Robin Hood The Legend of Sherwood

Robin Hood The Legend of Sherwood

17.10.2013 23:16:26
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood
By Steven W. Carter

Last Updated
May 3, 2003

* ================= *
* Table of Contents *
* ================= *

01.00.00 Introduction
02.00.00 Characters
.01.00 Primary Characters
.01 Robin Hood
.02 Stuteley
.03 Maid Marian
.04 Will Scarlet
.05 Little John
.06 Friar Tuck
.02.00 Secondary Characters
.01 Mustachioed Merry
.02 Aggressive Merry
.03 Strong Merry
03.00.00 Gameplay Tips
04.00.00 Sherwood Forest
.01.00 Map
.02.00 Notes
05.00.00 Ambush Missions
06.00.00 Defensive Missions
07.00.00 Campaign Walkthrough
.01.00 Notes
.02.00 Mission 1: Finding Godwin
.03.00 Mission 2: Rescuing Stuteley
.04.00 Sherwood Forest
.05.00 First Ambush Mission
.06.00 Mission 3: Scarlet Night
.07.00 Mission 4: Confessions of an Outlaw
.08.00 Mission 5: The Prince and the Outlaw
.09.00 Mission 6: Pillaging
.10.00 Mission 7: The Evening Visitor
.11.00 Mission 8: The Godfather in Prison
.12.00 Mission 9: The Lock-up and the Friar
.13.00 Mission 10: The Silver Arrow
.14.00 Mission 11: The Black Castle
.15.00 Mission 12: A Wedding and a Funeral
.16.00 Mission 13: The Escape
.17.00 Mission 14: The Letter
.18.00 Mission 15: The March on York
.19.00 Mission 16: Last Challenge
08.00.00 Thanks To
09.00.00 Revision History
10.00.00 Permissions and Updates

* 01.00.00 INTRODUCTION *

Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood was developed by Spellbound Studios and
published by Strategy First. It involves stealth and infiltration, and is
similar in style to the Commandos games and Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive.
(Not coincidentally, Spellbound also developed Desperados.)

This document is mostly a walkthrough for the campaign included with the game,
but I’m including some other information here and there as well. Hopefully, it
will answer all of the questions you have while playing the game. If not, a
good source of information is Strategy First’s Robin Hood forum:;f=40

I usually answer my mail, but most of what I know I include in the guide, and
so I’m not a good source for addition information. This is especially true if
it’s been six months or more since I last updated the guide.

I’m writing this guide using the retail release of the game. So far as I know,
that is the only version there is. I’m also using the “medium” difficulty
setting. If you use one of the other two settings, you’ll probably notice
differences between what I say in the walkthrough and what you see in the game.

* 02.00.00 CHARACTERS *

| 02.01.00 Primary Characters |

* =================== *
* 02.01.01 Robin Hood *
* =================== *

Robin is a good all-around character. He can jump and climb, so he can get
anywhere on the map, and he can search bodies and knock out enemies. On the
downside, in strategic missions Robin uses a sword, so if he gets into a fight
he can only kill his opponent. (In ambush missions, he gets to use a staff.)

Robin requires two punches to knock out officers, most knights, and most black
soldiers. All other soldiers only require one punch. (Possibly this is linked
to his combat skill, but I’m not sure.)

Robin is required for every mission except for the one where you have to rescue
him. But there’s a trick to allow him to train his combat skill. After the
mission where you rescue Maid Marian from the wedding (A Wedding and a
Funeral), have Robin train during the consequent ambush mission. When you
return from the ambush mission you’ll learn Robin has been captured, but then
during the mission where you rescue him the game will consider him to still be
training in Sherwood Forest, and so you can get his combat skill from 2/5 to

* ================= *
* 02.01.02 Stuteley *
* ================= *

Stuteley is a good utility character. He can tie up unconscious enemies, and
he can unlock doors. He’s useful until Friar Tuck joins you.

* ==================== *
* 02.01.03 Maid Marian *
* ==================== *

Maid Marian is a little better than the aggressive merry. She heals just like
the aggressive merry, but her spy ability is great for scouting.

* ===================== *
* 02.01.04 Will Scarlet *
* ===================== *

Scarlet looks like a good character because his “catapult” (aka slingshot) can
knock out enemies from a distance. But the slingshot doesn’t have much range,
and it is difficult to target, and so Scarlet isn’t as useful as he could be.
However, the slingshot can knock out an officer with a single shot, and Scarlet
does come equipped with a flail, which usually knocks out enemies rather than
killing them, and so he’s useful enough to have around in missions where you
don’t have Little John.

Scarlet’s slingshot will only daze knights for a moment, not knock them out.

Don’t use Scarlet against archers. With 5/5 combat training he’ll kill them
with one hit.

* ==================== *
* 02.01.05 Little John *
* ==================== *

Little John is easily the best character in the game. His staff not only
knocks people out, but it has a long range, so he can take on and knock out
several enemies at once. Plus, a single one of his punches can knock out any
enemy, and he can carry enemies around.

Little John is susceptible to archers. It takes him so long to stop and pull
an arrow out of his chest that archers have time to fire again, and so a single
archer can defeat him.

* =================== *
* 02.01.06 Friar Tuck *
* =================== *

Friar Tuck and Stuteley are about the same character, since they both tie up
enemies and unlock doors. But Friar Tuck has more useful skills, and his
weapon is blunt so he’ll knock out enemies rather than kill thrm. Once you get
Friar Tuck, you should use him instead of Stuteley.

| 02.02.00 Secondary Characters |

* ========================== *
* 02.02.01 Mustachioed Merry *
* ========================== *

The mustachioed merry has limited use. He ties people up, and that’s about it.
The only time to use him is if you want to leave Stuteley and Friar Tuck in
Sherwood Forest to train.

* ========================= *
* 02.02.02 Aggressive Merry *
* ========================= *

The aggressive merry is the most useful of the secondary characters, simply
because he heals. If you’re playing anything other than the easiest difficulty
setting, then you’ll probably need all the heals you can get, and you should
bring the aggressive merry along, even if you have Maid Marian with you.

* ===================== *
* 02.02.03 Strong Merry *
* ===================== *

The strong merry is useful early in the game. He can knock enemies out with
his hammer, and he can carry bodies around. However, once you get Little John
(who does the same things and more) you should probably leave your strong merry
characters in Sherwood Forest.

* 03.00.00 GAMEPLAY TIPS *

Characters only gain experience by training in Sherwood Forest (and not by
participating in missions, as the manual indicates). That means you should
leave some primary characters at home from time to time so they can improve
their skills.

If you can’t sneak behind enemies, the best way to knock them out is to fight
them with a character and then have somebody else (like Robin) sneak behind
them and punch them.

To see your objectives during a mission, press the key.

When you have multiple missions to choose from, the number in the hourglass
represents how many days you have before the mission disappears. Most ambush
missions have a “0!” in the hourglass, meaning you must take them now or skip
them, while most strategic missions have “...” in the hourglass, meaning there
is no time limit for them.

If you tie up an enemy and place it inside a building, I don’t think other
enemies can free him. (Or at least I’ve never seen it happen.)

It’s a good idea to re-map the hotkeys, especially those for character skills.
It’s much easier if the three keys are next to each other (q-w-e is a good

Enemy archers and crossbowmen almost never miss. That means they’re the
enemies you have to worry about most and target first.

I don’t think there’s much of a difference between an 80% and a 100% lives
spared rate. So if killing an enemy makes things easier, go ahead and do it.

Your mission score is determined by a few things. Unconscious enemies (tied up
or not) are worth more than dead enemies, but dead enemies are worth more than
living, unconstrained enemies. You also get points for the gold you find, and
for completing objectives. The time you take doesn’t factor into the score at

Cavalrymen are best to be avoided. You’ll see at most two on a mission map,
and you can always work around them if you’re patient. If you do want to
attack them, realize they can only be damaged by blunt weapons, they can’t be
tied up, and when they’re knocked out, it’s only for a few seconds. (One
contributor noted a clever way to kill them. In ambush missions, there are
sometimes piles of logs. If you can lure the cavalryman next to the logs, then
a strong merry or Little John can push the logs onto him, killing him.)

* 04.00.00 SHERWOOD FOREST *

| 04.01.00 Map |
_________ / \
/ \__| Nets |___
__| _____ ___ \_______
_______________/ ___ ___/ | | \ \
/ ____/ | | | | \ |
| Purses | | | | | \ ___/
\___ ___/ | | | | | |
| | ___| |_________| |_____| |________________________
| | ____/ |___|___ | | | | \ \
| | / | | | | | | Wasps \ \ Exit
_____| |___/ | Herbs | | | | | \/ _
| | |_______| | | / \
| | | | Status \ \
| | | | | |
_|___|__ ____________ | | | |
| | | | Combat | |
| Arrows | | Feast Hall | / /
|________| |____________| Archery / /
_________/ /
__ / /
/ \ Stones / /
\__/ _______/ /
Meat / /
/ /
Beer Apples / /

| 04.02.00 Notes |

In Sherwood Forest, you can have characters train their skills, produce
equipment, and heal – except, since you can use herbs in Sherwood Forest, there
isn’t much reason to use the feast hall to heal.

To assign a character to a task, simply move them to the “right” area. You’ll
know if you’ve positioned them correctly if a symbol for the task appears over
their head. (In general, just move them close to the blue parchment for the

Nothing happens in Sherwood Forest during ambush missions.

You’ll never be attacked in Sherwood Forest, so it doesn’t matter where you put
characters who aren’t assigned to tasks. (Eventually you might end up with
more characters than you can use.)

You won’t be able to make some equipment (like beer) until you have a character
who can use it.

* 05.00.00 AMBUSH MISSIONS *

Ambush missions take place in the three forest locations surrounding Sherwood
Forest. They’re somewhat random and somewhat the same, but they all play about
the same. So I’m not going to try and write walkthroughs for them, but instead
write some general notes here.

The only reason to go on ambush missions is to gain more gold. Eventually
you’ll learn that you need a certain amount of gold for something, but since
the interface lets you know how far along you are in the game, it’s easy to
tell if you’re on the right pace. So if you need more gold, go on ambush
missions; otherwise skip them. They get boring after a while.

There are two types of ambush missions:

1. Tax Collectors: For these missions you’ll have to knock out the tax
collector and then search his body for gold. Usually there’s somebody next to
the collector who you don’t want to fight (like a cavalryman), so your best bet
is to sneak around and get him from behind. (Note: If the mission description
mentions a tradesman or merchant, it’s going to end up being a tax collector

2. Convoys: For these missions you’ll have to pick up some gold on the ground.
The gold is typically surrounded, but you can usually bypass most of the

Ambush missions end when you’ve acquired enough gold. You don’t have to
retreat your group to a signpost or anything. That means, for example, you can
end the mission while fighting. You don’t have to disable enemies first, and
so one character can distract enemies while another picks up gold, and then you
can quickly exit the area once you’ve acquired enough.

Nothing happens in Sherwood Forest during ambush missions, and I don’t think
what you do in ambush missions affects whether merry men join or leave your
cause. So you can play ambush missions pretty much however you want.


Three times in the campaign, after you’ve captured an area, you’ll have to
defend it. However, these defensive missions aren’t really missions. All you
have to do is purchase blazons to thwart the attack.

There are three ways to purchase blazons:

1. Buy them using the money you’ve earned. (The price varies.)

2. Send out secondary merry men to scout the enemy. Every three men sent earns
a blazon. (Some of the men might return later, and some might not.)

3. Go on an ambush-style mission to prevent enemy troops from reaching the
battle. You can only go on one mission, and it will be worth one or two

From my experience, the missions are more trouble than they’re worth,
especially in the first castle defense, and also in comparison to the other
purchase options. Plus, I usually find I have way too many merry men, so many
that it’s difficult to find the ones I’ve trained, and so I always use merry
men to purchase blazons. But the option is yours; use whatever method you


| 07.01.00 Notes |

A few notes about the campaign:

I’m only including walkthroughs for the strategic missions. See section
05.00.00 for information about ambush missions and section 06.00.00 for
information about defensive missions.

I’m assuming you want to do everything in missions, not just meet the main
objective and then leave.

I’m not going to give a detailed blow-by-blow walkthrough. There are some
general strategies you can use to defeat enemies that work throughout the
campaign, and then there are places where you have to think up something
different. I’m going to concentrate on the latter situations.

In the walkthrough, north refers to the top of the screen, east to the right
side, etc.

| 07.02.00 Mission 1: Finding Godwin |

This is an introductory mission, so it isn’t too complicated. Robin is safe
where he starts, so go ahead and read the two blue parchments near him, and
then climb the wall and read the red parchment. (If you click on the red
parchment, Robin will climb the wall automatically.)

It seems the officer and the bowmen will stay in the courtyard until one of the
bowmen hits a target. So help them out; have Robin grab the two arrows next to
the parchment, and then have him shoot one of the targets.

“Oh, what a lovely arrow!” – Officer

The officer and the bowmen will then leave, clearing the way to the beggar. Go
ahead and read the next two blue parchments near where you are, and then jump
down to the shed roof and climb down the ladder to get back where you started.

In the courtyard, pick up the red parchment (gaining you £500) and then talk to
the beggar five times (costing you £250). The beggar will add a blue parchment
and four more red parchments to the map. The parchments are all useful, and
they’re not too far out of your way, so try to pick them all up.

Note: Also in the courtyard are a trio of spearmen and three arrows. When you
read the blue parchment next to the spearmen, you’ll receive a coin purse. If
you want the arrows, the best way is to throw the purse so it lands right next
to the arrows (so the spearmen all see it and fight over it), and then punch
whichever one remains standing. Don’t forget to search the spearmen to get
your money back.

Continuing the mission, head back to where you started, and climb back up to
the shed roof. The red parchment there will reveal a money purse. Just click
on the purse; none of the guards will be able to see Robin climb to it. Then
wait for the guard above Robin to move to the left of the tower, and order
Robin to move through the doorway to the north. (You can punch the guard if
you want, but there’s no need.)

Robin will find himself in a storeroom. The guard there will generally be
facing towards the back wall, meaning you don’t have to punch him if you don’t
want to. Instead, send Robin through the doorway so he enters the tower
landing above. Wait for the guard there to face north, and then have Robin
punch him. The red parchment nearby will net Robin four arrows.

Note: The guard on the highest platform will only be able to see you when he’s
hunched down over the doorway. So wait for the right moment to enter and exit
the platform.

Now send Robin back to the storeroom and then west across a walkway into the
kitchen. Talk to Edward, one of Godwin’s servants, and learn that Godwin has
disappeared. Edward will also tell Robin that he’s in danger (surprise!) but
that his son in the nearby village will help him.

You only have to talk to Edward’s son to complete the mission, but continue
collecting parchments instead. The next one is to the south. Wait for the
guard there to look the opposite way, and then pick up the parchment. You’ll
learn that Haldric the Knight was bribed by the Sheriff of Nottingham. So send
Robin into the doorway leading to the garden, and then have him punch the
knight just as soon as the knight starts to walk away from the door. While the
knight is unconscious, Robin can search him for £300.

Then head for the last red parchment, located on the walkway next to the
garden. From it you’ll learn that Master Worman has received some money from
the sheriff as well. So continue across the walkway, knock out and search the
crossbowman guarding the staircase (for £10), and then knock out or avoid
Worman. (Worman is a civilian, so if he sees you he’ll alert the guards.) In
the room with Worman, you’ll find £1000 and two coin purses.

Now it’s time to escape, so head back the way you came (via the kitchen and
storeroom) to end up where you started the mission. Don’t waste any time, so
if any of the guards you punched wake up, you’ll be out of the castle (and
therefore safe) before they start searching for you.

The last remaining parchment created by the beggar lies to the west (past an
archer conveniently looking the wrong way). It’s a blue parchment, and it’ll
tell you how to open the drawbridge. So just click on the drawbridge
mechanism. The guard above the drawbridge will hear a noise, but you should be
able to leave the area with time to spare before he comes down to investigate.

Once outside the castle, just make your way along the western side of the map
to get to the village where Edward’s son is waiting for you. If you don’t care
about the coin purse or the five arrows along the way, you can pretty much just
sprint to Edward’s son (taking minor damage along the way) to complete the
mission quickly. Otherwise, creep along and punch the guards you come across,
and use a coin purse on the spearmen next to the bridge.

Once you talk to Edward’s son, you’ll find out that Stuteley is about to be
hanged, and you’ll be able to end the mission.

My best score: 1500

| 07.03.00 Mission 2: Rescuing Stuteley |

Get used to rescuing people. You’re going to do it a lot in this game.

Anyway, Robin is safe where he starts out, so send him north to pick up the
coin purse, and then have him donate money to the beggar seven times. Since
Robin is limited about what he can do to enemies, you shouldn’t bother messing
around outside the castle yet. First rescue Stuteley and his men, as that will
allow you to tie up enemies (via Stuteley) and carry them out of sight (via the
strong merry).

Since the two gate guards aren’t paying much attention, simply walk Robin
inside the castle. Just be sure you don’t walk too close to the sleeping
guard, since that will wake him up. Then stay on the eastern side of the
street, to avoid the gaze of a soldier positioned next to the ramp leading to
the inner keep.

What you’ll find are six soldiers near where Stuteley and his men are awaiting
execution – one patrolling to the north and south, and five holding their
position. The best way to handle these soldiers is to wait for the patrolling
soldier to head north, and then move Robin north as well so he can throw a
purse just north of where Stuteley is standing. The purse will land in view of
the five stationary guards, and they should fight themselves for it, leaving
four unconscious. Now you should be able to knock out the patrolling guard
when he is heading north, and then sneak up behind the remaining guard and
knock him out as well.

Once Stuteley and his men are free (by clicking on each one), use Stuteley to
tie up the fallen guards, and use the strong merry to carry them into one of
the buildings. (Right click when the strong merry is inside the building to
make him drop the body.) Don’t forget to search the soldiers with Robin so you
can get your purse money back.

Now all you have to do is bring your men to one of the road signs outside of
the castle. However, before you do that it’s useful to gather some of the
equipment lying around the castle, so your men will be able to do more. (The
herbs are the most important; you can safely skip anything else if getting to
it seems too dangerous.)

So head north to the church area. You’ll find another soldier patrolling to
the north and south, a stationary soldier facing north, and a group of five
soldiers patrolling along the face of the church. The easiest way to deal with
these soldiers is to put Stuteley in the alley leading to the church area, so
the patrolling soldier sees him. Then when the soldier attacks Stuteley, use
Robin to knock him out. You can now disable and hide the stationary soldier
when the patrolling soldiers are looking the other way, and then disable the
patrol by using your strong merry to fight / distract them while Robin punches
them. (If Robin gets involved in the fight, just keep clicking away from it
until he’s not considered involved any more.) Search the officer leading the
patrol for £30.

Inside the church you’ll find £100 on the floor, and, if you knock out the
knight, you can rob him for an extra £120. Just be sure to knock out the woman
next to the knight as well, or else she might run out of the church and alert
the guards. Then send your aggressive merry to grab the three herbs behind the
church, and have Robin pick up the coin purse next to the church.

North of the church in the courtyard (through the locked tower) you can pick up
a four-leaf clover, provided you donated money to the beggar outside the
castle. The soldier in the courtyard will usually run away into the nearby
house, so you don’t even have to fight him. The red parchment on the roof of
the building west of the church will net you £500.

To get those items plus the other equipment lying around, just use one of the
methods described earlier. That is, either have Robin sneak up on a soldier
and punch him, use a character to distract a soldier so Robin can punch him, or
simply attack enemies with your strong merry, since his mace will knock enemies
out rather than kill them. Then when you’ve collected everything you want,
send your characters to one of the road signs to complete the mission.

My best score: 4890

| 07.04.00 Sherwood Forest |

For more information about Sherwood Forest, please see section 04.00.00.

There isn’t anything you can do here yet, so just click on the map in the upper
right-hand corner of the screen, and select the available ambush mission. Then
send all your men across the river to the northeastern part of the map.

| 07.05.00 First Ambush Mission |

For more information about ambush missions, please see section 05.00.00.

This mission is straightforward because the enemies are conveniently placed
next to traps. However, you don’t want to use all the traps. The one north of
Robin, for example, will cause archers to appear, and the archers will kill
enemies. Those deaths will count against you.

So send Robin slightly west, and have him shoot the trap target in that
direction. The trap will cause the two soldiers next to the bridge to be
captured into a net.

For the rest of the soldiers near the wagon, you can lure some into leaf-
covered holes, and you can fight the rest. (Don’t use the trap next to them,
because the merry men it will cause to appear will probably kill some of them.)
Robin has a staff in this mission, so it’s safe to use him in combat. Between
him and the strong merry, and a few selective uses of Robin’s fists, you should
be able to knock out the soldiers while taking little damage to your men. Then
just click on the red parchment next to the wagon to cause some gold to appear,
and pick up the gold (worth £2000) to complete the mission. Don’t forget to
search the officer for an extra £35.

My best score: 550

| 07.06.00 Mission 3: Scarlet Night |

Location: Leicester

Primary Objective: Rescue Will Scarlet

Recommended characters: Robin Hood (required), Stuteley, aggressive merry,
strong merry

The patrol will notice if the bridge guards aren’t at their post, so don’t
bother disabling and hiding them. Instead, send your group east into the field
(a safe point), and then have them follow behind the patrol as it heads east
along the path. Break off from the patrol when it turns north, and hide your
group behind the windmill (another safe point).

Note: Behind the windmill you’ll find a boy who will ask you to help Wielfried
the beggar, and the beggar will show up on your map.

Northwest of the windmill you’ll find a red parchment that will suggest Robin
should scale the castle wall to get inside. That’s a good idea, but don’t do
it just yet. You need to disable a few of the soldiers outside the castle

So send your group northeast from the windmill (through the field) until they
reach a house with an officer and a female citizen outside. The female citizen
isn’t on your side, so you need to disable both of them. If you haven’t tried
out quick actions yet, this is a good time. Have your strong merry attack the
officer while Robin punches the citizen. Then have Robin punch the officer
twice to knock him out, and hide both bodies inside the house.

Now it’s time to rescue Wielfried. The patrol in that part of the map will
give you enough time to disable and hide a guard each time they make a pass,
and, unlike at the front gate, they won’t notice if guards are missing. So
take down a guard at a time, and hide their bodies in nearby buildings. When
you get to the trio of guards next to Wielfried, either use a money purse so
they fight each other, or send the strong merry to attack them while Robin
punches them.

Once the area is clear, donate money to Wielfried three times to make three red
parchments appear on the map. Then clear the rest of the guards from the area
so that the only alert guards outside the castle are the two bridge guards and
the ten guards in the two patrols.

Note: North of the castle you’ll find a woman. She’ll ask you to look for her
husband in Derby. (This will be an ongoing side quest.) You can also pick up
a four-leaf clover.

Once Robin scales the castle walls, you’ll have two ways to open up the castle
so the rest of your group can get inside. The easiest way by far is to lower
the drawbridge at the main gate. But that means you’ll have to disable the two
bridge guards, and, possibly, defeat the two patrols outside the castle. If
fighting the patrols doesn’t bother you any, then that’s the method you should

The more complicated method is to lower the two drawbridges leading to and from
the tower on the eastern side of the castle (located in the moat). For that
you’ll have to use Robin to do quite a bit of sneaking around and punching.
Since any mistake means Robin will have to fight on his own (and thus kill
people) this method requires a fair amount of saving and loading. So
definitely save your game before trying it, and then go back to the save and
try the main drawbridge if you can’t get it to work.

Regardless, once your group is inside the castle the first thing you should do
is fight the patrol inside. Use the strong merry to attack and distract while
Robin punches. Otherwise, you’ll have to sneak around the patrol, which is

Then there are two places you need to go:

1. In the northern tower you’ll find £2000 (the red parchment on the western
side of the castle will reveal the location). You’ll have to do a lot of
fighting to get to it, but the Robin / strong merry combo should do the trick.
For the final battle, the soldiers won’t leave the room with the gold, so you
won’t be able to draw them out one at a time. So send the strong merry into
the room with them, but then have him move to the southern edge of the room
away from the staircase. That way Robin will be able to punch soldiers to help
out. (If you leave the strong merry by the staircase, Robin will keep getting
involved in the fight.)

2. In the western tower you’ll find Will Scarlet (the red parchment where the
officer was outside the castle will reveal the location). Freeing Scarlet is
much easier than stealing the gold, and the only reason Robin can’t do it on
his own is because the door leading to Scarlet is locked. So use Stuteley to
unlock the door, and disable whichever guards get in your way.

Once Scarlet is free, you’ll learn of a secret way into and out of the castle.
So use it to leave, but allow Scarlet to pick up a few rocks before you end the

My best score: 4350

| 07.07.00 Mission 4: Confessions of an Outlaw |

Location: Nottingham

Primary Objective: Find Maid Marian

Recommended characters: Robin Hood (required), Stuteley, aggressive merry,
strong merry (a fifth character isn’t necessary, so leave Scarlet in Sherwood
Forest to train in combat)

Head north and talk to the woman. She won’t tell you anything about Maid
Marian, but she will tell you how her son defied the Sheriff of Nottingham, and
how his body is now being “displayed as an example.” This triggers a side
quest, which you can see by pressing the key.

Then search through the southern part of the map, disabling most guards but
leaving the patrols intact. You’ll find the woman’s son on the western side,
in front of the prison. Click on the stockade to release the body, and then
use the strong merry to carry it to the woman. For your efforts, you’ll
receive a clover.

Note: Inside the prison you’ll find a knight carrying £35 and coins worth £500.

Now head to the castle. Out front you’ll find a beggar, and when you pay him
you’ll trigger a red parchment to appear in front of a house inside the castle
walls. You can pretty much just walk to the parchment and discover the house
belongs to Maid Marian. However, the house is locked, and Stuteley won’t be
able to unlock it. So what to do? That’s right; talk to more beggars.

You’ll find the next beggar to the north. There will be several soldiers
nearby, and since one is an officer and others are archers, it’s probably best
not to wade in and fight them. So knock out and hide the crossbowman closest
to you, and then draw the officer to you by throwing an apple at him. (He’ll
chase a child around, but chances are he’ll at some point head south towards
you. If not, try again.) With the officer out of range of the other soldiers,
use Robin and the strong merry to knock him out. Then the remaining soldiers
should be pretty easy to disable (use apples again if you need to). Just watch
out for the patrol that moves between the church and the town square.

Once the area is clear, talk to the beggar to reveal another red parchment.
This one will appear right in the path of a patrol, so wait until the patrol is
moving in the wrong direction, and then read the parchment. You’ll find out
Marian is inside the inner keep. That doesn’t appear very promising, so keep
looking for beggars.

You’ll find the third beggar in front of the church. There are two ways to get
to the church, and both require combat, so pick the one you like best. You
might also want to knock out the knight (carrying £35) and the officer
(carrying £25).

The third beggar will claim not to know Maid Marion, but he will tell you that
the Sheriff of Nottingham’s brother-in-law lives in the town, and that you can
probably find treasure in his house. If you decide to loot the house, you’ll
find £2500 inside. The third beggar will also tell you where to find the
fourth beggar.

The fourth beggar will finally tell you how to meet up with Maid Marian.
Apparently she confesses every night, so all you have to do is take the place
of her confessor, Friar Tuck. Tuck is a civilian in this mission, so he’s
pretty easy to knock out. So tie him up, drop him in the vestry, and then put
Robin in the confessional. A cut scene will ensue, and after that you’ll be
able to complete the mission.

Note: If you decide to infiltrate the castle, you’ll be able to gain another
£790 and open the drawbridge, but you won’t be able to get to the party guests.

My best score: 7480

| 07.08.00 Mission 5: The Prince and the Outlaw |

Location: Derby

Primary Objective: Meet up with Prince John

Recommended characters: Robin Hood (required), Stuteley, aggressive merry,
strong merry (Maid Marian will join you in Derby)

The easiest way to deal with the soldiers in front of the castle is to use a
purse. So have Robin throw a purse in front of the swordsmen and archers, and
then, while they’re fighting each other, have him loop around and punch the two
halberdiers from the right. (The halberdiers won’t go after the purse.) Then
knock out whichever archer or swordsman is still standing, and tie everybody
up. To be safe, you should carry all the unconscious enemies to the southern
edge of the map. Don’t forget to take back your purse money.

With the area clear, talk to the beggar six times to reveal five red
parchments. (When the beggar asks, “Anything else?” that means you need to pay
him more for his information, not that he’s out of information or taking your
money for nothing.) Also be sure to knock out the archer and citizen on the
eastern side of the castle, so you can get some herbs for Marian.

Now you need to get into the castle. You won’t be able to open the drawbridge
in this mission, so you’ll have to sneak your group up the broken tower and
along the ramparts. You’ll have to disable guards along the way, of course,
and it’s your choice about whether to sneak up on them and punch them or simply
fight them with the strong merry. Fighting is easiest, and it will have the
added benefit of alerting the patrol down below and drawing them to you so you
can get them out of the way as well.

Note: In the southern part of a castle, a woman will tell you that her son is
ill. If you use a healing herb on the son (right next to the woman), you’ll
receive a clover.

Once the southern part of the castle is clear of enemies, you’ll have two
choices about how to get to Prince John. You can either head straight north
through the gate and fight everyone who gets in your way, or you can try
sneaking around the ramparts. The direct method is easiest, provided you can
avoid the four knights, but the roundabout method will allow you to collect
more gold.

So, if you want to take the long way, head for the northeastern part of the
castle. There are a few guards on the ramparts that you can disable easily,
but eventually you’ll find yourself against a patrol of archers, a group of
crossbowmen, and a knight. If you try to fight the patrol of archers inside
the courtyard, the crossbowmen will join in, so instead place your strong merry
at the gate to the area. Then when the archers notice him, move him farther
away, so the archers have to go through the gate to attack him (thus negating
their range). If you want, have Robin stay in the area to punch a few archers
and help out against the officer. Then it should be straightforward to disable
the knight and the crossbowmen. The pouch next to the knight is worth £1000.

For the northern area, regardless of how you get there, you should take out the
patrol of swordsmen first. Even if you want to avoid them, they’ll notice you
when you try to disable the soldiers on the western ramparts, and so it’s
better to get them out of the way first. So, just like in the northeastern
area, use your strong merry at the gate to attract them to you, and then use
the strong merry and Robin to knock them out.

Note: The knights in the northern part of the castle aren’t carrying any gold,
so there’s no reason to attack them. They won’t see you if you hug the western

Once the patrol is out of the way, knock out the soldiers on the western
ramparts, and then head through the doorway up into the castle. You’ll find a
prisoner being harassed by a knight and some swordsmen. This is the man the
woman from Leicester wanted you to save. So send in your strong merry to deal
with them, and then once there’s a little breathing space (have the strong
merry try to press the attack forward towards the prisoner to create a gap
between him and the door) bring in Robin to help out. The prisoner will ask
you to talk to his wife if you ever return to Leicester.

At the top of the castle you’ll find a bunch of swordsmen plus assorted other
soldiers. There might be an elegant way to deal with the soldiers, but chances
are it’ll come down to a major fight. So have the strong merry and Robin do
their regular thing, and use a third character (like Stuteley) to distract the
crossbowman until Robin can get around to punching him.

Note: You can knock out the soldier patrolling behind the swordsmen without
alerting them.

At the highest point in the castle you’ll find a soldier plus two knights.
Robin requires two punches to knock out knights, so use the strong merry to
distract them and Robin to punch them. If you can defeat the knights, you’ll
receive £500 and a clover. If you can’t, that’s ok. The knights are optional.

Finally, send Robin and Maid Marian through the doorway leading to Prince John.
They’ll discover Prince John is a traitor and wants to be king in Richard’s
place. Further, John will mention that Richard is being held captive and only
a ransom of £100,000 will set him free. That’s now your overall goal for the
campaign, to raise enough gold to free Richard.

Lastly, John will indicate the royal scepter is somewhere in the area. You’ll
find it in the northeastern part of the castle, in the building that was
previously locked. It’s optional to grab the scepter. As far as I know,
picking it up will only affect your score, and won’t change what happens in the

Note: Even though it seems like Maid Marion has joined you now, she hasn’t. So
you won’t find her in Sherwood Forest.

My best score: 7620

| 07.09.00 Mission 6: Pillaging |

Location: Forest

Primary Objective: Free Little John

Recommended Characters: Robin Hood (required), Stuteley, aggressive merry,
strong merry (Little John will join you during the mission)

Note: This looks like an ambush mission, but it isn’t. However, Robin does get
to use a staff.

Another note: All the enemies that start off dead in the mission count against
you. So if you had maintained a perfect lives spared rate up to this point,
kiss it goodbye. (But don’t worry too much. A later mission will really do a
number on the rate.)

You’ll find a couple civilians just north of your starting position. Talk to
them to receive a side quest, to clear the western road so the elderly of the
village can escape. To clear the road all you have to do is defeat the five
soldiers to the south. Since they’re mostly facing away from you, and since
Robin gets to use his staff in this mission, knocking them out should be pretty
easy. Then talk to the couple again to complete the quest. You won’t get an
explicit reward, but you’ll probably receive extra points for your mission

You can find a second side quest just south of the western road. In the trees
you’ll discover a woman who will ask you to find her son Peter. Peter is near
the center of the map, north of the intersection. When you talk to Peter and
then talk to the woman again, you’ll complete the quest. Again, you won’t
receive an explicit reward, but you can pick up a clover near where the woman
was standing.

You can receive a third side quest of sorts on the northern edge of the map,
where four archers and an officer are preparing to execute a pair of civilians.
Once you disable the enemies (and after the civilians return), talking to the
pair will reward you with a clover.

For the rest of the map, just use Robin and the strong merry to knock out
enemies. Most of it should be straightforward; the only thing you have to
watch out for is archers running back to warn the cavalryman. That’s bad since
1) you’ll then have to kill the cavalryman, and 2) the cavalryman will probably
kill you first. Similarly, you should use the key to view the
cavalryman’s cone of vision. Since he’s on a horse, he can see farther than
most units, and so for some fights (like at the intersection and at the
execution) you need to draw enemies towards you so you can keep the fight far
enough away.

Note: The beggar on the eastern side of the map will give you five clovers,
provided you pay him about ten times.

When you’re ready to free Little John, approach him from the south. If you’re
careful, you can sneak up on the guards around him, or draw them to you, so
that you don’t alert the cavalryman. To deal with the archers and spearmen
north of Little John, the best solution is to use a money purse. Then knock
out whichever soldiers remain standing. The only enemy still standing at this
point should be the cavalryman.

The first time you click on Little John to free him, a knight will appear out
of the nearby shack. Use the strong merry and Robin to knock him out. (You
can trigger the appearance of the knight early if you want by entering the
shack.) The second time you try, you’ll actually free him, but Little John
will ask you to help him retrieve his equipment. This is just an excuse to
show you Little John’s leg-up skill (and this is likely the only time you’ll
use it). So move Little John to the shack door, use the leg-up skill, and then
have Robin click on him. Robin will now be able to jump up to the roof of the
shack and retrieve the coins worth £100.

Note: If you just can’t seem to disable the guards without alerting the
cavalryman, then try to distract the cavalryman with some character (like the
strong merry) while Robin frees Little John and then helps him retrieve his
gold. As long as the cavalryman doesn’t kill the distracting character during
this time, you can then just run your group to the nearest signpost and quickly
exit the mission.

| 07.10.00 Mission 7: The Evening Visitor |

Location: Leicester

Primary Objective: Warn Ranulph about Prince John

Recommended Characters: Robin Hood (required), Stuteley, aggressive merry,
strong merry (Maid Marian will join you in Leicester; this is a good mission to
let Little John train)

Note: You’re not allowed to kill any enemies in this mission, but hopefully
you’ve been practicing such tactics in earlier missions, and so it won’t prove
much of a hardship here.

There’s only one direction to go, so head east and disable any enemies you come
across. If you saved the man in Derby, then you’ll find a red parchment at the
dock near where you start. However, it will only suggest the man and his wife
might have gone home, and indicate you should look for them. You’ll find them
at the southern edge of the map, next to the windmill. When you talk to them,
you’ll receive a clover.

Otherwise, just make your way to the building that gives you access into the
castle. Then send Marian inside first and have her use her spy skill to see
what enemies are around. Luckily, most of the gray shadows in the courtyard
will turn out to be civilians, and so clearing the area should be relatively
easy. But be careful when hiding bodies: there are enemy soldiers inside the

Once the courtyard is clear, talk to the beggar. He’ll produce three scrolls.
One will show you the location of Ranulph, the second will show you where a few
of the sheriff’s men are guarding something, and the third will warn you about
the church.

Head over to the sheriff’s men first. They’re not guarding the bag with £1000
in it. Their charge is actually in the tower beyond them to the west, where on
the top floor you’ll find the Doomsday Book. Like the scepter earlier, it just
seems to increase your score and not do anything else.

There aren’t any soldiers guarding Ranulph, so just send Robin and Marian to
his room. Once the cut scene ends, all you have to do is leave the castle to
complete the mission (there aren’t any signposts).

Note: To help you later, make sure Maid Marian has as many healing herbs as
possible before you leave.

My best score: 6070

| 07.11.00 Mission 8: The Godfather in Prison |

Location: Lincoln

Primary Objective: Free Godwin

Recommended Characters: Robin Hood (required), Stuteley, Will Scarlet,
aggressive merry, strong merry (one more training session for Little John
should give him 5/5 combat ability)

Use Robin Hood and Will Scarlet (who should have a 5/5 combat rating now) to
disable the three swordsmen next to the civilian. Your reward will be a
clover. Then talk to the beggar sitting slightly to the west. He’ll place
three red parchments for you.

From here go ahead and disable all the guards outside the castle. A coin purse
will work well on the patrol since it isn’t being led by an officer.
Everything else should be straightforward. You don’t have to worry about
hiding the bodies.

To get inside the castle, you’ll have to use the ivy covered wall on the
northeastern edge. Everybody but the strong merry will be able to climb the
wall, so you’ll be able to knock out and tie up enemies, but you won’t be able
to move them around. Luckily, most of the guards are stationary, or patrol in
a small area, and so not being able to move bodies shouldn’t prove a hardship.

So make your way through the castle, disabling the guards you can get to, and
then open up the drawbridge so the strong merry can join you. Two halberdiers
will be at the top of towers, behind locked doors, and you won’t be able to
reach them. The strong merry’s whistling skill might draw the eastern one to
you, but the other one will stay where he is.

Now head for Godwin in the dungeon (his position should have been revealed by
one of the red parchments). But before you do, you should hide all the bodies
in the castle. That’s because when you pass along the walkway next to the
garden (where Haldric the Knight was in the earlier mission) Guy of Guisbourne
will spot you and send his guards after you (and then flee, the coward). The
guards will appear out of the two locked towers, and they’ll spread out to
defend the castle. You can save some time by leaving Robin and Scarlet next to
the door to the locked tower that lies in the castle, so you don’t need to hide
the bodies there.

Once the new guards have been dealt with, send Robin and Scarlet to knock out
the swordsman and the two spearmen near Godwin. Then unlock Godwin’s cell and
talk to him twice. You’ll find out that you need to disable all of
Guisbourne’s men in the castle, but that some of Godwin’s men might be able to
help out.

When you talk to Godwin the second time, two things will happen. First, four
red parchments will appear around the castle. Clicking on the parchments will
release groups of Godwin’s men, and the men will help you hunt down the
remaining of Guisbourne’s guards. Second, two enemy knights will come out of
the church in the northeastern courtyard. So make sure you’ve hidden all the
bodies again, and then deal with the knights before doing anything else.

Note: Each of the knights will be carrying £100.

When you click on a parchment next to a locked tower, the tower will open up.
So use Scarlet or the strong merry to read the parchment next to the tower(s)
of the remaining halberdier(s), and then have them rush up to the top of the
tower and disable the halberdier before Godwin’s men can get involved. As soon
as the last of Guisbourne’s men has been disabled, you’ll be able to end the

My best score: 6260

| 07.12.00 Mission 9: The Lock-up and the Friar |

Location: Derby

Primary Objective: Free Friar Tuck

Recommended Characters: Robin Hood (required), Little John, Stuteley,
aggressive merry

Send Robin and Little John to deal with the officer and the three crossbowmen,
and then talk to the nearby civilians to reveal some of the castle interior.
You’ll see that Friar Tuck is imprisoned in a little hanging cage in the
northeastern part of the castle.

Once again you won’t be able to use the main gate to get inside the castle, and
so once again you’ll have to use the broken tower. However, this time it’ll be
a bad idea to alert the soldiers in the courtyard. There are a few crossbowmen
down there, and they’ll probably kill a character or two by the time you can
fight your way to them.

So stealth is the order of the day. Use Robin or Little John to knock out
soldiers on the ramparts, and then either have them crouch down between attacks
or send them into the gatehouse. Regardless, you can use the gatehouse to hide

Once the ramparts are clear (or at least the eastern ramparts), sneak Robin and
Little John down the stairs to ground level. Let the patrol see Little John,
and let Little John do the brunt of the fighting. Keep Robin out of the way
for the most part, but bring him in to punch people if necessary (especially
the crossbowmen). If you run Little John right into the middle of the patrol,
then one (half circle) sweeping attack will take most of it out.

Once the southern courtyard is clear, donate money to the beggar and talk to
the civilian on the eastern side. The beggar will provide you with three red
parchments (that reveal parts of the castle), and the civilian will ask you for
food. If you used my recommendation and didn’t bring a strong merry with you,
then you’ll have to wait for Friar Tuck to do this quest. Once you have him,
just send him to talk to the civilian once he has some meat. You’ll receive a
clover for your reward.

Then head for the northeastern part of the castle where Friar Tuck is. You
should be able to disable the guards on the southern ramparts easily, and
rescue Friar Tuck. Once he’s free you’ll learn that you also need to eavesdrop
on Prince John.

That means you’ll need to clear out the remainding guards in the northeastern
part of the castle. Some of this you can do with punches from behind
(including the officer, courtesy of Little John), but eventually you’ll find
yourself against soldiers on the ground and soldiers on the northern ramparts.

Since most of the soldiers are archers, your best bet is to use a coin purse
from Robin. Then when the fight is over, use Robin and Little John to mop up
whatever is left. To make things easier, shoot the bull’s-eye on the banquet
hall. That will lower a board, connecting the stairs with the ramparts.

Note: In the banquet hall you’ll find ten pieces of meat, which is enough for
the civilian in the first part of the castle, plus Friar Tuck as well. Above
the banquet hall you should use Little John to punch the knight. Then you can
rob the knight (for £75) and pick up the gold (worth £500).

Then sneak Little John and Friar Tuck into the gatehouse leading to the
northern part of the castle. Little John should be able to knock out the
guards there and open up the gate while Friar Tuck ties everybody up.

Possibly you can defeat the remaining guards on the ramparts and sneak into the
next part of the castle, but chances are the soldiers on the ground will notice
you, and a huge fight will ensue. As long as it’s going to happen anyway, it’s
better if you initiate the fight. However, even Little John can’t take on
everything in the courtyard, so attack them in stages.

For example, you can draw out the soldiers and the officer guarding the doorway
without alerting any of the other soldiers. Then Robin can use a coin purse on
the lined-up archers and swordsmen while simultaneously Friar Tuck uses a
wasp’s nest on the remaining officer. During the chaos, you can send in Little
John, Friar Tuck, and Robin to mop up. You might have some problems with the
knight, but if you can get it to fight Friar Tuck, then Little John can sneak
up behind it and knock it out with one punch.

For the rest of the castle, Little John can knock out everybody on his own.
But before entering the meeting room to spy on Prince John, send Little John to
the highest tower to knock out the knight there. Near the knight you’ll find
the Coronation Spoon, another fun little treasure to add to your collection in
Sherwood Forest.

Then listen to Prince John, and exit the castle to complete the mission.

My best score: 8200

| 07.13.00 Mission 10: The Silver Arrow |

Location: Nottingham

Primary Objective: Escape the tournament

Recommended Characters: Robin Hood (required) (Have your other primary
characters train if they need to)

What a surprise, the tournament was a trap! Anyway, after you fight the
Sheriff of Nottingham, immediately send Robin west and up the stairs to find
Maid Marian. If Robin is badly wounded, have Marian heal him. If Marian needs
herbs, you can find some above her.

Note: Even though the objectives make it sound like you need to hurry to
complete the mission, you don’t. There isn’t any sort of time limit.

Now you need to find a way out of the city, and obviously you have problems.
You can’t tie anybody up, you can’t move bodies, and you don’t even have a
blunt weapon around. That means for the early part of the mission, you should
avoid fights as much as possible. Anybody you knock out you’ll probably have
to fight again later.

So send Robin south along the ramparts, and have him jump down to the
mustachioed merry, who will join your cause. Immediately have Robin move south
along the ramparts and knock out the soldiers there. Then use the mustachioed
merry to tie them up.

You can now play some cat and mouse games. Lure some of the searching
swordsmen up to the ramparts, and make sure they move all the way to the
gatehouse (out of sight of the patrol down below). Then use the mustachioed
merry to distract them while Robin punches them. During this time you should
also move Marian into a doorway somewhere, just in case one of the swordsmen
searches where she’s standing.

Once you’re bored with that (or the swordsmen stop searching), use Robin to pay
the beggar. The beggar will add half a dozen red parchments to the map. Then
run the mustachioed merry east to the intersection past the stockade (next to
the cylindrical building). He’ll attract four guards, and while they’re
fighting, punch them with Robin. Nobody will patrol that intersection, so it’s
safe to leave the bodies there.

Now you can walk south and add the aggressive merry to your group. The
aggressive merry will come equipped with a full slate of healing herbs, so use
him to heal Robin and the mustachioed merry if you need to. Also, the
aggressive merry’s pitchfork is now the closest thing you have to a blunt
weapon, so start using him when you want to distract enemies.

At this point you should probably take down the patrol in the southern part of
the castle. Lure them to the scaffold, or all the way to the intersection if
you can, and use the aggressive merry and the mustachioed merry to distract the
soldiers while Robin punches them.

Now head north from the intersection to the church (east of the puddle). You
should be able to knock out the three guards there and then lure more guards to
the area and knock them out as well. In particular, you should lure back the
guards around the balcony to the northwest so you can get to the strong merry
and finally start moving bodies. Don’t worry about the red soldiers in the
church. They won’t leave their posts unless you do something right in front of

Once you have the strong merry, go ahead and hide all the bodies you’ve tied
up. It’s boring, but if you don’t then sure enough at some point a lone archer
will wander through and wake everyone up. Then head over towards the inner
keep (where you started) so you can clear a path to Marian.

The difficulty here is in removing the six swordsmen near the gate. Luckily,
they’ll be facing away from you, and so you can use a coin purse plus a couple
punches to disable them. From there everything else in the inner keep should
be straightforward. The two swordsmen and knight guarding the Silver Arrow
won’t move away from the arrow, so even if you have trouble fighting them, you
can always retreat, heal, and try again.

All you have to do now is reach a signpost, and you can probably just run your
group to one to finish the mission. But there are still a couple side quests
in the area, and for the highest score you should complete them as well.

First up is the sheriff’s brother-in-law. You’ll find several soldiers
guarding his house, but you should be able to draw them off a couple at a time.
Then just charge in with your strong merry and Robin to finish them off. When
you go into the house, three bags of gold worth £5000 will appear.

Second is the church. Inside you’ll find some red halberdiers and knights.
They’re separated, so you can fight some halberdiers and a knight, and then go
after the rest. Like with the guards at the Silver Arrow, the guards in the
church won’t want to leave, and so you can retreat and heal if you need to.
Once the guards are unconscious, grab the Sword of State.

Lastly, you just need to reach a signpost. The route to the northern signpost
is probably almost clear by this time, but if you head south, you can free some
civilians, rob a tax collector (worth £1500), and earn another clover. But if
you exit in that direction, just be sure to avoid the two cavalrymen (revealed
by the red parchment near the southern gate).

My best score: 9920

| 07.14.00 Mission 11: The Black Castle |

Location: Derby

Primary Objective: Capture Derby

Recommended characters: Robin Hood (required), Little John, Will Scarlet, Friar
Tuck, aggressive merry

Before the mission starts, you’ll have the option of earning blazons, much like
for the defense of Lincoln. However, there isn’t any reason to purchase
blazons here. The more blazons you have at the start of the mission, the less
you’ll have to do during the mission. So if you plan to explore the entire map
and disable all the enemies anyway, the extra blazons won’t do you any good.
Only buy blazons if you want to get through the mission as quickly as possible.

Inside the mission what you’ll discover is that it’s no fun to have allies.
Ranulph’s men will kill their opponents, and those deaths will count against
you. Not only that, but Ranulph’s men will happily kill unconscious enemies,
and even enemies that have been tied up. So if you want to keep your lives
spared rate up, you need to rush Little John into the castle, and have him
carry unconscious enemies into houses (where Ranulph’s men will leave them
alone) as quickly as possible. Even so, lots of enemies will get killed in
this mission.

But here’s a trick. Ranulph’s men will only advance when you’ve captured a
blazon. So if you can knock out and hide as many enemies as possible before
capturing the blazons, you’ll be able to keep your lives spared rate much
higher than otherwise. In particular, the blazon for the gate leading to the
northeastern courtyard is linked to the archers in the ramparts there. Once
you’ve disabled enough of the archers, you’ll capture the blazons, and
Ranulph’s men will storm inside.

So, you need to try and disable as many of the ground forces in the courtyard
as you can before defeating the archers. That’s tricky since the archers will
see things and come to investigate, and it means you’ll probably have to fight
a messy battle. But you should be able to sneak your group in behind the
soldiers in the courtyard (and maybe punch and hide a couple) before the battle
starts. Then, if you lead off with a couple punches and a slingshot, the
battle shouldn’t be too bad.

For the northern courtyard, whistling seems to work pretty well. Just have
Little John stand on the eastern ramparts and whistle, and the officer below
will send up one soldier at a time. The rest of the castle should be pretty
easy, except for Scathlock at the top of the highest tower. Robin will have to
fight him on his own, but note Scathlock can’t leave the tower, so Robin can
drop down to heal any time he wants and defeat Scathlock in stages.

Note: If Scathlock’s blazon is the last one you capture, don’t immediately exit
the campaign when you defeat him. Search his body first for £100.

My best score: 5700 (56/89 enemies spared, 2 allied soldiers lost)

| 07.15.00 Mission 12: A Wedding and a Funeral |

Location: York

Primary Objective: Rescue Maid Marian from the wedding

Recommended Characters: Robin Hood (required), Little John, Friar Tuck,
aggressive merry

This mission starts out easily enough. In the southern half of the map, you
won’t find any complicated groups of guards, and, in fact, you won’t find
anything that Little John can’t handle all by himself. So knock out, tie up,
and hide guards, and talk to the three beggars.

The beggars will produce no less than nine red parchments. Some of the red
parchments will simply reveal parts of the map (like the mess of soldiers at
the church), but some will give you side quests:

1. The beggar near the center of the map will produce three red parchments. If
you read all three you’ll learn about a moneylender, and you’ll give the beggar
£2000 to cover the money he owes him. In return you’ll receive a clover, and
the moneylender (complete with £2000 in his pocket) will appear on the map. So
it’s a good deal, and it gets even better because in a later mission you’ll
meet up with the beggar again and he’ll give you your loan back, plus interest.

2. Another parchment (from the southeastern beggar) will tell you how Sergeant
Buttler and Mary Wonara are having an affair, and you’ll see a cut scene where
the two meet up as soon as Mary’s husband leaves the area. So send Little John
over to knock out and then carry off the husband (you can also just scare him
away), and then hide until Mary and Sergeant Buttler meet up again. The pair
will be staring at each other, so Little John should have an easy time sneaking
up behind the sergeant and punching him (don’t use Robin; he won’t knock the
sergeant out). For your reward, you’ll receive the Ampulla, one of the crown

3. The red parchment at the docks doesn’t do anything. Is this a bug or did I
miss something?

4. A fourth parchment will show you a secret entrance into the citadel.

The one strategic decision you’ll have to make early in the game is what to do
with the civilians loyal to Prince John. You can knock them out so they don’t
bother you, but you can also let them go. If you take the latter approach,
then the civilians will keep running up to enemy soldiers and drawing them back
to you. In that way you can draw out a good chunk of the red soldiers at the
church and defeat them a few at a time. The civilian Mary Wonara in particular
is good at this job.

Note: Regardless, you should eventually knock out the “enemy” civilians. Some
of them are carrying gold!

Once you’ve done what you can in the southern part of the city, you’ll have to
tackle the citadel and the church. Start with the citadel. There are three
ways to get inside: the secret passage revealed by the red parchment, the
rooftops to the south, and the ivy wall to the east. Reading the red parchment
that reveals the secret passage might crash your computer (if zooming in and
out causes problems), and only Robin can get into the citadel via the rooftops,
so your best bet might be the ivy covered wall on the eastern side. To use it
you’ll have to defeat a knight, but that’s easy enough using Robin to distract
it while Little John punches it.

The interior of the citadel should be straightforward. Even if you can’t use
the secret passage, just send Robin and the aggressive merry up the ivy covered
wall, and use the aggressive merry to distract soldiers while Robin punches
them. Then when you walk around the courtyard, the mechanism for lowering the
drawbridge should be revealed, and opening that will allow Little John inside.

To change the flags in the citadel, just click on the base of the flagpole.
Once the enemies notice Richard’s flag flying instead of John’s, Prince John
and many of the church guests and black guards will leave the area, and the
majority of the red guards remaining in the church will head south. Some will
go for the citadel, and others will go to the city’s gates. At this point you
can probably just stand Little John at the entrance to the citadel and have him
take on all comers, but for a safer approach, run your group to a building in
the center of the city, and then have them head to the church once the red
guards have passed.

Note: Once you click on the flagpole, you don’t have to keep a character there
to change the flags. You can immediately move the character if you need to
make a hasty escape.

There’s only one way to approach the church in this mission, so use Little
John’s whistle skill, or just let enemies see your characters, to draw them
towards you a couple at a time. Only Robin will be able to go into the church
itself, so have him do that and then immediately retreat. Guy of Guisbourne
has to stay inside, but the two halberdiers with him will chase Robin outside
where Little John can punch them. Then send Robin back inside to deal with
Guisbourne. As with other duels, you can let Robin retreat to regain energy
and heal, and so he should be able to defeat Guisbourne, even if combat goes

Once Guisbourne goes down, loot the £500 in the church and then leave town. If
guards are at the gates, a money purse from Robin might come in handy.
Otherwise, just bludgeon your way through.

My best score: 10560

Note: Have Robin train during the ambush mission following this mission. Then
he will still be considered training during the mission where you have to
rescue him.

| 07.16.00 Mission 13: The Escape |

Location: Nottingham

Primary Objective: Free Robin from prison

Recommended Characters: Maid Marian (required), Little John, Friar Tuck,
aggressive merry

You should find the village south of the castle to be easy to clear. Just wade
into combat with Little John, or sneak around and punch people. It shouldn’t
make much of a difference.

The first place to look for Robin is in the prison southwest of the castle.
You won’t find Robin there, of course, but you will find another prisoner –
plus a black knight. So send Friar Tuck in to talk to the prisoner, and then
use Little John to punch the knight. When the knight is out, talk to the
prisoner again to learn Robin’s location.

Then head for the castle. The front gate won’t look like a problem, guarded as
it is by two halberdiers and an officer, but there is a swordsman in the
interior of the castle who will come looking for the officer. If he doesn’t
find him, he’ll alert the soldiers guarding the sheriff’s brother-in-law’s
house. That is, lots of soldiers will suddenly come your way. So after you
dispatch the guards around the gate, hang around and wait for the swordsman
(and his sidekick, a crossbowman) to arrive, and then draw them outside the
castle and knock them out. Fights around the gate might alert other guards to
your presence, so be careful there.

Making your way inside the castle can be tricky as well. The swordsman
patrolling the ramp leading to the inner keep will raise the alarm (once again
alerting the guards in front of the sheriff’s brother-in-law’s house) if he
sees anything amiss, including if one of the lancers out front is missing. You
can sneak past the soldiers out front of the inner keep if you want, but at
some point in the mission somebody is going to raise the alarm, and so you
might as well take care of the problem now.

So use Little John’s whistle skill to try and draw some soldiers towards you
(you can lure away the swordsmen from the brother-in-law’s house) and then just
let the swordsman patrolling the ramp see you, or start fighting the soldiers
on the ramp. To defeat the soldiers who consequently race towards you, either
use Friar Tuck to distract while Little John punches, or just let Little John
twirl away with his staff. If you’ve whittled away at the soldiers in front of
the sheriff’s brother-in-law’s house, then the fight might not be too bad
anyway. Once all the enemies are knocked out, hide them in the nearby houses.

Once the alarm has been thwarted, defeating the rest of the soldiers in the
castle should be straightforward. Just methodically make your way around,
disabling the soldiers you come across. You can also free a civilian from the
stockade (for a clover), break into the sheriff’s brother-in-law’s house (just
for the heck of it), and find the man Brittlegow who sold out Robin (for

Eventually, make your way into the inner keep via the northern ramparts. Once
you free Robin, you’ll find he doesn’t have any equipment, but you can find
some arrows and purses around the castle. At this point you can leave the
mission, but keep exploring the inner keep so you can pick up Richard’s sigil
in the sheriff’s chambers.

My best score: 10,870

| 07.17.00 Mission 14: The Letter |

Location: York

Primary Objective: Meet up with Allan

Recommended Characters: Robin Hood (required), Little John, Friar Tuck, Maid
Marian, aggressive merry

Head for the citadel, and dispatch the guards out front. Since there isn’t an
officer around, you can use a coin purse here, or you can just wade in with
Little John. However, wait for the knight to wander away before starting, and
then use somebody to distract the knight so Little John can punch him.

Once all the unconscious soldiers are tucked away, head south towards Allan.
If you want to, you can take the time to disable all the guards in the southern
part of the city, but otherwise just deal with the ones you can’t sneak past.

On the way, you should visit the three places that had beggars the last time
you were in York. Two will have beggars again, and they’ll combine to produce
nine red parchments. The parchments will be scattered all over the map, so now
you have an excuse to explore everywhere if you hadn’t been planning to before.
In the third place you’ll find the beggar to whom you lent money before. He
won’t be a beggar now; he’ll be a civilian, but he’ll be easy to recognize
because of the “!” over his head. When you talk to him you’ll earn £2500.

Note: Be sure to pick up the two red parchments in the church. One will give
you £5000 and the other will give you the royal crown.

When you talk to Allan, you’ll receive a new objective, to eavesdrop on Prince
John again, and you’ll learn that Prince John is in the citadel near where you
started out. So head back that way.

Inside the citadel you’ll find Prince John plus some black guards. I think you
can use the secret passage this time regardless of whether you were able to use
it before. If not, send Robin inside to open up the gate, and then retreat him
outside where Little John can deal with the enemies.

So defeat the black guards inside the citadel, and send Robin to the red
parchment so he can listen to Prince John. You’ll hear Prince John order
Longchamps to go to Leopold and instruct him to do as he wishes with King
Richard. That means you have to defeat Longchamps first. So once Prince John
and the other guards in the inner room depart, send Robin to fight him. Only
Robin can enter the room, but, unlike in the other duels you’ve fought, Robin
won’t be able to retreat to heal (but you will be able to use clovers). So
save your game before heading in to fight Longchamps.

Once Longchamps is dead, order Little John to pick up his body, and then send
your group to the nearest signpost to end the mission.

Note: I’m not sure what happens at this point if you don’t have the £100,000
necessary to ransom King Richard.

My best score: 10,150

| 07.18.00 Mission 15: The March on York |

Location: York

Primary Objective: Capture York

Recommended Characters: Robin Hood (required), Little John, Friar Tuck, Maid
Marian, aggressive merry

Once again you need to capture a castle, and once again you’ll have allies.
However, this mission isn’t as tricky as the siege at Derby. This time the
allied soldiers will stay outside the castle walls until you tell them to enter
(by ringing the church bells or by raising Richard’s standard at the citadel).
So you can essentially play this as a regular mission, and wait until the very
end to call in your allies.

Making headway into the castle can be difficult. There are lots of troops
around, and the patrols will move randomly (or at least semi-randomly). Worse,
patrols usually consist of crossbowmen, meaning they’ll cause all kinds of
havoc if they stumble upon you during a fight, and they’ll notice when some
guards are missing. So be prepared for big messy fights, and to reload often.

Of course, there’s a trick for this. Enemies won’t go into houses unless they
see you go into them first (or happen to flee into them). So you can take your
entire group straight north and hide them in the first house on the left.
Then, whenever a patrol goes by, you can pick off a crossbowmen, or even try to
take out the entire patrol. Once you are free of patrols in an area, move out
and defeat the stationary guards. Then rinse and repeat over the southern half
of the map.

Note: It’s not indicated in the objectives, but when you open the outer eastern
gate, allied troops will rush in to take the southern part of the city. So
don’t open the gate until you’re ready.

The northern part of the city is more difficult than the southern part, because
it has the two defensive structures (the church and the citadel), and because
the two bridges leading to it are heavily guarded. Plus, it has all the black

Luckily, you can loop around the bridge leading to the church (the west bridge)
by using the northwestern walkway and a building. That allows you to attack
the bridge guards from behind. Robin can throw a purse in front of them (so
the lancers move forward and everybody else looks at the purse), and Little
John can punch the knights and officer, and then attack everybody else (with,
perhaps, a little bit of help from his friends).

You can loop around the bridge leading to the citadel (the eastern bridge) as
well, by using the inner eastern wall. Then wait for the knight to face the
citadel, and send in Little John to punch him. Little John should be able to
do that without alerting any of the soldiers on the bridge. Then you can
handle this bridge just like the last one, with Robin throwing a purse and
Little John doing some punching. If you handle the bridges right, Little John
should do a lot of punching before he’s forced to fight.

To defeat the soldiers in front of the citadel, you could try using a purse or
a wasp’s nest, but since there aren’t any knights or crossbowmen there, you
might as well just send in Little John to fight them. Then quickly take down
the guards at the northern gate (sneak Robin onto the ramparts to deal with the
crossbowmen while Little John attacks from below) and head into the citadel

Put all of your characters into the secret passage, and then send Little John
through the door without a halberdier in front of it (click right in front of
the door) when the patrol is looking the other way. Little John should then be
able to knock out the halberdier door guard. From there you can use Robin to
throw a coin purse, and Little John to punch the soldiers while they’re
engrossed with the coins. If it comes to a battle, fight as close to the
secret passage doors as you can, so the knights on the ramparts won’t be

To defeat the enemy general, first try to draw down as many soldiers from the
ramparts as possible. Whistling works pretty well here. Then use Little John
to punch one of the officers and fight the remaining officer and general. That
should work, but if you have trouble, use Friar Tuck to distract them while
Little John punches them.

Now you can finally ring the bells in the church and hoist Richard’s standard
in the citadel. With that you should be able to complete the mission.

My best score: 9920

Note: After defending York (in the next defensive mission), my progress
indicator always jumps from 77% to 95%. Are there optional missions in the
campaign that you play if you don’t gather the crown jewels or don’t have
£100,000 yet?

| 07.19.00 Mission 16: Last Challenge |

Location: Nottingham

Primary Objective: Defeat Prince John

Recommended Characters: Robin Hood (required), Little John, Friar Tuck, Maid
Marian, Will Scarlet

Note: Save your game before you start the mission. Your characters will start
out spread across the map, with two characters north of the castle, two
characters south of the castle, and Robin inside. How the characters are
placed is either random or depends on the order you send them to the exit area
in Sherwood Forest. Ideally, you should have Little John and Friar Tuck south
of the castle, and Will Scarlet and Maid Marian north of the castle. (I
recommend Will Scarlet instead of the aggressive merry here simply so he can
protect Maid Marian should they be discovered.) You could also try using
Stuteley instead of Will Scarlet, just to make sure Little John has somebody
who can tie up people with him.

To start off, leave Robin where he is since he’s safe under his cloak, and try
to put Will Scarlet and Maid Marian somewhere safe. It’s possible guards will
discover them at some point (they’ll wander all over the place if the alarm
sounds), but even so you should be all right. Either Will Scarlet will be able
to defeat the guards who find them, or else Will Scarlet and Maid Marian will
both be knocked out and use clovers, and you can rescue them later.

That means you should do most of your damage with Little John and Friar Tuck.
More so than usual, try to have Friar Tuck distract enemies while Little John
punches them, simply because Friar Tuck can heal himself with meat, and Little
John can only use clovers until you unite your characters. Slowly but surely
the pair should be able to clear out the area south of the castle, or at least
as much as possible while avoiding damaging fights. Just be careful to sneak
around the cavalryman riding in front of the castle.

Note: In the southern part of the map you’ll receive a side quest to free a man
from prison (the one outside the castle). You might want to wait on this quest
until you unite your characters. It’ll involve fighting several soldiers at
once, and it might strain your health too much.

Getting inside the castle to meet up with Robin can be difficult. Not only
will you have to avoid the cavalryman, but the archers in the ramparts will
continually hunch down to see what’s going on beneath them, and if they see you
they’ll either race down to investigate (good) or alert an officer (bad).
However, they shouldn’t raise the alarm, so try to draw them and the
halberdiers at the gate to you by whistling.

Inside the castle, the soldiers on the ramp to the inner keep will sound the
alarm if they see you, and Little John probably won’t have enough health to
deal with it. You can’t simply sneak around the guards on the ramp, so have
Friar Tuck throw wasp’s nests at the two guards at the base of the ramp, and
then move your characters north into the castle and into one of the buildings
in the courtyard.

From here you can dodge the patrol and take down lone guards nearby, or you can
even pick off the patrol one soldier at a time like in the previous mission.
You also might want to knock out the civilians loyal to Prince John, or else
you’ll have a steady parade of soldiers heading your way. But your main goal
should be to clear a path to Will Scarlet and Maid Marian.

Note: The beggar in the courtyard will trigger two side quests, one about a
fake beggar and one about Applegoad the Old (in the church).

The western street to the northern gate looks the safest, but the beggar there
is the one in the employ of Prince John, and approaching him will cause a bunch
of soldiers to rush out of the nearby buildings and attack. Instead, make a
foray into the middle street first, where you’ll find an officer, a
crossbowman, and three juggling archers. To get through the battle, Little
John can punch the officer right away and then punch the archers and
crossbowmen, provided they don’t try to use melee attacks against him (they
usually won’t). But you’ll have to be careful in this fight. If you make too
much noise, the soldiers hiding in the buildings will attack anyway.

Once you’ve taken down the officer and the archers, send Friar Tuck into the
buildings next to the beggar. There are two buildings, and three swordsmen
will be hiding in each. By sending Friar Tuck into them one at a time, the
swordsman will attack him, and Little John should have an easy time knocking
them out. Once they’re down, don’t talk to the beggar. You’ll just waste your

Note: If you don’t remove the guards hiding in the buildings, they’ll attack
when they hear fighting at the northern gate.

To finally claim the gate, first send Little John to the ramparts to knock out
the crossbowmen and archers (remember that Robin can’t knock them out), and
then use Friar Tuck to distract the halberdiers and officer while Little John
punches them. Now you can finally unite your characters, and do some necessary
healing. If you’re feeling thorough, feel free to go back and disable all the
soldiers you skipped before (like at the ramp leading to the inner keep), or
just plunge ahead into the inner keep.

The inner keep should be pretty easy. In fact, the only difficult fight
involves a black officer and two black knights, but you can bypass it by
unlocking the door in the courtyard that leads right to the Sheriff of
Nottingham’s chamber. (If you decide to fight them anyway, use somebody to
distract while Little John punches. The trio will still probably cause
problems, especially since there are four swordsmen hiding in a nearby tower
who will rush out to help.)

Once you reach the sheriff, you’ll have to fight him alone with Robin, but once
again Robin can retreat to heal while the sheriff is stuck in his room. Once
you defeat the sheriff, you’ll be able to finish the mission.

Let the celebration begin!

My best score: 11,830

And for the entire campaign: 145,010 (97% lives spared)

* 08.00.00 THANKS TO *

Thanks to all of the people who contributed information for this guide,

ARM Claude

Plus all the people at Strategy First’s Robin Hood forum.


April 29, 2003

Initial release. Contains the first seven missions plus other information.

May 1, 2003

Added the next five missions.

May 3, 2003

Added the final four missions, completing the walkthrough.


This guide may be posted on any web site as long as the text is not changed and
as long as I am informed of the posting. I will always submit new versions to
GameFAQs ( first, so if you are looking for the most up-to-
date version of this guide, that is the place to look.

Copyright © 2003 by Steven W. Carter

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