Planescape: Torment

Planescape: Torment

16.10.2013 05:47:01
Magic List
Planescape: Torment Magic List, version 1.0 (last mod 23.4.2003)
Copyright Kizor Nerdbringer / Miikka Ryökäs, 2003
Modification of this file or using it outside
and Sorcerer's Place without permission from the author is denied.
If you want to, ask. Comments are welcomed and can be sent to, which will cease to exist within a year or
so, or, which is full of junk mail.


Preliminary babble

The manual of Baldur's Gate had a list of magic spells one can expect
to encounter in the game. It came in handy. Planescape: Torment had
a rather more brief manual, which lacked - among other things -
a magic list you can call one without guffawing.

So, to make up for this shortcoming, it's *drum roll* ...
The Planescape: Torment Magic List, where one can look up
spells simply, easily and without risking running into spoilers.

The spells are sorted first by type, then by level,
then by alphabetical order. Mage spells that do not have a
description at all are considered level ?, which comes after level 9.
Any info about the spells I missed is, of course, appreciated.
Descriptions of the missing spells will be added to the guide
with full credit given to their sender.

Of course the Nameless One, with his memory problems, would not know
of these spells. But neither would a young foster child of Gorion
living in Candlekeep, come to that.

Thanks to:

- Jeroen te Strake for the eight missing spell descriptions. Thanks!

- Dan Simpson, an expletive deleted good FAQ writer
and maker of a complete FAQ and walkthrough for the game,
which was really useful in tracking down some of the spells.

(For questions about the nick, see the Space
Quest 1 Death List by the same author.)


The actual list


Level 1

Range: 0
Duration: Until destroyed by damage
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

Physical attacks shall be better thwarted as
protection is granted to those who have none.

This spell grants an Armor Class of 6 to the target. It is culmulative with
Dexterity bonuses, but nothing else. The spell lasts until the wearer sustains
culmulative damage totaling more than 8 pts. + 1 /level of the caster.
Note that the armor does not absorb this damage; it only disintegrates after
that much damage has been inflicted on it.

Range: 90 ft. + 30 ft. / level
Duration: 60 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving throw: Neg.

How frail is the body when it depends upon its eyes! When sight is removed,
things become harder to hit, and the sufferer becomes an easier target.

If the targeted creature fails its saving throw, the creature will be struck
with blindness and suffer a -4 penalty to its attack rolls and a +4 bonus to
all opponents' attack rolls.

Chromatic Orb
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Special
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

Long are the debates about the pectrum of color in the multiverse. "This Blue
is better than Yellow!" "Pike it, berk! Of course White is the true color!" And
while in the end, many generally agree that a color's greatness is in the eye
of the beholder, this spell establishes the fact that some colors are deadlier
than others.

This summons a large, magical Orb of Color, which can then be hurled at a
target using the caster's normal Attack roll +3. The color of the Orb changes
depending on the caster's level.

Level: 1 White
Damge: 1-4 pts.
Special Power: 10 sec: -4 Attack, -4 S.T., +4 AC

Level: 2 Red
Damage: 1-6 pts.
Special Power: 10 sec: -1 Strength, -1 Dexterity

Level: 3 Orange
Damage: 1-8 pts.
Special Power: Additional 1-4 pts. of fire damage

Level: 4 Yellow
Damage: 1-10 pts.
Special Power: 10 sec: -4 Attack, -4 S.T., +4 AC

Level: 5 Green
Damage: 1-12 pts.
Special Power: Stun for 10-25 sec.

Level: 6 Turquoise
Damage: 2-8 pts.
Special Power: Unconscious for 10-25 sec.

Level: 7 Blue
Damage: 2-16 pts.
Special Power: Paralyzed for 30-100 sec.

Level: 10 Violet
Damage: Paralysis
Special Power: Petrification

Level: 12 Black
Damage: 4-40 pts.
Special Power: Paralysis for 10-40 sec.

Fist of Iron
Range: Caster
Duration: (5 seconds / level) + 5 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Nameless One only
Saving Throw: None

This spell gives the caster's fist the strength and durability
of iron, turning it into a living weapon. Any punches the
caster does will do more damage than normal.

This spell works only on the Nameless One. When cast, all his normal punch
attacks are +3 to hit and +6 to damage. The Nameless One cannot cast spells
while the Fist of Iron is in place.

Range: 0
Duration: 5-20 seconds + 5 sec. / level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: Special

One's charm, one's beauty and one's charisma is oftentimes the
key to gaining the trust of strangers and creating new friends.

When cast, the caster temporarily gains 2-8 points of Charisma, which could
be helpful in making new friends, or opening new paths.

Range: 1 Item
Duration: Instant
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Inventory usage only
Saving Throw: None

This spell reveals the mysteries of an enchanted object,
allowing you to know its exact abilities.

Magic Missile
Range: 80 ft. + (30 ft. / level)
Duration: Instant
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell shapes arcane energies into unerring missiles. The greater your
skill, the more missiles you can hurl from your body.

The spell summons a magical missile that strikes its target unerringly for 2-5
pts. of damage with no saving throw possible. In addition, the caster gains 1
extra missile every 2 levels, for a total of 5 missiles at level 9.

Minor Embalming
Range: 0
Duration: 30 minutes
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

Embalming preserves the flesh of the dead.... as such, this spell can preserve
the flesh of the Nameless One, mending tears, off-setting decay, and making
your skin more resilient to damage.

This spell works only on the Nameless One or any undead. When cast, the target
gains +2-8 temporary hit points and a temporary bonus of +1 AC for a half-hour.
The extra hit points behave exactly like an Aid spell... they will heal the
caster if he is less than max hit points or they will give him bonus hit
points for a half-hour.

Missile of Patience
Range: ?
Duration: ?
Speed: ?
Area of Effect: ?
Saving Throw: Special

"Could this spell be any more useless??!" cried Eelnek, mage of Amnar. The bane
of mages everywhere, could this be the practical joke of an arch-mage, or
living dis-proof of the old Prime Material axiom that "good things come to
those who wait"?

Range: 180 feet
Duration: 40 seconds + (5 seconds / level)
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 2-8 creatures (non-undead)
Saving Throw: None

Violence is not always the best solution. This spell seeks to quell
the boiling blood, the anger and malice through peaceful means.

As per the name, this spell will magically pacify 2-8 creatures of 6 HD or less
in the area of effect; this affects all types of creatures except for undead.
When cast, creatures must immediately make a saving throw vs. spell. If they
fail, they stop all activities that require any exertion, involving arguments,
combat, etc. From here, the affected creatures will fall into a deep slumber.
The affected creatures will remain in this state for the duration of the spell
if left unharmed. If attacked, they automatically gain a new saving throw to
try and break the spell.

Reign of Anger
Gith Spell
Range: 40 ft. + (15 ft. / level)
Duration: Instant
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

Zerthimon's teachings allows the channeling of anger into streams of unerring
missiles that quickly strike those that oppose you.

This spell summons a magical missile that strikes its target unerringly for
3-6 pts. of damage with no saving throw possible. In addition, the caster
gains 1 extra missile every 2 levels, for a total of 5 missiles at level 9.

Scripture of Steel
Gith Spell
Range: 150 feet
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 50 feet cube
Saving Throw: None

One of the earliest teachings of Zerthimon, this incantation reflects what
*knowing* that flesh yields to steel achieves: bestowing a greater advantage
to strike and the strength to resist damage.

Scripture of Steel grants +1 to hit and +1 to saves to all creatures that are
"Friendly" to PC in a 50 feet radius from the casting point.

Seeking Flames
Ignus' Spell
Range: 180 feet
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 50 feet radius
Saving Throw: None

As the maintainer of life, fire is a true blessing. Yet as it warms, it also
burns; while it is blessing, it is also a curse. Its schorching flames distract
and weaken all enemies who succumb to its effects.

The Seeking Flames grant all enemy targets in a 50-ft. radius, -1 to Attacks
and -1 to their saving throws for 30 seconds.

Range: 10 feet
Duration: 25 sec. / level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell summons a globe of force that protects
the caster from physical attacks.

When cast, a magical orb of protective energy arises and protects the recipient
from attacks from all directions. It bestows an AC 3 against all attacks and +1
to all Saving Throws for 25 seconds / level of the caster.

Submerge the Will
Gith Spell
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 12 sec. / level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

When the will is submerged, new strength is gained: The strength to endure
and protect against adversity. With *knowing* the teachings of the Third Circle
of Zerthimon, comes greater protection against all forms of attacks.

When cast, a magical orb of protective energy arises and protects the recipient
from attacks from all directions. It bestows an AC 2 against all attacks and +1
to all Saving Throws for 12 seconds / level of the caster.

Tongues of Flame
Ignus' Spell
Range: 80 ft. + (30 ft. / level)
Duration: Instant
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

The Flame scorches and burns. Its hatred arcs and
swirls as it strikes the enemy without error.

This spell summons a missile of flame that strikes its target unerringly for
2-5 pts. of magical fire damage with no saving throw possible. In addition,
the caster gains 1 extra missile every 2 levels, for a total of 5 missiles at
level 9.

Vilquar's Eye
Gith Spell
Range: 45 ft. + 15 ft. / level
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

Vilquar's Eye is branded upon the one who is foolish enough to cross the
caster. Vilquar's shortsightedness becomes the target's vision, and soon
the world is muddled and dark.

If the targeted creature fails its saving throw at -1 penalty, the creature
will be struck with blindness and suffer a -4 penalty to its attack rolls and
a +4 penalty to the target's AC.

Level 2

Adder's Kiss
Range: 150 feet
Duration: 5 seconds per 3 levels
Speed: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature

It is said an adder's kiss can scald even the most fearsome of fiends. This
spell calls forth an acidic bolt to shower an opponent with its vile green
acid. If the caster is skilled enough, the adder's kiss lingers after the
initial strike, continuing to sink into an opponent's skin with its acidic

When cast, the caster chooses any target within 150 ft. and the Adder's Kiss
will strike for 2-8 hit points of acid damage. For every three levels of the
caster, the acid lasts 5 seconds longer, inflicting another 2-8 points of acid
damage / 5 second segments.

Black-Barbed Curse
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

Ravel's maze seeks new fields in which to grow. This spell summons some of
the barbed seeds from the maze to burrow inside the target's flesh.

When cast, the player can select any target within 30 feet. When a target is
selected, the spell summons a swirling mass of black barbs that grow and burrow
into any target for 4-16 hit points of piercing physical damage.

Black-Barbed Shield (Thanks to Jeroen te Strake for this spell's description!)
Range: Self only
Duration: 10-30 seconds
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: Self only
Saving Throw: None

Those who have walked the forest paths of Ravel's maze can
summon its branches to help shield them from damage.

This spell (which affects only the caster) calls forth a series of black
barbs that protect and shield the caster from harm for 10-30 seconds. The
player gains +2 to AC for the duration of the spell, and any creature that
attacks the player with a melee attack should suffer 1-6 hit points of
damage every time they successfully hit the character.

Blood Bridge
Range: 0
Duration: Instant
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

A bizarre compact of the healer's heart and the merchant's mind, this
necromantic spell transforms your very body into a marketplace that barters
life and death. Your life essence can be given to others...
at a cost to yourself.

When cast, the mage can select any living (non-undead) target within touch
range and drain life from himself (2 hit points + 1 hit point per level of
the caster) and give it to the target.

Range: 0
Duration: 15 seconds + 5 seconds per level
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None

The blurring of form and spirit causes one to be hard
to see to touch, granting a great advantage in battle.

Blur causes the wizard's form to shift and blur, making it much more
difficult to attack the caster: It causes all incoming attacks to be
made at -3 penalty and grants the wizard +1 on all saving throws.

Greater Embalming
Range: 0
Duration: 60 minutes
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Weight: 0

Embalming preserves the flesh of the dead... as such, this spell can preserve
the flesh of the Nameless One, mending tears, off-setting decay, and making
your skin more resilient to damage. This spell is a more potent version of
Minor Embalming, and the mending and damage resistance it bestows lasts longer.

This spell works only on the Nameless One or any undead. When cast, the target
gains +2 hp/level of the caster and +2 AC for one hour. The extra hit points
behave exactly like an Aid spell... they will heal the caster if he is less
than max hit points or they will give him bonus hit points for an hour.

Range: 75 feet
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 30 feet radius
Saving Throw: Neg.

Pure horror is perhaps the greatest equalizer in existence, causing both the
weakest and the strongest to lose their courage and flee in cowardice.

This spell causes all non-undead creatures within a 30 foot radius of the
target to flee in terror from the area, if they fail their saving throw.

Ice Knife
Range: 50 ft.
Duration: Instant
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.

Daggers of ice can be conjured that not only strike
the intended target but can spread cold as ice in water.

This spell fires a magical ice dagger at a target. The caster must successfully
hit with his normal missile attack roll. A succesful hit causes 2-8 pts. of
damage per dagger. When the ice knife strikes a solid object or a creature,
the knife shatters, releasing a wave of numbing cold. All creatures w/in a 5'
radius must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or suffer 1-4 pts.
of cold damage and have a -2 penalty to their attack rolls. If the attack roll
misses, the Ice Dagger will 'fall to the ground' 2 feet past (using the same
trajectory that it originally took) the intended target. The Ice Dagger will
then remain on the ground for 2 seconds. If any creature touches this ice
dagger during that time it will immediately shatter, and emit a cold wave
(as above). If not, then after the elapsed time it will melt away. Finally, the
caster gains 1 additional Ice Dagger for every 2 levels after 3rd level, for
a maximium of 5 daggers. The subsequent Daggers can be fired off by a
subsequent 'click' on the same (or another) target.

Ignus' Terror
Ignus' Spell (duh)
Range: 75 feet
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 30 feet radius
Saving Throw: Neg.

Terror exists in many forms throughout the multiverse. This incantation calls
upon one of the most basic universal forms of terror, the Fire of Destruction,
to destroy courage and strike fear into all adversaries.

This spell causes all non-undead creatures within a 30 foot radius of the
target to flee in terror from the area, if they fail their saving throw at
a -1 penalty.

Infernal Orb
Ignus' Spell
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Special
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

A sphere of Fiery Red is called upon to weaken and slow the enemy.

Caster summons a large, magical Orb of Fire Red Color, which can then be hurled
at a target using the caster's normal Attack roll. The caster gains a +3 To Hit
bonus to his attack roll. The orb does 1-6 points of damage, and afflicts a -1
penalty to the enemy's Strength and Dexterity for 10 seconds.

Range: 180 feet
Duration: Special
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 10 sq. feet per level
Saving Throw: None

The inaccessible, the locked, can be freed and
within one's grasp with this incantation.

With Knock, all locked doors, chests, boxes or shackles shall be unlocked,
but it doesn't affect barred gates and the like. In addition, it can only
affect up to 2 impediments per spell.

Range: 30 feet
Duration: 5 seconds per level
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

Fortune. Chance. Kismet. Whatever its name, this spell grants
a boost in one's Luck for a short duration.

This spell grants a 2-8 point bonus to the target's luck for 5 seconds per
level of the caster. This bonus increases the chance for success in various
efforts such as Attacking, Thieving Skills, or Saving Throws and the like.

Pain Mirror (Thanks to Jeroen te Strake for this spell's description!)
Range: Caster only
Duration: When hit, or 5 seconds per level of caster
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 10 ft. radius when activated
Saving Throw: None

A near-forgotten legacy of an ancient empire, this spell reminds those who
wish to harm the caster that they must be willing to suffer as well. If the
caster is hurt, the same damage is inflicted on any creatures close to the

This spell only affects the caster. Whenever the caster is attacked while
the spell is in effect, all hostile creatures within a 10 foot radius take
equal damage. It only works for one attack, and the effects are not
cumulative (you cannot have more than one mirror erected). If the spell is
not triggered, it lasts for 5 seconds per level of the caster.

Power of One
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 mins per level
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: Person touched
Saving Throw: None

And from Gith, the warrior-queen, came the *knowing* of
oneself. And from the *knowing*, came immense power.

This spell increases the target's Strength score by a certain number of points
(or tenths of points above 18) which will still be qualified by race/class
restrictions. The spell cannot bestow a Strength of 19 or greater. The bonus
is as follows:
Priest 1d6+1 points
Rogue 1d6+1 points
Warrior 1d8+1 points
Wizard 1d4+1 points

Range: Touch
Duration: 60 mins per level
Area of Effect: person touched
Saving Throw: None

Grants immense strength to the weak - or greater strength to the strong.

This spell increases the target's Strength score by a certain number of points
(or tenths of points above 18) which will still be qualified by race/class
restrictions. The spell cannot bestow a Strength of 19 or greater. The bonus
is as follows:

Priest 1d6 points
Rogue 1d6 points
Warrior 1d8 points
Wizard 1d4 points

Swarm Curse
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 15 seconds
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: 3 feet / level of the caster
Saving Throw: Neg.

All that scuttles, creeps and swarms shall be invited to dine... on a victim
of your choosing. Brings a swarm of insects to attack all those in the area of

Brings a swrm of insects to attack those in the area of effect. They inflict
1-4 + (caster level/3) points of damage every 5 seconds. No one can cast a
spell while within the swarm.

Level 3

Ax of Torment
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Instant / Special
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

As if from the depths of Baator, Torment shall be brought upon
your enemies, and with time, its strength will only grow.

Effect: This spell summons a mystical giant Battle Ax. The Ax strikes a
specified individual target for 1-8 pts. of damage. In addition, as a final
blow, the Ax will cause a magical effect to occur (at random): (1) Suffer
an additional 1-8 pts. of damage; (2) 2-16 pts. of damage; (3) Paralyzed for
5-15 seconds. * At level 9+, the following new effects can occur: (4) 5-40
pts. of Fire damage; (5) 6-48 pts. of Ice damage; (6) Randomly teleported 1-100
yds. Away; (7) Turned to stone; or (8) 6-64 pts. of pure damage.

Balance in All Things
Gith Spell
Range: Caster only
Duration: When hit the same number of times as level / 4, or 5 seconds / level
of caster
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: 10 ft. radius when activated
Saving Throw: None

From the Separation of the People, came the *knowing* of Two Skies. From the
*knowing* of Two Skies came the realization that hurting others, hurts oneself.

This spell only affects the caster. Whenever the caster is attacked while
the spell is in effect, all hostile creatures within a 10 foot radius take
equal damage. It lasts for 1 attack per 4 levels of the caster, and the
effects are not cumulative (you cannot have more than one Balance spell
erected). If the spell is not triggered, it lasts for 5 seconds per level of
the caster.

Ball Lightning
Range: 90 ft + 30 ft. per level
Duration: Instant
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: Nearest target
Saving Throw: 1/2

Spheres of electrical force shoot forth and strike your nearest foes.

Caster can create up to 4 glowing spheres of lightning when the spell is cast.
They are roughly 3 ft. in diameter. The damage varies depending on the number
of balls created:
4 2-8 each
3 2-12 each
2 5-20 each
1 4-48

Cloak of Warding
Range: 0
Duration: 5 seconds per level or (Special)
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None

This spell summons a magical cloak of force
around your body that abosorbs damage.

The spell creates a "shield" effect similar to the shield spell that absorbs
3-23 points of damage + 1 point per level of the caster. Once it has absorbed
this amount of damage, it shatters or "powers down". The spell will also expire
after 5 seconds per level of the caster.

Elysium's Tears
Range: 90 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: 1 target/meteor
Saving Throw: None

The skies of the Upper Planes shed tears when evil is
done. These tears can burn even the most armored of foes.

The caster chooses any single target within range. Then, a stream of small
meteors rain down and strike the target and surrounding area - one 'meteor' for
each level of experience, up to a maximium of 10. Each missile that hits
inflicts 1-2 points of blunt damage and 1-4 points of fire damage. Anyone
within 3 feet of the target takes 1 point of fire damage as well.

Fiery Rain
Ignus's Spell
Range: 90 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: 1 target/meteor
Saving Throw: None

Streams of fiery rain streak down upon the target,
burning and crushing it into submission.

The caster chooses any single target within range. Then, a stream of fiery
meteors rain down and strike the target and surrounding area - one 'meteor' for
each level of experience, up to a maximium of 10. Each missile that hits
inflicts 1-2 points of blunt damage and 1-4 points of fire damage. Anyone
within 3 feet of the target takes 1 point of fire damage as well.

Hold Undead
Range: 180 feet
Duration: 5-20 seconds + 5 seconds per level
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: 1d3 undead
Saving Throw: Neg.

The restless dead shall be bound and held when this spell is cast.

The spell allows the caster to immobilize 1-3 undead creatures, provided that
the total HD of the creatures are equal to or less than the caster's level.
Furthermore, undead with less than 3 HD are automatically affected. Those with
3 or more HD are allowed a saving throw to negate the spell. Those affected are
rendered immobile for the duration of the spell. When cast, the caster can
choose a point of origin of the spell (within range), and from there, the 3
closest undead are affected.

Infernal Shield
Ignus' Spell
Range: 0
Duration: 5 seconds per level or (Special)
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None

Even the Great Destroyer is halted by this mystical barrier. When cast, all
fiery effects are absorbed and altered into healing energies.

Works on caster only. The spell creates a fiery shield that bestows a 150%
Normal Fire Resistance and 150% Magical Fire Resistance. The spell will expire
after 5 seconds / level of the caster.

Tasha's Unbearable Derisive Laughter
Range: 50 feet
Duration: 5 seconds per level
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: 30 feet radius
Saving Throw: Neg.

What man does not feel their body fill with burning shame when mocked by a
woman? Fill the ears of your enemies with the derisive scorn of a woman's
laughter. Their bodies shall become clumsy and foolish, easily struck, and
confidence shall be leeched from their muscles, weakening their blows.

Tasha's Unbearable Derisive Laughter occurs in a 30 ft radius from that spot.
All male living creatures with an INT > 4 in range of the spell must make a
Saving Throw vs. Spells or get a -2 to their attack, -2 to AC, and -2 to their
damage rolls for 5 seconds / level of the caster.

Vampiric Touch
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: 1 Creature Touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell steals life from the target and transfers it to you. When the player
touches a non-undead creature, he drains 1-6 hp from the target for every 2
wizard levels he has (2-12 hp for Lvl 4). The damage that he drains is then
transferred to the caster and added to their total hp. Any hp over the normal
maximium is treated as 'temporary hit points' which will be lost after one hour
if not used beforehand (absorbing damage).

Zerthimon's Focus
Gith Spell
Range: 50 feet
Duration: 5 seconds per level
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This enchantment helps the target remember Zerthimon's teachings on the ways
to channel one's mental and physical focus during battle. When cast, the
recipient's chances for a Critical Attack are raised for 5 seconds per level of
the caster.

Level 4

Range: 30 ft. (50 ft. at level 10+)
Duration: 10 seconds
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: 10 feet radius globe
Saving Throw: Special

This spell illustrates the power of Force, as a wave of concussive force
explodes out in a 10' radius that not only damages but imprisons as well.

The spell allows the caster to create a black sphere of force which explodes
and causes 1-4 pts. of damage, + 1 pt. per caster level, to all creatures
with in a 30 ft. radius. Creatures failing a saving throw vs. spell are
trapped in a 10-foot radius sphere of force for the duration of the spell.
Even if they make the saving throw they still take damage from the blacksphere

Range: 120 feet
Duration: 10 seconds + 1 second per level
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: Up to 60 square feet
Saving Throw: Neg.

Focus and purpose shall become undone.

As per the name, this spell causes 1-4 creatures, +1 creature / level, to
become confused and unsure of itself. They will either: 1) Wander away;
2) Stand confused; 3) Attack nearest creature; 4) Act normal.

Elemental Strike
Ignus' Spell
Range: 90 ft. + 5 ft. per level
Duration: Instant
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures or objects
Saving Throw: Special

Globes of elemental force fly forth and explode upon impact.
Those wihin range are caught in its blast wave as well.

Like the magic missile, this spell creates a mystical globe of elemental
energy, which will successfully hit the target for 2-8 pts. of damage,
regardless of saving throw. It then explodes with a concussive blast that
does 1 pt. of damage / level of the caster within a 3 ft. radius. If a saving
throw is made then this concussive damage is negated. The wizard creates 1
missile at 7th + an additional missile every 3rd level after 7th, for a max of
7 missiles.

Force Missiles
Range: 90 ft. + 5 ft. per level
Duration: Instant
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures or objects
Saving Throw: Special

Missiles of Force accurately strike down and blast its intended victims.

Like the magic missile, this spell creates a mystical globe of magical energy,
which will successfully hit its target for 2-8 pts. of damage, regardless of
saving throw. It then explodes with a concussive blast that does 1 pt. of
damage / level of the caster within a 3 ft. radius. If a saving throw is made
then this concussive damage is negated. The wizard creates 1 missile at 7th +
an additional missile every 2nd level after 7th, for a max of 7 missiles.

Improved Strength
Range: 0
Duration: 5 seconds per level
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: creature touched
Saving Throw: None

Superhuman strength can be yours, regardless of prior limitations.

This spell can bestow superhuman strength upon a creature. Furthermore,
improved strength allows the recipient of the spell to ignore race or class
restrictions on his max Str score, possibly reaching scores as high as 25.
Warrior 1d8+4 (max 25)
Priest 1d6+4 (max 23)
Rogue 1d6+3 (max 23)
Wizard 1d4+4 (max 21)

Remove Curse
Range: 0
Duration: Instant
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Cursed items shall no longer afflict you when this spell is cast.

When cast, this spell removes a curse upon the person targeted. It does not
remove the curse from the actual item itself, but it allows the person to
successfully unequip and rid themselves of the cursed item.

Shroud of Shadows
Range: 0
Duration: 5-20 seconds +10 seconds
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: One Target
Saving Throw: None

This spell springs shadows to your aid, enshrouding your body from detection
and physical attacks.

When this spell is cast, a targeting cursor appears, and the player may select
any target within touch range. The recipient of this spell gains the following
abilities: +3 to AC, +10% to Stealth, and targets have a -1 penalty to hit the

Level 5

Range: 100 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 5
Area of Effect: 50 x 50 ft. cloud
Saing Throw: None

Clouds of death stream forth from the caster and send those not
strong enough on a free journey to their deserved plane of rest.

A billowing cloud of toxic vapors are created that is so deadly that
it will slay any creature with fewer than 4+1 HD, cause creatures with
4+1 to 5+1 HD to roll saving throws vs. poison at -4 penalties or be
slain, and creatures up to 6 HD to roll unmodified saving throws vs.
poison or be slain! Those above 6 HD suffer 1-10 pts.

Cone of Cold
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw:

Extreme cold blasts forth and welcomes your enemies in its freezing embrace.

This spell shoots forth a cone-shaped area of extreme cold from the caster's
hand in a 30 ft.-long cone. It deals 1-4 +1 pts. of damage per level of the
caster, to a maximium of 10-40 + 10 pts.

Desert Hell
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 5
Area of Effect: 50 x 50 ft.
Saving Throw: 1/2

'Hell' is an oft-debated term. Some say Hell is Baator. Others, the Abyss.
This spell proffers that nothing could be worse than the endless dunes and
schorching heat of the desert.

This spell summons the schorching heat of the desert planes to schorch all
enemies within sight. Enemies within range must save vs. spell or spontaneously
combust for 4-40 pts. of damage. Even if they save, they still take half damage
from the searing heat.

Enoll Eva's Duplication
Range: 50 feet
Duration: 60 seconds
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: One
Saving Throw: None

This 'spell' is actually a complex mathematical equation accidentally
discovered by the modron, Enoll Eva, while calculating the multiplication
factor on various linear algebraic formulas. The results are devastating:
This equation allows all subsequent actions to be doubled or duplicated.
Hence it was found that during confrontations, all physical or magical
attacks were seemingly doubled - dealing twice the amount of damage.

This spell affects a single target. No Saving Throw required. When cast, all
subsequent attacks (physical or magical) will be duplicated once: For example,
after attacking once with a weapon, the attack will be immediately duplicated -
same for spells (cast a Magic Missile, and immediately afterwards, another
Magic Missile spell will launch). This spell will last for approximately 2
minutes after casting.

Fire and Ice
Range: 150 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 5
Area of Effect: 30 feet radius globe
Saving Throw: Special

A red sphere of Fire and a blue sphere of Ice shall streak forth and quickly
strike down the target of your choosing.

This spell summons 2 crystal spheres (one red, one blue) that strike a
specified target. Upon impact, the red sphere explodes into a fireball 30'
radius that inflicts 3-18 pts. of fire damage upon all w/in range, while the
blue sphere explodes in the same area of effect, causing 3-18 of cold damage
to all w/in range. A successful saving throw vs. spell halves the damage.

Level 6

Antimagic Shell (Thanks to Jeroen te Strake for this spell's description!)
Range: 0
Duration: 5 minutes
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 foot per level diameter
Saving Throw: None

In an ironic twist, all magic in its area of
effect shall be undone, with this spell.

This spell surrounds the caster with a 'shell of magic' that effectively
negates all magic and magical spell effects (including magicitems) within
its area of effect. Thus, it blocks out magic, yet it also stops all usage
within the shell as well! This also includes various special attacks such as
breath, gaze or voice attacks. The spell lasts for 5 minutes, and it globe's
area of effect is 1 foot per level of the caster.

Chain Lightning Storm
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 6
Area of Effect: 50 x 50 ft area
Saving Throw: 1/2

"As Man looked up and cried to the heavens, so it responded..." Judgement rains
down from the skies when this spell is invoked. Giant Bolts which strike and
chain shall comprise the Storm of death.

Giant Lightning Bolts strike down all hostile creatures on screen for 7-70 pts.
of damage. A successful saving throw reduces it to half damage.

Globe of Invulnerability
Range: 0
Duration: 5 seconds per level
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: 5 feet radius
Saving Throw: None

Similar to its sister spell, Antimagic Shell, this enchantment restricts
certain magic from entering its confines. Yet unlike its sibling, this spell
allows magic to flow outward from within.

This spell creates an immobile sphere of magic that prevents any 1st - 4th
level spell effects from penetrating (even area effect spells). Spells of 5th
level or higher are not affected by the globe. But unlike antimagic shell, any
type of spell can be cast out of the sphere. The globe lasts for 5 seconds per
level of the caster.

Howl of Pandemonium (Thanks to Jeroen te Strake for this spell's description!)
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Special
Speed: 6
Area of Effect: 30 ft. radius or 60 x 20 ft. cone
Saving Throw: Special

The Madness from the Howling Land - Pandemonium's Noise
screams forth and bathes everyone in its cacophony.

The Winds of Pandemonium shoot forth from the caster's body to stun any
enemies on screen. The spell can also nullify all sound-based attacks and
deflect normal missile weapons. Creatures of 2HD or less who fail a saving
throw vs. spell are incapacitated for 10 - 60 minutes. Those creatures with
greater than 2HD but less than the caster's who fail their saving throw
become confused (as if a Confusion spell was cast on them).

Level 7

Acid Storm
Range: 30 ft.
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 7
Area of Effect: 20 ft. radius up to 20 ft. high
Saving Throw: 1/2

The tempest of acid may come and go, but its sting lingers much longer.

This spell creates a massive storm that rains deadly acid to all enemies in
a 20 ft radius area that inflicts 1-6 pts. of damage for every 5 seconds per
level of the caster. A successful saving throw reduces the damage in half.

Range: 75 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 7
Area of Effect: 10 yards per level radius
Saving Throw: 1/2

The blackest ice from the fourth layer of Acheron is summoned
to cut, shear and slice away all who oppose you.

This spell summons rows upon rows of Ocanthyan razor-ice shards that strike
all opponents in 10 yards per level radius with a THACO of 11 and inflicts
1-8 pts. of damage per level of the caster, in addition to inflicting another
2-20 pts. of damage on a natural roll of 20.

Guardian Mantle (Thanks to Jeroen te Strake for this spell's description!)
Range: 0
Duration: 50 seconds + 5 seconds per level
Speed: 7
Area of Effect: the caster
Saving Throw: None

All physical hostile attacks can be done away with.

This spell creates a magical blanket of energy that envelopes the caster's
body and deflects all physical attacks for 50 seconds + 5 seconds per level
of the caster. All attackers must make a successful saving throw vs. spell
at -4 penalty in order to break through, otherwise their attacks are
thwarted by the mantle. In addition, while the spell is active, the caster
can still attack or use magic. [This spell cancels all other protective
effects while the spell is active.]

Stygian Ice Storm
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Special
Speed: 7
Area of Effect: 50 ft X 50 ft area
Saving Throw: Special

Few know the true terror of Baator, let alone the gruesome Fifth Layer. This
devastating spell summons the harshest cold and bitter ice of the Fifth Layer
of Baator, Stygia, to annihilate all enemies within range. As the River Styx
flows through the Stygian Ice, so it does in this spell as well. Perhaps if the
victims are strong enough to survive this devastation they may live to tell
others about the true terror... but the River Styx has a tendency to make
people forget.

Ice from Stygia is summoned to crush all creatures within sight for 8-64 pts.
of ice damage, with no saving throw. Finally, all creatures must save vs. spell
or suffer confusion for 5-30 seconds due to the immediate contact with the
frozen, forgetful waters of the River Styx.

Level 8

Range: 100 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 8
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

Death comes in many forms, but none so painful as this. For even
if you evade Death's Touch, it will always leave a mark.

This spell calls forth a magical bolt of death energy that kills a specified
target, unless it makes a successful saving throw vs. spell. Even on a
successful saving throw, the victim suffers 10-60 pts. of damage.

Ignus' Fury (Thanks to Jeroen te Strake for this spell's description!)
Ignus' Spell
Range: 100 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 8
Area of Effect: One 10 ft. cube per level
Saving Throw: 1/2

Ignus draws flames from the Elemental Plane
of Fire to erupt, scorch and burn.

This spell calls forth a horrific storm of fire that inflicts 10-100 pts. of
damage, plus 1 additional pt. of damage per level of the caster, on all
creatures within sight. A successful saving throw vs. spell halves the

Mechanus' Cannon
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 8
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: 1/2

The true, logical justice of Primus shall be delivered unto
the illogical, as pure energy descends from Mechanus.

This spell summons the ultimate form of 'equalization' from Primus: A huge
energy blast that comes from the very heart of Mechanus and fires toward the
target specified by the caster, via a portal. A temporary portal will appear
10 ft. from the target and Mechanus' Logical Justice will be handed down,
inflicting 30-90 pts. of damage, with no saving throw.

Meteor Storm Bombardment
Range: 50
Duration: Instant
Speed: 8
Area of Effect: 50 ft X 50 ft area
Saving Throw: 1/2

Meteors from across the multiverse are called to
rain destruction upon all who oppose the caster.

This spell calls forth a great shower of meteors to bombard all enemies
within sight for 10-120 pts. of damage, or half the damage with a successful
saving throw.

Power Word, Blind
Range: 15 feet per level
Duration: Special
Speed: 8
Area of Effect: 15 feet radius
Saving Throw: None

The power of sight shall be removed, and darkness shall enter.

This spell blinds up to 100 hit points of creatures within a 15 ft. radius /
level of the caster from the specified target point. The blindness spreads
outwards from the center, affecting creatures with the lowest HP totals first.
Those with more than 100 HP are not affected. The spell effect's duration
depends on the number of HP affected: If 25 or fewer HP are affected, then the
blindness lasts for 160-400 seconds. If 26-50 HP are affected, the blindness
lasts for 80-200 seconds. If 51-100 HP are affected, the blindness lasts for
16-40 seconds. An individual creature can't be partially affected: Unless all
of its HP are affected, it is not blind.

Level 9

Abyssal Fury
Range: 50 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 9
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: see below

When compared to the Tanar'ri, at least the Baatezu are more civilized. There
is, perhaps, nothing more horrific than the unbounded fury of the Abyss. By use
of this spell, the ground shall split open and the victim dragged into
Baatorian madness. Welcome to Hell.

This spell opens a planar portal beneath a specified victim and drags them down
into the Abyss. The portal remains open even after the victim is swallowed in.
The only sound bystanders hear is the incessant screaming of the victim as
he/she is torn apart by the ruthless Tanar'ri. After what seems like only
a few seconds (which is more than an eternity for the victim in the Abyss),
the victim (or what's left of him) gets spit back out of the portal.
(1) If the victim makes a successful saving throw, he will get spit out of the
portal in 'one piece,' but while the victim sensed nothing at first, after a
split-second, all the Wrath of the Tanar'ri will surface. The victim will
suffer 5d10 pts. of damage as he suffers multiple 'delayed' attacks and slashes
from all angles.
(2) If the victim fails the saving throw, it is instant death.
All that is left are body parts.

Celestial Host
Range: 100 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 9
Area of Effect: 50 ft. x 50 ft. area
Saving Throw: None

While the various proxies and beings of the Celestial Planes are seen as the
embodiment of kindness, compassion, and benevolence, their might easily rivals
those of Baator or the Abyss. Woe to those who underestimate the power of the
Upper Planes!

When cast, a group of powerful phantasms are called to help eradicate all
enemies in a 50 ft. x 50 ft. area, as their combined attacks inflict 40 - 120
hit points of damage, with no saving throw possible. The phantasms represent
the some of the most powerful celestial beings from the Upper Planes: Astral
Deva (Mace of Disruption), Phoenix (Fire Storm), Solar Aasimon (Celestial Bow),
and a Gold Dragon (Energy Wave).

Confraglation (Thanks to Jeroen te Strake for this spell's description!)
Range: 50 feet
Duration: 50 seconds
Speed: 9
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

Burn, burn, burn.

A single creature shall be set aflame with this hideous spell, suffering
2-12 points of damage per 5 seconds, with no saving throw. The spell lasts 5
seconds per level of the caster. Anybody within 10 feet of the target will
also suffer 2-12 pts. of damage, but are allowed a saving throw vs. spells
to halve the damage.

Elysium's Fires (Thanks to Jeroen te Strake for this spell's description!)
Range: 90 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 9
Area of Effect: 50 ft. x 50 ft. area
Saving Throw: 1/2

Elysium's Fires split the sky, raining streams of bright white fire down
upon the earth. Each blast explodes when it strikes the ground, causing a
tremendous flash and sending waves of fire rippling out from the point of

This spell summons 8 meteors from Elysium to strike down upon the area and
crush all enemies. As they smash down on the ground, each one explodes in a
15 foot diameter area, doing 5-20 points of damage. A creature gets a Saving
Throw for each of the blasts that hit him.

Power Word, Kill
Range: 15 feet per 2 levels
Duration: Instant
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 10 feet radius
Saving Throw: None

With a single word, life's energies are snuffed out.

When the spell is uttered, one creature of any type within the spell range is
instantly killed. It can kill any creature that has up to 120 hit points, with
no saving throw allowed.

Rune of Torment (Thanks to Jeroen te Strake for this spell's description!)
Range: 0
Duration: Instant
Speed: 9
Area of Effect: 50 ft. x 50 ft. area
Saving Throw: None

Pain, Agony, Suffering, Torment. When the Rune is invoked, even the earth
shall resonate its anguish. Torment of the mind. Torment of the body.
Torment of the soul. All will be made clear when the Circle is drawn.

After the Ultimate Circle is inscribed on the ground, and the Rune explodes,
all creatures in the 50 ft. x 50 ft. area that are hostile take 30 - 100 hit
points of damage. There is no Saving Throw.

Level ?

Magic Mirror
A 2nd-level spell which creates 1-4 images of a target. The images mimic the
caster's actions, though they're unable to actually cast any spells or cause
damage, and thus can confuse attackers. When hit, an image vanishes.

Soul Exodus
Like it says on the tin: The spell summons a spectral image of the target
that attacks it. Upon the target's death, the spectral image vanishes.

Wish is more or less unique amongst spells. The easiest way to describe it is
via analogy: While most other spells consists of magic persuading the
multiverse to do things its way, Wish grabs it by the throat and tells it what
to do. Though the power of a Wish is far from limitless, its user can bend
the fabric of reality. The limit is that the fabric will only bend so far
without breaking.
Wish is theoretically a 9th level spell, but casting one requires rather more
work than memorizing it before resting. The preparations are complex and take
more time than, say, you have to spare.



Level 1

Range: 180 feet
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 50 feet cube
Saving Throw: None

A boon to one's companions, granting them strength when they are in need.

Bless grants +1 to hit and +1 to saves to all friendly creatures that are in a
50 feet radius from the casting point.

Cure Light Wounds
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent / Instant
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell seals minor wounds on a target.

The caster can cast the spell on anyone within touch range, in a 30 ft. area.
Cure Light Wounds heals a target for 8 hit points of damage. The creature's
restored hit points cannot exceed its maximium hit points.

Range: 180 feet
Duration: 30 seconds
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 50 feet radius
Saving Throw: None

A bane to one's enemies, weakening them.

The opposite of Bless, Curse grants all enemy targets in a 50-ft. radius, -1
to attacks and -1 to their saving throws for 30 seconds.

Detect Evil
Range: 0
Duration: 50 seconds + 25 seconds / level (maximium of 5 minutes)
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None

This spell detects evil intent, revealing the inner nature of the target.

When cast, this spell detects any evil emanations from creatures within range
for 50 seconds + 25 seconds / level of the caster.

Halo of Lesser Revelation
Range: 240 feet
Duration: 20 seconds per level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 10 sq. feet per level within a 40 ft. radius
Saving Throw: None

Lines a priest's enemies with a halo of light,
making them easier to see and be hit.

When cast, the player characters selects any target point within range to
center the spell on. From there, a glowing, vibrant green glow emits from the
center and grows out to a 40 foot radius. All hostile creatures will be
surrounded by a glow for the duration of the spell, which bestows a +2 penalty
to Armor Class to all affected creature(s). There is no Saving Throw for this
spell. This spell can also cause a glow around invisible creatures.

Protection From Evil
Range: 0
Duration: 10 seconds per level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell surrounds the caster with a circle of protection that helps protect
against attacks by those with evil intent.

This spell bestows protection from evil creatures through a magical barrier
that surrounds the recipient of the spell. It gives a -2 penalty to attack
rolls by evil creatures and bestows a +2 bonus to all saving throws that are
caused by such evil attacks for a duration of 10 seconds / level of the caster.

Level 2

Range: 0
Duration: 10 seconds + 10 seconds per level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Bolster an allies' courage, giving him added skill
and the ability to withstand more damage.

Aid Grants +1 to hit and +1 to saves to the target creature, provided that
being is not already engaged in combat. The spell also provides 1-8 more hit
points for the target creature for the duration of the spell; this spell allows
the creature to have more than its ordinary total hit points. These hit points
are only temporary, and disappear when the spell ends - however, if the
creature loses those hit points to damage, it does not lose additional points
when the spell ends.

Cure Moderate Wounds
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent / Instant
Speed: 2
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving throw: None

This spell seals moderate wounds on a target.

When cast, a targeting cursor appears, and the player can cast the spell on
anyone within touch range. Cure Moderate Wounds heals a target for 11 hit
points of damage. The creature's restored hit points cannot exceed its maximium
hit points.

Spiritual Hammer
Range: 30 feet per level
Duration: Variable (see below)
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 Target
Saving Throw: 1/2

This spell summons a hammer of spiritual energy to smite your foes.

When cast, the caster chooses a target within range. The hammer causes 4-10
points of bludgeoning damage, for every three levels that the caster has,
acting as a +1 weapon (+1 to hit and +1 damage), gaining an additional +1 for
every six levels of the caster, to a maximium of +3.

Level 3

Call Lightning
Range: 180 feet
Duration: Instant
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: 10 feet radius
Saving Throw: 1/2

This spell summons nature's fury to strike your foes.

The caster can call one bolt of electricity, hurling it down upon her enemies
for 2-16 points of electrical damage, plus an additional 1-8 points for every
level of the caster. This damage affects every creature within a 10 foot radius
of where the bolt crashes down. Area of Effect is 10 feet Radius. A Save vs.
Spells results in half-damage. This spell can only be used outdoors.

Flame Walk
Range: 0
Duration: 10 seconds + 10 seconds per level
Speed: 3
Area of Effect: Creature(s) touched
Saving Throw: None

This spell protects the recipient from the effects of flames... for a time.

This spell gives a single target +2 on their saving throws against any
fire-based attack, and gives all fire-based attacks a multiplier of x.5 for
any damage that does succeed in reaching the targets of this spell.

Range: 0 (centered on caster)
Duration: 5 seconds per level
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 60 feet radius
Saving Throw: None

This spell aids allies and harms your foes.

This spell grants a bonus of +1 to attack, damage, and saving throws to all
who are "Friendly" to the priest. Those who are "Hostile" to the caster suffer
-1 to attack, damage, and saving throws. It lasts 5 seconds / level in a 60
foot radius.

Remove Curse
Range: 0
Duration: Instant
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Cursed items shall no longer afflict you when this spell is cast.

When cast, this spell removes a curse upon the person targeted. It does not
remove the curse from the actual item itself, but it allows the person to
successfully unequip and rid themselves of the cursed item.

Speak with Dead
Range: 50
Duration: Special
Speed: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature (undead)
Saving Throw: None

To commune with spirits passed away.

This spell allows the Nameless One to initiate a
dialogue with a dead body within speaking range.

Level 4

Cure Serious Wounds
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent / Instant
Speed: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell heals any serious wounds a target may have gained.

Restores 17 hit points to the target creature. The creature's restored
hit points cannot exceed its maximium hit points.

Level 5

Cure Critical Wounds
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent / Instant
Speed: 8
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell heals any critical wounds a target may have gained.

Restores 27 hit points to the target creature. The creature's restored
hit points cannot exceed its maximium hit points.

Raise Dead
Range: 90 feet
Duration: Permanent / Instant
Speed: 5
Area of Effect: 1 Person
Saving Throw: None

The most precious gift is bestowed upon all who were lost to the living.

This spell restores life back to any slain individual
chosen. No saving throw is required.

Level 6

Range: 0
Duration: Permanent / Instant
Speed: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell brings forth the ultimate power of healing. It cures
all blindness, all disease, and completely restores the target.

Restores all hit points to a target creature and removes all
blindness and disease conditions on a character.

So there.

Quote of the day:
"Attention: Morte. Do you know I have six sides?"
- Casual conversation according to Nordom

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