Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

14.10.2013 16:30:32
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
For the playstation 2
Version 2.50
Started on February 8, 2002
Last updated on February 12, 2002
By GheddonLN


Version 00.1

- This is what I'll call "beta" version in my future guides. It has the
walkthrough, what comes next..., [this] and the copyright information. In the
future versions, I'll start adding tips, basics, and intro, etc, etc.

Version 1.27

- Updated the whole guide, which includes adding a basic sections, updating the
walkthrough, adding this and that... etc, etc.

Version 2.09

- The FAQ/Walkthrough is finally complete!. Next version I'll finish this guide

Version FINAL

- I noticed that this could be very well the FINAL version of the guide as
everything required to beat the game has been completed.

Version 2.50

- Removed the trick listing as well as the gap list(unnecessary, in-a-friend's-


This document property of "GheddonLN". All rights reserved. Copyright 2002 by
José Felipe Vargas. This document may not be reproduced in any way, shape or
form without written permission from the document's copyright holder, and may
not be uploaded, downloaded, or transferred to your hard drive unless from the
following sites permissible:

Failure to abide by this legal contract will result in a lawsuit in which you
may be sentenced to serve a term in prison for copyright infringement as well as
paying out compensation to the document's owner. This document may not be edited
in whole or part, unless given permission by the document's copyright owner.
This legal notification applies to international copyright laws and will be
extremely well carried out by the authorities, copyright holder, and citizens.


---To activision/O2
Fro creating this game.

---To THayes guide
For taking me through some levels.

---To Tom Hayes
For letting me use his character guide

---Ice Flamethrower III
For letting me use his explicit copyright notice.

---To me
For typing up this guide.


Welcome to another FAQ by me, GheddonLN. My last project(FFIX) sent me into the
most profilic contributors list, but that doesn't means I'll stop writing. There
are still a lot of PS2 games I want to make guides for(such as Dave Mirra 2,
Shaun Plamer Pro Snowboarder, Ephemeral Phantasia, Devil May cry...). But at
least, I can say I'm profilic.

Tony Hawk Pro skater, third part of the epic skating series, is probably one of
the most satisfying games of the year. Not as good as GTA3, freedom-wise, but
still, a solid game. Unlike previous materials, this game graphics are smooth,
clean, and wonderful. Controls haven't changed a bit and that's good, because
THP controls have always been superb. You'll still tackle through levels, while
pulling off tricks and completing objectives.

Considering that each skater has an slightly different adventure from the other
ones, and that you have a lot to find, explore and snag in each level, I can
consider THPS3 as one of the most long lasting games I've ever seen. I bought
this game a long time ago, and I'm still enjoying it. Even if you're not a fan
of skateboards, you should pick this wonderful game if you can. Its pick-up-and-
play style will make it an all-ages-friendly game, so don't worry. You ain't
wasting your money.


1. Quick control rundown

D-pad = Used to move character.
Left stick = Used to move character.
Right stick = Used to move the camera.
R2/L2 = Used to do a revert(is specially useful when landing on a ramp)
START = Pause game
Circle = Used to do grab tricks.
Triangle = Used to grind rails(and other things too).
Square = Used to do flip tricks(try to do these in the air).
X = Used to accelerate and to do ollies.

2. In depth

For the R2/L2 buttons, these are used to do reverts. Reverts are used to chain
tricks to other tricks. For example, you do an eggplant on a ramp, and then you
do an revert(press either button as the snowboard touches the floor). Then, you
could do a manual, and reach a grind, and start grinding. Then, you stop
grinding, do a manual, look for a jump, use it and do two flips, you land, and
then manual again. See?. The revert serves as a connecting between all of these
tricks. If you press either one of these buttons while snowboarding normally,
you'll make character do a pointless revert.

The letter buttons located on the right part of the control are used to do
tricks, and only tricks. Using the square button, you'll do flips, which are
tricks that involve flipping and doing twists. These are pretty long, so try do
them when you have enough air. The grab tricks(use the circle button) are a lot
easier to do, as you can pull them out anywhere easily. Also, if you do a grab
trick, and keep the grab button pressed, you'll increase your score. Linking
this with a 180º/360º/540º... motion on your stick can earn you a lot of points.

Lastly, we have the grind button, triangle. Grinds are a vital part of this
game, as they are normally worth a lot of points, and they serve as links
between more advanced and point-full tricks. To do a grind, press triangle next
to a rail. The character you are using will do a grind. If you just pressed
triangle, he'll do a basic grind, but if you did a motion on the left stick and
then pressed the button, you'll do a more advanced grind, which is worth more


----[Saving your game]----------------------------------------------------------

Each time you complete an objective on a level, you'll be asked if you want to
save your game. But that's not the only way. You could also end the run, and
you'll get the option to save your game(click on "SAVE GAME") even if you didn't
complete an objective. In the skate shop, you can go to the options menu and
save your game too. The requires memory slots are few, so you should have no
problem to save your game.

----[Game modes]----------------------------------------------------------------

There are several game modes. The first one, is the career mode. IN career mode,
you'll visit levels and you'll complete objectives. You'll also be able to get
new decks and stat points. The more the objectives you have, the more the levels
you can play on. The second one is free skate, where you simply enter a level,
and skate freely, doing points and practicing tricks. We also have single
session, where you can show yourself what you got. And lastly, there is a
tutorial mode, for those who are new in this world.

---[Goal completion]------------------------------------------------------------

Each level has about 8 goals(not the exact number though). Each goal vary from
other goals. In some levels, you'll have to help somebody out, or destroy
something so another something will start working. Other goals include
collecting the letters S, K, A, T & E, getting the secret tape, and accumulating
certain amount of points(the amount increases as you advance through the game).
Depending if you are using a vert or street skater, you may get a different goal
which involves doing a trick across a gap.

---[Level unlocking]------------------------------------------------------------

Each level requires a certain amount of goals, or medals, in order to be
unlocked. Some levels require more objectives/medals than others. Normally, if
you complete all objectives in a level, you'll unlock the next one, and if in
this level you complete all objectives, you'll unlock next one, and
successively. Try to complete all objectives from all levels to unlock other
levels fast and easy.

---[Stat Points]----------------------------------------------------------------

Each level has a certain amount of stat points. Their location vary depending on
what skater you are using. Stat points represent once circle on your character's
status bar. Each time you get an stat points, you'll be able to edit your stats.
You'll be able to add points to each status bar, thus increasing each characters
performance. But, as stated before: stat points represent one circle on your
character's status bar. So, you can remove points from one status bar, and add
it to another bar. Simple, eh?.


Decks are items you get just for fun, as they do not affect your performance on
the game. Decks are the lower part of your skateboard. There are images cooler
than others, but all in all, they're just gotten to goof around. Like the stat
points, each deck is located on a different place, regardless what character are
you using.


Each level has a healthy amount of peds. Some of them are cool, some bad, but
all in all, they serve for one purpose, only: to get you bonus points. Each time
you do a trick that reaches the thousand or so points, and if a ped is near,
you'll get an spectator bonus, or ped props. These increase your points, and x##
numeral. There are some peds who can just be rammed without having to worry, but
some of them will punch you as you approach them. Either way, try to impress
them with your tricks to get some bonus points.


Gaps are special tricks which only appear on your trick bar when you do
something special. Gaps are not only spaces between ramps, half pipes, etc. For
instance, in certain level, grinding from one rail to another is considered a
gap(rail hop, to be exact). Gaps serve as point boosters, and some of them give
away more points than others(there is a gap section in this FAQ which can help
you out). Always to try to link gaps with your tricks. For instance, In
suburbia, doing a one foot japan+"between the ramps" gap+revert+manual is 50.000
or so points(depending on how much time you holded the one foot japan, how many
degrees you rotated it, and how much time you were on manual stance).

---[Grind tricks]---------------------------------------------------------------

Grinds are a vital part of this game, and(in my case) they're the most important
parts when trying to get a lot of points. Grinding is very easy. Just get near a
rail, and press triangle. You'll do the basic grind(FS 50-50 I believe). If you
do a combo(like UP+T) you'll do another kind of grinding. All in all, grindings
are simple. You can grind almost anywhere: a set of stairs, a rail, a wooden
bridge, a log, a fence, etc, etc, etc. Doing boardslides and noselides while
grinding helps, specially if you are wanting to get a huge score.

---[Grab trick]-----------------------------------------------------------------

The grab tricks are performed by making a motion on your stick/d-pad and then
pressing the circle button(keep in mind that you can only do grabs if you press
a button on the d-pad, or move the stick. Otherwise, you won't do a thing. If
you keep the circle button pressed, the total points you'll get from the trick
will increase drastically. If you do a <<>> and hold the
grab, you'll also increase your points.

---[Flip tricks]----------------------------------------------------------------

Flip tricks are the simplest kind of tricks. They are easy to perform(you can do
a lot of them if you have enough air) can be done while grinding or while
skating normally. To do a flip trick, move the stick or jiggle on the d-pad, and
the character will do a flip trick. Flips aren't worth a lot of tricks, but
because they can be easily combined with grinds, they are useful to get points.

---[Scoring points]-------------------------------------------------------------

Each trick you perform has a certain value. Each time you do that trick, its
value will be added to your point meter. Each time you repeat a trick, you'll
get less points. Performing an Airwalk once will grant you 400 points, and
twice, 350 points. To get a lot of points easily, link tricks with other tricks
by using grinds, reverts and manuals. If you do a combo of more than one trick,
the value of the combo will be multiplied with the number of tricks you pulled
out. If you did a one foot japan+nose manual, you'll get <<>> x
2. You can pull out x50, x98(but is pretty hard)... you'll be always worrying
about scoring, as all levels have a goal which involves scoring.

--> Scoring tips

---Do a lot of grinds!. And while grinding, jump, then grind, jump then
grind(you could also jump and then do boardslides and noselides) to increment
your x## value, therefore increasing the points you get as you end your tricks.

---Manual a lot too!. When you feel like going out of a grind, because there is
not way to continue, or you're just tired, follow the last grind with a manual.
As you manual, jump, manual, jump, manual, jump, manual... until you reach a
grind, and then grind, and then repeat. Lotsa points at the end.

---Revert as you land after an air trick, or after you do an invert. When you do
a one foot japan, and then land with a revert, you'll increase your x## meter,
and you'll also get more points. Right after you revert, you could manual, and
then reach a rail, and grind it up!.

---Do a lot of inverts!. Every tome you find a ramp, do an invert on it, and
then start the whole revert+manual+manual+grind... Don't forget that inverts are
also a lot of points. If you can keep your balance for about ten seconds while
doing a gymnast plant, you could get about 10.000 points, x2(revert) about
30.000+manual+manual+manual+grind+grind+grind+manual+grind...(unlimited) about
100.000/800.000 points.

---When doing grab tricks, hold them up!. Do not neglect the fact that you can
rack up more points than normal by holding up the circle button. If you pull out
a one foot japan or one del mar indy, and you have enough air, and you holde
them up, you could get as much as 5.000 points in one trick. Combine this with a
gap or a revert, and then a manual, and those 5.000 could transform into 50.000
or 500.000.

---While grinding, do flips!. That way, you'll get a lot more points, and you'll
boost out your x## meter. Flips can be done by doing an ollie while grinding(be
sure you have enough speed) and then do a flip trick combination. Use them if
you're serious about getting a lot of points in just one combo.


Steve Caballero


Air - | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | | |
Ollie - | | | | |
Speed - | | | |
Spin - | | | | |
Switch - | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | | |
Manual Balance - | | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Goofy
Push Style - Never Mongo


Kickflip Superman - Right, Up + Square
FS 540 - Left, Down + Circle
Hang Ten Nosegrind - Down, Up + Triangle
Handstand 360 Hand Flip - Left, Up + Triangle

Kareem Campbell


Air - | | | | | |
Hangtime - | | |
Ollie - | | | | | |
Speed - | | | | |
Spin - | | | | | | |
Switch - | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | |
Manual Balance - | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Ghetto Bird - Up, Right + Square
Kickflip Backflip - Left, Down + Circle
Reemo Slide - Down, Left + Triangle
Nosegrind to Pivot - Down, Up + Triangle

Rune Gilfberg


Air - | | | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | | | |
Ollie - | | | | |
Speed - | | | |
Spin - | | | | |
Switch - | | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | | |
Manual Balance - | |

Trick Style - Vert
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Double Kickflip Madonna - Right, Up + Square
Christ Air - Left, Right + Circle
Crail Slide - Right, Down + Triangle
One Foot Blunt - Left, Right + Triangle

Tony Hawk


Air - | | | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | |
Ollie - | | |
Speed - | | | | |
Spin - | | | | | | | |
Switch - | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | | |
Manual Balance - | | |

Trick Style - Vert
Stance - Goofy
Push Style - Never Mongo


5-0 Overturn - Right, Left + Triangle
1-2-3-4 - Left, Right + Circle
The 900 - Right, Down + Circle
Double Kickflip Indy - Left, Down + Square

Eric Koston


Air - | | | |
Hangtime - | | |
Ollie - | | | | | | |
Speed - | | | |
Spin - | | | |
Switch - | | | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | |
Manual Balance - | | | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Goofy
Push Style - Mongo on Switch


Fandangle - Up, Right + Triangle
Slamma Jamma - Right, Left + Square
Stalefish BackFlip - Down, Right + Square
Pizza Guy - Right, Up + Circle

Bucky Lasek


Air - | | | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | | | |
Ollie - | | |
Speed - | | | | |
Spin - | | | | | | |
Switch - | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | |
Lip Balance - | | | | | |
Manual Balance - | |

Trick Style - Vert
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Big Hitter II - Up, Left + Triangle
Fingerflip Airwalk - Left, Right + Circle
Misty Flip - Right, Down + Circle
FS 540 HeelFlip - Left, Down + Square

Bam Margera


Air - | | | |
Hangtime - | | | |
Ollie - | | | | | |
Speed - | | | | | |
Spin - | | | | |
Switch - | | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | |
Manual Balance - | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Goofy
Push Style - Never Mongo


540 TailWhip - Up, Left + Square
The Jackass - Down, Up + Square
Human Dart - Up, Down + Triangle
Russian Boneless - Left, Right + Triangle

Rodney Mullen


Air - | |
Hangtime - | |
Ollie - | | | | | |
Speed - | | |
Spin - | | | | | | | |
Switch - | | | | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | |
Manual Balance - | | | | | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Gazelle Underflip - Up, Down + Square
Truckstand - Left, Down + Triangle
Anti Casper - Right, Left + Triangle
HandStand Double Flip - Right, Down + Triangle

Chad Muska


Air - | | | |
Hangtime - | | | |
Ollie - | | | | | | | |
Speed - | | | | |
Spin - | | | | |
Switch - | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | |
Manual Balance - | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Handstand 50-50 - Right, Down + Triangle
BS Nose Comply - Right, Left + Triangle
Tailblock Slide - Left, Down + Triangle
Ghetto Blastin - Down, Up + Triangle

Andrew Reynolds


Air - | | | |
Hangtime - | |
Ollie - | | | | | | | |
Speed - | | | |
Spin - | | | | |
Switch - | | | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | |
Manual Balance - | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Dark Disaster - Left, Right + Triangle
Hardflip Late Flip - Left, Right + Square
Noseslide Lipslide - Right, Down + Triangle
Quad Heelflip - Up, Right + Square

Geoff Rowley


Air - | | | | | |
Hangtime - | |
Ollie - | | | | | | |
Speed - | | | |
Spin - | | |
Switch - | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | | | | |
Manual Balance - | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Rowley Darkslide - Up, Right + Triangle
Casper Flip 360 Flip - Down, Right + Square
The H Teeth Sweeper - Left, Right + Triangle
Sproing - Up, Down + Triangle

Elissa Steamer


Air - | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | |
Ollie - | | | | |
Speed - | | | |
Spin - | | | | |
Switch - | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | | |
Manual Balance - | | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Coffin - Up, Left + Triangle
Primo - Down, Right + Triangle
Bigspin Flip to Tail - Right, Left + Triangle
Judo Madonna - Left, Right + Circle

Jamie Thomas


Air - | | | |
Hangtime - | | | |
Ollie - | | | | | | |
Speed - | | | | |
Spin - | | | |
Switch - | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | |
Manual Balance - | | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Goofy
Push Style - Never Mongo


Crook Bigspin Crook - Right, Down + Triangle
One Wheel Nosemanual - Down, Up + Triangle
360 Hardflip - Left, Up + Square
Layback Sparks - Left, Right + Triangle


Secret Characters


Darth Maul


Air - | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | |
Ollie - | | | |
Speed - | | | | |
Spin - | | | | | | |
Switch - | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | | |
Manual Balance - | | | |

Trick Style - Vert
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Force Grab - Left, Right + Circle
Sith Saber Spin - Left, Right + Triangle
Dark Jedi Grind - Right, Left + Triangle



Air - | | | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | | | |
Ollie - | | |
Speed - | | | | | | |
Spin - | | | | | | |
Switch - | | |
Rail Balance - | | |
Lip Balance - | | |
Manual Balance - | | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Mongo on Switch


Claw Punch - Left, Right + Square
The Claw Drag - Down, Up + Triangle
The Berzerker - Up, Down + Circle

Officer Dick


Air - | | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | | |
Ollie - | | | |
Speed - | | | |
Spin - | | | | |
Switch - | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | | |
Manual Balance - | | | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Goofy
Push Style - Always Mongo


Sobriety Grind - Left, Right + Triangle
Lazy Ass Manual - Up, Down + Triangle
Assume The Position II - Down, Right + Circle

Private Carrera


Air - | | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | |
Ollie - | | | | | |
Speed - | | | |
Spin - | | | | |
Switch - | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | | | |
Manual Balance - | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Handspring Layout - Up, Down + Circle
Ho Ho Sad Plant - Left, Right + Triangle
Ahhh yeahhh! - Right, Left + Triangle

Ollie the Magic Bum


Air - | | |
Hangtime - | | |
Ollie - | | | | | | | |
Speed - | | | |
Spin - | | | | | | | |
Switch - | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | |
Lip Balance - | | |
Manual Balance - | | | | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Always Mongo


S.U.I. Grind - Left, Right + Triangle
ZZZZ Manual - Up, Down + Triangle
Panhandling - Up, Down + Circle

Kelly Slater


Air - | | | | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | | | | |
Ollie - | | |
Speed - | | | | | |
Spin - | | | | |
Switch - | | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | |
Lip Balance - | | |
Manual Balance - | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Never Mongo


Duck Dive Shark Attack - Down, Up + Triangle
Rodeo Clown - Left, Down + Circle
Paddle Out Grind - Left, Right + Triangle



Air - | | | | | | | | | |
Hangtime - | | | | | | | | | |
Ollie - | | | | | | | | | |
Speed - | | | | | | | | | |
Spin - | | | | | | | | | |
Switch - | | | | | | | | | |
Rail Balance - | | | | | | | | | |
Lip Balance - | | | | | | | | | |
Manual Balance - | | | | | | | | | |

Trick Style - Street
Stance - Regular
Push Style - Mongo on Switch


AC Air - Right, Left + Circle
The Summoner - Left, Right + Triangle
Visiting Home - Up, Down + Triangle

Neversoft Eyeball


Air - |
Hangtime - |
Ollie - |
Speed - |
Spin - |
Switch - |
Rail Balance - |
Lip Balance - |
Manual Balance - |

Trick Style - Vert
Stance - Goofy
Push Style - Always Mongo


Super Hand Clap - Left, Right + Circle



Objective checklist(summarized)

- Get 10.000 points
- Get 30.000 points
- Get 60.000 points
* Do inverts on the half pipe(and link them up with a revert)
* Do special grinds(handstand)
* Manual a lot too.
- Get the secret tape
* This one is floating on a wide rail in the roof of the level.
- Cannonball over the halfpipe
* Do a cannonball and clear the half pipe
- 50-50 TC rail
* In the middle part of the level is a green rail. Do a 50-50 on it.
- Um Jam 5 valves
* On the right side of the slope you start on.
* On the left side of the slope you start on.
* On the right side of the rails at the north part of the level.
* On the left side of the rails at the north part of the level.
* On the are where the pool is
- Grind the molten bucket
* Grind the little rails of the bucket to complete this level.
- Soak the forearm
* Grind the rail behind the forearm that is in the pool area.
- Collect SKATE
* See walkthrough below

Area analysis

This level is pretty short, but has a lot of spots to do tricks on. I really
like the fact that there are a lot of grinds and rails. You can put out a lot of
grind tricks and flip tricks at the same time on them. Grind around the yellow
grinds near the molten bucket, then jump, and start grinding on the grind below
the yellow grinds. The half pipe in the first quarter of the level can help you
to pull out high-points tricks. Do an invert on the pipe's lip, and then revert
as you land. Do a manual, and then start grinding on the half pipe's lip. As you
grind, jump(hold and release X) move the left stick 180º and then start grinding
again. This combo is worth a lot of points.

Right in the middle of the level(where the K is when playing as Kareem for
example) is a green platform, which raises as the molten bucket pours lava in
the lava pool. When it raises, you'll see two grinds, and a hole. If you grind
from one rail to the other(by jumping the hole) you can score medium points. The
catwalks high in this level are very hard to navigate, and you need to skate
through them in order to get the secret tape. Lastly, do a lot of grab tricks on
the ramps(a 540 One Foot Japan is easily pulled out by jumping from the

Objective checklist

Get 10.000/30.000/60.000 Points

I found out while playing as Emma that getting 200.000 points in this level
ain't that hard. First off, put in your special slots some grind specials like
the darkslide and handstand 50-50. Also, put some of your best lips like the
gymnast plant with combos like Up + T so you can pull out them quickly. Now,
listen up. Go down the slope at the start of the level, and do a couple of
tricks there to burst out your special bar. Then, manual your way out of the
half pipe, and search for a rail. Go seizure!. Jiggle the d-pad and press the
triangle button while olling. You'll start to do noselides and bluntsides, and
with any luck, and special or two may come out. When a rail ends, manual your
way to another one. I've gotten a max of 180.000 points from this kind of
combos(at the ends of the run I had ~500.000 points).

Cannonball over the half pipe(vert skaters)

Using a vert skater, go down the slope at the start of the level, and skate to
the half pipe. As you are near the edge, release the X button to jump, and do a
cannonball. If you land other side, you'll complete this objective.

50-50 Tc's rail(street skaters)

As you advance towards the north part of the level, you'll sport two set of two-
grinds to the left(four grinds in total). Select either one of them, and do a
50-50 grind until the name "tc rail" appears in blue. Then, jump out from the
grind. You'll have this objective completed then.

Get the secret tape

From the start, look at the ramps to the left and to the right of the slope
leading to the half pipe. Use either one of them to launch yourself and do your
best to land on the catwalk. Skate to the right, and head towards the glass
square. In there, you'll see a ramp. Use it to jump to the grindable(and thin)
path where the tape is on. Grind towards it.

Soak the Foreman

From the start of the level, go down the slope, and head to the right. Take the
path to the right of the half pipe, and head forwards. You'll see a slope. Go up
it, and head to the left. You'll see the foreman, and a crane behind him. Grind
along the grind where the crane is on to complete this objective.

Um-Jam 5 valves

There are five valves on this level, and all they have a little rail on them. In
order to um-jam them, you must grind the little white rail.

1 Valve - Go down the slope at the start of the level, and turn right. There is
a valve there.

2 Valve - Go down the slope at the start of the level, and turn left. There is a
valve there.

3 Valve - Head forwards from the second valve, and go up the slope into the pool
area. There is a valve here.

4 Valve - This one is across the 3 valve.

5 Valve - From the fourth valve, head forwards and go around the semi circle
shaped path. Other side you'll find this valve.

Collect Skate

This is the whole possible skate locations:

- There is one floating in the green press.

- From the start of the level, turn around and you'll see a letter.

- Go down the slope at the start, and look for this letter on one of the ramps.

- On the furnace left of the green press(south part)

- In the same furnace left of the green press, in the north part.

* Second set

- This letter is floating above the middle half pipe

- Turn around from the start of the level and you'll see this letter

- Floating above the lava pool at the end of the level

- Floating above the green press.

- On a rail left of the green press.

* Third set

- Floating above the pool of water

- Floating above the press box kink, which is next to the green press

- On one of the ramps down the slope at the start of the level

- On the circular rail at the end of the level

- Floating above the tub of lava.

Grind the Molten Bucket

To the north of the level, you'll see a bucket which occasionally pours lava
into a pool. There is also a control panel by the pool. Wait the bucket to start
pouring, and skate towards it. Use the ramps on the pool, and jump and grind the
little rails to the left/right of the bucket. You've finished this level.


Objective checklist(summarized)

- Get 30.000 points
- Get 70.000 points
- Get 120.000 points.
* Go forwards towards the little half pipe. Do a invert on it, and then a
* Then, look for a grind, and do a couple of grinds
* Do some special grinds too.
* Do manuals to link grinds.
- Get the secret tape
* Floating on the mine rail in the pine area of the level.
- Melon grab over the blade
* As you start the level, turn around. You'll see the blade
* Do a melon grab over it.
- Nosegrind around the horn
* From where you start, go around and throw yourself into the lake.
* Above, advance forwards until you see a drop.
* Nosegrind the horn then.
- Get chuck unstuck
* Chuck is to the other side of the left fence(from the starting position).
* Skate through chuck to unstuck him.
- Bury that bully
* As you start, turn around, and jump yourself into the snowy tree.
- Impress the skaters.
* This one is one the fence to the right from where you start.
* In the pool area(jump the fence to the right) advance north. There is one to
the far left.
* There are two high rails in the north part of the pool area. There is one lo
-cated on one of them.
* There is one across the second skater, above a ramp).
* There is one to the far east part of the pool area, above a half pipe.
- Collect skate
* See walkthrough below.

Area analysis

This level has a few areas to do tricks. The area with trees and ramps is good
to get tricks and points if you're a pro with grab and flip tricks. Grind can
also be used here, along with inverts. But the best trick point is the area
directly north of the start. Also, there is a pipe park to the right of where
you entrance(you'll have to ollie above a fence. There a lot of rails where you
can grind, and the pools here are also useful to do grabs and inverts(which can
be easily combined with grinds and manuals).

If you turn around after you start, you'll reach the tree area of the level. To
the west is a circular tree-room where you can pull out a lot of tricks like
inverts and grab/flip tricks. To the north is the ramp area(passing the river).
To the far, far north, you'll come to a half pipe, which can be raised by
grinding the rail with a machine on it(the left rail, from south to north). I
really don't like skating around this place, unless when I need to get the
secret tape.

Objective Checklist

Get 35.000/70.000/120.000

To get high scores in this level, put the same specials listed above, and grind
your way towards the half pipe north from where you start. Do an invert trick,
and as you land, revert, and then manual. Then, grind the rail here, and grind
your way down by doing darkslides and handstands. At the bottom, do an invert
trick on the half pipe, then a revert, then a manual, and then grind your way to
the top. There, repeat. The other day, I linked up all tricks about three times,
and at the end, I got about 350.000 points from that single combo.

Get Chuck Unstuck

Forn where you start, ollie over the rail to the left. You'll see a man with his
tongue stick on a bar. Skate "through" him, and you'll complete this objective.

Bury that Bully!

This is another simple objective. From where you start, go down the [ramp] and
head forwards a bit. Then, turn around. Skate towards the [ramp] and then jump
towards the snow-filled tree. You'll bury the bully.

Melon grab over the blade(vert skaters)

From where you start, go down the [ramp] head forwards, and then turn around.
You'll see the [ramp] as well as two [blades] to the left and to the right of
this [ramp]. Skate to either the left or right blade, take air, melon grab over
the [ramp] and land on the other blade:

Nosegrind around the horn(street skaters)

From the start, head to [your] left, and skate through the short path to the
right of the right blade, Drive forwards and throw yourself onto the lake(yes,
I'm being serious). You'll respawn in the ramp above. Drive forwards to the
ramp's edge, and nosegrind the "wire" to the right. Wait until the word "around
the horn appears, and then jump.

Get the secret tape

This is a tricky one. From where you start, turn around and head north. Skate
through the logs above the lake, and head forwards. You'll see a ramp, and a
halfpipe. In a rail near these is a box. Grind the rail with this box, and the
half pipe will raise. Use the ramp to throw yourself into the half pipe above.
Then, throw yourself into the half pipe above(yes, another one). Now, grind on
the left rail of the half pipe you are currently on and throw yourself into the
half log. Then, grind along the mine cart rail, and get the secret tape.

Impress the skaters

1 Skater - From where you start, head a bit north, and you'll see a skater from
afar. Grind the rail her(do a couple of boardslides and handstands) to impress

2 Skater - Jump the fence to the right from where you start, and look for a ramp
to east. Do an invert trick on it to impress the skater on it.

3 Skater - Head into the pool area, the same one from above, and advance to the
north, until you see two twin rails. There is a skater on of them. Do an invert
trick on in front of him.

4 Skater - In the same area above, head into the north part of it, and look to
the far left. There is a skater there. Do an invert trick in front of him to
impress him.

5 Skater - From where the last skater is, head forwards and look for the skater
here. Ignore him from now, and drop yourself from where he is. Then, turn
around. You'll see he is above a half pipe. Do an invert trick in front of him
to complete this objective.

Collect Skate

- Floating on the rail left from where you start

- Use a snow ramp next to the lake to launch yourself into a house rooftop.

- Throw yourself into the lake, and as you respawn, grind the log in front if

- Grind the log which comes after the one above

- From the last letter, head forwards and use the ramp to take air and get this.

* Second Set

- This one is floating on the fence right from where you start

- On the pool area, skate along the left side to get this letter

- This one is on the opposite side of the letter above

- Around where the second letter is

- Floating on totems hand which is to the east part of the pool area.

* Third set

- This one is floating above two cars which are in the middle of two ramps.

- This one is floating at the half pipe north from where you start

- Turn right from the half pipe mentioned above, and use the left rail to go
down. You'll get this letter as you descend

- At the bottom, take air from the half pipe to get this letter

- This one is floating above a banner. Use the half pipe mentioned above to
grind your way towards this letter.


Area analysis

No area analysis required(unless somebody asks me).


This level is an skating competition. You have three runs, and each one is one
minute long. You have to do tricks to get points. The higher your points, the
higher your "grades". Bailing(falling, crashing, losing balance in a
grind/invert) hurts your grade. Lastly, only the higher scores you get will be
accumulated. Example, you get an 80.0, an 70.00, an 90.00, an 60.00 and an
50.000. Three scores, which are 80.00, 70.00 and 90.000(highest score) will be

-->Rule rundown

- One minute long(each run; three minute long in total)
- Higher points = higher grades
- Bailing hurts score
- Only the highest grades will be accumulated.


From where you start, you'll see two green rails, which are located on the left
and right. Grind the one to the left, and as you are about to reach its ledge,
jump, and do an airwalk. As you land, head forwards onto the bus stomp, and
start grinding. Jump onto the quarter-circle rail(lower part) and then grind
into the higher part). Head forwards(grind the platform) onto the next quarter
circle. Grind the lower part, and then the higher part. Then, jump into the
higher part of the spectator box. Do a couple of grinds, and jump onto the rail
below, and grind onto the next quarter-circle rail. Do the same, and jump onto
the straight wall(which serves as a grind). Just keep grinding, and at the end,
you should have 90.000 points(specially if you used special grinds such as
handstand and darkslides and you link tricks with manuals).


Objective checklist(summarized)

- Get 55.000 points
- get 110.000 points
- Get 200.000 points
* This is very hard. Go to the half pipe area, and do an invert, then a revert,
* Manual your way towards a grind, and do a handstand+darkslide on it.
* Manual your way to another grind, and repeat. You should have enough points to
clear the first objective. Then, repeat and repeat...
- Get the secret tape
* This one is inside the haunted house, floating on a rail.
- Help the thin man out.
* Get the axe that is on the construction site.
* Take it to the thin man standing outside the haunted house.
- Squash 5 pumpkins
* This is one is located in the house north from where you start.
* On the frontyard, next to a car, to be more exact.
* Behind the house above, look for a ramp. The pumpkins is on it.
* Look for this one which is one the half pipe area.
* On the west part of the haunted house frontyard.
* Use the pool on the construction site to launch yourself to a rail where
this pumpkin is.
- Restore the power to the dish
* Grind the cables connecting two houses.
- Heelflip the trailer's hop
* Heelflip across the blue trailer's hop located on the half pipe area.
- Nosgrab between the ramps
* There are two ramps in the halfpipe area, and a space between them.
* Do a nosegrab across the space to complete this objective.
- Collect skate
* See walkthrough.

Area analysis

This is a level I don't like a lot. There aren't a lot of areas where you can
pull out tricks, and the level is pretty small. The trailer area is the best
area to get points. Do a couple of grind between trailer and trailer, and then
do grabs by using the ramps, and also inverts+reverse+manual+grind+grind+grind.
These kind of combo is worth a lot of points. There is an empty pool north from
where you start(in the backyard of a house) and another to the east from where
you start.

The creepy house can also be used to get points, as there are a lot of ramps
where you can pull out tricks and do inverts, reverts and manuals. To enter this
place you must complete a certain objective though. By using the cables located
in the roof next to the trailers you can reach the rooftop of another
house(these cables are also useful to pull out tricks). The construction area
has a lot of rails where you can grind and go flips and grabs.

Objective checklist


In this level, getting this score [could] be a bit hard. From the start, do an
airwalk to do a bit of warm up. Then, head into the halfpipe(trailer) area, do
an invert, then do a revert, a manual, then start grinding. When you think you
are about to fall, stop grinding, and do a manual [again]. Look for a rail,
grind, and then do a [manual again]. This may take a lot of practice, but if you
can keep the grind+manual thingie, you should be able to get about 500.000

Help the thin man out

From where you start, head to the right. You'll see the construction site. There
are workers here. Go to where the workers are, and head to the right. You'll see
to rails. One of them has an axe. Grind the one with the axe to get it. Then,
skate towards the creepy house, and get near the thin man. You'll hand over the
axe, and this objective will be completed.

Get the secret tape

After you help the thin man out, go through the door he opens for you, and head
forwards. Use the ramp here to jump to the other side(you'll do the "I have a
bad feeling about this" gap). In here, drive forwards and take the first right
you can. You'll see a ramp which takes you to a window. Use this ramp, crash
into the window, and head forwards into the next window. Crash it, and get the
secret tape(Spooky drop).

Nosegrab between the ramps(vert skaters)

From the start of the level, head to the left into the trailer area. In here,
look for a red trailer with a ramp on it. There is another ramp next to this
one. And there is an space between both ramps. Use either one of the ramps, do a
nosegrab in the space between the ramps and land on the other ramp. You know
what I mean.

Heelflip the trailer's hop(street skaters)

From where you start, go to the left into the trailer area. In here, head north,
and look for a blue trailer. What you must do is to heelflip across it. Take air
by using the ramp on the back of the trailer, do a heelflip, and pray so you'll
land on the other side. If you do, you'll complete this objective.

Squash 5 pumpkins

Spread throughout this level are 5 pumpkins which you must squash. From the
start, head north to a house's font yard. There is a pumpkin on a rail. Grind
the rail to squash this one. Then, go through this house's alley into the
backyard(the one with the pool) and skate towards the ramps here. There is a
pumpkin on one of them. Squash it, and go out this house.

In the main street, head forwards to the trailer area. Look for a pimpkin on one
of the ramps, and squash it. Then, enter the creepy house front yard, and head
to the left. You'll see a ramp. There is a pumpkin there. Squash it then. Now,
go out the creepy house, and skate to the construction site. In here, you'll see
a pool. Use it to take air and land on the rail where the last pumpkin is.

Restore the power to the dish

From where you start, go down the slope, and head forwards into a house
backyard. In here, you'll see two ramps leading to this house's roof. Use them
to get there. If you took the one to the left, turn around. You'll see a wire.
Grind it all the way to another's house roof. If you took the right ramp, head a
bit to the left, and look for the wire next to a ramp. Grind it to another's
house roof. In here, look for a higher wire, and grind it, all the way back to
the first house roof. You'll have this objective completed then.

Collect Skate

* First set

- This one is floating above the fence north from where you start

- Enter the backyard of the house north from where you start, and use the slopes
next to where you got the last letter to get up to the house's roof. This letter
is floating above a ramp

- On the picnic area on the trailer area

- This one is on a rail outside the haunted house

- This one is floating around the construction site, right from where you start.

* Second Set

- This is one is floating above a car north from where you start

- Advance a little forwards from where you start, and turn left. You'll see a
couple of muddy ramps. Use them to get air and get this letter

- This one is floating on the same rail where the last pumpkin is

- On the house with the dish roof/backyard.

- Floating on the trailer area, on the "washing area"(Like in Tom guide yes. I
have no better way to describe it =(

* Third set

- Floating in the same rail where the last pumpkin(use the pool in the
construction site to launch yourself into this rail)

- This is one is floating above a ramp next to the fire truck, which is near the
construction site.

- This is floating on the quarter pipe outside the haunted house

- Floating between two ramps in the trailer area

- On top of the red trailer, which is next to the house north from where you


Objective checklist(summarized)

- Get 75.000 points
- Get 150.000 points
- Get 300.000 points
* These are very easy.
* Grind your way towards the area after the escalator, doing special grinds
and manuals on your way.
* Once you reach the area here, look for a ramp and do an invert, then a
* Then, look for a rail, and start going grinds and manuals. You could also
mix this up with invert tricks.
- Get the secret tape
* Right after you reach the area beyond the escalator, head to the right until
you reach a ramp. Use a little ramp to launch yourself into the rail above, and
grind your way towards the secret tape.
- Stop the pickpockets
* There is one to the right from where you start.
* There is also one to the left.
* In the area beyond the first escalator, enter the bathroom to the right.
There are two pickpockets here.
* Right in the are beyond the escalator, head to the right where the last
pickpocket is.
- Airwalk over an escalator
* In the area beyond the escalator, turn to the right.
* In there, Airwalk over an escalator.
- Crooked grind around the baggage claim
* In the same area where you completed the objective above is a baggage claim.
* Do a crooked grind(diagonal(upper left)+T) all around it.
- Visit 10 countries
* On the are beyond the last escalator, turn to the right, and grind around
the circular rail, destroying the flags.
* Do the same as above on the left side.
- Take the tickets to your skater buddy.
* From where you start, grind the left rail.
* Take the tickets to your skater buddy, which is beyond the last escalator.
- Collect skate
* See walkthrough.

Area analysis

This level is pretty straightforward. You'll always finish on the same part of
this level(unless you waste your time goofing around) which is the area filled
with people looking for their flights. On your way there, there a lot of grinds,
so racking up points shouldn't be hard. Grind the rails outside bathrooms, and
the ones inside them is worth a lot of points. Transferring from an escalator to
another also gives out a lot of points. The level, as stated before, is very
straightforward, so no further analysis is required.

Objective checklist

Get 75.000/150.000/300.000

For this one, I suggest you to put a manual special on your special slots. I
would also recommend a point-full special, as well as experience with manuals,
grinds, and specials. Ok, listen up. From where you start, grind the rail to the
left, and enter the bathroom. Grind the rails here, and exit the bathroom. You
should have your special bar filled up. Do a manual special, and keep your
balance until you reach the escalator going down, and grind it down. Halfway
down, do an 180 escalator hop, and when you land, do the manual special again.

Look for a rail as soon as you can, and then grind a nearby rail. Go through the
security door, and manual your way to the escalator leading down. Do the same
you did above, and when you land, do the manual, and skate towards either the
ramp to the left or right, and do an invert. As you land, do a manual special
for a while, then stop, do an invert, do a manual special, etc, etc. This took
me a lot of time to master, but I got about 780.000 points(total).

Take the tickets to your skate buddy

From where you start, grind the rail to the left, and then head towards the area
where the people are waiting for their flights. On your way there, you'll come
across the security doors. Evade them by using the ramp right of them(or else
you'll lose your tickets). In the are where people are waiting for their
flights(the one which is after the last escalator) head to the left. Look for a
man with a skate and a woman next to him. Skate near him to complete this

Stop the pickpockets

There are five pickpockets her in the airport who are causing madness. As soon
as you get near them, they'll steal the nearest person's wallet, and start
running, showing off that they stole. There are two directly in front of the
starting point, to the right, and to the left. To stop them, skate through them.
After you've finished with both thefts, go down the escalator here, and enter
the bathroom to the right, where you'll see two thefts. The people who'll run
scared may send you flying, so watch out. Ram out both thefts.

Once you reach the area beyond the last escalator, skate to the right. You'll
see the last theft here. This one is the most intelligent, as if you miss the
first try, he'll run down to the underground part of the airport. If he does so,
follow him and skate through him to show him a lesson. Once the last one falls,
is mission complete.

Get the secret tape

To get this one, go to the area beyond the last escalator(this is getting old
you know) and head to the right, until you reach the spiral staircase. Don't go
down it though, and look for a little ramp next to the spiral staircase. Use it
to take air, and grind the highest rail. Keep grinding and you'll snag the
secret tape.

Airwalk over the escalator(vert skaters)

Go down the first escaltor, and turn to the right. There, head forwards, and
you'll see two escalators. There is a big ramp between both of them, and two
small ramps to the right and left(right for the left escaltor, and right for the
right escalator). Use either the big/small ramp to take air, do an airwalk, and
land on the other side.

Crooked grind around the baggage claim(street skaters

In the same area where you complete the objective listed above, is a circular
baggage claim. Do a crooked grind around it. From where you start, to where you
start(there is a trajectory in here, physic-wise). Non stop. If you're bad with
keeping your balance this may be a little tough.

Collect Skate

* First set

- This one is floating in the level first walkway.

- Right after the first escalator, you'll see two half-pipe shaped terminals.
Use them to get this letter.

- This one is across the last escalator, floating above a ramp.

- To the south side of the letter above, go down the spiral staircase.

- To the north side of the letter above, go down the staircase and look for this

* Second set

- This one is floating around the first bathroom you come on.

- After the first escalator, enter the bathroom to the right where this letter

- This one is floating above the last escalator of the level.

- In the are beyond the last escalator, turn left, and use the ramp here to get
this letter

- Use an staircase in the are beyond the escalator on go to the warehouse of the
airport. Then, look for the E which is floating above a sack of crates.

* Third set

- Use the phone booth near the first walkway to get this letter, floating on a
light above

- Use the phone booth near the second walkway you come across(after the first
escalator) to launch yourself into the lights where this letter is

- This one is floating on a rail on the last escalator of the level.

- In the are after the last escalator, turn right, and look for a thin ramp with
a C on it. Use this to get this letter.

- Use the ramp next to the ramp listed above to get this.

Visit 10 countries

In the area beyond the last escalator(getting _old_) head either to the left or
to the right, and grind around the red rails(the bottom ones). Grind through the
flags in order to destroy them(each flag destroyed is worth a gap). There are
five to the left, and five to the right. Once you destroy 10 flags, you'll
complete this objective, and you'll be done with this level.


In this level, you'll have to do the same you did in Brazil: get points. To get
in the first place, you'll have to score around 60.000 points, which shouldn't
be that hard. From where you start, skate towards the fun box, do a melon(you'll
do a gap) and head forwards the nearest grind. Do grinding with flips and 180
board slides/noselides. Grind your way towards the half pipes(bowls) and do a
couple of inverts, mixed with the revert and manual specials. Try to link in the
grinds you do(from a bowl to nearby grind). 360 One foot japans and Del Mar
Indys are also worth a lot of points, but rely on grindings and inverts, and
manual special. Doing specials are also useful to get points.


Objective Checklist(summarized)

- Get 100.000 points
- Get 190.000 points
- Get 400.000 points
* Do an invert on the ramps in the central park
* Then, do a manual special(one wheel nosemanual)
* Look for a grind, and start doing Darkslides and Hanstands.
* Then, manual your way to the ramps and repeat.
- Get the secret tape
* Floating on a rail in the central park(earthquake must have been started)
- Stop the police chase
* Earthquake must have been started
* Grind the rail with the car on the broken bridge
- Start the earthquake
* Grind the rail north from the start, inside a passage(the one leading to the
* Grind the rail leading downtown to the right from where you start
* As you end grinding the first rail, turn right and grind the rail here
* As you finish grind the last rail, turn around and skate through the skate
to the metal fence at the end. Then, turn left, and grind the rightmost rail.
- One Foot Japan the tower poppin!
* Do a one foot japan across the tower poppin'! gap.
- Varial Kickflip the tower rail gap
* Do a varial kickflip across the tower rail gap
- Free Ballin!
* In the park are two balls. Jump onto them.
- Collect Skate
* See walkthrough.

Area analysis

This level is very big, but it also lacks on rails, but it is ramp full, so
you'll have to rely on air specials, inverts and special manuals. Cars also
drive around her, and they normally ramp anything on their path. The police
chase is specially dangerous, as you don't stand a chance against it. There few
interactive objects, until you start the earthquake, which widens the options a
little bit. You can enter a few buildings too.

Objective checklist

Get 100.000 points/190.000 points/400.000 points

As stated before, you can't rely on grinds in this level, so put a few air
specials on your special slots, as well as manual specials. Skate to the central
park, and look for a set of twin ramps(purple). Do an invert, and then do a
manual special. Then, keep the balance, and look for a nearby grind. Grind for a
while, and when you fall, start another kind of manual special(don't repeat the
same one, or else its value will start decreasing) and head back to the twin
ramps. Stop the manual, and do an invert, and then repeat. This also takes a lot
of time to do, but it is worth it.

One foot japan tower poppin' transfer(vert skater)

From where you start, go down the set of stairs here(bunker gap) and skate down
the streets to the fountain. You'll see two ramps next to this fountain. Use
either one of them, do a one foot japan and land on the floor above. If you can,
take air by using a ramp in the tower above, do a one foot japan, and land on
the ramp below. Either way, this is an easy objective.

Varial kickflip the tower rail gap(street skater)

From the start of the level, go down the set of stairs, and go down the street.
Go through the windows which can be smashed, and use a ramp to get to an area
with grates. Look for a rail, grind it, and halfway is a gap. Do a varial
kickflip in the gap, and then hold triangle to start grinding again. This make
take a while(is pretty tough) but you'll do it sometime.

Get the secret tape

To get the secret tape, you must first have completed the earthquake objective.
Once you do so, go down the stairs from the start of the level, and go down the
street. Then, turn to the left, and head towards the area with the car wash. Use
the ramps next to the bucket with fire to launch yourself onto the car wash
roof. Then, jump onto the broken bridge. Skate forwards a wooden ramp at the end
of the bridge, and use it to launch yourself into a balcony. In this balcony,
skate towards the next balcony, and throw yourself into it. You'll see a rail.
Grind it up and get the secret tape.

Start the earthquake

To start the earthquake you must grind certain rails spread throughout the
level. For the first one, go down the set of stairs north from where you start,
and enter the little tunnel there. Grind he leftmost rail down. As you land,
head to the left, and you'll see two rails. Grind the right one. Then, return to
the main streets, and grind the rails directly north from the rail you grinded
last time. After you grind the last one, turn around, and grind the rail north
from the fountain. Earthquake!.

Free ballin'

In the main park, there are two balls. Jump onto them, or do a flip trick in
front of them, and you'll send them flying. Problem solved pal.

Stop the police chase

To complete this objective, you must have completed the earthquake objective.
Afterwards, from the start of the level, go down the staircase, and skate down
the road, and then skate to the left, to the car wash. Use the ramps here in
order to get to the car wash rooftop. In here, jump onto the broken bridge
rooftop. You'll see car about to fall. Grind the rail where the car is, and
it'll fall down, blocking the police chase. Objective completed then.

Collect Skate

* First set

- From the start of the level, turn left, and look for this letter, which can be
reached by olling.

- To the left side of the cinema is a ramp, which should be used to get this

- On the half pipe above the car wash.

- On the fire truck's ladder, next to the car wash.

- Near a store which is behind the car wash(big discounts I believe is named)

* Second set

- Go down the stairs in front of you after you start, and turn right. You'll see
this letter floating above a rail(this is the S letter)

- This one is located on a ramp north of the letter above.

- Floating around the are with steaming grates.

- Floating on the rail which leads to the kiosk, next to the car wash.

- On top a yellow wall on the central park

* Third set

- This one is floating on the same side it was floating before(this is the S

- Right after you finish grinding(from the rail mentioned above), advance
forwards to get this letter.

- After you get this letter, advance towards the right street(next to the
central park). You should spot this letter as you skate.

- In the central park is a, eh, purple wall. This letter is floating above it.

- Directly across from the purple wall listed above is little block with ramps
inside it. Use them to get this letter.


This is probably the easiest competition. First off, put in your special slots
some manual specials and inverts. From the start, go down the slope, and do a
one foot japan over the fun box, and skate to the ramp. Do an invert, and as you
land, do a manual special, and then grind the rail near here. AS you land, skate
to the nearest ramp, do an invert, and as you land, do a manual, and then grind
the rail here, and then repeat. Keep doing this and you should have about
350.000 points at the end. Other competitors only rack up about 90.000 points,
so you should get the second(or even the first) place easily.


Objective checklist(summarized)

- Get 180.000 points
- Get 220.000 points
- Get 500.000 points
* Do some manuals and inverts on the empty pool
* Grind a lot, and link all the tricks with reverts and manuals.
- Get the secret tape
* Floating above the big red pillar north from the starting point.
- Trash the museum
* Grind the rail inside the museum with two cables linked to it.
- Invert the high wires
* After you drain the pool(see walkthrough) take air and invert the high wires
- Noseblunt an awning
* Noseblunt in awning on the place where the life boats are
- Raise the Ferry
* Do a wall ride on the pan next to the un-raised ferry.
- Impress the NeverSoft girls
* Standing next to the pool
* Inside the autrium
* In the area beyond the museum(smash the window)
* Drop yourself one deck from where the girl above is.
* In the part area(one deck north from where you start) are two girls
* In the are where the life boats are
- Collect Skate
* See walkthrough

Area analysis

Man, this level is really huge!. Just to tell you, from the start of the leve,
you can drop yourself two decks below, and explore. The upper deck is the one
with the pool, the women, the heliport. The middle deck is the one with the
atrium, museum, and the stores awnings. The lower level is conformed by the life
boat area, which is where the stores area. Apart from these, there is the
museum, where you can pull out a couple of simple grinds which are easily
combined with broken windows gaps. There is also the party area, which is reach
by throwing yourself from the pit behind from where you start. Here, you'll see
cake, a pool, and women.

Get 150.000 points/225.000 points/500.000 points

For this objective, I like to drain the pool first(see the "invert high wires
objective") and there, do an invert, then a manual, then a grind, then a manual,
then a grind, then a manual, then an invert. This little nasty combo is worth a
lot of points. If you can manual for about 20 seconds, you'll get a helluva lot
of points, specially if you combine a long lasting manual with a long lasting
grind, as well as a long lasting invert. You could also, from the star of the
level, jump over the rail to the right of the pool, land on the atrium, and do
flips+grinds there for some easy points(about 70.000 if you're skill full

Raise the ferry

To raise the ferry, from where you start, head to the left(left side of the
pool) and drop yourself two decks down. Look for the un raised ferry. There will
be a man near the ferry, with a panel near him. Wallride the panel, and you'll
raise the ferry, completing this objective.

Invert the high wires(vert skaters)

For this one, go down the ramps at the start of the level, and go around the
pool, towards the big red & white pillar. To the right of this pillar is a rail
with a valve. Grind this rail, and you'll drain the pool, leaving it skate-able.
Get into it, and gain enough speed, so you can reach the high wires above the
pool, and do an invert on it.

Noseblunt an awning(street skaters)

From where you start, go down the ramps here, and then head to the left, and
drop yourself two decks, to the area where the life boats and the stores are. In
here, you'll see each store's roofs, which are considered awnings. Grind a rail,
and jump into an awning, and then into the other one. Then land on the floor. If
done correctly, you'll complete this level(summary: grind the south part of the
rails around the stores, and jump into the awnings).

Impress the neversoft girls

To impress this girl with half-boobs on the air, do couple of tricks which score
around 1.000 points. Because the level is extremely big, and there are seven of
them, this could be pretty hard.

1 girl - Wandering around the left side of the pool.

2 girl - From where you start, head forwards and go around the pool, and drop
one deck, by jumping the rail behind the big red pillar. There is a girl south
of the pool here.

3 - Inside the atrium.

4 - In the right side of the pool in the mid deck(where the cake is).

5 - In the south part of the bottom deck.

6 - In the north part of the bottom deck.

7 - In the museum, smash your way through the big windows, and you'll see the
last neversoft girl which needs to be impressed.

Trash the museum

To trash the museum, go down the a ramp in front of you at the start of the
level, and turn 90º degrees. You'll see a short path with a rail on it leading
down. Use to enter the museum. In here, grind the rail with the windows to broke
the cables holding an propeller. Once you do, the propeller will go out the
museum, and land in front a ped. The ped will go out the ship then, and the
safety net will appear.

Get the secret tape

The secret tape in this level is a little tricky. Before going down the ramps in
front of you, turn around. You'll see two wires, low and high, and a ramp. Use
the quarter pipe to the right, and take air, and then move slightly to the left.
As the gap name appears, press triangle to start grinding. This grind will take
you to the top of the big red pillar here. Use the ramps here to take air and
get the secret tap which is floating in the air.

Collect Skate

* First set

- Floating on one of the high wires(the same ones used to complete the "invert
the high wires" objective).

- Floating on the red pillar(use the ramps there to get it)

- Grind the cables connected to the red pillars all the way down where this
letter is.

- This one is near the cake which is one deck down north from where you start.

- Around the are with the letter listed above.

* Second set

- Turn as you start the level, and grind the rail here. On your way down, you'll
get this.

- On the bow of the ship, look for a set of quarter pipes

- Around the area with the atrium

- This one is north of the cake, one deck north from where you start.

- This one is floating inside the atrium

* Third set

- This one is floating around the safety net(you must trash the museum first)

- Floating above the Ferry which can be raised(launch yourself into it by using
an awning)

- This one is floating on a rail to the right from where you start

- Floating on one of the life boats in the life boat area

- On the back of the ship(ahhhhh... I'm lazy!).


This game is very, very similar to tony hawk's pro skater. I currently own the
original, full version, and I must say I love it. You'll play the Aspen level on
the demo. The walkthrough below is based on the Aspen level found in the
original, full version.

Aspen - Quick objective checklist

- High score *COMPLETE*
- Pro score *COMPLETE*
- Sick score *COMPLETE*
- Get the Aspen logos *COMPLETE*
- Demolish the coffee stands *INCOMPLETE*
- Bonk the gondola *INCOMPLETE*
- Show the yuppies the bottom of your board *INCOMPLETE*
- Get the secret sponsor *INCOMPLETE*
- Finish before 1:25 with over 30.000 points *COMPLETE*

Aspen - In depth objective checklist

- High score/Pro score/Sick score

As you start, jump, and do a kickflip(a Misty 5 or a Rodeo), and as you land,
manual. When you reach another edge, do two flips and hold a melancholy(you can
also pull out a 1080 melancholy here; really!). Then, do manual, and grind the
tree to the rooftop. Grind your way towards the rooftops edge, and drop yourself
while doing a grab. Then manual a bit, and let the combo go. Look for a ramp
around here, and repeat. It should be easy to rack up the necessary points you

- Get the Aspen Logos

1 - From where you start, skate along the left side, and launch yourself into
the house rooftop. Then, grab the logo which is floating here.

2 - This logo is located on a tank, which is accessed by jumping off from a
house(the one with a yuppie on it).

3 - This one is floating on a house(which holds the spider sabich air gap) next
to a coffee stand.

4 - At the end of the level, grind the rails on the lounge area, and get this
logo which is floating on the air.

- Demolish the coffee stands

1 - This one is located to the left of the house north from where you start on.

2 - Skate to the left after you demolish the first stand, and you should see
this one next to a chairlift.

3 - Next to the house where you found the third logo.

4 - At the end of the level, skate to the left. You should see this coffee stand
around here.

5 - ????

- Bonk the Gondola

Skate along the right side of the level until you reach the area with a tree,
and a gondola station. Use the tree to launch yourself into the station
rooftops, and then, throw yourself throughout the breakable floor on the roof.
You'll see the gondola here. Bonk it up(note: I haven't tested this out yet. I
just suppose is here, judging from the cinemas. Sorry =(

- Show the yuppies the bottom of your board

There are about five yuppies spread throughout the whole level. You'll know you
have found a yuppie when you see a funny looking man screaming at you and waving
his/her hands on the air. When you find one, olli across him(show him the bottom
of your board). Look for the throughout the level, and show them what you got.
I'll add their locations as I explore the level with more patience and time.

- Get the secret sponsor

To get this one, skate along the right side of the level until you reach a
house(to the right of the first house you see(the one north from where you
start)). Launch yourself into its roof, and grind along the cable which is
connected to the house(it is on the far end of the roof). You should get the
secret sponsor while grinding.

- Finish off before 125 with over 30.000 points

As you start, jump, and do a kickflip(a Misty 5 or a Rodeo), and as you land,
manual. When you reach another edge, do two flips and hold a melancholy(you can
also pull out a 1080 melancholy here; really!). Then, do manual, and grind the
tree to the rooftop. Grind your way towards the rooftops edge, and drop yourself
while doing a grab. Then manual a bit, and let the combo go. Repeat once again,
and then rush your way towards the level finishing line.


The park editor you can use In this game is far more complex than the ones found
in the previous games(not as complex as Dave Mirra 2, in my opinion). You know
have a crapload of items which you can use, and that are listed below, right
after the controls section:




D-pad - Used to select a piece and to change piece categories.

Left stick - Used to move the piece around the field.

Right stick - Used to move the camera around

L2 - Used to lower a piece.

L1 - Used to increment a piece height.

R1 - Zoom camera out

R2 - Zoom camera in

Square - Rotates a piece

Circle - Rotates a piece

Triangle - Used to delete a piece

Start - Used to access the park editor menu.




Continue - You'll be able to continue the creation of your park

Test skate - Used to test out the map you're currently working on.

Switch theme - You can switch the park them(school, beach, indoor & outdoor).

Clear map - You'll clear your map(and you'll be able to select another map size)

Pre made parks - You'll be able to play(and tweak) pre made parks.

Save - You'll be able to save your park

Load - You'll be able to load your park.


Coming son!.


- In next version(1.0) I'll add the introduction, credits, basics section,
control, character guide(only normal characters), gap list for the first three
levels, s-k-a-t-e letters for the first three levels(excluding Rio), park
editor, shaun palmer demo, and tricks guide.

- In the next version, I'll add more gaps, the s-k-a-t-e lettering for at least
one level, park editor, and Shaun Palmer's demo.

- In the next version, I'll finish the gaps list and I'll also add the skate
locations to the main walkthrough(this will be the first complete version of the
guide). I'll also finish and tweak up another sections.

- Finish the secret section and the shaun palmer demo section, and add the gaps
for the secret levels.

- More information will be added...


This document property of "GheddonLN". All rights reserved. Copyright 2002 by
José Felipe Vargas. This document may not be reproduced in any way, shape or
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15.Oktober 2013
Geheime Arenen/Easter Eggs

16.Oktober 2013
Savegame mit definitiv allen Skatern mit vollen Statistiken und auch den drei Bonus-Leveln

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
3 fertige Decks und eine Anleitung zum Selbermachen

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
High Scores FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Deutsche Lösung

14.Oktober 2013
Deutsche Lösung

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version

18.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Hidden Combo FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Signature Move Listings

14.Oktober 2013
Level Test Bug

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Level, Cheats und Charaktere, inclusive maximalen Statistiken.

18.Oktober 2013
Selbst erstellter Park der wie ein Rennkurs für 2 Spieler designed ist. Sehr schwierig zu beenden, mit 10 Gaps.

18.Oktober 2013
Ein Replay des Flughafen Levels und eine Combo die 14 Millionen wert ist.

15.Oktober 2013
Selbst erstellter Park speziel designed um High Scores zu brechen.

17.Oktober 2013
Selbst erstellter Park mit vielen versteckten Räumen und einer Street Arena.

17.Oktober 2013
Selbst erstellter Park um einen frustrierenden Fun Tag Modus anzuregen.

18.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020