Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy

16.10.2013 02:35:47
-Dick Tracy Faq/Walkthrough For NES-
Version 1.1 Created (11/10/01)
By Josh Lawson (marcbenno1@aol.com)
Copyright (c) Josh Lawson (2001)

I. Introduction

A. The Story
B. Dick Tracy's Arsenal And Items
C. Controls
D. The Enemies And Hazards
E. The Screens
F. Walkthrough
G. Copyright Info

Version 1.1 Created To Fix Some Errors

I. Introduction

This walkthrough explains the most efficient way to beat the game. Included
with the locations of the clues are the locations of the characters who may
or may not have important information. If you want to continue the game from
a certain level, enter the code to the safe at the continue screen.

A. The Story

Dick Tracy was sitting in his dimly lit office staring at mug shots and crime
files that littered his desk. Dick Tracy was thinking to himself that he
needed to get some hard evidence against Big Boy Caprice and his hoods to
put them behind bars. Dick Tracy's two-way wrist radio came on and he heard,
"Calling Dick Tracy, Calling Dick Tracy." He jumped to his feet and ran into
the squad room shouting to the guys "Let's go, this could be our big break!"

B. Dick Tracy's Arsenal And Items

Hand Gun
Dick Tracy begins the game with a handgun. On the streets, Tracy has unlimited
ammo, but in action screens, Tracy has a limit of 50 bullets.(Note) you can
only shoot the enemies that are armed with guns. If you shoot an unarmed man,
one full health point will be taken off.

If Tracy runs out of ammo, he will always have this primary weapon. Use the
fist when killing an unarmed hood.

Tommy Gun
The tommy gun is found in secret spots in the game. During the action scenes,
walk past certain spots and punch it. If you are in the right spots at the
right times, you can find this and other items. For example, in the 2nd &
C auto shop, if you punch a car towards the beginning of the level, a tommy
gun will appear.It is a rapid fire gun and is very effective.

Knock-Out Punch
This is also another hidden weapon, but it can be found out in the open in
certain places. If you punch any thug when you have the knock-out punch, one
hit will send the thug spinning across the floor.

Tear Gas
This can be a hidden weapon and can be found out in the open. One canister
of tear gas will wipe out all the enemies on the screen. Save your tear gas
for when there are too many enemies around.

First Aid Kit
This isn't a weapon but it is a useful item. This is usually a concealed item
but like the weapons, they can be found anywhere. When used, it fills up all
energy that was lost.

These are placed throughout different action scenes. You must have all of
them to arrest your suspect.

C. Controls

Street Screen
A Button
Brakes the car.

B Button
Shoots the gun. Either from within the car or outside the car.

Pauses the game.

When the car is stopped, it allows Tracy to exit the car.

Control Pad
Moves the squad car or Tracy around the streets.

Action Screen
A Button
Allows Tracy to jump.

B Button
Punch, Use Weapon/Item, Take Clue/Object, Nab A Suspect.

Control Pad Up
Climb Ropes, Ladders and Pipes.

Control Pad Down
Climb down Ropes, Ladders and Pipes. Also used for crouching on the ground.

Left And Right Pad
Walk left or right.

B + Control Pad Up
Shoots up and to the right.

B + Control Pad Down
Shoot from crouched position.

B + Diagonal Down
Shoots at a downward angle.

Changes the weapons in your inventory.

B + Select
Allows Tracy to use the first aid kit.

Pauses the game.

D. The Enemies And Hazards

When you are traveling on the streets, keep an eye on the tops of the buildings,
and when you see them, get out of your car and hide on the other side until
they shoot. Once they fire, return fire to them. Once they are killed, they
will not appear in the rest of the levels. Some are hard to see and there
may be several snipers on the large buildings.

Brown Cars
When you drive around the city, they will ram into your car and cause you
to lose health.

Getaway Cars
When you come out of some levels, a blue car will take off, sometimes plowing
into the squad car. If you want to, chase it down and shoot at it. Sometimes,
they will return fire. It really isn't necessary to chase them down.

These guys walk aimlessly around the action screen. They will try to punch
Tracy as he walks through. Punch their lights out, don't shoot them.

Hyper Thugs
In some cases, these thugs run around the screen. Handle them the same way
as the normal thugs.

These guys are placed throughout the different action screens. Towards the
beginning, most gun men are crouched behind objects making it difficult to
kill them. Others are standing or crouching in plain view. Towards the end
of the game, they become hazards. They gain walking skills and many are armed
with tommy guns instead of hand guns.

In one or two select levels, dogs will chase after Tracy. Either shoot it
or crouch and punch it.

These are located in many levels. The only way to kill them is to release
a tear gas canister.

At the piers, if you fall into the water, it will take 1/2 a health point away.

At some points in the game, safes will be dropped on you. Watch out for them,
especially in the bank.

The only ways to die in the game is to be killed by an enemy or make too many
false arrests. The main thing to remember when playing the game is to watch
what you are doing. If you are careful, you can make it through the game
without dying. Pay attention to the enemies specific patterns, many follow
a set pattern.

E. The Screens

The main screen is the street screen. If you want to enter a building, get
out of your car and stand over the blinking address. Press A and you will
be taken to an action screen.

The action screen is where you can find the clues and some weapons. To find
concealed weapons, punch items such as: lamp, car, pipes, planters, or
picture frames. Usually, items will appear.

The other screen is the interrogation screen where you can question or arrest
the suspect. Suspects will sometimes give you important clues and other times
nothing. Once you have all the clues, you can arrest the guilty suspect, as
long as it is the right person.

F. Walkthrough
Tips Before You Begin
* Always watch out for snipers on top of the buildings in the streets.
* Be careful when driving that you don't hit a brown car.
* Go to the places below to find the clues. Don't worry about talking to
the criminals, when you get the clues the walkthrough will say who to
* Use first aid kits when you have 1 health point left.
* Watch out for falling safes in some windows.
* Creep along the action screens to ensure safety. When you see a
outline of a crouching gunman, shoot at it.
* NEVER shoot a man without a gun.
* Use tear gas when you are surrounded by enemies or rats.
* The streets are labeled in somewhat of an order. Imagine a box, from
the left begins the number part of the address and from the bottom
part of the box begins the letter part of the address. Most of the
time it sticks to that idea but there are exceptions.
* When you run low on hand gun bullets, return to one of your offices to
replenish your ammo.

Case 1 - The Bogus Bucks
Fake $20 Bill Used Near Steve The Tramp's Flophouse.

Criminals In Case 1
Weasly Henchman - 1st & D Basement
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Contract Killer - 5th & G Library
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Steve The Tramp
Brawling Bum - 5th & B Flophouse
-Comment During Interrogation-
"Fake bills? I earned dat $20 unloadin' crates at the 9th & F Pier."

Breathless Mahoney
Sultry Songstress - 5th & J Nightclub
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Lefthanded Goon - 2nd & C Auto Shop
-Comment During Interrogation-
"Fake bills? I just take crates to the 4th & D Warehouse."

Calculating Bookie - 8th & J Hotel
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I didn't do nothing... You can prove yet! Har har har!"

Case 1 Clue Locations
Clue #1
Fake $20 bill used near Steve The Tramp's Flophouse. - Given

Clue #2
Footprints in puddle of spilled green ink. - 9th & F Pier

Clue #3
Blank money paper & invoice from 1st & H Print Shop. - 4th & D Warehouse

Clue #4
Claim ticket, 4th & B Shoe Repair. - 1st & H Print Shop

Clue #5
Shoes with green ink on soles being fixed for Numbers!-4th & B Shoe Repair.

Collect all clues and go arrest Numbers at the 8th & J Hotel.

Case 2 - Torchsong Tale (Combination: 207-119-060)
Nightclub Torched! Owner Says Lips Manlis Did It.

Criminals In Case 2
Uptight Hood - 1st & J Basement
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Crooked Hypnotist - 7th & D Grill, Getaway Car
-Comment During Interrogation-
"Ha! Yer too late! 'B' will never sing again!"

The Brow
Espionage Expert - 1st & I Club
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Nervous Gunman - 9th & J Pier
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Lips Manlis
Casino Kingpin - 9th & C Barber Shop
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I didn't do nothing... You can prove yet! Har har har!"

Breathless Mahoney
Sultry Songstress - 5th & A Hotel
-Comment During Interrogation-
Wrong B. handsome. Try the 7th & I Photo Shop.

Case 2 Clue Locations
Clue #1
Nightclub torched! Owner says Lips Manlis did it. - Given

Clue #2
Note: Lips: bring $50,000 to 2nd & F or Tracy gets proof you did it. 4th &
I Nightclub

Clue #3
Empty camera with engraved initial 'B' - 2nd & F Boiler Room

Clue #4
Photos taken by Bug Bailey show Lips Manlis starting the fire! - 7th & I Photo

Collect all the clues and go arrest Lips Manlis at the 9th & C Barber Shop.

Case 3 - A Bang Up Job (Combination: 164-003-201)
Detective Sam Catchem Receives letter Bomb.

Criminals In Case 3
Stooge Viller
Talkative Thug - Getaway Car
-Comment During Interrogation-
"A guy at the 7th & D Grill gave me a sawbuck to follow you."

Lefthanded Goon - 6th & G Office
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Nervous Gunman - 1st & G Auto Shop
-Comment During Interrogation-
"A guy with no face stole my backscratcher, I wuz framed!"

Explosives Expert - 7th & E Nightclub
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I get gunpowder from a guy at 5th & C but I didn't do it! I'm bein' framed."

Contract Killer - 1st & D Basement
-Comment During Interrogation-
I didn't do nothing... You can prove yet! Har har har!"

The Blank
Faceless Felon - 6th & J Store
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I was asleep at the 7th & A club! I'm being framed!"

Case 3 Clue Locations
Clue #1
Detective Sam Catchem receives letter bomb. - Given

Clue #2
Backscratcher with embossed 'I' - 5th & C Apartments

Clue #3
Discarded note: 'Slip the Blank a mickey & keep him asleep' - 7th & A Nightclub

Clue #4
Explosives book from 5th & G Library with paper from bomb- 7th & D Grill

Clue #5
Library records show 'Explosives' checked out by Flattop! - 5th & G Library

Collect all the clues and go arrest Flattop at the 1st & D Basement.

Case 4 - The Kidnap Caper (Combination: 036-224-136)
Ransomed Diplomat Heard Foghorn During Captivity.

Criminals In Case 4
The Brow
Espionage Expert - 5th & J Nightclub
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I lost my handkerchief at the 2nd & C Auto Shop."

Lefthanded Goon - 4th & I Nightclub
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Uptight Hood - Getaway Car
-Comment During Interrogation-
"That's not my handkerchief. Ask my boss The Brow."

Weasly Henchman - 8th & J Hotel
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Steve The Tramp
Brawling Bum - 5th & B Flophouse
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Crooked Hypnotist - 3rd & J Apartments
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I left that magazine in the 1st & C Barber Shop

Case 4 Clue Locations
Clue #1
Ransomed diplomat heard foghorn during captivity. - Given

Clue #2
'Hypnotist Today' magazine used to make ransom note. - 9th & J Pier

Clue #3
Handkerchief with cloak & dagger design smells of chloroform. - 1st & C Barber

Clue #4
Business Card: 'Cloak & dagger imports, 6th & G' - 2nd & C Auto Shop

Clue #5
Discarded Note: 'Keep him at the 1st & J Basement-B.' - 6th & G Office

Clue #6
Chloroform Bottle: The Brow's finger prints! - 1st & J Basement

Collect all the clues and go arrest the Brow at the 5th & J Nightclub.

Case 5 - Banks Alot (Combination: 007-215-047)
8th & C Bank Knocked Over By Masked Gunmen.

Criminals In Case 5
Breathless Mahoney
Sultry Songstress - 7th & E Nightclub
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Explosives Expert - ???
-Comment During Interrogation-

Weasly Henchman - 1st & I Club
-Comment During Interrogation-
"Yeah, I own a rolls, but it's in the 3rd & H Garage."

Stooge Viller
Talkative Thug - Getaway Car
-Comment During Interrogation-
"Da other guys took off in a rolls - license 'rat 1'"

Nervous Gunman - 9th & F Pier
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

The Blank
Faceless Felon - 2nd & F Boiler Room
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I had nothin' ta do with this flat foot!"

Big Boy Caprice
4th & H The Club Ritz
-Comment During Interrogation-
"I gotta hand it to ya, Tracy, I hate your guts, but you're a good cop!"

Case 5 Clue Locations
Clue #1
8th & C Bank knocked over by masked gunmen. - Given

Clue #2
Matchbook from 9th & D pier. - 7th & A Nightclub

Clue #3
Money Bags - 9th & D Pier OR 1st & C Barber Shop

Clue #4
Rodent's key ring, including key to a safe deposit box. - 3rd & H Garage

Clue #5
Heist money hidden in Big Boy's deposit box - 8th & C Bank (It seems odd but
you do have to go through the bank again to get the last clue.)

Collect all the clues and go to the Club Ritz at 4th & H. Be careful in this
level, there are many guys armed with guns. At the end of the level, Big Boy
will shoot at you. Return fire until he is dead. Congratulations, you beat
the game.

G. Copyright Info

This Walkthrough/Faq was written by Josh Lawson. Copyright (2001). This
Walkthrough/Faq is for private and personal use only. This Walkthrough /Faq
is not to be published in any book, or magazine. It cannot be published on
any other website without my prior permission. If you take information from
this walkthrough, please give me full credit for what you took and do not
alter my information. If you find this on any other site, please contact me.
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