Roller Coaster Tycoon 2

Roller Coaster Tycoon 2

17.10.2013 23:45:42
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Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
All-in-one walkthrough (beginner+advanced)
version 1.5
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Bostjan Cigan.
All rights reserved.


- Version 1.5
# ADDED PSE 2 (Phrase Search Engine 2)
# added some more tips in tips section
# some user asked FAQ added
# added more easter eggs (thanks to David Ellis)
# main title a little different


# some new strategies for scenarios
# have to complete the PSE engine keywords


Step 1: Scroll down until section III (PSE 2)
Step 2: RCT2 Encyclopaedia is before you.
Step 3: Find a phrase you're looking for. Listing is in alphabetical order.
Step 4: Note the code number next to the phrase you found.
Step 5: Press CTRL + F at same time, then type in code number.
Step 6: Press 'Enter' two times.
Step 7: Voila! What you've looked for is found.




-----------------===ROLLERCOASTER TYCOON 2 NEWS SECTION===-----------------

In this section, the most recent news on Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 will be

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Water Patch

Chris Sawyer has made a new water patch to make the water look different (a
kind of purple/pink style).

Download the patch from:

RCT2 new maps from original RCT!

Some new old maps from RCT have been converted into the RCT2 game format.

Download the maps from:

This is all for now ...



NOTE: Sections higlighted with (*) are new in this version.

[1] Document license agreement
[2] Site license agreement
[1] Walkthrough info
[2] Font check
[3] Walkthrough stats
[4] Walkthrough history
[5] Contact info
[1] What is PSE 2
[2] How to use PSE 2
[3] FAQ on PSE 2
[4] PSE 2 Version History
[4] RCT2 Enyclopaedia


Chapter I: Getting started
[1] Keyboard commands
[2] Saving and loading a game
[3] Main menu
[4] Game elements
[4.1] Common window elements
[4.2] Main view screen
[4.3] Finances and park rating
[4.4] Date, weather messaging
[END] End of Chapter I
Chapter II: Building the park of your dreams
[1] Park information
[2] Reshaping your land
[2.1] Scenery shaping tool
[2.2] Land and water windows
[2.2.1] Rising and lowering land
[2.2.2] Sloping landscape
[3] Scenery
[3.1] How to place scenery
[3.2] How to place elevated scenery
[4] Paths
[4.1] Foothpaths and quee lines
[4.2] Building paths
[5] Ride construction
[5.1] Constructing rides
[5.2] Building a ride
[5.3] Ride construction window
[5.4] Carring for your new ride
[6] Running a park
[6.1] Staff
[6.1.1] Hiring staff
[6.1.2] Managing staff
[6.2] Managing rides and facilities
[6.3] Caring for guests
[6.3.1] Individual guest window
[6.3.2] Guests summary window
[6.3.3] Other guest information
[6.4] Finances
[6.4.1] Fiscal reports
[END] End of Chapter II
Chapter III: Using Rollercoaster Designer
[1] Rollercoaster Designer
[2] Coaster checklist
[3] Managing your track design
[END] End of Chapter III
Chapter IV: Designing a scenario & using the scenario editor
[1] Tips on using the scenario editor
[2] Scenario editor elements
[2.1] Select objects
[2.2] Landscape editor
[2.3] Inventions list setup
[2.4] Options selection
[2.5] Objective selection
[2.6] Save scenario
[3] Converting a saved game to a scenario
[END] End of Chapter IV
Chapter V: Final notes


Chapter I: Rides available
[1] Transport rides
[2] Gentle rides
[3] Rollercoasters
Chapter II: Ten easy steps on creating the perfect park
Chapter III: Scenario walkthroughs
[1] Walkthroughs for beginner parks
[1.1] Crazy Castle
[1.2] Electric Fields
[1.3] Factory Capers
[2] Walktroughs for challenging parks
[2.1] Amity Airfield
[2.2] Botany Breakers
[2.3] Bumbly Bazaar
[2.4] Dusty Greens
[2.5] Fungus Woods
[2.6] Gravity Gardens
[2.7] Infernal Views
[3] Walktroughs for expert parks
[3.1] Alpine Adventures
[3.2] Extreme Heights
[3.3] Ghost Town
[3.4] Lucky Lake
[3.5] Rainbow Summit
[4] Walktroughs for real parks
[4.1] Six Flags Belgium
[4.2] Six Flags Adventure
[4.3] Six Flags Holland
[4.4] Six Flags Magic Mountain
[4.5] Six Flags Over Texas
[5] Walktroughs for other parks
Chapter IV: Money chart
Chapter V: Final notes


Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II: Designing rollercoasters
[1] Coaster Types
[2] Ride Characteristics
[2.1] Excitement raiting
[2.2] Intensity raiting
[2.3] Nausea Factor
[3] Starting to build a rollercoaster
[3.1] The Station
[3.2] The Lift Hill
[3.3] Hills and Loops
[3.4] Ride Lenght
[3.4.1] Double Rollercoaster Strategy
[4] Coaster example
[5] Rollercoaster Crashes
[6] Hints and tips on building coasters
[7] Final notes
Chapter III: Designing a 4D rollercoaster
[1] Getting Started
[2] Rotations
[3] Incorporating the rotations
[4] Hints and tips on building a 4D coaster
[5] Final notes
Chapter IV: Price Walkthrough
[1] Getting Started
[2] Recommended Prices
[2.1] Prices for transportation rides
[2.2] Prices on gentle rides
[2.3] Park Entrance Price
[2.4] Shops and stalls prices
[2.5] Thrill rides prices
[2.6] Water rides prices
[2.7] Rollercoaster prices
[3] Final notes
Chapter V: Price list
Chapter VI: Queues
[1] Queues
[2] Queues tips
[3] Final notes
Chapter VII: Custom Rides Creation
[1] Boat Hire
[2] Log Flume
[3] Water Slide
[4] Transport rides
[5] Towers
[6] Go Karts
[7] Hedge Maze
[8] Chair Lift
[9] Monorail/Railroad
[10] Final notes
Chapter VIII: Advanced Coaster Building
[1] Elevated Rollercoaster
[2] Transport Rollercoaster
[3] Single Dueling Rollercoaster
[4] Underground Rollercoaster
[5] Final Notes
Chapter IX: Final notes


Rollercoaster History
[1] Intro
[2] The Ice Age
[3] Runaway Train
[4] Upside Down Side
[5] Getting Real
[6] Back On Track
The Most Famous Rollercoasters
[1] Rollercoaster Deja Vu
[2] Rollercoaster Medusa
[3] Rollercoaster Chang
[4] Rollercoaster V2 - Verical Velocity
[5] Rollercoaster X
[6] Rollercoaster Titan
[7] Rollercoaster Texas Giant
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Hints
[1] Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Personal Tips
[2] Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Manual Tips
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Easter Eggs
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Cheats
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Web Pages
Other Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Walkthroughs


Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 FAQ (usely asked questions)
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 FAQ (user asked questions)


I. A U T H O R & C O P Y R I G H T N O T I C E

Author of this walkthrough is Bostjan Cigan. This walkthrough may only be
published on sites that are listed further down in this FAQ.


If you want to use this document, you must agree to the terms of this
license agreement.

a) You are allowed to look, copy (single-user copy only) this walkthrough
on your computer
b) None of this walkthrough may be copied, reproduced, changed, SOLD or
maintained in any way without the explicit permission of the author.
c) This walkthrough may only be published on sites, that are listed
further down in this section; if your site is not listed but you
have asked for permission and have it, don't worry. The FAQ
probably isn't updated yet.


Gamefaqs (
Xcheater (
Cheatcc (


This agreement is for all sites that have permission to post this guide.

a) All the terms of the document license agreement must also must be
b) This walkthrough is not allowed to be published by sites that sell
walkthroughs for their own purpose. If the walkthrough is allowed to be
published on that site that is selling walkthroughs, that site must
immediately remove the walkthrough as they are violating the site
license agreement and the document license agreement.

II. C O N T A C T & W A L K T H R O U G H I N F O


This walktrough is intended to be useful for everyone. It has a beginner
walkthrough (teaches new tycooners how to play) and also an advanced
walkthrough (available from version 1.1 on). It also contains specific
tycooner techniques which might come in handy (from version 1.2 on).


Before you read this guide, make sure you have a compatible font. You must
have the COURIER NEW font installed. Check these numbers and dots bellow
and if the align, you have a compatible font installed.



Pages : 91
Words : 32.217
Letters (without space): 162.723
Letters (with space) : 225.031
Paragraphs : 3.665
Lines : 5.483
Walkthrough size : 482KB


- Version 1.5
# ADDED PSE 2 (Phrase Search Engine 2)
# added some more tips in tips section
# some user asked FAQ added
# added more easter eggs/cheats (thanks to David Ellis)
# main title a little different


- Version 1.4
# ADDON ssection changes
-- changes/ - added advanced coaster building section
- added queues section
- added custom rides creation
- designing rollercoasters changes
-- changes/ - completed starting to build a rollercoaster
- added rollercoaster crashes section
# RCT manual hints added (they weren't there in the previous version)
# RCT easter eggs finaly done
# /as usual/ grammar fixes
# added walkthrough information
# changed legal notices
-- changes/ - added site license agreement
- I've only stated sites that may publish the walkthrough but
I will not give permissions anymore
# added RCT2 other walkthroughs in addon section
# still to come in history section removed
# little changes in other walkthroughs section
# new sections in versions now marked with *


- Version 1.3
# changed license agreement
# deleted some sites that can publish walkthrough without asking from
publish list
# added more tips in the 'Ten Steps On Creating the Perfect Park' section
# added price list for rides, shops and so on
# changed the ASCII dragon a little bit; fixed some mistakes
-- advanced techniques/ - 4D coaster walkthrough
- rollercoaster building walktrough
- price list
# fixed some grammar mistakes, changed the license agreement
# added some more hints
# changed the table of contnents
-- changes/ - made a more detailed list in BEGINNER walkthrough
# addon new sections:
-- changes: - added rct2 manual tips
- added rollercoaster history
- added description of the most famous rollercoasters


- Version 1.2
# added news section in the beginning of the walkthrough
# divided the walkthrough in 4 BIG sections (check the Contnents)
# changed the scrupture of the walkthrough
# added ascii logo in front
# added ascii dragon by -jog-
# added scenario walkthroughs /only few, not all
# added addon section
-- addon/ - game cheats
- game easter eggs
- game webpages
- game hints
# FAQ section added
-- faq/ - added user FAQ
- added the mostly asked questions
# grammar fixes


- Version 1.1
# added FAQ section
# added credits section -- to all those who helped me!
# changed some ASCIIs
# some grammar fixes


- Version 1.0
# first walkthrough version



If you have any questions about this walkthrough or Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
or if you have anything to add, e-mail me on:

I will try to publish them in this walkthrough and reply back to you too.


- don't send me requests to mail you the latest version of the guide
- as a subject please write RCT2 or Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
- you can send me mails in english, slovenian or croatian language,
replies can only be possible in english and slovenian
- please make your e-mails readable
- include your name or nickname so that I can thank you in the user section

III. P S E 2 (P H R A S E S E A R C H E N G I N E 2)


PSE 2 (shorter for Phrase Search Engine) is a very good idea based on Split
Infinity (author of Final Fantasy X Walkthrough). As you can see this
walkthrough is growing bigger and bigger every minute so it is very hard
for you to find the thing you want. So this is where PSE comes in. You can
simply find anything you want in ten seconds.


Step 1: Scroll down until section III (PSE)
Step 2: RCT2 Encyclopaedia is before you.
Step 3: Find a phrase you're looking for. Listing is in alphabetical order.
Step 4: Note the code number next to the phrase you found.
Step 5: Press CTRL + F at same time, then type in code number.
Step 6: Press 'Enter' two times.
Step 7: Voila! What you've looked for is found.

Here is a pic also to show you ([ means that this is just an example not
real text):


Now you only press CTRL+F, type in this keyword and press enter twice and
you are in that section.



Q1 - What is this encyclopaedia? Why would I even need it?
A1 - As you can see, this guide grows bigger with each update. And finding
what you're looking for becomes harder. This inspired me to create
this section - a unique and fast search engine.

Q2 - Okay, sounds good. What am I going to find in it?
A2 - What you will find here is an alphabetical list of every little thing
in this walkthrough.

Q3 - Nothing special. I can make one of my own, if I wish...
A3 - What will be so special about this alphabetical list, you ask? Let me
tell you then. Each entry shall be given a specific code number. I may
break up a single entry into more sub-entries, in which case more code
numbers will be necessary.

Q4 - Sounds good enough to me to try it.
A4 - Sounds excellent to me. And I'm going to work on it.

Q5 - What is the difference between PSE and PSE 2?
A5 - PSE2 does not only use the letter A to express but all letters (for
example: A001 for Amity Breakers and B001 for building


- Version 0.1
# created enyclopaedia listings for letters A-E


-----------------------------[ LETTER A ]----------------------------------

Amity Airfield ---> A001
Advanced Techniques ---> A002
Advanced coaster building ---> A003
Addon ---> A004
Alpine Adventures ---> A005

-----------------------------[ LETTER B ]----------------------------------

Bulldoze ---> B001
Build Foothpaths ---> B002
Build New Ride/Attraction ---> B003
Building the park of your dreams ---> B004
Buy construction rights ---> B005
Building Paths ---> B006
Building a ride ---> B007
Botany Breakers ---> B008
Bumbly Bazaar ---> B009
Boat Hire ---> B010

-----------------------------[ LETTER C ]----------------------------------

Conform to Ground ---> C001
Caring for your new ride ---> C002
Construct ---> C003
Colour Button ---> C004
Caring for guests ---> C005
Coaster Checklist ---> C006
Climate ---> C007
Converting a saved game to a scenario ---> C008
Crazy castle ---> C009
Coaster Types ---> C010
Coaster Example ---> C011
Chair Lift ---> C012
Cheats ---> C013
Constructing rides ---> C014
Custom Rides Creation ---> C015

-----------------------------[ LETTER D ]----------------------------------

Date, weather messages ---> D002
Demolish ---> D003
Designing a scenario and using the scenario editor ---> D005
Designing rollercoasters ---> D007
Designing a 4D rollercoaster ---> D009
Disc and game options ---> D004
Distance and Speed ---> D001
Double Rollercoaster Strategy ---> D008
Dusty Greens ---> D006

-----------------------------[ LETTER E ]----------------------------------

Electric fields ---> E003
Elevated Rollercoaster ---> E006
Entertainer ---> E002
Exit ---> E001
Excitement raiting ---> E005
Extreme Heights ---> E004

-----------------------------[ LETTER F ]----------------------------------


Well, here we are again as I told you. Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 is here and
it is better than ever. As sorry I am going to say but I got to say it.
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 hasn't changed that much as I first saw it.

Here are the things that are new:

- 5 New Scenario Categories - Play scenarios in any order!
- Roller Coaster Designer - Design the ultimate ride without
- Scenario Editor - Create your own games to share with friends!

You see now where I'm going? As you can see, nothing has changed. But the
game still rocks. Building your own park is something great and exciting so
I appreciate the game.

This walktrough will learn new tycooners how to play and will also cover a
walktrough for all scenarios in the game (from version 1.1 on) and advanced
techniques (e.g. building 4D coasters --from version 1.2 on).

V. W A L K T H R O U G H

H O W T O P L A Y / B E G I N N E R W A L K T H R O U G H


In this section we will check what all those signs mean and how can you
play the game. We will also see how the interface works.


First, we'll do the keyboard shortcuts. As much as it is possible to
control the game using only your mouse, there are some keyboard types that
can speed things up.

| Usage | Command |
| Close topmost window | Backspace |
| Close all floating windows | Shift + Bsp. |
| Cancel construction mode | Esc |
| Pause game | Pause |
| Zoom out Page | Up |
| Zoom in Page | Down |
| Rotate View | Enter |
| Rotate construction object | Z |
| Underground view toggle | 1 |
| Remove base land toggle | H |
| Remove vertical land toggle | V |
| See-through ride | 3 |
| See-through scenery | 4 |
| Invisible supports | 5 |
| Invisible guests | 6 |
| Height marks on land | 8 |
| Height marks on ride tracks | 9 |
| Height marks on paths | 0 |
| Adjust land | F1 |
| Adjust water | F2 |
| Build scenery | F3 |
| Build paths | F4 |
| Build new ride | F5 |
| Financial information | F |
| Research information | D |
| Rides / Attractions list | R |
| Park information | P |
| Guest list | G |
| Staff list | S |
| Recent messages | M |
| Show map | Tab |
| Screenshot | Ctrl + S |


The saving and loading is very important in Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. For
example if you are not shure if you want to place a rollercoaster, save the
game and then place it. You can always return to the original park.

You can save your game in Rollercoaster Tycoon at any time. Here is how to
do it:

Step 1: Click on the options icon (diskette button)
Step 2: Click on the save tab
Step 3: Save your game

Similarly, clicking on the Options button (diskette icon) while in the
Scenario Editor will save the landscape you are currently tinkering
with. To save a scenario, click the double-arrow button in the lower right
corner that takes you through the steps of creating a scenario. The final
step saves the scenario.

To save a track design, click the Save button (diskette icon) in the Ride
Statistics tab of any Ride window. Note: The Save button only appears after
you have successfully tested the ride. Each track that you save
isautomatically put in the Tracks folder on your hard drive.You can find
the Tracks folder in the location where RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 was
installed (usually C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\RollerCoaster
Tycoon 2\Tracks). If you manually place a track design file in the Tracks
folder, it will automatically show up in your New Rides window in the
proper category. To install a new track from within the game that is not in
the Tracks folder, click on the Install New Track Design button while you
are in the Track Designs Manager. To load a game while playing, or a
landscape while creating a scenario, click the Options button in the Main
View. To load a game from the Main Menu, click the Load button.


Here is a scetch picture to tell you how to use the main menu.

| | | | | ---
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | |
| | | | | | 5 |
--------------------------- | |
1. Start a new game

This is where your fun begins. But you're not building your park yet, first
you have to select from a number of scenarios that are divided into five
categories. If you want to select a scenario, click on a category and then
you are playing. If you are holding your mouse on the scenario for some
time information on the scenario displays. If you do not want to select a
scenario and want to return to the main menu click on the [x] tab located
in the upper corner of the screen.

Scenarios are divided into the following categories:

Beginner Parks - These entry-level scenarios will help you get a feel for
how the game works, and introduce you to the tools and techniques you'll
need to become a full-fledged tycoon.

Challenging Parks - These scenarios are the next step in your quest to be a
tycoon, and will introduce you to further fine-points of park management.

Expert Parks - Want a real challenge? Expert Parks pull out all the stops.
If you successfully make it through these thorny trials, you can
confidently call yourself a tycoon!

Real Parks - These parks were designed from actual real-life parks from
around the world. If you have visited any, see if you can find your way
around them and, most importantly, keep them running and out of the red.

Other Parks - These scenarios include special parks that fall outside the
above definitions.

Note: When you create a scenario, you can assign it to any of the above
categories. It will then show up with the other scenarios listed when you
start a new game.

2. Load a saved game

Click here if you want to continue where you left/saved your game.

3. Tutorials

If you have never ever played Rollercoaster Tycoon yet, these tutorial
scenarios will show you how to. These are animated step-by-step scenarios
that show you the building tactics and info on building your own park. If
you click on the tutorial buttons section, a list of choises appears:

Custom Rides - Includes tips on making rides and a sneak peek at some new
features. Start here if you have played RollerCoaster Tycoon before and
feel confident in your park-building abilities.

Roller Coaster Building - Whether you're an old pro or a newcomer, you can
always learn something from the Roller Coaster Building tutorial.

Beginners - If you have never played Rollercoaster Tycoon before, here is
where you can start.

4. Tools button

This is new in Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. Clicking on the tools section will
show you a list of choises.

Scenario editor - This fantastic new feature lets you build your own
scenarios and share them with friends

Convert Saved Game to Scenario - This lets you load a saved game, create
new objectives for it, and save it as a scenario. If you have already
started a game, you can use this tool to create a scenario that includes a
park already in full swing, or an aged park in need of help.

Roller Coaster Designer - This tool lets you design a ride in peace with no
scenario objectives, money constraints, or guests to distract you. Build
rides, test them and fine tune them until they are perfect, and then save
the track design to share with other players or use in one of your own

Track Design Manager - After you have designed or downloaded several new
rides, this tool will help you keep them organized.

5. Exit ---> E001

This is the button that nobody likes. Click on it to exit Rollercoaster
Tycoon 2.


If you want to suceed in being a tyconeer you must understand all those
buttons above when you are playing a scenario. You must see what your
guests are thinking and what they want etc.

4.1 Common window elements

Most of the windows have these common elements:
a) TABS - Many windows contain a row of tabs, which organize the
statistics, feedback and options you will need to access while playing the
game. Click on a tab to display the information it contains.
b) DROP DOWN MENUS - Many of the menus have also drop down menus. To select
these menus just click on them.
c) BUTTONS - Buttons activate a specific element in the game.
d) CLOSE - With the [x] button you close the window.
e) SCROLL BARS - Some windows contain scroll bars that contain hidden
information. Scroll down by your mouse to see them.
f) RESIZE - You can always resize your window.

4.2 Main view screen

The main view contains lots of elements of the game that are very important
to control, build and manage your park.

[ || ] PAUSE BUTTON - With the pause button you can pause your game

[|*| ] OPTIONS BUTTON - With the options button you can save game etc.
Here is the list what the options button contains:

Options - Opens the Options window, which includes a number of game
settings you can change to customize the way RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 works.

Here is what the options menu contains:

- Sound - This drop-down menu lets you pick the sound card driver the
game will use.
- Music - Toggle music ON or OFF.
- Sound Quality - Choose between LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH.
- Forced Software Buffer Mixing - This setting should automatically be
adjusted when you install the game. However, if the game stalls
regularly or the sound crackles, then toggling this setting ON or OFF
might improve those problems.
- Currency - This drop-down menu lets you set the type of currency
used in your park.
- Distance and Speed - Choose between Imperial and Metric systems of
measurement. ---> D001
- Temperature - Choose between Fahrenheit and Celsius.
- Height Labels - Choose between Real Values (5 feet or 1.5 meters per
elevation block) or Units (one unit per elevation block).
- Display Mode - Choose among various screen resolutions.
Higherresolution settings might slow the game down.
- Landscape Smoothing - Toggle ON to smooth angled edges on landscape.
- Gridlines on Landscape - Turn landscape gridlines ON or OFF.
- Construction Marker - Set construction markers to White or
- Scroll View - When ON, the Main View will scroll when you move
the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen.
- Shortcut Keys - Click here to see a list of keyboard shortcuts. Click
on a command in the list to assign a new shortcut to it.
- Show Real Names of Guests - When ON, guests are assigned real
names; when OFF they are assigned numbers, such as Guest 234.

Screenshot - Takes a snapshot of the current screen and saves it in a file
in the directory where you installed RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. The default
keyboard shortcut for this command is Ctrl + S.

Quit Game - Ends your current game (you have the option to save it) and
exits to the Main Menu.

[ - ] ZOOM OUT - This button zooms the view out

[ + ] ZOOM IN - This button zooms the view in

[ > ] ROTATE BUTTON - Rotate the view

[(*)] VIEW OPTIONS - Sometimes when you are building you need to build
underground and there you don't see much. The view options button contains
several sub-options. Here is a brief description of them.

Here is what the view button contains:

- Underground/Inside View - Makes the land surface transparent
and provides an underground view. Use this when building underground.
The game automatically switches to the underground view when a path or
ride you are building goes below the surface.
- Remove Base Land - Completely removes the land graphics, allowing
you to see underground rides and scenery more easily.
- Remove Vertical Faces - Completely removes the vertical cliff faces
on landscapes.
- See-Through Rides - All of your attractions (including shops and
stalls) become invisible.
- See-Through Scenery - The scenery (trees, bushes, walls, and so on)
becomes invisible.
- Invisible Supports - The structural supports of your rides become
invisible, offering a clearer view of the areas beneath them.
- Invisible People - All guests and staff are removed from sight. This
is quite helpful when your visitors are roaming your park like swarms
of bees, obscuring everything.
- Height Marks - There are three options for displaying height marks:
on Land, on Ride Tracks, and on Paths. This marks every square of
land, path or ride track with its height level relative to the
elevation of your park gates. This is handy when you're trying to
match up sections of footpaths or track, and for making the most
efficient use of your landscape.

[|-|] MINI MAP - Click on this button to show you a mini map of the park.
Click anywhere on this minimap to show a center view of the park.

[!!!] SCENERY TOOL - Use this tool to place scenery like trees, benches.

[<--] BULLDOZE - Use this tool to remove scenery ---> B001

[-_-] WATER TOOL - Use this tool to place water

[**-] LAND TOOL - Use this tool to edit land, make hills etc.

[___] BUILD FOOTHPATS - Use this tool to build foothpats or quee lines
---> B002
[===] BUILD NEW RIDE/ATTRACTION - Use this button to build a ride or
attraction ---> B003

[!,!] RIDES/ATTRACTIONS IN PARK - Use this tool to manage your parks rides

[_*!] STAFF - Use the staff window to hire staff and control their work

[*_!] GUESTS - Use this button to monitor guests thoughts, actions etc.

[/-\] PARK INFORMATION - Use this button to see your park information,
entrance fee, guests monitoring, park rating, awards etc.

4.3 Finances and park rating

| $10000 | - A
| 500 guests | - B
| <--------> | - C

A) PARKS FINANCES - This monitors how much money you have
B) GUESTS - Monitors how many guests are in your park
C) PARK RATING - The longer the line, the higher your park rating is

4.4 Date, weather messages ---> D002

| May, year 2 |
| 30 oC **? |

DATE - Some scenarios are date times so be carefull that you don't miss the
WEATHER - Keep an eye on the weather monitor to see what weather will come
to predict if your guests will need umbrellas etc.
RECENT MESSAGES - Click anywhere on the date to display recent messages on
the park etc.


After the end of this chapter you should know:

- To use the interface of Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
- What all those buttons mean
- How to start a scenario, play a new game, understand the main menu


In this section we will learn how to build a park and how to maintain it.
We will also learn you how to build the park of your dreams.


The park information window is the first windows that opens when you first
start the scenario. You can open this window at any time by pressing on the
park button or on the park boundaries. Here is a scetch to tell you how to
work with this main window.

| | | | | | | |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
| | | | | | | |
| | 1 |
| |----|
| | 2 |
| |----|
| | 3 |
| |----|
| | 4 |
| |----|
| | 5 |
| ----|

Take a look at the entrance of your park and crop those lost guests here

Use this button to open or close your park.

Sometimes when you don't have enough land to build the park of your dreams
you can use this to buy the land around your park.

3 - BUY CONSTRUCTION RIGHTS - Sometimes a landowner won't let you buy his
piece of land but has no mind if a set of a ride or a coaster is hanging on
it. For that you must buy construction rights. ---> B005

4 - SNAP TO/LOCATE - Use this button to locate your park on the main view

5 - RENAME - Click here to rename your park

B - PARK RATING - Some scenarios (if you want to win) requier you to
achieve a certain park rating. This button shows you a graph showing your
park rating from the opening of your park.

C - GUESTS - Click on this tab to see how many guests are in your park and
how do guests increase or decrease through the months

D - ADMISSION - Here you set the price to enter your park. The minimum
entrance fee is free, the maximum is 100$. It also displays how much money
you earn on admissions.

E - PARK STATISTICS - This displays overall statistics on your park, how
much rides you have, how much land does the park have etc.

F - OBJECTIVES - Click here to view what you have to do to win the

G - AWARDS - Click here to see if you have won any awards.


When you first start to play the land is just how it was set. But moving on
you'll see that you need more land. Elevated cliffs may help you sometimes
but at some point (maybe) you'll find it difficult to place a ride because
you have no space left. For example if you have a bunch of water and you
have only rollercoasters in your disposal you must make land out of water.
Here is where the reshaping tools come in handy.

2.1 Scenery shaping tool

The scenery shaping tool is very useful when you need more land but there
are lots of trees or other objects in the way. The scenery tool works just
like a landscaping tool but it has more advantages; it clears the screen of
waste; when you need more space you use this tool and gain more land. Here
are some tips on how to use this tool.

Step 1: Click on the bulldoze tool
Step 2: Select a how much piece of land you must clear
Step 3: Use the tool on different landscapes

2.2 Land and water windows

The land tools allows you to shape hills, make holes and change the colour
of your land while the water tool lets you make water that certain rides

Clicking on the land or the water shaping tool makes a windows appear and
with this window you can shape the land or make water (note that the colour
changing tool is available only at landscaping but not at water making).

2.2.1 Rising and lowering land

When you select the land tool an icon with a showel appears. Clicking on a
certain part of land while holding the mouse and moving it a result
appears. You can lover or make landscapes higher with the help of this

2.2.2 Sloping landscape

You will notice that when you hold your shovel at a part of a land a part
is highlighted. When you move your mouse button up (while holding the left
mouse button) only a part of this land is shaped up. With the help of this
you can shape hills or make elevated paths.


Thrill rides and food isn't the only thing that makes a park great. If a
park doesn't have any trees, benches, litter bins etc. it is very boring.
With the help of scenering you make your park more attractive and more fun
as the guests are happier and your park rating gets higher each hour. When
you click on the scenery windows a bunch of windows appear. Here is how the
scenery window is divided (a scetch is also present so that you can see
which windows belongs to it)

a) TREES - Trees take one square of a land and make the beauty of a park
b) SHRUBS & ORNAMENTS - You will find exotic plants, statues. Not all
shrubs and ornaments take a full square of a place, some may take only a
half of it. Once shrubs are in place you must pay to remove them.
c) GARDENS - The beauty of a park are flowers. This section contains all
the flowers you need to make your park more attractive.
d) FENCES & WALLS - Fences and walls are very good when you need to close
up your paths or make them look more attractive.
e) WALLS & ROOFS - Use these to design roofs to be put above walls
f) FOOTHPATH ACCESSORIES - This section has benches, litter bins, etc.
f1)SIGNS - Also found under the foothpath accessories tab are signs. Here
is what a sign looks like when placed in a window:

| | 1 |
| |-----|
| A | 2 |
| |-----|
| | 3 |
| |-----|

A - This is where the banner is placed (just like watching a TV)
1 - You can use this tool to name your bar
2 - With this tool you can turn this sign into a no-entry marker
3 - Use this tool to delete your banner

g) THEME ITEMS - The more your researches research, more theming you have
availble (dinosaurs, egyptian pyramids ...)
h) ROTATE - Use this tool to rotate scenery/theming before placing them
i) PAINT - You can recolor some items by selecting a different colour
j) THEMERY WINDOW - Shows themery availble (from here you can select your

/ \-G
| A | B | C | D | E | F | | | | | |
| | H |
| J |----|
|------------------------------------------------| I |
| ----
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |

THEMERY WINDOW (look above for what each letter means)

3.1 How to place scenery

Placing scenery is very easy. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Select the scenery type you want
Step 2: Select an item
Step 3: Place it on the map

You can always demolish what you have build by placing your mouse button on
the place and clicking on the right mouse button.

Note that most items are restricted to only some locations (like a banner
sign can only be build across paths). Usualy when you can place the themery
the cursor highlights but when you can't it doesn't. If you think that you
could place that themery there and the cursor isn't highlighted then try
rotating your object or a windows will apear and tell you why you can't
place it.

3.2 How to place elevated scenery

If you need to place an object, such as a roof or a wall, at an elevation
above ground level, hold the Shift key once your cursor is over the area
where you want to place the item (but before you click the mouse). Now, as
you move the mouse, the object will rise in the air or even drop below the
land surface. Click to place the object at the desired location and height.
Alternatively, place the cursor over a scenery object that you want to
match the height of (for example, a section of roof) then hold down the
Ctrl key to lock your cursor to that height. Then, move the cursor around
and you'll see that whatever you are building will also appear at the same
height. This can be combined with the Shift key: hold down Shift and Ctrl
simultaneously to raise or lower the scenery a bit (and lock it to that
height) before building it.


Paths are a very important element of Rollercoaster Tycoon 2.

4.1 Foothpats and quee lines

Foothpats are also a very important thing about the game. If you don't
place foothpats your peeps won't go anywhere near your ride.

Placing basic paths is as simple as clicking a connected line of squares on
your landscape. Raised paths and tunnels are somewhat trickier, but not
that difficult once you get the hang of it. Click the Footpaths and Queue
Lines button to open the Footpaths window.

4.2 Path Types

The top two buttons in the Footpaths window let you choose the type of path
to build.

A. Footpaths - These give your guests a way to move between areas of your
park. Use them to connect virtually everything in your park.

B. Queue Lines - These are used to connect a ride Entrance to the main
path.You should not use a queue line for any other purpose, as it might
confuse your guests. Every ride must have at least one section of queue
line attached to its Entrance. The more popular the ride, the longer its
queue line should be. The first section of queue that you place adjacent to
an existing path becomes the entry to the queue line.

Clicking and holding either the Footpath button or Queue Line button
displays your current choices of path styles. Depending on the scenery you
have researched, more path types may be available. Click on the path type,
then move your cursor over the style you want and release the mouse button
to select that style. land surface. Click to place the object at the
desired location and height.

4.3 Building paths ---> B006

At the footpath window you can select a part of two footpaths. Here is a
scetch to show you:

--------- ---------
| / /| / / |
| / / | / / |
| / / |/ / B |
| A |\ \ |
--------- ---------

---> C001
A - CONFORM TO GROUND - This is the default path-building mode. With the
help of this mode you can build paths in a continuous circuit mode
B - FREE PATH - This form of path building allows you to build elevated
paths and paths above the ground

Once you click on the B button several new buttons apear. Here is a scetch
to help you.

--------- ---------
| / /| / / |
| / / | / / |
| / / |/ / B |
| A |\ \ | B1 - DIRECTION - These arrows allow you
--------- --------- to move your path in any direction you
| \ | / |_ want. To change the paths direction just
| \ | / | | click on the arrow you want to go.
|---------|--------- |--> B1
| / | \ | | B2 - SLOPE - These three slope buttons
| / | \ |_| allow you to build up, down or forward
------------------- your paths.
| |_
| / / - \ \ | |--> B2 B3 - BUILD THIS - This button builds the
|-------------------|_| next path section. Before building try
| | to check how much it costs. The more
| / / |_ supports it needs the more expensive it
| / / | | is to build.
| / / | |
| / / | | B4 - DEMOLISH - With the help of this
| / / | |--> B3 button you demolish one step of the
| / / | | path. The more times you press the button
| | | more of the path that you've build is
|-------------------|_| deleted.
| \ _______ |
| \/ | |_
| /________| | |--> B4
| |_|


It goes without saying that the main reason of your guests to visit the
park are rides. Without them an amusement park would be nothing. But
remember that variety is the key to success. After all you wouldn't go to
the park with 15 bumer cars, would you?

5.1 Constructing rides ---> C014

Constructing rides is easier than pie. You just click on the build rides
button and select from a variety of rides. You can select from various
types of rides. Here is a scetch to help you with.

| | | | | | | |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
| | | | | | | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| H |
| |
| |
| |
| |

A - TRANSPORT RIDES - These rides are mostly ment for transportation and
viewing the park. These are mostly monorails, trains etc. You can build
multiple stations and transport your guests from one side of the park to
B - GENTLE RIDES - These rides are mostly easy rides that are suitable for
all guests, mostly for children. These rides take less space than normal
C - ROLLER COASTERS - Probably the most important thing of an amusement
park are rollercoasters. There are many rollercoasters like wooden, blue
tornados and so on. These provide an excitement rating and are mostly
suitable for older children.
D - THRILL RIDES - These rides have a rating between rollercoasters and
gentle rides. These include bumpers cars, space vertigos and so on.
E - WATER RIDES - Especialy popular in the summer days are water rides.
These rides cool your guests in hot weather coditions and provide a high
excitment rating.
F - SHOPS AND STALLS - Only rides aren't the only deal for a park. Guest
have to have something to eat, drink and buy to remember your park from.
Create from a variety of stalls like frie, hot-dog, hamburger, coca-cola
stalls and souvenir stalls.
G - RESEARCH - In this part you see what kinds of rides are being
researched and what rides you will get on new. The more funding you get
them, the faster they will research.
H - RIDES TAB - Here the rides are placed.

5.2 Building a ride --> B007

To see a more detailed scenario on building rides go to the tutorial
section. Here are some basic instructions. To build a ride you must follow
these steps:

Step 1: Click the new ride button to open the ride selection window
Step 2: Using the tabs choose a type of ride.
Step 3: Select the ride you want to build.
Step 4: Determine the location and orientation the ride would be best
placed on.
Step 5: Place the entrance and the exit to the ride.
Step 6: Create a queeing line and connect the paths between the exit and
the entrance.
Step 7: Test the ride, set the price, give it the name and determine the
ride charateristics.
Step 8: Open the ride.

5.3 Ride construction window

The buttons in the ride construction window depend on the type of ride you
are developing. Here is a scetch to help you.

|< <. <.. > ..> ...> |--> A A - DIRECTION - Click on an arrow
| | | | | | | | to dertemin in which direction to
| special |--> B place the type.
| | B - SPECIAL - Click here to add
| | | --> > -> /./ |--> C special track elements like ride
| -> > | | /./ | stations, on-ride photo section
-------------------------- etc.
| | Seat ro.|--> D
| \ \ / / |=========| C - SLOPE - Click here to specify
| - - - | | the slope for the next segment
| | |
-------------------------- D - SPECIAL FUNCTIONS - Special
| ------ | functions such as banked curves,
| \......\ | seat rotators etc.
| \......\ |
| \......\ | E - BUILD THIS - Click here to
| \......\ |--> E build the next track segment. You
| \......\ | select the next track segmen in
| \......\ | the upper corner of the screen.
| \......\ |
| \......\ | DEMOLITION - Choose to edit the
| ------- | next and previous track segment or
-------------------------- demolish a track segment.
| \ _______ |
| << \/ | >> |--> F G - RIDE ENTRANCE/EXIT - Click on
| << /________| >> | this to place rides entrance and
| | exit.
| Entrance | Exit |--> G

5.4 Caring for your new ride ---> C002

Every ride has a main window from where you control its statistics. This
window opens automaticly as soon as you've created your new ride. When you
close the window you can always open it by clicking on the main view of the
ride or selecting the ride in the ride selection window. Different rides
have different features and statistics. There is a scetch below to help

| | | | | | | | | | |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | 1 |
| |-----
| | 2 |
| |-----
| | 3 |
| |-----
| | 4 |
| |-----
| | 5 |
| |-----|

1 - OPEN/TEST/CLOSE - With the help of this button you can test if your
ride is safe and then open it for the public. If you want to expand the
ride you can also close it.
2 - CONSTRUCT - This button opens the rides construction window (see above
for more details). With the help of it you can rebuild, expand or delete
your ride by pieces. ---> C003
3 - NAME - Give your ride a name (limited to 30 characters).
4 - SNAP-TO - Snap to the main view of your ride (if you can't see it).
5 - DEMOLISH - WARNING! This will destroy your ride. Do this if you want to
build something new or if you want to have your money back (you don't get
all the money back). ---> D003

A - VIEW - This window displays various views of your ride.
B - DESCRIPTION - This tab contains the ride description and capacity. In
here you can change (on some rides) how many coasters are there on the
C - MECHANICS - In this tab you can set a number of mechanical options
depending on the ride. Options include a minimum and maximum waiting time
D - MAINTENANCE RECORD - This is the tab where you can check the rides
reability and down time. You can also set time intervals when the mechanics
expect your rides.
E - COLOR/STYLE - In this tab you can change your rides color and style,
just select the three colours and apply.
F - MUSIC - In this tab you can select your rides music. Select from
different music types depending on the rides focus. Music also attracts
guests and adds a certain life to a ride.
G - RIDE STATISTICS - In here you can check your rides statistics (like
speed, nursea factor etc.). Here is what the ride statistic window
- EXCITEMENT - How much fun a guest will have.
- INTENSITY - How strung are the gravital forces on the ride
- NAUSEA - How much nausea a ride causes (how much your guest will puke)
- MAXIMUM SPEED - The maximum speed of your ride
- AVERAGE SPEED - The average speed of your ride
- RIDE TIME - How much time a ride lasts
- RIDE LENGHT - The lenght of the ride
- MAXIMUM POSITIVE VERTICAL G'S - The maximum gravitational force
presented on the rider
- MAXIMUM NEGATIVE VERTICAL G'S - The maximum negative gravitational force
presented on the rider
- TOTAL AIR TIME - The maximum time your rider is in the air
- INVERSIONS - How many time a rider sees upside down

The ride statistics also contains a save button, here is where you can
save your track design to a disk to use it in other scenarios.
H - DATA LOG - When you test a ride a number of tests are made; these tests
include velocity, altitude, vertical g's and lateral g's. It is very useful
on rollercoasters to see where are the above levels of a ride.
I - FINANCIAL DATA - This is where you set your ride's admission price, see
the incoming price etc.
J - GUESTS DATA - This is where you see how much popular is your ride, how
many guests visit your ride and what do guests think about the ride.


Building rides isn't the only objective of you managing the park. You also
have to hire staff to clean, entertain the guests and make guests feel

6.1 Staff

The park is useless if it is unsafe, isn't cleaned and if the guests are
being robbed. This is where all the staff comes.

6.1.1 Hiring staff

There are four types of staff you can hire by clicking on the staff button.
Here is a scetch to help you.

| | | | | Hire new Handyman |--> E
| A | B | C | D | |
| | | | | Cost 50$ |
| Uniform color : |__| --> F | G | H |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

A - HANDYMAN - These guys are very useful. They empty litter bins, clean
the paths, water gardens. A handyman costs 50$ a month.
B - MECHANIC - Hire a mechanic to fix rides, inspect them and keep them
from breaking down. A mechanic costs 80$ a month.
C - SECURITY GUARDS - Hire security guards to keep your park safe from
hooligans. Security guards cost 60$ a month.
D - ENTERTAINER - If a guest waits in a line for a long time, there's
nothing better than an entertainer to cheer him up. Hire entertainers to
keep your guests happy. An entertainer costs 55$ a month. ---> E002
E - HIRE BUTTON - Click this to hire your employee.
F - COLOUR BUTTON - This button lets you change the colours of uniforms of
your workers. ---> C004
G - PATH BUTTON - This button helps you keep track of where your employees
are working.
H - MINI-MAP - Use this button to see where all your employees are.
Employees are presented by dots in the map.

6.1.2 Managing staff

Use worker windows to control them or set them a path where to work. You
can even fire a worker.

| | | | A - VIEW - This useful tab show you a map of what your
| A | B | C | worker is doing and where he is walking.
| | | | 1 - GRAB - Use this to grab your worker and place him
----------------- to another side of the park.
| | 1 | 2 - PATROL - Click on this button to assign your
| |----- worker to work in a specific place of the park.
| | 2 | 3 - RENAME - Click here to give the worker a name.
| |----- 4 - SNAP TO - This button centers you to the main view
| | 3 | of the worker.
| |----- 5 - SACK - Click here to fire your worker and
| | 4 | terminate his working agreement.
| |-----
| | 5 |

B - ORDERS - This tab lets you order your workers how to work and what to
do. Here are their tasks:
- HANDYMEN - You can assign handymen to sweep paths, water gardens, empty
litter bins and mow the grass.
- MECHANICS - Mechanics can fix or repair rides or do both.
- SECURITY GUARDS - Security guards only keep the park safe.
- ENTERTAINERS - Entertainers can only change costumes and entertain the
C - STATISTICS - This tab tells you what the worker was doing, when you
have hired him and what payment does he get.

6.2 Managing rides and facilities

Once your rides are running you will appreciate the rides control window
which has all the rides statistics in one place. Here is a scetch to help

| | | | |
| A | B | C | |
| | | | |
| | D | E |
| | F |
| ------|
| |
| |
| |
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| |

A - RIDES - List of all the rides that are available in your park. Clicking
on a certain ride opens the rides main window.
B - SHOPS AND STALLS - List of all the shops and stalls that are placed in
your park. Clicking on a certain shop or stall opens the shops main window.
information kiosks, restrooms, first aid facilities and cash machines in
the park. Clicking on a certain facility opens the main window of it.
D - INFORMATION TYPE - The drop down menu lets you select from different
information types. Here are the types.
- STATUS - How many people are there on a ride and if the ride is working
- POPULARITY - How is the ride popular between guests
- SATISFACTION - The rating guests give to a ride
- PROFIT - How much profit is from the ride
- QUEUE LENGHT - How long do the people wait for the ride and how long is
the queue
- QUEUE TIME - How long do the guests have to wait to enter the ride
- RELIABILITY - How is the ride reliable
- DOWN TIME - How long is it going to take the ride to break down
- GUESTS FAVORITE - The rides that guests love the most
E - SORT - Click here to sort the rides according to the information type
you have selected.
F - OPEN/CLOSE - Open or close all the rides with a single click.

6.3 Caring for guests ---> C005

Caring for guests is probably your second priority in running a park. Happy
guests wukk stay in the park for a long time and spend all their money for
the rides while sad and angry guests will leave your park and spread bad
things about it. Even vandalism could be spread through the park. So good
guests are the most important thing because they spread the good news about
your park.

6.3.1 Individual guest window

To see what an individual guest is thinking about your park and how he is
doing you simply click on him and the window appears.

This is how the individual guest window looks like:

| | | | | | |
| A | B | C | D | E | F |
| | | | | | |
| | 1 |
| |-----
| | 2 |
| |-----
| | 3 |
| |-----
| | 4 |

A - VIEW - Shows the view of the guest on the main screen so that you can
see what he is doing and where is he.
1 - MOVE - This button lets you move your guest anywhere you want. This
button is especially helpful for lost guests.
2 - NAME - Name the guest whatever you want.
3 - SNAP-TO - Click here to snap the guest on the main view.
4 - TRACKING - Click here to keep tracking the guest to see where is he
going or what rides is he on.
B - There are a lot of thoughts and emotions running through your guests'
little brains. (Each guest enters the park with their own unique
combination of feelings and desires.) This tab gives a closer look at
levels of Happiness, Hunger, Thirst, Nausea and more. It also lists his or
her time in the park, preferred ride intensity and nausea tolerance.
C - RIDES - This shows on what rides has the guest been on and which are
his/hers favorite.
D - CASH INFO - Click here to see how much money has the guest spend in
your park and how much money does he still have.
E - RECENT THOUGHTS - Here is where you check what your guests is thinking
of certain elements in the park. See what he wants or what he needs.
F - CARRYING - Here you see what the guest is currently carrying.

6.3.2 Guests summary window

The guests summary window is a very good window to keep track of your
guests thoughts, actions and feelings. Here is what it looks like:

| | | |
| A | B | |
| | | |
| | |--> C
| ----|
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

A - GUESTS - This window shows all your guests in the park in the
alphabetical order. You can also see the guests thoughts.
B - ALL GUESTS - Shows all the guests in your park
C - MINI MAP - Show a minimap and indicates the guests in your park.

6.3.3 Other guest information

Each ride also has a guest information window. You can check there to see
what your guests think of that ride. You can also watch the rating bar in
the lower left corner of your screen to see how many guests are there in
your park.

6.4 Finances

Shure. Who cars about finances? We have all the rides in the world, a great
park and a lot of happy guests. But face it. At some point in the game you
will ran out of money and your employees will leave you, guests will leave,
they'll be no more power for the rides etc. The finances manager in
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 is very easy.

6.4.1 Fiscal reports

Finances are not tricky as long as you keep where you are spending your
money. You can easily do that by opening the finances window. Here is what
the finances window looks like:

| | | | | | | |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | |
| | | | | | | |
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| |
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| |
| |
|----------------- |
| Loan: 10.000$ |--> G |

A - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS - This window includes a detailed report of your
finances. Here you can see where your money is going and if you are earning
B - CASH GRAPH - This graph shows you how much money you have minus the
loan you are borrowing from your bank.
C - PARK VALUE - Click here to see a graph of your parks value.
D - WEEKLY PROFIT - This tab shows you your weekly profit.
E - MARKETING - Marketing is a very important thing for advertising your
park and inviting new guests. Here you can advertise your park, advertise a
particular ride, give free tickets for rides and the park etc.
F - RESEARCH - See how much money is spend on research.


Well, I hope you've learned how to build the park of your dreams. But you
know we aren't finished yet. This is what you have suppost to learned from
this chapter:

- Hire staff
- Build rides
- Control your guests thoughts and feelings
- Control your financial reports
- Build paths


Coaster building isn't something that will happen through night. You need
to learn how to build an agressive and fun ride but a ride without nausea
factor. It isn't so easy to build a coaster but in this chapter you will
learn how to build the best coaster ever build!


To create a ride without distraction you must use the Rollercoaster
Designer (this is a new thing in Rollercoaster Tycoon 2).

Step 1: Go to the options menu (allocated in the main menu) and choose
Rollercoaster Designer. Your first step is to choose a ride from the Select
ride Types and vehicles window. You can select to four ride types (for
example if you are building several rides together). Select the rides and
click on the next button located in the lover right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Click the picture or type of coaster you want to build. Click on an
existing design or click on the build custom design.

Step 3: Start building your new rollercoaster!

Step 4: When you are finished save and test your ride.


Altough you have full limited space for building the perfect rollercoaster
you need to apply to some rules.

- You must have at least two pieces of connected station platforms - one is
used for the exit and one for the entrance.
- The ride starts and ends at the station platforms; because of the
continuous loop.
- When going to the hills you must use a pull chain.
- Initial slope downwards after the pull chain ends, to build speed and
allow cars to complete the circuit.
- Banked track on curves to reduce excessive forces and tone down the
- Special track pieces (like loops, or helixes) to add fun and excitement
- Station Entrance
- Station Exit


If you have downloaded or copied rides from another source outside the
game, you can add them to your track manager and rebuild or reshape them.
This simple tool lets you rename, delete rides from the ride building

Here is what the window should look like:

| |
| A |
| |

| | | C |
| B | -------------|
| | |
|----- |
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| |

A - DISK AND GAME OPTIONS - The options from this disk are about,
sreencshot, options and quit. ---> D004
B - TRACK DESIGN CATEGORIES - Click here and select the track design you
want to use.
C - INSTALL NEW TRACK DESIGN - Use this button to install a new track
design or load it from a different file.


So what have we learned in this chapter? We have learned how to build
rollercoasters with the Rollercoaster Designer.

Here is what you should know at the end of this chapter:

- Building Rollercoasters
- Saving Rollercoasters
- Managing your track designs


In this chapter we will learn on how to use a totaly new feature in
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - the Scenario Editor.


The scenario editor is a powerful tool that lets you build your own
scenarios and share them with the world. This is the tool that we have all
missed in the original version of Rollercoaster Tycoon. Here are a few tips
on using this powerful tool.

- THINK SIMPLE - Never build a whole park from the start. Give users a
chance to build their own park. So build only the land and a specific
- THINK SMALL - When first using the tool just create a small park and a
gate nothing more.
- CREATE THE ENTRANCE PATH - Create a path that leads from the edge of the
park to the main entrance. Also select the point from where the guests will
keep walking.
- ESTABLISH PLAYER OWNED LAND - Don't give all the land away to the player.
Let the player expand the park rapidly.
- DON'T GIVE IT ALL AWAY - Don't give all away to the player! Let the
player examine all the features that the park has to offer.
- SAVE OFTEN - Unfortanetly there is no redo button, so save your scenario
projects often.
- TEST YOUR SCENARIO - Test your scenario occassionaly so that you can see
if it all fits and works.


You will see that the scenario editor has much to offer and that the
interface is look a like to the one you are playing in the game. There are
six keys to building your first scenario.

1. Select objects
2. Edit landscape
3. Invention list setup
4. Options selection
5. Objectives selection
6. Save your scenario

2.1 Select objects

In this menu you select the objects that will be available when the player
is playing Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. Unfortanetly there is a limit. You can
select 128 ride types but only 19 types of scenery and only 1 type of
water. The more items you use the longer the scenaro takes to load.

2.2 Landscape editor

Here is where you edit your land and create the land that the player will
play on. To move to the next step of editing you must have (adleast) these

- A path from the edge of the map to an Entrance gate
- A set Guest Appearance marker(s) on that path
- Land designated as owned by the player that doesn't incorporate the path
or Park Entrance, but leads to it

2.3 Invention list setup

Once you are done with editing the scenario you must select which rides are
already available and which rides the player must research. You can do that
very easily by draging objects from the pre-invented window to the invent

2.4 Options selection

Here is where you decide the financial options and so on.

- FINANCIAL OPTIONS - Here you set the maximum loan that is allowed, with
how much money the player starts with and forbid certain campaigns.
- GUESTS - Define how much money guests have when they first enter the
park, what rides do they prefer etc.
- PARK - Set the cost of buying land and construction rides, decide whether
do guests pay at the entrance or only at rides and set special elements
such as forbiding to demolish trees, scenery, build high etc.

2.5 Objective selection

Each scenario needs a goal that players have to do in a limited amount of
time. The objective selection window is where these settings take place.

You can select from these things:

1 - OBJECTIVE - This drop down menu lets you select the scenario objective
a player must complete to win the game.
2 - CLIMATE - Select from four climate types in which the park will take
set. ---> C007
3 - PARK NAME - Give the park a name.
4 - SCENARIO NAME - This is the name that appears in the scenario selection
window. Click on change to change the name.
5 - SCENARIO GROUP - Select in which group should the scenario be (in the
main window).
6 - PARK/SCENARIO DETAILS - Enter a few sentences for the players to see
what can they expect from the park

2.6 Save scenario

Click on the save scenario button to save the scenario. Then go and play it
and see where it needs adjustments. Rebuild it and see to your


In most things you see that a saved game could make a good scenario. You
can easily convert this by using the utility in the utility window that can
be selected from the main menu. Click on the Convert Saved Game to Scenario
in the tools menu. Choose a saved game, change the objectives and click on
the save scenario button.


Here is what you should have learned from chapter IV:

- Building your own scenarios
- Converting saved games to scenarios



In Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 you will be able to choose from series of rides,
entertainers and so on. Here is a list of them:

-Legend explanation-

N/A = the cost depends on the lenght of the ride
// (only in rollercoasters) = there are no specific techniques, the rides
guests will go if the excitement raiting and
the nausea factor are in limit


Ride name/Modes/Cost | Ride techniques
Ride: Chairlift | A chairlift is a very useful ride to
Approx. Cost: N/A | entertain your guests or to ride them
Running Cost p/h: N/A | from one place to another.
Modes: Continuous Circuit, Shuttle |
Ride: Elevator | An elevator can only be useful for
Approx. Cost: N/A | one thing; transporting guests.
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Modes: Shuttle |
Ride: Minituare Railway | A miniature railroad can be used as
Approx. Cost: N/A | an attraction or it can be used as
Running Cost p/h: N/A | a transport ride (but not advisable
Modes: Continuous Circuit | for adults).
Ride: Monorail | A monorail can be used to transport
Approx. Cost: N/A | your guests.
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Modes: Continuous Circuit, Shuttle |
Ride: Suspended Monorail | A suspended monorail is used to
Approx. Cost: N/A | transport your guests.
Modes: Continuous Circuit, Shuttle |
Ride: Tram Ride | Can be used as an attraction to the
Approx. Cost: N/A | guests or a transport ride.
Modes: Continuous Circuit, Shuttle |
Avail. Trains: Trams |


Ride name/Modes/Cost | Ride techniques
Ride: Bumper Cars | Bumper cars are very useful as an
Approx. Cost: $440 | indoor ride (when it is raining,
Running Cost p/h: $108.80 | your guests will like to go to
Modes: Bumper Car Mode | indoor rides).
Ride: Chesire Cats | A gentle ride for most of your guests,
Approx. Cost: $540+ | used as an attraction.
Running Cost p/h: $155.20+ |
Modes: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Double-Deck Observation | An observation tower is very usefull
Tower | for your guests to see all the rides
Approx. Cost: $592+ | in the park before entering it.
Running Cost p/h: $60.80 |
Modes: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Ferris Wheel | The ferris wheel is a very gentle
Approx. Cost: $450 | ride and it can attract many guests,
Running Cost p/h: $49.60 | this is probably the first ride you
Modes: Continuous Circuit | will build.
Ride: Haunted House | The haunted house is also a very
Approx. Cost: $340 | useful ride and it is very well
Running Cost p/h: $49.60 | when it is raining.
Modes: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Haunted Mansion | Hunted mansion is also good because
Approx. Cost: N/A | it can be used in the rain; it
Running Cost p/h: N/A | is an indoor ride.
Modes: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Hedge Maze | The hedge maze is a gentle ride and
Approx. Cost: $216+ | it is suitable for all guests.
Running Cost p/h: $49.60 |
Modes: Maze Mode |
Ride: Merry-Go-Round | The merry-go-round is probably the
Approx. Cost: $460 | first ride you will build and the
Running Cost p/h: $49.60 | first ride you will get money out.
Modes: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Mini Helicopters | A ride suitable for all guests.
Approx. Cost: $540+ |
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Modes: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Observation Tower | The observation tower is useful for
Approx. Cost: $592+ | your guests to see the park before
Running Cost p/h: $60.80 | going to any rides.
Modes: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Spiral Slide | The spiral ride is very useful for
Approx. Cost: $330 | children of 5+ age.
Running Cost p/h: $49.60 |
Modes: One Ride, Unlimited Rides |
Ride: Space Rings | Space rings is a gentle ride and
Approx. Cost: $288 | is suitable for all guests.
Running Cost p/h: $49.60 |
Modes: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Circus Show | The circus show can entertain all
Approx. Cost: $500 | guests as well as it can be very
Running Cost p/h: $49.60 | good when it is raining; most of my
Modes: Circus Show Mode | guests were going to the circus.
Ride: Crooked House | Crooked house is a gentle ride and it
Approx. Cost: $250 | is very useful when it is raining.
Running Cost p/h: $28.80 |
Modes: Crooked House Mode |
Ride: Cycle Railway | Cycle railway is a ride suitable
Approx. Cost: $450+ | mostly for children.
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Mini Cars | Mini cars is a ride suitable for
Approx. Cost: $540+ | children.
Running Cost p/h: $155.20+ |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Mini Golf | Mini golf is suitable for all guests
Approx. Cost: $740+ | in the park.
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Monster Trucks | A ride suitable for children 15+.
Approx. Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Flying Saucers | Flying saucers is a gentle ride.
Approx. Cost: $560 |
Running Cost p/h: $148.80 |
Mode: Bumper Car Mode |
Ride: Ghost Train | Ghost train is very useful when it is
Approx. Cost: $570+ | raining.
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Snow Cups | Snow cups are a gentle ride, but you
Approx. Cost: N/A | can easily get sick.
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |


Ride name/Modes/Cost | Ride techniques
Ride: Air Powered Vertical Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: $6,750+ |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 200 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Bobsled Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: $2,700+ |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 78 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Compact Inverted Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: N/A |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Corkscrew Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Approx. Maximum Height: 190 ft. | //
Mode: Continuous Circuit, Reverse |
Inclined Shuttle |
Ride: Floorless Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 210 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Flying Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 190 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Flying Turns |
Approx. Base Cost: $2,700+ | //
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Approx. Maximum Height: 78 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Giga Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: $6,750 |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 320 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Heartline Twister Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 95 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Heartline Twister Roller Coaster |
(Reversed Trains) |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 95 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Hypercoaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost: N/A |
Approx. Maximum Height: 210 ft. | //
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Hyper-Twist Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 250 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Hyper-Twist Roller Coaster |
(Wide Trains) |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 250 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Inverted Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 180 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Inverted Hairpin Roller Coaster |
Mode: Continuous Circuit | //
Ride: Inverted Impulse Roller Coaster |
Mode: Powered Launch | //
Ride: Inverted Shuttle Roller Coaster |
Mode: Reverse Inclined Shuttle | //
Ride: Inverted Vertical Shuttle Roller |
Coaster | //
Mode: Reverse Inclined Shuttle |
Ride: Junior Roller Coaster | //
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Lay-Down Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: $5500 |
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Approx. Maximum Height: 190 ft. | //
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: LIM Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: $4000-4500 |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: N/A |
Mode: Powered Launch |
Ride: Multi-Dimension Roller Coaster |
(4D Coaster) |
Approx. Base Cost: $6000-7000 |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 195 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |



In Rollercoaster Tycoon there is an | To finish a |
objective in each scenario. Each | scenario it |
scenario in Rollercoaster Tycoon has | is very |
its unique challenge and possesive | important to |
land. In some scenarios you can even | understand the |
expand your borders by buying land. | objectives. |
There are different types of objectives in ----------------
Rollercoaster Tycoon. Here is a list of
some of them:

- you must have a park rating (amounts are
from 500 to 800) of 500
- your park rate must not fall under 600
- you have an unlimited amount of money but
you mustn't let the park rating drop
bellow 600 at all times
- you have to finish a scenario with the
park value adleast 15.000 pounds
(or dollars-quids)

In Rollercoaster Tycoon (in most scenarios)
you have 3 game years to complete the scenario.
1 game year is about 90 minutes in real

When you complete several easy scenarios, more
chalenging are unlocked and you play on until
you complete all the scenarios.


Yes, yes. You will probably say that this is | Check and see |
not so important. But it is. An example: Your | how much land |
objective is to keep your guests happy and your | you have |
available land to build a park is very small. | available and |
You build a rollercoaster that fits the whole | how much can |
park but how are you going to build food, | you buy it. |
resorts and so on? Well that what is planning ----------------
all about, to strategize and to predict how
much land you can use for a particular ride
or if you just need to build food resorts
and plant flowers to keep the guests happy.
In Rollercoaster Tycoon you have to consider | Build kiosks |
which type of land you have. Is it a forest | so that guests |
or a flat desert or is it elevation? Make | can buy maps |
rides on the types of land you have. If you | of the park. |
are starting to build on an already existing ----------------
park always check the state of affairs. What
kind of pats are possitioned and so on.
Always build kiosks because they sell
the park maps and might be very useful
for your guests.
Always check the weather conditions, | Always be on |
Especially in the last months when you need | the lookout |
more money. When it rains, guests won't go | for weather |
on rollercoasters, they will mostly go on | conditions. |
inner rides, so try to build rides on the ----------------
types of weather conditions.

Foothpats can't be forgetable. Never | Always build |
forget to build a foothpath to a | simple and |
certain ride. Never build to | short paths so |
complicated paths or the guests might | that the |
get starting to get stuck or can't | guests can't |
find their way out of your park. | get lost or |
Remember, that you can also build | stuck. |
elevated paths, paths that go above ----------------
the water, so that you can build ----------------
rides on water and rollercoasters | Hire handymen |
on water. But as we all know, paths | to clean |
can also get dirty if nobody cleans | your |
them. That is why you have to hire a | foothpaths. |
handymen. The more paths you have, ----------------
more handymen you got to hire. ----------------
Paths might also get boring at | Plant some |
times, so try to build flowers, | flowers, build |
benches, trash bins (so that | some benches, |
guests don't throw litter everywhere | litter bins to |
they disier). You may also need to | make paths |
build lamps. | more |
| interesting. |

Well, this is probably the most
important part of the game. You have to build
great rides in order to get more guests.

Ride Charateristics
In Rollercoaster Tycoon your guests will judge | Always take a |
the rides by charateristics like excitement, | note on your |
intensity, and nausea factor. Each | rides |
characteristic is rated on a scale of one to ten. | ratings. |
The excitment rating is probably the most
important factor. Your guest will pay more to
go on more thriling rides. Surely a guest
will pay more to go on a rollercoaster than
on a merry go round. A high excitment raiting
can be caused by multiple things. For example
you can create a rollercoaster that goes
through a tunnel, that will increase the
excitment raiting.
The intensity raiting tells you the forces | Always take a |
that your guests will experience on rides. | note on your |
speed alone won't make a high intensity, | rides |
but high curves, sudden leaps etc. Will | ratings. |
make intensity increase. ---------------

The nursea factor, well this one speaks
for itself. If your guests get sick
after a certain ride, this means that
the ride is to intensed, it's got to
many vertical G's or it has got high
curves, sudden elevations etc. To
prevent these see the rollercoaster
section on how to build the perfect
rollercoaster. Vomiting will keep
your employees working but it is
nice to create benches so that
guests may sit down after an
intensing ride.

Give your guests a choice
If you want your guests not to get | Make shure you |
bored, you must place several rides | always give |
in several places. Build multiple | your guests |
rides, double rollercoasters etc. | a choice. |
Also build gentle rides for kids and ----------------
other people.

Be on a note that guests will not
want to go on rollercoasters when
it is raining. So build rides
depending on the weather conditions.

Custom rides vs. Pre-created rides

Sometimes you may don't have the space
to place rides that are already present.
So use these only when first playing
the game to learn how to make a good

Building a custom ride --> B007
You can build pre-made presets of | Always build |
rollercoasters but that ain't so | custom rides |
much fun. You need to learn to make | as they have a |
your own rollercoasters. Here are | higher rating |
a few tips: | and can be |
| much more fun. |
- keep these three in mind when building ----------------
a specific ride: nursea factor,
intensity raiting and excitment
- avoid sudden drops, shaped curves etc.
- use the terrain visely to make your ride
even more exciting
- when the intensity level or nursea factor
is too high use brakes
- if the option is availble, use the on-ride
photo section, which will encourage the
guests to buy photos of their excitment
and fun

In rollercoaster tycoon you must hire staff | Never forget |
to keep your park clean and tidy, clear off | to hire your |
vandalism and working and fun all at the | staff. |
same time. In RollerCoaster Tycoon you can ----------------
hire a mechanic, handyman, security guard
and an entertainer. Here is a brief description
of them:


Handymen clean your park, empty litter boxes,
mow the loan, clean bathrooms and all suchof stuff.
If possible hire as many as you can
and receive a clean park award.


Hire mechanics so they can repair rides and
control them if anything can go wrong. The more
rides you have, more mechanics you got to
hire. One mechanic is enough for three rides.

Security Guards

Hire these men to keep your park clean of | Hire security |
vandalism. The more security guards you | as they |
have, the safer your guests will feel | prevent |
and you might even receive the safest | vandalism. |
park award. ----------------


Entertainers are people that keep the
guests laughing and come them down
when they are angry or are waiting
in a quee line. You can choose a
variety of entertainers costumes like
a tiger, elephant, roman soldier,
panda bear, snowman etc.


To make your guests happy you have
to take care of their needs. You can
also check on their wishes list to
see what they miss or want. Build
shops, suvenier stalls, food stalls
and the most important toilets.
Always take a note to not charge
for the toilets because most of
your guests might take it on the

The more rides, shops, stalls etc.
you have, the more guests will
be happy and will be willing to
spend their money.


Before playing a scenario always
check on what type of a land is
it placed.

Before changing the elevation of
hills always check if you aren't
missing an opportunity to build the
best rides.

Always use your imagination. If
necessary, but not always clear the
land, plant trees etc.


The most important thing in building
a park is probably money. Money makes
the world go round. Always check how
much money you have.

Never overcharge your rides and never
make the prices too low. If the
prices are too high, guests won't
visit your rides, if the prices are
low you will have tremendous losses.
Always make a mid price.

Remember that you start building the
park with a bank loan (usually 15000).
So try to return that loan to the

Another wise tip is to see how much
money a month will you spend on
Researching of new rides. Try to
Set that point on a mid one.


Always listen to your guests. They
test the park and make a good
comercial for you. For example if
a guest enjoys his time in the park,
he will return back again and might
even double your visits; he will
recommend other people to visit your


Try to deal with a problem very fast
when encounting it. For example if you
will see a guest that will be lost, help
him otherwise more guests will get
lost in your park.


In this section there will be a detailed walkthrough for each scenario in
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. Note, that these are only the possible chances for
winning as there exist probably a milion.


| Park name: Crazy castle | Level: Beginner | --> C009
| Park description: |
| You have in inherited a large castle - |
| your job is to convert it into a small |
| theme park. |
| Objectives: |
| - to have at least 1,500 guests in your |
| park till the end of October, Year 4 |
| - achieve a park rating of 600 |

Park specifics:
Guests in Park: 2
Rating: 500
Park Size: 690,800 sq.ft
Cash: $10,000
Debt: $10,000 at 5% per year
Company Value: $14
Park Value: $14
Buy Land: Yes, at $75 per square
Buy Construction Rights: No
Profit Method: Free to enter, Pay for Rides
Rides Already Built: None

Crazy Castle Walkthrough

This is probably one of the easiest parks in the game. This park is
suitable for beginners as it does not depend so much on what landscape you
build. You should have finish this scenario by yourself, but here are some
tips on how to complete the scenario.

You can build (at first) some gentle rides to get the park starting, but
don't build to much of them (2 or 3 would be enough) and charge from 1.50-
2.50$ for the entrance

When you gain enough money, start building rollercoasters; charge from 4-
6$, the price depends on the quality of the coaster

This landscape is very suitable for thrill rides. Make shure, when you get
enough money, then build them as much as possible (the advisable price
would be depending on the quality of the ride, make shure it isn't to
expensive and that it isn't to cheap from 4-6$ would be enough).

If you are building rollercoasters, make shure you make an on-ride photo
section. The photos should cover your rides expenses for an hour.

Use all the themes available. I personaly have sectioned the park to four
themes and build different rides in each one of them (for example in a
pirate theme you should have build rollercoasters) but as this is a castle
I would advise you a castle style.

Also, don't forget about the shops. Shops can also bring you a lot of
profit. Make shure you have a kiosk and charge the umbrellas for about 5-7$
when it is raining and you should gain a lot of money only by that.

Try to replace some rides from time to time (when a year or a year and a
half passes try to build a new ride and demolish the old one).

That's all that it is to it. You should just do fine.

| Park name: Electric fields | Level: Beginner | ---> E003
| Park description: |
| You have inherited a small farm and your |
| challenge is to build it into a small theme |
| park amongst the fields and farm buildings. |
| Objectives: |
| - to have at least 700 guests in your |
| park till the end of October, Year 2 |
| - achieve a park rating of 600 |

Park specifics:
Guests in Park: 40
Rating: 434
Park Size: 485,650 sq.ft
Cash: $10,000
Debt: $10,000 at 5% per year
Company Value: $7,930
Park Value: $7,930
Buy Land: No
Buy Construction Rights: No
Rides Already Built:
Rowing Boats 1
* Excitement Rating: 2.21 (Low)
* Intensity Rating: 0.80 (Low)
* Nausea Rating: 0.90 (Low)
* Profit: $54 per hour
* Customers: 120 per hour
* Admission: $1.00

Electric Fields Walkthrough

The first thing you must watch out in this scenario is the time. You only
have two years but that should be just enough to win it.

You have plenty of space in this park, so make shure you use it all. Don't
build rides too much together.

Watch out for the paths as guests can get lost and get hungry and mad
because of the long paths (spread your rides, shops and everything else
very constantly and make short paths).

You can earn here much on map sales. As this park is big, people will need
maps to navigate through it. Make shure you use this advantage.

This is a very big park so make shure you use the miniature railroad as it
can transport guests to another place at the park (mostly I charge them 1$,
but if you plan on transporting guests, try to make the price free; reduce
it back to 1$ if you gain too many losses).

If you plan on building rollercoasters, make shure you use the space and
the elevation. Also build first aid rooms and bathrooms.

You should do just fine from now on.

| Park name: Factory capers | Level: Beginner |
| Park description: |
| An abandoned factory complex is an |
| opportunity to build a mechanical-themed |
| amusement park. |
| Objectives: |
| - to have at least 1,100 guests in your |
| park till the end of October, Year 3 |
| - achieve a park rating of 600 |

Park specifics:
Guests in Park: 0
Rating: 0
Park Size: 527,890 sq.ft
Cash: $10,000
Debt: $10,000 at 5% per year
Company Value: $0
Park Value: $0
Buy Land: No
Buy Construction Rights: No
Profit Method: Pay to enter, Free rides
Rides Already Built: None

Factory Capers walkthrough

This park is different than the previous two parks. In this park you can't
charge your rides, only stalls. So the entrance ticket must be very
carefuly planned.

To make money, you need a higher park rating than marked above as you will
only receive money when guests enter the park.

Make shure you hire lots of handymen, entertainers and all the other staff.
If you receive an award for the safest park, your park rating will

This park is very big, so you need to organize it into sections. My advice
is to build a set of stalls in each section to earn more money.

Start off with gentle rides and then build rollercoasters. Make shure you
always include an on-ride photo section.

For the entrance to the park, I advise you the following prices:
- If you have 1-5 rides charge $11 for the entrance
- If you have 6-12 rides, charge 19$
- If you have 13-19 rides, charge 30$
- If you have 20-26 rides, 40$ should be enough
- If you have 27-33 rides, 45$ should do it
- 33-40 rides, 50$
- 41 rides and more I suggest a price +2$ for each ride build

If you follow these prices you should make a profit of each 2nd month for a
new rollercoaster.


NOTE: I won't bore you with the beginning specifics anymore. The specifics
in the beginner scenarios were only there so that new players could see how
to act in different conditions. I will also cut the park description as it
is in no use. Maybe I will add it later.

| Park name: Amity Airfield | Level: Challenging | ---> A001
| Objectives: |
| - to have at least 3,000 guests in your park |
| at the end of October, Year 4 |
| - park rating must be at least 600 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: No
Ride admissions: Yes

Amity Airfield walkthrough

This park shouldn't be a tough one. If you have managed to work on the
previous one you can do the same with this one.

My personal hint is to divide the park into different ride specifics. I
always give this choice to the guests (for example: in one part of the park
there are only gentle rides; NOTE that this won't work on small themed

Also try to build some transport rides (I personaly charge them free but
when my finances were down I were charging 0.5-1$).

If you have plenty of money, try advertising the park to gain even more

| Park name: Botany Breakers | Level: Challenging | ---> B008
| Objectives: |
| - to achieve a ticket income of $10.000 per |
| month. |

Quick park report
Park admissions: No
Ride admissions: Yes

Botany Breakers Walkthrough

Take note that you have plenty of time (infinite) to finish this scenario,
so you can easily achieve a ticket income of 10.000$.

Now, my strategy for this scenario is completely different. You must build
as a most bigger rollercoaster available and charge it 10-20$.

You can also build a lot of gentle rides (but not advisable; 1-2 same
rides; you can gain more tickets that way).

Focus on the rollercoasters and you should do just fine.

| Park name: Bumbly Bazaar | Level: Challenging | ---> B009
| Objectives: |
| - to achieve a stall income of $1000 per |
| month. |

Quick park report
Park admissions: No
Ride admissions: Yes

Bumbly Bazaar Walkthrough

A reather weird objective, don't you think. Well let's get started.

The first thing you should notice are two entrances. So make shure you make
double stalls.

My tactic for this scenario is completely odd (I've made a sort of a
shopping mall and made all kinds of shopps in one place and also made a
great scenery around it; don't make too many; try to divide them into
several places around the park and build rides nearby).

Try to make as many stalls as possible, but don't forget the rides and you
should do just fine.

| Park name: Dusty Greens | Level: Challenging | ---> D006
| Objectives: |
| - to achieve a ticket income of $5.000 per |
| month. |

Quick park report
Park admissions: No
Ride admissions: Yes

Dusty Greens Walkthrough

The first thing you should do is to start buying land and construction
rights right away.

Now build as much rollercoasters as possible and multiple gentle and water
rides, shop stalls can also help but don't rely on them so much.

You can also build golf corses if you want; this boring sport attracts many
of your guests.

Use these advises and you should do just fine.

| Park name: Fungus Woods | Level: Challenging |
| Objectives: |
| - to have adleast 2,500 guest in your park |
| at the end of October, Year 4 |
| - to achieve a park rating of adleast 600 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: Yes
Ride admissions: No

Fungus Woods Walkthrough

At the beginning it seemed to me that this is a hard scenario but it isn't.
The key to success here is to build and maintain your rides.

For starters build thrill and gentle rides and when you have enough money,
build a rollercoaster.

From this point on just maintain and add rides to your park.

| Park name: Gravity Gardens | Level: Challenging |
| Objectives: |
| - to repay your loan |
| - achieve a park value of 500,000$ |

Quick park report
Park admissions: Yes
Ride admissions: No

Gravity Gardens Walkthrough

This scenario was very difficult for me, adleast from the start as I didn't
know where to begin (there are two goals).

The best way to settle this is to build a few gentle/thrill/cheap rides
first, then charge for them, repay a part of your loan and continue on.

When you earn enough money to build a rollercoaster, build it and then go
on with the same patern above.

Also advertise your park a lot to get more guests.

| Park name: Infernal Views | Level: Challenging |
| Objectives: |
| - to have adleast 10 different rollercoasters |
| with an excitement raiting adleast 6.00 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: No
Ride admissions: Yes

Infernal Views Walkthrough

The real funy thing is that you don't even have to open your park. But you
need the money, don't you. So let's get started.

First we'll give our funds on research to maximum and click only on
rollercoaster research.

Build a few gentle/cheap rides and charge them with 1-3$.

Now start building your rollercoasters but be careful as your excitement
raiting must be 6.00 for each rollercoaster.


Now we are in the expert section where scenarios aren't as easy anymore and
there are very challenging. But every scenario can be easily concquered if
you can only stick to the objective and have a tactic.

| Park name: Alpine Adventures | Level: Expert | ---> A005
| Objectives: |
| - to achieve a ticket income of $7.000 per |
| month. |

Quick park report
Park admissions: No
Ride admissions: Yes

Alpine Adventures Walkthrough

Immediately begin to expand your chairlif because this is the main type of

Rollercoasters are something very important to win this scenario. So start
building them immediately when you have enough money.

I wouldn't advise you any gentle rides except for transport rides.

Just build as many as rollercoasters you can and this scenario should be

| Park name: Extreme Heights | Level: Expert | ---> E004
| Objectives: |
| - to have adleast 4,500 guest in your |
| park
| - the park rating mustn't drop below 700 |
| 700 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: No
Ride admissions: No

Extreme Heights Walkthrough

At first, close out any unused paths as guests can easily get lost in this
huge park.

Because guests prefer thrill rides in this scenario, build only them and
rollercoasters also.

Build information kiosks so guests can't lost in your park.

Hire many handymen, security guards and other staff to receive park awards
and keep the guests happy.

Don't forget to build toilets and shops.

| Park name: Ghost Town | Level: Expert |
| Objectives: |
| - to have 10 different types of |
| rollercoasters |
| - rollercoasters must have a lenght |
| of 3,937 feet (minimum) |
| - the excitement raiting must be 7 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: No
Ride admissions: Yes

Ghost Town Walkthrough

This park is freaking hard but it has a resemblance to Alpine Adventures.
Use the same walkthrough.

| Park name: Lucky Lake | Level: Expert |
| Objectives: |
| - to have 2,100 guests |
| - park rating mustn't drop below 700 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: No
Ride admissions: No

Lucky Lake Walkthrough

Almost the same as Extreme Heights. Use the same walkthrough.

| Park name: Rainbow Summit | Level: Expert |
| Objectives: |
| - to have adleast 2,500 guest in your |
| park at the end of October, Year 4 |
| - the park rating must be adleast 600 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: Yes
Ride admissions: No

Rainbow Summit Walkthrough

The height restriction bothered me at the start. But suddenly I noticed the
coaster and the mountain. The coaster is sloaping down the mountain.

As usual, build coasters as the same as the one on the mountain.

Build shops, stalls and other rides (but try focusing on rollercoasters).


| Park name: Six Flags Belgium | Level: / |
| Objectives: |
| - to have adleast 3,500 guest in your |
| park at the end of October, Year 4 |
| - the park rating must be 600 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: Yes
Ride admissions: No

Six Flags Belgium Walkthrough

First build more restroom, build more foothpaths and expand the transports.

Continue to build rides, improve them and maintain them.

Once you have maintained your rides, just advertise the park and everything
should be just fine.

| Park name: Six Flags Great Adventure | Level: / |
| Objectives: |
| - to have 3,000 guest in your park |
| - you mustn't let your park rating drop below |
| 700 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: Yes
Ride admissions: No

Six Flags Great Adventure Walkthrough

Demolish the monorail and build more restrooms and rides. That is all that
it is to it.

Maintain your park constantly.

| Park name: Six Flags Holland | Level: / |
| Objectives: |
| - to have adleast 3,500 guest in your |
| park at the end of October, Year 4 |
| - the park rating must be 600 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: Yes
Ride admissions: No

Six Flags Holland Walkthrough

Do the same as in Six Flags Belgium.

| Park name: Six Flags Magic Mountain | Level: / |
| Objectives: |
| - repay your loan |
| - park value must be 700,000$ |

Quick park report
Park admissions: Yes
Ride admissions: No

Six Flags Magic Mountain Walkthrough

This scenario is one of the most hardest scenarios in the game. So you must
be quick.

First you must be quick and speed your attendance. At the same time
research new rides and build them as soon as possible.

** I must say that the most important key is to be fast. I was just doing
everything fast and managed to win the scenario.

Save this game often!

| Park name: Six Flags Texas | Level: / |
| Objectives: |
| - to have 3,500 guests in your park |
| - you mustn't let your park rating |
| drop below 700 |

Quick park report
Park admissions: Yes
Ride admissions: No

Six Flags Texas Walkthrough

This park isn't so big, so I advise you to build small rides/gentle rides
and not rollercoasters.

Hire more staff often as this increases your park rating and build shops.

Do this and you should be just fine.


Maybe I will write them but other parks are just the same as those parks
above except they have different winning conditions.


As you can sellect your currency in RCT2, here is the money chart availble
for you:

|EURO | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |100 |100| 100 |
|POUND | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |100 |100| 100 |
|DOLLER | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |100 |100| 100 |
|FRANCS | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |100 |100| 100 |
|DEUTSCH| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |100 |100| 100 |
|KRONA | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |100 |100| 100 |
|GUILDER| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |100 |100| 100 |
|LIRA |100 |100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 1 | 1| 1 |
|YEN |100 |100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 1 | 1| 1 |
|PESATAS|100 |100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 1 | 1| 1 |


This walkthrough isn't over yet. I still have much to add like more
detailed walkthroughs for scenarios and everything you might add. More
hints and tips are to come soon and if you like me to add anything more, e-
mail me (see contacts page).

A D V A N C E D T E C H N I Q U E S ---> A002


This section is totaly new from version 1.2 on in the walktrough. In this
section advanced techniques will be described (e.g. Coaster Building, 4D
coaster walktrough and so on). I accept any advice on addons here (you just
mail a topic and I'll try to figure it out).


1. COASTER TYPES ---> C010

In Rollercoaster Tycoon you will meet a lot of coaster types (from previous
version) and some new ones. Here is a chart to present them:

--NOTE: All the coasters are included here (RCT + RCT2)

Ride name/Modes/Cost | Ride techniques
Ride: Air Powered Vertical Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: $6,750+ |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 200 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Bobsled Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: $2,700+ |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 78 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Compact Inverted Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: N/A |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Corkscrew Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Approx. Maximum Height: 190 ft. | //
Mode: Continuous Circuit, Reverse |
Inclined Shuttle |
Ride: Floorless Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 210 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Flying Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 190 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Flying Turns |
Approx. Base Cost: $2,700+ | //
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Approx. Maximum Height: 78 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Giga Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: $6,750 |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 320 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Heartline Twister Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 95 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Heartline Twister Roller Coaster |
(Reversed Trains) |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 95 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Hypercoaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost: N/A |
Approx. Maximum Height: 210 ft. | //
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Hyper-Twist Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 250 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Hyper-Twist Roller Coaster |
(Wide Trains) |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 250 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Inverted Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: N/A |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 180 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Inverted Hairpin Roller Coaster |
Mode: Continuous Circuit | //
Ride: Inverted Impulse Roller Coaster |
Mode: Powered Launch | //
Ride: Inverted Shuttle Roller Coaster |
Mode: Reverse Inclined Shuttle | //
Ride: Inverted Vertical Shuttle Roller |
Coaster | //
Mode: Reverse Inclined Shuttle |
Ride: Junior Roller Coaster | //
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: Lay-Down Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: $5500 |
Running Cost p/h: N/A |
Approx. Maximum Height: 190 ft. | //
Mode: Continuous Circuit |
Ride: LIM Roller Coaster |
Approx. Base Cost: $4000-4500 |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: N/A |
Mode: Powered Launch |
Ride: Multi-Dimension Roller Coaster |
(4D Coaster) |
Approx. Base Cost: $6000-7000 |
Running Cost p/h: N/A | //
Approx. Maximum Height: 195 ft. |
Mode: Continuous Circuit |


Ride characteristics are probably the measure of success. Your guests will
judge your rides by three characteristics: excitement, nausea factor and
intensity. Each one is rated from one to ten.

2.1 Excitement raiting ---> E005

The excitement raiting is the most important thing at a successful ride.
Your guests will be willing to pay more money to go on exciting rides (but
won't go if you overcharge them - 1-8$ should be a limit). A high
excitement raiting comes with surprises like (for example) a dark tunnel or
great theming. Of course, the rides type also effects the excitement
raiting (no doubt that a rollercoaster has a higher rating than a merry-go-

2.2 Intensity raiting

The intensity raiting reflects the forces that your guests will experuebce
while on your ride. Speed won't make a ride intense, but heights, sharp
turnes and curves will make it. The intensity raiting will prevent or
accept your guests to go on your ride. For example, if an intensity raiting
for a rollercoaster is a full 10 your ride won't make any money. I
recommend an intensity raiting of 1-7 (above is nausea).

2.3 Nausea factor

The nausea factor isn't such a good thing. Your guests won't go on rides
that have a high nausea factor. A guest that goes on a ride with a high
nausea factor will definitely vomit. Then you will have to make more
bathrooms, benches and definitely hire more staff to clean the vomits.


I won't be writting this again. Check the BEGINNER walktrough if you are
new to this.

3.1 The Station

Make shure you have plenty of room before starting to build a
rollercoaster. You must have at least 5 squares from your station to the
path where you will connect the entrance to. On almost every coaster you
will build make as many stations as you can; until the computer says [You
can't build more stations].

Note: Speed does not create excitement and intensity, the accekeration
does that. Acceleration can be produced by a change in velocity,
either speed, up/down or change directions. A turn made to
left/right is called a lateral acceleration, while a change going
up/down is called a vertical acceleration.

3.2 The Lift Hill

Now we need to build a lift hill. Large rides requier a large (25+ units)
hill while small ones can setle with less. Also mind the distance from your
track to the ground (it gets more expensive when you build up and also you
are limited how high you can build the track). If you need to go higher
than allowed, simply raise the ground under the track.

3.3 Hills and Loops

Remember that you can't go as high up the next hill as you went down the
first. This means if you went down 15 units the first hill, you can only go
up 12 or so on the next. The same are the loops. Loops are great to
increase the excitement and intensity but if you build them the coaster can
only pass them if it has enough speed before the pass. This means that you
have to build the loops lower than the previous track (unless you've
created a booster track and brakes). If you've tested the ride but it
didn't make it through the loop then replace a track or two before it with
some boosters. If the ride then gets to intense you can create brakes after
the boosts. Some fun alternatives to loops are:

- put down one corkscrew, then do another of the same direction so
that it is like a U-turn
- put down a half-loop then a corkscrew for an odd way to turn a
direction or if you want you can reverse it and do a corkscrew then
the half-loop

3.4 Ride Lenght

Probably one of the biggest problems is how to predict the lenght of the
ride. Remember when you started to build a rollercoaster but at the end
everything got screwed up because you couldn't connect the pieces wright.
Well I remember and then I've had to rebuild it and that took ages.
Remember that you can have more than one lift hill if you need it so if you
can build the ride longer than you think it can handle.

- Another way to change the direction is with corkscrews and half-loops
(build a half corkscrew, half loop down, half loop up again and then
another half corkscrew; then you can make the train to go to the
opposite direction next to the incoming track, or the same direction
shifted one square left or right - same effect as s-bend). (note:
adapted from Dam Simpson's and Jim Chamberlin's Rollercoaster Tycoon 1
walkthrough) -- text by Ake Malmgren
- if you've build a great rollercoaster but you think it is lame try to
increase the speed by making the first lift higher. Ake shifted the
lift hill end on a huge wooden rollercoaster one level up and the
excitement raiting doubled. (note: adapted from Dam Simpson's and Jim
Chamberlin's Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 walkthrough) -- text by Ake

3.4.1 Double Rollercoaster Strategy ---> D008
--> Note: Haven't checked if it works in RCT2, try it and let me now!

Strategy by TWITCH; adapted from RCT walkthrough by Dam Simpson and Jim

: = To/Then
" " = Repeat
> = Next
i.e. = That is

The Basics: First of all, rollercoasters cost a lot of money and as you
should know two cost more. Duh! So if you don't got the cash (Ranging
from $30,000-$100,000, depending on the type of coaster) you've got better
things to do. Like meeting your objectives. A carbon copy of the same
rollercoaster isn't really going to boost your excitement, i.e., if you
decide to build a duplicate of a ride next to the original it isn't going
to help for jack. No interaction = No extra excitement. But you knew that
already, didn't you? A dueling rollercoaster is called a dueling
rollercoaster for a reason. It crosses paths repetitively from start to
finish and should look alike. Not because it has two stations. So if you
think you've made a dueling rollercoaster here's how to tell if it is. If
the stations are touching each other, not a square away or more from each
other, then you've got the first step right. If the first half of the
ride, or most of the first half, are identical and have lots of
interaction, i.e., it has twists and stuff intertwining each other, then
you've got step two right. Finally if each train gets to the station
within 20 seconds of each other then you've got step three rite. If it's
more than 20 seconds it just doesn't seem like a race anymore.

The Real Coaster:
Here you will find how to make an ideal dueling rollercoaster. Follow these
steps, master them and you'll be making these bad boys in no time. After
doing this for a while it almost gets mechanical, an instinct if you will.
My last dueling coaster had an 8.83 excitement and just over 9 in intensity
and it only took me 5-10 minutes to make, with outside interruptions! For
wooden rollercoasters making them into dueling rollercoasters isn't hard at
all. The basic steps you should take are as follows:

- Lift to top of drop: Drop: Rise (just more than half of the drop): Banked
helix down (in different directions until they reach each other, i.e.,
one goes left and the other goes right): Drop#2: banked helix [in same
direction this time but make the outside track longer than inside track,
(the outside track is the one opposite to the direction of the turn,
i.e., if the turn is to the left than the track on the right side is the
outside track and vise versa) as to make it possible for the two tracks
go the same direction]: Now something to even the tracks to the same
speed (an extra little hill and drop to the inside track usually does the
trick or lacking that a small brake): " " step 3,4,5,6 (if you want):
Freestyle (anything you want to do, helixes, drops, just make sure that
each track separates from each other): Rejoin (have the two tracks
intertwined again, as to add more excitement, " " steps 3,4,5,6 (if you
want): Freestyle: " " Rejoin step: " " Rejoin and Freestyle as many times
as you want: Return to station (AT A MODERATE SPEED)

These steps also apply to any other track with the banking helix ability.
One thing to remember is that if the type of coaster you're making doesn't
have the banking helix ability it's probably not worth making into a
dueling rollercoaster as banking helixes are the heart of the dueling

When it comes to steel coasters the same steps apply to the track design as
wooden tracks. The only extra would be the vertical loops or half loops.
These can simply be added between either the Drop: Rise step, Banked helix
down: Drop or Freestyle: Rejoin steps. It's actually less complicated than
it sounds. Just read over the steps again and add Drop: Loop: Helix or
Drop: Half Loop: Helix where necessary and map it out in your head as you
go along.

I hope this has helped you on your quest to building a dueling
rollercoaster. There are just a few things you should remember at all
times while building these machines. First, keep speed moderate. It isn't
going to help any if you have a super fast dueling rollercoaster. What's
the point of being on a dueling rollercoaster if it's too intense?
Intensity is a huge factor in dueling rollercoasters. I should know. My
local themepark has a dueling rollercoaster and even though I've never been
on it while they were running both stations I have seen it in action, and
just looking at it was more intense than being ON most rides. Second,
these things take practice. If you don't get it the first time just keep
trying. Do you think I got an 8.83 on my first dueling rollercoaster? No!
And neither will you. Half of my first dueling rollercoasters didn't even
make it back to the station. Third, if you haven't read it yet, dueling
coasters need long stations if you want them to have more than one train.


NOTE: Adapted from AlaxaFox's and CGorman's Rollercoaster builder
walkthrough (used with permission/stated the source so I am not violating
the license agreement).

Cooaster type: Virginia Reel
Coaster name: Spun
Author : CGorman (

Cost: 2,435
Station Level: 6 Highest: 10 Lowest: 6
Excitement: 4.69 Intensity: 5.06 Nausea: 5.44
Max Speed: 26mph Average Speed: 9mph Ride Time: 0min 56secs
Ride Length: 1,036 ft Max Pos. Vert G: 2.53 Max Neg. Vert G: 0.51
Max Lat. G: 2.10 Drops: 5 Highest Drop Ht: 16ft


Station, Station, Station, Station, Station, Station, Station, Station,
Station, Station, Station(11 in all), Climb Hill, Climb Hill, Climb Hill,
Climb Hill(4 in all), Climb Hill Flat, Down, Down, Down, Down (4 in all),
Flat, Small Left, Small Left, Climb Hill, Climb Hill, Climb Hill, Climb
Hill, (4 in all), Climb Hill Flat, Down, Down, Down, Down (4 in all), Flat,
Climb Hill, Climb Hill, Climb Hill, Climb Hill (4 in all), Climb Hill Flat,
Small Left, Small Left, Down, Down, Down, Down, Flat, Climb Hill, Climb
Hill, Climb Hill, Climb Hill(4 in all), Climb Hill Flat, Down, Down, Down,
Down (4 in all), Flat, Flat, Small Left.


If you are lucky you might won't have to deal with a crash. However it is
likely that you will encounter it at least once in a scenario.

--> Tips on preventing crashes
-> Contact park mainteinance (mechanics)
-> On old rides decrease the inspection time to 10 minutes (especially

The most common crash is that of Station Brakes Failure on a Roller
Coaster. To prevent this common malady you need to slow the
coaster before it gets to the track. There are several ways to do this:

- Have a lift hill right before you go back into the station, this is
a separate system from the brakes and won't fail in the same
explosive way (having other brakes, i.e. track brakes, does not work
because all brakes tend to fail at the same time
- Use up all the speed in the ride. This entails a lot of good ride
design as you have to get its speed down before it enters the
station yet still avoid stalled out trains, and trains going
backwards. Coasters that come into the station at 5 MPH tend to not
crash as much as coasters coming in at 90 MPH. Other ideas to try
are to have a Mechanic on permanent patrol near your rides, or you
could finally remove all the other trains completely. (if you do
that make sure that the train has the maximum amount of cars

The other main way to crash a ride is through bad design. So avoid bad
designs! (easier said than done, eh?) Typical bad designs are when you
build a hill that is higher than your train can get up. It will then slide
back down and hit the next train coming down the track. The easiest way to
fix that is to change the hill to a lift hill. Also on your test
modes, have only one train go through the ride at a time to avoid any on
ride collisions. (an alternative to switching to one train, is to watch to
see if it will crash, then to quickly hit the Close button, which will
somehow magically remove the trains)

Note: If you crash something in the "Test" mode, guests will still
fear the ride ("I'm not going on that, it isn't safe!").

Note: When two vehicles are racing to each other, the faster moving
one is the "lucky" one to explode. (Ake Malmgren)

| Recovering from crashes |

To recover from a crash you must simply to demolish the ride and build a
new ride. But that isn't always possible. You can trick the computer and
your guests by right clicking on the ride and making the curve again and
the guests will think that the ride is brand new.

--> Possible crashes
-> If a ride is going to water your guests will drown
-> If the ride is not complete the coaster will crash


Well, here are some hints and tips on building the best coaster:

o Never let the nausea factor be above 7 (my advice)
o Make shure you avoid sharp curves
o Always plan your design before starting to build
o give your guests a choice: there are many coasters types available
o maximum speed should never be lover than 25 miles and higher than 40
o avoid making long lines for coasters, here are some tips on avoiding
- make short lines (about 10 blocks)
- always hire entertainers to entertain your guests
- make good themery around lines; themery keep guests buisy
o when possible, always include an on-ride photo section
o never be low on your money; you must accept the fact, that rollercoasters
are expensive machines, some of them will cost even more than 15,000$,
depends on the ride lenght and the complexity (a 4D coaster)
o use your space; there is much space for you to build a coaster so don't
save it
o drops into tunnels are always special, so make shure to make adleast one
o to build a rollercoaster with big raitings, make it big with lots of
o if you build two or more rollercoasters beside other, that will increase
your excitement raiting
o it is must cheaper to build over land than over water (but water adds
more excitement to your rides)
o the way you paint your cars and coaster will efect the popularity
o if the speed gets to bigger, make shure you add a breake section
o try to use the RCT coaster designer to learn how to build coasters
o if you want to save time, but have enough money build already themed
o before building coasters always start with gentle rides and when you get
enough money, then build a coaster
o always look at ride characteristics
o never overcharge coasters or photos (coaster price 1-15$, photo price 1-

FOR MORE TIPS check AlaxaFox's and CGorman's RCT Coaster Designer
walkthrough at


Well this is the end of the walkthrough for coaster designing.



The 4D coaster is (adleast in my oppinion) the best rollercoaster in RCT2.
But it has some flaws like it is also the most expensive one and the
hardest one to build. So tap in my walkthrough and see how to build it.


Key rotations are the ones that make use problems. So let's see what these
degrees mean:

| Degree | Action |
| 90 | Trains face straight down (only when track is horizontal) |
| 0 | Trains face forwards or backwards |
| 180 | Trains face backward or forward |
| 360 | Trains do a complete turn and return to the last used |
| | degree. |
| 495 | Trains do a complete turn and move 90 degrees past last |
| | degree. |


Well I can tell you this for start; The 4D coaster is probably one of the
most strange coasters available. You will soon see why.

The key rotations are most commonly used so we'll just ignore the others.
As I understand this system you have to put degrees together (for example
if you count together 90 and 45 degrees you get 135 degrees, a different
rotation that puts coasters verticaly to the tracks). So if you know this,
it is easy to get the rotation you want (for example if you want to set the
trains from 180 degrees to 45 you have to set it to 225 degrees).

The higher that is the rotation, the higher is the trains movement. For
example if the train is at 135 degrees and you want it to face backwards
you won't move it to 180 degrees but you will have to make the next
rotation 45 degrees because you are adding 45 degrees to 135 and not
changing it not 180 degrees). As much as it seems complicated it isn't so.
Read it five times to understand it.


o always predict your ride before starting to build it; it will save you a
lot of complications further on
o tip: make the track piece before the brakes rotate 495 degrees; your
guests will do a full circle and then rotate to 0 degrees
o before you start to build a 4D coaster make shure you have adleast
10,000+$ of money
o study the rotations good before starting to build a 4D coaster


Well, I hope you understand the purpose of the 4D coaster. But if you still
don't, e-mail me.



Prices are very important in your park. Money gives you a chance to
progress but if you charge too much, guests won't go on your rides on the
other hand if you charge less there won't be no profit. You always have to
pick the middle way.


In this section I will give you my recommendations on prices for rides.

2.1 Prices for transportation rides

o transportation rides will be visited but never overcharge them
o the price should never be lover than 0.5$ and higher than 5$
o tip: my personal tip is to not charge for these rides (if these rides are
a mean of transportation to rides higher --etc. If you have a ride above
the mountains no one will walk there, right?)
o I recommend you don't build more than 2 transport rides (an exception is
if you have a big park and 2,500+ guests)

2.2 Prices on gentle rides

o personally I charge these rides from 0$-1.50$
o I charge 0$ for a ride when I nead to increase the guest happiness
o if you overcharge these rides, your customers might not go to

2.3 Park Entrance Price

o if you charge other rides, charge your park from 0-10$
o always start from lower prices (when a window appears that guests think
that your park entrance is cheap increase the entrance fee)
o charge the park entrance 40-50$ (depends on the number of rides you
have) then don't charge any of your rides (if the entrance fee would be
35$ charge your rides from 10-20 cents)
o don't forget guest happiness (if guest happiness is zero, more guests
won't be arriving to your park, this means you won't earn anything on

2.4 Shops and Stalls Prices

o well again I'll start with: personally I don't increase the prices for
drinks and so on (only 10-20 cents when the parks monthly income is
o tip: when it is raining make shure you increase the umbrella price at the
information kiosk

2.5 Thrill Rides Prices

o the price shouldn't be higher than 1.50$
o the recommended price is 0.40-0.80$

2.6 Water Rides Prices

o the price here depends on the ratings (if the excitement raiting is big
charge from 1-2$ and if it is low charge 0.8-1$)
o the boat hire's price shouldn't be higher than 50 cents

2.7 Rollercoaster Prices

o this depends on ratings
o if there is a big excitement raiting and the line is always full charge
o if the coaster's price was about 15,000$ start charging 1.50$ and then if
more and more guests are comming charge +0.50$ every month
o you shouldn't charge lover than 0.90$ and higher than 10$


This walkthrough is probably at its end. Maybe I'll add more hints on
prices but it is over.


As asked from the readers, here is the price list for rides, shops, stalls
and so on.

Mark Explanation:
TR - Transportation Rides
TH - Thrill Rides
RC - Rollercoasters
GE - Gentle Rides
SS - Shops and Stalls
WA - Water Rides

| Ride/Shop/Stall | Ride Type | Price |
| Miniature Railroad | TR | 1,300$+ |
| Monorail | TR | 1,550$+ |
| Suspended Monorail | TR | 2,400$+ |
| Chairlift | TR | 1,440$+ |
| Cycle Railway | GE | 400$+ |
| Crocked House | GE | 260$ |
| Haunted House | GE | 340$ |
| Ferris Wheel | GE | 450$ |
| Hedge Maze | GE | 216$+ |
| Merry-Go-Round | GE | 460$ |
| Miniature Golf | GE | 740$+ |
| Observation Tower | GE | 592$ |
| Car Ride | GE | 540$+ |
| Cycle Monorail | GE | 540$+ |
| Spiral Slide | GE | 330$ |
| Bumber Cars | GE | 440$ |
| Space Rings | GE | 288$ |
| Circus Show | GE | 500$ |
| Ghost Train | GE | 570$+ |
| Flying Saucers | GE | 560$ |
| Wooden Side-Friction | RC | 1,517$+ |
| Virignia Reel | RC | 975$+ |
| Wooden Reverser | RC | 1,517$+ |
| Wooden | RC | 2,800$+ |
| Wooden Twister | RC | 2,800$+ |
| Wooden Crazy Rodent | RC | 1,480$+ |
| Stell Wide Mouse | RC | 1,640$+ |
| Inverted Wild Mouse | RC | 2,000$+ |
| Steel Mini | RC | 1,320$+ |
| Mine Train | RC | 3,050$+ |
| Steel | RC | 3,350$+ |
| Stand Up | RC | 3,750$ |
| Steel Corkscrew | RC | 3,900$+ |
| Steel Twister | RC | 4,950$ |
| Suspended | RC | 4,100$+ |
| Suspended Looping | RC | 3,750$+ |
| Suspended Single-Rail | RC | 1,800$+ |
| Bobsled | RC | 2,700$+ |
| Heartline Twister | RC | 3,030$+ |
| Flying | RC | 4,000$+ |
| Reverse Whoa-Belly | RC | 6,750$+ |
| Vertical | RC | 3,780$+ |
| Air Powered Verical | RC | 6,750$+ |
| Scrambled Eggs | TH | 360$ |
| Whoa Belly | TH | 800$ |
| Swinging Ship | TH | 387$ |
| Go Karts | TH | 920$+ |
| Swinging Inverted Ship | TH | 424$ |
| Motion Simulator | TH | 440$ |
| 3D Cinema | TH | 560$ |
| Gravitron | TH | 580$ |
| Roto Drop | TH | 880$+ |
| Enterprise | TH | 800$+ |
| Water Slide | WA | 1,200$+ |
| Jet Skis | WA | 205$+ |
| Log Flume | WA | 1,320$+ |
| River Rapids | WA | 1,840$+ |
| River Ride | WA | 1,260$+ |
| Boat Hire | WA | 205$+ |
| Raft Ride | WA | 900$+ |
| Water Coaster | WA | 1,640$+ |
| Ice Cream Stall | SS | 250$ |
| Fries Stall | SS | 300$ |
| Pizza Stall | SS | 275$ |
| Hot Dog Stall | SS | 290$ |
| Burger Bar | SS | 300$ |
| Fried Chicken Stall | SS | 260$ |
| Exotic Sea Food Stall | SS | 325$ |
| Coffee Shop | SS | 250$ |
| Drink Shop | SS | 225$ |
| Lemonade Stall | SS | 210$ |
| Cotton Candy Stall | SS | 250$ |
| Popcorn Stall | SS | 250$ |
| Donut Shop | SS | 262$ |
| Candy Apple Shop | SS | 245$ |
| Balloon Stall | SS | 200$ |
| Souvenir Stall | SS | 210$ |
| T-Shirt Stall | SS | 255$ |
| Hat Stall | SS | 250$ |
| Information Kiosk | SS | 250$ |
| Bathroom | SS | 200$ |



In this section we will discuss everything about queues. The first this to
building the ultimate queue is to know how to place the ride themselves.
The ride should be placed at least three squares away from the nearest
path. Then start building the queue and don't connect it with the main path
until you are fully satisfied with it. When you have build the entrance to
the ride, then you can start with the exit and the path leading from it.
(Tip: don't try buidling too long paths from the exit as that causes a
bigger amount of lost guests; keep these lines short; about 5-6 squares
should do enough).
The queue lenght depends on the ride. For example; rollercoasters as the
biggest rides in your park won't have small queues. The queue for a popular
rollercoaster should be to 20 squares, while a queue for a normal coaster
10-15 squares. If the guests wait too long in these lines they will get
depressed; when this happens, cut the line down for 1-5 squares.

--> My advice on queues for different rides:
->Rollercoasters - 10 to 20 squares
->Exciting rides - 6 to 15 squares
->Gentle Rides - 5 to 9 squares
->Log Flume - 6 to 9 squares
->Boat Hire - 3 to 5 squares
->Transport Rides - 5 to 15 rides (depending on the transport type)

Even if your line is full, never extend it as your guests will only get
longer on waiting. Let me place a drawing for this one.

R = Go Karts
X = Guests

| |
| |
| R |
| |
| X |
| X |
| X |
| X | ___________________________________
| X | |
| X | | X _____________________________
| X | | X |
| X | | X |
| X | | X |
| X | | X |
| X | | X |
| X |____| X |

-> For example, you won't build a line like that for Go Karts

Finaly don't just build a path in a straight line. Try to make holes
between to place scenery; like trees, fountains and so on. This will make
the guests happier while waiting for a ride. And finaly, place some
entertainers too to entertain your guests while they wait for their ride.

Let's se two examples; one is a boring queue, the second is interesting.

_____ ride entrance ________ ride entrance
| | | | __ |SC| |
| | | | | |SC| |SC| | SC = scenery
| | | | | |SC| |SC| |
| | | | | |SC| |__| |
| |_____| | |SC|________|

Example of a boring Queue Example of an interesting Queue

| No Path At All |

There are also some exceptions when you don't even need a queue at all. If
you have a gentle ride and you only build an entrance, guests will enter
until the rides are all full. Only one guest can wait at the entrance. This
move is only reasonable with some types of rides (never with a
rollercoaster to be exact).
--> The rides you should use for this move (but not neccessary)
-> Space Rings
-> Maze
-> Car Ride
-> Boat Hire
-> Slide

If you build these rides on a crowded path they will always be full and
will never need a queue.

| Some Tips on Ride exits |

The best place to put a ride exit is on an already existed path rather then
building a new one. You can build an exit if you have no path; but try to
keep the path as smaller as possible (this will prevent messages like:
guest 909 is lost). This means that you need to place the ride at least one
square away from the path.

| Saving Space Tip |

-> Adapted from Red Phoenix's and Dan Simpson's RCT original walkthrough

Now Incorporating all of the Queue ideas, we'll now do a little trick, that
seems to me, to save a little space. First build a Merry-Go-Round 1 square
away from a path. Build the entrance on the far side away from the path,
and build the exit right next to the path. Now build the queue so that it
goes immediately back to the path. This method has several advantages, the
first being that the Exit is always on a normal path, so you don't have to
create new dead-end paths; second, it saves space.


-> Never build to big queues; try to keep them as small as possible (for
gentle rides for example; but big for rolercoasters; use the above
section to see exactly)
-> You can colour your queues differently (just hold your mouse on the
queue and a set of colours will appear)
-> Always have some entertainers near long queues
-> Place scenery like trees, fountains near paths to keep the guests happy


Well, this is the end of the queues section. If you have any more tips,
suggestions, e-mail me (see contact section) -> you will receive full


1. BOAT HIRE ---> B010

A station platform is all you need for this ride. You can build "Guide
Rails" if you want to control where your guests go, but you don't have to.
If guests get lost or stuck then you might consider to build guide rails.
Also build the guide rail when you want to limit the amount of guests; note
that the guide rails don't have to make a full circle.


Keep this ride short with only 3 or 4 drops. 3 minutes for the time is
plenty, any more thant that people start to get unhappy or impatient (they
become hungry). Also you can make your Log Flume to show your other rides
(for example: if a log flume goes through a rollercoaster, this will
increase the guest line for the rollercoaster).

The Log Flume gets a new track piece, the 'turntable', which turns the log
around but only if the log is going slow enough; if the log is too fast, it
won't turn.


Keep this ride as simple as possible. Pull one uphill chain and then just
move them around, use the complete circle tracks to keep them from flying
off the track.

Waterboats go faster when there are people inside of them. A problem comes
here. When a full boat is is followed by an empty one can result a boat
pile up. Increassing the minimum waiting time can help resolve this

--> Some tips on Water Slides
-> Waterslides will always crash if you make a step drop underground
using uncovered track
-> A Tip from Ake Malgren (originaly posted in Rollercoaster Tycoon
original walkthrough by Dan Simpson and Red Phoenix): Because the
dinghies runs on water, unlike the coasters that runs on wheel, they
have more friction against the track and loose speed faster so water
slides are more difficult to design
-> When a water ride breaks down, all lift hills stop. That will cause
the boats to pile up in the lift hills and probably run into each
other and make jams later in the track. Because of that, it is no
good idea to have more than one lift hill.


A monorail doesn't need a complete loop and the chairlift automatically
makes a loop.

| A tip on building a railroad |

In Rollercoaster Tycoon you can build a railroad or a transport ride from
one corner of the park to another. (this is shown with a picture down

--> How to build it
-> First you must build stations
-> Then build a desired track to anywhere in the park
-> Build entrances and exits

Here is a picture to show you.

+++ - curve
--- - track
xxx - station
E - exit
EN - entrance
www - could be build but isn't neccessary (track)

w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w +--------------------------------+
w |
w |
w | E EN
w +--------xxxxxxxxx---------------+
w |
w |
w |
w |

This is the deal. You can build a track around the park and build multiple
station platforms to get a transport ride of somehow. This is very useful
when your guests need to walk far away to a ride (personaly I charge this
ride 0$ but when I get low on funds I charge 0.10$ or close it after I get
more funds). The track doesn't need to be in a complete circuit (marked
with 'w' in the picture) but can be just closed as the train will just go
back to its original first starting station.


Towers are very useful for your guests to view the whole park. My personal
hint is to build them as higher you can; this will increase guest


I don't know why but to me it seems that the guests like go karts the best.
For example; once I've build a big go kart track and the lines were always
full even when I increased the price to 5$.

Tip from RCT walkthrough by Dan Simpson and Red Phoenix:
-> Once I've build a small Go Kart with only two stations platforms and a
small track and increased the laps to twenty; I got an excitement
raiting of 5.

--> These tips all copied from RCT walkthrough by Dan Simpson and Red

-> Tip by: Dan Mullin
As with roller coasters it appears that Go-Karts really like to have
intertwined and paralleled tracks at the same or similar levels, i.e.,
a driver going one way on a section of track can see a driver going
another way on a different section. This seems to boost excitement
quite a bit.

As you know, when run in race mode the winner always gets to take a
victory lap. Therefore, a nice balance to achieve in the number of
laps is completion of the victory lap at about the same time the last
place car actually finishes. Otherwise, if you simply cut down the
number of laps you are not speeding things up and you are reducing the
excitement level.

-> Tip by: Ake Malmgrem
To get extreme excitement ratings on this ride, build it
around/through/under/over many rides, preferrably at exciting points,
like through loops. It is easy to do because of the tight turns on
this track.


There's no advice here. Tipicaly I build pre-made mazes as they are build

--> Here is a tip (by Dan Simpson & Red Phoenix/Authors of RCT walkthrough)
One of the best ways to build a Maze is to build the Ultra Small Hedge
maze. Have only 2 squares of maze, with only one
straight path. Place both the entrance and exit on a path (i.e. no queues),
and you have a very quick loading/unloading ride! They get out and go
right back in! Best of all, the whole ride + stations takes up only 4
squares, and can be placed almost anywhere.

8. CHAIR LIFT ---> C012

Building more than seven stations is unnecessary since the chair lift can
only have twelve cars. (personally this ride is boring to me)

--> Tip
-> Increase the ride speed to 9 mile per hour (more excitement)


A monorail and railroad can be useful for a transport if the guests have to
go far to a ride. Here is a picture to show you how to build it.

(note that this section was mentioned above; stated here again)

In Rollercoaster Tycoon you can build a railroad or a transport ride from
one corner of the park to another. (this is shown with a picture down

--> How to build it
-> First you must build stations
-> Then build a desired track to anywhere in the park
-> Build entrances and exits

+++ - curve
--- - track
xxx - station
E - exit
EN - entrance
www - could be build but isn't neccessary (track)

w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w |
w +--------------------------------+
w |
w |
w | E EN
w +--------xxxxxxxxx---------------+
w |
w |
w |
w |

This is the deal. You can build a track around the park and build multiple
station platforms to get a transport ride of somehow. This is very useful
when your guests need to walk far away to a ride (personaly I charge this
ride 0$ but when I get low on funds I charge 0.10$ or close it after I get
more funds). The track doesn't need to be in a complete circuit (marked
with 'w' in the picture) but can be just closed as the train will just go
back to its original first starting station.


This concludes the custom rides section. If you want to add anything send
me e-mail (you will be noted) --> check the contact section for more
information on contacting.


In this section we will see some different rollercoaster building.


Ever wanted to build a rollercoaster high in the air? It isn't so hard to
accomplish. Simply raise one square of terrain to the level that you want
and build the first station on that and just keep building on.

--> Tip
-> This is useful when a note appears; you can't build higher; just
raise the terrain and you can build higher


You may eventually want to use a Rollercoaster as a train to shuttle people
from one area to another. Bear in mind that you can't use the powered
launch mode with 2 stations, therefore you have to build a lot of "Booster"
tracks to keep it going. Also if you make a straight track it will be
very boring. You will want to add some excitement to it via a Loop or
something similar.

--> Tip
-> You don't actually have to have the guests go through the loop, as
long as it exists on the track somewhere, it will increase the


-> Note: This one copied from Dam Simpson's and Red Phoenix's Rollercoaster
Tycoon walkthrough

This isn't so hard to produce. Simply build one coaster as normal, except
that when you get to finish the ride, move the track 1 square left or right
and make a new station that would be identical in length to the first one.
Now build a second coaster. Try to keep it the same size as the first
section. To finish the ride off, have the track go back into the first
station. Now you'll probably want to get half the Trains to each station,
so push the "Test Ride" button until half the trains have left, then click
the Red "Close Ride" button once. To get the 2 stations to synchronize,
click the "Synchronize with Adjacent Station" buttons (you have to do this
for each station!) Now you just need to place 2 entrances, 2 exits, and
you're done!

--> Tip
-> Do not simply link 2 separate coasters together to make one, that
doesn't work!

--> answer from, Michael Kerr


If you've played the Katie's World Scenario in the original RCT, you know
that it is possible to have an underground rollercoaster. How to do that?
It is quite simple. Just simply cut some land down to the level that you
want to build the rollercoaster. Then build one station platform above
ground in the hole, with the next station platform going underground. Then
remove the first station platform and raise the land back to where it was.
You are now free to build that underground coaster.

--> Note
-> The underground coaster costs much more to build than a normal


This concludes the advanced coaster building section. If you have anything
more to add, e-mail me (you'll receive full credit of course) --> see
contact section for more details.


Well, the advanced techniques section now totaly depends on your ideas from
now on. I'm out of them. Everything you want to add, change or ask e-mail
me (see contact section) and I will post it with full credit to you.

A D D O N ---> A004


NOTE: This section is copied from the Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Manual.


It's difficult to trace the origins of the thrill ride - for all we know,
Stonehenge is just the ruined supports for an early roller coaster. But we
do know one thing: that mind-clearing adrenaline buzz you only get from
being scared out of your wits is a timeless human endeavor.


Most coaster historians consider Russian ice slides the forerunners of
rollercoasters. These large wooden structures, up to 70-feet tall, were
popular throughout Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries. Riders would use
a wooden sled or block of ice to slide at up to 50 miles-per-hour (mph)
down giant ice-covered wooden hills and crash-land into a sand pile at the
bottom. Somewhere along the line, a French businessman brought the ice
slide idea back to France, perhaps forgetting that Russian-like winters
might be a pre-requisite for their success. Undeterred, he or someone else
developed an all-season solution by waxing the sled runners. Eventually,
someone swapped wheels for runners, and more ambitious and thrilling tracks
were created. In 1817 someone attached the carts to the tracks and dubbed
the ride the Russian Mountains of Belleville. It had two tracks that ran
next to each other, so riders could race (and onlookers could bet on the


The ultimate American thrill ride - past or present - may well have been
the Mauch Chunk Switchback Gravity Railroad, in Mauch Chunk, Penn. (now
called Jim Thorpe, Penn.). It was the second railroad ever built (1827) in
the United States, and was originally used to haul coal from mountaintop
mines down to the Lehigh River. The track was built so that miners could
load mine cars with coal, shove them over the hillside, and let gravity do
the rest. Mules, whose job was to pull the cars back up the hill, and a
brave, solitary brakeman were apparently the first participants in this
nine-mile, hair-raising tear down the mountain. Thrill-seekers soon took
notice, and the track was con-verted to a thrill ride in the afternoons.
Eventually, the mules were replaced by a steam engine that hauled the empty
cars up a longer, more gradual track. People would pay $1 to ride up the
gradual incline, then the steam engine was removed, and the cars were
pushed back down the hill, with speeds apparently reaching nearly 100 mph.
Now that's a roller coaster! In 1872, a new tunnel was constructed, which
made the track obsolete for coal-hauling. Eventually a restaurant and hotel
were built at the top, and the ride attracted more than 35,000 passengers a
year. It continued to operate, with an amazing safety record, until it was
closed in 1933.


Way back in 1846, an Englishman apparently sold a loop-the-loop coaster
ride to the French. This Paris attraction, called the Centrifuge Railway
(Chemin du Centrifuge), featured a 43-foot high hill leading into a 13-foot
wide loop. The rider would sit in a wheeled cart, pray to the physics gods,
and hang on as the car whipped down the hill and through the loop with only
centrifugal force keeping the cart and rider on course. Nearly 50 years
later, in 1895, Lina Beecher revived the idea with the Flip-Flap Railway, a
25-foot circular loop at Coney Island. The circular design was very
unforgiving in the g-force department, and whiplash complaints were no
doubt part of the reason why it only lasted a few seasons. In 1901 a man
named Edward Prescott built a new looping coaster, also at Coney Island.
This ride, called Loop The Loop, was oval-shaped to reduce g forces. Its
low seating-capacity, perhaps, was why it only lasted six years.


The first 'roller coaster tycoon' was probably La Marcus Thompson, the man
who created the Gravity Pleasure Switchback Railway, which opened at Coney
Island in 1884. His ride was a 650-foot long wooden structure shaped like
the Russian ice slides. Riders would climb a platform, board cars and be
pushed down a hill and over a few bumps. At the other end, workers would
hoist the car to the top of a second station, riders would board again and
coast back in the other direction. The early ride focused more on
sightseeing than excite-ment, so the bench-like coaster cars faced sideways
and the ride traveled at a mere 6 mph. But people loved it: Thompson
charged just a nickel a ride, and made more than $600 a week. Thompson's
success was an inspiration. In late 1884, a man named Charles Alcoke
created a U-shape version of the Switchback ride that did not require
riders to unload and reload mid-way. In 1885 Phillip Hinkle added a cable
hoisting mechanism. Soon, track-mounted brakes were developed, track
designs improved, and the rides began to look and act like modern-day
roller coasters. In 1912, coaster designer John Miller, who got his start
as LaMarcus Thompson's chief engineer, patented a design for the under-
friction roller coaster. This revolutionary safety advancement made steeper
drops and faster speeds possible by holding the cars to the tracks and
reducing drag. Miller, a complete coaster tycoon, held over 100 patents on
roller coaster devices, and designed more than 100 roller coasters.
Miller's safety advances apparently inspired inventors to push design
limits even further. Take the infamous Cyclone of Crystal Beach, Ontario,
Canada. This ride, designed by Harry Traver in 1927, topped out in the
intensity department - often leaving riders with broken ribs or snapped
collar bones. (An on-staff nurse was always present.) It failed to profit
and was eventually shut down, apparently because more people came to watch
others ride it rather than 'enjoy' the ride themselves. The Cyclone was not
the only roller coaster from this era that didn't last. The Great
Depression and World War II saw the decay and destruction of more than
1,500 roller coasters in the United States, and at least that many


The amusement park industry was given a shot in the arm in 1955 with the
opening of the first successful theme park: Disneyland. Disney's
contribution to coaster history was Matterhorn Mountain, the first tubular
steel coaster. Steel construction allowed for much faster and more
thrilling rides, including the Corkscrew at Knott's Berry Farm (Buena Park,
Calif.), in 1975, and Magic Mountain California's Great Revolution, built
in 1976. Both rides revived the centuries-old novelty of going upside down
(this time with proper safety restraints). These led to rides with double
loops, triple loops, and combinations of corkscrews, loops and other
elements - the race was on! Since then we've seen inverted coasters (cars
travel beneath the tracks), linear induction motor coasters (power-
launched), 'giga-coasters,' (over 300 feet tall), multi-dimensional
coasters (free-spinning cars), vertical coasters, air-powered coasters, and
more. No one knows what the future will bring, but it's safe to predict
that - whatever it is - it will be faster, taller, longer, scarier, and,
best of all, more fun.


NOTE: This section is copied from the Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Manual.


.:RCT2 Coaster Type:.
Inverted Vertical Shuttle

196 feet tall; 1,203 feet long; 65 mph max

.:Special Features:.
Riders dangle face-down up the first tower, then drop 178 feet straight
down, through a 102-foot vertical loop, 110-foot butterfly and up the
second 178-foot tower. Then they ride it again - backwards!

Six Flags Magic Mountain, Los Angeles; Six Flags Over Georgia - Atlanta;
Six Flags Great America - Chicago


.:RCT2 Coaster Type:.

142 feet tall; 3,985 feet long; 61 mph max speed

.:Special Features:.
Riders sit on open-air pedestal-like seats - with legs dangling - through 7
inversions, including 114-foot vertical loop, 96-foot dive loop, heartline
cambelback (zero-gravity roll), cobra roll, and two interlock-ing

Six Flags Great Adventure - New Jersey
Six Flags Marine World - San Francisco


.:RCT2 Coaster Type:.
Stand-up Twister Coaster

Coaster Specs:
154 feet high; 4,155 feet long; 63 mph max

Special Features:
World's longest, fastest, tallest stand-up coaster contains world's biggest
vertical loop (121.6 feet), plus 104-foot dive loop, 72-foot inclined loop,
and 2 corkscrews.

Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom - Louisville


.:RCT2 Coaster Type:.
Inverted Impulse Coaster

Twin 185-foot towers; 630 feet long; 70 mph max

.:Special Features:.
Electromagnetic propulsion system launches train 70 mph in less than 4
seconds - straight up and straight back down two vertical towers. First
tower fea-tures spiraling corkscrew near top.

Six Flags Marine World - San Francisco


.:RCT2 Coaster Type:.
Multi-Dimensional Coaster

.:Coaster Specs:.
200 feet tall; 3,610 feet long; 76 mph max

.:Special Features:.
Unique design allows vehicles to spin independently 360-degrees head-over
heels on a separate axis - first drop is 200 feet and 89 degrees.

Six Flags Magic Mountain - Los Angeles


.:RCT2 Coaster Type:.
Hyper-Twister Coaster

255-foot initial drop; 5,312 feet long; 85 mph max speed

.:Special Features:.
Three-and-a-half minute ride through spirals, camelback hill, carousel
curve, 120-foot dark tunnel, and more - long and FAST!

Six Flags Over Texas - Dallas


.:RCT2 Coaster Type:.

143 feet high; 4,920 feet long; 62 mph max

.:Special Features:.
One of the tallest and fastest wooden coasters in world. Initial drop of
137 feet at 53-degree angle is followed by banked curves and 21 drops.

Six Flags Over Texas - Dallas



NOTE: Some hints are from my own knowledge while others are copied from
sources listed down below in the credits section.

Increase guest happiness

Enter Melanie Warn as a guest name. You can rename the guest to another
name and repeat this on another guest as needed. Keep doing this to also
increase your park's rating.

Multiple names

You can have more than one person with the same name (which works well when
using the cheats) by changing the capitalization of various letters. For
example Chris Sawyer can be used on another person by making all letters
lower or upper case (chris sawyer and CHRIS SAWYER).

Guests never leave

Put a "No Entry" sign by the entrance, facing away from the entrance.
Guests can still come in, but will not leave. Note: This may cause your
park rating to decrease, because many guests will be "lost" and want to go

Extra building space

Build a ride or attraction such as a maze. You can now build on top of that
with smaller rides (for example, bumper cars).



It's a good idea to save your game before you spend a bunch of money
creating a new custom ride or an ambitious landscaping project. Saving your
park at the beginning of each year is also helpful.


You don't have to just sit and watch the tutorials. While a tutorial is
running, you can click on any mouse button or press any key to take over
control.The only caveat is that you can't give control back to the tutorial
once you interrupt it. To restart the tutorial you must go back to the Main
Menu and run it again.


When it rains, all of your guests will want umbrellas, and the only place
they can get them is at your Information Kiosks and Souvenir Stands. Make
sure you're not under-charging for them.


Keep an eye on your guests' thoughts. If lots of them are thinking about
what a great value your park is, maybe you should raise the admission


While playing the game, you are always charged for altering land and water


You can only fill an area with water from the ground up. If you want
water at or below ground level, you must lower the land first.


There is a special land-scape brush available in the Scenario Editor. When
you decrease the size of the brush below one-grid square, your brush
becomes a 5-by-5 grid with a highlighted square at its center. This brush
lets you create evenly sloped land formations that raise or lower from the
center when you click and drag the mouse up or down.


You can click the right mouse button to remove scenery or paths while using
any of the construction tools.


Many guests prefer to sit when they eat. Provide a good supply of benches
conveniently located near any collection of food stalls.

TIP 10

Scenery and theme items placed near the track can add to the excitement of
a ride, especially when you create the illusion of an impending
collision.Tracks that cross over or under other parts of your park
- footpaths, terrain, other rides and such - are also more exciting.

TIP 11

Keep an eye on stacked items. When using the Shift command in stacking land
objects, rotate the map frequently and look at your work from all angles.
Sometimes you may be placing a piece in the wrong spot.

TIP 12

Provide transport rides from point to point (every point near a ride)
around the park. This will lighten the traffic load on your path system and
give tired guests an alternative to walking.

TIP 13

Keep the distance between attractions short, so that no guest has the
opportunity to become bored or overly tired while walking from one
attraction to another. When a long walk is inevitable, provide benches
along the way, especially at the top of hills.

TIP 14

Elevated rides allow your guests to see other rides and areas of the park,
which can spark interest in visiting them.

TIP 15

Covered rides are more popular when it's raining.

TIP 16

Riding less intense rides near a coaster can often help guests get up the
nerve to ride the more extreme attractions. Consider surrounding a roller
coaster with less intense rides.

TIP 17

Start small. Time ticks by at an easy pace in RollerCoaster Tycoon 2.
Don't spend too much cash on a big, fancy ride before you know your park
can draw a crowd.

TIP 18

You can quickly select any track segment by right-clicking on it. A ride
must be closed before you can work on it.

TIP 19

The Save button on some rides will allow you to save the track design
plus any additional theme objects or scenery around the ride. Click on the
objects around the ride that you want saved.You must test a ride and
generate statistics before you can save it.

TIP 20

When vandalism does occur, the best course of action is simply to replace
the damaged elements of the park. The longer you leave vandalized objects
around, the more it will upset your guests.

TIP 21

If you are going to assign paths to your workers (and you should!), be sure
you don't leave any areas completely unpatrolled. It's amazing how
disgusting a path can get if no handy-man ever bothers to sweep it.

TIP 22

The Grab button is the fastest way to get a handy-man to the scene of a
mess, but it is not helpful for getting a mechanic to fix a broken ride.
When you pick up and move a mechanic, you cancel his current assignment. To
make your mechanics more efficient, assign organized patrols to them. Keep
in mind, however, that a mechanic will not leave an assigned patrol area to
fix a broken ride.

TIP 23

Provide something for everyone. Yes, roller coasters are the focus of the
park, but not everyone enjoys riding them. Even those who do want to
ride something else now and again. Maintain a balance of rides running the
gamut from mild to intense, and you will maximize the number of people
you satisfy.

TIP 24

One of the benefits of the Information Kiosk is that it provides maps of
the park to your guests (at a price you control). Having a map handy
significantly reduces a guest's chances of getting lost.

TIP 25

Don't let guests stay lost - a visitor who wanders away from the main
attractions is not having fun. Maps of the park can prevent this, and a
sharp-eyed park manager (you) can spot and retrieve lost guests.

TIP 26

It can pay to monitor the weather and make adjust-ments to what you are
selling, like raising prices or building a coffee stand when the
temperature dips, or erecting more drink stands if the climate is hot.

TIP 27

Marketing entices more guests to visit your park, but be careful. If you
lure them in with a campaign, make sure you meet your end if the deal. For
instance, if people come to the park because you run a 'Half off the
admission price' campaign and you don't have any admission price, they
may feel cheated!

TIP 28

Novelty is king. A ride that is newly built and opened attracts more guests
than one that has been running and available for a couple of years. Old
rides just don't excite your guests as much as something fresh.

TIP 29

Use height markers on track supports to ensure that loops and hills are
successively lower, so that your coaster trains have enough speed to make
it over the bumps and around the track.

TIP 30

When choosing scenario parameters, you can make things more interesting by
tying together the various elements. For example, you could design a
'desert' scenario that has a hot and dry climate, and set it so that very
thirsty guests enter the park with a lot of money. You could then set it so
that players must research drink stands and water rides before they are


Easter Egg 1: Trainers

Trainers are specialy designed tools to help you in your game. They give
you (for example) infinite money, all rides and so on. As much as trainers
are useful, they can freeze your game. If you need one, go to this website:

Easter Egg 2: Negative money

As good as RCT2 is, it does have its share of great glitches. One of them
gives you free money! To do it, you will need to have the Mechanical Style
scenery available. Once it is, make a 4x4 platform of metal blocks. Then,
stack it so it is 4x4 high. Then, build a Gentle or Thrill ride. You may
notice it will cost you negative money to build. Well, this negative money
goes directly into your COH, which means you make money. The more expensive
the ride is, more money you make.

Easter Egg 3: Ultra-Extreme Excitement

The more excitement a ride has, the more popular it will be. So, naturally,
any tactics to get a ride exciting is well invited, right? Well, if it is,
you'll be glad to know there is a simple way to get the Inverted Impulse
Roller Coaster ultra-extreme in the excitement department! (650.00 to be
exact!) Here's how you do it:

1. After building the station platform, build the first vertical incline
about 170 ft. tall. After that, drop it back down.

2. Go back to the station platform, and begin to build the other way.
However, make the first vertical incline 175 ft. tall.

3. Now, add a second vertical incline on each side to its maximum height.

4. If done correctly, the coaster should have a 'M' shape. Set the launch
speed to 74 MPH, and make the number of circuits 7. Test the ride.

5. When the results come in, the excitement should be 650.00! (Or higher!)

6. Open the ride!


Name a guest to one of the names listed below for the desired effect:

Brayshaw - Waving guests
Tony Day - Hungry guest
John Wardley - "Wow!" thinking
John Mace - Guest pays double entrance fee
Damon Hill - Faster Go-Karts
Michael Schumacher - Even faster Go-Karts
Mr Bean - Slower Go-Karts

---> Next cheats/easters are from David Ellis

Andy Hine - thinks 'Nice ride but not as good as the Phoenix'
Elissa White - loves coasters designed by Intamin (such as the Giga
Coaster, Impulse Coaster, etc) - thinks 'brilliant's an Intamin Ride'
David Ellis - thinks 'and here we are on the...' followed by the
name of the coaster. (Note - this is actually me...I
provided some of the sounds for RCT2 and you will find
me listed in the credits to the game).

There is a 4th name, but I do not know what this is yet. Chris Sawyer
is keeping it a secret, unless the person agrees to have their name go

The original RCT easter egg names will still work in RCT2:

Katie Brayshaw - Waves to guests
John Wardley - thinks "Wow!"
Damon Hill - Drives faster on Go-Karts
Michael Schumacher - Also drives faster on Go-Karts
Mr Bean - Drives slower on Go-Karts
Simon Foster - Paints pictures of rides
Chris Sawyer - Takes photos of rides

--NEW!! The 4th secret guest is here.--

Nancy Stillwagon - Hands free ice creams to people around them

---> End of user submission


| |
The official Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 web page!
-Here you will find: patches, updates, news

| |
In my personal oppinion one of the best RCT sites available!
-Here you will find: patches, updates, news, walkthroughs ...

| |
All the downloads for RCT2!
-All available downloads for RCT2!

More webpages comming soon, if you would like something to add, e-mail me,
see contact section for more information.



| AlaxaFox and CGorman |
-Coaster Designing walkthrough + hints & tips (

| Shark404 |
-Rides FAQ + hints & tips (

| Shark404 |
-Pricing guide (much more detailed) (


| Gallavant |
-The best hints and tips for Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 (

| ShadowDragon99 |
-A very detailed RCT2 walkthrough + 4D coaster (



This FAQ section is contributed to all you readers out there that are
bursting me with e-mails and questions about the game, hints, tips and
would like to contribute anything to this guide.

Qestion (Q from now on): The game sometimes just flips out. Why?
Answer (A from now on): Well the first thing is that you don't have
a compatible computer with RCT2. Check the
system specifications.
Second is Direct X. Install the newest version.
Third, you might have a 'pirated' version of

Q: The game sometimes isn't as fast as it was. What do I do?
A: Again the same answer. System specifications. You must have adleast
a Pentium 350mhz processor or AMD and 64MB ram highly recommended.

Q: The RCT scenario editor can't save my scenario. Why not?
A: Possible case is that the disk is full. Try to free some space.

Q: The game won't run and it gives me this message: DDRAW.dll has comited
a ...
A: The problem is with Direct-X. Try reinstalling it or if you have an
older version that requiered install the newest one.

Q: When I create stalls (drink stall, food stall etc.) none of the guests
buy anything. What shall I do?
---> Question submitted by Anthony Ormesher
A1: There are multiple answers availble for this question. Here is the
first option. You are probably overcharging drinks and food or whatever
it is that you are selling. Try to lower your price.
A2: The shop isn't open. You must open your shop to allow guests to shop
A3: The entrance fee for the park is 40-60$. You are charging a large
amount of entrance fee and keeping the rides free. Guests won't bother
to buy drinks, food etc. Try to lower your price to 35,40, maximum 50$.
A4: It could be a bug in the game //Not so certain.
A5: Guests just aren't thirsty or hungry.
A6: You have too many shops build. If you have four or more shops at the
same location of the same type, guests won't buy from all of them. Try
to fix this problem by demolishing all except one.


No questions were aked usely.

If you would like to ask anything or contribute to this walkthrough, e-mail
me (see contact section).


I think the game is great for those who haven't played Rollercoaster Tycoon
yet. But for old tycooners it has almost nothing new to offer except for
the scenario editor and some new buildings. From me it deserves a fully 80%
and I think it is worth your own money.






I would like to thank first to all of you readers out there that are
reading my faqs! Thanks for all of your support and your constant
e-mails are giving me the energy to still update this walkthrough.

I would also like to thank CjayC for making the best FAQ site for
all us FAQ writers and constantly updating it.

I would also like to thank to jgs for letting me publish his ASCII dragon.
(see down bellow for his webpage).


| |
For the hints and cheat codes on Rollercoaster Tycoon 2.

| |
Mostly CjayC and all the other people constantly publishing and
updating our guides.

| All readers |
All readers for supporting me and reading this guide!

| |
For the motivation and inspiration! -- you own a great RCT site!

| RCT2 Manual |
Probably for the start -- I would have never been able to start
this walkthrough without it, used its sections for starters, used its
rollercoaster famous section and so on!

| jgs |
For letting me publish his ASCII dragon!
-See his webpage:

| AlaxaFox & CGorman |
For giving me the idea for creating the Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Coaster
building section
-See their much more detailed walktrhrough on

| Shark404 |
For giving me the idea for adding a Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Price section
-See his much more detailed walkthrough on

| CGorman |
For letting me publish his rollercoaster design example (the source was
stated so I'm not violating your license agreement)

| ShadowDragon99 |
Idea of an easter section; some easters copied from his walkthrough; I
am not violating any agreement though because I found these easters on
the net

| Nobuo Uematsu |
His music is just so inspiring. If you don't know from who I am talking
about, maybe this will help: Final Fantasy series. His music also gives
me the energy to continue writing this walkthrough and all my other

| Linkin Park - Reanimation |
Also inspiring music. When I get bored with writing I run their cd and
quickly return to write more.

| Dan Simpson & Red Phoenix |
Copied some sections from their original RCT walkthrough; I haven't seen
a license agreement on copying but I've stated the source so I am not
violating anyting.

| Split Infinity |
Original PSE search engine and the author of FFX walkthrough (probably
the biggest --> 2MB OF INFORMATION!!!, 887 PAGES!)

| David Ellis |
For adding more easter eggs/cheats


If you are interested, I have also written these walkthroughs:

- Moorhuhn 3 Es Gibt Huhn!
- Sheep (hints, tips & cheats + walkthrough)
- Ring The Legend of the Nibelungen Walkthrough

Walkthroughs in plan:

| Ring II Twilight of the Gods |
--Status: Walkthrough in 5% completion, comming April/May/June 2003
--> I don't know if I will ever write it, still updating RCT2
walkthrough as you can see

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18.Oktober 2013
Verschiedene Bahnen

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Item Price Listings

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v2.01.028)

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer (für v1.3)

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Dieser "Trainer" ermöglicht es, im Szenarioeditor die Begrenzung der Attraktionen und Szenarien zum umgehen.

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Besucher, Parkwertung und Temperatur

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
11.Februar 2016
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
25.September 2015
11.Februar 2016
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020