Enter The Matrix

Enter the Matrix

16.10.2013 00:30:59
Hacking FAQ/Walkthrough

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _________ ____ ____ ____
||E |||n |||t |||e |||r ||| |||t |||h |||e ||
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||M |||a |||t |||r |||i |||x ||

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||H |||a |||c |||k |||i |||n |||g ||


E n t e r t h e M a t r i x
(H A C K I N G)
The Complete FAQ/Walkthrough 3.1
For the Playstation2™
Written, formatted and researched by: Austineze
Questions? Comments? : BuzzyBastard@beer.com
Copyright © 2003 to Austineze

F i l e S u m m a r y
Guide Progress: 98% complete
Approximate File Size: 28.4 KB
Total Pages: 14


This FAQ/Walkthrough contains:
Copyright Info
Version History
General Hacking Help
Hexadecimal Codes
Contact Info

-------------Copyright Info----------------

This guide may be distributed freely, if everything within this file is fully intact and proper credit is given. It may not be distributed for profit or anymeans of economical gain. Please do not modify this guide in any way, even if you find errors, inaccurate information, grammatical problems,etc. In the event you do discover any of the previously listed, write me so that I can correct this, the original.

Playstation 2 and Playstation 2 logos are registered trademarks of Sony Entertainment of America Inc. Enter the Matrix and all related characters areregistered trademarks of the Wachowski brothers. The game was created under lisence by Atari & Shiny Entertainment. The author of this document is in no way affiliated with Sony Entertainment of America, Atari, nor Shiny Entertainment.

-------------Version History---------------

Verson 1.0
Completed May 20, 2003. Includes complete walkthrough and a hacking
help section.

Verson 2.0
Completed May 22, 2003. Includes cheats, asides for the hacking game,
and a rather large FAQ section.

Verson 3.0
Completed June 2, 2003. Includes a new hexadecimal code section, more
asides for the hacking game, and updates to the FAQ section.

Verson 3.1
Completed June 19, 2003. Includes many updates for the hexadecimal code
section, several small improvements to several sections, and added the
ASCII title art - courtesy of the ASCII Generator (see credits)

-------------General Hacking Help-------------

Hacking is pretty straightforward, you continue moving from drive to drive, using the newly accessed commands to drive you deeper down the rabbit hole. If you decide to have a go at it by yourself, please note that any time you type in a command, it appears in the command column at the left, so just move over there and click on it instead of typing it out each time. There are even many commands that allow the seconday action to pop up over there as well (the DIR command for example will pop up the contents of any prev- iously listed drive or folder)

Below is a list of most of the commands (these are the .EXE files) found while hacking, and what they do. The prenthesis after each contains the drive you will find it on.

REBOOT (A) - restarts the system if you get stuck, start all over HELP (A) - if you type another command after HELP, it tells you what
the second command does (kind of like this guide) CLS (A) - clears the screen LOGIN (A) - allows you do get into the network DIR (A) - shows all of the files or folders in a specific drive or folder EXIT (A) - leave hacking READ (A) - used to view .TXT files ECHO (A) - repeats whatever you type after ECHO (useless?) VIBRATION (A) - vibrates the controller
BEEP(A) - makes a series of beeps
CHEAT(A) - enter cheat codes into the current save game file you are using VIEW (B) - used to look at images, maps, art, etc. VIRTUAL (B) - used to access the virtual network drive TRACEKILL (B) - will terminate a trace program DROP (B) - will stash weapons into your saved game file if you know the
appropriate codes
PLAY (B) - used to view the FMV files
DECODE (B) - can decode items found in 'the real world' ROOTSEARCH (V) - designed to find the password to the ROOT folder DIAL (V) - calling phone numbers MAIL (V) - access an email account
PORTKEY(V) - opens a PORT with an appropriate code
TRAINING (RAM) - can access training scenarios
HANDSHAKE (RAM) - reaches out to vessels patroling in 'the real world' READBIO (RAM) - can read BIOs of characters from the game EMP (LOGOS) - fires an Electro Magnetic Pulse (a weapon for Sentinels)
* ENCODE - this allows you to code a word and use it in DECODE later
this command is only available in PAL (mostly European)
versions of the game


Obviously, if you bought this game you are familiar with the story of the Matrix. However, if you have yet to see 'Final Flight of the Osiris' then you should know that the Osiris was a hover ship (like Morpheus' from the original movie) that goes to the surface of the Eart and finds that an army of Sentinels are massing around a huge digging machine. The machine is positioned above Zion, so the last sanctuary of humans is in serious jeopardy. The Osiris is detected, so they decide to jack into the Matrix to try and get the message out of what they witnessed. Just before their ship explodes, they manage to get a package in the mail.

Technically, you don't need to know any of this to play through the hacking section, but if you're like me, you will want to step over to the actual game once and awhile (if nothing else, to boost the amount of unlocked files you will find in the hacking section)


Below is a copy of exactly what will appear on your TV screen. I took the shortest route possible to unlock all of the drives and folders. In a later version, I might include some of the other things you can play with while hacking, but for now, this will just get everything available to you. There are some areas where you will find five astericks (*****). This indicates that I have included something that is not directly on your screen (such as a voice talking to you). Finally, note the five astericks in the section for unlocking the B drive's tools with a binary code. This is to indicate that the code will be different every time you play. You will go through a few attempts before finding the one you need. Okay, let's turn that computer on!

ONS-T1 Personal Computer (c) 1999
ROM BIOS LOADED v8.19-rev 3.
RAM CRC check: (000000h)
Drive - Serial: D45855 - DETECTED
Ports SECURE: [TAPS: 00]
Encryption: [ENABLED-256 BIT]
Virus Scan - 'CHECKING'
WARNING - Virus Definition Database: ERROR 421
-Update needed

System Clean.
Type 'Help' for help
Logging into Drive A:

HELP: To show usage for any known system command.
Usage: HELP
Example: HELP DIR

A:\> DIR A:





-Checked storage / need bigger drive for download
-Don't forget to backup/wipe disc
-Drive B needs attention
-B: Surveillance archive is progressing


Enter Password: (If you are a guest, type 'GUEST')

Login Access Approved
Access to Media Drive B: - GRANTED
B: is now accessible

A:\> DIR B:


Tools directory is binary encrypted.
Enter 5 digit access code: (Q to quit)
***** digits correct.
***** digits in their correct places.
Enter 5 digit access code: (Q to quit)
Five digits correct.
Five digits in their correct places.
Decryption process successful.


Virtual Drive - SECURITY CHECK
Enter Password: FROZENFISH
Password accepted.
Dialing... Please Wait.
Carrier Anomoly - Redirecting: 8080
AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED. You have a limited time .........................

*****Puzzle Solution
***** |
***** --|--
***** |
***** -----|-----
***** | |
***** / | | \
***** _| _|

Solution: RED
Auto Running: NEORED.BAT
>>>> Vectoring to waveform file. Approved, Card Detected. PLAYING
*****Morpheus says, "Welcome, you are in. You have access."

Access Approved
Access to Virtual Drive V: - GRANTED
V: is now accessible

A;\> DIR V:




Searching for ROOT ADMIN Password: THIISNOTREAL
Submitting Password: THISISNOTREAL
Administrator: Authenticated.

V:\ROOT access granted



Password accepted.

MAIL v2.4 - (your free trial period has expired.)
Checking ADMIN Email Account.
(1) - eMail(s) in Inbox
Do you wish to read email(s)? Y

Email 1 of 1



A:\> DIAL 0013105550111
Dialing... Connected.
Playing message...
*****Trinity says, "You've tapped into a hard line
*****drop box. Do not leave a message. Use code 942.
*****Repeat 942."

A:\> PORTKEY 942
*****This string of random characters continues for
*****about one hundred lines, then the screen clears

>Knock. Knock.
>Hi, it's me Trinity.
>Thanks for opening the Port.
>Been having any problems with the system?
Yeah, well that's no surprise, to get this far, you obviously have the knack.
>Do you know how to get to your RAM drive?
Even if you don't know, you do have one. I can't access it from here, but I can give you a Cracker to get at it.
>Here it comes...

File: CRACK.EXE downloaded to V:\ROOT

>To get to the RAM drive, type CRACK 8RAM
*****This string of random characters continues for
*****about twenty five lines, then the screen clears

>>>>FORCE#9 - closing PORT reset...

Accessing RAM drive...
Encryption code: AGHR22M5
Entering code: UNLOCK RAM: - AGHR22M5
Code.... Accepted.

Access Approved
Access to RAM Drive: - GRANTED
RAM: is now accessible




Nebuchadnezzar - - - LINK CLOSED
Moljinor - - - - - - LINK CLOSED
Logos - - - - - - - LINK OPEN
- Contacting Operator
Operator is typing.
Hi... Sparks here... I can't chat for long, I am monitoring Sentinel Activity in this area. What's up? NOTHING Hold on, I see you accessing my disk drive. You're getting good! Thanks for that file you just sent me... What is it? WHAT FILE Hold on, can't chat now, that file you gave me is corrupting the screen...

OH SHIT! -It was a Trojan. It's infecting our onboard computers... It's trying to find a broadcast output. Trying to shut it down... It's rung the bell, I'm scanning movement. -Sentinels inbound. The virus is spreading. It's locking down my controls... I've lost control of our EMP, my monitors are down... If you're reading this, run EMP.EXE on the LOGOS drive. You have the only port open to my onboard computer...

A:\> EMP
He he he... I was just kidding! Holy crap, no need to take me seriously! You would have left me without a pot to piss in if the EMP had really fired. Oops, I forgot. I have unlocked a present for you. Think of it as a gift, for doing so well. It's in the loading section. Enjoy! :) I also tried to record a message from Neo for you. Got most of it... File downloading... Audio file playing: 22Khr
*****Neo says,"I know you're there, I can feel you. You
*****possess great skills. Now its your turn - follow the
*****white rabbit."

I agree with him about the skills bit.
If you find any white rabbits, I'll do the cooking... :P
Time we both got back to the mission.
You're done here, Bye.



*****When talking with Trinity and Sparks, they ask you questions.
*****If you put in any response then the one expected, you can get
*****an odd reply. Such as, when Trinity asks you if you're having
*****any trouble, and you say something like "I LOVE YOU" or "BITE
*****ME" she will respond with "Right back at you! :)"

Enter Password: (If you are a guest, type 'GUEST')
*****COWBOYBOB will activate the same response. If you are currently
*****logged in as someone else (GUEST maybe) you will have to REBOOT
*****and begin the hacking process over to input a new login name. Login Access Approved Access to Media Drive B: - GRANTED
B: is now accessible
Welcome friend
Would you like to hear a message from Morpheus?

Choose fragment 1,2,3,4 or 5? (9 to quit)
*****All five fragments are snippets from the first movie,
*****nothing new.

*****The same will load as indicated above, but if you solve
*****the puzzle as BLUE then the results are different.
*****Puzzle solution: BLUE
***** -|-
***** -|-
***** ---------
***** ___
***** |- |
***** |- |
***** | _|

Solution: BLUE
Auto Running: NEOBLUE.BAT
>>>>Vectoring to waveform file. Approved, Card Detected. PLAYING
*****Morpheus says, "Whoever you are, you don't belong here. This
*****system is being monitored. If I can track you, so can they.
*****What you're doing is not safe. Use a backdoor."
>>>>RED was the backdoor.
>>>>Use TRACEKILL.EXE to kill trace programs.

SYS: Intruder Detected.
WARNING - Your activity has been logged.
Trace program is running...
*****A timer begins to countdown. If it gets to zero, you are
*****thrown out of the hacking section.

Trace program killed.
Press any key to continue.

A:\> EMP
*****This only works after you have used EMP.EXE before with Sparks

Hey, you shouldn't be messing around with the EMP! Besides, I deactivated the program to stop you from hurting yourself! - Sparks :P

A:\> DIAL 0019495550101
Dialing... Connected.
Playing message...
*****Persephone says,"Lover, I have a terrible itch in a place that
*****I'm unable to scratch. Do you know that feeling? It is enough
*****to drive one mad. I need your nails across my back and I need
*****them soon. You should know that this afternoon I ate nothing but
*****asparagus for lunch. 'click'


I have seen MANY cheats out on the web, and half of them don't work. What's listed here does work, and furthermore, you'll know they work because the program itself will say so - explicitly. If you type in the all weapons code, it will say "All Weapons unlocked." To activate any of these, use CHEAT and the code, such as CHEAT 0034AFFF.

0034AFFF - All Weapons Unlocked
FFFFFFF1 - Stop Enemies From seeing You
D5C55D1E - Multiplayer Fighting
7867F443 - Faster Logos Flight Speed
13D2C77F - Unlock Bonus Test Level
7F4DF451 - Infinite Health
69E5D9E4 - Infinite Focus
1DDF2556 - Infinite Ammo

You should be aware that enabling these cheats without finishing the game first could prevent you from doing so. In some cases, if the enemy can't see you, they won't open doors to come get you, and you can't proceed. Also, some of the cheats forces a grenade to drop as soon as a level starts. If you are with a secondary character and they get killed, your game is over. It has also become a problem for many gamers technically. That is, using cheats seems to cause the game to freeze MUCH more frequently.

Two cheats have caused more problems than I have ever seen before. So, I will try to explain what is going on with the Multiplayer code and the Bonus level.Once you unlock the Multiplayer, you MUST have 2 Dualshock2 controllers plugged in (A PS1 Dualshock Analog controller won't cut it). Load one of your saved game files. When the screen comes up where you get to choose a level, press to the left (and keep pressing) until you get to the multiplayer section. As for the Bonus level, once you load it, you must leave the hacking section and load a saved game. Press to the right (to the left goes back toward the start of the game) and there is the bonus level. Once inside, enter the red door and go past the tables to the far wall. Press the red button to begin thesequences.

Another big section asked about is the DECODE program. If you can find the codes (said to be located at the websites - see PASSWORD.TXT - and in the official game guide), you can enter them with the DECODE program. I've tried a few that I've found, and they are pretty simplistic. They translate to say such obvious things as "SPARKS" and "VIRTUAL DRIVE" so I don't see the point.

Speaking of the websites, if you sign up for the email announcements, you will be sent this message:
>You've chosen to Enter The Matrix(TM). Jack In. Load Up.
>Go to http://www.infoyouaskedfor.com/r.cgi?=m4196_7427188
>Username: Niobe
>Password: sQuiD
>And Hold On.
They are both case sensitive, so watch as you enter it in. You will be dissapointed to find that all you get is the code listed above (13D2C77F).

------------Hexadecimal Codes--------------

The official Matrix website has a unique link to Enter the Matrix. It is the hexadecimal code station. Using the cheat codes from Enter the Matrix, as wellas other codes yet to be found, you can convert them to a string of binary codes and input them into the website. Valid codes will bring up "goodies," but at the time of this version's release, many of the linking web pages were not ready (they come up as "Data not yet compiled"). Hopefuly they will be ready in the near future, so I reccomend going back periodically.

To find the hexidecimal code station, you have to log into http://www.thematrix.com at high bandwidth. When you reach the opening page, there is a menu bar at the top that looks like a lot of television screens (ala the hovercraft command stations). To the far right of this menu bar is a plain gray bar with an orange button below it. Click on the orange button. A small panel will open up with the options of "help" or "low bandwidth." Justto the right of the "low bandwidth" option is a small gray square - click on it, and it should turn green. A lagre access panel will drop down to cover themenu bar (it will say "ZION83N6" on the left side). Click to open it and reveal a binary code input. There are several you might put in here, but the one we want is:


This will open the hexadecimal code panel. The "rules" on how it works are clearly posted there. Basically, you can turn codes from the game into a binaryform and you will get access to some goodie. Below is a list of known working codes (as of 6.15.2003) and what they lead to. The ones marked as "Data not yet compiled" are thought to eventually lead to something - so check back.

1100 1100 1000 1000 0011 0011 0000 0000 Test Code
0000 1001 1000 1100 1010 0111 0000 0001 Desktop
1110 1100 0011 0000 0110 0000 0111 0001 QT VR Oracle Room
1111 0000 0011 0011 0101 0000 1011 0001 Art Department - Interviews Section 0000 0000 1000 0001 1100 1111 0101 1110 Visual Effects - Interviews Section 1101 0100 1000 0111 1010 0011 0001 0111 A Detective Story - Preview 1001 1000 0111 0110 0101 0100 0011 0010 Ultra Preview 1010 0011 1011 0001 1010 0100 0010 1000 Nebuchadnezzar Virtual Model 1101 0101 0011 1101 0100 1001 1111 1001 UnLoco - Bruises - Video 1010 1000 1100 0011 1111 1001 1010 1101 Deftones - Historical Segment - Video 0100 0011 1110 0001 0111 1010 1100 1001 The making of record 1100 0001 1011 0100 1001 1111 0001 0011 P.O.D. - Sleeping Awake - Lyrics 1000 1101 1001 0110 0110 1111 0010 1010 P.O.D. - Sleeping Awake - Interview 0110 0100 1100 1111 0010 1001 1110 0011 P.O.D.-Sleeping Awake-Behind the scenes0001 1001 1010 0110 0100 0010 1011 1111 P.O.D.-Sleeping Awake-Behind the
scenes -Part
II1000 1110 0010 0001 0111 1010 1100 1001 SoundTrack - Lyrics 0111 1111 0100 1101 1111 0100 0101 0001 SoundTrack - Lyrics 1111 0100 0100 0110 1010 0011 1001 0010 Data non yet compiled 0011 1000 1100 1010 0010 1111 1011 0001 Data non yet compiled 0010 0101 1101 1011 1001 0010 1000 1111 Win an Electric Guitar 0001 1101 1101 1111 0010 0101 0101 0110 Working but nothing displayed 0010 0011 0110 0011 0001 1011 1110 0110 QT VR Merovingian Chateau
-The Great Hall/Keymaker Room/The Great
Hallaway0000 0000 0011 0100 1010 1111 1111 1111 QT VR Chinatown
-Alley 1 daytime/Tea House/Alley 2
daytime0001 1101 1101 1111 0010 0101 0101 0110 Working but nothing displayed 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0010 0000 1010 QT VR Zion
-Ghost's Room/LeVrai
Restaurant -Restroom/Merovingian
Chateau -Basement
Hallway 21111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0001 QT VR Merovingian Chateau
-Underground Garage 2/Keymaker Room 2/The Great Hall ground
floor 20100 0101 0001 0110 1101 1111 0100 0101 QT VR Merovingian Chateau
-Library 2/Lower Hallway 1/Underground
Garage 10110 1001 1110 0101 1101 1001 1110 0100 Data not yet compiled 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1010 QT VR Nebuchadnezzar
-Loading Dock 1/Neo's Room 2/Loading
Dock 21101 0101 1100 0101 0101 1101 0001 1110 Data not yet compiled 1011 1011 0000 0001 0011 1111 1111 1111 Data not yet compiled 0111 1000 0110 0111 1111 0100 0100 0011 Data not yet compiled 0001 0011 1101 0010 1100 0111 0111 1111 Data not yet compiled 0011 0101 1101 0110 0111 0001 0111 0011 Data not yet compiled 1011 0010 0101 1111 0011 0011 1010 0110 Data not yet compiled

The above list was put together and posted on the GameFAQs Enter the Matrix message board by Esoso - Thanks a million!


Q: How do I play with Neo (or Trinity or Morpheus) in the game?
A: As far as I know, you can't. There are multiplayer games that make
Trinity and Morpheus available, but I have yet to see how those
characters can be transported into the main game.

Q: How can I just watch all of the movies without having to play through
the game each time?
A: The PLAY.EXE command on the B: drive (\TOOLS) will let you play all of
the files in the B:\FMV folder. If you hack into a finished save game
file, they'll all be there. Heck hook the PS2 up to a VCR, and tape
'em all in a row so you can impress stupid friends. It is important
to note that Niobe and Ghost have different FMVs. To actually see all
of them, you will have to complete the game with both characters, then
hack into both completed save game files to see them all. No, they won't
come up in the same saved game file.

Q: Can you access the TRAINING.EXE program in the RAM:\TRINITY folder?
A: Sure you can. However, you need .DSK files to use it. If you type in
TRAINING all by itself, it will give you the help response and the
example SWORD.DSK. The SWORD can only be loaded into a completed save
game file, but once you load it, the game "remembers" it for any game
that you load to play. You can use the sword by pressing the action
button near an opponent. Instead of disarming, you slice 'em up. Nifty.

Q: Are there any other TRAINING programs?
A: I would have to say yes, but unfortunately, I don't know them. I
will be happy to add any working ones you may discover if you send
them this way.

Q: What does the ECHO program do?
A: It bites ass is what it does. No, really, it does nothing but
display what you typed after ECHO. Heck, amuse those stupid friends
and say you're talking to Sparks or Trinity again - Heck even Neo!

Q: How deep is the rabbit hole? OR How far can you really hack?
A: I've outlined above as far as you can go in hacking. I am amending
the Asides section to include miscellaneous items that don't progress
you, but are still kind of amusing. I know the hacking section is
short (if you know what you're doing), but you didn't buy this game
for the hacking section, did you?

Q: How do I deactivate a cheat if I don't want to use it anymore?
A: Two ways. One - turn the game off. Two - enter the code a second time.

Q: C'mon, give me something I can decode!
A: Hey buddy, that isn't a question. But I like your style, so try:

Q: What is Sparks talking about, "I have unlocked a present for you ...
its in the loading section."?
A: Its the multiplayer mode, but you still have to have that second
DualShock2. Look above in the CHEATS section for more info.

Q: How do I use the DROP.EXE command to get weapons?
A: Use the VIEW.EXE command to look at any of the maps in the B:\MAPS
folder. On the map itself, the wepons drop location is indicated in
red. In the bottom right corner is a seven character code. Use that
code along with the DROP command to create a weapons stash. Example:
DROP B1AXXF2 to make a stash on the second floor (P.O. Boxes area)
of the post office. Note, the only maps available in that folder are
the ones you've played through.

Q: Could you please explain what the heck is going on with that code to
get into the B:\TOOLS?
A: The B:\TOOLS folder has a (random) binary encryption. That is, it will be
five numbers, all of which is either a 1 or a 0. Try typing in five 0s and
it will tell you how many are right - such as three correct. Now you know
that there are three 0s. Since the numbers can only be 1s and 0s, then the
other two must be 1s. Try just inputting different combos of those
numbers, 11000, 01010, 01001, etc. You'll hit it pretty quickly

Q: When I get to (insert level title here), it says loading, then only goes
to a black screen and nothing happens. What gives?
A: Technically this question doesn't concern the hacking section, but it is
by far one of the most frequently asked questions I get. Here's my form
answer - This "game freeze" has become a common problem with many Enter
the Matrix players. The only real cure I've found is to back up one level
and play through it again. When you return to the frozen level 95% of the
time it will work that second time. It is related to using cheat codes,
but we really don't know why it happens for sure.

-------------Contact Info------------------

I can be reached at BuzzyBastard@beer.com

Please begin email subject lines with 'Matrix'

I would appreciate any worthy contributions to this FAQ. Please send info on
working cheats, training sequences, etc. not already listed here. You will
receive full credit for your skills and generosity.


The current game boards at www.GameFAQs.com, www.NeoSeeker.com and www.IGN.com
have helped immensely in building the subsequent versions of this FAQ. My
compliments to the ASCII Generator at - http://www.network-science.de/ascii/input.html
Special thanks to Esoso from GameFAQs for his continuing work with the hexadecimal
codes. Thanks to Matt for emailing me with Persephone's phone number. Also I extend
thanks to all who have written emails with your questions, so I know where
improvement is needed. Oh, and thanks Me!
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Hack the Matrix

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16.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Munition, Gesundheit, Focus und Schiffschutz (für v1.51)

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15.Oktober 2013
Unbegrenzt viel Gesundheit, Focus und Munition

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Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
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24.März 2020