FIFA 2002 - World Cup 2002

FIFA 2002 - World Cup 2002

18.10.2013 04:29:08

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EA Sports 2002 FIFA World Cup
Single and multiplayer guide, strategies and tips
Written by pokemaniac1342 (Wong Yin Kwan)
Started on: 24 November 2002
Finished on: Unfinished yet.
Version 1.0
Copyright 2002 Wong Yin Kwan
This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced
electronically, and may be posted on other web sites as long as this disclaimer
and the above copyright notice appears in full, and the FAQ is not altered in
any way. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes. This
includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being
incorporated into magazines, etc. in any way. This FAQ was created and is owned
by me, pokemaniac1342 (Wong Yin Kwan) . All
copyrights and trademarks that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ are
acknowledged. If you are to post this on your website, please make sure that:
-This FAQ is not altered in any way.
-The disclaimer above and the above copyright notice appear in full.
-The FAQ is in the original format, not HTML.
-No banners are in the FAQ anywhere.
2002 FIFA World Cup, EA Sports are trademarks of Electronic Arts
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
Table Of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Version history
3. Game features
4. System requirements
5. Controls
6. The game of soccer
7. FAQ
8. Hints and tips
9. Formations
10. Team overview
11. Special situations
12. Special thanks
1) Introduction:
Hi. I'm pokemaniac1342, a gamer in Singapore. Singapore is home to a LOT of game
pirates, but I got hold of the real copy of this game somehow with a hefty
price. (Over $30!)
I liked this game the moment I started, and was amazed by how realistic the game
is. My computer is disgracefully slow, and horribly outdated with the lousiest
features you can imagine. But still enough to enjoy this wonderful game hehe.
I looked for guides on gamefaqs but only found one, and that's the one by
OHMCS110. I decided to create this new FAQ, my first I ever written.
The game is great, with realistic graphics and good sound effects. There is even
a commentator (actually, two of them). The major stars like Zinedine Zidane and
Luis Figo all looked really like the real ones, and the not so major footballers
look pretty real too. The only problem is the crowd, who looks like a pile of
stick figures. And the funny thing is, they cheer whenever a goal is scored-even
if it is against their supporting team! Weird.
Overall, this is a great game (I can't stop saying that) and I hope you think so
too. That's why I wrote this FAQ.
I hope you enjoy this FAQ. If you find any grammatical or spelling errors, or
have anything to add on, please contact me via email. You will get your credit
and I will get a better FAQ. Thanks!
2) Version History:
V1.0: As complete as it can be. Everything necessary is done. Any update after
this will be minor changes.

3) Game features: I hope you are ready for a long list here, as this game is
LOADED with features! The features:
-Realistic-looking players and stadiums
-New commentator feature
-Analog control, advanced passing system
-Accurate information on all world cup teams and some non-world cup teams
-Star abilities
-New camera views including panoramic, dynamic end, and swing
-Advanced controls including curve balls, juggles, jumps, and 1-2 passes
-Control over headers, volleys and bicycle kicks
-Bonus teams
-Bonus videos
-Realistic celebrating animations after scoring important goal
I'm sure I missed some. Email me if you find any more features that I missed

4) System requirements: Let's face it. An advanced game requires an advanced
computer. My junk computer's barely enough for the standards of this game. If
the game doesn't run on your computer, try looking at the requirements.
Lowest requirements:
-Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows 98 or Windows 95b(Windows NT,
Windows 95a and Windows 2000 Advanced Server are not supported)
-233MHz Intel Pentium or AMD K6 Processor
-32MB RAM (Windows 2000 requires 64 MB RAM, Windows XP requires 128MB RAM)
-4x or faster CD-ROM/DVD Drive (600K/Second transfer rate) using 32-bit Windows
-65MB Hard drive space for the game (Saved games, windows swap files and DirectX
7.0a requires additional space.
-4MB PCI or AGP 3-D graphics accelerator using a Direct3D compatible chipset.
-Keyboard and mouse
-DirectX 7.0a compatible sound card

Recommended Configuration:
-Intel Pentium II, AMD Athlon or faster processor
-128MB RAM (128MB for Windows 2000/XP)
-16x or faster CD-ROM/DVD Drive using 32-bit Windows CD-ROM/DVD Driver
-250MB free hard disk space for the game (Saved games, windows swap files and
DirectX 7.0a requires additional space)
-8MB (or greater) PCI or AGP 3-D graphics accelerator using a Direct3D
compatible chipset
-360 Degrees analog gamepad such as the Logitech Wingman Rumblepad, Microsoft
SidewinderT Gamepad Pro, Gravis Eliminator Gamepad Pro USB, Gravis Xterminator
or Interact Axis Pad

List of supported input devices:
Microsoft Sidewinder Gamepad, Gravis Gamepad Pro, Logitech Wingman Gamepad,
Gravis Destroyer Tilt USB, Gravis Gamepad, Interact 3D Program Pad, Interact
3dfx Hammerhead USB, Logitech Wingman Extreme, Microsoft Sidewinder Freestyle
Pro, Microsoft Sidewinder Gamepad Pro USB, Microsoft Sidewinder Plug and Play
USB, Windows supported gamepads, keyboard

5) Controls
Well, 2002 FIFA World Cup's got a pretty complicated control system, so be
prepared! On to the show:

Basic Controls-
-Move player: Directional pad
-Sprint: W (Hold down to sprint, tap repeatedly to temporarily increase speed)

Attack: (When in possession)
-Pass: S
-Shoot: D
-Lob: A

Defend: (When opponent is in possession)
-Switch controlling player: S
-Conservative tackle: D
-Aggressive tackle: A

Advanced controls-

Attack: (When in possession)
-Curveball left/right: Z/C
-Player runs: Q
- 1-2 pass: Space
-Fake shot/lob/pass: Hold Z and C together while charging up shot/pass/lob

Attack: (Free kick, corner or goal kick)
-Aim: Directional pad
-Shoot: D
-Pass: S
-Lob: A
-Curveball left/right: Z/C

Attack: (Throw-ins)
-Aim: Directional pad
-Throw: A/S/D

Attack: (Penalties)
-Aim: Directional pad
-Change player position left/right: A
-Change penalty taker (not applicable during penalty shootout): S
-Shoot: D

Defend: (Dead ball situations)
-Move player: Directional pad
-Switch controlling player: S
-Move wall (free kicks): Left/Right buttons
-Wall jumps (free kicks): W
-Conservative tackle: D
-Aggressive tackle: A

Defend: (Goalkeeper control during penalties)
-Choose saving direction: Directional pad
-Make save: A/S/D

Goalkeeper control:
-Goalkeeper charge: Q when the opponent has the ball
-Drop ball: Q when holding ball in hand
-Throw ball: A when holding ball in hand
-Shoot ball: S/D when holding ball in hand
(The controls for the goalkeeper during goal kicks are the same as the controls
for the players on passing, shooting and lobbing)

Jumps: (To get past other players on the ground)
-Jump: Tap E
-Continuous jumps: Tap E twice
-Opposite direction jump: Hold W while tapping E
-Jump and drag: Hold W while tapping E twice

Juggles: Tap E while possessing the ball to flick the ball into the air and
begin a juggle. Tapping different buttons causes the player to use different
parts of the body to keep the ball in the air.
-Button Q: Tap once to use left leg, tap twice to use the back of the left feet
-Button Z: Tap once to use left thigh, tap twice to use left shoulder
-Button E: Tap once to use right leg, tap twice to use the back of the right
-Button C: Tap once to use right thigh, tap twice to use right shoulder.
-Other stunning effects can be achieved by a combination of these buttons. Go
figure them out your own. They're really a joy to watch.

Airball: Controls airballs as they reach your player. You must press the buttons
before the ball reaches you to work this advanced system. The effects are the
same as a normal shot, pass, or lob.
D: Header
Dx2: Volley shot/bicycle kick
A: Header lob
Ax2: Volley lob
S: Header pass
Sx2: Volley pass

Hotkeys: Use these hotkeys to gain quick access to the menu features, visual
settings or multiplayer features.
Esc: Pauses game and brings up pause menu
F1: Team management
F2: Instant replay
F3: Match facts
F4: Settings
F5: Side select
F12: Exit game and return to windows
1: Tele camera
2: Tower camera
3: End to end camera
4: Sideline camera
5: Panoramic camera
6: Action camera
7: Dynamic end camera
8: Swing camera
9: Radar on/off
F10: Open chat window (multiplayer only)
F11: Leave session (multiplayer only)
(Note: All these are default settings. You may change the controls as you wish
in "control settings")

Awright this junk is gone now lets get to the main body of this guide, shall we?
On to the show!
6) The game of Soccer
To play this game, all you need is standard knowledge about football, and decent
knowledge of the game. Now I don't assume that you know it all, so I'll tell you
about it.

Firstly, you can choose between "friendly" matches and "World Cup" matches.
"Friendly" matches are the less serious ones, and you get no rewards for
winning, and no boos for losing. "World Cup" matches are the serious matches.
You get honour (Note to readers: I'm a Singaporean, therefore uses British
spelling. The word "honour" is British spelling. The American spelling is
"honor". I'm sorry you Americans out there but I've been learning British
spelling all my life), a trophy (not real, of course), and perhaps a bonus team.
If you lose, you don't get any of the above.

You then have to choose a team, with the bonus teams (explained in detail later
on) only available in friendly matches. Obviously, the higher ranked the team,
the more powerful. And it is a known fact that Italy is stronger then China PR.
However, if you prefer a challenge, go with the lower ranked teams. Mostly, they
are Asian (weep) and African teams, with a few European teams mixed in there.
Then comes the "kickoff". That's the start of a 90-minute football (or soccer in
America) match. (In the game, you can change the full time from 90 minutes to
the lowest 4 minutes)

During the match, two teams battle for possession of the ball and tries to put
the ball into the opponent's net, or goal. To do so, is to score a goal. At the
end of the match, the player with the most goals wins. If at the end of a
friendly match the score is a draw, you can either call it a draw, continue to
extra time, or go straight to the penalty shootout. Extra time means that if one
side scores a goal in that period, that side wins with the goal called a "Golden
Goal". If by the end of the extra time period neither side has scored, the game
progresses to a penalty shootout. Each side takes five penalties with set
penalty takers and the one with more goals wins. If by the end the score is
STILL the same, the shootout continues until there is a winner with more goals.

For the World Cup, there are five stages, and seven matches in total. 3 matches
in the group stage, and 1 each in the round of 16, quarterfinals, semifinals,
and finals. In the group stage, there are eight groups (A to H), each with four
teams. Each team battles all the other three teams and a win gives the team 3
points. A draw gives the team 1 point, and a loss, no points. By the end of the
group stage, the two teams with the highest score in each team progresses to the
round of 16. If two teams have the same score, the positions will be determined
by goal difference.

Then comes the knockout stages. Each team battle against a selected opponent and
the winner goes on to the next stage, while the loser goes home and cries. If
the initial 90 minutes ends in a draw, the teams will proceed to extra time, and
if necessary, penalty shootout. The team that wins the finals, is the champion.
Your aim of course, is to lead your team to become champions. If your team gets
knocked out in the group stage, sucks to be you. If you get KOed in the round of
16 or quarterfinals, boo hoo. If you get knocked out in the semifinals, there's
a consolation. You get to compete with the other loser for third and fourth
place. If you get knocked out in the finals...then wah!!!

For the match itself, the match goes on with teams fighting for the possession
of the ball. Then they'll pass or dribble the ball until in a suitable position
for scoring. Then the player will shoot, and hope that the opponent goalkeeper
is sleeping. If the ball is with the opponent, you don't expect him/her/it to
give to ball to you right? You have to tackle the ball out of his/her/it's
possession. This may be essential as a defensive strategy.


7) FAQ
Anyone would think that the above stuff is not detailed enough to explain the on to da questions and answers:

Q: 90 minutes are up, but the game kept going! Why?
A: After every half, there will be a stoppage time. The time can range from 1
minute and above, based on the amount of injuries/cards/substitutions in the
half. The more of those, the longer the time. The period where the game kept
going is the stoppage time.

Q: I tapped the button D but my player only shot with a tiny force. Why?
A: For shooting, passing and lobbing, you can control the power of the
shot/pass/lob by holding down the respective button. There will be a power bar
at the bottom of the screen indicating the power of the pass/shot/lob. The
longer you hold the button, the higher the power. To stop the power from further
charging and execute your movement of shooting, passing or lobbing, release the

Q: How many substitutions can I make during a game?
A: 3.

Q: My player was sprinting when suddenly he slowed down and limped and seemed to
be in pain! What is that?
A: That's fatigue. Unless you turn the feature off, the player will get more and
more tired when he sprints and the duration of the sprint gets shorter and
shorter. Finally the player gets so tired he can't run at all. You should
substitute fatigued players.

Q: How to score a penalty?
A: Hold the shoot button until the power meter is 2 units away from max. The
ball will go into the top corner of the side you are aiming for and no keeper
can save the shot. However, if the power gets any higher than that, the ball
will either hit the bar (1 unit from max) or go over the top (max power).

Q: After an opponent tackled my player, a red cross appeared above his head and
he could only limp! Why?
A: The tackle has injured him. Injured players can only limp and should be
substituted by a fresh player immediately. Usually only a player with a 7 for
tackle can injure. Others need to tackle many times. The goalkeeper seems to be
awfully hard to injure, and you can never tackle your own team mates. No, no
friendly fire.

Q: How to save a penalty?
A: It's all luck. You must guess where the ball is going to fly and dive in that
direction. If the ball goes into the top corner you can't save it. Usually the
ball will either go:
-Extreme right (save by holding down right button and pressing D/A/S)
-Extreme left (save by holding down left button and pressing D/A/S)
-Center-right (save same way as extreme right)
-Center-left (save same way as extreme left)
-Center (save by simply doing nothing)

Q: How to score from free kicks?
A: Needs some luck too. You need a curve ball to curve past the wall. You must
aim low by pressing down until the arrow is on the ground, then hold down Z or C
depending on the position of the wall and the goalkeeper (aim at the side
further from the keeper), then shoot depending on the distance between the goal
and the keeper. If you are rather far, you probably wouldn't score, and you can
safely hold the D button to max and hope for the best. If you are near, press
until the perfect position for a penalty ( 2 units from max). Then pray for
luck. *Update: I've found that it is better to target the arrow in midair
rather than on the ground.*

Q: How do you prevent the opponent from scoring from corners?
A: First, select a player near the goal and sprint him to the goal line. He will
act as a block if the ball goes his way. Then when the corner is taken, select a
player close to the receiving opponent and do a conservative tackle to knock the
ball out of him. Keep tackling until the ball's gone, but never do a aggressive
tackle as that'll probably result in a penalty, and a card.

Q: What's the difference between a conservative and a aggressive tackle?
A: A conservative tackle may or may not get you the ball, but it will not get
you a card. An aggressive tackle should get you the ball, but should get you a
card as well. Aggressive tackles are best for blocking passes or shots, or used
when bookings are off.

Q: How to score easily?
A: Here's a neat little trick for ya: When you are one-on-one with the
opponent's keeper, do a weak little lob to lob the ball over his head. The
keeper will probably dive for the ball and miss if you timed the lob right. Then
circle past the keeper, get the fallen ball, and tap it into the open net. Or,
for utter humiliation, walk the ball over the line. This should work if your
timing is right, the player is skilled enough, and the lob's power is just nice.
There's another really cheap way that doesn't require skill: dribble the ball
near the opponent goalkeeper and press Q. See what happens.

Q: How to make the opponent foul and get cards?
A: Cheeky...a VERY RISKY way is: pass the ball back to your keeper, and make him
dribble the ball to the opponent's half, and work your way to the penalty box.
Try not to get the ball tackled away before your keeper gets near the penalty
box. The opponent should slide the keeper and get a card. This is taking
advantage of the fact that the computer tends to slide your keeper if he gets
near their goal. This is risky however, as if the ball gets tackled out but a
foul is not committed, you may be in danger with a wide open goal. Second way
is much less risky: send anyone with the ball to your opponent's half, and stick
him near the enemy penalty box. Do not stick him IN the box! Try to make his
back face a opposing defender. The defender will tend to slide players that are
near the box and has his back facing him.

Q: Which is the best team?
A: Hmmmm...I really can't answer this. It's really up to you, depending on your
strategy and your likings. I personally prefer Italy, as they have many quality
players, a stable defense, and a lot of star shooters (no, they are not people
who shoot stars. They are people who are stars at shooting).

Q: Talking about star shooters, what are stars?
A: Stars are gigantic balls that gives out light, hanging everywhere in the
universe. No serious. Stars are players that excel in one or more of the
following stats: shooting, speed, and passing. The maximum stat for each
category is seven, so a player with seven for shooting will be a star shooter.
Some examples of star shooters are Hakan Sukur of Turkey, Gabriel Batistuta of
Argentina, and Andreas Herzog of Austria.
Some people have two star stats. Some examples are Juan Sebastian Veron of
Argentina (shooting and passing), David Beckham of England (shooting and
passing), and Fillipo Inzaghi of Italy (shooting and speed).
Some geniuses have all three star stats. They are:
-Michael Owen of England
-Francesco Totti of Italy
-Raul of Spain
-Henrik Larsson of Sweden
Each of these stars have star abilities. Star abilities are shown by a coloured
blur that appears on the player, or on the ball. Like when a star speed player
sprints, a coloured blur appears on him and it appears that he's running like
the wind. For star shooters, the ball becomes surrounded with fire when they
shoot. For star passers, the ball becomes surrounded by a white blur, as if the
ball is going at mach 3.

Q: Can you edit players, create players, buy or sell players like in FIFA 2001?
A: No. That feature was taken out. *Smacks EA Sports with a steel ladder*

Q: What's the difference between "shot on target" and "shot off target"?
A: A shot on target means the shot heads for anywhere between the two posts and
below the crossbar, aiming at goal. Goal or no goal, that's a shot on target.
A shot off target means the shot goes beyond the crossbar and out, or outside of
goal and inside of goal box. That means:
| | | |
| |-----------------| |
| |
| |
Let's say that's a penalty box. X means the posts, and y means the goal box. So
if the shot goes out between x and y, that's a shot off target. It counts as
long as the ball goes out in that zone, no matter if it was a shot or not. Of
course, if the opponent did that in their own half, it'll be a corner to you,
and no shot off target is recorded. If the ball goes out beyond y, that's not
considered a shot.

Q: When do you get goal kicks, corners, throw-ins, free kicks or penalties?
A: You get a goal kick when the ball gets over the bottom line of your half and
the opponent had the last touch. You get a corner when the ball goes over the
opponent's bottom line and the opponent had the last touch. You get a throw-in
if the ball goes over the touchline (sideline) and the opponent had the last
touch. You get a free kick at the position where your opponent committed a foul,
or was offside. You get a penalty if your opponent fouls your players when in
their own penalty area. Remember, the same rules apply to you.

Q: What's GK, CAM, RCDM, ST and all those stuff you used in the team overview?
A: GK stands for goalkeeper, RB stands for right back, RCB stands for right
center back, CB stands for center back, LCB stands for left center back, LB
stands for left back, SW stands for the last man (the one behind the defenders
but in front of the keeper), RM stands for right midfielder, RWM stands for
right wing midfielder, RCM stands for right center midfielder, (pant...)CM
stands for center midfielder, LCM stands for left center midfielder, LM stands
for left midfielder, LWM stands for left wing midfielder, CAM stands for center
attacking midfielder, CDM stands for center defensive midfielder, RCAM stands
for right center attacking midfielder(pant...),RCDM, right center defensive
midfielder, LCAM, left center attacking midfielder, LCDM, left center defensive
midfielder, RF stands for right forward, LF stands for left forward, CF, center
forward, ST, the man in front of the center forward. (Collapses and dies)

(Revives)That's all so far. If I find any more questions I'll update ASAP.


8) Hints and Tips

Little tricks that help you master the game better...

-To unlock the all Europe team, win the world cup with a European nation.
Example: Portugal, Italy, France...
-To unlock the all America team, win the world cup with a north/south American
nation. Example: USA, Mexico, Argentina...
-To unlock the all African team, win the world cup with a African nation.
Example: Cameroon, Nigeria, Senegal, Egypt(just kidding)
-To unlock the all Asian team, win the world cup with a Asian nation. Example:
Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Singapore(just kidding again)
-The all World team is yours after you unlock the other four bonus teams.
-Try using crosses to baffle the opponent's keeper.
-Short passes are useful in professional or World Class mode.
-Never allow your keeper to be out of position, unless you are using my little
trick of forcing fouls, or trying to humiliate your opponent by scoring a hat-
trick with your keeper.
-If a player gets a yellow card, sub him out unless he is a great player like
Raul or Totti.
-Do a quick juggle before shooting when near the opponent keeper for a higher
chance of scoring.(This is according to OHMCS110's guide)
-Sometimes, you can score by forcing the opponent to score own goals. Find out
-If things are against your favour in a important match, use side select, switch
to the opposition, and make them score own goals until the score is in your
favour again. Then, switch back. This is cheap, I know. But I was forced to
resort to this when my Chinese team were 1-7 behind a Brazilian team in the
world cup in World Class mode.
-If you can't pass well and yet want to score, go with beginner mode. Amateur
and on will see you getting tackled out of possession a lot.
-Try not to let your keeper get the ball too much. If the opponent tackles the
ball out of him your are toast.
-If you can't juggle, don't. You are wasting time and are susceptible to
-Long shots almost never get you anywhere in this game. However, there is a way
to score from the middle line...find out how yourself.
-The computer almost cheats in every game, and that's no exception to FIFA World
Cup 2002. The computer is going to make a lot of perfect long lobs and passes.
Don't try long lobs yourself. Go with short passes unless you are absolutely
sure of yourself, or have the time and goals to spare.
-Attacking by the flanks are easier but less dangerous to the opponent, while
attacking from the center is harder to do but more dangerous to the opponent.
That's all for now. If I get anymore I'll update ASAP. Promise.


9) Formations
Success in a football (soccer)game is largely dependant on the formations and
starting lineup. Here I'll tell more about the formations and describe them.

4-4-2 formation: The standard formation for many teams. The majority of teams
use this formation, with varying midfield and forward positions mostly. The
midfield can either be spread out (with a RM, RCM, LCM, and LM), or clustered in
the center (with a RCM, CAM, CDM, and LCM). The forward can either be spread out
(with a RF and a LF), or in a vertical line (with a CF and a ST).
Examples of teams: Australia, Brazil, China PR

4-5-1 formation: With this kind of formation you can dominate the midfield area
and have good midfield support for the striker while providing cover for your
defenders. Suitable for teams with many quality midfielders( e.g. England)
Examples of teams: Israel, Norway

5-3-2 formation: Stable defense suitable for counter-attack with the two wing
defenders usually being able to attack. The defenders can sometimes come up
front and support the strikers, while the midfielders can aid in everything.
This is my personal favourite formation.
Examples of teams: Italy, Scotland, Turkey

5-4-1 formation: High defense with ability to dominate midfield this is more of
a defensive formation. When you decide to secure your win you may use this
formation. The two wing defenders can still support up front and provide crosses
while the midfielders cover both ends.
Examples of teams: none evident in game by default

3-4-3 formation: Midfielders should generally aid in defense in this formation
while using possession strategy to pass to your many strikers to attempt goals.
This is rather hard to play because of the weakness at the back, and once the
opponent slips through you may have a problem.
Examples of teams: South Korea, Tunisia, Uruguay

3-5-2 formation: The midfielders can cover in defense while providing the
strikers with passes and crosses. Teams with reliable defenders like France or
the all Europe team can use this well. However, as with the 3-4-3, once the
opponent slips through, you may be hard pressed.
Examples of teams: Germany, Austria, Argentina

4-3-3 formation: Similar to 4-4-2 but more adventurous and offensive, and more
vulnerable at the back. The central midfielder should aid in defense more often
than anything, though I don't really support this formation.
Examples of teams: none evident in game by default

Down to 10 men: Generally, you should keep your defense intact and make the
handicap at the front. Otherwise the opponent may take advantage of the
situation and score more goals.

Note: If you are down to seven men, you lose the game 0-2 due to a rule that
says that you can't play with less than eight men.

If the need arises, I'll put in sections on down to 9 and 8 men. Not now though.


10) Team overview: That's it...the main bulk of my guide, highlighting all the
teams and their starting lineup, as well as a description of the teams and a
list of their star players. No, I'm not including a whole list of the players
including substitutes and reserves. And I'm not listing out all the stats. No,
I'm too young to break my hand typing.

Argentina: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 2
Territory: CONMEBOL (S.America)
Best result: Champions (1986)
Description: Generally good team with a lot of options up front. Juan Sebastian
Veron and Claudio Lopez should be the main strike force while Pablo Aimar can
provide good midfield support. Defensively not so impressive.
Formation: 3-5-2

Star players: Pablo Aimar (speed), Juan Sebastian Veron (shoot, pass), Claudio
Lopez (shoot), Gabriel Batistuta (shoot), Roberto Ayala (speed)

Starting lineup:
Player POS Overall
1. G.Burgos GK 75
4. N.Vivas RB 72
5. E.Berrizo CB 70
6. W.Samuel LB 85
8. J.Zanetti RWM 78
16. P.Aimar LWM 87
11. J.Sebastian Veron RCAM 87
3. J.Pablo Sorin CDM 68
14. D.Simeone LCAM 80
9. H.Crespo RF 86
7. C.Lopez LF 83

Australia: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 35
Territory: OFC (Oceania)
Best result: First round (1974)
Description: Not your standard powerful team. The keeper is good, the defense is
not impressive, the midfield is just okay, and up front you've got a pretty good
striker (Harry Kewell). Not that good.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star player: Harry Kewell (speed)

Starting lineup:
1.M.Schwarzer GK 70
3.C.Moore RB 72
14. T.Popovic RCB 63
6. T.Vidmar LCB 70
2.K.Muscat LB 66
4. P.Okon CDM 59
13. B.Emerton RM 66
8. S.Lazaridis LM 76
25. J.Skoko CAM 76
9. M.Viduka RF 77
10. H.Kewell LF 74

Austria: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 39
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: Semifinals (1954)
Description: Only has Andreas Herzog as reliable striker. Nothing else is
impressive. Not that good overall.
Formation: 3-5-2

Star player: Andreas Herzog (shoot)

Starting lineup:
1. F.Wohlfart GK 57
5. G.Neukirchner RB 68
4. M.Stranzi CB 72
40. R.Kirchler LB 72
7. M.Hatz RWM 57
3. G.Prilasnig LWM 55
8. D. Kuhbauer RCAM 66
19. H.Cerny CDM 77
11. M.Schopp LCAM 66
10. A.Herzog CF 76
9. I.Vastic ST 69

Belgium: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 17
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: Semifinals (1986)
Description: Brilliant up front, with Wilmots and Mpenza for efficient strike.
The back is not too steady, and requires midfield support. Pretty good team with
great striking ability overall.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star players: Marc Wilmots (shoot), Emile Mpenza (speed, shoot)

Starting lineup:
1. G.De Vileger GK 68
2. E.Deflandre RB 82
4. E.Van Meir RCB 72
3. J.Valgaeren LCB 76
19. D. Dheedene LB 74
17. Y. Vanderhaeghe CDM 76
11. G.Verheyen RM 68
5. W.Baseggio LM 73
9. M.Wilmots CAM 80
20. E.Mpenza CF 90
16. B.Peeters ST 66

Brazil: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 2
Territory: CONMEBOL (S.America)
Best Result: Champions (1994)
Description: Great team with weak striker (don't get me wrong, I'm pointing at
Edilson, the default striker. Luizao is good enough) but plenty of star players
providing midfield support as well as great wing defenders for a steady defense.
The presense of Ronaldo and Rivaldo adds a sparkle to the already amazing team.
Great team overall.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star players: Cafu (speed), Roberto Carlos (speed, shoot), Ronaldo (speed,
shoot), Rivaldo (shoot, pass), Elber (shoot)

Starting lineup:
1. Marcos GK 82
2. Cafu RB 88
4. R.Junior RCB 77
14. Juan LCB 76
6. R.carlos LB 88
5. Emerson CDM 81
7. Ronaldinho Gaucho RM 74
9. Ronaldo LM 91
10. Rivaldo CAM 88
11. Edilson RF 68
33. Luizao LF 77

Cameroon: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 30
Terrritory: CAF (Africa)
Best result: Quarterfinals (1990)
Description: Pretty average team, and not particaularly good at anything. Eto'o
can be used for sudden break throughs, but it is hard to play offensively with
Formation: 4-4-2

Star player: Samuel Eto'o (speed)

Starting lineup:
1. J.Songo'o Gk 75
4. R.Song RB 52
5. R.Kalla RCB 62
13. B.Tchato LCB 60
6. P.Njanka LB 64
12. Lauren RM 74
28. Marc-Vivien Foe RCM 78
16. N.Alnoudji LCM 56
29. S.Branco LM 80
11. S.Eto'o RF 85
10. P.Mboma LF 83

China PR: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 38
Territory: AFC (Asia)
Best result: Never qualified
Description: Woeful. The average overall for the starting lineup is _54.18_, and
the highest overall is _67_. The results never lie. 0-2 loss against Costa Rica,
0-4 loss against Brazil, and 0-3 loss against Turkey in the World Cup tells all.
Conceded 9 goals and scored 0. What makes things funnier, is that I went to
China during the World Cup period, and I could see lots of advertisement showing
the China team score goals and doing amazing soccer tricks like bicycle kicks.
SO different from the real thing. The worst team in the game.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star player: None (obviously)

Starting lineup:
22. J.Jin GK 75
7. S.Jihai RB 46
5. F.Zhiyi RCB 67
14. L.Wei Feng LCB 48
4. W.Chengying LB 49
18. L.Xiaopeng RM 50
8. L.Tie RCM 42
19. Q.Hong LCM 48
9. M.Mingyu LM 48
20. Y.Chen RF 64
10. H.Haidong LF 59

Costa Rica: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 25
Territory: CONCACAF (N.America)
Best result: Round of 16 (1990)
Description: Not the powerful team. Defensively shaky, because the highest
tackle stat for the starting lineup is a measly 3. Wanchope is the only star
player, and should be relied on for goals.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star player: Paulo Wanchope (shoot)

Starting lineup:
1. E.Lonnis GK 52
2. J.Drummond RB 50
4. G.Martinez RCB 46
11. W.Centeno LCB 47
13. W.Lopez LB 50
7. R.Fonsera CDM 54
10. R.Cordero RM 51
8. M.Solis LM 52
9. P.Wanchope CAM 69
6. R.Parks RF 50
22. C.Castro LF 48

Croatia: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 16
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: Semifinals (1998)
Description: Decent team with balanced stats. What surprises me is that Bosko
Balaban, arguably the best player here, is on the bench. Suker is a great
striker, so is Boksic. The midfield is generally good, and the defense plus the
goalkeeper is decent as well. Good team overall.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star players: Mario Stanic (speed), Davor Suker (shoot), Bosko Balaban (speed,

Starting lineup:
15. Z.Pavlovic GK 74
20. D.Saric RB 58
5. I.Tudor RCB 77
2. D.Simic LCB 80
3. R.Kovac LB 79
6. M.Stanic RM 75
14. I.Biscan RCM 65
10. R.Prosinecki LCM 63
4. N.Kovac LM 80
11. A.Boksic CF 68
9. D.Suker ST 68

Czech Republic: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 12
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: Runners up (1962)
Description: Another decent team. Pavel Nedved should do most of the work while
Novotny is the best defender with the highest score for tackle. The keeper isn't
impressive, and needs the defence and the midfield to aid. Fairly good team,
with some flaws. The star player Pavel Kuka is on the bench.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star players: Pavel Nedved (shoot), Pavel Kuka (speed)

Starting lineup:
1. P.Srnicek GK 58
16. M.Fukal RB 62
17. T.Votava RCB 72
7. V.Smicer LCB 64
3. J.Novotny LB 74
2. T.Repka RM 72
5. T.Rosicky RCM 80
4. P.Nedved LCM 85
6. P.Berger LM 72
11. M.Baros RF 70
9. J.Koller LF 78

Denmark: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 14
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: Quarterfinals (1998)
Description: Average team with a fairly average stat balance. The star Gronkjaer
is the shooter, and should make passes to Tomasson to score, or do it himself.
The keeper is good, but the defence is quite shaky. Helveg is the backbone of
Formation: 4-4-2

Star player: Jesper Gronkjaer (shoot)

Starting lineup:
1. T.Sorenson GK 72
6. T.Helveg RB 76
13. M.Laursen RCB 57
3. R.Henriksen LCB 53
5. J.Heintze LB 66
8. J.Gronkjaer RM 75
20. T.Gravesen RCM 79
15. S.Tofting LCM 55
10. M.Jurgensen LM 76
11. E.Sand CF 83
9. J.Dahl Tomasson ST 73

Ecuador: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 31
Territory: CONMEBOL (S.America)
Best result: Never qualified
Description: Under average team with decent strikers but not much else. Avoid
using unless you want a challenge.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star player: Agustin Delgado (shoot)

Starting lineup:
1. J.Cevallos GK 42
4. U.De La Cruz RB 70
3. I.Hurtado RCB 59
17. G.Espinoza LCB 59
6. R.Guerron LB 60
5. A.Obregon RM 60
20. E.Tenorio RCM 58
16. E.Chala LCM 60
10. A.Aguinaga LM 61
11. A.Delgado RF 68
9. I.Kaviedes LF 80

England: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 9
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: Champions (1966)
Description: Great team with a lot of star players to boost your striking,
midfield and the back. Very high stat balance with only 4 people in the starting
lineup having an average of lower than 80, and no one in the starting lineup is
lower than 76. Owen makes for a deadly strike force. Try subbing out Heskey for
Formation: 4-4-2

Star players: Rio Ferdinand (speed), Steven Gerrard (pass), David Beckham
(shoot, pass), Paul Scholes (shoot, pass), Michael Owen (speed, shoot, pass)

Starting lineup:
1. D.Seaman GK 77
2. G.Neville RB 78
6. R.Ferdinand RCB 84
5. S.Campbell LCB 88
3. A.Cole LB 78
4. S.Gerrard CDM 81
7. D.Beckham RM 85
8. S.Mcmanaman LM 79
18. P.Scholes CAM 85
19. E.Heskey CF 76
10. M.Owen ST 86

Finland: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 34
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: Never qualified
Description: Okay team, but not to the standards of teams like England or Italy.
Sami Hyypia is a great one at the back, while Jari Litmanen's striking
capabilities is mentionable. Average team overall.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star player: Jari Litmanen (shoot)

Starting lineup:
1. A.Niemi GK 76
18. P.Helin RB 50
5. H.Tihinen RCB 78
4. S.Hyypia LCB 80
14. H.Ylonen LB 64
7. M.Nurmela RM 66
6. A.Riihilahti RCM 61
8. J.Wiss LCM 56
11. J.Kolkka LM 72
10. J.Litnamen CF 79
20. J.Johansson ST 68

France: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 1
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: Champions (1998)
Description: Well balanced team with great striking capabilities, a steady
defense, a good goalkeeper, great midfield boosted by the likes of Zidane, Pires
and Petit, and the great Thierry Henry. Worthy of the 1998 World Cup, although
disappointing performance back at the 2002 FIFA World Cup.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star players: Robert Pires (pass), Zinedine Zidane (shoot, pass), Thierry Henry
(speed, shoot), David Trezeguet (shoot)

Starting lineup:
16. F.Barthez GK 77
8. M.Desailly SW 86
15. L.Thuram RB 74
5. F.Leboeuf CB 74
3. B.Lizarazu LB 85
11. R.Pires CDM 83
4. P.Vieira RM 86
17. E.Petit LM 83
10. Z.Zidane CAM 88
12. T.Henry CF 90
20. D.Trezeguet ST 84

Germany: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 10
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: Champions (1990)
Description: Good technical team overall, but something strikes me as funny.
Almost all the star players except one are on the bench. The keeper is
legendary, and the midfield is great. This team had great substitutes, and I
usually replace some players with the star players.
Formation: 3-5-2

Star players: Gerald Asamoah (speed, shoot), Sebastian Deisler (pass), Carsten
Jancker (shoot), Thomas Linke (pass)

Starting lineup:
1. O.Kahn GK 82 (best goalkeeper in the game)
2. J.Nowotny SW 85
4. C.Worns RB 77
3. M.Rehmer LB 70
6. S.Deisler RWM 84
11. C.Ziege LWM 74
14. M.Ballack RCAM 83
7. D.Hamann CDM 74 (underated in my opinion)
8. M.Scholl LCAM 81
9. O.Bierhoff RF 68
18. O.Neuville LF 74

Greece: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 40
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: First round (1994)
Description: Fairly average team, with nothing much to boast about. There is a
star shooter, and the overall stats are above average, although not very good.
Average team overall. By the way, notice how every single player's name ends
with a "s"?
Formation: 4-4-2

Star player: Nichlos Machlas (shoot)

Starting lineup:
1. A. Nikopolidis GK 70
2. D.Mavrogenidis RB 74
8. Y.Goumas RCB 68
3. S.Venetidis LCB 64
22. P.Fyssas LB 57
6. A.Basinas RM 68
7. T.Zagorakis RCM 73
26. G.Karagounis LCM 70
34. G.Georgatos LM 72
11. D.Nikolaidis CF 80
9. N.Machlas ST 72

Israel: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 36
Territorry: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: First round (1970)
Description: Similar to Greece, as in strength and abilities. Not much to boast
about once again, and only has a star passer. Average team overall.
Formation: 4-5-1

Star player: Shimon Gershon (pass)

Starting lineup:
1. D.Awat GK 68
5. S.Gershon SW 70
3. O.Talkar RB 62
4. A.Benado CB 49
6. A.Keisi LB 62
17. I.Tal RDM 72
7. T.Banin CDM 70
15. Y.Benaynn LDM 70
10. E.Berkovic RCAM 60
8. H.Revivo LCAM 78
11. A.Nimmi CF 72

Italy: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup): 5
Territory: UEFA (Europe)
Best result: Champions (1982)
Description: Powerful team with a hard defense, a decent keeper, a amazing
midfield (I usually replace Tomassi with the far better Stefano Fiore), and two
very potent strikers. I can't say anything bad about this team can I? My
personal favourite. Also I think the only team team with two players that
averages at 90 or above.
Formation: 5-3-2

Star players: Alessandro Del Piero (speed, shoot), Paolo Maldini (speed),
Stenafo Fiore (shoot, pass), Fillipo Inzaghi (speed, shoot), Francesco Totti
(speed, shoot, pass)

Starting lineup:
1. G.Buffon GK 75
17. G.Zambrotta RB 73
13. A.Nesta RCB 90
4. D.Albertini CB 83
3. P.Maldini LCB 90
5. F.Cannavaro LB 85
8. D.Tomassi RDM 80
10. A.Del Piero LDM 85
20. F.Totti CAM 88
21. C.Vieri RF 85
9. F.Inzaghi LF 84

Japan: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup):
Territory: AFC (Asia)
Best result:
Description: Average team overall with no star players in the starting lineup.
The entire team is average.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star player: Hidetoshi Nakata (pass)

Starting lineup:
20. H.Sogahata GK 64
2. Y.Hato RB 62
4. R.Morioka RCB 68
17. T.Miyamoto LCB 62
16. K.Nakata LB 66
5. J.Inamoto CDM 70
21. K.Toda RM 62
12. S.Ono LM 72
8. H.Morishima CAM 66
19. N.Takahara CF 68
13. A.Yanagisawa ST 72

Mexico: World ranking (as of 2002 FIFA World Cup):
Best result:
Description: Above average team with Blanco as the main star. The goalkeeper
needs help and the back isn't spectacular. The whole team is kind of filmsy, but
has good striking support. Look at No.16's name.
Formation: 4-4-2

Star player:

Starting lineup:
12. O.Perez GK 58
16. Jesus Arellano RB 61
5. M.Vidrio RCB 66
2. C.Suarez LCB 78
7. R.Carlos Morales LB 64
8. A.Garcia Aspe RM 60
4. R. Marquez RCM 76
18. J.Rodriguez LCM 72
13. S.Mercado LM 63
17. Paco RF 73
10. C.Blanco LF 86

*This section is far from complete. I'll update ASAP.*


11. Special situations: There are some situations in the game that are hard to
handle. This should provide an outline of what to do if you are stuck.

Situation 1: You are down to 10 men.
Solution: Try not to get any more cards and play by the rules. Adopt a more
defensive formation and try not to let the opponent take advantage of your 10
men situation and score more goals. 5-3-1 is good.

Situation 2: You have made 3 substitutions already, and another of your player
got injured!
Solution: Transfer the player to the forward or midfield area, and do not put
him in the defense. If bookings isn't on, turn it on. This will prevent some
more injuries by threatening the opponent with bookings. If you are playing the
computer or if your opponent agrees, turn off the injuries option.

Situation 3: You are down to 8 men!
Solution: If you can, stop the game. You are in a sure position to lose, either
by the rules, or by having too little people. Again leave your defense unharmed,
and go for counter-attacks. Force a draw if possible, and immediately sub out
anyone of your team if they get another yellow card. Don't foul anyone.

Situation 4: You are in an important game and your opponent is leading you by
too much!
Solution: Calculate the difference between skills of the two sides. If it is
something like Spain VS Italy, you are probably careless, not good enough (no
offense), or the computer/opponent is too good. In this case, try a more
cautious approach and be less careless, or if you are playing the computer, tone
down the difficulty to something you can handle.
If it is like China VS Brazil, you probably have to resort to underhand methods
like selecting sides and making the opponent score own goals to make things
good, as games like that are bound to be one sided. If playing the computer,
switch to beginner mode, and use the underhand method until you're looking good.
Then, continue with your old side.

Situation 5: You're winning a hard-fought game, when suddenly the game hangs.
Solution: Take a deep breath, calm down, and try to defreeze the game by closing
down some background programs with Ctrl+Alt+Del. If that doesn't work, too bad.
Face it. Like me. I've already ordered a Intel Pentium 4 2.66 GHz computer in
hopes of better gameplay. If things like that happen to you, solve the problem
somehow, instead of smashing the computer in anger (like me sometimes).

If you have other questions on special situations, please email me and you will
get proper credit. Thanks!


12) Special thanks:

Yes, here's the end. Before sleeping, I want to thank some of the people for
aiding me in my FAQ writing:

-EA Sports: For creating a near-perfect soccer game
-GameFAQs: For posting this FAQ
-The official 2002 FIFA World Cup game site, for the
star players and the system requirements
-My junk computer: For being kind enough to let me run and test the game without
hanging too many times. *The new computer has arrived!! Hurray!*
-OHMCS110's FAQ: For the ASCII art, and the unproved tip about shooting after
-You: For reading my work.


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