitored
at home. You might invest in home gym equipment as well, to keep in the
best shape possible.

03 Whitewater Guide
You're in charge of the rafts bobbing down the river in SimCanyon. Hope
your body skills are sufficient - to advance here, your paying riders need
to have confidence in your strength. Never know when you might have some
boat repairs to do, so mechanical aptitude is a plus.

04 Xtreme Circuit Pro
Snowboards in winter, mountain bikes in spring, kayaks in summer, and
skateboards in fall - you've entered the year-round pro circuit. Strategies
for winning can be helped by developing your logic skill. Since you're
burning mega-calories, learning a few cooking tricks is a good idea, too.

05 Bush Pilot
Piloting that antique plane of yours demands some serious mechanical skill
if you're going to safely dive through dense cloud cover and land on
dangerous terrain. And you'd better be in great physical shape in case you
can't get out the same way you got in. Of course, the danger does yield
high pay.

06 Mountain Climber
You've become a renowned climber of unscaled peaks, and there's lots of
cash to be made by filming your expeditions for television. Mechanical and
creativity skills will be important - a failure in your ascent gear or
strategy could be devastating.

07 Photojournalist
Creative skills will help you here. Work time is divided between taking
photos and writing articles at the Sim Times newspaper office. You need to
make sure you allow enough time to write without social distractions, in
order to meet deadlines and collect a nice, fat fee. Maybe you should
practice charisma. Who knows when you may be called upon to narrate your

08 Treasure Hunter
You've moved on to salvaging wrecks off the SimCity coastline. You need
friends in the right places to secure all those permits. Hone that creative
talent to get an edge in the search.

09 Grand Prix Driver
Your latest job involves laying rubber on Sim City's racetracks. It is
important that you leave home in a good mood with high spirits - you'll
drive your best race that way. Playing an Electronic Arts racing game on
your home computer might sharpen your reflexes, too.

10 International Spy
You've become a "secret agent" on assignment for your government in
SimCity. To survive this highly lucrative business, you must keep yourself
in top mental and physical condition. Spies are also irrestible - which can
cause problems with your mate.

01 Beta Tester
Put the next version of the software through its paces, and try to crash
the software as often as possible. The Company is depending on you to make
sure this code arrives on the store shelves in the cleanest possible
condition, provided you don't rack up too many late-night pizza bills.

02 Support Tech
Time in the testing trenches has earned you a break working on the phone.
The hours are more regular, but the work isn't very entertaining. Keep up
on the latest technology trends, and watch out for those nifty bugs that
slipped through the cracks. Keep your customers happy...

03 Web Master
Your understanding of what the company has to offer and what the customer
is looking has you uniquely suited to creating (and maintaining) the
company's website. Expect late-night work to avoid high-traffic downtimes,
and requests from literally everyone in the company for changes and
additions to your fine work.

04 Hacker
Answering to the world was for the birds, so causing trouble on your own
time has all the advantages you've been seeking. Keep your mind sharp so
you can infiltrate government databases and eventually hone your skills to
go after international banks.

05 Security Consultant
Getting caught breaking into that government database had you on the brink
of incarceration. Fortunately, the SimCitySoftware Company needs someone to
help protect their Intellectual Properties from people with just your kinds
of skills, so they'll let you out on probation if you agree to beef up
their electronic security. Keep your creative and logic skills high to
outsmart your former friends' assault on your new company's firewall.

06 Game Designer
Good thing you've gotten so creative as of late - turns out your ideas for
games have caught the eyes and ears of the Powers That Be. Now the
pressure's on for you to develop a game script that will capture the
public's interest, as well. That also means you get to work nights, since
that's when the engineers are at the office.

07 Internet Entrepreneur
Take your brilliant ideas out into the e-commerce world on your own. The
hours are ridiculously long, the work is physically and mentally
exhausting, but the payoff could be big at the end of the road. Make sure
you don't overspend your VC budget in the first month, and there's a chance
others may want to work for you.

08 Software CEO
If you lead, they will follow... and they have. You are now a hard-working,
headline-making software industry baron, with impossible work hours, lots
of healthy industry competition, and a P/L report to die for.

09 Venture Capitalist
All those stock options paid off - now that you've gotten more liquid, you
can pick and choose which struggling little startups will earn your
magnanimity, as well as the prestige for your name as a backing of their

10 Information Overlord
Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, the hours eased up, the
public became both worshipful and insufferable, and you have all the
answers that everyone else in technology is seeking. You can become
increasingly reclusive, bulking up your home security system, and taking
lots of phone calls, but the money just keeps rolling in.
01 Typesetter
Prep the morning SimCity Times for its suscribers, and get the first look
at the breaking news stories. The hours are early, but it's a great way to
get your foot in the door.

02 Game Reviewer
The lowliest writing job you can get, but your name is in the byline. Game
companies send you free beta builds, and you get to play them (game and
company), deciding on a whim whether you'll give them good press or not.

03 Tabloid Writer
Your sensationalist side provides a great benefit in the high-circulation
industry of tabloid journalism. The seedy side of reporting lets you focus
more on the rich and famous, too.

04 Paparazzi
Well, now since you're "in" on the rich and famous, you're capable of
hunting them down and harassing them all day AND night. Those tabloids pay
better for scandalous photographs than they do for the accompanying
article, so live as vicariously as you like.

05 Newspaper Reporter
Finally - the ability to be taken seriously for all the hot topics of the
day you've broken to the paper-reading world. Early mornings continue as
you struggle to meet the deadlines for the morning edition, and your world
is filled with more serious journalists than ever before.

06 Meteorologist
Rain, sun, snow, sleet, hail, wind - or perpetual Springtime. Whatever the
weather, you'll be the trusted source that SimCitizens look to for the
forecasts. Brush up on your image so people have a respectable, trustworthy
face to watch with in the morning and evening braodcasts.

07 TV Reporter
Your respected face and voice have earned you the chance to report on local
news stories from the scene of the event. Keep your presentations concise,
winning, and offer perfect sound bites for the national news affiliates -
they'll remember you for it.

08 Investigative Reporter
Building trust with your viewers over time enables you to dig in to those
issues that matter to you the most, and present your findings to the public
while on location. Find enough headline-worthy stories, regardless of the
danger involved in procuring them, share them before any other reporter,
and you could be on your way to a seat at the main news desk.

09 National News Anchor
You are the face of honesty, truth, and have that perfect hairdo required
of all evening news anchors. The hours are long and late, but you get to
deliver news to the nation on politics, entertainment, social crises, and
an assortment of crime and education issues. More SimCity households know
you by name than you had ever hoped for.

10 Talk Show Host
Retiring from your anchor position has left you with the enviable ability
to discuss the issues seizing the public's interest and reflect on them in
a forum of your most respected peers. Keep the arguments lively, the
personalities slightly less-than-comfortable with each other, and your
ratings will soar.

01 Subway Musician
Simoleons are sparse and the looks from passers-by are harsh, but the hours
are great. Plus, isn't contributing music to SimCitizens' commutes a
community service?

02 Piano Tuner
Keeping everyone else in tune is a good ground-floor "in" for the music
industry. Longer hours, but the work is still relatively easy, though it
requires a good ear and plenty of listening.

03 Wedding Singer
So much for EVER getting a weekend off - you're the best wedding show in
town now, and always busy. The pay is a bit better, and you have to start
being more creative, too, but you'll get to hob-nob with the rich and
famous while they sip their champagne.

04 Lounge Singer
So, the day job got boring? You'll sleep days now, since you'll be working
until the last call is made and the last patron stumbles home from the bar.

05 High School Band Teacher
Squeaky trumpets, whiny violins, off-tempo timpani, and a constantly
ticking metronome are the burdens of your trade now, but the hours are the
same as all the school-age kids.

06 Roadie
Time spent tolerating the high-school crowd was worth it - you are now cool
enough to take your act on the road - setting up someone else's gear. Long
hours are exhausting, but you're having fun and making the right contacts.
You will need plenty of body skills, but maybe something cushy will present
itself soon.

07 Back-up Musician
Spending time on the road pays off - occasionally, someone in the band you
cover quits, and you get to fill in for the remainder of the tour! Dress
casual, practice often, play hard, have fun, and start to make a name for

08 Studio Musician
Rest for the road-weary: you get to play back-up on album cuts in the
studio now. Spending time around all these recording label producers and
executives is bound to pay off, if you play your cards right. Make sure you
schmooze all the right people in addition to delivering a perfect
performance every day.

09 Rock Star
Fame, fortune, tours, parties, and a number-one album! Congrats, you're
now living every teenager's dream. Sleep is a rarity, power lunches are
common, shades are almost mandatory outside your own home, and people mob
you for autographs almost everywhere you go. Enjoy it!

10 Celebrity Activist
With all the fame comes a sense of responsibility and social conscience.
Use your fame and power to promote the causes you care most about, whether
they be political, enviromental, social, or intellectual. The hours are
easier, the extra pay is almost inconsequential, you're so wealthy, and the
Heads of State now send you engraved invitations to their fundraisers.

01 Psychic Phone Friend
You knew you were meant for this job before it was even offered to you.
Evening hours, lots of talk on the phone, and the chance to warn others
of impending disasters in their lives is just what you're best at doing.

02 Conspiracy Theorist
They're out to get you, you just know it. That suspicious warning on the
phone the other night proved it too. Charm the locals and perhaps you'll
be able to get to the root of all this supposedly random (but you know
better) chaos in SimCity.

03 Tarot Card Reader
Branching out on your own to do more in-depth analysis of your customer's
love life and family history is an interesting career change. Get to know
your clients on a more personal level, up the aura on your personal
appearance, and generally get away with being as odd as you like - everyone
expects it, after all.

04 Hypnotist
Your interest in "helping" your clients get in touch with their inner
selves has prompted you to study hypnotism, and offer your services to
calmly and peacefully help those seeking freedom from their poor Earthly

05 Medium
All that hypnotic work kept providing you with Otherworldly interference,
so address it on a daily basis. Contact deceased family members, friends
from former lives, and even the client's long lost guinea pig to the wonder
and appreciation of all around you.

06 Dowser
Use your gifts to help local organizations find everything from missing
children to a new water supply. This will earn you the notice of local
officials, and the hours are a bit odd, but the work is definitely

07 Police Psychic
The local police force has noticed your work in the field and wants you to
help profile and track down some of their toughest criminals (Just hope
they aren't your neighbors.) Late nights and strange phone calls abound,
but you're doing the public a great service.

08 UFO Investigator
Keep the RV gassed up and the equipment finely tuned, because tracking
down these UFO reports will take you all over the country in search of...
well, who knows what? Develop many friends in the science community, and
make sure your personal theories get talked about in many circles, so the
word gets passed along.

09 Exorcist
When science and the law can't provide answers, people turn to a higher
authority. That's where you come in. Whether it's consecrating some earth
or full-scale diabolical investigation removal, your powers are not
questioned... nor is your cost. Save enough souls and make enough friends
and you could be on the shining path to a whole "New Way" of living.

10 Cult Leader
The New Way is here! And you are the messenger! Enforcing a highly
regulated and disciplined lifestyle, you "deprogram" people from their
selfish, materialistic ways. Politicians, movie stars, venture capitalists,
they all want a glimpse of the truth. YOUR turth. THE TRUTH. And they will
pay you anything to set the "free." Display this wealth openly, as a lesson
against "false suffering."

01 Golf Caddy
What could be better than spending your sunny days carrying someone else's
clubs for a round of 18? Early morning tee times call for early work
hours, but it's a terrific opportunity to schmooze with the wealthy at the
local country club.

02 Convenience Store Clerk
The customers are considerably less wealthy than those in your last job,
but there is plenty of free soda pop and candy bars - not a bad trade.
Besides, all of you friends can hang out at the store late in the evening
and read all the comics while you pretend to work.

03 Life Guard
Back in the sunshine again! Like, remember to be all hip and stuff and work
on your charisma. Be sure to load up on sunscreen, too!

04 Record Store Clerk
Nothin' but tunes all day long, man... While you'll need to boost your
Charisma to keep this cushy job, there's no easier way to get paid to
listen to all your favorite music all day long.

05 Party D.J.
Those contacts you made record store certainly paid off - now you're
spinning tunes at the best parties at town. Late nights and lots of
mechanical skills are needed to keep those turntables spinnin'.

06 Projectionist
Show the finished product to the world, press a button here and there, and
presto! - you're not working very hard for that tidy little paycheck, are
you? Good thing you're a night owl.

07 Video Editor
The best part of your job? Seeing all the blunders those mega-stars make
when filming. Making them to look good can help you to make friends,
though you'll want to concentrate on making plenty of them yourself - never
hurts to know the right people when you're looking to just be comfortable.

08 Free Lance Photographer
That time in the editing room taught you well - you know how to get a good
shot the first time around. Go everywhere, see everything, take gorgeous
pics on someonw else's dime, and look good doing it. It's a free-and-easy
way to live, but requires lots of travel, as well as the connections to
finance it.

09 Personal Tour Guide
The best part about knowing so many people is that you get to use that
knowledge to earn your keep. Point out all the best places to newcomers,
and keep your friends connected to all the great places you visited when
you were a lowly photographer. Those who learn the most from you learn to
love you best, and may eventually invite you into their inner circle.

10 Professional Party Guest
This is it, the ultimate lap of luxury, at no cost to you! Living the good
life, partying and living at someone else's house, surrounded by more
artificial friends than the best politicians in town. Enjoy it while you

13. Credits and references
Thanks to...
- Allah SWT, The Beneficent, The Merciful -

and to...
CJayC, for what should have been an obvious reason
Will Wright and team, for the zaniness
Ta2k, without whom I'd never get to play the Sims
TERbaik, for being nice and all
adinda, for having nothing to do with this Guide and won't read it anyway
luak, for I've long listed my friends here and can't resist another one

...and especially to you, for keeping up with my whole crap all day long.

References (i.e. recommended reading materials about the game)...
- Dan Simpson's The Sims FAQ (can be found at
Covers even more expansion packs than just Livin' Large; definitely a
treasure box chock full of incredible information all around.

- BestGuy9's The Sims Item and Career Guide (also at
Highly detailed and nicely arranged coverage on both item and career
subjects for The Sims, Livin' Large, *and* House Party.

a bunch of other FAQs for the Sims and all (literally).

for more of the cheat codes not included here.

since this is The Sims game, right?

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Item Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Sehr umfangreicher Guide für alle Sims-Versionen
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Complete NPC Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

06.Oktober 2013

03.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Did You Know? FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für v1.1

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für v1.0

11.Oktober 2013
Rosebud-Cheat leicht gemacht

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer (getestet mit WinXP)

11.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Gegenstände und Karrieren
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer (und alle Einkäufe gratis)

14.Oktober 2013
Modul für den GameHack

18.Oktober 2013
Hinweise für die Karrieren als Journalist, Faulenzer, Musiker, Hacker und Paranormal - alle als Word-Datei

16.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.1)

04.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Entzerrt die "privaten" Szenen

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

08.Oktober 2013
Benötigt GameWiz32, zu finden auf unserer Networkseite
GameWiz32 Table

13.Oktober 2013
Die DLH-Crew als Family :))))

04.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
Engl. FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Endlich - ein Trainer für die dt. Versionen 1.0 und 1.1

07.Oktober 2013
Geld bis zum Umfallen

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020