Fire Prowrestling D

Fire Prowrestling D

17.10.2013 22:52:07
Character Guide Tigermask
========Fire Prowrestling D Character Guide: Tigermask========
== ==
==By: ViperMask ==
==Version: 1.27 ==
== ==
==System: SEGA Dreamcast (R.I.P. Dreamcast) ==
==Publisher: Spike ==
==Developer: Vaill Corporation ==
== ==
==Creation Date: March 10, 2002. ==
==Completion Date: March 15, 2002. ==
==Last Update: March 29, 2004. ==


1. Revision History
2. The History of Tigermask (also includes info on other Tigermasks and
3. Skill and Parameter Stats
4. Move list
5. Strategy
5.1. General Strategy
5.2. Strikes
5.3. Grapples
5.4. High Flying Moves
5.5. Opponent Down Moves (Submissions and Opponent Down Strikes)
6. Other Info and Links
6.1. Other Info
6.2. Tigermask Anime Lyrics
6.3. Links
7. Thanks and Special Thanks
8. Other FAQs By Me
9. Copyright

==1. Revision History==

03/29/04 - 1.27 - Updated history with the "Mask of Tiger" gimmick.

10/31/03 - 1.26 - Okay this is weird, it looks like the history update on the
Anton Hisel project accidently got deleted or something. *Sigh* I have to post
the thing again thanks to that f**k up.

10/04/03 - 1.25 - New information box added, Other FAQs By Me updated, and a 79
character limit added.

09/30/02 - 1.22 - History update on Anton Hisel. Plus copyright updated.

1.20 - Added new FAQ to the "Other FAQs By Me" section. Made a minor
correction in the Tigermask anime lyrics.

1.19 - Fixed some minor format errors. Updated Other FAQs By Me. Minor
Copyright correction. Added Imperial system measurements in height and weight.
Tigerdream info added with new link.

1.14 - Added the run up post moves. Finished added the extra periods to the
and skill stats move list (man how could I forget!??). Capitalized the
Finisher and Specials in the move list.

1.11 - BIG UPDATE! New FAQ by me added to the list. Accidently left Bill
Wood's note in the move list while copying his format. Got rid of some
invisible extra spaces. Added the opening lyrics to the first Tigermask anime
(both in Romanji and English) which are in a new section, thanks goes to
Phoenix. New link added. Added new info and facts, thanks to AxxB from the
Fire Prowrestling D GameFAQs board.

1.04 - Tigermask 4 info added to section 6.1.

1.03 - Added a few more facts on who Tigermask 2 and 3 are.

1.02 - Added what system the game is for (hey some people can't figure it out
for some reason.) I also fixed the dates up above.

03/15/02 - 1.00 - First release.

==2. The History of Tigermask==

In 1969, Tigermask: The Animated Series was broadcast on TV to everyone in
Japan. It was a puroresu cartoon based on the Tigermask manga that was created
by Ikki Kajiwara (story) and Naoki Tsuji (art). The cartoon was a huge success
as not only did it had puroresu (and REAL LIFE WRESTLERS such as Antonio Inoki
and Giant Baba), it also had realistic human drama! The cartoon was about
Tigermask (real name: Naoto Date) a villan wrestler from a secret organization
known as "Tiger's Cave". Tigermask fought in America and he was feared among
the American wrestlers, thus giving him the nickname "The Yellow Devil". Later
he had betrayed Tiger's Cave so he can pay off the debt for an orphanage known
as Chibikko House because he lived there once as a orphan. In around episode 5
he became a face (good guy) because a orphan from the same house named Kenta
told Ruriko (the "owner" of the orphange I assume) that he wanted to be a
villian like Tigermask. Ruriko was upset, so she confronted Tigermask with the

"Mr. Tiger, you may be a man whom I possibly know well. However, I ask you
even if you are him or not. Please teach to this kid who yearns you. He must
live seriously properly even if it is hard for him."

Tigermask then started to fight like a orthadox wrestler without using heel
moves. In the anime he later decided to fight for orphanges.

The anime ended in 1971 but it's influence lives on. Specifically in Namco's
fighting game "Tekken" as one of their character's known as "King" was inspired
by the Tigermask anime. You want proof? Well the evidence is obvious as they
were both orphans at one time, they are both pro-wrestlers, and they both fight
for orphanges.

In 1979 a young highly talented wrestler named Satoru Sayama makes his debut
against Shouji Kai on May 28th, 1976 in Tokyo, but loses the match, little did
he realise that he will become one of the most famous wrestlers in the history
of Puroresu.

Later on (around early 80's I think) a second Tigermask anime was released. I
have no information about it but the new Tigermask's real name is Tatsuo Aku,
there's a new cast and Antonio Inoki was brought up more as the supporting
character (Giant Baba was the "main" supporting character in the first one).

New Japan Prowrestling then learns that one of the most popular cartoon among
young people was Tigermask. BUT their favourite wrestler was Mil Mascaras of
All Japan Prowrestling! So this prompted managment to do one of THE MOST
GENIUS of booking moves. Create a actual Tigermask wrestler! I know it
sounded silly but it payed off in a HUGE way. They decided to give Satoru
Sayama the Tigermask gimmick because of his INCREDIBLY quick feet, high flying
ability, and martial arts skills. As many of you now know, it was a good, no
GREAT choice.

One week before the fateful debut, the TV announcer said "Next week, we'll have
the debut of Tiger Mask!" The initial reaction was shocked. As Hisaharu
Tanabe said "I couldn't believe my ears."

When Satoru Sayama debut as Tigermask on April 23rd, 1981 at the Kuramae
Kokugikan (old Sumo Hall) against the Dynamite Kid, he put on a good debut
match and defeated the Dynamite Kid with a BEAUTIFUL High Angle German Suplex.
A legend was born.

Hisaharu Tanabe was forunate enough to see the actual match on TV. This is
what he posted on his website;

"I laughed while I was watching television when Tiger Mask first entered to the
ring of Kuramae Kokugikan (old Sumo Hall) on April 23rd, 1981. I always loved
the Tiger Mask cartoon, but having the character as a legit wrestler was
another story. Dynamite Kid was already a strong rival of Tatsumi Fujinami, who
was the top junior heavyweight wrestler in Japan back then, and I didn't think
this guy from cartoon character could beat Kid. However, this freak who came
out of a cartoon show easily beat Dynamite Kid with a beautiful German suplex
hold. Since then, he was not only a big draw for New Japan
Pro-Wrestling but also a social phenomenon in Japan."

Tigermask then became a holder of the WWF Junior Heavyweight (this is when
Vince's dad was in charge mind you....) and NWA Junior Heavywweight title in
his glorious singles career and he was UNDEFEATED (even though there are some
reports saying he lost a match due to disqualification). He became a
inspiration to the current Jr. Heavyweights out there like The Great Sasuke,
Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger, Hayabusa, the list goes on!

Satoru Sayama however left New Japan Prowrestling when he, and others asked
where their paychecks went. Appearantly Inoki was using money to fund the
Anton Hisel project in Brazil where they can convert sugar cane crop into a
alternative energy source.

Here is some paragraphs from the article about the project by Zach Arnold of

"There was a legendary myth in Japan that Inoki had created a company called
"Anton Hisel" in 1980 to invest in biotechnology in Brazil. However, it wasn't
just a myth - it was a reality. In 1980, Inoki attempted to broker deals with
the Brazilian Government in investment in his biotechnological projects.
Originally, the Brazilian Government had a plan to use refined alcohol as
energy produced from sugarcane instead of crude oil. Oil was expensive and the
Brazilians had a lot of sugarcane crops. The big challenge for the Brazilian
Government was this - how could they produce this alternative form of energy
without polluting the rain forests and the environment? One of the great side
effects from the refined alcohol process involved the disposal of wastes. The
waste disposal was not done properly and in turn, caused agricultural problems.
Inoki thought that he had a perfect idea for turning the waste from the refined
sugarcane alcohol into feed for livestocks by adding enzymes. At first, the
idea sounded good. However, Inoki not only wanted to take the refined sugarcane
alcohol waste and confert it into feed for livestock, he wanted to take the cow
crap from the livestock after they ate the refined waste and recycle the cow
crap into even more feed for animals. Inoki, in his mind, felt that this
solution would solve hunger on the entire planet. Not only did the idea fall
flat on its face, it cost him a lot of cash. The fermentation process failed
and combining with the inflation of currency between Brazil & Japan, the
project gathered enormous debt in no time. The project was immediately halted -
until more money arrived to fund it. The project, for the next three years,
continued to operate. How was Inoki able to fund such a money-losing project?
Where was the cash flow?

When my old friend, Shig Miyazaki from New Jersey, told me about this story
over 5 years ago, I laughed really hard. In 1982 & 1983, New Japan had a very
strong relationship with TV-Asahi. Their weekly TV show aired every Friday
night at 8 PM and did 20.0 or higher ratings. However, All Japan and All Japan
Women weren't nearly doing the same amount of business as New Japan. Meanwhile,
New Japan executives were facing a big problem - a problem that they had to be
confronted with by their employees. Where was all of the company money from the
house shows going? Tiger Mask Sayama, Tatsumi Fujinami, & Riki Choshu led the
main core of wrestlers who wanted an internal investigation on the company that
they worked for. After initial findings in the wrestlers' investigation saw
that Inoki was funneling house show & TV revenue from New Japan into the Anton
Hisel project, Tiger Mask Sayama immediately submitted his resignation to New
Japan in August of 1983. He would eventually show up in 1984 for the original

After that mess, we go to 1983, the owner, booker, and then current wrestler of
All Japan Pro-Wrestling; Shohei "Giant" Baba, decided to buy out the Tigermask
gimmick after Sayama left and give it to now Pro Wrestling NOAH owner, booker,
and wrestler: Mitsuharu Misawa. Despite Misawa being a good wrestler, he was
just not the same. But as most of you know by now, Misawa got rid of the mask
in 1991 and became a huge wrestling star.

During Satoru Sayama's time at Akira Maeda's "shoot" style fed; the Union of
professional-Wrestling Force (UWF) he became Super Tiger. Many of the fans
wanted to see him as the high flying Tigermask that they grew up to love, not a
Tigermask who was a ground style wrestler (basically a shooter). But he
refused to go back to the high flyer that he was, after all it just wasn't the
UWF style. He left in 1985.

Satoru Sayama then wrote a book called "Kayfabe" where he said some
controversial things about the wrestling business (Hisaharu Tanabe also said
that he "verbally disgraced the great sport of Puroresu."). He was pretty much
out of the business and was working on Mixed Martial Arts stuff.

From (Hisaharu Tanabe): However, on December 30th in 1995 and
on June 30th in 1996, Satoru Sayama proved that he was still "Tiger Mask," who
could bring the dream back to the fans.

NOTE: I think in 95 he went under the name "Tiger King" and in 1996 he was "The
Tiger". Not sure about it though.

Later on (not sure when) he returned (I think for one night) in the late 90's
as "Tiger Mask: The Return" (4th costume in Fire Prowrestling D.) He then
finally quit the business to move onto his Mixed Martial Arts style; "Shooto",
along with his organization; "Seiken-Do".

However, In January of 2004, Satoru Sayama for one last time was able to don
the Tigermask outfit and become "Mask of Tiger" for a few tour dates with
All Japan Pro-Wrestling.

That's the history (more like LEGEND) of Tigermask...So what will become of
Satoru Sayama and future Tigermasks? Only time will tell.

==3. Skill and Parameter Stats==

Real name:.................Satoru Sayama
Real "Ring" name...............Tigermask
FPD Name:................Mask de Panther
Promotion:.......New Japan Pro-Wrestling *
FPD Promotion:..View Japan Pro-Wrestling
Class:.........................Jr. Heavy
Height............................173 cm (5 ft. 8 in.)
Weight.............................96 kg (212 lbs.)
Country..........................Unknown **
Birthdate........................Unknown ***
Offensive Skill..................Panther
Return Skill...................Luchadore
Critical Type...................Finisher
Special Skill...........One Hit Finisher
Recovery (when bleeding)..........Medium
Respiratory (when bleeding).......Medium
Awareness (when bleeding).........Strong
Neck Strength.....................Medium
Arm Strength........................High
Waist Strength......................High
Foot Strength.....................Medium
Movement Speed......................Fast
Ascend Speed........................Fast
Ascend Skill..................Can run up

* Now retired and booking some Shooto stuff.
** We all KNOW he's from Japan.
*** Was actually born November 24th, 1957 in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi, Japan

Parameter - Offense Parameter - Defence
=================== ===================
Punch.............4 Punch.............8
Kick..............7 Kick..............9
Suplex............6 Suplex............9
Submission........6 Submission........8
Stretch...........7 Stretch...........8
Power.............4 Flying...........10
Instant Power....10 Crush.............5
Arm Power.........6 Vs. Lariat........3
Technical........10 Technical........10
Rough.............2 Rough.............8
Ground............4 Ground............6

Total Skill Points (on a scale from 0-300): 233

==4. Move list==

NOTE: All of the move names were taken from Du Vong's Microsoft Word Format
Move List.

Specialty moves are marked with [S]. Finisher is marked with [F].

Standing (X)..............................Muay Thai Low Kick
Standing (A)...........................Muay Thai Middle Kick
Standing (B) + d-pad........................ROLLING SOLEBUTT [S]
Standing (B)..........................Spinning Once Dropkick
Standing (X) + (A)...........................Screw High Kick
Running (X)..................................Shoulder Tackle
Running (A)................................Flying Cross Chop
Running Counter (X)..............................Back Switch
Running Counter (A)......................Quebradora Con Hilo
Running to corner............................Somersault Kick

Grapple (X)......................................Elbow Smash
Grapple (X) + Up...................................Body Slam
Grapple (X) + Left/Right........................Cyclone Whip
Grapple (X) + Down..................................Crab Nip
Grapple (A).......................................Tiger Spin
Grapple (A) + Up.........................Jumping Brainbuster
Grapple (A) + Left/Right...............Pendulum Back Breaker
Grapple (A) + Down.........................Double Arm Suplex
Grapple (B)..................................Screw High Kick
Grapple (B) + Up..........................Kaiten-Jigoku-Geri (Spinning Inferno
Grapple (B) + Left/Right...............Rolling Solebutt Rush
Grapple (B) + Down.......................Tiger Neck Chancery (Old school Tiger
Grapple (X) + (A)...............Jumping Tombstone Piledriver
Back Grapple (X)..................................Neck Smash
Back Grapple (A).......................Back Brain Kneel Kick
Back Grapple (B).......High Angle Forward Rolling Prawn Hold
Back Grapple (B) + Up/Down..................Twisted Backdrop
Back Grapple (B) + Left/Right...................TIGER SUPLEX [F]
Back Grapple (X) + (A)..............HIGH ANGLE GERMAN SUPLEX [S]
Back Grapple Counter (X)..........................Elbow Butt
Back Grapple Counter (A)............................Leg Spin

Opponent Down Moves
Opponent Face Up at Head (A)....................Sleeper Hold
Opponent Face Up at Head (B).....................Sunset Flip
Opponent Face Up at Feet (A)...............Single Prawn Hold
Opponent Face Up at Feet (B)...............Spinning Leg Lock
Opponent Face Down at Head (A)......Japanese Leg Roll Clutch
Opponent Face Down at Head (B)..............Knee Drop (Head)
Opponent Face Down at Feet (A)................Romero Special
Opponent Face Down at Feet (B)..............Knee Drop (Head)
Running at Downed Opponent (B)...................Sunset Flip

Mount Moves
Mount Position (X)...............................Mount Punch
Mount Position (A).........................Crucifix Arm Hold
Mount Position (B)............................Jackknife Hold
Mount Position Counter..............................Arm Lock
Front Facelock Attack (X)....................Front Neck Lock
Front Facelock Attack (A)..................Double Arm Suplex
Front Facelock Attack (B)........................Back Switch
Front Facelock Attack Counter.....................Hammerlock
Back Mount Position (X).....................Back Mount Punch
Back Mount Position (A)....................Crucifix Arm Hold
Back Mount Position (B)..........................Jado Clutch
Back Mount Position Counter..................Cross Knee Hold

Post and Apron Moves
Post (X).............................Diving Double Knee Drop
Post (A)...............................Super Diving Headbutt
Post (B)...................................Diving Body Press
Post (X) + (A)..........................SIDE ROLL BODY PRESS [S]
Run-Up Post vs Standing (X).............................None
Run-Up Post vs Downed (A)...............................None
Corner Grapple (B) + Up.......Top Rope Avalanche Brainbuster
Corner Grapple (B) + Left/Right.........Kushi-zashi Shoulder
Corner Grapple (B) + Down...........................Stomping
Front Avalanche Counter...........................Elbow Butt
Back Avalanche Counter.............................Body Fall
Apron Grapple from inside............Ring Inside Brainbuster
Apron Grapple from outside...........Brainbuster Drop-Behind (Reversal)
Running to out of bounds...........SPACE FLYING TIGER ATTACK [S]
Slingshot to outside.........................Plancha Suicida
Slingshot to inside.....................Swandive Missle Kick

Double and Triple Team Moves
Two Platon Front Grapple.......................W.Brainbuster
Two Platon Back Grapple...........................W.Backdrop
Two Platon Corner.................B.Backdrop + D.Neckbreaker
Three Platon Front Grapple................Triple Hammer Blow
Three Platon Back Grapple.................Triple Hammer Blow
Three Platon Corner............................Triple Impact

Analog Stick Left.................................Tiger Pose
Analog Stick Right.......................Two Hand Invitation
Analog Stick Up.........................Single Hand Raised 1
Analog Stick Down.....................One Finger Pointing Up

==5. Strategy==

5.1. General Strategy

The Tigermask style is the awesome hybrid style of Mixed Martial Arts and
Luchalibre. This means your strikes (except punches), submissions, and high
flying moves are VERY effective. So use those moves if you want the most
damage. Rough moves are not effective but Tigermask has only 2 of these (knee
drop on the face and back). As for grapple moves, Tigermask has a lot of "A"
rated moves like the Screw High Kick, Tiger Spin, etc. so those are effective
too. A small weakness Tigermask has is that his Tiger Suplex is a "C" rated
move but it's still a cool finisher. So mix in a few strikes and use some
grapples. But since he has lucha style, use those wicked lucha moves!

For a strategy against him, his Crush and vs. Lariat is low on parameter, but
that's common for Jr. Heavyweights. So try some power moves against him, but
using a big heavyweight Power move wrestler against a Jr. Heavyweight IS UNFAIR
isin't it?

5.2. Strikes

Tigermask's strikes are rated "A" so it will be very effective. His muay thai
style low kick, and middle kick are good to use early in the match. The
Rolling Solebutt however, is effective but making it connect is a little bit
harder but if you land it, it will do a bit more damage because it's a
Specialty move. His standing screw high kick and drop kick are hard to land
UNLESS you position it properly and the opponent is dazed.

So the best thing to do is to use the middle kick to fend off the opponents,
use the low kick when they move in to close range, try to land the Rolling
Solebutt, and only use the screw high kick and dropkick when the opponents are
dazed. Don't forget to breathe every now and then, as strikes can rapidly
deplete your stamina. (Yes the last sentence was taken from Bill Wood.)

5.3. Grapples

Tigermask has some good grapples in his moveset so use his "A" ranked moves
early like the crab nip and cyclone whip. Then you can move on to use his
Tiger Spin, then finally, move on to his strong grapple moves like the Screw
High Kick, Spinning Inferno Kick, and Rolling Solebutt Rush.

His strong grapple from behind moves are all "C" ranked moves so the chance of
pulling the move off is lower than his "A" moves. The only "A" move he has is
the Back Brain Kneel Kick. So try to use this move a little bit more if you
can. Since his finisher is the Tiger Suplex and one of his specialty's is the
High Angle German Suplex, use these moves when you KNOW that your opponent is
tired enough.

5.4. High Flying Moves

When it comes to high flying moves, Sayama-sama has some of the best in the
business, like his Specialty Side Roll Body Press and AMAZING Space Flying
Tiger Attack (Or Space Tiger Plancha I refer to it as). As you can tell, his
top turnbuckle moves are all opponent down moves and his only opponent standing
move is the Swandive Missle Kick. I recommend using the Super Diving Headbutt
and Side Roll Body Press when the opponent is down because the Super Diving
Headbutt has amazing distance and the Side Roll Body Press is a specialty move.
When the opponent is standing daze, use the Swandive Missle Kick to knock your
opponent to the ground in style!

If you threw your opponent outside of the ring and he is dazed, use the Space
Tiger Plancha because it's a specialty move, and it looks so damn cool!!!!

5.5. Opponent Down Moves (Submissions and Opponent Down Strikes)

Just use the sunset flip and running sunset flip most of the time because they
are the most effective. You can use his Romero Special if you want but I find
submission holds to be ineffective because the CPU seems to get out of it
easily (unlike Super Fire Prowrestling X/X Premium).

==6. Other Info and Links==

In here you can find facts and links about Tigermask.

6.1. Other Info

* Satoru Sayama copied Mil Mascaras and incorporated some of his moves like the
Flying Cross Chop into the Tigermask character. Infact, there were a lot of
comparisions to Tigermask and Mil Mascaras.

* The Tigermask anime wrestlers used traditional wrestling moves like strikes
and suplexes and no high flying moves at all!

* A lot of real life wrestlers appeared or was copied in the anime series like
Antonio Inoki, Giant Baba, Stan Hansen, etc.

* Satoru Sayama wrestled in Mexico under his real name in 1978 - 1980 for
Empresa Mexicana de Lucha Libre (E.M.L.L.)

* Tigermask 2 was Mitsuharu Misawa. He became a HUGE star in All Japan
Prowrestling under his real name but left with MORE THAN HALF of the roster to
form Prowrestling NOAH after getting into arguments with Motoko Baba.

* Tigermask 3 was Kohji Kanemoto. This was probably the "failed" Tigermask
gimmick. Kohji said he really wasn't prepared for it. He currently wrestles
in New Japan Prowrestling under his real name.

* The current and 4th Tigermask was the only Tigermask to be trained and
sponcered by Satoru Sayama, the original Tigermask. For more info on Tigermask
4, read Bill Wood's TM4 FAQ.

* Candy Okutsu (real name: Tomoko Okutsu) was Tigerdream, the only female
member of the Tigermask family. She came out of retirement to join the
formation of Arsion at the Carnival Arsion 2000 show on December 3rd, she
announced her retirement.

* Satoru Sayama looked up to Mil Mascaras since child hood, thus the reason why
he copied some of his moves. Infact here's something from the August 3rd 1995
edition of the Weekly Gong that was copied and translated by Hisaharu Tanabe.

Weekly Gong: Sayama-san, since when have you been a Mascaras fan?

Sayama: Since junior high. I used to watch his matches on TV. I had always
thought he was cool since then. When I was in 8th grade, I wore a mask that I
designed for an event during a school festival. *laugh* I designed it after
Mascaras. The reason I started wrestling was Inoki-san, but Mil Mascaras was
always on my mind.

* Tigre Enmascarado is "Tigermask" in Spanish.

* AxxB sent me this e-mail with some info on Sayama and some of his opinions.
Hi Vipermask,

About Sayama, as well as Wrestling in Mexico, he toured the UK using the ring
name 'Sammy Lee' - supposedly one of Bruce Lee's relatives.

He lost one match (as Tigermask, vs Dynamite Kid) by countout, thanks to Bret
Hart's interference. Tiger was beating them both up at ringside, but
concentrated on Bret a bit too much, allowing Dynamite to roll back in and beat
the count. But he was obviously only able to win because he cheated.

I always understood that Sayama left NJPW because he was disillusioned with the
Wrestling business - hence the fact that he surfaced in the shoot-style UWF,
and has pushed towards the MMA/Wrestling fusion in his out of ring career.
Anyway, I thought the only reason NJPW sold the gimmick to AJPW was that Sayama
was retiring and they had no use for it, and that whoever AJPW put the gimmick
on would be unable to live up to Sayama's legacy in any case.



6.2. Tigermask Anime Lyrics

Yuke! Tiger Mask
Opening Song

shiroi MATTO no JANGURU ni
kyou mo arashi ga fukiareru
RUURU muyou no akutou ni
seigi no PANCHI o buchikamase
yuke yuke TAIGAA (TAIGAA)

sanbon ROOPU no JANGURU ni
hoeru yajuu no muhoumono
shima no GAUN o hirugaeshi
yatsura no kiba o otteyare
yuke yuke TAIGAA (TAIGAA)

kusa mo ki mo nai JANGURU ni
shi o yobu wana ga matte iru
FEA PUREE de kirinukete
otoko no konjou misete yare
yuke yuke TAIGAA (TAIGAA)

Let's go! Tiger Mask

In the jungle of the white mat
Today also a storm is blowing
Scoundrels that don't abide by the rules
The punch of righteousness will defeat them!
Let's go let's go TIGER

In the jungle of the three-part rope
the outrageous-thing (note: this is kind of strange, and I'm not sure how to
take it) of the roaring wild animals
Striped gown fluttering
Their/this one's fang(s) gives chase
Let's go let's go TIGER

In the jungle without grass or trees
The trap of death's call (a deathtrap) awaits
should be (a deathtrap?)
A gutsy/ballsy/courageous man is shown (to you)
Let's go let's go TIGER

6.3. Links

The Great Hisa's Puroresu Dojo - - Created by Hisaharu
Tanabe. This is the site where I got info on Sayama and where I stole some

Puroresu Power - - A great news page for Puroresu.

All About Tigermask: The Animated Series - The ONLY page about the
Tigermask anime. - - You can download moves here and this is where
I got the Stats. Du Vong's move list is also available there.

Arsionworld - - This is where I got the info on

Tigermania - - by Toshiro
Ishijima. A very detailed history of the "Tigermask" gimmick. It's only in
Japanese though.

Puroresu Power - - This is where I found the
article on Anton Hisel, you have to go through the archieves and look for a
article that was released around August 2nd, 2002. It is about Inoki's
financial problems.

==7. Thanks and Special Thanks==

Thanks goes to...

The Fire Prowrestling community and Puroresu fans all over the world.

A Very Special Thanks goes to...

Bill Wood for letting me do the Tigermask FAQ and using part of his format.

"IceMaster" Frank James Chan - The man who started the North American Fire
Prowrestling Revolution. Whatever he is doing now I wish him the best of luck
and success.

The original members of Human Entertainment for creating the best wrestling
games in the world.

Spike for keeping the tradition of Fire Prowrestling alive by hiring most of
the original members.

Vaill for creating Fire Prowrestling D.

Ikki Kajiwara and Naoki Tsuji for the Tigermask anime and manga.

Satoru Sayama for being Tigermask.

Special Thanks goes to...

Hisaharu Tanabe, the Puroresu expert on this side of the Pacific Ocean.

All of the sites up above.

==8. Other FAQs By Me==

PC - Fallout 2 - The CAR FAQ.

SEGA DREAMCAST - Fire Prowrestling D - Toshiaki Kawada Character Guide.

SEGA DREAMCAST - Fire Prowrestling D - Bret Hart Character Guide.

ARCADE - Initial D: Arcade Stage Guide.

ARCADE - Poker Ladies Guide.

SONY PLAYSTATION 2 - Initial D: Special Stage Guide.


==9. Copyright==

Fire Prowrestling D is copyrighted by Vaill Corporation and their parent
company Spike Co., Ltd.
March 1st. 2001 - 2002.

Fire Prowrestling D: Tigermask Character Guide Version 1.00 and future versions
of this FAQ is copyrighted by ViperMask, 2002, 2003, and so forth.

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. Retail use is prohibited.

This FAQ can only be used with PERMISSION by ME; VIPERMASK.

Also this FAQ is ONLY AVAILABLE on these sites:,,

If anyone sees another site other than the list above using my FAQs, please
tell me.

If anyone sees anyone ripping off this FAQ (like converting it to HTML), please
tell me.

For permission to convert the FAQ into another language, contact me first.

Contact Information: Contact ViperMask at
r3m0v3XxxDownward_Spiral_SoldierxxX@r3m0v3yahoo.comr3m0v3 (remove the r3m0v3)
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Character Guide: Bret "The Hitman" Hart
Engl. Hinweise

18.Oktober 2013
Character Guide Toshiaki Kawada
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Character Guide Tigermask
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
11.Februar 2016
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020