Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver

Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver

16.10.2013 16:03:10
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Extras
Version 1.0
by Amar Kishan on 9/5/99

This guide has the locations of all the health power ups, Eldritch power ups,
glyphs, and the fire forge. It also has tips on enemies and bosses, warp gates,
and has the locations of some Easter eggs I have found. I hope you enjoy the
guide. If you wish to use this guide for any purposes (other than use for
help), please email me first. My email address is amar_kishan@hotmail.com.
Also email me if you by chance have anything to add. This guide is not to be
reproduced in anyway without my permission first. This guide is copyright 1999
Amar Kishan.

--------------------------- VERSION HISTORY
.5-First version
.7-Thanks to a tip from a reader, I located the final (actually, #2) Eldritch
Power up.
1.0-Obtained the final pie pieces, added Fire Reaver, Stone Glyph, Sunlight
Glyph, Warp Gates, easter egg 3
A.) Vampires
Location: Underworld, Sanctuary of the Clans, Tomb of the Serafan, Pillars Area,
Fire Glyph Area, Snow Fortress (Dumah)
Attacks: Short range attacks
Strategy: The most common vampire in Nosgoth is the Dumahim vampire. They have
no special attributes or skills, and are easy to dispatch.

Location: Castle of the Dead (Melciah), Nupraptor's Retreat (Stone Glyph
Attacks: Short range attacks, tunneling
Strategy: Only found in the Cemetery Castle and Nupraptor's Retreat, these
vampires can tunnel through the ground and rise up behind you. They are still
easily dispatched with a spear or torch, although they have a bit more stamina
than the Dumahim.

Location: Silenced Cathedral
Attacks: Long range attacks, wall crawling
Strategy: These vampires are hard. The good part is that their lunge attack
leaves them open to attacks, and they have very little stamina. Do not rely on
your Soul Reaver to dispatch these foes; instead, use a spear or a torch. Since
there are very little elemental hazards (i.e. fire, water, spikes) in the
Silenced Cathedral, you can't kill these guys without a weapon.

Location: Tomb of Serafan, Oracle Caves (Kain), Valley of Sunlight (Sun Glyph)
Attacks: Short range attacks, Force projectiles
Strategy: The toughest vampires in all of Nosgoth, these demons, unlike the
Rahabim, can aim their force projectiles at you up or down. Their physical
attacks are very strong, and they are agile.

Location: Drowned Abbey
Attacks: Short range attacks, fireballs
Strategy: These snake-like vampires are immune to water. You'll have to take
them out one at a time, since they can snipe at you from distances with their
B.) Humans
Location: Human City
Attacks: none
Strategy: Suck their souls or kill them with any weapon.

Vampire Hunters
Location: Human City, Castle of the Dead, Silenced Cathedral
Attacks: Flame (flame-throwers), stab (crossbow), shoot (crossbow)
Strategy: Beat them with your claws, weapons, Reaver, or projectile.

Location: Silenced Cathedral
Attacks: Knife throw, stab
Strategy: Very strong. These worshippers are easily dispatched with any weapon.

Location: Silenced Cathedral
Attacks: Stab
Strategy: Strong, but easier then the Novitiates.

Melciah: Castle of the Dead
Attacks: Physical attack, phasing through gates
Strategy: This is the third strongest boss in the game, attack power wise. Do
not hit him, or he will hit back very strongly. He also exists on the spectral
plane, while phasing through gates, and can send you back to the Elder's Lair if
you aren't careful.
To defeat him, enter the lever rooms on either side (high jump over the
grayish areas to the sides of the gates to get in) and pull the lever. As your
baby brother crawls in, let the lever go, smashing the gate and crushing
Melciah. Once both gates are destroyed, a crank will appear. High-jump into
the central cage, and as Melciah begins to phase through the gates, leap out and
pull the crank. This will crush the boss.

Kain: Pillars of Nosgoth
Attacks: Soul Shot
Strategy: The strongest boss in the entire game (you can only get four powerups
before him), Kain's shots will kill you in one hit. He is frustrating, but
their are no puzzles here. To defeat him, simply leap up to him while he is
glowing blue/charging, and strike him. Striking him thrice will defeat him (for
now). However, Kain's Soul Shot can hit you wherever you are on the screen.
The only safe spot is this: Stand next to the throne, and when he fires, step
behind. If you are lucky, the beam will not trace you. This works with the
other Kain encounter as well. On the Spectral Plane, you will face a vampire

Zephon: Silenced Cathedral
Attacks: Three punches, biting attack
Strategy: Zephon is not as strong as Melciah, as you can easily have increased
your health capacity before reaching him. However, he is best fought with the
Soul Reaver in hand, so expect to do some shifting:) The enemies on the
spectral plane are Vampire Wraiths.
To defeat this vampire, make him swipe at you. One of his punching
attacks is a hind-leg (brown) slice, another is the fore-leg (gray) punch, and
the third is the hind-leg stab. This stab attack is accompanied by a digging
sound, and this is the key to killing him. When his leg is stuck in the ground
"digging" hit it with the Soul Reaver to destroy it. Zephon will howl and drop
an orb (cocoon?) from his abdomen. Grab it and QUICKLY run to the back and it
will light on fire. Aim it at Zephon and throw it. If you do not move fast
enough, or miss, the orb will pop. If you run out of legs to chop (there are
four), then hit his abdomen to get an orb. Do this till he dies (three hits).

Turelim Vampire (This can't be Turel because you fight others like this later):
Tomb of the Serafan
Attacks: Physical attack (drains power), force projectile
Strategy: I really doubt this is Turel. Not only is he weak (he should be the
strongest Clan Leader next to Raziel), there is no significant dialogue. But
gathering you never fight Turel anywhere else, this must be him... Anyway, he
is very easy, although he has a decent attack (which drains your power) and his
force projectile can shoot you off the ledge, but you need no weapons or
strategy to kill him! Just beat him up how you would anyone else, and finish
him by throwing him in the water or dissolving him with the Reaver. On the
spectral plane, you'll have to fight a vampire wraith.

Rahab: Drowned Abbey
Attacks: Physical attack, fireball
Strategy: Rahab isn't to strong, but he can knock you off your pillar, and dive
onto you if you move or attack him.
To defeat Rahab, leap up the spiral-like pathway of pillars leading to the
planar portal. Now shift to the spectral. After the scene, find and destroy
the 12(?) stained glass windows in the room using your force projectile. It can
all be done from one pillar.

Dumah: Snow Fortress
Attacks: Physical attack (drains power), Stomp, Constrict
Strategy: Dumah is supposedly the strongest (best warrior) clan leader. He does
have some nasty attacks. While his physical attacks do not hurt much, his other
attacks are unique and equally frustrating. His stomp attack will stop you in
your tracks while Dumah runs towards you. Constrict will badly hurt you, but it
is extremely hard to get hit by it.
To kill Dumah, go close to the body. Tear out the spears impaling him and
watch the cutscene. This will make you want to kill him (Dumah was the one who
threw Raziel into the Abyss). To do this, you must tromp through his Snow
Fortress, luring Dumah to follow you. To do this, shoot him at intervals if he
seems to not be moving. Lead him all the way to the furnace room, and run up
the ramp leading to the wheel. Turn it, but beware. Dumah knows what you're
trying to do and follows you here. After turning on the gas, climb the other
ramp and pull the lever to burn Dumah.

Kain: Oracle Caves
Attacks: Soul Shot #2
Strategy: The second strongest boss in the game (since you should be able to get
15 health powerups before facing him) is the second Kain. He has a same overall
strategy, (teleporting to different areas and shooting you) but is weaker and
his shots are easier to dodge. Also, a health fountain lies in the center of
the rooms. Kain's shots won't kill you, and if they do, the two vampire wraiths
shouldn't be a problem. To dodge Kain's shots, get near one of the partitions
on the level he is on (1, 2, or 3). When the shot is fire, quickly step behind
the partition and the shot will miss. To kill Kain, simply hit him three times.
Each time you hit him with the Reaver, he will turn a dial and go up one level.
After hitting him on the third level, you defeat Kain.
Health Power ups

1. After defeating Melciah and leaving the inner stronghold, leap into the lake
(it will be raining here). Follow the underwater path and phase through one of
the gates (one leads to the force glyph, the other holds a visible pie piece).

2.) On the way to the Pillars, you can pick up a nifty pie piece near Raziel's
stronghold. Warp to his territory, and exit into the huge courtyard. Several
levels down, you should see a raised gate to your left, with a pie piece inside.
Across this level is a statue like object. Pull it over to the raised gate.
Morph into the spectral plane, then mount the statue and phase through the gate.
Collect the pie piece.

3.) On the way to the pillars, you will need to phase through a gate in the
sanctuary of the clans. There is a pie piece right there.

4.) On the way to the Silenced Cathedral, in the room where you fought your
first vampires, there is a lake. Falling in it, and phasing through the gate
will net you a pie piece.

5.) In the Silenced Cathedral, before taking the second air lift, there is a
path that leads to a block puzzle. Behind that path is a huge domelike
structure. Solve the block puzzle to net you the pie piece inside the dome.

6.) Outsied of the Elder's Lair, when you findyour first portal, there is a
scalable wall (0ne of the large mountable pillars). Climb it to get a nice
power piece.

7.) Return to the Castle of the Dead and go to the lake. Leap across the blocks
and turn and face the left wall. Jump onto the greyish portion and climb the
wall for a nice pie piece.

8.) Once you have the Force Projectile, return to Nupraptor's Retreat, and
follow the path until you reach the outer terrace (past a room full of arches).
Jump to the torch-lit ledge, and follow the path down a bit. Now turn and
locate an opposite ledge with a pie piece on it (you can't reach it yet). Shoot
the block with the Force Projectile symbol on it, and then jump to that area.
Climb the grey wall and follow the path to a pie piece.

9.) In the human's city (inner area), there is a shallow water way (you can walk
on it). Face the waterfall that makes this rivulet, and jump on it. You can
climb this wall portion all the way up to a pie piece.

10.) In the human city, there is a large ravine filled with water with no bridge
leading across it. It leads into a cave. Jump across the ravine and turn the
wheel near the wall. This stops the water. Leap down and follow the path
(phase through the gate, and go past the fountain) to get a pie piece.

11.) In the human city, follow the path you di to get to the water glyph (or or
doing right now). When you see two pillars going into a doorway, turn around
and face the other wall. Jump on it, and climb the wall that leads to a health

12.) Once you can swim, return to the Silenced Cathedral. Jump into the lake in
front of it, and swim to the left, and follow the path until you can leap out of
the water. Climb the wall (grayish) that leads to a health power up.

13.) Once you can constrict, return to Dumah's Snow Fortess. Take the alternate
path before Dumah to asnowy courtyard with a statue. When you get near it, it
says "Constrict objects by circling them". Turn this object to the opposite
wall and go in the door. Butcher the two Turelim super vampires and take the
pie piece.

14.) Once you can Constrict objects, return to the tower that you passed through
on the way to the Castle of the Dead. There is a switch you can pull (you did
this on your way through here). Constrict the dial. You'll notice the bridge
was raised in the previous area. Pulling the switch will lower a bridge in the
direction which the dial points. One area holds a health power up.

15.) In the Drowned Abbey, there is a room that has four paths, including the
one you enter it from. In the center is a large corkscrew. Use Constrict on it
to drain the pool, than leap in. Pull out one of the blocks to reveal a health
bonus inside, the other holds glyph refill.

Eldritch Power ups
Once you have all Glyphs and all triangles, you will have 52 glyph points.

1.) Upon receiving the Soul Reaver, return to Melciah's stronghold. Leap across
the lake and enter the crypt. Butcher the vampire and hit the tomb with the
Soul Reaver. The crypt will open up. Leap down and stab the door again. Then
collect the power up.

2.) After recieving the Force Projectile, return to the Silenced Cathedral. At
the room with the first airlift, take the airlift and soar onto the grates (you
came here on your first visit). There is a grey scalable wall here. Climb it
and enter the hallway. Take the left branch of the tunnel and follow it to a
window. Shatter this with your Projectile and continue through. Turn left, and
collect the triangle.

3.) After learning to swim, warp to the Rahabim Warp Gate. Instead of going to
the Drowned Abbey, return to the boat area. Jump into the water and swim
northward, avoiding the Rahabim vampires. Soon, you will make your way into a
giant chapel like structure. Near the top is an Eldritch Energy triangle.

4.) In the Human's City, climb the wall specified above (number 6, health power
ups). From this wall, jump across to the facing terrace-like ledge. Now jump
to the arch to the left of the climbable wall. From here jump to the next arch,
and continue doing so till you see the arch with a switch inside. Leap to this
arch and trigger the switch. This will open a door below. Enter the door and
follow the path past the vampire hunters. Climb the wall and get the Eldritch
power up.

5.) Once you can Constrict objects, return to the tower that you passed through
on the way to Melciah's stronghold. There is a switch you can pull (you did
this on your way through here). Constrict the dial. Each time you do this, you
can lower a drawbridge in a different area. One area holds a Eldritch triangle.
Go inside, and solve the block puzzle. to this, you need to make a three block
tower, and position it one to two spaces in from of the pedestal. Then leap
onto the pedestal, jump onto the tower, and jump to grab the ledge. Collect the
--------------------------- GLYPHS
Force Glyph: Castle of the Dead
To get the Force Glyph, return to the lake in the center of the Castle of the
Dead. Jump in, and when you reach a gate (follow the path), phase through it.
Follow the long path to the Force Glyph altar. Here, push over each pillar to
get this glyph and 2 glyph points.

Stone Glyph: Nupraptor's Retreat
Once you can scale walls, return to the lake in the Castle of the Dead, jump in
the lake and follow the path to the left out of the water. Shift into the
material plane, then scale the gray wall to reach the ruins of Nupraptor's
Retreat. Climb through the skull's eye, and follow the path till you reach a
large open room with a log right in front of you. Jump on this log, and then
the ledge. Now shift planes, and turn to face the next log. Jump on this, and
follow it to a ledge. Jump from this ledge to the next and plane shift. Now
jump onto the log above you, then onto the next log above that. Follow the log
up the staircase and jump to the facing ledge. Jump up one level and follow the
path into a room with many pillars. Follow this room out onto a terrace. Jump
from here to the torch-lit ledge and follow the path. Open the door and follow
the path down until you see alarge room in front of you. Jump onto the left
ledge to find a hidden block. Pull it down and shove it into the room. You now
have all you need to solve the biggest block puzzle in Soul Reaver (another
mural one). Once you have solved it, you can get the stone glyph from the

Sound Glyph. Silenced Cathedral
Return to the Silenced Cathedral with the Force Projectile. Jump into the first
airlift, but don't glide. When you hit the bottom grate, look around for a
passageway. Follow this until you see a ledge ahead of you that has a rectangle
of grayish wall in it. Climb the grayish patch and shatter the window. Now
continue through, and phase through the gate. When you reach a large room, find
a portal and shift. Now grab the golden club and run next to one of the huge
pillars. Aim the club into one of the crevices (alcoves?) on either side of the
room, and throw it. If it makes it, good. If not, try again. When you got it
up there, run back to the entrance to the room and scale the walls. Switch
planes and leap to the pillar. Now shift back. The club will be in one of the
alcoves, but ignore it. Instead, shatter the stained glass window from the
thrid or second pillar. Then get the club and throw it through the hole.
Switch planes and jump there. Find the portal and shift back. Pick up the
club, and use it to ring the steel bell you will find. This will net you the
Sound Glyph.

Water Glyph: Human City
In the Human City, there is a large moat spanned by a bridge (there is a lady
around here). Jump in the moat and find a grate. Shatter it with your force
shot and swim through all the way up this narrow tube. You will shortly reach a
huge effigy, head past it into a door. Here, find the block (looks different),
and pull it all the way to the waterfall here. Now push it down. Leap down as
well, in push the block into the hole. Return to the effigy for the glyph.

Fire Glyph: Grave of Fire
Once you can swim and have the Fire Reaver, warp to Razielim Head-Quarters, and
follow the path you took to get to the Castle of the Dead. On the way, you'll
see a path to the left that is submerged. Swim in it, and when you have the
chance to swim up, do so. You'll emerge in a place with a huge red banner
mounted on a pillar, the Grave of Fire. Take the left door to a courtyard with
two Dumahim vampires. Butcher them, then run to the crank. Turn it, then plane
shift. Run through the doors and jump into an area with spike bowls etc. Plane
shift again, then turn the crank to open the gate. Exit through the gate then
take the other wooden door. Go into the room, and shift into the spectral.
Jump to the nearest pillar, then follow the stair case formation up to a bowl of
fire. Make the Fire Reaver, then head back to the room with spike bowls. Go
through to the large Ifrit Statue. Ligh the bowl with your Reaver. You now
have the Fire Glyph.

Sunlight Glyph: Valley of Sunlight
Warp back to the Silecned Cathedral and jump into the moat. Pass through the
gate to the right and follow the path to a portal. Now swim up and jump onto a
ledge. From here, jump onto the copper tower, then onto another ledge, then to
the camp fire, and finally to the facin ledge. Highjump to the ledge above, and
do so again. Follow the path through the door. When you get to a ledge, jump
to the lighthouse area and dispatch the Turelim vampire. Take the doorway into
a valley. Climb down this ledge until you find a wooden door (the one in the
cinema). Enter and follow the path until you reach a large room with a wheel in
the center. Kill the Turelim vampire, and then jump onto the wheel. From here,
proceed to jump up the vents until you find a block. Shove it off onto the
ground. Now return to the ground. Pull the block in front of the opening in
the wheel closest to th crank. Now pull the crank. Retrun to the block and
shove it into the hole when you can. If you have done it right, the burners
above the crank have been lit permanently. Exit the room and follow the ledge
downward, past the second door. Jump across the copper plattforms into the
copper tower. Follow the spiraling patth to a doorway. Once you enter, you
will see that broken ropeways lead down this room. Jump down into the bottom,
and quickly kill the Turelim vampire. Open the door and follow the path till
you reach a rotating wheel with a triangular opening. Run through it, then
shift into the spectral plane and walk through all the other trinagular openings
until you reacha portal. Shift back and open the door. Follow the path until
you reach a big copper room with a wheel. Jump into a pit and use the blocks to
connect the two pipes. The only trick is to use the two-hole pipe only in the
intersection. When you are done, jump out of the pit and follow the pipe into
an alley. Turn the wheel to start a giant machine. Now go back to wheel, and
go to the area to it's right. The pipes are now blowing out steam. Glide over
the first jet of steam onto the second one and onto the third one. Then jump
onto the crunching structure and onto the walkway. Follow this path to a door.
You are now in a room with three pistons. Avoid the holes in the floor and make
your way to the back of the room. Jump into the left hole and you should end up
near the first rotating wheel (with a triangle opening). Return to the valley.
The light hose is now operational. Head back to the ledge, and go to the lower
wooden door. Follow the path to the Sunlight Altar. a beam of sunlight will
pass through the window. The next time this happens, shift to the spectral
plane and grab the glyph card.
--------------------------- FIRE FORGE
The fire forge is found in the Drowned Abbey. Once you can swim, return
to the chapel area where you had to jump from rafter to rafter. Swim around
till you find the chapel door. Force it open with your projectile, and swim
through this path. Shortly, you will come across a staine-glass window. Bust
it open with your projectile and continue through this path. This leads to a
fire spout. Swing your Reaver through it to get the Fire Reaver.
1.) Elder's Lair
2.) Sanctuary of the Clans
3.) Razielim Head Quarters
4.) Castle of the Dead
5.) Human City
6.) Silenced Cathedral: Outer Area
7.) Silenced Cathedral: Before Zephon
8.) Nupraptor's Retreat
9.) Tomb of the Serafan
10.) Drowned Abbey
11.) Valley of Sunlight
12.) Dumah's Snow Fortress
13.) Labyrinth of Nosgoth
14.) Oracle's Cave
1.) In Nupraptor's Retreat, there is an invisible object that can be
constricted. I have yet to find a use...

2.) The game says no load times, right? Well, once lots of Rahabim vampires
have hatched in the Drowned Abbey, running around will sometimes cause the
message "Streaming" to show. The point? None:)

3.) In Nupraptor's Retreat, before the outer terrace, inside a room full of
pillars, shift into the spectral plane. Jump onto the shrunken ledge, follow it
to the left, and jump onto the bigger ledge. From here, jump onto the scaffold
to the right, and onto the alcove. Shift into the material plane. If you jump
from scaffold to scaffold across this room, you will end up on a ledge with
nothing on it. Could this be Turel's Chamber????
PSM Magazine: I got the location of health power up # 14 from here.

Jeff : Gave me the info I needed to find the #2
Eldritch power up and thereby get 52 glyph points. Also found health piece #11.

: Found 2 health pieces for me, #6 and #7.

Eidos/Crystal Dynamics: Made the best action/adventure game

This guide is copyright 1999 Amar Kishan, and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver is
copyright 1999 Eidos/Crystal Dynamics. This guide is not official. Do not
distribute or upload at all without my permission. This guide cannot be
reproduced in any way without my permission.

Copyright 1999 Amar Kishan.

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