Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle

Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle

12.10.2013 19:35:33
Complete with step-by-step solutions for all levels in the game!
(C) 2001-2002 by Snow Dragon. All rights reserved.

1. Intro and Notes
2. Solutions to All Levels
3. Credits and Copyrights

I know, I know, my second walkthrough for a Bugs Bunny NES game, but
what can I say? This one is actually justified. There are some hard
parts in this game for the player who is not accustomed to platformers
in which jumping is prohibited. This was a cool game in its time, and I
intend to cover it in its entirety.

But, before we get too deep into this FAQ, there's a few things one
should take note of so that he/she does not get too confused. I like to
do things in my own special way usually, and here's the 411 on my
document's layout.

** The layout for a level will look something like the following:


** This is a step-by-step walkthrough. Distinct steps will be indicated
by a plus sign (+) at the beginning of each new step.

** If you need to contact me with regard to this or any of my other
walkthroughs you've seen on the Internet, you can reach me through
my e-mail. Send all your complaints, suggestions, requests, or other
pieces of mail to . I'll get around to
checking it - I always do.

That's it, so let's bid adieu to this short introduction and get
straight to the beef: the walkthroughs!


Level 1 (no password)
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester
+ Head upstairs to the left for the first carrot.
+ Walk up to the same level as the pink safe.
+ Go in the door next to it for another carrot.
+ Stroll left and take the carrot on the edge of the brick floor.
+ Go downstairs for a carrot. You will have to take the fall to
+ Find the carrot near the wooden crate and get it. Use the crate to
take out anyone who might be pursuing you.
+ Get the two carrots to the right and then fall down the narrow hole
against the wall.
+ Grab the glove if you need it, but if you don't, take the final
carrot for this level. Note that every time you complete a level, you
earn a 1-up.

Level 2 SZWS
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester
+ Take the carrot in the lower left-hand corner.
+ Go upstairs to the right and take the carrot on the edge of the
+ Wait for the green Sylvester to pursue you and then seize the carrot
in the upper left-hand corner.
+ Take the two carrots on the same tier as the pink pail.
+ If you have the boxing glove from the bottom floor, you'll more than
likely need it here for the green Sylvester pursuing you. Don't go up
the stairs without one or he'll trap you and kill you! If you need a
glove, there's one to the right. Press B to fire it at a target. The
boxing glove travels in a straight-line path and will lay by a wall
if it hits one, but will disappear if it hits an enemy.
+ After getting the carrot upstairs, go to the right of where the glove
was and fall down the pit.
+ Get the two carrots in your path for a 1-up.

Level 3 ZS2S
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester
+ Go upstairs for the first carrot.
+ A gray Sylvester patrols the next floor. If he hovers around the two
carrots, guide him away. If he goes away on his own, go ahead and
grab them yourself.
+ When you can, fool the green Sylvester and head for the top floor.
+ Go right for a carrot.
+ Go downstairs for a carrot and then back up so you can bash a head
with the bucket.
+ If you don't get a KO with the pail, then go for the big fall when
it's safe and get the carrot juice, which provides temporary
invincibility. Kill both Sylvesters with it.
+ With both of them out of the way, you're free to pick up the other
carrots in the level.

Level 4 ZZPS
Gray Sylvester (2)
+ All the way to the left is your first carrot.
+ Go up for the next one, and then, when the gray Sylvester is far
enough away on the third floor, quickly snatch the third.
+ Go to the middle of the bottom floor and through that door for a
+ Walk all the way to the right. You'll procure a pugilist's glove and
a carrot.
+ Go up to the carrot juice. You'll be able to secure two more carrots
along the way.
+ Go in the door next to the carrot juice and grab the last carrot.

Level 5 SW3S
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ A lot to do in this cramped level. Start by moving up the stairs for
a carrot.
+ Fool the green Sylvester and go to the top floor.
+ Get the carrot by the safe.
+ Go all the way down, left, and all the way up to get the other carrot
on the top floor.
+ Kill Yosemite Sam with the safe (he should have fallen down to the
bottom floor) and fall down to get the carrot.
+ Find the enclosed carrot in the bottom right-hand corner.
+ The last two carrots are located on opposite ends of the top right

Level 6 SXES
Green Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Either take the staircase or the door to the carrot below you.
+ Walk to the right and get the carrot to the right of the brick flight
of stairs.
+ Get the punching glove on the third floor.
+ Go up and get the carrot by the safe. If you can kill someone with
it, then more power to ya.
+ Go left and through the blank black door for a secluded carrot.
+ Then go all the way right and down to the carrot near the bucket.
+ When you drop and get the carrot juice, the other carrots will be a
snap to obtain. If all goes well, Bugs Bunny should be celebrating
next to Daffy Duck's stiff corpse! Huzzah!

Level 7 ZW4S
Gray Sylvester (2), Green Sylvester
+ This is the first level with the funky pipe system. Get the carrot to
your right, then wait for the gray Sylvester to walk off the edge to
cruise up the tube.
+ Get the carrots on the three floors and go back up the first pipe.
+ Head right and push the bucket off the edge to go to the right.
+ Walk upstairs and take the boxing glove.
+ Get the two carrots over here and head for the leftmost section of
this level. You'll be able to tell where it is by the wooden crate
nestled against the wall.
+ Obtain the final two carrots to win.

Level 8 ZX9S
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Wile E. Coyote
+ Get the carrot in the lower left-hand corner, then go up the pipe.
+ When the green Sylvester is far enough left that he won't turn around
and kill you, drop and get the carrot on the left.
+ Go up the pipe to the right and drop to get the carrot in the air to
your left. The green Sylvester should be too enthralled by the pipe
to go after you.
+ Cruise up the tiny one leading to the third floor and take that one
as well.
+ Head up to the floor with the carrot juice and the safe. Although you
won't have to use it, get the carrot juice and go right.
+ Drop the 10-ton weight on whomever occupies the space below you.
+ Use the punching glove to knock out your other antagonist.
+ Step off the top ledge to get the final carrot.

Level 9 WSRS
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Obtain the carrot directly in front of you.
+ Walk upstairs to the left and get that one as well.
+ Take all the carrots on the ground level. There should be a boxing
glove projectile along the way.
+ When the green Sylvester and Daffy stop patrolling the second floor,
go up and get the two carrots there.
+ Find the carrot in the upper left-hand corner. The green Sylvester
will be right behind you, so turn around and clean his clock.
+ Go upstairs and push the crate until you get the last carrot. With
any luck you won't deal with the gray or pink Sylvester at all.

Level 10 WZFS
Gray Sylvester (2), Yosemite Sam
+ Head left and grab the carrot at the foot of the staircase.
+ Get the carrot behind the next staircase.
+ Grab the one at the top of the staircase that you are now behind.
+ Take a walk over to the right. Get the carrot on your way to the
boxing glove.
+ Knock out the gray Sylvester that started on the top floor.
+ Go up those stairs leading up there and all the way to the left.
Down the stairs lie a carrot and another much-needed boxing glove.
+ Go all the way to the upper right-hand corner of the level and drop
down to get the subsequent carrots. If you have to use your boxing
glove at all, use it on Yosemite Sam - the gray Sylvester is easier
to run away from.

Level 11 XSJS
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ Walk upstairs to the first carrot.
+ Go up the stairs to the right once Yosemite Sam is on the ground
floor and snag the second carrot.
+ There should be a carrot directly in front of the door to the right.
Grab it.
+ If the gray Sylvester is in the enclosed chamber up near the ceiling,
fake him out when he goes to the right and get the carrot up there.
+ Find the crate near the stairs at left and give it a little nudge so
that you can get the carrot upstairs.
+ Fake Yosemite Sam out on the ground if you've gotta and go all the
way to the right. There should be several doors of stairs with a
bucket on the second floor.
+ Get all the carrots over here and the stage is complete. You won't
need the boxing glove, but get it anyway.

Level 12 XZKS
Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester
+ Here's a ridiculously simple level. Go left and get a boxing glove
and a carrot.
+ Walk up the stairs and get a carrot.
+ Head all the way to the right side of the level and get the three
carrots on the three separate levels.
+ Knock the pink Sylvester's lungs loose and get all the carrots on
the way to the left side of the level.

Level 13 WWMS
Daffy Duck, Gray Sylvester (2), Pink Sylvester
+ This one, unlike the last one which was far too simple, will require
some of your patience. You start on the top tier of the level. Go
down to the right and get the carrot up against the wall.
+ You'll have to get the carrot juice to take care of Daffy and get the
two carrots on the bottom level. About this time, Sylvesters should
start flooding over from the other end of the level.
+ Once there's a safe passage, get to the bridge in the middle and get
the carrot. The other side should be quite easier to navigate. Bear
in mind that if all three Sylvesters make it over to your side, you
will probably be waiting quite a while.
+ If you get the carrot juice, your worries should be over.

Level 14 WXCS
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ Start by going all the way to the left and going up that tube for a
carrot. If the green Sylvester thwarts you, take him to a pipe and
go up it. He should follow suit and be entertained for quite a while.
+ Use the pipe at the same time as the green Sylvester so you don't
die. Get the carrot against the wall.
+ Repeat going through the tube until you're in a position to wonk the
gray Sylvester with the crate.
+ Squirm down the tiny pipe.
+ Go left and get the boxing glove and another carrot.
+ Go back to the top floor and use the tiny pipe to reach the second
floor. You should grab two carrots on this fall (one after you take
the extra step when you hit the ground.
+ Walk left and get the carrot.
+ Return to the top tier for the last time. Go all the way to the right
and fall off the edge to get the final two carrots and another 1-up.

Level 15 XWAS
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ Take the boxing glove in front of you, then walk to the left and grab
the carrot at the dead end.
+ Use this first boxing glove to destroy the green Sylvester and get
the carrot at the dead end to your right. You'll get another one to
use on the gray Sylvester in a little bit.
+ Go to the top floor and get the carrot at the left edge.
+ Walk off and get the carrot and punching mitt to the left.
+ Wait for the gray Sylvester to approach you, then punch him out.
+ Relocate Bugs to the top floor and keep walking right. You'll get
three carrots along the way.
+ Make use of the tube that takes you back around to the top floor.
+ Get the carrot in the air above Yosemite Sam's tiny alcove. You'll
never have to deal with him at all.

Level 16 XXOS
Gray Sylvester (2)
+ Go up the stairs to the left and walk off the edge to obtain a
+ Take the stairs to the right and find the carrot all the way at the
edge to the far right.
+ Go to the third floor and get the boxing glove. Kill the gray
Sylvester up here with it.
+ Get any carrots he was guarding, including the one all the way to
the left down the stairs.
+ Walk all the way to the right and get the carrot at the tip of the
+ Grab the carrot at the top of the long flight of stairs.
+ Take the door with stairs in the lower right-hand corner and get the
last carrot for another extra life.

Level 17 S2SZ
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester (2), Wile E. Coyote
+ Go up the staircase to the right for the first carrot.
+ Now, wait for the gray and green Sylvester to meet up. When they do,
get the carrot juice and take them both out before it wears off. Also
there is a carrot right beside the carrot juice of invulnerability.
+ Punch out Wile E. Coyote with the glove on the next floor.
+ Keep ascending and grabbing carrots until the top floor. A gray
Sylvester is guarding the final carrot.
+ Fake him out by going up when he's at the very top and just standing
in the doorway. When he heads down the brick staircase, use that to
your advantage and take it while you can.

Level 18 STWZ
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ Immediately at the beginning, go right and push the bucket. If the
green Sylvester gets in your way, wait for him to leave. Save it for
Yosemite Sam.
+ Go up the stairs nearby for a carrot.
+ From here you can go left for several carrots and a boxing glove or
right, where you find a tiny brick staircase. Go left.
+ Once you get to the upper left corner, fall and get a carrot. You
will be back near the beginning.
+ Backtrack to the tiny brick staircase, behind which there is a carrot
to take.
+ Knock out anyone in your way and get the rest of the carrots on the
right end of this level.

Level 19 Z22Z
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ The pink Sylvester will not move until you move, so wait for a minute
before you get that carrot behind you. Once the gray Sylvester up
above uses the pipe, take the carrot and use the pipe at the same
+ If the pink Sylvester has advanced to the upper level and is standing
still when you get there, move a little. He will take the pipe.
+ Once all three Sylvesters are preoccupied with the pipes, you can
freely get whatever you need to on this side.
+ Go to the other side and get the carrot on the platform you land on.
+ Take the drop-off and get the punching glove and another carrot. Save
your boxing glove for Yosemite Sam.
+ You will need to go back to the other side of the level now. If the
pink Sylvester gets stuck in the corner, take a step to make him move
to the left. Pink Sylvester only moves when you move, if you haven't
yet noticed. To get back to the other side, use the stairs leading up
to the two pipes (you can walk through them).
+ Quickly return to the half of the level you were just on.
+ When you get back, there are two pipes above you that travel along
the ceiling. Take the one on the right for a carrot.
+ Use your punching glove that you were saving on Yosemite Sam, who is
guarding your last carrot.

Level 20 ZTPZ
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester (2)
+ Go down the stairs to the right for a carrot.
+ Take a pipe up to the small enclosed alcove. There is a carrot up
against the wall on the left.
+ Once you have it, go in the pipe that circles around to the beginning
of the level.
+ Grab the carrot to the left, then go in the pipe that sets you by the
carrot juice.
+ Drink that carrot juice. Head right and make corpses of both the gray
and green Sylvester.
+ There are three pipes in the ground up here. Enter the middle one.
+ Go for the three carrots and boxing glove down here.
+ Return to where you got the carrot juice and walk off the edge to the

Level 21 SP3Z
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester
+ Your first priority is eliminating the gray Sylvester. You'll have to
maneuver craftily around the safe to get him, but it can and must be
done to beat this level. Don't do anything else until you've
accomplished this.
+ Get every carrot on the bottom level.
+ Get every carrot on the top level.
+ The final carrot is against the far right wall.

Level 22 SYEZ
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Wile E. Coyote
+ Get both carrots that are on the same level as you.
+ Go down via pipe for another carrot.
+ You will have to drop blindly to the bottom level, but what's worse
is that Wile E. Coyote is down here. If you make it, get both carrots
when it's safe. Up the stairs is practically a safety shelter since
Mr. Coyote can't ascend stairs.
+ Return to the beginning of the level when you have the two carrots on
the bottom.
+ Push the safe to the right against the wall and go up the tube.
+ Once again, you will have to make a move without knowing your
ultimate fate. This one is easy, though: take the pipe on the left.
+ Get the final two carrots below you.

Level 23 ZP4Z
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Go down one floor from where you start this level.
+ Grab the carrot to the left. If you don't, the green Sylvester will
probably trap you in that corner later.
+ When you get the carrot juice, fall off the edge to the right. Daffy
is down there; kill him. There's one carrot he hovers around that you
won't be able to grab if he's in your way.
+ Guide the gray Sylvester to the upstairs door to the right. This
could take a while.
+ If the gray Sylvester stays in his little three-step area, go to the
right when he lingers near the left.
+ Go up until you find a drop-off to the left where you can get carrots
by falling. By now the gray Sylvester should have followed you up, so
it's probably safe to take the plunge.
+ Head for the very top and walk off to the right to get the rest of
this stage's carrots.

Level 24 ZY9Z
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Here's a tough one right here. Walk around where you're standing for
a little bit. You are going to have to take a humongous blind fall
off the left edge. Wait for a little bit and make sure you get in
some good walking, because Daffy isn't moving unless you are.
+ If you land safely and with enough room, seize the boxing glove and
take out Daffy.
+ Get the green and gray Sylvesters down there before going back up.
+ When you do, the green one will follow you. Go up the large staircase
and through the door.
+ Grab the carrots to the left and head back up the stairs before the
green Sylvester can get you.
+ Keep moving right and fall down the narrow hole to the right. The one
in that hole is the last one in the level.

Level 25 W2RZ
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ With sufficiently quick, smooth moves, this level will be a breeze.
Start by heading left and getting the boxing glove and carrot. Using
this strategy, you won't need the boxing glove or the carrot juice,
but get the glove as a security measure in case you're slow.
+ Fake out Yosemite Sam and get the two carrots that he's blockading.
+ Get the two on the next floor as well.
+ You'll have to use the two pipes above three times. Use each one once
to get each carrot hanging in the air, then use either one to go up
+ Finally, take the carrot in the middle when it's safe.

Level 26 WTFZ
Gray Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Patiently guide the gray Sylvester over to the bucket. You will have
to go up the stairs to make him go. When you are behind the bucket
and he lands in front of it, trample him with it.
+ Go to the right where Daffy is. It is virtually impossible to kill
him, so trail him carefully. You have to practically be riding his
butt (which for the purposes of this FAQ is _not_ disgusting). When
he passes the door to the right, VERY QUICKLY go through it.
+ If you make it through, the rest of this level is a snap.

Level 27 X2JZ
Green Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ Kill the green Sylvester with the 10-ton anvil.
+ Head for the top floor and snag two carrots.
+ Take the drop-off for a third.
+ Get the pink Sylvester to move off the ledge below you with the
carrot, then fall and go up the stairs to retrieve it before he can
return to it.
+ Wait until you have a clear move, then get the carrot on the opposite
ledge to the right.
+ Keep going right. Use the pink Sylvester's intermittent movements to
go up the stairs.
+ Get the rest of the carrots and close this one out.

Level 28 XTKZ
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester
+ Walk left and grab the boxing glove and the carrot next to it.
+ Go upstairs and get the carrot on the second tier.
+ Get the carrot in the upper right-hand corner on the top floor and
the carrot just to the right of the boxing glove. Then, get the
boxing glove (you can carry two at once).
+ Use the mitts on the two more problematic Sylvesters, the gray and
pink. Since the gray one likes to hibernate near the top, you'll want
him out of your way first, and then just take the pink Sylvester just
because the green one is easy to lead over to the right side and fake
+ Once the green is on the right side of the level and you've cleaned
the pink Sylvester's clock, get the rest of the carrots around here.

Level 29 WPMZ
Daffy Duck, Pink Sylvester
+ You'll notice Daffy at the very edge of the screen at the beginning
of this stage. Move to the right and get the four carrots and the
boxing glove while Daffy is moving around.
+ When you're back at the top where you started, get the pink Sylvester
up to where you have eye contact with him, then slug him.
+ All the rest of the carrots are easy to obtain except one: the one at
the bottom of the middle that Daffy is guarding. The trick is stay on
the move so that Daffy does the same. As long as you move, Daffy will
walk slowly in some direction. Stay at the top of the stairwell that
leads down to him and prance around in a small radius. When Daffy is
to the right behind the stairs, you can go down and get the carrot

Level 30 WYCZ
Red Yosemite Sam, Wile E. Coyote, Red Daffy Duck
+ There's a few weird new things in this level: a red Yosemite Sam with
a white cowboy hat, a red Daffy Duck, and a "No Carrots" symbol on
the bottom row. All three will cause you to lose a life with a single
touch, and you will have to find a way around these things as well as
the Wile E. Coyote on the top row.
+ Get the carrot below the third pipe on the bottom row.
+ Go up the third pipe and grab the carrot to the right if Yosemite Sam
is not already obstructing you. If he is, move down a row and wait
until the path is clear.
+ Lead Yosemite Sam over as far left as you can. If Wile E. Coyote is
not in the way on the top row, grab the carrot in the upper left-hand
corner as well. You want to get Sam and Wile E. all the way to the
left so that you'll have room to move around freely on the top row.
+ Get all the carrots on the top row except for the one to the far
+ When you get there, Daffy ought to be absent from the bottom row. Go
down a green tube and grab both carrots in the area where he once
+ Getting the final carrot on the top row is the hardest part of this
level. Wile E. Coyote and Yosemite Sam will probably have returned to
your side by now. The easiest way to fool them is to go to the top
row and get them both headed left toward you, with Yosemite Sam way
in front. When Sam is to the left of a pipe and Wile E. to the right,
go down, then head right as fast as possible and move up to get the
carrot. With a little bit of skill and meticulous timing (made easier
by the fact that you can move faster than all your opponents), you
should have the last carrot with minimal trouble.

Level 31 XPAZ
Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Wile E. Coyote
+ All right! Halfway through the game! Don't get your hopes up now,
though - it starts to get really hard.
+ At the beginning of this round, the gray Sylvester and Wile E. Coyote
are both looking to surround you. Move up the pipe and get the boxing
glove and carrot to the right.
+ Walk off the edge to the right and get the carrot nestled in the
lower right-hand corner, then the one resting by the top of the tube
above your head.
+ The gray Sylvester should be gaining up on you. As he goes up the
pipe to meet you, take a step off the left edge of the plateau you're
+ Move up the pipe and back to the bottom where you started (grabbing
the carrot along the way). Give Wile E. Coyote a TKO.
+ Head back up the first pipe and go left off the edge.
+ Backtrack to the beginning - you'll get two carrots.
+ Wait for the pink Sylvester to follow you. When he hits the ground
floor, go up the pipe. This should put him well behind you.
+ Again, step off the left edge of the top platform, but this time go
+ The last two carrots are a cinch to nab.

Level 32 XYOZ
Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ The first carrot you should get is the one up the stairs next to you,
otherwise you won't be able to later.
+ Next, obtain the one below where you started out.
+ Walk right and grab the punching glove and the carrot near it.
+ Flatten Yosemite Sam with your fist.
+ Get the two carrots in their respective alcoves (the one in the
middle of the screen and the one in the lower right-hand corner).
+ Take the carrot at the top and push the pink safe off the edge - you
won't be needing it.
+ Acquire the carrot to the right when you walk off the top ledge.
+ The carrot at the top of the stairs to the left is the last one.

Level 33 2SSW
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Walk down the stairs to the right and nab a carrot.
+ There is a carrot below that one. You might have to fake out the gray
and green Sylvesters to get to it, but get that one next.
+ Go as far left as you can. During this time, you'll obtain two more
carrots and a boxing glove.
+ Find Pink Sylvester and Daffy Duck, who should both be on the stage's
top tier. Once you've located them, off the green Sylvester with the
bucket if you didn't waste it. You want him out of your way.
+ Neither the pink Sylvester nor Daffy will move unless you do. Move if
you have to to clear a path.
+ Knock a tooth loose from either Sylvester of Daffy.
+ Take the boxing glove to the left and push the safe into the other
person that you did not kill.
+ The only carrot left ought to be one suspended in the air up against
the far right wall. Go retrieve it.

Level 34 2ZWW
Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ This is another vertically oriented level, but you seem to start with
few enemies in your way, so get the carrots at the lower part of the
+ Watch your steps as you head up the stairs. Yosemite Sam might be on
to you. If there is a safe path, get the boxing glove.
+ There was a pink Sylvester in an alcove at the beginning of the
level. If passage is okay, go ahead with it.
+ Now comes the difficulty. The pink and gray Sylvesters both patrol
this upper sector. You'll have to choose one to knock out. Read this
and I'll choose for you (PICK GRAY).
+ Go up the large stairs and grab the two carrots below.
+ When you make a return trip up the staircase, maneuver around the
pink Sylvester until you're able to procure the final carrot.

Level 35 TS2W
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester
+ If you will notice, this pipe level is perfectly symmetrical. Take
the carrot at right.
+ Enter a tube against either far wall and get the two above.
+ The gray Sylvester has probably gone up by now, and the green one
should be playing moronically with pipes. Seize the carrot on the
same level as the 10-ton weight.
+ When you advance higher, you'll see two more carrots and a pugilist's
glove. Take all.
+ Go up the pipe to the far right.
+ Grab the carrot and study methods for getting the last one carefully.
+ When it is safe, drop to the stairs below you without getting caught.
+ Go in the pipe leading to that decisive carrot. Remember to use the
glove if you must.

Level 36 TZPW
Green Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ You actually start with a glove to your left, so take advantage of
the gift.
+ Get around Daffy and begin to work your way up the left side of the
+ Once at the top, come back down.
+ Fake out the two Sylvesters and make Daffy unconscious at the bottom.
+ Go up the right side of the level.

Level 37 2W3W
Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester
+ Get everything along the bottom of the level. This includes two
carrots and a punching glove.
+ Go up along the far right edge of the level and move only as you can
to get around the gray Sylvester.
+ Drop off to the left and go up the stairs to the left.
+ You'll have to move in a circle to get the carrot above.
+ The other three carrots can all be obtained simply by going left
since through most of this level, the pink Sylvester is happily
oblivious to you.

Level 38 2XEW
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ A horde of enemies is all around you at the outset of this one, some
seen, some not. You will have to be one smooth operator to beat this
+ Wait for the right moment, which is Yosemite Sam and the gray
Sylvester both being up against the far right wall, which gives you a
short time to elude them and get safely up the stairs.
+ Grab the punching glove and bash the incoming green Sylvester.
+ Get the next mitt at the top of the level and head right.
+ There are three carrots here near the upper right corner. Get the two
leftmost ones; save the one against the wall for last.
+ Now go to the extreme left and to the top. Go down the stairs and get
the carrot.
+ Walk off to the left. You should end up on the ground floor.
+ Stroll to the right, getting one carrot, and then get the two on the
next floor.
+ You know the one you were saving for last? Go track it down.

Level 39 TW4W
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Wile E. Coyote
+ Go to the right and get the first before Wile E. Coyote can grab you,
then go up the stairs and to the right.
+ Another carrot is located against the far right wall. Make sure Wile
E. Coyote won't get you and take it as yours.
+ At the foot of a small set of stairs is a glove. Get it and make your
way to the lower left corner. Doing this, you should not need the
Carrot Juice of Invincibility above you.
+ Once you have the others, get the one by the carrot juice. You should
end the level in a state of imperishability.

Level 40 TX9W
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Whoa! What a level! It is definitely quite difficult upon sight, but
for now, only take the carrot to the right and head left. Daffy is
quite a distance to the right and will get you if you venture too far
that way.
+ Shove the 10-ton anvil to the left and wait for someone - anyone - to
come under it. Then drop it on them.
+ When a path is clear, drop and go up the first flight of stairs.
+ Go back to the bottom and get the carrot all the way to the right.
It's okay to make the safe go up in smoke.
+ Go up the stairs until at the far right where you can get a carrot.
+ If Daffy's not in your way, get the one in the upper right corner and
get yet another 1-up.

Level 41 PSRW
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester (2), Yosemite Sam
+ Get the glove to the right.
+ Head up the nearby tube and get the carrot.
+ Drop off to the right, but beware the No Carrots sign that kills you
on contact. To avoid touching it, go up the pipe by it.
+ You'll move in a circle, and by now several enemies will be hovering
around you. Drop off to the right once it's fine to and go up the
conduit to the far right.
+ Knock out the gray Sylvester if he's up there and take the circular
pathway to the next carrot.
+ If you drop to the left, you'll hit the No Carrots sign. Drop to the
right and you'll more than likely die. Therefore, you should
backtrack through the pipe, but this one pipe only. After that, drop
to the left if safe.
+ If you happen to make it (and it will be difficult), go to the far
left and up that tube.
+ You will be on the same level as the safe. Go up the pipe and get the
carrot on the small isolated platform.
+ Fall to the right and only go up the pipe if an enemy currently
occupies it or there is no one around.
+ Take the carrot to the left. Whew! That was tough!

Level 42 PZFW
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Wile E. Coyote
+ Get both carrots in your general vicinity and take the safe to the
+ Since the green Sylvester will be busy playing with pipes, get all
three carrots you'll find over here.
+ Find a carrot at the highest summit in the middle of the level. The
pink Sylvester is probably on to your little scheme, but move until
he goes up the stair a considerable distance.
+ Get the carrot juice and whack the gray and pink Sylvesters.
+ With the boxing glove, wait for Wile E. Coyote to give you ample time
to go down the pipe, then bust him.
+ If the green Sylvester has followed you, wait for him to become
enthralled with the pipe, then procure the carrot in the lower right

Level 43 YSJW
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester
+ Talk about your pipe dreams (rimshot). Fortunately, there is a carrot
to your right, so take what you can and go in the pipe to the right.
+ Make sure to get the boxing glove and carrot right next to it.
+ Take the right path and get the carrot lying up against the wall.
+ The only way to get the carrot below you is through a twisting pipe
to the left.
+ Once you have that, go up the middle pipe at the middle of the level
(the perfectly vertical one).
+ Grab the carrot. There ought to be a gray Sylvester in the space
below from which he does not choose to escape. If it's safe, drop to
the left and go in the pipe leading left.
+ You'll have another boxing glove by going through this one.
+ Get the carrot that is magically floating in thin air.
+ From there, the other two are easy to obtain. Odds are you used
neither boxing glove, but who am I say to bet on what you did?

Level 44 YZKW
Gray Sylvester (2), Wile E. Coyote
+ The most apparent carrot is the one above your head, so go up and get
it before the gray Sylvester and Wile E. Coyote surround you.
+ Going to the left yields three more carrots.
+ Travel along the bottom of the level and push the crate until it's
gone. The carrot at the far right is yours.
+ Wait patiently for your opponents to disperse before going up.
+ As soon as you have a free space, find the upper right corner and
arrive there before anyone can get to you.
+ Take your carrots as quickly as possible.

Level 45 PWMW
Pink Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ Pick up the carrot next to the No Carrots symbol, but remember not to
touch the No Carrots sign or you'll die instantly.
+ Grab the boxing glove to the left.
+ Proceed left and go up the stairs for a carrot. If Yosemite Sam is
not prowling the grounds above, get the one to your upper right as
+ Get all carrots along the bottom tier.
+ Since the No Carrots deal is sort of a level divider, stay to the
right of it now.
+ Knock out the first person that gets in your way.
+ Grab the rest of the carrots, which should be on the right side of
the level.

Level 46 PXCW
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester (2), Pink Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Take the carrot to the left and head up the pipe nearest you.
+ Steal the carrot and go down quickly.
+ Drop off to the left.
+ Go up the small pipe and take the boxing glove.
+ Walk to the left for a carrot.
+ Don't waste a glove on Daffy: push the crate into him.
+ Take the carrot against the far right wall.
+ Go up the tiny tube and get a carrot, then up the next one.
+ KO one of the gray Sylvesters.
+ Get the second boxing glove and another carrot.
+ Head back to the left side of the level and wait for the pink and
gray Sylvesters to drop off the top.
+ Find the stairs to the right and climb them, then go in the pipe
that leads to the top.
+ Drink the carrot juice and go all the way left, taking the plunge
off the plateau.
+ Go in the pipe with the carrot at the end of it.

Level 47 YWAW
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester
+ Get the carrot to the right.
+ Go up to the second floor and get the two carrots and the glove.
+ Get the carrot on the top floor, then enter the far right pipe. Do
the previous three steps without killing the gray Sylvester. You are
now on the right half of the level, no?
+ Walking right yields a carrot and another glove.
+ Go to the bottom floor and get the carrot to the right.
+ All the way to the left is another one.
+ When it's safe (or you can knock out the pink Sylvester), get the
carrot on the top floor.

Level 48 YXOW
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester (2), Pink Sylvester
+ Since there are four floors in this level, I will describe where you
need to be by what floor everything is on.
+ Grab a carrot and glove on your right.
+ Go up to the third floor and take a carrot.
+ Cruise on over to the right half, grab the one to your left, and
return quickly to your original side.
+ Take the pipe leading to the carrot on the third floor against the
far left wall.
+ Go to the top floor. Kill the gray Sylvester with a bucket and get
what carrots are here.
+ When the green Sylvester begins his pipe play, get the one in the
lower right hand corner. Here's where it starts becoming tricky.
+ Hit the pink Sylvester with the glove and get the one against the
wall to the right.
+ Guide the gray Sylvester near where you are (you may have to walk
against the wall to do this), and when he's near you, cut to the left
and go up the pipe to the fourth floor.
+ Grab the last carrot when he's well away from you.

Level 49 22SX
Green Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ Get the carrot to your left. Yosemite Sam is going to be after you
from the start, so when he closes in, go upstairs.
+ Take a carrot to the left and head upstairs further (you'll have to
use the long one to the left).
+ Get the green Sylvester to go down the stairs so that you can go up
them. Once on the top floor, go all the way to the bottom left and
have yourself another carrot. Odds are the green Sylvester won't try
to follow you, so this is practically safe.
+ Obtain the two carrots in the upper middle area.
+ Find the carrot in the very bottom right hand corner.
+ Wait for the green Sylvester at the top of the stairs, and when he
goes up, you go down.
+ Walk all the way to the foot of the staircase to your right and get
the next-to-last carrot.
+ Once Yosemite Sam is well to the left of the door, go up through it
and walk off to the right.

Level 50 2TWX
Green Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Go up through the door to your right.
+ The green Sylvester will fall to the bottom, so go all the way around
and get the one in the secluded upper left room (you'll also get one
on the way there).
+ Guide the green Sylvester to the door at the bottom that leads up
before you get the one against the far left wall. You don't want to
get caught in a trap, do you?
+ When he is on the second floor, grab it and head to the bottom.
+ Get all the carrots until you are at the upper right corner.
+ Fall if the bottom area is clear of enemies.
+ Go up and get the last carrot. Simple, wasn't it?

Level 51 T22X
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester (2), Daffy Duck
+ This one is very easily mastered if you move fast enough. Get the
carrot to the left and let the gray Sylvester from above drop to
your level, but go up the stairs before he gets there. Capiche?
+ Get the punch glove and carrot in the upper left corner, then
backtrack to where the safe is.
+ Push it until you have a carrot and can go downstairs.
+ The gray Sylvester will follow you to this floor - just beat him
+ Go downstairs to the closed-in chamber where a carrot lies.
+ Walk to the right for two more.
+ The last one is in the room below and is easy to obtain.

Level 52 TTPX
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Wile E. Coyote
+ Full of rooms, this level is. Start with the one in the upper left
hand corner with the glove and the carrot.
+ The pink Sylvester will probably escape to the right half, so you
will be free to snag the other carrots on this side.
+ Once on the other side, you'll notice that the pink Sylvester has
most likely chosen to retire to a room in the top middle vicinity of
the level. Ignore this place for now and move around, getting as many
carrots as you can and another boxing glove.
+ Go to the room with the gray Sylvester and Wile E. Coyote and use
both your boxing gloves on them.
+ It will be tough without a glove, but you'll have to go upstairs
while the pink Sylvester is against the wall on his RIGHT. If you are
speedy and lightfooted, you will be holding Left on the D-pad as you
go up the stairs. With the right combination of speed and brains, you
will secure that last carrot.

Level 53 2P3X
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester (2), Pink Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ Seize all the carrots you can while moving up. At this time, the gray
Sylvester and Yosemite Sam should be plummeting to the bottom. If,
however, they don't, it shouldn't be of any worry to you.
+ Kill anyone with any items available if you have to.
+ Make the pink Sylvester fall from the top if you can.
+ Walk to the right from the top floor. From here it's just a bunch of
blind falls, so make sure you don't land on any objectionable
characters (i.e. those that will kill you).

Level 54 2YEX
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Get the glove to the right. The pink Sylvester is probably on your
tail, so don't worry about the carrot just yet. Just make sure that
you go down the pipe to the left at the same time as him.
+ Take the carrot juice, go back up, and kill him. NOW get the carrot.
+ Get the other three carrots and wait.
+ About now a gray Sylvester should be coming up from below. Avoid him
and go down the long tube that yields another glove.
+ Return to where you came from and go through the shorter tube next to
+ Go back to the top and into the pipe to the right. You should be in
a chamber with a carrot and carrot juice sitting atop a pipe.
+ Get the juice and head down through the pipe.
+ The juice will wear off before you exit, so get Daffy with a glove.
+ The last two carrots are yours.

Level 55 TP4X
Gray Sylvester (2), Pink Sylvester, Wile E. Coyote
+ Go up the tube to the right. In a tiny room is one carrot you need.
+ Get Wile E. Coyote to the bottom and you'll never have to worry about
him again.
+ Follow the pink Sylvester to the top.
+ Use the safe to kill one Sylvester (any of them, most preferably a
gray one).
+ Use the boxing glove to get another.
+ Take all the carrots up here.
+ Go in the pipe on the far left side of the top floor. It leads down
to a smaller pipe that takes you to the last carrot.

Level 56 TY9X
Gray Sylvester (2), Pink Sylvester
+ Walk upstairs for a glove and a carrot.
+ Head upstairs to the right and down through the door. Drop off to the
left for your second carrot.
+ If the pink Sylvester is there when you fall to the right from
obtaining the last carrot, punch him. If not, go down through the
available door.
+ The pink Sylvester will probably be here, so bide your time and go to
the right.
+ Going to the right will give you a carrot and another glove.
+ Go up through the stair door on the bottom floor and go to the left
to get a carrot.
+ On your way back up, punch only the gray Sylvester. The pink one
should be just dumb enough to run from in most cases.
+ Drop through the narrow hole in the middle of the level where the
carrot is wedged.
+ Return to this floor, this time on the left side for another carrot.
+ Start to make your way upward.
+ When you meet the other gray Sylvester, punch him.
+ Head up to the corner for the last carrot.

Level 57 P2RX
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ With you face-to-face with Daffy, move forward and get the glove.
+ When he's heading left (not facing you), go upstairs and drop off to
the right for one of the symmetrical carrots.
+ Go upstairs, aiming for the carrot juice. If you're fast enough, you
should be able to take out a green Sylvester.
+ Keep going up until a gray Sylvester traps you in a corner, and punch
him after you've gotten the uppermost carrot in the level.
+ By now a pink Sylvester is guarding a carrot in a tiny room. Without
a glove, you'll have to save this one for last. Drop along the left
side of the level and hope that Daffy isn't there to get you.
+ If he's not, make a swift retreat upstairs and get the carrot that
the pink Sylvester guards.

Level 58 PTFX
Gray Sylvester (2), Pink Sylvester, Daffy Duck
+ Drop the safe on one of the gray Sylvesters.
+ Make the fall to the left from the next-to-top floor that gives you
two carrots.
+ With the other gray Sylvester thusly occupied, head upstairs to the
right and get the one in the secluded chamber.
+ Only one door allows you to access the level's bottom half. Go
through it at the same time that the pink Sylvester does to avoid
+ Take the carrot nestled in the corner.
+ Walk down to the left to get a glove directly next to a carrot.
+ Head across to the right and take another carrot.
+ The walk down provides no view of what's below, so you've got to make
the fall and hope you don't land on Daffy. If you don't, punch him
+ When he's done for, the carrot juice is practically useless, so go
ahead and take that last carrot for the 1-up and the win.

Level 59 Y2JX
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Yosemite Sam
+ Walk immediately to the left or a green Sylvester will beat you to
the boxing glove.
+ Do an about face after you get it and knock out the trailing pink
+ Drop off to the right and keep going that way until you have a boxing
glove and another carrot.
+ Instantly after getting those, turn around and go up the small pipe.
+ Seize the carrot up there.
+ When the green Sylvester goes up that small pipe, take it down to
ignore him totally.
+ Go through the very long pipe that leads all the way around the room.
+ Go for the carrot to your left once you're FINALLY out.
+ Head up through the tube against the far left wall and drop off to
the right.
+ If Yosemite Sam is not guarding the carrot in the dead-end at the
bottom, go get it if it is absolutely safe.
+ Walk up the small tube and wait for Yosemite Sam to walk to the left
of it.
+ Fake him out and go up to where the gray Sylvester is.
+ Knock him out.
+ Go in the pipe that curves around and drop off.
+ Make a round trip back through that small curving pipe, but go in the
pipe at the end the second time around.

Level 60 YTKX
Green Sylvester, Gray Sylvester, Pink Sylvester, Red Yosemite Sam, Wile
E. Coyote
+ LAST LEVEL IN THE GAME! Sorry, celebrating early, I do that a lot.
+ When you move, the pink Sylvester will too. Go downstairs and avoid
the No Carrots sign, but get the carrot.
+ Go back up to the top floor and wait for the pink Sylvester to follow
+ When he's up there, go off to the right and land on the right side of
the No Carrots sign.
+ Downstairs with you! But at the same time as the green Sylvester.
+ Grab a boxing glove and two carrots while here.
+ Walk off to the left and KO the red (!) Yosemite Sam.
+ Get the carrot he guards in the alcove.
+ Downstairs is Wile E. Coyote. KO him as well.
+ Go upstairs to the right and up through the door.

When you finally conquer the last level in the game, you see Bugs
playing a little tonsil hockey with some babe in a blue dress. Go Bugs!
You da man! Then it cycles back to the beginning, where you can replay
the game if you feel so inclined.

Well, my long, drawn-out work on this FAQ is finally done, and I can
get around to the last section of any of my walkthroughs: the copyright
section. First of all, you need permission from me if you want to use
this on your website. E-mail me at with the
name of the game in the subject line. If you use it, you can't change
any of this, you have to leave it in text format, unmodified and
unadulterated, leave it the way you found it. I do allow structure
changes, such as if you want to add pictures throughout. Other things
that you want to do to it will have to be addressed within the message,
so clearly express what you want to do and maybe I'll say yes.

Also, don't sell this walkthrough for money of any sort. Freely
distribute it to those who need it, or point them to a website where it
is located. I don't allow sale of this or any of my walkthroughs for
profit, and I certainly don't let plagiarism fly. So, if you see this
on anyone else's site (or any of my guides), inform me of such and
swift action will be taken. Do not link directly to this FAQ either,
just the site that it is on (for legal reasons).

Of course, there are those to thank, because without them, I wouldn't
be a writer.

** Neal Lundberg, whose old computer I started this one on.

** My mom, who lets me use the computer as I need to.

** FCE Ultra, a great yet underrated emulator.

** Kemco for making this game.

** Anyone who has helped develop my knack for writing.

This version of this walkthrough is (C) February 12, 2002. The latest
version of this walkthrough can always be found at GameFAQs or any site
that I give consent to post it.

That's all for now, so have a great day and enjoy Bugs Bunny Crazy
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