

16.10.2013 19:08:33
Etherlords FAQ V1.5
Date Made: December 12, 2001
Updated: December 14, 2001
If you have any comments, suggestions or any other additions you might want to
add mail at
This document Copyright 2001 Cedric Garalde

*Just finished the game on both evil sides, so my FAQ is probably bias, to the
dark side. I love playing synthets, it's fast and furious. I'm just starting
again in playing a campaign on the good side of thing just to light up my
visions a bit. -10/12/2001

Changes since V1.0

-I removed the spell list, I'm still thinking if I will put it. since its
already in the duel option.

-Added Races Section

-Added Deck Building Section

-Added Card Combos Section

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Races
III. Hero Specialization
IV. Hero Skills
V. Artifact List
VI. Think-tank
VII. Deck Building
VIII. Card Combos
IX. Conclusion
X. Disclaimer

I. Introduction

This FAQ is pretty broad just wanted to put anything of anything that
might help sorry of its a little disorganized, this is my first FAQ. Well for
those who don't know what etherlords is its pretty much a cross-bred of Heroes
of Might and Magic and Magic the Gathering, which was done pretty well. I thank
Fishtank interactive for combining the best of both worlds. This game is one of
those games that rarely comes out, something so different yet so similar.

II. Races

As you probably know there are four races, so here they are;

1. Ether of Synthesis

Probably the weirdest of all the races, Synthets are unlike any other creature
you have seen. As suggested by they're names you'll probably thinking of
cyborgs and androids? Well they are exactly what you think. Synthet deck in my
opinion are offensive minded, having most of its creatures able to attack at
the time of casting or no "summoning sickness" in MTG term. And also probably
has the fastest deck you can build.

2. Ether of Chaos

Chaos creatures are common to anyone who has played lots of fantasy RPG.
Creatures ranging from orcs to bats, rats to kobolds. Chaos deck are more in
the middle side of things but in my opinion is more of a defensive card, due to
the diversity of its walls and its ability to damage anything without

3. Ether of Vitality

Vitality creatures are the Mother Nature kind of creatures, from trees to bees
and other insects that you can find. Vitals have the most diverse creatures in
the game almost all of its creatures have special ability. And also point out
those Vitals probably is the race that has no walls, though you might consider
that the fingus creature type as walls.
4. Ether of Motion

Kinets is as diverse as his ally the vitals. Just like the vitals, kinets
creature oriented race, probably the most creature oriented race.

III. Hero Specialization's

Hero can use artifacts up to 2 times in combat.
Hero can use artifacts up to 4 times in combat.
Hero can use artifacts up to 8 times in combat.

Reduces the cost of spells and runes by 20%.
Reduces the cost of spells and runes by 45%.
Reduces the cost of spells and runes by 70%.

Delay in Ether Disturbance for your hero is increased by 1 turn and reduced by
1 turn for your enemy.
Delay in Ether Disturbance for your hero is increased by 2 turn and reduced by
2 turn for your enemy.
Delay in Ether Disturbance for your hero is increased by 3 turn and reduced by
3 turn for your enemy.

Hero receives 1 additional spell every 4th turn in combat.
Hero receives 1 additional spell every 3rd turn in combat.
Hero receives 1 additional spell every 2nd turn in combat.

Reduces hero's upkeep by 25%.
Reduces hero's upkeep by 50%.
Reduces hero's upkeep by 100%

Ethereal Attack
Increase damage dealt to the castle by this hero by 1.
Increase damage dealt to the castle by this hero by 3.
Increase damage dealt to the castle by this hero by 5.

Ethereal Defense
If a defender with this skill wins ethereal combat, then the Attacker's castle
will receive very small amount of damage.
If a defender with this skill wins ethereal combat, then the Attacker's castle
will receive small amount of damage.
If a defender with this skill wins ethereal combat, then the Attacker's castle
will receive some damage.

Hero additionally receives 25% of Experience.
Hero additionally receives 50% of Experience.
Hero additionally receives 100% of Experience.

Loot from creatures increases by 50%.
Loot from creature's increases by 125%.
Loot from creature's increases by 200%.

slightly better chance for hero's specialization to work.
Seriously better chance for hero's specialization to work.
Much better chance for hero's specialization to work.

Hero's movement increased by 25%.
Hero's movement increased by 50%.
Hero's movement increased by 100%.

Every 3rd turn in combat hero regenerates 1 point of health.
Every 2nd turn in combat hero regenerates 1 point of health.
Every turn in combat hero regenerates 1 point of health

Hero can carry up to 7 runes.
Hero can carry up to 10 runes.
Hero can carry up to 15 runes.

Hero's life increased by 10%.
Hero's life increased by 20%.
Hero's life increased by 30%

Slightly worse chance for enemy's specialization to work.
Seriously worse chance for enemy's specialization to work.
Much worse chance for enemy's specialization to work.

Specialization Rank

My top 5
1.Luck- is the best IMO, especially if you have a good skill
2.Suppression- anything that will avoid your enemy to use his specialization
ranks right up there
3. Artificer- well I just want to have this especially whenever I have amulet
of the huntress
4.Concentration- I don't want to have an empty hand heheheh!
5. Ethereal attack- I always take this( though its not in my main hero I always
put EA in my gatherer)

The least 5
1. Regeneration- no use if you are going to die that's that, no need to slow it
down hehehe!
2. Looting- never good in my whole campaign I never did use it once
3. Ethereal Defense- I never did engage on Ethereal combat so nuff said.
4. Estates- I should have probably rank this way up there
5. Strength- the life you get when you level up is just right

IV. Hero Skills

For every attempt to dispel the hero's enchantment there is a chance that
dispelling will fail.

Aviaks' Cunning
Any Aviak under the hero's control has a chance to deal double damage with a
melee attack.

Bats' Thievery
Any Bat under hero's control has a chance to remove one spell from an enemy's
hand when it successfully hits that enemy.

Burn Relief
Hero has a chance to avoid or reduce damage received from the "Ether Burn"

Cutters' Restlessness
Any Cutter under the hero's control has a chance not to rest after attack.

Dazzling Illusion
Each time an enemy creature is blocked by Wall of Illusion under hero's
control, there is a chance that the blocked creature will be enchanted by
"enfeeblement" spell.

Destructive Wipe
When using "Mindwipe" spell the hero has a chance not only to discard all
spells from enemy hand, but also deal 1 damage for each discarded spell.

Dexterous Hands
The hero has a chance to draw 1 additional spell at the beginning of his turn.

Discriminating Fury
Every creature under hero's control has a chance to avoid the effect of the
"Fury of Nature" spell.

Discriminating Lightning
Every creature under the hero's control has a chance to avoid the effect of
the "Lightning Storm" spell.

Discriminating Unsummoning
Every creature under the hero's control has a chance to avoid the effect of
the "Greater Unsummoning" spell.
Dragon Skin
The hero has a chance to negate any damage received in combat.

Enhanced Water Link
Every time the "Water link" spell passes health to this hero, there is a
chance that the actual health passed will be equal to the sum of creature's
power and toughness (rather than equal to creature's toughness only).

Eternal Enchantments
Every time a creature with enchantments controlled by this hero is destroyed,
there is a chance that the enchantments will return to the hero's hand.

Evil Eyes' Gaze
Every time an Evil Eye under this hero's control takes part in a combat phase,
there is a chance that Evil Eye's opponent will be destroyed before the combat
actually begins.

Expert Artificer
When using an artifact, the hero might not expend one of the item's charges.

Fighters' Guile
Any Fighter under the hero's control has a chance to drain health after
successful attack against enemy hero and pass this health to it's controller.

Finguses' Vitality
Every Fingus summoned by the hero has a chance to regenerate when it's
toughness drops below 1 point (or if it is destroyed by a spell).

Flood Resistance
Every turn, every creature under hero's control has a chance to avoid the
effect of the "Flood" spell for one turn.

Fortunate Offering
Every creature under the hero's control has a chance to survive it's sacrifice
to the "Cannibalism" spell.

Free Casting
The hero has a chance to cast a spell without paying it's ether cost (for a
spell with variable casting cost, the initial cost is only ignored).

Gibberlings' Restlessness
Any Gibberling under hero's control has a chance not to rest after attack.

Greater Energize
The hero has a chance to use recycling part of "Energize" spell more than once
per turn.

Halos' Twins
The hero has a chance to summon two Halos with one summon spell.

Hornets' Interception
Any Hornet under hero's control has a chance to attack first, even when
defending against a creature with the "First Strike" ability.

The hero has a chance to negate any non-melee damage dealt to him in combat.

The hero has a chance to negate any melee damage received in combat.

Kobolds' Cunning
Any Kobold under the hero's control has a chance to deal double damage with a
melee attack.

Lamias' Thievery
Any Lamia under the hero's control has a chance to remove one spell from the
opponent's hand after having successfully hit that opponent.

Life Web
The hero has a chance to double the health gained from an "Spiritual Web"
spell's effect.

Magical Resonance
Hero has a chance to deal 1 damage to the enemy hero and all enemy creatures
every time he is damaged by a non-melee attack.

Mind Blast Protection
The hero has a chance to cast "Mind Blast" in such a way that it will deal
damage to the enemy hero only.

Offering to Ether
Every creature under this hero's control has a chance to survive it's
sacrifice to the "Ether Feeding" spell.

Offering to Fire
Every creature under the hero's control has a chance to survive it's sacrifice
to the "Burnout" spell.

Orcs' Overrun
Any Orc under the hero's control has a chance to do Trample effect damage in a
melee attack.

Physical Resonance
The hero has a chance to deal 1 damage to enemy hero and all enemy creatures
every time he is damaged by a melee attack.

Prolonged Blessing
Each turn each "Bless" spell cast by the hero has a chance to act one
additional turn.

Pteros' Purifying Strike
Successful attack by Pteros against an enemy hero or creature will result in
the target's enchantments being dispelled.

Quick Repair
The hero has a chance to use recycling part of "Repair Station" spell more
than once per turn.

Raise Dead
Every time a creature with enchantments controlled by this hero is destroyed,
there is a chance that the enchantments will return to the hero's hand.

Rats' Tenacity
Every Rat summoned by the hero has a chance to regenerate when it's toughness
drops below 1 point (or if it is destroyed by the spell).

The hero has a chance to return to life after it was fatally wounded, but with
only half of maximum life.

Selective Purification
When using the "Purify" spell the hero has a chance to remove all enchantments
from the target creature, instead of only the single target enchantment.

Smoke Resistance
Every turn every creature under hero's control has a chance to avoid the
effect of the "Smoke" spell for one turn.

Snakes' Venom
Each time a Snake under this hero's control bites an enemy hero, there is a
chance that the enemy hero will be enchanted by the "Envenoming" spell.

Spell Translocation
The hero has a chance to draw one more spell from the spell book each time he
casts any spell.

Stones' Wrath
Any Wall of Stone under the hero's control has a chance to destroy a blocked
creature at the end of the combat phase.

Suffocation Resistance
Every turn, every creature under hero's control has a chance to avoid the
effect of "Suffocation Gas" spell for one turn.

Suicidal Hunger
Every time the hero casts the "Hunger" spell, there is a chance to prevent use
of regeneration ability to restore the target's life.

Tenacious Hands
The hero has a chance to cast a spell without removing spell from his hand
(but if the hero only has another rune for this spell).

Thorn Protection
The hero has a chance to avoid or reduce damage received from the "Ether
Thorns" spell.

Thrifty Casting
The hero has a chance to cast a spell without expending it's rune.

Treants' Guile
Any Treant under this hero's control has a chance to drain health after
successful attack against enemy hero and pass that health to it's controller.

Velos' Twins
The hero has a chance to summon two Velos using one summon spell.

Winds' Wrath
Any Wall of Air under hero's control has a chance to destroy a blocked
creature with Flying ability at the end of the combat phase.

V. Artifact List
Legend: AT-Activation Time
GBU-Gap Between usage
RT-Recharge Time

Amulet of Ether Defense
Enchantment: Ether Defense
Enchanted creature can not be target of spells or abilities

Amulet of Purification
Sorcery: Purification
Remove target enchantment

Amulet of the Huntress
Summoning: Huntress 2/5
First Strike, Destroy Target creature with power 4 or higher

Amulet of Unity
Enchantment: Unity
Each creature gets +1/+1 for each other creature of the same race in play

Ring of Command
Sorcery: Command
Enchanted creature changes controller to the controller of this enchantment

Ring of Destruction
Sorcery: Destruction
Destroy target creature that creature cannot use regeneration ability

Ring Of Healing
Sorcery: Healing
Pay X ether: Gain X life

Ring Of Paralyzation
Enchantment: Paralyzation
Enchanted creature gets "Cannot get up" ability. Enchanted creature gains
ability to get up for 2 ether and 2 life of its' controller

Rod of Colossus
Sorcery: Colossus
Deals 9 damage to target creature or hero

Rod of Defense

Rod of Dominance

Rod of Fire

Rod of Insanity

Rod of Konung
Summoning: Konung 9/9
Trample, First Strike, Restless, Berserk, Regeneration (3), Cannot be the
target of spells and abilities

Rod of Lightning
Sorcery: Lightning
Deals 3 damage to all creatures

Rod of Reflection

Rod of Resurrection
Sorcery: Resurrection
Return target creature from graveyard to play
Scroll of Bless
Sorcery: Bless
Power and toughness of the enchanted creature increase by 4 until end of turn

Scroll of Dust
Sorcery: Dust
All creatures can not attack until their next turn.

Scroll of the Maggot
Summoning: Maggot 3/3 Flying

VI.A little think-tank

*Like I said in the beginning I love dark cards in choosing what to put in your
deck always consider why did you put that card there, and always go for
specialization, always make a theme. Eg. Whats the purpose of getting Male
fighter when you are making an ethereal burn card!

*In my Synthet ending campaign the type of deck that I used, was a steal
reality/tap life combo with some walls for a little bit of defense. Just a
little not if you're going to get a wall, a flying wall is probably best my
favorite wall (wall of blades).

*Just like in HOMAM always have one main hero never make a balanced team, if
you do you'll regret it in the end. Though in my experience, I always have two
heroes more ifs need be one as always is the main hero, I always choose my main
hero by his skill, While the other hero was pretty much a gatherer.

*In playing campaign mode, remember that enemy heroes just like you have runes,
so if you are having a hard time defeating that hero, try making a couple of
kamikaze hero just to dwindle his heavy cards, and attack him before he

VII. Deck Building

Well here we go the meat and potatoes of Etherlords, as you know in the duel
options in Etherlords, you have the option to build your own deck. There are
few options in building a deck; at first is the resource level. RL is the basis
of your deck this will decide how diverse your card is, just think of resource
level as some sort of handicap. As for me I like having it at the highest
level, since I want the best of the spells. As you can see unlike in MTG you
can't mix your race A card with race B card and vice-versa. So you really have
to decide which race you really want. Also unlike MTG etherlords doesn't have
mana cards, instead each hero increases his amount of ether channels turn by
turn. So here are the other options in Deck building.

Level of Character

The level of your character is pretty important, cause this determines your
starting health. A decent level of 9 and above is okay.


As you can see each race has a different set of specialization, always match
your specialization to the type of deck you are building. All race has some
creature specialization, so if you ever build a deck based on that creature its
always a must to get that skill.


In skill selection artificer, luck and suppression should always have at least
two more if you can spare some resources. As for the others pick anything you
want, just don't let it exceeds the level 1 mark.


Here is where it really differs from MTG, this time you artifacts are
untouchable. Well here are some pretty good artifacts to always have around.
Amulet of Ether Defense is always a must have for me, and sometimes I add
amulet of the huntress and ring of purification. These three will always
compliment what type of deck you have. As for the others it really depends on
you deck.

There are 15 slots in a deck, so that's a pretty small selection, so keep your
card selection very strict, it's always a good thing to make a theme for your
deck. I can't really say much here cause there are lots of choices to be had
first the type of your race place a really big part. So that's it.


Runes in my opinion should never exceed 5, in my experience I never run out of
cards, or by the time I ran out I'm about to kill my enemy.

VIII. Card Combos

Unlike in MTG a card combo in Etherlords is probably the theme for your deck
already, since there are only few slots for a spell. Creature specialty is
always a good way to start.

Steal Reality/Tap life

This is the type of deck I made when I defeated the campaign, though this combo
is pretty slow since the casting cost of steal reality is 5. Always compliment
it with walls, as your creatures. The one weakness is a fast deck would surely
massacre your deck.

Ether Burn/+ Ether channel spells/Wall of lava and other pump-able spells

This is dangerous deck, though the +ether channel spell will risk that you let
out the enemies' powerhouses. But still you have your walls to protect you.

Mind Blast/Fresh Wind/Feed Back/Greater Unsummoning

This is a great combo especially if you have twins' specialization you just
pump out halos and let him pour out his creatures when all four spell are in
your hand unsummon, then feedback, fresh wind for extra killing and mind blast
to do the damage. He will double damage both your excess and his.


This concludes my FAQ for Etherlords. I hoped this helped you get through
the game in some way. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or
contributions please send them to my e-mail address at
Put 'Etherlords FAQ' as e-mail subject or your mail will be ignored or deleted.
If I feel that your contribution would make a difference on this FAQ I will
update it with proper recognition to the person who provided it.

Myself, Cedric Garalde, wrote this FAQ. This FAQ is Copyright (c) 2001 Cedric
Garalde. This FAQ may not be used for any promotional or profitable purposes.
Only unchanged in its entirely, including this disclaimer, may this FAQ be
posted on a website or homepage and you first must notify me (that means before
doing it).

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