Sherlock Holmes 2 - Der Fall: Tätowierte Rose

Sherlock Holmes 2 - Der Fall: Tätowierte Rose

15.10.2013 17:22:34

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 14th Jul, 2002 (First version)


1. Introduction


The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo is a point and click
adventure game set in London, England, in the late 1800's. The game starts with
Sherlock Holmes struggling to find some work. Suddenly, there is a knock at the
door, and he receives a letter from his brother Mycroft, which tells him to
come down to the Diogenes Club. He heads down there to meet his brother, and is
just about to enter the club when it explodes.

Mycroft was seriously injured in the explosion, and convinced that the
explosion to the club was an accident, Holmes walks into his room and decides
not to investigate further. Watson feels differently about the explosion, and
decides to try and find some clues. When he finds out some important
information about the explosion, it turns out that the explosion to the
Diogenes is just the start of the mystery.

Case of the Rose Tattoo is a good adventure game, featuring realistic graphics
and involving sound. It's a very complex game, and there are literally hundreds
of items, each with their own detailed description. This game is different from
most adventure games, in the fact that there is a wider focus on talking to
people and looking at objects than there is on solving puzzles. This isn't a
bad thing, but it definitely is a time-consuming thing. It's a good game
though, and one that adventure gamers should definitely think about playing.


2. Walkthrough



Watson will leave 221B, deciding to find some clues to convince Holmes that the
explosion to the Diogenes was not an accident. There's nothing to do here at
the moment, so exit to the city.


Talk to the Police Constable and say "Constable, I'd like to nip in for a word
with Inspector Lestrade.". He won't let you in. Talk to the street vendor,
Augie, and say "What's the good word Augie.". Talk to the street vendor again
and say "I'd like to get into the Yard. Can you help me?". Talk to the street
vendor again and say "If you've ideas of how I might get inside, I beg you to
give them up.". Talk to the street vendor again and say "The half-crown ought
to buy what you know of the Diogenes Club explosion.".

Talk to the Police Constable and say "I believe I heard a young woman call for
help. Shouldn't you investigate?". Talk to the Police Constable again and say
"Please, let me pass. I'm Sherlock Holmes's colleague. Surely you recognise the
name?". Talk to the Police Constable again and say "Constable, have you heard
anything about the explosion in Pall Mall?", which makes the Diogenes Club and
St. Bart's Hospital to appear on the map. Exit to the city.


Talk to Police Constable Daley and say "Constable, might I have a look inside?"
to find out that the club is off limits to all but official personnel and club
members. Rummage through the debris. Talk to Police Constable Daley again and
say "Mr. Holmes is most concerned about the condition of the club.". Exit to
the city.


Talk to Matron and say "Matron, might I look in on one of your recent
arrivals.". Talk to Matron again and say "My name is John Watson. I once worked
here.". Talk to Matron again and say "After Bart's, I served with the Army
Medical Department. I was wounded in India.". Talk to Matron and say "Matron,
I'd like to see Mycroft Holmes. I'm a close friend of the family.". Look at the
patient on the mezzanine. Talk to Matron and say "Matron, I entreat you. Let me
see Mr. Holmes, just for a moment.".

Talk to the patient on a gurney and say "Sir, how long have you been unattended
in this wretched hall?". Look at the directional sign above the patient ward
arch. Talk to the patient on a gurney again and say "Is the new patient ward
far from here?". Talk to Matron and say "Is Dr. McCabe still the staff
coroner?". and she'll give you access to the morgue.

Enter the morgue and talk to the medical examiner. Say "Greetings, McCabe.
You're well, I hope. Might I have a word?". Talk to the medical examiner again
and say "Was there anything among the old man's effects which marked him as a
member of the Diogenes? A lapel pin, for example?". Talk to the medical
examiner again and say "As I recall, there was circuitous passage here to the
old patient ward. Can the new ward be likewise approached from here?". Walk
left to the patient ward.

Talk to Sister Grace and say "I had no idea that Mr. Holmes' injuries were so
extensive. What is his condition?". Sister Grace will point to the real
Mycroft. Talk to Mycroft Holmes and say "Hello, Mycroft. It's John Watson.
Sister treating you well?". Talk to Sister Grace and say "Has Mr. Holmes said
or done anything that you can tell me about?". Look at Mycroft Holmes to
discover that he is wearing a ring.

Attempt to remove the ring, and Sister Grace will stop you. Talk to Mycroft and
say "Sherlock's in a funk, sir. I'm trying to revive him. Can you help?". Talk
to Sister Grace and say "Will you please fetch Mr. Holmes some fresh water.".
After Sister Grace has left the room, remove the ring from Mycroft's hand. Open
the door. Exit to the city.


Show the signet ring to Police Constable Daley, who will give you access to the
club. Enter the club. Walk right and examine the box on the floor near the bar.
Walk right and enter the archway. Examine the clock to discover a clock face
just down from the large clock. Look at the clock face to discover that there
is a sandy substance on it. Get the clock face, and the guard will throw you
out of the club. Exit to the city.


Open the door to enter 221B. Walk right and analyse the clock face at the lab
table. Use the sodium sulphate with the empty beaker. Use the distilled water
with the beaker. Use the scraper with the clock face. Use the matches with the
bunsen burner to create a small explosion. Holmes will rush out of his room,
and Watson will tell him what he's discovered so far. You will now be able to
play as Sherlock Holmes.

As Holmes, walk left and open the desk. Get the Bull's-eye lantern. Open the
door to exit 221B. Get some pebbles from near the kiosk. Exit to the city.


Talk to the street vendor and say "Hello, Augie. Anything doing?". Talk to the
street vendor again and say "What have you heard about the Diogenes Club
explosion?". Holmes will then play Three-card Monte, where Augie has hidden a
card that must be found. Select Augie's hand to find the card.

Talk to the Police Constable and say "A quiet watch, Constable?". Talk to the
Police Constable again and say "Is Augie still schooling you at three-card
Monte?". Talk to the Police Constable again and say "Do you want to know the
secret to Augie's success?". He will then let you enter Scotland Yard.

Inside, look at Inspector Gresgson. Talk to the desk sergeant and say
"Sergeant, might I have a a word with Inspector Lestrade?". Look at the woman
talking to Lestrade. Look at Inspector Lestrade. Talk to the desk sergeant and
say "When might Lestrade be available, Sergeant?". Talk to the desk sergeant
again and say "How's the family, Sergeant?". He will then let you speak to
Inspector Gregson.

Talk to Inspector Gregson and say "Has there been any news concerning the fire
at the Diogenes.". Look at the inmate. Talk to Watson and say "May a patient's
maladies be diagnosed from their ravings?". Talk to the desk sergeant and say
"Sergeant, I believe your prisoner is ill.". You will now be able to talk to
Inspector Lestrade.

Talk to Lestrade and say "You're finally ready to resume your duties,
Lestrade?". Talk to Lestrade and say "If you won't investigate the explosion
further, you might at least assist me.". Inspector Lestrade will now give you
permission to invesitigate the case. Exit Scotland Yard. Exit to the city.


Show the permission to Comissionaire Forbes, and he'll let you enter the
Diogenes. Talk to Forbes and say "Let's not tarry, Forbes. We'll go in now.".
Inside, get the box on the carpet. Walk right and enter the archway. Examine
the clock and get the handle on the floor, near the bottom-left corner of the
clock face. Exit the lounge.

Attempt to open the dutch door, and Holmes will break it. Talk to Forbes and
say "Has anyone worked on the gas lines in the last day or so?" to find out
that they were checked last week. Talk to Forbes again and say "Forbes, who
relieves you when you're away from your post?". Talk to Forbes again and say
"Did any strangers enter the Club this afternoon?".

Talk to Watson and say "This fellow is too eager to assert his authority,
Watson.". Talk to Watson and say "If Forbes continues to be obstructive,
Watson, will you distract him?". Walk right and enter the archway. Talk to
Watson and say "Forbes truly is an intractable dunce, Watson. Be prepared for a
signal.". Walk right to the wreckage and attempt to shift the beam. Talk to
Watson and say "Come, Watson, let's carry on.".

Talk to Watson again and say "Watson, might I have a word?". Talk to Watson
again and say "Watson, I was just thinking of that embalmed armadillo.".
Thinking that Watson has gone mad, Forbes will leave the room. Walk right and
free the chain to collect it. Walk right to the wreckage and dislodge the beam
with the chain. Illuminate the wreckage with the Bull's-eye lantern. Sift
through the wreckage to find a small spring. Get the Bull's-eye lantern. Walk
left and exit the lounge. Exit the Diogenes Club. Exit to the city.


Present the permission to Matron, but she'll refuse you access to the hospital.
Talk to Matron and say "Matron, I would like to see my brother, Mycroft
Holmes.". Talk to Matron and say "I ask again, in a civil manner, for
permission to see my brother. I am his only relation.". Look at the patient on
a gurney. Look at the patients in the mezzanine. Examine the patient on a
gurney. Talk to Matron and say "Matron, why is the patient forced to languish
in this pestiferous hall?".

Talk to Watson and say "Watson, will this influenza become an epidemic?". Talk
to Watson and say "Have you conceived a perfectly gruesome method for disposing
of the old brute?". Watson suggests a diversion. Talk to the patient on a
gurney and say "Would you mind if I pushed your gurney to a warmer and more
sanitary spot?". Move the patient on a gurney, and Matron will leave her to
desk to run after him. Watson and Holmes enter the morgue.

Show the permission to the medical examiner. Look at the corpse. Talk to the
medical examiner and say "Your findings on Sir Hubert, please, Doctor.". Talk
to the medical examiner again and say "Might I examine the body?". Examine the
corpse. Talk to the medical examiner again and say "Might I see Sir Hubert's
clothes?". Open the cabinet and look at the clothes. Exit to the patient ward.

Read the medical chart near Mycroft and take the receipt that is revealed. Talk
to Mycroft and say "Hullo, brother. You're keeping well, I hope.". Talk to
Mycroft again and say "What is it, Mycroft. What do you have for me? Where do
you have it?". Talk to Watson and say "His clubs in ruins; he wouldn't risk his
office; home is where the heart is; he must mean he has something at his
digs.". Mycroft's Flat will appear on the map. Open the door.

Talk to Matron and say "As a courtesy Matron, I inform you that we are going
inside.". Matron will now give you access to all areas of the hospital. Give
the receipt to Matron. Talk to Matron and say "Matron, this receipt is in
order. Spare me the lecture and give me the effects.". Matron will give the
keyring to Holmes. Exit to the city.


Talk to the driver and he'll walk away. Talk to the man at the door and say
"What is your name, if I might ask?". Talk to Watson and say "There is
something particular about that driver, Watson.". Watson will walk off to
investigate. Show the summons to the main at the door, and he'll tell you that
Mycroft has the key to the flat. Talk to man at the door and say "Colleran, I
assure you I can be trusted upstairs. My brother summoned me.". Watson will
return from invesitgating the driver.

Show the keys to the man. Talk to the man and say "Could we go in now,
Colleran?". He still won't let you in. Talk to Watson and say "Have you learned
anything of significance Watson?". Talk to the man and say "Do you know that my
brother was injured in the Diogenes explosion?". The man is still not certain
who you are. Talk to the driver and say "Constable Tallboy, isn't it? Could I
have a moment of your time?". Talk to the man and say "Please insure we are not
disturbed while we're upstairs, Colleran.". Open the door to enter the flat.

Inside the flat, walk right and enter Mycroft's bedroom. Search the desk. Move
the candlestick on the desk. Examine the foolscap. Get the foolscap. Exit the
bedroom. Open the door. Exit to the city.


Open the door to enter 221B. Analyse the foolscap at the lab table. Use the
paper with the lab tray. Use the distilled water with the lab tray. Use the
matches with the bunsen burner. Use the wet foolscap with the lit bunsen burner
to reveal a message on the foolscap: See books in Greek. Exit the lab table.
Open the door to exit 221B. Exit to the city.


Open the door. Peruse the beginning of the bible to reveal a parchment. Pick up
the parchment. Enter Mycroft's bedroom. test the pen on the desk to discover
that it contains invisible ink. Taste the pen. Exit the room. Open the door.
Exit to the city.


Open the door to enter 221B. Analyse the parchment at the lab table. Use the
distilled water with the beaker. Use Iodine with the beaker. Use the matches
with the bunsen burner. Use the parchment with the beaker to make the writing
visible. Exit the lab table. Walk left and peruse the directory on top of the
desk to make Lord Lawton's Town House, Silverbridge Residence, and Thomas
Pratt's Loft appear on the map. Open the door to exit 221B. Exit to the city.


Enter the patient ward. Talk to Mycroft and say "Mycroft, what about Professor
Dewar.". Dewar's laboratory will appear on the map. Exit to the city.


Talk to Dewar and say "Professor Dewar, I am Sherlock Holmes. Mycroft is my
brother.". Talk to Dewar again and say "Mycroft has been injured in an
explosion, Professor.". Talk to Dewar again and say "Can the cause of an
explosion be easily determined from its consequences?". Talk to Dewar again and
say "Professor, could you analyze this spring? I have reason to believe
that...". Dewar will agree to study the spring. Touch the iron stove. Open the
iron stove. Peruse the paper in the stove. Talk to Dewar and say "Is that a
copy of your forumula, Professor?". Talk to Dewar again and say "Professor,
what is the subject of your formula?". Talk to Dewar again and say "Could you
replicate the formula from memory?". Exit to the city.


Give the business card to Jenkins. Talk to Jenkins and say "I am Sherlock
Holmes. Might I have a word with Lord Lawton, please?". Jenkins will go through
the doors. After Watson plays the piano, attempt to climb the stairs, and
Jenkins will return. Look at Jenkins to discover he's been playing billiards.
Talk to Jenkins and say "You've been having a good run at the table?". Jenkins
will enter the room again. Attempt to climb the stairs, and Jenkins will let
you in to see Lord Lawton. Exit the room. Exit to the city.


Talk to Hepplethwaite and say "May I have a word with Mr. Silverbridge?". He
will exit the room. Get a sweet out of the bowl on the desk and Hepplethwaite
will return. Talk to Hepplethwaite. Say "What is the problem, Hepplethwaite
Won't he see us?". Open the double-doors to return to the city.


Talk to Mathilda Mason, and say "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Mason.
Is Mr. Pratt available?". Talk to Mathilda and say "Have you had any recent
news of Pratt, Mrs. Mason?". Exit the room.


Open the door to enter 221B, and Mrs. Hudson will deliver a telegram.
Cleopatra's Needle will appear on the map. Open the door to exit 221B. Exit to
the city.


Enter the morgue. Show Lestrade's telegram to the medical examiner. Talk to the
medical examiner and say "What can you tell me about this victim's cause of
death?". Talk to the medical examiner again and say "Might I examine the
body?". Talk to the medical examiner again and say "Could I see the victim's
effects?". Examine the corpse to discover a rose tattoo. Open the cabinet and
get the hat. Walk right to the hospital entrance. Exit to the city.


Talk to the police constable and say "Which is more bother, Lestrade being in
or being out?". He'll let you enter Scotland Yard. Talk to Lestrade and say "I
need details of the corpse you hauled in from the Thames, Lestrade.". Talk to
Lestrade and say "Where can I find this worthy?". Exit Scotland Yard. Exit to
the city.


Show Lestrade's telegram to Police Constable Roach. Talk to Roach and say
"Constable, it's Sherlock Holmes. I'd like to survey the scene.". Talk to Roach
again and say "Your predictions notwithstanding. I will examine the scene
constable.". Talk to Roach again and say "I'm sure Lestrade would be stupified
if you've discovered anything of interest.". Talk to Roach again and say "What
can you tell me about the crime, constable?". Talk to Roach again and say
"Where might I find the wherryman?". Jesse Needhem's Abode will appear on the
map. Exit to the city.


Talk to Jesse Needhem and say "Tell me about the corpse you pulled from the
river, won't you?". Talk to Needhem again and say "Have you done army service,
Needhem?". Talk to Needhem again and say "Forget the fable you told the police.
I think you witnessed a crime on the Embankment.". Talk to Needhem again and
say "Strangely, the corpse you found had no personal effects. Perhaps some of
them found their way here.". Open the sea chest near the bed. Rummage through
the sea chest to find a tie. Examine the tie to find that it has a university
crest on it. Cambridge will appear on the map.

Talk to Needhem and say "That tie belongs to the victim. What else of his
personal belongings did you steal? A wallet perhaps?". Talk to Watson and say
"I would have expected a hidey-hole somewhere about. But I don't spy one.".
Talk to Needhem and say "You are a thief, Needhem. British justice takes a dim
view of robbing the dead.". Needhem will put a watch on top of the fire place.
Give watch and chain. Talk to Needhem and say "I'd like you to return with us
to the Embankment. Will you do that?".


Light Bull's-eye lantern with stairs to reveal two shiny objects: A button and
a shiny disc. Examine the shiny disc. Examine the button. Look at the odd
stains on the stairs. Talk to Needhem and say "You witnessed a murder here, Mr.
Needhem. Tell me everything. No prevarications, please.". After the cutscene,
talk to Needhem and say "Tell me about the argument, after the shots. What did
you hear?".

Talk to Needhem again and say "What do you recall about the men you saw?". Look
at the gaff hook. Talk to Needhem again and say "Could you find the object that
made the splash, Mr. Needhem?". Talk to Needhem and say "Be more specific, Mr.
Needhem. We're looking for a critical piece of evidence.". Use the gaff hook,
and Holmes will find a pistol. Get the pistol and also the bull's-eye lantern.
Exit to the city.


Open the door to enter 221B. Analyze the watch at the lab table. Use the fob
with the beaker. Use the hydrochloric acid with the beaker. Use the nitric acid
with the beaker. Use the tweezers with the beaker. Use the magnifying glass
with the dish. Exit the lab table. Open the door to exit 221B.

Purchase newspapers at the kiosk, and the Daily Telegraph will appear on the
map. Talk to Wiggins and say "What are you up to, Wiggins?". Talk to Wiggins
again and say "I've a mission for you, boy. Small chance of success. But the
game is worth the candle.". Wiggins will leave. Exit to the city.


Attempt to rouse Fleming. Talk to Watson and say "This won't do, Watson. He
requires some hair from the dog that bit him.". Watson will leave. When he
returns, rouse Fleming. Talk to Fleming and say "Would you oblige us, Fleming,
with your opinion. We're evaluating this ale.". Talk to Fleming again and say
"I need to excavate your prodigious memory, Fleming. May I do that?". Talk to
Fleming and say "The Tudor Rose drew its members from the whole University,
didn't it?". Talk to Fleming again and say "I have reason to believe my corpse
was a Maudlin man and a member of the Tudor Rose.". Exit Cambridge.


Talk to Mathilda Mason and say "I'm afraid I carry some deplorable news. Mr.
Pratt has been murdered.". Talk to Mason and say "Could you identify Pratt for
the police if requested?". Talk to Mason and say "Might we look at Mr. Pratt's
effects? It can make no difference to the deceased.". Talk to Watson and say
"Watson, we need to peruse the flat. Can you occupy Mrs. Mason?".

Talk to Mason and say "I'm sure he thought highly of you and confided in you.
Perhaps you have the names of his friends or relations if you flat.". Talk to
Mason and say "Perhaps you would like to freshen up and change your handsome
frock.". She will leave. Take the hat pin on the table. Enter the archway.

Inside Pratt's room, clean the hookah with the hat pin. Get the photograph on
the desk. Sift the fireplace to reveal a red cloth. Get the red cloth. Rummage
the basket near the bed to find some wax. Get the wax. Examine the papers at
the left side of the desk, and Neville's Baths will appear on the map. Enter
the arachway. Exit to the city.


Smell the counter. Examine the radiator nearest the bath attendant. Move the
pillow near the bath patron on the right. Talk to the bath attendant and say
"I'm now ready to inspect the baths, Russell.". In the baths, move the towel to
discover Eldridge Whitney. The bath attendant will get annoyed, so Holmes will
throw him into the pool. Talk to Whitney and say "A fortuitous meeting, Mr.
Whitney. I am Sherlock Holmes.". Talk to Whitney and say "As you attendant is
occupied, let's talk about the formula missing from your reading room.".

Talk to Whitney and say "At the moment, you are not accused, Whitney. I'm
simply trying to gather information.". Whitney will refuse to talk about the
case. Employ the squeegee. Turn the valve on the boiler. Talk to Whitney again
and say "You will not trifle with me, Whitney. Tell me what you know.". Exit
the bath room. Exit to the city.


Talk to Jenkins and say "Jenkins, I need to speak to Lord Lawton again.". Talk
to Jenkins again and say "Please show me in. I have some tragic news for Lord
Lawton.". Jenkins will go through the doors. Attempt to climb the stairs, and
Jenkins will return to let you in to see Lord Lawton. Talk to Lord Lawton and
say "I'm sorry to inform you that your friend, Thomas Pratt, has been found
dead.". Talk Lord Lawton again and say "Your colleagues should know of Pratt's
condition and other developments. Where might I find Sir Avery Fanshawe?".

Talk to Lord Lawton again and say "What do you think of the connection between
Pratt's murder and the forumla's disappearance?". Talk to Lord Lawton again and
say "I ask again why the investigation was terminated?". Exit the room. Talk to
Jenkins and say "I'll tell you of Mr. Pratt's demise. In return you could
answer some questions and let me look about.". Jenkins will agree as long as
you can beat him at Billiards. Exit to the city.


Talk to Jock Mahoney and say "Hello, Jock. Remember me?". Talk to Mahoney again
and say "I'll assume you're still cock of the walk here. Would you like a
game?". Talk to Watson and say "Not a promising beginning, Watson. Jock won't
even speak to me.". Look at the barman. Talk to the barman and say "A large
brandy, please.". Talk to the barman again and say "Why is Mr. Mahoney in such
a foul mood.".

Look at Mahoney. Talk to the barman and say "The Metropolitan Police deal
harshly with violations of the Temperance Act.". Talk to the barman and say
"I'm sorry for his loss, but I need Mahoney's help. What can you suggest?".
Look at the dart board. Talk to the barman and say "May I have the darts,
please?". Talk to Mahoney and say "Might I stand you to glass of stout?". Talk
to Mahoney and say "What about a game of darts, Jock?". Talk to Mahoney again
and choose to play a game of 301, 501 or cricket.

After winning the darts game, talk to Mahoney and say "Care for another match,
Jock?". Talk to Mahoney again and say "I believe you kow Alfred Jenkins, Lord
Lawton's man. Can he give you a run?". Mahoney will tell you how to beat
Jenkins at Billiards by using the diamond system. Talk to Mahoney again and say
"Any special tips for me, Jock?" Exit to the city.


Talk to Jenkins and say "Are you ready for our chat, Jenkins?". Talk to Jenkins
again and say "May we get started, Jenkins; cut to the chase as they say?".
Talk to Jenkins again and say "We won't waste time with a match, Jenkins. I
possess something you want.". Holmes will explain the diamond system, and
Jenkins agrees to let Holmes explore the house. Unlock the album with the hat
pin. Browse the album to discover that a picture is missing on the last page.

Talk to Jenkins and say "Are these all of Lawton's photographs?". Talk to
Jenkins again say "The photo from the inside of the back cover is missing,
Jenkins. Do you recall it?". Open the box on the piano. Study the music. Play
the piano. Talk to Jenkins and say "When was the piano last tuned?". Talk to
Jenkins again and say "Is Lord Lawton a music aficionando?". Talk to Jenkins
again and say "Who accompanies Lord Lawton when he plays?". Talk to Jenkins
again and say "What is Lady Lockridge to Lord Lawton?". Talk to Jenkins again
and say "These selections may be too difficult for Lady Cordelia. I know from
experience that Paganini is formidable.". Exit to the city.


Talk to Watson and say "Some sad associations here, Watson. You called it The
Case of the Serrated Scalpel, I believe.". Talk to Watson again and say "The
Brumwell butler was a trial. Pettifog, Petticoat, no Pettigrew, wasn't it?".
Talk to Lady Fanshawe and say "I'd like to speak with Sir Avery, please. Is he
available?". Talk to Lady Fanshawe again and say "May I speak with Pettigrew,

Talk to Watson and say "Watson, please give me your sense of Lady Fanshawe.".
Talk to Lady Fanshawe and say "Lady Fanshawe, I must speak with Pettigrew. To
make delivery arrangements.". Pettigrew will enter the room. Talk to Pettigrew
and say "Do you remember us, Pettigrew?". Talk to Pettigrew and say "Where does
Sir Avery spend his time, away from the Ministry?". St. James Park will appear
on the map. Open the door to exit to the city.


Study the small posters. Examine the portrait gallery. Look at the portrait
gallery. Talk to Charles Freedman and say "Hello, Charles. We're not
interrupting?". Talk to Freedman again and say "You've assembled a remarkable
group of character portraits.". Talk to Freedman and say "This small portrait
is distinctive. Who is it? Or more to the point, what is it?".

Talk to Freedman and say "The posters are very well drawn. Same artist?". Talk
to Freedman again and say "I'm trying to identify a man, Charles. Might I
explore your memory?". Talk to Freedman again and say "Might I have young
Hemmings' address?". Hemming's Digs will appear on the map. Open the door to
exit to the city.


Talk to Nigel and say "I saw your work at Freedman's. It's exceptional. Would
you like to make a "mug shot" of someone for me?". Exit to the city.


Talk to Needhem and say "I need your help, Mr. Needhem. Will you come with us,


Talk to Needhem and say "Does the work of a professional photographer appeal to
you, Needhem?". Talk to Hemmings and say "This is Mr. Needhem. He has seen the
person I want drawn.". Talk to Needhem and say "Needhem, please descrive the
gentleman you saw in profile at the Embankment, the third man.". Hemmings will
draw a mug shot. Talk to Hemmings and say "How would you evaluate Needhem's
powers of observation?". Hemmings will give you the mug shot. Exit to the city.


Show the mug shot to Freedman, and Fairfax Cartwer will appear from the office
Talk to Fairfax Carter and say "I've heard your name from Mycroft, sir.
Freedman has filled you in?". Talk to Carter again and say "You probably heard
us speaking of Colonel Moellendorf?". Talk to Carter again and say "If it's not
an official operation, what might the Prussian motives be?". Talk to Carter
again and say "Can you help me gain access to the Kaiser? I know he's in
London.". Talk to Carter again and say "What kind of man is the Kaiser?".
Carter will return to the office. Exit to the city.


Walk right and look at the sheet music near the piano. Look at the photographs
on top of the piano to notice an engagement portrait. Examine the engagement
portrait. Inspect the engagement portrait. Talk to Lady Cordelia Lockridge and
say "you are rare and flexible musician, I perceive?". Accompany the piano.
Talk to Lady Lockridge and say "My hat, Lady Lockridge. You've set yourself two
very difficult pieces. All will be well with time and practice.". Get the sheet
music. Exit to the city.


Open the door to enter 221B. Walk right and open the bedroom door. Play wax
cylinder 3. Crank the gramophone. Practice the violin, a Holmes will find a
minor fault with the sheet music. Open the door to exit the bedroom. Open the
door to exit 221B. Exit to the city.


Walk right. Talk to Lady Lockridge and say "Lady Cordelia, I may have
discovered where Paganini went wrong.". Play the violon. Talk to Lady Lockridge
and say "Might you now tell me, my Lady, why Lord Lawton has been reluctant to
speak with me?". Talk to Lady Lockridge and say "What can you tell me about
Lord Lawton's man, Jenkins?". Inspect the engagement photo, and Hargrove
Studios will appear on the map. Exit to the city.


Talk to Hepplethwaite and say "Hepplethwaite, I must see Silverbridge.
Immediately.". He will let you in to see Silverbridge. Look at the portrait
above the fireplace. Look at Silverbridge. Talk to Hepplethwaite and say
"Doesn't the child have his own room?". Talk to Hepplethwaite again and say
"Hepplethwaite, what's going on? Is he very ill?". Talk to Silverbridge and say
"You do not look well, Mr. Silverbridge.". He will faint.

Open the jar on the desk to find that it contains powerful smelling salts. Use
the jar to wake Silverbridge. Talk to Silverbridge and say "Did you know Pratt
well?". Talk to Silverbridge and say "That's your son's portrait, isn't it?
Handsome lad. Where is he now?". Talk to Hepplethwaite and say "Hepplethwaite,
where is Virgil Silverbridge?". Examine the lead pencil on the floor. Get the
lead pencil. Look at the table to discover an inscription.

Rub the inscription with the lead pencil to reveal a chess move. Use the move
with the chessboard to reveal a panel on the left side of the desk. Open the
panel. Read the letter. Use the jar. Talk to Silverbridge and say "The note is
genuine, isn't it? He is missing.". Talk to Silverbridge and say "Can you spare
a picture of the boy?". Take the photographs on top of the fireplace. Open the
double-doors. Get the blankie. Open the double-doors to exit to the city.


Look at Old Sherman. Talk to Sherman and say "My compliments, Sherman. I hope
we find you well.". Talk to Sherman again and say "Must we guess the reason for
your foul humour?". Talk to Sherman again and say "Would you like a fresh
cuppa, Sherman?". Talk to Sherman again and say "We have need of your
treasure's skill.". open the door to exit to the city.


Talk to the boy and say "Hello, young man. May I pet your dog?". Talk to Wilbur
Heywood and say "Hello, Birdy. Business brisk?". Talk to Heywood again and say
"Birdy, what do you know of the little fellow on the bench?". Talk to the boy
and say "I think I recognise your dog. His name is Toby.". Talk to the boy and
say "Listen, lad. I need to borrow Toby. May I do that?". Exit to the city.


Talk to Sherman and say "Sherman, a young boy is caring for Toby. I'd like to
reward him for his trouble.". Take the biscuits from the tabkle. Use the
biscuits on the bird house to catch the mongoose. Exit to the city.


Talk to the boy and say "We've brought a new companion for you, Master Harte.".
Show the blankie to Toby and he will lead you to Castle Stationary. Query at
Castle Stationary. Talk to the stationer and say "I apologise for interrupting
your labour. Might I have a moment?". Show the ransom note to the stationer.

Talk to the stationer and say "I know it's unusual, but could I ask you to
smell the letter?". Show the blankie to Toby, and he will walk over to the shop
on the right. Talk to the window washer and say "Have you sold any peppermints
recently?". Use the ransom note with Toby, and he will lead you to a house.

Examine the mail slot at the right side of the door to discover a key which is
just out of reach. Use the hat pin with the key to collect it. Use the key on
the door lock to enter the house. After the cutscene, Watson will leave and
Holmes will exit the house. Examine the ring which is down and right from the
dead woman. Get the ring. Open the door to enter the house.

Get the handkerchief on the table. Take the dark bottle on the table. Open the
paper bag on the table. Open the reticule at the bottom-left corner of the
right door, and an envelope will fall out. Get the envelope. Open the door to
exit the house. Exit left to arrive outside of 221B.


Talk to Wiggins and say "Wiggins, I need your assistance. Are you free?". Open
the door to enter 221B. Inside, Mrs. Hudson will deliver a telegram. A Suite at
Kensington Palace will appear on the map. Analyse the ring at the lab table.
Use the ring with the beaker. Use the hydrochloric acid with the beaker. Use
the tweezers with the beaker. Use the magnifying glass with the ring, and
Burlington Jewelry will appear on the map.

Exit the lab table. Talk to Watson and say "I wonder if friend Farthington
knows the desparaged solictor, Bledsoe.". Jacob Farthington's Chambers will
appear on the map. Open the door to exit 221B. Exit to the city.


Talk to Jacob Farthington and say "Your clerk's demeanour is unaffected by his
tuition at the charm academy.". Talk to Farthington again and say "I'm looking
for a barrister named Bledsoe. He has chambers here, I believe.". Talk to
Farthington again and say "If you won't tell me where Bledsoe is, perhaps you
would tell me about him.". Talk to Farthington again and say "Must I rummage
through the bowels of the court looking for the man?"

Talk to Watson and say "We could waste precious time looking for Bledsoe, and
still come up empty. I'm stymmied, Watson.". Talk to Farthington again and say
"Will you settle for the reason I wish to speak with him, and trust me with the
details?". Peruse the calendar on the desk. Talk to Farthington again and say
"I beg you to arrange a meeting with Bledsoe, Farthington.". Exit to the city.


Talk to Watson and say "The Kaiser has a diverse collection of reading
materials.". The Kaiser will enter the room. Talk to the Kaiser and say "Thank
you for receiving us, sir, in your apartments.". Look at the bust near the
flags on the right. Talk to the Kaiser again and say "I perceive a resemblance
between you and Frederick the Great.".

Talk to the Kaiser again and say "My mision is difficult, Your Highness. May I
speak frankly?". Show the mug shot to the kaiser. Talk to the Kaiser again and
say "Why would he act contrary to your interests? His behaviour is
treasonous.". Talk to the Kaiser and say "We must take our leave, Your
Highness. Any parting advice?". Exit to the city.


Talk to Wiggins and say "have you seen the man I described to you, Wiggins?".
Talk to Wiggins again and say "Wiggins, could this be the man you followed up
the Strand?". Talk to Watson and say "If the Prussian is still in London,
Wiggins will find him.". Exit to the city and return to 221B. Exit to the city
again and return to 221B. After returning to 221B for the second time, Virgil
Silverbridge will be standing by the fence.

Talk to Virgil and say "Virgil, where is Wiggins? Why have you returned
alone?". Talk to Johas Rigby and say "Have you heard from Wiggins, Jonas?".
Give the lozenges to Virgil. Talk to Virgil and say "Now, my boy, tell me.
Where has Wiggins got to?". Give the lozenges to Virgil. Talk to Virgil and say
"You drove a hard bargain, Virgil. Now tell me, where did Wiggins go?". Croydon
Aerodrome will appear on the map. Exit to the city.


After the cutscene, brandish the sword. Break down the sword to find a formula.
Talk to Colonel Moellendorf and say "I know you recently witnessed the murder
of Thomas Pratt. Why was he killed? Who pulled the trigger?". Talk to
Moellendorf again and say "The Imperial Chancellor will be censured and
ridiculed when his treachery is revealed.".

The Colonel will drop a flask. Smell the flash. Smash the flask. Extract the
spike which the small piece of rope is wrapped around. Examine the shed.
Examine the lock on the shed. Use the iron spike with the lock. Wiggins will
emerge, and Holmes will automatically exit to the city.


Open the door to enter 221B. Mrs. Hudson will deliver a note from Dewar.
Analyse the formula at the lab table. Use the scissors with the photo. Use the
piece with the beaker. Use ammonia hydroxide with the beaker. Use chloroform
with the beaker. Use the glass rod with the beaker. Exit the lab table. Open
the door to exit 221B. Exit to the city.


Talk to Dewar and say "Professor, what did your analysis of the clock spring
reveal?". Lloyd-Jones's Bungalow will appear on the map. Exit to the city.


Talk to David Lloyd-Jones and say "I'm sorry we find you feeling poorly, sir.".
Talk to Lloyd-Jones again and say "Would you answer some questions about your
former speciality.". Talk to Miss Lloyd-Jones and say "You've received no
visitors recently, Miss?". Talk to Watson and say "Without a lever I fear we'll
get nothing substantive from him.". Exit to the city, and then return to Lloyd-
Jones's Bungalow to find him sleeping on the couch.

Wake Lloyd-Jones. Look at the player piano. Play the pedals. Open the player
piano. Remove the cigar box. Examine the bank notes. Confiscate the bank notes.
Talk to Lloyd-Jones and say "This packet of fivers is more than enough to ruin
you.". Talk to Lloyd-Jones and say "To whom did you sell the recipe for the
bomb?". Talk to Lloyd-Jones again and say "This vincent, you saw him just the
once?". Talk to Lloyd-Jones again and say "I want to take this money to an
expert. You may have received both more and less than you thought.". Holmes
will leave his card. Exit to the city.


Talk to the woman and say "I beg your pardon, Madame. Might I have a brief word
with Mr. Rumsey?". Talk to Ethlebert Rumsey and say "If you might spare me a
moment, Stitch. I would appreciate it.". Talk to Watson and say "I'll grow grey
before Mrs. Rowbottom is satisfied.". Talk to Watson and say "I've decided on a
strategy to shift La Rowbottom.". Talk to the woman and say "The fabric on your
frock has become a favourite of the diamonde.". The woman will leave. Show the
bank notes to Rumsey. Examine the buttons on the desk. Pick up the buttons.
Exit to the city.


Show the ring to the clerk. Examine the ring case. Compare the ring case.
Inspect the strong room door. Purchase the knickknacks to get a toothpiock.
Talk to the clerk and say "I presume these rings are merely representative of
your collection. Might I see more?". Close the strong room door. Peruse the
register. Exit to the city.


Talk to Miss Lloyd-Jones and say "Hello, Miss. Might we speak to your
brother?". Holmes will give her the bank notes. Exit to the city.


Talk to Wilbur Heywood and say "Have you spoken with Sir Avery Fanshawe
recently?". Buy bird food. Go right to the park lake. Attempt to speak to
Fanshawe. Talk to Hodgkins and say "Might I have a word with Sir Avery?". Talk
to Hodgkins again and say "Your dedication to Sir Avery does you credit, but I
have official business to discuss...". Talk to Watson and say "I believe
Hodgkins has the werewithal to deliver on his threats.". Go left to the park.

Look at Fred. Talk to Heywood and say "Does Fred take instructions, Birdy?".
Fred will distract Hodgkins. Use the bird feed on the birds. Talk to Fanshawe
and say "Sir Avery, my name is Holmes. My brother is Mycroft...". Give the bird
feed to Fanshawe.

Talk to Fanshawe and say "I have some questions about the termination of the
investigation into the stolen formula.". Talk to Fanshawe again and say "Would
it surprise you to learn that Thomas Pratt has been murdered?". Talk to
Fanshawe again and say "Sir Avery, where might I find the reading room char,
Mrs. Ratchett?". Spitalfields will appear on the map. Go left to St. James
Park. Exit to the city.


Enter the Phrenologist's studio. Talk to Totman and say "Can you direct me to a
family named Ratchet?". Talk to Watson and say "The road is filled with
obstacles, Watson. Your assessment?". Rose Hinchen will appear. Talk to Hinchen
and say "Hello! It's Rose Hinchen isn't it?". Talk to Hinchen again and say
"We're looking for the Ratchet family. No one seems able or willing to help
us.". Exit the studio. Walk right and enter the greengrocer's.

Look at the security guard. Look at the copy book. Look at the shelves. Attempt
to open the copy book. Talk to Watson and say "Watch my back, Watson. Will you
do that?". Talk to the proprietor and say "Mrs. Ratchet lives hereabouts, I'm
told you might know where. Do you?". Talk to Watson and say "I'd lay odds the
proprietor knows her, Watson. Perhaps she stops here.". Talk to Watson again
and say "Might you occupy the proprietor's attention? I want to look inside
that copy book.". Talk to the proprietor and say "I'd like some marmalade from
the top shelf.". Read the copy book. Exit the greengrocer's. Walk left and exit
to the city.


Talk to Wiggins and say "I want you to find a Mrs. Ratchet. Older party, lives
off Bishopsgate near the Spitalfield Markets.". Exit to the city and return to
221B. Exit to the city again and return to 221B to find that Wiggins has
returned. Talk to Wiggins and say "Wiggins, what news of Mrs. Ratchet? Old
Frying Pan pay off?". Open the door to enter 221B. Walk right and open the
bedroom door. Open the wardrobe door. Change into the labourer's costume, and
Holmes will automatically return to the greengrocer's.


Talk to the proprietor and say "Hello, comrade. Might I pop up and see your
mum?". Enter the door on the right. Show the snuff box to Mrs. Ratchet. Reveal
the signet ring to Mrs. Ratchet. Look at the coffee pot in the fireplace. Talk
to Mrs. Ratchet and say "Might you send out Mr. Ratchet, so we can talk?". Talk
to Mrs. Ratchet and say "Do you have some coffee or strong tea, Madame?".

Exit the room. Talk to the proprietor and say "I saw some ersatz coffee on the
shelves. If you have the real thing, I'd like a quarter pound. Your pa needs
the caffeine.". Enter the door on the right. Talk to Mrs. Ratchet and say "In
lieu of conversation, may I look around your premises?". Use the kindling near
the fireplace. Fill the coffee pot with coffee. Use the coffee pot, and Mr.
Ratchet will fall asleep. Dump the workbox on the table to reveal a wax seal.
Compare the sealing wax with the wax seal.

Talk to Mrs. Ratchet and say "My brother has been incapacitated, Mrs. Ratchet.
You may speak to me as you would him.". Talk to Mrs. Ratchet and say "You were
difficult to find, Mrs. Ratchet. Is that by design?". Talk to Mrs. Ratchet and
say "This wax is a part of the seal from the stolen formula. How did you come
by it?". Talk to Mrs. Ratchet and say "Tell me what you know of Pratt, Mrs.
Ratchet?". Talk to Mrs. Ratchet and say "How did you return the formula to the
Ministry reading room?". Exit the greengrocer's to return to 221B.


Open the door. Walk left and open the door to exit 221B. Exit to the city.


Walk right to the baths. Talk to Whitney and say "Thomas Pratt has been found
dead, Mr. Whitney.". Talk to Whitney and say "It seems you have not been
completely forthcoming with me, Whitney.". Talk to Whitney and say "What is the
connectio between Pratt's murder and the return of the formula?". Exit to the
bath entry. Exit to the city.


Show the summons to Eldridge Whitney. Examine the document on the desk. Talk to
Whitney and say "What is the condition of the Dewar document, Mr. Whitney?".
Talk to Whitney again and say "The formula is alledged to have disappeared from
this room. May I examine the premises?". Walk left and fill the dustbin. Ignite
the dustbin, and Holmes will get the document from the desk and leave.


Open the door to enter 221B. Examine the formula at the lab table. Taste the
document. Smell the document. Analyse the document. Use the scissors with the
formula. Use the piece with the beaker. Use the distilled water with the
beaker. Use ferric sulphate with the beaker. Use iron nitrate with the beaker.
Exit the lab table. Open the door to exit 221B. Exit to the city.


Holmes will get a card. Talk to Hargrove and say "Mr. Hargrove, my name is
Holmes. I'd like to ask you a few questions.". Talk to Hargrove and say "I saw
the portrait you did for myfriend Lord Lawton and his fiance.". Talk to
Hargrove and say "most studios now use the collodian development process, do
they not?". Talk to Hargrove and say "I believe I've happened upon a sample of
your work, Mr. Hargrove.".

Draw the curtain to enter the next room. Move the camera. Examine the rug. Move
the rug. Use the business card on the cabinet to open it, which will reveal a
folder. Peruse the cabinet. Confiscate the folder. Use the folder with the
telephone. Use the telephone. Exit the room. Exit to the city.


Rip the calendar. Slide the calendar under the door. Use the hat pin with the
lock. Retrieve the calendar to collect a brass key. Unlock lock with the brass
key. Inside, get the ledger on the desk. Look at the desk. Attempt to open the
secure drawer. Look at the secure drawer. Look at the aquarium, and the
Managing Director will drop a trident into it. Look at the trident.

Attempt to break the aquarium. Shoot the pistol at the aquarium. Get the
trident. Unlock the secure drawer with the trident. Get the german bank notes.
Get the negative. Get the new fivers. Talk to the Managing Director and say
"This string is played out, Misteray. Where is the scurrilous composite of Lord
Lawton and Princess Alexandra? Does Vincent Scarrett have it?".

Talk to Watson and say "The connection between Scarrett and Pratt is finally
clear, Watson. They were opium eaters.". Talk to Watson and say "You stay here.
I will sieze Scarrett in his den or know the reason why.". Holmes will
automatically exit to the city.


Talk to the barman and say "May I purchase a packet of matches, for my pipe?".
Talk to the barman and say "Did you know Thomas Pratt?". Open the door to exit
to the city.


Look at the blue costume. Talk to Rumsey and say "I need a nautical ensemble,
Stitch. Can you help?". Exit to the city. Holmes will automatically return to
The Weary Punt.


Show the match packet to the barman. Give money to the barman. Look at the
beaded curtain. Talk to the barman and say "Gim'me a place in the back, mate.".
Talk to the barman and say "You've got your lucre; the matches is my bonafides.
All right?". Talk to the parrot until he says "Going East?". Talk to the barman
and say "I think I remember the words you're looking for.". Enter 'Going East'.
Enter the beaded curtain. Look at Scarrett to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found in the Silverbridge Residence. It is shown to Toby in St. James Park.

Found on the floor near the bar in the Diogenes Club. It is shown to Mrs.
Ratchet in the greengrocer's at Spitalfields.

Found in the desk while playing as Holmes at the left side of 221B Baker St.
It is used to illuminate the wreckage at the Diogenes Club. It is also used
to light the stairs at Cleopatra's Needle.

Found in Hargrove Studios. It is used to open the cabinet in the studios.

Found in the Diogenes Club. It is analysed at the lab table at 221B Baker St.

Found on the desk in the Ministry of Defense. It is analysed at the lab table
at 221B Baker St.

Found in the reticule of the house in St. James Park.

Found in the cabinet in Hargrove Studios. It is used on the telephone in
Hargrove Studios.

Found in Mycroft's flat. It is analysed at the lab table in at 221B Baker St.

Found in the secure drawer at the Ministry Import/Export.

Found on the table of the house in St. James Park.

Found on the floor near the clock face in the Diogenes Club.

Found in the cabinet of the morgue in St. Bart's Hospital after the rose
tattoo has been discovered.

Found on the table in Thomas Pratt's Loft. It is used to clean the hookah in
Thomas Pratt's Loft. It is used to collect the key in the mail slot of the
house near St. James Park. It is also used with the lock at the Ministry

Found on the floor in the Silverbridge Residence. It is used to rub the
description in Hepplethwaite's room.

Found on the desk at the Ministry Import/Export. It is not used.

Bought in The Weary Punt. It is given to the barman in The Weary Punt near
the end of the game.

Nigel Hemmings will make the mug shot for Holmes when he talks to Needhem at
Hemming's Digs. It is shown to Freedman at The Daily Telegraph. It is also
shown to the kaiser in A Suite at Kensington Palace.

The negative is found in the secure drawer at the Ministry Import/Export. It
is not used.

The new fivers are found in the secure drawer at the Ministry Import/Export.
They are not used.

Found near the kiosk at 221B Baker St. They are not used.

Found on the desk in Thomas Pratt's Loft. It is not used.

Found by using the gaff hook at Cleopatra's Needle. It is used to shoot the
aquarium at the Ministry Import/Export.

Found in the fireplace in Thomas Pratt's Loft. It is not used.

Found in Mycroft's ward in St. Bart's hospital. The ring is shown to
constable Daley at the Diogenes Club and Mrs. Ratchet in the greengrocer's
at Spitalfields.

Found in the basket in Thomas Pratt's Loft. It is compared with the wax seal.

Found near the piano in Lady Lockridge's Town House. It is played on the
violin at 221B Baker St.

Found after sifting through the wreckage in the Diogenes Club with the
bull's-eye lantern. It is given to the professor in Dewar's laboratory.

Found in the bowl in the Silverbridge Residence.

Found in the aquarium at the Ministry Import/Export. It is used to unlock the
secure drawer in the Ministry Import/Export.

Found in the workbox upstairs from the greegrocer's in Spitalfields. It is
compared with the sealing wax.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2002-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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