Lords of Magic SE

Lords of Magic SE

18.10.2013 08:12:22
Lords of Magic: Special Edition Walkthrough
Writen by ShadowedDeath
Copyright 2003 Jonathan Flores

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Legal Stuff

III. Version History

IV. Quest Pack Walkthrough
I. Fire Quest
II. Death Quest
III. Order Quest
IV. Earth Quest
V. "Fifth" Quest

V. Lords of Magic Walkthrough
I. Faith Analysis
II. Normal or Custom?
III. General Tips
IV. What I Did

VI. Artifact List

VII. Spell List

VII. Codes


IX. Contact Info

X. Special Thanks


Having trouble with all those bonus Quests? I know the feeling. I
came here in search of some help only to find that... there are no
FAQs for this game! After getting a little help on the message
boards (and by little I mean little, seems these are hard for
everyone), I was linked to the Lords of Magic site where they gave
some tips to doing these. Using the help I got there, I was able to
complete the quest pack, and decided to write this FAQ to help out
everyone who is having trouble with these as well. Hope you enjoy

Legal Stuff
This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.
Use of this guide on any other web site or as part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

Version History
0.25 - April 23, 2003 - Post date. Fire Quest, partial Spell List,
cheats, legal stuff, special thanks, intro and contact information.

Next Update: Death Quest, Spell List completed, Artifact list
completed, Lords of Magic section completed.

Quest Pack Walkthrough
This is probably the main reason why this FAQ will be used, as the
normal portion of the game is the same as Lords of Magic (at least
as far as I know). Lords of Magic: Special Edition has 5 bonus
quest-type games, each quite different from the others. This will
be a step-by-step to completing each one. Here is the estimated
times each one will take for the average player. This information
is taken from the game's website, where there are tips and partial
walkthroughs that are mostly just specific tips for that quest.

Quest Difficulty Time

Fire Medium 4-7 hours
Siegfried Medium-Hard 5-9 hours
Death Hard 5-9 hours
Order Hard-Expert 30-50+ hours
Earth Expert Only 30+ hours
*Taken from http://games.sierra.com/games/lordsofmagic on the
information page.

Fire Quest
The fire quest is the easiest quest, I had little trouble completing
this quest. When doing this quest, you need to keep an eye on your
ale, as this might run out. That was my only problem with this
particular quest.

Your main character is a fire sorceress by the name of Crispin. She
has some excellent magical fire spells, which will be of much
importance in your journey to solve this quest. Here is a list of
her spells, what they do, and how best to use them.

-Flame Dart
Costs 2 mana, little damage. I never used this spell, don't bother.

-Flame Arrows
Costs 8 mana. Excellent spell, definatly worth the cost in mana.
In the earlier parts of the quest, you can only use this once, which
isn't such a big deal, since this is so good. Crispin fires arrows
of flame to a group of opponents. The damage isn't extraordinary,
but the range is. You can easily weaken a large group of enemies
quickly, so that the team you will be forming soon, will have a much
easier time taking care of them.

-Fire Ball
Costs 4 mana. This spell is single target, but does large amounts
of damage. This spell will be more useful later on in the quest.

-Flame Sword
Costs 2 mana. This increases the selected unit's attack by three.
This is good when you can afford it after using Flame Arrows.

Costs 2 mana. Adds four to attack and 25% to missle resistance, but
takes away 2 defense. I never used this, doesn't seem that
important to get an extra four attack at a sacrifice of two defense.

-Burning Skin
Costs 8 mana. This is good, but the cost is too high. Don't use it
until Crispin has 16 or more mana points, if ever.

Special Rules For This Quest:
In the time of Crispin the Fire Mage, the kingdom of Fire was ruled
buy a noble, but strict Lord named King Emberaken, therefore:

-You CANNOT ever become Lord, or receive any followers.

-You CANNOT train or higher any units.

-You CAN access Fire buildings to heal, purchase potions, and trade
in the capital.

-To win you must restore the lava flow from Mt. Etrnln.

When you get control of Crispin after watching the movie (or after
skipping it), you need to head north to see King Emberaken. There
are a few caves on the way over, but only one that you can take at
this time. Follow the road until the third cave that says "Cave"
when you highlight it for a few seconds. This is the only level one
cave, and you can take out it's inhabitants right now so enter it.

(Note: Always "Enter" battles, do not AutoCalc unless your 110%
sure that your enemy will not kill a single unit of your team. By
single unit, I count the individual units that make up 3 infantry or
archers. This will not happen until later, when you get into some
Maurading Party battles.)

(Note: Fight every battle you can, you need every bit of experience.
I will take you to every cave, but since the Maurading Parties have
minds of their own and move on their own, you have to be in charge
of taking care of them. Don't worry if it means going out of your
way, but do try to make your detours as short as possible. Use some
common sense, if they're more than one turn away... they're not
worth it, as they could get away, wasting your turn and resources.)

-Dark Elf Lair level 1
Very easy battle. There are three level 3 skeletons, and one level
1 bat. Flame Arrow one of them, and then take the rest out with
your staff. Collect your spoils, and proceed to the king.

Follow the road, cutting small corners if you can, they do make a
difference sometimes. When you arrive at the palace, enter it and
you will speak to King Emberaken.

You now have a party that can take out stronger foes, but before you
go out beating up monsters, make a stop at the forge that is a little
northwest of your location. It, like the Palace, has a red flag
fluttering on top of it. Enter the forge and parley. You will be
offered a helm and armor in exchange for the writ given to you by
King Emberaken. Accept the trade, and equip them on your Dwarven

Now it's time to do some real fighting. Head to the nearest cave
which is the cave inbetween the Forge and the Palace.

(Note: Now we're down to serious business. No more 3 Skeletons, and
a bat. Most of the battles from here on can easily be won, despite
how bad some may look. Your Dwarven Warrior may be your strongest
teammate, but he will not be attacking. You heard me right, he will
NOT attack. Now, before you go sending me hate mail, here is what
you do:

1)While the game is paused, order your Dwarven Warrior to be more or
less the center lone target, off ahead of your party. If need be, move your party back a little too.

2)Order Crispin to Flame Arrows the enemy, trying to hit as many
enemies as possible.

3)Your Axe Throwers then must be behind where your Dwarven Warrior
will be, once he arrives at his chosen location after you unpause
the battle sequence.

4)Flame's are purely for defense, in case anyone gets passed your
Dwarven Warrior, and might hurt Crispin. Position them far away
from your Dwarven Warrior so they will not attack on their own, but
are still close enough to protect Crispin if need be.

5)Unpause the game and wait for Crispin to fire her Flame Arrows,
and for your Dwarven Warrior, Axe Throwers, and Flame's get into

6)When they have arrived at their location, pause the game if you
want, but select the Dwarven Warrior, and order him to defend
himself, a.k.a Parry.

7)The Dwarven Warrior can parry most all attacks, even if he is
completely surrounded. I'd have to say, 90% of the time, he will
not be hit even once.

8)Now order your Axe Throwers to Aimed Missle a target, and repeat
this step for each physically attacking target that is attacking
your Dwarven Warrior. Ignore the archers if they are not attacking
your Axe Throwers. Your Axe Throwers are your number one concern,
if they fall, it's just as bad as Crispin dying.

9)Your Dwarven Warrior can take care of himself, don't bother with
him once he starts to parry. Continue your projectile assault
on all the enemies, with "Aimed Missle" 's. This does more damage,
and although takes longer, is much more worth the effort. You will
rarely miss, and do heavy damage.

10)If any enemies get passed your one-man blockage, send in your
Flame's to take them out, and have Crispin Flame Sword them (if you
can afford it) if you think you need that little extra umph.

This tactic will be used on almost every battle, so get used to it.

Now that you know how to fight, this quest becomes 100 times easier,
and actually completable. From here on, I will only list the Cave
Name, Cave Level, the enemies inside, and any thing you must do
differently than the tactic I stated.)

-Orc Lair level 2
Orc level 1 x6
Orc level 2 x3

Head to the cave just a little south of the Palace.
-Dark Elf Lair level 2
Bat level 1 x1
Skeletons level 3 x3
Zombies level 3 x3

Head north from your position to the cave right above the Fire
-Orc Lair level 2
Orc level 1 x6
Orc level 2 x3

Go to the cave just slightly northwest of your location.
-Orc Lair Level 3
Goblin Archers level 1 x3
Orcs level 2 x3
Wolf Riders level 1 x3
Oachtet, Orc Cheiftain level 2
(Note: When fighting in a cave with a boss-like enemy such as
Oachtet the Orc Chieftain, have Crispin use Flame Arrows with that
enemy as the main target, so there is no chance that it will not hit
that enemy. The boss-like characters tend to be stronger than their
lackies. If there are multiple boss-like enemies, shoot for the
highest leveled one.)

Head southwest to the nearest cave.
-Orc Lair level 3
Goblin Archers level 1 x3
Orcs level 2 x3
Wolf Riders level 1 x3
Mottet, Orc Chieftain level 2

To the north, and sligtly east is the last cave before the Great
Temple battle.
-Orc Lair level 4
Goblin Archers level 1 x3
Goblin Archers level 2 x3
Orcs level 1 x3
Vilslick Dragon-Food, Orc Chieftain level 2

Now it's time for your first big battle, The Great Temple. You want
to be fully healed for this battle, as it's going to be a toughie.
Don't head to capitol to heal, instead, stay in the cave you just
cleared, and pass turns to heal yourself. You should be fully
rested in a few turns, which will should be less time that traveling
to the captiol, using crystals to heal, and heading all the way back.
Once you have full life, equip Crispin with the mana potion, SAVE!,
and proceed to the Fire Great Temple.
-Fire Greath Temple
Zombies level 3 x6
Skeletons level 3 x6
Death Shade level 5 x2
This battle is hard, you got two Death Shades that can hit past your
Dwarven Warrior's parry because they're so strong, and you got 12
other enemies to get in your face while trying to take out the Death
Shades. There are two ways to beat this. With mana potion, and
without mana potion. I'm sure your thinking mana potion is easier.
Well, it is. The only problem is that you might need it for later
on. While the tips I read at the website says to take 3 potions with
you before you continue on past this area, and the Special Rules For
This Quest says you can purchase potions... I have no idea where. I
can complete this quest with only one, but that means beating this
battle without using it, which is difficult to say the least. If
anyone could e-mail me (see bottom of FAQ for contact info) on how
to get some mana potions, I would really appreciate it, as that would
make this quest a lot easier. However, at this point, I do not know
how to get anymore, therefore I suggest you NOT use the mana potion
for it will save you 7 days worth of resources later on, and when I
played through this quest, I went two days with no ale, and beat it
just in time, before my party deserted me. Here are the two tactics,
choose wisely.

!With Mana Potion!
Have Crispin Fire Ball one of the Death Shades, and then the other,
using the mana potion when you need it. Now back her away from the
battle. See how there are 3 road type areas that run parallel with
each other? Position your Dwarven Warrior at the end of the top two
roads, in the center of the rectangle area. Have him parry, and
then continue this battle as a normal battle.

!Without Mana Potion!
Crispin should have 12 mana points, just enough for three Fire Balls.
Have her Fire Ball one Death Shade twice, and the other once, and
take her completly away from the battle. Position your Dwarven
Warrior in the same place as you would using the mana potion, and
have him parry. Now for the hard part. The Death Shade can do a lot
of damage, and you have lots of enemies to get past in order to get
close enough to attack it. Have your Axe Throwers Aimed Missle the
Death Shade, and as soon as it's dead, back away as fast as you can.
Some of the enemies will be coming after your Axe Throwers, and will
get some hits in. Hopefully one will survive, if all three die,
reload your save file. Have your Flame's attack the enemies that are
swarming your Axe Thrower(s), and then have your Axe Thrower(s) and
your Flame's attack the horde around your Dwarven Warrior.

Phew! Hardest battle in the game is over with! (Second hardest if
you used the mana potion)

If you can make it to Forge in one turn, go ahead and use it to gain
+2 hitpoint regain in buildings, +1 overland regain, +2 mana for
Crispin, and +15% magic resistance. If you can't, it's better to
gain a few hitpoints back by resting in a building. Once you have
bathed in the fires, your movement points will all be gone, so end
your turn.

Now it's time to clear out all the caves in this area before moving
on to the gate. First of all, you need to heal. Go to the nearest
cave to rest the remainder of the turn, and then heal what ever you
have left in the capitol. If any Maurading Parties take the Fire
Great Temple anytime from now, ignore it, by the time you get there,
they will be long gone. Hopefully when you are done clearing the
caves, there will be some hanging around the city. Now head to the
cave to the southeast of the capitol.
-Dark Elf Lair level 2
Zombies level 3 x3
Skeletons level 3 x3
Bat level 1 x1
(Note: By now, you should have enough mana to cast Flame Arrows and
one Fire Ball, this may come in handy against anoying Goblin Archers
or boss-like enemies. You regain all your mana every turn, so feel
free to use that little extra, and perhaps a Flame Dart if you like.)

Now you got a little hike ahead of you, head south to the cave shaped
like bones.
-Dark Elf Lair level 3
Zombies level 3 x3
Skeletons level 3 x6
Bat level 1 x2

Go south a little to the next cave.
-Chaos Encounter level 3
Wolfriders level 1 x3
Orcs level 1 x3
Goblin Archers level 1 x3

Your next stop is the cave to the east of the Dark Elf Cave level 1
that you cleared as Crispin at the very begining of the quest.
-Orc Lair level 3
Goblin Archers level 1 x3
Wolfriders level 1 x3
Orcs level 2 x3
Wilnurt the Puny, Orc Cheiftain level 2

The last cave is the one you were standing by when you first started
the quest. It's the one to the southwest.
-Orc Lair level 4
Goblin Archers level 1 x3
Goblin Archers level 2 x3
Orcs level 1 x3
Orcs level 2 x3
Thog the Slow, Orc Cheiftain level 4

Woohoo! All done with this area, now your team should be ready to
move on. Head back to the capitol, fighting any Maurading Parties
that are on the way or near (within one turns walking distance), heal
if you need to, and now it's time to head to the gate.

See the road going northeast from the capitol? That's the way you
need to go. Follow it until you see a cave to enter.
-Earth Creature Lair level 4
Goblin Archers level 1 x3
Goblins level 3 x3
Trolls level 2 x3
Hashlik Three Ears, Orc Cheiftain level 4

From now on, if you need to heal go into a building and spend a turn
or two, depending how bad the last battle was. If your not close
enough to a building, now is a good time to familiarize yourself with
the Cauterize Wounds spell, which is used on the land. It will
double your healing rate while resting in one place, for three turns.
You get one hitpoint regain automatically, one from the forge, and
the spell will give you two more for the cost of two mana. Buildings
heal you three hitpoints per turn, and cost nothing, so if you are
near one, go there instead of using a spell, because you might need
your mana for Maurading Parties, which will appear more frequently
now then they did before. Continue along the road until you see
another cave.
-Earth Creature Lair level 4
Goblin Archers level 1 x3
Goblins level 3 x3
Trolls level 2 x3
Gorsh-Slup, Orc Cheiftain level 4

Hopefully that last cave leveled Crispin up, and now she has 16 mana.
She can now use 2 Flame Arrows, which will do even more damage to a
large group of enemies. Very helpful, because she can also do one
Flame Arrows, and two Fire Balls for the next encounter along the
road... (SAVE!)
-Lair level 6
Goblin Archers level 3 x3
Wolfriders level 3 x6
Orcs level 2 x3
Orcs level 3 x3
Wolves level 3 x3
Gankirtan, Shaman level 6
This battle is tough because of Gankirtan, but luckily, I can tell
you how to make it very easy. For this battle, don't bother with
putting your Axe Throwers, Dwarven Warrior, and Flame's into place.
In this battle, have Crispin use Fire Ball on Gankirtan until he
dies. Gankirtan might use this spell which sends this blueish-black
energy thing to one of your party members, and then they hit and
start moving around, hitting everyone near them. It lasts a long
time too. That's what makes this battle so hard. But, as soon as
Gankirtan is dead, AutoCalc and you should win with little or no
casualties. If you lost one or two Axe Throwers or Flames, that's
fine, just rest in the cave enough turns to fully heal and they will
be back. If you AutoCalc from the begining, its very rare to keep
all three of either one of those two, that is why you kill Gankirtan
first. If you still lose all three, then reload your save game and
do it again, it shouldn't take too many tries.

Heal and press forward along the road to the final cave before the
-Cave level 6
Sprites level 3 x6
Will O' Wisps level 3 x2
Ehih, Storm Warrior level 7
Aei, Storm Sorcerer level 6
This fight might seem hard, but it's not really. Fire Ball Aei until
he drops dead, and then use your remaining mana on Ehih and send some
Fire Balls at him too, and finish off like normal.

To the Gate! But wait... there is a secret behind it, it will only
open when the turn is divisible by 7, symbolizing a seventh day.
Make sure to spend a few turns healing (heal in front of the gate
using Cauterize Wounds), and then when the day is divisible by 7,
SAVE!, and head on in.
-Earth Great Temple a.k.a the Gate
First level
Goblin Archers level 2 x3
Skeletons level 3 x3
Bat level 1 x1
F'Ij Tgar, Dark Warrior level 2
This cave has three levels, and hopefully you did not use the mana
potion. Start off like normal, but instead of Flame Arrows use one
Fire Ball on F'Ij Tgar, and save the rest of your mana. You can use
your Flame's here, it's a pretty weak battle, they probably won't
even be hit. Walk to the gate in the northwest to head to the next
(Note: A few times, there has been a glitch where one of my party
members would get stuck, and no matter what I did, he wouldn't move.
If this happens to you, either reload your file, or continue on if
it's a Flame and you don't think you will need him. If it's anyone
else, reload, you need Crispin, Dwarven Warrior, and all three Axe
Throwers for sure. Flame's are a little more expendable. This could
happen on the other levels to, so take the same advice. Either way,
you will have all your party members when you get out of the cave.)

Second Level
Goblin Archers level 1 x3
Goblin Archers level 2 x3
Goblins level 3 x3
Rockhurler level 2 x1
Although it doesn't have a name like a boss, the Rockhurler is the
boss-type here. It has pretty good range, and damage, so Fire Ball
it. Here is where the mana potion comes into play, you can Fire Ball
it until it dies, or you can Fire Ball it once, and Flame Arrow once.
Then you use the mana potion and continue on to the next level. If
you don't have the mana potion, I suggest you do the same thing, but
instead of going down, go back to the world map, skip 7 turns, and
head back in, passing the first and second levels, going into the
third. Doing this puts a nice big hole in your resources, mainly ale
which you need the most as it takes 2 ale per turn, and therefore
goes the quickest. When I did this the first time, I stupidly used
up the potion on the first level, and ended up going two turns
without enough resources for my team, and they almost deserted me.

Third level
Wolfriders level 1 x3
Wolfriders level 3 x3
Orcs level 1 x3
Orcs level 3 x3
Umshak One Tooth, Orc Cheiftain level 4
Normal battle, but have Crispin do Fire Balls on Umshak until he dies
and if you have any mana left over, use your mana how you wish, this
is the last battle here, you will be on the world map soon.

This is a good time to save, unless you feel like going through that
whole thing again. Use Crispin's Cauterize Wounds if you have mana
left, if not, click the turn button, and then do it on your next
turn. Rest until fully healed, taking out any Maurading Parties that
come to you. There will be a lot of Maurading Parties in this area,
but they're pretty weak. If you see the party with only two members
on the world map (not counting the inviduals, skeletons for example),
so long as you followed this guide all the way here, you can AutoCalc
them away. Once your ready, head east until you see the next cave.
-Crystal Cave
Trolls level 1 x3
Trolls level 2 x3
Rock Trolls level 7 x2
Rock, Orc Cheiftain level 4
Rock Trolls can take a serious beating, and they are of high level.
Have Crispin Fire Ball as much as she can to take out the Rock
Trolls. Four Fire Balls should be enough to kill one Rock Troll, so
when the other one arrives, ignore the rest, and have your Axe
Throwers Aimed Missle the other one, and the Flame's can take care
of any Trolls that sneak past your one-man blockade.

You now have three more Axe Throwers, woohoo! This will make battles
twice as easy, obviously, as now you have double the Axe Throwers.
The only problem is that these new guys are level 3, while your old
Axe Throwers should be about level 5. The strategy changes just a
little bit now. Have your level fives attack the higher leveled
enemies, and your level threes attack the lower leveled ones. Rest a
turn in the cave if you need to, and continue going east along the
road as is slightly curves southeast then bends up north for a
second, and keeps going east until you see the next cave.
-Troll Cave level 5
Trolls level 2 x6
Trolls level 3 x3
Rock Troll level 7 x1
Fire Ball the Rock Troll away, and take care of the Trolls the normal

Rest to full health and continue along the road heading east. Before
long you should spot yet another cave.
-Troll Cave level 5
Trolls level 2 x6
Trolls level 3 x3
Rock Troll level 7 x1
Dejavu? The place is the same, so do the same as you did last time!

To the east (I'm getting kinda tired of saying east...) is a cave,
disguised as a village. Save here and enter.
-Earth Village
Goblin Archers level 3 x3
Wolfriders level 4 x3
Wolves level 3 x6
Orcs level 3 x3
Orcs level 4 x3
Scar, Orc Cheiftan level 4
Azzoralk, Orc Cheiftan level 4
This battle's enemies are oddly placed, and to your disadvantage.
There are 3 Wolfriders very far to the right side, to where you
don't see them until they're in your face. Luckily, I'm here to tell
you these sort of things, so now you know. Have your Dwarven Warrior
go in front of the statue, in a place where he can block most of the
on-coming enemies in the southwest, and have him parry. Place your
Axe Throwers on the left side of the statue, and have your Flames go
on the right, waiting for the ambushing Woldriders. Crispin should
Flame Arrow the big group in the southwest twice to cause the most

Once that is over, you now have 3 Dwarven Infantry's and a Man-Beast
named Grendel. I suggest you set up your party so that the Axe
Throwers are with your Dwarven Warrior, and the rest are with Crispin
as she needs physical defense, and your Axe Throwers are your main

You are depositied near the sea, and now it's time to proceed. Heal
if you need to, and then head north. You will see a village just a
bit northeast from the one you were in last. Enter here. If you can
afford it, build a Barracks, if not, just wait a little longer and
you will be able to. A bit north of here, is another village.
-Death Village
Rock Troll level 7 x1
Scar, Orc Cheiftan level 7
B'Elar-nik, Dark Warrior level 7
There are only three targets, so it will be better to use Fire Ball
instead of Flame Arrows.

Now you have earned yourself a lot of spoils, including enough to
make a barracks if you didn't before, and enough to train 2 boats.
Do that now, and board the boats. Even though the Special Rules For
This Quest says you can't receive any followers... well, it lied, and
good thing too, because it would really suck having to hire two boats
for this trip. Set sail following the river and you will come to a
large octopus like creature who is very hungry... offer him a gift of
Grendel, and he will gladly accept and let you pass.

Once you are past him, sail north and go right on top of the ground,
as far north as you can. Select all your units, and disembark the
boat. The boats are of no more use to you, so discharge them. In
case you don't know how, I will tell you. I had some trouble finding
out myself. Double-click on the brown part where it shows their life
bar, and that will bring up their stats. Discharge them both to save
yourself 2 ale per turn.

Equip Crispin with the life potion, cast Cauterize Wounds, rest one
turn, an head north. Enter the small break in the abstructing rocks,
and a little further north is your last battle. You might want to
save just in case.
-Ice Drake
Legendary Creature level 15 x1
This battle is so much easier than it looks. Remember all those
tactics I told you to use? Forget about them. This is the final
battle, no need to be conservative. Send all your melee attackers in
to take on the Ice Drake, and have your Axe Throwers Aimed Missle it.
As for Crispin, have her Fire Ball the Ice Drake all she can.
Sometimes, the Ice Drake decides to have Crispin for lunch, and you
can't do anything about it, this is why you have the healing potion.
After she has used all her Fire Balls, run away. The potion will
help in case she seems scrumptous to the Ice Drake, who will ignore
all the incoming axes, and beatings from all around, to solely focus
on Crispin. Even if you kill the Ice Drake, if Crispin dies, you
lost. Hence the save file.

Congradulations, you have completed the Fire Quest, and restored the
flow of lava from Mt. Etrnln!

Death Quest
Coming soon!

Order Quest
Coming soon!

Earth Quest
Coming soon!

"Fifth Quest"
This is the secret quest that you can access by clicking the center
of the circle where you pick your faith. It was put here to show
thanks to the Germans who helped in the making of this game.

Coming soon!

Lords of Magic Walkthrough
I put this section second because, like I stated earlier, it's the
same as Lords of Magic (as far as I know) and there are already
guides for this section. It's mainly the Quests that people have
trouble with.

Faith Analysis
Coming soon!

Normal or Custom?
Coming soon!

General Tips
Coming soon!

What I Did
Coming soon!

Artifact List
This is a list of every Artifact, what it does, and how many barter
points they cost.

-Completed list on next update.

Spell List
Here is a list of all the spells, their cost, and what they do.

Air Spells
Costs 2 mana.
Deals 3 + 1/2 level points of damage to a single target.

Poison Cloud
Costs 8 mana.
Deals 2 damage every 4 seconds. Max of 40 points of damage. If
user's level is greater than 3, it will affect a radius of 1. If
user's level is greater than 7, it will affect a radius of 2.

Costs 3 mana.
Target moves at half speed.

Cone of Cold
Costs 6 mana.
Deals 3 + 1/3 level points of damage to anyone in the area of effect.

Costs 6 mana.
If caster's level is greater than the target's level by 3, then the
target cannot move or attack.

Chain Lightning
Costs 10 mana.
Deals 3 + 1/2 level damage to any unit in area of effect.

Costs 2 mana.
Target's speed is increased by 50%

Essence of the Wisp
Costs 2 mana.
Target gains +3 desterity and +50% resistance to all earth damaging

Guardian Wings
Costs 4 mana.
+50% missile resistance.

Cloud of War
Costs 4 mana.
Gives unit +3 armor.

Lightning Charge
Costs 8 mana.
+3 attack. If struck deals 3 + 1/3 caster's level damage.

Costs 2 mana.
Party gains 15% overland walking speed.

Costs 4 mana.
Targets a capitol. +1 ale prodution per turn.

Costs 4 mana.
Targets a party. -4 movement points, deals 2 + 1/2 level damage.

Costs 4 mana.
Affects a location. Turns land into Tundra.

Teleport Artifact
Costs 3 mana.
All unwielded artifacts will be teleported to the first unit in
selected party.

Dispel Magic
Costs 3 mana.
If caster's level +2 is greater than original caster's level, spell
is cancelled.

Ether Gauze
Costs 3 mana.
Party gains +1 hp per turn when not moving. Lasts 3 turns.

Costs 4 mana.
Targets an area. Reveals any Fire, Chaos, or Death units in the area
of effect. Reveals terrain as well.

Detect Earth
Costs 8 mana.
Location of every earth unit within an area of 20 tiles is revealed.

Life Spells
Spirit Arrow
Costs 2 mana.
Deals 3 + 1/2 level damage to target.

Costs 6 mana.
Life Units: +2 attack, +2 ranged attack, +1 defense. Other Units: -2
attack. Death Units: -2 attack permanatly.

Turn Undead
Costs 4 mana.
Affects all undead units in battle. Deals 3 times caster's level

Ray of Hope
Costs 8 mana.
Affects all enemies within area of damage. Deals 4 + 1/4 level

Costs 2 mana.
+50% Missile resistance.

Cure Wounds
Costs 2 mana.
Heals 3 + 1/3 level hp.

Costs 4 mana.
3 + 1/3 level bonus to target's armor.

Costs 4 mana.
Gains 1-4 times level hp.

Costs 4 mana.
+1 hp every 3 seconds. Max of 20 hp.

Holy Visit
Costs 8 mana.
Friendly units heal 4 + 1/4 level hp. Enemy units: -2 attack.

Commune With Nature
Costs 2 mana and remaining movement points.
Gain 3 + 1/3 level sight radius.

Holy Enchantment
Costs 2 mana.
Targets a capitol. Gain 1 + 1/3 level fame per turn.

Costs 4 mana.
Targets a capitol. +1 sight radius, max of 3.

Costs 4 mana.
+25% overland movement for target party.

Create Plain
Costs 8 mana.
Location turned to meadow.

Purify Wounds
Costs 2 mana.
+3 hp per turn, when not moving, for three turns.

Teleport Artifact
Costs 5 mana.
All unwielded artifacts are sent to the first person in target's

Dispel Magic
Costs 4 mana.
If caster's level +2 is greater than original caster's level, spell
is cancelled.

Detect Death
Costs 8 mana.
All Death units within a 20 tile radius are revealed.

Costs 12 mana.
Brings dead unit back to life. Gains 4 + 1/2 level hp.

Order Spells
Righteous Bolt
Costs 2 mana.
Deals 3 + 1/3 level points of damage to target.

Righteous Cause
Costs 4 mana.
Target gains +4 attack, +2 ranged attack, and + 1 armor.

Costs 6 mana.
Deals 3 + 1/3 damage to all units in area of effect.

Summon Spirit Warrior
Costs 9 mana.
Summons a Spirit Warrior for the duration of the battle.

Costs 10 mana.
If caster's level is greater than target's level by 3, target becomes
under your control until the end of the battle. Target dies at the
end of the battle. Cannot target a unit if the unit is the last in
it's party.

Costs 2 mana.
Caster's party gains +1 attack.

Costs 2 mana.
Caster's party gains +1 defense.

Reflection Shield
Costs 4 mana.
+50% missile resistance to target.

Heroic Demise
Costs 8 mana.
+6 to all combat stats. Unit dies at the end of battle.

Costs 10 mana.
+2 attack, +2 ranged attack, + 2 defense for all friendly units.

Falcon's Eye
Costs 2 mana and remaining movement points.
3+ 1/3 level sight radius to caster.

Forced March
Costs 2 mana.
+30% overland movement.

Costs 4 mana.
+1 additional resource of each type per turn.

Watch Tower
Costs 4 mana.
Targets a capitol. +1 sight radius, max of 3.

Costs 8 mana.
Terrain turned into a plain.

First Aid
Costs 2 mana.
+2 hp per turn when not moving, for three turns.

Teleport Artifact
Costs 7 mana.
All unwielded artifacts are sent to the first person in target's

Dispel Magic
Costs 4 mana.
If caster's level plus 2 is greater than original caster's level,
spell is cancelled.

Detect Chaos
Costs 4 mana.
All Chaos units within 20 tiles is revealed.

Costs 4 mana.
Reveals any Earth, Death, or Fire units in the area. Reveals terrain
as well.

-Completed list on next update.

For the everyday cheater. I advise against using codes, as this may
cause problems in your game involving random crashes. However, I
will still provide them because I have been known to cheat a lot in
the past, and I know how fun it is to have 50 parties of nine dragons
destroying the whole world in one turn... ahem, here are the codes.

To access the box where you put the code in, type CTRL+C whilst in
the game.



Every Spell:
all spells

1000 Walk spaces (can be used again when it runs out to give infinite
go far

There is also a glitch where you can have infinite barter points,
here is how you do it.

When you go into the custom screen, purchase the most expensive
artifact you can afford. Then put the artifact back in the selection
tray. Save the game, and then load it. Your artifact should still
be in your purchased artifact bar, and you have your original amount
of barter points. Sell the artifact, and you get the amount of
barter points that artifact was worth. Repeat the process until you
have as many barter points as you want. Using this, you can earn
enough max your Lord's level, buy all spells, buy every artifact,
start with your Capitol and Great Temple, have a full army of max
leveled units... anything.

When people start asking me questions, they will go here.

Contact Info
Do's and Don'ts of sending me e-mails:

-Send requests for help on something not covered in my FAQ, or
something not clearly stated enough in my FAQ.

-Send suggestions to make this FAQ better.

-Send contructive criticism (i.e. Your FAQ sucks, but it would be
good if you did this...)

-Tell me of major spelling errors.

-Tell me of horribly wrong information.

-Be polite when speaking to me.

-You may request this FAQ to be put on your site with my permission.

-Praise me on the amazing job I did ^.^

-Send hate mail

-Tell me that I spelled something like Bye instead of By.

-Send chain letters, I don't care if I break the chain my entire
family will be submited to unimaginable torture. Nor will the love
of my life suddenly reject me and stick a knife in my back. Get over

-Send advertisements. I don't want to buy anything, if I did I would
find it on my own, without your help. No I don't want to donate to
some place, I've donated things before, and all I get are people
filling my mailbox with letters saying they want more. No, I don't
want to make my "thing" any bigger. No, I don't want any kind of
free pictures to somewhere I will have to pay for. Nor do I want any
for somewhere I don't have to pay for either. Just don't send any!

-Be rude, annoying, mean, abnoxious, or anything related, when
sending me an e-mail.

My e-mail address is zornus@cs.com feel free to e-mail me about
anything listed in the "Do's" or perhaps something else that you do
not think will make me mad at you and block your e-mail for as long
as I live. I also use AIM, but I use the Block All Accept feature,
so send me an e-mail with your AIM, and I will add and unblock you.

Special Thanks

-I don't think CjayC gets enough praise for this site, even though he
is mentioned in every single FAQ ^.^

-I'd like to thank Siera for making this great game that not enough
people know about (spread the word!). I'd also like to thank Sierra
for posting those mini-guides for the quests, that have partial
solutions that helped me get started to completing these quests so
that I could give you all the full walkthroughs.

-I'd like to thank you the reader for reading this.

-I'd like to thank myself for actually writing this thing!

Hope you all liked it, enjoy!

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17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

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Trainer für die deutsche Version von LoM SE

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Beliebte Cheats
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