Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project

Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project

17.10.2013 21:42:05
Autor: Chris Dietsch
~~Duke Nukem Manhattan Project~~
Walkthrough/FAQ (DETAILED!)
Author: Chris Dietsch (jdietsch@attbi.com) EMAIL ME WITH ALL COMMENTS =)

Table Of Contents:

1) Versions
2) What's in this guide
3) Weapons
4) Enemies
5) How to Play DN:MP
6) Walkthrough
A) Rooftop Rebellion
B) Chinatown Chiller
C) Metro Madness
D) Unholy Underworld
E) Fearsome Factory
F) Tanker Trouble
G) Deviant Drilling
H) Orbital Oblivion
7) Cheats/Codes
8) Secret Boss (Spoiler Alert)
9) Nuke locations (not yet finished)
10) Credits/Contact

1) Version History

6/11/02- This walkthrough posted on gamefaqs.com... Finished Episode 1 tonite.

6/12/02- Chinatown part 1 done.. bad day with women today sorry ;).

Good News!!! After 6/18/02... Im done with school for a year! When that happens
many more updates to come! Please keep emailing me with Nukes! =)

6/23/02-Added a lot of secrets, confirmed the X-3000, added the secret boss.
Later tonight I will finish Episode 2, and my pace will pick up. Ive been very
busy with my new beautiful girlfriend!

2) About this guide

This guide is my first attempt of any kind at a FAQ. Please try to forgive me
that its not all done yet, im still trying to find all of the nukes.
If you have any questions, email me at jdietsch@attbi.com

3) Weapons

There are a total of 9 cool, kick-ass weapons in Duke Nukem:
Manhattan Project! They are as follows.

Mighty Boot-(Spacebar)- You all remember this! This is Duke's last resort
weapon, but also used to crunch enemies after youve shrunk them with your
GLOPP ray. As a _third_ function, this can be used when running to perform
a sliding kick, more often used to get into otherwise unaccesable areas
than used at all. A Jump Kick is also available. To do this, jump or
double jump and while airborne, kick! Useful to knock enemies away from
ledges you are jumping towards. "Duke's pattented kick will knock mutants for a
loop. When you're out of ammo, youve always got you Mighty Boot to fall back on."
I have also been informed of a secret, extra powerful kick attack. It is
activated if you perform 3 kicks within 2 seconds. This can be most easily
attained by jump kicking into a slide kick (run and kick), and finishing with
a standing kick. This will be so powerful that most enemies will not be able
to withstand it, and you get the extra health for kicking the enemy.

Golden Eagle-(#1)- This is Duke's primary and starting weapon. It is
colored golden. This weapon has a pretty high rate of fire (as fast as you
hit your primary fire button) and dosent use much ammo. You will soon find
the shotgun, but this weapon is always a usefull tool. Use this weapon
to destroy barrels and the like if your (somehow) out of pipebombs.
"Duke's signature weapon, and the one he starts out with"

Pipebomb-(#2)- This is a very versatile weapon. It is used by pressing the
special pipebomb key, or with it simply selected and the use of primary fire,
which will throw it, then pressed again to detonate. You can throw multiple
pipeboms at once for more carnage by holding the button down without moving
before letting go. Then simply hit the detonate button to let 'er rip!
"Small, deadly devices that pack a thunderous punch. Duke loves 'em"
As do I.

Shotgun-(#3)- This is your first power weapon. In most FPSs, the area
that the shotgun affects is less as the distance increases. DNMP is no
different. Simply select and shoot and start "Makin' Bacon"! This weapon
uses more of your ammo than the Golden Eagle.
"Poweful blasts, but it uses more ammo than your pistol"

Assault Rifle-(#4)- This is a fun weapon. It has the rapid fire of the
pistol, but damage rivaling the shotgun because of the rapid rate of fire.
This again is simple to operate, select and shoot. This uses more ammo
than the shotgun and pistol, so watch that ammo!
"Rapid fire blows the hell out of enemies, but depletes Duke's ammo supply

GLOPP Ray-(#5)- This is a very cool weapon. When you finally get it
(Chinatown i believe), it is a very useful weapon. You have a seperate
ammo supply for this weapon, but ammo is pretty plentiful a couple levels
after you get it. To hit your target, you must be pretty close, and then
maintain constant fire to shrink your enemies into a small, crushable
animal. Crush them with the spacebar.
This weapon does not shrink enemies, but it does send them into frenzies,
which THEN kills them saving you the step of crushing them =).
Good, wholesome killing!
"This awesome weapon de-mutates creatures back into their original form,
where Duke can crush them under his boot"

Pneumatic Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher (PRPG)-(#6)- This devastating
weapon is great!!! This weapon uses your pipebomb supply, but its worth it!
Once you get this weapon, you will be a happy (wo)man!
"Pnuematic Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher. Send your pipebombs rocketing
across the sky and turn some mutants to chunks." =)

Pulse Cannon-(#7)- This very cool weapon is very versatile. It uses your GLOPP
ammo supply. It is used by having varying times of suppressed fire key button
until you let go. When you charge it up enough, you see a large ball at the end.
Let 'er rip when your ready!
"Shoots bolts of electricity, and when charged up it creates a ball of lightning
so destructive, it vaporizes both flesh and robotic metal on contact."


Secret Weapon! X-3000-(#8)- First introduced in ARUSH's "Feed'n Chloe", made
by Sunstorm. If you beat the game on easy and get all the nukes,
youll get a better kick. Do this on medium, and you get a new shirt, and an
even more powerful kick. Do it on hard to get this X-3000. it is a lightning gun
that auto targets every enemy on the screen!
Although the weapon is origninal from "Feed'n Chloe", its method of attack
has changed radically. Here, the X-3000 is an automatic aiming lightning
gun, but in FC, it was a it was an autoaiming
freezeray/heatseeking rocket launcher/spike gun/laser gun. Very fun!

4) Enemies

There are actually 25 variants of enemies, not including bosses if im
right. I wont name them, cuz who cares? They all die anyway! I might
update this later, well see.

5) How to play Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project is an incredibly fun, addictive game for
its cheap price tag ($25). If youve ever played Duke Nukem 1 or 2,
you will remember this type of game. This is a side-scrolling platform game.
The kicker to this game is that it is probably the first game to be rendered
in complete 3D. You cant go in all directions, and you will know when you
can turn/go off the beaten path, but until those times arise, its straight-
forward shooting! There are a few things you must complete to beat a level,
but first you must understand the makeup of the game.
The progress of the game is pretty simple.

There are 8 Episodes, pretty much the largest parts of the game.
From there, each Episode has 3 lengthy Parts.
In each part, there are Areas (Secret and not) to discover!

The few things you must do in the level are A)Rescue the girl from the
bomb that she is strapped to, and B) Find the colored keycard. Once you have
both of these, you can open the exit when you find it, and beat the Part.

There is also another, fun part of the game. They are the Nukes. In each
part there are 10 Nukes you can collect to get a powerup. If you get
all 10, you will get 2 points permanently added to your health (EGO),
and you can carry more of every weapon. They look like um... silver things
with-more noticably-green emanating from them. I have not found them all
yet, or even close, but when I do, they will go in here. You get a certain
prize for collecting these!

There are 3 powerups you can collect in the game. One is the "Double
Damage". This is pretty much self-explanitory. The pickup looks is a red
hologram of Duke. The effects last aproximatly 45 seconds.
The second is the Jetpack. The pickup is.. a jetpack!
These controls are pretty much solely the
4 keyboard arrows. To cut your flight short, hit your jump key.
The third is the Forcefield. This is a green ball you will see a mile away.
When you get it, you are invulnerable for the short time. Go nuts!

The last thing is bosses. Each Episode has a boss you must beat to
complete the Episode. I will go over each one in the walkthrough.

6) Walkthrough (I did this on Normal mode, it might be diff on others)

Theres a worm in the Big Apple. Radioactive green GLOPP has flooded the
city's water supplies, turning every sewer-dwelling creature it touches
into a man-hunting mutant. This was no accident--It's the work of Morphix,
a brilliant mastermind gone bad.

But when things go bad in the city that never sleeps, theres one man who
can be counted on to take out the trash: Duke Nukem. Hail to the King, baby.

After watching the cool, but short, opening cinematic, its
time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.. and were all outta gum!!! (Old school!)

A) Rooftop Rebellion
Duke ascends to the rooftops of Manhattan to persue the mutant menace.
Jump chasms, hang from window washers and climb attenas to help rid the city
of this new evil.

Part 1

It all starts out with Duke kicking out the door (which you will see
quite a few times) and him popping one liner. Go forward, waste the two
pig cops, and learn the mechanics of antennae jumping. More practice later.
Also, learn quickly how to double jump. Its quite easy, simply jump, and
before you hit the ground again, jump again (hence the name). Collect your
first nuke. When you get to the area with 3 attennas, climb the third one
then jump the the box on the second. Climb this tower, repeat the the left
again. Climb this tower, jump right to the top box, then right again
for your second nuke. Waste the pigcop that tries to surprise you
and get the 50 ammo in the shed. Continue until you get to a door with
a green arrow above you. Get used to these. Hit the up arrow to go in.
From here, blow up the red barrels to open a secret area and your third
nuke. continue to the right, and jump on the light, then down to a box in the
water. Waste the cop, climb the ladder, hit the switch, down the ladder,
to the far left, get your fourth nuke. Climb your way back up to the exit.
(In case you forgot, use the light at the top). Continuing, go left,
and kill the pig cop on the platform. You can do 2 things to take out the
bottom one. Either duck and shoot the barrels, or slide kick under. Your
choice. Continuing, go to the right, get your new pipebombs, and expiriment
with enemies you cant hit conventionally. Go down to the 'pyramid' of the
boxes, and go left. Kill the cop, and look at that wall. Get used to this,
as your going to throw a pipebomb at it, and detonate for your 5th pipebomb.
Continue over the pyramid, kill the cop, and go in the door. Jump up
on the platform, and climb the antenna, and to the left is a
double damage (DD from here on in). Rush to the right, and jump
and shoot to try to kill these droids. When you get to the updraft,
jump in and let it carry you up and go to the right. Land on the window
washer, and continue. Jump down (falling from distances doesnt seem
to hurt, as far as i can rememeber.) and duck to shoot this new
type of pigcop, a tougher kind. Continue. Jump down, kill the cop,
down the ladder, kill the 2 cops, and remember this locked door. Ride this
current all the way up for nuke 6. Get to floor level to find 2 red barrels.
Blow these up and find nuke 7. Get back up, go right, and you will
find a shotgun. Drop down, remember this yellow forcefield, and kill everyone
that attacks. Go back left, ride the current, this time dont drop down at any
time, go far right to find a bomb (use up to defuse), and a switch to open
that previously locked door. Go to that door. Go left for your 8th nuke.
Kill cops that you can see on other sides of the flame jets, and jump 1 or
2 or 3 if your feeling fast during down times, but make sure you dont
jump into a cop. At the far end, jump up and climb the ladder, and and start
to use the pipe. Go left, and during down time, go left about 5 "hand grips"
and stop. Before you jump off, throw a pipebomb at the guy on the left
so you dont hit him and fall off. Jump down, grab your 9th nuke. Drop
down the ladder, grap the yellow key card, and blow up the barrel to exit.
Climb the ladder, and jump onto the vent to the left. Go and find the wall
to blow up. Collect your final nuke! Go right to the forcefield, and hit
up to use the keycard to finish Part One... long way to go! =)

Part 2 (BTW.. after this, im not going to hunt down the 10 nukes, ill
write them in the section 7 as I find them.)

Start off by moving forward, and fall down, and take out the 2 cops. Go
left, and throw a pipebomb near the crates for a nuke. Go back to the right,
kill the cop who tries to surprise you, and jump up to the ladder above the
new hole. Drop down to the door under the ladder. Go in. Hop the gap, and
look at the security camera, and try to remember this guards position
(on a ledge). Jump another gap, and kill the sentry. Go down the ladder,
kill the cop who tries to surprise again (Don't they give up??), go in
the hole in the wall, and jump up to the left to get health. Go left.
Jump left once, and now rememeber that cop you saw, shoot left and kill
him, or else youll bounce off him and die. After hes dead, jump over.
Blow up the barrel, drop down the ladder, and go left for a hidden
DD. Go right, blow up the explosive box, jump the chasm for another
nuke. These 2 barrels have GLOPP in them, just blow one up and run over it.
Climb the ladder after killing the cop. Stop midway up the ladder,
use the button, and watch out for the girl that jumps out and wants to
whip it good. "What a pussy" as Duke says ;). Climb the ladder, go left.
Exit. Go right, climb the ladder, and kill everyone. Go down the ladder,
down another, kill the cop, and blow up the barrel for a secret. Continue
up and to the right. See those metal bars? Drop down, kill the 2 cops,
and blow up the wall for a secret. Jump back on the window washer, and
go to the right while killing cops. Continue right, to a new building,
kill a cop, down the ladder, repeat, blow up barrels, keep going.
Kill girl who drops the nuke, go in the new hole. Go up the ladder(s) and kill
everyone, and get another nuke. Through the door, kill 3 cops. See the vent?
Ring a bell? Slide kick is correct! Only 2 pipeboms though. Climb onto the
balcony to the right, off the railing you can reach the ladder, climb it.
Jump buildings and watch out for a girl and 4 sentries. Go up and kill for
items. Next to the forcefield, and jump up, and blow up the boxes. Instead
of riding the draft, go next to it, and in the hole. Up the ladder to free
the girl. Now ride the draft to the right. Double jump to the other building.
Climb up the ladder, and onto the window washer. Keep going to the right.
Deviate from the main path if you want items. Watch out for the sentries.
When you get to the last building, kill everyone to get the keycard.
Make your way back to the forcefield.

Part 3

Down the ladder, waste the cop, down the next. Kill everyone you see,
and go into the new hole for a forcefield. Ride the draft for a DD. Watch for
a sentry. Hop to the next building, kill the 2 guys, down the ladder.
Down the window washer all the way for a +100 health, rememebr where the
forcefield is, and continue right. Once you can drop down, get ready to
kick some ass, about 4 actually, go in the hole, and free the babe. Ride
the draft, and get the jetpack. 2 Choices. Go as far right as you can in a
rush to get the keycard, or use it little to get items. Ill show items.
Once you see the first building, your safe. Go in building. Wait for boxes to
clear, jump up and get nuke, and kill cop. Follow same pattern alll the way to
the right. Get the nuke and keycard. Make your way back, and leave. Ride the
washer up. Get the jetpack, get back to the forcefield. Boss time!!!

Boss #1- Helicopter

This is your first boss fight. Watch the video, hear Duke's cool line, and get
ready. Try to avoid the rockets, and follow the copter right and shoot at
the fuel line it looks like. After thats gone, a ladder comes down. The
helicopter drops pig cops and tries to shoot its minigun at you. To avoid
this, quickly change sides under the helicopter. Try to get the helicopter to
waste its bullets when it shoots by standing under it, and moving slowly when
it shoots. Youll take a little damage, but nothing Duke would cry about.
With the bar in red, the
helicopter tries to fly away. Not on Duke's watch. You'll jump onto the ladder
and in the last stage, simply climb the ladder all the way, and throw pipe-
bombs left until your done. Simple, right? Watch the amusing cutscene. Good
job. Notice how a pig cop falls to its death off the side of the building,
squealing all the way? This shows how much Morphix just cares about getting
away... Fear mayby???

B) Chinatown Chiller
Chinatown is under new management:Morphix and his Gator Grunts! Avoid
speeding cars and make chop suey of the mutant scumb. Reach Club Ming and
make the boss sing.

Part 1

Welcome to Chinatown. Watch to the videos, and grab the nuke from the
flying pig. Climb the ladders, kill the cops. Get up on the railing of the
upper balcony, and jump onto the protruding flag staff, and jump again
for a nuke. Climb back up, and jump to the right. Continue up all the
things you see, and among the cops you should get a nuke. When you get to
the pile with the flames, just run as quick as possible, theres a +10
health on the other side. Climb the ladder. Climb on the clothesline, and
go left for a forcefield powerup. Go right. Watch out for this new enemy.
Continue right around the balcony. Take out the tough cop. Go to the right,
and watch out for the cop behind the explosive barrels. Go right, and the long
beam will fall under your weight. In the dumpster is some ammo, then go right.
Nothing much to do here except for 'follow the white rabbit". When you go
through the loading zone, go left behind the truck for an assault rifle. Go
right. Head right, and cross the street. Go up the elevator, to get out,
hit down, then climb up the stairs for items and back down to the street.
Go out to the left or right, and jump up the alternatingly jutting out
platforms on both sides. Go right, and cross the street. Watch out for
the Kung Fu dude, and jump on the boxes, up to the flag thing. Watch out
for sentries, and make your way up the platforms for some pipebombs.
When you get to the street drain, the barrel, and you can hear the girl's
cries, figure it out, and blow up the barrel, drop down, kill em all,
save the girl, and hit the button to get back out. Use the vending machine to
get health. Right before the forcefield, jump onto the thing that stands out
(forget the word) and climb up. From here, double jump to the right and
hold up to grab onto the ladder. Make your way to the top, and kill all the
cops. Get the yellow keycard from the top pig, and exit. Not done yet. Going
up at first chance dosent seem to do much except let you kill a tough cop. Go
back into the street, but make sure you double jump over the cars. When
you get to the red door, be prepared to go up, but youll actually go down. Kill
the lizards for nukes, go up, and right to beat Part 1.

Part 2

7) Nuke Locations
I do not have all of the Nukes yet.. after I complete the walkthrough, I
need to find the Nukes. Anyone who has them email me and help me do this

8) Secret Boss
There is a secret boss there for you to kill in DNMP. To get to it, you must
be on the Hard difficulty. If you have found all of the nukes on the Hard
difficulty so far, then you get to the part with the mech nukem hand, tbere is
now a secret path that you can go into, with 2 GLOPP barrels blocking the way.
Push up, and you will continue, finding a new boss affectionately called
Wozma after the secret Final Fantasy 9 secret boss, Ozma (Which i defeated
in FF9.. not an easy task!!! =) ). It is a large, green GLOPP boss, with
a TON of health. The good part, is that you get unlimited ammo for this fight!
Wozma throws barrels, acid, and homing missles at you. You can leave and come
back by jumping off the platform, but but once you beat HIM, you cannot come
back. No Necrophelia here ;). When you beat it, you get a Green GLOPP
icon on your save game. One important note. You have to find the last couple
of nukes to activate the path near the mech. But if you find them, save the
game, reload, the path will be deactivated, and you will have to replay the
Part. The point is that you have to get the nukes needed to activate the
path and go on it without saving.

9) Cheats/Codes

There are some secrets on your hard drive too, if you would like to sneak
them out. If you go to your "Duke Nukem-Manhattan Project\Data\Base" folder,
you will find "zipfs" files there. A secret is you can unzip them in
winzip or winrar to unlock the secrets. If you go into Episode 2 and go to the
music section there is some club music for Club Ming named 'clubabubba' that
wasnt used in the game. If you go to Episode 8 music section, you will find
some ending theme music to the popular grabbag theme, also not used in
the game's ending sequence. All of the music files are in 'ogg' format, so
to listen to them you must use soniq or the winamp OGG plugin. If you go to
the Episode one file and into the "shaders/Effects" you will find a funny
.JPEG that has a producer posing as Duke.

Try to avoid using cheats.. but if you are stuck.. here they are. To use them,
press the ~ key (next to your 1 key.. no shift) and type these in to activate

give all - Get all items

give life - Get Life

pause - Pauses game

toggle g_p_god - Invincibility

give jetpack - Get jetpack

give ammo - Get ammo

Give forcefield - Get forcefield


Thanks to Sunstorm Entertainment for making this game!
Thanks to ARUSH for publishing it!
And thanks to 3dRealms for playtesting it to keep the legacy alive!

Contact me with ANYTHING! =) I love the response

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Megatrainer (für v1.0.1)

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