Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories

Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories

16.10.2013 10:44:22

Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Playstation 1
Version: 1.8 9/2/02

By: nnguyen11490 Email:nnguyen11490@yahoo.com

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By: nnguyen11490

Copyrighted 2002 nnguyen11490. None of this writing may be reproduce in
any way without the writer's permission. This FAQ is for personal use only.
If you want to put this FAQ on your website, magazine, etc email me first.
You might or will be sue if you don't have my permission!!! Remember
plagiarism is a crime that will be punished.

"Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories" © Konami 1996

These are the website that will always have my latest update and have
my permission:


If this site use my guide they will be sue:


If you see my FAQs on other website please contact me A.S.A.P.

Table of Content

1. Versions (Updates)
2. About the Author
3. About Walkthrough
4. Characters
5. Story
6. Basic Control
I. In duel controls
7. Game
8. How to Play
I. Life Points
II. Attack/Defense
III. Face up/down
IV. Fusion
V. Trap and Magic
VI. Ritual
VII. Guardian Stars
VIII. Type
IX. Kinds of Monster
X. How to Build a Deck
9. Walkthrough
I. Simple Duel
II. Normal Duel
III. Hard Duels
IV. Duels of Champion
10. Rare Cards Location
11. Ritual Cards
14. 50 Card Duel Statistics
15. Fushion
I. Magic and Traps
15. Tips/Tricks
16. Q&A
17. Credits
I. Rare Cards Location Credits
II. Duel Statistic Credits
III. Fixing the FAQ Credits
18. Contact Information


1.0 (7/30/02): First version.
Added some rare cards that I found trough out the game.
Added more details about how to play.

1.1 (8/2/02) Second Version
Thank you Taothao for adding in Seto 2nd.
Added a little more for the how to duel section.
Add more tips for how to get rare cards.

1.2 (8/4/02) More updates for the game
Finally out of 28 duels I finally got all of Seto 2nd cards.
Added strategy for Seto 2nd.
Added some more rare cards. Thanks BJohnson for letting me use some
Added the way to go out the Labyrinth.
Added where to get the map to duel mages.
Added the a little bit for the story section. (may contain spoiler)
Added how to use a ritual card in the how to play section.

1.3 (8/5/02) After many duels I figure out where to get more card.
Added a whole bunch of rare cards.
Added the regular game control.
Added a lot more for the story section.
After 106 harsh duels I finally figure out what to sacrifice. Look in
the new ritual section to see some ritual cards.
I will add more ritual as soon as I can figure them out.
Add more strategy against Simon Muran, Yami Bakura and Isis.

1.4 (8/7/02) I know I've been updating this FAQ a lot.
Thank you ngcheechong for helping me complete the ritual section.
The ritual section is now fully complete.
Added more for the story.
Thanks aj for giving me some info.
Added some question people have been asking me.
Thanks Hazardous87 for adding Skull Knight to the rare card section.
Added a couple of more rare cards.

1.5 Another Update Coming (8/11/02)
Thanks Azn Dragons for adding in some cards to the rare cards section.
Also thank finalfantasypyro for adding in two new cards.
Fixing some of my mistakes.
Sorry at the Walkthrough section I forgot to add Sebek and Neku in.
Added Sebek and Neku.
Added a little bit for the story.
Added some question that people has been emailing me.

1.6 (8/17/02) Finally after days of intense dueling I have started
the 50 cards statistic section.
Thanks ngcheechong for letting me use his 50 duel statistic.
Added a couple of card statistic about some characters.
Added more question people have been asking me.
Added a couple of more rare cards.
Thanks again Taothao for fixing my mistake again.
Add contacts section.
Thanks Striderneo15 for fixing Isis.
Thanks all the people that email for giving more strategy.
Added how to build a deck to the how to play section.
Add a little bit for the copyright.
Add the ASCII art by me.
Added how to build a deck for the how to play section.

1.7 (8/23/02) More updates to improve the FAQ.
Thanks novastrike81 for adding Twin Headed Thunder Dragon to the FAQ.
I fix some mistake I made in the FAQ.
Added one missing ritual. The Hamburger Recipe.
Add a little bit to the ritual section.
Add the type to the how to play section.
Added some question people have been asking me.
Added some cards for the rare card location section.
Thanks keldonwarlord006 for fixing my mistake about Meteor B. Dragon.
Thanks RedZero99 for adding two new cards to the rare card location.

1.8 (9/2/02) More information to make this the best Yu-Gi-Oh FM FAQ ever
Thanks world_champion for adding more duel statistic.
Let Ign.com and DuelMasterNG website post the FAQ.
Added some missing ritual.
Fix some of my mistake.
Added the secret on how to duplicate card in the new tips and trik section.
Added all piece of Exodia to the Rare Cards Location of the FAQ.
Add the new ASCII art at the bottom of the FAQ.
I go through the Faq and make it look better.
Added the monster kind for the How to Play section.
Thank you liquidsnake741 for adding Seto 1 to the Duel Statistic Section.
Fix up the credit section to make it better to read.
Add some more question.
Thanks danielw123456 for fixing my mistake.
Got started on the fushion section.
Added all the magic fushion I know.
Add more for the story section.
Thanks shortymjh for giving me some password.

About the Author

Another FAQ from me. Suppose you want to know why I write FAQs.
First reason is I want to help people and the other reason is there is
nothing to do at that time. Some of my FAQs and walkthrough can be
found at neoseeker.com, gamefaqs.com, psxcodez.com, and my website
nnguyen11490.tripod.com. If you see a mistake or want to add a card
please contact me.

About Walkthrough

For those who just bought the game this walkthrough will teach you
everything you need to know about the game. It will have Basic Control,
Characters, How to Duel, Rare Cards location and more. If you have any
question or comments feel free to email me.

PS. All of your question and answer will be posted in the Q&A section.

Basic Control
Duel Control: From the Manual

D-Pad Right, Left
Select face-up/face-down

D-Pad Up, Down
Attach/Remove Combo candidate Tag


* Enter Card selected to play
* Enter Battle (Can’t see monster in 3-d)

See card detail

* Enter card selected for play
* Enter battle (also let you see monster in 3-d)

Switch to Defense or Attack

Switch to Defense or Attack

View Field

End your turn


If you already have a previous file then load. Save often because if
you loose 1 duel in Campaign Mode its game over.

Trade card with someone to help you in the game.

2P Duel
Duel with another player.

Campaign Mode is the main story mode. In Campaign Mode, the game
progresses as you move on the Map Screen and Duel with people.

Free Duel
This mode allows you to duel with the people you beat in Campaign
Mode. Duel in Free Duel a lot to get some good cards.

This allows you to enter passwords to buy card with star chip.

Card Library
You can go to Card Library to view all the card you have collected.
There are 722 cards, collect them all.

How to Play

A Card should look like this:
-----6-------5---7- 1. Monster Picture
| -------------- | 2. Description
| | | | 3. Attack Point
| | 1 | | 4. Defense Point
| | | | 5. Level (count the stars)
| |-------------| | 6. Monster name
| | 7. Type
| 8 | 8. Kind
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |

Life Points
Each player begins with 8000 life points. To win a duel you must
make your opponent life points zero. There are three ways to make there
life point lower, first way is to destroy an opponent monster that’s in
attack mode. The second way is to attack you opponent field, and the
last way is to have a higher defense point than the opponent attack
point. To attack you opponent field your opponent must not have a
monster on the field. Actually there is another way. There are some
magic card the can get rid of life point.

There are two position that you can put your card in attack and
defense. To destroy a monster in attack mode your card must have a
higher attack point than your opponent. When a monster in attack mode
is destroy, the difference of the attack point is subtracted from the
loser life points. In case your wondering if the attack point is the
same both card will be destroy and no damage will be subtracted from
you life point. If the card is in defense mode and you destroy the card
no damage is taken away from the life point. Same as attack mode when
a monster is in defense and you want to destroy it your attack point
must be higher than your opponent monster defense point. But if their
defense point is higher than your attack point it will hurt your life

Face up/down
When you pick a card in you hand you have a choice of putting it
face up or down. If you put it face down your opponent can’t see the
card so he doesn’t know what to do. Only put card face up if there
really strong. When you put it face down and you attack the card will
be turn over. You can also try to trick your opponent by having a
strong card face down and your opponent will attack it, he’ll hurt

Fusion means combining two monster together to make an strong
monster. Keep in mind that only some monster can be fush. There are a
lot of kinds of fusing you should try a lot of fusing before going
into a tough duel.

Trap/Magic Card
There are some magic cards that will change the field and will always
power up a monster that has the same elemental. For example if the
field is meadow all warrior monster will be power up. Other magic card
can only be equip with a monster to make it stronger. The name said it
all. Trap card are card that you always put face down for it to work.
When your opponent did something wrong the card will automatically be
Note: All trap cards only works when face down.

Ritual Card
What is a ritual card? A ritual card that is use to sacrifice three
monster and sent out an ultimate monster. To use a ritual card you
need to know what card you need to sacrifice. For example to get Blue
Eyes Ultimate Dragon you need three Blue Eyes White Dragon on the field
and then use the ritual card to summon Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Look
in the ritual section to see some ritual.

Guardian Star
The thing that set the game apart from the show is the Guardian Star
Each monster always has two different kinds on Guardian Star.
Guardian Star is kinda like rock, paper, and scissor. For example
you pick sun and your opponent has a moon, your monster will be power
up. Here’s a list of all Guardian Star:

Sun - Moon
Moon - Venus
Venus - Mercury
Mercury - Sun
Saturn - Uranus
Uranus - Pluto
Pluto - Neptune
Neptune - Mars
Mars - Jupiter
Jupiter - Saturn

What is the monster type for? Well it’s to see if you can power up
Your monster with mountain, sogen, and other elemental magic cards.
There are a lot of different type here’s what they are and what can power
them up.

Dragon Mountain
Pryro depends
Dark Yami
Earth depends
Water Umi

Kinds of Monster
Now that you know the type it's time to learn the different kinds of
monster they have. The kinds of monster is just like the type. Why because
you need to know the kind of monster inorder to power the monster up.
There are 20 kinds, here's all of them:

Winged Beast
Beast Warrior
Sea Serpent

How to Build a Deck
A deck can have 40 cards. It can contain monster, magic, trap cards.
To have the best deck you should try to use the cards you can and know
what to fuse with. You should also have at least 5 magic cards. Because
you need it to power up your monster. Have at least 5 trap cards so it will
be easier to take out a strong monster. Once you get really strong monster
you can put the sucky ones out. Overall you should have at least 5 magic cards
5 trap card.


This is what it said in the manual:

The Hero (depend on what you name him)
Prince of the Amehotep Dynasty

Hero’s card playing friend.

Hero’s card playing friend.

Simon Muran
Hero’s tutor, attendant, and card mentor.

Heinshi’s second in command and Hero’s rival.

High Mage of the Amenhotep Dynasty with something up his sleeve.


The story begins in ancient Egypt where a young prince of the Amenhotep
Dynasty that’s want to play cards. Everything was fine until one of the
Amenhotep Dynasty dynasty High Mage Heishi, wants to have all the
Millennium Items. Heishi stole all Millennium Items but one, the
Millennium Puzzle. The prince mentor Simon has the Millennium Puzzle and
he gave it to the prince to protected it. The prince fell to escape and he
has to duel Heishi to get the Millennium Items back. But he lost the
duel. His mentor Simon asked him to destroy the Millennium Puzzle and he
did, but the problem is that they both got stuck in it.

Many years later a boy named Yugi, who now has the Millennium Puzzle
enter in a tournament. After defeating Rex Raptor, Mai Valentine,
Bandit Keith, Yugi met a guy with another millennium item whose name is
Shadi. Shadi said that he's here because Yugi's Millennium Item is
summoning him. Shadi use his Millennium Key to open up Yugi's mind. Yugi
met the other version of himself Yami Yugi. Yami Yugi gave Yugi five
blank card. Later Yugi realize that he has to duel Shadi in the
tournament. After defeating Shadi suddenly Shadi's Millennium Keys got
suck up in one of the card. Yugi realize that he must get all Millennium
items to Yami Yugi, which is the prince. After getting Bakura's
Millennium Ring, Pegasus's Millennium Eye, Isis's Millennium Necklace, and
Kaiba's Millennium Rod Yugi is able to bring the prince back to his old

Once the young prince got back he realize that Heishi has taken over
his land. He headed over to the King's Valley in seek of the Forbidden
Ruin. Once he got there a man asked him what he is doing here. The man
realize that he was the prince and offer him his help. The prince ask
the prince ask where is the Forbidden Ruin, but the man does not no
where is it located. The Prince return to the Pharaoh Palace to see
what's left of it. Suddenly a Mage Soldier shows up and challenge him
to a duel. After defeating him in the duel the prince head up to his
mentor room. He search the place and found a map. It was the map to the
where the Millenuim Items was hidden. He head back to the kings Valley
and gave the man the map. The man took him to the Forbidden Ruin where
he saw a map of all the Millennium Items location. Suddenly Seto show up.
He told tyhe prince that the map show where to get all Millenuim Items that
Heishi hidden. He also told the prince that he was trying to stop Heishi
himself. Now the prince realize that he must gather all the hidden Millenuim
Items inorder to save his land.

After defeating High mage Secmeton, Anubisius, Atenza, Martis, and Kepura
the young prince finnally got all of the Millenuim Items. He heads to the
Dueling Ground to talk to his friends. But suddenly, Jono inform the prince
that Teana has been kidnap by Seto. Jono took the prince to Heishi's place.
But then a mage shows up. It was the LAbyrinth mage, and he challenge the
prince into a duel. After defeating the Labyrinth Mage the prince must nw find
the right way out of the labyrinth. The prince go right, right, left, and right
and he finnally got out.

I'll update this section soon...

Here’s how I’m going to write the duels in.
Duel #
AMA: (Average Monster Attack)

Simple Duels

Duel #1
Simon Muran (optional)
AMA: 200-500
You guess it, it’s your teacher. He might teach you how to duel but
he isn’t that hard. Before beating him try fusioning some monster. If
you’re having trouble (which you shouldn't because he always put
monster in defense mode) with him try dueling Duel Master K in Free

Duel #2
Teana (optional)
AMA: 300-500
She is a little harder than Simon Muran but still no prob. All she
do is put monster in defense mode. Learn your fusion when fighting
her because the duels after this will be a little bit challenging. Duel
her a lot in Free Duel to get some nice card. Another simple duel.

Duel #3
AMA: 200-1600
This guy Fush sometime but not a lot. You should try to finish him
off before he fuses.

Note: Duel him a lot because he has the Time Wizard card. It will make
any dragon into a Thousand Dragon (2400/1800).

Duel #4
Villager #1 (optional)
AMA: 500-900
The duel are getting a little tougher now. If you don’t be careful
he’ll defeat you. You should know your Fusion pretty well by now.
You’ll be all right with this guy.

Duel #5
Villager #2 (optional)
AMA: 700-1800
I suggest you duel Jono in free duel to get Time Wizard before
dueling this guy because he can fush Pumpkin King of Ghost (1800/2000),
he also use Dragon Zombie sometime (1600/0) so be careful. If you can’t
beat him you don’t have duel him, he’s optional.

Duel #6
Villager #3
AMA: 800-1800
He’s not more challenging than Villager #2 but he still have some
good cards up his sleeve. If you have Time Wizard from Jono fush it
with any dragon to make Thousand Dragon (2400/1800). If you have
Thousand dragon then this battle is a cinch.

Duel #7
Seto 1st
AMA: 800-2300 (rarely)
This is your toughest duel yet. There are two cards you need to
watch out for Gaia the Fierce Knight (2300/2100) (rarely us it) and
Ushi Uni (2150/?). Try to defeat him as fast a you can. If you beat
him he will give some good card.

Duel #8
Heinshi 1st
AMA: 2600-3500
3500!!! There is no way you can beat this guy so just lose on
purpose. But don’t worry when you get some strong card you can
challenge him again in free duel.

Congrats now onto LV.2
Note: fighting in the tournament duel in Free Duel and see if you can
fusion Twin Headed Thunder Dragon (2800/1800)

Normal Duels

Duel #9
Rex Raptor
AMA: 1000-1800
This guy isn’t challenging if you can make Twin Headed Thunder Dragon.
Your card should be around 600-2000 by now. When you beat him he might
give you a very strong cards like D. Dragon Jungle King, and Crawling Dragon.

Note: Fush Crawling Dragon with any electric monster to make Twin
Headed Thunder Dragon.

Duel #10
Weevil Underwood
AMA: 1200-2600
I only see him use Kwarga Hercules but my brother said he use Great
Moth so I’m not sure about this one. You should be able to make Twin
Headed Thunder right now so there is nothing to worry about. Duel him
in Free Duel to get some nice insect card.

Duel #11
Mai Valentine
AMA: 1500-2000
She got a few cards to worry about, Aqua Dragon (2250/1900), Harpies
Pet Dragon (2000/2500) (rarely use it), Battale Ox (1700/1000), The Bistro
Butcher (1800/1000) and the rest of her cards are over 1500. If your lucky
and get to fush Twin Headed Thunder Dragon then you’ll be alright.
After Mai duel go to Free Duel and duel Rex Raptor for another Crawling
Dragon, because you need a lot of Twin Headed Thunder Dragon.

Duel #12
Bandit Keith
AMA: 1600-2400
If you don’t have some good cards then I suggest you go duel in Free
Duel because this guy is tough. He will fush strong cards like Flame
Cerebus (2100/1800), The Bistro Butcher (1800/1000). Just try to fush a
couple of Twin Headed and you’ll be fine.

Duel #13
AMA: 1000-2000
The only thing to worry about is his magic cards. He has this card
called Spell Binding Circle that can lower any monster attack down by
500. Otherwise he shouldn’t be very challenging. Duel him again for some
magic card.

Duel #14
Yami Bakura
AMA: 1000-2000
Just like Shadi he used the same magic card Spell Binding Circle to
lower monsters attack down by 500, but he also has Labyrinth Wall (0/3000)
and Millennium Shield (0/3000) so you better have some Dark Hole or
Raigeki in your deck. Other than that he's harmless.

Duel #15
AMA: 1800-3500 (rarely)
This guy is very tough. The has a very strong card Meteor B. Dragon
(3500-2100) but don’t worry he rarely use it. He also has a lot of
Trap cards to like Raigeki (destroy all of your monster) and Dragon
Capture Jar (captures all dragons on the field. I suggest you go to
Free Duel and get some good card before dueling this guy. You must try
to defeat him fast or else he’ll bring out Dragon Capture Jar or Meteor
Black Dragon. Once you defeat him Duel him again for his Dragon Capture
Jar it’ll come very handy later on. Congrats you just won a very tough

Duel #16
AMA: 1800-3200 (with Umi)
Isis is just like Shadi and Yami Bakura, she’ll use a lot of magic
cards to win. Just watch out for Sword of Revealing Light (flip all
you face down card up and make you can’t attack for three turns) and
that spell that lower you attack and defense down by 500. When ever
she use Umi change the field to something else fast or else her
monster can be up to 2750! After the duel, duel her in free duel to
get some magic and trap card.

Duel #17
AMA: 2000-3000
And you though Pegasus is tough. Before challenging this guy go buy
a Millennium Shield or a Labyrinth Wall (look in the rare card section
to find out how to get it), because Kaiba has 3 powerful card, The Blue
Eyes White Dragon!!! If you manage to get a Dragon Capture Jar then
consider yourself a winner, if not prepare for your hardest duel yet.
Just put Millennium Shield or a Labyrinth Wall in defense so his Blue
Eyes White Dragon can’t hurt you, don’t underestimate him because he
has a Crush card that can destroy up to 4 monster on the field. Once
you beat him try beating him again for his Crush Card.

Now the Duels will get very tough I suggest you duel everybody 50
times to get some good card. All these duel you can fight them any way
you want. But I highly recommend you fight them in this order.

Hard Duels

Before you do anything head over to the Kings Valley. Talk to the guy
and ask where the Forbidden Ruin is. Now go back to the palace there
should be a Mage Soldier there. Challenge him to a duel.

Duel #18
Mage Soldier
AMA: ?-2800
Sorry it’s been along time since I duel him, but not to worry the
only card only should be a afraid of is Twin Headed Thunder Dragon.
Don’t even bother dueling him again because he gives you crappy cards.

After you beat him go inside and search for the map. After you get it
return to Kings Valley and give it to the guy there. Now your ready to
duel mages. Before you go duel mages I suggest you head over to the old
Card Shop. Jono should be there he'll show you where the new one is.
Duel everybody there first.

Duel #19
Jono 2nd (optional)
AMA: 800-2400
If you et really lucky he will give you a Red Eyes Black Dragon
(2400/1800) but he rarely gives it up. It took me 168 duels with him
just to get one Red Eyes. He is fairly simple you shouldn’t have
trouble dueling him.

Duel #20
Teana 2nd (optional)
AMA: 400-2100
Not a challenge. She is a little tougher than last time because she
can fish a Mystical Sand (2100/1600), no prob. She only give you one
good card. Dein Kento the Cure Master.

Duel #21
Villager #1 (optional)
AMA: 400-1600
Just like last time he should give you no trouble.

Duel #22
Villager #2 (optional)
AMA: 700-1800
He is still the same. Just use the same strategy for Villager #1.

Now for the Mages battle. The strategy against all mages is to change
the field, because they’ll change it back.

Duel #23
Low Meadow Mage
AMA: 1600-2700 (with Sogen)
This guy will gives you some very good cards like Dark Magician
(2500/2100), Gaia the Fierce Knight (2300/2100), Curse of Dragon
(2000/1800) and a very strong card Meteor B. Dragon (3500/2000) and
more!!! So duel him a lot. You should beat this guy without a problem.

Note: After this duel don’t go on just go to free duel and duel him
about 100 time to get very strong cards.

Duel #24
High Meadow Mage Kepura
AMA: 2100-4250 (with Sogen)
I hope you listen to me because this guy is nearly impossible to
beat. Why? Because he has 3 Gate Guardian (3750/3400). If you have
Meteor B. Dragon from low Meadow Mage set it sun so it can destroy
Gate Guardian. If you manage to win try dueling him again for some rare
cards. Good Luck!

Duel #25
Low Desert Mage
AMA: 1600-2500 (with wasteland)
He sometime use Summoned Skull (2500/1200) but this duel should be
easy for you. All you have to worry about is his Labyrinth Wall

Duel #26
High Desert Mage Martis
AMA: 2000-3500 (with wasteland)
This guy can be a problem because he changes the field to Wasteland
to make all of his monsters stronger. The strategy against all mage is
to change the field because they will change it back. Watch out for his
Labyrinth Wall (0/3500 with Wasteland).

Duel #27
Low Ocean Mage
AMA: 2000-3300 (with Umi)
This guy shouldn’t be any trouble. Why? Because when he use Umi to
power up his monster Twin Headed Thunder Dragon will also be power up.

Duel #28
High Ocean Mage Secmeton
AMA: 2100-3300+ (with Umi)
Sorry there’s no strategy for this guy. It’s been a long time since
I duel him. Just do the same thing with the other mage, change the

Duel #29
Low Mountain Mage
AMA: 1800-3300 (with Mountain)
This is just like the Ocean Mage duel. When he changes the field to
mountain, it will power up your Twin Headed Thunder Dragon. You should
win this duel without a problem.

Duel #30
High Mountain Mage Atenza
AMA: 2000-3700 (with Mountain)
This guy is pretty hard because he can power up his Black Skull
Dragon to 3700. If you have Meteor B. Dragon set it to sun to destroy
his Black Skull. His other monster should be around 2800. When you
manage to beat this guy, duel him again for Harpies Feather Duster.

Duel #31
Low Forest Mage
AMA: 2000-3100 (with Forest)
The only thing you need to worry about is his Great Moth powered up
to 3100, other than that he’s fairly simple.

Duel #32
High Forest Mage Anubisius
AMA: 200-4000 (with Forest)
This guy can take you down fast if you let him power up his monsters
When he powers up Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth to 4000 change the
field to something else. You should beat him as fast as possible. Just
watch out for Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth (3500/3000) and Great Moth

The duel will get very hard from now on. Don’t go on until you have a
lot of trap cards, a lot of power ups, and at least 2 Meteor B. Dragon.
Trust me they’ll use cards up to 4500!

Duels of Champion

Duel #33
Labyrinth Mage
AMA: about 2400-3750
The only way to beat his three Gate Guardians (3750/3400) is to have
Meteor B. Dragon set to Sun, because Sun beats Moon. Other than that
his card should be around 2400.

In case you can't figure it out. The way to get out of the Labyrinth is
Right, Right, Left, Right

Duel #34
Seto 2nd
AMA: About 2000-3750
Ok, there is a strategy to beat this guy. First you better have
some trap cards ready. All you have to do is set your Meteor B. Dragon
to Sun when he brings out his Gate Guardian (3750/3400) and you'll be all

Duel #35
AMA: 2000-3100
Since now the field is dark his Zoa will be powered up to 3100 attack points
so watch out. Just have Meteor B. Dragon and you'll be alright.

Duel #36
AMA: 2000-3100
Same as Neku just watch out for Metalzoa (3000/?) and his powered up Zoa
(3100/?). He shouldn't a challenge to you if you have Meteor Black Dragon.

Duel #37
Heinshi 2nd
AMA: 2600-3750
He’s back! But only a little tougher than last time. Here’s the
cards you should watch out for three Gate Guardians (3750/3400), three
Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth (3500/3400), and three Meteor B. Dragon
(3500/2000) and his Shadow Spell. Try to beat him as fast as you can
before he brings out his strong card.

Duel #38
Seto 3rd
AMA: 2600-4500!!!
If you though Heinshi was tough you’re in for a surprise. Seto has
the ultimate card the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3800)!!! To beat
this guy you need luck and skill. Use Dragon Capture Jar if you have
it, to get rid of Ultimate Dragon. He also has three Gate Guardians
(3750/3400), three Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth (3500/?), three Meteor
B. Dragon (3500/2000), and a Blue Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500). It will
take sometime to beat him but if your lucky you’ll get the Blue Eyes
White Dragon. Good Luck!

Duel #39
Dark Knight
AMA: 2600-4500
Just like Seto he also has the Ultimate Dragon, but this time he
has of good magic and trap cards. If your lucky and manage to win he’ll
give you very good cards. Sorry there is no strategy for this guy.

Duel #40
AMA: 2600-4500
Just when you though it’s going to be over this guy showed up. Just
like Dark Knight he also has the Ultimate Dragon and a lot of good trap
and magic cards. There is no strategy for this guy, Good Luck!!!

Congrats you just beat the game!!!

Rare Cards Location

Attack/Defense: attack and defense power
Password: password to get the card
Star chip: how much the card will cost
Description: The description on the card
How to get it:

Tips: Try to beat people in tech S rank you’ll will get good cards. You
can also enter the password but most of the card will cost 999999 star

Tech/Pow Rank
What is Tech and Pow? After every duel you either get tech or Pow rank
depending on what you do in the duel. Tech mean you don't attack a lot
and you use a lot of magics and traps card. Pow means you always leave
your monster in attack mode and don't use magics and trap cards. You
when you have tech rank you usually get magics or traps card. When you
get Pow you will usually get monster cards.

Blue Eyes White Dragon
Attack/Defense: 3000/2500
Password: 89631139
Star chip: 99999
Description: An extremely rare card with unsurpassed attack and defense
How to get it: Duel Seto 3rd or Darknite to get this rare and powerful

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Attack/Defense: 4500/3800
Password: 23995346
Star chip: 99999
Description: The Ultimate Dragon formed by the fusion of three Blue
Eyes White Dragon.
How to get it: You don’t duel for this extremely rare card. You need
three Blue Eyes White Dragon and a dragon ritual to make this beast.

Dark Magician
Attack/Defense: 2500/2100
Password: 46986414
Star chip: 99999
Description: The Ultimate Wizard in term of attack and defense.
How to get it: I got mine from dueling low Meadow Mage but my brother
got it from Darknite.

Summon Skull
Attack/Defense: 2500/1200
Password: 70781052
Star chip: 99999
Description: A fiend with dark power for confusing the enemy. Among
the Fiend-Type monster, this boasts considerable force.
How to get it: I heard that you duel High Desert Mage for this but I'm
not sure.

Judge Man
Attack/Defense: 2200/1500
Password: 30113682
Star chip: 1000
Description: For this club wielding warrior, there is no other outcome
to battle than victory or defeat.
How to get it: Use the password because it only cost 1000 star chip.

Gaia the Fierce Knight
Attack/Defense: 2300/2100
Password: 06368038
Star chip: 99999
Description: A knight mounted on a horse that travels faster than the
wind. His battle charge is a force to be reckoned with.
How to get it: Duel low Meadow mage to get this valuable card.

Gaia the Dragon Champion
Attack/Defense: 2600/2100
Password: 66889139
Star chip: 99999
Description: A warrior’s prowess combines with a dragon’s speed to
create a powerful offensive force.
How to get it: The only way I know how to get this rare card is to
fush Gaia the Fierce Knight and Curse of Dragon together.

Curse of Dragon
Attack/Defense: 2000/1500
Password: 28279543
Star chip: 99999
Description: A wicked dragon that taps dark forces to execute a
powerful attack.
How to get it: The low Meadow Mage usually gives this card.

Great Moth
Attack/Defense: 2600/2500
Password: 14141448
Star chip: 99999
Description: A powerful creature of the forest, this huge moth attack
its enemy by spreading poison dust from its wing.
How to get it: Sorry I forgot how to get this card.

Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth
Attack/Defense: 3500/3000
Password: 485793979
Star chip: 99999
Description: The final incarnation of the ultimate insect, The Great
How to get it: Sorry I’m still trying get this card.

Fire Wing Pegasus
Attack/Defense: 2350/1800
Password: 27054370
Star chip: 99999
Description: A heavenly stallion that flies across the sky on scarlet wings.
How to get it: Duel Low Meadow Mage for this card.

Thousand Dragon
Attack/Defense: 2400/2000
Password: 41462083
Star chip: 99999
Description: A dragon that has grown and developed over a thousand
How to get it: You don’t really duel for this card. Just fush Time
Wizard and any other dragon under 2400.

Red Eyes Black Dragon
Attack/Defense: 2400/2000
Password: 74677422
Star chip: 99999
Description: A very rare card with high-level attack factor.
How o get it: Duel Jono 2nd to get this card.

Twin Headed Thunder Dragon
Attack/Defense: 2800/2100
Password: 54752875
Starchips: 1900
Description: A Two-Headed Thunder Dragon capable of powerful electric attacks.
How to get it: Here are all the people that give me this card. Heinshi 1 and 2,
Seto 2 and 3.

Black Skull Dragon
Attack/Defense: 3200/2500
Password: 11901678
Star chip: 99999
Description: A very rare creature from the fusion of an uncommon beast
and a vicious dragon.
How to get it: You can’t win this card but you can fush Red Eyes Black
Dragon and Summon Skull to make it.

Roaring Ocean Snake
Attack/Defense: 2100/1800
Password: 19066538
Star chip: 350
Description: A massive sea serpent that creates tidal waves to wipe out
its enemies.
How to get it: Try dueling Mia Valentine or Heinshi 1st to get it.

Attack/Defense: 2200/2000
Password: 16507828
Star chip: 800
Description: A colossal dinosaur that stomps on anything that wonders
into its path.
How to get it: Duel low Desert Mage or High Desert Mage.

Zera the Mant
Attack/Defense: 2800/2300
Password: 69123138
Star chip: N/A
Description: A huge, brutal monster that attack with razor-sharp claws.
How to get it: You can't actually get this card. You have to use the a
ritual card.

Kaiser Dragon
Attack/Defense: 2300/200
Password: 94566432
Star chip: 900
Description: A very powerful dragon emperor.
How to get it: Still working on it.

Millennium Shield
Attack/Defense: 0/3000
Password: 32012841
Star chip: 200
Description: A millennium item candidate that is said to block any
powerful attack.
How to get it: The only way to get this is to enter the password.
Don’t worry it only cost 200 star chip.

Labyrinth Wall
Attack/Defense: 0/3000
Password: 67284908
Star chip: 200
Description: Walls appear on the field to form a labyrinth with no exit
How to get it: Duel low or high desert mage to get this card.

Jirai Gumo
Attack/Defense: 2200/100
Password: 94773007
Star chip: 80
Description: A monster Spider that dwells under the earth.
How to get it: Duel high or low forest mage to get this.

Labyrinth Tank
Attack/Defense: 2400/2400
Password: 99551425
Star chip: 99999
Description: A tank that race around a labyrinth hunting down its enemy.
How to get it: I finally got it from Heishi 1.

Attack/Defense: 2300/2000
Password: 25655502
Star Chip: 900
Description: A jack-in-the-box that excels in surprise attacks
How to get it: Still working on it but for now you can buy it.

Sanga of Thunder
Attack/Defense: 2600/2200
Password: 25955164
Star chip: 99999
Description: A golem that uses lightning attack similar to the
labyrinth brothers.
How to get it: Duel Heinshi 1st or Heinshi 2nd.

Attack/Defense: 2500/2400
Password: 98434877
Star chip: 99999
Description: A golem that use water attack like the Labyrinth brothers.
How to get it: Duel Heinshi 1st or Heinshi 2nd.

Attack/Defense: 2400/2200
Password: 62340868
Star chip: 99999
Description: A golem that use wind attack similar to the labyrinth
How to get it: Duel Heinshi 1st or Heinshi 2nd.

Gate Guardian
Attack/Defense: 3750/3400
Password: 56483330
Star chip: 99999
Description: Sanga, Kazejin, and Suijin Join to form a single,
powerful monster.
How to get it: You can’t win this card. You need the three labyrinths
brothers and the Gate Guardian Ritual.

Dragon Seeker
Attack/Defense: 2100/2000
Password: 28563545
Star chip: 700
Description: A fearsome monster sent from the netherworld to destroy
How to get it: I got mine from Heishi 1st.

Meteor B. Dragon
Attack/Defense 3500/2000
Password: N/A
Star Chip: N/A
Description: With the burning hide of a meteorte, this creature vaporizes
all that it touches.
How to get it: Duel Low Meadow Mage to get this helpful card.

Skull Knight
Attack/Defense: 2650/2250
Password: 02504891
Star chip: 99999
Description: A monk whgo has conducted several ritual in the
netherworld, and who is capable of using both weapon and magic.
How to get it: Low Meadow Mage gives you this useful card.

Empress Judge
Attack/Defense: 2100/1700
Password: 15237615
Star chip: 500
Description: Empress of the Golden Kingdom. None may refuse her will.
How to get it: Duel Heishi 1st for this card. That's how I got mine.

Attack/Defense: 2200/2350
Password: 38277918
Star chip: 99999
Description: A dragon warrior armed with a crescent-shaped sword.
Rumor to be from the moon.
How to get it: Still trying to get it. I will post where I get it as
soon I can find out who gives it.

Monstrous Bird
Attack/Defense: 2000/1900
Password: 35712107
Star chip: 550
Description: A huge bird known for its sharp dive attack.
How to get it: You can either buy it or duel High Mountain Mage for
it. Heishi 1 and 2 gives it out sometime.

Air Eater
Attack/Defense: 2100/1600
Password: 08353769
Star chip: 1000
Description: A monster that suffocates its enemy by feeding on the
surrounding air supply.
How to get it: Heishi 1st gives away this card.

Attack/Defense: 2600/1900
Password: 24311372
Star chip: 99999
Description: A monster whose full potential can be achieve when
transformed into its metal form.
How to get it: Try dueling Heinshi 1st.

Metal Zoa
Attack/Defense: 3000/2300
Password: 50705071
Star chip: 99999
Description: metallic Zoa capable of intensive attacks.
How to get it: To get this card you can either duel Sebek or use metal
morph on Zoa.

Right Leg of the Forbidden One
Attack/Defense : 200/300
Code # :08124921
Star Chip: 999999
Description : A forbidden limb sealed by magic. Who ever brakes this seal
will know infinite power. Only one card of this type can be included in a
How to get it: Mostly Villagers 2 or 3 gives this card.

Left Leg of the Forbidden One
Attack/Defense : 200/300
Code # :44519536
Star Chip: 999999
Description : A forbidden limb sealed by magic. Who ever brakes this seal
will know infinite power. Only one card of this type can be included in a
How to get it: Mostly Villagers 2 or 3 gives this card.

Right Arm of the Forbidden One
Attack/Defense : 200/300
Code # :70903634
Star Chip: 999999
Description :A forbidden limb sealed by magic. Who ever brakes this seal
will know infinite power. Only one card of this type can be included in a
How to get it : The arms are all random.

Left Arm of the Forbidden One
Attack/Defense :200/300
Code # :07902349
Star Chip: 999999
Description :A forbidden limb sealed by magic. Who ever brakes this seal
will know infinite power. Only one card of this type can be included in a
How to get it: The arms are all random.

Exodia the Forbidden
Attack/Defense : 1000/1000
Code # :33396948
Star Chip: 999999
Description : Once combind with arms and legs, this monster is freed from
its magical chains. Only one card of this type can be included in a deck.
How to get it: Duel Seto 2 or 3, Heishi 2 to get this extremely rare card.

Crimson Sunbird
Attack/Defense: 2300/1800
Password: 46696593
Star chip: 700
Description: This monster swoops down and attacks with a rain of
knives stored in its wings.
How to get it: Duel high Mountain Mage for this card.

Stone D
Attack/Defense: 2000/2300
Password: 68171737
Star chip: 900
Description: With a body consistent entirely of rock, this dragon
flings boulder at its enemy.
How to get it: Duel low, high desert mage or Heishi 1st to get this

Attack/Defense: 2200/2000
Password: 16507828
Star chip: 800
Description: A colossal dinosaur that stomps on anything that wonders in
to its path.
How to get it: low or high Desert Mage gave you this card.

Thousand Dragon
Attack/Defense: 2400/2000
Password: 41462083
Star chip: 99999
Description: A dragon that has experience over a thousand years.
How to get it: You can either fuse any dragon under 2400 with Time
Wizard to get this or you can duel Seto 3rd.

Mystical Sand
Attack/Defense: 2100/1700
Password: 32751480
Star chip: 500
Description: Turns enemies to stone and crushes them to dust.
How to get it: These are the people that I got mine from Heishi 1st,
low and high Desert Mage.

Great Mammoth of the Goldfine
Attack/Defense: 2200/1800
Password: 54622031
Star chip: 800
Description: A very unusual skeletal zombie elephant with glowing gold
How to get it: You can get it from Heishi 1st and second or low or high
Desert Mage.

Dark-piercing Light
Magic Card
Password: 45895206
Star chip: 99999
Description: A dazzling light reveals all monsters on the playing
How to get it: Duel Yami Bakura at tech-S to get this helpful card.

Violet Crystal
Equip Magic Card
Password: 15052462
Star chip: 800
Description: Mystic forces from the crystal increase the power of
How to get it: Try getting Tech-S on Isis.

Equip Magic Card
Password: 37820550
Star chip: 800
Description: A whip for paralyzing enemies. Increase power when
equipped with female creature.
How to get it: Try getting tech-S on Pegasus or Isis for this card.

Curse Breaker
Magic Card
Password: 69666645
Star chip: 10
Description: Cancel the magic over all level-reduced monsters and sets
them at level 0.
How to get it: I got mine from Heinshi 2nd but I’m not sure where you
get this.

Equip Magic Card
Password: 22046459
Star chip: 50000
Description: Powers up any monster by 1000.
How to get it: Pegasus is the only one so far that gives you this
rare card.

Dragon Capture Jar
Trap Card
Password: 50045299
Star Chip: 99999
Description: A jar that captures all dragons on the field.
How to get it: Try to tech-s Pegasus for this card.

Magical Labyrinth
Equip Magic Card
Password: 64389297
Star chip: 10
Description: A card for boosting the power of the Labyrinth Wall.
How to get it: Duel the Labyrinth Mage for this card or you can enter
the password it only cost 10 star chips.

Kuna with Chain
Equip Magic Card
Password: 37390589
Star chip: 800
Description: A boomerang featuring the two cards. The Legendary Sword
and Sword of Dark Destruction.
How to get it: Jono one and two gives this card.

Shadow Spell
Magic Card
Password: 29267084
Star chip: 99999
Description: Lowers a monsters attack by 1000

Dian Keto the Cure Master
Magic Card
Password: 84257639
Star chip: 99999
Description: Increase your Life Points by 1000 points
How to get it: Duel Teana 2nd to get this card.

Magic Card
Password: 12580477
Star chip: 99999
Description: Destroy all opponent monster cards on the field.
How to get it: When you start a new game you usually have this. But if
you don't try dueling Pegasus at tech S.

If you want me to add more cards just email me and tell me the cards
name, password, description of the card and how to get it. I will give
you Credit.

Ritual Cards
This section I tell you some ritual cards and what to sacrifice.
Refer to the how to play section to learn how to use a ritual card.


Ritual Card
Monster Attack/Defense

Sacrifice 1, Sacrifice 2, Sacrifice 3

Ultimate Dragon Ritual
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3800)

Sacrifice: Blue Eyes White Dragon, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Blue Eyes White Dragon

Gate Guardian Ritual
Gate Guardian (3750/3400)

Sacrifice: Sanga of the Thunder, Kazejin, Suijin

Black Luster Ritual
Black Luster Soldier (3000/2500)

Sacrifice: Beaver Warrior, Gaia the Fierce Knight, Kuriboh

Novox's Prayer
Skull Guardian (2050/2550)

Sacrifice: M-Warrior #1, M-Warrior #2, Kimakiriman

Curse of Millennium Shield
Millennium Shield (0/3000)

Sacrifice: Prevent Rat, One-eyed Shield Dragon, Armor Rat

Yamadron Ritual
Yamadron (1600/1800)

Sacrifice: Mountain Warrior, Koumori Dragon, Wings of Wicked Flame

Zera Ritual
Zera the Mant (2800/2300)

Sacrifice: King of Yamimakai, Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head, Ryu-Kishi

War-Lion Ritual
Super War-Lion (2300/2100)

Sacrifice: Frenzied Panda, Leogun, Garvas

Beastry Mirror Ritual
Fiend Mirror (2100/1800)

Sacrifice: Fiends Reflection #2, Wicked Mirror, Fiends Reflection #1

Commencement Dance
Performance of Sword (1950/1850)

Sacrifice: Water Omotics, Dancing Elf, Bean Soldier

Revival of Sengenjin
Sengenjin (2750/2550)

Sacrifice: Hitotsu-me Giant, Tiger Axe, Millennium Golem

Fortress Whale Oath
Fortress Whale (2350/2150)

White Dolphin, Mech Bass, Misairuzame

Curse of Tri-Horn Dragon
Tri-Horn Dragon (2850/2350)

Sacrifice: Feral Imp, Torike, B. Dragon Jungle King

Revival of Serpent Night Dragon
Serpent Night Dragon (2350/2400)

Sacrifice: Darkfire Dragon, Dragoness the Wicked Knight, Obeses
Marmot of Nefariousness

Turtle Oath
Crab Turtle (2550/2500)

Sacrifice: Catapult Turtle, Kanikabuto, 30,000-Years White Turtle

Construct of Mask
Mask of Shine and Dark (2000/1800)

Sacrifice: Mask of Darkness, Masked Clown, Masked Sorcerer

Resurrection of Chakra
Chakra (2450/200)

Sacrifice: Claw Reacher, Versago the Destroyer, Dark Artist

Puppet Ritual
Psycho Puppet (2000/2350)

Sacrifice: Mysterious Puppeteer, Saber Slasher, Blocker

Javelin Beetle Pact
Javelin Beetle (2450/2550)

Sacrifice: Hercules Beetle, Kuwagata Alpha, Kwaga, Hercules

Garma Sword Oath
Garma Sword (2550/2150)

Sacrifice: Vishwar Randi, Swordstalker, Succubus Knight

Cosmo Queen Prayer
Cosmo Queen (2900/2450)

Sacrifice: Queen's Double, Queen of Autumn Leaves, Princess of Tsuguri

Hamburger Recipe
Hungry Burger (2000/1850)

Sacrifice: Beetle Steer, Bioplant, Griggle

Revival of Skeleton Rider
Dokurorider (1900/1850)

Sacrifice: Temple of Skulls, Cockroach Knight, Korogashi\

Dark Magic Ritual
Magician of Black Chaos (2800/2600)

Winged Dragon #1, Dark Magician, Blast Juggler

Comming Soon... I'll add the fushion to make the ritual cards.

50 Cards Duel Statistic
In this section you will see some duels statistic on some characters.
What that means is that I will have some characters and all the cards they
gives out at 50 duels. I took me along time to make this section, so enjoy

Thanks to all these people that helped out with this section:

Legend: This is how I'm gonna put it.
Character name
Author: named
#. Monster Rank

Simon Muran
By: Me

1. Zombie Warrior S Pow
2. Shadow Specter S Pow
3. Muka Muka S Pow
4. Ameba S Pow
5. Griffore Pow S
6. Change Slim S Pow
7. Korogashi S Pow
8. Key Mace S Pow
9. Griffore S Pow
10. Zombie Warrior S Pow
11. Change Slim S Pow
12. Wretched Ghost of the Attic A Pow
13. Mech Mole Zombie A Pow
14. Yashinoki S Pow
15. Celtic Guardian S Pow
16. Key Mace S Pow
17. Sangan S Pow
18. Tomozaurus S Pow
19. Mystic Lamp S Pow
20. Sangan S Pow
21. Korogashi S Pow
22. Ancient Jar S Pow
23. Leghul S Pow
24. Weather Control S Pow
25. Blackland Fire Dragon S Pow
26. Haniwa S Pow
27. Wretched Ghost of the Attic S Pow
28. Leghul S Pow
29. Weather Control A Pow
30. Jinzo #7 S Pow
31. Mystic Lamp S Pow
32. Blackland Fire Dragon
33. Haniwa
34. Mechanical Spider S Pow
35. Mechanical Spider S Pow
36. Ancient Jar S Pow
37. Ancient Jar S Pow
38. Silver Fang A Pow
39. Mystery Hand S Pow
40. Turu-Purun S Pow
41. Leghul S Pow
42. Zombie Warrior A Pow
43. Weather Control S Pow
44. Sangan S Pow
45. Fungi of the Musk S Pow
46. Mammoth Graveyard S Pow
47. Ameba S Pow
48. Change Slime S Pow
49. Sangan S Pow
50. Ancient Jar S Pow

Teana 1
By: Me

1. Dancing Elf S Pow
2. Zone Eater S Pow
3. Armed Ninja A Pow
4. Zone Eater
5. Armed Ninja S Pow
6. Zone Eater S Pow
7. Swordsman from a Foreign Land S Pow
8. Ancient Jar D Pow
9. Milus Radiant B Pow
10. Dancing Elf S Pow
11. Ooguchi S Pow
12. Zone Eater S Pow
13. Milus Radiant S Pow
14. Zone Eater S Pow
15. Dancing Elf S Pow
16. Zone Eater S Pow
17. Monster Eye S Pow
18. Dancing Elf S Pow
19. Sinister Serpent S Pow
20. Zone Eater S Pow
21. Ooguchi S Pow
22. Milus Radiant
23. Kuriboh S Pow
25. Kuriboh S Pow
26. Armed Ninja S Pow
27. Milus Radiant S Pow
28. Armed Ninja S Pow
29. Sword of Dark Destruction S Pow
30. Skull Servant A Pow
31. Sinister Serpent S Pow
32. Dancing Elf S Pow
33. Armed Ninja S Pow
34. Kuriboh S Pow
35. Monster Eye S Pow
36. Ooguchi S Pow
37. Ooguchi S Pow
38. Mask of Darkness S Pow
39. Monster Eye S Pow
40. Ooguchi A Pow
41. Milus Radiant S Pow
42. Dancing Elf S Pow
43. Zone Eater S Pow
44. Milus Radiant S Pow
45. Ooguchi A Pow
46. Milus Radiant S Pow
47. Armed Ninja D Pow
48. Kuriboh S Pow
49. Swordsman from a Foreign Land S Pow
50. Armed Ninja S Pow

Jono 1
By: ngcheechong

1. Meda Bat S Pow
2. Meda Bat S Pow
3. Baby Dragon S Pow
4. Droll Bird S Pow
5. Mystery Hand S Pow
6. Droll Bird S Pow
7. Mechanical Spider S Pow
8. The Melting Red Shadow S Pow
9. Droll Bird S Pow
10. Trakadon S Pow
11. Mech Mole Zombie S Pow
12. Turu-Purun S Pow
13. Abyss Flower S Pow
14. Wolf S Pow
15. Kunai with Chain S Pow
16. White Dolphin S Pow
17. Mech Mole Zombie S Pow
18. Yamatano Dragon Scroll S Pow
19. Korogashi S Pow
20. Baby Dragon S Pow
21. Boo Koo S Pow
22. Rainbow Flower S Pow
23. Kunai with Chain S Pow
24. Basic Insect S Pow
25. Man-eater Bug S Pow
26. Fiend's Hand S Pow
27. Jinzo #7 S Pow
28. Basic Insect S Pow
29. Jinzo #7 S Pow
30. Mystery Hand S Pow
31. Korogashi S Pow
32. Rainbow Flower S Pow
33. Eyearmor S Pow
34. Pot the Trick S Pow
35. Fire Reaper S Pow
36. Abyss Flower S Pow
37. Sectarian of Secrets S Pow
38. Weather Control S Pow
39. Hurricail S Pow
40. Air Marmot of Nefariousness S Pow
41. The Melting Red Shadow S Pow
42. Haniwa S Pow
43. The Melting Red Shadow S Pow
44. Hoshiningen S Pow
45. Air Marmot of Nefariousness S Pow
46. Kagemusha of the Blue Flame S Pow
47. Candle of Fate S Pow
48. Time Wizard S Pow
49. Masked Clown S Pow
50. Air Marmot of Nefariousness S Pow

Villager 1
By: ngcheechong

1. Dark Plant S Pow
2. Armed Ninja S Tech
3. Fungi of the Musk S Pow
4. Bat S Pow
5. Dancing Elf S Pow
6. Kuriboh S Pow
7. Ooguchi S Pow
8. Mystical Lamp S Pow
9. Elf's Light A Pow
10. Ameba S Pow
11. Mystical Lamp S Pow
12. Bone Mouse S Pow
13. Dancing Elf S Pow
14. Zone Eater S Pow
15. Dancing Elf S Pow
16. Bat S Tech
17. Mooyan Curry S Pow
18. Milus Radiant S Pow
19. Griggle S Pow
20. Pot the Trick S Pow
21. Monster Eye S Pow
22. Dancing Elf S Pow
23. Leghul S Pow
24. Skull Servant S Pow
25. Kuriboh S Pow
26. Mooyan Curry S Pow
27. Griggle S Pow
28. Patrol Robo S Pow
29. Swordman from the Foreign Land S Pow
30. Pot the Trick S Pow
31. Dancing Elf S Pow
32. Ooguchi S Pow
33. Leghul S Pow
34. Dancing Elf S Pow
35. Pot the Trick S Pow
36. Dark Plant S Pow
37. Ancient Jar S Pow
38. Sinister Serpent S Pow
39. Ancient Jar S Pow
40. Ancient Jar S Pow
41. Monster Eye S Pow
42. Queen's Double S Pow
43. D. Human S Pow
44. Red Medicine C Pow
45. Mountain C Pow
46. Cursebreaker S Pow
47. House of Adhesive Tape S Pow
48. Milus Radiant C Tech
49. Final Flame B Pow
50. Pot the Trick C Pow

Villager 3
By: world_champion

1. Versago the Destroyer S Pow
2. Dragon Zombie S Pow
3. One-eyed Shield Dragon S Pow
4. Dragon Statue S Pow
5. Dragon Statue S Pow
6. Skull Servant S Pow
7. Change Slime S Pow
8. Ooguchi S Pow
9. Rock Ogre Grotto #2 S Pow
10. Dragoness the Wicked Knight S Pow
11. Armaill S Pow
12. Penguin Soldier S Pow
13. Dream Clown S Pow
14. The 13th Grave S Pow
15. Water Element S Pow
16. Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head S Pow
17. Gaurdian of the Labyrinth S Pow
18. Kaminarikozou S Pow
19. Ancient Tree of Enlightenment S Pow
20. Supporter in the Shadow S Pow
21. Tenderness S Pow
22. Solitude S Pow
23. Hyo S Pow
24. Star Boy S Pow
25. Frenzied Panda S Pow
26. Guardian of the Labyrinth S Pow
27. Wing Egg Elf S Pow
28. Armored Rat S Pow
29. Bio Plant S Pow
30. Dissolverock S Pow
31. Beastking of the Swamp S Pow
32. Zombie Warrior S Pow
33. Water Element S Pow
34. Supporter in the Shadow S Pow
35. Toad Master S Pow
36. Muka Muka S Pow
37. Steel Scorpion S Pow
38. Snakeyashi S S Pow
39. Wood Remains S Pow
40. Dragoness the Wicked Knight S Pow
41. Muka Muka S Pow
42. Skull Servant S Pow
43. Dragon Statue S Pow
44. Tenderness S Pow
45. Frenzied Panda S Pow
46. Beastking of the Swamps S Pow
47. Disolverock S Pow
48. Dragon Statue S Pow
49. Armaill S Pow
50. Penguin Soldier S Pow

Seto 1
By: liquidsnake741

1. Fire Eye S Pow
2. Wings of Wicked Flame S Pow
3. Dark Plant S Pow
4. Krokodilus S Pow
5. Zarigun S Pow
6. Ganigumo S Pow
7. Ryu-kishin S Pow
8. Fire Reaper S Pow
9. Little Chimera S Pow
10. Abyss Flower S Pow
11. Wings of Wicked Flame S Pow
12. Mushroom Man #2 S Pow
13. Zarigun S Pow
14. The Bewitching Phantom Thief S Pow
15. White Magical Hat S Pow
16. Hoshiningen S Pow
17. Wicked Mirror S Pow
18. Dharma Cannon S Pow
19. Sectarian of Secrets S Pow
20. Lucky Trinket S Pow
21. Tentacle Plant S Pow
22. Yamatano Dragon Scroll S Pow
23. Rainbow Flower S Pow
24. Little Chimera S Pow
25. Armed Ninja S Pow
26. Abyss Flower S Pow
27. Hoshiningen S Pow
28. Dark Plant S Pow
29. Zarigun S Pow
30. Zarigun S Pow
31. Wicked Mirror S Pow
32. Toon Aligator S Pow
33. The Bewitching Phantom Thief S Pow
34. Wood Remains S Pow
35. Fire Reaper S Pow
36. Mushroom Man A Pow
37. Muka Muka S Pow
38. Krokodilus S Pow
39. Fire Eye S Pow
40. Flame Manipulator S Pow
41. Ganigumo S Pow
42. White Magical Hat S Pow
43. Ryu-kishin S Pow
44. Dharma Cannon S Pow
45. Lucky Trinket S Pow
46. Key Mace S Pow
47. Morphing jar S Pow
48. Wings of Wicked Flame S Pow
49. Tentacle Plant A Pow
50. Yamatano Dragon Scroll S Pow

More updates are coming...

This is the longest and hardest section. In this section you'll
find out some magics, traps, and even monsters fushion. Thanks to
all who help me with this section.

Magics and Traps Fushions

Harpie Lady Sisters + Harpie Lady Sisters = Harpies Feather Duster
Umi + Flame Swordman = Legendary Sword
Megamorph + Fake Trap = Reverse Trap
Umi + Electro Whip = Stain Storm
Book of Secret Arts + Mooyan Curry = Hamburger Ritual
Electro Whip + Metal Guardian = Metalmorph
Legendary Sword + Sword of Dark Destruction = Kunai with Chain
Megamorph + Beast Fang = Bear Trap
Umi + Dark Hole = Eternal Drought
Red Medicine + Red Medicine = Goblin's Secret Remedy
Sparks + Sparks = Hitodama
Spellbinding Circle + Spellbinding Circle = Shadow Spell
Winged Trumpeter + Winged Trumpeter = Soul of the Pure
Yami + Yami = Dark Energy
Machine Conversion Factory + Dark Energy = Black Pendant
Electro-whip + Job-Change Mirror = Elegant Egotist
Hitodama + Hitodama = Final Flame
Magical Labyrinth + Metalmorph = Gate Guardian Ritual
Beast Fangs + Beast Fangs = Eatagaboon
Cursebreaker + Spellbinding Circle = Fake Trap
Dain Keto the Cure Master + Dain Keto the Cure Master = Megamorph
Dragon Treasure + Dark Energy = Revival of Serpent Knight Dragon
Hitodama + Hitodama = Final Flame
Malevolent Nuzzler + Malevolent Nuzzler = Revival of Chakra
Legendary Sword + Sword of Dark Destruction = Kunai with Chain
Machine Conversion Factory + Any Bird = Harpies Feather Duster
Dark Energy + Dark-Piercing Light = Black Luster Ritual
Warrior Elimination + Swamp Battle Guard = Electro Whip
Bad Reaction to Simochi + Goblin's Fan = Breath of Light
Goblin's Secret Remedy + Goblin's Secret Remedy = Soul of the Pure
Follow wind + Wasteland = Breathe of Light
Mooyan Curry + Dragon Treasure = Dragon Capture Jar
Metalmorph + Vile Gems = Crush Card
Machine Conversion Factory + Faith Bird = Harpies Feather Duster
Follow wind + Acid Trap Hole = Stain Storm

In this section you'll find some tips and tricks to make this game

Legend: Here's how I'm gonna put it.
Tip or Trick name
What you need to do the trick.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
and so on.

Duplicating Cards Trick
Description: This trick will allow you to duplicate cards at the beginning
of the game.
2 Memory Cards
Step 1: Put memory card #1 to slot 1.
Step 2: Start a new game on memory card #1 and save.
Step 3: Put memory card #2 in slot 2.
Step 4: Start a new game on memory card #2 and save.
Step 5: Now go to trade all the good card from one memory card to the other.
Step 6: Now you can start over on a memory card and do the same thing until
you get some good cards.

More coming...


Here is some question that people ask me about the game and the

Q: How do you make Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon?

A: Easy, you need three Blue Eyes White Dragon and an Ultimate Dragon
Ritual Card. Put the three Blue Eyes on the field then use the ritual
card to sacrifice the Blue Eyes to create Ultimate Dragon.

Q: What is tech rank and how do you get it?

A: Defeat your opponent when they’re almost or ran out of cards to get
tech rank.

Q: Do you get better cards when you get tech rank?

A: Not really you get more traps and magic card in Tech than Pow.

Q: Do you have to have all Exodia Piece in you hand or on the field?

A: Hand, to summon Exodia.

Q: How do I use the Black Luster Ritual?

A: You have to have Gaia the Fierce Knight, Beaver Warrior and Kuriboh
on the field. Then use the ritual card to sacrifice them.

Q: Who gives out Exodias Legs?

A: I got mine from Villagers and Duel Master K.

Q: Can I get some ritual cards as a base card?

A: No, there’s know way unless you use gameshark.

Q: Are you sure the Low Meadow Mage give you all those cards?

A: Yes but you have to duel him a lot for it.

Q: Who do you duel for Dark Magic Ritual?

A: Sorry I don't know where to get it. I'll posted as soon as I can find

Q: How do you get Gate Guardian?

A: You need Sanga of Thunder, Kazejin, and Suijin on the field then use
the Gate Guardian Ritual.

Q: How do I get Tri-Horn Dragon?

A: You can't get him as a base card. You need to use the ritual card.
Check my walkthrough ritual section for more information.

Q: Who do you duel after Seto 2?

A: You have to beat all mages.

Q: How do you get Ritual Cards?

A: There pretty hard to get. Just buy them it only cost about 100 star
chip each. Or you can duel Bakura at tech S because he gives a lot of them.

Coming Soon...
I'll add some these in my next update.

More Fushion

More Story

More Rare Cards

More Strategy


I would like to thank Konami for making this game.

Thank myself for writing this.

I would also thank myself for making the ASCII art.

Thanks to my brother for helping me beat the game.

Thank you Gamefaqs.com, Neoseeker.com, and Psxcodez.com for posting my

Rare Cards Location Credits

Thanks Azn Dragons for adding some more cards.

Thank you finalfantasypyro for adding in new cards.

Thanks keldonwarlord006 for adding in new cards.

Thanks BJohnson for letting me use some password.

Thank you Hazardous87 for adding Skull Knight.

Thanks shortymjh for giving me some password.

Thanks novastrike81 for adding Twin Headed Thunder Dragon to the FAQ.

Thanks RedZero99 for adding two new cards to the rare card location.

Duels Statistic Credits

I want to thanks world_champion for adding some duel statistic.

Thanks ngcheechong for letting me use the 50 duel statistic.

Thank you liquidsnake741 for adding Seto 1 to the Duel Statistic section.

Ritual Section Credits

Thanks ngcheechong for helping me complete the ritual section.

Fixing the FAQ Credits

Thanks Striderneo15 for fixing Isis.

Thanks Taothao for fixing my mistake.

Thanks danielw123456 for fixing some mistake.

Thanks aj for the info.

And last thanks whoever was reading this.

Contact Info.
Here's some ways you can contact me to fix or make the FAQ better. Feel
free to ask question about the game.

Message Board
I'm always found on the gamefaqs and neoseeker message board.


Instant Message
Yahoo Instant Messenger: nnguyen11490
MSN: nnguyen11490@hotmail.com

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