Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos

Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos

18.10.2013 02:45:13
Experience/Heroes Guide
WarCraft III : Reign of Chaos
Experience/Heroes Guide
Updated on 1st August 2002
Version 2.11
Done by dralf
Email: psydralf@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.geocities.com/psydralf
Best viewed using IE, resolution 800*600, font size medium.

Version 1.0 (7th July 2002) : 1st Faq.
Version 1.11 (8th July 2002) : Added in Experience range.
Added in more details about Feral Spirit.
Added in more details about Force of Nature.
Added in "Recruiting & Reviving Heroes".
Added in "Items" Section.
Version 1.23 (10th July 2002) : Added in more details about Heroes.
Version 1.36 (13th July 2002) : Added in more details about Heroes.
Added in "Experience from Humans"
Added in "Experience from Orcs"
Added in "Experience from Undead"
Added in "Experience from Night Elves"
Added in "Experience from Heroes"
Version 1.50 (19th July 2002) : Added in "Experience from Neutrals"
Refined Heroes' details
Updated a bit of experience
Version 2.00 (25th July 2002) : Fixed Experience
Refined Heroes' details
Version 2.11 (1st August 2002) : Refined Heroes' details
Added ProdigaL in Credits
Refined "Experience Basics"

Heroes are the most important units in the entire game.
If you don't know how to use them well, you can never hope to
win against an experienced player.


1. Experience Basics
2. Experience from Humans
3. Experience from Orcs
4. Experience from Undead
5. Experience from Night Elves
6. Experience from Heroes
7. Experience from Neutrals
8. Ability Requirements
9. Recruiting & Reviving Heroes
10. Items
11. Humans: the Alliance of Lordaeron
12. Orcs: the Horde
13. Undead Scourge
14. Night Elves: the Sentinels
15. Campaigns Heroes
16. Credits

1. Experience Basics
Experience can be gained by killing units or destroying defensive structures
that can attack.
For a hero to gain experience, he need not be the one to do the deed.
The hero need only to be in the screen of the kills or the demolishing.
When 2 or more heroes are within the screen, the experience gained is shared
between them.

For example, there are 3 heroes within the screen. An enemy unit with an
experience points of 40 is killed. Each hero will gain 40/3 = 13 experience.
The remainder of 1 experience point is then gone.

Since all creatures in single player mode will give an even experience points,
it's better to send only 2 heroes into battle, or else experience
points will be wasted.

Note that in LAN and battlenet, the experience that you get is 1/4 more than
what you will normally get in single-player mode.
(Not applicable to the experience that you will get from killing Heroes
and Neutral units. They stay the same.)

Here are the levels ranges.
Experience Levels
Level 1 : 0-199
Level 2 : 200-499
Level 3 : 500-899
Level 4 : 900-1399
Level 5 : 1400-1999
Level 6 : 2000-2699
Level 7 : 2700-3499
Level 8 : 3500-4399
Level 9 : 4400-5399
Level 10: 5400
*The maximum level that a hero can go up to is level 10.

2. Experience from Humans
Here are the experiences that will be gained from killing human units.

Type Experience
---- ----------
Peasant 20
Militia 30
Footman 30
Priest 30
Sorcercess 30
Gyrocopter 30
Mortar Team 40
Rifleman 40
Knight 60
Guard Tower 20
Gryhon 80

3. Experience from Orcs
Here are the experiences that will be gained from killing Orc units.

Type Experience
---- ----------
Peon 20
Troll Headhunter 30
Witch Docter 30
Shaman 30
Grunt 40
Raider 40
Kodo Beast 60
Catapult 60
Wyvern 60
Tauren 80
Orc Burrow 20
Watch Tower 20

4. Experience from Undead
Here are the experiences that will be gained from killing Undead units.

Type Experience
---- ----------
Acolyte 20
Skeletal Warrior 30
Ghoul 30
Necromancer 30
Banshee 40
Gargoyle 30
Crypt Fiend 40
Meat Wagon 60
Abomination 60
Shade 20
Frost Wyrm 120
Spirit Tower 20
Halls of the Dead 20

5. Experience from Night Elves
Here are the experiences that will be gained from killing Night Elves units.

Type Experience
---- ----------
Wisp 20
Archer 30
Druid of the Talon 30
Dryad 30
Huntress 40
Ballista 60
Druid of the Claw 60
Chimaera 80
Ancient of Wind 20
Ancient of Lore 20
Ancient Protector 40
Tree of Life 20

6. Experience from Heroes
Here are the experiences that will be gained from killing
Heroes of different levels. (Regardless of race)

Level Experience
----- ----------
1 80
2 100
3 120
4 140
5 160
6 200
7 240
8 280
9 320
10 400

7. Experience from Neutrals
Here are the experiences that will be gained from killing
Neutral units of different levels. (Regardless of type)

Level Experience
----- ----------
1 20
2 30
3 40
4 60
5 80
6 120
7 160
8 240
9 320
10 480

8. Ability Requirements

All abilities required the heroes to be at specific levels before learning.
Ability Level 1---->Hero Level 1
Ability Level 2---->Hero Level 3
Ability Level 3---->Hero Level 5
*Only the Ultimate ability requires the hero to be at level 6 to be able
to learn. And it cannot be upgraded to the next level.

9. Recruiting & Reviving Heroes
Heroes can only be recruited at the buildings called altars.
The requirements are as follows

1st Hero : 5 population space.
2nd Hero : 5 population space; 500 gold; 100 lumber; Upgrade to 2nd tier
3rd Hero : 5 population space; 500 gold; 100 lumber; Upgrade to 3rd tier

When Heroes died, their spirits will depart from their bodies.
They can be revived at the altars.
Cost of Revival
Level 1 : 200 gold; 5 population space.
Level 2 : 250 gold; 5 population space.
Level 3 : 300 gold; 5 population space.
Level 4 : 350 gold; 5 population space.
Level 5 : 400 gold; 5 population space.
Level 6 : 450 gold; 5 population space.
Level 7 : 500 gold; 5 population space.
Level 8 : 550 gold; 5 population space.
Level 9 : 600 gold; 5 population space.
Level 10: 650 gold; 5 population space.

10. Items
Items can only be carried and used by heroes.
Items can enhance your heroes' abilities and
give your heroes a better chance to survive.
All recruited heroes will start out with a Scroll of Town Portal.
Below are some items that can be bought at the Goblin Merchant.

Name of item Property of item
------------------------ ----------------
Scroll of Town Portal Teleports Hero and nearby troops
to target friendly town hall
Potion of Healing Heals 250 hit points
Potion of Mana Heals 150 mana
Potion of Invisibility Renders the Hero invisible for 120 seconds
Scroll of Healing Heals 150 hits points to all friendly
non-mechanical units around the Hero
Scroll of Protection Increases the armor of all friendly units in
an area around the hero by 2 for 30 seconds
Wand of Negation Dispels all magical effects in target area;
Deals 200 damage to summoned units
Gem of True Seeing Allows the Hero to detect hidden or
invisible units in the Hero's line of sight.

11. Humans: the Alliance of Lordaeron


The Archbishop, Alonsus Faol, prior to the Second War, founded the Order
of the Knights of the Silver Hand. The holy knights, or paladins, as they
are commonly called, led the battle against the evil orcs and helped to save
the lands of Lordaeron from ruin. Though it has been nearly fifteen years
since the end of the Second War, the paladins still work selflessly to
protect humanity from the gnawing jaws of evil. Empowered by the Light,
these mighty warriors brandish both their warhammers and holy fire in the
battle against all who would trample the meek and innocent.

Level 1
Hit points : 650
Damage : 24-34
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 22
Agility : 13
Intelligence : 17

Level 2
Hit points : 700
Damage : 26-36
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 24
Agility : 14
Intelligence : 18

Level 3
Hit points : 775
Damage : 29-39
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 27
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 20

Level 4
Hit points : 850
Damage : 32-42
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 30
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 22

Level 5
Hit points : 900
Damage : 34-44
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 32
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 24

Level 6
Hit points : 975
Damage : 37-47
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 35
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 26

Level 7
Hit points : 1050
Damage : 40-50
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 38
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 27

Level 8
Hit points : 1100
Damage : 42-52
Type of Attack : ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 40
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 29

Level 9
Hit points : 1175
Damage : 45-55
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 43
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 31

Level 10
Hit points : 1250
Damage : 48-58
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 46
Agility : 26
Intelligence : 33

By channeling the positive energies of the Light, paladins can form a wave
of healing energy to mend their comrades' wounds. This holy energy is also
capable of causing damage to the undead and their dark masters.
Level 1: Heals 200; 100 damage to undead
Level 2: Heals 400; 200 damage to undead
Level 3: Heals 600; 300 damage to undead
PROS : Can heal allies & damage undead minions.
CONS : Can only damage undead.
COMMENTS: This is a very good skill.
REcommended to put your 1st point into this ability.

Empowered by the Light, paladins can surround themselves with an
impenetrable barrier of positive energy. While they are encased in it,
physical and magical attacks cannot do them any harm.
Level 1: Lasts 10 seconds
Level 2: Lasts 20 seconds
Level 3: Lasts 30 seconds
PROS : Nothing can harm you during this period.
CONS : Small duration of time.
COMMENTS: Cast the invisible spell on the paladin first, then send him to
the enemy base.
After that, use this skill and wrack havoc on the enemies.
When the spell is about to finish, use the scroll of town portal to
teleport back to base. Repeat the procedure.

The mere presence of a powerful paladin can instill great courage and inner
strength in those around them. This powerful, spiritual surge actually
increases the defensive capabilities of those gathered near the paladin.
Level 1 : Increases base armor by 1
Level 2 : Increases base armor by 2
Level 3: Increases base armor by 3
PROS : Can help allies.
CONS : Increases base armor by only a little.
COMMENTS: Use skill points on this only after all others skills have
been learned.

By invoking the grandeur of the Light, mighty paladins can bring recently
slain comrades back to life, enabling them to fight on for justice, freedom
and the glory of Lordaeron.
Ultimate: Revives the corpses of 6 friendly units
PROS: All revived units function as normally.
CONS: Long spell recovery time.
COMMENTS: Put a skill point into this as soon as possible.


Hailing from the magical kingdom of Dalaran, the Archmagi represent the
pinnacle of magical power. Weaving their intricate enchantments, these
crotchety old wizards defend humanity with all the magical powers at their
disposal. Mounted atop their trusty unicorn steeds, the Archmagi brandish
magical blades and ancient staves that serve to channel their fierce
energies in battle. Though gruff and slightly aloof, these experienced
wizards are a heartening sight upon any battlefield where the fate of
humanity lies in peril.

Level 1
Hit points : 450
Damage : 21-27
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 14
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 19

Level 2
Hit points : 475
Damage : 24-30
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 15
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 22

Level 3
Hit points : 525
Damage : 27-33
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 17
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 25

Level 4
Hit points : 575
Damage : 30-36
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 19
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 28

Level 5
Hit points : 625
Damage : 33-39
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 21
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 31

Level 6
Hit points : 675
Damage : 37-43
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 23
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 35

Level 7
Hit points : 700
Damage : 40-46
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 24
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 38

Level 8
Hit points : 750
Damage : 43-49
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 26
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 41

Level 9
Hit points : 800
Damage : 46-52
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 28
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 44

Level 10
Hit points : 850
Damage : 49-55
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 30
Agility : 26
Intelligence : 47

One of the Alliance's most feared spells, Blizzard has become even more
effective and deadly since its original inception during the First War.
Calling down shards of freezing ice to batter and rend their enemies,
Archmagi have been known to route entire armies using this spell.
Level 1: 6 waves at 30 damage each
Level 2: 8 waves at 40 damage each
Level 3: 10 waves at 50 damage each
PROS : Can damage enemies within an area.
CONS : Will also damage allies and self.
Can't move, attack, cast other spells during this period.
COMMENTS: Stock up on healing potions, then cast the invisible spell on the
Archmage. Move the archmage to the enemy base.
Then cast this spell on important buildings.
Drink potions when at low health, it will not affect the spell

By use of this spell an Archmage can summon and control a powerful elemental
comprised of water and air vapors. These creatures, capable of hurling
torrents of rock-solid water at their enemies, cannot remain in the
physical world for long. Thus, after a short length of time, they will
vanish and return to their base liquid forms.
Level 1: 450 hit points; 21-29 damage; Armour 0
Level 2: 675 hit points; 31-39 damage; Armour 1
Level 3: 900 hit points; 41-49 damage; Armour 2
PROS : Water Elementals can attack land and air units.
Can summon multiple units.
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: Cast the spell frequently, and send the water elements on sabotage
Recommended to put your 1st point into this ability.

Some Archmagi are so powerful that their very presence enhances the
energies of the spellcasters around them. These magical synergies manifest
in an aura of brilliance, which increases the younger spellcasters' energy
pools so that they can cast spells more often.
Level 1: Adds 100% mana regeneration.
Level 2: Adds 200% mana regeneration.
Level 3: Adds 300% mana regeneration.
PROS : Can recover mana quickly.
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: Use this in conjunction with the "Summon Water Elementals" spell.

This extremely powerful spell allows the Archmage to teleport himself and
his army to any friendly units or buildings in the world. However, due to
the delicate nature of Mass Teleport, Archmagi can only teleport to places
where someone they know currently is.
Ultimate: Teleports 24 of nearby friendly units to a friendly
ground unit or structure.
PROS : Can get out of a difficult situation in a whish.
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: Use this to escape when out of healing potions while doing the
Blizzard tactic.
Also, you can sneak in an invisble unit into the enemy base.
Then, have the archmage teleport all your units in.
There's no word to describe the amount of damage dealt.


The mountain kings, or 'Thanes' as they are known in Ironforge, are
the mightiest dwarven warriors of Khaz Modan. Wielding both
enchanted warhammers and battle-axes, these fierce fighters live to test
themselves against worthy opponents. Unconcerned with their race's
preoccupation with mechanical devices and the mining precious minerals,
mountain kings live only for battle. Dedicated to safeguarding the Alliance
that saved their kingdom during the Second War, the mountain kings can be
counted upon to rally behind any banner that stands between freedom and
the ever-looming shadow of evil.

Level 1
Hit points : 700
Damage : 26-36
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 2
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 24
Agility : 11
Intelligence : 15

Level 2
Hit points : 775
Damage : 29-39
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 27
Agility : 12
Intelligence : 16

Level 3
Hit points : 850
Damage : 32-42
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 30
Agility : 14
Intelligence : 18

Level 4
Hit points : 925
Damage : 35-45
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 33
Agility : 15
Intelligence : 19

Level 5
Hit points : 1000
Damage : 38-48
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 36
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 21

Level 6
Hit points : 1075
Damage : 41-51
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 39
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 22

Level 7
Hit points : 1150
Damage : 44-54
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 42
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 24

Level 8
Hit points : 1225
Damage : 47-57
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 45
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 25

Level 9
Hit points : 1300
Damage : 50-60
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 48
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 27

Level 10
Hit points : 1375
Damage : 53-63
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 51
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 28


The dwarves of the Aerie Peaks often practice hurling hammers, for sport and
for war. But, only the mountain kings of Ironforge can hurl a hammer so hard
that it stuns their enemies senseless. Thus, the Storm Bolt is one of the
most dangerous and powerful attacks of the mighty mountain kings.
Level 1: 100 damage; 5 seconds stun.
Level 2: 200 damage; 7 seconds stun.
Level 3: 300 damage; 9 seconds stun.
PROS : Can damage air units; ranged attack; Can stun units.
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: Extremely useful to stop enemy Heroes from escaping.
Recommended to put your 1st point into this ability.

First used by Murgen Hammerfall to decimate a swathe of invading gnolls in
the Alterac Mountains, this powerful ability allows the mountain kings to
slam the ground and cause destructive shockwaves of energy to damage their
nearby enemies.
Level 1: 70 damage; -25% movement speed; -25% attack rate.
Level 2: 110 damage; -50% movement speed; -50% attack rate.
Level 3: 150 damage; -70% movement speed; -70% attack rate.
PROS : Can deal damage to enemies with an area.
CONS : The area is centralised on the Mountain King.
COMMENTS: Use this when surrounded by enemies.

Mountain kings who learn the Bash technique strike with such fury that
their normal attacks can often stun and crush an enemy.
Level 1: 15% chance to deal 25 damage and stun an opponent for 2 seconds.
Level 2: 25% chance to deal 25 damage and stun an opponent for 2 seconds.
Level 3: 35% chance to deal 25 damage and stun an opponent for 2 seconds.
PROS : It's a passive spell, which means it is always there without
need of casting.
CONS : Not very respectable damage.
COMMENTS: Better than nothing.

By focusing the energies of the dwarves' "newly discovered enchanted
heritage", the mountain kings can grow in size and strength - and take on
the physical characteristics of carved stone. In this form, they are
impervious to magical attacks and have greatly increased durability.
Ultimate: 5 bonus armour; 500 bonus hit points; 20 bonus damage;
spell immunity.
PROS : What more you want!
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: Learn this as soon as possible.

12. Orcs: the Horde


Though their numbers are few, the seasoned blademasters represent an elite
fighting force within the horde. These skilled swordsmen were once part of
the ill-fated Burning Blade clan that consumed itself in the throes of
demonic corruption. With their clan scattered and broken, the proud
blademasters swore a grim oath to free themselves and their brethren from
demonic control once and for all. Under Thrall's command, the blademasters
have once again joined the horde and serve as the young warchief's personal
guard. Though blademasters are masters of stealth and guile, they value
personal honor above all else.

COMMENTS: One of the few Heroes suited to solo.
Just use Mirror Image to create an image, and order it to attack
creeps, then send it your full force.
Since all of the attacks are focused on the image, you wouldn't
suffer damage.
Recommended to get Blademaster as the 1st Hero.

Level 1
Hit points : 575
Damage : 25-47
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 18
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 16

Level 2
Hit points : 625
Damage : 26-48
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 20
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 18

Level 3
Hit points : 675
Damage : 28-50
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 22
Agility : 26
Intelligence : 20

Level 4
Hit points : 725
Damage : 30-52
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 24
Agility : 28
Intelligence : 22

Level 5
Hit points : 775
Damage : 32-54
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 26
Agility : 30
Intelligence : 25

Level 6
Hit points : 825
Damage : 33-55
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 28
Agility : 31
Intelligence : 27

Level 7
Hit points : 875
Damage : 35-57
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 30
Agility : 33
Intelligence : 29

Level 8
Hit points : 925
Damage : 37-59
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 32
Agility : 35
Intelligence : 31

Level 9
Hit points : 975
Damage : 39-61
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 34
Agility : 37
Intelligence : 34

Level 10
Hit points : 1025
Damage : 40-62
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 36
Agility : 38
Intelligence : 36


So adept and agile are the blademasters that they can move so quickly that
they appear to be invisible to the naked eye.
Level 1: -100 mana; +10% movement speed; lasts 20 seconds; invisible.
Level 2: -75 mana; +40% movement speed; lasts 40 seconds; invisible.
Level 3: -25 mana; +70% movement speed; lasts 60 seconds; invisible.
PROS : Just see for yourself.
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: Use this often. Quite a nice spell. Can be used for sabotage work.
But then, it'll be much better to focus on the others first.

One of the blademasters' more mystical abilities is to create duplicate
phantom images of themselves. Though the phantom images can move about
freely of their own volition, they are not true entities unto themselves.
Level 1: Creates 1 illusion.
Level 2: Creates 2 illusions.
Level 3: Creates 3 illusions.
PROS : Can confuse the enemies.
CONS : Images suffer double the damage + can't deal damage.
COMMENTS: In a pitched battle, you can confuse the human players.
Best used against those human players who have never seen this
before. While they are in a state of shock, you can wipe his
army out easily.
It's best to put your 1st ability point in this 1st.
If you use this correctly, you shouldn't suffer damage at the
hands of creeps.
Recommended to put your 1st point in this.

By channeling their potent powers in one focused strike, blademasters can
cause even greater damage to their enemies.
Level 1: 15% chance; 2x normal damage.
Level 2: 15% chance; 3x normal damage.
Level 3: 15% chance; 4x normal damage.
PROS : Increases damage by a great deal.
CONS : Too low chances.
COMMENTS: Top up on this anyway. You never know, you just might be lucky.
And I have discovered that I'm actually quite a lucky guy^*^

By focusing their warrior energies, blademasters can become living
cyclones of fighting rage. Spinning their great blades faster than the naked
eye can see, they are capable of simultaneously damaging any enemy
troops in their vicinity.
Ultimate: 110 damage per second to nearby enemy land units.
PROS : Can move around while using it.
CONS : Long spell recovery time.
COMMENTS: Use this only when surrounded.


Far Seers are ancient orcs who represent the pinnacle of shamanistic power.
These powerful shamans are counted amongst Thrall's closest advisors and
are constantly in tune with the workings and maneuverings of the horde.
Farseers are not only tied to the elements of the earth and sky, but are
also adept at foretelling the future. Their wisdom is outshined only by
their courage and ferocity in combat. When the enemies of the horde advance,
the farseers mount their loyal dire wolves and wade into battle wielding all
the elemental powers of their shamanistic birthright.

COMMENTS: Get him as the 2nd Hero.
His Chain Lightning is useful against a mass of low-level units.

Level 1
Hit points : 475
Damage : 21-27
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 15
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 19

Level 2
Hit points : 525
Damage : 24-30
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 17
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 22

Level 3
Hit points : 575
Damage : 27-55
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 19
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 25

Level 4
Hit points : 625
Damage : 30-36
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 21
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 28

Level 5
Hit points : 675
Damage : 33-39
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 23
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 31

Level 6
Hit points : 725
Damage : 36-42
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 25
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 34

Level 7
Hit points : 775
Damage : 39-45
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 27
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 37

Level 8
Hit points : 825
Damage : 42-48
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 29
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 40

Level 9
Hit points : 875
Damage : 45-52
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 31
Agility : 26
Intelligence : 43

Level 10
Hit points : 925
Damage : 48-54
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 33
Agility : 27
Intelligence : 46


Farseers have the ability to cast bolts of lightning so powerful that they
continue to seek out enemy troops in a wide area of effect. The raging bolts
continue to strike new victims until the spell's energies finally deplete.
Level 1: 100 damage; jumps 4 times.
Level 2: 140 damage; jumps 6 times.
Level 3: 180 damage; jumps 8 times.
PROS : Can hit multiple enemies.
CONS : Each consecutive jump dealt 15% less damage.
COMMENTS: Quite useful when there are a lot of enemies together.
Recommended to put your 1st ability point in here.

Far Seers have the uncanny ability to percieve distant places and events
through a form of spirit sight. This ability allows them to anticipate enemy
movements and maintain the element of surprise for the horde's
fighting forces.
Level 1: Reveals a small area for 150 mana.
Level 2: Reveals a large area for 100 mana.
Level 3: Reveals a huge area for 50 mana.
PROS : Can see unrevealed territories.
CONS : Useless later into the game.
COMMENTS: Just put 1 and only 1 point into it to scout the unknown regions.

One of the farseers' most otherworldy powers is their ability to call forth
powerful wolven apparitions. As the Farseer gains experience, more powerful
wolves may be summoned to his side.
Level 1: 2 wolves with 200 hit points; 11-12 damage; 0 armor.
Level 2: 2 wolves with 300 hit points; 16-17 damage; 0 armor.
Level 3: 2 wolves with 400 hit points; 21-22 damage; 0 armor
+ Critical Strike + Invisibility.
PROS : Ultra useful on sabotage mission.
CONS : Low amount of hit points.
COMMENTS: One of the best summoning spell.
Top up on this as soon as possible.
When the spell is at level 3, the wolves are extremely useful in
sabotage work. Ultra effective against enemies who can't see
invisible units.
Just go to the enemy base and wrack his basic worker units,
then when discovered, just stop attacking and run to an open space.
The wolves will then turn invisible again, and you can then do
it again.

Part of the Far Seers' power over nature is the ability to command the fury
of the earth. When roused, farseers can cause the earth to quake violently.
When called with precision, can cause heavy destruction to enemy structures
and slow hapless foes.
Ultimate: 50 damage/second to buildings; slowing units by 75%;
lasts 25 seconds.
PROS : Doesn't seem to have any.
CONS : Can't move, attack, cast other spells during this period.
COMMENTS: Useless spell. Might as well use catapults to
knock down the buildings.


These elder tauren warriors lead their tribes in daily life as well as in
battle. Ceremoniously adorned with the ancient totems of their tribes,
chieftains uphold the honor and simplicity of the proud tauren culture.
When roused by battle, the gigantic chieftains employ enormous halberds that
are capable of tearing through solid trees with one mighty swipe. The
chieftains are fascinated by the orcs, especially their young leader, Thrall.
They see an opportunity to help the orcs return to their traditional roots
by providing a strong example of honor and courage through all
tauren warriors.

Level 1
Hit points : 725
Damage : 27-37
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 2
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 25
Agility : 10
Intelligence : 14

Level 2
Hit points : 800
Damage : 30-40
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 2
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 28
Agility : 11
Intelligence : 15

Level 3
Hit points : 875
Damage : 33-43
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 31
Agility : 13
Intelligence : 16

Level 4
Hit points : 950
Damage : 36-46
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 34
Agility : 14
Intelligence : 17

Level 5
Hit points : 1025
Damage : 39-49
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 37
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 19

Level 6
Hit points : 1125
Damage : 43-53
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 41
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 20

Level 7
Hit points : 1200
Damage : 46-56
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 44
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 21

Level 8
Hit points : 1275
Damage : 49-59
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 47
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 23

Level 9
Hit points : 1350
Damage : 52-62
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 50
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 24

Level 10
Hit points : 1425
Damage : 55-65
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 53
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 25


The mighty chieftains can swing their totems so hard that their impacts
create powerful linear shockwaves that can damage any enemies bold
enough to stand before them.
Level 1: 75 damage to land units in a line.
Level 2: 130 damage to land units in a line.
Level 3: 200 damage to land units in a line.
PROS : Can damage a line of enemies.
CONS : Not many enemies will be stupid enough to
stand in a line for you to cast this spell.
COMMENTS: Hit a clump of enemies, then run.
While they are chasing you, they will be in a line.
Cast this spell then.

The tauren's massive totem can impact the ground with such force that
every enemy within a wide radius of the chieftain is damaged and stunned
for a short period of time.
Level 1: 25 damage; 3 seconds stun.
Level 2: 50 damage; 4 seconds stun.
Level 3: 75 damage; 5 seconds stun.
PROS : Can hit enemies within an area centralized on the tauren
CONS : Low damage dealt.
COMMENTS: Not very good and not very bad. Put points in it as you like.

So heartening and stirring are the mighty chieftains that they exude an aura
of strength and courage to all who accompany them. The chieftains' auras help
their comrades to run and attack more quickly.
Level 1: +10% movement speed; 5% attack rate.
Level 2: +20% movement speed; 10% attack rate.
Level 3: +30% movement speed; 15% attack rate.
PROS : Can assist nearby friendly units.
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: Top up on this as soon as possible.

The tauren chieftains hold such sacred bonds with their Earthmother that
they can actually be reincarnated after they die in combat. Though this
ability is very rare, it makes the wise, benevolent chieftains a dangerous
foe to threaten.
Ultimate: When killed, the tauren chieftain will be revived automatically.
PROS : Can rise and fight again.
CONS : Has a lengthy 240 seconds spell recovery time.
COMMENTS: This is a must-have for the tauren chieftain.
Put a point in it as soon as possible.

13. Undead Scourge


While on Draenor, Ner'zhul commanded a number of orcish warlocks and
spell-wielding death knights. Yet, when Kil'jaeden and the Legion captured
these sorcerers after that world's destruction, they were transformed into
twisted, spectral aberrations of their former selves. These newly born
liches possessed tremendous magical powers, yet their immortal, undead
bodies were bound to the iron will of Ner'zhul. As payment for their undying
loyalty to Ner'zhul, the Lich King granted them control over the furious
elements of Northrend. Now, the liches wield frost magic along with their
own considerable necromantic spells.

COMMENTS: Basically, he is trash.
Among all his abilities, only "Frost Nova" is useful.
Plus the fact that his attacks can slow down units,
which should be the main reason why some people like him.

Level 1
Hit points : 425
Damage : 22-28
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 2
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 13
Agility : 14
Intelligence : 20

Level 2
Hit points : 450
Damage : 25-31
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 14
Agility : 15
Intelligence : 23

Level 3
Hit points : 500
Damage : 28-34
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 16
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 26

Level 4
Hit points : 525
Damage : 32-38
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 17
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 30

Level 5
Hit points : 575
Damage : 35-41
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 19
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 33

Level 6
Hit points : 625
Damage : 39-45
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 21
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 37

Level 7
Hit points : 650
Damage : 42-48
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 22
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 40

Level 8
Hit points : 700
Damage : 44-51
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 24
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 43

Level 9
Hit points : 725
Damage : 49-55
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 25
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 47

Level 10
Hit points : 775
Damage : 52-58
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 27
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 50


Liches can call upon the freezing energies of Northrend to do their bidding.
Using a single enemy as the focal point for their dire spell, liches can
cause an explosion of frost to burst from the targeted creature that will
damage everything around it. Creatures harmed in this way have trouble
moving, incapacitated by the freezing ice that stiffens their joints.
Level 1: 100 target damage; 50 nova damage.
Level 2: 100 target damage; 100 nova damage.
Level 3: 100 target damage; 150 nova damage.
PROS : Can hit enemies close to the target + enemy hit will be slowed.
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: The best spell in the Lich's inventory.
Recommended to put your 1st point in ths.

An allied creature can be encased in a protective armor of ice. Creatures
attacking the Frost Armor have difficulty moving due to the jolt of freezing
cold that moves through their bodies.
Level 1: Adds 3 armor.
Level 2: Adds 5 armor.
Level 3: Adds 7 armor.
PROS : Can slow down enemies melee units who are attacking the target.
CONS : Adds very low armor.
COMMENTS: Top up this only after you have topped up on Frost Nova.
Recommended to cast this on units with high hit points, such as
the abominations.

By destroying one of his own minions, the Lich is able to absorb the
energies of his lesser comrade, replenishing his dark magical powers. The
lich can absorb the energies of his undead army by casting a Dark Ritual on
them. Though this destroys the lich's lesser comrades, it releases their
energies back into the lich and replenishes the Lich's power.
Level 1: 33% of hit points to mana.
Level 2: 66% of hit points to mana.
Level 3: 100% of hit points to mana.
PROS : Can gain mana in a hurry.
CONS : Must sacrifice a friendly undead unit.
COMMENTS: I'll never sacrifice my followers. It's too inhuman.
But then again, this is the undead that we are talking about.

The swirling negative energies known as the Death And Decay spell are
favored by the liches for their power to decompose, rot and destroy
everything within them. Not even the strongest warriors or the most durable
structures can stand the full effects of Death And Decay.
Ultimate: Damages 4% of base hit points per second + also destroys trees
PROS : High damage dealt.
CONS : Can't move, attack, cast other spells during this period +
damages friendly units within the area of effect.
COMMENTS: Useless in a pitched battle.
Only real use for it is to tear down buildings, and that
can be done by the meat wagons with better results.


Death knights were once heroic, virtuous defenders of humanity.
However, they were corrupted by the subtle machinations of the
Lich King and lured to his dark standard. These former heroes were
given untold power and the promise of immortality in exchange for
their loyalties. Although they retained their humanity, their twisted
souls were bound to the Lich King's will for all time. Bestowed with
black, vampiric runeblades and shadowy steeds, death knights
now serve as the Scourge's mightiest generals.
COMMENTS: Get him and the DeathKnight. When at high levels, their dual
auras of Vampuric Aura and Unholy Aura, can really help your
troops to survive.
Recommended to get him as the 1st Hero since he can heal
units using the Death Coil.
When you are rushing, his Death Pact ability can help you a
great deal. At that time, the unit with the best armor is your Hero.
Rather than using death coil to heal your troops or to hit the
enemy, it will be better spent to heal your Hero.

Level 1
Hit points : 675
Damage : 25-35
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 23
Agility : 12
Intelligence : 17

Level 2
Hit points : 725
Damage : 27-37
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 25
Agility : 13
Intelligence : 18

Level 3
Hit points : 800
Damage : 30-40
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 28
Agility : 15
Intelligence : 20

Level 4
Hit points : 875
Damage : 33-43
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 31
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 22

Level 5
Hit points : 925
Damage : 35-45
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 33
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 24

Level 6
Hit points : 1000
Damage : 38-48
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 36
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 26

Level 7
Hit points : 1075
Damage : 41-51
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 39
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 27

Level 8
Hit points : 1125
Damage : 43-53
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 41
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 29

Level 9
Hit points : 1200
Damage : 46-56
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 44
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 31

Level 10
Hit points : 1275
Damage : 49-59
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 47
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 33


Death knights can call upon the forces of darkness at will, causing bolts of
death to issue from their hands. While doing considerable damage to the
death knights' enemies, the Death Coil also heals their undead brethren.
Level 1: Heal 200; deals 100 damage to the living.
Level 2: Heal 400; deals 200 damage to the living.
Level 3: Heal 600; deals 300 damage to the living.
PROS : Can heal allies as well as damage enemies.
CONS : Can't target undead enemies.
COMMENTS: Quite good. Top up on this as soon as possible.

Through the sacrifice of his followers, a death knight can absorb their
unholy energies and convert them into health for himself.
Level 1: 100% conversion of hit points to death knight.
Level 2: 200% conversion of hit points to death knight.
Level 3: 300% conversion of hit points to death knight.
PROS : Can gain hit points when needed.
CONS : Must sacrifice a friendly undead unit.
COMMENTS: Quite useful for those who like to get death knight in the midst
of battle, can use this to heal themselves.
I usually use death coil to max the hit points of the target, then
sacrifice it to gain the maximum amount of hit points.

All death knights can learn to exude a dark, raging battle aura that causes
allied creatures around them to move and regenerate life more quickly.
Level 1: +10% movement speed; +50% life regeneration.
Level 2: +20% movement speed; +100% life regeneration.
Level 3: +30% movement speed; +150% life regeneration.
PROS : One shouldn't be too greedy.
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: Extremely good. Top up on this as soon as possible.

Arguably the death knights' most horrific power is their ability to raise
recently slain corpses into an army of the undead, no matter what their
allegiance in life may have been. Though they are brought back for a time,
the death knights' recalled warriors will eventually fall, never to be
raised again.
Ultimate: Raises 6 dead units in an area to fight for the death knight for
120 seconds.
PROS : Can raise the dead of both the enemies and friendly units.
CONS : The summoned units can't function as normal.
COMMENTS: Use the meat wagon to collect corpses,
dump them in front of the death knight.
Then use the death knight to raise them.


Dreadlords are incredibly powerful demons who wield the powers
of darkness and mental domination. These cunning, malefic beings
once served as the demon Kil'jaeden's most trusted lieutenants. Yet,
at Kil'jaeden's request, the vampiric Dreadlords were sent to watch
over the Lich King, Ner'zhul, and ensure that he carried out his orders
to sow chaos in the mortal world. Though Dreadlords have been
known to revel in the gore of single combat, they generally prefer to
manipulate and beguile their enemies from the shadows.

COMMENTS: Get him and the DeathKnight. When at high levels, their dual
auras of Vampuric Aura and Unholy Aura, can really help your
troops to survive.

Level 1
Hit points : 600
Damage : 22-32
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 20
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 18

Level 2
Hit points : 650
Damage : 24-34
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 22
Agility : 17
Intelligence : 20

Level 3
Hit points : 725
Damage : 27-37
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 25
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 23

Level 4
Hit points : 775
Damage : 29-39
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 27
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 25

Level 5
Hit points : 850
Damage : 32-42
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 30
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 28

Level 6
Hit points : 900
Damage : 34-44
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 32
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 30

Level 7
Hit points : 975
Damage : 37-47
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 35
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 33

Level 8
Hit points : 1025
Damage : 39-49
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 37
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 35

Level 9
Hit points : 1100
Damage : 42-52
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 40
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 38

Level 10
Hit points : 1150
Damage : 44-54
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Average
Strength : 42
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 40


Dreadlords control the creatures of the night, and some of them have even
mastered the ability to call swarms of bats and insects to strike at their
unsuspecting enemies.
Level 1: 100 damage per unit; maximum 300 damage.
Level 2: 150 damage per unit; maximum 550 damage.
Level 3: 200 damage per unit; maximum 800 damage.
PROS : Can damage enemies in a line.
CONS : Not very respectable damage dealt; can also damage friendlies.
COMMENTS: Better than nothing. It's the dreadlord only attacking spell.
Close to useless in a pitched battle, since you are likely
to hit your own units by accident.

Through the mastery of subversion and hypnosis, Dreadlords have learned to
put their enemies into a sudden, trance-like sleep. Though this mystical
sleep will wear off in time, a sharp jab from either a friend or an enemy
will always awaken the hapless sleeper.
Level 1: 20 seconds sleep for 100 mana.
Level 2: 40 seconds sleep for 75 mana.
Level 3: 60 seconds sleep for 50 mana.
PROS : Can put anything to sleep.
CONS : Can't attack the sleeping unit or it will be awaken.
COMMENTS: Put powerful units such as heroes to sleep.
A lot of people don't like to attack their own units, even to
awaken them.
If you chance upon this type of idots, then this spell will
definitely be your best friend.

Those who are fortunate enough to have a powerful Dreadlord as an ally can
gain the benefits of his Vampiric Aura. This dark, unholy aura causes the
Dreadlord's allies to actually gain life by spilling their enemies' blood.
Level 1: +15% of attack damage.
Level 2: +30% of attack damage.
Level 3: +45% of attack damage.
PROS : Can gain health while attacking.
CONS : Restricted to only friendly melee units.
COMMENTS: Best used when combined with abominations and mass skellies.


The Dreadlord marks the pinnacle of his dark powers with the devastating
ability to summon a fiery infernal. At his call, the infernal will streak
down from the sky, stunning and wounding nearby enemy forces when it crashes
to the earth. The infernal, engulfed in searing flame, will then rise to do
the dreadlord's bidding.
Ultimate:Calls an infernal down from the sky, dealing 50 damage and stunning
enemy land units for 4 seconds. Infernal has 49-60 damage; Chaos
type of attack; melee; fast attack speed; Heavy armor; Amount 6;
fast move speed; spell immunity; 1500 hit points;
burns nearby units for 10 points/second; lasts 180 seconds.
PROS : One should learn to be satisfied.
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: Best summoning spell in the game. Put a point in it as soon as

14. Night Elves: the Sentinels


The enchanted keepers are the favored sons of the demigod, Cenarius. Like
their lesser dryad sisters, the keepers appear to be half night elf and half
stag. They have enormous antlers and manes of leaves that flow down their
backs. Their right hands are disfigured and twisted like the gnarled
root-claws of the treants. Keepers possess many strange powers over nature
and the animals. Though they typically remain within the sacred Moon Glades
of Mount Hyjal, the keepers always heed the call to arms when the lands of
Kalimdor are threatened.

COMMENTS: The Keeper's most useful spell will be the treants.
And unless in mass, treants are useful later on in the game.
It will be much better to recruit the other 2 Night Elves Heroes.
Level 1
Hit points : 500
Damage : 20-26
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 16
Agility : 15
Intelligence : 18

Level 2
Hit points : 525
Damage : 22-28
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 17
Agility : 16
Intelligence : 20

Level 3
Hit points : 575
Damage : 25-31
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 3
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 19
Agility : 18
Intelligence : 23

Level 4
Hit points : 625
Damage : 28-34
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 21
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 26

Level 5
Hit points : 675
Damage : 30-36
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 23
Agility : 21
Intelligence : 28

Level 6
Hit points : 725
Damage : 33-39
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 25
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 31

Level 7
Hit points : 750
Damage : 36-42
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 26
Agility : 24
Intelligence : 34

Level 8
Hit points : 800
Damage : 38-44
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 28
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 36

Level 9
Hit points : 850
Damage : 41-47
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 30
Agility : 27
Intelligence : 39

Level 10
Hit points : 900
Damage : 44-50
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 32
Agility : 28
Intelligence : 42


The sons of Cenarius are favored with the ability to cause roots to erupt
from the ground and entrap enemy forces. These roots not only keep the enemy
immobile, but also inflict damage.
Level 1: 15 damage per second for 15 seconds.
Level 2: 15 damage per second for 30 seconds.
Level 3: 15 damage per second for 45 seconds.
PROS : Can move off to do other things after casting + target can't move.
CONS : Can't target air units.
COMMENTS: Use this only on Heroes and melee attackers.
If you use it on ranged units, they still will be able to attack you.

This ability allows the keeper to call forth allies from the surrounding
forest. These stout treants will do as the keeper wills until the magic that
animates them expires and the trees return once more to the earth.
Level 1: Raises 2 treants of 300 hit points; 16-18 damage;
0 armor for 75 seconds.
Level 2: Raises 3 treants of 300 hit points; 16-18 damage;
0 armor for 75 seconds.
Level 3: Raises 4 treants of 300 hit points; 16-18 damage;
0 armor for 75 seconds.
PROS : Summons powerful fighting units.
CONS : Must cast on trees.
COMMENTS: Since you can summon unlimited number of treants so long as
you still have sufficient mana, it is best to wait till your
mana is full, then summon them at one go.

While this aura is active, any forces that engage the keeper or his allies
in hand to hand combat will be damaged by a druidic flurry of razor sharp
thorns and brambles.
Level 1: Deals 4 damage to melee enemy attackers.
Level 2: Deals 8 damage to melee enemy attackers.
Level 3: Deals 12 damage to melee enemy attackers.
PROS : Can help deal damage.
CONS : Very low amount of damage dealt.
COMMENTS: Not very useful if your enemy is using ranged troops.
Recommended to put points in this only after all other abilities
have been filled up.

In a demonstration of his ultimate communion with nature, the keeper may
call down a mighty shower of rain that will restore health to all friendly
forces within its range for its entire duration. The keeper is also healed
by the majestic powers of nature that are unleashed.
Ultimate: heals 20 hits points/second for 30 seconds.
PROS : Can heal a large number of troops at one go.
CONS : Can't move, attack, cast other spells during this period.
COMMENTS: Recommended to surround your troops around the Keeper
while casting this spell. Since Night Elves units are mostly
ranged, you will still be able to hit your enemies.


The fearless leaders of the Sentinel army, the priestesses of the
moon epitomize the power and grace of their race's ancient moon
goddess, Elune. The priestesses, equipped with silvery, glowing
armor, ride the fearless Frostsaber tigers of Winterspring into battle.
Charged with the safekeeping of the night elf lands and armed
with magical energy bows, the priestesses will stop at nothing to
rid their ancient land of evil.

COMMENTS: Recommended to get her as the 2nd hero.
Level her up quickly. Once she has Starfall,
few can stand against her
Level 1
Hit points : 550
Damage : 21-31
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 18
Agility : 19
Intelligence : 15

Level 2
Hit points : 575
Damage : 22-32
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 4
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 19
Agility : 20
Intelligence : 17

Level 3
Hit points : 625
Damage : 24-34
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 21
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 20

Level 4
Hit points : 675
Damage : 25-35
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 23
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 22

Level 5
Hit points : 725
Damage : 27-37
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 25
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 25

Level 6
Hit points : 775
Damage : 28-38
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 27
Agility : 26
Intelligence : 28

Level 7
Hit points : 825
Damage : 30-40
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 29
Agility : 28
Intelligence : 30

Level 8
Hit points : 875
Damage : 31-41
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 31
Agility : 29
Intelligence : 33

Level 9
Hit points : 925
Damage : 33-43
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 33
Agility : 31
Intelligence : 35

Level 10
Hit points : 975
Damage : 34-44
Type of Attack : Ground/Air
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 35
Agility : 32
Intelligence : 38


The scout is an owl that may be sent to any area of the map for observation
purposes and to reveal invisible enemies. The owl will only reveal for
a limited amount of time.
Level 1: Summon owl scout for 100 mana.
Level 2: Summon better owl scout for 75 mana.
Level 3: Summon best owl scout for 50 mana.
PROS : Can scout the lands ahead.
CONS : Can't attack.
COMMENTS: Put only a point in this.

Calling upon the powers of the Moon Goddess Elune to imbue her arrows with
searing magical energy, the priestess is able to fire deadly volleys at
any foe.
Level 1: 10 bonus fire damage.
Level 2: 20 bonus fire damage.
Level 3: 30 bonus fire damage.
PROS : Can activate auto-casting.
CONS : -8 mana per shot.
COMMENTS: Top up on this.

The commanding presence of the priestess boosts the morale of her warriors,
enabling their attacks to strike with heightened accuracy and power.
Level 1: 10% base ranged damage.
Level 2: 20% base ranged damage.
Level 3: 30% base ranged damage.
PROS : No need to cast this spell.
CONS : Low amount added.
COMMENTS: Recommended to put your 1st point in this ability.
Since Night Elves units are mostly ranged, this aura really is great.

At the peak of her experience, the priestess may call down a furious shower
of falling stars that cause massive destruction amongst enemy forces.
This catastrophic power, given to the priestess by Elune herself, achieves
its full duration as long as the priestess stays in the spell's vicinity.
Ultimate: Each wave deals 75 damage; lasts for 30 seconds.
PROS : Respectable amount of damage dealt.
CONS : Can't move, attack, cast other spells during this period
COMMENTS: Power combined with beauty.
Those who had never seen this spell in action before must
cast it once and see it. The effects are damn awesome.
Remember to surround the Priestess when she is using this spell.


Demon hunters are dark, shadowy warriors who are shunned by the
greater night elf society. They made a pact, long ago, to fight against
the forces of chaos using its own terrible powers against it. These
mysterious warriors ritually blind themselves so that they develop spectral
sight that enables them to see demons and undead with greater clarity.
They wield demonically charged warblades in battle and even call
upon demonic energies to augment their formidable combat skills.
Although they are counted as some of the mightiest warriors within
the night elves' society, the demon hunters are always maligned and
misunderstood for making their selfless pact with darkness.

COMMENTS: One of the few Heroes suited to solo.
You can build the altar first before the Ancient of Warand send
his out to gain experience. When hurt, just send him back to the
moonwell to recover.
Highly recommended to get him as the 1st hero.
Level 1
Hit points : 625
Damage : 24-46
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 19
Agility : 22
Intelligence : 16

Level 2
Hit points : 675
Damage : 25-47
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 21
Agility : 23
Intelligence : 18

Level 3
Hit points : 725
Damage : 27-49
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 23
Agility : 25
Intelligence : 20

Level 4
Hit points : 800
Damage : 28-50
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 26
Agility : 26
Intelligence : 22

Level 5
Hit points : 850
Damage : 30-52
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 6
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 28
Agility : 28
Intelligence : 24

Level 6
Hit points : 925
Damage : 31-53
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 31
Agility : 29
Intelligence : 26

Level 7
Hit points : 975
Damage : 33-55
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 7
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 33
Agility : 31
Intelligence : 28

Level 8
Hit points : 1025
Damage : 34-56
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 35
Agility : 32
Intelligence : 30

Level 9
Hit points : 1100
Damage : 36-58
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 8
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 38
Agility : 34
Intelligence : 32

Level 10
Hit points : 1150
Damage : 37-59
Type of Attack : Ground
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Hero
Amount : 9
Move Speed : Fast
Strength : 40
Agility : 35
Intelligence : 34


The demon hunter may channel his demonic energies into a bolt of negative
energy that will burn away an enemy's mana reserves.
Level 1: burns 100 mana
Level 2: burns 200 mana
Level 3: burns 300 mana
PROS : Damage dealt equal to mana burnt.
CONS : Can't target enemy units with no mana.
COMMENTS: Useful against heroes. Top up on this as soon as possible.

The demon hunter's mastery of dark powers allows him to create a fiery shell
around his body that inflicts damage on nearby enemies. This ability,
however, takes tremendous concentration to use and will quickly drain the
demon hunter of power if used too often.
Level 1: 10 damage per second
Level 2: 15 damage per second
Level 3: 20 damage per second
PROS : Can use for as long as the demon hunter's mana lasts.
CONS : Very low amount of damage dealt.
COMMENTS: Activate this only when surrounded by enemies.

With evasion, the demon hunter gains the advantage of being able to dodge
enemy strikes. Although this does not work against every strike, it is
nonetheless a powerful defensive tactic.
Level 1: 10% that opponent misses
Level 2: 20% that opponent misses
Level 3: 30% that opponent misses
PROS : No need to cast this spell.
CONS : Low chances of evading.
COMMENTS: Top up on this as soon as possible.

At the height of his powers, the demon hunter may change into demon form for
a limited amount of time. While in this form the demon hunter not only
possesses the ability to hurl fireballs, but also enjoys increased
regeneration and health.
Ultimate: Turns hero to splash-ranged attack; 500 bonus hit points;
Chaos Tyoe of Attack; lasts 60 seconds.
PROS : It's all in there.
CONS : Doesn't seem to have any.
COMMENTS: When the demon hunter is in demon form, he is extremely powerful.
His attacks can hit enemies standing close together.
Quite a contradiction...Image a hunter of demons turning into
a demon himself...

15. Campaigns Heroes

Occupation: Human Archmage - Head of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran
Affiliation: The Kirin Tor
Age: 71
Antonidas is the head of the Kirin Tor, the conclave of wizards that rules
over the magical kingdom of Dalaran. This venerable Archmage is reputedly
one of the most powerful wizards in the world. Though his failing health
prohibits him from spending to much time away from his beloved city, his
apprentice, Jaina Proudmoore, serves as his eyes and ears in the world.
Antonidas looks forward to the day when he will hand his power and mantle
of leadership over to Jaina, who he feels will make a most impressive

Occupation: Eredar Overlord of the Legion Forces
Affiliation: The Burning Legion
Age: Unknown
Archimonde the Defiler was one of the first demons to rally behind Sargeras
when the Burning Legion was formed. Archimonde is heartless and brutal,
but very cunning and far sighted. The colossal demon wields limitless
warlock magics and primal strength to lay waste to any who would oppose his
fiery will. In his heart of hearts, he seeks to become a god and wield
powers that rival those of Sargeras himself. After ten thousand years of
waiting, he is prepared to invade the world of Azeroth once again. Though
he is committed to carry out the invasion in Sargeras' name, he may have
ulterior motives in mind for the world and its innate magics.

Cairne Bloodhoof
Occupation: Tauren Warrior - Chieftain of the Bloodhoof Tribe
Affiliation: The Horde
Age: 99
The mighty chief of the Bloodhoof tauren, Cairne is a peerless warrior and a
wise leader of his ancient people. Though slowed somewhat by the weight of
age, Cairne still possesses the strength and valor of twenty men.
This great-hearted giant knows that his people are in grave danger of
extermination from the marauding centaurs. However, he has never given up
hope of one day finding a way to lead his people to a new land where they
can make their home and live in peace.

Grom Hellscream
Occupation: Orc Warrior - Chieftain of the Warsong Clan
Affiliation: The Horde
Age: 46
Grom Hellscream is the last surviving orc chieftain from Draenor.
Having led his mighty Warsong clan to countless victories over the
humans, Hellscream despaired at the lethargy that overcame his
race after the Second War. Hellscream was one of the first orcs to
fall victim to the demons' curse on his race. He has struggled with
the rage and bloodlust within his heart for many long years. Now,
under Thrall's visionary, idealistic leadership, Hellscream believes
that he and his people can finally be freed from the demons' corrupting

Illidan Stormrage
Occupation: Night Elf Demon Hunter - Former Sorcerer
Affiliation: None...
Age: 15,032
In the dark days, before the War of the Ancients, Illidan was one
of the few non-high-borne practitioners of magic. Though his
older brother, Furion, warned him that magic was an evil, corrupting
power, Illidan steadfastly refused to give up his coveted art.
Over time, the noble night Elf lost his soul to a dependency for
magic's chaotic energies. Though Illidan used his dark powers to
aid his brother against the demons of the Burning Legion, he ultimately
betrayed his people by siding with the evil Queen Azshara
and her followers. After the war ended and the landmass of
Kalimdor was shattered forever, Illidan created a new Well of
Eternity to ensure that his coveted, corrupting magic would not
disappear from the world. For his sin, his brother, Furion, commanded
that he be chained beneath the earth for all time. Illidan
has remained caged in darkness ever since.

Jaina Proudmoore
Occupation: Human Sorceress - Special Agent of the Kirin Tor
Affiliation: The Alliance
Age: 23
Perhaps one of the most gifted sorceresses to train in Dalaran for
generations, Jaina is a bright, inquisitive young woman who constantly
strives to expand her powers and knowledge of magic.
Her father, Admiral Proudmoore of Kul Tiras, was one of the
great heroes of the Second War. Jaina feels constant pressure to
live up to her father's name, but wishes only to study and follow
her path of magical investigation. Like Arthas, Jaina was deeply
hurt when her affair with the young Prince ended. However, she
never let her disappointment interfere with her studies or her rigorous
investigations. Her mentor, the Archmage Antonidas, has claimed that she
may become the greatest sorceress humanity has ever produced.

Occupation: Human Necromancer - Leader of the Cult of the Damned
Affiliation: The Scourge
Age: 58
Kel'Thuzad was one of the greatest Archmagi of Dalaran. He was one of the
members of the Kirin Tor and a dear friend of the Archmage Antonidas.
However, his lust to delve into the dark arts of necromancy made him an
outcast amongst his fellow wizards. Heeding the call of the god-like Lich
King, Kel'Thuzad traveled to Northrend and offered his soul to Ner'zhul. The
Lich King commanded the dark wizard to create a cult that would facilitate
the creation of a grand, undead army. Kel'Thuzad used his powers and vast
fortune to found the Cult of the Damned - the sinister group that would
bring Ner'zhul's dark will to fruition...

Occupation: Demon King of the Pit Lords
Affiliation: The Burning Legion
Age: Unknown
Mannoroth the Destructor is a being of pure hate, malice, and rage. He is
the ultimate living engine of destruction, seeking only to raze and murder
everything in his path. It has been speculated that he has some significant
ties to the orcish race - that he may be the original source of their
bloodlust and corruption, but this has yet to be proven. Mannoroth has
waited ten thousand years to return and finish the job he started during
the War of the Ancients. Now, at last, his time for vengeance has come.

Malfurion Stormrage
Occupation: Night Elf Arch Druid
Affiliation: The Sentinels
Age: 15,032
Furion was the first night elf to oppose the evil Queen Azshara and her
demon-worshiping high-borne. He, along with his brother Illidan and the
demi-god Cenarius, led the battle against the Burning Legion during the
War of the Ancients. He was the first to forsake magic and adopt the tenets
of druidism. He has been the spiritual leader of the night elves for over
ten thousand years and has worked to safeguard his people's fragile culture
even from within the trance-like state of the Emerald Dream.

Muradin Bronzebeard
Occupation: Dwarven Prospector - Former Ambassador of Ironforge
Affiliation: The Alliance, Explorer's Guild of Ironforge
Age: 221
Muradin is the brother of King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge. During
the dark days of the Second War, Muradin served as the liaison
between Lordaeron and the dwarves' realm of Khaz Modan. While at
the court of Lordaeron, Muradin befriended the youthful Arthas and
taught him how to master fighting blades of every type. Muradin was
one of the first dwarves to establish the Explorer's Guild, a group
dedicated to archaeology and exploration of the unknown world. Though
Muradin rarely has a chance to visit Khaz Modan or Lordaeron anymore,
he is a firm supporter of the dwarves' alliance with the humans.

Prince Arthas
Occupation: Human Paladin - Crown Prince of Lordaeron
Affiliation: The Alliance, Knights of the Silver Hand
Age: 24
The only son of King Terenas, Arthas is an idealistic, yet somewhat
rash, young man who dreams of one day succeeding his father as
King of Lordaeron. Arthas became an apprentice paladin at nine-teen
and has served as a favorite pupil of Uther the Lightbringer
ever since. Though Arthas loves the kindly Uther as an uncle, he
longs to take command of his own destiny and become a hero like
those brave veterans who fought the orcs during the Second War.
Despite the heartache he felt when his brief affair with the sorceress
Jaina Proudmoore came to an end, Arthas has remained remarkably
committed to his roles as both the Prince of Lordaeron and as a holy
paladin. He has a deep reverence for the holy Light and wants nothing
more than to safeguard his beloved people from harm.

Thrall, Son of Durotan
Occupation: Orc Shaman - Warchief of the Horde
Affiliation: The Horde
Age: 24
Thrall is the only son of the orc chieftain, Durotan, who was killed
by assassins during the First War. As an infant, Thrall was found by
human soldiers and raised as a slave and gladiator. Educated and
trained in the arts of war, Thrall yearned for freedom and a chance
to know his own people. The inexperienced Thrall escaped from
bondage and set off to find others of his kind.
Thrall found the lethargic orcs and vowed to free them from their
imprisonment and their demon curse. Studying the orcs' ancient rites
of shamanism, Thrall learned how to wield the fury of the storms and
earth. He succeeded in rallying his people and freeing them from the
human internment camps. For his honor, optimism and courage, Thrall was
unanimously elected to be the new warchief of the orcish horde.

Occupation: Nathrezim Dreadlord
Affiliation: The Scourge, Burning Legion
Age: Unknown
Tichondrius the darkener is an insidious demonic Dreadlord who revels in
shadow and suffering. Though he honors the wishes of his master, Kil'jaeden,
he resents his duty to watch over and police the Lich King, Ner'zhul. He
believes that the Lich King will ultimately betray the Legion and attempt to
free himself from its power. Tichondrius is, above all, a very good soldier.
Though his own desire for power and conquest is fierce, he carries out his
duties with calculated precision and care.

Tyrande Whisperwind
Occupation: Night Elf Priestess of the Moon - Leader of the Sentinel.
Affiliation: The Sentinels
Age: 13,836
Tyrande is an ancient night elf princess and high priestess of the moon
goddess, Elune. In ages past, she aided Furion and Illidan Stormrage in
their battle to save Kalimdor from the Burning Legion. As well as being
Elune's high priestess, she is the leader of the Sentinels a group of
warrior women who have sworn to protect Kalimdor's shores while their male
counterparts, the druids, sleep in the trance-like Emerald Dream. Tyrande
is a fiery warrior and holds certain resentment for shouldering the defense
of her land while the druids sleep. Her undying love for Furion Stormrage
has given her strength and courage enough to face the centuries alone and
uphold her sacred charge to defend Kalimdor from any threat.

Uther the Lightbringer
Occupation: Human Paladin - Leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand
Affiliation: The Alliance
Age: 64
Uther was the first of the paladins blessed by the Archbishop Faol, prior to
the Second War. He is a weathered veteran, respected as one of the greatest
warriors in human history. Though it has been many years since war
endangered his beloved Lordaeron, Uther has never tired in his duty to
protect his land from demi-human threats and social unrest. This
great-hearted leader of the paladins is perhaps the greatest general the
Alliance has ever known. Only his wish to see Arthas become worthy of his
father's crown has kept him from retiring and taking his due rest.

16. Credits
Father and Mother for rearing me up
Furnaces for helping me with some of the information.
Blizzard for the descriptions.
ProdigaL for additional Heroes require upgraded primary structures.
The webmasters of the 4 sites for posting my guide up.

This Guide is supposed to appear on only the following sites:

If any other sites other than these 4 post my Guide, it's not authorized by me,
and therefore infringe on my copyright. I will have the right to sue them.
Send an email to me if you sees any other sites posting my faq.

*Note: I had uploaded some replays on my website.
Go download it and see for yourself just how stupid it is.

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18.Oktober 2013
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18.Oktober 2013
Leider keine weiteren Informationen verfügbar

17.Oktober 2013
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18.Oktober 2013
Competitive Ladder Faq
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Oktober 2013
Teil 2 der Kartensammlung

18.Oktober 2013
Teil 1 der Kartensammlung

17.Oktober 2013
Undead Scourge Guide
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Experience/Heroes Guide
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Brilliantes dt. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020