Street Fighter EX 3

Street Fighter EX 3

14.10.2013 17:07:09
Cracker Jack's Character FAQ

Street Fighter EX 3 - Playstation 2

Cracker Jack's Character FAQ - Version 1.0 - 12/29/2001

by Shin Gotenks (



This document is copyright of Elton Bruno, 2001. You can't copy it for
any commercial use. You can publish it on your site, but ask me
permission first. You can't force the users to click on a banner to see
this. The last version of this FAQ can be found at If
you want me to send a copy of this FAQ to your magazine/fanzine, contact
me and I'll see what I can do.
Any questions about this, contact me and I'l probably reply (I don't
receive many e-mails).




WP - weak punch
MP - medium punch
SP - strong punch
P - any punch button
PPP - three punches at same time
WK - weak kick
MK - medium kick
SK - strong kick
K - any kick
KKK - three kicks at same time
D - down
U - up
B - back
F - front
DB - down-back (diagonal)
DF - down-front (diagonal)
(h) - hold the first command by 2 seconds

1. Throws

-- Power Hunter: WK + WP

-- Power Lift Throw: B + WP + WK

2. Normal Moves

-- Double Arm Punch: MP + MK
* C.Jack hits the enemy with a tomahawk blow. This move all the players
have, with the same command. As I said before, this move can break the
enemy guard, but has a low success rate than Street EX plus alpha.

-- Angry Fist: F + MP
* C.Jack hits the enemy with a big hand blow(?). This move is very slow,
but can be used after the Home Run Hero.

3. Special Moves

-- Dash Straight: (h)B,F + P
* A punch that goes on a straight line. Depending the punch button you
press (WP,MP or SP), C.Jack will do a straight longer than normal, and
the time to do the Straight Punch changes. This can trick the enemy
several times, if you can make a surprise, alternating the buttons every
time you do it.

-- Dash Upper: (h)B,F + K
* A punch that lifts the opponent. Depending the kick button you press
(WK,MK, or SK), C.Jack will do a longer upper, and the timing of the
punch changes. This may trick the opponent several times too.

-- Feint Dash: D,DB,B + P
* This is a FAKE move. Jack only threatens a Straight Punch, to deceive
the enemy.

-- Final Punch: (h)PPP or KKK
* The most time you hold PPP or KKK, greater the damage will be. Look at
"Notes for FINAL PUNCH" section, it's well explained there.

-- Batting Hero: B,DB,D,DF,F + P
* Jack hits the enemy with a baseball bat. This can rebut ALL the single
projectiles, but not the ones from Super Combos. Very good to keep the
opponent away from you.

-- Soccer Ball Kick: B,DB,D,DF,F + K
* Jack will kick his enemy, throwing him at the same distance as Batting
Hero. To the opposite from Batting Hero, the Soccer Ball Kick can rebut
all the single and the Super Combo projectiles. The bad thing is that
you may have a precise timing to rebut the projectile, because this move
is slower than Batting Hero.

-- Jack Hammer: F,DF,D,DB,B + P
* No special notes. Normal move.

4. Super Combos

-- Home Run Hero: D,DB,B,D,DB,B + P
* Jack will throw the enemy up with a super punch. After this, you can
do any move. This can avoid some Super Combos, if you're closer to the
enemy at the exact moment he's doing the Super Combo. You can do this
Super Combo three times in sequence, like Darun's Indra Bashi.

-- Raging Buffalo: (h)B,F,B,F + K
* Jack will walk towards the enemy, on a position to catch him. If Jack
succeds, he will do a big punch combo on enemy, throwing him up at the
end of it. This move is very easy to avoid, but if you are skilled in
this type of move, like Shun Goku Satsu from Akuma/Gouki or Final Atomic
Buster from Zangief (at MARVEL VS Street), you can predict when the
enemy will open his defense.

-- Crazy Jack: (h)B,F,B,F + P
* Jack will hit the enemy with five punches, instead of being Straights
or Uppers. The trick on this move is this: if you don't hit any button
after you do this move, Jack will release only Straights. If you press
Kick while Jack is releasing the Straights, he will change for Uppers.
You can alternate the moves, to hit the enemy on the air, or do five
Uppers. Another good thing is that the last punch (even being a Straight
or an Upper) will connect all the times, doesn't matter if the other
four don't hit the enemy.

-- Grand Slam Crusher: D,DB,B,D,DB,B + K
* Jack beats the enemy various times with the bat, then do a final hit
that throw the enemy far away. Can avoid single projectiles. It can
easily pull the enemy while he is in the air, and causes good damage.

5. Meteo Tag Combo

-- Home Run King: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + KKK
* Jack kicks the enemy, throwing him up. Then he swings his bat and
sends the enemy to MARS (???), then the enemy rebuts and return to
Earth. The weird thing: you can swing the bat manually, by holding
Punch. When you release Punch, Jack will hit the enemy with his bat, but
the opponent will only go across the screen, and the damage is lower
than the normal move. Personally, it's an horrible move, because it's a
little hard to hit the enemy manually, and even if you succed, it isn't
worthwhile. I advise you to try the automatic move, this can do really
huge damage.

6. Meteo Tag Combo

Four conditions may be respected in order to perform this move:

1: Cracker Jack's TAG partner must be Vulcano Rosso, and only Vulcano

2: Cracker Jack's Super Bar may be on Level 3.

3: The Tag Bar (that blue one, in the side of the life bar) may be full

4: Cracker Jack activates the move, not Vulcano Rosso.

-- Volcano Straight: (h)B,F,B,F + PPP

* Jack hits the enemy, Vulcano Rosso catch him (the enemy), doing a big
Volcano Explosion, and finally Jack do a Dash Straight, that ends the
Meteo Tag Combo. This move inflicts much much much damage, very good
when you're near to be killed, and can decide a fight.


Notes about FINAL PUNCH

Yes, this move is a little complicated than the others.

Here's a list for the damage, the time you hold the Final Punch and the
level of the Final Punch. I tested the damage VS Ken, because he takes a
medium damage from all the moves (the same for Ryu and Kairi).

One more thing: if you do the Final Punch in the middle of a combo, the
damage will be less than normal (e.g. hold PPP -> D + MK -> release
PPP). If the enemy hits you, the Final Punch will not be canceled.

---------------- ------------------ ---------------------
Level Time Damage
---------------- ------------------ ---------------------
1 2 seconds 17 pts.
2 4 seconds 21 pts.
3 7 seconds 30 pts.
4 10 seconds 35 pts.
5 15 seconds 48 pts.
6 20 seconds 61 pts.
7 26 seconds 70 pts.
8 32 seconds 78 pts.
9 38 seconds 91 pts.
FINAL 43 seconds 100 pts.

If you have played the Expert Mode, you remember that one of Ace's
missions is to hit the enemy with a Final Punch that does more than 85



This section topic explains which moves are cancelable and which are
not. On the left, the move itself. In the right (after the arrow), the
moves that cancel it.

-- Power Hunter --> can't be canceled
-- Power Lift Throw --> can't be canceled
-- Double Arm Punch --> ALL SUPER COMBOS
-- Angry Fist --> can't be canceled (it's too slow to be canceled)
-- Dash Straight --> ALL SUPER COMBOS
-- Dash Upper --> ALL SUPER COMBOS, but if the blow lifts the enemy, nor
raging Buffalo neither Home Run King will work.
-- Feint Dash --> can't be canceled (you can CONTINUE this move, but
can't cancel)
-- Batting Hero --> ALL SUPER COMBOS, but only Crazy Jack hits the enemy
-- Soccer Ball Kick --> the same thing as Batting Hero
-- Jack Hammer --> I haven't figured it out
-- Home Run Hero --> ALL SUPER COMBOS, but no one of these works
-- Crazy Jack --> ALL SUPER COMBOS (you must cancel it before the last
punch, and the Uppers are hard to cancel, then try the Straights)
-- Raging Buffalo --> can't be canceled
-- Grand Slam Crusher --> ALL SUPER COMBOS, but no one of these works
-- Home Run King --> can't be canceled



-- To myself again. Hey! Don't you want help to write a FAQ? You can
count on me!

-- GAMEFAQS for publishing this.

-- CAPCOM for creating the game.

-- Brazilian Magazine "GAMERS" for the trick about Cracker Jack's Final

LAST PHRASE: "This is waht you get when you try to mess with me!"

(Musashi, from Brave Fencer Musashiden)

This one is specially for you, MASA & MUNE!(
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