Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare

Alone In The Dark: The New Nightmare

14.10.2013 15:09:35
"This document Copyright 2001-2002 Nathan Norris"
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Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare - PSX Version - Version 1.4
By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) Email:


Last Updated: 8/14/02

-Table of Contents-

1: Revision History
2: E-mail Policy
3: Introduction
4: General Strategies
5: Walkthrough
6: Enemies Section
7: Bosses Section
8: Thanks
9: Copyright


1: Revision History

Version 1.0 11/10/01 - First Edition


Version 1.1 11/26/01 - I added a new copyright notice entitling
the right to host my guides, and I added the cool ASCII art you saw at the
start of this guide.


Version 1.2 12/26/01 - Hope you all had a good Christmas. Anyway, the
purpose of this update is to stamp out an annoying question I am frequently
emailed. It concerns the business of the locked LIBRARY doors and the LARGE
ORNATE KEYS. Read Carnby's walkthrough near entering the LIBRARY for


Version 1.3 12/29/01 - I'm so embarrased, I accidentally put Capcom instead
of Infogames in the Thanks section, glad it's finally corrected. Man I'm
such a moron!


Version 1.4 8/14/02 - I have a small copyright revision today and a new
email address. may now host my guides, and my new email
address is


2: E-mail Policy

I have recieved a lot of stupid e-mail in the past, but now it is starting
to get ridiculous so I am going to start enforcing what kinds of messages
will and will not get answered.

Please DO:

- read the whole document before sending a question. If you have time to
waste your life away on video games, then you have enough time to scan my
document for a few minutes for an answer to a problem.

- put the name of the game in the message topic. It makes it A LOT easier
for me to pick out which messages are on games and which are not. Also if
the name is not there, I might accidentally delete it, thinking it is junk

- spell correctly. I won't be able to help much with your problem if you
send me something like "Hy mn cn u hlp me wth ths 1 prblm, I cnt bt ths 1
lvl ok thnks gby."

- send a message in English. I can barely read Spanish, let alone translate
Japanese. You wouldn't believe how many messages I have recieved in some
foreign languages that I don't even know which continent they are from.

- be polite. Any mail with excessive flaming will be instantly deleted.

Please DO NOT:

- write the title of the message as "About your walkthrough" or something
similar to that.

- flame. I hate flaming. Especially messages with the f-word or the
s-word. These will be instantly deleted.

- send advertisements. These will be considered junk mail and will be
deleted instantly.

- ask me something that is already answered in the walkthrough or the
manual. C'mon, would you rather spend a few minutes skimming my guide, or
would you rather spend a few hours, days, or even weeks waiting for me to
get back to you?

- forget to include the name of the game in the message or on the title. I
am not a psychic. I cannot tell what game you are after if you do not
include the name in it.

- send me a message in any language other than English. The only other
language I can barely understand at all is Spanish, and even then, I can
hardly form simple sentences. So don't send the message in any language
besides English or I simply won't be able to help you.


3: Introduction

I'm back for more survival horror guide-writing. After doing guides for
every Resident Evil game released so far, plus Dino Crisis 2, I am going to
write another survival horror guide for this game. Alone in the Dark: The
New Nightmare is VERY similar to Resident Evil in gameplay, but the story is
much more enticing and the acting is a whole lot better.

Edward Carnby and Aline Cedrac are going to Shadow Island together, each for
their own reasons. Carnby is going to investigate the death of a friend of
his, Charles Fiske. He was killed on this island. Aline, meanwhile, is
coming to translate some Indian tablets that were found on the island.

They take a sea plane there on October 31, 2001, but an unseen creature
attacks the plane and the pilot is killed from an explosion in the cockpit.
Carnby finds some parachutes and yells at Aline to jump while he shoots
through the roof at the creature. She leaps out, followed shortly by

Aline lands on top of Morton Manor, where she nearly slips off the roof
after she is free from the chute. Carnby lands in a tree, and gets a nasty
fall as he tumbles to the ground. Now it is up to you who to guide through
this adventure. What will happen to our two characters this Halloween
night? You will be the one to determine the answer...


4: General Strategies

After the opening FMV, you must decide who to play as. Carnby begins with a
gun, but he will find fewer FIRST AID KITS at the start of the adventure.
His game is has a lot of action.

Aline on the other hand, only has her FLASH LIGHT to defend herself with at
the start of the game, and has been injured into CAUTION at the start of the
game (but this will be fixed shortly after starting, so dont worry). She
has more complex puzzles to solve than Carnby. Her adventure is less about
action and more about thinking.

I would recommend that beginners play as Carnby first, as his game is much
simpler. You'll also be able to get a feel of the environment, which will
come in handy as Aline will have to run back and forth all over it solving

To save, you must find a CHARM OF SAVING. These can only be used once and
are quite scarce, so make sure you really need to save before using one.

As this is an action game, you have a health meter. And like most other
games that have a health meter, once the meter's empty, you're dead. You
can check your health inside the inventory screen or when you have a weapon
equipped. Your health will be OK(blue) at first, but then it will go to
FINE(green), then to CAUTION(orange), and last to DANGER(red). If you are
in DANGER, the next blow will likely kill you, so be sure to heal as soon as
you can!

In order to heal yourself, you'll need to find FIRST AID KITS. It takes two
of them to heal you completely from DANGER. They are quite rare, so use
them wisely.

Both of your characters will have a FLASH LIGHT after starting the
adventure. Your FLASH LIGHT is VERY important in getting out of this
nightmare. You will need it to see in areas where there is no light, plus
there are certain puzzles in the game that must be solved with the FLASH
LIGHT. Other useful features it performs are scaring away certain monster
and pointing out important items by giving them a blue sparkle when you
shine the FLASH LIGHT over them.

There are also light switches in some rooms. They will sparkle like items
when the FLASH LIGHT is shone on them. If you turn on the lightswitch, some
enemies are killed outright, and it can perform important roles in solving
puzzles. Beware, sometimes enemies also have the ability to shut off the
lights on you as well.

Don't leave the lights on all the time, as occasionally you'll find a clue
by turning the lights off. Try it out if you are stuck.

Like in Resident Evil, you are less mobile when you aim your gun. But
unlike Resident Evil, when you had to stop COMPLETELY to shoot, you can now
walk while you shoot, but very slowly.

You'll also get an ammo meter in the game, telling you how many bullets you
have left in the current clip. When you run out of bullets, your character
will automatically reload, but the animation leaves them open to attack, as
you can't move during that time. It's real frustrating to see dogs rushing
at Carnby while he's digging for more rounds to put in the gun. You should
only reload automatically if you are for certain all monsters are dead or
far away.

ALWAYS reload on the inventory screen. Enemies will not be able to attack
you while you are on this screen. Everytime you are using the inventory
screen, take the opportuninty to reload your gun so you always have a fresh

Until you learn your way around Shadow Island, this will be your best
friend. Use L2 to open it. Only corridors you have explored will be on the
map. Doors that can be opened are marked as green lines, orange lines means
the door is locked, but it can be opened as you have the right key, and red
doors mean the door cannot be opened yet or at all.

If you check a door and you get the message "The door is sealed up," then
don't bother looking for a key to unlock it, as this door is inaccessible
for the entire game. Some doors that are sealed up in one character's game
will be unlocked in the other character's game.

One important thing to point out: in this game, the first floor is referred
to as "GRD FLOOR," while the second floor is referred to as "1ST FLOOR," and
so on. Hopefully you'll read this and won't whine to me about keys not
working on any of the doors on the first floor when they really need to go
to the second floor.

You will find many items over the course of the game, most of which are
needed to unlock new areas. Examine items carefully in the inventory screen
as they provide many clues, like maybe a photograph.

Be sure to examine every key you find, as most keys will have a place name
engraved on them. For example one key has "B CELLAR" engraved on it, which
means you need to use it on a door in the cellar.

Each character has one of these, which can be used to contact the other
character at certain times in the game. If the other character picks up,
you'll get to hear a conversation which may provide clues as to what to do

You'll find many documents during your travels. They are there to provide
clues for you as to what to do next. Beginners will find them very useful
so I am telling you where they are in the game.

What do we need? Our Handy-Dandy...NOTEBOOK! (ding!) In this, you write
down Blue's Clues...err...sumarizations of events that have happened during
the game. This NOTEBOOK can be helpful in seeing clues from conversations
you have had, in case you missed the hint while your character was

Like most survival horror games, this one has preset camera angles, which
can lead to confusion when I say "go thru the right door" or "take the items
on the left." So, from now on, when I say go right or left, I mean it from
your characters perspective.


5: Walkthrough

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| ___| | _ | | _ / | | | | - THE WOODS AND GARDENS
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After the opening FMV, you are the dark! Begin by reading
FISKE'S NOTEBOOK, as it will give you a background to this mission. You can
also examine the MAP OF SHADOW ISLAND if you want to. When you are done
reading the documents, walk forward onto the main path and turn right. You
will come to a gate. It has a comibation lock on it, so you won't be able
to open it right now. Go back down the path again and past the area where
you landed after parachuting.

Aline will contact you by radio, saying she's extremely scared and wants out
of here. Carnby gets her to calm down enough to tell him that she is on the
roof on a manor. Aline then asks Carnby to turn on his FLASH LIGHT so she
can see where he is. After doing that, Aline turns on her FLASH LIGHT so
you can see her. Carnby says he'll get over to the manor as fast as he can
to meet her.

You will now have control again over Carnby. Walk through the spooky woods
and you'll arrive at an open gate. Walk through it and Carnby will see a
blood trail on the ground, leading up the steps into a small stone building
nearby...naturally you ought to see where this trail will end, so go inside
the little stone hut.


As you enter, Carnby sees a guy on the floor, with his arm missing. He's
still alive and has a gun. He says that Carnby ought to forget about him,
as he's believes he's going to die anyway, and raves about beasts and
monsters. Carnby tries to get him to change his mind, but to no avail. So,
he leaves him some extra ammo. I love the creepy way he says "Run..." after
he's done talking. Walk out the door afterwards.


Continue on your way down the trail. Suddenly, you see and hear two
gunshots being fired inside the hut you just left! Quickly run back inside
the house.


Oh man...that guy...just vanished! Turn on your FLASH LIGHT and shine it
around the area where the was lying down and you'll see a sparkle. Take the
SMALL BRONZE KEY and exit the house again.


Do what you were originally planning to do and go to the end of the trail.
Use the SMALL BRONZE KEY to unlock the gate. Take the gate as there is
nowhere else to go anyway.


You can see a box of MAGNESIUM BULLETS on the rail in front of you, but
before you can get to them, an FMV occurs. You see a POV shot of something
attacking one of the guard dogs. After the dog is mutilated, you'll see the
monster. It looks like a strange, oversized bug. It goes up the stairs.

When the FMV is over, take the MAGNESIUM BULLETS and walk down the pathway.
You will arrive in a square-shaped area that has two large portals,
including the one you used to come into this area. Unlock the gate to your
left and go down this path. You will see a box of MAGNESIUM BULLETS on the
stones, but again before you can reach them, another FMV interrups.

The dogs break loose from the chains, but fortunately they run right past
you instead of attacking. Take the MAGNESIUM BULLETS, then investigate the
area where the dogs came from. You will find a FIRST AID KIT on top of a
broken fountain here. Turn around and return to the area with the large
portals. Go left and you will see the stairs the bug ran up, along with the
mutilated dog... Go up the stairs after the beast.


Prepare to have your first taste of combat here. Turn left and a dog will
come from the left. Continue down the path, and remember to zig-zag to
evade attacks. You'll go under a covering of sorts, and as you are about to
go around the second corner, another dog attacks. Ignore this dog as well
and you will come to a set of stairs. Like three hundred dogs will be all
over you now, so get up the stairs as they won't be able to follow you


Go down the path, and when you come to a fork, take the stairs to the right.
You will see the gate, and it leads into the front yard of Morton Manor.
But, its locked, so you'll need to find another way inside. As you
regretfully walk down the stairs, Aline contacts you, yelling about monsters
and shadows like the guy back at the GUARD HOUSE did. Carnby asks Aline
what she is talking about, but she hangs up. You now see several gunshots
being fired inside the house.

After going down the stairs, turn right and you'll see a bug eating a dead
dog. Then, it vanishes. When you get near the dog, the bug reappears from
a magical portal and attacks. Get down the stairs and out the gate at the
end of the pathway. Do it fast enough and the bug won't even get the chance
to attack.


Turn left after entering and at the end of the short path, you'll come to a
valve. Turn the valve and the water inside the resevoir will be drained,
giving you access to a path that was previously underwater. Go back the way
you came and go down the stairs. Before you can do that, another bug leaps
out of a portal. If you go down the stairs, it will become confused and
won't be able to follow very well. Take the door at the bottom.


This is real boring. Go down the long hall in front of you and around the
corner. Notice how you can see a second set of ripples behind you... Go
into the middle of the big room after the corner, arm your CUSTOM HANDGUN,
and start spinning around in circles while aiming. It may sound totally
ridiculous, but if you do this it will be very easy to hit the crocodile who
pops up in the area. He always appears right behind you, so you'll already
be rotating to hit him if you do this.

Don't try to exit the area before you kill the crocodile, or you'll be
attacked and dragged to the center of the room again.

After winning the battle, climb up the ladder through the other door in this
room. Jump up out of the waterway, and take the CHARM OF SAVING. Go out
through the gate nearby.


This place is a treasure trove of items, take the PHOSPHORUS CARTRIDGES and
the MAGNESIUM BULLETS from the crates to the left, then look near the
cabinet for a SHOTGUN and a FIRST AID KIT. As you walk further into the
room, you'll see a casket. Examine it and you will be asked if you want to
open it. Well, why not? You'll get a quick scare and then you'll find the
B CELLAR GILDED KEY. Use it to unlock the gate near the casket, then take
that door.

Don't bother searching the area to the left; there are no items there and
all the doors are locked as well.


Walk down the short hall and take the door in front of you.

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| ___| | _ | | _ / | | / / - THE MORTON MANOR
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You'll discover that the door you took is really a secret passage hidden
behind a mirror. Aline will radio you before you get a chance to look
around. She says she met Obed Morton, and he dragged her into a room
somewhere. One door is locked and the other one has something blocking it.
Carnby says he will go look for her. Before you can begin searching, POOF!
The lights go out. A bug then teleports in and runs for you. Shoot it
several times, then go to the green statue that you should be close to.

If you examine it, you'll see a mechanism on the base of the statue, but you
don't have the code for it. Stand on the left side of it and press X to
push it in front of the mirror. You will see the letters "HM" carved on the
back-side of the statue. Input these letters into the mechanism to "unlock"
a painting upstairs.

Next, go to the front of the room where the lantern is and turn on the
lights again. Take the CHARM OF SAVING from the desk. Nearby you is the
front door. It's the only way out of this house, and as you would expect,
the door is locked. We'll be running all over this manor before we are
allowed to leave! Turn right and Aline will radio again, saying she can
hear your footsteps. Carnby sees that a dresser is blocking the door. Push
away the dresser by standing on the right side and pressing X.

Before going through the door, check the painting you unlocked, and you'll
get the SMALL RUSTY KEY. This will trigger the appearance of a bug. Kill
it and then take the door you revealed.


Carnby and Aline at last meet up with each other again. Carnby apologizes
for bringing her into this. Aline says that she has personal reasons for
coming to this island. She says she heard a voice in the room overhead, and
that there is a trap door she can use to get inside. After a little debate,
Carnby agrees to lift her up to the door.

You are alone again. Search the desk near the big mirror and you will find
an ACROBAT STATUE and a DICTAPHONE. You'll hear someone say an Indian
chant, and then somebody will give verbal notes on a ritual that somebody
named Edenshaw performed for him. This won't make much sense until later in
the game, so don't worry about it for now.

Look at the night stand next to the bed to find ALAN MORTONS'S DIARY. Alan
talks about "experiments" and "raw materials," and I have a pretty good
feeling of what those "raw materials" are... Exit out the door you used to
get into the room.

(BTW, if you want to, you can find a secret passage behind the mirror.
Simply walk up to it and open it like a door. After walking down some long
passageways, you'll come to a boarded-up door with a CHARM OF SAVING in
front of it. If you look through the spy-hole in the door, you'll get to
see a room you won't be able to visit for a long time. This is all
completely unnecessary for Carnby unless you need a CHARM OF SAVING.)


Go downstairs and take the double doors that are unlocked.


Here you will run into Edenshaw, the Indian mentioned on the tape in the
DICTAPHONE. He says he knows why you are here and that he has been
expecting you. Carnby interrogates him about Charles Fiske, but Edenshaw
says he has never heard of anyone by that name. He says nobody from the
mainland has visited Shadow Island for months. Then he gives you a CHARM OF
SAVING and advises that you should visit the library. Edenshaw suddenly
disappears, leaving you alone again.

Go in the direction Edenshaw went when he walked away, and turn on the
lights as you pass by the switch. Take the door in the alcove on the right.


You'll meet the zombies for the first time here. They are painfully slow,
so you can easily slide around them. Take the first door you see on the
right wall.


There are many files around here. Expect to be here awhile reading up on
the documents you find. Turn on the lights, then walk forwards. Take the
CROWBAR from the crates, then walk around the desk. Take RICHARD MORTON'S
WILL AND TESTAMENT from the desk and read it. It's dated April 12th, 1905,
so this is a pretty old paper. Richard talks of his "mission" and tells his
son Archibald and his descendants to finish it, with a man called De Certo's

He also talks about the library he built, how he has "ten centuries of human
knowledge" in it. He says that all of the books in the library are
worthless because they do not talk about the World of Darkness. But, he
says he has discovered four books that are worth saving, as they have a
special symbol on them representing the Worlds of Darkness and Light. And
he says he placed them at opposite ends of the library...blah...blah...blah.
Don't worry about the complicated directions, you will only need to do
what I say and everything will be okay.

Next, look on the stand next to the wall for OBED MORTON'S NOTES. This file
seems to be nothing but a jumble of things that are not connected at all.
Eventually towards the middle, Obed finally begins to make sense and says he
is totally amazed by the language of an Indial tribe called the Aknabis, and
that he is terrified by the translations on the tablets he has found. He is
wondering what in the world Alan and him are working on. BTW, notice how he
says "I pity those fools," in the book, and then look at the statue on his
desk. He seems to be obsessed with Mr. T as well as Indians.

Next, search on the shelves near the small table. Find the BOOK ON THE
ABKANIS INDIANS. You don't need to read it if you don't want to. This book
really only provides background information on the Indians Obed loved to
study so much.

As you proceed farther into the room, you'll see a FLASK on another table.
Take it, then turn around and go forward towards where you haven't explored
yet. Two bugs will warp in, but for a bizarre reason, if you dart past them
and go past the big cabinet, they'll just vanish and won't attack.

After you get over that shock, run back to where the cabinet was. If you
search inside it, you'll find a FIRST AID KIT. Near the painting on the
wall is yet another file. Its the TEXT FROM THE MAGAZINE SCIENCE. This is
another unimportant document that you should only read if you are bored.

Go back to the area that has the door you used to enter the room. Turn on
the lights again, then examine the bowl nearby. Fill your FLASK with the
water, then exit the room by using the door near the large cabinet.

(BTW, did you notice the picture near the cabinet? It changes completely
when you turn off the lights! It's only there to freak you out. Don't
worry about it.)


Take the double doors on the ground floor.


Turn left and go to the end of the hall where a small cabinet is. Take the
PHOSPHORUS CARTRIGES, then take the door to the left of the red-carpeted


Immediately after entering, sprint down the corridor. When you round the
bend, you can see a zombie getting up from a meal. Blow past him while he's
standing up and he won't be able to bite you. As you go around the corner,
another zombie is rising up from its crouch. Sprint past him as well. Run
all the way to the end of the passage. If you poke around in the junk at
the end of the hall, you'll find PHOSPHORUS CARTRIGES, and a FIRST AID KIT
on a stand nearby.

Run back down the hall, past the zombies if possible. The corridor is wide
enough to do it. Take the door you passed on the way to the end of the


Be careful in this room; there are a lot of spiders on the ceiling that will
drop down on your head and sap your strengh. Take the PHOSPHORUS CARTRIGES
and the MAGNESIUM BULLETS from the table in the middle of the room, then go
past the display cabinet to find the PHOTOGRAPH and the WOLF MASK.

Look at the PHOTOGRAPH, and it will show you a picture of a display case.
Next, examine the display case in this room, and you'll see its the same
case in the PHOTOGRAPH. Only...something's missing... That's right! There
is a FLASK in the PHOTOGRAPH, but not one in the case! Place the FLASK
inside the case and you'll unlock a portarit in the MAIN HALL. Leave the


Turn right and exit out the door over there.


Turn right and take the door past the staircase.


Go all the way to the top of the stairs and turn on the lights, then exit
out the door nearby.


Turn on the lights, then take the GRENADE LAUNCHER off the crate in front of
you. DO NOT use this gun until I tell you to, as the only ammunition for it
is the five grenades already loaded in it.

Walk down the hall, and Aline will radio you, saying there is a trapdoor
ahead of you, and it makes a hollow sound when you walk on it. Aline also
says she has met with Edenshaw, and that she says he can stop all this
madness from continuing...if they do him a favor of course. She says you
need to find seven mystical statues that represent animals, then hangs up.

Go to the door just ahead of you and unlock it with the SMALL RUSTY KEY.


Here you meet with the most annoying creatures in the game, the plants.
They are extremely resilient to your firepower, so don't try to kill them.
Take the PHOSPHORUS SHELLS on the right, then go to the other door in this
room, whilst herding aside any plants that get in your way with the

I can already hear some of you yelling at me: "YOU DIDN'T PICK UP THE
LIGHTER! YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO..." Relax, okay? Despite what the other
guides tell you, you don't need the LIGHTER to open up the secret passageway
a few rooms away from here.


There is nothing here, as the lanterns are scaring away the plants. Take
the door at the other end of the hall.


Go left, and you will come to a spot in the floor where the wood is a
different color, plus it makes a hollow sound. Its in the place where the
passageway gets narrow, so you will have to have walked right over it. This
is the trapdoor Aline was telling you about. Use the CROWBAR to tear it
open, then take the SMALL KEY and the 2ND FLR EAST GILDED KEY. Walk forward
and go to the door at the far end of the corridor.


When you walk forward a little, you'll get a scene of about two hundred
spiders crawling about the room. After its over, take the PHOSPHORUS
CARTRIGES and the MAGNESIUM BULLETS from the junk in the middle of the room,
then run to the end of the passage to collide with a wall. Use the CROWBAR
to tear open a gap, then move through the gap.


Run until you come to a fork, then turn left and hit the lightswitch near
the door you see. This will kill off the plants that are tormenting you.
Go back and take the other fork. You'll find a FIRST AID KIT and another
door. You don't have to go into that door.

It only leads TO LUCY'S BEDROOM, where old lady Lucy will shout and rave at
you before sending you away. She serves no purpose in Carnby's game, and
she doesn't even have any items for you to take, except for the same issue
of Science Magazine you already found in OBED'S OFFICE.

Unlock the door near the light switch with the 2ND FLR EAST GILDED KEY and
take it.


Walk down the stairs until you come to a landing, then take the door there.


Carnby will radio Aline upon entry. Aline says she found out that Alan has
been playing with his chemistry set on creatures of darkness. Carnby says
he must be stopped, and Aline says there's nothing she could do to help.
Carnby tells her to cheer up, then cuts the transmission. As you try to
take the door to the left, a bug pops up out of nowhere and attacks. Kill
it then take the door.


Turn on the lights and go up the small set of stairs. Read ALAN'S JOURNAL.
He describes his *wonderful* hobby of creating monsters, including the
experiment he performed on his father. Even though we've never met him, he
*really* creeps me out.

Use the SMALL KEY to unlock the desk drawer and you will find a
LARGE ORNATE KEY, and HALF OF A PHOTOGRAPH. Exit the room, as there are no
more useful items for you here.


Go left and walk down the hall. When you come to the fork, walk right.
Unlock the double doors you come to, but don't enter them. Continue down
the hall and you'll find the light switch. Turn on the lights, then take
the door to the left of it. Did I mention that the whole time while you are
doing this you'll be constantly ambushed by bugs?


Go past the skylight, and you will see a bed. Take the CHARM OF SAVING from
the dresser on the right, then walk past the bed. Before you can do that
however, some vines spring out and block off access to the back of the room.
Fortunately, there's an oil lamp over the bed, so shoot it and it will
kill off the vines, allowing you to take the ROCKET LAUNCHER and three boxes
of PHOSPHORUS CARTRIDGES. Exit the room through the door you used earlier.


Go right and take the double doors.


Check the second portarit from the left to find the GRD F EAST GILDED KEY.
Go downstairs and take the double doors there.


Turn right and take the door at the very end of the corridor.


Kill off the zombies, and use the GRD F EAST GILDED KEY to unlock the door
at the end of the hall.


Kill the bug, then search the stand near the couches in the middle of the
room to find the GRD F WEST GILDED KEY. Next, examine the owl statue. Turn
off the lights, and the owl statue suddenly becomes a wolf statue! Use the
WOLF MASK on the statue and you'll get the STEEL KEY. Take the door you
used to get in.


Take the door at the far end of the hall. Watch out for the zombies.


Use the double doors at the midway point of the hall.


Go upstairs and take the double doors.


Turn right and at the fork, go straight. Follow the winding hall to its end
where there is a door. Use the STEEL KEY to unlock this door.


Flip on the light switch next to you quickly so the plant won't get a chance
to attack. Check the desk to find the other HALF OF A PHOTOGRAPH.

You'll also find a HAND-WRITTEN LETTER addressed to Richard Morton. It was
written by Judas De Certo. He claims to be able to give Ricard the power to
master the creatures of darkness he fears. All he requires is a
hand-written note signed with his blood.

After you are done reading, combine the HALF OF A PHOTOGRAPH with the other
you much good for now, so explore the rest of the bedroom. Search the
alcove in the back of the room to find a CHARM OF SAVING, a second LARGE

Go to the nightstand next to the bed to find OBED'S DIARY. He talks about
his Grandpa Jeremy, Edenshaw, what he was going to do with his career in
life, much more like a normal person's journal than Alan's, that's for sure.
But, at the end, Obed writes a note about his brother doing something
terrible to their father, and that they will go straight to the underworld
for Alan's wrongdoing. Leave the room.


Zombies have invaded the corridor. Go down the hall and at the fork go
straight. Run all the way to the end of the passageway where there is a
camerashot of two doors. Unlock the one on the left with the 1ST F WEST


Go downstairs. Turn right and you'll come to a set of double doors you've
passed by several times before but haven't been able to unlock. Use one of
your LARGE ORNATE KEYS to unlock it. In case you missed one of the keys,
you can find one in ALAN'S OFFICE, and the other in OBED'S BEDROOM.

NOTE: Okay people, listen up. I have received many irritating emails
concerning getting into the LIBRARY. You say your LARGE ORNATE KEY doesn't
work, so now I am gonna stamp out this question once and for all. The
reason your key isn't working is because there are actually TWO entrances
into the LIBRARY. The LARGE ORNATE KEY you have doesn't work because it's
supposed to go with the other door. Here is a rough diagram showing where
the two entrances are:

# #
| #
| | #
| # #
doors into library #---############
| # \ <---to RED CARPET HALL
\-------> | ########
| ####
# #
# #
# #
| - door

# - wall

Sorry about this ASCII map's roughness. If your LARGE ORNATE KEY does not
work on the door in the BLOODY CORRIDOR, then go upstairs to the BROWN
CORRIDOR and go down the GREEN STAIRWELL to find the LIBRARY ENTRANCE room,
where the other door is. The single door separating the two entrance rooms
should be locked.

If it's the other way around with the LIBRARY ENTRANCE door, then come to


At long last we have gotten into this library that Edenshaw told us about.
Its incredible in here, certainly beats out any library I've visited in my
life. It's one huge hexagon three stories high, every wall lined with
shelves filled to the brim with books. Richard Morton certainly wasn't
kidding when he said it was his life's work. You are going to be working in
this room for quite awhile, so lets get started!

Turn on the lights, and while you are at it, use your other LARGE ORNATE KEY
to unlock the second set of double doors, but don't take them. Walk forward
and you will find a desk. Search it and you will find JEREMY'S DIARY. He
talks about his research on making weapons designed to kill creatures of
darkness. After Alan and Obed were born, he got afraid that Alan was going
down a path that would have dire consequences. After Jeremy got too old and
feeble to oppose Alan, he revealed his plans to fuse together light and
darkness and use his creatures to take over the world. He said the day Alan
told him his plans, he prayed for the first time in his life.

After you are done reading that, check the podium to the right to find the
MORTON FAMILY'S BIOGRAPHY, the longest document in the game. It's got 49
freakin' pages! Despite this overwhelming amount of information on the
Morton family, the only page that will be truly important to your quest is
the last one. It details the Morton family tree for about the last century
and a half. Be sure to remember the birth dates of each of the Mortons
listed on the left. You will need those dates later.

After you have read the highly-detailed and well-written biography IMO, go
to the second floor of the library. At the top of the first set of stairs,
you'll find ROCKETS for your ROCKET LAUNCHER. Continue down the walkway.
You'll see a panel on the railing right before you get to the stairs leading
to the third floor. Check the REASSEMBLED PHOTOGRAPH. Rotate it so you are
facing the back of the photograph, and you'll see a math problem: 1408 +
2518. Hopefully they taught you arithmetic in school. Add the numbers
together and you'll get 3926. Input 3926 so the panel reads:

3 9
2 6

A secret door will open behind you. Take the door.


Throw the light switch to your immediate left, then take the TELESCOPE from
the chest nearby. Go further into the room. When you see a pyramid of
Indian statues, use that ACROBAT STATUE you've probably have had forever

A secret panel will open, showing you the first of the seven statues you and
Aline are looking for, the ABKANIS STATUE OF ANTICOALT. There is also a
control panel here, but you don't have the code, so don't mess with it.
Search the bookcase to the left to find JEREMY'S RIDDLE. It's written in
mirror writing, so I will translate it for you:

"The key to the portarits is the dates those they were born on."

Keep this statement in mind for later. Leave the room.


Go up to the third floor. As you pass by a window, a gargoyle will fly
through the window, but don't worry, it's nothing but an illusion. Climb
out the window the beast appeared from.


Go along the narrow path to where a tower is. Climb inside it.


Take the CHARM OF SAVING on the left, then place the TELESCOPE on the tripod
in the window. Look through the TELESCOPE and you'll see Shadow Island's
fort. Zoom in on the top of the large tower on the right side of the fort.
You will see a window that has the number 1692 chiseled in above it.

Zoom out and you'll get a scene showing Obed Morton trapped in a cell on the
lower part of the fort. Aline radios Carnby and Carnby tells Aline that he
found Obed. Aline finally confesses why she is really on this island. She
thinks that Obed may be her father, as the dates coincide, and she was shown
a photograph.

Carnby is disappointed with her, and she also says she came for the tablets.
Carnby responds to that with "Tablets my....FOOT!" Ooooh, brave enough to
face down a whole island full of supernatual creatures, but not brave enough
to say the A-word? Leave the tower.


Reenter the library.


I would recommend you save your game now. Bring out RICHARD MORTON'S WILL
AND TESTAMENT. Look at the diagram on the last page. This is a small
sketch of the library, showing the locations of four special books. The
goal of this difficult puzzle is to find and press each book in the order
shown in the diagram. The first book to find is on the third floor at the
very end of the walkway.

Go there and rapidly tap X until you find the special book. The next book
to find is on the ground floor to the left of the entrance. Press the book.
The third book is at the foot of the stairs going to the second floor.
Press it. Now there is only one book left to find, and its on the third

Unfortunately, after you get to the top of the first set of stairs, a
gargoyle like the one you saw upstairs will crash through the skylight and
attack. This boss is extremely annoying as it seems like when you try to
shoot at it your bullets magically pass through the monster. It also has
this really irritating electric shock attack that's almost impossible to

The way to kill it is to equip your REVOLVER, fire one shot at it when it
stops moving and pauses in front of you. You will notice that its wings
will fold up and then curl out when you do this. When you see it curl up
its wings, equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER (or ROCKET LAUNCHER), make sure
Carnby is aiming at the creature, and fire a shot at it. The gargoyle will
be knocked across the room with blood all over. Wait for it to come back
and repeat the "warning-shot, grenade shot" combo. Do this a few times and
you'll defeat the monster.

After you kill off the monster, continue your search for the final book.
This one is tougher to find than the rest becasue this time there are no
landmarks nearby for reference. The best I can say is to look for a camera
angle showing the strange statue on the ground floor. The final book is in
the corner of the library directly above it. After you press the final
book, a portarit in the MAIN HALL is unlocked. You're almost done in the
library, all you have to do is solve one more puzzle.

Fortunately, the mechanism to unlock it is nearby. Remember the secret room
we unlocked on the second floor in here? Go there now.


Check the secret panel you unlocked in here. Remember the number you read
that was carved in the fort, 1692? Well, here is the place to put it to
use. Throw the switches marked 1, 6, 9, and 2 and the final portarit will
be unlocked in the MAIN HALL. We're almost ready to get out of this house.
All that's left to do is check those portarits you unlocked and solve one
more little puzzle. Leave the room.


Go to the ground floor, and leave through the set of double doors on the


Take the double doors at the midway point of the hall.


Kill the bug downstairs then go upstairs. If you don't do exactly as I say
right here you will become the victim of a horrible bug that WILL FORCE YOU
TO RESTART YOUR GAME! Open the third portarit from the left FIRST. Its the
one of the guy holding the telescope. You will find the ENGRAVED METTALIC
PLATE. Next, activate the first portarit from the left. Inside, you'll
find the SMALL BRONZE KEY and, oh baby! You are now the proud owner of a

You have now gotten everything out of the portarits and are almost ready to
leave the manor. There is only one more puzzle you must do. Note that the
nameplates on the bottom of the portarits have become numbered dials.
Remember what JEREMY'S RIDDLE said? It said, "The key to the portarits is
the dates those they were born on." Take out the MORTON FAMILY'S BIOGRAPHY
and flip to the last page where the family tree is.

What you have to do is input the year they were born on. We'll start on the
left and work our way to the right. The first portarit we are looking at is
of Ricard Morton. He was born in 1852. Proceeding to the next portarit, we
have Archibald Morton. He was born in 1874. Next we have Jeremy Morton,
who invented that PLASMA CANNON you're packing right now. He was born in
1899. And last in line is Howard Morton, who has become the subject of
Alan's experiments recently. He was born in 1931.

I will simplify the solution down here for easy reference. From left to
right, these are the numbers you must input:

1852, 1874, 1899, 1931

After you have solved that puzzle, a clock on a table downstairs will open
up, revealing a key. Go to the clock and take the ORNATE BRONZE KEY.
Finally we can unlock the front door and get out of here! Do so at this


Walk forward and use your SMALL BRONZE KEY to unlock the door in front of
you. But before you leave the manor grounds, turn around and explore the
area to the left. You'll follow a long path that curves around the manor.
Eventually, you'll come to a small tool shed that has inside it three FIRST
AID KITS and a GAS CARTRIDGE for your PLASMA CANNON. Turn around and leave
through the front gates, as all the doors further down the path are
inaccessible in Carnby's game anyway.


Recognize this place? We are now going to retrace our steps to where we
started the game in the spooky woods. It won't take you long to notice the
route is now overflowing with monsters. Go down the stairs and turn left.
Take the stairs you come to.


Go either way at the fork in front of you, they both lead to the same gate
you need to take anyways.


Zombies have taken over the territory that formerly belonged to the dogs.
Too bad for them that the paths are wide enough for you to easily get around
them. Take the left portal at the juncture and you'll arrive at the exit


There are now approxiomately three million zombies inhabiting this area.
You can kill them if you want to, but I recommend trying to run as you'll
never be coming back to this area ever again. Get to the other end of this
path. This is the gate you saw a long time ago at the start of the game,
but you couldn't open it because of the combination lock.

However, you have it with you now. Examine that ENGRAVED METALLIC PLATE you
found in the mansion. Look at the symbols on the plate. From left to
right, they are a moon pointing left, a moon pointing right, a star, and a
sun. Input this combination into the lock to gain access to a new area.


______ _____ _____ _____ _____
| _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| |___ |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | ___| |
| ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - THE SEASIDE PATHS
| | | | | | | | \ \ | | ___| |
|_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_____|



You should save your game now, you've passed through a very monotonous part
of the game. You will notice a dead body clinging to the gate you just
used. Search him to find two FIRST AID KITS and another GAS CARTRIDGE. Go
across the bridge, and Aline will radio you. Aline says she has found her
way to the fort. Carnby says that she is doing remarkably well for being
only a university professor. After crossing the bridge, prepare to be
confronted by a new menace, the compys. Don't bother to shoot them, they're
little more than annoyances.

As you go a little farther down the path, you will hear a rumbling. If you
go back, you'll see the bridge has collapsed, sealing off all access to the
gardens and the manor. No biggie, you've already looted it of all its
useful items. When you come to a split in the path, look around a little on
the left side of the trail to find a CHARM OF SAVING. Take the left fork,
and Carnby will begin thinking and putting stuff together. You have arrived
at the circle of stones mentioned in the DICTAPHONE's recording. He thinks
to himself that he should contact Aline about his location.

Go to the large stele which is the North stele if you check your map's
compass. Choose "North" when you examine it. Carnby will radio Aline and
says that this is the place where the ritual must be performed. Aline will
then send you on a little scavenger hunt, ordering you to run back and forth
between steles. Be sure to check the stele before contacting her. If you
pick the wrong stele, Aline will repeat the one she wants you to go to.
This is so stupid and so BORING.

Aline will eventually discover that the steles correspond with today's date,
October 31, 2001. She will enter the coordinates into a control panel she
found at the fort, and says that the planets of the solar system are lining
up facing east. Go to the east stele. Before checking it, listen to
Edenshaw's chant on the DICTAPHONE. You must repeat this chant before the
east stele to solve the puzzle. Choose these words in this order:

O Goul'ai, Hypor, Harnis, Korna

Note that the stone in the middle of this place begins to glow with a
mysterious light. Search the central stone and you'll receive the STONE
STELE and the INDIAN STATUE OF HEMICLES. You may now leave this dull place.
Once back at the fork, take the left path. Aline will radio and Carnby
will tell Aline that he found the STONE STELE. Aline says she needs that
disk right away. Do as Carnby says he will do and head down the stairs
towards the fort.


I would get my PLASMA CANNON ready if I were you. Along this path, you'll
be confronted by another new beast, the scorpion. They absorb a lot of
firepower, except for the PLASMA CANNON. Unleash it upon them and these
beasts will stand no chance.

About halfway down the path, you might see a ladder going up the ledges on
the left. Climb it.


Go down the path and into a little cave from which this place earns its
name. Take the ROCKETS and leave.


Continue going up the path and you will arrive at a set of stairs going up.


Go forward and into the icky water. Zombies will rise up to attack you, but
the pathways are wide, allowing you to slip past easily. Immediately turn
left and stay to the outer left edge of this area. Eventually you'll come
to a new area.


Hey, its that plane you used to get here, maybe you'll find something useful
inside. Let's check it out.


Look to your left to find a FIRST AID KIT, and look on the chairs to find
ROCKETS. Search the doorway across the room from the entrance to discover
the BLUE LENS and some WIRE CUTTERS. At this point, you will hear Johnson,
the man who sent you into this madness, radio the plane. As Carnby runs to
check on it, the pilot wakes up, and begs Carnby to get him out. Despite
what Carnby says about he will save him, you won't be able to do that.
After the scene, the plane will sink lower into the swamp water. Quickly
get out before the timer expires or its GAME OVER.


Leave the area and watch the pilot die as the plane sinks into the mud.


Turn left and you will be guided to a stone arch which marks the exit to
this area.


Walk down the path, and you'll see the chapel in the distance. But before
you go there, look on the right side of this area to find a set of stairs.
Take them up.


Walk down the path and Aline will almost shoot you because she couldn't
clearly see you through a fence blocking the way. She says she has two of
the statues. You have two yourself, so that means there are still three
left to find. She makes up for her error and gives Carnby OBED MORTON'S
SEAL in exchange for the STONE STELE. Go back the way you came as the fence
is impenetrable.


Turn right and go up to the CHAPEL. Pff, great, there's a chain over the
doors. Use the WIRE CUTTERS to remove the obstacle, then step inside.


Go to the altar at the front of the room to find ROCKETS, and search the
debris on the right side of the room for a FIRST AID KIT. Next, search the
area lit by the candle near the entrance. You will find the SACRIFICE
RITUAL. You don't need to read it, you'll only get grossed out when you
find out how this ritual proceeds. Examine the odd device to the left of
the SACRIFICE RITUAL. It is a panel of nine symbols in a square shape. You
have no idea what buttons to press, so you'll have to forget about it for

Before leaving, recall what Carnby said about the BLUE LENS you found in the
PLANE INTERIOR. He says its used to detect very old bloodstains. Attach
the BLUE LENS to your FLASHLIGHT and you will have a new, blue beam. Point
the FLASHLIGHT at the chapel door, and you'll discover your first symbol, a
five-pointed star. Leave the room.


Follow the blood trail up the stairs to the left.


Point your FLASHLIGHT at the rocks to the left to find your second symbol, a
symbol that resembles an upside-down key. Go back down the stairs.


Follow the blood trail to the stone arch.


Get to the other end of the water by sticking to the outer right edge of the


Follow the bloodtrail to the ladder you used earlier.


Go inside the cave and shine your FLASHLIGHT on the wall with the skulls to
find the last symbol, a trident. Leave the area. You can remove that BLUE
LENS from your FLASHLIGHT now.


Turn left after descending the ladder and go back into the swamp.


Stick to the paths on the outer left rim and you will find the stone arch
that marks the exit.


Reenter the CHAPEL.


Go to the strange panel again and press these buttons: the center button,
the one on the lower right and the one on the upper right. The altar at the
front of the room will slide aside to reveal a set of stairs hidden
underneath. Take the stairs.

______ _____ _____ _____ _ _
| _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| | | | |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | | |_| |
| ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - THE UNDERGROUND CAVES
| | | | | | | | \ \ | | | |
|_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_|



I recommend you save your game now, as there's a good chance you could
become a victim of one of a couple of terrible glitches that haunt the next
room that will force you to restart. Walk forward some and you will find a
steel wall blocking the passage. Look to the right and you will see
something that kind of resembles a light switch. Put OBED MORTON'S SEAL
into this device to cause the wall to rotate around, giving you access to a
new corridor but blocking off your entrance plus another passageway. Hence
the reason the ring you used is called a seal :)

As you walk to the end of the passageway, you'll hear the mournful cry of a
creature up ahead in the next room. As the steel wall sealed off all escape
routes, you have no choice but to venture into the unknown...


This is one of the creepiest rooms in the game. Every available space is
filled to the brim with cages, and dismal lighting. When you arrive at the
intersection, look on the small platform with a cage for a CHARM OF SAVING.
Go left and you will run into this Alan Morton we have been hearing so much

He is busy conducting experiments on the monsters, and spots Carnby. He
says that his "friends" will take care of him, and even after he dies
Carnby's corpse will still be useful for more experiments. He then zips out
through an exit door, cuts the lights, and locks the doors. Aline will
radio you at this time, and says she has found a floor plan of the
labratory. She says there's an exit right next to the operating table,
which is the same exit you saw Alan run through. Check the door and Aline
will give you your next directions.

Carnby gets a new idea, and says he'll try turning on the machinery in the
room to cause the power grid to overload and short-circuit the locks.
Follow the wall in front of you to the left and you will come to a switch.
Throw it to turn on an electric arc. Aline will then tell you to continue
following the wall to the left until you come to a light switch. Its near
the door you used to get in here BTW. Follow the wall till you get to the
entrance door and throw the switch to turn on a spotlight.

Follow the wall on the right this time until you come to a room where there
are pieces of human corpses in tubes! Look for a switch at the back of the
room where there's another switch. Activate it to turn on a laser beam.
Next, Aline will direct you to take the door to your left. Do so, and
you'll enter the office section of the labratory. Check the desk to the
left to find OBED MORTON'S LETTER. Its from Christopher Lamb, ordering him
to proceed faster in his work in translating the tablets or he will use
force to get results.

The second letter you see is ALAN MORTON'S LETTER. This one is from Jeremy
Morton, who persuades him to translate the tablets also, and tells him to
beware Edenshaw. Now that you have collected those files, its time to get
out of here. Search the cabinet to the left for two FIRST AID KITS, and if
you follow the wall to the right a little more, you will finally find the
exit to get out of Creepsville.


This place is no big deal, all you have to do is get to the other end of the
long passageway and survive the onslaughts of some spiders. As you begin on
your long trek, Aline will tell you what to do after you get to the other
end of the passageway: go inside the greenhouse through the manor's cellar.
After walking a long way, you will finally get to a chamber with two
doors. Take the one on the left.


This room is more of a little side trip. If you want to, you can listen to
a conversation Obed recorded on a tape recorder, but it's not necessary. It
does reveal a lot of the plot though. He is talking to Christopher Lamb,
and he says that Obed has been making good progress in the past, but is not
doing so well as of late. Obed asks for backup to get rid of his brother,
but Chris says he is only sending two operatives, which are you and Aline in
case you couldn't guess. Obed is not making enough progress to be useful
anymore, and Chris has abandoned him on this island. This room serves no
other purpose besides the recording, you can leave the room now.


Its kind of hard to see the other door in here, but if you check the map
you'll find it. Its outside of the camera's view in the shot that shows the
entrance to the tunnel.


Welcome back to the manor, fortunately we won't be here long. Remember that
ladder in the back corner you couldn't use earlier? Well now you can use
it. As you try to mount the ladder, Edenshaw will appear out of nowhere and
say that the time to stop the apocalypse is approaching. He reveals that he
knows everything about why Carnby decided to come here, and that he really
is the one who will save the world, because Carnby rushed here on impulse,
without asking any questions.

As he strides away Carnby begins to accept that fact, and really believes he
is the one. He radios Aline and finds out that Obed Morton never really was
her father. Carnby cheers her up a little from her letdown, and then hangs
up. Take the ladder now.

(BTW, don't bother trying to go back inside the manor or down into the
sewers. Somebody came through while you were gone and locked back both


Turn right, as the left path is a dead end. You will come to a door, but
don't bother trying to open it, as its only for Aline's game. Here is where
you should run into the plants. Herd them out of the way with the
FLASHLIGHT, and turn left when you come to the clearing. At the next
juncture, take the left path again. You will find a small area with a
hidden box of PHOSPHORUS CARTRIDGES on the shelf. Continue down the path
and you'll eventually come to a dead end with another shelf. Here you will

Go back down the path to the small clearing again. This time go straight,
to the one path you haven't explored yet. You will find a ladder. Climb
all the way to the top onto a catwalk. Up here, in Resident Evil 1 fashion,
is a texture-mapped statue and a broken railing. If you don't know what to
do, I should beat you over the head with a stick. Push the statue off the
catwalk, then climb down to retrieve ALAN MORTON'S SEAL and the INDIAN
STATUE OF OUPHENOS. BTW, watch out, the bottom of the ladder should be
swamped with plants right now.

Take the trapdoor out of here.


Take the door you used to reenter this place recently.


Run all the way down the passage while fighting/fleeing from bugs.


Follow the wall on the right and you will wind up at the exit. Don't worry
about zombies, they have all run off somewhere else.


Walk down the passage until you come to the steel wall again. Use ALAN
MORTON'S SEAL on the light switch-like thing in the wall to open up another
new passage.


I call the corridor by this name because this is where you will reunite with
Aline again. Aline says they don't have much time, and translates a tablet
which tells of what will happen if you don't hurry up. Some stuff about
darkness spilling across the earth and eating up all the children of light.
Carnby responds to that with, "That doesn't sound good!" You know, that
line almost makes me think of the hero character O' Connell in the movie
"The Mummy!" Anyway, after the cutscene is over, proceed to the end of the


Go across the bridge over the chasm and take the passageway over there.


You will find out shortly why I call this passageway by this name. Go down
the hall, and when you see a trapdoor on the right, open it to find a
treasure in the form of FOUR (!!!) FIRST AID KITS, FIVE (!!!) CHARMS OF

I say you should make the LIGHTNING GUN your primary weapon now, as it's
just about the best gun in the game and it has lots of ammunition available,
infinite really. I also recommend you save your game before proceeding into
the next room, as things are gonna get pretty nasty in just few seconds.


Everything in this room is automatic. Carnby and Aline run into Alan
Morton, and he's waving his arms around, like he's performing a
ritual...this could be bad...

He turns around and sees Edenshaw, and Indian-guy says he oughta stop and
forget about his dream. Alan says that he's stupid for trying to stop this
thing that he's been planning for decades, and goes on to say that he's
afraid of the dark like everybody else. He says that the world will soon
feel his darkness, and that they will all obey him.

Edenshaw makes a vain attempt to go up and comfort Alan, but he pushes him
off the stairs and he lies on the ground. While Aline goes to help him, he
goes on to say that they will be the first ones to feel his wrath. He also
says he has the final statue with him, and he's going to keep it with him so
Edenshaw can't perform the ritual. Alan says an incantation, and it opens
the gate. Alan casually strides on in while Carnby is sucked in, leaving
Aline alone with Edenshaw.

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| _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| | ___|
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | | |___
| ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - THE WORLD OF DARKNESS
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You will hear a long speech by an Abkanis god, saying that "my battle is
your battle!", "I have selected thee to be my fighter!", and a bunch of
other stuff like that. After the big speech is over, Carnby will radio
Aline, and unbelievably the radio works in this way occult place. She
gives you a good hint, there are special springs in this world which provide
healing powers.

In addition to Aline's advice, I have something more to add. You will see
LUMINESCENT CRYSTALS along the pathways. Take these to recharge your
LIGHTNING GUN. They regenerate, so you have a virtually unlimited supply of
ammo for the LIGHTNING GUN. Good thing, too, because this place is crawling
with monsters.

This part of the game is also very simple: Try to find the exit in the room
while evading/killing monsters. If you use the map a lot, this will be easy
to do. The monsters are infinite, so don't stand still trying to kill
everything that comes your way. Think of this part as the "battle game" of
this game. Proceed through the door.


The first room is no challenge. All you have to do is get to the other end
of the hall while surviving dog onslaughts.


I bet you are extremely angry with those plants for annoying you to death
throughout the game. Well now it's time for payback :) The LIGHTNING GUN
zaps them to death really easy.

Go right on this passage, then follow the path until you come to another
fork. Take the passage to the right.


Here, scorpions will try to get you. Too bad the LIGHTNING GUN kills them
off easy like everything else. Go left, and then go left again at the next
fork. Turn right at the next fork, then go right again to find the exit.


More dogs here. Simply cross the room and exit.


Proceed down the passage, and you will come to a narrow path, "and now you
die!" "ALAN! DON'T!" Here, he will untie the holding rope, causing Carnby
to swing down to a conviniently placed ledge below. Carnby will radio
Aline, and will say he's starting to believe in this story about the gods of
light. Enter the nearby portal.


Go down the small passage, and light the lantern if you want to. You will
find the remains of Archibald Morton, the guy you may remember as one of the
more adventurous Mortons. It seems his quest for adventure has led him to
the World of Darkness, which is a real suidicial place to go looking for
excitement. Anyway, search his corpse for the METAL FLASK and the
PHOTOELECTRIC PULSAR, one of the most useless guns in the game. Don't
bother using it, you will only get pain by doing so.

Read ARCHIBALD MORTON'S DIARY next to him, and it details his experiences
decades ago in these caverns. It says that he was so badly injured he was
ready to just give up and become one of those monsters.

Leave the room after you are done exploring.


Walk to the other end of the ledge, and use the rope that Alan dropped you
on to climb down.


Kill off any bugs that get in your way while traversing the stairs to the
exit. Before you exit the room, you'll see Alan running away scared. Chase
after him.


Follow the long passage while killing off scorpions.


Here, you and Aline will capture Alan, but before you can kill off the
fraidy-cat he's become, a monster interrupts. Its Obed Morton, back for
revenge. He grabs Alan and they drop down into the pit in this room. I
don't know about you, but I almost laughed myself to death when I saw this
for the first time! Aline will then slip down into the pit with them,
leaving you alone.

Take the other passage in this room, and follow it to the end where a rope
is. Take it up.


Go across the bridge. Johnson will radio you, and say he's been listening
on you the whole time. Carnby yells at Johnson to tell him about Fiske, and
says he really doesn't know about Fiske. He reveals that he was to
infiltrate Lamb's organization, but his cover was blown...blah, blah,
blah...lots of stupid spy crud. Enter the passage before you.


Go down the hall, yawn...


For a change of pace, you enter a lava cave. Go left, then go straight at
the next fork. Go right at the next turnoff to find the exit.


Johnson fills you in on the bad news about Lamb, and says he wants to open
up the gates for his own bosses, and makes up for it by saying that he will
get a helicopter over to the island to get you. This is basically here to
keep you from falling asleep from the long journey you've made. Go up the


...This is really starting to get boring...wish we could just finish the
game already... Take the passage to the right, and climb over the rubble
blocking the way. Go left and climb up the ledges here. When you pass what
looks like an Indian building, take the passage to the left to get to the


Walk forward, and an earthquake will conviniently cause a pillar to
collapse, allowing passage to the other side of the chasm. After crossing
over, go right and you will find the special spring Aline told you about at
the beginning of this part. Refill your METAL FLASK and feel free to heal
up, as this spring never runs out of water. When you are set, take the door
on the left side of the cliff.


At the front of the room, you will see a podium with three busts of statues,
but two of the heads are missing. Plus, there's a large door behind it.
You can't do anything about it right now, so take the door to the right and
go down the rope. BTW, now is an excellent time to save your game.


Equip your ROCKET LAUNCHER. Walk through the middle of the room, and you
will see the final item you need to finish the game upon the pile of rocks
in the middle of the room. Unfortunately, Alan has become a creature of
darkness, and will now make your life miserable trying to get to that
statue, unless you can figure out a way to kill him. Your weapons will stun
him, but they won't kill him completely, so you'll need to do something

Don't ever let him grab and throw like Mr. T or you'll be knocked down to
CAUTION on the first blow! Go right after the battle starts and you should
find a cavern with a spear in it, but Alan will teleport in front of the
entrance to throw you out again.

What you must do is shoot Alan several times with the ROCKET LAUNCHER to
stun him long enough so you can run into the cavern and grab the magic spear
which Carnby will use to kill him. Take the HEAD OF STATUE from the pile
and climb up the rope back out of here.


Place your HEAD OF STATUE on the podiums, and Aline will show up here with
her own HEAD OF STATUE and put it in place. Take the door to get out of
here and finish the game!

Aline and Carnby will find their way back to THE GATE and confront Edenshaw.
They give him the statues and he orders them to escape quickly as the sun
is rising. They exit through a secret passage and get to the beach just as
Johnson's helicopter comes in for a landing.

Aline pays back Johnson with a slap as they lift off. Meanwhile, Edenshaw
conducts the ritual to seal off the World of Darkness. The island is
destroyed as Aline and Carnby fly off into the morning sunrise.

Later, Christopher Lamb is watching a news report about Shadow Island's
collapse, and says that his secretary can send Fishbein his nice reward.

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______ _____ _____ _____ ___
| _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| /_ |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | | |
| ___| | _ | | _ / | | | | - THE MORTON MANOR
| | | | | | | | \ \ | | _| |_
|_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_____|



You have landed on the roof of a large mansion. Walk around the corner and
Carnby will radio you, asking if you are okay. Aline says she is really
scared, and wants Carnby to get over as fast as he can. Carnby calms her
down, and tells her to turn on her flashlight so he can see her. Carnby
spots her then tells her to get inside through a window or something, and
then look for a place to hide.

As you are in Caution status because of the nasty fall, use your only FIRST
AID KIT to heal immediately. Don't worry, you will get another one VERY
soon. Then, take Carnby's advice and enter through the window here.

(BTW, you may notice there is a locked gate in the background. I don't know
where the key for it is, or even if it has a key at all. If someone knows
then email me.)


In here you will confront Lucy, Obed's mother. Unlike Carnby, you will need
to speak with her a lot more to progress though this first part of the game.
But, in return for putting up with this lunatic, you will also get out of
the manor much faster than Carnby will. We also have Carnby himself to
thank for this, as he's the one running around the manor unlocking all the

Anyway, Lucy gives you an ominous warning about not coming here, and says
that you must save Obed for her as he is in danger. She says there are
"creatures of darkness" on the rampage. Lucy explains a little more, saying
the shadows on this island here are alive, that they torment you endlessly.
She says you ought to find Obed if you want to know more, and that he gave
her a key, which she will now give to you. Lucy also says this key goes to
a statue in the SMOKING ROOM.

Then, she says to be quiet and listen. Lucy goes a little crazy and moans,
"Hoooowarrrd, Hooowarrrd, is that you?" She then says you ought to go into
the corridor as she says there's something wrong. Before you do that, take
the FIRST AID KIT to the right of the bed, and the SCIENCE MAGAZINE, with
its main feature an article on Obed Morton's speech about the Abkanis

As you head for the exit, you will be confronted by a snake which curls out
of the carpet. Shine your flashlight on it several times, as Lucy said it
"dispels the shadows." Take the CHARM OF SAVING on the table near the exit.
If you don't Lucy will stop you and tell you to take it with you.


Right after exiting you'll meet up with the plants. Do as I say in the
Carnby walkthough, run straight at the fork and turn on the light switch
near the door there to make the plants vanish. Next, explore the other
branch of the fork and take the door there.


Several plants will warp in after you enter. Turn right and take the door


Go around the corners, and Aline will radio Carnby and moan to him about the
nightmare he's brought her into. After this useless conversation, take the
CHARM OF SAVING nearby and go to the end of the "corridor." Take the


Walk down the hall and turn right. Go down the corridor until you come to
an open space where there are two doors. In the first camera angle, take
the CHARM OF SAVING from the desk in the foreground, then take the same door
in the shot, as the other one is locked.


The lanterns are keeping the plants away, so enjoy you quiet time while it


Note the sparkly on the desk next to you. Take the 2ND F EAST GILDED KEY.
Run past the plant that appears and go down the corridor. In the foreground
of the camera shot you see is a FIRST AID KIT. Take it, then continue going
down the passage. In another camera angle's foreground, there is MAGNESIUM
BULLETS. Take them and then leave through the door you used to get in, as
the other one is locked.


Go down the hall to the next door.


Go right, and take the first door you come to.


Use the 2ND F EAST GILDED KEY to unlock the door near the light switch.


Walk down the stairs and you will come to a landing. Here, you will
eavesdrop on a conversation between Obed Morton and somebody else behind a
door. They talk about their "research", and "guinea pigs." The unknown man
threatens Obed with ominous warnings, then they depart.

If you are thinking about rushing in there and shooting them both, don't
bother, the door is locked. Go down the stairs and turn on the lights at
the bottom. Take the door here.


There is only one door unlocked here, and its on the left side of the hall.
Take it.


This is the room Lucy told you about, where you need to use her key with a
statue here. Before doing that, search the small table near one of the
chairs to find three FIRST AID KITS. Next, turn off the lights, and note
that a statue's base in this room glows with a strange light. If you
examine it closer, you will see there is a gun hidden inside the base. Use
LUCY'S KEY to unlock it and get the REVOLVER.

At this time, a bug will warp in. Go to the door near the big window that's
locked, and you will hear the door unlock. Take it.


You'll catch sight of Obed Morton running away. Chase after him. If you
try to go elsewhere you'll get stopped by locked doors.


Walk past all the doors and turn on the lights. After proceeding onward
some more, you'll get a scene showing the door Obed went through. Follow
after him.


Follow the passageway to its winding end, and at long last you will catch up
with Obed. However, he's not interested in talking with Aline and will
shoot her with a tranquilizer dart. It's beddy-bye time...


Aline will wake up on the bed. Her coat is missing for some reason but
she's totally okay. Aline will radio Carnby and will tell him to find her
as fast as he can, as the doors are all locked. While you're waiting, you
might as well explore your prison.

Turn on the lights, and search the desk near the mirror. You will get an
ALLEN WRENCH, and a FIRST AID KIT. If you check the stool on the other side
of the mirror, you'll get a CHARM OF SAVING. And it's not necessary, but
you can get ALAN MORTON'S DIARY from the nightstand and read it. He'll talk
about "experiments" and "raw materials"... Sound familiar? The guys behind
the door were also talking about things like "research" and "guinea
pigs"...I guess it's safe to assume that the unknown man was this Alan.

Go to the mirror and press X. It turns out to be a hidden passageway.


Go down the stairs. Near the door, you will find the TRIPLE-BARRELED
SHOTGUN. Take it then use the door here.


Go to the end of the hall, and look through the spyhole on the door you
can't unlock. You will hear Obed saying something into a radio, then a guy
will walk in and knock him out. On the way out, take the FIRST AID KIT


Two bugs will warp in as you reach the top of the stairs, but you'll be long
gone before they can even reach the midway point. You'll never be coming
back here again so don't bother killing them.


Carnby will run in and give Aline her things, then apologizes for bringing
her here. She says she has her own reasons for coming, and then asks Carnby
to help her to get up to a trapdoor above. Carnby reluctantly agrees and
raises you up.


Notice the odd blue light radiating from that mirror in the corner... It
turns out to be Judas De Certo's ghost, communicating with you through the
mirror. I admit this did creep me out the first time I saw it. He says
that he can help you find your past, if you bring him a mirror that
Edenshaw, the old witchdoctor, stole from him. Well, why not? We're not
doing anything important right now (other than surviving that is). Leave
out the door here. Don't bother searching, you won't find anything in this


Leave out the second door you see on your way down the corridor.


After exiting, the door handle will break. Dosen't matter, you've taken
everything useful from there anyway. Go to the door near the light switch.


Go down the stairs and take the first door you see. De Certo will cast a
spell that will allow you to pass though the locked door. Try to take the
door at the bottom of the stairs and drop this quest, and De Certo will
still warp you to the same hall.


Take the first door you see.


Take the FIRST AID KIT to your right, then look around on the lower floor of
the room. You will find DE CERTO'S MIRROR on a drawer. While you are here,
take the GRENADE LAUNCHER hidden under the desk, and read ALAN MORTON'S
JOURNAL. He describes his *wonderful* hobby of creating monsters, including
the experiment he performed on his father. Even though we've never spoke to
him, he *really* creeps me out. Leave.


Go left and walk down the corridor. You'll see blood spill out from
underneath a door, and worse, you hear "Aline" being repeated over and over
in different tones, with the sounds reverberating thoughout the hall.

Run right. When you come to the light switch, take the door to the left of


The weird sounds intensify here to where they are almost unbearable. Go
through the room. Take the CHARM OF SAVING from the stand on the left wall,
and search the stand to the left of the bed for PHOSPHOURS CARTRIDGES.
Next, go behind the folding screen on the right of the bed to find De Certo
hanging out in the bathroom mirror.

He congratulates you on getting his mirror for him, then asks that you come
inside the mirror with him. Well, go ahead with it, as you can't leave this
room until you get this over with.


De Certo will ask for you to give him his mirror. Don't make the same
mistake I did on my first game; say no and smash the mirror into a million
pieces, sending De Certo's soul back to the underworld where it belongs.
You may have bad luck for seven years, but that's a heck of a lot better
than being dead.

You will recieve the ABKANIS STATUE OF ANTICOALT and Aline will radio Carnby
to boast about defeating De Certo's ghost. Leave through the mirror again.


On your way out, Edenshaw will pop up and give you a high-five for killing
off the ghost. He says you should search Obed's office for information, and
that it is up to you to help dispel these shadows here before they spread
across the world. Edenshaw says you must find the seven statues to stop
this from happening, then vanishes when Aline turns her back for a moment.
You've already got one, so there are six to go.

Aline radios Carnby and informs them of their main objective to find the
statues, then cuts off. Use the door next to the one you used to get in.
It blends in with the wall so you may need to look a little.


Go downstairs and head for the fireplace to find PHOSPHORUS CARTRIDGES.
Next, take the double doors on the ground floor.


Go right, and take the door at the very end of the corridor.


Dash past the zombies, and take the first door you see.


Switch on the lights, then go to the place where the desk is. Next, look on
the stand next to the wall for OBED MORTON'S NOTES. This file seems to be
nothing but a jumble of things that are not connected at all. Eventually
towards the middle, Obed finally begins to make sense and says he is totally
amazed by the language of an Indial tribe called the Aknabis, and that he is
terrified by the translations on the tablets he has found. He is wondering
what in the world Alan and him are working on. BTW, notice how he says "I
pity those fools," in the book, and then look at the statue on his desk. He
seems to be obsessed with Mr. T as well as Indians.

After that, search on the shelves near the small table. Find the BOOK ON
THE ABKANIS INDIANS. You don't need to read it if you don't want to. This
book really only provides background information on the Indians Obed loved
to study so much.

Take the MAGNESIUM BULLETS on the table, and you will see the camera focuses
on the mirror behind you. If you examine it you'll notice it's cracked.
Shoot the mirror a few times with the REVOLVER to reveal a hidden space.
You will find the ABKANIS TABLETS TRANSLATION. If you read it, it seems to
be directions for the ritual Edenshaw spoke about to you. After you finish
reading, this will cue the arrival of some bugs. Ignore the banging
cabinet, its only there to annoy you to death.

On the way out, Aline will think to herself that she must go see Lucy about
the things she has seen here, and immediately teleports to her room when you


Go speak with Lucy at her bed. She asks if you saw Obed, and Aline says
yes. She asks if Obed has a kind of twin brother, and that sends Lucy into
a crazy fit. She gives you a GLASS PRISM, and moans about what terrible
secret this item conceals, then yells about "poor Howard." She then sends
you away saying you are "wholly unpleasant." Leave the room.


Take the door near the light switch. Go down the stairs and take the door
at the first landing.


Take the first door you see.


Turn off the lights, then go up onto the raised floor and look around the
railing for a "strange projector." Use the GLASS PRISM here, then use the
FLASHLIGHT on it. You will view a movie, showing Alan performing an
experiment on his father's corpse. He injects some green stuff into the
body, saying that Howard is now "reborn, a complete being." After the
terrifying movie has ended, you will get the ENGRAVED CUBE. At this point
in time, you should be headed towards the LIBRARY. If you tried to go there
earlier, the door would be locked. Go out into the corridor.


Take the door to your right.


Go to the bottom of the stairs and take the door there.


Take the double doors in this room.


Unlike Carnby, you won't have to stay here as long. Turn on the lights,
then go forward. If you check the bookstand to the right, you will find the
MORTON FAMILY BIOGRAPHY. You don't have to read it as Aline, because after
we leave this place, we'll be just about ready to get out of the manor.
Next to the bookstand is a BOX OF GRENADES!

What you should do now is go upstairs and walk until you find the secret
door Carnby unlocked. It's already open, so walk right in.


If you look near the diagram of ACROBAT STATUES, you will find two boxes of
PHOSPHORUS CARTRIDGES. Take them and leave, as there's nothing else here.


Continue upward and you will find a ladder leading outside. Take it.


Walk along the narrow path until you come upon another ladder. Take this
one too.


Inside this room you will find another BOX OF GRENADES if you look at the
"lower" end of the room from the camera's view. Leave.


Go back inside.


Go all the way to the ground floor, and stand in the middle of the
trianlge-shaped bookcases. Now, examine that ENGRAVED CUBE you found in
ALAN'S OFFICE. You will note it's engraved LIBRARY 3D MAP. There are three
triangles, like this room, and there are numbers on top of the triangles.
They say 1991. Next, note the fact that there is a small white dot on this
map. Well, this is a little hint we should examine the spot where the white
dot is. Take the fork to the right and examine the bookcase on the right.
You will find the panel you are looking for. Input 1991 and the bookcase
will open up to reveal another secret room.

Go inside and take the ABKANIS TABLETS you've been after for so long, plus
three FIRST AID KITS and a CHARM OF SAVING. You will also see there's a
lever here. Oh well, its probably a dum idea, but throw the lever anyway.
A tank will rise up in the middle of the floor, unleashing the monster
Howard Morton has become. He smashes the glass and comes after you.

The way to beat him is to hit him while he's running at you, not attacking.
If you rapidly hit him with grenades, he will be unable to attack you. Be
sure to reload manually through the menu, so you don't get attacked while
watching the reload animation. After several shots, he'll die and you will
see something on the inside of the tank Howard was trapped in. Take the
HALF MEDALLION, then proceed to the ground floor exit. Aline will say to
herself that she should visit Lucy again, and goes there automatically after
you exit.


Speak with Lucy one last time. Aline says that her sons are monsters, then
Lucy says the real monster is the island. She says she will just let
herself die. Aline says she wants to leave, and that she found half of a
medallion. Lucy gives her the other HALF MEDALLION. Aline asks if Obed
ever had children. Lucy says that all he ever did was study Indians. Aline
says to never mind the question. She says she will bring her Obed, but Lucy
protests, saying she will just die. She tells you you must find Obed and
leave as soon as you can, then she falls asleep.

Leave the room. As you will leave, you'll notice Howard climbing up again
and begin stalking about the manor. That could be bad...


Take the door near the light switch AGAIN.


Go all the way to the bottom floor, and take the door there.


I know that Howard must be very close by, as the last place we saw him was
in the LIBRARY, but relax, he won't tear down the door or anything when you
pass by. Take the door at the opposite end of the corridor.


Take the double doors at the midway point in the hall.


Go to the mirror near the statue on the ground floor, and combine the two
HALF MEDALLIONS to get the BRONZE SUN. Use it on the mirror, and you will
be able to use the secret passage as Carnby did in his game.


Take the gate at the other end of the hall.


Go to the ladder in the back corner. Take the ladder, and use the ALLEN
WRENCH to unlock the trapdoor. Leave through it. Don't bother searching
around, all the other doors are sealed and there aren't any items to find.


Here you will meet with Edenshaw in a new outfit. He will tell you that
Alan is getting ready to open the gate to the world of darkness. Edenshaw
then points you to your next objective: go to the fort and uncover anything
you can. When he walks away, you can search this area. Look near the shelf
that has lights, and you will find a BOX OF GRENADES. There aren't any
items, and Aline isn't strong enough to push the statue on the balcony, so
you should go. I recommend you save your game now, the next part might
prove a little extreme for first time players. Leave out the door you met
Edenshaw by.

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Hurray! We finally got out of the manor! But before you can celebrate,
Howard crashes through the greenhouse windows and comes after you. Don't
bother killing him, just take the gate to your right, as there are no items
to be had here. Plus if you kill him, Howard will simply get back up again.


Sprint down the path as fast as you can, because Howard is on the prowl


Take the right path, because the left fork is a dead end. You will come to
an archway. Howard will then jump down right in front of you. Sprint past
and go left. Eventually you will arrive at a building, not counting the
chapel. Go inside. The first time I played this, if it wasn't for Howard,
I would never have found this place as fast as I did :)


Phew, safe at last. Most of the tombs here are sealed shut, but at least
JEREMY'S TOMB is open. Go inside it.


On the floor in front you is a BOX OF ROCKETS, and a ROCKET LAUNCHER, which
are there for some unexplained reason. Take the FIRST AID KIT to the left
of the casket, then search on top of the casket for a CHARM OF SAVING. You
then read an inscription on the front of the coffin. It reads:

"Only a symbol of light will open the tomb."

Oh great, another one of those whimsical phrases we find everywhere in
survival horror games that we have to interpret. Take the METAL COVER and
leave the tomb again.


Go to the side of the room opposite the main entrance. Here you will find a
diagram of tiny mirrors. You will notice that the mirror on the bottom left
corner glows differently from the other ones when you shine your FLASHLIGHT
over it, but then the light goes away if you shine it over some of the other
mirrors. You should put the METAL COVER on the FLASHLIGHT, so that you will
be able to touch only a certain mirror. Wave your flashlight over the
mirrors so that you see a giant M, like this:

0 * 0
0 0
0 0 0
* *
0 * 0

Richard's tomb will open up after you do this. Take the METAL COVER off the
FLASHLIGHT and go inside.


The first thing you see upon entry is a corpse. It's Gibson! The guy who
was mentioned in the MORTON FAMILY BIOGRAPHY. He left an inscription on the
front cover, saying that he curses Richard and all his family because he
locked him in here. He's obviously dead, so don't try to help him. Take
the door behind the small casket. After evading the plants, it will lead
you outside. When you're ready, jump down the cliff. There's no turning
back once you leap down.



You find yourself standing next to a fence. The gate is locked, so don't
bother trying to go through it. Run down the trail, and eventually you will
come to a small gate, obviously you should go through it.

______ _____ _____ _____ _____
| _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| |___ |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | ___| |
| ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - THE FORT
| | | | | | | | \ \ | | ___| |
|_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_____|



Go under the archway, and you will get a cool cinematic showing you the
exterior of the fort. Walk across the bridge. If you try to go in the
front door, it's locked. You're going to have to find another way in...
Well, while you are thinking about it, explore your surroundings. If you
take the right branch, you will find a box of PHOSPHORUS CARTRIDGES.

On the way back, you may note there are a lot of vines growing on the column
next to the entrance...that's it! All we have to do is climb up the vines
to get in! Begin climbing and after a looooong time you will finally pull
yourself over the top of the wall.


Go down the stairs in front of you and you'll get jumped by a bug. Go
right. You will pass by a locked door. Go all the way down the stairs to
the center of the fort.


I say you should unlock the front gate here, before proceeding down another
set of stairs even deeper into the fort. Go through the covered walkway and
take the FIRST AID KIT in the corner before leaving the covered part. After
going down ANOTHER set of stairs, you arrive at a doorway, which for now
leads to a dead end with another door and a chest locked with a chain.

What you should do is climb over the wall opposite the stairs, and take the
PHOSPHORUS CARTRIDGES on top of the wall. Here you will meet up with the
plants again. Get the plants together in a group, then kill them with a few
grenades. I think these plants are worth killing as you will be passing
through this area frequently.

Walk up the stairs here.


I call the room by this name as it makes heavy use of Dutch Angles, or
camera shots with the camera leaned to the side. Kill the zombie to your
left, as he is blocking an important room. Go up the steps, then unlock the
door around the corner.


Here you will meet up with Obed, and he sadly informs you that Alan is
almost ready to open the gate, and that the creatures of darkness will spill
out, that not even all the armies of the world can kill. Aline asks him
about Mary Cedrac, her mother. He says that his memories are driving him
insane. She says that he should be her father, to which he assures her is
totally impossible. Now that that mess is cleared up, take the CHARM OF
SAVING and the BLACK METALLIC CARD, both of which are to the right of the
door. Leave.


Go down the stairs opposite the ones you are on, and take the first one you
see. The second door is locked with a complex mechanism.


Go down the stairs in front of you, and you'll come to a circular platform
where you can see the glowing eyes of three creatures on a platform below
you...but don't let that stop you, go down even more stairs to the main
floor. This place has a real confusing layout, and the map interface
doesn't help a lot either.

Lemme see if I can do a rough sketch of the ground level floor plan:
| r| ___
__ | |/ \
_| |______| || |__
_______| |_| _ |
| _|_|_ |s| |
|f c / \______| | |
|______ | _|__|___| |
|_ \_____/ cos |
| | |
|s|_____ _____ |
|____ |___ | |p |
|m | | |_____| |
|__| |__________|





s - stairs


_|_|_ - indicate portals under walls

Phew! That was a lot of work! After gathering up all the miscellaneous
items scattered about, go to the table near the PERFORATOR CANNON. Here you
If you examine the PERFORATOR CANNON, you will get a TRIPOD SUPPORT, though
not without a fight first. Kill off the three bugs that attack, then begin
to read.

It says that the thing next to you is part of a PERFORATOR, used to drill
out walls in a quick time. Unfortunately, Jeremy's weapon was flawed due to
the fact that it's barrel falls apart quickly under the extreme temperatures
produced by the weapon. The DIAGRAM shows various pictures of what you must
do to assemble this weapon. You need to use this weapon to blow down the
wall the cannon is facing, so you can access the underground galley that
leads to the gate to the world of darkness. Relax, as long as you do as I
say, everything is going to be okay.

After you do that, try to take the MOULD and you will be attacked by the
bugs you saw from the circular platfom. There is also a chest near the
MOULD, held shut by a chain. I have tried to open it with the BOLT CUTTERS,
but it won't work.

After you have everything here, its okay to leave out the door you used to
get in.


Leave out the door in the center of the room.


Climb over the wall, and take the portal nearby. Use the BOLT CUTTERS to
slice the chain holding the chest closed. You will get a LARGE ORNATE RUSTY
KEY and a STEEL INGOT. Leave this little room and go up the stairs nearby.
Follow the path to the area where the front gate is. Go up the stairs.


Go up the stairs until you come to the locked door you passed by on the
first trip here.


This is where Jeremy Morton made all of those crazy guns you use in this
game. Start searching around, and don't worry about monsters unless you
choose to take one optional item here. First, go left, and look in front of
a false door of some kind for two FIRST AID KITS. Move on a little further,
and you will see a cabinet with the doors slightly ajar. Here is the
optional item I warned you about above. If you take the GLASS LENS, dogs
will jump you.

Move on a little more and you will find an exit door, but don't take it yet.
Throw the switch to the right of the portal to get some lights in here.
Continue going around the circular laboratory, and you will find JEREMY
MORTON'S DIARY. Read it through if you wish (it's...almost interesting),
but the only important piece of info is on the last page. It reads:

"Silver Flash Golden Star Red Sun Black Moon"

Keep this phrase in mind for later, for now, continue your tour of the
workshop at the machine on the wall. If you examine the DIAGRAM, you'll
notice that this is the machine used to produce the barrel for the
PERFORATOR. Place the MOULD in it, then use the STEEL INGOT. You will get
the PERFORATOR BARREL. Next, take all the pieces of the PERFORATOR on the
table, which include the ORANGE ACCELERATOR, the BUTT, and the BARREL. We
have now finally searched this place top to bottom. Leave out the door near
the light switch.


If you took the GLASS LENS, then you can use it on the telescope to see a
strange statue, though this is totally unnecessary. Continue walking along
the upper path, and the walkway will collapse beneath your feet and you will
fall into the RESEVOIR.


Since you are in water, you can expect to see a crocodile hanging around.
After it attacks, spin around in circles, while pausing when he pops up to
shoot it. After two hits from the SHOTGUN, it will die. Continue down the
waterway until you come to dry land and the exit.


Take the PHOSPHORUS CARTRIDGES next to you, then climb the ladder. You'll
find a chest, and a FIRST AID KIT. Take the FIRST AID KIT, then take from
METALLIC CARD. Take the door here.


Go up the stairs and reenter the WORKSHOP as the walkway is blocked by the


Take the door that down the passage to the right.


Go down the stairs.


Remember how to get to the area with the wall you can climb over? Go there,
scale the wall, and take the stairs on the other side.


Take the stairs down to where the door with the "complex mechanism" is.
This is where you must make use of what you read in JEREMY MORTON'S DIARY.
Remember what color corresponds with what object. Press up and down to put
in the cards. The order the cards go in from left to right is:

Silver, Gold, Red, Black.

If you got it right, the door will unlock.


Look to the left of the entrance and you will find a PLASMA CANNON and a
CHARM OF SAVING. If you look on top of the boxes next to the door with
green lights, you'll get a METALLIC HALF-RING. And last, if you look under
the spiral stairs, you'll get a FIRST AID KIT. Once you collect all the
items, unlock the door next to the small, brown wooden door.

After doing all this, you can now walk up the spiral stairs. On the way up,
you'll get radioed by Carnby. He will tell you he's found a circle of
stones, a kind of Abkanis ritual place. Aline sadly informs him that Obed
is not his father. Carnby asks why she thought that in the first place.
Aline says that it was Johnson who did, he showed a photograph of them
together, the dates matched up perfectly, etc.

To change the subject, Carnby says he needs you to find a planetarium for
him, and fortunately you are already there. He asks you to find a control
panel for him. Aline will then say okay and cut off. Go to the top of the
stairs and you will find the panel Carnby asked about. Radio him and he
will tell you the numbers of marks he sees on each stele at the circle. If
you write down these numbers, you'll come out with 10312001. October 31,
2001...and the numbers on the control panel does kind of look like a
date...that's it! Input 10-31-2001 into the control panel, and you'll see
all this flashy stuff happening in outer space, planets aligning in a line
and all. Aline tells about what she saw to Carnby, and he congratulates her
then hangs up.

Meanwhile, the little door you saw on the ground floor opened up. Go there
with the green light. Go through this door.

(One small side note: There's a bug on my game, whenever I check the SMALL
PADLOCK KEY, I am given the message "A Photoelectric Pulsar designed by
Jeremy Morton." This is most certainly NOT the Photoelectric Pulsar! Does
anyone else's game do this?)


Take the BOX OF GRENADES next to you, then proceed down the path. You will
see the statue you might have looked at through the telescope. Examine it
and you will see a large hole in the base. Aline will radio and Carnby will
say that he has recovered an Abkanis statue, and a stone disk that is just
the right size to fit the hole. They agree to meet each other on the path
between the fort and the circle of stones. Go back to the exit.


Well, just great, its the attack of the plants. Take the door near the
small, brown wooden door.


Recognize this place? Leave the small room, then take the stairs here.
Follow the path to the front gate and go out through that door.


As you try to cross the bridge, Howard drops in for a visit. Try to slide
around him, its possible to do, and leave out the gate behind him.


Follow the trail back to the place where the impassable fence was, and
you'll meet up with Carnby, right after Aline nearly shoots him. After an
argument about whether or not they can escape this place, he'll hand over
the STONE STELE in exchange for OBED MORTON'S SEAL. Go back towards the
fort again. Aline will automatically be teleported to the statue again.


Place the STONE STELE in the hole to receive a LUMINESCENT STONE, and the
ABKANIS STATUE OF HELIOPANER. Aline proudly informs her he has three
statues, and he says he has three too. They both hope Edenshaw has the last
one, and that something big is bound to happen soon.

BTW, you have finally collected all the parts necessary to assemble the
PERFORATOR! Let's put it together now. The game gives the half assembled
WITHOUT BARREL, so I will use the general term, in this example,
PHOTOELECTIC PULSAR. I will give the steps below:

1 - Split the TRIPOD SUPPORT. This will give you a second METTALIC

2 - Combine the two METALLIC HALF-RINGS to get a METALLIC RING.

3 - Combine the ORANGE ACCELERATOR with the BUTT.

4 - Combine the BARREL with the PHOTOELECTRIC PULSAR.




8 - Combine the LUMINESCENT STONE with the PHOTOELECTRIC PULSAR to finish
the assembly of the PERFORATOR! Great job! Jeremy would be proud!


Take the door near the small, brown wooden door.


Go to the area where the front gate is, and head up the stairs.


Go up the stairs, and take the door at the top.


Next to the machine you used earlier is a ladder. Climb up it.


Man did Jeremy Morton have a lot of time on his hands... This place is
incredible. Turn on the lightswitch, which is directly opposite the control
panel in here. Climb up the second ladder that goes up.


Walk across the room to another ladder.


You have now reached the highest point in the fort. Use the SMALL PADLOCK
KEY on the padlock to unlock the door on top of this tower. Go back inside.


Go to the machine in the center of the room and throw the lever here. The
door on top of the tower will slide open. Now would be a good time to save
your game. Go down the ladder.


Turn on the control panel in this room, and the lightning conductor will
move to the top of the tower. We now have the electricity running to the
PERFORATOR CANNON! Unfortunately, Howard busts in to crash the party again,
and this time your weapons won't work on him.

There is a way to kill him though. Note that lightning will crash down
through the node in the center of the tower on occasion. Also note that
Howard sometimes leaps over this machine to chase you. What you must do is
get Howard to collide with the lightning bolt. Unfortunately, he's smart
enough to not try leaping through the lightning to get you, so you have to
time it so he leaps just as the bolt strikes.

Also note the timer. This is how long the lightning conductor will stay on
top of the tower. When it runs out the conductor will retract, forcing you
to start it up again. Watch out, Howard will use the distraction to his

I find this very easy to do if you just constantly run circles around the
node. Howard will be too busy playing leapfrog to get you to pay attention
to when the lightning is coming. After three hits, he will die. Wait for
the timer to run down, then when it does, throw the switch again so you will
have a full two minutes to get to the PERFORATOR CANNON. When you do that,
head for the ladder and go down. Get ready, you're gonna have to run fast
and hard.


Hit the door leading to the SOUTH RAMPART.


Shoot down the stairs.


Quickly get to the area where the broken-down wall is and take the door next
to it.


Rush through the room to the door with no light or little door next to it.


Take the door next to you.


Rush down the stairs and head for the PERFORATOR CANNON. Use the PERFORATOR
on the PERFORATOR CANNON to blow down the wall so you can access the
underground galley. When you do that, a scorpion will walk out, ready to
get some. Kill it with the PLASMA CANNON then go through the hole.

(BTW, you could have climbed over the wall, but I just barely made it when I
took that route. There was literally 1.6 second left! But, when I used
this route, I had about 10 seconds left.)


Take the PHOTOELECTRIC PULSAR lying on the ground to the left, and proceed
to the far end of the pathway. Bugs will try to stop you, but they'll be no
big deal.


Go down the stairs to the next door.


Climb over the rubbleI call the corridor by this name because this is where
you will reunite with Carnby again. Aline says they don't have much time,
and translates a tablet which tells of what will happen if you don't hurry
up. Some stuff about darkness spilling across the earth and eating up all
the children of light. Carnby responds to that with, "That doesn't sound
good!" You know, that line almost makes me think of the hero character O'
Connell in the movie "The Mummy!" Anyway, after the cutscene is over,
proceed to the end of the passageway.


Go across the bridge over the chasm and take the passageway over there.


You will find out shortly why I call this passageway by this name. Go down
the hall, and when you see a trapdoor on the right, open it to find a
treasure in the form of FIVE (!!!) FIRST AID KITS, FIVE (!!!) CHARMS OF

I say you should make the LIGHTNING GUN your primary weapon now, as it's
just about the best gun in the game and it has lots of ammunition available,
infinite really. I also recommend you save your game before proceeding into
the next room, as things are gonna get pretty nasty in just few seconds.


Carnby and Aline run into Alan Morton, and he's waving his arms around, like
he's performing a ritual...this could be bad...

He turns around and sees Edenshaw, and Indian-guy says he oughta stop and
forget about his dream. Alan says that he's stupid for trying to stop this
thing that he's been planning for decades, and goes on to say that he's
afraid of the dark like everybody else. He says that the world will soon
feel his darkness, and that they will all obey him.

Edenshaw makes a vain attempt to go up and comfort Alan, but he pushes him
off the stairs and he lies on the ground. While Aline goes to help him, he
goes on to say that they will be the first ones to feel his wrath. He also
says he has the final statue with him, and he's going to keep it with him so
Edenshaw can't perform the ritual. Alan says an incantation, and it opens
the gate. Alan casually strides on in while Carnby is sucked in, leaving
Aline alone with Edenshaw.

Edenshaw tells you to go in there, save Carnby, and get the last statue from
Alan. He says Carnby is far from dead. He says that Alan wants to get rid
of that last statue. Edenshaw also says you will find special springs in
the world of darkness that will heal you completely. Aline moans about what
she has been through, but she says she has no real choice now but to go
ahead with this. Edenshaw says she is the last hope, and tells her to go.
Walk through the doors...

______ _____ _____ _____ _ _
| _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| | | | |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | | |_| |
| ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - THE WORLD OF DARKNESS
| | | | | | | | \ \ | | | |
|_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_|



In addition to Edenshaw's advice, I have something more to add. You will
see LUMINESCENT CRYSTALS along the pathways. Take these to recharge your
LIGHTNING GUN. They regenerate, so you have a virtually unlimited supply of
ammo for the LIGHTNING GUN. Good thing, too, because this place is crawling
with monsters.

Walk to the bottom of the stairs and Carnby will radio you about a strange
dream he had. He says they must get that last statue from Alan, and get
that ritual performed. Walk through the door here.


Go to the other end of the ledge to that door.


Turn right after entering, and climb over the rubble blocking the way.
Follow the path until you see a stone blocking another path. Climb over
this one. Turn right at the fork and take the passage there.


Aline will look out over the abyss and see that the Abkanis have built a
gigantic fortress on the edge. Go down the stairs, and Aline will
automatically climb up a ladder she sees.


Go up the stairs to the next passage.


The first place you should go is up the huge staircase in the middle of the
area. Take the door at the tippy top.


Go down the passageway to the door at the other end. You will trigger the
opening of a secret passage.


This puzzle is a bit confusing at first. There are seven switches on the
pedestal in the middle of the room, which rotate the room so you can see a
certain god's picture and seal. Press each button and get all six SEALS and
their corresponding documents. You don't have to read the documents, they
are only there as a vain attempt to keep you interested in the game. Press
the southern switch to open the exit again.


Run back to the other end of the room. Note the little pyramid with no top
on the way back.


Go down the stairs. If you look at your map, it will indicate a ladder in
the area of the bottom of the stairs. Climb up it, then descend through the
trapdoor up here.


Here is another little puzzle for you, and fortunatley, its the last one.
Look at the STONE SEALS, and look at what animals the gods in the pictures
look like. From left to right, the order the STONE SEALS go in is this:


After doing this, a bridge will pop up to fill the gap blocking the passage
behind you. Take the INDIAN SKIN FLASK on the way back there. Take the
STONE PYRAMID and the CHARM OF SAVING at the end of the corridor. Leave up
the ladder.


Climb down the ladder, then go up the huge staircase again.


Use the STONE PYRAMID on the pyramid that has no top to make it transform
into the HEAD OF STATUE while lighting up the whole cave too. Take the HEAD
OF STATUE, and the same guy who gave that huge speech in Carnby's scenario
will now give you pretty much the same speech. Leave the area through the
same door.


Go down the stairs again, and leave out the front entrance.


Go to the ladder at the other end of the walkway.


Go left and follow the path to the door at the end.


Turn left, and follow the passage until you come to a fork. Take the right
path and then turn right at the next fork to find the exit.


Follow the path to the end...yawn...


Go across the bridge.


Here is where Aline will find her spring of water, but there are plants
everywhere, so it can be difficult to refill without having to use it to
heal over and over. Continue to the wall at the other end of the passage.
When the game asks you to climb, say yes.


Go to the end of the corridor, and you will get a view of the bridge you
crossed before. You'll see Alan quickly tie a rope, then jump down on it.
Note that he accidentally dropped his pack on the way down. Run back to the
door you used to get in.


Go back to the door at the other end of the passage.


Go down the rope our good friend Alan left us to climb.


Take ALAN MORTON'S HAVERSACK, then go down the hall. Here, you and Aline
will capture Alan, but before you can kill off the fraidy-cat he's become, a
monster interrupts. Its Obed Morton, back for revenge. He grabs Alan and
they drop down into the pit in this room. I don't know about you, but I
almost laughed myself to death when I saw this for the first time! Aline
will then slip down into the pit with them.


At long last you'll get the final statue, the ABKANIS STATUE OF
HECATONCHIRES, the guy who's been giving the huge speeches here. BTW, if
you want to, you buy his lectures at the nearest giftshop of the World of
Darnkess. Sadly, there are no giftshops, so you can't get them :) There's
no way to get back up so take the door nearby you, and jump down the pit.

Walk straight to find the exit passage. Johnson will contact you. Aline
really mouths off at you. Johnson says Lamb tricked him into sending you
here, saying Lamb wanted you dead. He also says Lamb got the translations
long ago. He says he's sending help as soon as possible. Take the door in
front of you.


For a change of pace, we are in a waterway now. Follow the map to the door
at the other end...again...


Johnson contacts you again, and says Lamb is interested in opening the gates
of Darkness. The helicopter is on the way. You're almost there. Jump down
the ledge, then run straight and you wil find the exit.


Now would be an excellent time to save your game. Do so, and mount the
column bridge. Obed's here to stop you. He's gone pretty psycho since you
last saw him. What you must do is get around him so you can finally get to
the last room. He's really tough to kill, and its a lot easier just to run.
Run straight at him and turn left when you get to him. If you don't make
it in time, then retreat until the special camera angle goes away. Wait for
the thumps to stop, and try again. Once you do make it, run to the door


Place the HEAD OF STATUE on the right pedestal at the front of the room, and
Carnby will place his head. Take the door behind you and get out.

Aline and Carnby will find their way back to THE GATE and confront Edenshaw.
They give him the statues and he orders them to escape quickly as the sun
is rising. They exit through a secret passage and get to the beach just as
Johnson's helicopter comes in for a landing.

Aline pays back Johnson with a slap as they lift off. Meanwhile, Edenshaw
conducts the ritual to seal off the World of Darkness. The island is
destroyed as Aline and Carnby fly off into the morning sunrise.

Later, Christopher Lamb is watching a news report about Shadow Island's
collapse, and says that his secretary can send Fishbein his nice reward.

______ _ _ _____ _____ __ _ _____ _ _
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6: Enemies Section

This section tells about enemies you will encounter in the game. Beware,
there are spoilers here so read at your own risk!

Difficulty - Easy
They are A LOT like the dogs in Resident Evil, only colored gray instead of
brown. They can outrun you, but if you run in a zig-zag pattern, you can
evade their lunges. If you choose to stand and fight, a few shots from the
HANDGUNS will kill them.

Difficulty - Hard
These guys are really speedy and quite common throughout the game. Plus
they have the added advantage of being able to warp into the room in groups
of up to three. Don't let them grab you or you'll take heavy damage. There
is one big weakness they have though. They recoil a lot from bullets, so
you can kill them with even a REVOLVER if you can jack them up with your
shots. Only attempt this feat when being attacked by lone bugs or you'll
get swamped.

These guys are extremely stupid and slow. The only reason they are in the
game is to waste your ammo, as each one takes up to THREE!!! SHOTGUN blasts
before dying. If you are good at dodging, you can run right past them, as
they must perform the grab animation before they can take hold of you.

They are common throughout the game, and absorb about THREE!!! grenade shots
to die. Fortunately, you can use your FLASHLIGHT to herd them out of the
way, or make them vanish altogether with a lightswitch. Just run from them
unless you have the LIGHTNING GUN.

They are real tough, anything but the energy weapons hardly phases them.
They will grab you by the head and toss you into walls, and bite at you.
Use the PLASMA CANNON, preferrably. Thankfully, in both scenarios, you get
this gun before you meet them.

Every survival horror game has to have a worthless enemy in it somewhere
IMO, and these are those enemies. You should just run past them, all they
do is nibble at your feet. Use a weak gun if you must kill them.

This is another worthless enemy, only they can drop from ceilings. Just
shoot them with the REVOLVER, as its about the only creature its good for.

You will only meet them when you are in water. They ALWAYS pop up directly
behind you, then pause before attacking, so if you spin around in circles,
you can get a head start facing them. All that is needed really is 7


7: Bosses Section

cut and pasted from the walkthrough, this is only here for reference really.

______ _____ _____ _ _ _____ __ __
| ___| | _ | | _ | | \ | | | _ \ \ \ / /
| | | |_| | | |_| | | \| | | |_| / \ \_/ /
| | | _ | | _ / | | | _ | \ /
| |___ | | | | | | \ \ | |\ | | |_| \ | |
|_____| |_| |_| |_| \_\|_| \_| |_____/ |_|


This boss is extremely annoying as it seems like when you try to shoot at it
your bullets magically pass through the monster. It also has this really
irritating electric shock attack that's almost impossible to evade.

The way to kill it is to equip your REVOLVER, fire one shot at it when it
stops moving and pauses in front of you. You will notice that its wings
will fold up and then curl out when you do this. When you see it curl up
its wings, equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER (or ROCKET LAUNCHER), make sure
Carnby is aiming at the creature, and fire a shot at it. The gargoyle will
be knocked across the room with blood all over. Wait for it to come back
and repeat the "warning-shot, grenade shot" combo. Do this a few times and
you'll defeat the monster.

Your weapons will stun him, but they won't kill him completely, so you'll
need to do something else.

Don't ever let him grab and throw like Mr. T or you'll be knocked down to
CAUTION on the first blow! Go right after the battle starts and you should
find a cavern with a spear in it, but Alan will teleport in front of the
entrance to throw you out again.

What you must do is shoot Alan several times with the ROCKET LAUNCHER to
stun him long enough so you can run into the cavern and grab the magic spear
which Carnby will use to kill him.

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The way to beat him is to hit him while he's running at you, not attacking.
If you rapidly hit him with grenades, he will be unable to attack you. Be
sure to reload manually through the menu, so you don't get attacked while
watching the reload animation. After several shots, he'll die. If you are
fighting him just outside the manor, then you should run away as he'll just
keep getting back up.

In this confrontation your weapons won't work on him. There is a another
way to kill him though. Note that lightning will crash down through the
node in the center of the tower on occasion. Also note that Howard
sometimes leaps over this machine to chase you. What you must do is get
Howard to collide with the lightning bolt. Unfortunately, he's smart enough
to not try leaping through the lightning to get you, so you have to time it
so he leaps just as the bolt strikes.

Also note the timer. This is how long the lightning conductor will stay on
top of the tower. When it runs out the conductor will retract, forcing you
to start it up again. Watch out, Howard will use the distraction to his

I find this very easy to do if you just constantly run circles around the
node. Howard will be too busy playing leapfrog to get you to pay attention
to when the lightning is coming. After three hits, he will die.

What you must do is get around him so you can finally get to the last room.
He's really tough to kill, and its a lot easier just to run. Run straight
at him and turn left when you get to him. If you don't make it in time,
then retreat until the special camera angle goes away. Wait for the thumps
to stop, and try again. Once you do make it, run to the door there on the


8: Thanks

- Thanks to my dad for giving me jobs to do to pay for my PS2 and this game!
- Thanks to Infogames!
- BIG, Big thanks to GameFaqs, THE best video game site on the net!


9: Copyright

This guide is the sole property of Nathan Norris, author of this guide.
Don't rip off this guide in part or whole, or I will be forced to act
against you. Don't rip off this guide then alter it to death and claim it
as your own. This guide may not be used for ANY profitable reasons
whatsoever, even if no money is made.

I'm tired of all these websites requesting my guides for their sites, so
from now on, these are the only sites which may use my guides:

This makes it very simple for me to keep track of what state each version is
in each site. If you find this guide on some other site, and it is
incomplete, go to before requesting help from me. Since is the first place I send every piece of my work, they are sure
to have the most up-to-date version of my guides.

Also, if you find this guide on, notify me immediately.
They have ripped off of me before and I'm not gonna let them do it again.

I bid you farewell.


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