Airline Tycoon Evolution

Airline Tycoon Evolution

17.10.2013 20:39:26
Airline Tycoon
Airline Tycoon First Class
Airline Tycoon Evolution

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What is Airline Tycoon?
You are the boss of a new airline. Your goal is to turn it into a successful
and popular airline. You need to plan your planes' routes and the flight
orders they take, hire and assign staff, sabotage your rivals or even
cooperate with them.

These are the rooms that are available in the free game. Some rooms might
not be available if you are playing the campaigns.

The Arab behind the counter sells kerosene and storage tanks. The prices of
kerosene changes each day. If you want, you can buy and hoard kerosene when
the price is low.

The man at the counter lets you buy and sell shares. The blonde lady whose
back is facing you lets you take out and repay loans.

Rick's Café
Rick will give you tips and the latest news. You can also go and ask him
about the stuff you've picked up.

Duty Free Store
Sells several stuff you can use, some to give others (liquor, chocolate,
violin) and some to use (notepad, filofax, cell phone).

Plane Broker
It doesn't take a genius to know that this guy is obsessed with planes. He
sells new planes, but they are very expensive. New planes will be added
randomly, Rick will keep you informed.

Flight Planning Screen
Let's you plan flights, check your branches, check the status of your planes
. When you've hired the right advisors, you can also see your competitors'
info and you balance sheet.

Go here for cargo orders.

Advertising Agency
You can choose various methods to advertise you line and/or your route and
improve your image.

Newspaper Stand
Shows you the headlines from around the world and sometimes there may be
news about you or your competitors. Just move your mouse over the 3
magazines on the right wall of the booth.

Last Minute Travel Agency
Gives you plane orders and like the name says, they are all last minute,
usually due on the same day.

You can buy old planes here. Some may be in almost new condition, but most
of the time you'll have to get the workshop to repair them first. You can
also sell old planes here.

Depending on what character you are, your office will be decorated in the
same colors. There will also be different decorations in the office,
reflecting the personality of each character.

Some things you can do in the office:
1. Each office has a phone for you to phone different parts of the airport,
your competitors and your branches overseas.
2. Click on the model plane on the desk to equip your planes. There are 2
parts, the technical aspect and the interior of the plane.
3. You can access the flight planning screen by clicking on the globe.
4. If you click on the picture above the globe, you can see the market price
for kerosene and chose whether to let your planes fill up from your
storage tanks or refill at market price.
5. In the men's office, there will be a coat hanging by the door while in
the woman, there will only be a hat hanging on a bull's head. Clicking on
it let's you finish for the day.

You have 2 people working for you. The woman is in charge of new
applications and the man is in charge of the existing staff.

Let's you see your ranking and also how ugly your character looks in stone
*hee hee*. In the free game, it is based on the number of passengers you
have transported. In the campaigns, it is based on whatever is your goal. To
use the telescope, you have to pay $1.

Airline Travel Agency
Also gives you travel orders. The only difference is that they are not last

Airport Manager's Office
You can ask the manager to expand the airport, which really is to just add a
new counter and gate. Be prepared to fork out 1 million for the expenses
though. You can also bid for branches overseas or for new gates by clicking
on the board behind him.

You need to go here to give orders for your planes to be fixed. You can also
choose who will maintain you planes. Whatever you do, don't tell the
mechanic to stop smoking cos he will throw you out of the workshop.

HiTech Designs (only available in Airline Tycoon Evolution)
Here you can design and construct your plane according to your whim and
fancy. Be prepared to fork out a large sum of money for custom-built planes

Security Office (only available in Airline Tycoon Evolution)
The entrance to the security office is hidden. It is on the second floor, at
the viewing gallery beside the Airport Manager's Office. You can ask for
security services, protecting anything from your notepad to your office to
each of your planes. However, the services are very, very expensive. So
expect to pay through your nose for this.

The Sabotage Shop
This is a hidden room. You need special clearance to access it, see my Hints
and Tips section. You can choose to do something to the planes or chose
something personal. At first you can only have one method to chose from but
after you sabotaged someone, the choices will increase.

Shortcut Keys
A PetrolAir
B Bank
C Rick's Café
D Duty Free Store
E Plane Broker
G Flight Planning Screen
H Cargo
I Advertising Agency
K Newspaper Stand
L Last Minute Travel Agency
M Museum
N Nasa Shop (only available in some missions in Evolution)
O Office
P Personnel
R Route Administration Board
S Telescope
T Travel Agency
U Airport Manager's Office
W Workshop
X HiTech Design Shop (only available in Evolution)
Y Security Office (only available in Evolution)
TAB Let's you finish the day
Spacebar Speed up the time
F1 Call up a tool tip
F2/Esc Go to Options
F3 Load game
F4 Save game
+/- Speed or slow down time

Advisors assist and advise you in your daily work. If you are hiring one, I
suggest you hire the best money can offer cos they will do their jobs better
and offer better advice. If you are trying to save money, there are some
advisors you can do without. I've marked these as Optional.

Personal / Staff Advisor
Helps you in selecting employees from the many applicants. He informs you
whether an applicant is too expensive or if he is value for money. However,
you should take note that he judges applicants based on their talents and
the salary they are asking for. So an applicant with average talents but low
salary will get a more favorable rating than a gifted applicant with a high

Financial Advisor (Optional)
Does your daily balance sheet and tells you how much money each plane is
earning. If your Financial Advisor is not qualified enough, there won't be
anything in your balance sheet.

Oil and Kerosene Advisor (Optional)
Helps you buy kerosene for you planes and warns you when you are running out
of fuel for your planes. Otherwise, there's no obvious use for this guy.

Plane Advisor
Analyses the planes for sale in the Museum and tells you whether they are
worth buying. Like the Personal Advisor, he only calculates the difference
between the price and the condition of the plane.

Route Advisor
Tells you whether a route is good or bad.

Order Analyst
Analyses your orders and tells you whether they are worth taking.

Provides you with information on your competitors.

Security Manager
Helps in your negotiations. The higher qualified he is, the higher the
discount he can get for you. But it's not much, the most is 10%.

Fitness Trainer (Optional)
Having him helps you run faster. Does nothing for your walking speed though.

Plane Equipment
Having better equipment for your planes enables you to ask for higher air
fares without people complaining and also decrease the frequency of
breakdowns. Passengers who enjoyed the ride will also like your company

Technical equipments help to lessen the number of breakdowns for your
airplanes. You can change the following parts of your plane:

Tyre When changing tyres for your planes, make sure you pay attention
to the season to ensure optimum safety.

Engine Efficient engines are very expensive although they are quieter
and safer, which the passengers will thank you for.

Safety A poor level of safety is cheaper but not always conductive to a
good company image.

Cockpit Modern equipment have a calming effect on your passengers.

Comfort equipments concentrates on making an enjoyable trip for your
passengers. All are one-off flat fees except for food. The costs for food
will depend on the number of passengers taking that flight. Below are the
types of comfort equipment available:

Seat Better make sure you have a good seat for long flights.

Luxury The 1 star model is about as luxurious as the cargo hold. With
the 2 stars model, at least your passengers can listen to music
or the news. With the 3 stars model, your passengers are spoiled
with all the creature comforts.

Ambience At the lowest level, there is practically no ambience. Your
passengers suffer from an acute loss of orientation combined with
steadily growing nausea. The 3 stars version produces the most
comfortable atomsphere. Your passengers will be very satisfied.

Food At the lowest level, the food served will fill you up the tiniest
amount. The middle level promises something like home cooking and
at the top level, passengers will receive a menu from which they
can choose the food they like to eat.

Hints and Tips
It is best to play at least the first campaign cos it is actually a tutorial
teaching you the basics of the game.

Home Airport
Berlin is a good place to start. It has quite a few good routes and most of
them are under 3000km so most planes will be able to fly there. Other good
places for your home airport is Cairo, London, Paris, Singapore and Sydney.

Managerial Tools
Rick will advise you to buy a filofax and a cell phone from the Duty Free
Store the first day you meet him but you don't have to follow his advice.
The filofax shows you a list of the rooms in the airport but only if you
have been to them before. If you are familiar with the shortcut keys, then
the filofax is only a waste of money. In fact I never did get around to
buying them, I get along fine with the phone in the office.

The notepad on the other hand, is quite useful in the beginning of the game.
It acts just like the flight planning screen so you don't have to run back
to your office when you've got your orders. It saves a lot of time. But once
you have your routes, there's no need for it anymore cos you can always do
it in the office. Besides, your competitors can send a virus to your
notebook. Too bad you can't return the goods.

Buying Planes
Even though you have to spend a bit of money to fix up the planes you buy
from the museum, it's still cheaper than buying them from the plane broker.
When buying planes, don't buy planes that have a fuel consumption of more
than 9000l/hr. Otherwise you will just be making losses, especially when the
kerosene price is high. Also make a note of the passenger limit and the
flight range. I try not to buy planes that only carry 100+ passengers and
definitely not those that are below 100.

Renting a Route
Try to rent a route as soon as possible. It saves you the hassle to have to
take orders everyday. You have to use at least 10% capacity of the route or
the Airport Manager will revoked your right the rent the route. When this
happens you cannot rent that route again. You will also have to take care of
your image cos unlike flight orders where the number of passengers is fixed,
the number of passengers on you planes depends on your image. So be sure to

Overseas Branches
You don't have to bid for overseas branches all the time. Like Rick said,
cooperation is the way to go. Wait for a while, find a competitor who owns
the most overseas branches and strike up a deal with them (you will need an
informer to find out who has the most branches). Now you can have access to
all the branches without paying for the rent. Isn't cooperation great? You
now only need to buy those that the sucker - oops, I mean partner, didn't
bid for.

When you bid for a branch, don't bid for it right in the morning. Wait until
the last minute, meaning after 1730hrs. Just click on the clock to let the
time speed up until 1730. Then quickly run to the Airport Manager's office
and bid on the branches. Remember to slow down the time first or you may
find that the time has run out!

"Do unto others what you want others to do unto you"
I find that if you didn't try to sabotage someone (not including the glue
and the stink bomb), they won't try to sabotage you either. If you try to
sabotage someone, they will dislike you and the chances of them sabotaging
you is higher. I don't know if cooperating with someone will open you to
sabotage. Also, the more you sabotage, the higher the chances of you being
caught. You'll have to pay a hefty fine and there's no way to escape it. If
you don't have enough money, then it's game over for you.

Finding the Sabotage Shop
What's a game without some friendly sabotage? There's a sabotage shop in the
airport but it's hidden and even if you found it by chance, the man won't
take orders until you got the proper clearance. Buy a violin case from the
Duty Free Shop and give it to the Arab at PetrolAir. He'll tell you about
the entrance to the secret room beside his shop.

Getting Tablets
If you go to the Airport Manager's Office, you can see a notice board behind
him. Click on the board and get the postcard. Go to the personnel office and
give postcard to Lady employee. Take tablets from her desk drawer. If one of
your competitiors put bacteria in your tea, use the tablets so you won't
have to run to the restroom every few minutes.

Getting the Lucky Horseshoe
Go and talk to the Plane Broker. Sometimes if you wait long enough, the
storage area in the top left will open. Take the bra. Go to the Duty Free
Shop and give the bra to the girl behind the counter. She will thank you and
now you can take the horseshoe located at the top left corner of the screen.
Go to Rick's Café and give the horseshoe to him. It will prevent your
employees from striking.

Getting the Stink Bomb
There is a vending machine outside the Museum but if you try to use it, it
will electrocute you. So go to PetrolAir and get the gloves on the counter.
Click on the vending machine and you will get an energy drink in return.
Give the energy drink to the sleeping man inside the stand and he will thank
you. Now you can get the stink bomb. It is on the counter, towards the left.
You can use it anywhere in the airport and even if you sabotage your
competitors, they will still like you! And you also won't be penalized!
Guess doing it yourself adds the personal touch.

Getting the Oil Can
Go and buy a bottle of liquor at the Duty Free Shop. Then give it to the
mechanic at the workshop. Take the oil can beside him. Use it on the globe
in your room and the squeaky sound will disappear.

Getting the Glue
Get paper clips from Route Administration Board and give them to the man in
the Cargo area. Take the glue from him. You can use the glue to delay your
competitors. Click on it and you will see a puddle of glue on the ground.
Once your competitors step on it, they will be in a sticky situation.

Getting the Anti-Virus Disk
Go to the Travel Agency and wait for the spider to crawl out. Grab it and
give it to the man in the Sabotage Shop. Then get the arrow stuck on the
moose's head and give it to the man in the Advertising Agency. Now you can
get the Anti-Virus Disk, it should prevent your notepad from being infected
by virus.

Extra Money
When you go to the Bank, take a look at the dustbin under the counter.
Sometimes you can find money there! I don't know if you need to achieve
anything for the money to appear.

List of Airplanes
Here are the planes you can buy from the Plane Broker. Some do not appear
at the start of the game and are added later. The prices are what you would
have to pay if you are buying new planes. If you are buying from the Museum,
the price varies according to the condition of the plane.

Airbus Industrie A300
Passengers: 375 Tank: 29,700 l
Freight: 37 t Consumption: 2,983 l/h
Range: 8,000 km Price: $28,125,000
Speed: 875 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 25,000 kN Attendants: 5

Airbus Industrie A310
Passengers: 250 Tank: 24,210 l
Freight: 25 t Consumption: 2,850 l/h
Range: 7,350 km Price: $22,500,000
Speed: 900 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 25,000 kN Attendants: 4

Airbus Industrie A320
Passengers: 149 Tank: 23,870 l
Freight: 14 t Consumption: 3,025 l/h
Range: 3,717 km Price: $12,000,000
Speed: 853 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 25,000 kN Attendants: 3

BAC Aerospatiale Concorde
Passengers: 100 Tank: 119,500 l
Freight: 10 t Consumption: 25,629 l/h
Range: 6,230 km Price: $30,000,000
Speed: 2,150 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 38,000 kN Attendants: 2

Boeing 707-320C
Passengers: 189 Tank: 92,250 l
Freight: 18 t Consumption: 15,345 l/h
Range: 5,840 km Price: $14,175,000
Speed: 975 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 7,938 kN Attendants: 4

Boeing 720
Passengers: 165 Tank: 79,925 l
Freight: 16 t Consumption: 11,000 l/h
Range: 6,835 km Price: $14,025,000
Speed: 965 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 8,165 kN Attendants: 3

Boeing 727-200
Passengers: 189 Tank: 25,000 l
Freight: 18 t Consumption: 15,000 l/h
Range: 4,700 km Price: $26,000,000
Speed: 1,000 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 33,000 kN Attendants: 3

Boeing 737-400
Passengers: 168 Tank: 20,800 l
Freight: 16 t Consumption: 3,050 l/h
Range: 3,870 km Price: $41,000,000
Speed: 815 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 23,500 kN Attendants: 3

Boeing 737-800
Passengers: 189 Tank: 26,020 l
Freight: 18 t Consumption: 3,050 l/h
Range: 5,420 km Price: $48,000,000
Speed: 815 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 23,500 kN Attendants: 3

Boeing 747-100
Passengers: 370 Tank: 178,700 l
Freight: 37 t Consumption: 13,862 l/h
Range: 7,163 km Price: $30,000,000
Speed: 917 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 46,300 kN Attendants: 5

Boeing 747-400
Passengers: 420 Tank: 216,840 l
Freight: 42 t Consumption: 12,788 l/h
Range: 13,490 km Price: $92,000,000
Speed: 927 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 60,300 kN Attendants: 5

Boeing 747-400 Domestic
Passengers: 568 Tank: 204,350 l
Freight: 56 t Consumption: 12,788 l/h
Range: 3,185 km Price: $84,000,000
Speed: 927 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 60,300 kN Attendants: 6

Boeing 757-300
Passengers: 240 Tank: 43,490 l
Freight: 24 t Consumption: 4,194 l/h
Range: 6,455 km Price: $69,000,000
Speed: 890 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 40,100 kN Attendants: 5

Boeing 767-300 ER
Passengers: 290 Tank: 28,000 l
Freight: 29 t Consumption: 2,800 l/h
Range: 9,940 km Price: $25,000,000
Speed: 1,012 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 14,600 kN Attendants: 4

Boeing 777-300
Passengers: 550 Tank: 171,170 l
Freight: 55 t Consumption: 8,290 l/h
Range: 10,370 km Price: $56,000,000
Speed: 911 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 62,000 kN Attendants: 6

De Havilland Canada DHC 8 Dash 8
Passengers: 40 Tank: 7,000 l
Freight: 4 t Consumption: 1,800 l/h
Range: 2,150 km Price: $14,000,000
Speed: 555 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 8,900 kN Attendants: 1

Grumman Engineering Corp. Gulfstream II
Passengers: 15 Tank: 12,000 l
Freight: 1 t Consumption: 1,800 l/h
Range: 6,000 km Price: $10,000,000
Speed: 950 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 10,000 kN Attendants: 1

Ilyushin Sowjetunion II 62
Passengers: 198 Tank: 110,000 l
Freight: 19 t Consumption: 10,500 l/h
Range: 9,200 km Price: $9,900,000
Speed: 880 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 11,000 kN Attendants: 3

Ilyushin Sowjetunion II 86
Passengers: 380 Tank: 53,000 l
Freight: 38 t Consumption: 9,800 l/h
Range: 4,950 km Price: $17,100,000
Speed: 950 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 13,000 kN Attendants: 5

Lockheed L-1011 Tristar 500
Passengers: 300 Tank: 80,000 l
Freight: 30 t Consumption: 9,100 l/h
Range: 7,000 km Price: $30,000,000
Speed: 800 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 22,700 kN Attendants: 4

Lockheed C5A Galaxy
Passengers: 345 Tank: 9,000 l
Freight: 34 t Consumption: 14,000 l/h
Range: 6,000 km Price: $25,000,000
Speed: 919 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 40,000 kN Attendants: 5

McDonnell Douglas DC 8 Super 70
Passengers: 259 Tank: 115,000 l
Freight: 25 t Consumption: 14,000 l/h
Range: 12,600 km Price: $80,000,000
Speed: 932 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 18,000 kN Attendants: 5

McDonnell Douglas DC 10
Passengers: 380 Tank: 138,730 l
Freight: 38 t Consumption: 9,376 l/h
Range: 9,252 km Price: $29,000,000
Speed: 965 km/h Crew: 3
Trust: 52,200 kN Attendants: 5

McDonnell Douglas MD 81
Passengers: 172 Tank: 10,000 l
Freight: 17 t Consumption: 3,000 l/h
Range: 2,900 km Price: $20,000,000
Speed: 950 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 8,400 kN Attendants: 2

Nxt LvL Engineering Space Voyager 2000
Passengers: 90 Tank: 370,000 l
Freight: 9 t Consumption: 125,000 l/h
Range: 15,000 km Price: $200,000,000
Speed: 5,000 km/h Crew: 4
Trust: 2,131,920 kN Attendants: 4

Tupolev Tu 154 B
Passengers: 180 Tank: 32,500 l
Freight: 18 t Consumption: 9,600 l/h
Range: 3,000 km Price: $10,440,000
Speed: 900 km/h Crew: 2
Trust: 10,500 kN Attendants: 3

List of Routes

Ankara - Kiev
Distance: 1,123 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is good. Ankara and Kiev are both big cities.

Athens - Ankara
Distance: 808 km
Rent: $300,000
The route is okay. Ankara is a big city.

Athens - Rome
Distance: 960 km
Rent: $300,000
The route is okay. Rome is a big city.

Bangkok - Hong Kong
Distance: 1,725 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. Bangkok is a big city.

Berlin - Amsterdam
Distance: 552 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. Berlin is a big city.

Berlin - Delhi
Distance: 5,779 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. Berlin and Delhi are both big cities. But the demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Berlin - Frankfurt
Distance: 480 km
Rent: $800,000
The route is okay. Berlin is a big city.

Berlin - Johannesburg
Distance: 8,906 km
Rent: $800,000
The route is okay. Berlin is a big city. But the demand for travelling
between the cities is low.

Berlin - London
Distance: 916 km
Rent: $600,000
This route is good. Berlin and London are both big cities.

Berlin - Moscow
Distance: 1,576 km
Rent: $500,000
This route is good. Berlin and Moscow are both big cities.

Berlin - Munich
Distance: 573 km
Rent: $600,000
The route is okay. Berlin is a big city.

Berlin - New York
Distance: 6,239 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. Berlin and New York are both big cities. But the demand
for travelling between the cities is low.

Berlin - Paris
Distance: 954 km
Rent: $600,000
This route is good. Berlin and Paris are both big cities.

Berlin - Tokyo
Distance: 8,932 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. Berlin and Tokyo are both big cities. But the demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Berlin - Warsaw
Distance: 552 km
Rent: $300,000
The route is okay. Berlin is a big city.

Buenos Aires - Lima
Distance: 2,761 km
Rent: $300,000
This route is good. Buenos Aires and Lima are both big cities.

Buenos Aires - Rio de Janeiro (GIG)
Distance: 2,083 km
Rent: $300,000
This route is good. Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro are both big cities.

Cairo - Ankara
Distance: 1,115 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is good. Cairo and Ankara are both big cities.

Cairo - Nairobi
Distance: 3,506 km
Rent: $200,000
The route is okay. Cairo is a big city.

Cairo - Riyadh
Distance: 1,718 km
Rent: $200,000
The route is okay. Cairo is a big city.

Cairo - Rome
Distance: 2,091 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is good. Cairo and Rome are both big cities.

Cairo - Tunis
Distance: 2,042 km
Rent: $200,000
The route is okay. Cairo is a big city.

Caracas - Kingston
Distance: 1,242 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big. The demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Chicago - Houston
Distance: 1,367 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. Chicago is a big city.

Chicago - Vancouver
Distance: 2,882 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. Chicago is a big city.

Copenhagen - Berlin
Distance: 231 km
Rent: $300,000
The route is okay. Berlin is a big city.

Copenhagen - Helsinki
Distance: 814 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Copenhagen - London
Distance: 1,034 km
Rent: $300,000
The route is okay. London is a big city.

Copenhagen - Oslo
Distance: 584 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Delhi - Bangkok
Distance: 2,928 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is good. Delhi and Bangkok are both big cities.

Delhi _ Hong Kong
Distance: 3,872 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. Delhi is a big city.

Delhi - Johannesburg
Distance: 7,899 km
Rent: $800,000
The route is okay. Delhi is a big city. But the demand for travelling
between the cities is low.

Delhi - Male
Distance: 3,130 km
Rent: $200,000
The route is okay. Delhi is a big city.

Delhi - Riyadh
Distance: 2,925 km
Rent: $300,000
The route is okay. Delhi is a big city.

Delhi - Tokyo
Distance: 5,928 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. Delhi and Tokyo are both big cities. But the demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Denver - Kingston
Distance: 3,997 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Frankfurt - Stockholm
Distance: 1,188 km
Rent: $350,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Hong Kong - Honolulu
Distance: 9,054 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big. The demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Johannesburg - Antananarivo (TNR)
Distance: 2,194 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big. The demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Johannesburg - Dakar
Distance: 6,594 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Johannesburg - Hong Kong
Distance: 10,687 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big. The demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Kiev - Moscow
Distance: 729 km
Rent: $250,000
This route is good. Kiev and Moscow are both big cities.

Kingston - Houston
Distance: 2,619 km
Rent: $300,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Lima - Caracas
Distance: 2,786 km
Rent: $200,000
The route is okay. Lima is a big city.

London - Amsterdam
Distance: 363 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. London is a big city.

London - Delhi
Distance: 6,678 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. London and Delhi are both big cities. But the demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

London - Dublin
Distance: 579 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. London is a big city.

London - Johannesburg
Distance: 8,994 km
Rent: $600,000
The route is okay. London is a big city.

London - Mexico City
Distance: 8,986 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. London and Mexico City are both big cities. But the
demand for travelling between the cities is low.

London - New York
Distance: 5,509 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. London and New York are both big cities. But the demand
for travelling between the cities is low.

London - Oslo
Distance: 1,214 km
Rent: $300,000
The route is okay. London is a big city.

London - Reykjavik
Distance: 1,787 km
Rent: $300,000
The route is okay. London is a big city.

London - Tokyo
Distance: 9,648 km
Rent: $1,600,000
This route is good. London and Tokyo are both big cities. And the demand
for travelling between the two cities is extremely high.

Los Angeles - Chicago
Distance: 2,840 km
Rent: $600,000
This route is good. Los Angeles and Chicago are both big cities.

Los Angeles - Denver
Distance: 1,109 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. Los Angeles is a big city.

Los Angeles - Honolulu
Distance: 4,080 km
Rent: $800,000
The route is okay. Los Angeles is a big city. But the demand for travelling
between the cities is low.

Los Angeles - Houston
Distance: 2,060 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. Los Angeles is a big city.

Los Angeles - Vancouver
Distance: 1,718 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. Los Angeles is a big city.

Madrid - Dublin
Distance: 1,232 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. Madrid is a big city.

Madrid - Tunis
Distance: 1,568 km
Rent: $200,000
The route is okay. Madrid is a big city.

Male - Antananarivo
Distance: 3,450 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Male - Perth
Distance: 5,609 km
Rent: $150,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Manila - Hong Kong
Distance: 1,227 km
Rent: $300,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Manila - Singapore
Distance: 2,541 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. Singapore is a big city.

Melbourne - Perth
Distance: 2,921 km
Rent: $150,000
The route is okay. Melbourne is a big city.

Mexico City - Denver
Distance: 2,489 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. Mexico City is a big city.

Mexico City - Honolulu
Distance: 6,032 km
Rent: $800,000
The route is okay. Mexico City is a big city.

Mexico City - Los Angeles
Distance: 2,513 km
Rent: $700,000
This route is good. Mexico City and Los Angeles are both big cities.

Mexico City - Miami
Distance: 1,951 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. Mexico City is a big city.

Miami - Chicago
Distance: 1,729 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. Chicago is a big city.

Miami - Houston
Distance: 1,463 km
Rent: $500,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Miami - Kingston
Distance: 1,231 km
Rent: $300,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Miami - Los Angeles
Distance: 3,517 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. Los Angeles is a big city.

Moscow - Stockholm
Distance: 1,228 km
Rent: $250,000
The route is okay. Moscow is a big city.

Munich - Rome
Distance: 685 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. Rome is a big city.

Munich - Vienna
Distance: 391 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Nairobi - Antananarivo
Distance: 2,333 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big. The demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Nairobi - Dakar
Distance: 6,175 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Nairobi - Johannesburg
Distance: 2,942 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Nairobi - Riyadh
Distance: 2,982 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

New York - Chicago
Distance: 1,073 km
Rent: $500,000
This route is good. New York and Chicago are both big cities.

New York - Denver
Distance: 2,843 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. New York is a big city.

New York - Frankfurt
Distance: 6,074 km
Rent: $900,000
The route is okay. New York is a big city. But the demand for travelling
between the cities is low.

New York - Miami
Distance: 1,820 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. New York is a big city.

Oslo - Reykjavik
Distance: 1,661 km
Rent: $250,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big. The demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Oslo - Stockholm
Distance: 410 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big. And the demand
for travelling between the two cities is extremely high.

Paris - Amsterdam
Distance: 493 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. Paris is a big city.

Paris - Frankfurt
Distance: 490 km
Rent: $700,000
The route is okay. Paris is a big city.

Paris - London
Distance: 363 km
Rent: $550,000
This route is good. Paris and London are both big cities.

Paris - Madrid
Distance: 778 km
Rent: $300,000
This route is good. Paris and Madrid are both big cities.

Paris - Rome
Distance: 1,090 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is good. Paris and Rome are both big cities.

Paris - Zurich
Distance: 520 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. Paris is a big city.

Peking - Delhi
Distance: 3,884 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is good. Peking and Delhi are both big cities.

Peking - Hong Kong
Distance: 2,010 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. Peking is a big city.

Peking - London
Distance: 8,147 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. Peking and London are both big cities. But the demand
for travelling between the cities is low.

Peking - Seoul
Distance: 1,013 km
Rent: $700,000
This route is good. Peking and Seoul are both big cities. But the demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Reykjavik - Dublin
Distance: 1,249 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Rio de Janerio - Berlin
Distance: 9,745 km
Rent: $900,000
This route is good. Rio de Janerio and Berlin are both big cities.

Rio de Janerio - Caracas
Distance: 4,054 km
Rent: $300,000
The route is okay. Rio de Janerio is a big city.

Rio de Janerio - Johannesburg (JNB)
Distance: 7,448 km
Rent: $800,000
The route is okay. Rio de Janerio is a big city. But the demand for
travelling between the cities is low.

Rio de Janerio - Lima
Distance: 3,407 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is good. Rio de Janerio and Lima are both big cities.

Rio de Janerio - London
Distance: 8,936 km
Rent: $1,000,000
This route is good. Rio de Janerio and London are both big cities.

Rio de Janerio - Mexico City (MEX)
Distance: 7,251 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. Rio de Janerio and Mexico City are both big cities. But
the demand for travelling between the cities is low.

Rio de Janerio - New York (JFK)
Distance: 7,410 km
Rent: $500,000
This route is good. Rio de Janerio and New York are both big cities.

Rome - Tunis
Distance: 821 km
Rent: $200,000
The route is okay. Rome is a big city.

Rome - Vienna
Distance: 604 km
Rent: $500,000
The route is okay. Rome is a big city.

San Jose - Caracas
Distance: 1,971 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

San Jose - Lima
Distance: 2,601 km
Rent: $200,000
The route is okay. Lima is a big city.

San Jose - Mexico City
Distance: 1,898 km
Rent: $400,000
The route is okay. Mexico City is a big city.

San Jose - Miami
Distance: 1,902 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Singapore - Bangkok
Distance: 1,483 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is good. Singapore and Bangkok are both big cities.

Singapore - Male
Distance: 3,338 km
Rent: $200,000
The route is okay. Singapore is a big city.

Singapore - Perth
Distance: 3,778 km
Rent: $150,000
The route is okay. Singapore is a big city.

Sydney - Delhi
Distance: 10,280 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. Singapore and Delhi are both big cities. But the demand
for travelling between the cities is low.

Sydney - Hong Kong
Distance: 7,123 km
Rent: $800,000
The route is okay. Sydney is a big city. But the demand for travelling
between the cities is low.

Sydney - Honolulu
Distance: 8,157 km
Rent: $800,000
The route is okay. Sydney is a big city. But the demand for travelling
between the cities is low.

Sydney - Johannesburg
Distance: 11,109 km
Rent: $800,000
The route is okay. Sydney is a big city. But the demand for travelling
between the cities is low.

Sydney - Melbourne
Distance: 391 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is good. Sydney and Melbourne are both big cities.

Sydney - Perth
Distance: 3,306 km
Rent: $150,000
The route is okay. Sydney is a big city.

Sydney - Singapore
Distance: 6,152 km
Rent: $400,000
This route is good. Sydney and Singapore are both big cities.

Tokyo - Frankfurt
Distance: 9,410 km
Rent: $900,000
The route is okay. Tokyo is a big city. But the demand for travelling
between the cities is low.

Tokyo - Honolulu
Distance: 6,368 km
Rent: $800,000
The route is okay. Tokyo is a big city. But the demand for travelling
between the cities is low.

Tokyo - Los Angeles
Distance: 8,934 km
Rent: $700,000
This route is good. Tokyo and Los Angeles are both big cities. But the
demand for travelling between the cities is low.

Tokyo - Manila
Distance: 2,890 km
Rent: $300,000
The route is okay. Tokyo is a big city.

Tokyo - New York
Distance: 10,819 km
Rent: $800,000
This route is good. Tokyo and New York are both big cities. But the
demand for travelling between the cities is low.

Tokyo - Seoul
Distance: 1,101 km
Rent: $500,000
This route is good. Tokyo and Seoul are both big cities.

Tunis - Dakar
Distance: 3,572 km
Rent: $200,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Vienna - Zurich
Distance: 537 km
Rent: $300,000
This route is not bad, but the cities are not really big.

Warsaw - Kiev
Distance: 667 km
Rent: $200,000
The route is okay. Kiev is a big city.

Warsaw - Moscow
Distance: 1,106 km
Rent: $250,000
The route is okay. Moscow is a big city.

Thanks to:

Justin for providing info about the oil can
Jakeman for providing info about getting the Anti-Virus Disk and the arrows
Anonymous for telling me what the tablets are for
Miguel Faria e Castro for telling me what the fitness trainer does &
confirming the lucky horseshoe does work

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18.Oktober 2013
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17.Oktober 2013
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