Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland

Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland

17.10.2013 08:34:47
Harvest Moon FAQ/Walkthrough
Version 2.0

Game Name: Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland
Platform: Playstation 2
Written By: tony_fan2000
Please E-mail me if you have any problems or things that you don't
E-mail address: tony_fan2000@hotmail.com

Version 0.4 : Whole FAQ updated!
Version 1.4 : Updated FAQ, corrected some errors, added new map
Version 2.0 : Updated the Endings, corrected some TownMap

Table of contents:
1) Controls
2) Differences from old Harvest Moon game
3) Characters
4) Items
5) Animal
6) Flute Notes
7) Fishing
8) Add Up
9) Recipes
11)Power Berry
16)Fairy Goddess
18)Good Endings/Walkthrough
19)TV Shows
22)FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


Normal Buttons
L2 - To call your horse
L1 - To call your dog
R1 - Change items (Switch item by pressing the R1 button)
R2 - Change tools (Switch tools by pressing the R2 button)
Square - Use Item
X - Confirm, Talk, Throw or Give items (must have something in your
hand), pick up items
Triangle - Move camera to your back
Circle - Cancel
Start - Open Menu/Close Menu
Select - To identify items/ Open Map
D-Pad - Move Person, Move Animals, Choose Option (only in Menu)
Left Analog - Move Person
Right Analog - Move Camera

Fishing Buttons
Square - Use Fishing Rod
X - Throw line, Reel in line (Longer you hold, farther it gets)
D-pad - Directional Buttons for catching fish (See 8. Fishing)


2)Differences from old Harvest Moon game

Marriage - There's no more marriage in this game so don't waste your
time giving out presents to girls
Dog - You will not get a dog easily in this game, you would have to
catch one later. You also have to put a food (I.e. Very Berry) in
the Dog Bowl everyday
Farm - You don't have to clean up the farm, it's already cleaned
Bell - There's no more bell in this game, so that means you would have
to herd the cows by yourself, or use the Dog to herd the cows
Fish - You can no longer feed your fish or keep it in a pond, you would
have to either sell it, eat it, cook it, or put it in a
Add Up - You can only add a Kitchen and a Dog House ( See 9.Add Up)
Sickness - There's no more Clinic in this game. If you work too hard,
you would get sick, you would have to sleep for the whole
Mayor - No More Mayor in this game
Tools - The Hammer and the Axe is out of order (no more)
Horse - It's not easy to get a horse (See 6.Animals)
TV. Channels - There's only three channels now
Time - Time Flow a lot faster in this game than the old Harvest Moon



Age: 21
Birthday Spring 1
Likes: Dogs, horses, cows, chickens
Dislikes: Bad cooking

Katie (Works at Wallace's Teahouse, Wallace's grand-daughter)
Age: 16
Birthday : Fall 29
Favorite Gift: Full Moon Berry, Cheese, Special Cheese
Likes: Making Sweets, Eggs, Very Berries, Blueberries, Flowers, Cookies
Dislikes: Being treated as a child.

Gina (Maid in Clove's Villa)
Age: 17
Birthday: Fall 20
Likes: Fish, Eggs, Flowers
Dislikes: Unknown

Gwen (Woody's granddaughter, works at Bob's farm (only on Tuesday
morning, works at Woody's carpentry Shop)
Age: 18
Favorite Gift: Homemade Jam (any type)
Birthday: Summer 8
Likes: Horseback Riding, Animals, Fruits
Dislikes: Spoiled People

Lyla (works at the Flower Shop)
Birthday: Spring 27
Favorite Gift: Pink Cat-Mint Flower
Likes: Flowers, Herbs, Food.
Dislikes: Unknown

Dia (Daughter of wealthy family, lives in Clove's Villa)
Birthday: Winter 9
Favorite Gift: Blueberries
Likes: Flowers, Reading
Dislikes: Thunder

Louis (Owner of Tool Shop)
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Fall 2
Favorite Gift: Sunny-Side Up (Use Egg on Fry Pan)
Likes: Eggs
Dislikes: Unknown

Parsley (Plant Hunter)
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Spring 16
Likes: Herb Tea
Dislikes: Unknown

Bob (Owner of Brownie Ranch)
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Summer 1
Likes: Animals, horses, sweets
Dislikes: Unknown

Tim (Bob's younger brother)
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Fall 12
Likes: Eggs, cake, tea
Dislikes: Unknown

Joe (Older brother of Kurt, tradesman's apprentice)
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Summer 10
Favorite Gift: Cooked Fish
Likes: Fish
Dislikes: Unknown

Kurt (Younger brother of Joe, tradesman's apprentice)
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Winter 10
Likes: Tomatoes
Dislikes: Unknown

Ronald (Owner of Food Shop)
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Spring 11
Likes: Cake
Dislikes: Unknown

Martha (Gina's grandmother, maid at Clove's Villa)
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Winter 25
Favorite Gift: Homemade Jam (anytype)
Likes: Cheese
Dislikes: Unknown

Woody (Gwen's grandfather)
Age: 60
Birthday: Winter 2
Likes: Drinking
Dislikes: Potatoes and other vegetables

Wallace (Katie's grandfather, owner of Bar/Cafe)
Age: Unknown
Birthday: Summer 1
Likes: Tea, fish
Dislikes: Unknown

Fairy Goddess
Age: Unknown
Birthday: None
Favourite Food: Vegetables
Likes: Food, flowers
Dislikes: Unknown

Nic, Nak, Flak (Harvest Sprites)
Age: Unknown
Birthday: None
Likes: Mushrooms
Dislikes: Dangerous creatures



Hoe: Free - You start out with this. Use it to plow the ground to plant
seeds. It plows one square.

Sickle: Free - You start out with this. Use it to cut grass in the
pasture for fodder. It cuts one square.

Super Sickle: 4,500G - Buy this from Louis's shop. It cuts 3 times more
than the normal sickle.

Watering Can: Free - You start out with this. Use it to water your
plants. It waters one square.

Potato Seeds: 20G - These are bought at Lyla's Flower Shop. Each bag has
a seed for one square.

Tomato Seeds: 30G - These are bought at Lyla's Flower Shop. Each bag has
a seed for one square.

Corn Seeds: 30G - These are bought at Lyla's Flower Shop. Each bag has a
seed for one square.

Breadfruit Seeds: 40G - These are bought at Lyla's Flower Shop. Each bag
has a seed for one square.

Brush: 300G - Buy this from Louis's Tool Shop. Use it to brush your cows
or horse.

Milker: 1,800G - Buy this from Louis's Tool Shop. Use it to milk your
adult cows.

AP Medicine:1,000G - Buy this from Louis's Tool Shop. Use it when you
are tired to give your more stamina.

Fodder: Free or 30G - You can either cut down grass on your farm or buy
this from the Farmer's Shop. Use it to feed your horse and cows.

Chicken Feed: 10GG - Buy this from the Farmer's Shop. For 10G you get
one feed.

Cow Miracle Potion: 2,000G - Buy this from the Farmer's Shop. Use it to
impregnate an adult cow.

Animal Potion: 500G - Buy this from the Farmer's Shop. Use it to cure
sick animals.

Flute: Free - If you are friends with Louis, one day when you go to
Maple Lake he'll give you a flute. You can use the flute to train your

Old Fishing Rod: Free - If you are friends with Joe, one day at Maple
Lake he will call you over and give you a fishing rod! Use it to fish.

Silk Thread: 3,000G - This is available at Louis's Tool Shop after you
go through events in the Goddess Dress Ending.

Full Moon Berry: Found - This is found BEHIND Sunny Garden Cafe & Bar
(between the Lake and the building). It restores a lot of energy!



A) Horse
Getting a horse is pretty easy. As you've seen above, look at the
picture of Bob. When you go to Brownie Farm, you can buy things, do the
Time-attack, or do part-time job. If you are a beginner, you would of
course pick "do part-time job", by doing so, you get to go to this
Brownie Ranch and do things such as brushing the cows and horses,
milking the cow, and feed them. To get a horse, simply do part time job
everyday, and be friends with Bob by giving him gifts such as eggs
(hint, hint). Actually, you don't have to feed them (you never have to)
but this is optional. Remember $50/hr (another hint, hint). If you're a
newbie, stay as long as you want and you might make buck buck bucks.
There are 5 choices of Horses you want, there's the light brown horse,
the gray horse, the dark brown horse, another medium brown horse and a
cream-colored horse. You can have a chance of getting one of them but
only one, you can't get more than one after getting one already. To get
the one you want, simply talk to one of them and brush him (don't talk
or brush other horses you don't want). When you first talk to the horse
you want, you would say something like "I hope he doesn't bite." Now in
a few days, you should notice that the FIRST horse you say something
positive to, like "You are looking nice today" or "You are actually
really cute" is the horse you will get! (Third hint, hint) After a few
days, Bob would take the horse you want or like to your farm first thing
morning and you get to take care of it. Remember (fourth hint, hint)
Brush your horse everyday (most important), talk to it, if you get to
the fourth heart try to call it to you, and Ride it often!!!!! You can
ride it outside of your farm if you want, run around the town and
OF RAIN!!!! That could lower your relationship with your horse!!!!! But
instead, if you check the TV channel to see tomorrow's weather, if it's
a sunny day, just let him stay outside without pushing him back to the
barn. Last Thing to remember is to FEED IT EVERYDAY!!! You won't get to
ride it at first, unless your relationship is high enough, you get to
ride it
Heart Rates
1 Heart-We are getting along better.
2 Hearts-He can run now.
3 Hearts-He is running faster now.
4 Hearts-Top Speed. He runs like the wind.
5 Hearts-He is confident he won't lose to anyone.

Now all of you might be curious about how to get a dog. For my personal
experience, it had almost taken me about 2 weeks to get a dog. I was
really surprised because I saw a dog running around the forest, then I
thought I would be able to pick it up. I pressed X and I didn't know I
could get a dog by doing this. I named him Doggy and fed him everyday.
Everyone would think that dog is just useless, but on the other hand, it
can be a great help to you. The only useful way of keeping a dog is to
herd the cow. You would have to get a flute first to get the dog to herd
the cow (for more information on how to get a flute See 6.Flute Notes).
Pretend that it's a sunny day today, and its going to rain tomorrow, you
would have to push all the cows back in to their barn. That would take
like FOREVER!!! So in order to make your life more easier, just play the
flute note: Run-Right,Left,Right on the D-pad. Then your dog would start
running to the cows and tell them to get back to their barn. You would
need to have about 4-5 hearts in order for your dog to herd the cow.
There's two kind of dog, one is the original red one and the second one
is the new blue dog. Until you've reached about 5 hearts to your dog, it
would listen to every command you say.
Heart Rates
1 Heart-He is starting to like me.
2 Hearts-He comes to me when I whistle.
3 Hearts-I think he's starting to run faster now.
4 Hearts-He is getting smarter and he listens to what I say.
5 Hearts-A man's best friend. He is my buddy.
See 6.Flute notes for more detail about flute notes to your dog

Chickens are usually the first animal you buy. They are easy to take
care of and cheap! They can be bought at Brownie Farm(Farmer's Shop) for
500G each, and then the rest you can get for free by incubating the egg!
You have to buy feed for your chicken (10bucks only). When you remember
to feed your chicken and take care of it, it will lay eggs for you! You
can then sell the eggs for 50G each. You can always check its stat by
picking it up and pressing the SELECT key.
Sell Price-300G
Produces: Egg, Golden Egg(Sunny Days)
You can sell your egg for 50G at the Food Shop or the Bar/Cafe
Grow Up
Egg hatch-3 days
Chick turn into a Chiken-6days
First Saying-I'll take good care of you.
Second Saying-Are you getting stronger?

Cows are the best animal in this game. For my own personal experience,
almost all of my money comes from the cow's milk. They can be bought at
Brownie Farm (Farmer's Shop) for 2500. First of all, before you even buy
a cow, you MUST buy a milker and a brush. Now, after you've bought one,
brush it everyday, talk to it, feed them, and put them outside when it's
a sunny day. After it's gone up to about 2 hearts, you can start milking
Sell Price-3,000G
Produces: Small Milk-150G, Medium Milk-200G, Large Milk-300G, Grand
Grow Up
Calf turns into adult- 7 days
Adult Cow give birth- 12 days (including first day, last day)
Small Milk Cow turns into a Medium Milk Cow- 11 days
Medium Milk Cow turns into a Large Milk Cow- 11 days


6) Flute Notes
Try teaching your Dog by playing the flute. To get the flute, simply be
friends with Louis. The next day you approach Maple Lake, you would go
to a scene where Louis would give you his flute. Now you can being to do
some teaching. Your dog might not listen to you at first but it will
later after you've got a pretty good relationship with your dog. Here
are some flute notes.
Lay- Up, Down, Down
Sit- Up, Left, Down
Run- Right, Left, Right
Heel- Left, Right, Right
Jump- Left, Up, Right
Bark- Left, Right, Left, Right
You can also use the Run button to "herd the cow"


To get a fishing rod, be friends with Joe, and the next day you approach
Maple Lake, you will go to a scene where Joe gives you his old fishing
rod. For more information on fishing controls, See. 1.Controls
To fish, press Square, the throw your line. After waiting for a while or
reeling it in, you might see a D-pad directional button on the hook. Now
follow it's direction using the D-pad directional button or Analog until
you catches something. You wouldn't get a lot of things with this
fishing rod, but try fishing on rainy days, you can get a better chance
of fishing for large fishes.

There are three types of fishing rods : the normal Old Fishing Rod, the
new Fishing rod(you can purchase it in Louis' Tool Shop, for more detail
check on 17. Good Endings/Walkthrough - 6. A Fishy Story), there you
will know where to find this fishing rod), and the Rod of Silver
Fish(made to catch the Silver Fish - for more info, check on 17. Good
Endings/Walkthrough - 6. A Fishy Story)

There are a few types of fish - theres the Small Fish, the Medium Fish,
the Large Fish, Legendary Silver Fish, and the King of Maple Lake.
I've heard people saying that they've caught a fish called the King of
Maple Lake. Although I've never caught it before, there's one other fish
instead of only the Special legendary Silver Fish and the King Of Maple
Lake. Someone actually sended in E-mail in and telling me that you
should fish in Maple Lake in the season of Spring on the 30th night.
That's how she recommended you about fishing for the King Of Maple Lake.
She also recommended you to use the Rod of Silver Fish to catch it.


8)Add Up
There's only two add up in this game

A)Kitchen- $10,000 - includes utilities(pot, oven, refrigerator, frying
pan), bathroom and toilet. You can cook now with your new things, once
you got up from bed, you would see a new door to your right, that's the
kitchen room. You can cook with different food.(for more information on
cooking recipes, See 9.Recipes)
Although the bathroom and the toilet is useless(won't heal your stamina
nor your energy, I've tried it before), cooking is the only thing you
can use.

B)Dog House- $5,000 - it's useless, only for better relationship with
your dog. On a rainy day, you would still have to bring him inside or
else your relationship drops. You would still have to put a dog food
everyday on its dog bowl.


Here are some recipes used for cooking

Utensils Food Name Ingredients

Frying Pan Simple Omelet Milk, Egg
Frying Pan Sunny Side Up Egg
Frying Pan Cheese Omelet Egg, Egg, Cheese
Frying Pan Fruit Omelet Egg, Egg, Very Berry
Frying Pan Vegetable Omelet Egg, Egg, Tomato
Frying Pan Vegetable Omelet Egg, Egg, Tomato
Frying Pan Special Fish Large Fish, Herb, Milk
Frying Pan Fried Fish Fish
Frying Pan Pancake Egg, Breadfruit, Milk

Oven Simple Cake Egg, Milk S, Breadfruit
Oven Flan Egg, Milk
Oven Fruit Flan Very Berry, Egg, Milk
Oven Cheese Cake Milk, Cheese, Breadfruit
Oven Cake Egg, Milk, Breadfruit
Oven Honey Cake Egg, Breadfruit, Honey

Pot Blueberry Jam Blueberry x3
Pot Cranberry Jam Cranberry x3
Pot Very Berry Jam Very Berry x3
Pot Mixed Berry Jam Blueberry, Very Berry
Pot Mixed Berry Jam Blueberry, Cranberry
Pot Mixed Berry Jam Cranberry, Very Berry
Pot Mixed Jam 3 Kinds of Berries (not same)
Pot Hot Milk Small Milk
Pot Yogurt Medium Milk
Pot Cheese Large Milk
Pot Special Cheese Gold Milk
Pot Cream of Tomato Soup Milk, Tomato
Pot Cream of Corn Soup Milk, Corn
Pot Mushroom Soup Milk, Mushroom
Pot Boiled Egg Egg
Pot Creamy Soup Milk, Potato



Ronald's Food Shop
Owner: Ronald
Location: Leave your farm and the Food Shop is the first building on the
left. Shop Hours: 8AM-6PM
Closed: Sundays
Buy: Rice Ball-200G
Soft Bread-150G
Small Milk-150G

Louis's Tool Shop
Owner: Louis
Location: When you exit your farm, go past the Food Shop and turn left.
The tool shop is the first building on the left.
Shop Hours: 8AM-6PM
Closed: Wednesdays & Saturdays
Buy: Brush-300G
AP (stamina) Medicine-1,000G
Super Sickle-4,500G
Sell:Moonlight Stone-100G
Rare Metal-180G
Iron Ore-60G
Copper Ore-40G
Pontata Root-80G
Medicinal Herb-30G
Small Milk-150G
Medium Milk-200G
Large Milk-300G
Golden Milk-400G

Lyla's Flower Shop
Owner: Lyla
Location: When you exit your farm, go past the Food Shop and turn left.
The flower shop is straight ahead, the most right building.
Shop Hours: 9AM-5PM
Closed: Sundays
Buy: Potato Seeds-20G
Tomato Seeds-30G
Corn Seeds-30G
Breadfruit Seeds-40G
Moon drop Flower-10G
Pink Cat-Mint Flower-20G

Carpenter's Shop
Owner: Woody
Location: When you exit you farm, take a right before the well. Go past
the work area and the Carpenter's Shop is the building with the steps.
Shop Hours: Early
Closed: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Buy: Kitchen-10,000G
Dog House-5,000G
Sell:Blue Rock-90G
Rare Metal-180G
Copper Ore-40G
Iron Ore-60G

Sunny Garden Cafe (Cafe & Bar)
Owner: Wallace
Location: When you exit you farm, take a right before the well. Keep
going straight past the Carpenter's Shop and go to the next area. When
you enter the next area (Maple Lake), turn right and head towards the
building next to the lake (which is the Cafe and Bar).
Shop Hours: Cafe: Noon-5PM
Bar: 6PM-Midnight
Closed: Mondays
Buy: Cafe: Tea-150G
Herb Tea-200G
Milk Tea-200G
Bar: Nut Wine-200G
Wheat Wine-250G
Herb Wine-350G
Fish Meal-500G
Sauteed Mushrooms-400G
Tomato Salad-400G
Assorted Cheese-500G
French Fries-400G
Sell: Cafe: Herb-10G
Small Milk-150G
Medium Milk-200G
Large Milk-300G
Golden Milk-400G
Very-berry Jam-80G
Cranberry Jam-100G
Blueberry Jam-150G
Mixed Berry Jam-80G
Bar: Very-berry-10G
Medium Fish-80G
Large Fish-120G

Farmer's Shop
Owner: Bob
Location: When you exit your farm, go straight left. Now go right and
you should see the Farmer's Shop at the left side.
Shop Hours: 8AM-5PM
Buy: Fodder-30G
Chicken Feed-10G
Cow's Miracle Potion-200G
Animal Medicine-500G
Sell:Cows-3000G (if you have a special quality one, they might buy it
off you for about 4000G or 5000G)


11)Power Berries
You can get power berries to increase your strength in working. Here are
some places where you can find power berries

A)Cut grass in your pasture (random)
B)Gift by Harvest Sprites (when the yellow Harvest Sprite is missing,
your dog will find it and they will repay you by giving you a Power
C)Gift by Fairy Goddess (give her lots of vegetables)
D)Dig some good soil from your farm (random, very hard to get)
E)Fishing (hard)
F)Dig good soil from Sacred Land (Praria forest)

That's all I know so far, if you got more please e-mail them to me.


In this game, theres only 4 season: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter
There are 30 days in every season, and there are 3 types of weather:
Theres the Mild season, the Wet season, and the Dry season.
Different crops also grow differently in different season.(I.e. the
tomato can grow faster in dry season)

Spring : Mild Season - 1st to 16th
Wet Season - 17th to 21th
Dry Season - 22th to 30th
Summer : Mild Season - 5th to 20th
Wet Season - 21th to 26th
Dry Season - 1st to 4th , 27th to 30th
Fall : Mild Season - 1st to 19th
Wet Season - 20th to 24th
Dry Season - 25th to 30th
Winter : Mild Season - currently unavaliable
Wet Season - currently unavaliable
Dry Season - currently unavaliable


1)Never work on rainy days
2)Always leave your animals outside on sunny days
3)Always dig soil for ores or to get a power berry
4)Always cut grass for more fodder
5)Only buy fodder when you're out of them
6)Try fishing on rainy days
7)Try cooking new recipes
8)Never use the hoe or the sickle on your animals (get mad)
9)Put fodder and chicken feed at the right place
10)Talk to people and give them gifts often
11)Try fishing when you're free
12)Don't waste your time giving out presents to girl (no marriage)
13)Always ride your horse
14)You can take your horse outside for a run
15)Take more herbs for future use (eases fatigue)
16)Never forget to give animal food
17)You don't have to buy a chicken for 500G, buy an egg from Food Mart,
hatch it, and there you go, a chick.
18)You can always get free fodder by doing Bob's Part-time job


Crop Name Cost Sell Price Days Description
Potato 20G 60G 4-5 Can only harvest once
Tomato 30G 80G 7-9 Short Harvest time, can
grow faster in dry days,
can grow again
Corn 30G 120G 9-11 Long Harvest time, highest
selling price, can grow
Breadfruit 40G 100G 8-10 Moderate Harvest time, can
grow again


Mining in your farm won't get you any money, although it could be a gift
to some of the townspeople. (I.e. Louis, Woody)
Here are some of the examples of Mines/Ores:

Blue Rock:
Selling Price: 90G
Sell to: Carpenter's Shop

Copper Ore:
Selling Price: 40G
Sell to: Louis' Tool Shop, Carpenter's Shop

Gold Coin (automatically gives you 10G):
Selling Price: unavaliable
Sell to: unavaliable

Iron Ore:
Selling Price: 60G
Sell to: Louis' Tool Shop, Carpenter's Shop

Selling Price: 100G
Sell to: Lyla's Flower Shop, Carpenter's Shop

Moonlight Stone:
Selling Price: 100G
Sell to: Louis' Tool Shop, Carpenter's Shop

Pontata Roots:
Selling Price: 80G
Sell to: Louis' Tool Shop

Rare Metal:
Selling Price: 180G
Sell to: Louis' Tool Shop, Carpenter's Shop


16)Fairy Goddess
You can find the Fairy Goddess in the Fairy Goddess Lake which is beside
the Maple Lake. Also you can wish for several things from the Fairy
Goddess :
1)Energy - restores some of your energy
2)Fatigue - take away some of your fatigue
3)Girls - make a girl like you more
4)Dog - make your dog like you more (must have a dog)
5)Horse - make your horse like you more (must have a horse)
You can also give her presents after making a wish. Just throw her some
vegetables after you've wished for something. After a month or
something, the next time you go to Fairy Goddess Lake and make a wish,
instead of making a wish, she will give you a Power Berry.


You can get really tired if you've done a lot of work. By doing so, you
might get yourself sick. So you would most likely to watch for your
stamina. Below is the different level of tiredness you can get within
your strength.

Level 1)Whiping your sweat off your forehead.
In this level, you've already gone 1/3 tired of your whole stamina. You
can eat eggs, or flans to recover some of your energy.

Level 2)Leaning over for a moment and breathing
In this level, you've already gone 2/3 tired of your whole stamina. You
can ask for Fairy Goddess for some more energy or eat cheese, special
cheese, cake or cheesecake.

Level 3)Collapsing
In this level, you've gone totally whipped off from all of your work.
You are in the stage of the tiredess level and I recommend you to get to
sleep now or you might get sick.

You can always get more power berry to increase your stamina and
strength. See. 11. Power Berries for more detail on getting power


18) Good Endings/Walkthrough

1) The Azure Swallowtail
Characters Involved: Kurt, Lyla, Louis, Parsley
1. Approach the Carpenter Shop, Kurt will tell you about the Azure
Swallowtail that will appear only on a blue flower
2. Go to the Flower shop and Lyla would tell you more about the blue
3. Find Parsley and be friends with him
4. Three days after, Lyla and Parsley would come to your farm and
Parsley will promise to bring the Blue Mist Flower Seed to you
5. After a while, Parsley gives you the Blue Mist Flower Seed
6. Go to Fairy Goddess lake and plant it by pressing X in front of the
7. Water it everyday and go to Fairy Goddess Lake often because there
might be scenes of the butterfly coming up
8. Blue Mist Flower blooms and Lyla came
9. Louis takes the picture of Flower and send it in for saving the Town
10.Wait for about 1-2 weeks, go to Fairy Goddess Lake, and the ending is

2) The Endangered Weasel
Characters Involved - Gwen and the Harvest Sprites
1. Be friends with Gwen and the Harvest Sprites
2. Happens randomly, Harvest Sprites would come and tell you about the
white creature appearing in the Forest of Goddess Lake
3. Gwen would come and tell you that the white creature is an endangered
weasel owned by Gwen named Snowball
4. Keep giving presents to Gwen to increase the heart rate and she would
ask you to take a picture of Snowball with her in Fairy Goddess Lake
at 7:00
5. This time fails, Snowball didn't come out
6. She asks you again in about a week or so
7. This time, you would successfully take a picture of Snowball. If your
heart rate with Gwen Is high enough, the town would be saved and you
will see a special ending where Gwen kisses you on top of your

3) The Horse Race
Characters Involved - Gwen, Bob
1. Be friends with both Gwen and Bob, you can increase the heart rate
with Bob by doing his Part-time job, talking to him, and to give him
presents such as eggs. After a while, you would get a horse from Bob
(See. 5. Animals for more detail on getting horse).
2. After getting the horse, feed it, ride it, brush it, and talk to it
everyday to increase heart rate
3. If you could successfully ride it, the next day, you would go to a
scene where Bob comes to your farm and talk to you
4. Next time, if your horse can run, Bob comes again and will be
5. Get about 5 hearts on your horse, and Bob would come to your farm and
want to have a race with his horse. Beating Bob would be easy, just
cut corners, stay more at the corner and you will win in no time
6. If you can't beat him, load your game again and try to beat him
7. After beating him, Gwen would come up to you and ask you about
another race
8. Beat her and you will be participating on the National Horse Race
9. If you could win, the town would be saved and Gwen and Bob would come
to your farm telling you about the good news.

4) The Goddess Robe
Characters Involved -Gina, Dia, Louis, Katie
1. Go to Clove's Villa and be friends with Gina the young maid
2. After being friends with her, she would tell you about making a
Goddess Dress
3. Now go to Maple Lake and be friends with Katie, she would go to your
farm next day and will tell you that she would be helping her on
making the Goddess Dress
4. Go to Goddess Lake and tell the Goddess Fairy, she would ask you to
get a Silk Thread where you can buy it in the Tool's Shop for 3,000G
5. Give her the Silk Thread and she would tell you that she would give
you the rainbow cloth after.
6. Wait for about a few days, and she would come to your farm giving the
cloth to you
7. Now give the cloth to Gina, and she would start making the Goddess
Dress. If your heart rate with Gina is high enough, she would
successfully make a Goddess Dress and the town would be saved.

5) The Cake Contest
Characters Involved - Katie, Wallace, Dia, Gwen
1. Be friends with Katie, after a while, she would tell you about trying
for the cake contest
2. Gwen tells you to not to help her
3. After three trials of cake testing, she would asks you to find a book
in your house (located in your shelf)
4. Look for it, go back to the Woody's Cafe/Bar, give it to Katie
5. Look for another book in Dia's Mansion (Dia will give you)
6. Try to get Golden Eggs, and Milk and give it to her seperately (not a
7. She will go to Lyla's House at night with Gwen and Lyla to create a
8. She will asks you to go to Fairy Goddess Lake on one of the Full Moon
Days, at 7 P.M. to create Moon Drop Dew
9. Approach the Cafe/Bar, try her best Cake and wait for about a week
10.Next time, she will go to your farm and tell you about the news

6) A Fishy Story
Characters Involved - Joe, Kurt, Woody
1. Become friends with Joe, and one day when you approach Maple Lake, he
would give you his old fishing rod
2. Using the old fishing rod, try to catch three or more fish and Joe
would tell you about a legendary fish
3. If you could catch another five fishes or more, Joe would tell you
that he saw a real legendary fish
4. Now talk to Joe and Woody, they will tell you about a new fishing rod
in the Tool's shop
5. Go to the Tool's Shop and purchase a new fishing rod
6. Using the new fishing rod, try and fish for six or more fishes
7. Then you will go to a scene where Woody tells you about the Legendary
Silver Fish
8. Go to the Maple lake at night (I prefer you go on Friday because
that's when I started this scene), and Joe and you would see a real
Legendary Silver Fish, hes determined to catch that fish
9. Now try to be friends with Kurt, after being friends with Kurt, he
would help on making a better a fishing rod out of your new fishing
10.At that time, you must collect 10 herbs for Kurt. After a few days,
Kurt will bring a brand new Rod of Silver Fish
11. Now go to Maple lake again (prefer at noon 7:00 while Joe is still
fishing), and you will go to a scene where the Harvest Sprites tell
you that the Silver Fish will only appear when the Moon occurs, and
they prefer you fish in Full Moon Days which are the 14th, 15th,
29th, and the 30th
12. Now try to catch the Legendary Silver Fish, (when you throw your
line out, you should be able to see a circle thing around the lake,
move your line onto that circle, once you hooked up the fish, reel
it in)
13. Joe receives the Silver Scale from you, reported it to Newspaper,
and you will win this ending by waiting for a week

7) The Blue Bird
Characters Involved - Louis
1. Be come friends with Louis and on the first week of Saturday, go to
Maple Lake and you will go to a scene where Louis gives you his
2. You can now play the flute on your dog (See. 6.Flute Notes for more
3. Now, continue to give Louis presents and wait until another week of
Saturday comes, go to Maple Lake again and you will now go to a scene
where you will feed the birds with Louis
4. Louis will tell you about a rare specie of blue bird
5. Continue to raise your relationship with him
6. Go to Maple Lake again on Saturday, he will perform in front of you
and Lyla, unfortunately hes shy in front of Lyla
7. One day, Louis will come to your farm asking you if you would like to
play the flute with him together
8. Accept it and by playing the flute, the blue bird would come out and
the town would be saved.

8) Treasure Hunt I
Characters Involved - Tim, Bob, Martha, Dia, Wallace
1. You must be friends with Tim in order to start this Treasure Hunt I.
, give him eggs and sweats and one day, he would come to your farm
and tell you about a treasure hunt
2. He would ask you if you would like to come, you can either say yes or
no. But if you say no, you will miss this opportunity of finishing
this Treasure Hunt
3. Go with Tim with his treasure hunt, you find things from Bob and will
tell you that those things were toys when he was young. He didn't
want anymore of these junk so he buried it under the ground.
4. Next time, Tim comes to your farm telling you that he really found a
real map of treasure, and he will give it to you
5. Be good friends with both Tim and your Dog
6. One day bring your dog to Clove's Villa at about 11:00 to 2:00 while
Tim is still there
7. You should be able to go to a scene where your dog finds a secret
path to the Sacred Land
8. You should be able to find a bag of seeds, plant it in the soil
besides Lyla's Flower shop
9. Water it and you should be able to finish this ending in no time

9) Treasure Hunt II
This is another version of Treasure Hunt I
1. Do the things above (from being friends with Tim, to getting the real
map), go to Clove's Villa and be friends with Martha and Dia
2. They will give you a little tip on the Sacred Land in Praria Forest.
3. Continue to be friends with Dia and she will go to your house and
will tell you that she found something special
4. You will be automatically transported to Clove's Villa and and you
should be able to find a bag of seed.
5. In the Sacred Land, you can find a Power berry by digging soil with
your hoe
6. After a while, plant your seeds beside Lyla's Flower Shop
7. A while later, there will be Golden Potato and the whole town would
be saved.


19)TV Shows
There are three TV shows now as listed below:

1st TV show: The Weather Channel
This the TV channel you must watch everyday to keep your animals safe
and sound. If you're not sure if it's going to rain or not tomorrow,
check the calendar. Right now if you're in the wet season, and the TV
channel says there's 20% of rain tomorrow, then there will be rain
tomorrow. If you're not sure about the TV channel, always check the
calendar for weather report.

2nd TV show: Farmer's Tips Channel
This is a TV channel that will tell you about tips on farming, crops,
animals and other fun stuff. I think this channel is pretty neat because
you can learn about planting crops, taking care of your animals and be a
good farmer!

3rd TV show: The Horoscope Channel
This TV channel tells us about the Horoscope. It is pretty much boring
and useless as there's no months in this game! It just talks about the
lucky thing you would have done on that day for special reasons. But
it's pretty much useless.


After being friends with Tim, he would ask you for a treasure hunt. On
the first treasure hunt, you would find things from Bob but you never
get to keep them. After being friends with Bob, he would give you a map
of Praria Forest. Now you can access the Praria Forest near the Clove's
Villa (Go left of the mansion, and go front and press X, you can now
access Praria Forest). In Praria forest, you can grow crops easier and
faster than growing the crops in your own farm. Try it!


Map Index : 1) Overall Map
2) Your Farm
3) Town A
4) Town B
5) Town C
6) Brownie Ranch
7) Clove's Villa
8) Sacred Land
9) Town D
10)Maple Lake
11)Fairy Goddess Lake

1) Overall Map
| |_______________________
|Brownie | Tim |
| Ranch _ | and |
|_______| | | Bob |
| |_House_|
| |
| Shop |

Will be done later...

1) Your Farm : o=Dog Bowl
X=Soil where you can plant crops
[HP]=One of the Harvest Sprite's spot ______________
|Harvest Sprite|
|__Cave [HP]___|
| |
| |
_______________________________________________| |___
| _________ ____________ |
| _______ | Chicken | | | |
| | Your | | Coop | | | |
| | House | |_________| | Stable | |
| |_______| _ | | |
_| o |_| |____________| |
To |
Town _ _______ _______ |
A | |X|X|X|X| |X|X|X|X| ___ __________________|
| |X|X|X|X| |X|X|X|X| | |
| _______ _______ | |
| |X|X|X|X| |X|X|X|X| | |
| |X|X|X|X| |X|X|X|X| | |
| _______ _______ | |
| |X|X|X|X| |X|X|X|X| | Pasture |
| |X|X|X|X| |X|X|X|X| | |
| _______ _______ | |
| |X|X|X|X| |X|X|X|X| | |
| |X|X|X|X| |X|X|X|X| | |
| | |
|_________Good Soil___________|__________________________|

2) Town A : |_|=Well
Town D
/ /
/ /
_____________________________________/ /
| | Ronald's |_____ |
| | Chicken | | _ |
| | Coop | | |_| |
| |__________|_____| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| __________ To
| | | Your
| _ _| Food | Farm
| | | Shop | |
| | | | |
|___ _______|_____|__________|_______|
/ /
/ /
/ /
Town B

3) Town B : [HP]=One of Harvest Sprite's spot
| | Lyla's | | Lyla's | |
| [HP] | House | | Flower | |
| |________| |__Shop__| |
| |
|________ |
| | |
| Louis' | |
| | |
| House | |
|________| |
| |
|________ |_____
| Louis' | To
| Tool | Town
| Shop | __C__
| | |
|________| |
|___________ _____________________|
| To |
| A |

4) Town C
| | Tim | |
_| | and | |
To | Bob's | |
Brownie | House | |
Ranch _ |_____ _____| |
|__________ | | |
| | |_
| | To
| |_ Clove's
| _ Villa
| Farmer's _ |
| Shop | |
| | |
| | |
|__________| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
|__________ ______________________|
| To |
| B |

5) Brownie Ranch

More on this later...


22)FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Is there marriage in this game?
A: No

Q: How many animals can you have?
A: You can have 1 dog, 1 horse, 6 chickens, and 5 cows

Q: What kind of crops can you grow?
A: You can grow four kinds of crops in every season, they are Potato,
Tomato, Corn, and Breadfruit

Q: What can I have for tools?
A: You can have 15 items that includes: Sickle (Super Sickle), Hoe,
Watering Can, Brush, Milker, Fishing rod(Good Fishing Rod, Rod of Silver
Fish), AP medicine, Cow's Miracle Potion, Flute, Animal Potion, Potato
Seed, Tomato Seed, Corn Seed, Breadfruit seed, and Chicken Feed.

Q: What the heck is Power Berry?
A: Power Berry is a berry that will increase your stamina and strength.
It doesn't mean it will recover energy, but it will increase your
maximum strength to a higher level. There are six Power Berries in
total. For more information, check on 11. Power Berry.

Q: How can I increase my friendlyness to other people in the town?
A: You can increase your friendlyness with other people by giving them
gifts or talking to them. Gifts are perfect, you can check on 3.
Characters to check on what people like. By doing so, you can start a
good ending. You must be friendly with someone in the town to start an

Q: What's the dog and the horse for?
A: The dog is pretty much simple. It's really worth nothing but the only
thing a dog is useful on are herding your cows, and doing the Treasure
Hunt ending. Dog is pretty much useless, if you want to know more about
the dog or how to catch a dog, See 5. Animals for more detail.
The horse instead is a great transportation because you can ride him
around the town and it would take less time only by walking! I must
admit that horse can be a great help, it runs faster than human does
about 3 times, and you can use it to finish the Horse Racing ending.

Q: What's the "ED" in the status screen?
A: ED stands for endings. Whenever you finish an ending, a little
picture will appear in the ED section just to prove that you've finish
that ending.

Q: What will happen after I beat an ending?
A: When you finish an ending, you will be able to continue your file and
do other endings. All of your special items will be gone though. If you
have a Good Rod or Rod of Silver Fish, and a Super Sickle, they will
turn back to Old Fishing Rod, and a normal Sickle. You will also lose
all of the trust from the townspeople (they will not know you, just like
in the beginning of the game)

Q: How can I give presents to the Fairy Goddess?
A: To give presents to Fairy Goddess, simply make a wish (whatever the
wish is, you decide), and after you made the wish, you can give her the
present now by throwing something she likes (she prefer vegetables), and
she will say Thanks to you. After about a month of giving her presents,
she will give you a Power Berry.

Q: I've got a lot of endings coming up, how can I prevent that?
A: Actually you can't prevent this from happening. If there's a lot of
endings coming up, then you should ignore them and try to focus on one
of the endings because it can really confuse you. Say example, if you're
trying to do the Treasure Hunt ending, you have to be friends with Dia
right? Then afterwards, you became friends with Gina and you started the
Goddess Robe ending, then it's going to affect everything! Dia now will
only talks about the Goddess Robe and you can't continue on the Treasure
Hunt ending! So I recommend you only do one ending at a time. Unless
you're really having trouble on your first ending, then you can try for
another ending for backup so you don't have to get a bad ending.


December 13,2001: First time updating this version
December 18,2001: More Information, Good Endings
January 1,2002 : Updated more info
January 8,2002 : Updated the whole FAQ, more up later...
January 10,2002 : Added up Frequently Asked Question and Fairy Goddess
January 15,2002 : Updated the whole FAQ, corrected some errors, new map
January 31,2002 : Updated the Good Ending, and corrected some errors on
Town Map


24) Credits/Thanks
Natsume: For creating this fun game
GameFAQ: For publishing my FAQ

VietGirl 009 - for providing my tips/hint, secrets
Memie - for providing me the facts and information about the King of
Lake, you can check it in the Fishing section

My Real name is Tony.
Thanks for reading my FAQ...wish you all luck in playing this game!!!
Any Problems just e-mail to tony_fan2000@hotmail.com
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14.Oktober 2013
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