Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge

Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge

18.10.2013 01:12:37
FAQ for Dreamcast

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A FAQ for...

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(ASCII Art courtesy of ASCII Generator)

[ Game ] - Frogger 2 Swampy's Revenge
[ Console ] - Dreamcast
[ Version ] - 2.1
[ Type ] - FAQ/Walkthrough
[ Author ] - Chris Wasnetsky
[ E-Mail ] -
[ Last Updated ] - 8-23-02

.--------------* * * * * NOTICE * * * * *--------------.
|Make sure the below numbers and letters all line up.It|
|will ensure that you are reading this guide properly.|
| |
'--------------* * * * * NOTICE * * * * *--------------'


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
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I wrote this FAQ because I was bored. And I also wrote it because there
was only one other FAQ for this game at GameFAQs. I might as well try to
write one. This game can be fun. It'll keep you busy for weeks if you're
into Frogger. Now enogh talk and let's get to the guide. Also please note
that there WILL BE MANY Spoilers in this guide.Of course this is the most
complete out there so far (it's not quite done yet)so I don't think look-
ing towards another guide will help you.


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
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4.3 - TAD
4.4 - TREEBY
4.5 - WART
4.6 - TANK
4.7 - ROOBIE
4.8 - SWAMPY
5.3 - SLOW HOP
5.4 - AUTO HOP
6.9 - DI5CO LAB
6.17 - WINDUP
7.9 - DI5CO LAB
7.17 - WINDUP
8.3 - ONE WAY
8.6 - FROG JAM
9.2 - RACE
9.3 - SNAKE


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
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I would suggest E-Mailing someone else because it'll will take me at
least two weeks to answer you. If you want to wait that amount of time be
free to ask. As for webmaster's I will take you E-Mails immediately.


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
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0.4 - FIRST DRAFT/RELEASE ------------------------------------ ??.? KB
Just a start.

0.65 - UPDATE ------------------------------------------------- 47.3 KB
Added more of the COINS walkthrough.

0.9 - UPDATE ------------------------------------------------- 50.2 KB
Added two more COINS walkthrough. I also found the last
COIN in PYRAMID CLIMB. Format change.

1.4 - MAJOR UPDATE ------------------------------------------- 60.8 KB
Added the COINS walkthrough up to level 12. If you are
wondering, I'm trying to stay even with the COINS walk-
through and the STORY walkthrough just to keep this FAQ
neat :) I also corrected the Table of Contents. Also I
found out how to unlock WART (see SECRETS section).

1.65 - SMALL UPDATE ------------------------------------------- 64.9 KB
I'm very sorry for the late update. I just didn't have
time :P I found out how to get ROOBIE (see SECRETS sect-
ion for more detail). Also some more of the COINS walk-
through. I let IGN post my FAQs from now on.

1.8 - BIG UPDATE --------------------------------------------- 77.0 KB
Finally back I just corrected a few errors and I finish-
ed the STORY and COINS walkthrough! I also unlocked
everything (see SECRETS section).

1.9 - UPDATE ------------------------------------------------- 86.1 KB
I added SUPER RETRO section.

2.1 - UPDATE ------------------------------------------------- 94.3 KB
I guess this won't be my last version :P I added only
the MULTIPLAYER section in this update.


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
========== =========== ==========

D-Buttons - Control Frogger
Start Button - Pause/Unpause Game
X Button - Power Croak
B Button - Bug Seeking Tongue
A Button - Hop (when pressed once); Super Hop (when pressed twice
really fast)
R Button - Bug Seeking Tongue
L Button - Power Croak


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
========== =========== ==========

These are the guys who you play with throughout the game. Some are de-
fault and some need to be unlocked. I will have the locked ones in later
versions. In STORY mode you play with the default frog but in FROGGER'S
ARCADE you play with whom ever you choose.

He's the basic guy. He's what the game is all about! You'll play
with him the most.

She's possibly the wife of Frogger. You will play as her, but not
as much.

4.3 - TAD
He's the blue frog. I don't know a lot on him though.

4.4 - TREEBY
He's the other green frog. I don't know a lot on him either.

4.5 - WART
Yes I finally unlocked him! Yay! Anyway this 'toad' can move
pretty fast. Don't let his brown appearence fool you. This is my
favorite one so far (until I unlock more :P). Check the secrets
sections on how to unlock him.

4.6 - TANK
Yes it's weird how I unlocked two characters within an update O_o
Anywho you unlock him after you collect 25 COINS on a new level
after gaining access to WART. Now onto his appearence. He doesn't
look like an ordinary frog. Oh no. He is blue and wears armor?!
Yep you heard me right, ARMOR. It's funny how it doesn't affect
him. Also, his eyes look like this O_o How strange. Anyway I like
him, but not as much as toad ^_^

4.7 - ROOBIE
I don't exactly call this _thing_ a frog. It looks like a kangaroo
to me O_o Anyway, it's brown, tall >_<, and it's a girl! Nooooooo!
What I like about her is that when you double jump, her ears spin
like a helicopter :) She's _Okay_ , but I wouldn't really consider

4.8 - SWAMPY
He's just your average croc! No! Wait he isn't. He's trying to
kill Frogger :( Anyway I don't know what he hops on, but I don't
like it. He's just as slow as everyone else. I think he's the last
secret character unlocked, but I'm not sure. I don't really like
him that much.


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
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All of these help you throughout the game, except one. I will tell what
they do.

I think the name says it all! If you die, you will lose a life.
These bugs will give you another life for free!

Once again, the name says it all! You get these and you hop about
twice as fast now. This lasts for a short time though, so use
them wisely.

5.3 - SLOW HOP
OK, enough with the name says it all stuff. Everything is like
that. This slows down the other player down. (Only in

5.4 - AUTO HOP
As soon as you move you can't stop. The computer takes it over
from there. You can only steer. I'm not sure if there's a time
limit for this.


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
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This is more like a training course than a level. In all the walk-
through parts I will tell detailed information on how to beat the
level. Now here we go. Go straight then left and you will see a
piece of land blocking your way. When you land on the icon it says
to press A to Super Jump Over Obstacles. So press A. When you do
you'll be on top of it and you have rescued one frog! Continue go-
ing right until you land on another icon. It says to Slurp Up
Bugs With Your Tongue Using The B Button. Press B and you get an
extra life. After that go to the next icon you see and it tells
you to double tap A to jump across. Double tap A and you will jump
high and across. You will land on another frog. You found the sec-
ong one. Go straight and you'll see another icon. It says you can
double jump to reach high places too. Double jump from the icon and
you'll be on the ledge and you got your third frog. Only two more
to go! Make your way up the ledge using the strategy and you'll see
another icon. It says to croak to find baby frogs. Press X and you
will see green light going out in a circle. Shortly after a pink
light will appear too. The baby frog is in the direction where the
pink light came from. In this case it's to the right. Go to the
right and you'll find your fourth frog. Only one more to go!
The next icon says hop onto the switch to activate it. Jump on it
and you'll see lily pads floating across the river. You have to
jump on one of these and jump to another. Then jump onto land. You
can't go into the water or else you'll drown. When across go onto
the next icon. It will say watch out for Frogger's enemies. Just
hop across the tracks without getting hit by the moving enemies.
Now double jump to get the last frog baby. Congratulations! You
finished your first level! Now try the next.


First go straight ahead without being hit by Frogger's enemies.
After that you'll find your first baby frog on a pier. Now make
your way across the river without going on an alligator. Go across
the bridge and find your second baby frog sitting there and waiting
for you. Pick him up. When you get to a fence look to the left and
go in the house. Get the extra life and come back out. Now go left
into one of those places with the coins. Wait for the lawnmower to
go around and as soon as it passes you follow it. Now go in the
little opening to the left and wait in there. Wait for the
lawnmower to go around and follow it. Get in the spot where the
frog is and wait for the lawnmower. When it passes you follow it
again. Go to the south and stop at the fence. Wait for the
lawnmower (To the right going up and down) to come all the way
down. Then follow it up and take cover in the first or second hole
to the right. Then when the lawnmower goes down again head up and
turn left. Now follow this path and wait for the lawnmover to pass
you. Then go in the second or first hole towards the left. Wait for
it to pass and continue down. Get the purple baby frog. Go up the
steps and make your way across making sure you don't get hit. When
you get to the part where three lawnmowers are driving in a circle,
double hop to the orange baby frog. After that, You're done.


Go over the middle bridge. Then jump your way up the steps,
avoiding the beatles. Make your way across this bridge carefully.
Map your plan out and take it. Watch out for the vulture that flies
across the bridge twice. Once done go straight and get your baby.
Make your way across the sand carefully. Then go up the steps. Go
down the right or left side to avoid the cannon ball. When the
cannon ball passes (If your on the right side) go 1 block left, 2
blocks up, and 1 block right very quickly. Just do that the whole
way up and you should be fine. Just do the opposite if you're on
the left side. Now at the end just jump up on the ledge (Only a
jump, not double jump) and wait for the arrow to move in. When it
does quickly go around then do the same with the next arrow. Get
the yellow frog. Make your way across the river carefully. When you
do, a giant door will open showing a stair case going downward.
Follow it and get the blue frog. Then head downwards and activate
a switch. 3 blocks will rise in front of you. Go UP and go across
them to find a frog up there. As soon as you get it a boulder will
start to roll down so hurry up. Go down towards the switch was and
follow that path. Hurry up because you can die from the boulder
squashing you. Follow it ALL the way to the end to find the last
frog. You're done now.


Go across the tracks to the other side. Now you will see these rats
that run around in circles. Just look at their path so you won't be
hit by them. Go down the path and up the stairs. Make sure no rats
are coming and go over to a platform with a dynamite switch on it.
Jump on it and a path will open. Go down (Making sure no rats are
coming) and up the path. Grab the frog and go on the ride. During
the ride you will have to move left and right on the mine carts to
avoid obstacles. Tomake things easier you can grab a quick hop on
the silver platform. Get the frog and start your way down. When
done get on the silver platform at the end. Rats will come out of
the wall to the left. As soon as one or two come out, follow them.
Get the yellow frog and wait for the next one or two to pass you.
Then continue down the path. Make sure all the rats came out of the
hole at the north end of the screen. Then follow your way to the
end. When there, jump on the divider. Rats will come out at the
southwest end of your screen so watch for them. Just follow the
path north until you get to the blue frog. Then go east and make
your way over to the boxes. As you go down the river you will see
three spiders that you have to avoid. It's not that easy so be
careful. At the end make your way to the east to get the pink frog.
Follow the path east. The bridge here in unstable so move across it
quickly. At the end go south and make your way across the tracks.
When you do, go down the steps and get on a ride. Then jump off to
get the red frog. Well done you passed.


This one is hard. You have to make your way across the sand without
being squashed by these huge rolling stones. There are raised
stones in the sand which is a 'safe zone'. Travel to each one
making sure not to be squashed by the rolling stones. By the way.
You can go on the sand. When you get to the other side (It's north-
east from where you started) get the green frog. Go up the steps
and across the sand. The hippo's (I think) move pretty fast, so
hurry up. When you're out of the sand, double jump to the little
raised space in the water to avoid the ants. Double jump after that
(Making sure there are no ants to land on) and immediately double
jump again. Double jump once again (Making sure there are no ants
to land on) and go up the steps. Get the yellow frog. This part can
be hard. You have to get across water by moving from these big
blocks. Sounds easy? It's not. In addition to this there are cannon
balls moving to from the platforms. You have to avoid these while
jumping from one platform to another. Once you made it get the blue
frog and head north. Go up these steps fastly by repeatedly press-
ing up on the d-pad to move up. If you don't you will die from the
spikes. When you get up there follow the path, watching for the
little rhinos (I think). Get the pink frog. Continue north (Avoid-
ing the tree trunks) and at the last step go to the left. Make your
way to the right avoiding the little hippos. Go north and go fast
over the tree trunks. Then go west, then south (Avoiding the bugs
on the way). Go west after you get past the bugs. The tree trunks
are here again. You have to jump up on them when they go down then
again up to a platform. But beware. A kangaroo jumps up here so
time your jumps so you don't get killed. The last frog is in the
middle square where the kangaroo jumps around. Once you get the
last frog you are finished.


Start off by going up the steps which the boulders are falling down.
If you see a boulder coming down the middle then move to right or
left and so on. Go to the west to find the green frog. Follow the
path. It goes up the pyramid. Go down the other path to find the
yellow frog. If you don't want to risk going down the path you can
go on the side. Go on the right side and slide down. You will be
stopped. Slide down again once the kangaroo is clear. Once he's
clear go left two spaces and up otwo spaces. When the middle bull(?)
starts going north, go up two spaces, left or right one space, and
then up two spaces. No go up two spaces and one space left (If on
right side) or one space right (If on left side). Now go north to
find the blue frog. When you are on the last part of the bridge,
stop. Go two spaces north, right one space, up one space, left two
spaces, and up three spaces. Make sure you don't collide when you do
this. When you do this an opening will appear. Go down the log. Go
straight until you see tracks. After the small elephant(?) comes out
of the left hole follow it. As soon as you come right next to the
blank space, quickly go up one space, right one space, and up one
space. Then after the last orange bug goes into the hole to the
right, double jump over the gap and go up one space. From the space
that you landed on go up two spaces, (wait until there's a gap be-
tween the orange bugs) go up three spaces, go left one space, and up
one space. After that go up one space, left one space, up all spaces
to the end (If a bug comes at you during the last step just jump
over it) until the frog. From there just go across the river. After
that go one space to the left of the 'S' thing. Go up one more
space. Time yourself to make three quick hops going north. From
those three make another quick three hops and you're done. Get the
frog and you're outta there!


Make your way across the field of ants untouched. Go to the safe
spot. Go west and double jump over any spider coming your way. Go
to the coin for a safe spot. Come out, jump over any spider and go
in the next safe spot. Do the same again. And again. And again. And
again! And again!! And again!!! And again!!!! And again!!!!! Oh
wait here's your first frog :). From the frog spot go one space up.
Go another space once the spider passed and get on one of the
leaves. When you get to the third row jump up onto a platform. From
there go over to the yellow frog. From the yellow frog 'make a
U-turn' to the right (Thus going into a safe place). Be sure to
avoid the ants. After that make sure the coast is clear then go up
one space, to the right 2 spaces, then up one space (By jumping).
Make your way across here. You will see the blue frog so get him.
Follow the path that the blue frog was on. At the end go up one
space. From there (When the time is right) 3 spaces up, 2 spaces
left, 2 spaces up, 4 spaces right, 2 spaces up, 2 spaces left, and
then a quick double jump (To get into the safe zone). From there go
3 spaces up, 4 spaces right, 2 spaces up, 2 spaces left, and go up
until you get to the pink frog. From there follow the path until
you are above the middle row of lilipads. As soon as the middle
bee flies below you jump. Then as soon as the two on the left and
right pass you jump either to the right or left. So on and so
forth. After that I would suggest picking the left or right lane of
lilipads. If you want an extra life go down the middle. You have to
time everything perfectly. If you see an enemy poking out of it's
hole either hop backwards or jump over it. Do the same all the way
down. Jump at the end to get the red frog. You are done!


Go forward three spaces and onto a rock. From there go onto one of
the moving rocks (The one that north west of you). From there go
onto the land north of you. When there go towards the green frog.
Don't get hit by the huge insect though. From there go up the
stairs to the top. Now go down to the third step and make your way
over to the right without getting hit. Get the yellow frog and go
back to the top step. Jump down and go through the passage way. At
the bottom make your way around the circle and into the safe zone.
Do the same with the next circle too. Follow this path right next
to a lava waterfall. Make sure you don't get hit by a lava ball.
Make your way all the way across into the safe zone. From there
wait until the platform rises so you can go on it. Get off it and
get your blue frog. This is the hard part. You have to time for
everything. You have to go across the unstable block onto the
stable ones. Problem is that the stable keep on having lava balls
rolling on them. You go to one and to the other and to the other
all the to left. At the end your friend, the purple frog, will be
waiting for you :). Jump down once the uhh... things pass you.
Follow them going right then up. You'll come to a bridge that
looks like this:
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
| 11| 10| 9 | 8 | 7 |
| 12| 13| 14| | 6 |
|___|___|___| |___|
| 5 |
| 4 |
| 3 |
| 2 |
| 1 |

Go up the way the numbers go really fast and jump (at the last one)
facing south. These are unstable so go really fast. Then from where
you jumped from go 1 space right, 4 spaces down, 2 spaces left (You
have to jump), 1 space up, i space right, 2 spaces up, 1 space
left, 1 space down, 1 space left and then 1 space up. Level

6.9 - DI5CO LAB

Make youe way across the platform to get the first frog. Go on the
square platform and go aroung it until there's a little bridge to
the left. Do the same with the next bridge but this time look out
for the baloons. Then go onto the next platform and look for an
opening to the north. When you get there, there will be a frog
waiting for you. Go on the platform that shoots out of the thing to
your left. Look to the south for something to jump on. You will
find out that there are moving conveyor belts. And on the still
part there are enemies. You know what to do hopefully. Oh man I
have to tell you? Oh OK :(. Stay on the moving conveyor belt until
the enemiy passed. Then hop onto the still part and on the next
conveyor belt. Do that three times and onto a platform. Follow this
to the end to get the blue frog. When you getthe blue frog wait
there until you see a moving platform. Get on it and take a ride.
You'll come to another platform. Get on it. This gets hard. You
have to avoid these machines. there's a gap in between each one. So
you have to go to a space and let it go. You'll move forward
eventually. At the end jump on one of the moving platforms going
around the pink frog. Then as it goes around up to the north side,
just hop to the pink frog. Then hop back on platform and this time
hop north not south. You then have to activat a switch to allow the
blue moving platforms to start going in order for you to get
across. Go across here and double jump at the end to get the last


As soon as the enemy comes up towards you then away follow him. Get
to the last space (Going straight) and stay there. The enemy will
start to head up again. Go in the way he came out and down the
steps. Just avoid the octopuslike things coming down. After that Go
up the stairs and watch out for the enemy. After the enemy comes
towards you and then b ack, follow him and look for an opening to
the right. Then you'll see your first frog. Go down the elevator.
You'll see a monkey when you come out. If you move a space, he
moves a space towards you. I can't really tell you how to beat him.
Just try and get to the light blue surface being untouched. Another
monkey is there. Get to the dark blue surface again. Don't bother
with the elevator now. There will be yet another monkey. Get to the
light blue surface. The last monkey thank God. OK the yellow frog
is in here so get it. Then head back to the elevator which I told
you not to go in. Get on the platform that appears and ride it. Get
off of it where it stops. Go down one space and wait for another to
appear. Get on it and ride it. Get off and go one space east then
1 space north. Get on the platform that comes by and get off at the
next stop. Get on the one that appears and ride it. Get off where
it stops. There's a monkey here so go 1 space down, 1 space up, and
go all the way around it clockwise until at the bottom there is a
space sticking out. Get on that and double jump to the south. Get
your baby frog! Now go in the elevator. Try and make your way
through this maze. It may seem impossible but it's possible. Just
keep on trying. When you get to the frog you can access the
elevator. Ummm.... Go to it! LOL. All the light brown tiles are un-
stable. From the start jump up to where the coin is. Then double
jump so you are on the stable part. From there go 1 space east then
1 space south. Wait until the helicopter thingy passes you for a
second and follow it. Go straight until this white block. Jump up
to it. This could save you a life. Now all you have to do is go all
the way to the east and up on the white block. You will see a mov-
ing platform. Get on it. Get off when it doesn't go anymore. Hop
down and start to jump to each unstable block. Then go up to the
grey/gray block. Wait for the unstable blocks to regenerate. Then
go 3 blocks west and then 2 blocks south. Quickly double jump.
Then avoid the enemy to get your froggie! Level Complete!


Slide down the wheel and go to the east. You will be on a spaceship
that you will ride on top of. It's just like in the one mission
where you have to avoid obstacles while moving back and forth.
Except this time it's a never-ending ride. You will be chasing
another spaceship that will throw obstacles and sometimes...frogs!
Well, all you have to do is catch them. If you miss...well, they'll
just float in space. As you collect more frogs the faster he will
drop the obstacles. After you get them all you're done!


Go out the exit to the east. Start heading towards your west until
you can't go anymore. Then go north and onto the rocks. Be careful
because if you go too far right or left while riding these you will
die by this shocker machine. One of the frogs (Red to be specific)
will be on the third row of rocks. Get him and go to then north
platform (where I told you ...Then go north and onto the rocks...
Well now you'll see a platform ahead. Go on it.). When on there
jump onto the floating platform that comes near you. Jump on the
middle one to avoid an enemy. Then the third one. Then jump onto
these steps going downwards to get an extra life. Now get back on
the third one and go to the steps leading upwards. Go on the green
floating rock and get the extra life. Now go on the floating plat-
form that comes near you. Then on the next one. Then the next one.
Now go on the new platform. Double jump to the greenish rock. Now
get the green frog! You will get transported back to the start. Go
out of the starting area and double jump to the right. As soon as
you do, jump on one of those green floating rocks and make your way
across to the blue platform (directly north from where you landed
from double jumping). Follow that path around a curve and stop when
you see enemies floating downwards. You have to make your way up
this twisting path to the top. Avoid all the enemies and when you
get to the top you will get the purple frog! You will be transport-
ed back to the start. Go out of the starting area and double jump
to the right. As soon as you do, jump on one of those green float-
ing rocks and make your way across to the platform to the right of
where you just went to get the purple frog. Each floating blockhead
(he he) has it's own path. Make your way through here. Next you'll
see these floating creatures in suits of armor. They also have
their own path. Make your way through here. Then a last floating
blockhead. Make your way past him to get Mr. blue frog ^_^. Now
one more to go and you'll get off this miserable level. Go to the
platform to the left of the shocking thing when you come out. Now
striaght ahead is a platform that you didn't get to yet. Jump
across on the rocks to it. From there avoid the enemy and activate
the switch to the west. The door will open. Go through it. Do the
same thing this time except the switch is where the enemy walks on.
Hurry up and turn it on. Go through the door. Do the same here ex-
cept it's a little bit harder. Activate the switch to get a bridge
to come out. Go on it to the other side. The last frog will be trap-
ped in a forcefield. You have to go to the other side and activate
the switch then get the frog. Once you do it's mission passed!


Go 6 spaces to the west, fast. Go 1 space west and double jump. Go
1 space west and double jump. Double jump quickly after that. Go
one space west and double jump. Go one space west and stop. As soon
as the enemy goes into the door (nearest to you) quickly hop to the
steps. Go up the steps until there's a gap. Double jump up to the
next step and continue. Get the green frog. Now as soon as the
enemy goes in the door nearest you hop towards the platform stick-
ing out and take cover there. As soon as the enemy passes you,
double jump over the gap to the west. Now go over to where the ex-
tra life is (The butterfly). Now go to where the coin is and stop.
As soon as the enemy goes through the door, hop and jump over to
the steps as fast as possible. Now get the yellow frog. Jump up on
the block in front of you and continue to the next block. Wait until
the floating enemy passes you before you go up on the block. When
you do, make sure there is noone below you. When you have the
chance, go to where the coin is. Now wait for the 'dog' to pass you.
When it does go over to the block and get on it. Then quickly double
jump and you're safe. Now just double jump over eack block when the
enemy passes you. How easy is that? Go up the stairs (Watch out for
the black ledge, it goes in and out) and get the blue frog. To get
across this there are two ways. First you can just quickly hop over
ach one. Second you can hop to the second one and double jump. As
soon as the second thing comes out, double jump twice in a row. Get
the quick hop to get across all of these! Now just double jump over
these blocks when the enemy isn't near. Watch when you go up these
steps because you can get killed by the electricity! Just time your-
self going up here. Get the pink frog. Now you really have to time
yourself. The pattern is that the first and third (From the left)
will get electricity. Then the second and fourth will too. It goes
that way forever. Once you get past there get across the next two
(They get electricity pretty slowly) and double jump when the next
one doesn't get electricity. Jump the block and take refuge on the
jutting platform. As soon as the enemy passes, go to the steps. Go
up them and you come to the greatest challenge of all in this level.
This is crazy up here. With your experience just try to get to the
other side to find your final frog. Mission Passed!


Go to the west and through the door. You will be on a slide. Go up
the orange tiles to the top and then down towards the west. Get the
green frog and go through the door at the top. You will slide back
to the begining. Go in the door to the south of what you previously
went in. When you get off, hit the switch to the right. Make your
way across and hit the switch floating. Hit the other one too. Then
hit the switch that will apear floting to lower the walkway. Hit
the switch to the north to free the yellow frog. Watch out because
you can get electricuted. You will be transported back to the
start. Make your way across to the right nd go through the door.
Make your way across all the conveyor belts to get the blue frog.
You will be transported back to the start. Make your way across to
the right and go through the new door. This could be tricky. You
have to hit the _blinking_ switches in _order_ from start to
finish. If you mess up you will have to go to the previous switch
in order to do it right. Get the pink frog and you'll be
transported back to the start. Make your way to the right again and
go through the door. Make your way to the top while avioding all
the enemies. Once you get the frog, level complete!


Go behind you for a quick hop and hop down to the path in front of
you. A ghost will follow you..and it goes pretty fast! Just jump at
the end and you'll do fine. Make your way across the river of
floating cofins to get the green frog. Keep on going to the west
until you see two green ghosts coming down towards you. Time your-
self by going either left or right to avoid the ghosts. When you
get the yellow frog you'll be able to proceed forward. The blue
frog will be towards the northeast. Once you get him, go south and
a gate will open for you. Go in and go across the moat and up onto
a platform to get the pink frog. Once you do, the two blue ghosts
will disappear. Then head to the west and a gate will open. Go
through it. Watch out for the people who chop there axes. Head east
and go up. Head west and continue up the path. Eventually you will
get to the last and final frog for this level!


From the start you can see the green frog! But go slow. Why? Be-
cause the ground falls when you get close. So make your way very
slowly and get the green frog. After you get the green frog, go up
the stairs where the pumkins come down. Get the yellow frog and
continue. Continue down the twisty path making sure you avois all
the enemies. Get the blue frog and proceed to the left. This has to
be the hardest frog to get in thw WHOLE game. Just keep on follow-
ing him until he gets to the chest. The nyou can get him. The ghost
following you around makes this hard. Once you get the frog, the
ghost will disappear. Go back to where the blue frog was and a path
will open from the wall. Proceed down the steps. The fire coming
out can kill you. Time yourself and then proceed. Wait for the
platform to come down and go on it. Get off it at the top and fol-
low the path. Watch out for the two red parts of the bridge, as
they are unstable. Proceed up the platform and get off. QUICKLY
double jump over the gap and continue. This time just doublejump
and QUICKLY move to the next tile. Go on the platform and get off
at the top. Get on the first pumkin anddoublejump, making sure that
the steam that you jump over is settled. Doublejump again once the
steam has settled. Doublejump up to the last frog!

6.17 - WINDUP

From the start, head towards the west (duh!). Make sure you don't
get crushed by the...crushers(?). Make your way through the...
electricutors(?). Continue and you'll soon be brought up to the
next level. Make your way through the elctricutors again and stop.
Make your way through this part. NOTE: These enemies you can avoid
by going under the raised part. Go up to the next level and thing
will start to fall. Go up to the next level and make your way
through here. Just go into the lowered part of the ground to avoid
the spinning thingy :P Make your way across the cylinders, making
sure you don't die by being smushed >_< Go up to the next level
and continue. The ground is shaking. Make your way across and make
sure you don't get squashed or pushed off. After the electricutors,
wait for the cylinder to go up, then drop and go right immediately.
Then when it goes up again, just continue. Wait for the electricu-
tor to stop, then go up the next level. Now it gets REALLY
UNSTABLE! Just hop on the cylinder and immediately go to the right.
Then get off of it. Doublejump up to the switch in order to unlock
the way up to the next lev...oh wait, to unlock the way to finish
the level :P


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
========== =========== ==========




COIN 1 - Right behind you from the start.
COIN 2 - Right behind you from the start.
COIN 3 - In the third row of enemies right in front of you.
COIN 4 - In the fourth row of enemies right in front of you.
COIN 5 - The row right before the pier, to the left.
COIN 6 - The first row of lilipads to the left, when crossing the
COIN 7 - Ther first row of turtles to the right, when crossing
the river
COIN 8 - To the right of the yellow frog.
COIN 9 - To the right of the yellow frog.
COIN 10 - After you get the yellow frog, the opening to the left.
COIN 11 - After you get the yellow frog, the opening to the left.
COIN 12 - After you get the yellow frog, the opening to the left.
COIN 13 - After you get the yellow frog, the opening to the left.
COIN 14 - After you come out of the opening, to the east.
COIN 15 - After you come out of the opening, to the east.
COIN 16 - To the southeast of COIN 15, on a fence.
COIN 17 - From that fence you should see it to the east.
COIN 18 - To the east of the blue frog, other side of fence.
COIN 19 - To the east of the blue frog, other side of fence.
COIN 20 - To the south of the purple frog.
COIN 21 - To the southwest of the purple frog.
COIN 22 - Right after the first row of lawnmowers.
COIN 23 - Right after the second row of lawnmowers.
COIN 24 - Right after the third row of lawnmowers.
COIN 25 - To the north of the red frog.


COIN 1 - To your northeast from where you start.
COIN 2 - To the north of COIN 1.
COIN 3 - To your north from where you start.
COIN 4 - To the north of COIN 3.
COIN 5 - To your northwest from where you start.
COIN 6 - To the north of COIN 5.
COIN 7 - The first COIN on the bridge (you can't miss it).
COIN 8 - The second COIN on the bridge (you can't miss it).
COIN 9 - The first of the three (Where the canon shoots).
COIN 10 - The second of the three (Where the canon shoots).
COIN 11 - The third of the three (Where the canon shoots).
COIN 12 - Southwest of the yellow frog.
COIN 13 - Southeast of the yellow frog.
COIN 14 - To the left of the purple frog.
COIN 15 - To the left of the purple frog.
COIN 16 - To the right of the purple frog.
COIN 17 - To the right of the purple frog.
COIN 18 - To the north of the purple frog.
COIN 19 - The first COIN you get to (Once you get the purple
COIN 20 - The second COIN you get to (Once you get the purple
COIN 21 - The third COIN you get to (Once you get the purple
COIN 22 - The fourth COIN you get to (When you get the purple
COIN 23 - The fifth COIN you get to (When you get the purple
COIN 24 - The sixth COIN you get to (When you get the purple
COIN 25 - The square part of platform, the southwest (The square
right before you turn east to get the last frog).


COIN 1 - On the third row of tracks.
COIN 2 - On some dumped gold. Northeast from COIN 1.
COIN 3 - It's by the third rat going around in a circle.
COIN 4 - It's southwest of the dynamite activator.
COIN 5 - The first COIN you see going down the "slide".
COIN 6 - The second COIN you see going down the "slide".
COIN 7 - The third COIN you see going down the "slide"
COIN 8 - The fourth COIN you see going down the "slide".
COIN 9 - The fifth COIN you see going down the "slide".
COIN 10 - The sixth COIN you see going down the "slide".
COIN 11 - The seventh COIN you see going down the "slide".
COIN 12 - The eighth COIN you see going down the "slide".
COIN 13 - As soon as you come off the "slide".
COIN 14 - As soon as you come off the "slide".
COIN 15 - To the south of the blue frog.
COIN 16 - To the south of the blue frog.
COIN 17 - To the south of the blue frog.
COIN 18 - To the east of theblue frog.
COIN 19 - To the west of the purple frog.
COIN 20 - To the north of the unstable bridge.
COIN 21 - Right before the tracks to the west.
COIN 22 - After the tracks, the steps leading down.
COIN 23 - After the tracks, the steps leading down.
COIN 24 - To the west of the last frog.
COIN 25 - To the west of the last frog.


COIN 1 - To the right of the 'left wooden stakes'.
COIN 2 - To the right of the 'left wooden stakes'.
COIN 3 - To the left of the 'right wooden stakes'.
COIN 4 - To the left of the 'right wooden stakes'.
COIN 5 - To the left of the 'right wooden stakes'.
COIN 6 - To the left of the 'right wooden stakes'.
COIN 7 - To the right of the green frog.
COIN 8 - To the right of the green frog.
COIN 9 - In the bottom of the '8' platform.
COIN 10 - In the top of the '8' platform
COIN 11 - Northeast of the yellow frog.
COIN 12 - Northwest of the yellow frog.
COIN 13 - Southeast of the purple frog
COIN 14 - Southeast of the purple frog
COIN 15 - Southeast of the purple frog
COIN 16 - Southeast of the purple frog
COIN 17 - Southeast of the purple frog
COIN 18 - Southeast of the purple frog
COIN 19 - To the north of the purple frog.
COIN 20 - Northwest of COIN 13.
COIN 21 - Northwest of COIN 13.
COIN 22 - North of COIN 13.
COIN 23 - North of COIN 13.
COIN 24 - In between the red bugs.
COIN 25 - In between the red bugs.


COIN 1 - On the left side of the steps.
COIN 2 - On the right side of the steps.
COIN 3 - To the east of the monkey.
COIN 4 - To the east of the green frog.
COIN 5 - At the top of the pyramid.
COIN 6 - At the top of the pyramid.
COIN 7 - At the top of the pyramid.
COIN 8 - On the west side of the pyramid.
COIN 9 - On the east side of the pyramid.
COIN 10 - To the east of COIN 4.
COIN 11 - To the north of the yellow frog.
COIN 12 - To the north of COIN 11.
COIN 13 - To the east of COIN 11.
COIN 14 - To the west of COIN 11.
COIN 15 - The first COIN on the curved slide.
COIN 16 - The second COIN on the curved slide.
COIN 17 - In the first place where the blue and orange bugs are.
COIN 18 - The first COIN in the second place where the blue and
orange bugs are.
COIN 19 - The second COIN in the second place where the blue and
orange bugs are.
COIN 20 - In the second place where the blue and orange bugs are,
the little platform to the west of the blue bugs.
COIN 21 - To the west of COIN 22. Just hop in the place and go to
the top.
COIN 22 - In the place where the moving blocks are.
COIN 23 - In the place where the moving blocks are.
COIN 24 - To the east of the last frog.
COIN 25 - To the west of the last frog.


COIN 1 - Go across the ants and to the west. You should see it.
COIN 2 - The next coin you see going up the ramp.
COIN 3 - The next COIN you see going up the ramp.
COIN 4 - The next COIN you see going up the ramp.
COIN 5 - The next COIN you see going up the ramp.
COIN 6 - In the first row of ants towards the east of the green
COIN 7 - In the second row of ants in front of the green frog.
COIN 8 - In the third row of ants towards the west of the green
COIN 9 - Southeast of the yellow frog (Lower Platform).
COIN 10 - Southeast of the yellow frog (Upper Platform).
COIN 11 - Southwest of the yellow frog (Upper Platform).
COIN 12 - To the east of the yellow frog.
COIN 13 - To the east of COIN 12.
COIN 14 - Northwest of COIN 13 (In the second row of ants).
COIN 15 - East of COIN 14.
COIN 16 - In the fifth row of ants.
COIN 17 - Northeast of COIN 16.
COIN 18 - Southeast of COIN 17 (On higher platform).
COIN 19 - To the west of the pink frog.
COIN 20 - Middle row of the leaves with bees on them.
COIN 21 - On the left side of the leaves.
COIN 22 - On the left side of the leaves.
COIN 23 - On the left side of the leaves.
COIN 24 - On the right side of the leaves.
COIN 25 - On the right side of the leaves.


COIN 1 - When you start you'll see it at the northeastern side of
your screen.
COIN 2 - When you start you'll see it at the very northwestern
part of your screen.
COIN 3 - To the north of COIN 2.
COIN 4 - To the east of COIN 3.
COIN 5 - Northeast of the green frog.
COIN 6 - West of COIN 5.
COIN 7 - West of the yellow frog.
COIN 8 - East of COIN 7.
COIN 9 - Go down the steps and eventually to the right.
COIN 10 - Right next to COIN 9.
COIN 11 - After you cross the bridge where the fire balls drop
COIN 12 - Next to the blue frog.
COIN 13 - West of COIN 12.
COIN 14 - West of COIN 13.
COIN 15 - South of the blue frog.
COIN 16 - Next to COIN 15.
COIN 17 - Southeast of the pink frog.
COIN 18 - West of COIN 17.
COIN 19 - On the way up the 'RIGHT unstable stairs'.
COIN 20 - On the way up the 'RIGHT unstable stairs'.
COIN 21 - On the way up the 'LEFT unstable stairs'.
COIN 22 - East of COIN 21.
COIN 23 - East of COIN 22.
COIN 24 - Right before the last frog.
COIN 25 - Next to COIN 24.

7.9 - DI5CO LAB

COIN 1 - In the third row of helicopter things to the right.
COIN 2 - In the third row of helicopter things to the left.
COIN 3 - Straight ahead of the green frog.
COIN 4 - In the second row of floating things.
COIN 5 - In the third row of floating things.
COIN 6 - To the right of the first moving conveyor belt to the
COIN 7 - To the right of the second moving conveyor belt to the
COIN 8 - After getting the blue frog make your way to the plat-
form. It's one of the two closest to you towarss the
COIN 9 - To the west of COIN 8.
COIN 10 - To the north of COIN 8.
COIN 11 - To the north of COIN 9.
COIN 12 - To the north of COIN 10.
COIN 13 - To the north of COIN 11.
COIN 14 - To the north of COIN 13.
COIN 15 - To the east of COIN 14.
COIN 16 - North of the pink frog.
COIN 17 - Northwest of COIN 16.
COIN 18 - East of COIN 17.
COIN 19 - Nortwest of COIN 17.
COIN 20 - To the left of the last frog.
COIN 21 - West of COIN 20.
COIN 22 - West of COIN 21.
COIN 23 - To the right of the last frog.
COIN 24 - East of COIN 23.
COIN 25 - East of COIN 24.



COIN 1 - West of the first extra life you see.
COIN 2 - South of the green frog


COIN 3 - Southwest corner of where the second monkey follows you.
COIN 4 - Northwest corner of where the third monkey follows you.
COIN 5 - East of COIN 4.
COIN 6 - Sotheast of COIN 5.
COIN 7 - Southwest of the yellow frog.


COIN 8 - East of where you come out of the elevator.
COIN 9 - Southwest of COIN 8.
COIN 10 - East of COIN 8.
COIN 11 - East of COIN 10.
COIN 12 - Northeast of COIN 11.
COIN 13 - East of COIN 9.


COIN 14 - North of where you come out of the elevator.
COIN 15 - West of COIN 14.
COIN 16 - South of COIN 15.
COIN 17 - West of COIN 18.
COIN 18 - North of COIN 17.


COIN 19 - East of where you come out of the elevator.
COIN 20 - The closest north of COIN 19.
COIN 21 - Northwest of COIN 20.
COIN 22 - East of COIN 20.
COIN 23 - Southeast of COIN 19.
COIN 24 - Notheast of the last frog.
COIN 25 - Westof COIN 24.


All I can say is: Just get them as they're floating in space. There
is no way I can tell you where every one is.


COIN 1 - When you come out of the start, head west. You will see
COIN 2 - West of COIN 1.
COIN 3 - From COIN 2, go south as far as you can and double jump
to the west. Head west and you'll see it.
COIN 4 - West of COIN 3.
COIN 5 - North of COIN 3.
COIN 6 - Northwest of COIN 5.
COIN 7 - Northeast of COIN 6.
COIN 8 - Northwest of COIN 7.
COIN 9 - Northeast of COIN 8.
COIN 10 - North of COIN 4.
COIN 11 - Follow the path and you'll see it (After getting COIN
COIN 12 - The first COIN you see going up the curved ramp.
COIN 13 - The second COIN you see going up the curved ramp.
COIN 14 - The third COIN you see going up the curved ramp.
COIN 15 - When you come out of the start, you'll see it floating
north of you.
COIN 16 - North of COIN 2.
COIN 17 - East of COIN 16 (In first row).
COIN 18 - North of COIN 16.
COIN 19 - In the sixth row (Towards the west).
COIN 20 - East of COIN 19 (On platform).
COIN 21 - Behind green frog.
COIN 22 - North of COIN 1.
COIN 23 - Northeast (A bit) of COIN 22.
COIN 24 - Northwest of COIN 23.
COIN 25 - North of the yellow frog.


COIN 1 - The first COIN you encounter.
COIN 2 - The COIN after COIN 1.
COIN 3 - The next COIN you see.
COIN 4 - Right in front of the green frog.
COIN 5 - The next COIN you see after the green frog.
COIN 6 - The COIN after the yellow frog.
COIN 7 - The COIN after COIN 6.
COIN 8 - The COIN after COIN 7.
COIN 9 - The COIN after COIN 8.
COIN 10 - The COIN after the blue frog.
COIN 11 - The COIN after COIN 10.
COIN 12 - The COIN after COIN 11.
COIN 13 - The COIN right before the pink frog.
COIN 14 - The COIN after the pink frog.
COIN 15 - The COIN after COIN 14.
COIN 16 - The COIN after COIN 15.
COIN 17 - The COIN after COIN 16.
COIN 18 - At the top of the tower.
COIN 19 - At the top of the tower.
COIN 20 - At the top of the tower.
COIN 21 - At the top of the tower.
COIN 22 - At the top of the tower.
COIN 23 - At the top of the tower.
COIN 24 - At the top of the tower.
COIN 25 - At the top of the tower.


COIN 1 - North of you from the start.
COIN 2 - West of COIN 1.
COIN 3 - South of COIN 2.
COIN 4 - East of COIN 3.
COIN 5 - East from COIN 1.
COIN 6 - East of COIN 4.


COIN 7 - Northwest of where you get off the slide.
COIN 8 - West of COIN 7.


COIN 9 - North of where you come off the slide.
COIN 10 - East of the yellow frog.
COIN 11 - West of the yellow frog.


COIN 12 - On the conveyor belt in front of you.
COIN 13 - Next to COIN 12.
COIN 14 - On the third conveyor belt towards the east.
COIN 15 - On the fourth conveyor belt towards the west.
COIN 16 - On the eighth conveyor belt.


COIN 17 - On the second conveyor belt towards the east.
COIN 18 - On the third conveyor belt towards the west.


COIN 19 - On your way up the spiral tower.
COIN 20 - On your way up the spiral tower.
COIN 21 - On your way up the spiral tower.
COIN 22 - On your way up the spiral tower.
COIN 23 - On your way up the spiral tower.
COIN 24 - On your way up the spiral tower.
COIN 25 - On your way up the spiral tower.


COIN 1 - The first COIN on the path in front of you.
COIN 2 - Northwest of COIN 1.
COIN 3 - In the river with cofins towards the north.
COIN 4 - In the river with cofins towards the south.
COIN 5 - East of COIN 4.
COIN 6 - Southwest of the green frog.
COIN 7 - North of COIN 6.
COIN 8 - South of COIN 6.
COIN 9 - West of COIN 8.
COIN 10 - East of the yellow frog.
COIN 11 - East of the yellow frog.
COIN 12 - South of COIN 10.
COIN 13 - South of COIN 11.
COIN 14 - North of the yellow frog.
COIN 15 - Northwest of the blue frog.
COIN 16 - Southwest of the blue frog.
COIN 17 - Near COIN 16.
COIN 18 - Near COIN 17.
COIN 19 - South of the pink frog.
COIN 20 - West of the pink frog.
COIN 21 - In front of the second 'chopping guy'.
COIN 22 - On top of the first place where the birds come out of.
COIN 23 - West of where the third place of birds come out of.
COIN 24 - East of the last frog.
COIN 25 - West of the last frog.


COIN 1 - Southeast of the green frog.
COIN 2 - Southwest of the green frog.
COIN 3 - West of the green frog.
COIN 4 - Northwest of COIN 3.
COIN 5 - North of COIN 4.
COIN 6 - Behind the stairs with the pumkins falling.
COIN 7 - Southwest of the yellow frog.
COIN 8 - Near COIN 7.
COIN 9 - The first COIN you encounter after going on the path
after getting the yellow frog.
COIN 10 - Northeast of COIN 9.
COIN 11 - West of COIN 10.
COIN 12 - On the chair in the room where you get the pink frog.
COIN 13 - On the bed in the room where you get the pink frog.
COIN 14 - On the spiral staircase north of the blue frog.
COIN 15 - On the spiral staircase north of the blue frog.
COIN 16 - On the spiral staircase north of the blue frog.
COIN 17 - On the spiral staircase north of the blue frog.
COIN 18 - On the spiral staircase north of the blue frog.
COIN 19 - North of COIN 18.
COIN 20 - East of COIN 19.
COIN 21 - East of COIN 20.
COIN 22 - When you get to the top floor, it's to the west.
COIN 23 - South of the last frog.
COIN 24 - Near COIN 23.
COIN 25 - Near COIN 23.

7.17 - WINDUP


COIN 1 - The first COIN you see.
COIN 2 - West of COIN 1.
COIN 3 - West of COIN 2.


COIN 4 - East of where you come up to the second floor.
COIN 5 - East of COIN 4.
COIN 6 - East of COIN 5.
COIN 7 - East of COIN 6.
COIN 8 - East of COIN 7.


COIN 9 - The first COIN you see after coming to the third floor.
COIN 10 - West of COIN 9.
COIN 11 - West of COIN 10.


COIN 12 - East of where you come up to the fourth floor.
COIN 13 - East of COIN 12.
COIN 14 - East of COIN 13.
COIN 15 - East of COIN 14.
COIN 16 - East of COIN 15.
COIN 17 - East of COIN 16.
COIN 18 - East of COIN 17.
COIN 19 - East of COIN 18.


COIN 20 - The first COIN you see after coming to the fifth floor.
COIN 21 - East of COIN 20.
COIN 22 - East of COIN 20.


COIN 23 - The first COIN you see after getting to the sixth fllor.
COIN 24 - West of the red switch.
COIN 25 - East of the red switch.


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
========== =========== ==========


First you have to make yourway across the lanes with the cars. They
move pretty slow..for now. When you get to the pink strip of road,
jump on the turtles. Don't jump on the ones that appear to go under
the water. Make your way across to get your first frog. Now the
cars go a bit faster. Repeat to get the next frog. The cars go the
same speed as they did, but now there's more. Make your way across
and make sure you don't get hit. Get the next frog. Now the cars
move really fast. Then there's going to be a snake oving across the
pink strip of road. Get the next frog. Now there's a lot of cars!
They move pretty fast too. It's hard to get past them unscathed. It
may be hard to get across the river since you will MOST LIKELY have
a frog on one of the ends. If you don't then it's easy. Get the
last frog and you win.


This is an easier version of WAY BACK WHEN. Just goi across and get
a corner frog first. Now some cars will go faster than others. Get
the other corner frog. Now there will be cars that go a lot faster.
Make your way across and get your next frog. Now there will be a
lot more frogs, especially near the frogs. It can be hard to get to
them. See why I said to get the corners first? It'll make the rest
easier. Get your next frog. Once again, the snake will be crossing
the pink strip and cars go faster and a lot more of them are near
the frog. Get thelast frog.

8.3 - ONE WAY

I like this course. Get the frogs near the top first. Once you get
your first one, traffic will be greater. Get the other frog at the
top. Now snakes will start going down the pink strips. Once again,
get the ones near the top. Now the cars on the very outside are
going extremely fast! And you only got 3 frogs. Get either one on
the left or right. Traffics nearly the same again, but this time
it's VERY hard to get to the next frog. Getting out is even harder.
Just avoid traffic and you'll do fine.


This course is pretty tough. You have to go against traffic at
first, until the end then go up and go left to get to the frogs. I
find it difficult when I just start...imagine it at the end! Get
the first one. Now traffic will be heavier and faster :( Get the
next frog. Traffic will be the same, but it's faster now. Near the
frogs it's even worse. Get the next frog. Traffic's much heavier
near the start. It's almost ridiculous near the last frog. If you
manage to get the last frog, consider yourself lucky. It's hard,
but I got there. After you get the last frog, you win.


This course is actually fun. Unlike the previous ones, the cars
actually have a _fixed_ route. Instead of disappearing and re-
appearing, they just go around in a circle. Make your way across
and get your first one. I think the speed increases once you get
the first one. Get the next frog. NOTE: Go for the ones blocked of
by three cars instead of two. Now the cars go faster, so it'll be
tougher when you get to the frogs. Just time yourself and get the
next frog. The cars go a bit faster now. Get the next frog. Now
there are more cars in each area, so watch yourself. They also go
faster. Get the last frog and you're done.

8.6 - FROG JAM

This is like the first level, but without the cars. When you start
off, the logs go pretty fast. In this level make sure you get the
frogs from right to left, because the turtles at the end go very
fast from right to left. After you get the first frog, there will
be two barriers down the middle. They won't kill you if you touch
them, but the just block your way. Since the logs move so fast, you
can get pushed off instantly. Making you die. Get the next frog.
Now the turtles that previously didn't move, are moving. Very slow-
ly though. Just make your way across. Now there's two more barriers
:( Get your next frog. Now there's two more barriers plus every-
thing moves faster. Now get the next frog. More barriers = very
difficult challenge. This is almost impossible, even when
cheatin...I mean, even when not cheating :P Anyway, call yourself
lucky if you can manage to get the last frog.


This is like ROUND THE BEND except it's more complex. Just make
your way across to get your first frog. Now the cars go a _bit_
faster. It's not that hard to get your next frog. Now cars go
double with each other. This isn't that hard either. After you get
your frog, the cars go _a lot_ faster! Make your way across un-
scathed to get your next frog. This is basically the same as last
time, but there's no resting spot now. Now cars go across the pink
strip. If you ask me, this level is easier than the previous one.


Wow, this is HARD. Here's my strategy. Get in front of the slower
moving cars and wait for the faster ones to pass. Now, go around
the slower ones and get in front of the next slower ones. Repeat
until you get the first frog. Now the cars go a bit faster. Get the
next frog. The cars go the same speed as they just did. Get your
next frog. Now they definately go faster. It may be hard to get the
next frog. Get your next frog. The cars go about the same speed as
they just did. Get your last frog. The was easier than the last


This ones difficult. I would suggest getting the frog in the middle
first and work your way back to the one north of you from where you
start. Yes, you can get on crocodiles, as long as you get on
they're back, not head. Get your first frog (The one in the
middle). Now everything still moves slowly (thank God), but it's
still hard. Get one of the ones to the east of you when you start.
Now everything seems to get shorter instead of faster. Get the last
frog to the east of you. Now everything goes a bit faster. Maybe
even smaller than a bit. Get one of the frogs to the north. Now
everything going to the LEFT goes faster. If you can, get the last
frog :P


The last one, FINALLY. Now, manuveur yourself to the upper right
hand corner frog. Make sure you avoid the yellow frog or it'll be
harder. Get that one first. Now the traffic is moving faster. Now
get one that was closest to the frog you just got. The taffic is
still going the same speed. Get the closest frog to the last one
you got. Now everything goes faster. And now you can get the yellow
frog :) The traffic is heavier now. If you can manage it, get the
last frog so you can finally end the last level!


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
========== =========== ==========

There are three rounds in each Multiplayer section. whomever gets two out
of three first wins! Don't worry if you don't win the first round, be-
cause there's another round coming up! I hope this will help to beating
your friends and completing the courses in the shortest way possible!


OBJECTIVE: The player to rescue the most babies wins! There are
only 5 babies in a level, so you have to act quickly.


TIPS: o You can 'squash' a player by jumping on them. This
helps to make them run over by a car or by letting
you take your time.
o Make sure you don't get squash by another player!
o Since the screen zooms out when players get far apart,
try to stay close so you have a better view of traf-

WAY BACK WHEN: First you have to make yourway across the lanes with the
cars. They move pretty slow..for now. When you get to
the pink strip of road, jump on the turtles. Don't jump
on the ones that appear to go under the water. Make your
way across to get your first frog. Now the cars go a bit
faster. Repeat to get the next frog. The cars go the
same speed as they did, but now there's more. Make your
way across and make sure you don't get hit. Get the next
frog. Now the cars move really fast. Then there's going
to be a snake going across the pink strip of road. Get
the next frog. Now there's a lot of cars! They move
pretty fast too. It's hard to get past them unscathed.
It may be hard to get across the river since you will
MOST LIKELY have a frog on one of the ends. If you don't
then it's easy. Get the last frog and you win.

TOAD ROAD: This is an easier version of WAY BACK WHEN. Just goi a-
cross and get a corner frog first. Now some cars will go
faster than others. Get the other corner frog. Now there
will be cars that go a lot faster. Make your way across
and get your next frog. Now there will be a lot more
frogs, especially near the frogs. It can be hard to get
to them. See why I said to get the corners first? It'll
make the rest easier. Get your next frog. Once again,
the snake will be crossing the pink strip and cars go
faster and a lot more of them are near the frog. Get the
last frog.

GRIDLOCK: This is like ROUND THE BEND except it's more complex.
Just make your way across to get your first frog. Now
the cars go a _bit_ faster. It's not that hard to get
your next frog. Now cars go double with each other. This
isn't that hard either. After you get your frog, the
cars go _a lot_ faster! Make your way across unscathed
to get your next frog. This is basically the same as
last time, but there's no resting spot now. Now cars go
across the pink strip. If you ask me, this level is
easier than the previous one.

9.2 - RACES

OBJECTIVE: Get to the finish line before everyone else. If you die,
fall behind, or get crushed you get a second added to
your final time each time you do so.


TIPS: o You can 'squash' a player to get ahead of them.

o Don't fall behind otherwise you'll get a second added
to your final time.
o Don't ket killed otherwise you will get a second add-
ed to your final time.
o Don't get crushed otherwise you'll get a second added
to your final time.

VALLEY RALLY: From the start, you can either doublejump over the bar-
rier or go around it. Time yourself so you don't get
crushed by the boulders. When there's a onespace gap in
between the S-shaped path, doublejump instead of going
all around it. Time yourself to go across the water. Now
start to double jump until the end.

DOCK DASH: From the start, keep on going straight and keep on
doublejumping over the obstacles. Go over where the
floating platform is. Then there's another one. After
going over both, go up either the right or left side.
Now make yourway across the next part. Now doublejump
and continue. Now doublejump over everything in your
way. Now double jump to get on the platform. Then just
hop a few spaces and your done!

9.3 - SNAKE

OBJECTIVE: All players hop at _ALL_ times. You can't stop. Each
time they move a space, that spaceis filled in with a
block. If your frog or anyone elses frog hits that
square, they will be eliminated from the round. If you
pickup a COIN, your frog will leave a longer trail of
blocks. Once there's one player left, that player wins!
Win two out of three rounds, and you win.


TIPS: o Don't bump into anything otherwise you die.
o You can trap a player bt collecting COINS and cir-
cling them so they can't get out.
o The more COINS you collect, the longer trail you will

'Just read the TIPS because I can't really give you a
walkthrough for SNAKE.'


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
========== =========== ==========
. - - - - - - -' '- - - - - - - - .
| |
+ Level select: +
| Pause game play, then hold X and press Up, Down, Left, Right(3), Down, |
| Left. |
| |
- Level skip: -
| Pause game play, then hold X and press Right, Left, Up(3), Right, |
| Left(2). |
| |
+ Unlimited lives: +
| Pause game play, then hold X and press Down(2), Up, Down, Right, Down, |
| Up(2). |
| |
- All characters unlocked: -
| Pause game play, then hold X and press Left, Right, Left(3), Up, |
| Left(2). |
| |
+ Extras and bonus levels unlocked: +
| Pause game play, then hold X and press Right, Up(2), Down, Right, Down, |
| Right. |
| |
- Temporary invincibility: -
| Pause game play, then hold X and press Left(2), Up, Left, Down, |
| Right(3). |
| |
+ Turn coins into Mad Garibs: +
| Pause game play, then hold X and press Right, Left, Right, Left, Up(2), |
| Left, Right. |
| |
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

. - - - - - - -' '- - - - - - - - .
| |
- The first nine levels in STORY MODE that you complete by collecting all -
| the COINS you unlock games in SUPER RETRO (In Arcade) |
| |
+ WART is available after you have ten levels in which you collected all +
| the COINS. |
| |
- TANK is available after you have collected 25 COINS on a level that you -
| haven't already done so on, after you have gained access to WART. |
| |
+ ROOBIE is available after getting 25 COINS on a level that you didn't +
| already done so on, after getting TANK. |
| |
- SWAMPY is available after unlocking ROOBIE and getting 25 COINS on a -
| level that you haven't done so already on. |
| |
+ MINI FROGS are available after getting 25 COINS on a new level after +
| unlocking SWAMPY. |
| |
- ARTWORK VIEWER is available after getting 25 COINS on a new level after -
| unlocking MINI FROGS. |
| |
+ FEEDING FRENZY is available after getting 25 COINS on every level. +
| |
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
========== =========== ==========

This is _MY_ FAQ. I don't want to see it anywhere else than the following
sites are:

GameFAQs []
Neoseeker []
IGN []

You may NOT plagarize this. If you don't know what that means you should
not even think about stealing any parts of my FAQ to put in yours. I
don't want this published or made profit of. If you violate any rules,
you will face severe punishment.



__________ __________ ___________ ___________
========== =========== ==========

÷ HASBRO INTERACTIVE: For making/producing this game.
÷ CHRIS WASNETSKY: For making this FAQ.
÷ CjayC: For managing the best site on the www!
÷ GameFAQs: For posting this on their site.
÷ Neoseeker: For posting this on their site.
÷ IGN: For posting this on their site.
÷ Gamewinners and Mark Vaughn: For there secrets. Thanks again.


__________ __________ ___________ ___________
========== =========== ==========

If you want to submit anything about THIS game, E-Mail me at:


Anything else E-Mailed to me (Spam, Porn, questions not related to the
game, etc.) will be deleted and you will be blocked from my E-Mail list.



o Best Times
o Spellcheck
o Options
o Anything else I think of :P

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Coins FAQ for Dreamcast

15.Oktober 2013
FAQ for Dreamcast

18.Oktober 2013
Swampy's revenge

15.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
24.Juli 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020