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NOTES: Most of the following codes have two separate
1) Make the enemies listed easier to beat during battle.
2) Make the enemies listed not use magic against you.
These codes are very useful if you're having trouble
with a particular enemy or boss.
With most of the codes below, all you have to do is
inflict 1 point of damage, and the enemy will die.
A few of the codes require a little more damage before
the enemy will die.
I haven't made codes for all of the enemies yet, but
you should find codes for most of the enemies below.
Goblins, Hornets, and LegEaters are much easier to beat.
Also, Jellys won't use magic against you in battle.
Ballons, Souls, and Yetis are much easier to beat.
Also, Borgans and WzOrges won't use magic against you.
DesAngels, QueenBees, Sprinters, and Zombies are much
easier to beat. Also, Captains, Ghasts, Mages, Mines,
and R.Souls won't use magic against you in battle.
DeathHeads, Jellys, Pirates, Shadows, Snowmen, and
Soldiers are much easier to beat. Also, Mallows won't
use magic against you in battle.
Ghouls, Grenades, Icicles, Wererats, and Wraiths are
much easier to beat. Also, G.Souls, Lamias, & Sorcerers
won't use magic against you in battle.
Ghasts, KilrFish, Mallows, Ogres, and Stunners are much
easier to beat. Also, Brains, Imps, Spectres, and
VmpGirls won't use magic against you in battle.
Changers, Eagles, LandTrtls, Sargeants, Sorcerers, and
WzOrges are much easier to beat. Also, Basilisks,
BstDemons, Dragons, GChimeras, Ghosts, I.Gigas, and
VmpLadys won't use magic against you in battle.
Mines and Panthers are much easier to beat.
Also, Emperors, G.Dragons, IceLizs, SandWorms, and
Wizards won't use magic against you in battle.
Borgans, Brains, Revenants, and Stlctites are much
easier to beat. Also, B.Dragons, F.Gigas, Shades, and
StGolems won't use magic against you in battle.
DualZombs, GrOgres, G.Toads, Imps, SeaSnakes, Spectres,
Suckers, and Tusks are much easier to beat.
Also, 100eyes, Fiends, Krulls, M.Suckers, Salamandrs,
and Skulls won't use magic against you in battle.
Antlions, Coctrices, and Puddings are much easier to
beat. Also, AbysWorms, Q.Lamias, Sphinxs, T.Gigas, and
Z.Borgans won't use magic against you in battle.
Adamantis, P.Toads, and Rays are much easier to beat.
Also, R.Dragons, Satan, and Tiamat won't use magic
against you in battle.
AbysWorms, DthRiders, DvMantis, Emperors, G.Molbors,
Q.Lamias, Salamandrs, and SandWorms are much easier
to beat. (NOTE: Doesn't work on the final Emperor.)
Gotus, I.Gigas, MtGolems, and Worms are much easier
to beat.
Behemoths (Yellow, MegaBehemoth), R.Dragons, Satan, and
Tiamat are much easier to beat.
The final Emperor (final boss) is much easier to beat.
NOTE: If you use the code below, it's best if you save
your game before using the code incase the code doesn't
work right. Also, don't use the code below together
with the codes above (pick one or the other).
When you buy items in shops, you will receive about
$9,999,999 in gold! (Note: this code doesn't work
all the time. The more money you have, the more
likely that the code will work. If the code doesn't
work, try buying the Knife (for $150) or the Cane (for
$250) in the Weapon Shop in Altea, then you should get
your $9,999,999. If you can't get this code to work,
then use the other codes (above)).
Any of these 5 codes can also be used to get extra
money. Here's how: Buy as many of the items as you
can hold with the code turned on. Next, turn the
code off and sell the items back for extra money!
Potions are free (instead of $50)
XPotions are free (instead of $500)
EchoScns are free (instead of $2000)
Elixirs cost $80 (instead of $50,000)
Elixirs are free (instead of $50,000)
NOTE: The Gold codes below only work on a new game,
not with saved games.
LENESZPA start with 800 Gold (instead of 400).
YENESZPA start with 2,000 Gold
YXNESZPA start with 10,000 Gold
SNNESZPE start with 65,000 Gold
NOTE: These codes only affect starting (new game)
characters. They will not work with saved
games. But, if you save the game with the codes
on, you will not have to enter the codes again.
ZSEEXNTO 1st & 4th characters start with triple HP
(Hit Points).