Okage: Shadow King

Okage: Shadow King

15.10.2013 01:08:22
General FAQ, Item List, and Monster Classification

General FAQ, Item List, and Monster Classification - Date/Version 1.11.21

By Apostrophe (apostrophe@myrealbox.com)

Before E-Mailing me:

I'm not looking for submissions at this point. Thanks, but no thanks.

I don't check my E-Mail too often (as in, months go by without me checking it.)
So if you send me any, don't be upset or disappointed because you don't receive
a reply from me in a day, a week, or even a month. I've been online since 1996
and while E-Mail might be the best thing since sliced bread for someone who had
grown up in the '50s, it's just yesterday's fad for me.


Due to the lack of this type of information available in guides both on the web
and in the official Strategy Guide from Prima (so I hear on the messageboard, I
haven't had the chance to check out their guide myself) I've decided to write a
small FAQ myself.

I decided not to write a complete walkthrough for this game because I feel that
one of the most enjoyable aspects of this game are all the unpredictable things
that happen to you on your quest, and to write a good walkthrough, I would need
to spoil some of those things. This is something I didn't want to do...

The game is rather easy anyway, as it's very linear compared to most RPGs. You
don't often end up wandering around trying to figure out where you are supposed
to go to continue the main quest; the only time you're likely unsure about what
you're supposed to do is when dealing with the few sidequest. That is why I've
including information on these as well.

I've tried to keep this guide spoiler-free, but there's always a risk of seeing
something that you might want to keep secret, so if you'd rather not know where
to go to find certain objects, or the names of characters or monsters, then use
caution while reading this FAQ.

Table of Contents

1. Weapon List
2. Armor List
3. Accessories List
4. Item List
5. Special Items List
6. Monster Classification
7. Sub-Quests
The Man in Love with Miss Madril
Message in a Bottle
8. FAQ
9. Final Notes

******************************* 1. Weapon List ********************************


1. The price to sell an item (if you can) is half the price you buy it at.
2. If an item can be bought at several shops, I have only listed the first one.
3. If an item can't be bought, I'll list the chest or monster where you get it.
4. The following is a description of the information contained in the box:

Item Name Item Description Attributes or
Where to get the item (cost if applies) item effects.


Ari's Weapons

Picked up Branch Branch picked up somewhere. ATK +1
Ari begins the game with this weapon.
Leftover Sword Dingy and dull. ATK +5
Ari receives this crossing the first bridge.
Ordinary Sword Widely used by travelers for defense. ATK+10
Madril Shop: 40 Sukel
Nameless Sword No name but well made. ATK+15
Rashelo Shop: 470 Sukel
Omnislice Sword Powerful but not durable. ATK+20 LCK +5
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 1,900 Sukel
Brand Sword Obviously a well-made product. ATK+25 LCK +2
Pospos Spa: 7,500 Sukel
Rustic Sword Very practical but not elegant at all. ATK+30
Triste Merchant: 75,000 Sukel
Mastermold Sword Beautifully made by well-known craftsman. ATK+35 LCK +5
Highland Shop: 145,000 Sukel
Forgotten Sword Apparently not used for a long time. ATK+40 LCK+10
World Library: Treasure Chest
Sword of Gear Irrefutably superior almighty sword. ATK+50 DEF+10
Pospos Snowfield: Tinygear Man

Rosalyn's Weapons

Ordinary Rapier The most popular mass-produced Rapier. ATK+10
Rosalyn joins the party with this weapon.
Hardy Rapier A popular product that's very durable. ATK+15 LCK +1
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 2,100 Sukel
Slim Rapier Difficult to use. For the advanced. ATK+20 LCK +1
Triste Merchant: 80,000 Sukel
Sparkling Rapier Pierces with lightning speed. ATK+20 AGL +5
Deep Grave Pit: Treasure Chest
WhiteRose Rapier Sharp Thorn behind a beautiful flower. ATK+30 LCK+ 5
Highland Shop: 177,000 Sukel
Gallant Rapier Has unapproachable noble aura. ATK+40 LCK +5
Triste Merchant Special Item! AGL +5

Kisling's Weapons

Ghost Basics General handbook for monsters. ATK +5
Kisling joins the party with this weapon.
Ghost Pictoral Illustrated book of existing monsters. ATK+10 AGL +1
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 2,100 Sukel
Ghostologos Antique book detailing extinct monsters. ATK+15 AGL +2
Escapeless Abyss: Treasure Chest
Worldly Ghost Handbook on connection w/ folklore in world. ATK+20 AGL +3
Pospos Spa: 17,000 Sukel
Ghostosystem II Valuable book revealing mysterious ecosystem. ATK+30
Highland Shop: 130,000 Sukel
Ghostomicon Legendart book banned due to it's philosophy. ATK+60
Sealed Cave: Forgotten Sword Required!

Big Bull's Weapon

Battle Manual Scroll describing how to fight ATK+20
Big Bull joins the party with this weapon.

Linda's Weapons

Mike o'Hope Allows singing of bright futures & dreams. ATK+20
Linda joins the party with this weapon.
Highland Shop: 50,000 Sukel
Mike o'Happiness Brings happiness to the world through song. ATK+25 LCK+10
Assashi Maze: Central Treasure Chest
Love Mike Songs enveloped in boundless love. ATK+30
Highland Shop: 98,000 Sukel

Epros' Weapons

J of Diamonds Versatile attack that dazzles enemy. ATK+10
Epros joins the party with this weapon.
K of Clubs Gives unshakeable confidence. ATK+20
Rashelo Shop: 150,000 Sukel

******************************** 2. Armor List ********************************

Ari's Armor

Ordinary Outfit Nothing notable, mere casual clothes. DEF+00
Ari begins the game with this armor.
Clean Outfit A new line with a trendy style. DEF +1
Madril Shop: 30 Sukel
Fancy Outfit Impeccable fashion-minded garb. DEF +3
Rashelo Shop: 310 Sukel
Durable Outfit For heavy-duty tasks. DEF +5
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 1,100 Sukel
Custom-Made Wear Custom made for exceptional comfort. DEF +7
Pospos Spa: 10,000 Sukel
Latest Outfit Cutting edge but a little pricey. DEF+10
Triste Merchant: 49,800 Sukel
Natural Outfit So natural you won't even feel it. DEF+12
Highland Shop: 145,000 Sukel

Rosalyn's Armor

Swordsman Armor Light armor appropriate for long battles. DEF +4
Rosalyn joins the party with this armor.
Chief's Armor Improved quality. For the team leader. DEF +6
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 1,250 Sukel
Magical Armor Repels misfortunate with miraculous power. DEF +9
Madril Sewer: Treasure Chest
Honorable Armor Only for those swordsmen with honor. DEF+15
Pospos Spa: 12,000 Sukel
Hero's Armor With the genuine Hero's Club seal. DEF+17
Triste Merchant: 55,500 Sukel

Kisling's Armor

Wornout Coat Well seasoned and pretty worn. DEF +6
Kisling joins the party with this armor.
Starchy Coat Crisp finish gives a clean impression. DEF +9
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 1,500 Sukel
Battlefront Coat Worn by veteran medic. Smells of battle. DEF+10 ATK +5
Sealed Cave: Treasure Chest
Stately Coat Royal motif. Favorite of people w/ status. DEF+13
Triste Merchant: 51,000 Sukel
Basics Only Coat Basic design but has a hallmark of ability. DEF+18 LCK+10
Highland Shop: 130,000 Sukel AGL +5

Big Bull's Armor

Infantry Pants Stretchy fabric allows easy movement. DEF +5
Big Bull joins the party with this armor.
Blood&Sweat Pants Durable even during ferocious fighting. DEF +6 LCK +5
Triste Merchant: 38,000 Sukel
Inferno Pants Can endure even the hottest heat of battle. DEF +8 AGL +5
Highland Shop: 66,600 Sukel

Linda's Armor

Stage Dress Gorgeous dress that enchants all. DEF+12
Linda joins the party with this armor.
Highland Shop: 45,000 Sukel
Treasured Dress Legacy of a singer who died before debut. DEF+13
Deep Grave Pit: Treasure Chest
Celeb Dress Dress can overwhelm the unable wearer. DEF+15
Highland Shop: 90,000 Sukel

Epros' Armor

Dazzling Tux Well tailored formal battle suit. DEF +6
Epros joins the party with this armor.
Conjurer Tux Made durable for dangerous shows. DEF+12
Pospos Spa: 100,000 Sukel

***************************** 3. Accessories List *****************************

Wildcat's Fang Fang of small but formidable beast. ATK +1
Rosalyn joins the party with one of these.
Panther's Fang Fang of natural hunter that never misses. ATK +5
Madril Sewer: Treasure Chest
Cerberus Fang Fang of flame blowing guard dog of Hell. ATK+10
World Library: Treasure Chest
1st Fight Charm Gift for beginners for their first battle. DEF +1
Big Bull joins the party with one of these.
Iron Necklace Dauntless against non-fatal attacks. DEF+10
Big Tree Hole: Forgotten Sword Required!
Bandit's Shoes Easy to wear shoes. Favorite of bandits. AGL +1
Linda joins the party with one of these.
Pegasus Shoes Blessed with incredible moves. AGL +5
Deep Grave Pit: Monster (Perpetual Mudman)
Divine Shoes Nothing can match their speed. AGL+10
Tenel Church: Cyphertext 6 Required!
Holly Spikey leaf wards off evil spirits. LCK +1
Ari begins the game with one of these.
Laurel Goddess of luck harkens it's spiritual light. LCK +5
Pospos Snowfield: Monster (Half-Cooked Yeti)
Legendary Leaf Rare sweeping spiritual power. LCK+10
Escapeless Abyss: Forgotten Sword Required!
Hand Knit Cap Filled with grandchild's love of the Elder ATK +1 DEF +1
Tenel: Sickly Girl in Elder's House 2F LCK +1 AGL +1
Omnibooster Ultimate item produced after ext. research. ATK +5 DEF +5
Madril Research Facility: Final Donation LCK +5 AGL +5
Heatwave Ring Rising heat wave diverts swords. Avoid Attack
Kisling joins the party with one of these.
Mirage Ring Illusion deceives enemies. Dodge Attacks
Sealed Cave: Treasure Chest
Aves Amulet Bird shaped lead ornament. Evade Spells
Epros joins the party with one of these.
1st Star Badge A few rays from a lucky star. Evade Attacks
Madril: Man in Love with Miss Madril and Spells
Mongoose Whisker Has ability to neutralize weak poison. Defense:
Monster: Clingy Crab, Restless Mummy Poison
Rooster Feathers Snow white tail feathers of a morning bird. Defense:
Addashi Desert: Treasure Chest Sleep
Monster: Patient Rockman
Sun Medal Glows with an unabated shine. Defense:
Monster: Radiant Sun Sleep
Weed Resistance Gives toughness that resists stamping. Defense:
Monster: Burly Bull, Flaming Rockman Seal
Flake of Snow Symbol of Unchained freedom. Defense:
Deep Grave Pit: Treasure Chest Paralysis
Monster: Mortal Moon
Guardian Crystal Highly versatile defense. Defense:
Deep Grave Pit: Treasure Chest Poison, Sleep
Monster: Sly Snake Seal, Parlyze
Unicorn's Horn Divine Aura purifies all. Defense:
Ari's Father: In exchange for Broken Gun Poison, Sleep
Seal, Parlyze

******************************** 4. Item List *********************************

Recovery Items

Nut Great for a snack. Recover:
Tenel Shop: 10 Sukel 50HP for one
Big Nut Bigger and better. Recover:
Pospos Spa: 100 Sukel 100HP for one
Miracle Nut Quality nutritious nut. Recover:
Highland Shop: 1,000 Sukel AllHP for one
Bountiful Nut Enjoy with your friends. Recover:
Madril Sewer: Treasure Chest 50HP for all
Sealed Cave: Forgotten Sword Required!
Monster: Gloomy Urn, Loser Crocodile
Bloody Armor, Sucky Bat
Wild Strawberry Wakes you up with sour power. Recover:
Triste Merchant: 500 Sukel 25LP for all
Whim Berry Increase/Decrease is random luck. Recover:
Madril Sewer: Treasure Chest Random LP
Big Tree Hole: Forgotten Sword Required!
Monster: Old Trent, Cursed Painting
Energy Flower Heavenly beauty. Recover:
Tenel Shop: 150 Sukel From K.O.
Energy Bouquet So beautiful it cures all. Recover:
Deep Grave Pit: Treasure Chest From K.O. All
Monster: Sand Mandragora
Clarity Charm Firmly screws your head back on. Cure:
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 200 Sukel Confusion
Bummy Charm Relaxing? No way! Cure:
Pospos Spa: 450 Sukel Turtle
Villain's Charm Attack again with zeal! Cure:
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 300 Sukel Saint
Rust Off Charm As if youth returned. Cure:
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 250 Sukel Rust
Sommelier Charm Such impeccable taste. Cure:
Pospos Spa: 350 Sukel LP Drain
Angel Charm Heavenly intervention. Cure:
Monster: Evil Mask Death Curse
Alarm Charm Could wake the dead! Cure:
Pospos Spa: 500 Sukel Evil Eye
Big Boss' Charm Gets your nerve back. Cure:
Pospos Spa: 400 Sukel Paralysis
Writeoff Charm Fore carefree living. Cure:
Madril Shop: 100 Sukel Tax
Mega Charm Rarity that repels all curses. Cure:
Triste Merchant: 1,000 Sukel All Curses
Purging Stone Brings pure Winter mountain air. Cure:
Tenel Shop: 10 Sukel Poison
Awakening Stone Bright as sunshine in summer. Cure:
Madril Shop: 50 Sukel Sleep
Liberation Stone Has richness of Earth in Fall. Cure:
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 100 Sukel Seal
Cheerful Stone Envelopes with spring flower scent. Cure:
Madril Shop (Chapter 4): 50 Sukel Lock
Mega Stone Rare stone with 4 powers. Cure:
Triste Merchant: 400 Sukel Sleep, Seal
Tox, Paralyze
Guidance Jewel Dungeon depths won't get you down. Return to the
Tenel Shop: 100 Sukel dungeon entr.

Stat-Increase Items

Life Candy Sun-kissed orange flavor. Increase:
Pospos Snowfield: Treasure Chest Max HP +5
Heart Candy Smooth strawberry flavor. Increase:
Monster: Bed Head Walrus Magic +1
Power Candy Refinded lemon flavor. Increase:
Madril Research: 1,000 / 5,000 Donation Attack +1
Monster: Daring Dino
Defense Candy Barely sweetened grape flavor. Increase:
World Library: Treasure Chest Defense +1
Agility Candy Mint that makes you cool. Increase:
World Library: Treasure Chest Agility +1
Lucky Candy Sweet creamy milk flavor. Increase:
World Library: Treasure Chest Luck +1
Monster: Rayless Sea Ray

Attack Items

Black Cat Jewel Reminiscent of darkness itself. Effect:
Big Tree Hole: Treasure Chest Halves HP ALL
Burned Bottle Red Dragon's scale inside. Effect: Fire
Monster: Remnant Dinosaur, Abaze Urn You: -10 HP
Stalking Tiger
Frozen Bottle Petal of ice inside. Effect: Ice
Madril Research: 100 / 500 Donation You: -10 HP
Monster: Chill Urn, Coolhead Snowman
Minty Alligator
Glaring Bottle Mane of thunder beast inside. Effect: Thndr
Monster: Sparky Urn, Rain Calling Ray You: -10 HP
Skull Bottle Scorpion's shell inside. Effect: Poisn
Madril Sewer: Treasure Chest You: -5 HP
Big Tree Hole: Forgotten Sword Required!
Monster: Shrewd Bear
Sleeping Bottle Black sheep slumbers inside. Effect: Sleep
Sealed Cave: Treasure Chest You: -5 HP
Monster: Soulful Spider
Ordinary Bottle Futility of commonsers inside. Effect: Seal
Highland Shop: 222 Sukel You: -5 HP

**************************** 5. Special Items List ****************************


1. Since the effect that these items are all event-based, and you can't buy any
of them (aside from "Ground Beef",) I've included just the name of the item,
the description, and where you can obtain it.


Generic Items (Special, but not related to the main quest)

Tiny Gear Scattered everywhere. There are a lot to collect.
There are 32 spread across the landscape, you only need 30.
Ground Beef Bought from butcher. What are you going to do with it?
Tenel Meat Shop: Buy first day for 20 and sell next for 30.
Fruit Knife It's a piece of art forged by a blacksmith in Tenel.
Tenel Tinker: Sell to the man in Madril Shop for 400 Sukel.
Cool Vest Essential vessel for your overflowing coolness.
Rumille Plains: Purpose Unknown, believed to be dummy item.
Gorgeous Mascara Creates indescribably mysterious eye gaze.
Rumille Plains: Purpose Unknown, believed to be dummy item.
Lustrous Hair Wig that creates lustrous flowing hair.
Rumille Plains: Purpose Unknown, believed to be dummy item.
Chic Suspenders Essential to allow you to show off your chic taste.
Rumille Plains: See section "Man in Love with Miss Madril."
Punk Wig Wig that creates great punk hair.
Rumille Plains: See section "Man in Love with Miss Madril."
Cholesterol Scary product inviting you to the world of fat.
Rumille Plains: See section "Man in Love with Miss Madril."
Shiny Lens Gaze of your passionate eyes holds damsels in thrall.
Kid in Rashelo: See section "Man in Love with Miss Madril."
Letter Bottle May be good to stick a letter in and throw it.
Rashelo Lighthouse Door: See section "Message in a Bottle."

Trading Items (Listed in the order you obtain them)

Mere Pebble Mere stone given by granny to take to the bakery.
Goodbye Party (Grandmother.)
Bread Crust Leftovers from the baker. Not bad for a snack.
Tenel Bakery.
Worn Brush Worn out brush from the wandering painter.
Painter under the first bridge.
Rare Gear Unique rusty gear... Nobody knows what it is.
Gear Freak in Madril.
Penlight Compact yet powerful light.
Lighthouse Keeper in Rashelo.
Broken Gun Broken old weapon but might appeal to nostalgists.
Troubled Man in Highlands.

Cyphertext Documents

Cyphertext 1 Mystery doc from the elder of Tenel.
Cyphertext 2 Mystery doc from creepy guy at the circus by Tenel.
Cyphertext 3 Mystery doc in the peephole by the Madril Town Hall.
Cyphertext 4 Mystery doc from a man from the WCO by the circus tent.
Cyphertext 5 Mystery doc from a man from the WCO by Madril 2F station.
Cyphertext 6 Mystery doc from a woman in a tree in the snowfield.

Quest Items (Listed in the order you should obtain them)

Load for Pickup Have to get it back home quick or your dinner is...
Tenel Bakery.
Map o'Evil Kings Reveals whereabouts of all Evil Kings...
Tenel Bar (Ringmaster.)
Odd Glass Tube Mysterious article in Tenel Church with metal stick.
Tenel Church (Treasure Chest.)
Old Music Box Memento of parent's encounter. Creaky sometimes.
Goodbye Party (Mom.)
Ordinary Card Father's useless card, assist mgr of Tenel Town Hall.
Goodbye Party (Dad.)
Swanky Mirror To check yourself or to play with sunlight.
Counting Man in Upper Madril.
Gaudy Card Card Card of owner of Mirage Bar with private info.
Hung-over Gal in Upper Madril.
Spiral Wire From Bubble Evil King. Big spiral at the tip.
Bubble Evil King.
Official Card Card of Manager of Madril RC whose reseach is secret.
Researcher in Upper Madril.
Eh, it's ok Card Card of Madril's sleepy town manager.
Madril Town Hall.
Miniature Statue Mysterious statue leading to THE 'Transverse Tunnel'
Chairman Evil King.
Bell Tube From Chairman Evil King. Doesn't work.
Chairman Evil King.
Manual Handle From Big Bull Evil King. Attackable somewhere?
Big Bull Evil King.
Long Screw
Teen Idol Evil King.
Voice Recorder Ancient miracle device that records voices forever.
Created using: Odd Glass Tube, Spiral Wire, Bell Tube,
Manual Handle, and Long Screw.
Silver Gear Gear to move sewer device with moon crest.
Madril Sewer.
Gold Gear Gear to move sewer device with sun crest.
Madril Sewer.
Friendship Bond Strong bond will give new power to a boy.
Old Stone Doll Stone doll with it's right hand pointing straight up.
Deep Grave Pit.
Gear Tower Key Solemn key that opens Gear Tower afar in desert.
Deep Grave Pit.
Garnet Key Key to the World Library with a burning red gem.
World Library.
Emerald Key Key to the World Library with a lustrous green gem.
World Library.
Sapphire Key Key to the World Library with a sparkling blue gem.
World Library.
Amethyst Key Key to the World Library with a radiant violet gem.
World Library.

************************** 6. Monster Classification **************************


1. Monster Experience changes based on your character's level. The higher your
level is, the less experience you get from a monster. General rule of thumb
is the farther location you're at, the more experience you'll get.

2. Hit Points are not listed because the only way to get the exact number is to
keep fighting the same monster over and over until you can guess at what the
amount is, or by using the Black Cat Jewel on a monster and then double what
damage you do. Both methods would take way too much time, way more than I'm
willing to spend. :D

3. Once I got to the final dungeon, I noticed that one of the monsters I fought
had given me two different types of items... I'm guessing that monsters can
give out both a normal and a rare item. I did not look for the second item,
it was taking too long. Some monsters I couldn't even find when I went back
to get their item or Sukel amount (such as Peaceful Hippo.) Maybe I'll have
this information in a future update.


Monster Name Color Sukel Item #1 Item #2

1. Tenel Forest
Airy Bunny Red 2
Chicken Chicken Yellow 3 Awakening Stone
Maneating Onion Blue 1 Nut
Perky Frog Blue 3 Nut
Square Rhino Red 4 1st Fight Charm
Tricky Ghost Yellow 8
Wild Cow Red 5 Energy Flower
2. Rumille Plains
Crafty Crow Blue 11 Energy Flower
Fierce Goat Yellow 31
Lurking Rat Red 6 Purging Stone
Plucky Pachyderm Red 15 Wildcat's Fang
Walken Scarecrow Red 22 Awakening Stone
Young Trent Blue 71 Big Nut
3. Aquatic Ruins
Chill Urn Blue 298 Frozen Bottle
Fleet Fish Yellow 24 Energy Flower
Plodding Hippo Red 70 Holly
Sleazy Toad Blue 33 Nut
Waving Seaweed Blue 14 Heatwave Ring
4. Escapeless Abyss
Capricious Screw Blue 1 Mega Stone
Compassion Crab Yellow 58 Big Nut
JC Scarecrow Red 51 Mega Stone
Sparky Urn Yellow 398 Glaring Bottle
Systematic Gear Blue 55 Wildcat's Fang
Tough Golem Yellow 95 Clarity Charm
5. Transverse Tunnel
Deep Mandragora Blue 29 Nut
Old Trent Blue 321 Whim Berry
Peaceful Hippo Blue
Remnant Dinosaur Red 321 Burned Bottle
Stingy Onion Yellow 64 Heatwave Ring
Strungout Spider Red 192 Mega Stone Cheerful Stone
Wizard Ghost Yellow 592 Aves Amulet
6. Big Tree Hole
Abaze Urn Red 1,980 Burned Bottle
Apocalypse Goat Blue 164
Berserk Boar Yellow 1,280
Brassy Rhino Red 567
Growling Lion Red 468
Lone Wolf Blue 742
7. Pospos Snowfield
Clingy Crab Yellow 448 Mongoose Whisker
Coolhead Snowman Blue 979 Frozen Bottle
Half-Cooked Yeti Blue 158 Laurel
Healing Bunny Red 97 Sommelier Charm
Pink Elephant Red 813
Raging Penguin Yellow 50 Alarm Charm
8. Sealed Cave
Bed Head Walrus Blue 254 Heart Candy
Burly Bull Blue 155 Weed Resistance
Gloomy Urn Yellow 2,980 Bountiful Nut
Minty Alligator Blue 1,602 Frozen Bottle
Rain Calling Ray Yellow 1,584 Glaring Bottle
Stalking Tiger Red 1,286 Burned Bottle
Warding Off Crow Yellow 110
9. Madril Sewer
Fast Bat Yellow 72 Bandit's Shoes
Leering Seaweed Blue 999
Loser Crocodile Blue 252 Bountiful Nut
Poisonous Shroom Blue 97 Mega Charm Rust Off Charm
Robbing Rat Red 41 Purging Stone
Steel Armor Red 1st Fight Charm
10. Addashi Desert
Celestial Wyvern Yellow 2,933
Gleeful Cactus Blue 406 Panther's Fang
Rude Condor Yellow
Sand Mandragora Blue 123 Energy Bouquet
Shrewd Bear Red 444 Skull Bottle
Soulful Spider Red 707 Sleeping Bottle
Vengeful Mummy Red 768 Rust Off Charm
11. Deep Grave Pit
24K Screw Red 9,999
Bloody Armor Red 635 Bountiful Nut
Daring Dino Blue 2,481 Power Candy
Ebon Slumber Yellow 496 Chained Bottle
Evil Mask Blue 425 Angel Charm
Invincible Whale Blue 2,021 Ordinary Bottle
Milky Urn Blue 4,980 Wild Strawberry
Patient Rockman Red 4,160 Rooster Feathers
Perpetual Mudman Blue 1,730 Pegasus' Shoes
Rayless Sea Ray Yellow 1,941 Lucky Candy
Sly Snake Yellow 874 Guardian Crystal
Toothy Gear Red 225 Villain's Charm
12. World Library
Bad Poetry Golem Yellow 2,125 Miracle Nut
Cursed Painting Blue 1,540 Whim Berry
Flaming Rockman Red 1,657 Weed Resistance
Masterless Sword Blue 1,306 Panther's Fang
Mortal Moon Blue 1,891 Flake of Snow
Radiant Sun Red 2,008 Rooster Feathers Sun Medal
Restless Mummy Yellow 1,774 Mongoose Whisker
Sucky Bat Yellow 1,423 Bountiful Nut

******************************** 7. Sub-Quests ********************************

The Man in Love with Miss Madril

In the port town of Rashelo, there's a man who is desperately in love with Miss
Madril, a resident of the town of Madril. To help him, you must first obtain 4
items that are mostly in treasure chests scattered across Rumille Plains.

Grab the following items from the chests:

Chic Suspenders : Essential to allow you to show off your chic taste.
Cholesterol : Scary product inviting you to the world of fat.
Punk Wig : Wig that creates great punk hair.

Head into the Rashelo Restaurant to obtain the final item from a boy sitting at
one of the tables:

Shiny Lens : Gaze of your passionate eyes holds damsels in thrall.

Head back to the man and stand infront of him. Open your menu and go into your
item screen. Use each of the four items on him. He'll thank you and then tell
you that he's not very good at talking to woman. Go back to the restaurant and
talk to a man that should be wandering around in there. You'll then have three
choices of things you can say to him. Ask him how to sweet talk woman.

Return to the man in love with Miss Madril, and tell him what the man inside of
the restaurant told you. He'll scoot off to talk to her. Leave Rashelo and go
back to Madril. On the upper level of the town, you'll find the man inside her
house, and if you talk to him, he'll give you a present for your help:

1st Star Badge : A few rays from a lucky star. Evade Attacks & Spells

Message in a Bottle

After you complete the Aquatic Ruins, you can begin this rather simple quest to
obtain a nice useful item. Once you finish that dungeon and can continue along
your way, run to the lighthouse in Rashelo and take a peek in the door. You'll
obtain an item:

Letter Bottle : May be good to stick a letter in and throw it.

Then head to the coast North of the circus in Rumille Plains. You'll encounter
a man who'll help you write a message (any message will do) and then toss it in
the river. Run all the way to the beach on the Eastern side of Rumille Plains.
You should find the letter bottle there again. Bring it back to the man on the
coast, and he'll toss it in again. Repeat this process three times, and you'll
find a message from a girl in Tenel.

Head back to Tenel, and go to the Elder's house. Run upstairs and enter a door
that was previously inaccessable. A girl will be in there, and she'll give you
a special item:

Hand Knit Cap : Filled with grandchild's love of the Elder All Attr. +1


************************ 8. Frequently Asked Questions ************************

Q: What is the highest level you can get your character to?

A: I've personally raised Ari's level to 99, but I only raised the other people
to level 65. I'm assuming that they can only go as far as 99 as well.


Q: Where can I use the Forgotten Sword to open doors?

A: There are three different locations where you can find these doors:

Three doors in Big Tree Hole.
One door in Escapeless Abyss.
One door in the Sealed Cave.


Q: Where do I find the end of the "The Tortoise and the Pebble" story?

A: There is no ending. You start hearing the story from the man in Pospos Spa,
and once you hear the beginning, you can go to several people all across the
land to hear them each tell you the next part of the story. If you've heard
the final part (part 3) then they'll keep repeating the last part, and never
move onto the punchline. You can even talk to the man three times in a row,
and he'll tell you the next part of the story (you don't have to hunt down a
whole bunch of people to hear the story, as originally thought...)


Q: Why is there no ending to the story? Did they forget to put it in the game?

A: Nope, there is no ending because the final boss of the game 'erased' it from
people's memory. If you return to talk to the Gear-Man after he's given you
the sword for your TinyGears, he'll reveal that he is the one that wrote the
story. He says that he spread the story to make fun of a man, but when this
man heard the story, he didn't like it and 'erased' the punchline. But it's
still 'classified' as a 'joke' so people laugh even without knowing the end.

He doesn't explicitly say that the man is the final boss of the game, but if
you put two and two together (place the final boss in the roll of the mother
tortoise, you-know-who in the place of the baby tortoise and the pebble that
he tried to pass off as his child) you'll come to the same conclusion I did.


******************************* 9. Final Notes ********************************

I'm missing a few items, mostly due to the fact that in a later chapter, you'll
be able to obtain a special item based on who you favored earlier when asked to
make a response. I favored Rosalyn the most, so I got her special weapon.

I have no plans on playing through again, atleast for a very long time. I just
spent over a week on it (38 in-game hours - excluding times when I had to reset
because I was typing this up and the game's clock kept running, even if paused)
and I'm totally burned out on it. I guess it's the FAQ-writer's curse. :D


(c) 2001 Apostrophe. All rights reserved.

I own this FAQ, and I'm giving you permission to distribute it
as long as you keep this document intact and exactly the same.
This permission only applies to this version of the FAQ. If a
never version comes out with different copyrighting, then this
copyright still only applies to this file and not the new one.

Below is a list of the only sites that I have given permission
to post my FAQ:

GameFAQs : http://www.GameFAQs.com/features/recognition/10412.html
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General FAQ, Item List, and Monster Classification

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NTSC zu PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version

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NTSC zu PAL Patch, US-Version

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Beliebte Cheats
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11.Februar 2016
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