Icewind Dale 2

Icewind Dale 2

17.10.2013 09:55:00
Cleric Spell List
Icewind Dale II

Version 3.0, February 14, 2005

Written by: rbryant73

This document copyright (c) 2005 rbryant73.

This FAQ lists all cleric spells in Icewind Dale II.

I wrote this FAQ because I couldn't deal with character creation without being
able to see spells sorted by level or deity.

This document is intended for personal use only. You are free to do whatever
you want with this guide, EXCEPT you may not change it or sell it. If you want
to post it, please e-mail me. Please give credit where it's due. Which,
incidentally, I will do if you e-mail me with a contribution or to point out

IF YOU E-MAIL ME: please put "IWD2 FAQ--cleric" as the subject. Otherwise,
seeing a strange e-mail address, I might panic.

This FAQ was written with Microsoft Word, using Courier New 10pt, with margins
set at 79 characters.


Spells are sorted both by level and by deity. NOTE: "Cleric" denotes a generic
cleric spell.

1. Level 1 spells
2. Level 2 spells
3. Level 3 spells
4. Level 4 spells
5. Level 5 spells
6. Level 6 spells
7. Level 7 spells
8. Level 8 spells
9. Level 9 spells
Spells within the level groups are sorted alphabetically.

10. Generic cleric spells
11. Bane
12. Helm
13. Ilmater
14. Lathander
15. Mask
16. Oghma
17. Selune
18. Talos
19. Tempus
Spells within the deity groups are sorted by level.

Armor of Faith (Cleric, Helm)
Bane (Cleric, Bane)
Bless (Cleric, Tempus)
Charm Person (Oghma)
Command (Cleric, Bane)
Cure Light Wounds (Cleric)
Doom (Cleric, Talos)
Eagle's Splendor (Oghma)
Faerie Fire (Lathander, Selune)
Identify (Oghma)
Inflict Light Wounds (Cleric)
Magic Stone (Cleric,Tempus)
Minor Elemental Barrier (Ilmater)
Minor Mirror Image (Mask)
Protection from Evil (Cleric, Helm, Ilmater)
Remove Fear (Cleric)
Sanctuary (Cleric, Selune)
Shocking Grasp (Talos)
Sleep (Mask)
Summon Monster I (Cleric)
Sunscorch (Lathander, Selune)

Aid (Ilmater)
Alicorn Lance (Ilmater, Selune)
Blindness (Mask)
Blur (Mask)
Bull's Strength (Cleric, Lathander)
Chant (Cleric, Tempus)
Cure Moderate Wounds (Cleric)
Death Armor (Talos)
Delay Poison (Cleric)
Draw Upon Holy Might (Cleric, Tempus)
Find Traps (Cleric, Oghma)
Gedlee's Electric Loop (Talos)
Hold Person (Cleric, Helm)
Horror (Bane)
Inflict Moderate Wounds (Cleric)
Lesser Restoration (Cleric, Lathander)
Minor Elemental Barrier (Cleric)
Mirror Image (Mask)
Moon Motes (Selune)
Remove Fatigue (Ilmater)
Remove Paralysis (Cleric)
See Invisibility (Oghma)
Silence (Cleric, Bane)
Spell Shield (Cleric, Helm)
Spiritual Weapon (Cleric)
Summon Monster II (Cleric)

Aganazzar's Scorcher (Lathander)
Animate dead (Cleric, Tempus)
Blindness (Cleric)
Circle of Bones (Cleric)
Contagion (Cleric)
Cure Serious Wounds (Cleric, Ilmater)
Dire Charm (Bane)
Dispel Magic (Cleric, Oghma)
Exaltation (Cleric, Helm)
Glyph of Warding (Cleric, Helm)
Ice Blade (Cleric)
Inflict Serious Wounds (Cleric)
Invisibility Purge (Cleric)
Invisibility Sphere (Mask)
Lightning Bolt (Talos)
Magic Circle Against Evil (Cleric, Ilmater)
Miscast Magic (Cleric)
Mold Touch (Cleric)
Moonblade (Cleric, Selune)
Negative Energy Protection (Cleric, Lathander)
Prayer (Cleric, Tempus)
Protection from Fire (Cleric)
Remove Curse (Cleric)
Remove Disease (Cleric)
Rigid Thinking (Cleric, Bane)
Storm Shell (Talos)
Strength of One (Cleric)
Summon Monster III (Cleric)

Blood Rage (Tempus)
Cloak of Fear (Cleric)
Cure Critical Wounds (Cleric)
Death Ward (Cleric, Helm)
Defensive Harmony (Cleric, Helm)
Dismissal (Cleric)
Emotion: Hope (Ilmater)
Emotion: Despair (Bane, Mask)
Emotion: Rage (Selune)
Freedom of Movement (Cleric)
Giant Vermin (Cleric)
Holy Power (Cleric)
Holy Smite (Ilmater, Lathander)
Improved Invisibility (Mask)
Inflict Critical Wounds (Cleric)
Malison (Oghma)
Neutralize Poison (Cleric)
Poison (Cleric)
Protection from Electricity (Talos)
Protection from Lightning (Cleric)
Recitation (Cleric, Tempus)
Remove Fatigue (Cleric)
Shield of Lathander (Lathander)
Shout (Oghma)
Static Charge (Talos)
Summon Monster IV (Cleric)
Unholy Blight (Cleric)

Ball Lightning (Talos)
Champion's Strength (Cleric, Tempus)
Chaotic Commands (Cleric, Tempus)
Dismissal (Helm)
Dominate Person (Bane)
Feeblemind (Ilmater)
Flame Strike (Cleric, Lathander)
Greater Command (Cleric, Bane, Helm, Oghma)
Healing Circle (Cleric)
Holy Power (Ilmater)
Insect Plague (Cleric)
Iron Skins (Cleric)
Power Word: Silence (Bane, Oghma)
Raise Dead (Cleric, Lathander)
Shadow Conjuration (Mask)
Shield of Lathander (Cleric)
Slay Living (Cleric, Talos)
Spell Resistance (Cleric)
Summon Monster V (Cleric)
Undead Ward (Cleric, Selune)
Unholy Blight (Mask)
Wall of Moonlight (Selune)

Antimagic Field (Selune)
Banishment (Cleric)
Chain Lightning (Talos)
Circle of Blades (Cleric, Bane, Helm, Tempus)
Divine Shell (Cleric, Selune)
Dolorous Decay (Cleric)
Feeblemind (Bane)
Fire Storm (Lathander)
Globe of Invulnerability (Helm)
Greater Shadow Conjuration (Mask)
Harm (Cleric, Ilmater)
Heal (Cleric, Lathander)
Phantom Blade (Mask)
Power Word: Stun (Oghma)
Sol's Searing Orb (Cleric)
Spiritual Wrath (Tempus)
Stoneskin (Ilmater)
Summon Monster VI (Cleric)
Symbol of Fear (Oghma)
Whirlwind (Talos)

Blasphemy (Cleric)
Planar Binding: Air Elemental (Selune)
Planar Binding: Earth Elemental (Cleric)
Planar Binding: Water Elemental (Selune)
Destruction (Cleric, Talos)
Elemental Barrier (Cleric)
Gate (Bane)
Great Shout (Oghma)
Greater Restoration (Cleric, Lathander)
Greater Shield of Lathander (Cleric)
Holy Word (Cleric, Ilmater)
Impervious Sanctity of Mind (Cleric, Helm, Ilmater)
Power Word: Blind (Tempus)
Resurrection (Cleric)
Seven Eyes (Helm)
Shades (Mask)
Soul Eater (Mask)
Spiritual Wrath (Helm)
Suffocate (Bane)
Summon Monster VII (Cleric, Tempus)
Sunbeam (Lathander)
Symbol of Hopelessness (Oghma)
Tremor (Talos)

Acid Storm (Talos)
Antimagic Field (Cleric)
Aura of Vitality (Lathander)
Blasphemy (Mask)
Fire Storm (Cleric, Talos)
Flaying (Bane)
Holy Aura (Cleric, Ilmater)
Iron Body (Helm)
Mass Heal (Cleric)
Mass Invisibility (Mask)
Power Word: Blind (Bane)
Power Word: Kill (Oghma)
Power Word: Stun (Tempus)
Resurrection (Lathander)
Summon Monster VIII (Cleric, Tempus)
Symbol of Death (Cleric, Oghma)
Symbol of Fear (Cleric)
Symbol of Hopelessness (Cleric)
Symbol of Pain (Cleric, Ilmater)
Symbol of Stunning (Cleric)
Tremor (Cleric)

Aegis (Helm)
Banishment (Helm)
Black Blade of Disaster (Mask)
Elemental Legion (Selune)
Executioner's Eyes (Mask, Oghma)
Gate (Cleric)
Horrid Wilting (Ilmater, Talos)
Mass Dominate (Bane)
Mass Heal (Lathander)
Meteor Swarm (Lathander)
Power Word: Kill (Tempus)
Prismatic Spray (Selune)
Summon Monster IX (Cleric, Bane, Ilmater, Tempus)
Wail of the Banshee (Oghma, Talos)

1 Armor of Faith
1 Bane
1 Bless
1 Command
1 Cure Light Wounds
1 Doom
1 Inflict Light Wounds
1 Magic Stone
1 Protection from Evil
1 Remove Fear
1 Sanctuary
1 Summon Monster I
2 Bull's Strength
2 Chant
2 Cure Moderate Wounds
2 Delay Poison
2 Draw Upon Holy Might
2 Find Traps
2 Hold Person
2 Inflict Moderate Wounds
2 Lesser Restoration
2 Minor Elemental Barrier
2 Remove Paralysis
2 Silence
2 Spell Shield
2 Spiritual Weapon
2 Summon Monster II
3 Animate dead
3 Blindness
3 Circle of Bones
3 Contagion
3 Cure Serious Wounds
3 Dispel Magic
3 Exaltation
3 Glyph of Warding
3 Ice Blade
3 Inflict Serious Wounds
3 Invisibility Purge
3 Magic Circle Against Evil
3 Miscast Magic
3 Mold Touch
3 Moonblade
3 Negative Energy Protection
3 Prayer
3 Protection from Fire
3 Remove Curse
3 Remove Disease
3 Rigid Thinking
3 Strength of One
3 Summon Monster III
4 Cloak of Fear
4 Cure Critical Wounds
4 Death Ward
4 Defensive Harmony
4 Dismissal
4 Freedom of Movement
4 Giant Vermin
4 Holy Power
4 Inflict Critical Wounds
4 Neutralize Poison
4 Poison
4 Protection from Lightning
4 Recitation
4 Remove Fatigue
4 Summon Monster IV
4 Unholy Blight
5 Champion's Strength
5 Chaotic Commands
5 Flame Strike
5 Greater Command
5 Healing Circle
5 Insect Plague
5 Iron Skins
5 Raise Dead
5 Shield of Lathander
5 Slay Living
5 Spell Resistance
5 Summon Monster V
5 Undead Ward
6 Banishment
6 Circle of Blades
6 Divine Shell
6 Dolorous Decay
6 Harm
6 Heal
6 Sol's Searing Orb
6 Summon Monster VI
7 Blasphemy
7 Planar Binding: Earth Elemental
7 Destruction
7 Elemental Barrier
7 Greater Restoration
7 Greater Shield of Lathander
7 Holy Word
7 Impervious Sanctity of Mind
7 Resurrection
7 Summon Monster VII
8 Antimagic Field
8 Fire Storm
8 Holy Aura
8 Mass Heal
8 Summon Monster VIII
8 Symbol of Death
8 Symbol of Fear
8 Symbol of Hopelessness
8 Symbol of Pain
8 Symbol of Stunning
8 Tremor
9 Gate
9 Summon Monster IX

11. BANE
1 Bane
1 Command
2 Horror
2 Silence
3 Dire Charm
3 Rigid Thinking
4 Emotion: Despair
5 Dominate Person
5 Greater Command
5 Power Word: Silence
6 Circle of Blades
6 Feeblemind
7 Gate
7 Suffocate
8 Flaying
8 Power Word: Blind
9 Mass Dominate
9 Summon Monster IX

12. HELM
1 Armor of Faith
1 Protection from Evil
2 Hold Person
2 Spell Shield
3 Exaltation
3 Glyph of Warding
4 Death Ward
4 Defensive Harmony
5 Dismissal
5 Greater Command
6 Circle of Blades
6 Globe of Invulnerability
7 Impervious Sanctity of Mind
7 Seven Eyes
7 Spiritual Wrath
8 Iron Body
9 Aegis
9 Banishment

1 Minor Elemental Barrier
1 Protection from Evil
2 Aid
2 Alicorn Lance
2 Remove Fatigue
3 Cure Serious Wounds
3 Magic Circle Against Evil
4 Emotion: Hope
4 Holy Smite
5 Feeblemind
5 Holy Power
6 Harm
6 Stoneskin
7 Holy Word
7 Impervious Sanctity of Mind
8 Holy Aura
8 Symbol of Pain
9 Horrid Wilting
9 Summon Monster IX

1 Faerie Fire
1 Sunscorch
2 Bull's Strength
2 Lesser Restoration
3 Aganazzar's Scorcher
3 Negative Energy Protection
4 Holy Smite
4 Shield of Lathander
5 Flame Strike
5 Raise Dead
6 Fire Storm
6 Heal
7 Greater Restoration
7 Sunbeam
8 Aura of Vitality
8 Resurrection
9 Mass Heal
9 Meteor Swarm

15. MASK
1 Minor Mirror Image
1 Sleep
2 Blindness
2 Blur
2 Mirror Image
3 Invisibility Sphere
4 Emotion: Despair
4 Improved Invisibility
5 Shadow Conjuration
5 Unholy Blight
6 Greater Shadow Conjuration
6 Phantom Blade
7 Shades
7 Soul Eater
8 Blasphemy
8 Mass Invisibility
9 Black Blade of Disaster
9 Executioner's Eyes

1 Charm Person
1 Eagle's Splendor
1 Identify
2 Find Traps
2 See Invisibility
3 Dispel Magic
4 Malison
4 Shout
5 Greater Command
5 Power Word: Silence
6 Power Word: Stun
6 Symbol of Fear
7 Great Shout
7 Symbol of Hopelessness
8 Power Word: Kill
8 Symbol of Death
9 Executioner's Eyes
9 Wail of the Banshee

1 Faerie Fire
1 Sanctuary
1 Sunscorch
2 Alicorn Lance
2 Moon Motes
3 Moonblade
4 Emotion: Rage
5 Undead Ward
5 Wall of Moonlight
6 Antimagic Field
6 Divine Shell
7 Planar Binding: Air Elemental
7 Planar Binding: Water Elemental
9 Elemental Legion
9 Prismatic Spray

1 Doom
1 Shocking Grasp
2 Death Armor
2 Gedlee's Electric Loop
3 Lightning Bolt
3 Storm Shell
4 Protection from Electricity
4 Static Charge
5 Ball Lightning
5 Slay Living
6 Chain Lightning
6 Whirlwind
7 Destruction
7 Tremor
8 Acid Storm
8 Fire Storm
9 Horrid Wilting
9 Wail of the Banshee

1 Bless
1 Magic Stone
2 Chant
2 Draw Upon Holy Might
3 Animate dead
3 Prayer
4 Blood Rage
4 Recitation
5 Champion's Strength
5 Chaotic Commands
6 Circle of Blades
6 Spiritual Wrath
7 Power Word: Blind
7 Summon Monster VII
8 Power Word: Stun
8 Summon Monster VIII
9 Power Word: Kill
9 Summon Monster IX

I am in no way associated with Icewind Dale II, Black Isle, or Interplay.

Special thanks to for being such a fantastic website!
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