Earthworm Jim 3D

Earthworm Jim 3D

13.10.2013 13:47:42
Earthworm Jim 3D
By lethal_shrapnel V 1.3B
3.1.0 MEMORY
3.3.0 FEAR

1.0 - Added Walkthrough for Happiness - Lord Of the Fries (12/12/01)
1.1A - Added Walkthrough for Fear - Boogie Nights of the Living Dead(18/12/01)
1.2 - Added Note for Happiness - Are You Hungry Tonite? (20/12/01)
1.2A - Added Walkthrough for Fantasy and made minor corrections (27/12/01)
1.2B - Added Walkthrough for Fantasy - Bob and Number Four and added extra tips
for PsyCrow (28/12/01)
1.3A - Added copyright information and Credits.
1.3B - Modified Copyright Information to include (28/04/03)

"There's only one hero for this job, and it's a REALLY BIG one!"

Hey all ya Earthworm Jim(EJ) fans. This the third of the series of EJ games.
But it is different because of the fact that EJ is now 3D! This is not the best
of the trio of games but stands pretty well against them. It nevertheless
continues the tradition of EJ games. Basically, EJ is a super worm inside a
super atomic suit. He collects little atoms to increase his energy. Also, he
can collect guns and objects to make small fry of the multitude of baddies in
the game.
You start the game inside Jim's Brain. There are four sections of Jims Brain to
Memory,Happiness,Fear and Fantasy in that order. You need a fixed number of
Gold Udders to unlock each new section. Udders increase the power of the
Spiritual Cow(Yup, thats the big one!) and the Cow helps you to recover your
brain. They are earned by completing specific tasks within a section. Marbles
are used to increase Jim's Intelligence. They are used to unlock the Boss's
level within a section.

This is not complete yet, as I have yet to play the Mystery Boss and finish


A badly named section! Anyway, EJ veterans and those who have atleast played EJ
1 dont need this section. It is exactly the same as the others. EJ has 2 main

1. Whip - Jim takes out his head and uses it as a whip. This is mainly
meant to take out baddies and activate objects

2. Fire - Guns and weapons that can be picked up are fired.

3. Roll - A defensive tactic, Jim tucks into a ball and rolls avoiding
rockets and vampire goo

4. Creep - Jim walks around on his toes, the only new move in the game.

5. Heli-Head - Press Jump after Jumping and Jim uses his head as a helicopter,
giving him some more air and flying a little further while jumping.
Also, you can use it to get down from great heights.

6. Super Jump - Hold Crouch and then Jump to jump very high. You cant do this
while runnng though


The Brain is the starting point of the game. Here the moment you enter, Peter
talks to you and gets you started. He gives you a Golden UDDER(1). Get it and
goto Memory. Here before entering any place, you need to talk to the Spiritual
Cow, who opens up Coop D'etat for you.

3.1.0 MEMORY (UDDERS: 15)

"It's a Farmyard out there!"

An introduction to the game. Whip the hamster to open the door. Once inside,
follow the sequence of doors, till you come to your first enemy, the
Rocket-Wielding Chicken. After killing him, stand on the switch that opens up
and launch the fridges. This will open up your very first UDDER(1) Grab it and


Jump over all the Egg-Grenades that roll down the slope and shoot the PsyCrow
boxes for Atomic and Marbles. When you reach a narrow bridge, it is time for
your first mission. Talk to Colonel Pluckitt, who asks you to get him his
underwear, so off we go. Continue up the slopes. When you reach a fork in the
road, visit both. Enter the massive hall, containing Pluckitt's Undies. Goons
are all over the place. Roll and shoot them and goto the vending machine. Whip
it to recieve your first Special Weapon. It is a Gnome Gun. Shoot it at the
Chickens and the Gnome goes smiling to kill them. He explodes on impact so dont
fire it too close to yourself. After you kill a few Chickens, a switch is
activated. Find it and jump on it. Then, shoot the PsyCrow boxes near it to
lower the pillars. Jump and climb up the pillars. Enter the door at the top and
kill the Birds. Whip the hamster and exit. This will cause the underwear to
move a bit towards you on the line. Kill a few more Chickens and another switch
opens up. Continue this process, till you are finally able to grab the
underwear near the vending Machine. Run back to Colonel Pluckitt. But he isnt
there, another General is there instead. Grab your UDDER(2) and re-trace your
path to the Underwear Hall.


The big door at the end of the hall is open now. This is a tricky area. Get
your jumping right and use Heli-Head if you have to. The first Hall is easy.
Once you get to the Giant Chicken Hall. Head Right immediately, over the two
bridges. Whip the Hamster to Tip the Chicken over and you have finished Coop
D'Etat. Return to the beginning of this hall and talk to the Bovine there.
Collect your UDDER(3) and exit, just opposite to him is the door to exit.


Re-enter the Circular Area now, and head over to Barn to be wild!

3.1.2 BARN TO BE WILD! (Udders: 7)
"Let's Kick Cow!"

You start the level in front of a swamp of quicksand. Talk to snott and jump
over the quicksand. Talk to snott again and pickup your gun, The Egg Chucker
from the vending machine. Continue straight ahead for now, until you come to a
marshy area, with rocks floating about and a pig flying. Snipe the camera in
front of you on the corner of the wall. Shoot the floating pig to release lotsa
marbles. Now jump from rock to rock till you reach the first UDDER(1) of BTBW.


On your way back, if you want , duck into the little door on your left and get
full health. Return to the vending machine. See that little hooded Chicken
there? Forget him for now nad proceed through the door at the end of the
quicksand. Prepare to fight. The Egg Chucker has homig ability as long as you
are facing the enemy. Shoot all the Chickens in this area, including the guy
behind the windmill. Now opposite to the entrance to this area, from where you
came in, there is a green slab(a switch). Jump on it and continue to the
vending machine seen here. Near the Barn there are two more guys, one of whome
is hiding a switch. Snipe him and then the switch to open another door to your


Opposite the Vending Machine, is another guy with a switch.Enter the barn.
Shoot the guy in the elavated hideout after killing the two in front of you.
Spin 180 and deal death to the fowl behind you. THe guy in the hideout reveals
another switch. Proceed around the corner and Kill the final guy with the final
switch. The door opens to an UDDER(3)

"Time for some Bovine Retribution!"

Opposite the Vending machine #3 there is a camera, Snipe it. Return to VM #1
and talk to the Chicken. Turns out he is part of the CIA. Follow him to the
windmill and then to the Udder Door. Enter the BSE Headquarters. First things
first. Run straight ahead and get the Cleaver. Kill all surround bovine and
keep walking around, till you reach the General. Midway, between two rows of
boxes, is a small door. Enter it to goto training. Grab the wire and shoot the
first Bovine. Then, rotate the camera so you face the other two and fire away.
After talking to the Colonel, cross the other rope in the same fashion.
Repating it in 2 mins is quite easy actually. Exit the training area after
collecting your UDDER(4).


Now goto the General in prison and get his Orders. Fight your way out and give
them to the CIA agent who is opposite the VM #3 . Re-enter the BSE
Headquarters. It's time to free the General. Talk to him once again and he will
instruct you to get on the roof. Near the end of the Headquarters, are a stack
of blocks. A new block will appear there now and you can climb on top. Work
your way around the roof. Super-Jump to grab the rope and get to the inside of
the Jail. Now you will get another UDDER(5), although the General is dead.


Walk back to the entrance of the BSE headquarters, near the VM from where you
got the Slicer. Climb up the nearby blocks to get to a helium balloon. Run into
it and collect all the blue marbles that appear. Claim your UDDER(6) prize near
the roof entrance at the end of the BSE HQ.


Exit the HQ. The final Udder can be got by grabbing the Egg Chucker again and
re-entering the BSE Headquarters. Snipe all the cameras you see, theres one on
the roof near the entrance and one near the Generals jail cell.There's also one
in the trainng centre near the last rope! Snipe all cameras to get your last


Get out of Barn to Be wild and enter the door opposite the Spiritual Cow.
Prepare for your first Boss fight!

"Pork Boarding!"

The first boss of the game! He is a really tough one simply because he is the
first one. Jim is on a pig and PsyCrow is on a surfjet. The goal is too collect
100 marbles before dying. The total number of marbles in the field is 100
itself, so when you run out of marbles to pickup, shoot PsyCrow. He is quit
easy, once you know the trick. First zoom out using Jim's Camera, this allows
you to see his rockets easily and avoid them just as easily.


Never press the forward button as the pig becomes uncontrollable. Use it ONLY
when you are a little away from a group of marbles or a rocket. The Rocket is
homing type so you only have to face PsyCrow and fire and the rocket will
follow him. Once hit, You or PsyCrow, begin to spill 6 marbles from those
collected. This can make it easy to collect PsyCrows marbles. Never attempt to
outrun a rocket, it is impossible. It only makes it tougher to avoid. Time your
jump to coincide with the rocket touching you, so you can jump right over it.
Making Jumps while sharply turning are only so effective, as the rocket can
follow and hit you on the curve.


Be cool and dont lose your patience. The last thing you want to do is madly
rush around, trying to shoot rockets and collect marbles at the same time. With
a little patience and 100 marbles later, you've beaten him and completed your
first section of Jim's Brain. Move onto Happiness the only one unlocked now.


"Cheesy Effects!"

You start on an elevated platform. Jump over the bean tip in front of you and
enter the first door on the right. Meet King Gherkin, a prisoner here. You need
to free him, in order to get that Udder above his head. Talk to him and then
come out. Head towards the robot, guarding a security door. To kill him, you
must shoot him till he becomes confused and then whip him. Get the security
card he leaves behind and enter the door. Now, do you see some moving cheese
blocks near the left wall? Time your jumps so they coincide with the cheese
coming out of the wall. Get to the top and then jump on the switch. One bar
from King Gherkin's Prison is off. Jump down and fight the robots for their
security card. Once you get it. Jump on the bean cans floating in the goo and
get to the gherkin type tree there. Jump up the platforms and get the marbles
and the UDDER(1).


Now get back to the switch you pressed and open it with the security card.
There is a zipcord in front of you, but before going down all the way, get on
the zipcord and go halfway. Jump down onto the little platform and press the
switch to free the King a little more. Kill all the robots in the area to get
another security card. Get across the ropes strung across the goo in the left
of the area. Go up and open the door. Here, you can go all the way down to the
bottom on the zipcord. Now shoot all the robots and aliens that appear. Get the
security card left behind. Now climb up the Gherkin tree and complete the blue
balloon challenge, to recieve another UDDER(2).


In the corner of this area is another door, enter it. Kill all the aliens here
and destroy all the boxes. One of them reveals a switch. Jump on it to release
King Gherkin. He is excited, he drops the Udder and oops! a fridge kills
him.(Hmm.. where have I seen that before?). Forget that Udder for now and look
around for a flame coloured box. It's indestructible, so you can destroy all
the boxes and then find it. Jump in. Meet the Sauce King! Get the Peashooter he
gives you and then leave this area. What you basically have to do is look
around in EVERY area to find all the potato people. Snipe all of them and you
can get the UDDER(3). If you cant find any of them, try a different perch so
you can get a better view.


Opposite to the entrance to this Sauce King, is a door. Go through it and you
can get another UDDER(4).


Now, on your way out,get the UDDER(5) for King Gherkins demise.


Exit the area and goto Are You Hungry Tonite?


One of the most frustrating levels of all! You start off in a large room. With
no noticeable exit, head over to the hole on the extreme left, near the door.
Jump down to find yourself in prison. And who's opposite to you, why The King,
Elvis. Shoot the alien guard and then look around for a metal plate on the
wall. Shoot it to open your cell. You'll come back later for Elvis but talk to
him now. Goto the door nearby and enter it. Remember the barred door on your
left. You'll be activating switches to open it later. Continue through the
opposite door. There is a huge hall in front of you filled with aliens.
Sometime they use shields also so beware. Climb on top of the stairs but stop
halfway. Snipe the alien 'chef' through the letter hole and then shoot the
switch. Continue up and then snipe the switches on the walls adjacent and
opposite. Kill all aliens below to collect a security card that opens up the
door nearby. In this area, climb onto the Rotating machine and shoot the switch
on top to rotate it. Shoot all the boxes infront of you to reveal a switch.
Shoot it. Now shoot the switches high up. Go back the way you came, out of the
door on the right and into the elevator. Whip the switch to go up. Now, walk
around the gangway here till you reach the UDDER(1).


Get back to the lift. Whip the down switch until you come to floor B1. Here you
will enter a place surrounded by glass. Outside is a 'kitchen' with fire
burning near some marbles. What you need to do is shoot the plates on the wall
(like in the jail cell) within a short span of time. Only then will the pane of
the glass open. Shoot throught the letter hole in the bottom. Aim at the first
one and then deflect the second shot off the walls to hit the others. This is
the general way to get out of this place. Move between rooms through the
corridors, but watch out for aliens with pans. Get the UDDER(2) and finish this


Return to the lift and whip the down switch till you reach B2. This is by far
the most frustrating of rooms in the whole game (barring the grannies herding
in Fantasy). You have to collect the Power Parp (PP) tins on the ground. Within
3 seconds, as the voice counts down, you have to get close to the next most
elevated platform. Jim will then give out, a shocker of a fart and fly up
really high. You have to guide Jim towards the platform. This is really tough.
Keep in mind the following tips. If need be, at a 1/2 second to go, jump and
then fart your way up for added lift so it gives you more time to guide Jim
around. You can also try the super jump and fart technique. If the destination
platform is too far ahead, you can jump, heli-head a little forward, then fart,
and then heli-head again to your platform. You can try looking for Jim's
shadow, to see if he is over the platform, or away from it, although this
doesnt always work. Get to the top and then enter the next room and oh sh*t,
there's another room filled with PP tins. Control your anger and work your way
up. Now, you get an UDDER(3).


Notice the blue balloon? Yup, its challenge time! Complete the challenge and
get the UDDER(4).


Now run back up the stairs and your way is unblocked. Enter the nearest door.
Go through the door there and hit the switch. This will free Elvis. Now wait
for him to come to your area, and then surprise, surprise, you have to escort
him personally to the door. Grrr! Anyway, this is easily the third most
frustrating part in the game. You have to follow Elvis and whip him (Yes! Sorry
Elvis Fans) when he comes to the green goo. The 'King' easily dies so be
careful. The aliens wont shoot at you but rather at him, you may have to face
their fire yourself so the 'King' doesnt die. Grrr! again!. Run ahead of him on
corners and shoot aliens before he gets to the corner. You restart at the
beginning if Elvis dies! Finally, the 'King' got what he deserved right? Jump
down into the hole and get your last UDDER(5). Hurray!!


Get to Fatty Roswell (in case you forgot, the door opposite the Spiritual Cow).

To get unlimited lives, legitimately, go near the door to 'Are You Hungry
Tonite?' and look for Snott. Talk to him, get the PP tin and get the extra life
nearby. Now, Enter the door and exit immediately, i.e saying 'Yes' . Now you
can talk to Snott again and get another PP tin and another Life. Repeat as many
times as you want for just as many lives extra!

The toughest of all bosses except probably the mystery boss! Note the 'Roswell'
in his name. He is the toughest, because he can teleport at will. This causes
very serious problems as he can then fire at you unbeknownst or even dodge your
rockets. The trick is to follow Fatty Roswell's movements like a hawk.
Everytime he teleports, look at your radar, in the bottom left to see where he
is. You will have to avoid those fast, ketchup-missiles of his. There is a
peculiar sound when he fires his rockets so you can have advance warning. Be
careful and implement everything you learnt from your encounter with PsyCrow.
Be patient and 5 Udders will be yours.

3.3.0 FEAR (UDDERS: 26)

"Oooh, Scary!"

This is a tricky place to start with. Go up the stairs towards the moving
walls. This is quite tricky and you WILL lose some health! Cross the first wall
and then the next two. When they start moving in (Position your camera
correctly), jump towards the far wall and heli-head a little, untill you fall
on some spikes. Jim starts jumping in pain, but let him. Now, stay there, until
the fourth wall starts moving and navigate towards and hang on to the wall.
Climb up and run to the right. Your first walls are over. Talk to the clock and
then proceed towards the next set of walls. This is a lot easier but tricky to
find out. Cross the first, then the second, third and fourth together! Now,
when the fourth starts sliding back out, heli-head to the third. Now wait a
second and all the walls will slide back enabling you to run across. A peculiar
sound will come when you cross, so treat it as signal. Run up the stairs. To
colloect extra marbles, whip the banana paintings. To kill the haunted poultry,
just whip the painting on the wall there, and kill them boids! Keep going
ahead, till you reach a hall-like area with a ghostly apparition (Sorry, picked
that up from Ripley's! ;-)) Talk to it and it will demand a head. Proceed down
the corrider, till you meet another clock. Here, opposite to the clock is a
pathway. Now go down and collect the circle of marbles. Run off to the left and
enter the door. There are more fowl here, so just go ahead and whip them to
hell/heaven. Now collect the UDDER(1) and prepare for a dash.


Press the switch and dash back to the clock. A new section os the corridor
would be opened up. Go through it till you find Snott and a ghostly vaccuum
cleaner? Also, up the stairs nearby is a Vending Machine with Bananamite! The
idea here is to get the Vaccuum Cleaner to eat the Bananamite just as it is
about to explode. Too early and the vaccuum cleaner just detonates it away from
itself, too late and it explodes anyway harmlessly. Drop a Bananamite on the
carpet and run away. The cleaner will try to follow you. Once the ticking of
the Bananamite gets faster, go behind it. The Vaccuum Cleaner will then follow
you and eat up the Bananamite. Repeat this 3 times to kill it and get an


Follow the ghost(??) of the Ghostly Vaccuum Cleaner to the room atop the
stairs. Here the furniture is transparent. You have to jump on the switch and
then on the specific furniture that appear in specific order to get the Udder.
For the losers, the ordr is furnished(pun intended) below.
a. Bed
b. Box above switch
c. Tall chest of drawers in bottom left corner
d. Tall chest of drawers in bottom right corner
e. Broad chest of drawers in top right
f. Tall chest of drawers in bottom left corner
g. Broad chest of drawers in middle right.

Every time you jump on a new piece of furniture, the clock is reset. Avoid the
Ghostly(???) Vaccuum Cleaner that appears and finish the game. Collect the
UDDER(3) and get out of the room.


Now, proceed down the hallway after where the Vaccuum Cleaner was. When you
come to a door and a painting of one of Jim's Ancestors, cross the painting,
till it looks to the extreme left. Now, CREEP back to the door and enter to
collect the UDDER(4). Try the door with the painting looking at different
angles to get marbles.


Come out of the door and proceed till you come to a hall with a clock and
bookshelf.Talk to the clock and jump near the books that come out, this opens
up a niche in the wall, which holds, wait-a-minute a Beaver Head? Oh yeah!
Forgot Aunt Beaver-For-A-Head didntcha? Run all the way back to her, with the
Beaver nipping at your heels, roll and jump to avoid being hit and then go up
to her. The beaver settles on her head and she flies out the window if you talk
to her. Go out to the balcony and collect your last UDDER(5) and a few marbles.


Beyond the beaver opening clock is a chair. Whip it to get some marbles. Jump
off the edge and Heli-Head a bit, and you'll land on a ledge, with an extra


Retrace your path to the flight of stairs again. Now, head to the door on your
left to go to Poultyrgeist Too


"Here's Jimmy!"

Go through the empty corridor and into the room with our friend the Vaccuum
Cleaner. Kill him in much the same fashion as the previous with the Bananamite
in the Vending Machine nearby. Now, get up on the box there and collect your
prize, well waddaya know it's an UDDER!(1).


Notice two unusual slabs in the room? They are raised, so Bananamite them.
Straight ahead from the first one, in the direction of the painting, is another
slab. It is not raised, but go ahead and Bananamite it. Jump on this switch
first. Go into the niche that opens up and collect the Helper(?? I dunno the
name for this one!) Then room fills with haunted hens! Shoot all of them and
you can collect an extra life above the entrance to this room. Goto the switch
nearest the fireplace and activate it. Run between the firewood. When you come
to the door with two of jim's Ancestors paintings nearby, repeat the process
for the previous ones. Look inside the room for a clue and CREEP so as to not
disturb the paintings. Collect the UDDER(2). Whip the knight in the room for
more marbles!


Exit and continue down the hallway to talk to the chicken Chicken! Here,
basically you have to visit three rooms and kill the Fowl within them. After
running around a bit, youll find them eventually. When you come to the room
with three paintings. Run straight out the entrance, keep going straight till
you come to another door with a switch. Activate it and dash back to the room.
Whip the painting that comes down first, because after sometime it goes back
up. Kill all the poultry here and you meet up with the chicken Chicken who is
free. Climb up the boxes and get the UDDER(3).


Go back to the Vaccuum Cleaner and then jump on the last switch. Here you pop
out of a HUGE coffee cup. This area is logically simple, but physically tough.
Just activate the switches to form bridges and run across. After you activate
the switch and climb up the mountain of books that appear, head off to the
left. Here you can climb up and complete another blue balloon challenge to get
an UDDER(4).


Get down and continute across till you get another UDDER(5), the last one.


Get outta here and goto Death A Worm


The level opens in a graveyard. Turn right and get the Apollo 13 Gun. Use it to
shoot the Vampires. Beware, their spit is quite paralysing. To get rid of them,
face them and shoot. The rocket is homing type so you wont have to shoot them
head-on. Don't ever leave them flappin' bout when you have to jump a bit. Their
spit can stop you dead in your tracks causing you to fall. After getting the
Gun, go straight ahead and talk to the Disco Zombie(DZ) Head. He will ask you
to get him a medallion. After this conversation, a tombstone appears for three
graves that you will have to read. The first one is back the way you came,
halfway though. 'Talk' to it and then continue to the entrance. In case you
havent noticed, there is an opening on the left. Enter it. This is a tricky
place. You have to jump from Rock to Rock, till you can get at the Udder in the
distance. To make it worse are the Vampires. Jump on the first block and then
on the floating blocks. Proceed this way till you reach first, the middle
block, that contains another tombstone to read. Now head over to the right hand
opening. Refill your Rockets, if need be. THen whip the statue of the Disco
Zombie till it settles into place. Get out and get the UDDER(1) hanging there
on top of the high blocks.


Complete the blue balloon challenge to get another UDDER(2). The challenge is
difficult because of the first two fish. Avoid them at all costs. If you do
fall, try to touch a moving block nearby, because then it will start to sink.
This allows you to get over it and try again.


Come out of this area. Go towards the Head but not to it. Head left and enter
the opening there. Whip the statue there. Watch out for Vampires. Now, climb on
the first few tombstones, till you come to a large area that has another
opening. Talk to Snott and he will say that this is a wildlife protected area.
The idea here is to CREEP past the rabbits so they dont detonate. Get to the
other side. Before going down the hole, just duck into the niche there and whip
statue no. 3 into place. Go down the hole. Here you have to kill a number of
rabbits. The tile in the corner raises. Just walk past and get your UDDER(3).


Climb out and read the third tombstone there. Super Jump out of this fence. By
now, you would have seen the cut-scene(no pun intended) of themedallion falling
from the ceiling. Come out of the rabbit arae and proceed past the now raised
tombstones. Into the hole on the right and whip the final statue. Now, collect
the UDDER(4).


Jump past the remaing tombsones and take another UDDER(5).


Now head back to the entrance. Kill some Vampires. You may have to 'Activate'
them by running between halls. Once you kill enough the door behind the Head
opens. Enter it. You can leave the stairs for now, but I prefer going up the
stairs and then jumping down near the hole to avoid Rabbits. Whichever way you
go, go into the hole behind the building. Here, you just hafta run around.
There's no other way. As time passes, new corridors will appear and eventually
you will get the Medallion. Watch out for them Rabbits, they're loaded! Return
with the Medallion to the Head and you have another UDDER(6).


Climb the stairs to the very top. Behind the door is a 1 UP and some marbles.
Go through the door and enter Boogie Nights.

"Wow, Now that's Groovy!"

Talk to the wierd lady to the left and then pick up the Funky Gun from the
Vending Machine on the right. Go down the hallway, till you come to a Toilet,
with Disco Zombie's Head on top of a sign board. Go in and whip the door open.
Talk to the guy there and whip the flush chain. GO down the hole formed and
start shooting all the speakers. When you get to an Udder high up, shoot the
grating above the Udder to break it. Continue to the end of the watery corridor
and get your UDDER(1).


Super Jump out of the hole and come out of the Girlz Toilet. Go back in for
some fun. Go back to the mens room. Here in front of the Toilet, You will see a
large hole. Jump down and get another UDDER(2).


There are two more rooms, to complete. One of them is a disco competition. What
you have to do is follow the lights. Zoom out to the max. Then, start running
and following the lights. Don't go too fast or you will fall before the square
is lit up. Too slow and the square disappears from under your feet. In the
record room, balance on the recors, or else it will throw you off. Talk to the
wierd lady again and return. Go through the disco lights again,and through the
record room again, and through the disco lights room again. This time, you amy
hafta Heli-Head to the door. Complete 3 Disco Rooms totally and get your


The only other Room left is a Disco Zombie Room. The idea here is to shoot the
Disco Zombie with the the Funky Gun. It wll decapitate them. Then, shoot the
other Zombies similarly. Depending on the Number of Zombies in the room, you
must have the same number of Heads, following you SIMULTANEOUSLY to open the
door to the next room. Go through all three of these rooms and the UDDER(4) is


Finally, when you come out of the Disco Zombie Room, a cage opens revealing
another UDDER(5).


Exit Boogie Nights and Death Wormed Up, in that order and head to Professor

Same Pork Boarding Rules apply here also. Watch out for the Bananamines he
leaves about. They explode harmlessly 20-30 seconds later. A word about the
Ego-Boost. It is a super-Jump of sorts. Jim goes flying and really fast. Use it
when you need marbles that are far away, or Rockets that are far away. If you
want more time to dodge a rocket, then use it. It can only be used by you, so
dont worry if the Professor picks it up. It reappears almost immediately.

3.4.0 FANTASY (UDDERS: 17)

"I think I'm downwind!"

You start in a valley. Watch out for Grannies bombing you from the top. It's
quite futile to try and get them with your puny Blaster so just get on with the
climbing. CLimb up the face of the valley. Whip the cactus twice to kill them.
Get the Pistol from the Vending Machine and use it to snipe the Grannies. I
suggest going down once to ensure you kill all of them. Talk to the Cowkid (Ya
know, cowboy,cowkid whatever!) and go through the door. Here go down and kill
the cactus. Jump over the quicksand and then onto the next patch. Work your way
to the Pole holding the wire that stretches over you. Super Jump to get at the
wire and then position the camera till it looks directly at the shack above the
mud waterfall. Go Hand-over-Hand carefully keeping the camera focussed there.
When Yosemite Sam pops out of the shack, quickly shoot him about 4 times and
then duck to lift yourself up and avoid his bullets. This opens up a door. Kill
the next Sam in the same way. Once hes dead, the shack disappears and you see
an Udder you cant get yet.Go through the new door and refill your gun , if you
want to and then get rid of the cactus. You should have slain the Bombing
Grannies in the previous room. Now, kill all the Grannies here and go to the
right of the valley. Get up on the wire and kill Yosemite Sam to the left and
to the distant right. The first Sam leaves a door. Enter this door. It leads to
Granny Herding Room. This is arguably one of the toughest rooms, in the whole
game and bugging too! You hafta round up the Grannies and herd them into the
shed, to make them watch TV. The problem here is that, The Grannies move faster
than you, they are invulnerable and your whip doesnt affect them, and they tend
to return out of the shed and roam around again! I really have no _tips_ for
this area, all it needs is a lot of patience. After herdin them Granmas you get
an UDDER(1).


Go through the distant right Sam door. You can enter a door to the final room.
Here there is an ice-cream truck to the right on top of the valley. Climb up
the right side of the valley. Talk to the server and he will give you an
ice-cream. Run like hell to the Cowkid, before the wasps/hornets/bees whatever,
get it. Try not to fall into the quicksand, as it slows you down terribly. A
note here: If you have successfully sniped all Bombing Grannies so far, the
moment you appproach the ice-cream truck, an Udder is unlocked in the second
room, near the bottom left of the room. Forget about it now. Deliver the
ice-cream to the Cowkid and ooops! the fridge misses him but wait there's more.
Get the UDDER(2) and go back to the second room.


Collect the UDDER(3) from between the quicksand and instead of returning, just
continue straight ahead. You can climb out from there.


In this room itself, there is a blue balloon challenge. Complete it and get
your UDDER(4).


Goto the last room. Kill the two Sams and Enter the circular door for a shock!.
You gotta fart your way to the top all over again! Only this time, you have
only planks to jump on. Thankfully you only have one room of this. Get your
UDDER(5) and get out.


Through the other Sam door, you can get the UDDER(6) that you got by killing
the second Sam.


Go to The good, The bad and The elderly


Walk towards the window there and talk to the sheriff to get the key to his
office. Open the office and get a Pistol. Shoot all Grannies outside. When they
stop coming, it's time to get the Bombing Granny. After the fresh batch of
students arrive for their lesson in target practice, get the Bingo Ball,
dropped by the last one. Look around for a large Green Bottle. Snipe it and
then repeat for the big padlock. After more Granny and Bottle Shootin' You come
to the Town Hall. Run up to the table on the ground. Here's where you deposit
the bingo balls. I assume you have the prudence to deposit each ball here after
collecting it. Note that you cannot carry more than one bingo ball at a time.
Kill all the Grannies and Bombing Grannies, and then shoot the 2 bottles here.
Collect the bingo ball. Now, go straight ahead to the Store (refer map) and get
the next bingo ball. Enter the store, collect all the marbles and exit the
backway for more Granny Herding. Collect the UDDER(1) after herding all the
Grannies into the shed.


Even if you dont want to herd any more Grannies just go there. Spin 180 upon
entering and then snipe the bottle. Proceed to the Cow Area. This is an area
with a building shaped like a cow's rear. Get another bingo ball here and enter
the Cow Building. The idea here is to ride the ice cube till it returns to the
fridge. Be careful, as Jim keeps liding off even though the Ice Cube goes in a
straight line. Get your UDDER(2) outside this building and snipe the bottle


On the way out snipe any other bottles you may see. Return to the Town Hall and
deposit the Bingo Ball, before heading to the Bank. Enter the bank before/after
getting the bingo ball and answer the phone. Run all the way to the Town Hall
and then to the store, then to the sheriff's office and then to the Town Hall
again. The second time you come to the Town Hall, the phone is INSIDE the
building not outside. Sometimes while going to answer the phone for the first
timeto to the Town Hall, the phone doesnt ring till after you get in the Hall
and out again. Bit of a bother, but finally, you can get your UDDER(3) at the
bank, along with a stick of Dynamite.


Talk to the Sheriff to blow the wall off and collect the UDDER(4).


If you have any bingo balls to collect, do so and deposit them. Collect your
UDDER(5). If you sniped all visible bottles then there is another UDDER(6) in
store for you. The bottles maybe in any room! Don't forget the one in the
Granny Herding Room!


Proceed towards Bob and Number Four.




Town Hall
Store----------------------Sheriff's Office
Cow Building
and Bank

"Pork Boarding!"

This is basically the same fight but rather easier. Bob, a goldfish
, faces off with you on a cat. The cat allows him to somewhat jump,
so he can avoid your missiles. Try shooting one-after-another after collecting
two of the Rockets. Fire them off not together but a few Milliseconds apart.
Same Pork Boarding rules apply, including the Ego Boost (refer Professor
Monkey-For-A-Head Section 3.3.5)


Me, lethal_shrapnel, for doing this FAQ.
Felix from Mars, I wouldnt have crossed the game without help from this FAQ,
but I found it inadequate, 'n thats why I'm here!

"Hey, that's mine!"

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This document was made for personal use only. No part of this document may
be copied or used in any form of media withthout the express written consent
of lethal_shrapnel. Unauthorized use of any information herein is a direct
violation of Copyright Law, and legal action will be taken.

This document is Copyright © 2001 lethal_shrapnel. All Rights Reserved.

No part of this FAQ may be used in any way, shape, or form
without express written consent of lethal_shrapnel.


Copyright © 1999 Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. Game developed by
Software Engine Copyright © VIS PLC. All rights reserved. Earthworm Jim and all
characters Copyright © Shiny Entertainment, INC 1999. Yosemite Sam Copyright ©
Warner Bros. Inc


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