Grand Theft Auto 3

Grand Theft Auto 3

14.10.2013 16:30:05
The Mysterious 'Ghost Town' of GTA3
-*The Mysterious 'Ghost Town' of GTA3*-
By: Codewiz11 ~ Stephen Kamnik
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Version 1.7

You are currently reading Version 1.7!

-I'm taking e-mails, because I'm a nice guy. But if it doesn't have
anything in the world to do with the Ghost town, or even any of the
GTAs, then I won't answer.

-You can now see the Ghost Town without flying there! *New section
about it*

The Version History has moved to the bottom of the FAQ so we can get
right to the point!


1- Introduction
2- What is the 'Ghost Town'?
3- Frequently asked Questions
4- Its Existence
5- Seeing Is Believing
6- Pictures
7- Transportation
8- Directions
9- Conclusion
10- Version (Update) History
11- Notice


There has been a lot of talk on the internet about the "ghost town"
or "ghost island". Some people think it is made up and not real. Others
are believers. And others have even seen the Ghost Town themselves. I
personally have gotten to the Ghost Town many times. And I will prove
it exists and I will lead the way there.

In this FAQ, I will be talking about the mysterious Ghost Town. I
will prove it exists, show pictures, explain what it is, and even give
directions so you yourself, can explore this great secret.


Ah yes, the ghost town. It is in no way "Carser" or "Carson City".
"Carser/Carson City" does NOT exist. It is said that if you get 100% in
the game, it will be available. Don't waste your time. And don't waste
my time by e-mailing me about it either. It simply and truthfully, does
NOT exist in gta3. Ok, with that said I can go on.
The ghost town is a secret island behind Shoreside Vale that was
used in making the first part of the opening cinema of the game. Cool
huh? O well. Anyway... (Only the bank scenes from the opening cinema
are from the Ghost town, the rest with the bridge and everything was
done at like, the real Staunton Island.)

You can't walk around or really even land on it because almost all
of it is not solid. Aw man. That means, if you tried to land, you would
just go through the ground. A couple of small pieces of it are solid
though, but no one has ever landed on them yet because the pieces are
too small. I do think that sometime someone will really land there, but
as of yet, there hasn't been anyone to give any real proof of landing
One little weird thing about the ghost town is that it is just
floating in the air, just above the water.

Remember where you, along with your accomplices, robbed a bank in
the opening cinema? Well the ghost town is where that bank is located.
The 'Liberty City Bank', along with the two securicars and other cars
from the opening cinema, are visible there. There are about four cars
that I can remember and all of them are parked and are not solid. There
are two securicars, a triad truck, and an Esperanto-type car. The ghost
town is not really a whole big 'town'. It is really just one city

That's just a short description of the ghost town. Go there and see
for yourself.


***Q: Can I e-mail you anymore?
***A: Sure.. But if it doesn't have anything to do with at least one of
the GTAs, then do not expect an answer. I have currently cleaned up my
e-mail account and am down to just a few e-mails. (I deleted any e-mail
that I felt was either 1) Too old and the person probably has already
figured out the problem by now, or 2) It's a flame or stupid question
which I should not waste my time with. If you've already sent an e-mail
to me more than like a month ago and havn't gotten an answer, then I
probably deleted it. But if you want, send me your question again, make
it more descriptive, and I should answer it this time around.

***If your entire ******* e-mail says only "how do I get 2 the ghost
town?", then I will not answer anymore. I don't see how you can ask
that. If you have my e-mail address, then most likely, you've seen this
FAQ. I could see if you have a problem with the directions, but at
least be descriptive or tell me a little more about what you don't
understand other than ******* saying "how do I get 2 ghost town!?"

****Q: Does Carser/Carson City exist?
****A: NO. They definitely don't. If you want to get 100% just to find
out that some stupid little internet geeks make this up to try and put
some sense of meaning into their otherwise pointless and utterly
meaningless lives....*Takes a breath*....then, by all means go ahead
but you will just be disappointed.

****Q: Carser/Carson City DOES exist you F**** piece of poo! - (he-he,
****A: Well, that really isn't a question, but...Go **** off. I'm sick
of explaining this 78.6 million times! They do not exist! Go outside,
breath in fresh air for god sake. Look at the trees! Trees and grass
outside exist! Carser/Carson City does not!

****Q: Do you know about the secret boat, "Ghost Missing"?
****A: Yes! Thanks a lot for your concern, but I know more about GTA3
than just the ghost town. I don't know why I am getting 20 e-mails a
day about something that has *nothing!* to do about the ghost town. I,
along with the rest of the gaming world, know about that boat. Please
stop e-mailing me about this. :/

***Q: I can't fly. Is there any other way to at least see* the ghost
***A: Yes, I have just discovered, myself, a way to see through walls
with a sniper rifle and see the ghost town. Look at the 'Seeing is
Believing' Section.

***Q: Can you land on the ghost town?
***A: No one has yet. Most of the Ghost town is not solid, meaning if
you tried to land, say, just in the middle of the street, you would go
right though it. There are a few spots that are solid: a little bit of
a wall, and two trashcans in an alley and a little bit of ground. And
those little solid pieces are just enough to let us call it an island
instead of a mirage or a hallucination, but so far, those tiny solid
spots are not sufficient enough to land on. But there are always people
who will try anything... myself included.

**Q: Is the ghost town really Carser City?
**A: No, it is a model of a part of Liberty City. *It has the "Liberty
City Bank" there. The Ghost Town is NOT Carson/Carser City. They don't

***Q: Do the blocked-off tunnels at Shoreside Vale lead to ghost town?
***A: No, they don't lead anywhere. If you look in the tunnels, they
turn a little, just so you can't see the back of them, then they just
end. If you fly around the back of Shoreside Vale where the ghost town
is, then you can see that the tunnels just stop. Plus, most of the
tunnel isn't even solid.

*Q: Are there people or cars moving around the ghost town?
*A: No. That's why it's called a 'Ghost town', because it is deserted.
There are cars there, but they are parked.

**Q: What is at the ghost town?
**A: The Liberty City Bank is the main attraction at the ghost town.
That is where you robbed the bank in the opening cinema. That's about
the only real important part of the ghost town.

**Q: Is there any point of going to the ghost town other than just to
see it?
**A: No, probably not. You can't really do anything there because you
can't land on it. But it is a very good secret place in GTA3, and it is
a big accomplishment to get there, especially by the dodo.

More frequently asked questions will be added regularly.


Though many people deny its existence, the Ghost Town is REAL. There
is plenty of proof such as pictures and many peoples good word that
says it exists. It should not be associated with other rumors (false
statements) such as the Disney Land or Carser City rumor. There is no
Disney Land or Carser City in GTA3.

Though plenty of proof is provided that there is a ghost town in the
game, there will always be people who doubt and people who will never
learn. But that negativity should never stop those explorers of GTA3
from getting to a great secret such as this.

There is NO Carser City. Yes, ghost town. No, Carser City. Yes, ghost
town. NO, and I mean NO Carser City. Say it to yourself a couple of
times. No Carser City. Very good, boys and girls! Here are some reasons
why to say that there is no Carser City.

1) If there was a Carser City in the game, and there's NOT, but if
there was, then why hasn't anyone shown any pictures or proof. Pictures
of other things like the ghost town are so easy to get on the computer,
but not Carser City? Come on.

2) Where are the programming codes in the game files that would have
all of the Carser City stuff? Carser City isn't even really mentioned
in the codes except for the radio commercial.

3) Just because it's on the radio commercial, doesn't mean there's a
Carser City. Both the MM and Pogo the Monkey are on the radio and
neither has been found.

4) Where in the game would something so "big and full of everything"
be? I admit not everything in the game is uncovered yet, but saying
that so many hardcore gamers overlooked something so big? That's an
insult to gamers everywhere. But Carser City is full of something I'll
tell 'ya. The rumor is all full of BS.


This is a great new discovery, by me, on how people who cannot fly,
can still SEE the Ghost Town!
What it is, is the ability to see through any walls that you want.
This doesn't just work for looking at the Ghost town, but for looking
inside any buildings or past walls.

Here is how you can see the ghost town without even leaving the

What you have to do is first make sure you have a sniper rifle. You
only need one bullet, just so you can use the scope on it. You can get
a sniper rifle anywhere you are if you enter the weapons cheat. The
weapons cheat is R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down,
Right, Up.
Once you have a sniper rifle, go to Shore side Vale. Go up to the
road on the top part of the dam. Take that road south to the blocked
off tunnel. The tunnel is in a mountain. Go up the mountain. (When
facing the tunnel, it's easy to go up the part of the mountain to the
left of the tunnel.) Go up the mountain and over and down the hills
back there so that you are almost driving to the Observatory (You
cannot get to the Observatory however, it's not even solid.) Go back as
far as you can until you run into a big wall that stops you from
getting to the Observatory or the ghost town. Now, go up to the wall
(With the sniper rifle in your hands.) And keep running into the wall
so that you are as close to the wall as you can(Not in a car.). Once
you are as close as you can be to the wall, tap Down on the D-pad *once
so that you face away from the wall, but your back is still pretty
close to it. Now hold R1 so that you are looking into the scope of the
sniper rifle. Now (Still holding R1), turn around to the wall using the
D-pad or the Left Analog Stick. Now look down a little bit where there
doesn't seem to be water but is an area of blue. (This is the 'Blue
Hell' or the entrance to the 'Underworld'.) Now look to the right upper
edge of that blue spot and zoom in. If you are looking through the wall
at a good spot, you should see the ghost town. Now, I've noticed that
you couldn't see the middle section of wall or the road, but you can
see a good portion of the ghost town.

And that's it. You can now see the ghost town without even flying
there. The only problem is once you see the ghost town, it will
probably make you want to fly there now.
And remember that you can use my method above to see through any
other walls too.


***The site with all of the pictures is currently down, and I don't
expect it back up for a while until I find some time. So stead of
giving you a dead link, I'm not giving you a link at all. But I am
giving you the option to e-mail and I will send you (*Only Some* - Too
many and too big to send all of them over e-mail.) of the ghost town


As of now, there are two ways of getting to the ghost town. The two
ways are by the Dodo or the tank (Rhyno). They are the only means of
transportation for getting to and from the ghost town.

There are theories of alternative ways to the 'Ghost Town' other
than the dodo or the tank.

What about by Car?
There is NO way of getting to it by car. Not through the tunnels,
not anyway. But you are always free to do whatever you want and try,
but it's impossible.

What about by boat?
First let me just say that even if you could get a boat back to
where the ghost town is, then you really wouldn't be able to like see
much of anything good because it isn't even in the water. The ghost
town is like floating in the air just above the water.

There is no definite answer to this question as of yet. Though many
people dismiss it right away because of 'invisible walls' or
'unnaturally strong currents', others strive to go farther.
There is a too strong of a current on the tip of the airport runway,
but this is passable. I have passed it by driving the boat onto the
runway and then pushing it the rest of the way down the runway until I
was past the current part, and then I pushed it back into the water
there, jumped in, and drove again. But I soon found out that there is
yet another current almost at the end of the island, right before the
turn to go to ghost town. I have yet to get past that yet, but maybe,
just maybe, you could push the boat on land enough to get past that
current. I have recently tried this with no luck, but it could be worth
the try, and it would take a lot of work.

Now, here's the proven ways of transportation to the Ghost Town.

You could either use the Dodo if you are skilled enough to keep it
in the air long enough, or you can use the tank, which many people find
to be easier, but it involves codes.

To fly the Dodo, find an open stretch of road (preferably the runway
at the airport, but any piece of land that is straight, long, and flat
will do fine.) and hold X and Down (D-pad). When you see sparks coming
from the bottom of the Dodo, let go of the Down button. The Dodo will
fly into the sky, but your real job now, is just to level the plane
with the Down button so you cannot see the red nose of the plane.

Never use the Up button unless you are landing. When the Dodo starts
to dive down, towards the ground, do nothing at all (DON'T pull up!).
The Dodo will catch air again before it hits the ground and you will
just have to level the plane out again. Just continuously level the
plane, until the Dodo just keeps flying straight.

When you want to turn, just TAP in the direction of where you want
to go. It should take a whole bunch of taps and you will only slowly
turn, so plan your turns ahead of time.

And one more thing, just stay away from the Unique Jumps! They
really p*ss me off. They automatically change the camera into Cinema
view and the plane will disappear from your sight and will make it
impossible to fly much longer then that.

To fly the Tank, find an open stretch of road (Any piece of land
that is long, flat, and straight), use the 'Flying cars' code, turn the
turret around backwards and fire as rapidly as possible while holding
down (D-pad). When you gain enough speed and the tank starts to swerve,
let go of the down button, and the tank will take to the sky. Then just
level the tank with the up and down buttons. Fly almost the same way as
the Dodo. Now, I hate flying the tank unless I absolutely need to use
it to get up really high. Be careful with turning, that's the main
thing that I hate about flying the tank. Tap the button that you are
using to turn.


Here are directions on how to get to the Ghost Town. Click your heels
three times and repeat, "There's no place like the ghost town." Uhh...
sorry, I couldn't resist. Here's really how to get there=

Remember, when you can't land on it, so don't try unless you want to
risk the chance of drowning. Drowning is a bad thing. I will try to
explain as clearly as possible with the use of pictures too.

From the airport runway at Shoreside Vale, facing away from Staunton
Island, fly out to the ocean. Turn right (the opposite of left) and fly
along the shoreline of Shoreside Vale. Make sure you take that right as
soon as possible after taking off from the runway, because if you go
out to sea too far, you and the Dodo will disappear and you will crash.
Follow the shoreline around to the right, behind Shoreside Vale. You
should always be flying over water. The ghost town should start to
appear as you get closer to it. It will pop up like a pop-up picture
book. Behind Shoreside Vale, you should see the ghost town right in
front of you, hovering just above the water. This is behind Shoreside
Vale and things like the Observatory and the Dam.

And that my friend, is how to get to the ghost town.

*****As you may know, the site with the pictures is down, but go up and
read Section 6 "Pictures" for details on how to get the pictures.*****

Be careful behind Shoreside Vale, because if you go too far out to
sea, the game will freeze and you will have to reset the game. And that
won't be a good thing.

Keep in mind, the ghost town cannot be landed on, so stop trying...
Actually, go ahead and try all you want. Sometimes it's fun to try but
here's warning, it can get frustrating.

That was just the main way of getting to the ghost town. There are
other ways of getting to it, like flying through the hallow mountains
that stretch all the way from Shoreside Vale past Portland, but that
might be for people who have already gotten there.


Well that's it. That's the Ghost Town. I hope this helped, and I hope
you enjoyed the adventure. It's been fun, but this FAQ is over. Have
fun with the ghost town and maybe I'll see you there. See you next
I'll keep on updating making this FAQ even better, for everyone.



**You are reading Version 1.7.

This FAQ is updated frequently. Every time this FAQ is updated, it
will not be a made as a new version. Only after big adjustments, added
sections, multiple photos, and other updates, will it be considered a
new version.

Version 1.0: (From February 8, 2002 -to- V1.1)?
This FAQ is just getting started. Has plenty of information for you
and it is a good start for the future.

Version 1.1: (In between V1.0 & V1.2)
New version just to let everyone that reads this FAQ that it is
getting updated regularly. This Version should have a better setup and
it should answer some of the regularly asked questions that I get in my
e-mail. 'Frequently asked questions' section added.

Version 1.2: (From February 26, 2002 -to- V1.3)
There was a quick re-wording for more understandable descriptions.
I've been working on a video, but the results I've gotten haven't been
so great, so I'm waiting until I can get at least a halfway decent
video. So, a video may soon be on the way. :) The 'ghost town' pictures
were organized onto one web page. but because of so much interest and
traffic on the page, it continues to shut down and not be viewable. I
have put the pictures on another

Version 1.3: (March 15, 2002 -to- April 6)
During the last version, the ghost town pictures were all put on one
web page, but because of so much interest and traffic on the page, it
continues to shut down and not be viewable. I have put the pictures on
another website and it can be used as a backup if the other one is too
busy for you. And now I am going to give making a video one last try.

Version 1.4: (April 6, 2002 -to- May 11)
I gave up on the page on because it kept on not
showing up and I don't want to dish out money for it. The site at is just fine though. I fixed a little problem with the
numbering of the sections. (I had #4 two times I think)
I temporarily stopped taking e-mails because of long backlogs, and
problems with junk e-mails.

Version 1.5 (May 11, 2002 -to- August 7)
A NEW Section is added: 'Seeing Is Believing'. There is now a way to
*see the Ghost town without even flying there!
And I am now taking e-mails once again! E-mail:

Version 1.6 (August 8, 2002 -to- October 22)
I have added some MUST READ Frequently Asked questions! (The new
ones are on the top of the list!) I have also STOPPED taking e-mails!
Unless you are willing to pay $5, then you questions will NO longer be
answered by e-mail. Sorry.

-Version 1.7 (October 23, 2002 -to- Now)
Yeah, yeah, I started taking e-mails again. Got any good questions
for me? And sorry about the $5 thing, it was just a joke... I have
gotten some takers on that though...


*Future Versions/Updates

This FAQ will be added to. Along with more pictures, more details
will appear. Here are some things to wait for in the near future:

-Cure for Baldness...
...I mean..., Seriously now...
-This FAQ is dying because I have put everything I ever wanted in this
FAQ.. *cries* This FAQ has been a bigger successes than I ever
imagined. Not even by the number of people who have read it on the
multiple sites it's on, but by the number of e-mails!
Ok, I'm getting off the point... *Runs away*

And more!...riiiight...hehe.

*11 -NOTICE-

This FAQ was made by and is from codewiz11 (codewiz14)-(Stephen
Kamnik). Copyright 2002 Stephen Kamnik. All pictures in this FAQ
including pictures from boomspeed/jeffthegamer, were taken by and are
owned by codewiz11. These pictures have not been edited in anyway to
deceive or falsely lead on anyone. No one should in any way use this
FAQ as their own. These places have permission directly from me,
codewiz11, to use this FAQ on their site.

**If you see this FAQ on another board or site, please E-mail or IM me.
AIM: Codewiz15

No one is to use this as their own.
No one is to use this on their board or site without direct permission
from me, codewiz11.

GTA3 'Ghost Town' FAQ
Copyright 2002 Stephen Kamnik ~ Codewiz11
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Version 1.7

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